The protagonist of the film "Back to the Future. Back to the future (trilogy heroes) back to the future of the main character

The protagonist of the film
The protagonist of the film "Back to the Future. Back to the future (trilogy heroes) back to the future of the main character

1. In the initial scenario, Dock Brown did not know from the 50s where to take energy in 1.21 GW, and decided that the source of such power could only be with a nuclear explosion. Heroes decide to go to the nuclear power plant. It was too expensive to remove such an episode, and they decided to refuse. It was invented a storyline with lightning and clock.

2. Doc and Marty utter "Gigavatt" as "Dzhigovatt". The fact is that Robert Zemkis visited the seminar on physics and misunderstood this word.

3. Demonstrating Marti Time Machine, Doc calls different historical dates, in any of which he could go, including December 25 Zero year - Christmas of Christ. But in all over the world, the time reference system is not zero year: until the first year of our era was the first year before our era. However, for the duty set device, the zero year is really there.

4. In the future, the film "Jawsti 19" is in the cinema, director - Max Spielberg. Spielberg really has a son named Max.

5. The first time the Time Machine appears from the van from which the pairs are poured. It turns out that at the initial plan, the time of time was to become this van, and not the car, but in the process of shooting the director changed his mind. The scene with the van was left not to throw money into the wind, spent on the already captured duplicate.

6. Dock video camera - JVC GR-C1 is one of the first VHS-C format. There is a doubt - whether it could be compatible with a TV in 1955.

7. The well-known Soviet comedy "Ivan Vasilyevich changes the profession" the American viewer is known as "Ivan Vasilyevich: Back to the Future."

8. Lea Thompson (playing Lorreine) and Christopher Lloyd (who fulfilled the role of the dock) was filmed together in six films: the trilogy "back to the future", the pictures "Dennis-tormenid", "the right not to answer questions" and the television film "Haunted Lighthouse". However, for all this time, they had only one conversational scene:

Marty: This is a dock ... My ... Uncle! Doc ... Brown.

Lorreine: Hello.

Doc: Hello ...

9. In the scene in which Marti attends George at school, in the background hangs the poster "Ron Woodvord - to the presidents of the class!". Ronald Woodword - Main Defense Movie.

10. In the dock laboratories, portraits of four famous scientists hang: Isaac Newton, one of the first physicists of modernity, Benjamin Franklin, who opened electricity by hitting lightning, Thomas Edison, the inventor of modern power plants, and Albert Einstein, who opened the theory of relativity. Modern physics, lightning strike, electricity production and time travel - the key to the plot of the film.

Frame: Universal Pictures /

11. Mark "Kelvin Klein" was a little-known in Europe in 1985. Therefore, in Italian dubble, Marty in 1955 is called "Levi Strauss." In French dubbing his name is "Pierre Cardin".

12. The Mayor of Goldie Wilson was called so because of his golden tooth.

13. LED Shainberg, Head of the Studio "Universal", demanded from Robert Zeekis and the author Bob Gale change the script. First, Marty's mother had to get the name Lorreine in honor of the wife of Shainberg. Dock Brown as a satellite relied on a dog, instead of chimpanzees on the scenario. Finally: Shainberg demanded to change the name to the "Space Alien from Pluto". Shainberg sent the corresponding memorandum. In the first two cases, the authors of the film gave way, but the name change categorically did not want. Stephen Spielberg came to the aid: he sent a note "Thank you, LED, for a successful joke - we are very laughing." To save the face, Shainberg did not insist on changing the name of the film.

14. California Raisin, a raisin manufacturer paid $ 50,000 for the fact that their product appears in the film. But for the raisin there was no place in the scenario, in addition, according to Bob Gale, "Izyum looks like a handpie for a handful of manure. Therefore, the company's logo drew on the bench, at the end of the film he sleeps the bum ed. The firm protested, and she was returned to the fee.

