War and World Thought Family Quotes. The thought of "family

War and World Thought Family Quotes. The thought of "family

"War and Peace" - the Russian national epic, which found a reflection of the national nature of the Russian people at the moment when his historical fate was solved. L. N. Tolstoy worked over novel for almost six years: from 1863 to 1869. From the very beginning of work on the work of the writer, not only historical events were attracted, but also a private family life.

For L. N. Tolstoy himself, a family was one of its main values. The family in which he has grown, without which we would not know a fat writer, the family he created himself. Family as a school of life and family as an institution. In life, a family is a way of reproduction and the best tool to raise moral foundations in a person, to develop his talents. Family is the transfer of generation experience, the originality of the nation.

"Family thought" for the first time was seriously affected by Tolstoy in the "childhood". He portrays his family, her climate, relationship between children and parents and the influence of the family atmosphere on him. Anna Karenina Roman "Anna Karenina" became an apogee of the development of the "Thought of Family" in the work of Tolstoy. In the novel, "War and Peace" through the prism of "family thought" is considered by the Patriotic War of 1812

In the novel "War and Peace" describes the lives of several noble families: Rostov, Bolkonsky and Kuragic.

Bologkoe and Rostov are families who sympathizes Tolstoy. Marya and Andrei Bolkonsky come out of them, Natasha - the favorite heroes of the writer. Members of these families were subjected to a writer three main tests: secular life, love, war. Families are not shown in the separation from the surrounding world, but in close contact with it and contacts among themselves. That is why Tolstoy reveals the "Family Thought".

In the family of growth, it was not being afraid to express their feelings: cry, fall in love. It was one of the most hospitable families in Moscow. In addition to their children, they brought up Boris and Sonya. The house reigned the situation of universal love and confidence. Love binds all family members. It manifests itself in sensitivity, attention, cardiac proximity. Rostic all sincerely comes from the soul. In this family, the guilty, hospitality, hospitality, is kept, the traditions and customs of Russian life are stored. Only from a similar family can go to such children as Nikolai and Natasha. These are people with a strong intuitive start, but not carrying any spiritual values. That is why they are pulling them to the family of the Bolkonsky, carrying moral and spiritual values.

In the family of the Bolkonsky reigns the Spartan situation. It is not accepted here, they do not like guests here, everyone here is subordinate to the mind. This is an old aristocratic genus. In addition to the blood, the members of this family also binds spiritual proximity. Nikolai Andreevich, loving his daughter, makes her teach natural sciences, believing that she is completely bad. However, the spiritual foundations won the princes. Happiness given to her at the end of the novel is a reward for suffering. Prince Andrei is the image of a real man: a volitional, strong, practical, educated, moderately sensitive.

Two these families form as it were for two halves, and it is quite natural that they attract them to each other, and they form a harmonious pair. The spiritual and practical reunited in the pair of Nikolai - Princess Marya. The same should have happened between Prince Andrey and Natasha, but the death of Bolkonsky prevents this.

Rostov and Bologkoe opposes the thick family of Kuragin. Kuragin is a symbol of a degraded family, a family in which material interest is put above the spiritual. Members of this family appear before us in all their insignificance, vulgarity, silence, korestolubia. Curagins live artificial life, they are selfishly engaged in everyday interest. Family is deprived of spirituality. For Helen and Anatol, the main thing in life is to satisfy your low-lying desires. They are completely tearned from folk life, live in a brilliant, but cold light, where all feelings are perverted. Prince Vasily is passionate about secular affairs so much that he lost all the human essence. In Tolstoy, this family has no right to exist, almost all of its members die. Curagic can be compared to the family of faith and berg. All their life is imitated by others. Their motto is "like others." Children will be given this family, but they will certainly be moral urodes.

The ideal of the harmonious family becomes a couple of Natasha Rostov - Pierre Duhov. All the spiritual quest of Pierre, all the tireless energy of Natasha went to create a strong and reliable family. You can say with confidence that their children will grow healthy physically and morally.

Showing the most complete three families in the novel, Tolstoy makes it clear to the reader that the future for families such as families of growth and Bologkoe, embodying the sincerity of feelings and high spirituality.

The history of the people consists of fate of millions of citizens of the state. In the work of the lion of the Tolstoy theme of the birth relationship, their honor and dignity occupies a key place. Comprehensively deployed family thought in the "War and World" novel is the basis of the storyline. The writer many times emphasizes that the Great People consists of small people who transmit their children from generation to the generation of tradition and virtue.

The family of growth, as a sample of noble happiness.

Count Ilya Andreevich Rostov was four of his children, the fifth Sonya girl had to him a niece, but brought up like a native daughter. Countess, the faithful wife and a caring mother looked out of four childbirth, but trembled to the fruits of her torment. Children grew without rigor, surrounded by concern and tenderness.

The author with love belongs to this house, representing the owners of good and hospitable people. Mutual respect, sincerity and decency reigns here. In the simplicity of communication, they raise the future mothers of the Fatherland and faithful subjects of the sovereign in the face of men.

