Savior-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Stavropigial Male Monastery Stavropigial Male Monastery. Solovki.

Savior-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Stavropigial Male Monastery Stavropigial Male Monastery. Solovki.

The priests of the Solovetsky Monastery

The main person in the monastery hierarchy was the abbot. Until the mid-XVII century, it was an igumen, but in 1651, Novgorod Metropolitan Nikon, according to the personal decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, produced Solovetsky Ighumen Ilia in San Archimandrite "With the right to use the Liturgy Miturgy, a Gaiden, Ripida, Autumn Candles, Slil and carpet. From that time in the Solovetsky Monastery; Archimandria was established forever "The history of the first-class Stavropigial Solovetsky Monastery [Reprint.Isd. 1899] M., 2004 p. 88 .. The candidacy of the abbot was determined by the sacred synod. Until 1865, the abbot was a full "host" abode, having the right to make key decisions on any issues. In 1865, the decree of the Synod in the monastery was created a special management body "in the species more correctly for the future of the flow of cases on monastic management and the economic part in Solovetsky monastery" there. P.222. - established a cathedral. The members of the Cathedral were the abbot (on the rights of the Chair), the governor, the treasurer, the renunal, religious and confessor. This innovation has been consistent with the rights of the rector, which from now on is obliged to pre-discuss all the significant economic and financial issues with the established cathedral. He also had no right without the consent of the Synodal Office to change the composition of the members of the established cathedral, although he had "over the personality of the members of the Cathedral and the manufacturer of affairs and in the supervision of their behavior<…> All the rights of the authorities, as over the other brethren, "there. P.222 ..

Thus, as of 1865, the main responsibilities of the rector of the monastery included overall control over all those taking place in the monastery and all of its inhabitants. It was the rector who had to lead and send annual lists about the monasters and novices of the monastery to relevant instances. On holidays, the rector had to be upcoming when committing worship services.

The next step in the monastery hierarchy was the governor. Its responsibilities included controlling the household life of the monastery. Determination of the front of monastic works and monitoring their execution, the reception of the Bogomoles and their settlement, coordination of the timing of residence and providing support and much more. About all what is happening in the monastery (as part of its competence), the governor reported to the abbot and implemented the recommendations of the latter about economic issues.

Following the position of the governor was the treasury.

The treasurer, as follows from the title of position, headed the financial part of the monastery, issued a salary, conducted the relevant reports, followed the presence of consumables in monastic shops and workshops and, in case of such a need, organized them with procurement.

The following position was the post of relief. He headed the churches, the chapels of the monastery, the entire monastery panic and church utensils. In his jurisdiction, there were a ri-gauge workshop, where they were cleaned and, if necessary, sewed new church vestments, as well as a dumb workshop, where they were engaged in silver and gilding of various church utensils. The sacristy was to conduct an audit of the monastic countership annually, as the cathedral, in turn, had to bring to the attention of St. Sinoda.

A very important feature in the monastery was performed renunal. In the circular decree of St. Sinod dated September 25, 1901, the main functions of adolescence are determined as follows: "On the obligations of the Predeno, the supervision of the preservation of an external order and the moral behavior of the monastery's brethren. During worship, the silence observes that complete silence and strict order remain in the church. Delican at all time visits fraternal keels, following the order, cleanliness of the cells and the time spent of the brethren, so that the monasticists did not spend time on the idleness, but they worked on obedience, and in free hours I practitioned in reading shovels, labor and prayer. Information on Internet: HTTP : // It is the renunal who has permanent contact with the brother of the monastery, was a written characteristic of monks to provide it with the abbot.

The last position of the highest monastery department was the position of the confessor. In its own way, it is possible to consider this post to the second value after the authority, because it is the only one of all others concerned the spiritual side of the life of brethren. The obligations of the confessor the monastery was part of the confession of monastic and mantis, observation of the regularity of the admission of monastic, visiting, spiritual consolation and encouragement of patients of the Inocities. In the monastery charter, Alexander - Svirky Monastery is noted that in this very complex and thin "case of spiritual leadership, the confessor is guided by the Word of God, the Bogomdrome Scriptures, the rules of the Holy Church and the rules laid down in the charter of the monastery. In the inappropriate affairs, the confessor asks the abbot and his reasoning and will follow the information of the Internet:

For some of the posts described above (the confessor, risching), assistants could also be appointed, also elected from among the most worthy priests.

In addition to six main posts, others existed, also quite meaningful. First of all, this is the position of the Builder of Skit (i.e. the Skittonchalter, the Manager), which is also appointed only by hieromonahs. There was also the position of Monastic Economic Economy, which occupied the economic part and the appointment of statements and hardships on various works (which gives grounds to assume to close cooperation with the governor). In submission of the Economa, there were persons of secondary positions - such as a koler in translating from Greek - "barn" (head of the monastery table, storeroom with edible supplies and their holidays for monastic cuisine), rhylar, heads of monastery workshops, a hotel, sick-sick, meal, cook, Gatekeepers, etc. Economy also most often had an assistant.

After consideration of the hierarchical device of the management of the Solovetsky Monastery, a logical question arises - who were people who held the most important and responsible posts in the monastery? Why were they who were elected, is there any definite tendency of the selection, did the educational or age values \u200b\u200bexisted with similar appointment?

To answer this question, it is necessary to consider "in persons" of the period under review and carry out the appropriate analysis of the data. The main meaning of such a biographical reconstruction is to identify general trends in the principles of selection of the main officials of the monastery, detected through the prism of the lives of concrete people.

We will fundamentally include in the review of the monastery reinsists, for the reason that, firstly, this position did not belong to the electoral and brotherhood of the monastery (with a rare exception, we are talking about the choice of the abbot of Warlaam's head in 1891, when Brathy chose him to this The position of the community decision and Sv.Sezon gave his consent) did not have the opportunity to influence the candidacy of the new abbot, and, secondly, because such a study was already carried out in the work of T.Y. Samsonova. Also, the review will not include builders of the Scenes (about them - in the section dedicated to the monastery tabs).

Let's start with the analysis of information about persons who held senior positions on lists of 1865.

The position of the governor in 1865 was held by Jeromona Matthew. He was born in 1814, took place from Vyatka Meshchan. Education received in the house of parents. Before joining the monastery, he worked in the Vyatka Casan Chamber. The monastery came in 25 years, in 28 he became a novice. He accepted the post in 1848 and a few months later, ordained in Ierodiacon, and a year later - in Hieromona. During the siege of the monastery of the British in 1854, he already occupied the position of the governor (elected in 39 years). The renunal manifested himself a good organizer during the siege of the monastery of the British, for which he was awarded the Golden Inspection Cross in St. George Ribe. In 1857, he was dismissed from office (for personal post), but six months later, he was redone again (until 1864). In 1864, he repeatedly wrote the dismissal petition - and again he was elected six months. It is characterized by the abbot: "It is very capable of obedience and diluted in their position" RGAD, F.1201, op.4, d.793

The Treasury was held by Hieromona Vitaly. It took from the Vyatsky merchants, the 3rd guild. Homemade formation, also indicates knowledge of notional letters. He came to the monastery for 23 years old (he accepted a post of 32 years). In Ierodicone, ordained 4 days after the post. The treasurer was determined in 1864 (in 41 years), a month before the organizational charifonia. It is characterized as "capable and diligent" RGAD, F.1201, OP.4, D.793 to obedience.

The renunal Jeromona Anatoly was from the Oryotsky province, the son of the Yeletsky merchant of the 3rd guild. Just like others, I received an education at home. In the Solovetsky abode came in 1838, at 21 years old. After two years of childcare and seven years of obedience, he accepted the post. Just like Hieromona Vitaly, was very quickly ordained in the San Dacon (two months later) and was appointed to fulfill the position of the librarian. In 1851, ordained himself in Hieromonach, after 6 years, the builder of Calval - the crucifier of the Skit is appointed the builder. The position of the Force took in 1864, at 47 years. In addition to other awards, the blessing of the Synod in 1855 was awarded. It is characterized in the same way as the treasurer. RGAD, F.1201, op.4, d.793

Hieromona Anthony, who was in the position of belt, led the origin of the state peasants of the Novgorod province. Just like the rest, learned a diploma in the parent house. The monastery came in 22 years and accepted the post in 1851. After 6 years, Diakonsky San was awarded and immediately (two days later), ordained in Hieromona, was appointed sketchy (at 31 years). Assessed by the abbot "RGAD, F.1201, Op.4, D.793," capable of obedience and skillful in his position.

Ieromona Joseph, the confessor of the monastery, also took place from the peasants, the Perm province. As before, he was educated in the parent house. In 24, he came to the monastery and accepted Holder after 4 years, in 1825. A year later, ordained in Deacon, even three more - in priests. From 1846 to 1857 he served the position of the builder of Calfo - the crucible bedtime. In 1857 - appointed with a confessor (in 60 years). "It is capable of obedience and hardworking" - notes in the lists of RGAD, F.1201, OP.4, D.793.