15. Dock Brown always carries a few watches.

Frame: Universal Pictures /

16. When the film "Back to the Future" came out in Australia, Michael J. Foxh had to be held in a special video for Australian television and warn the public about the danger of clinging for cars on a skateboard.

17. October 26, 1985 at 1:20 night at the parking lot of the Puente Hills Mall shopping center, where the "Two Pines" shopping center was shot, a lot of fans gathered to see if there would not happen there. The film was released in the United States in June 1985, therefore, the 1985 events shown in the film were still the only ones.

18. At the beginning of the film, Marti approaches the dock to the "Two Pines" shopping center. Since he crushed one of Pibody's pines in 1955, at the end of the film the shopping center is already called "Lonely Pine".

19. The film was so like Ronald Reagan that he included a reference to Zemkis's film in his appeal to the nation in 1986: "And as was said in" Back to the Future ": where we go, the road is not needed!". He was also invited to the role of mayor, who opens the festival in Hill Valley, but he could not participate in the shooting. Reagan really liked the trilogy "Back to the Future", and when he first saw the scene from the first series - "Who is the president in 1985?" - "Ronald Reagan!" - "Actor?!" - He laughed so much that he asked the film mechanic to rewind the film to watch this scene again.

20. In the Test Test Scene, the license plate is covered from it, which is written "Out a Time" (out of time). Until the end of the first part, Delorian drives without a number, and only after returning from 2015, a barcode number appears on it.

Frame: Universal Pictures /

"I conquered the cinemas and television screens of many countries in the 80s and 90s, but now the interest in this picture is not ugas. According to the plot of the second part of the trilogy, October 21, 2015, the main character of the film Marty McFlai came to the" Future ".

How did the fate of the cult actors of the film "Back to the Future" more than 30 years later, read in our material.

Michael Jane Fox - Martin Macfly (1961)

Actor Michael Jane Fox then and now

The role in the fantastic trilogy "Back to the Future" for the young actor Michael Foks was not the first in his career, but it was she who made him world famous. After the release of the first part in 1985, Fox became massively inviting to the main roles both in the movie and on television.

But the rapidly developing career was converted into 1991: Michael Fox was made a disappointing diagnosis - Parkinson's disease. The inability to learn large dialogues and uncontrolled television caused actors to go underground. For the first time, Fox spoke his ailment for the first time, when he tried all treatments, including experimental operation.

However, one recognition was not limited to one recognition by opening a special foundation for finding medicines from Parkinson's disease. In 2010, the Swedish Caroline Institute assigned Michael Fox to the title of Honored Doctor for his contribution to the fight against the disease, after a year he received an honorary "Order of Canada".

For all his brief acting, Fox collected five "Emmy", four "golden globes", two awards for the US film actors and one "Grammy".

Michael Fox is married and raises four children.

Christopher Lloyd - Emmett Brown (1938)

Christopher Lloyd then and now

A wonderful doctor who opened the time of traveling in time, played a famous, having at that time in his acting baggage such films like "flying over the nest of the cuckoo" and the "Star Path".

After the release of "back to the future", Lloyd continued to actively act as in the cinema and on television. The first decade after the release of the cult film, the executor of the role of Emmette Brown was in demand and popular, but in the new millennium there was practically no place in the raging Hollywood for Christopher.

After the end of the trilogy of time travel, the American actor has repeatedly had to try on the role of a crazy doctor: in advertising of the "future" sneakers from Nike and in advertising household appliances for the Argentine store.

Now the actor rarely appears in the frame, occasionally performing episodic roles.

Lia Thompson - Lorrain Banes (1961)

Lia Thompson then and now

American actress and director played in the fantastic trilogy mother of the main character in the "past". The role of Lorrain Benns became for Thompson one of the first and deciding in her career.

The peak of her career came exactly the 80th-mid-90s. After 1995, the work in the film actresses ended, and Thompson went to television, and since 2000, almost disappeared from the screens. Now Lia is participating in low-budget filming and more time gives the work of the director.

