Writer - Hobbies, creativity or prestigious work? Writing skills - how to learn to write texts correctly writing activities.

Writer - Hobbies, creativity or prestigious work? Writing skills - how to learn to write texts correctly writing activities.
Writer - Hobbies, creativity or prestigious work? Writing skills - how to learn to write texts correctly writing activities.

The writer tried, perhaps, everyone who in school had to write writings, presentation, abstracts and essays. But are you ready to try to write an interesting article now, a big letter with a business sentence, not to mention the whole book? If you hit this page, then you would like to improve the writing skills: the ability to easily create competent beautiful texts.

Most people have writing even a small text causes difficulties. These difficulties can be different. For example, one person lacks a banal desire and willpower to just sit down and start writing something. Another would like, but it is difficult to decide on the topic or choose the necessary words. The third can write a lot, but then notes that in his text a large number of errors.

All these problems are associated not so much with our congenital abilities, as with the knowledge and skills that parents, teachers and teachers instilled in us. Unfortunately, in schools and universities, it rarely present objects or lessons on which at least to some extent tells how to learn how to write correctly.

This course of online lessons has collected useful advice to help beginner writers. In this training, you will learn what the art of the letter is, or how it is now fashionable to call, copywriting, will be able to master the basic writing skills. This course is oriented, first of all, on practical knowledge that will help you show your talent and your creativity.

What is this writing skill?

(writing, letter, copywriting, literary activities) This is a person's activities to create verbal works designed to read by other people.

Writing abilities in varying degrees are owned by all people who can write a handle or print on a computer. Naturally, each of these abilities are developed in varying degrees. But still not everyone is a writer. This writer is called a person who can write good text, interesting for readers.

If a person simply writes uninteresting and bad texts to anyone, such a type of writing is called graphomanism , and the authors themselves graphomans. Today on the Internet you can find many graphicomans. This is due to the fact that people are trying to make texts oriented not to readers, but on algorithms of search engines. In addition, the process of promoting the graphomanization provokes and the readers themselves (users). Remember when you read some article from the crust to the crust. Most likely, in most cases you simply view (scan) texts on the pages of the web sites "diagonally", trying to quickly find the information you need. And if there is no demand for good texts, then there is no suggestions that.

In our study, we will talk about another form of writing, the fruits of which are interesting and useful to readers.

Application Skill of Writing

The ability to write beautifully, logical and competently is a skill, it is helpful not every modern person. Every day we write letters, communicate with colleagues and friends by mail and social networks. In your posts, we express our thoughts, refer to the addressee with a request or describe some events. Competent written speech in this case can serve as an excellent assistant in career growth and business relationships.

And even if you do not plan to glorify at the expense of your works, the letter can use you personally. For example, you can keep a diary and reflect your interesting thoughts in it, it will help to bring order in my head, structuring important ideas, plans and upcoming tasks.

How to learn to write?

Writing skill is complex skillconsisting of various knowledge and skills. First, in order to become a real writer, it is important to be enough educated and versatile man. At a minimum, it is necessary to clearly imagine what you want to tell readers and why it will be important and useful for them. Secondly, you can not do without motivation and strong desire to create a new work, because writing work requires a lot of time and effort. Are you ready for this? Thirdly, you must know the norms of the language, or in other words, the rules of writing speech, which will allow to convey your ideas to readers as much as possible.

Among the most necessary attributes that will help you become a good writer, you can select the following:

  1. Specification and education, good upbringing.
  2. Motivation, strong desire to write, diligence and perfection.
  3. Extensive active vocabulary.
  4. Literacy, knowledge of Russian rules.
  5. Harmoniously developed logical and creative types of thinking.
  6. Knowledge of genre, style and structural features of written speech.

In addition, writers often say that the work helps to appear something elusive, associated with morality, life ideals, creative inspiration, or maybe a divine gift.

For example, Richard Bach argues that his most famous story "Seagull named Jonathan Livingston" was literally "dictated from above." And those who read the other works of Bach, probably noticed the striking contrast between its traditional stories and a deeply metaphorical "seagull named Jonathan Livingston."

In this regard, the question arises:

Is it possible to learn how to learn to writing art?

How to undergo classes

In our training lessons, you can find reference information, as well as useful recommendations and exercises to master all the important writer skills that can be learned. The speed and efficiency of the development of each of the skills presented for different people are individual. Therefore, it is impossible to say how long it is time you will take every lesson or the whole course.