Economic position held a monk Philip (Grigoriev). It took place from the Novgorod peasants, delivered, tonsured in monasticism in 1865 (she lived in the monastery for 9 years). What is noteworthy - determined to execute the post of Economa while being a novice, in 1864, 52 years old from the family. The characteristic is positive: "It is also able to obedience to obedience." RGAD, F.1201, op.4, d.793

Summing up in 1865, it can be noted that the age range of employment was from 31 years to 60 years, that is, very wide. Education has the most minimal. Thus, there is no reason to talk about the existence of special candidate censes. However, every person can be concluded that he has a positive effect manifested itself in the monastery: this is evidenced by the positive characteristics of the abbot, a short time between the adoption of the harassment and ordination in San, rapid advancement on the hierarchical staircase, etc.

Let us turn to the lists of 1875.

Over the past decade, the Supreme Guide of the Monastery has been fully updated. The governor was Hieromona Herlarion (Antonov), the treasurer - Hieromona Mikhail (Ryabovsky), the admiral - Hieromona Feodosius (Deregin), Risniche - Hieromona Smaragd (Vasilyev), the confessor - Ieromona Simon (raid). The post of economa performed the obedient Andrei Nikolaev. The governor and the treasurer came from the Meshchansky class, the rest are from the peasants. The level of education has been the same - they trained a diploma in the parent house. The life of life in the monastery varied from 17 (at the economy) to 39 at the confessor. The average term of the monastic post is about 20 years. All, except the governor and the usual (and economic, naturally) - were ordained in Deacon in terms of less than one year. The same with the term of the Iraées ordination is on average for about 2 years, except for the confessor (7 years). Previous obediences are indicated only by the governor and the treasurer. Ieromona Illarion from 1858 to 1862 was a caretaker of the Solovetsky Foreigner in Arkhangelsk, in 1862 to 1864. Performed the responsibilities of the most, from 1866 to 1868 it was determined by the builder of the Holy Trinity Anzer Skit, in 1868 he was assigned a governor.

About Hieromonach Feodosia in his memoirs mentions Nemirovich-Danchenko, who visited the monastery just soon after appointing about. Foul. Talking about the meeting with Hieromonakh, the author describes the personal views of the latter on how the monk should position in relation to the "world": "" What for the monk, if he seeks to the world. She put on the risas, yes he took a halter, so sit in the cell - work yes pray, and about the world and forget to think, because you buried you alive, you are remembered, you are remembered, "Nemirovich-Danchenko V.I. Belomih and Solovki. Memories and stories.

Kiev, 1892 p.274. Also the opinion is also given of which monks are sent to monastic compounds: "The city from our monastery is the most reliable people that our abode do not dismiss. And then now the name of the monk, as if Kainovo's stamp, became there. P.275 ..

Ieromona Mikhail (Ryabovsky) from 1859 to 1864 has already performed the position of Treasurer, after which the governor (1864-1865) was determined. From June to September 1866, the builder of Calopian-Colly Skit, since November of the same year, was appointed to the acting treasurer. However, in fact, the track record of this person is not so transparent. As SAMSONOVA notes in his work - it is thanks to the memorandums and anonymous letters that (about abuses of their authority) of this Hieromonach, sent to the senior of all Stavropigial monasteries of Archimandrite Agabita Poigita in the monasteries in 1868-1871. Audit was conducted, steadily by Archimandrit Feofan. Samsonova T.Yu. Solovetsky Monastery: Social composition, economic activity and management. The second half of 19 is the beginning of the 20th century (dissente. Note. Notep K.I.N) M., Moscow State University, 1997 p.47-48. However, back to the data on other officials.

The age of the position of position ranges from 45 (Treasurer, Ieromona Mikhail) to 66 years (economy, obedient Andrei Nikolaev). The characteristic of the rector is one on all of the above - the laconic remark "capable" (to obediences) of RGAD, F.1201, OP.4, D.827 Thus, we see about the same picture as in 1865 - there is no educational value, the age of delivery The position also demonstrates a large range (although the minimum indicator is noticeably shifted towards the increase), the deadlines between the posture and the adoption of Sana - noticeably below the medium in the monastery.

Analyze the figures of 1886.

The composition of the established cathedral is changing radically. The position of the governor proceeds to Hieromonakh Pavel (Bauzhalov), the treasurer - to Hieromonakh Pafnutia (Tarutina), the most admitted - to the Hieromonakh Vissarion (Davydovsky), Risniche - Ieromonakh Eleazaru (Korkov), the confessor - Hieromonakh Philaret (Trofimov). The post of Economa Solovetsky Monastery performs the novice Nikolai Osipov. The renunal monastery took place from the spiritual estate (son of Diacon), the Vologda province. The treasurer took place from the meshman of the Perm province, all the others - from the peasants of the northern provinces. Only the most adolescent Hieromonach Vissarion was spiritual education (he studied "before the literature in the Vologda spiritual seminary"), others, as in previous years, had only primary literacy skills. The total lifespan in the monastery at the time of fixation on the air service lines varied from 9 (economy) to 39 (the confessor).

The governor of the Hieromona Pavel (Bowls) accepted the posture in 1876, and after 3 and 4 years, respectively, he accepted San Ierodicone and Hieromona. At the time of classes, in 1886 he had age 61. Earlier, obedience was held at the Arkhangelsk City Counter of the Monastery (served prayers in the chapel for the Bogomoles) from 1884 to 1886. Defined by the sovereign caretaker in 1886, and a few months later approved for the position of the governor of the monastery (61 years). Characterized by the abbot as "honest and hardworking."

The Treasurer accepted Tesh in 1880 and was almost immediately ordained in Ierodicone. After 3 years, in 1883 his origin of Herotonia was committed. From the moment of ordination in Diakonsky San and up to 1886, he was procured by the monastery in Arkhangelsk in the summer and served as a liturgical worker in the monastery temples in the winter. In 1886 he was elected treasurer (62 years). Assessment of the rector: "hardworking".

Like the governor, the renunal Ieromona Vissarion (Davydovsky) accepted the victim in 1876. A year later, I was ordained in Deacon, and in 1882 - to the priests. In 1875, still being a novice, he was appointed to pollosy obedience. For the post of adulthood was defined in 1886 (47 years). The characteristic of the rector briefly reports: "obedient".

Risnic Hieromona Eleazar (forging) adopted monastic stop in and san diakon in 1860. San Ierie received 6 years later. From 1873 to 1886, he performed the responsibilities of the builder of the Holy Trinity Anzer Skit. As all of those described above, the position of Reiznichi took in 1886, 63 years old. The abbot characterizes it in two words - "meek and humble."

The confessor of Hieromona Filaret lived in the monastery longer than all other members of the cathedral. Just like the sacristy, accepted by Tesig in 1860. Quickly quickly, in two years, his deacon hypotonia is performed, and in 1863 he takes San Ierhea. Apparently, possessing certain spiritual experience, in 1879 by the assistant of the Solovetsky Delicon, which replaces which in this position in 1882 (at 58 years). The characteristic of the rector reports it: "Distorted to obediences."

Economy of the monastery novice Nikolai Osipov is young enough, his age in 1886 is only 36 years old. Characteristics of the abbot: "tries in obedience."

Summarizing the data note that the level of education still does not allow to make conclusions about the existence of selection on this basis. There is a tendency to occupy positions in the established cathedral of persons who have age over 50 years. Most of the responsible positions earlier were previously tested on other responsible posts in the monastery.

In the lists of 1895, the composition of the Supreme Monastery Department has again undergone great changes. The governor was appointed Hieromona Amphian (Myackin), the Treasurer of the monastery - Ieromona Naum (Lautein), the adolescent - the Hieromona of Paisius (Pihin), the Risniche - Hieromona David (Koshkin), the economy monk Zosima (introduced). The position of the confessor still performed by Hieromona Filaret (Trofimov).

The governor of the monastery took place from the messenger of the Perm province. Got a home education, came to the monastery in 1860, at 23 years old. Half accepted at 39 years, after a year it is ordained in Ierodicone. In 1882, he accepted the priestly san and was appointed to correct the position of "Stretching and the ledger of the right-hand clove of the Cathedral Church" RGAD, F.1201, OP.4, D.887. In August 1895, he was appointed a adolescent monastery, and in November - the governor. The abbot is characterized by: "Life is strict, approximate, to obedience is very capable and tirelessly jealous" there.

Hieromona Naum (Lautein) was a birth from Vyatka province, from merchants. He was visible, the monastery came 32 years old. After 9 years, he accepted the monastic stop. While still a novice was in the post of buying fish for the monastery "on the Murmansk Bank." From 1881 to 1886 was the Kelareman of the Solovetsky Monastery, from 1886 to 1893 - the procurer of "annual supplies" for the monastery in Arkhangelsk. San Ierodicona accepted in 1892, after which he was immediately ordained in Hieromonach. In the same year, a treasurer of the monastery was determined, aged 57 years. It is estimated - "to obedience is able and diluted."