The gate of the county estate is open for guests. In a large house, a welcoming mistress is accustomed to from childhood, noisily and fun from many-sided children who feel free and spacious. On the example of growth, you can track family values, as the lion understood.

The image of Natasha Rostoy, younger daughter, her youth and life are typical of the Russian nobility of the beginning of the XIX century. The Company forms the meaning of the girl's life, which is to become a devoteed wife and a caring mother.

In the pair union Natasha with Pierre Bezukhov, it is possible to recreate the family model of society, where the father behaves like a spiritual legislator of the family, the mother carries the burden of the core of the focus, and children promise to provide the future.

Princes of Bologkoe, patriots and defenders of the state.

The main theme of the education of men in the family of Bolkonsky is the debt to the state truck and the Fatherland. Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky, as an old resignation, is a simplified level of life at the level of Spartan traditions. Soldier in the soul, he honors the memory of Catherine II, as a great woman of the past. This is the ideological servant of the imperial system, ready to die for government priorities.

As a person educated, the old man appreciates the mind and activities in people, forming these qualities in their children. In the house of the Bolkonsky in the morning until the evening, work boils, because the head of the family is constantly in the works, then creating a new military charter, then with pleasure, wrapping the sleeves, mastering the machine.

When Andrei goes to war, leaving a pregnant wife, his father blesses the decision of the Son, because in their family the interests of the country have always stood above personal circumstances.

Life values, grafted by the Father, form in his daughter such a rare character trait as selflessness. Being a rich and educated bride, Marya Bolkonskaya could marry even in early youth, but remained with his father to the end of his days. The complex relationships of the father and daughter, the author presented as a psychological drama between Tiran and the victim. Native people remain devoted to each other, neglecting painful situations that arise in the investigation of misunderstanding.

In the family of Kuragin, the greedy father raised unworthy children

Prince Vasily Kuragin with benefits for himself served at the courtyard of the emperor. The calculating mind and thirst for enrichment leads to the actions of Velmazby. Having influence in the tsarist palace, the official rarely uses it to help others, using its own interests.

Kuragin is poorly responding about their own children, considering them the punishment of over, from God. Ippolite, Anatoly and Ellen Lion Tolstoy represents a reader as a sample of unworthy behavior in society. These adult children are aimed at entertainment, idle lifestyle, on cynicism and indifference to all problems of the country are their characters.

Princess Kuragin Author mentioned twice, calls her Tolstoy and old, expressing his rejection, condemning for a complete disgrace in the raising of children. After all, in order to form a virtue in the child, you need to work hard, spend a lot of time what the Countess did not deign to do.

According to the author, Helen deserves to censure because he does not want to give birth to children. But after all, in the family, where the girl grew, there was no caress, like in growth, no honor and decency, like Bolkonsky. Therefore, entered into marriage with Pierre Bezukhov, the young woman recreated the life she knew - without love and gentle feelings.

In the family of beams there is a struggle for inheritance

The old Graf had so many extramarital children that he himself did not know them all. Life lived surrounded by three nieces, and they hoped that after death, uncle would provide them. The state of Kirill Vladimirovich was considered huge. Numerous close and distant relatives surrounded by a dying noble for their attention, hoping for wealth.

Pierre Beszhova Father loved more than other children, so he gave his son a decent education abroad. Against the background of all applicants for the inheritance, Pierre looks a disinterested, decent and naive young man.

The main intrigue for the inheritance of the graph is led by Anna Drubetskaya on the one hand and Prince Kuragin on the other hand, having enlisted the support of the niece of the barn. Kuragins are direct heirs of the deceased early old man's legitimate wife. And Drubetskaya falls by the niece of Kirillo Samukov himself, in addition, Pierre Cyrilovich baptized her son Boris.

His rise was a smart person, foresaw human passions by inheritance, therefore, he filed a petition to the emperor Alexander I, so that Pierre was recognized by his native son. The king satisfied the petition of the dying Velmazby. So Pierre received the title of the graph and the most profitable state in Russia.

Output: Family thought is one of the main topics of the novel "War and Peace", which determines the state fortress, as a fortress of a separate family in the state.

"Family thought" in the novel "War and Peace"

In the Roman-Epopea "War and Peace" the thought of the family occupies a very important place. Tolstoy saw in the family began all the beginning. As you know, a person is not born a good or bad, and such a family and that atmosphere, which prevails inside it. On the example of his heroes, Lev Nikolaevich brightly showed a variety of family relations, their positive and negative sides.

All families in the novel are so natural, as if existed in real life. Even now, two centuries later, we can meet a friendly family of growth or selfish "flock" of Kuragin. Members of one family have a common, uniting all the traits.

So, the main feature of the Bolkonsky family can be called the desire to follow the laws of the mind. Nobody from Bologkoe, except, perhaps, the princesses of Maryi, not typical of the open manifestation of their feelings. Block family belongs to the old Russian aristocracy. The Old Prince Bolkonsky embodies the best features of the servant nobility, devoted to someone who "sworn". Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky most of all appreciated in people "Two Virtues: Activities and Mind." Rising his children, he developed these qualities in them. And Prince Andrei, and Princess Marya are distinguished by their spiritual education from other noble children.

