What are the life ideals of Famousov. Overall on the topic: Life ideals of the Magazin Society in Comedy Mount Mystery Griboedov

What are the life ideals of Famousov. Overall on the topic: Life ideals of the Magazin Society in Comedy Mount Mystery Griboedov
What are the life ideals of Famousov. Overall on the topic: Life ideals of the Magazin Society in Comedy Mount Mystery Griboedov

How does Zolkolin detects themselves during the dialogue with Chatsky? How does he behave and what gives him the right to behave like this?

Slolvelin is zinic and frank with Chatsky relative to his vital views. He speaks from his point of view, with a loser ("You did not give the ranks, according to the service noise?"), Gives advice to go to Tatyana Yurevna, sincerely surprised by the sharp reviews of Chatsky about her and the Fomiece, who "at three ministers was the head of the department " Its indulgent, even an instructive tone, as well as a story about the will of the Father, is explained by the fact that he does not depend on Chatsky, that Chantsky does not use the support of the Famus society with all his talents, because their views differ sharply. And, of course, a considerable right to behave in a conversation with Chatsky gives silence his success in Sofia. The principles of life of Molchalin may seem only ridiculous ("please all people without releasing", have two talent - "moderation and accuracy", "after all, it is necessary to depend on others"), but the famous dilemma "riddled or terrible silence?" In this scene is solved - terrible. Molchanin spoke and expressed his views.

What are the moral and vital ideals of the Mizhovsk society?

Analyzing the monologues and the dialogues of the heroes in the second action, we already concerned the ideals of the Famow Society. Some principles are aphoristically expressed: "And the awards to take, and having fun", "I just had to go to the generals!". The ideals of the guests of Famusov are expressed in the scenes of their arrival at the ball. Here is the princess of Hlesov, well knowing the price Zagoretsky ("Lygunik he, a gambler, the thief / I was from him and the door to constipation ..."), accepts it, because he "Master to please", pulled out arapy girl as a gift. Wives are subordinate to their will of her husbands (Natalia Dmitrievna, a young lady), a husband, a boy, a servant's husband becomes the ideal of society, it became, and Molchalin outlines good prospects to enter this category of husbands and make a career. All of them strive for kinship with rich and notable. Human qualities are not appreciated in this society. The true evil of the noble Moscow became Galomet.

Why did the gossip about the madness of Chatsky arose and spread? Why is the guests of Famousov so hardly support this gossip?

The emergence and distribution of gossip about Chatsky's madness is very interesting in dramatic relations series of phenomena. The gossip arises at first glance by chance. G. N., catching the mood of Sofia, asks her how she found Chatsky. "He is not quite all there". What did Sofya mean, being impressed by the ending conversation with the hero? It was unlikely to invest direct meaning in their words. But the interlocutor understood exactly that asked. And here, in the head of Sophia, insulted for silence, a cunning plan arises. Very importance for explaining this scene have remarks to further replicas of Sofia: "Having silent, looks at him intently, aside." Her further replicas are already aimed at the conscious introduction of this thought in the head of secular gossip. It no longer doubts that the broken hearing will be picked up and turns into detail.

Ready he to believe!

A, Chatsky! Love you all in the jesters,

For yourself to try?

Rumor about madness spreads with amazing speed. A series of "little comedies" begins when everyone puts its meaning to this news, trying to give his explanation. Someone speaks with a hostility about Chazkom, someone sympathizes him, but everyone believes, because his behavior and his views are inadequate to the standards adopted in this society. In these comedic scenes, the characters constituting the Famine circle are brilliantly disclosed. Zagoretsky complements the news on the move invented livid, that Uncle-Plut of the Thhatssky stops in the yellow house. The granddaughter believes and the judgments of the Chazzian appeared insane. Menthon Dialogue about the Chatsky Grandmother's Grandmother and Prince Toguhovsky, which, because of the deafness, they add a lot to a frauded sofya hearing: "The Potted Voltaired", "crossed the law", "In Busurmans," and so on. Then comic miniatures are replaced by a mass scene (The third, phenomenon of the XXI), where almost everyone recognize Chatsky for the crazy.

Explain the meaning and determine the meaning of the monologue of Chatsky about the French from Bordeaux.

