Sotnik bulls summary analysis. Course work Comparative analysis of spiritual issues in the work of centurifs in

Sotnik bulls summary analysis. Course work Comparative analysis of spiritual issues in the work of centurifs in

Comparative analysis spiritual problematics in the work of "Centulties" V. Bykov
and the film "Climbing" L. Shephenko

Lecturer Barakov V.N.

Work performed a student GF
Bob Margarita


    Analysis of the Tale of "Centulties" and the film "Climbing"
    Man in inhuman circumstances x.
Moral problems of heroes in the work of "Centulties"
    Character system and composition in the story of "Centulties"
    The film "Climbing" 1976 director L.Sapko


When the war is broken in people, she always brings grief and misfortune,
violates the usual way of life. About the most cruel, monstrous war - great
Patriotic - recall and today.
Vasily Bykov is one of the most important domestic writers who
Long years of creativity remains faithful the topic of war. His feature
works is that he depicts war in his stories
What it was - in suffering and blood.
On the pages of prosaic works we find a kind of chronicle
Wars, reliably transferred all the steps of the Great Battle soviet people from
Hitler's fascism.
Russian literature has become the literature of one topic - themes of war, the themes of the Motherland.
Writers breathed a single breath with the struggling people and felt herself
"Equal poets", and all the literature in general, about the expression of A. Tolstoy, was
"The voice of the heroic soul of the people."
Soviet literature of military time was a multi-community and multilayer.
Poems, essays, stories, plays, poems, novels were created by our
Writers during the war years.
Relying on the heroic traditions of Russian and Soviet literature, the prose of times
The Great Patriotic War reached large creative vertices.
For the prose of military years, the strengthening of romantic and lyrical
Elements, widespread use by artists of declamation and songs
intonations, oratory revolutions, appeal to such poetic means as
Allegory, symbol, metaphor.
Traditions of literature Great Patriotic War - This is the foundation of creative
searches for modern Soviet prose. Without these traditions, based on
It is a clear understanding of the decisive role of the masses in the war, their heroism and
selfless devotion to the homeland, impossibles would have been the successes that were achieved
Soviet "military" prose today.
The pros of the Great Patriotic War received its further development of the prose
The first postwar years.
Significant success military Prose reached on modern stage His
War in the image of prose-front-line - it is not only and not even how much
Spectacular heroic feats, outstanding actions, how much tedious
Everyday work, hard work, bloody, but vital. And it is
In this everyday work and saw soviet man Writers "The second
The theme of the Great Patriotic War is generally central in the work of V. Bykov.
Witness and participant of grand events, he almost all his works
Dedicated wartime events. Bykov himself noted that almost everything they
Created, "connected with the Great Patriotic War" And that he has so far and
continues to remain a military writer. "

The theme of the Great Patriotic War occupies an important place in the work of Vasil
Bykov. Honor, conscience, human dignity, loyalty to your debt -
These problems are affected by the writer. But still the main topic
Bykova's creativity remains of course the topic of heroism. Moreover, writer
Interested in not so much its external manifestation, how much is the way man
comes to a feat, to self-sacrifice, why, in the name of what makes
heroic deed.
The characteristic feature of the Military Agets of Bykov is that in the center
Images turn out to be a man in an extreme situation, and the situation is
that the hero should immediately make a choice: heroic death or shameful
Life of the traitor. And to such a reception the author does not resort accidentally, because in
The usual setting cannot fully disclose the character of a person. In that
The relationship is not the exceptions and the story of "Centulties".
Works V. Bykov about the Great Patriotic War reveal to us all the horror
of this terrible I. tragic eventare forced to understand what price was
Wisdom won. They teach good, humanity, justice.
Summing up this, it can be noted that the development of prose about the Great
Patriotic War shows that in the circle of its main
Problems of the main standing for more than forty years in the center
The creative search for our writers was and is the problem of heroism.
This is especially noticeable in the work of Frontovik writers, close-up
I showed the heroism of our people in our works, the stability of the soldier.

Analysis of the Tale of "Centulties" and the film "Climbing"

The story of "Sotnikov" V. Babykova I read twice, in school and just the other day, and I looked at the film for the first time. I am delighted.

At first, he thought: "Another heavy military film." But he made a very strong impression on me, and there was no shade of regret from viewing.
I think, characterize this film as a military war will not quite right. It is rather drama, and very deep and meaningful. The events of "climbing" transfer us during the years of the Patriotic War, in 1942, to Belarus. In the film we do not observe fierce fighting. The emphasis was not at all, but on behavior and actions of people in the war years.

The main characters are two partisans. Both seems to be loved by their homeland, do not complain. Only here is one of them - a traitor (fisherman), and the other is courageous and fearless (centuries). The film is sharply set by the problem of morality, the problem of human choice.
A person, such as a fisherman, may have sincerely wanted to fight and fought in the partisan detachment for his homeland, and in this was the same as the centuries. Only the logic of his reasoning, the logic of his thoughts, the logic of his actions was such that he gradually led him to becoming a servant of the German fascism. Not his personal position, not his vile intentions, but only the logic of his reasoning. Only, it is sometimes very, very much. That's all or most of the subtlety of this dilemma. Another, not bad, but just another mind warehouse, another way of reasoning, not bad, but in this case, it became bad objectively. War. When the fisherman realized that now there were no roads back, he remained alone, and he stayed alive, because he was a traitor, then his check was started, this check. Now he can not sharpen everything with his arguments even before himself, now either I have to say, yes I am a traitor, yes - I will serve the enemy, yes - I will kill the Russians, my brothers. And no other alternative. And if he were such a suitable man, he would probably have he and did it. For the fisherman, the final was no less painful psychologically than the physical sufferings of Sotnikova, this fact himself says that everything is not so simple.

Although I do not take to condemn the fisherman for treason. No one knows how he himself entered in his place, whatever decision takes, passing through torture and bullying. It cannot be said that fisherman - bad person. From a good side, it is characterized by the fact that he was in his shoulders in the wounded Sotnikov to the village. After hanging the partisans, he suffers from conscience, a sense of guilt and, in the end, he decides to commit suicide.

Sotnikov ... He is definitely a hero. Thanks to such as he, the victory in the war was obsessed. I think in the film, as in the book, the author idealized a person in the face of Sotnikov. He thinks, first of all, about humanity, about his people, about the neighbor, but only then about himself. In my opinion, he accepted a decent death.

I wondered: why didn't the centuries betrayed? Didn't he want to live? Didn't he love the whole world in which he lived and wanted to die with joy? Of course, such can not. I thought so, yes, he loved his life, but he loved his homeland even stronger, and he could not betray his homeland, who gave birth, raised, felt, gave the opportunity to get a free education and become a man, he couldn't just forget it and betray. In part, I agree with this now. Well, what about the fisherman, he was also grown to his homeland, and why he did differently. Was less thankful? It would either be too ideologized, or too naive for me. But I was naive and sincerely thought so, and it was not excluded that the Sotnikov in something also was naive and the youthful one was maximized, but it was in this naivety and was his moral force, because he may have sincerely believed in his Principles, and for the sake of these principles was ready to go to the end. Now, I understand that the whole problem is much more easier, but at the same time thinner, there are many such nuances in it that people are not accustomed to notice.