The renunal Ieromona of Paisius (Pihin) possessed a very bright and notable biography. Born in 1839, came from Ober officer children. He graduated from the Yaroslavl Demidov Lyceum (Ie had a higher education). Since 1866, he lived in the Nikolo-Babayevsky monastery, where he was tonsured in Ryasofor (1868) and the mantle (1870). In the same year, ordained in Ierodic and appointed writing in the same place. However, after three years, it is forced moving into the number of brethren of the Solovetsky Monastery with the prohibition of priesthood. What could be the reason for such a sharp life turn? The data of the lists of monasticists testify to his accusation "in drawing up a false concept about the internal prayer and dissemination of it" both in the Nikolo-Babaevsky Monastery, and in other abode of the cities of Yaroslavl and Rostov, as well as in the refusal to "fulfill their obedience." Very serious accusations that could put a cross on the entire further monastic "career". However, after two years of life in the monastery, at the request of the abbot, the prohibition of ministry is removed from him and he becomes a full member of the monastery's brotherhood. Since 1877, he teaches at Solovetsky School, in 1884 - is appointed by the workman of the established cathedral. In 1892, Sana Hieromonach is honored and three years later occupies one of the most responsible posts in the monastery - the adolescent monastery. In the lists of 1895, Ieromona Paisius is characterized very positive: "very good moral qualities, the life of spiritual, monastic; The obedience is very capable of obedience and especially useful in the established cathedral in their scientific education and acquaintance with the affairs. "RGAD, F.1201, OP.4, D.887.

Thus, on the example of this biography, we can note that personal qualities and sober assessment of the Ina with the province could contribute to a significant increase in confidence even if the monk was previously translated into the Solovetsky monastery under the gift of hard charges.

Risnic, Hieromona David, as well as the renunal, took place from Vyatskaya merchants. Born in 1846, he learned a diploma in the parent house. The monastery came at the age of 16, at 34 he accepted the victim and San Diacon. In 1892, ordained himself in Hieromonai and was appointed sacristy (at the age of 56). As well as others, is positively characterized by the abbot.

Monk Zosima (Vvedensky), who performed the duties of the Economa was from the peasants, received a home education. The monastery came in 1871, in 24 years. He accepted the post in 1892 and appointed economy. It is estimated very positive. Obviously possessed the skills of the builder, because in the present characterization it was separately noted: "A very experienced expert connoissement."

About the confessor of the monastery has already been mentioned above.

The year 1895 continues to emerge before the tendency: leadership positions are engaged in people not on the basis of compliance with certain census, but solely on the basis of personal qualities and quality abilities.

In the lists of 1903, the appearance of some stability is seen - three of those indicated in the previous list of Hieromonakhs still occupy their positions (treasurer, renunal and sacristy). The average educational level (not counting the higher education of adolescent) - homelasis of literacy. Social origin is very different: one of the burghers, one - from the Ober-officer children, and two of the merchant and peasant classes.

The governor of the Hieromona Feodot (Panteleev) (58 years old) at the time of clauses in 1902 he lived in the monastery of 27 years old, of which 17 - monk and 6 - Ieromonakh. Earlier, he served as a caretaker of the Solovetsky Foreign Minister in Arkhangelsk (1896-1902). It is positively assessed by the abbot - "capable".

Hieromona Ippolite (Ryumin) (73 years), like the previous confessor of the monastery, lived in the monastery longer than others (46 years old), of which 36 in the monastic tonsure and more than 20 in the priestly san. Before the employment of post (in 1899), obedience was held by the builder of the Gologofo-Crubber Skit (1886 -1892) and the Assistant of the confessor (1897 - 1899). It is characterized by: "excellent qualities" and "zealously performs their high responsibilities" RGAD, F.1201, OP.55 Part 2 D.5616.

Economy Monastery Monk Philip (Necripelas) came to the Solovetsky monastery in a fairly mature age (36 years old), he accepted after 13 years, in 1898. It is characterized positively, more detailed information about it is not specified.

The rest of the representatives of the Supreme Monastery Governance was mentioned earlier.

Let us turn to the last list of 1913 and summarize the general results.

In 1912, a monastic indignation occurred in the Solovetsky Monastery, as mentioned above. The cause of the perturbation was the discontent of the brethren "Having had a powerful and even despotic character" Laushkin A.V., Stolyarov V.P. Declaration. P.5. Archimandrite Ioanniki and its innovative policy of making the monastery. The group of initiators, which also included the Treasurer of the monastery of Hieromona Anatoly and Risnic Jeromona Averki, was drawn up and sent a letter to a certain official, with a request not to give the progress of the prior to the provision of monastic school of the rights of the spiritual seminary (submitted in the spring of 1913 and the reason to enhance dissatisfied ) Ibid. S.5 .. Also in the letter was attended by complaints against Archimandrite. These events laid the beginning of the Solovetsky University, which lasted up to the closure of the monastery in 1920 in the same place. S.7 .. A detailed description of the events of this period of the history of Solovetsky monastery, obviously showing that "the flexible spirit of disagreement and hatred, who has already subordinate to itself the revolutionary Russia, began to penetrate and for the strong stone fence of the monastery" there. S.6., Already present in the work of T.Y. Samsonova Samsonova T.Yu. Declaration. P.60-70 ..

The result of the first turn of Troubles became, among other things, and almost complete update of the composition of the established cathedral. The governor was appointed Jeromona Zosima (Bulls), I.O. Treasurer of Hieromona Arseny (Modynov), I.O.O.Orombiy Hieromona Sevastian (Shustrov), the confessor - Hieromona Heronatius (Churilov). Only the renunal remained at the same place (now Igumen - Paisius (Pihin)) and Economy, Monk Lion (Agafonov).

The estate composition is the peasant in the overwhelming majority. For the first time, a significant increase in the middle level of the formation of members of the Cathedral is noticeable: the renunal has a higher education, four - graduated from Solovetsky fraternal school and only the confessor - home education. It is noticeable to lower the middle age of the posting position - it averages about 50 years. The governor, the treasurer and the sorridium accepted the Tesry in 1907, and after 4 years, everyone was already in the Iraées San (the governor - even after 3 years) - however, at the same time, they had enough large "experience" of life in the monastery (at least 14 years) and Already occupied previously responsible posts. Jeromona Zosima from 1910 to 1913 consisted of an assistant to the risching. The treasurer from 1902 to 1912 was the head of the "Treasury Warehouse of various subjects of purchase and sales", and in 1912-1913 he was an assistant procurement in Arkhangelsk. Risnic Hieromona Sevastian in 1912 performed obedience to the caretaker of the Solovetsky Monastery in Arkhangelsk, after which, from May to November 1913 consisted of the builder of the Kondorovsky Nikolaev Skeit. Estimates of the rector for all are practically identical: "Very capable", "trusty".

The confessor of Hieromona G. Gerony Churilov lived in the monastery longer than everyone (excluding adolescent) - he entered the hardships in 1880, he took endigree in 1892. Seven years old, ordained in Diacon, and another two - in Hieromonach. Earlier performed the position of builder of the Konodostrovsky Nikolaev Skeit (1907 - 1913). Characterized by the abbot "capable" to his position.

About the monastery economy is reported that he came to the monastery in 1889, 14 years old was a novice and accepted by Tesh in 1907. Noteworthy characteristic of the abbot: "Representing personality: caring and administrative owner" RGAD, F.1201, op.4, d.908

Let's submit a general summary in this section.

Characteristics of all of the above persons who occupied key posts in Solovetsky Monastery on lists of 1865 - 1913. Do not give reason to talk about the existence of officials (whether educational or age) censes. The main defining factor was personal data and human abilities. Although, if a person had an education (as, for example, the renunal 1895 - 1913 of the Igumen of Paisius) or special skills (as Economy Zosima (Introduced)) - it necessarily left a trace in the characteristic. Most members of the monastery government earlier showed themselves in other responsible positions and, in general, had extensive life experience in the monastery.

Moreover, it can be noted that the position of the monastic confessor was held by Hieromona, who often lived in the monastery significantly longer than other members of the cathedral and senior in age. Often, before the position, he has already consisted of an assistant to the confessor, which allows you to talk about some spiritual acceptance of this ministry.

Economic position usually occupied a simple monk or a novice, also with significant life experience in the monastery and manifested the ability to such obedience.

The whole story of the Solovetsky Monastery is connected with the history of our state. The abode was the spiritual and cultural center of the Russian North, the forpate of Northern Russia. In the history of the Solovetsky monastery there are tragic pages when the prevail for 8 years precipitated not the invaders of other countries, but the Sagittarius sent by King Alexei.

No less sad pages of history are associated with the organization at Solovki camp, and then prisons forced work of special purpose, through which tens of thousands of political prisoners passed.

Currently, the Solovetsky Monastery is a valid male monastery, one of the most significant monuments of the history of Russia.

Solovetsky Monastery - Base

Monk Valaam monastery Savvatiy dreamed of finding a secluded place for prayers and pondays. He heard many times about uninhabited islands in the White Sea and went to Solovki.

Having stopped at the River Vigi, he met Inok Herman, who served in one of the chapels. Together, they moved on the boat ashore of the Solovetsky Island at the lip of Palamanova.

In a beautiful place, where Savvatiev Skit is now located, they put a wooden cross and built Celi. So, in 1429 the history of the famous Solovetsky monastery began.

Six years Savvathi and Herman spent in labor and incessant prayer. Life in the north was heavy - no wheat grew here, neither rye, there were monks in fish and berries, mushrooms and herbs.

After the death of Savvatiya in 1435, Herman led Zosima to the island of the young ink. On the first night, the vision came to Zosima - a wonderful temple. In the place where he saw him, hermits cut down the church in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

Looking at German and Zosima, other residents arrived in the uninhabited, harsh and beautiful edge. Soon, the Novgorod Archbishop of Ion gave a blessing to the creation of the monastery and 1436 was the date of the founding of the monastery.