In many ways, the world of this family reflects the words of the old prince, sending his son to war: "Remember one, Prince Andrei: If you kill you, I will hurt the old man ... And if I find out that you didn't lead yourself as the son of Nikolai Bolkonsky, I will be. .. shame! " (Clear moral criteria, the concept of family honor, genus). Causes respect for the behavior of the Princess Marya, experiencing a sense of deep responsibility for their relatives, an infinitely respectful father ("Everyone made by her father initiated a reverence that was not subject to discussion")

Different characters, all members of the Bolkonsky family are one of the whole due to their spiritual communications. Their relationship is not so warm, like in growth, but they are strong, like links chains.

Another family depicted in the novel, in some ways opposed to the family of Bolkonsky. This is a family of growth. If Bolkonsky strives to follow the arguments of the mind, the Rostov is obeying the voice of feelings, their family is filled with love, tenderness, care. All frank each other, they have no secrets and secrets. Maybe these people are not distinguished by special talents or mind, but they are glowing from within family happiness. Unfortunately, terrible misfortunes and tests will fall into the share of growth. Maybe they will have to pay for the happiness that was in the house for many years? .. But, having lost everything, the Rostov family will revive again, only in another generation, while maintaining the tradition of love and comfort.

The third family is the family of Kuragin. Tolstoy, showing all her members, whether helen or Prince Vasily, pays great attention to the portrait, appearance. The outer beauty of the Kuragin is replaced by spiritual. In this family there are many human vices: hypocrisy, greed, wound, stupidity. In each person from this family there is sinfulness. Their attachment is not spiritual or love. It is rather an animal than human. They are similar to each other, because they hold together. Tolstoy shows us that families, such as Kuragin, are eventually doomed. None of her members is able to "revive" from dirt and vice. Curagin family dies, not leaving descendants.

In the epilogue of the novel, two more families are shown. This is the family of bellows (Pierre and Natasha), which embodied the author's ideal of a family based on mutual understanding and trust, and the family of growth - Marya and Nicholas. Marya introduced in the family of growth high spirituality, and Nikolai continued to honor the value of the family coziness and the Raduish.

Showing various families in his novel, Tolstoy wanted to say that the future for families such as Rostov, Bezukhov, Bolkonoe. Such families will never die.

Rostov family in the novel "War and Peace"

In the "war and the world", family associations, the belonging of the hero to the "breed" mean a lot. Actually, Bolkonsky or Rostov is more than families, these are whole lifeguings, families of an old type, with a patriarchal base, old childbirth with their special for every kind of tradition, "wrote (" War and Peace ". - In the book: Three Masterpiece of Russian Classics. M., 1971. p. 65).

Let's try to consider in this aspect of the growth of the growth, features of the "Rostov breed". The basic concepts characterizing all members of this family are simplicity, the latitude of the soul, life is feeling. Rostovs are not intellectual, not pedantic, not rational, however, for the thickness, the absence of these traits is not a deficiency, but only "one of the parties of life."

Rostov are emotional, generous, responsive, open, are hospitable in Russian, friendly. In their family, in addition to their own children, Sonya, the niece of the old graph, is brought up, from childhood Boris Drubetskaya, the son of Anna Mikhailovna, who comes by a detailed relative. In a large house on the cook, everything is enough space, warmth, love, the same special atmosphere reigns here, which attracts others.

And the people themselves create it. The head of the family is the old Graph, Ilya Andreevich. This is good-natured, eccentric bare, careless and simple, ears of the English club, a passionate hunter, a lovedant of home holidays. He loves his family, the graph has close, trusting relationships with children: he does not prevent the desire to go to the army, it worries about the fate and health of Natasha after gap with Bologkoe. Ilya Andreevich literally saves Nikolai, who fell into an unpleasant story with Doolokhov.

At the same time, the economy of growth is burst into samone, they are deceived by the manager, the family gradually ruins. But to correct the created position of the old graph is not in a state - Ilya Andreevich is too trusting, heavowless and wasteful. However, as V. Yermilov notes, it is these qualities of the hero in "a completely different, new sense and meaning" in a large, heroic era (Tolstoy-artist and Roman "War and Peace". M., 1961. p. 92).

In the difficult wartime, Ilya Andreevich throws his own property and gives wagon in order to carry the wounded. Here in the novel sounds a special inner motive, the motive of the "Transfiguration of the World": the liberation from the world of material things is the liberation "From all the wet's womb, evil, stupid, stiffed by the thick world with his dead and dead egoism, - the happiness of the liberation that dreamed of For yourself, "and the writer himself. Therefore, Tolstoy sympathizes this character, in many respects justifying it. "... the most beautiful man. There are no such people now, "they say familiar after the death of an old graph.

