As they call a person who is expelled by the devil. As the exorcism rite occurs - the steps of the ritual, the texts of the prayers and the requirements for exorcists. The film that produced the most impression ...

As they call a person who is expelled by the devil. As the exorcism rite occurs - the steps of the ritual, the texts of the prayers and the requirements for exorcists. The film that produced the most impression ...
As they call a person who is expelled by the devil. As the exorcism rite occurs - the steps of the ritual, the texts of the prayers and the requirements for exorcists. The film that produced the most impression ...

The church is always ready to come to help a person, regardless of how man is faithful. The subsidence of demons completely changes human. His body and soul are no longer him in opposition. The expulsion of the demons can be trusted only by the servant of the Church. For the ritual should explore all the information about the upcoming event.

Deacon Dominic Cherato, Doctor of Philosophy. Problem: What does Church teach on exorcism and other demonic actions? Answer: In his most basic sense, exorcism is a church rite permitted by the bishop and a limited service of priests for the expulsion of demons from obsessed. According to catechism of the Catholic Church: "When the church is asking for Jesus Christ to publicly and authoritatively declare that a person or an object is protected from the power of the evil and seized from his dominion; This is called exorcism. "

During exorcism, the demon is ordered to stop all the devilish activities in the name of Christ in a certain person or place. Exorcism is part of the pastoral ministry of the Church, which is engaged in the extraordinary activities of Satan and his demons. Its basic effect is the liberation of obsessed people whose bodies and abilities are shipped by the church, completely or almost completely captured by the demonic forces. Angels are spiritual, non-bodily creatures created by God to glorify him and manage his salvation plan.

We are talking About the ancient magical way of expulsion of the demon or devil in man. The ritual originated due to Roman catholic church. The success of the rite depends on the strength of the faith of the priest and the energy of Christianity. During the expulsion, the exorcist appeals to the Lord God and calls on all the holy strength.

What could be the cause of obsession?

As creatures capable of love, they have a radical ability to choose good or evil. Angels took advantage of this freedom in the original test, in which, as we say in Scripture, a third of them fell. Among those who fell, the first and strongest is Satan, who, together with his minions, radically rejected the authority of God.

And war began in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with a dragon. Dragon and his angels beat off, but they were defeated, and no longer had a place for them in heaven. The Great Dragon was thrown down, this ancient snake, which is called the devil and Satan, a deceiver of the whole world - he was thrown to the ground, and his angels were thrown together with him.

The process of cure passes the required stages. Need to create special conditions To carry out the rite otherwise, the outcome of events can be deplorable not only for obsessed, but also for those surrounding people.

The first step should be to set the cause of the poor state of the patient. Signs of obsession I. mental disorders Very similar to each other. The exorcist is obliged to carefully explore the sacrifice on the subject of mental and mental state. Any drugs are given obsessed only with the permission of the doctor.

Angelic "original sin" possessed an irrevocable character in the sense that he is unforgivable and, therefore, is a defect in divine mercy, but just as the demons will never look for mercy. Created as good from God, they became evil on their own permanent selection and, being always expelled from the Divine Presence, wickedly looking for the destruction of souls until the end of times. The consequences of this initial battle, in which God and his good angels finally won, moved to humanity in the form of a devilish temptation.

An additional help is the sincere faith of relatives and close to healing obsessed. Requires a frequent visit to the temple and reading a prayer with a request for a message to the patient.

After expulsion, all experiences associated with testing remain in the memory of the victim. However, the entire essence of what is happening is obsessed unknown.

Thus, as Catechism indicates, "a seductive voice opposing God, who forces them to die from envy," behind the naughty choice of our first parents is hidden. Despite the fact that a person fell from the sin of Adam, God in his endless kindness found it necessary to redeem a person across a series of covenants and finally through passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus established the reign of God in counterweight to the devilish board of Satan. It is important to note that these two reigns do not coincide.

Who is an exorcist and what does he do?