Each role in the film is played on the highest level. A amazing view of Satnikov performed by Boris Plotnikov as if permeating the soul. Vladimir Gestoshin perfectly coped with the difficult role of fisherman - a man, as if balancing at the verge of honor and dishonor, a man, brought to despair of war. The brilliant actor of the Soviet cinema, Anatoly Solonitsyn, was played remarkable in the role of the traitor, the port of the porter, the whole gamma of the emotions of which is transmitted again in the view and in the slightest intonation of the voice.

In general, in the picture Shephenko a lot close-up persons of heroes, much attention is paid to the look that conveys independent state Characters. This is especially noticeable in the execution scene. Calm, spiritualized view of the Sotnikov before his death is straightened from the doomed view of the headman, afraid of the girl's glance, and from suffering, which is read in the eyes of Demmchiki. The execution scene is definitely the most piercing and the most memorable scene in the film.

It is also interesting to choose the name of the film - "climbing" (the story of Vasil Bykov, according to which the film was filmed, was called "Sotnikov"). Apparently, the director wanted to show the importance of both heroes in the plot of the film, since the choice of fisherman is no less indicative than the choice of Sotnikov. But the real climb, spiritual climb, is only one of the heroes - the Sotnikov, who committed the feat of the Spirit. After all, there are things more important than life - such things as honor, debt, conscience. War is terrible, she is alien to all human. Only strong spirit people are able to not lose the human face against the background of cruelty and despair of war. It is no such people who cannot be defeated.

The interest of the writer Vasil Bykov was addressed to a complex, confusing human destiny. And he was closer as an artist, the history of a man who turned out to be a traitor with him through small compromises, rather than the heroic act of another ("Centulties"). By the way, the fisherman condemned the writer, first of all, for treason, and not to other people. But although the bull itself, and to us, readers, really sorry the fisherman, we are not forced to him, and the Sotnikov give their human approval. In the story of "Sotnikov" Vasil Bulls solved an ambiguous conflict on military material, and this made its features. In modern conditions, it is practically intractable. It is possible that now there is not the centuries, namely the fisherman would become a hero - as a person who can bypass the danger that is not hammer. But in war, the conflict could be solved only in favor of Sotnikov.

And in the film "Climbing" Larisa Shephenko is curious an example of the transformation of the Tag "Centulties" into the parable of almost symbolic properties. The literary work was a kind of allegorical parabola, where the military situation is like a metaphorical reason for the study of the drama of a person who crossed the invisible feature between moral and immoral, spiritual and confused. Compromise, quite possible in other conditions, turned out to be an irreparable mistake, for which it was no longer possible to pay anything, even his own life. The loss of "moral hearing" led a person to betrayal. But this story as if the fate of Sotnikov, which could turn each other life situation The measure of spirituality and therefore the remaining resistant in the whole.

However, in the film compared to the story, the emphasis is undoubtedly shifted. Transparent biblical alluses contributed to a more definite characteristic of the heroes, their breeding to different poles of human morality. Private story began to hint at something more, emerging far beyond its limits in the space of cultural and universal archetypes. As a result, it turned out to some extent a abstracted parable about the ascent of a person at the height of his own spirit, the human ability to be a person in the most inhuman conditions.

And long did not give rest. This is a fundamental discrepancy between an outstanding story with a very talented picture, nevertheless, who caused almost an attack of rage towards a fanatical character, who not only died himself, but also the innocent pulled at the gallows. And his obsessive comparison with Christ seemed clearly unjustified - Jesus was crucified alone, Judas had suffered for the real betrayal: the issuance of his teacher to the authorities. Here and the bulls, calling the story of "Sotnikov" in accordance with the Soviet Casuistry, after all, the main character believed a fisherman and described, according to his own words, "the tragedy of a man who dreamed of the war", who tried to survive by anything, but not I noticed how the dangerous edge passed.

Shepherd, on the contrary, removed the film about the act of self-sacrifice and transferring the relay to the future generation, the "boy in Budozhenka" (and who would allow him to wear it in the conditions of fascist occupation?!), Which "with tears in the eyes" perceives the heroic death of Sotnikov and those Who, unfortunately, turned out to be with him in one Khutorsky Saraj. And the tragic music of Alfred Schnitke can not not call the audience tears - but the mind you understand that this scene in the "climbing" is, in fact, a dubious example of the aesthetization of death, an offensive exaltation of meaningless victims for the sake of one tears of a boy in a logon, which Allegedly will be well live in his "Tomorrow."

I think the film is interesting to various public: from Mala to Great. During his viewing, you have deep experiences. After yourself, he leaves indelible impressions. This is a bright, piercing, a stunningly talented film that gets straight into the soul. The work of Larisa Shepheno may be for the audience a real test. Willingness to fight is not just the ability to press the carpet of the machine, this willingness not to change its principles and protect those who need your assistance regardless of the situation. Evil, good, help and betrayal become for the viewer not as simple categories as they seem at first glance.

Vasil Bykov
Larisa Sheypko

Photo from the movie "Climbing"

Man in inhuman circumstances. Moral issues
Heroes in the work of "Centulties"

The problem of moral choices of a hero in war is characteristic of all creativity
V. Bykov. This problem is placed in almost all its poses:
"Alpine Ballad", "Obelisk", "Centroops" and others. In the story of Bykov
"Sotnikov" emphasized the topic of genuine and imaginary heroism, which
This is the essence of the plot collision of the work.
The story of "Centobes" Winter is 1942. Partisan detachment burdened
Women, children, wounded, surrounded. End ammunition, nothing
feed people. Two - Centulties and Fisherman are sent to the exploration. They fall B.
Hands of fascists. Torture, the centuries die, fisherman with the price of betrayal
It remains alive. Two types of life behavior, the price of the feat and shameful finals
moral compromise, the origins of heroism and betrayal are the main
Problems dropped through these images. Fisherman - a bold fighter when for his
your back is your own, being one on one with the enemy, he goes first on
Compromise, then - to the betrayal and murder of comrade.
Analyzing this character of V. Besikov comes to the conclusion that the origins of betrayal
Fisherman comes out of childhood.
Sotnikov - a modest, imperceptible person, without any external signs of the hero and
An unusual person, a simple teacher. Why is the sick and weak
Did he go to the responsible task? After all, one of the reasons that they
turned out to be in the hands of the enemy, his disease appeared - he did not restrain him
Cough and this found himself and fisherman.
Exhausted by torture, blackmailed by the fascists ("We still find them, and you
We write to traitors "), it remains not broken. The origins of his courage,
The heroism was deep conviction in the justice of that struggle that
Leads people who raised and focused him. Sotnikov dies physically, but
Not spiritually. Before execution he sees in the crowd of the boy, meets with him and
It is convinced that honestly fulfilled his duty.

Not representatives of two faces of different worlds, and the people of one
countries. Heroes of the Tale - Sotnikov and Fisherman - under normal conditions, maybe not
Would show their true nature. But during the war hundreds with honor
passes through severe tests and takes death without renounced
beliefs, and the fisherman in the face of death changes his beliefs, betray his homeland,
Saving your life, which after betrayal loses any price. It
actually becomes the enemy. He goes into the world of another, alien to us, where personal
Well-being puts above all, where fear for his life makes kill
And betray. In the face of death, a person remains like it is on
actually. Here it is checked by the depth of his belief, his civil conscience.