The monologue "French from Bordeaux" is an important scene in the development of the conflict between the Chatsky and the Famovsky society. After the hero led the conversations separately with silence, Sofia, Famusov, his guests, in which a sharp confrontation of views was discovered, here he utters a monologue to all the society gathered on the ball in the hall. Everyone has already believed in rumor about his madness and therefore are waiting for it clearly delusional speeches and strange, perhaps aggressive, actions. It is in such a way that guests are perceived by the guests of the speeches of Chatsky with the condemnation of the cosmopolitism of the noble society. Paradoxically, the hero expresses common, patriotic thoughts ("slave blind priest", "smart vigorous our people"; by the way, the condemnation of Galkania sometimes sounds in the speeches of Famousov), he is taken for insane and leave him, stop listening, carefully spin in the waltz The old men differ in the card tables.

Life ideals of the Magazine Society

A. S. Griboedov wrote his famous comedy "grief from the mind" in the first half of the XIX century, in the midst of preparation for the December uprising. In society, revolutionary moods have already dominated. It seemed to be invited to the prevailing and new people who carry advanced ideas in the most invisible to the moment. Griboedov himself belonged to the second camp, so A. A. Khatsky became the main character of the work.

And condemns the established worldview of rich officials.

One of these Moscow disadvantages was Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, in whose house the whole bomb of the city was gathered. Thanks to this hero, for more than two centuries there is an expression "Famovskoy society". Who are people from the terms of Famusov? All of them, without exception, are immigrants from noble families, and therefore to people who are poorer with contempt.

They have a very biased attitude to serfs. They are for them "Parsley", "Churbans", "FOMIKI", etc. Magnov himself, turning to their employees, says: "To work you! To the village of you! "

These so-called Moscow nobles sway with their patriotism, while doing nothing for the country. Even their ranks they deserve not brave military debt. They hover Russian names to the French manner, wear dresses in samples of foreign fashionistas, read French books, french romances sing.

That is what Chatsky condemns them, who is unpleasant to see such false patriotism in his surroundings. The life ideals of the Famow Society can also be considered indifference to the service and negative attitude towards teaching. For them, people involved in science or creativity are useless to society subjects.

As Pharmuses says in relation to the "madness" of Chatsky: "The study is the plague, the scholarship is the reason that now, in the forest, and the people, and opinions, and opinions are crazy. And all with him willingly agree.

To be accurate, the century "past" in the work of Griboedov is represented by the families of the Toguhovskiy, Gorichi, Hryumina, the elderly Madame Kleztova, Scalozub, Zagoretsky and a repetitive. Toguhovsky come to the Ball to the Famine to find "decent" husbands to their daughters. Korichi - the long-standing bites of Chatsky, but he perceives this check with a light irony, because Natalia Dmitrievna skillfully subordinated her husband and made a hazard man from him.

Countess Hryumina: Grandmother and Granddaughter. The latter in particular does not like the Chatsky for the eager Manera comments and imitation of French velocities. Madame Hlesov is a powerful and intense old woman who grabbed a dog and arapist with him.

Special place in the comedy is occupied by the rocks, reheetles and Zagoretsky. The first one was elected the Magazov as a husband for the daughter of Sofia, as it is rude, unequal, is inseparable, but it has a good material condition and occupies an "important" post. Zagoretsky - a former gambler, a fraudster and a thief, and reheetles - a mindless talker, who, however, was lucky to marry the daughter of a rich official. With the silent consent of these heroes, the fates of other people in comedy are solved.

Thus, all representatives of the Famow Society unites the community of ideals to which the ocossiness can be attributed, uneducation, fear of progress, fear of everything that is new.