Satan and his demons are creatures and, therefore, obey the strength of God. Because of this, they have limited power. On the other hand, the power of God is infinite and therefore unlimited. As part of the mystery of salvation, God allows the influence of Satan so that the true strength of his saving love can manifest itself. Although Christ established his reign, he is waiting for his completion until he comes again. Consequently, although Satan still has a devilish influence on humanity until the end of times, a person now has grace through the church and its sacraments to keep a demonic effect under control.

  1. The rite is carried out by an exorcist in the presence of witnesses. The video fixation of what is happening is necessary.
  2. The patient is placed in his bedroom. Only a bed of obsessed and a table, which puts the crucifix, candle, prayer room and holy water to remain in the room. All foreign objects (furniture, carpets, lamps, curtains) should be removed to avoid moving around the room.
  3. Closed doors and windows will protect the surrounding people from a detrimental effect. evil forces. People selected as assistants must have pure Heart, strong physical and mental health. The task of an exorcist is to inform the witnesses about all possible phenomena during the rite. The devil will try to confuse and scare those present by obscenities, disgusting curses. Assistants must stead the blood type, urine and excrement.
  4. If a woman needs help, then the exorcist will take the presence of a female relative.
  5. The priest keeps the post and confess before starting the rite. This applies to witnesses.
  6. The victim is given to the crucifix. Prayer read over obsessed with holy water. The exorcist is obliged to divert the name of the devil, the purpose of the parish.
  7. The priest addresses prayer to the Lord, asks him for his strength for himself and obsessed. The text is also directed to the demon, it requires immediate care from the body obsessed.
  8. Upon completion of the ritual, the exorcist asks the Lord protection for the victim for the future.

Homosexual demons? Seriously?

In this spiritual battle, Jesus is the chief exorcist. It is he who emits the power of Satan and his demons in anticipation of the final exorcism at the end of times. Thus, the exorcizms conducted by the Church are an omnation of what should happen. This final and final exorcism will occur when "new skies and new Earth»Will be given those whose names are written in the book of Lamb. According to the Gospel of John, the devil and his minions were already tried at the foot of the Cross and would experience the consequences of their uprising, when at the end of times they will be thrown into the fire pool for all eternity.


  • The first stage is the very awareness of the exserving the existence of a foreign mind.
  • The evil spirit is struggling to disguise its presence. The priest is obliged to confront deception and figure out the name of the demon.
  • The essence of the demon is disclosed, the exorcist calls it by name. Should follow sophisticated stage For all those present. Obsessed, or rather the demon inside it, insults others, noise, shouts and makes unpredictable actions. The demon gives a voice, spoke of obsessed in the third face.
  • A person suffers from voices, erratic sounds. The ritual must continue continuously. Any phenomena is ignored by an exorcist.
  • Voices become silent, the stage of the most terrible spiritual and physical pressure comes. The demon remained one on one with the will of the Lord. The exorcist enters into a fight with the demon, forces the spirit to impeach its essence. The power of the sacred word begins to defeat the tricks of an evil subtles.
  • Ends the ritual stage of expulsion. God's will dominates the demon, freeing the victim from influence unclean power. The foreign entity dissipates, assistants feel peace and calm.

Text for rite

"I appeal to you, the spirit is unclean, evil sent. You are the sin, deception, blasphemy, damage, murder. We pray the Lord God of the forces that will help to drive you out. The greatness and strength he will resurrect the soul of the slave of God (name) and overtaken by the court of the terrible spirit of the devilish. Lord, help us to drive out the demon from the flesh and the soul of the slave of God. You, a cunning enemy, leave the body that you took, clean it from my essence. Yes, your rule will end over the whole world, and your kingdom is collapsed, let your arrows incur poisoned, whether you are destroyed, it is defeated, destroyed and conquer, as you were spread in Egypt, Jericho, Goliath and Aman. You are human slave and we are stronger over you. We are able to explore you for your acts. We cast you from the body by you torpedo. We expose you to hellgy and eternal fire. May the power of the Lord triumphs over you. Let go and get out wherever you walked. It is forbidden to return to this body forever and own the soul of this. "

IN Sacred Scripture The teachings of Jesus about the Devil and his influence are always associated with his defeat and exile. For example, after returning from his first mission to Palestine, Jesus told his disciples that he saw: "The devil fell like a clarification from heaven." In Caesarea Philip after Peter's confession, Jesus told his apostles that "the Gate of hell would not prevail." This means that the Devil region will not resist the onslaught of the saving love of Christ, carried out by his church under the authority of the Holy Spirit.