It is remarkable in the novel and the image of the Countess Rostova, which has a real gift of the teacher. She is also very close, trusting relationships with children: Countess - the first adviser to his daughters. "Hold it strictly, prohibit her ... God knows what they would do slowly (the Countess intelligent, they would kiss), and now I know every word of her word. She herself will come running in the evening and tell me everything, "says the Countess of Love in Boris Natasha. Countess generous, like all Rostov. Despite the serious financial situation of his family, it helps her long-standing girlfriend, Princess Anne Mikhailovna Drubetskaya, delivering money to the uniform of her son, Boris.

The same warmth, love, mutual understanding reigns in relations between children. Long sincere conversations in the sofa - an integral part of these relationships. Natasha and Sonya are revealed for a long time, left alone. Spiritually close and gently tied to each other Natasha and Nikolay. Having rejoicing the arrival of his brother, Natasha, a living, a gusty girl, does not remember himself from delight: she is having fun from the soul, kisses Denisov, tells Nikolay his secrets and discusses the feelings of Sony with him.

When the girls are growing up, there is a special elusive atmosphere in the house, "as it happens in the house where very cute and very young girls." "Any young man who came to the house of growth, looking at these young, susceptible, something (probably their happiness) smiling virgin faces, on this busy runner, listening to this inconsistent, but gentle to everyone, on all ready, performed hope Baseing women's youth ... Tried the same feeling of readiness for love and expectations of happiness, which the youth of the house of growth was experienced.

Standing at the keycorder Sonya and Natasha, "pretty and happy", faith playing chess with chinchin, the old Countess, unfolding solitaire - this is the poetic atmosphere that reigns in the house at the cook.

It is this family world so roads by Nikolay Rostov, it is he who gives him one of the "best pleasures of life." This is a hero of Tolstoy notes: "Dressing and limited". Rostov is vigorous, simple, noble, honest and straight, responsive and generous. I remember about the former friendship with Drubets, Nikolay, without thinking, forgives them old debt. Like Natasha, he is susceptible to music, to a romantic situation, to good. At the same time, the hero is deprived of a creative principle in life, the interests of Rostov are limited to the world of his family and landlord. Pierre's thoughts about the new direction for the whole world are not only incomprehensible to Nikolai, but also seem to him.

The soul of the family growth is Natasha. This image serves in the novel by the "arch", "without which the work could not exist as a whole. Natasha is a living embodiment of the very essence of human unity.

At the same time, Natasha embodies egoism as a natural origin of human life, as a property needed for happiness, for real activity, for fruitful human communication. Natasha Natasha in the novel is opposed to "Cold Egoism" of faith and helen, sublime altruism and self-denial of the princess Marya, "self-self-sacrifice" of Sony. None of these properties, according to the thoughts of Tolstoy, is not suitable for living, genuine life.

Natasha intuitively feels the very essence of people and events, it is simple and open, close to nature and music. Like other Rostov, it is not too intellectual, it is not peculiar to deep thinking about the meaning of life, sober self-analysis of Bolkonsky. According to the note of Pierre, she "does not honor to be smart." The main role is played by feelings, "life with heart", and not reason. At the end of the novel Natasha finds his happiness in marriage with Pierre.

The family of growth is unusually artistic, musical, all members of this family (with the exception of faith) adore singing and dances. During the dinner, the old Graph Lycho is donating "Danilla Kraika" with Marya Dmitrievna Ahrosimova, captivity of the audience "the surprise of deftverting and light jumps of their soft legs." "Batyushka is our! Eagle!" - Nanny exclaims, admired by this wonderful beach. Unusual and dance Natasha at Uncle in Mikhailovka, her singing. Natasha has an excellent raw voice, charming with his virginity, untouchability, velvet. Nicholas deeply touches the singing of Natasha: "All this, and misfortune, and money, and share, and anger, and honor, all this is nonsense ... And here it is real ... My God! How good! ... how happily! ... Oh, how this policy trembled and how something was touched, what was in the soul of Rostov. And this was something regardless of everything in the world and above all in the world. "

It differs from all the growth only cold, calm, "beautiful" faith, from the correct comments of which everyone is being "awkward". It is devoid of simplicity and heartiness of the "Rostov breed", it can easily offend Sonya, read the children endless morals.

Thus, in the life of the family, growth of feelings and emotions prevail over the will and reason. Heroes are not too practical and businesswit, but their life values \u200b\u200bare generosity, nobility, worship before beauty, aesthetic feelings, patriotism - worthy of respect.


Roman "War and World" Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy is considered a historic novel. It describes the real events of the military campaigns of 1805-1807 and the Patriotic War of 1812. It would seem other than the battle scenes and reasoning about the war should not worry the writer. But the central plot line Tolstoy prescribes the family, as the basis of the entire Russian society, the basis of morality and morality, the basis of human behavior during history. Therefore, "Family's thought" in the novel "War and the World" of Tolstoy is one of the main.

L.N. Tolstoy presents us three secular families who have been showing for almost fifteen years, reveals family traditions and a culture of several generations: fathers, children, grandchildren. These are families of Rostov, Block and Kuragin. Three families are so similar to each other, but the fates of their pupils are so closely intertwined.

