The line of life is split into two branches - what it means. What does the double line of life in the palms

The line of life is split into two branches - what it means. What does the double line of life in the palms
The line of life is split into two branches - what it means. What does the double line of life in the palms

What is the line of life?

The line of life on the palm is part of the three main and is the main one. It appears at the embryo stage, at that time, when the future person is not yet able to actively move, and it cannot be called simply "fold" on his hand. The lifestyle on the palm can tell about many things: on the state of health, life forces and activity, changes in fate. It is important to evaluate all its parameters: shape, depth, thickness, uptime, possible signs or interrupts.

For example, if the lifestyle on the palm has a deep semicircle and is located far from the thumb, this indicates the energeticity of its owner, increased endurance, vitality. If she fit close to the thumb, then its owner, on the contrary, does not show special activity in life, he constantly lacks forces. The depth of the lifestyle speaks of the state of health: how thicker and branch, the stronger is physically the owner, and vice versa. All sorts of branches, chains, crosses and screenshots at its length are signs of life peripetias and events. Moreover, the length of this line does not indicate the life expectancy of a person. It can change over time. So, in young children, a frequent line of life on the palm is clearly expressed, intermittently, but this does not mean bad news, rather, talks about the unreoldness of children's fate and a large amount of change.

Line sister - what is it?

Sometimes it happens that the line of life on the palm of the person is duplicated. That is, the perimeter passes another shorter almost parallel to the first. This is a sister line. Her presence on the palm is always a good omen. Line sister serves as it would be faithful from all life failures and trouble. All negative signs it blocks, reduces their strength. So, the owners of such lines are more successful and successful, they are as if someone protects. If the sister's line is descended almost by the end of the line of life, this suggests that a person will remain active and energetic to old years.

Life line splits. What does it mean?

Some people have a line of life on hand split. Many in this see a bad omen and some danger. And partly they are right. However, the conclusions do not hurry. In the Chiromantia, as well as in many other matters, nuances are important. So, it is very important where and how this split is happening. If the branched part becomes noticeably thinner and is lost - this is a sign of weakening health. Usually, such a drawing on hand is characteristic of elderly people, but also in young people it is found. If the split line of life thickens and falls towards the hill of the moon, it can be explained as moving, change the place of residence, shifting the situation. But if the split down goes down the palm to the transverse lines on the brush of the hand, and one part falls on the aforementioned hill, it speaks of possible dementia in old age, an excessive game of fantasies, strange quirks. Moreover, important events in life are usually visible on both hands.

Some nuances

It is important not to make hasty conclusions and for help contact the truly knowledgeable specialists. Interpretation of lines on hand as ambiguous as the fortune telling on the coffee grounds or tarot cards. Interlacing signs and symbols give absolutely different results. And incorrectly perceived information may affect the further course of events.

Double line of life on hand, it is definitely a good sign for the palm owner, especially when it is long and well-hard. The double line of life is located on the inside of the hill of Venus, and passes the parallel of the main line of life. The double line can be both on your right hand and on your left hand, and it carries a certain meaning.

When it is located on the passive left hand (for the right-hand), and if we consider such a mark from a psychological point of view, then such a sign claims that since an early age, a person has to be attached to his parents in view of their completely versatile differences in the nature and behavior As a result, he learned two different systems of values, or even two faiths confession. If you do not know what kind of hand to watch this or that line, you can find out in the section. As usual in life it happens, in his youth, such a person can face the big way to choose his own path, and determined, he will definitely go on more slippery and interesting to him the path of life, usually all serious directions in the career of such a person, are rejected in favor of more adventurous selection.

If the dual line of life is on active (right) hand, it can be assumed that the holder of the hand is rewarded from birth quite powerful life-resistance and enough energy, but you should pay attention to the hills of your hands in particular on the hill of Venus to confirm, - in this case, the individual is ready to take various lifestyles and adequate all gravity and Obstacles on the way. Undoubtedly, the life of such a person always has two sides, and as it may indicate a predisposition to a double life, the doubliness of life can be expressed for example, even in the profession - a person at work can be evil and very (swirl) by the boss, while in the family Maybe the repeater. It was also noticed in the practice of researchers in the field of chiromantia, that the double line of life is in most twins, on the palms of which the double line is always very long and well expressed.