Thompson is married, growing two daughters, including actress.

Crispin Glover - George McFlary (1964)

Crispin Glover then and now

Before the role of Father Marty McFalap in the "past", a young actor managed to be held in several projects, becoming popular at home in his homeland thanks to the shooting in the film "Non-moon".

After filming in the first part, not finding a common dialogue with the directorial and producers of the film "Back to the Future", Glover refused to participate in the following paintings, but in the end, they still appeared in them. Director Robert Zedeckis used archival materials, which served as a reason for the trial. The actor and producers of the film were able to negotiate, under what conditions - not reported.

Now Crispin Glover continues to actively film and on television, published several books and even recorded a music album.

Thomas Wilson - Biff Griff (1959)

Thomas Wilson then and now

Thomas Wilson began her career with minor roles on television and advertising, the film "Back to the Future" could become a starting point for him to a big movie, but unfortunately did not happen.

After the end of the trilogy, the actor merged with the image of Biff hooligan, voicing the animated series "Back to the Future". Under the end of the 90s, Thomas returns to television.

In the 2000s, the actor found himself in the new role - volunteer activity. Thomas Wilson helped the Catholic Church of St. Timothy in Mesa, Arizona. The last work in the movie was the role in the film "Cops in Skirts" (2013).

Elizabeth Shu - Jennifer Parker (1963)

Elizabeth Shu then and now

The American actress joined the acting of the trilogy "Back to the Future" from the second part, in the first series the role of its character played Claudia Wells, which was forced to leave the project due to the disease of the mother.

For her career, Shu starred in more than 40 films. It continues to actively work both in the movies and on television. Married, has three children.

Michael J. Fox, the fourth of five children in the family, was born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada), June 9, 1961. His mother is Phillis Piper (Phyllis Piper), was an actress, father, William Fox (William Fox) - Police and Military. Due to the specifics of the work of the Father, the Fox family constantly moved. Settling in Barnaby, Vancouver suburb (Burnaby; Vancouver), William resigned in 1971. He died on January 6, 1990 from a heart attack.

In the school years, Mike is not a joke in a hockey hockey, but because of a small growth, 164 cm, he had to forget about the sport career. Instead, he decided to become an actor. At the age of 15, Fox starred in the Canadian comedy TV series "Leo and I" ("Leo and Me"). Later, it was found that, together with him, Parkinson's disease developed from three participants of this series. It was even raised if the disease could provoke an environmental factor.

In 1979, Fox, who barely hit eighteen, sorrified his parents to leaving to Los Angeles. He threw his studies and, having enlisted the support of her grandmother, went to America (America). Subsequently, after marriage, the actor returned to his homeland.

When Fox passed the registration process in the "Guild of Actors", it turned out that the actor named Michael Fox is already there. In several interviews, Fox explained that he did not like his second name, Andrew, so he decided to use the middle name "Jay", giving a tribute to the actor Michael J. Pollard.

Hollywood did not immediately spread his arms for a newcomer from Canada. Easy to make his little growth, Fox began to gain weight, and it was drowned so much that he had to sit on a strict diet. After the failure band, Fox got into debts, sold all the furniture and began to seriously think about returning to Canada. The turning point was the invitation to the series "Family Tives", which was wildly popular in many countries. On the shooting, he met his future spouse Tracy Pollan.

In 1985, Fox received a major role in the fantastic film "Back to the Future". First Marty McFray trusted to play Eric Stoltz (Eric Stoltz). But Robert Zemeckis did not like the director Robert Zemeckis, more precisely, he did not see in it the charisma necessary for the image of a macflage teenager. When the producer of "family bonds" announced its conditions, according to which Fox could work on the side, without leaving the series, Zemkis immediately grasped for this opportunity. The column was asked to leave, and shooting a cult film "Back to the Future" began again. For about two months, Fox worked in the exhausting mode - from 10 to 18 hours he was filmed in the series, and then up to 2.30 nights played Marty McFeew.