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  33. The main theme of the plays "grief from the mind" is the conflict of a strong personality with the philistine views of the surrounding society. This is most brightly shown by the example of the Magazine House. In the silence of this house, Chatsky came with his stormy and sincere feelings. He turned out to be an uninvited guest in society, where everything is built on the pretense and lies. Sophia hides their love for silence, father [...] ...
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  36. A. S. Griboedov does not accidentally pick up the Famusov his last name. The Latin "Fama" sounds like "Solva", and "Famosus" in Latin means "famous". Knowing it, each reader has already since the first lines of the work understands that it is a matter of an important person that occupies a high position in society. The titled landowner, a rich barin, consisting of related with the famous noble, Maxim Petrovich, Paul [...] ...
  37. Chazzian and silence characters are opposed to each other. Chatsky, undoubtedly, the main hero of the comedy, because it is with his appearance that events in the House of Famusov begin to develop. Chatsky in its origin is a poor man, but this is not the main thing for him. Others talk about him well: "Who is so sensitive and cheerful, and Oster ...". He used to serve as an official, but threw the service, [...] ...
  38. Chatsky comes to Moscow, hoping for big changes that have occurred in society and the remaining former sophia. But it turns out in a completely different situation. Sophia passed everything turned into a laugh, but in the city everything remained unchanged. Chatsky does not immediately notice the change that occurred with Sofia. For her, after so many years he came to Moscow, which never selected him, [...] ...
  39. The comedy "grief from the mind" of Griboyedov initially carried in himself a frivolous, comedy. But at the end of the work it becomes clear that it is dramatic and carries a deep meaning. The expression "grief from the mind" sounds a few paradoxical, because what may be grief from the fact that man is smart and is educated? And it turns out that it can! And Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov is excellent [...] ...
  40. His comedy Griboedov wrote over several years. The author was conducted by a guardian monitoring of the trends in the development of society and his aspirations. The result of these observations was the writing of the brilliant creation of "grief from the mind", reflecting the interaction and contradiction of representatives of such worlds as the minions of feudalism and progressive nobility. Defenders of serfdom can not come to terms with the fact that the time of slavery has events [...] ...
Overall on the topic: Life ideals of the Magazin Society in Comedy Mount Mystery Griboedov

Ideals and views of Chatsky (Griboedov)

Action of the comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Mountain from Wit" occurs in those years when it becomes more and more explicit split in the noble environment. It was the beginning of the 20s of the XIX century.

The influence of the ideas of French enlighteners, the growth of the Russian national self-consciousness after the war of 1812 and foreign hikes united many young nobles in the desire to change society.

But most of the Russian nobility remained deaf or hostile to new trends. It is this situation that this conflict captured Griboedov in his work.


The main conflict of the comedy is the conflict of two worldviews, the clash of the "century of the present" with the "century past".

The second conflict is also present in the comedy (there is even a classic love triangle: Chatsky - Sophia - silence-lin), but it is not the main one, although both conflicts are closely intertwined and complement each other, both of them find their permission at the end of the play.

The carrier of new, progressive ideas is Alexander Chatsky, his ideological opponent in the comedy is all the Magazine Society. Why was their collision inevitable? Because Ideals and glances of Chatsky They did not coincide and could not coincide with the views and ideals of Famusov.

First of all, they have different views on the service. If the service is only a source of ranks, wealth, then for Chatsky is a civil debt of all young nobleman. Chatsky is ready to serve, but "the case, and not to persons", Fatherland, and not a higher officer.

He tried to serve, he was even familiar with the ministers, but then retired and broke the former dating, as he was convinced that it was honest, not serving, at that time it was impossible. Chatsky responds to the Famusov Council "Go serve": "It would be glad to serve, to serve nausea."

In the monologue "And for sure, the light began to stupidly" he speaks with indignation about those officials who "not in the war, and in the world they took his forehead, they were not sorry for the floor!". The past century, Chatsky calls very accurately: "Direct was a century of humility and fear."

But for Famusov, it was the "golden" age; No wonder he puts as an example of his uncle Maxim Petrovich, who, stuck at the reception, managed to laugh to the queen and achieve her favor.

For the scalosis and silence, career is the main thing in life, and they are ready to achieve the ranks by any ways, even humiliation and flattery. The dream of a scalosis - "I just got to the generals."

Alexander Andreevich acts in comedy as a fierce opponent of serfdom. And this is understandable: he expresses his views on the Russian publication not only the author himself, but also many of his Decembrists' friends who believed that an educated person should not own other people.

Chatsky with anger speaks about a certain serfthrower, "Nestor of the villains of noble", who traded loyal servants, more than once we saved his life and honor "in wines and fights", on "Broke three dogs".

Chatsky in a monologue "And who are the judges?" Replaces those "Fatherland", which, "robberies are rich," "the protection against the court asked, in kinship, the magnificent Socuar of the Chamber, where they bloom in feasts and the merchant," refuses "the last life of the underlying features." Self
Chatsky refers to the people with great respect, he calls his "smart, vigorous our people."