Its distinctive features, the double line of life has on a female hand. When the line is located on the palm of the beautiful floor, such a sign approves the difficulties that the owner of the hand may experience. Problems may arise in the field of combining career and family life. But such a representative of the weak gender will never give up anything, it will be worthily boring with the manifestation of possibly negative consequences and in each sphere will be completely different person.

The overall interpretation of a double line or other lines running in parallel to the main lines are assessed - they are a lot of support and there is a sign of support and ordering. They are similar to small supports supporting a person during life. The double line of life in this case is related to the Eastern Schools of Homoantia, with the relationship with the Father, first of all, and other relatives providing support. However, the need for two life directions can mean a successful career in the metropolis and the life of the artist in his free time, such people often travel and constantly change the lifestyle. How to watch a line of fate?

In the Chiromantia, the double line of life is a special sign. His owners are the lucky ones, which are lucky in life, some of them have patronage over. But not always the meaning of this symbol is definitely. Additional marks and drawings on both hands affect the interpretation of the sign. The chirromans are confident that the detailed study of the double line of life will allow you to learn a lot about a person and protect it from unpleasant situations in the future.

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      How does the double line of life manifest?

      The double line of life is on both hands. One of the hands is considered active, and the other passive. For the right hand, the right hand is meant. All changes in the life that a person did himself with the help of his own strength of will and actions will be reflected on it. The left hand for the right-handers is considered passive, so those signs of fate that were destined from birth will be visible here. If the right hand on the right hand there are signs that are not on the left, then he is a strong volitional personality capable of changing his fate. For left-handed, the value of the hands is changing in places.

      • The chirromants advise comparing drawings on both palms, study them in detail and only then draw conclusions.

        The main line of life is usually envelopes the hill of Venus and the Lower Hill Mars. The second line of life passes from the inside of the hill of Venus and parallel to the main from the beginning and to the end. In some cases, the line of life is split into two branches only at the bottom of the palm closer to the brush.

        On the outlines of the line can be:

        • clear and deep or superficial and barely noticeable;
        • interrupted or solid;
        • short or long;
        • with additional figures or without them;
        • with deformations or without them.


        In most cases, the double line of life is a good sign. For a man (right-handed), the location of such a sign on his left hand speaks of the duality of human nature, the presence of several views on the world. One glance got from mom, and the other is from the Father. If the sign manifested itself on the right hand, then the owner of such a palm is a persistent and volitional personality, which is able to overcome difficult tests and has greater vitality.

        For a woman, the presence of a double line of life speaks of persistence and perseverance in achieving the desired one. Such a woman goes to the goal despite all the difficulties, it is very sensual and emotional.

        For both sexes, the second line always means support in life - from father, genus or higher forces (guardian angel). Perhaps the owner of this sign has a brother or twin sister, which is also considered support.

        The second line of life is manifested in several cases:

        • when the identity begins to go on the spiritual path of development, goes into any religious doctrine;
        • when a person himself is able to influence his destiny and change it for the better;
        • when the owner of the sign appears another guardian angel.

        Another interesting option, if the fork is manifested only at the bottom of the palm. The owner of such a sign at a certain moment of life will be engaged in such a matter that he has not tried before.

        Deep or surface line

        A clear and deep double line of life shows that a person has a good health and a stable life. Additional plus - if the line is long and comes to the brush. In this case, a person is a long-lived.

        In the contest when the surface surface and barely noticeable (dim), a person has problems with health, a lack of forces or some problems in life (personal character, financial). It is advisable to go and strengthen health.

        The line of fate splits and intersects with the line of life - what does this mean?

        Long and short lines

        Although some chirromants talk about the direct dependence of the life expectancy on the length of the lifetime, there is no accurate pattern between these parameters. The line is an indicator indicating the amount of vital energy given to a person from birth. The more energy in humans, the more enduring and stronger, and the longer his line of life. Over time, she can change. The nature of the change depends on the identity of the owner, character, perseverance, the effort of will and decisions taken at certain stages of life.

        The line is longer, the greater the semicircle she is looking around the thumb (the hill of Venus) and the further is located from it. This option indicates that there is a lot of vitality in personality, it is distinguished by special enthusiasm, lots of interest and positive. A person with such a sign is capable of labor feats, it is rapidly restored after exercise, he loves active rest.

