"Gernika" Picasso. The history of universal pain

"Gernika" Picasso. The history of universal pain

"Gernika" is one of the most famous paintings Pablo Picasso. In 2009, art historians found that the prototype of the picture was the illustration of the Mozarab Bible of the X century, which Picasso could see in Paris in 1937.

Pablo Picasso - Not only the founder, but also a cult artist for many generations. One of the manifestations of the cult is numerous remakes, replicas and other ways to recreate it. One of these religious works was the picture "Gernik".

Historical events that have formed the basis of the "Gernik" picture

Picture "Gernik" was written Pablo Picasso In 1937. The plot of the picture is the tragic events on April 26, 1937, when the Luftwaffe Division "Legion Condor" bombed the city of Grannik (the country of Baskov, the autonomous community in Spain) in the framework of Hitler's support for Franco (Franco fought for power with Republicans, and the city of Herront was in Hands of Republicans).

German aviation bombed herrnik about three hours, throwing several thousand bombs into the city, after which the fire began in the city. As a result, about 75% of the buildings of the city were destroyed, the death toll was not accurately established, according to some data - 250-300 people.

For the tragedy taking place in Gernik, followed the whole world, including Pablo Picasso. Despite the fact that the artist never happened in Gernik, these events were deeply impressed by him. Within a month after the events of April 26, 1937 Picasso. It works on a large-scale band "Gernik" - its dimensions were 3.5 m in height and 7.8 m in width.

"Gernik", Pablo Picasso, 1937, canvas, oil, Museum of Queen Sofia, Madrid

On April 27, 1937, the Times newspaper printed a note about the bombardment of Gernik by German Luftwaffe. The propaganda of Frankists denied the fact of the bombing and insisted that the Republicans themselves were set fire to Grannik (such a tactic "of the scorched land" (this really happened to the city of Irun, also in the Basque Country).

Description of the picture
In the picture - the suffering of people trying to escape from the destruction and fire. Monochrome color gamma associates a picture with newspaper photography and reflects the lifelessness of the war.

In 2009, the prototype "Gerniki" was found - they were an illustration in the Mosarab Bible of the X century, stored in the Council of the Spanish city of Leon, a group of art historians came to this conclusion. Strong similarity can be traced in the image of the bull, horses and some people profiles.

Mosarabskaya Bible exhibited in Barcelona in 1929 and in Paris in 1937, when Picasso. lived there and painted "Grant".

According to the artist and professor of art history, Benito Escarpico (Benito Escarpizo) from Leon, the similarity between the illustration from Mosarakha Bible and "Gerns" Too great to be the coincidence - inspiration Picasso. The drawing of the Bible is obvious.

"Gernik" Picasso formed the basis of the plot of the film Emir Kusturica "Gernik"

In 1978, Emir Kusturica released his grain film "Gernika" - he was a director, and a screenwriter and the operator of this film. Subsequently, the film received the main prize at the Festival of Student Cinema in Karlovy Vary. The film tells about a boy from the Jewish family. The child intuitively comes to the awareness of the horror of the German occupation occurring around him through the prism of the picture Picasso "Gernika".

In his film, Kustitsa retells the famous legend about "Gernik" Picasso:

In 1940, after some time after the entry of the German troops in Paris, Picasso. came from Gestapo. On the table of the artist there were postcards with reproduction "Gerniki". "Did you do it?" - asked an officer. "No, - answered Picasso.- you made you. You can take yourself to my memory. "

"Gernik" Picassoit is considered one of the strongest anti-war works in world art.

The most epic and angry work of Pablo Picasso - the "Gernik" canvas.

Herront is a city in Spain, which historically belongs to the Basques. On April 26, 1937, the Spaniards were shocked by the tragedy, which launched on the territory of an unlikely municipality - Gernik was a stir from the face of the German Aviation, the Legion "Condor". More than 1000 bombs were dropped on the city, and those sites of the city that did not destroy the shells, for 3 days simply burned down. There were a lot of dead, more than a third of the entire population, the survivors were left without a bed, the many monuments of antiques and cultural artifacts died under the ruins.

Oddly enough, the artist himself was never in Gernik, however, the news of the tragedy impressed Picasso extremely, however, no one of their Spaniards could remain indifferent to the news about the destruction of a whole peaceful city.

Master embodied his anger and civil position in a large-scale canvase, which was presented at the World Exhibition in Paris. Today you can only be given a diva - the picture of three eight meters was written in just a month. Certificates have been preserved that the author could carry out at work 12 hours a day.