All his works paid off with interest. The picture "Back to the Future" became the leader of the rental, the love of not only viewers, but also strict critics, and received a continuation in 1989 and 1990. During filming in the film "Back to the Future 2" Fox celebrated the birth of his first child - Sam (SAM). In the third part of the film, Michael almost went to the next world. The film crew, watching the episode with the hanging of Marty McFeew, came delight from such a realistic Fox game. In fact, the rope worked truly and pulled the neck so that Fox lost consciousness.

Michael married Tracy Pollan on July 16, 1988. Couple has four children born. Symptoms of Parkinson's disease began to manifest themselves from the actor in the 1990s, during filming in the Doc Hollywood "Doc Hollywood). When the disease was revealed, Fox went into pie, but after he turned for help and stopped drinking at all. In 1998 he spoke about his state of public, and from the same time actively helped Parkinson's disease research.

Best days

On May 31, 2012, Mike Jay Fox awarded the Honor of the Doctor of Law from the Institute of Justice of British Columbia (Justice Institute of British Columbia) as a sign of appreciation for his acting work and his enormous contribution to the study and raising awareness of Parkinson's disease.

In 2013, Fox became the main star of the comedized TV series "The Michael J. Fox Show" ("The Michael J. Fox Show"), the plot of which again revolves around Parkinson's disease.

At the end of 2017, the famous actor was invited to the Oscar awards ceremony. Fox came out on the stage with a famous countryman - Canadian Net Rogen.

After the diagnosis of Mile, Jay Fox, focused on the fight against illness and help those who diagnosed Parkinson's disease. The artist created the Foundation and is engaged in charity, attracting funds to the study of the disease.

Under the Universe of the Science and Fantastic Trilogy "Back to the Future"


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Total characters - 34

Arthur McFly.

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George McAgla Father, Grandfather Marty. For the first time appears in the game Back to the Future: The Game, from where it becomes known that in 1931, during the dry law in Hill-Valley Arthur, he worked as an accountant to Kidan Tannen, Father Biff, known at the time of Gangster, containing an illegal plant for production Alcohol in the basement of the soup restaurant.

Biff Tannen.

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The main negative character of the trilogy. Hooligan with a bad character, terrorizes McFeew. In the alternative reality of 1985, from the second film becomes rich, in the same year in another reality - it works for McFlary family.

Beauregard B. Tannen.

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Biouford Tannen Father. For the first time appears in the episode "Brothers" of the cartoon series. It is only known about it that in 1864 he was general at war (the leader of the South).


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Praded Biff Tannen. Thunderstorms of Hill Valley, a gangster and a murderer with a bad temper. Biouford killed "12 people, not counting Indians and Chinese." In one of the alternative reality, Dr. Brown was killed. Marty Macfly was defeated.


0 0 0

Junior Son Dock and Clara. He loves video games, watching the TV and constantly carries a hat, like David Croquette, even when swims in the river or pool. Unlike Jules, Verne is the most popular boy at school, he has many friends, among which is also Marty Macfly.

William McFly.

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Praded Marty Macflash, Father Arthur, Son Shamus and Maggie, First Macfly, Born in America. The first time appears in the third film also baby. He is also in the photo on which his whole family is captured. Finally, he appears on October 13, 1931 in a computer game, where he is about 46 years old.

Gertrude Tannen.

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Buffa Buffa. It appeared only in the second film of the trilogy in two scenes: when Marty came to the house of Biff in 1955 and when Biff was leaving for dancing.

Griff Tannen.

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The grandson of Biff and very much reminds him of youth - the same hooligan, accustomed to getting what he wants with the help of strength, rough and unpredictable. In 2015, he comes to prison.

Delores Miskin.

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The relative of Marty along his grandmother from his father. Its image can only be seen in 1876 in the picture hanging in Bargard Tannen Bar. Seeing her, Marty, naturally, was surprised by the similarity of a woman with the surname of his grandmother with Trixie.

