Browing growth. Vasily Brovko

Browing growth. Vasily Brovko
Browing growth. Vasily Brovko

Vasily Yuryevich Brovko (February 6, 1987, Zhukovsky) - director of special instructions of the State Corporation Rostech, Russian Entrepreneur, Media Manager, Producer, Founder of the Center for Strategic Communications Apostle.


Born on February 6, 1987 in Zhukovsky (Moscow region). As a child, he was professionally engaged in football. In 2005 he graduated from the class with a mathematical bias of Lyceum No. 14. In 2009, the Department of Political Science of the Philosophical Faculty of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

Professional activity

His first media project created, studying at the second year of the university, - the youth magazine, at various times by political columnists and lecturers of which Nikita White, Alexey Volin and Valery Fadeev.

In 2006, he took the position of producer of political and entertainment blocks of the O2TV television channel. During operation on the channel, more than 15 television programs were sketched. Among them are the "political league", "conversation without rules", "black and white" and others.

In 2007, at the invitation of the Deputy General Director, VGTRK, Sergei Archipova, he passed to the position of director of the Directorate of Prime Time Broadcasting Radio Program of the GRK "Lighthouse".

In January 2008, he founded and became the Director General of the Center for Strategic Communications "Apostle Media" (from January 2012, due to rebranding, the name was changed to the "apostle"), specializing in Russian and international PR, television production, analytics, branding, design and other projects .

In September 2008, together with Andrei Kolesnikov and Tina Kandelaki launched the project "Unreal Policy" on the Internet. For six months, more than 5 million people looked the political show in the network, after which, at the end of 2009, the Ren TV channel acquired the right to "unrealistic politics". Together with the leadership of the Canal, Vasily browfully supervised the preparation of four issues of the program, after which, together with the company "Apostle", which was engaged in production, was out of the project. In 2010, the first in the history of the media business start-up, which passed from Runet to federal television, pouched on Ren TV NTV channel.

At the end of 2008, he launched the Internet channel Post TV, within which the programs of the old men were launched here with Zakhar Prilepin and "Fantastic Breakfast" with Dmitry Glukhovsky, " Video artist" with Irene Ponaroshka, "Men's Games" with Oleg Taktarov and "Real Sport" with Victoria Lopierva. In 2008, together with the journalist from Pula Vladimir Putin, Andrei Kolesnikov was engaged in promoting the publication, in particular, organized a cycle of events with the participation of Russian media dareson and political establishment. Among the permanent participants of the "Pioneer readings" - TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladislav Surkov, Actor Ivan Okhlobystin, Head of the TV channel RUSSIA TODAY Margarita Simonyan and others.

From April to December 2009, he was the general director of a niche social network for representatives of the FASHION-Industry "".

From October 2009 to January 2012, Vasily Brovko was a co-generator of the Transmission of Infusion, which the company "Apostle" produced for on the CTC television channel. In 2010, the program received a special prize of Teffi Telekritics for an experiment in the convergence of television and the Internet. At the Teffi itself, "info" was nominated twice.

In 2011, as part of the leadership, the "Apostle Media" holding was engaged in the production of a weekly transfer "Moscow 24/7" on the "life of ordinary Muscovites" for TVC channel. The program was nominated for the Teffi Prize.

In March 2011, the partnership with Tina Kandelaki founded the AM-Invest investment company engaged in financing Internet startups, software development and the creation of educational computer programs for schools, and became its general director. According to Vasily Brórsko, he and the "Apostle" team and previously worked on creating software, including several platforms related to financial management in educational institutions.

Vasily Brodko was born on February 6, 1987 in the city of Zhukovsky, Moscow region. As a child, he was professionally engaged in football. In 2005 he graduated from a class with a mathematical bias of Lyceum No. 14. Then, until 2009 he studied at the department of political science of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

His first media project created, studying at the second year of the university, the youth magazine SRADA.ORG, at different times of the political columnists and lecturers of which Nikita White, Alexey Volin and Valery Fadeev.

In 2006, he took the position of producer of political and entertainment blocks of the O2TV television channel. During operation on the channel, more than 15 television programs were sketched. Among them: "Political League", "Conversation without rules", "Black and white" and others.