Her first hegumen, directed from Novgorod, could not stand the difficult conditions of the North and left the island. Then Rev. Zosima became the abbot of the monastery and the spiritual mentor of brethren. He led the monastery until his death, and he died in 1478 in the Anthony Monastery of Veliky Novgorod.

In the XV century, the abode was poor, all of her buildings were built from the tree, and the life of the inkom in the harsh northern Territory was heavy.

Solovetsky Monastery at igumen Fedor

Construction of churches

In 1548, when Philip Kolychev becomes igumen (in the world of Feodor), the Solovetsky monastery was transformed. On the island of seventy two lakes were connected by canals, mills appeared, new economic buildings were built, including the so-called dried. Igumen Philipp showed himself as an excellent businessman: the ownership of the monastery expanded, the economy has increased, and at the same time the monastery becomes the spiritual and cultural center of Northern Pomagra.

Instead of wooden, stone Assumption and Preobrazhensky Cathedrals were built, and two- and three-story celi were built for breed.

In 1566, Philippe at the bishop cathedral was offered to accept the Metropolitan San and he agreed on the condition that the Okrichnina was destroyed, from which the Power suffers. But Tsar John Vasilyevich believed that Okrichnina is necessary for the king and for the kingdom.

The first year and a half of the Filippian saint were calm - in Moscow at that time there were no cruel plastered.

Link and death Philip

In 1568, returning from an unsuccessful campaign to Lithuania, Ivan IV led to reprisals over the enemies-boyars. Metropolitan Philip fell on the defense of innocently convicted and affected by the arbitrariness of the king and prompted by His terrible court of Christ. The king was angry and decided to deal with the saint.

Found slanders and on false accusations The church court condemned Philip on the eruption of Sana and imprisonment in the monastery. By order of the king, on November 8, 1568, the Ochrichnikov planted St. Philippe on the woodlons and taken out from the Kremlin, swearing and, hitting it with broels.

In December 1569, the saint was killed in the Tverskoy Monastery from the hands of the Okrichnik Malyuta Skuratov.

Construction of defensive structures

The abode was located on the island, away from the dwelling and there was no big necessity in protective structures, so the monastery had only a lightweight wooden fence.

During the Livonian War in 1571, when Swedish ships appeared next to the islands, at the request of the monastery authorities, Ivan Grozny decided to build a wooden fortress.

Arriving onto the island of the squad of Streltsov and Pushkaria, several combat towers and a fence from high pointed logs were erected.

In 1582, the construction of stone structures begins in return for the wooden fortress. Construction work took place for fourteen years and in 1596 the construction of a stone fortress, which became one of the most powerful in the Moscow State, was completed.

The walls and towers were constructed from boulders using bricks and lime. Looking at huge cobblestones, it is difficult to imagine how at a time there was not yet construction equipment, from such huge boulders, built a fortress.

The most powerful walls were with the South and Northern side, where it was possible to approach the fortress from sushi. The width of the walls here reached six meters, and the height is 11 meters, the towers in this part were located quite tightly and protrude forward relative to the walls of the walls for a more convenient enemy shelling.

The walls were double-tier and had a weapon storage room. The defensive system includes some economic premises, and in addition, the fortress was equipped with a large number of guns.

Leading the construction of the Bezenik Nikolo-Karelian monastery, Solovetsky Monk Trifon, to the world of Torogryv's Troythya, also helped by a resident of Vologda architect Ivan Mikhailov.

Strengthening the fortress was timely. In troubled times, the Swedish ships appeared next to the islands, but did not attack the abode.

Solovetsky uprising

In 1657, new church worship books were sent from Moscow to the monastery. The Council of the Cathedral Elders decided to seal these books in the monastery of the Cassenaya Chamber, and worship spend on old books.

From 1658 to 1668, the monks wrote the king of five petitions in which the old customs defended. Monastic brethren did not support the change of rites, did not accept the corrections of church books and the Solovetsky monastery remained an important center of the Old Believement Movement. In one of the petitions, monastic brethren wrote: "Do not send, the sovereign, in vain to us teachers, and better if you have to change the books, they came to us their sword to move us for eternal life."

The Moscow authorities sent at Solovki of their Iosifa, supporting reforms, but he was expelled from the monastery, and Archimandrite Nikanor was elected the abbot of the monastery. In response to this challenge, a large Moscow cathedral condemned old co-investment.

Solovetsky Monastery enjoyed great authority and Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich for a long time did not try to pacify the abode of power.

The first squad of the Sagittarov, led by Voevoda Volokhov, was directed to the fortress in 1668 in order to take it with a hungry blockade. But the submissions from the monks of Sagittarius did not wait.

The next squad under the leadership of Ievleva approached the monastery after two years, he also did not storm the fortress, but the monks did not give up, continuing to defend the monastery.

In the abode, in case of war with Sweden, large food reserves and ammunition were collected in advance to hold out more than eight years.

In 1670, a shootout began, and since 1673 the prayer for the sovereign was stopped in the monastery.

Spraul over the counterparties

In 1674, the king sent to the Solovki of the Third Voyage, Ivan Meshcherinov with the order to proceed to the siege and act more decisively. The defenders of the fortress perfectly owned a weapon, in addition, they were supported by local fishermen and peasants.

The siege lasted for eight years, during this time the monks have built a few more fortification fortifications, and some Springs moved to the side of the Inok.

However, a traitor was found, indicating the window laid by brick, through which you can penetrate the fortress. On the night of January 22, 1676, near the White Tower, the royal troops entered the strengthening, opened the gate and the brutal strife began. About 30 monks, including Archimandrite Nikanor, were executed in place, many were killed later. The remaining monks were sent to other monasteries.

Solovetsky Monastery during the Crimean War

In the spring of 1854, during the Crimean War, the threat of an attack on the fortress of English ships arose. In connection with these from Arkhangelsk, several guns with projectiles are sent to the island, a detachment is preparing a detachment for the military case of the Inok and Monastic workers.

The shootout began the sixth of July, when two warships approached the island. The next day the British demanded to pass the fortress, but the abbot of the monastery responded with refusal.

British ships for nine hours fastened the fortress, but the brotherhood and all those who lived in the monastery under the leadership of Archimandrite Alexander Pavlovich, defended the abode.

In the monastery, a huge number of shells were released, but only several buildings received small damage. Thanks to the resistance of the defenders of the fortress, the enemy was forced to retreat.

Solovetsky monastery as a place link

Throughout its history, the Solovetsky monastery was a place of reference. Even in the XVI-XVII centuries, he became a place of imprisonment of representatives of non-stoppers (who opposed the monastic land tenure) and the Old Believers.

Later, many famous prisoners contained here, including the statesman and the companion of Peter, Senator Vasily Dolgoruky and the last Ataman Zaporizhzhya Sich, Petr Palneshevsky,

In 1920, the monastery was eliminated and the camp of forced work opens on its territory, then the Solovetsky special purpose camp (elephant) was organized, transformed in 1937 in a Solovetsky prison of special purpose (moan) disbanded in 1939.

A significant part of the prisoners of the camp and prison was political prisoners - representatives of the clergy and intelligentsia, the officers of the White Movement.

So, for example, a large scientist Dmitry Likhachev was arrested in Leningrad at the age of 22 for participating in the student circle "Space Academy of Sciences". From the end of 1928 to November 1931, he was at Solovki, and then was aimed at the construction of the Belomorsko-Baltic Channel.

During the Great Patriotic War on the island, the Jung School, who prepared a lot of good sailors for the Northern Fleet. Despite this, the name "Solovki" reminds us of the gloomy days of thousands of political prisoners.

Revival of the monastery

In 1967, the Solovetsky Museum-Reserve was created on the island, later converted to Solovetsky State Historical and Architectural and Natural Museum-Reserve.

In 1988, a church parish is organized, and next year, Hermann Hermann was consecrated by St. Philip's Chapel, it was the first revived temple of the Solovetsky Monastery.

In October 1990, the sacred synod blessed the opening of the Savior Transfiguration of the Stavropigial Male Monastery.

The Solovetsky monastery is recognized as a particularly valuable object of the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia. Since 1992, a complex of monuments of architecture of the Solovetsky Museum-Reserve is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Archimandrite Porphiri (Szitov Vladimir Viktorovich, r. 1965) was born and grew up in Sarov in the family of scientists. He received the highest engineering and economic education, after graduating from the Moscow Aviation Institute.

In 1994, at the beginning of the Great Post on the blessing of the elder Kirill (Pavlov) entered obedience to the Holy Trinity Sergiev Lavra. In 1997 he accepted the monastic posture here, graduated from the Moscow spiritual seminary.

June 2, 1999 was ordained in San Hieromonach. On April 19, 2001, he was awarded the right thing to carry an aliens. On July 18, 2003, he was erected in San Iguman "For the incident of the acting treasurer of the Lavra incurred. On April 16, 2004, he was awarded a pan. On April 27, 2006, His Holiness Patriarch Moscow and All Russia, Alexiy II, built in San Archimandrite. From July 27, 2009 a member of the intertarous presence of the Russian Orthodox Church.

October 10, 2009, on the day of the memory of Rev. Savvatiya, Solovetsky Wonderworker, Archimandrite Porfiry is appointed a governor of the Savior-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Stavropigial Male Monastery and arrived at Solovki on the day of the holiday of the Iberian Mother of God on October 26 of the same year.