Family Rostov

One of the most exemplary families of society, represented by Tolstoy in the novel, is a family of growth. The origins of the family are love, mutual understanding, sensual support, harmony of human relations. Graph and Countess Rostov, Sons Nikolay and Peter, Natalia's daughter, Vera and Sonya niece. All members of this family form a circle of living participation in each other's fate. Some exception can be considered a senior sister faith, she kept himself somewhat colder. "... Beautiful faith smiled contemptuously ...", "describes her tolstoy manner to behave in society, she herself said that she was brought up in a different way and was proud to do not have the relationship" to all the tenderness ".

Natasha since childhood was a shavy girl. Children's love in Boris Drubetsky, the adoration of Pierre Probrazova, enthusiasm to Anatola Kuragin, the love of Andrei Bolkonsky - truly sincere feelings, absolutely devoid of peasants.

The manifestation of this patriotism of the Rostov family confirms and reveals the importance of "family thoughts" in the "War and the World". Nikolay Rostov saw himself only the military and signed up in Gusara to go to protect the Russian army. Natasha gave up a submission for the wounded, throwing all the htched property. Countess and Count granted their house for shelter wounded from the French. Petya Rostov goes to war quite a boy and dies for his homeland.

Bolkonsky family

In the family of Bolkonsky, everything is somewhat different than in growth. Tolstoy does not say that there was no love here. She was, but her manifestation did not carry such a gentle feeling. The old prince Nikolai Bolkonsky believed: "There are only two sources of human defects: idleness and superstition, and that there are only two virtues: activity and mind."

Everyone in their family was subordinate to strict order - "order in his lifestyle was brought to the last degree of accuracy." He himself engaged in learning his daughter, studied mathematics and other sciences with her.

The young Bolkonsky loved his father and respected his opinion, he had to do with him worthy of the Princely Son. Leaving the war, he asked the Father to leave for the upbringing of his future son, as he knew that his father would do everything for honor and justice.

Princess Marya, sister Andrei Bolkonsky, listened to the old prince in everything. She with love took all the rigor of his father and cared for him with zeal. To question Andrey: "hard to you with him?" Marya replied: "Is it possible to judge the father? .. I'm so pleased and happy with him!"

All relations in the Bolkonsky family were smooth and calm, everyone was engaged in their work and knew his place. True patriotism showed Prince Andrei, giving his own life for the victory of the Russian army. The old prince until the last day led notes for the sovereign, followed the course of the war and believed in virtue of Russia. Princess Marya did not reject faith, prayed for his brother and helped people with all its existence.

Curagin family

This family is represented by Tolstoy as opposed to the previous two. Prince Vasily Kuragin lived for benefit. He knew with whom to be friends, whom to invite to visit, for whom to stay children to get good in life. For the remark of Anna Pavollvna Sherler about his family says: "What to do! Lafater would say that I do not have a bump of parental love. "

Sleepy Beauty Helen Funny soul, "the prodigal son" Anatole leads a celebratory lifestyle, in the kits and fun, senior, and the Father, says "fool". This family is not able to love, empathize, take care even about each other. Prince Vasily admits: "My children are a burden of my existence." The ideal of their life is vulgarity, debauchery, adaptability, deception loving their people. Helen destroys the lives of Pierre Lesukov, Anatol interferes with Natasha and Andrei's relationship.

There is no speech about patriotism here. The prince of Vasily himself is constantly pumped in the light of Kutuzov, then about Bagration, then about the emperor Alexandra, then about Napoleon, without having a permanent opinion and adjusting to the circumstances.

New families in the novel

At the end of the novel, "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy adds the situation of mixing families of Bolkonsky, Rostova and Bezuhov. New strong, loving families associate Natasha Rostov and Pierre, Nikolai Rostov and Mary Bolkonoe. "As in every real family, a few completely different worlds lived in the Lyssogorsk house, which, each holding its feature and making concessions to one another, merged into one harmonious whole," the author says. The wedding of Natasha and Pierre took place in the year of death of Count Rostov - the old family collapsed, the new formed. And for Nicholas, marry Marya was salvation, both the whole family of growth and his own. Marya has kept family peaceful peace with all his faith and ensured harmony.


After writing an essay on the topic "The thought of family in the novel" War and Peace ", I was convinced that the family is a world, love, understanding. And the harmony of family relationships can come only in due respect to each other.