        The line is less, the more dense it is adjacent to the hill of Venus. The owner of such a sign of energy is not enough, it is slow, weak, passive and quickly tires, needs frequent relaxation and rest. In this case, there will be regular physical activity, exercises, healthy nutrition and therapeutic procedures to strengthen immunity.

        Interrupted and solid

        A solid double line without breaks is a good sign that talks about a normal healthy life. The value is changing only if there are additional drawings.

        With the decoding of the interrupted line, everything is more complicated. This sign is peculiar, and its value varies depending on the length of breaks and their location. There are 4 break options:

    1. 1. A small gap (about 1 mm) indicates short problems or illnesses.
    2. 2. A large gap (more than 1 mm) indicates a disease or vital difficulties that will occupy a longer period of time than in the first case.
    3. 3. The break with the displacement of the lines to the hill Venus is a very unfavorable sign, which speaks of a decrease in vitality due to a strong disease. The case is more severe when the sign is shown on both palms - you need to seriously think about your life, revise the worldview and take care of your health.
    4. 4. The gap with the displacement of the line away from the hill of Venus is a good sign, he talks about positive changes in life: moving to other countries, fateful events, meeting with an important person.

    If the ruptures are present only on the left hand, some important events will not come true.

    Additional drawings on double lifestyle

    Dash crossing the dual line indicate the difficulties with which the person will face at a certain point. This is a non-hazardous symbol, but it is worth paying attention to it.

    The islands (circles, ovals) are also an unfavorable sign indicating loneliness, problems, depression and stress. The owner needs to reconsider the views and seek help to a psychologist.

    Square - a sign that brings several meanings for the owner. If it is located at the site of breaking the line and overlaps it, it indicates a favorable completion of cases - a person will cope with difficulties. If the square is simply located on the draw, then this is a sign of the internal closure of a person at a certain point in time, a prison opinion, a solitary lifestyle or training is possible.

    The triangle is a good omen, speaking on the presence of special talents in a person, for example, to convince, think or create ingenious things.

    The branches aimed up are good luck in the life and opportunities that are waiting in the future. The point is an omnory of strong stressful situations, health problems. The plug is a good sign, which indicates the honors and wealth, waiting for its owner. The person will become a famous poet, writer, artist or scientist.

    If different deformations are present on the double line of life, this is a sign of difficulties and tests at certain periods of time.

    In general cases, the chirromants interpret the double line as a sign of a person's existing support. In life, the owner of such a sign feels confident and protected, he has more energy and forces on the accomplishment of conceived. Do not think that the lack of an extensive line of life is a sign of failures or danger to life. Such people have enough own strength and energy for all accomplishments. The second line can manifest itself from any person when it deserves or change its destiny in the right direction.

Life line is the most important on hand. It begins between big and index fingers. Its length and form show the level of human vitality, its ability to resist diseases and adversity, which is relentlessly accompany the fateful path of each. The bends, the lines of the line talk about change in life. It is erroneous that it is believed that the life expectancy directly depends on its length. There is absolutely no connection here.

A short and slightly pronounced line of life indicates a lack of internal energy and bodily fragility.

Short and fat says that the human body is able to successfully confront the disease.

Branch, directed up, talk about good health. If down, then this is a sign of poor health and material difficulties.

If the line of life begins on the Jupiter's Hill, this indicates excessive ambitions and the desire for success.

If the line of life begins from the head of the head, then its owner is a very rational and sensible person. But if the beginning is significantly lower than the line of mind, then the lack of self-control is clearly visible.

When the line of life at the end is splitting, and one of the branches is broken on the hill of the moon, this indicates numerous distant travels.

A small branch from the beginning of the life line to the head line indicates a rich inheritance.

A branch to Jupiter's Hill testifies to the life path, complete struggle and confrontation.

In the case when the line of life is long, clear and skews a thumb, then its owner has a very large supply of vitality and excellent physical health.

Wide line of life (Fig. 1)

Indicates a long and successful life. Its owner has excellent health, a large supply of internal energy and confidence that he will have everything that he would take. If such a line has a light reddish tint, it points to a merciless person.