At the invitation of the Deputy General Director, VGTRK Sergey Arkhipov in 2007 transferred to the post of Director of the Directorate of Prime-Time Broadcasting Radio Program of the GRK "Lighthouse".

In January 2008, it was founded and became the general director of the Center for Strategic Communications "Apostle Media", specializing in Russian and international PR, teleproduction, analytics, branding, design and other projects.

In September 2008, together with Andrei Kolesnikov and Tina Kandelaki launched the project "Unreal Policy" on the Internet. For six months, more than 5 million people looked the political show in the network, after which, at the end of 2009, the Ren TV channel acquired the right to "unrealistic politics". Together with the management of the canal, he oversaw the preparation of four issues of the program, after which, together with the company "Apostle" came out of the project. In 2010, the first in the history of the media business start-up, which passed from Runet to federal television, pouched on Ren TV NTV channel.

POST TV Internet channel launched at the end of 2008. As part of it, the programs of the old men are launched here with Zakhar Prilepin and "Fantastic Breakfast" with Dmitry Glukhovsky, " video believe" with Irene Ponaroshka, "Men's Games" with Oleg Taktarov and "Real Sport" with Victoria Lopereva. Together with a journalist from Pula Vladimir Putin, the editor-in-chief of the Russian pioneer magazine Andrei Kolesnikov was engaged in promoting the publication: organized a cycle of events with the participation of Russian mediaperson and political establishment. Among the permanent participants of "Pioneer readings" - TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladislav Surkov, Actor Ivan Okhlobystin, head of the TV channel RUSSIA TODAY Margarita Simonyan and others.

From April to December 2009, he was the general director of a niche social network for representatives of the FASHION-Industry "". From October 2009 to January 2012, Vasily Brcovko was a co-generator of the Transmission of "Info", which the company "Apostle" produced for the CTC television channel. In 2010, the program received a special prize of Teffi Telekritics for an experiment in the convergence of television and the Internet. At the Teffi itself, "info" was nominated twice.

In 2011, as part of the leadership, the "Apostle Media" holding was engaged in the production of a weekly transfer "Moscow 24/7" on the "life of ordinary Muscovites" for TVC channel. The program was nominated for the Teffi Prize.

In March 2011, the partnership with Tina Kandelaki founded the AM-Invest investment company engaged in financing Internet startups, software development and creation of educational computer programs for schools, and became its general director. According to Vasily Brórsko, he and the "Apostle" team and previously worked on creating software, including several platforms related to financial management in educational institutions.

Above the "concept of children's and youth football in Dagestan" in cooperation with FC Anji worked in October 2011. Included the preparation of the coaching composition and the creation of infrastructure throughout the territory of the republic, and also organized a presentation of one of the most expensive football strikers of Samuel's world.

From 2011 to 2012, together with Tina Kandelaki, the National Educational Project "Smart School" launched, which includes the regular holding of the All-Russian Educational Forum "Smart School", trips to the regional schools and the work of the Network-School project. The latter is an open discussion platform for the exchange of opinions on the problems of the education system and building feedback with representatives of the Public Chamber, the State Duma and the Government of the Russian Federation. In November 2011, the portal received a "Runet Prize" in the nomination "Science and Education".

The project is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Park School. In the "Smart School" is implemented an individual approach to each student. Children teach responsibly to dispose of their lives, "design" her. Pupils are involved in real project activities, decisive real problems. The educational program will create teachers themselves and students. The educational program of the "Smart School" is based on 5 substantive axes, which determine its specificity: figurefacial modeling of the world, psychologicalization of the educational process, intensive study of foreign languages, productive labor activity, school sports.

In February 2012, he conducted a rebranding of the Center for Strategic Communications "Apostle". The new brand "Apostle" was created by the Hunt Haggarty Agency.

From 2012 to 2013, he led the PR-Promotion of the State Corporation Rosex in Russia and abroad. Under his leadership, a number of projects were implemented, in particular, in December 2012, Rostech was rebranding, all components of the brand were updated, a new multimedia website of the state corporation was created. The cost of these works was 1.5 million dollars. The project was carried out by the Central Apostle Strategic Communications Center, which attracted the British Winter Agency and the Designer Group under the leadership of Hazel McMillan. The Rostech website has developed a creative agency Someoneelse.