  1. To miss anything, try to get acquainted with all the lessons.
  2. Try to identify your main problems and solve them, dealing with more details in the appropriate lessons, performing exercises, following the recommendations required.
  3. An important component of each lesson is a practice, so be sure to try to apply the knowledge gained in your writings.
  4. Check your works on experienced objective readers who will not be shy to say that they actually think about the fruits of your creativity.
  5. Try to write constantly and do not throw this business, otherwise and the muse, and a good syllable will come to you also rarely and irregularly, like you to them.

Books and textbooks

Writing art is not something you can learn once and for all. The ability to write texts must be constantly improving, otherwise it will fade. The writer must be permanently maintaining his form: to read a lot, write, as well as study specialized literature on writing activities. On this page, we led a number of popular books and textbooks on copyright and literary skills.

  • Stephen King "How to write books"
  • Yuri Nikitin "How to become a writer"
  • Umberto Eco "how to write a diploma work", as well as a number of other works
  • Ditmar Rosenthal "Collection of exercises in the Russian language"

Quotes of writers about author's skills

In order to help you find creative inspiration, we have collected the quotes of successful well-known literary (and not only) leaders containing advice on combating various problems of writing:

Write freely and so quickly as you can, to spill everything on paper. Never right and do not rewrite until you put the point. Rewriting in the process is usually nothing more than a pretext in order not to move forward. It also prevents the free stream of thought and rhythm, which come only with the unconscious work with the material.

Our enemies can be more useful for us to be useful for our friends, for friends often forgive our weaknesses, while enemies usually celebrate them and attract our attention to them. Do not neglect the judgments of enemies.

It is necessary to write poems every day, just like a violinist or pianist must certainly have every day without skipping for several hours to play on your instrument. Otherwise, your talent will inevitably look at, dried, like a well, where the water does not take long time.

This writer is the same as the ancient prophet: he sees clearer than ordinary people.

People who know how to think, also know how to write. And those who suffer a low level of intelligence write the same memories, letters and speeches. The ability to write well is not a gift from nature. This can be studied. Write the same as you say: Naturally ... Try to express your thoughts simply, no complaints about excessive intellectuality ... If you work on something very important, then ask friends or colleagues to express your opinion about your work.

Writing activities

I sat at home and wrote. I wanted to write a novel from modern life and worked diligently for several months. One day I gathered and went to the tolerant - I wanted to see the nanny. In the tolets, I continued to write. I wrote in the afternoon, and in the evenings talked with a nanny. My friend viburnum in the tolerations was no longer. He left the estate shortly before the death of his father and, by rumors, came somewhere in the south of the actors.

Books, like people, have their own fate. The fate of what I wrote was not to appear on the light of God. I wrote for my life, but only two books were printed - one mentioned by me earlier, in French, the other - "Peter Basmanov and Marina Mnishek, two dramas from the history of the vague time"; I also transferred the first part of the "Faust" Goethe, who was also published. I wrote, because I wanted to occupation, this gave a feeling of joy and peace with me. But I never knew how to return to the already written - the fate of the written me was not interested. I believe that I myself have not lost anything nor society. My "Marina Mnishek" was not lucky. The drama seemed an interesting director of the imperial theaters I.A. Vsevolozhskoye, he suggested its theatrical Committee, Streptova was ready to take the role of Maria Mnishek in his benefit, but the theatrical censorship of choice did not approve. Why? Only Allah is known.

Comedy "Our August" was lucky even less. This play ridiculed our journalists, and I did not foresee any difficulties with her. Print it, however, was not allowed, and a censor, good-natured and elderly man named, if I'm not mistaken, Friedberg explained why. Czensors, according to his explanation, feared that the publication of this play would even more exacerbate their relations with journalists, which were so bad.

There was a strange story with the transfer of "Faust". Censor demanded to "soften" some places. I decided to talk with the censor of the St. Petersburg Cancer Committee personally. I mentioned that the two translations of the "Faust" were already published.

I know, he said. - But translators agreed to make changes to many places that could cause bewilderment from the reader.

I did not want to change anything.

Do I have the right to file a complaint to the Minister?

Complain anyone, - he said unexpectedly very rude. - Just do not interfere with me to work more. And believe me that the minister will not help you.

The historian Sergey Tatishchev was a person's person in the Higher Government Circles and, after hearing my story, advised me to talk to the main censor of Foktistov, offering me to imagine me. Agreed to meet at dinner in the English club in the nearest Saturday, when other members of the club were going there, believing that the focters would be there too.

Come on Saturday to the club, I asked the manager to leave a free space next to him, as I expected a friend. After some time, an unfamiliar Mr. walked to the table and wanted to sit down next. I said that the place is busy for Tatishchev.