Going to the task, they react differently to the upcoming danger, and it seems
that strong and wicked fisherman is more prepared for a feat than harsh,
Sick Sotnikov.
But if the fisherman, who all his life "managed to find some
by exit, "internally ready for betrayal, then the centuries to the last
Respiratory remains true to human and citizen's debt.
"Well, it was necessary
Collect in me recent powerso that with dignity to meet death ... otherwise
Why then life? She is too difficult to give a man to careless
refer to its end. "
In the story of Bykov, everyone took his place in a row. Everything except fisherman
Passed their mortal path to the end. Fisherman became on the path of betrayal only
In the name of salvation own Life. Thirst for continuing life, passionate desire
The traitor's investigator felt live and, almost without thinking, focusing
Shalomil Fisherman: "Save life. You will serve Great Germany. " Rybak back
I did not agree to go to the police, and he was already eliminated from torture. Fisherman did not want
Dyubi and somehow pulled out the investigator.

Sotnikov lost consciousness during torture, but did not say anything. Politsa B.
Tale is depicted by stupid and cruel, investigator - cunning and cruel.
Sotnikov reconciled with death. He would like to die in battle, but it became for
It is impossible. The only thing he remained to determine the attitude towards
People who were near. Before the execution of the Sotnikov demanded the investigator and
He stated: "I am guerrilla, the rest here is nothing." Investigator ordered
To bring a fisherman, and he agreed to enter the police. Fisherman tried to convince
Himself that he is not a traitor that will run away.

In the last minutes of the life of the centurities unexpectedly lost its confidence in the right
Require from other the same as he requires from himself. Fisherman became not for him
bastard, and just a senior, who, as a citizen and a person, did not
then. Sotnikov did not search for sympathy in the crowd surrounding the place of execution. He is not
wanted to think bad about him and got angry only on
Responsibilities of the executioner Fisherman. Fisherman apologizes: "Sorry, brother." "Go you to
hell! " - The answer follows.
What happened to the fisherman? He did not defend the fate of the fate in the war
man. He sincerely wanted to hang. But circumstances were prevented, and remained
Chance to survive. But how to survive? The police chief believed that "picked up
One traitor. " Hardly the police chief understood what was going on in the shower
this man confused, but a shocked by the example of Sotnikova, who
It was crystal honest, who fulfilled the debt of a person and a citizen to the end.
The boss saw the future fisherman in serving the invaders. But the writer is left
He is the possibility of a different way: continued fight against the enemy, possible recognition
In his fall, comrades and, ultimately, the redemption of guilt

The work is imbued with thought about life and death, about human debt and
Humanism, which are incompatible with any manifestation of egoism. In-depth
Psychological analysis of each act and gesture of heroes, fleeting thought or
Replicas - one of the most strong Parties Tale "Sotnikov". Pope Rimsky
I handed the writer V. Bykov for the story of "Centulties" Special Prize Catholic
churches. This fact suggests what universal, moral beginning
sees in this work. Huge moral power Sotnikova
is that he managed to accept suffering for his people, managed to keep
Faith, not to succumb to that low thought, which a fisherman succumbed. "Does not matter
Now death does not make sense, she will not change anything. " It's not so - suffering
For the people, for faith always make sense for humanity. Feat instills
Moral strength in other people, preserves faith in them.

Character system and composition in the story of "Centulties"

The main idea of \u200b\u200bits works is the behavior of people in extreme situations,
When in one moment you have to solve such sophisticated questions, like who
right? Who is guilty? Die or betraying? "Sotnikov" no exception in this
The story of Bykov was able to show what was happening with the inner world of man,
When his fate is solved.
Recall the episode when the centuries and fishermen come to the elder. By Surov
The laws of military time they had to kill him. He collaborates S.
Fascists, it means a traitor. But did he have a choice? In his will he did
Is this step? Not! But what it matters for the partisans who have passed
For wartime, many people like him. Peter himself, does not even try
Get justified - knows that it is useless. Why didn't the fisherman killed him? After all
It should have been, in all the concepts should. He spared him just because "very
Almost peaceful, in the peasant, he seemed to him this Peter. "So the war is not
made a car from a soldier for murders, could not resist sound
meaning and humanism. Fisherman makes perfectly the right choice, recking
On your flair.
Another difficult decision to make him during a shootout with
Politai. He gets up with a choice: or save a seriously ill friend, or
Seventeen man from hungry death. In the first moment he chooses the second, but
Departing, he hears how the centursors are shooting. It is the sounds of shots
Make him throw the sheep and return to the rescue. What for? After all, in the forest is a whole
A squad, not evidence for a few days, and here only the patient, besides the wounded.
Can not, then fisherman go against the laws of morality, not in his spirit
throw a friend who throughout the task was for him only
During the shootout, the Sotnikov sees how his comrade leaves, but does not blame him
For betrayal: he himself perfectly understands that the fisherman he only interrupted, and
Decides to delay the policemen, thereby giving the way to the partner.

In story belarusian writer Vasil Bykov "Sotnikov" The problem of genuine and imaginary heroism is pointed by the author and is the basis of the plot
Works. Heroes of His - Sotnikov and Fisherman - under normal conditions, perhaps and
They would not show their true nature. But the author puts them in such a position
that the reader sees their true entity. Going to perform the task, they
different react to the upcoming danger, and it seems that strong and
Sophurated fisherman is more prepared for a feat than a sick, patient
Sotnikov. But if the fisherman, who all his life "managed to find some
exit, "internally ready to make betrayal, then the Sotnikov
Last breathing remains true to the debt of a person and a citizen: "Well, it is necessary
was to collect the last forces in order to meet death with dignity
Otherwise, why then life? She is too difficult to give a man to
Carelessly treat her end. "

The film "Climbing" 1976 director L.Sapko

SSR, 1976, 111 min., Chb
According to the story of Vasil Bykov "Sotnikov"

Larisa Sheypko

Vladimir Chukhnov
Pavel Lebeshev

Alfred Schnitke

Boris Plotnikov
Vladimir Gestouchin
Anatoly Solonitsyn

International Film Festival in West Berlin, 1977:
Golden Bear Grand Prix, Prize of the International Federation Kinopress Fipression, Catholic jury prize, specially mention of the evangelical jury.

Two secrets in life are inseparable - the secret of birth and the mystery of death. Live life only reproducing yourself - a small business. But can we leave something after yourself? Can we prove that we are not just a biological experiment? If we leave some part of our energy for the benefit of people, it means that we have not died, no longer in vain.
Larisa Sheypko

When they were on the road, going to Jerusalem, Jesus walked ahead of them, and they were horrified and following him, were in fear. Suspaying twelve, he again began to talk about what will happen to him: here, we will be asked in Jerusalem, and the Son of the Human is devoted to the high priests and scribes, and will coordinate him for death, and will betray him to the pagans, and will be credured over him, and will be beat him, and fall into him, and kill him; And the third day will rise.
Gospel from Mark.

1976. Larisa Shephenko finishes "Climbing" - a film about the war, which inevitably go to the shelf, because "instead of partisan history, - according to the controlled authorities, - the" religious parable with a mystical tint "was lifted.