Vasily Brisko left the "apostle" and December 2013 and headed first the service of communications to the state corporation, and later became the Director of Communications, Analytics and Strategic Rostech Research.

As the founder of the "apostle" Vasily Brovko is developing state budgets and why married the scandalous TV presenter of Tine Kandelaki

Natalia Golitsyn

The government appointed the Growth Corporation the only performer of the project to create an IT infrastructure for the 2018 World Cup was told by the newspaper Vedomosti.

According to the publication, the decision was made at the level of the first deputy prime minister of the Russian Federation Igor Shvalovwriting the preparation of the 2018 World Cup in Russia. The state corporations have to provide a championship of data channels, video conferencing, fixed and mobile communications, satellite communications and cable TV. Such large prey brought Vasily Brotko to the native nest of Rosteja, which occupies the position of Director for Communications and Strategic Studies in the corporation. A tempting multi-billion dollar order, apparently, the result of long and painstaking lobbizm.

Indeed, some more than 14 years ago, he chased football in the yards of Zhukovsky. Brovko still can't forget how he pushed in train to Moscow. It would seem that all his current stormy activities is devoted to desperate attempts to be taken to grab everything from life that he is due, and even more. So who is this Vasily Brovko born in 1987? His name is not first populated in connection with the 2018 World Cup. Vasily Brovko for five years headed the Communction Agency created by him "Apostle"Where he went to work in Rostech at the end of 2013. However, he continued to keep influence on his brainchild. In the absence of Brovko, the head of the Apostle became his close friend, the well-known TV presenter Tina Kandelaki, together with which they owned the shares of PR-agencies equally. In 2015, it became known that the "apostle" would receive a contract for branding 11 cities, where matches will be held within the framework of the 2018 World Cup. At that time, the information was circulated in the media that the project is supported by the Government's financial and economic block, headed, as well as the First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov. Thus, IT-provision of the championship "Rosteh" looks like a logical continuation of the lobbyistic activity of the former general director of the Apostle.

Proximity to the first persons of the state and direct access to high cabinets more than once helped him successfully resolve cases affiliated with him structures. Thus, in April 2014, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who oversees the defense industry in the government, expressed resentment about two tenders of the Kalashnikov concern for the development of the site and brand, the starting price for each of which was 20 million rubles. The details of the "Kalashnikov" included in Rostech were going to give the "apostle", but Rogozin promised to initiate a test of the competition. The conflict was repaid, not having to flared up, and the branding of the legendary manufacturer of small arms still engaged in the "apostle". So Vasily Brovko won his own hardware victory.

Friendship between Rosteh and Brovko began in 2010. With the submission of the post of Minister of Information and Communications of Tatarstan Nikolai Nikiforova The "apostle" received a contract for the complete communication support of one at that time a "young, but ambitious" Internet provider. In August 2010, the Moscow PR Agency organized a presentation of the first 4G network for him, and not somewhere, but in Kazan. It is possible that Nikiforms tritely sympatheted brings it, since he himself was only 29 years old, and he did not know what it was difficult to make nursing entrepreneurs in his life.

Since then Nikiforov Doros to the position of the federal minister, and yesterday's "Internet provider" - to the status of a full-fledged mobile operator. Very mature and Vasily Brovko. He began to drive on the "Patzansky" sports cars. It is said that yesterday's poor people are best dealing in the brands of cars - it has become a passion for briefing. His first successes did not pay attention to the leadership of the State Corporation Rostech. So browing met with Sergey Chezhezov. The fruits of this dating were not forced to wait long. In 2012, the Apostle Agency fulfilled rebranding for the state corporation, as a result of which she ceased to be called "Rostechnology" and became Rosteh, and also acquired a new logo and branded style. The work performed for modest at the time of 1.5 million dollars was so impressed by Sergey Chezzova, that he called browling to communicate the entire state corporation directly in her state. For a long time to persuade Vasily Brovko did not have to have, because it was necessary for him.