He will not come, - quickly answered Mr. "I'm from him, he called him to Moscow where he leaves today in the evening."

Mr. Sel, and we started talking. I was annoying that Tatishchev could not come, and I asked Mr. He does not know what the fuoktists look like and in the club whether he.

Oh yes, I am completely familiar with him. Do you need it?

I told him about my case and with all the humor accessible to me, I described my conversation with a censor.

Yes, he said, to reach censors, as, however, it is sometimes impossible to reach all others. But I think your business can help.

He took out his business card and wrote several words on it. The unfamiliar MrOr turned out to be a foktistov.

The next day I hurried to the Censor, who met me very hostile and instead of a greeting said that he had no time for me. The expression of his face has changed as soon as I presented him with Foktistov's card. He called and entering the secretary ordered to issue papers allowing the publishing "Faust".

But the fate of one of my plays still pegs me. Perhaps, from everything I wrote, it was the only thing I really liked. In the play was depicted by Catherine Great, although, of course, did not appear in it as a valid face, since the censorship did not allow the censorship on the stage. I showed it four friends who served as theatrical censors to find out if it would be skipped. They liked the play, and they praised me, saying that she was not forbid her, but they did not miss the play.

  1. Never use the metaphor, comparison or other speech turnover, which you often see on paper.
  2. Never use a long where you can do short.
  3. If you can throw away the word, always get rid of it.
  4. Never use a passive deposit if you can use active.
  5. Never use borrowed words, scientific or professional terms if they can be replaced by vocabulary from everyday language.
  6. It is better to break any of these rules than to write something frankly barbaric.

  1. Use the time of a completely unfamiliar person so that it does not seem to be spent in vain.
  2. Let the reader at least one hero, for which I want to hurt the soul.
  3. Each character should wish something, let it be just a glass of water.
  4. Each proposal should serve as one of the two goals: disclose the hero or move the events forward.
  5. Start as close as possible to the final.
  6. Be a sadist. Whatever cute and innocent are your main characters, do terrible with them: the reader should see what they are made.
  7. Write to please only one person. If you open the window and take care, so to speak, love with the whole world, your story will pick up pneumonia.

Modern British writer, very popular among fans of fantasy. The key work of Mochoka is a multi-volume cycle about Elnica from Melnibone.

  1. I borrowed my first rule at Terens Hanbury White, the author of "Sword in Stone" and other works about King Arthur. It was: read. Read everything that comes on hand. I always advise people wishing to write fantasy, or scientific, or love novels, stop reading these genres and take up everything else: from John Banyan to Anthony Bayette.
  2. Find the author who admire (my conrad), and copy it to the stories and heroes for your own story. Be an artist who imites the master to learn to draw.
  3. If you write a plot-oriented prose, imagine the main characters and the main topics in the first third. You can call it introduction.
  4. Develop the themes and heroes in the second third - the development of the work.
  5. Complete themes, reveal the secrets and stuff in the final third - the junction.
  6. When maybe accompany the acquaintances with the heroes and their philosophizing by various actions. It helps to keep dramatic tension.
  7. Whip and gingerbread: Heroes must be pursued (obsession or villain) and pursue (ideas, objects, personalities, secrets).


American writer XX century. It was famous for such scandalous for their time with works like "Cancer Tropic", "Capricorn Tropic" and "Black Spring".

  1. Work on something one, until you finish.
  2. Do not be nervous. Work calmly and with joy, whatever you do.
  3. Act the plan, not by mood. Stay at the appointed time.
  4. When, work.
  5. Cement gradually every day, instead of making new fertilizers.
  6. Stay like a person! Meet people, attend different places, drink if you want.
  7. Do not turn into a fragile horse! Work only with pleasure.
  8. Reference from the plan if you need it, but come back to it the next day. Focus. Specify. Exclude.
  9. Forget about the books you want to write. Think only about what they write.
  10. Write quickly and always. Drawing, music, friends, cinema - all this after work.


One of the most famous science fictions. From under his feather, such works as "American gods" and "Star dust" came out. However, shielded.

  1. Write.
  2. Add a word for the word. Find a suitable word, write it down.
  3. Finish what they write. What would it be worth it, bring started to the end.
  4. Postpone records aside. Read them as if you do it for the first time. Show work to friends who love something like that and whose opinion you respect.
  5. Remember: When people say that something is wrong or does not work, they are almost always right. When they explain that it is not how and how to fix it, they are almost always mistaken.
  6. Correct the mistakes. Remember: you have to let go of the job before it becomes perfect, and start the following. - It's chase over the horizon. Move on.
  7. Laugh over your jokes.
  8. The main rule of the letter: if you create with sufficient confidence in yourself, you can do anything. It can also be the rule of life. But for the letter it is best suited.