Chatsky is impossible to submit to the role of a serf, no wonder the Famuses advises him not to manage the "embodiment". Chatsky appreciates man in his mind, image, and not by the number of fortress shower or ran. Therefore, for him, some Fomić, a well-known and important official, is just the "empty man, from the most stupid."

Chatsky is advocating for the freedom of personality, for the right of a person to dispose of his own destiny: serve or not to serve, to engage in science or art, live in the village or in the city. Chatsky - Supporter of Enlightenment, Education, And All these Views of Chatsky Associate the horror of the rejection of his ideological opponents.

Ideals and glances of Chatsky - this is Ideals and views True Patriot; He sarcastically talks about a certain French from Bordeaux, who at the evening in the house of Famusov told the gathering guests, "how equipped on the road, to Russia, to Varvaram, with fear and tears," but when I arrived, "I found that I didn't end The sound of Russian, no Russian person met ... ". This Frenchman felt like a "little king," and Chatsky is eager for all souls,

So that the Lord has destroyed the unclean
Empty, slave, blind priest ...

In the comedy, Chatsky is tragically lonely, he has no supporters among the main actors, but there are two inshapt characters that we can attribute to supporters of the main character.

This is primarily a cousin of the Scalozub, who unexpectedly retired and "In the village of Books began to read," and the nephew of Princess Tugukhovskaya, which she speaks with indignation: "The ranks do not want to know! He is a chemist, he is nerd, Prince Fedor, my nephew. "

In a collision with the Famovsky society, Chatsky suffers defeat. This defeat was inevitable, as Chatsky was still too little in society. As I wrote in a critical etude "Million of Torzani" I. A. Goncharov: "Chatsky is broken by the number of old strength, causing a fatal blow to the quality of the strength of freshness in turn."

But such as Chatsky, Goncharov called "advanced warriors, pokers", which are the first to enter the battle and almost always dying.

But thoughts, ideas, Ideals and glances of Chatsky They did not disappear for nothing, such Chazki will come to the Senate Square on December 14, 1825, where they will occur with the world of Famous, silent and scalosubes.

Griboedov, grief from the mind. What are the moral and vital ideals of the Mizhovsk society?

Mount from the mind is the famous work of Griboedov, who depicts the life of the country after the Patriotic War of 1812. This is the life where two camps faced.

The first camp is the best, Decembrist look, a new look at life, on its foundations. The second camp is the nobility, or the century of the past, they are the same faith.

Just about the ideals of the Famovskogo society, we will talk in the composition, considering both moral and the vital ideals.

To understand what are the ideals in the Famow Society, to allocate their ideals and values, it is enough to get acquainted with the work of Griboedov. In it, the author, depicting the age of the past, creates images of the noble nobles of Moscow, which is called themselves the aces, they are also representatives of the Famow Society.

Life ideals of the Magazine Society

Who is a person from this circle and what are their life ideals? Here we see only the rich, noble nobles, so to speak, the bond of the capital. All of them are out of noble families, and the ideals of these people are simple and understandable.

For these people, only money is important, with the help of which and the ranks can be obtained, and the Order. These are people who are not famous for merit before the Fatherland, for them civil debt does not mean anything, the main thing is that the bridegroom had a wallet thoroughly and then it will be a respected person.

Famusov, telling about the ideals of man, so says, be bad, but if the shower of thousands of two generics, that and the groom will be checked. So, the rockozub was a good candidate in the groom, because the generals metrates, besides also a gold bag.


But if there is no money, if a person is poor, then the Famiss society will treat him with contempt. You can not talk about the fortress and at all, because they do not consider them at all, calling them chumbans and rubbers. Again, so that the bomondment will go, wealthy is needed.

For example, Tatyana Yurevna is respected, because the rich balls arrange.

Moral ideals of the Magazine Society

If we talk about moral ideals and views in the Famovskogo society, here for Famusov is the ideal of his uncle, whom he puts everything as an example. His uncle served in Catherine, but he received his place at the court with the help of any talents or merit.

He simply sacrificed the back of her neck, his neck simply begged in bows. What is the worst, many representatives of this environment also receive honor and wealth. The same chip is not better.