Test on the work

The main thought in the novel L. N. Tolstoy "War and the World", along with the thought of people, "is the" Family Thought ". The writer believed that the family is the basis of the whole society, and they reflect those processes that occur in society.
The novel shows the heroes that pass a certain path of ideological and spiritual development, by samples and mistakes they try to find their place in life, realize their purpose. These heroes are shown against the background of sextual relationships. So, in front of us are the families of Rostov and Blocks. Tolstoy portrayed in his novel the entire Russian nation from above DONAZU, showing that the top of the nation is dead spiritually, losing contact with the people. This process it shows on the example of the prince of Prince Vasily Kuragin and his children, for whom the expression of all negative qualities inherent in the world is characterized by the utmost selfishness, lowland interests, lack of sincere feelings.
All the heroes of the novel are bright individuality, but the members of one family have a certain overall, uniting all the traits.
So, the main feature of the Bolkonsky family can be called the desire to follow the laws of the mind. No one of them, except, perhaps, Princess Mary, not peculiar to open manifestation of their feelings. In the image of the head of the family, the old-prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, the best features of the ancient Russian nobility are embodied. He is a representative of an ancient aristocratic surname, in his character, bizarrely combine the morals of power velmes, in front of which all their home tremble, ranging from the servants and ending with their own daughter, the aristocrat, proud of his long pedigree, the traits of a man of great mind and simple habits. In times, when no one demanded a manifestation of some special knowledge from women, he teaches his daughter geometry and algebra, motivating it like this: "And so that you look like our stupid ladies, I do not want." He engaged in the formation of his daughter to develop the main virtues in it, which, in his opinion, were "activity and mind".
In his son, Prince Andrei, also embodied the best features of the nobility, advanced noble youth. Prince Andrei has his own way to understand the real life. And he will pass through delusion, but his errorless moral flair will help him get rid of false ideals. So, . Napoleon and Speransky's consciousness and Speashov, and in his life will be entered by love for Natasha, such a not similar to all the other ladies of higher world, the main features of which, in his opinion and the opinion of his father, are "egoism, vanity, nothingness in everything" . Natasha will become the personification of real life, opposing the false light. Her betrayal is equivalent to his cruise of the ideal. Just like his father, Prince Andrey Intramit to ordinary human weaknesses, who have his wife, the most ordinary woman, sisters looking for some special truth in "God's people", and many other people with whom he faces in Life.
A kind of exception to the Bolkonsky family is Princess Marya. She lives only for the sake of self-sacrifice, which is erected into a moral principle that determines all her life. She is ready to give all of themselves to others, suppressing personal desires. The submission of his fate, all the pleasures of their powerful father, who loves her in his own way, religiously combine in it with the thirst for simple, human happiness. Her submission is the result of a peculiar sense of the debt of his daughter who does not have the moral right to judge his father, as she says Mademoiselle Brying: "I will not allow myself to judge him and won't want, so that others did it." But nevertheless, when self-esteem requires, it can show the necessary hardness. This with a special force is found when it is offended by her sense of patriotism, distinguishing all Blocks. However, she can sacrifice with its pride if necessary to save another person. So, she asks for forgiveness, although it is not to blame for himself, at his companion for himself and a serf servant, on whom the anger of her father fell.
Another family depicted in the novel, in some ways opposed to the family of Bolkonsky. This is a family of growth. If Bolkonoe strives to follow the arguments of the mind, the Rostov is obeying the voice of feelings. Natasha is not a little guided by the requirements of decency, it is immediately, there is a lot of child features, which is highly appreciated by the author. He emphasizes many times that Natasha Nakraciva, unlike Helen Kuragin. For him, it is not an external beauty of a person, but its internal qualities.
In the behavior of all members of this family, high nobility of feelings, kindness, rare generosity, naturalness, proximity to people, moral purity and integrity are manifested. Local nobility, unlike the highest Petersburg nobility, is true to national traditions. No wonder Natasha, dancing at Uncle after the hunt, "I knew how to understand everything that was in Anice, and in the father of Anice, and in aunt, and in the mother, and in every Russian man."
Thick great importance is attached to related links, union of the whole family. Although the genus Bunconsikh must connect with the genus Rostric through the marriage of Prince Andrei and Natasha, her mother cannot accept this, can't accept Andrei in the family, "she wanted to love him like a son, but he felt that he was a stranger and terrible for her human". Families cannot communicate through Natasha and Andrei, but are connected through the marriage of the Princess Mary with Nikolai Rostov. This marriage is successful, he saves growth from ruin.
The Romana also shows the Kuragin family: Prince of Vasily and the Three of his children: the soulless doll, Helen, the "late fool" Ippolit and "Restless Fool" Anatole. Prince Vasily is a calculating and cold intrigue and ambition, who claims the inheritance of Cyril Bezu-Khov, not having direct right. With his children, he is connected only by blood bonds and community of interests: they are important only welfare and position in society.
Daughter Prince Vasily - Helen - a typical secular beauty with impeccable manners and reputation. She strives for all with her beauty, which several times says "marble", that is, cold beauty, devoid of feelings and souls, the beauty of the statue. The only thing that helen is occupied is her salon and secular techniques.
The sons of Prince Vasily, in his opinion, both "fools". Father managed to attach a hippolit on the diplomatic service, and his fate is considered to be arranged. Buyan and Halp Anatole causes all the troubles around much, and, in order to calm him, Prince Vasily wants to marry him in the rich heiress Princess Mary. This marriage can not take place due to the fact that the princess of Marya does not want to part with his father, and Anatol with new forces is indulging in the same fun.
Thus, people between who are not only blood, but also spiritual relationship, unite in families. The vintage rod of Bolkonsky is not interrupted with the death of Prince Andrei, Nicollenka Bolkonsky remains, which is likely to continue the tradition of moral searches for his father and grandfather. Marya Bolkonskaya contributes to the family of growth high spirituality. So, the "Family Thought", along with the "People's Thought", is the main thing in the Roman L. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Family at Tolstoy is exposed to a study in turning points of history. Showing the most fully three families in the novel, the writer makes it clear to the reader that the future for families such as the families of Rostov and Bolkonsky, which embody the sincerity of feelings and high spirituality, whose brightest representatives take each way of rapprochement with the people.