So began the elevation of the general director of the Apostle. Solver about his communication abilities and a well-suspended language through Chemezov raised according to the ruling circles of Russia. As a result, the Russian PR has developed a paradoxical situation. As soon as large state structures and departments have a need for information promotion, they understand that it is not necessary to go far and turn directly to Vasily Brovko. He, famous for its eloquence and love for "fashionable" docks like "extrapolate", "Synergy", "Growth Driver", "Spectrality", "Segregation", knows how to bring fog, promise the Client Golden Mountains and ultimately sell to him . Brovko is a "bridge" between the state apparatus and the "apostle", for its successful lobbyism, in the media environment, the unlocked nickname "Empire Evil". So, in April 2015, the Agency won a scandalous tender worth more than 60 million rubles for the information and analytical support of the Ministry of Industry and Commission of the Russian Federation. This competition was hit by two lots: one worth 40 million rubles, another in the area of \u200b\u200b20 million rubles. They are called differently, but the set of services contain plus minus the same. In millions of budget rubles, branding of pencils, folders and business cards were evaluated, as well as daily media monitoring and writing positive posts about the ministry in blogs.

Strong ties with Nikiforov, as well as friendship with Rustam Minnikhanov, soon opened a new chapter in the relationship between the "apostle" and Tatarstan - this time much more expensive. In 2014, the Agency acquired a contract for the development of the territorial brand of the republic. In addition, Vasilia Brovko managed to turn Tatarstan in fact to the advertising platform of Rostech. In the vicinity of Kazan, the corporation rebuilt its own Science of Innopolis, where Brcco now holds annual IT conferences with the participation of politicians and their deputies, including Minnikhanov, Nikiforov and the head of the Ministry of Industry. Apparently the purpose of such forums is the praise of the state corporation and everything that Sergey Chemezov does for the country. Against the background of the fabulously expensive videos on huge screens, browing in a kindly designer suit and practiced in oratorical skills.

As military plants stamps their products on the conveyor, and Vasily Brovko organized an uninterrupted delivery of all new tenders for the "apostle" and learned to use Rostech, and with him the federal budget, for his surroundings. How much is included in the "Rostex" of Holdings - so many orders for rebranding received the candelacks to his bottomless piggy bank. Crot, Aviation Equipment, Schwab, Kalashnikov, - All these concerns dropped a lot of money "Apostle" in exchange for incomprehensible services with "muddy" names: "Positioning concept", "Development of the brand architecture", "Creating a Communication Platforms. " Brovko seems to be able to juggle with these concepts, even if he was waking up in the middle of the night.

Vasily Brovko, who is not yet 30 years old, is inclined to hide his huge influence in every way. But sometimes in the information space, there are still signals indicating its exclusive relations with the authorities. So, in 2013, he was criticized on the pages of the blogs of Alexei Navalny because of the scandalous tender "Apostle" on the information service "Aeroflot". As you know, the popular oppositionist does not write about anyone, in different years such influential figures were subjected to attacks, as the first deputy chairman of the government, Igor Shuvalov or the former head of the Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin. Brovically became an object of attacks and from other opposition stars - Ksenia Sobchak mentioned him in his Twitter, however, mainly in a romantic sense, hinting at Vasily and Tina Kandelaki. But the "Blonde in Chocolate" often takes place in the microblog in Sergey Chezovov and "Rostech Spairs". Browfully also appeared in a large post "put your candelays" of the authorship of the close companion of Navalny, the activist Ruslan Leviyev. The question remains open, why the Russian opposition is seriously related to not particularly media brow.

The "apostle" stretches the long loop of scandalous stories related to the information service of power supports. From Kandelaki, Vasily brought a special relationship in every sense. The TV presenter not only for a long time performed the function of his goldenfield in the "apostle", from the capital of which it was chained in connection with the transition to work in the state corporation, but recently ceased to hide that family bonds were united with a business partner. Gossip that Tina Kandelaki and Vasily got married, became a hit of yellow tabloids of this summer.

But the state contracts, which are browing for the "apostle" and "Rostech" by skillful lobbize and talented manipulative practices, can be regarded including both replenishment of the family budget. Thus, the cost of the IT-provision of the 2018 FIFA World Cup is about 11 billion rubles.