Jennifer Jane Parker

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At the time of the events of the first part is Marty's girl. Later, Marty and Jennifer were married in the chapel of love. Jennifer is a brought up, intelligent girl. She is good and tactful, always knows how to pick up Marty.

Gerald Strickland.

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strict, authoritarian director of the Hill-Valley School, experiencing a strong hostility to people who can be described by the word "smear" (in particular, in his opinion, was George Macfly and his son, Marty). Mr. Strickland adheres to strict discipline.

George Douglas McFly.

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Marty Father, Linda and Dave, Lorraine's husband. In one of the reality - a loser and smearing. After his son changes the future, becomes a successful businessman and writer.

Dave McFly.

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The Senior Son of George and Lorrain was born in 1963 in the town of Hill-Walley, California. He is the older brother of Linda and Marty. Dave works in Burger-King, where he rides the bus, as it cannot afford the purchase of its own car. However, when Marty returns home from 1955, much changes in the life of MacFlayev and in the life of Dave, in particular, apparently, Dave has become a pretty successful young man working in the office.

Daniel "Danny" Parker Jr.

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Father Jennifer. Works seller shoes. He has a brown car on which he comes for Jennifer on October 25, 1985. This is the only time when it can be seen in normal reality, and that is not very good.

Jules Eratosthenes Brown.

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Senior of the sons of the dock and Clara. Born around in 1886 and was named after his favorite parent writer - Jules Verne. Jules incredibly smart boy for his years.

Irving "Kid" Tannen

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Pretty arrogant resident of Hill-Valley 1931. Do not like to think. Until 1931 he kept Arthur McFele in fear, Grandfather Marti, who worked with his accountant. Also, until some time he managed the underground production of alcohol. After arson suits the bar with the singer Trixie Trotter.

Clara Clayton.

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Beloved, and later wife, Emmett Brown.


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Dock Dock out of 1955 in the first film Doc is experiencing a car on it to read thoughts, and in the third dog, together with Dock and Marty goes to get from the Mine Delorean, and then finds the grave of the dock killed in 1885.

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Included in Gang Griff. This is the only case when a girl appears in the gang of Tannen.

Linda McFly.

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Middle baby and the only daughter of George and Lorrain McFlayev. He graduated from Hill Valley School in 1984. In one of the reality - a modest, unpopular girl, in the other - has many fans.

Lorraine McFly.

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Mother Mother, George's wife. In an alternative reality, meets his son instead of the future husband and falls in love with him. In another version of 1985, the wife of Biffa is.


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Senior child in the family, daughter Marty and Jennifer, Martin's sister. The likely year of birth - 1996. Outwardly similar to the Father, Lorrain loves his grandmother.

In one of the versions of 2015, it is satisfied with his brother Escape from prison, for which it also receives a period.

Martin "Marty" McFly, Jr.

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Son Marty and Jennifer, born in 1998. He has the only sister Marlin. In one of the versions of the reality of 2015 is imprisoned. In another version, Macflai-senior saves him from this fate.

Martin "Marty" McFly

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The main hero of the trilogy. A teenager who, along with his friend Dr. Brown travels in time.

Maggie McFly.

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Maggie is a wife of Shamus, from whom she gave birth to the son of William (Praded Marty Macflage, Father Arthur), who became the first Macflast born in America in April 1885.

Officeer Daniel "Danny" J. Parker

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Police officer. In 1931 he worked on Tannen's work. Early in the morning on June 13, he tried to delay his truck. And after a while, on August 25, with the help of Arthur McFele and Trixie Trotter arrests him and puts it in prison.