In his first word for brethren and parishings, the monastery, he said: "I will warmly welcome you in this holy temple on this holy land. The Lord judged me to be not here on human, and even more so - not in my opinion and thinking, and tried to be not a humble obedient and a monk, but to stand at the head of your monastic squad. And today we have committed the first steps here, at the clad and the miraculous relics of the founders of the Holy Solovetsky monastery. I hope that a lot and many days the Lord bless it - a single spirit, uniform, to glorify the Most Holy Trinity and the saints that glorify God in their advice.

You have a prayer, because I have two feelings in my shower. On the one hand, the thrill under these saints, on this holy land. She keeps the memory of tears and prayers of the saints and the great rates of God for centuries, after the founding fathers who spent the days of their lives in pious works and prayers, dedication and great grace of God. It is richly irrigated and martyr's blood. The Lick of Russian Saints in the 20th century is replenished by the Holy Martyrs and confessors who have not been so much on our land until then.

At the same time, I am going now and the feeling of great rest, and the reason for this is not in my opinion, my appointment was not for human reflection. When the Patriarch told me about his blessing on October 7 during a vigil vigil, we went to serve the Akathist Reverend Sergia. And in the Cathedral of the clergy, bishops and priests, I was reading Kondaka: "Will save, though your soul, in his youth, redeems the age of Him, and in the sign of the cut-off of ESI, Esi Vlasa Chapter, and was the monk, conquering the will of God and the boss, from It was putting it, they listened to them, they listened to Esu, Yako Samago gentlemen, never stopping, but with the word of laws by the execution of a business. The whole adventure is grateful, IKo is a faithful slave, from the Lord, I recruited Esi, herself on the skills of the opposite, now Writeoshi: Aliluia. " At the relics of Rev. Sergius on his memory day, it was perceived as a miracle as heavenly revelation. It was pretended to understand this and realize.

After worship, I had a few minutes of free time. In the patriarchings at hand, the book turned out to be - old, lighted. When I discovered it, it turned out to be the life of St. Feofan, Solovetsky Saint. I did not know anything about this to the devotee, and I was struck by his words, testimonies and revelations. For the first time, when he came here from Kiev, he saw the spiritual vision of the presented Zosima, Savvatia and Herman, sitting, like alive, next to their saints. And Inka came, and applied to them, and they asked for their blessings. And they were blessed, but from others turned away. And all his teachings fell on the heart - such a monastic instruction of monks and monks: because they took up the plow, gave great and terrible vows, "and for them will have to answer. And for every idle word, and for the impurity of heart, intimate and implicit for others, and for healing, and for everything and for all.

Therefore, we will face fear of God, with trepidation in front of God, seeing our innermost and heartfelt as clearly, like our actions, and our words. And we will pray for each other to be in line with the fishery of God. And we, monks, for this you need just obedience. If we do not let down from this saving path, - each of us and we all together - we inherit those abode, the path in which the great founders paved, followed by many of them, they would come to us here. For their holy prayers, the Lord, perhaps and we judge and gives the perception of these eternal and linedbear.

Therefore, I ask the holy prayers, first of all, for our rector - Holy Patriarch Kirill. Yes, give him the Lord of the Force and the Right right to rule the Word of Christ Truth. I ask prayers about me, yes, the Lord will enforce him to fulfill its destination accurately, right and wisely. And I ask the prayers for each other, for all the preventive and coming in this holy monastery - whether there are monks or worldly, priests or laity, believers or just looking for faiths. Everyone will help the prayer, assured by love. "

On November 19, 2009, the governor of the Solovetsky Monastery Archimandrite Porfiry was appointed director of the Solovetsky State Historical and Architectural and Natural Museum-Reserve. As part of the cooperation of the Church and the state, a step was taken to overcoming church-museum disputes by combining stakeholders around a common cause - the revival of Solovkov as a spiritual and cultural center. Currently, it is obvious that the saved and restored by museum workers in the Soviet times of pa-balls, in particular, architectural, acquire a new full-fledged life names - but within their sharing and preservation by the monastery and the museum. The harmonious co-worker model between the monastery and the museum was worked out in the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra and now brings fruits in Solovki.

Reflecting on the restoration of moral landmarks in modern society, the governor of Archimandrite Porfiry, recalled the times of Rev. Sergius Radonezh. "Then in a state of universal turmoil, shot down guidelines, permanent fear for their lives and the lives of loved ones because of the raids of Mongols, everyone worried about himself. As a result, as well as now, the morality of society was extremely low. Robbery, theft, peace and security was not anywhere on the roads or in the cities. But there were foci of another life - a calm, balanced, meaningful spiritually. These were monasteries. They were then more than a hundred. Coming in them, people saw an example of a different life and understood that it was impossible to live as they live. So now, a confused person can come to the monastery, immersed in his spiritual and aesthetic beauty. All the surroundings here must configure it to the perception of traditional values, which Russia lived, is not a loved one for the ministry, and God and neighbor. The mission of Solovkov in this and consists by and large. "

Summing up the twentieth anniversary of the revival of the monastic life in Solovki, Father Porfiry stressed that during this time the status of the monastery on the island completely changed. Initially, the local population was convinced that the appearance on the island of monks and the church is a misunderstanding. Now, of course, differently - both benevolers, and ill-wishers understand that there is no other alternative to Solovkov, except the development associated with the restoration of the monastery. "

At the same time, although in the twenty years there was a huge way, everything began from scratch and in the material sense, and in the spiritual, and in social, now temples and infrastructure mostly restored, the number of breeds in the monastery increases, worship has been established, but in All the relations of Solovkov is still very far from the level of the beginning of the 20th century - the monastic "state in the state".

There are two reasons for this. Firstly, the monastery of the monastery represent the social slice of society, in which for 70 years the church was the persecution and the continuity of monastic business was violated, therefore, several generations of monastic were changed in new conditions to accumulate the experience of spiritual life. Secondly, now the archipelago is located in except for the monastery of the village, in which about 1000 inhabitants live, and long-term and thoughtful work is required to, as in former times, combine the monastery and the population surrounding it with a common faith and common matter. "It is impossible to live people around the walls of the monastery in all its magnificence and the beauty of the monastery as they live today ... Monastery is not a hindrance, but a great stronghold of the lives of people on this North Island. As the monastery fed, the monastery was before, so it should feed and now, in the direct and figurative sense of the word, providing jobs, facilitating the development of the settlement ... It is necessary that the unique spiritual, religious, cultural, historical and natural heritage of Solovkov was protected, supported by special status " , "said the Holy Patriarch Kirill during his visit the monastery.

Given the scale of tasks related to the preservation and increase in the heritage of the Solovetsky archipelago as the Orthodox shrine of Russia and the unique historical, cultural and natural complex of national and world importance, in 2012 it was decided to develop a federal target program for the restoration of historical monuments and socio-economic development of the Territories of Solovetsky Archipelago . The strategic goal of the Program is to preserve the spiritual, cultural and historical and natural heritage of the Solovetsky archipelago against the background of the integrated development of its infrastructure, which will ensure decent conditions for the life of the population and for receiving pilgrims and tourists in Solovetsky Islands. The principles of developing and implementing the program are based on the understanding that the heart of the Solovetsky archipelago should be a comfortable monastery, which presents all images of monastic life: the overall life, Skitsky, deserted, including hatchery and closer, and the beating of this heart should set the rhythm of the Solovkovy organism: Parishioners, residents and guests of the island. If you manage to approach some steppe to this ideal, the very very existence of the monastery complex, similar to Athos, will be a great evidence of truth in the modern world and will contribute to the spiritual strengthening of all Russia.

The implementation of the Federal Program should be a state-public act of repentance for the destruction and cropping of the Solovetsky monastery during the years of persecution of the church. According to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, "Solovetskaya Resident is one of the symbols of the tragic history of our Fatherland. Here the feats of martyrdom and confessionism are intertwined in spiritual exploits ... Therefore, the restoration of Solovkov should unite everyone: and the church, and the state, and business, and ordinary citizens. We all in debt in those who are in the conclusion in Solovki was faithful to Christ even before the death. "

    Porfiry (jesters), Archim. "Return there, from where they fell"

    An interview with the editorial board of the Almanaci "Solovetsky Sea" with the governor and the igumen of the Savior Transfiguration Solovetsky Stavropigial Men's Monastery, director of the Solovetsky State Museum-Reserve Archimandrite Porphyria (jested).

    Porfiry (jesters), Archim. "Do not get back from the main course"

    Porfiry (jesters), Archim. Stand on legend and reflect your own experience

    The governor and the igumen of the Savior Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Stavropigial Monastery, the head of the working group of the Commission of the Intersobal Presence on the organization of the life of monasteries and monasses, in an interview with the magazine "Monastic Bulletin" answered questions about what tasks were facing the draft document "Internal Charter of the Monasteries" and How to work on a typical charter.

    Porfiry (jesters), Archim. "Get ready for death, and the field sow"

    The conversation of the editorial board of the Almanaci "Solovetsky Sea" with the governor and the igumen of the Savior Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Stavropigial Male Monastery, director of the Solovetsky State Museum-Reserve Archimandrite Porphyria (jested).