In addition, our Lord gave Peter and the Apostles the authorities to bind and untie, giving them spiritual and moral authority over people and demons. During the mystery, in anticipation of his passion, death and resurrection, Jesus indicated that the "Prince of this world is expelled."

If you do not believe in exorcism - real cases of the establishment of demons and demons in the body of people can convince you of the existence of this phenomenon. Learn about the relationship of world religions to exorcism, as well as the interpretation of dreams about obsession.

In the article:

Exorcism - real cases of obsession

Among real cases Exorcism is a special place story Annesis Michelwhich took place for almost a decade. With 16 years she suffered from nervous diseases, epilepsy, depression and some others. Until the death of the disease was not retreating, and official medicine was powerless in the treatment of Anneliz Michel. It is known that she was born in an extremely religious family, regularly visited the church and lived in accordance with Christian morality.

The film that produced the most impression ...

In the Holy Scriptures dedicated to the Devil, our Lord encouraged His disciples to use his spiritual power to practice the devilish forces. He pointed out that if they do it with confidence and loyalty, they will prevail. Jesus also gave them specific instructions to expel demons. Upon returning from his mission, students were so perceived by their authorities over Satan that Jesus was to remind them that they would not be drunk by their power to drive a demons, but instead their election to the kingdom of heaven is rejoiced.

Annesis Michel

However, at the age of sixth, Anneliz Michel had persistent disgust to the church and the objects of the cult. She herself decided that she was devil, and the ineffectiveness of drug treatment only confirmed this. According to some sources, the encephalogram and other surveys showed that the girl is completely healthy, but she had permanent seizures and convulsions. In addition, the opening of her body showed that she did not have epilepsy.

Not all priests can carry out the expulsion of the devil

The early fathers of the Church gave a sufficient testimony to the biblical testimony of devilish activities at one time. Despite the fact that we cannot call many fathers, the quotation of Ternullian gives an example. Let a person stand in front of your tribunals that are clearly under demonic possession. The wicked spirit, designed to speak by the followers of Christ, will also readily make truthful recognitionHe is a demon, as elsewhere is falsely argued that he is God.

A number of early church councils Taught on the topic of exorcism. They published regulations On the proper handling of persons in custody. Many called for a public repentance for the announced and those Catholics in a state of mortal sin, which were believed to be under demonic influence. Throughout the Middle Ages, the church introduced legislation and established a sentence against those who openly invited the devilish influence or used it for harm to others.

For some time, Anneliz hid from relatives, considering this test of faith. However, nightmarish dreams, voices and phenomena of horned figures in the dark still forced her to break silence. As a result, Anneliz Michel was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Medications used for the treatment of this disease did not show their action. After some time, Annesis still persuaded his parents to help her and find clergymen, ready to drive out the devil from her.

By the time of Protestant Reformation, the situation was so serious that everyone catholic priest The power of exorcism was given. The rite consisted of instructions for exorcists, prayers, psalms, licenses, scriptures and three strong prayers On the exile of exorcism. This in no way disputes the revised rite, as these are liturgical texts, and liturgical texts are the texts of the Church. Consequently, as limiting, as they may seem, they still have spiritual strength that they call and still effective against the devil and his minions.

The exorcism of demons from Anneliz Michel was engaged in two clergymen, her parents became witnessed. All those who participated in the rite, after the death of the girl in his process, accused of unintentional murder. She died from depletion and dehydration, according to the statements obsessed, the demons forbidden her to eat and drink. Sometimes she ate spiders, cockroaches, raising in her room, as well as coal.