"War and Peace" is one of the best works of Russian and world literature. In it, the author historically faithfully recreated the life of Russian people at the beginning of the XIX century. The writer describes in detail the events of 1805-107 and 1812. Despite the fact that the "Family Thought" is the main thing in the novel "Anna Karenina", in the Roman-Epopea "War and Peace" she also occupies a very important place. Tolstoy saw in the family began all the beginning. As you know, a person is not born a good or bad, and such a family and that atmosphere, which prevails inside it. The author brilliantly outlined many characters in the novel, showed their formation and development, which is called the "soul dialectics". Tolstoy, paying great attention to the origins of the personality of a person, has similarities with Goncharov. The hero of the novel "Oblomov" was not born apathetic and lazy, and she made his life in his crushing, where 300 Zakharov were ready to fulfill any of his desire.
Following the traditions of realism, the author wanted to show, and also to compare among himself various families that are typical for their era. In this comparison, the author often uses the reception of antithesis: some families are shown in development, while others are frozen. The latter refers to the Kuragin family. Tolstoy, showing all her members, whether helen or Prince Vasily, pays great attention to the portrait, appearance. It is not by chance: the external beauty of the Kuragin replace the spiritual one. In this family there are many human vices. So, the meanness and hypocrisy of Prince Vasily is found in his attitude towards the inexperienced Pierre, which he despises as illegitimate. As soon as Pierre receives the inheritance from the deceased Crafa Bezuhova, the opinion about him completely changes, and Prince Vasily begins to see in Pierre a great pair for his daughter Helen. Such a turn of events is explained by the low and cruel-loving interests of Prince Vasily and his daughter. Helen, agreeing to marriage by calculation, detects its moral lowness. Her relations with Pierre is difficult to call family, spouses all the time in separation. In addition, Helen rises the desire of Pierre to have children: she does not want to burden themselves with extreme concerns. Children, in her understanding, is a burden that hinders living. Such a low moral drop Tolstoy considered the most terrible for a woman. He wrote that the main purpose of a woman is to become a good mother and raise decent children. The author shows all the uselessness and badness of the life of Helen. Without fulfilling his destination in this world, she dies. None of the Kuragin family leaves the heirs after himself.
The exact opposite of Kuragin is the family of Block. It feels the author's desire to show people of honor and debt, highly moral and complex characters.
Father of the family - Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, the man of Catherineian quenching, which makes honor and debt above other human values. It is most brightly manifested in the scene of farewell to the son - Prince Andrey Bolkonsky, leaving for war. The son does not bring his father, does not drop honor. Unlike many adjutants, he is not sitting in the headquarters, but is located on the front line, in the very center of hostilities. The author emphasizes his mind and nobility. After the death of his wife, Prince Andrei remained Nikolya. We may not doubt that he will be a worthy person and, like his father and grandfather, does not burn the honor of the old kind of Bolkonsky.
The daughter of the old prince Bolkonsky - Marya, a clean soul man, piquette, patient, kind. Father did not show his senses to her, as it was not in his rules. Marya understands all the whims of the prince, refers to them is badly, as he knows that the deceic love for her is harnessed in his soul. The author emphasizes in the nature of the princess Maryia sacrifice in the name of the other, a deep understanding of the subsidiary. The old prince, without having the opportunity to pour his love, closes in herself, doing sometimes severely. Princess Marya will not re-with him: decrease to understand another person, enter his position - here is one of the main features of her character. This feature often helps to keep the family, does not allow her to get enough.
Another antithesis of the Clana of Curagin - the family of growth, showing which, Tolstoy focuses on the qualities of people as kindness, spiritual openness inside the family, breadcrumb, moral purity, unspoance, approaching folk life. Many people stretch to Rostov, many people sympathize. Unlike Bolkonsky, the atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding often reigns inside the growth of growth. Maybe it does not always happen in reality, but Tolstoy wanted to idealize openness, show its necessity between all family members. Each member of the family of growth is individuality.
Nikolay, the eldest son of growth, - a man brave, disinterested, he loves his parents hot, sisters. Tolstoy notes that Nikolai does not hide his feelings and desires from the family who overflow. Vera, the eldest daughter of growth, is noticeably different from other family members. She rose someone else's in his family, closed and evil. The old Graph says that the Countess "Something with her namudril." Showing the Countess, Tolstoy focuses on this feature, like egoism. Countess thinks exclusively about his family and wishes to see his children happy by all means, even if their happiness is built on the misfortunes of other people. Tolstoy showed in it the ideal of mother female, which worries only for his young. This is most brightly manifested in the family of departure from Moscow during a fire. Natasha, having a good soul and the heart, helps the wounded to leave Moscow, giving them the veil, and leaves all the accumulated wealth and belongings in the city, as this is a hiring business. She makes a choice between her well-being and the lives of other people. Countess not without hesitation agrees to such a sacrifice. Here he breaks blind Maternal instinct.
At the end of the novel, the author shows us the formation of two families: Nikolai Rostov and the Princess Mary of Bolkonskaya, Pierre Proghov and Natasha Rostova. And Princess, and Natasha, each in its own way, morally high and noble. They were both suffering and finally gained their happiness in family life, became keepers of a family hearth. As Dostoevsky wrote: "A person will be born not for happiness and deserves his suffering." These two heroines unites one thing: they will be able to become beautiful mothers, they will be able to raise a decent generation that, in the author's opinion, is the main thing in the life of a woman, and the thick of this forgives them some disadvantages inherent in ordinary people.
As a result, we see that the "Family Thought" is one of the fundamental in the novel. Tolstoy shows not only individuals, but also families, shows the complexity of relationships both within one family and between families.