Today at the calendar October 21, 2015. What does it mean? This means that the very day came when Marty McFlai arrives in his hometown of Hill Valley, ride there on a flying board, will see the jaws-19 advertisement and buy ill-fated sports almanacs. In honor of this in many cities, including Minsk, retro shows are held " Back to the Future"- And, of course, I can not stay away from this event. I wrote in detail about, what was " Back to the Future 2"And about all shown in the film. Well, this time I will tell about 10 interesting facts about the trilogy.

Ronald Reagan? Actor?

It is known that Ronald Reagan. It was a big fan "Back to the Future". When viewing the first part, he specifically asked a film mechanic to wind film back and show him a scene once again, where Doc Brown from 1955 could not believe that Reagan is president in 1985. In addition, once he quoted the phrase "where we are going, we will not need roads" in their appeal to the congress. So there is nothing surprising in that after in 1989 Reagan folded presidential powers from himself, Robert Zemkisis The idea was born to attract him to the shooting. He planned to give Reagan the role of Mayor Hill-Valley in 1885 - the ex-president had to appear in the launch stage of the urban watches. Zemkis even asked the then chapter by Universal Leo Wasserman, who in the era of the actors of Reagan was his agent, call the old ward. It is said that Reagan really seriously thought about this proposal, but ultimately answered with refusal. It's a pity.

President Nixon

I already wrote about the headlines from the 2015 newspaper, from where you can learn about the visit of Queen Diana in the United States and a gang of covers of large fingers. But if you look at, you can find a lot of interesting things in the newspapers from the temporary line with an alternative 1985. In particular, on one of them you can see the title "Nixon is going to re-release for the fifth time."

And now let's think: where else was 1985 and Nixon re-elected for the fifth time? Right in " Keepers" Coincidence? I do not think. Or did the entire Universe of the "Guardians" originated due to changes in the spatial-temporal continuum caused by the rapid actions of Marty and Doc? By the way, the building, which in the film played the role of school Hill-Valley, is indeed an educational institution - and Richard Nixon was one of his graduates.

Growth matters

Dismissal Eric Stolzawhich was covered in the role of Marty for a whole 4 weeks, created a number of problems like the need for references and additional three millionth costs. Of course, all this with estimated that Robert Zedekisand Bob Gail got into their own hands Michael J. Foxwhich was really perfect candidate for one exception: Growth.

Yes, the acting game is certainly very important, but how they will look in the frame performers leaders, too, is a very significant factor affecting a lot. The growth of Eric Stolz was 183 centimeters, while Fox's growth was only 163 centimeters. So, the immediate victim of this replacement has fallen an actress Melora HardinThat was to play a girlfriend Marty - Jennifer, but was a little bit, but above the actor. She was replaced by Claudo Wells.

Also had to bite the elbows to the actor J. J. Koen - He initially tried to the role of Biff and successfully passed the test, but after the casting gallets, he was replaced by Thomas Wilson, The complex of which allowed him to look impressively against the background of the latter. As a result, Cohen had to fulfill the role of one of the primary biff. But if Michael J. Fox was initially starred in "back in the future", then Cohen would have retained the role of Biff. Tom Wilson himself, by the way, was also definitely upset because of the dismissal of the gallery. The fact is that during the filming of the scene in the cafe, despite all the requests of Wilson, the gallery Doubles beat him in full force and eventually he almost broke the clavicle. Wilson planned to "return the worst" gallery in the stage of the graduation, but unfortunately for him, they did not have time to be counted.

Well, finally, I had to do Christopher LloydaWhose growth was 185 centimeters. To reduce the difference in the growth between him and Fox, Zemkis used various techniques, for example, removing them in such a way that it seemed that the actors stand next to each other, while in reality they were at different distances from the camera. In close-ups, Lloyd had to constantly slouch to visually be closer to Marty. As a result, it became one of the branded features of his character.

Frequently asked questions about "Back in the future"

However, it is possible that J. J. Cohen was digested due to the fact that he did not become Buff. Tomas Wilson who played so tired of responding to endlessness of the same type of "back in the future", which made a special card with answers to all frequently asked questions about the trilogy, which he now presents fans. So if you bring to meet Wilson - please try to come up with more original questions than these.