According to tradition, Satan was the most powerful of fallen angels And, as such, was the most bright and perfect of all the creations of God. It is described as hatred for humanity, opposition to God, the spread of lies and the search for the destruction of souls. Satan carries out power over the demonic world and can send its malicious actions. It is used 37 times in the New Testament to describe Satan. By the time of the early fathers of the church, Satan and Lucifer names were synonymous. Lucifer used metaphorically Isaiah to describe the king of Babylon.

Annesis Michel

In the case of Anneliz, Michelle rites of exorcism were powerless. It's believed that God's grace And help - the only means in the fight against unclean. However, it is known that the most famous obsessed was sincerely a believer. She often read prayers, kept the holy water in her room, the walls of which were hung on the saints. The opinion is common that Anneliz Michel redeemed the sins of the whole kind, whose individual representatives were not righteous. If you are interested in films about exorcism on real events, based on the history of Anneliz Michel is removed by "Requiem", as well as "Six Demons Emily Rose".

Gabriele Amorth, the former chief exorcist from Rome, objected to this association, offering instead that Satan and Lucifer are two excellent, but very powerful devils. However, the tradition argues that, although Satan is that main demon Pictured in the Holy Scripture, the term "Lucifer" means only the state from which he fell. It is important to recognize that the demons retain their natural forces after their fall. They are reasonable creatures that have the ability to influence material objects and forces on their own evil objectives.

The loudest stories about exorcism always have the tragic final. There is a case that occurred in the nineties of the last century in Canada. Young and not too experienced priest held the rite of expulsion of the devil from a girl without witnesses and assistants. Her mother was in the house when he heard loud cries. Having disappointing the instructions of the priest not to enter the sick room, she discovered her daughter in an unconscious state and torn to the exorcist. Observing remember only the order of the demon - to kill the priest.

The impact of the ritual of exorcism on demons

This power is limited by nature. Although they may wish people to believe otherwise, the demons are not omnipresent, omnipotent and all-knowing. They can only influence their influence in the resolution will of God, which, as in the case of the passion of Christ, allows evil so that good can proceed from this. Because of this, people, places and things are subject to devilish influence. Moreover, due to the tendency to sin, humanity openly cooperates with demonic forces to bring more evil in the world. In this regard, exorcism is essentially prayer to God, in the name of Christ and his church, to restrain demons, freeing an obsessed person from their devilish influence.

father Gabriel Amorth.

The most famous exorcist - Father Gabriel Amorthwhich comes from the Vatican. He got rid of persecution unclean power more than 50 thousand people. Interestingly, the Father Gabriel is confident that Stalin and Hitler were obsessed. If we consider that the churches were closed under Stalin, and the unclean power is afraid of holy places, then in this statement may well be the share of truth. In Russia, the most famous exorcist consider archimandrite Hermann from Saint Sergiye Lavra. Among the most famous exorcist patients - Salvador DaliThe rite spent for him ended successfully. It is known that currently it is quite realistic to learn from an exorcist at the Catholic University of Athenaeum Pontificium Regina Apostolorum.

Watch what is an "exorcist" in other dictionaries

A diabolic effect can take various forms, and various authors group them in various categories. Usually they are divided into two broad groups known as ordinary and unusual devilish actions. Ordinary devilish actions are typical ways that Satan and his minions exercise their demonic board, and this takes the shape of the temptation. Temptation can be understood as a kind of dialogue with demonic. This is incitement to sin, whether it is a belief or proposal of any good or pleasure.

In 2000, hold the rite of exorcism was forced to Pope Rimsky. When he appeared on the square in front of a crowded crowd, heard curses and curses that came from a kind of girl. She shouted with a deaf voice that did not correspond to her floor and return. Protection could not cope with obsessed. Pope tried to spend a session of exorcism, but he did not manage to expel the devil, who messed up with the fact that the Pope itself could not drive him. Later, his exile was engaged in Father Gabriel Amorth, who also did not cope with the task.