Lifeline of the middle thickness (Fig. 2)

A person who has such a line, noble, is lucky, energetic. He lives for a long time, and it is not easy to withdraw him. At the same time, such people are very hidden. They are in no hurry to open their soul to the first oncoming.

Pale Life Line (Fig. 3)

Pale, long and thin line of life speaks about weak health. Its owner often sick for a long time, but lives to deep old age and dies in his own bed. If the line is very pale, and in some places intermittent, it is undoubted that its owner in the nature of melancholic. It often flows into the state of the deepest depression and pathologically avenge.

Short line of life (Fig. 4)

Such a line foreshadows a long and easy life, as well as material well-being. At the same time, its owner is very arrogant, and accordingly, alone.

Short line of life with an island (Fig. 5)

This line indicates the possibility of getting serious illness with a very long recovery. She also suggests that her owner has a second secret life, which he thoroughly hides from others.

Line of life from a set of strokes (Fig. 6)

This is a line of a categorical manual personality. In work and career it is treated with a huge success, as he is hardworking and responsible. In the personal life, he imposes very high demands to his partner, which can destroy relationships.

Long line of life (Fig. 7)

If it is clear and not interrupted, then this is a sign of a long and interesting life. Her owner is a good worker and beautiful family man. At the same time, he is deprived of the flight of the soul, so in communication is preept and bored. It is interesting with him only similar to the nature of personalities. Creative people near such a person there is nothing to do.

Life line comes to the middle of the palm (Fig. 8)

Such a line speaks about intelligence, diligence, sociability. Her owner is a gifted interlocutor. It can be a very lucky businesswoman or a good politician.

Life line ends on Jupiter's Hill (Fig. 9)

A person with such a line has a bright appearance and has a huge sense of smell. Thanks to the manners and the severity, it is successful at the opposite sex.

Life line is directed to the hill of the moon (Fig. 10)

This is a person subject to frequent change of mood. For his life, he can change the place of residence and work more than once.

Life line, near which parallel line passes (Fig. 11)

Attractive and mysterious personality. It is dynamic, possesses a huge temperament and is predicted with a close person so much that sometimes it does not hear the arguments of reason.

Several parallel lines next to life line (Fig. 12)

Such a person has a rich emotional life. Sexual relations are stormy and passionate. Being a fervor lover, it is capable of falling into extremes. Never forgives betrayal and treason, and the vigilance and hostility with time are only enhanced.

Concentric lines next to the line of life (Fig. 13)

Their owner can achieve great success in military service or on diplomatic work. The number of lines is always equal to the number of love connections.

Life line in the form of a crescent (Fig. 14)

The owner of such a line is controversial. He does not understand others and easily turn victims and persecution. This makes his life similar to torture and forces to defend. Ends all the mental illness and weakening of the body. Often such a person takes away evil on others and becomes socially dangerous.

Intermittent lifestyle (Fig. 15)

Such a line indicates poor health and the likelihood of severe diseases.

Relief on the line of life, connected by a square or a quadricle (Fig. 16)

A quadricle always warns about trouble in the future. Most often, he means that a person awaits a heavy accident that will end safely.

At the beginning of the line of life Sign Island (Fig. 17)

The island always means chagrin and obstacle. He points to the disease and warns that you need to take care of my health and do not focus on problems.

At the beginning of the line of life two or more islands (Fig. 18)

Such a line suggests that a person in the future will face the justice bodies. You may have to withstand several legal proceedings. The advice here can only be one: try not to make adventurous and rash actions.

Line of life with a triangle at the end (Fig. 19)

This is a sign of magnificent intuition. His owner is a philanthropist. He can cope with many of the most complex problems. It is completely devoted to public affairs and charity.

Branch at the end of the line of life (Fig. 20)

This is a sign of scattering and desire for unattainable. Almost all projects end with nothing. Very often it depends on the inability to focus and bring the case to a logical end. An important meaning also plays bad luck. In any case, it is necessary to learn to own themselves, produce composure, patience and perseverance.

Life line has a wide plug at the end (Fig. 21)

The owner of this line is needed in constant communication. He pulls him to bright independent people. He loves flirting and traveling. It is the change of impressions to him the main thing in life.