The picture resembles Triptych with its impressive format and composite structure - among the universal haus of figures and emotions, three clear fragments can be distinguished.

The picture is written by oil in black and white colors and this very reminds the monochrome chronicle of terrible events. Mountain, suffering, horror, despair penetrate the cloth. This is undoubtedly a common tragedy - out of place, out of time, out of realism. This is this tragedy and depicted Picasso.

The action takes place in a close basement, where people, beasts and birds are "closed". Onsimally presented by a stingy, but the characteristic interior is the ceiling beams of the basement, the plates on the floor, the windows of the windows and doors. The front plan is highlighted by a triangle covering the main characters. Light comes from the symbolic eye lamp.

In the center of the triangle, a agonizing horse is depicted, whose head is stretched by a hand with a lamp. Under the hooves of the dying horse, a man soldier lies, the body of which is divided or cut into separate parts. A tremendous impression on the viewer has a flower squeezed in his hand, a symbol of innocence, combined with wide open, but already dead eyes. In the hands of men, it is possible to consider stigmatics as confirmation of an innocent killed person. The only armed warrior in the picture can no longer protect anyone - he is killed, "eaten" from the inside, and in his hand it sticks out a useless swallow of a swop. A woman rushed to the dead man, her leg was almost tearned, and his eyes were fixed to the lamp.

Another strong on the emotional heat hero is a mother, screaming over the deceased child, saved on his hands. Her gaze is addressed to heaven, and the mouth froze in an inhuman cry. Crumbling legs and pens, small fingers, trapped face - the most heartbreaking image on the canvas, the quintessence of horror of what is happening.

The picture prevails an unusual linear perspective. In addition to linear construction, the canvas, definitely, has a certain volume and depth. In the stylistic terms, it is also sufficient to simply find discrepancies - frank cubism is combined here with elements of realism (savory hoof horse).

Watching the canvas, inevitably you come to the feeling that the foreground is looking at seemingly through a transparent glass wall - a particular aquarium, where the tragedy unfolds in a closed space.

With the first "reading" of the work immediately notice the bull and it is also not good here. Minotaur, Bull - it is a raise symbol of war in Spain.

If the agony and suffering in the picture are clearly illustrated and understandable, then the main mystery remains the causes of universal chaos. Who killed the child, licked a man, wounded the horse, arranged a fire? The enemy is invisible, invisible, but inevitable and unpred. It is not clear who needs to be withstanding, from whom to escape and save - this is exactly the horror.

Picasso's phenomenon in the work is an amazing real feeling of horror, even an apocalypse with a very conditional technique, far from realism.

The picture of the society accepted ambiguously. Some witnesses argue that the cloves were more often turned on the backs, however, it was still recognized. So, for example, Dolores Ibarurry Gomez was impressed with what was seen, and stated that the work was a loud accusation of fascism and the Franco regime.

"Gernika" brought the fame of Picasso to the whole world. She again turned after the tragic events in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The cloth was long in the Prado Museum, as was the wanted to Pablo Picasso himself, but in the 90s it was transported to Madrid. And as the population back, the picture attracts attention and causes the strongest emotions, it is possible to stand near it for a very long time, finding new elements and their readings in every part of it, penetrated by the pain and suffering of human.

Picture of the Spanish artist Pablo Picasso "Gernik" 1937. Canvas, oil. 349.3 x 776.6 See Queen of Sofia, Madrid, Spain

"Gernika" - a picture that can be called the most famous and most significant in the work of the great Spanish artist. The painting in the style of cubism was written by order of the Government of the Spanish Republic for the Spanish Pavilion at the World Exhibition in Paris.

Picture "Gernik" Was written in 1937. Canvas, oil. 349 × 776 See Currently located in the Museum of the Queen Sofia in Madrid. The plot of the picture is based on the bombardment of the city of Gernik German "Legion Condor" during the Civil War in Spain on April 26, 1937. As a result of the bombardment and fire, about 75% of the buildings of the city were destroyed. In just three hours, several thousand bombs were reset onto the hennik. After the fall, the city burned for three days. Victims of bombardment, in different calculations, are from 120 to 300 people. The picture covers not only the horrors of the very bombing, when people died from explosions and fire, but also the horror of the Spanish revolution, held from 1931 to 1939, and the civil war in Spain.