The master of the short prose and the classic of Russian literature, who hardly needs a presentation.

  1. It is assumed that the writing, in addition to ordinary mental abilities, should have experience. The highest fee receive people who have passed fire, water and copper pipes, the most lowest - Nature is untouched and unspoiled.
  2. The writer is very not difficult. There is no of that freak, who would not find a couple, and there is no that nonsense that would not find a suitable reader. And therefore not Roby ... put in front of yourself, take a pen in the hands and, irritated the prisoner thought, Schroa.
  3. To be a writer who is printed and read is very difficult. To do this: Be and have a talent for at least a lentil grain. Beyond the lack of large road talents and small.
  4. If you want to write, then do this. Avoid first the topic. Here you are given complete freedom. You can use arbitrariness and even self-government. But, in order not to open America for the second time and not to invent the second time, avoid those who have long been already visited.
  5. Giving the will of fantasy, hold the hand. Do not let her chase in the number of lines. The shorter and less you are writing, the more you are printed more often. The brevity does not spoil the case at all. A stretched elastic erases a pencil at all is not better than unsesty.

  1. If you are another child, make sure that. Wash for it more time than anything else.
  2. If you are an adult, try to read your work as it would do a stranger. Or even better - how to read their enemy.
  3. Do not exal your "calling". You either can write good suggestions or not. "Writing Lifestyle" does not exist. It is only important what you leave on the page.
  4. Between a letter and editory, make significant pauses.
  5. Write on a computer that is not connected to the Internet.
  6. Protect working hours and space. Even from the most important people for you.
  7. Do not confuse honors and achievements.
Memories. From serfdom to Bolshevik Vrangel Nikolai Egorovich

Writing activities

Writing activities

I sat at home and wrote. I wanted to write a novel from modern life and worked diligently for several months. One day I gathered and went to the tolerant - I wanted to see the nanny. In the tolets, I continued to write. I wrote in the afternoon, and in the evenings talked with a nanny. My friend viburnum in the tolerations was no longer. He left the estate shortly before the death of his father and, by rumors, came somewhere in the south of the actors.

Books, like people, have their own fate. The fate of what I wrote was not to appear on the light of God. I wrote for my life, but only two books were printed - one mentioned by me before, in French, another - "Peter Basmans and Marina Mnishek, two dramas from the history of the vague time" 59 *; I also translated the first part of the "Faust" Goethe, who was also published 60 *. I wrote, because I wanted to occupation, this gave a feeling of joy and peace with me. But I never knew how to return to the already written - the fate of the written me was not interested. I believe that I myself have not lost anything nor society. My "Marina Mnishek" was not lucky. The drama seemed an interesting director of the imperial theaters I.A. Vsevolozhskoye 61 *, he suggested her theatrical Committee, Streptova 62 * was ready to take the role of Maria Mnishek in his benefit, but the theatrical censorship of choice did not approve. Why? Only Allah is known.

Comedy "Our August" was lucky even less. This play ridiculed our journalists, and I did not foresee any difficulties with her. Print it, however, was not allowed, and the censor, good-natured and elderly man named, if I'm not mistaken, Friedberg 63 *, explained why. Czensors, according to his explanation, feared that the publication of this play would even more exacerbate their relations with journalists, which were so bad.

There was a strange story with the transfer of "Faust". Censor demanded to "soften" some places. I decided to talk with the censor of the St. Petersburg Cancer Committee personally. I mentioned that the two translations of the "Faust" have already been published 64 *.

I know, he said. - But translators agreed to make changes to many places that could cause bewilderment from the reader.

I did not want to change anything.

Do I have the right to file a complaint to the Minister?

Complain anyone, - he said unexpectedly very rude. - Just do not interfere with me to work more. And believe me that the minister will not help you.

Historian Sergey Tatischev 65 * was a person's person in the highest government circles and, after hearing my story, I advised me to talk to the main censor of Fokticist 66 *, offering to introduce me to him. Agreed to meet at dinner in the English club in the nearest Saturday, when other members of the club were going there, believing that the focters would be there too.

Come on Saturday to the club, I asked the manager to leave a free space next to him, as I expected a friend. After some time, an unfamiliar Mr. walked to the table and wanted to sit down next. I said that the place is busy for Tatishchev.

He will not come, - quickly answered Mr. "I'm from him, he called him to Moscow where he leaves today in the evening."