Life line has a small plug at the base (Fig. 22)

This man is a dreamer. He has a powerful intelligence, an excellent imagination, but he lacks initiatives and factories to embody his ideas into life. With the most small counteraction, he loses his composure and falls in spirit. To realize in life, it needs ideal conditions.

At the beginning of the line of life there are crosses (Fig. 23)

Crosses point to a sophisticated aesthetic taste. Such a person is sincere in his attachments, never betrays those who love him. He is persistent in the implementation of his plans. It is capable of actually evaluating their actions and the behavior of others.

Cross at the end of the line of life (Fig. 24)

This sign indicates that a person will die with a natural death. It will become a logical completion of a long life. If the cross is located at the very beginning of the line of life, this indicates the difficulties that the person will fall out. Moreover, various troubles and adversity will accompany the owner of such a cross throughout the fateful path.

Branching on line of life under the index finger (Fig. 25)

This is a very good sign. He points to wealth and honors. A person can make an excellent career and achieve a lot in life. Having reached wealth, such a person becomes a patron.

At the end of the line of life, several horizontal strokes (Fig. 26)

This is a sign of pessimists. Such a person does not believe in people and himself. He constantly needs encouraging energetic and strong personalities. A similar attitude to life is very harmful to health and can cause nervous diseases.

Traditionally, double lines are an indicator of good luck, because Strengthen the importance of the main lines, increase their energy, can serve as protection during lines breaks. However, you need to make sure whether the line runs next to the main, sister line. True nursing lines are parallel to the main one. On the Bugre Venus, they can be confused with the lines of influence, but the influence lines are distinguished from the line of life, passing down the bug. With the moon moon to the line of fate can also strive to strive the line of influence, but they go at an angle to the line of fate, often merge with it, much paler it, almost neither in some plot pass in parallel to her.

Double line of life

Very good sign. Something, someone always comes to a person to help all the ways of her follows. May give luxury existence. When leaning on lines, it works as reliable protection. It is a reliable protective sign and when ruptures on other lines.

Double Heart Line

Rare sign. A very soulful person who is capable of true love. The sign gives success in love.

Double line of mind

In the interpretation of this sign a lot of discrepancies among different authors. One of the common among chirromants is a person at the same time thinking by both hemispheres. As a biologist, I consider such an interpretation at least illiterate. Anyone works with both hemispheres, one of them is the leading (right-handers - left). This sign met repeatedly, but among his owners I did not meet ambidexters - people who do not have a leading hand and, accordingly, the leading hemisphere, both work on equal (it is generally an extremely rare phenomenon)
I also celebrate another interpretation of this sign - the "soul of the company", among the owners of this sign there are not so many company, there are simply introverts, they are not suitable for this role.
I think that the interpretation of this sign: a very happy sign, good mental abilities (though, sometimes another question is how they are used), a chance to receive an inheritance (several times I met confirmation of this).

Double line of fate

Here you still have to look at the quality of the lines themselves. If there are two winding thin lines in parallel - dangerous early stiffness from excess material pleasures.
Usually, the second line of fate begins with the moonlight, bringing the possibility of incarnation of dreams into reality, strengthening the influence of the fate of the opposite sex (both positive and negative - the choice is very important here). Two lines of fate may not be parallel, but to replace one different in time. If they are parallel to the sufficiently extended site, is a favorable effect on fate, high performance, parallel earnings, success in work, the possibility of earnings due to labor. Here may be options:
1. Hand shield (guardian angel) - two lines of fate in the Mars valley are crossed by two parallel short lines forming the square. A strong guardian angel, such people come out unharmed of the most dangerous situations. But just these people often have from what to keep, the sign does not mean that they do not happen at all. They are simply separated by a light fright (we usually still do not advise you to go to a rampant risk, you do not need to overturn the guardian angel).
2. The staircase of Jacob. The long portion of two parallel lines of fate (one - with the moon wall) is crossed by several parallel short lines, it turns out the look of the ladder. Such people grow spiritually, learn (self-taught sign). Pushed through everything that prevents them from living.

Double Lone Lone

High, multifaceted creative opportunities. High chances of success in creativity and in general, life success. Happy sign.

Double Line Health

With a beautiful, well-shaped line of health of her sister (Milky Way), starting from the bracelet, is constant happiness in life.