    Porfiry (jesters), Archim. "Do not turn the hotswies in the field of suspicion and discord"

    On November 16, 2015, public hearings on the project of the master plan of the MO "Rural settlement Solovetsky" took place at Solovki, that is, the master plan of the entire Solovetsky archipelago. In oral speeches and written reviews, very authoritative specialists expressed serious complaints to the very concept of a document involving, in particular, transmission to the maintenance of the Savior-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Stavropigial Male Monastery 1400 hectares of land and the simultaneous translation of the forest fund sections in the category of land settlements. The editors of the site summarized the argument of opponents of the adoption of the General Plan and turned to the governor and the igumen of the Solovetsky monastery Archimandrite Porfiria (Shutov) with a proposal to express his position on these issues.

    A TUG OF WAR OVER GULAG HISTORY IN RUSSIA'S NORTH "Dated August 30, 2015. The American journalist not only did not disclose the position of the conviction of the monastery in relation to the events of the newest history of Russia, but also ignored the activities that thereofits and the monastery employees lead in the field of study and perpetuating memory Victims of political repression. In order to replenish the specified space, we consider it expedient to publish the answers of Archimandrite Porphyria, which have been practically not accounted for on the pages of foreign publication, but allow you to get a fairly complete picture of many issues related to the past and this Solovetsky archipelago.

    Porfiry (jesters), Archim. Holy Spirit connects people

    Conversation of the editorial board of Almanaci "Solovetsky Sea" with the governor and the igumen of the Savior Transfiguration Solovetsky Stavropigial Male Monastery, director of the Solovetsky State Museum-Reserve Archimandrite Porphyria.

    Porfiry (jesters), Archim. Miracle consecration

    Conversation of the editorial board of Almanaci "Solovetsky Sea" with a governor and the igumen of the Savior Transfiguration Solovetsky Stavropigial Male Monastery.

Address: Russia, Arkhangelsk region, Solovetsky district, Solovetsky village
Foundation date: XV century
Main attractions: Cathedral of the Transfiguration, Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Church of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Virgin, Church of Nicholas Wonderworker, Bell Tower
Shrine: The relics of Rev. Zosimima, Savvatiya and Hermann, Ark with the particle of the saints of St. St. Philip, the ark with a particle of the relics of St. Markell, Ark with the honest chapter of the Martyr Peter (Zvereva), Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Odigitria, the miraculous icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary Tikhvin and the Blessed Virgin Mary of Korsun, Icon of God Mother "Slovenian", Cross of St. Savvatiya
Coordinates: 65 ° 01 "28.3" N 35 ° 42 "34.5" E
Object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation

The history of the appearance of the Solovetsky Monastery originates from the 40s of the XV century, when Rev. Zosima and Herman elected a large Solovetsky island in the White Sea.

Solovetsky monastery with bird's height

According to one of the legends Zosima had an extraordinary vision, whose object was the church of indescribable beauty. Surrounded by heavenly shine, she stood in the east.

Seeing in the vision of the sign over, in 1436 Zosima and his comrade built a temple from a tree with a refectory and akin - through his construction, they honored the Transfiguration of the Lord. After some time, in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the church was built, and both buildings became the main buildings of the Solovetsky monastery.

View of the Savior Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery on the side of the White Sea

Ion - Archbishop Novgorod, issued a monastery document confirming her eternal ownership of the Solovetsky Islands. In the future, such a letter was issued to the monastery and all subsequent Moscow states. The image of the abode standing in the middle of the White Sea, was present at all ancient maps of Muscovy XVI century, and her appearance symbolized the unity of statehood and Orthodox faith in Northern Russia. Historians noted that many significant cities were not in the magnitude of the vintage cards, and the Solovetsky monastery as the outpost of Russia always attended them.

Korozhny Tower

From the second half of the XVI century in the monastery under the leadership of Heugmeman Philip, construction works under the use of stone. From 1552 to 1557. With the participation of the best architects, the monks work on the construction of the Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God with the refectory and kelades. Throughout the same five years, monastic pastures are expanded by inocatia, roads are laid, mills are built. Lakes, the number of which exceeds 70 items, thanks to the laying of the channels are connected into a single system. A farm appears on the island of Muxalma. Finally, the main Temple of Solovetsky Resident is laid and erected - Transfiguration, the sanctification of which took place in 1566.

Holy Gate under the Blagoveshchensk Church

At the end of the XVI century, the monastery in the Solovetsky Islands receives the status of the fortress - it protects the North-Western borders of the Russian state. In 1578, Ivan Grozny himself conveys the monastery-fortress of artillery, and after 6 years, Tsar Fedor Ivanovich issues a decree on the construction of stone walls around the monastic section. Works were carried out for 12 years, and as a result, the monastery was surrounded by 11-meter walls of 6-ton smooth boulders. For strengths between them, a lime solution was laid with a laying in brick seams. The largest boulders are located downstairs and play the role of the base. With a gradual decrease in higher stones, the wall is sophisticated. In the upper part of the walls looking inside the monastic courtyard, covered wooden galleries are equipped - the shelling of the upcoming enemy was hosted through the bobbeds.

Korozhnaya Tower with part of the monastery wall

Several tiers of the balls of towers served as a place of installation of artillery. Total in the monastery of 8 tower designs. Spinning, watchman and Uspenskaya are visible from the Bay of Welfare. Quasovarny, white, cook, North and South Towers stand in relation to the courtyard from the Holy Lake. All cone-shaped towers are completed with high tents with foaming sites equipped in them. Similar to the construction of walls, the tower at the base was laid out of massive boulders, and at the top, under the tractors themselves - from bricks. The difference in the thickness of the lower and upper parts of the wall reaches 4.5 m (below these values \u200b\u200bvary in the range of 5 - 6 m, and at the top they are one and constitute only 1.5 m). Despite this, all the walls and towers were so strong that no enemy force could damage them and penetrate the monastery lands.

Crash tower

The real military glory came to the monastery during the Crimean War, when he had to withstand the only one, but very powerful bombardment of English 60-cannon frigates (the event dates back to 1854). Cannonade lasted for 9 hours, and during this time, the warships have been released from the guns about two thousand bombs and nuclei. But they had to float without results, because by their actions they managed to achieve only minor damage to individual buildings.

Architectural features of the Solovetsky Monastery

The territory of the monastery has a pentagonal form. The whole is surrounded by massive walls with a seven goal. The total length of the walls is 1084 m. Today, temples and some buildings interrupted in the courtyard are preserved in the courtyard, connected by indoor transitions and surrounded by residential and economic premises.

Saves Cathedral Transfiguration

In addition to the three-headed Assumption and five-chapter Preobrazhensky Cathedral, three churches are located on the territory of the Solovetsky Monastery: Troitskaya, Annunciation, Nikolaevskaya. Separately stand stone chambers, bell tower and water mill. The appearance of both cathedrals seems to be severe, almost serf. Thus, the angular studies of the Preobrazhensky Cathedral resemble the fortress towers, and the thickness of its walls reaches 5 m. In general, the architectural intention of the cathedral is quite difficult. The angular chapters rise above the upper beds, and those, in turn, are connected by transitions and stand on vaults.

Assumption Tower

In 1923, trouble came to the monastery compound - the strongest fire led to the fact that some bells and spire were melted. But restoration work on the building of the bell tower was not carried out, and the place of the fallen cross took a metal star. In 1985, she was dismantled and transferred to storage at the Solovetsky Museum. In 2003, the reconstruction of the spire of the bell tower still took place, and at its end it appeared the majestic cross from Titan.

The Alexandrovskaya and Petrovsk chapels facing the monastic coupling did not lose their original appearance. Their construction in the middle of the XIX century was perpetuated by visiting the monastery - an ancient fortress kings Alexander II and Peter I. At the entrance to the monastery there are sun hours - uncharacteristic for Orthodoxy detail of the decor.


The iconostasis of the Preobrazhensky cathedral of two dozen boards, built in 3 rows, after the "Solovetsky Seating" was exported by the Old Believers. At the beginning of the XXI century, Lithuanian citizen declared the whole world that he had boards from the Preobrazhensky iconostasis, and set them for sale, appointing the price of 1 million 700 thousand euros for all seven boards. At the same time, the icons were at the exhibition in Groningen. But after the Ministry of Culture considered the issue of buying an iconostasis, the state's disinterest in such a costly acquisition was announced. Such a decision was made after making the conclusion of restorers who doubted the authenticity of the iconostasis.

Nikolskaya Tower and Nikolsky Gate

Poklonnaya Crosses - Monuments of the Solovetsky Monastery

The cross-monument, released in honor of the Peterish miracle, Feodosia and Anthony, can be seen in 6 versts from the monastery towards St. Isaac Skit. Ink Diodorry worked on its creation - the inventory of the Holy Ascension Skit. Earlier in this place was the chapel in honor of the miracle artists mentioned, and it retained an old carved cross, made in the XVII century. In the camp time, a wooden chapel with a valuable cross was lost.

The entire ministers of the Solovetsky Monastery from the end of the XX and to the beginning of the 21st century were installed up to 20 Poklonnaya Crosses. According to Archimandrite Joseph, the governor of the monument, the crosses serve as a kind of monuments that transmit to generation was the most ancient monument, since the places of their installation have already traditionally become lost chapels, temples and memorable places for the life of the monastery.