Picture in the Belarusian material, based on the story of Vasil Bykov "Sotnikov" ... and the husband of Larisa Efimovna elecable element is solved for a desperate step.
Bypassing the "Mosfilm", he invites you to a special view of the first secretary of the Central Committee of Belarus, Masherov, on the order of which he, at this time, removes the grand military cloth with the apocalyptic name "Go and see." Peter Mironovich skeptically looks at the "Babel" director, but still has such courtesy to Klimov.

The film is brought to Minsk directly from the laboratory, almost wet. Something is charged, and in twenty minutes nothing can take away Masherov from viewing. Somewhere in the middle of the movie this strong manThe partition himself, crying, not embarrassed by the fact that all the leadership of the republic is present in the hall. At the end, he says for about forty minutes ... His speech is excited, she is one of the best ever heard by the element of Germany to his wife.

A few days later, "climbing" is officially accepted and without a single amendment. The tape has a deafening success and a magnificent rolling destiny: in Riga, she takes the main prize, at the Berlin Festival - the prestigious Prize of Finpression; And in the end, forty countries of the world are purchased.

After the views, where it represents the film itself, if at home, or abroad, people with crying eyes are suitable for sheply and thank, thank ...
- There were no such partisans yet - they tell her. But Larisa is worried about other. Inquisitively peering into the eyes of the interlocutor, she is concerned about: "But this is not exactly about the war. Have you understood?"

Sotnikov: I will not betray. There are things to make your own skins ...
Portnov: Where are they? What is it? What consists of? .. This is nonsense! We are finite. Everything ends with death for us. The whole world. We ourselves. Not worth it ... for what? Example for descendants? But you will not be heroic death either. You will not die, you die as a traitor. You won't give out - I will give another, but I will tell you everything on you; clear?
Sotnikov: scum ... human scum.

Two partisans former teacher Sotnikov and personnel military fisherman, sent for meals. IN night skirmish Sotnikova wounded in his leg. The patient, exhausted, from the fear, to capture, he is going to commit suicide, and only at the very last moment the fisherman knocks his rifle; Then he drags on himself, he encourages. But this is more superfluous: having survived weakness and shock, Boris understands that someone has been releasing him. "Do not worry," says, "I am now nothing scary."

Probably, the ascent of Larisa Efimovna began much earlier, but with all evidence - from the film "You and I". From the memories of Yuri Victor. "1971. Shots of a major episode in the picture. The circus is filled with three thousand statists. Endless misunderstandings between the circus workers and Mosfilm. Horses, costumes, props ..." Larisa Efimovna, I laugh after the juggler? "," Larisa Efimovna, then the power shield knocked out, Need to drive Lychtwhagen from the studio "," Larisa Efimovna, a bucket with warm water or cold for a vacation? "," Larisa, look, I have a head in order? In the sense of beauty? "," Larisa Efimovna, why does the buffet not working? "," You call off the studio! "," Call, we have a coder in a clip "," Firefighter prohibits shooting. "In general, they began to shoot somewhere An hour at three days. Larisa worked like Gornova at Marten. Nothing turned out: then the artists were let down, then the juggler - not on time, then the horse, then the light is even crying shout.
Finally, the moment comes when everything somehow develops and remains only to scene. And here the powerful lighting devices suddenly go out: ten o'clock in the evening - workers are going home. Larisa snatches his own money from the bag and rushes up on the circus gallery. Instantly in the huge circus space reaches a deep silence. All heads are addressed to the top, where there is a dialogue between the illuminators and the director. Result? "We were given half an hour. For half an hour, we have to shoot the whole scene from the beginning to the end

Elena Kotynova

Elena Yurievna Kotynova - the teacher of the Russian language and literature MOU "Pedagogical Lyceum", Pskov region, Great Luki.

"The insidious fate of the person who interrupted in the war"

The theme of moral choice in the story of Vasil Bykov "Sotnikov"

I. Teacher's word

War ... how many law touched her cruel, murderous wing! How many left lying on the unbarrous Russian fields and how many lives freed! Under the terrible wind, the bullets more than once had a simple, ordinary person to make a choice: in any way to maintain the only unique - life or to give it in the name of the Motherland, close or even completely unfamiliar people.

In many works of Vasily Vladimirovich Bykov, the writer, in whose life the war became the main measure of human courage, this choice has to make his heroes. And in the story of "Sotnikov", written in 1970, too.

Bykov himself fought in infantry and artillery. This is how he explained the idea of \u200b\u200bhis work: "I took up for the story not because I learned too much about the partisan life, and not then to add something personally open to her image personally. First of all, and mostly I was interested in two moral moments, which simplified can be determined as follows: What is a person before the crushing force of inhuman circumstances? What is he capable when the opportunity to defend his life is exhausted to them to the end and it is impossible to prevent death? "

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II. Analysis of the story

1. How did the fisherman and the centuries be together in the college? What "not at all understandable" fisherman in the behavior of a partner?

(Fisherman appointed commander, the Sotnikov was cut, he could not go, but did not refuse because "others refused.")

2. How Vasil Bulls in Trumples shows the difference between characters, the relationship of partisans to the events, their goals, vital positions?

  • Fisherman remembers Labor - "Fire-Girl!" Sotnikov: "Do you still have girls on the mind?"
  • At the sight of a burned farm Fisherman - "Imagined, called". Sotnikov: "I gave someone."
  • Talking about the absence of Sotnikov a good hat. Fisherman: "But in the village of each man's hat." Sotnikov: "What, with a man to shoot?"

3. What is the attitude of the fisherman and Sotnikov to the old Peter Kachan? Why? Whether it has changed over time or "could not take into account any, even the most valid causes"?

("You serve the Germans, so we are an enemy," says Fisherman. Strost. For partisans there are no good reasons to serve the enemy, even after explaining old ages. However, the fisherman does not kill Peter, thinking: "If that, others will punish others.")

4. Compare the behavior and thoughts of the partisan during a shootout with polysya. Why did the fisherman still did not throw a comrade? What did they move?

(Choosing the fisherman is small: run to yourself, to escape, bring the sheep into a detachment or save the comrade. But, realizing that if he rushes to help, they will kill both, it comes to the conclusion: "While there is an opportunity, you need to leave: Sotnikova no longer Will save. "Sotnikov shot himself as he could, thereby saving the fisherman from death, covering his departure." He realized that they had delayed them [Polyzayev], and it caused a short satisfaction. "Trying not to reason, fisherman" moved on his trail back " . Why? It would be necessary to explain something in the detachment: "But what will he say in the forest?" Not a desire to help a friend drives them, and fear of responsibility.)

5. What is the role of the internal monologue of Sotnikov (Chapter 6)? What is measured "the degree of courage in battle, fearlessness and hardness in the face of the enemy"? Why after this monologue of the Sotnikov remembers the interrogation of the Russian colonel?

("He suffered from his physical helplessness," and tried not to meet a look with a fisherman. It is hundreds of centuries arguing about the "only real value of all things and for a person too" - about life. Can a person extend his presence on earth after death? What is stronger - Physical abilities or power of the spirit? The history of interrogation of the Russian colonel reminds the scene from the story M.Sholokhov "Fatec. elovka. Both heroes: and the colonel, and Andrei Sokolov - managed to cause respect for the tough enemy, won the spiritual victory over the power of the fascists.)

6. Tell about fishermen-partisan. Did he serve for three years (!) Senior company? But what is alarming in the arguments of the hero?