After ordering the canvas on the theme of the destroyed gernik, Picasso immediately began writing it. The artist's creation took a strand of the month. After the picture was presented at the World Exhibition in Paris, not the most flattering statements appeared to Picasso. Not many estimated the scale of the cloth's ideas, as Cubism, and in those days and today, remains incomprehensible to many fans of painting. The Madrid magazine "Sabado Chartko" even wrote that "Perhaps this is the worst that I created Pablo Picasso for my life." However, the paintings had a lot of adherents who could understand the entire depth of the artist's idea, which, with the help of images and symbols, was able to transfer not only the horror of the war, but also the nature and some subtleties of those events.

All action paintings occurs in the room. In all likelihood, in this way, Picasso reflected the event of bombing in its work, when about two thousand inhabitants were under the rubble. The head of the bull in the left corner, according to some interpretations, is a symbol of Spain, which turned away from the horrors of horror in Gernik. The light bulb under the ceiling is a symbol of a light bulb in the torture chamber. Instead of a language, a woman, a bull and horses that are confused by the killed child are daggers - symbols of a piercing cry. The floor in the room resembles a host card.

An interesting story related to Gersona occurred in 1940. Then the German troops entered Paris. Pablo Picasso came from Gestapo. Seeing the Picasso on the table the reproduction of the painting "Gernika", asked him: "Did you do it?" What Picasso replied: "No, you did it."

"GERNIKA" Picture Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso: GUERNICA (Guernica)

Speech Date: 1937

Topic: bombardment of the Spanish city of Gernik German "Legion Condor" on April 26, 1937. The horror of the civil war in Spain.

Direction: Cubism

Canvas, oil

Dimensions: 349 × 776 cm.

National Museum of the Center for Arts of Queen Sofia, Madrid.

"Gernik" is one of the most famous works Pablo Picasso, and one of the most recognizable pictures of the twentieth century. Some exceed the picture above all over the world, others simply do not understand. The picture, which Picasso drew less than a month, was ordered to him by the Government of the Spanish Republic for the Paris exhibition. But the events that occurred this month before this were starting.

In 1937, the whole world, and Europe in particular, followed the course of the civil war in Spain. By the spring, when the rebels moved to the offensive on Barcelona and Madrid, a truly monstrous act was perfect. With the permission of Franco, on April 26, 1937, the German Fascist Squadron "Condor" made a night bombardment of the Basque town of Gernik, in which about 5,000 thousand people lived. No military advantage did not give this flight, the fascists wanted to inflict "psychological strike" to intimidate. More than 20 tons of bombs were reset. As a result, the entire center of the city was completely destroyed. More than 1600 people died that night.

These events were a shock for everyone, including for Pablo Picasso. Less than a month, working 10 hours a day, the picture was submitted to the public. Its dimensions hit: 8 meters wide and 3.5 meters in height. Gernika is completely drawn in a black and white palette, which clearly personifies the manifestation of fascism and world evil as a whole, as well as the lifeless character of war and its victims.

Despite the fact that the motive for the creation of "Gerns" served the bombing of the city, on the very picture there are no air raids or explosions or destruction. Pablo Picasso is truly a man - a genius showed the whole essence of the horror of events that took place in the internal eye on what is happening. And this is the main victim of that plaque. Mother with a dead child, dismembered soldier, and pierced by a spear of a horse, and even embraced by a flame man. And only the bull does not seem to correspond to the overall atmosphere. Apparently, the bull personifies fascism in general. His calm and alienated look shows with what indifference to someone else's lives, he destroys a small town.

For the first time, the picture was exhibited in June 1937 at the World Exhibition in Paris. From 1939 and 1981, the picture was kept in New York. Then "Gernik" was transported to Spain, at the Prado Museum. And from 1992 to this day, it is kept in Madrid, at the Royal Museum of Sofia.

"Gernik" truly the greatest masterpiece of the art of the twentieth century. On the frozen and silent canvase, it seems that the moans and screams of fallen victims, whistles and gaps of falling bombs are heard. For Hispanic republicans, Gernik became a symbol of pain and revenge. I carry it under it as a banner, they went into battle for peace and justice.