Inside spinning tower

Solovetsky monastery as a prison

Throughout the 4th century, the abode in the Solovetsky Islands was used as a political and church prison. Cameras resembling a truncated cone are located in the walls and towers of the monastery. The length of the chambers was 3 m, width and height - 2 m, and in the narrow end they occupied only 1 m. But in some towers there were even closer cameras. Thus, in the Ruzhevkov tower, they were located on the upper floors and occupied 1.4 m in length and 1 m in height and width. The small window, equipped in the chambers, was intended for feeding food, and not for lighting. Being in conclusion, prisoners should not be lying - to sleep them was allowed in a semi-bent condition.

Savior-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery is one of the shrines of the Universal Orthodoxy. Solovki has long been called the kingdom of monks: from the XV century. According to God's milking, the earth is covered by spiritual exposure of the Inok, and in the XX century. He was having holy blood of martyrs and Russian confessors.

It is difficult to express in words the impression that produces on navigators suitable for the island, Solovetsky monastery. Like a fabulous kite-hail, he rebelled from the northern waters of the White Sea. Here's how the Solovki Englishman Arthur Bryce describes, the article "Life in the Russian Monastery" was published in November 1899: "I, foreign heretic, arrived at this remote angle of the Moscow Empire ... In the very heart of the Grozny White Sea - the sea of \u200b\u200bice to visit One of the Holy Places of All Russia is the monastery of the Solovetsky Islands. Early in the morning we are approaching the Solovetsky pier ... On both sides of the bay, there are green peninsula on both sides of the bay, as if to extend to us hands for greetings, then along the sandy road, which serves as the embankment, the groups of monks dressed in black, then open, then climb. And behind them and the Golden Crosses of Solovkov rose over them in their entire amazing glory. We look at them, fascinated. First of all, a huge external tree from a wild red stone, then white walls of many churches, chapels and monastic buildings, following a row over the rows of green roofs and domes for domes, and it is necessary to all this and above all the rest - countless golden crosses reflect the flame of sunlight. Immediately close - a small hill surrounded by dark green birchings, descends to the mirror of a quiet lake. The picture is finished. It breathes the rest of the order, clean joy, that beauty I came to look for from afar and which, now I know, I have never seen before ... Islands fully owned by monks, all work on agriculture, fishing and forestry are carried out exclusively by themselves ... In general, this Monastic kingdom: people and rulers are all exclusively monks in different monastic degrees. "

Spiritual fortress

The beginning of the monastic life in Solovki was put in the XV century. The old man of the Savvatiy and the young Inok Herman, who chose to serve God in silence and solitude Solovetsky Islands, located on the very edge of the Earth - in the harsh White Sea, 165 km from the North Parliament Circle. In 1429, the devotees crossed the Big Solovetsky Island and settled near the mountain, subsequently received the name of the sequence - in memory of the incident, to whom God clearly pointed out the purpose of these lands. Two angel was carved by the ridges of a fisherman's wife, who with her family dared to bother on the island in the example of the monks, and commanded them to immediately remove from here, for "God's favor on the stay of Santa Ninea arranged to be the place of place." Reverend Savvathi and Herman lived in the northern desert for six years "For the works of the Works of the Exciting, rejoicing and inflaming the mind to the Most High," then the island unfairly empty: during the departure of the fellow who saved to the mainland, Rev. Savvatiy felt the approach of death and, wanting to comita the Holy Taine , alone crossed the village of forty on the Beach River. Here, by Hamman Nathanaila, September 27 / October 10, 1435 went to the Lord.

But next year, monks again appeared in Solovki - the Monk Herman returned with the new fellow - young ink Zosima. In 1436 they arrived at the Big Solovetsky Island and settled in two versts from the place where the monastery is now. The Lord showed the reverend Zosima the future abode - he was the beautiful church in heavenly radiance. At this place, the Inaks built the first wooden temple on the island in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord with the chapel in the name of St. Nicholas and the meadow.

This was the foundation of the monastery, whose igumen in 1452. Rev. Zosima is elected. As the brethren is multiplying, the church is erected in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, where in 1465 the holy reactions of the head of monastic life at Solovki Rev. Savvatiya were postponed.

On April 17/30, 1478, Rev. Zosima deposited to Lord, and next year - Rev. Herman.

The end of the founders of the monastery coincided with the fall of the Novgorod Principality - the power over his lands switched to the Great Prince of Moscow. He confirmed the right of the abode for the eternal possession of the Solovetsky Islands, this monastery by Archbishop Novgorod and rulers of the Novgorod Republic. The Moscow sizards took care of the prosperity of the Solovetsky Monastery, seeing in it as the stronghold of Orthodoxy in the north and the supporting point against the raids of the Swedes, Danes and Finns.

By the middle of the XVI century. Solovetskaya Resident reached the highest spiritual and material prosperity, although fires applied significant damage to the monastic economy (fires 1485 and 1538 were especially ruined.). The greatest bloom of the monastery falls on the years of the Igumen of St. Philip (1548-1566), which launched a grand stoneworthy construction. For 1552-1566 Novgorod architectural and brethren erected the temple in honor of the Assumption of the Mother of God with the meadow and Kelar chambers (1552-1557). In 1558-1566 The main temple of the monastery is built - the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral with the presence of Rev. Zosima and Savvatiya. The concerns of St. Philip covered all the monastic lands: the roads are laid on it, the lakes are connected by the canals, the farm is arranged on the island of Large Muksalma.

Strengthening the monastery as a "sovereign fortress" lasted over the next centuries. When Igumen Jacob in 1582-1594. Powerful walls and towers are erected from the natural stone. Especially intensified the defensive role of the monastery in the Igotume of St. Irinarha (1614-1626).

It should be noted that the coastal inhabitants and monks did not have peace from the "Sveiy Germans" (Swedes), so that the detachment of Streltsov, who carried the guard service in the monastery, was increased to 1040 people. However, the efforts of power to turn the monastery into a defensive fortress partly turned against her during the "Solovetsky Seating" of 1668-1676. Then Solovetsky monks refused to accept the church reform of Patriarch Nikon, by the way, Solovetsky Tazezhenka. Eight years, the monastery unsuccessfully deposited the royal army, and if not the betrayal of one of the inkons, it is not known how much could the strengthened stronghold could still resist.

In 1694, the Emperor Peter I was visited during the marine fighting of Solovki, which was evidence of the forgiveness of the Operal Monastery. For the second time, the sovereign arrived at the islands in 1702 in view of the war with Sweden, then he met with his former confessor John (Rev. Jobs), who fell into disfavor and exiled to the northern abode.

In the XIX century, despite the lack of working arms, construction and improvement in Solovki continued. In 1824, under the cemetery, the Wooden Church in the name of the St. Onufria of the Great was replaced by Stone, at the same time, the archimandrite Makariy was founded by the desert, now called Makariyevskaya, is a unique structure for the Northern Territory. Here they were built heated greenhouses (warmly served on pipes from the wavelastic plant), a broken garden, where watermelons, melons, peaches, grapes were matured. At the pharmaceutical garden, medicinal plants grown for the monastery hospital. The garden collection numbered more than 500 species of rare colors, plants, trees, including cedars, from different geographic zones, - a visual example, which can be achieved by difficulty connected with prayer.

During the Crimean War, the monastery had to remember the role of the fortress. In 1854, her ancient walls adequately reflected the attack from the sea of \u200b\u200bthe Anglo-French squadron. During the shelling of the monastery, 1800 nuclei and bombs were released, as Inkai counted. But Solovetsky wonderworkers defended their abode: not a single person suffered from a fierce bombardment, even numerous seagulls remained intact.

In 1859, due to the increase in the number of pilgrims, the Holy Trinity Cathedral was built. Above the holy relics of St. Germany instead of a chapel built in 1860. Consecrated church in his honor. In the same year, the temple in honor of the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Odigitri" in the Savvatiev desert is consecrated - at the place of the first works of Rev. Savvatia and German, and in two versts from the desert, on the sequeary mountain, where the two angels were a fisherman's wife, a new Spaso-Voznesensky appeared Skit. One of the most ambitious hydraulic structures of that time is the Muxalm Dam (1859-1866).

The Charter of the Solovetsky Monastery forbade King Cattle nearby, so the monastery livestock was founded on the island of Large Muksalma, whose report with Big Solovetsky made it difficult to strait the iron gate. This obstacle eliminated the dam-bridge (length of 1200 m, height 4 m, width 6-15 m), during the construction of which was used for the first time applied in the XVI century. For the device of Philippovsky Sadkov, the dam is composed of local boulders laid without a solution.

Igumen Philippe Monastery is obliged to both his icon-painted school: with an increase in the number of temples, the saint invited icon painters to Solovki from Veliky Novgorod and, perhaps from Moscow. Gradually, they had disciples, and in 1615 their own iconographic chamber was organized here, on the basis of which a picturesque school was opened in 1887. And over the course of two centuries, the icon paints of the Solovetsky Monastery retained the traditional features of Russian tempera painters, while in other areas of Russia, the iconography has declined.