(Fisherman "was the kind man", "he liked the living, real case," energetic, in battle, "in time to make a decision", "felt a full-fledged partisan fighter." In war he even seemed easily, because the purpose of the struggle was clear , "And over other circumstancest. he did not think very thoughtful. " But after all, the war has not only to shoot! It is also alarming and its attitude towards sick and weak. He "almost dislike listened to the unhealthy breath of a comrade," he experienced a neglect of who "something could not, did not know how." Probably, the decision of the Red Commander Levinson (A.Fadeev. "The defeat") about the fate of the Patient Frolova, he would absolutely justify ...)

7. What do you think the story of the wounded lieutenant has to do with such thoughts? And why is it remembered by the Sotnikov?

(Sotnikov recalls the captivity and groaned lieutenant, from the wounded leg of which came the smell of rot, did the death on the death of all his "half-seamless view." Exhausted without water and food, with a feverish brilliance in the eyes, he is at the cost of his own life gives the opportunity to escape others. So, and Being a hemisphere from death can be fighters in war! This man turned out to be stronger than many heightened! Sotnikova, this lieutenant saved, and he will not be able to do otherwise in a similar critical situation.)

8. How do fishermen and centurifs behave during arrest? What is most disturbing the heroes? How does their tone of the conversation with policemen, attitude towards the Detechikha?

(The fisherman suddenly wanted, "To the first to rise by the centuries," he on knees Execute from under the roof, got up and raised his hands. "The death seemed to be postponed, it was the main thing." Does not attempts to protect the Dumachi, speaks with policemen quietly and sadly, lowers in a conversation head. The behavior of Sotnikova thinks: "What the hell is he doing?" Sotnikov "painfully worried because she was put on the fisherman and dacha ... He thought in despair that they spoke in vain, let the police themselves fired - would die, but only together." He stands up for a woman, answers without holding back, looking into the face of Convoir, calls Politsaev with executions, testers, reptiles. The only thing that worries - "just to harm the detech".)

9. Match the behavior of the heroes during the interrogation of portor:

  • tone conversation;
  • answers on questions;
  • attitude towards the fate of the detech, Peter Kachan.

What do you think is the right fisherman, thinking that "the absence of any choice extremely narrowed his capabilities"? Is there any way out in such a situation?

(Sotniks immediately solved the Hitra Malceai game and did not succumb to Portorov's tricks. He is not trying to remove, ready to endure torture, but nothing speaks about the squad.

Tries to negotiate with the tailor only with one goal - to save the detection.

Even before the interrogation, the fisherman thinks a lot, how to "outwit the police", prevents ways, not excluding in their tricks to "bang the headman" who allegedly "it will not be too added ... wines in front of the Germans, and they, two, possibly, and lucky." In fact, it is ready to substitute anyone, just to save his skin. During the interrogation, not particularly reflecting, answers all the questions, substituting a dubbed squad, says that one of the policemen shot the centuries. Quickly refuses to attempt to save the detection. At the end of the interrogation, "respectfully rose from the chair", "with a delusted devotion looked at ... a policeman's eyes." What a trick is here - a solid betrayal!)

10. What thoughts cover all the inhabitants of the "Summer Cameras" after interrogations? Does the partisans blame those who turned out to be here in general, by their fault? Why?

(Peter Kachan: "Beasts!"

Fisherman: "You are quiet! Hear! "

Seeing the mutilated Sotnikov, the fisherman "was horrified at the thought that the same could do with him.")

11. What was going to "rebuild" a fisherman with policemen? What on the scales? How does the 13th chapter end? What symbolizes the "rat corner"? (On the scales for fisherman - own life and own death. He does not think about anything about a friend and anything else. He, on the one hand, like a rat, is first running from a sinking ship, on the other, it causes a feeling of squeamishness, like drunk in the corner of the rat.

"A fly, who does not want to be fluttered, safer everything feels like a clapboard," Lichtenberg wrote. Here is a fisherman and it seemed that he found a reliable place to save, but once this cracker should do his job.)

12. And what about the scales from other heroes? What choice do they do?

(Sotnikov: Own life is the fate of the squad, Dimukha, Peter, Bassi;

Peter: Own Life - Honor of 68-year old old man;

Basia: Own life is the fate of people who helped her.

And none of them makes a choice towards the left side of the scales, unlike the fisherman.)

(A thirteen-year-old girl, who turned out in the "Squader's Chamber" according to the guerrilla, turned out to be stronger, courageous fisherman, did not give up those people who hid it.)

14. After the story about Bass, the story of the rescue by fisherman of two girls. How does this episode explain the acts of the partisan? Compare the motives of Fisherman's actions and Sotnikov (story with the father's Mauser) and make a conclusion that they lead to (see the bottom scheme).

III. conclusions

In 1944, Vasil Bulls turned out to be near the team of prisoners of war, and later recalled this event: "And suddenly the tanned, the unshaven face of one of those that did not sit in the ditch in the hedge himself, it seemed familiar to me. The pearfold also delayed her torn look at me, and in the next instant I learned in it today's colleague, which from the autumn of the 43rd was considered dead. Moreover, for the resistance manifested in a heavy battle at the Dneprovskoye bridgehead, for the skilled command of the surrounded battalion, in which he was the head of the headquarters, this man "posthumously" was awarded a high award. He was told about a new replenishment, conversations were held about his feat, they studied to fight on his experience. And now he was sitting in front of me in the riser German kittel with a three-color chevron on a sleeve, on which three familiar letters "Roa" were eloquently poured ...

He asked to smoke and briefly told the sad and at the same time terrible history in his destroying simplicity. It turns out that he was not killed in a memorial battle at the bridgehead, and was only injured and captured. In the camp, where he later turned out to be hundreds died of hunger, and he wanted to live and, commemorate the Germans, signed up to the Vlasov army with the hope of imparting the moment and run to his. But as it was a convenient moment, everything was not, the front was in a rigid defense, and the Hitlerians followed the Vlasovs. Since the beginning of our offensive, he had to take part in the battles against his, although, of course, he shot up: Is he an enemy, he comforted himself. And in the end, it was in captivity, of course, I gave up myself, otherwise it would not sit here.

I listened to him and believed him: he did not lie, he spoke the truth. Of course, he was not among those who were eager to serve the enemy, his personal courage and military skills were witnessed by a high reward. Simply, being in captivity, he exceeded his own life and decided to inform the fascists. And here is the smashing result of tricks ... "

F. Engels wrote: "The courage, which is necessary in order for a critical moment to collect with the Spirit and take a bold decision, is absolutely not like the courage that allows a person to brilliantly command a division under fire." What is the basis of the courage of Sotnikov? (The power of the Spirit, a sense of responsibility for the life of other people, honesty.)

  • Does Vasyl bulls disgust or contempt for this prisoner and to the hero of the story of the fisherman? Why? Is the quote name of our lesson justified?

IV. Homework.Written reasoning: "Two roads to one loop."


"The truth is that, despite the hardest tests, we won."

War - scary word. War ... How many says this word. War is the suffering of mothers, hundreds of dead soldiers, hundreds of orphans and families without fathers, terrible memories of people. Yes, and not seeing war, not to laughter. Soldiers served honestly, without a caustic. They defended the fatherland, relatives and loved ones. Brutally fascists belonged to Russian people, soldiers.