Who put the Rabbit Roger?

In the showcase of an antique store in 2015, among things like Visida, Lava Lamp and the jaws cassette, you can see the Rabbit Roger. Let me remind you that Zemkis is a director " Who substituted Rabbit Roger? "- Actually, due to employment over this project, Sikvel "Back to the Future" came out on the screen four years after the first part.

For the first time on the screen

The trilogy "Back to the Future" became the debut for several enough well-known actors. First screen appearance Billy Zeyn. It took place in the first part - he played one of the Biff's Friends of which no replica was not for the whole film. And the second part has become a movie pub Elayj Vududa. I must say that over the past 26 years, he has not changed much outwardly.

Strange story Crspina Glover

Since the creators of "back to the future" even in the most bold dreams could not imagine that their film would become such a huge hit, and the picture itself was shot at the time when the sequels in Hollywood were considered ... well, not a bad tone, but we say so the product is not the first freshness (Yes, it was once) in the contracts of actors were not prescribed obligations to be filmed in the following parts. And so, when Bob Gale began to recruit actors from the first film on Sikvel, a problem arose with Crispin Glover, I play George McFeew.

Even during the filming of the first part, the Glover repeatedly expressed his displeasure final of the first part and asked from Zeekis and Gaila change him (of course, they were safely ignored these requests). According to Glover, in retaliation for this shooting in Sikvel, he was offered a two-smaller fee than that Wilson and Lia Thompson. He did not agree to this and through his agent handed over Gail demand - a million dollars and the opportunity to argue changes in the scenario. That, of course, heshed at first, and then decided to show his place in the hierarchy of the film and cut off the proposal for the fee to 125 thousand at all. After that, the Glover slammed the door and left, and Gail and Zemkis redid the scenario of the second part, cutting out from there George McAgla. Of course, it was impossible to completely do without it, so that Sicvel used a special facial prostheses to enhance the similarity to enhance the similarity.

But on this story was not over - learning how he was replaced, Glover filed to the studio for the illegal use of his appearance. In order not to bring the case to the hearings, Universal paid him 765 thousand dollars (i.e. almost the entire amount that the actor demanded), and the acting guild after that added a ban on the use of the appearance of actors without their permission.

Restrained opening scene

Crispin Glover was not the only actor from the original who did not reach the sequel. Claudia Wells, playing Jennifer, shortly after the release of the film left the acting career because of the need to take care of the patient of the mother's cancer. So replaced her Elizabeth Shu.And the introductory scene "Back to the Future 2" was rearned with a new actress.

And if you see both scenes, you can also notice that in addition to another actress, the dock reacts now and responds with a different intonation to the question of Marty about whether it happened to him and Jennifer in the future something bad.

The worst car in the world

Probably many fans "back to the future" dream of having Delorean. However, Michael J. Fox does not share these delights at all, and moreover, calls Delorean "The worst car in the world." The fact is that during the filming he all the time he received injuries in the car - hit the head of his head (according to Fox, it would be possible to mount a whole video) and constantly fought with a hand about the streaming drive. So now Fox will again sit down in Delorean only if he is given a lot of money. Well, or at least sporty almanac.


In all the trilogy "Back to the Future", many references to future events are expanded. For example, at the beginning of the first part in the apartment dock you can see the photo of the actor Harold Lloyd's tower clock clocks.

And in the second part in 2015, the Doc looms in a shirt, where the train and cowboys are depicted. Well, of course, it is difficult not to pay attention to the phrase of the dock about the wild west as your favorite historical era and the scene, where Biff is watching the episode "For the Handling of Dollars" with the clint of Eastwood, demonstrating its "body armor".

By the way, after the story with Glover, Gail and Zedekis specifically asked for Istud to use the name in the film. And I understand them - I would also have not wanted to risk rushing to the anger of Krinta Istoda.