Mr. Sel, and we started talking. I was annoying that Tatishchev could not come, and I asked Mr. He does not know what the fuoktists look like and in the club whether he.

Oh yes, I am completely familiar with him. Do you need it?

I told him about my case and with all the humor accessible to me, I described my conversation with a censor.

Yes, he said, to reach censors, as, however, it is sometimes impossible to reach all others. But I think your business can help.

He took out his business card and wrote several words on it. The unfamiliar MrOr turned out to be a foktistov.

The next day I hurried to the Censor, who met me very hostile and instead of a greeting said that he had no time for me. The expression of his face has changed as soon as I presented him with Foktistov's card. He called and entering the secretary ordered to issue papers allowing the publishing "Faust".

But the fate of one of my plays still pegs me. Perhaps, from everything I wrote, it was the only thing I really liked. In the play was depicted by Catherine Great, although, of course, did not appear in it as a valid face, since the censorship did not allow the censorship on the stage. I showed it four friends who served as theatrical censors to find out if it would be skipped. They liked the play, and they praised me, saying that she was not forbid her, but they did not miss the play.

Many years later, this play wanted to put a small theater. I was asked to add the fifth act and make changes to some scenes. Changes were spoiled, and the fifth act failed, and the play was never supplied. All this has now lost any meaning, and playing with the rest of my archive, probably burned the Bolsheviks.

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Publishing Activities Taking this conclusion, I decided to make publishing activities. For this, it was not necessary to establish a publisher, it was enough to make an appropriate amendment to the charter of an existing company and establish cooperation with the Book Chamber.

- Good day! I wrote, prepared, published several books, publications. I have the opportunity, experience, the skills of writing texts of large volumes to order on various topics. With the wishes of success, Peter, Moscow.

People who want to help me in writing activities are often treated for me, namely in writing books to order. It is good that there are many wishes in creative activities, who are directly related to development and improvement. True, there are no less reasons why I prefer to work independently. I will try to tell about them in this material.

Let's start with the philosophical.

Firstly, writing activity is my way of heart (who read Carlos Castandane, he will understand!), For which I have to go on my own, meeting on the way of the travelers (co-authors, potential customers), who must teach me something. That is, writing a book to order - for me it is not a completely commercial sphere. This is, above all, my spiritual growth aimed at numerous insights, insights, experiments, etc.

I will give a simple example.

When I decided to change the design of my site and chose this one, then my programmer discouraged me for a long time, claiming that he was not contractive and would not succeed. I answered him like this: "The main thing that he resonates with my inner world, and everything else is the second and third ...". So it turned out. On my way there were precisely those people who shared my point of view and with whom they had to go through some time a segment for creative paths. Writing a book to order - can not be a commercial sphere in the understanding, in which we used to see the traditional business, because it is not an online store, it is not a trading platform for the sale of cosmetics and other products. Not. Clean creativity pours here! Of course, writers feed on not by air, but that writer who chases money, ceases to be a writer. As a result, he may not take place, nor as a writer, nor as a businessman. It is precisely because I am not a businessman, then I don't hire "to work" third parties and take orders individually that will help me to figure out those or other things.

Secondly, writers are not freelancers. Believe me, not all freelancers are able to write a full-fledged book, not to mention the old artwork. Also, not all writers will write the selling advertising text. Unfortunately, some who appeal belong to writers as freelancers: "Ah, there is cheaper, I will go to him," forgetting about quality. After all, my individual approach is directed to the quality of the literary work. Sometimes, I am addressed to me to write an autobiographical book for a month to coach it to some loud PR event. I immediately say: "No," because I know perfectly well that good books are not written in a month. Give me a choice of "three months" works or "nine months" - perhaps, I will choose "twelve". And all for quality! And for the sake of creativity! Because I want to create pleasure! Because the writer puts the soul into his literary work.

Thirdly, writers are the state of the soul. That is why I spoke about an individual approach to the literary work, because the potential client comes to the project with its idea, the plot, heroes, he also comes with his mood. But if your souls do not unite at the time of writing a book in the creative gust, then write-lost: the customer will not receive what he wanted, and the writer will remain dissatisfied with his work. That is why - I choose an individual approach with a double-sided movement. And to attract third parties for me, who will write a book for someone to order or at all give someone to someone, a crime is like. Not. It is interesting for me to work with the man TET-A-TET so that only two souls participated in this creative sacrament. Three people are already a team, and I am a person, fortunately or regret, is far from the team. I am alien to the word team, especially in this case, as writing a literary artwork.