According to his story in 1813, he simply served in shelter, and after such an outstanding feathelter received a medal, now the General Chin expects.

The ideal of the Famow Society is definitely not a enlightenment, because the enlightenment and teaching for them is like a chum. People who are engaged in science and creativity are useless people for society. Famuseov believes that education only harms, so it would be all the books simply burned. And they themselves do not even read newspapers.

The Magnivovsky environment is also falsepatries. They only talk about patriotism, they themselves do nothing for the country. The ranks although they are, but they are not deserved in the performance of military or civil debt. In their conversation, foreign words are constantly being heard, they listen to French romances, they follow French fashion.

So what does Famovskoe society characterize? And here you can summarize. For the Famusov society, fear of new, fear of progress, and Ideal is uneducated and conservatism. So they live according to the principle: and rewarding and having fun.

The ideals of Chatsky (on the comedy "grief from the mind")

Works\u003e Griboedov A.S. \u003e Grief from the mind

Ready homework

In my comedy 25 fools on one sensible person. And this person, of course, in contradictions with his society, no one understands his surrounding him, no one wants to forgive, why he is a little higher than others.

A. S.Griboyedov

A.S. Griboedov brought two camp camp opposing each other to the stage - young Russia and serfs camp. Their struggle was the phenomenon of the Russian life of the tenths - the twenties of the XIX century.

At this time, out of the total mass of the nobility, noblemen-revolutionaries are allocated - supporters of struggle with all those who who who who who taught in the social and political strictness, supporters of the fight for the new movement of the country forward.

The comedy "grief from the mind" was enthusiasticly greeted by revolutionary nobles. She reflected the life of Russia, the spirit of the epoch, exposed the state of the Russian society, the basis of the Comedy Griboedov was the clash of the views of the Decembrists with the reactionary mass of the nobility. In its work, Griboedov set the most important problems: the problem of serfdom and the relationship of the noble landlords and the serf peasantry, the problem of civil service, education and culture, false and true patriotism. 5GA issues gave comedy acute political character.

"Society of freaks of society, of which everyone made any opinion, the rule, the thought, perversion of their legitimate meaning of them ..." (Gogol).

Griboedov - Realist brought to the scene a whole crowd of the inhabitants of the noble Moscow. This is "aces" as they proudly name themselves, rich and noble venomazb. They are famous not only by their merits on a service field, not excellent execution of civil debt, not orders and wounds obtained on battlefields. Not! We know that some kind of Tatyana Yurevna is respected here for being

Balls give it impossible richer
From christmas and before the post
And in the summer holidays at the cottage.

Drawing the ideals of a person who should learn to live, Magovyov says:

He is not on silver,
On gold rod, a hundred people to services,
All in orders, rode something eternally tsugom.
Wealth for them is the main thing
Be bad, but if you want
Shower thousand two generics
That and the groom.

To people poorers, they treated as contempt. They can "allow" the poor to themselves, if they need it, but will never miss the case to immediately reproach it:

"Belogous prige and introduced into my family.
Gave Chin Asessor and took the secretaries
To Moscow translated through my assistance,
And be not me, the smoke would be in Tver "-

reminds Magazov Solchalin.

Moscow Nobility is a circle of closely related familiar people. Communication helps them to be finished, receive new ranks and posts. Here they are out, but only a "native person", here go to visit Tatyana Yurevna, but more because

Rank and officials -
All her friends and all relatives.

Promoted by the service here only to

And rewarding and having fun to live.

With delight, it tells Magazov to young people about the noble Maxim Petrovich, who served in Catherine. This is the ideal of the entire noble society. Maxim Petrovich, seeking a place at the court, did not show any business advantages or talents, but only how Chatsky obviously notes "bravely sacrificed a backbone", that is, in the deputy of the Empress, and became famous for the fact that he often "got his neck" in bow.

And many visitors to the house of Famusov create honor and wealth in the same way as this old one.