"War and Peace" - the Russian national epic, which found a reflection of the national nature of the Russian people at the moment when his historical fate was solved. L. N. Tolstoy worked over novel for almost six years: from 1863 to 1869. From the very beginning of work on the work of the writer, not only historical events were attracted, but also the private, family life of heroes. Tolstoy believed that the family is a world cell in which the spirit of mutual understanding, naturalness and proximity to the people should reign.
In the novel "War and Peace" describes the lives of several noble families: Rostov, Bolkonsky and Kuragic.
The family of growth is the perfect harmonious integer, where the heart prevails over the mind. Love binds all family members. It manifests itself in sensitivity, attention, cardiac proximity. Rostic all sincerely comes from the soul. Greeting, hospitality, hospitality, preserved traditions and customs of Russian life are preserved in this family.
Parents raised their children, giving them all their love, they can understand, forgive and help. For example, when Nicholenka Rostov lost to Dolohov a huge amount of money, he did not hear a word of reproach from his father and was able to pay card debt.
Children of this family have absorbed all the best qualities of the "Rostov breed". Natasha - the personification of cardiac sensitivity, poeticity, musicality and intuitiveness. She knows how to childishly enjoy life and people.
The life of the heart, honesty, naturalness, moral purity and decency determine their relationship in the family and behavior in the circle of people.
Unlike growth, Bolkonsky live a mind, not a heart. This is an old aristocratic genus. In addition to the blood, the members of this family also binds spiritual proximity.
At first glance, the relationship in this family is difficult, deprived of heartiness. However, internally these people are close to each other. They are not inclined to manifest their feelings.
The old prince Bolkonsky embodies the best features of the servant (the nobility, devoted to the one who "sworn". The concept of honor and debt of the officer was in the first place. He served under Catherine II, participated in Suvorov's campaigns. He considered the Mind and Activity , and vices - laziness and idleness. Life of Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky - Continuing activities. He either writes memoirs about past campaigns, or manages the estate. Prince Andrei Bolkonsky very respects and honor his father, who was able to raise a high concept about honor. "Your The road is expenble, "he says to his son. And Prince Andrei is fulfilling the father and during the 1806 campaign, in Shenagraben and Austerlitsky battles, and during the war of 1812.
Marya Bolkonskaya loves his father and brother. She is ready to give all of himself for their relatives to her. Princess Marya completely obeys the will of the Father. His word for her is the law. At first glance, it seems weak and indecisive, but at the right moment it shows the firmness of the will and strength of the Spirit.
And Rostov, and Bologkoe - patriots, their feelings were especially brightly manifested during the Patriotic War of 1812. They express the People's Spirit of War. Prince Nikolai Andreevich dies, because his heart could not stand the shame of the retreat of the Russian troops and passing Smolensk. Marya Bologna rejects the proposal of the French General about the patronage and leaves Bogucharova. Rostov gives their veins wounded on the Borodino field to soldiers and pay the most expensive - Petit's death.
The novel shows another family. These are Kuragin. Members of this family appear in front of us in all their insignificance, vulgarity, silence, korestolubia, immorality. They use people to achieve their selfish goals. Family is deprived of spirituality. For Helen and Anatol, the main thing in life is to satisfy your low-lying desires, they are completely tearned from a folk life, live in a brilliant, but cold light, where all the feelings are perverted. During the war, they lead all the same salon life, arguing about patriotism.
In the epilogue of the novel shown two more families. This is a family of bellows (Pierre Aia Natasha), which embodied the author's ideal family, based on mutual understanding and trust, and the family of growth - Marya and Nicholas. Marya introduced in the family of growth kindness and tenderness, high spirituality, and Nicholas manifests peace of mind in relations with the most close people.
Showing various families in his novel, Tolstoy wanted to say that the future for families such as Rostov, Bezukhov, Bolkonoe.