By the beginning of the XX century. In the monastery there were 19 churches with 30 thrones, 30 chapels, six beds and three deserts. For the monastery, the School for Children Pomorov, the Bratic Theological School, Weather Station, Radio Station, Hydroelectric Pattern, Lithographic Workshop, Biostanization - the first scientific institution in Belomih. In 1879, the rescue station was opened on Anzer by the forces of the monastery. The monastery contained about a thousand employees on the archipelago who worked for the sake of the prayers of the Reverend, and several hundred hired workers. The number of pilgrims reached 23 thousand per year. The mantis sought to the ancient shrines, gaining sincere peace and peace in the Solovetsky land. But it was calm before the storm.

70 years of the Babylonian captivity

Rev. Wronsonophia Optina (1845-1913) predicted: "Monasteries will be in great persecution and oppression ... True Christians will suggest in small churches. And you will live to those times when Christians will be tormented again, and their torments will be like ancient. " This prophecy was fulfilled in the XX century.

After the October coup, 1917. Bogobor government declared war on the people and the church. In 1920, the Solovetsky monastery was closed, and in 1923 the concentration camp - the Solovetsky camp of a special purpose (elephant) was placed, transformed in 1937 in a Solovetsky prison of special purpose (moan).

At Solovki referred to the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, monks, priests, participants of the White Movement, representatives of the creative intelligentsia, and from the beginning of the 1930s - the arranged peasants. In the concentration camp used sophisticated bullying, torture, the physical destruction of thousands of people, so that the word "Solovki" acquired an ominous sound.

In the premises of Spaso-Voznesensky Skita on the sequeary mountain, a penalty isolator was located, in which people were tortured and crossed people. Under the mountain was carried out by death sentences. At the anzer Golgote, the hospital was arranged in the hospital, and the prisoners were sick, sick, as they remember the eyewitnesses - not to treat, but to die. Many could not stand the torment, broke spiritually and physically, but there were a lot of those who showed the wonders of courage, forcing the times of the first martyrs for the Christian faith. Among believers, many even perceived conclusion in Solovki as a sign of a special grace of God. Yu.I. Chirkov, who fell to a camp with a 15-year-old teenager, says: "Through Drema I heard a subtle plaintory, Father Vasily, a priest from Ryazan, with a greenish beard from the old age, stood in the corner on his knees, prayed and cried. I could not bear it and went down to console the old man. It turned out that he cried from joy that he would not die somewhere in the taiga, but on Earth, Zosima and Savvatimi consecrated. "

More than 30 new martyrs and the confessors of Solovetsky were glorified by the church and canonized by the Jubilee Bishops of 2000, including the Holy Martyr Eugene (grains), Metropolitan Gorky (1937); Alexander (Schukin), Archbishop Semipalatinsky (1937); Hilarion (Troitsky), Archbishop Veresky (1929); Peter (Zverev), Archbishop Voronezh (1929); Amvrosiy (Polyansky), Bishop Kamenets-Podolsky (1932); Archpriest Vladimir (Lozina-Lozinsky, 1937), Archpriest Alexander Sakharov (1927); Priest John Skadovsky (1937); Ieria John (Steblin-Kamensky, 1930); Presovicaries Archimandrite Veniamin (Kononov, 1928), Hieromona Nikifor (Kuchin, 1928) and many others.

The presumptuous bishopat became an authoritative organ of the church, whose voice from the prison duct was heard all Russia. In May 1926, the clergy of the elephant was drawn up the famous "appeal of Orthodox bishops from the Solovetsky Islands to the Government of the USSR", in which the principles defining the attitude of the church to the state were set out. Until 1929, worst was still in Solovki. After the closure of the monastery, about 60 people were voluntarily left in the camp as a wounded one. They committed worship in the Church of the Rev. Onufria of the Great at the Monastery Cemetery. Since 1925, in worships, it was allowed to take part and prisoners. "Services in the onufrievsk church often made several bishops," writes Oleg Volkov. - The priests and deacons were built up with the trellis along the alert to the altar ... worships were raised, solemn ... For all of us in the church perceived it as a refuge, shelter from enemies. They are about to burst ". In 1932, the last Solovetsky monks were sent from the archipelago, they were banned.

In 1939, when Soviet-Finnish relations aggravated, Solovetskaya prison was disbanded. The former prisoner of Stona Academician Alexander Baev recalls: "In one of the July days of 1939, the discovery of cameras cameras. All are alerted: what does it mean? Logboard destruction? But there was a completely different: the inhabitants of the cameras were released on an extensive monastery courtyard and everyone saw what the prison administration was so carefully hid until that time, the inhabitants of Solovetsky prison. Solovetsky Islands were transferred to the training squad of the Northern Fleet. The valuable items of the Solovetsky Monastery, which kept in the museum of the concentration camp, were exported to the museums of Moscow and St. Petersburg. The prisoners were distributed over the Northern Camps - to Norilsk Mine, Mine Vorkuta, on the Kola Peninsula. The remains of the Solovetsky concentration camp were to be destroyed. "

While in the monastery of the educational detachment, the wonderful paintings of the Savior Transfiguration Cathedral of 1863 were destroyed. Only an image of the Lord Lord of the Almighty in the dome was preserved. After the Second World War, various units of the Armed Forces were located on the island. Since 1967, all buildings and structures have moved by the Solovetsky State Historical and Architectural and Natural Museum-Reserve, reorganized in 1974 in Solovetsky State Historical and Architectural and Natural Museum-Reserve, existing now.

"God will not fulfill"

At the end of the last century, the revival of Orthodox life in Russia began. At Solovki on April 14, 1989, an Orthodox community was registered, which was transferred to the church and chapel in the name of St. Philip and the Claw Corps of the Philippowded Desert. The first worship services were made in the chapel, consecrated on July 2, 1989 by Hegumen Herman (Chebotarem), the former abbot of the temple in the name of St. Sergius village of Shirsha Arkhangelsk region, now - the confessor of the Solovetsky Monastery.

On October 25, 1990, the definition of Holy Synod was blessed by the opening of the Solovetsky Monastery, and on October 28, the first liturgy was served in the house church, the first liturgy. The acting governor was appointed Igumen Herman (Chebotar).

From 1992 to 2009, the governor of the Solovetsky Monastery was Archimandrite Joseph (Bratischiv).

Before the celebration of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin, April 4, 1992, the governor committed a small sanctification of the Annunciation Church. In the evening, in the celebration of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the first tonsure of the monk of two statements of the renewed monastery took place. The names were given in the lot: one went to the name of Savvathi, in honor of Rev. Savvatia, Solovetsky Wonderworker, another - Eleazar, in honor of the reverend Eleazar Anzersky. Since then, the adhesion of the names of the lot from the number of Solovetsky saints during monastic and monotteous postures was a tradition in the monastery.

On the eve of the prestial holiday of the monastery, on August 17, 1992, the governor of the monastery committed a small consecration of the Savior Transfiguration Cathedral.

August 19-21, 1992, a long-awaited event was happening: honest relics of Rev. Zosimima, Savvatia and German, Solovetsky Wonderworkers were transferred from St. Petersburg to Solovetsky Abode. The celebrations headed the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II. He consecrated the novel church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin, where the power of Solovetsky wonderworkers were delivered. For the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II since 1993, a celebration of the second transfer of the holy relics of Rev. Zosimima, Savvatia and Herman was established on August 8/21, and the next day, August 9/22, a memory of the Solovetsky Saints Cathedral is made.

Continuing the ancient Solovetsky tradition, the brotherhood of the monastery erected a worshiped cross at the Sequir Mountain on August 21, 1992 in memory of all the dead prisoners of Solovetsky camp. On July 3, 1994, the Poklonnaya Cross in memory of the affected Orthodox hierarchs erected at the foot of the Half Mountain on Anzer's Island. The blessing of the His Holiness Patriarch dated April 7, 1995, in the celebration of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the historic title of monastery was restored: Savior-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Stavropigial Male Monastery. Decree of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II dated March 25, 2000. The celebration of the Cathedral of Novomartvikov and Solovetsky confessors was established on August 10/23. Since June 2003, monastic life has been renewed in Holy Ascension Skit on the sequeary grief.

In October 2009, Archimandrite Porphyry (jestes) was appointed the governor of the Solovetsky Monastery (jesters), who had previously performed obedience to the Treasurer of the Holy Trinity Lavra.

Currently, worship in the monastery is constantly committed in all recovered temples: in the Church of St. Philip, the noteworthy temple of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary; In the summer - in the Savior Preobrazhensky Cathedral and in the Temple of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On the island Anzer, permanent worship is carried out in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ. In the temples of the Scenes, most of which have not yet restored, worship is carried out periodically, as a rule, in the summer.

In the abode, more and more pilgrims arrive every year. Again the prayers of Solovetsky wonderworkers. Solovki gradually become what they were over the sixth centuries, the islands of prayers among the life of the sea.

Among the saints, who hung in different years in the Solovetsky Monastery, especially reveranted in Russia Rev. Zosima, Savvatiy and Herman (XV century), Rev. Elisha Sumysky (XVI century), Reverend John and Longin Yaren (XVI century), Rev. Vasian and Pertromanian ion (XVI century), St. Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow (XVI century), Rev. Irinarh, Igumen Solovetsky (XVII century), Rev. Diodor (in Shima Damian) Yurievsky (XVII century), Rev. Elezar, founder of holy Trinity Skeit on Anzer Island (XVII century), Rev. Job (in Schima Jesus), founder of the Calval-Colly Skece on Anzer Island (XVIII century) and many others.