As in the case of the seduction of Eva, the human freedom remains intact, and in this respect is the most serious type of devilish activity. This is the most serious, because, with the preservation of freedom, people retain the ability, thanks to grace, confront temptation. Therefore, when they are inferior to temptation, to the extent that they are free to do this, they are responsible for the evil they commit. This is because mortal sin requires not just a serious evil, but also free will and full knowledge.

Consequently, the temptation, although the least invasive demonic activity is a significant devilish event. Moreover, since the demons act in a subtle and almost imperceptible way, people often do not know about their presence. Because of this, they work as an imperceptible cancer, causally affecting damage before we learn about their effects. Nevertheless, not all temptations comes from the devil. In the first part of its "amount of theology" of St. Thomas Aquinas quickly indicated that "the devil is not the cause of every sin, because all sins are not committed in inciting the devil, but some of them are associated with freedom and the will and corruption of the flesh."

In the mid-19th century, a woman lived in France, which was considered obsessed. However, she, apparently, learned to coexist with the demons living inside it. Epilepsy became the first signs of obsession, but later at the end of the seizures, the woman began to speak a stranger, warning about the events of the future. Her gift of foresight saved not one life, most likely she was a strong medium.

What will tell dream book - exorcism and obsession

If you have dreamed of exorcism, the dream book will tell what dreams of such dreams are. If you dreamed that you were a victim evil spirit, it foreshadows wealth and happy life. If the demon dragged you somewhere, it promises longevity and good health. However, it is known that the demons can come in a dream. If you are confident that in your dreams, the unclean strength is real or a dream signals about possible obsession, attention should be paid attention to it.

If in a dream you have become an exorcist, and have been defeated in a fight with unclean, sleep foreshadows failures and tests. Long-distance travel is better to postpone, such dreams are melted with a greater danger. This is a dream warning to which it is better to listen.

If the dialogue with the demon was calm and even friendly, you managed to negotiate with him or you decided to leave obsessed alone, such a dream predicts improvement material status, wealth and stability. If the role of obsessed was your close personSo, it will soon need your help. Will it work out or not - depends on whether you have been defeated or defeated unclean.

Exorcism in Orthodoxy

Exorcism in Orthodoxy is considered special churchThe permission of higher church leadership is required to hold such sessions. Not every priest will decide to exile demons from a person - this is a big responsibility, besides, the rite is dangerous both for him and for the patient. However, despite this, such sessions are still held.

It is noted a wary relationship of modern orthodox priests To group rites of exorcism. The commission of such a rank, as the expulsion of the devil, is required only in the most difficult cases - when the unclean convinced the body and the speech of the person. The show from demons is needed only to people who are truly obsessed, while it is carried out only for one person an experienced priest. To some extent, each person is subject to the influence of the devil, however, the person is needed not to sick or suffering from damage or evil the people, and those inside someone sits the demon.

Most priests express concern about attempts to get rid of damage, evil eye and diseases on group readings from demons. First, massive certificates - violation church rules. Secondly, they are dangerous for spiritual and mental health. The negative really comes out of people, but he also quickly returns back, and not always there, from where it appeared. Simply put, at such events it is quite realistic not to be cleaned, but to pick up "superfluous." Such an opinion expressed A.I. Osipov, Professor of the Moscow Spiritual Academy:

The Lord forbade to speak the launched, and the holy fathers categorically forbidden to listen to them and enter any contact with speaking spirits, now, during the reports of the demons, they receive complete freedom to "" preach, "introduce a misconception, infect them with their spirit of the villaness, pride, carnal passions, etc. Often at the same time there is a television that distributes a demonic lies to even more wide circle of people.

On the Orthodox canons, only the saints and the Lord can cast out demons. During reading the prayer of exorcism, the priest addresses them for help. No demons expelled him, but God or saints. Post and prayer are considered to be reliable ways to get rid of evil, because even exorcism sessions are not able to help if a person does not lead orthodox image Life. It is known that demons can return to the body of a person who, after their expulsion, continued to live in sin.