Urgently, today, write an essay of reasoning, explain how you understand the word "and sorry" at least 50 words (1) early in the morning, when the serving came out of bread,

there was no soul in the yard. (2) To chat was not with whom, so the cheese-kin decided to go to the most distant bakery: maybe someone will meet or see anything busy. (H) the servant slowly squandered under shady lips. (4) From the part it was possible to think that he was cared for something and he was immersed in his thoughts. (5) But what are these thoughts? (6) So, the game: I want everything around was even better, more interesting, more significant. (7) Trees are planted, yesterday they were not yet. (B) Thin, completely sticks, and without leaves. (9) But nothing! (YU) Soon they will gain strength, sleep in the wind ... (11) But the bulldozers roused a bunch of land: Less the platform. (12) While the shaft was not removed, it is convenient to hide here. (13) And then, probably, the bushes will be placed, they put sports shells ... (14) downstairs, behind the river, the stadium is visible. (15) The hatching looks at her, but it sees not the stadium, but the executive walls of Rimskoro Colosseum. (16) Now he is not a high school student, he is a brave gladiator. (17) No pants and jacket on it, and forged armor. (18) He must capture with tigers and lions and hit them with his sword to stay alive ... (19) No, let it be better not to be a stadium, but a synchrophasotron! (20) Yes, yes, such it is, synchrophasotron, - a round, as a circus, a bulk, inside which the particles make up the atomic nucleus. (21) And now the serving is not just a student - he is a physicist! (22) Here he takes a photoflax and begins to reflect on them for traces ... (23) Suddenly flashes a sunbeam, and the serving forgets that a minute ago was a physicist. (24) Dark the walls of the Kremlin are darked, and they are guarded on high shore Sagittarius Syrozhkin. (25) Here is a high old old man with a stick. (26) Yes, it is Ivan the Terrible! (27) What order will he give his own warrior? (28) Grozny suspended and calmly asked: - (29) Tell me, buddy, how to get to the store "Million little things"? "(ZO) N-I don't know," the serving hat was confused. - (31) That is what I am! .. (32) 3Nay! (ZZ) first constantly straight, then left. - (34) Thank you, - said, not surprised at all, the old man. (35) and went. (ZB) Slowly. (37) calmly. (38) And not at all as Ivan the Terrible. (39) And sorry. Write an essay of reasoning as you understand "and sorry"

Here is the task:
As you understand the proverbs: "He sees an eye, yes tooth neuts," "expensive, yes cute, cheap, yes rot," "to share the skin of the unborn bear", "Seven times will die out, one time a down", "close to the lokotok ", "Small spool but precious" ? Come up with a small story on one of these proverbs.

1) How do you understand the name "kids of the dungeon"?

2) What episodes of the story made a particularly strong impression on you? Why?

3) Why was Vasya so attached to his new friends? What qualities of Vasya manifested themselves in his attitude towards her friends?
4) What kind of relationships have developed between children and parents in the family of the judge and in the family of Tiburg? Why?
5) What can be said about Tiburg, judging by his attitude to the father of Vasya, to Vasya and his m Children?
6) What was hiding behind the external severity of the father of Vasya? Who understood it more correctly: Vasya or Valek and Tiber'sti? Prove?

Help me please..!

As you understand the words of Belinsky "Pushkin, - by the words of Belinsky, - exercises to the ever-living and moving phenomenon, not stopping on that

the point where their death was found, but continuing to develop in the consciousness of the Company. When the era, I say my judgment about them, and no matter how surely she understood them, but will always leave the next epoch for her to say something new and more faithful ... "Are you talking about with them? Do they help to comprehend the value of the poet's creativity for the development of Russian literature?

1. They became acquainted in 5 and 6 classes with several works N. A. Nekrasov. Name them. What these works are what he worries the poet what he wants

to draw the attention of readers?
2. What is devoted to the poem "grandfather" who is her main character and what is the story of his life who served as part of his prototype What do you know about the Decembrists and their destiny?
3. Why did Sama's parents do not want to tell him about the grandfather?
4. With what words grandfather entered the house what they mean how the grandfather looked like, why Nekrasov draws attention to her grandfather on his joy from what he saw, the surrounding estate of nature on his tears what picture, pleasing to the eye, "draws" grandfather Sasha about what he invites him to dream
5. How do you understand the strings will not be difficult for you, you will be free! "
6. What is the story of the grandfather confirms his confidence that "the will and labor of man wondrous divisions do!"
7. What told his grandfather about the desire of the attainers, officials, the landowners, as he calls the attainers, who "sick" for a depicting that, in his opinion, can bring a victory over slavery, sharpening, in the darkness of what he sees his real grief as you understand the drains " Remember that there is no need of irresistible offense "
8. What did the grandfather do about what he sang and why it was so interested in the grandson of what the ending of the poem as Sasha understands the attitude of the grandfather to life, to people, the history of Russia?