"To the need, the speed in dust,
And those who are above, flattery, like lace, spill. "

For example, reheetals in order to take their place in society, the same used bypass tracks:

"Baron Clase in Ministers Methyl,
And I -
To him in the son-in-law was strained. "

And scalosis? From his story, we learn that in August 1813 "sat down in a trench", i.e. Apparently, he was sitting in shelter. After such a "brilliant" military entry, the rockosub not only received the Order "on the neck", but is about to be produced into generals. And here he hopes not to his merits, but for the reasons are completely different:

"Jobs are just open,
Then the elders will turn off other
Others, watch challenged. "

The Moscow Higher Nobility lives monotonous and not interesting. Let's go to the house of Famusov. Guests gather here every day. What are they busy? Dinner, game card, talk about money and outfits, gossip. Everyone knows about others here: envy successes, gloatingly celebrate misses. Chatsky has not yet appeared, but here you are already gloomy about his failures in service. Princess Tugukhovskaya joys the princess of Hryumina, and the Countess of Hrumina "evil for the whole world", Hollegova is climbing a quarrel with the Famine and rockozub.

With what pleasure these bored gossips for fracture Sophia about the madness of Chatsky seized. The hearing instantly spreads around the rooms, the gossip picks up and swell up people, who do not even know, who did not see the Chatsky.

Here are their small thinners and ridiculous fictions. It turns out to be crazy because

In Mother, I went, according to Anna Alekseevna,
The late man crazy went 8 times.

He allegedly drank champagne "glasses", "bottles-with" and predicted and "Social Barrels". And what awareness in other people's affairs, this missing idlers! A brisk conversation goes into a dispute - but what about? Yes, of course, about the wealth of Chatsky. How much is the fortress shower? Frightened horseshaws:

"No, three hundred - I can not know anyone!"

Are there any other information in their heads other than other people's wealth? No, none of them newspapers reads, and if they come across a printed word, then how many evil thoughts will cause it!

Enlightenment for them - plague, danger threatening the usual arrangements of life. Famuses speak with hatred:

"The study is the plague, the scholarship is the reason
What is now the way when,
Madmen divorced people, and cases and opinions, "-

and finishes its thought categorical requirement:

"...not! I can't stop:
Collect all books would like to burn! "

Moscow nobles of Nasksiy and arrogant. Hands relate to people poorers. But especially contempt is heard in replicas addressed to the serf. They are "Films", "Fombus", "Churbans", "Lazy Tetry". With them one conversation

"To work you! On the settlement of you! "

Noblemen do not see people in their servants like themselves all the more so belong to people of another race. Talking about his purchase, Hisgova forgets that she has not acquired a little animal, and a person:

"What is my arapka for services:
Curchase! Hump \u200b\u200bhollow!
Angry! All cats!
After all, the Lord created such a tribe!
Damn item. "

And in the monologue "And the judges who?" Chatsky, with indignation, tells how nobles, "spilling in feasts and the merchant" dispose of their fortress. Here is a portrait of a serf:

"That nestor of the villains are notable
Crowd surrounded by servants
Treating, they are in wines and fights
And honor and life saved him, suddenly
On them he endured the Brozy Three Dogs !!! "

Moskovskie nobles are silent by their patriotism, with their love for the native city, to their country, Famuses enthusiastically tells the Scalozub about the "special imprint on all Moscow." But we notice that just Russian, simple and natural in them there is little. On the contrary, everything in them, ranging from their semi-sirucian language, outfits "with taftice, velvetitz and haze" and their attitude to their people, deeply alien to Russian. The girls sing French romances, read French books, Russian names for foreign switches in Moscow.

"Output door for dick and uninvited
Especially from foreign. "

The museums are concluded against the whole new, advanced. Here with irritation tells the cliffs about his cousin, which

"Sound some new rules firmly,
Chin followed him, he suddenly left,
In the village of book began to read. "

This behavior is "not proper" according to Famusov and Scalozub. They themselves can polyberally, but they are afraid of indigenous changes:

"Not that novelty introduced - never,
Save us, God! Not".

And when Chatsky dared to "vso" to declare five to six thoughts of "sound", as the old Barin of Magovy died! He called the Chatsky "Dangerous Man", and his thoughts "cursed ideas." For him, brought up in the spirit of Maksimov Petrovich, last 18th century, century 19 seems dangerous time. Everyone like him a person, Magovyov sees "Carbonara", "Pharmason", "Voltariana".

Members of the Famovskogo Society, in each of them have their own personalities, but they all unite the ideals "and take a reward and having fun", "and a gold bag and marks to the generals!", Conservatism, osoya, fear of new, fear Before advanced people.