The world should not forget the horrors of war, separation, suffering and death of millions. It would be a crime to fallen, a crime before the future, we must remember the war, about the heroism and courage that have passed her roads. Fight for peace - the duty of all living on earth, so one of the most important topics modern literature is the theme of the admiration of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.

War, as the tragedy of the people in the literature of the twentieth century. A lot of works are written about it. The authors of the books about the war explored the military weekdays, reliably portrayed battles, they also spoke about courage native landabout pricelessness human life, how ordinary peoplehaving a conscience and a sense of debt in front of the homeland sacrificed by themselves.

This topic is complex, diverse, inexhaustible. The task of modern writers writing about the war is huge. They need to show the significance of the struggle and victory, the origins of the heroism of Soviet people, their moral strength, ideological conviction, dedication to the Motherland; show the difficulties of combating fascism, to convey to contemporaries feelings and thoughts of the Heroes of Wighs, give a deep analysis to one of the most critical periods in the life of the country and their own life.

A kind of writers such as Vasil Bulls ("Centulties") and Boris Vasilyev ("did not mean" in the lists).

Subject tragic Fate Russian man in the totalitarian state occurs in the Russian literature of the 20th century already in the 1920s, when the very formation totalitarian state It was just planned.

The writer does not gear the reader, there are terrible details in his stories, which cannot be understood without mental pain - cold and hunger, sometimes depriving a person, purulent ulcers on the legs ...

"War is a nasty human nature", "L. Tolstoy wrote, and we forced to agree with this statement, because the war brings fear, blood, tears. War is also a test for a person.

Vasil Bulls. Idea content of the novel "Sotnikov", evaluation of heroes

Vasil Bulls - Seventeen-year-old participant of the war, writer, reflecting in his works about a person, about his behavior in war, about the debt and honor, which is guided by the hero of the same name of the "Centulties".

In the works of Bykov, there are few battal scenes, spectacular historical events, but it can be able to convey the feelings of an ordinary soldier with a stunning depth big War. On the example of the most strategically minor situations, the author gives answers to the complex questions of the war.

The problem of the moral choice of the hero in the war is characteristic of all creativity V. Babyk. This problem is put in almost all its poses: "Alpine ballad", "Obelisk", "Centulties" and others. In the story of Bykov, the "Centulties" is emphasized, the problem of genuine and imaginary heroism is pointed, which is the essence of the plot collision of the work. Writer gives artistic study The moral foundations of human behavior in their social and ideological conditionality.

Vasil Bulls builds the plots only on the dramatic moments of the war of the local, as a thorough, meaning with the participation of ordinary soldiers. Step by step by analyzing the motives of the behavior of soldiers in extreme SI-Tuitsa, the writer is swaying to the depths psychological states and experiences of their heroes. This quality of Bykova's prose is distinguished by his early work: "The third rocket", "Western", "dead does not hurt" and others.

In each new story, the writer puts his heroes in an even more sophisticated situations. It is united by the heroes that their actions cannot be estimated unequivocally. The plot of the story of "Sotnikov" is psychologically twisted in such a way that critics were confused in assessing the behavior of the heroes of Bykov. And there are almost no events in the story. Critics were from what growing up: the main character - Traitor?! In my opinion, the author deliberately goes to the erosion of the facets of the image of this person.

But in fact, the story story is simple: two partisans of the centuries and the fisherman go to the village to the task - get the sheep for the pro-nutrition of the detachment. Before that, the heroes almost did not know each other, although they managed to play and even reversed each other in one battle. Sotnikov is not entirely healthy and could well be evaluated from, in general, a trifling task, but he feels not-enough among the partisans and therefore it is still caused to go. With this, he whatever wants to show the fighting comrades, which is not frowning "dirty work."

Two partisans react differently to the upcoming danger in different ways, and the reader seems to be a strong and wonderful fisherman more prepared for the commitment of a brave act, rather than a sick and sick centurion. But if the fisherman, who all his life "Oht-ringed to find some exit", is internally ready to commit a betrayal, then the Sotnikov to the Poshesky Breath remains the right debt of man and the Nina's citizen: "Well, it is necessary It was to collect the last forces to meet death with dignity ... otherwise, why then life? She is too difficult to go to a person to relate without care to her end. "

There are not representatives of the two different worlds in the story, but the people of one country. Heroes of the Tale - Sotnikov and Fisherman - under normal conditions, it may not be shown their true nature. But during the war, the centurists with honor passes through heavy tests and takes death, without renounced from his convictions, and the fisherman in the face of death changes his beliefs, betrays his homeland, saving his life, which after betrayal loses all the price. He actually becomes the enemy. He goes into the world, another, alien to us, where the personal well-being is put above all, where the fear for his life makes kill and betray. In the face of death, a person remains like this, what it really is. Here the depth of his belief is checked, his civil resistance.

In the work of Bykov, everyone took his place in a row. Everything except the fisherman passed their mortal path to the end. Fisherman became on the path of betrayal only in the name of salvation of his own life. Thirst to continue my life, a passionate desire to live a traitor's investigator and, almost without informing, stubborn fisherman: "Save life. You will serve Great Germany." The fisherman has not yet agreed to go to the police, and he was already eliminated from torture. The fisherman did not want to die, and somehow pulled out the investigator.

Sotnikov lost consciousness during torture, but did not say anything. The police are depicted in stupid and cruel, investigator - cunning and cruel. Sotnikov reconciled with death. He would like to die in battle, but it became impossible for him. The only thing he remained is to determine the attitude towards people. Before the execution of the Sotnikov demanded the investigator and stated: "I am guerrilla, the rest here is nothing to do with it." The investigator ordered to bring a fisherman, and he agreed to enter the police. The fisherman tried to convince himself that he was not a traitor that would run away.

IN last Minutes Sotnik's life unexpectedly lost its confidence in the right to demand from other the same as he demands from himself. The fisherman became not bastard for him, but just a seniine, who, as a citizen and a person, did not have something. Sotnikov did not search for sympathy in the crowd surrounding the place of execution. He did not want to think bad about him, and was angry only on the responsibility of the executioner of the fisherman. Fisherman apologizes: "Sorry, brother." "Go to hell!" - The answer follows.

What happened to the fisherman? He did not overcome the fate of the man who worked in the war. He sincerely wanted to hang. But circumstances were prevented, and there was a chance to survive. But how to survive? The police chief believed that "picked up another traitor." It is unlikely that the police chief saw that he was going on in the soul of this man who was confused, but the Sotnikov's shocked, which was crystal honest, who fulfilled the debt of a person and a citizen to the end. The boss saw the future fisherman in serving the invaders. But the writer left him the opportunity for a different way: the continuation of the struggle against the enemy, the possible recognition in his fall by comrades, ultimately, the redemption of guilt.