Excursion in Islam

Exorcism in Islam is the exile not demons, and jeans. He is called a hand. Many people would not refuse to cause this entity that can fulfill any desire. However, the Jeans are cunning, and often they are able to take possession of the body of a person. Like demons from Christian mythology, they need people to implement some goals. If you decide to call Ginn with one of the rituals, it should be understood that the result can be obsession.

Ginnes, as you know, are divided into two categories. The first - Ginnes, which are orthodox Muslims, the second is incorrect, or Kapir-Ginny. Mix the last people. Such obsessed are called dali.. Rack of incorrect jeans are capable of Muslims, who are available at khozhia.

The rite of exorcism, or the expulsion of the jinn, is very similar to the Orthodox or Catholic. The spiritual person who received permission from the higher church instance reads special prayers and excerpts from the Quran, who are aimed at the expulsion of Ginn. This malicious essence manifests itself approximately as well as christian demonsAnd like them is trying to negotiate with an exorcist about suitable conditions for it, on which it will leave the body obsessed. Sometimes the rite is accompanied by the beating of the patient.

Excursion in Buddhism is spiritual practice, in the process of which it is important to show mercy and compassion. During such practices, Buddhist is able to gain wisdom. Lama represents demons and evil spirits as a result of karmic pollution, and acts in accordance with these convictions, helping the patient to be cleaned.

Buddhists use as protective facilities mandalas, mantras and special amulets To protect against evil. If these measures do not bring results, peaceful rituals are applied first, aimed at taking the spirit and persuade him to leave the body obsessed. Most often, the demons take offering that they are completely satisfied and is quite a significant redemption so that they wish to retire away.

If peaceful rituals do not help, Buddhists go to the expellation and destroying demons with rites and spells. The main tools are special mantras and visualization of the victim and the conductive Buddhist rite. The evil spirit is transferred to the subject, which is then burned, buried or ejected in a special place, where he cannot harm anyone.

Excursion in Judaism

In Judaism, exorcism understand the exile dibbuka. Dibbuk is an evil spirit that was once leading the wrong way of life and find peace in afterlife I could not. Since he cannot go to afterworldHe is forced to look for a new body. Accordingly, its expulsion is associated with the rites of the rest of the evil spirit. If he goes into the afterlife, stops harming.

Exile dibbuka is carried out tsaddik - Rabbi, which has a righteous reputation and significant authority among Jews. IN obligatory There are witnesses of the rite - Mignan., or ten adult men-Jews.

The rite of getting rid of an evil spirit in Judaism is accompanied by a pipeline in the shofar, which is a reference to Yom-kipper - So Jews call the day. Prayers in the process of the rite are read by the funeral, they allow you to have a lost embitter soul to go there, where the place is.

Books about exorcism

Hammer witch

There are books about exorcism, which is considered to be the main sources on this topic. it "Witch Hammer" And, of course, Bible. Without the knowledge of this literature, it is not interested in the topic. The exorcist should be perfectly able to understand theology, because the demons often ask caverzny questions On this topic, trying to squeeze it and achieve concessions.

Books on the history of monastic orders of Europe will also be useful if you are looking for information about the expulsion of the unclean strength and its identification. So can be noted "The history of the military monastic orders of Europe" V.V. Akuna and "Monastic Order" M.A. Andreeva. Among other information in these sources will be extremely interesting information about the inquisition and combating unclean power.

There is also "Encyclopedia of witchcraft and demonology"written in 1993. Among other information, it has a list of sources for demonology and exorcism. Consider informative and book A.E. Mahova "Excursion. Categories and images of medieval Christian demonology ".

In general, obsession is a real problem, and not medieval legend. The attitude to her representatives of world religions is largely similar, but there are differences, and sometimes quite significant. A lot of literature is written about the expulsion of demons and demons, but the main source is the Bible and other literature of a religious nature.

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