The characters of the heroes are manifested slowly. Fisherman becomes unpleasant to us, causes hatred, as he is capable of betrayal. Sotnikov opens as a waves, courageous. The writer is proud of Sotnikov, the last feat of which was an attempt to take all the blame on himself, removing it from the headman and the demmochikh, who fell to the fascists for the help of partisan intelligence officers. Debt to the Motherland, in front of people, as the main manifestation of his own I - this is what the author draws attention to. Consciousness of debt, human dignity, soldier's honor, love for people - such values \u200b\u200bexist for Sotnikov. It is about people who fell into trouble he thinks. The hero sacrifices himself, knowing that life is the only real value. And the fisherman was just a thirst for life. And the main thing for him is to survive at any cost. Of course, much depends on the person, its principles, beliefs. The fisherman has many advantages: he has a sense of a partnership, he sympathizes the sick of the Sotnik, shares the remnants of the parenchy of rye, behaves in battle worthy. But how did it happen that he became a traitor and participates in the execution of his comrade? In my opinion, in the consciousness of the fisherman there is no clear boundary between moral and immoral. Being with everyone in the ranks, he in good faith carrying all the partisan life burials, without thinking deeply in life, no death. Debt, honor - these categories do not disturb his soul. Faced one on one with inhuman circumstances, it turns out to be spiritually weak man. If the centuries thought only about how to die decently, the fisherman of the chittrate, deceives himself and as a result, surrendered to enemies. He believes that in the moments of danger everyone thinks only about himself.

Sotnikov, despite the failures: captive, escape, then again captive, escape, and then partisan squad, he did not harm, did not become indifferent to people, but retained loyalty, responsibility, love. The author does not pay attention to how once in the battle of Sotnikov saves the life of a fisherman, as a patient, the Sotnikov still goes to the task. Could not give up the centuries, since it contradicted him life principles. On the last night of his life, the hero remembers youth. Father's Father in childhood has become a lesson to the face of MUK conscience. Therefore, the hero strictly judge itself and keeps the answer before conscience. He remained a man in violent war conditions. In this feat, Sotnikova. It seems to me that in the tragic situations of the war it is difficult to remain loyal, its moral principles. But it is precisely such people of debt and honor struggle with evil, make life more beautiful, and they are forced to think: can we live on conscience.

The situation changes after their arrest. The fisherman until the last minute does not believe that it is impossible to break out of this West. He decides to pull the time, reporting on the interrogation only that the Germans are already known about the partisan detachment. But the fisherman is too simple for such complex game With the enemy, and, not wanting, he is pronounced, hitting a skillfully raised trap. From this point on, its moral fall begins. He understood that he could remain alive, only by betraying his arms comrades. For a fisherman, the transition process to another psychological state is quickly and without torment, as it has already been internally located. Fisherman, as any pre-tel, begins to live according to special psychological laws, excluding everything good and bright, which was before this MO human soul. At the end of the story, he becomes the executioner of his former comrade.

Sotnikov, unlike fisherman, immediately realized the hopelessness of the situation, but in the last minutes of life, he unexposedly lost his confidence in the right to demand from the other as herself. The fisherman became not bonded for him, but just a senior, who, as a citizen and a man-century, did not have something. Sotnikov did not seek sympathy in the hearts of those present at the execution of people. He did not want to think about him poorly, and was angry only on the duties of the executioner of the fisherman. Fisherman apologized: "Sorry, brother." Sotnikov threw him in the face only the phrase: "Go to hell!"

What is the depth of creativity of the Writer Bykov? In the fact that he and a traitor fisherman left the opportunity for a different path even after such a serious crime. This is the continuation of the fight against the enemy, and confessional recognition in its pre-government. The writer left his hero the possibility of repentance, the possibility that God gives himself, and not a man. The writer, in my opinion, assumed that this guilt can be redeemed.

Creativity V. Bykov is tragic in his sound, as the tragic war itself, which has taken tens of millions of human lives. But the writer tells about people strong spiritcapable of standing on circumstances and death itself. And today, I think it is impossible to evaluate the events of the wars, those scary years, not taking into account the trios on this topic of the writer Vasil Bykov.
The work is imbued with thought about life and death, about
human debt and humanism that are incompatible with any manifestation of egoism. In-depth psychological analysis of each act and gesture of heroes, fleeting thoughts or replicas - the bottom of the highest sides of the "Centulties".

Pope presented to the writer V. Babyov for the story of "Centulties" special prize catholic church. This fact suggests what a moral universal principle is seen in this work. The huge moral power of Sotnikova is that he managed to accept the suffering for his people, managed to preserve faith, not to succumb to that low thought that the fisherman succumbed to: "All the same, death does not make sense, it will not change anything." It is not so - suffering for the people, for faith always make sense for humanity. The feat insters moral strength in other people, preserves faith in them. Another reason why the Prize of the Church was handed to the author "Sotnikov" lies in the fact that religion always preaches the idea of \u200b\u200bunderstanding and forgiveness. Indeed, condemn the fisherman easier to lung, but it is necessary to have a complete right to it, at least to be at the site of this person. Of course, the fisherman is worthy of condemnation, but there are universal principles that urge to refrain from unconditional condemnation even for such grave crimes.

In the formation of a person, the most important ideals of people who fought and giving their lives for the future of their people and their country should become in the formation of a person.

Vasil Bulls in his work basically covered military topics, but in its works there are few battal scenes, descriptions of spectacular historical eventsBut he succeeds with a stunning depth to convey the feelings of the ordinary soldier in a big war.

Therefore, I decided to write an essay about the Defender of the Motherland on the example of the story of Vasil Bykov "Sotnikov". Describing the most minor situations, the author gives answers to complex questions. Unlike our writers like Bondarev, Baklanov, Ananyev, who love to describe large-scale battles, Vasil Bulls builds its plots only on the dramatic moments of the local war, as they say, values \u200b\u200bwith the participation of ordinary soldiers.

Step by step by analyzing the motives of the behavior of fighters in extreme situations, the writer reveals the reader the depth of psychological states and the experiences of his heroes. This quality of Bykov's prose is distinguished by many of his work: "Alpine ballad", "Western", "dead" and others.

The story of the Tale of "Sotnikov" is simple: the partisans of the centuries and the fisherman go to the village to extract food for the detachment. Sotnikova torments the "bursting" cough, who will give him to the partner of the enemy. The soldier could easily evade the task, but he wants to show the fighting comrades, which is not afraid of "dirty work" or danger, and caused to go.

Fisherman is healthy, strong and ready for everything. The reader seems that a strong and wonderful soldier fisherman is more prepared for the commitment of a brave act, rather than a sick and sick centurion.

But if the fisherman, who all his life "managed to find some way out," is internally ready to make a betrayal, then the Sotnikov until the last respiratory remains the right duty of a person and a citizen.

Of course, the fisherman is not deprived of positive human qualities, but after he is captured, his moral fall begins. In order to stay alive, he joins the rows of Politsaev, he betrays a friend and even becomes his executioner.

Sotnikov behaves like a real defender of the Motherland. He does not think about himself, a simple soldier who will be killed as many other fighters. "Well, it was necessary to collect the last forces in myself, so that with dignity to meet death. Otherwise, why then life? She is too difficult to go to a person to treat her end carelessly. "

Even when Sotnikova leads to the gallows, he still tries to protect innocent people. He does everything correctly for the Fatherland proud of his act. On such people as the centurities, a victory in the fight against the enemy was built.

Creativity Vasil Bykov is tragic in his sound, as the war is tragic that has taken tens of millions of human lives. The writer tells about people a strong spirit who can stand over the circumstances and death itself.

I believe that the bulls are right that he gives tribute to ordinary soldiers, his heroism is chasing, since thanks to their courage, our homeland survived in that severe war. Let the names of many fighters are unknown, but their feat is immortal.

Now there is no great country that the centurists defended, for which he died worthy. But the point is not at all. Heroes of Vasil Bykov live their lives outside of political shocks. For me, the centuries will always be an example of courage and resistance. I would feel more poorly spiritually, if it were not in the literature of the heroes of Vasil Bykov.

Sotnikov B. ordinary life I would be little than a remarkable person. He would not get to the authorities, would not strive to somehow stand out among people. He honestly fulfill his duty, would be conscientious to everything. And they would say that this is a very decent person.

That's the main thing in Sotnik. No one could reproach him in dishonesty. I had to meet such people. I am sure that they would lead themselves in an extreme situation exactly as the centuries, because otherwise they do not know how to live.

Sotnikov ... You can talk about it for a long time. About his maximalism. And about his conscientiousness. About the responsibility of his choice. About the courage and height of spiritual maintenance of this person. And about his silence, which costs more than any other loud words. About that did not surrender to the mercy of the circumstances. About the power laid in it. That only him is given to test himself. About his experience, valid and very sincere, feeling of terrible despair, nude longing and full of loneliness "The feeling that V. Bykov's Hero should have and overcome the Hero of Lifesty in his fate.

It is probably possible to put in a number of those heroes, maximets, stoics, which soviet classics Begins with the mouth of Korchagin, and in the world - from the oat. Thoughts and feelings of this person - the history and content of his actions; Just on all this and the logic of the intensity of the narration in "Sotnikov" is founded. Without intensity, there is no visibility, without visibility there is no image. This is almost like with faith: as it is neither deep, it is never full, if it is indispensable not to support or, in any case, not to give it to collapse.

If a person is being a creature, doomed to count exclusively on his own strength, and so it happened with the Sotnikov, the life itself becomes the only and higher value, which should be given a complete, completed form.

The preservation of the discipline in the face of death requires strict control over the imagination, until it has not yet promoted, it has not been absolute. It requires a complete focus of a person on each action, as if it were single action was B. this moment all life. Sotnikov in their actions from the very beginning is an example of such a concentration, although its maximalism, conscious and very consistent, thanks to which he will be able to rise above his own fate, acquires full force when the hero has to resort to motifs more visual than only verbal Method of expression. They lead as a result to a huge moral victory, forcing it to think that the character of a person is only to a certain extent of his fate.

But if the centuries detects their true - and, as it turned out, in high degree Moral - face in those moments when the victory of the need over freedom makes each of the partisans make a choice, then he as seriously considers the other side of the problem of the problem - the uniqueness of human life. Yes, he reflects, "the physical abilities of a person are limited in their capabilities, but who will determine the possibility of his spirit?"

The reader seems to be fascinating this question: what exactly from possible tragedies will be allowed the next from the episode to the episode the journey of one misfortune to another? But that's not all. Among other things, the questions that the centuries are asked before he learned all this in unity - Initiality outgoing life and triumph of spiritual liberation, - when he puts the test for him all his heart, and did everything that could, - clearly demonstrate the appointment of this and other favorite Heroes V. Bykov: they are more advocated true valuesrather destroy fake. And the author accurately chooses final scenesWhen his mysterious character, in the depths of which the unceasing work of the soul occurs, symbolizes the hardness of the spirit and to intimidate the enemies to intimidate it with silence, realizing that it is impossible to show his weak enemies, just like the feelings that are experiencing.

Giving the reader the opportunity to join the past of his hero, bother in his front destiny, the author thereby gives evidence that the Totnikov actions continue to reflect its former essence. Sudden attack of the Nazis, courageous behavior of Sotnikov in battle, the defeat of the battery, captivity, escape, then the partisan detachment. And everywhere and always he seeks to post all. This maximalist is going to the end everywhere.

It was he who truly regrets Demothih. He, not a fisherman. Bulls every time it emphasizes - the detail, a storm, but expressive gesture, the movement of the eyes of the hero. And everywhere he is visible to conscience. She has Satnikov, it happens, borders with naite, as that time, hungry, flatly refused to eat the old man's heads. But it is conscience that combines everything in this man, imposes a clear imprint on his actions.

In the world of war in which he exists, the Sotnikov learned to watch openly and take it honestly due to him; He did not hide in battle for someone's back overlooking the boy who should regret. In the partisan detachment, where the fate of fate, it was not enough for him, it was not enough for him, it became necessary to do better every hour. That is why, being sick, he went with a fisherman to the task. And that is why when the partisans came across the policemen, he, without hesitation, joined them in a shootout.

V. Bykov explains the behavior of Sotnikov, striving for the study of the world of the soul of this person, and often in bright and strong images. Throughout the story about him, the hero shows the independence of the spirit, responsible attitude towards what is happening. Yes, it is experiencing moments of weakness, fluctuations, although in others, rather than fisherman, reasons. And this just enriches his own truth, makes it quite conscious. The main thing is that he hates the role of the observer to live, he must participate. Death is not something tragic for this man, who has been dealing with her for so many times, in captivity. And at the end he is at the cost of his own life seeks to bring others from the Circle of Death.

Everything that V. Bykov is told about his hero, - everything is configured to an excitedly sounding wave of love for this person who tragedy closer to a deeper understanding of life. There is nothing to hide the character of Sotnikov, the writer found amazingly faithful paint to his image in the picture of the memoirs about the father. This is when beaten and completely exhausting centurifers sitting in a dark basement along with Demmichy, a fisherman, an old-fashioned Peter and the thirteen-year-old bass, "suddenly realized that they expire them last night in the world". His, Sotnikova, last night. It was then that he prepared for death, finally reconciled with her. True, he did not know that he was not waiting for a bullet, but a police rope.

All his feelings, the ability of experience and understanding, even just a rumor, and most of all the memory extremely aggravated. Memory - as one of the evidence internal force Sotnikova, his ability to suffer and worry this suffering. Then he gained invaluable support. She appeared in front of him in the form of a father - a man of endless wisdom and patience, besides the advantage of an experienced observer, looking through the battle of the son with enemies. It is the courage and patience of this person, a cavalry commander, a disabled person civil War and the watchmaker who "taught him truth and responsibility to other people" hero V. Bykova, absorbed by his battle with policemen, covered with mud and blood, is obliged to stood before a sense of hopelessness, which was accompanied by his efforts to embody his plan to life. He did not give up because his father did not allow him to surrender. At that moment, the former paint of the centuries was unlikely to do for the Son more than what he did. Sotnikov heard the voice of the Father, and immediately pain and suffering retreated, and the clear consciousness came to do.

Father is like the beginning of you yourself. Therefore, each of all the laws of life should have a father. Dead or alive. The main thing is that it was a real father. That is the way he was at Sotnikov.

The recognition of Sotnikova, which he decided is not only an attempt to save others - Demothih, the older of Peter, Fisherman; In his effort - and it costs a lot for the hero, for it is necessary to interrupt silence and enter into a conversation with the enemy, - he appeals not just to feel, but also to the mind to his own. He already knew that death should have his own meaning and then she covers a lifetime, which for Sotnikha should have been about to end. That is why he boldly decides on a risky attempt to turn his defeat in the victory, taking all responsibility for himself. For what else could be said to the enemies when everything was done and, he understood it, no longer converted it. It remains only to give them your life - truly powerful finals.