One of the most skillful entrepreneurs, producers, media standards of the Russian Federation is Vasily Brovko. On February 6, 1987, he was born in the city of Zhukovsky Moscow region, and during the construction of his career, he held a considerable number of posts. Today, Vasily works in the State Corporation "Rostech" as the Director of Communication Division.

School years and student

So, the director of the Communication Division of the State Corporation "Rostech" was born in the city of Zhukovsky, belonging to the Moscow region in 1987. Vasily Brovko, whose parents indicated to him the importance of sports, decided to professionally engage in the most popular football in our country. Education at school with a mathematical bias has ended in 2005. After another four years, in 2009, he ends the Moscow State University, becoming a graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy, political science.

Participation in media projects from 2004 to 2007

In the field of media projects, Vasily Brovko, whose personal life, in the opinion of many, is connected with the television leading Tina Kandelaki, began, while still a student of the Moscow State University. There he creates his first media project. It was a youth magazine, which was presented in the form of an Internet site ( Alexey Volin, Nikita White and Valery Fadeev visited the list of lecturers and columnists of the journal.

In 2006, Vasily invited to take the position of producer on the O2TV TV channel. There he begins to lead political, as well as entertainment blocks. For all the time of work, that brver spent there, he managed to sprinkle at least fifteen unique programs. Their list includes "Black and White", "Conversation without rules", "Political League". After another year, Vasily invited to take a position on the Radio program of the GRK "Mayak", where he became the director of the broadcast department. Such a proposal was received from Sergey Arkhipov - Director General of VGTRK.

Activities in 2008

Vasily Brovko, whose biography is presented in the article, in January 2008, became the founder of the Center for Strategic Communications, which later received the name "Apostle Media". New Position of the Men - General Director of Education. Part of the name (namely "media") was abolished in 2012 due to rebranding. From the very beginning of its existence, the Center for Strategic Communications was aimed at creating Internet projects, their development, as well as on television production and PR.

In September, Vasily Brod unites with Tina Kandelaki and Andrei Kolesnikov, in order to launch the project "Unreal Policy", which started on the Internet. The project has existed for about one year at their disposal, and during this time it managed to at least show the minimum of five million people. However, in 2009, already at the very end, the rights to the project were sold by the Ren-TV television channel.

Even after Vasily abandoned the rights to "unrealistic politics", he continued to work on this project. Ren-TV management manual called on the director of the Center for Strategic Communications to Cooperation, and Brovko continued to oversee the preparation of issues. Nevertheless, under his leadership, only four issues came out, after which the "apostle" refused to continue the activity in this direction. Bare a little ahead and we note that later the right to broadcast transmission was bought from Ren TV to another channel - NTV. This happened in 2010. Summing up this, it should be said that the "unreal policy" became the first project such as startup, which has a beginning on the Internet, and the continuation is already on television.

At the end of 2008, Vasily Brovko launches another Internet channel, named after POST TV. As part of the channel, several gears were shown. These programs included such programs as "old men are not a place here" (Leading - Zakhar Prilepin), "Men's Games" (Leading - Oleg Taktarov), "Fantastic breakfast" (led Dmitry Glukhovsky), "Real Sport" (Vectorika Loping ).

Activities in 2009

During this period (and if we talk more specifically, from April to December), Vasily Brovko held the position of general director of the social network, which was created for representatives of the fashion industry. Also in 2009 browling became a co-raid "InfoNaya". This transfer was made by him under a contract for the CTC television channel from 2009 to 2012. In the 2010 Community of Telekritics decides to reward it with a special prize, and the reason for this is becoming a successful experiment conducted in the field of internet convergence and television. "Infusion" at the same time nominated twice to "Teffi".

Activities in 2011

During this time, the Center for Strategic Communications running Vasily Brovko (then the "apostle of media") was engaged in cooperation with TVC television channel. For him, the holding produced a weekly transmission, called "Moscow 24/7", as well as the "life of ordinary Muscovites". These programs were also nominated for receiving the "Teffi" award.

Close cooperation with Tina Kandelaki Vasily began in March 2011. Then they founded an investment company called "AM-Invest". She began to finance projects of type "Startup" on the Internet. Also, the company has developed Software and educational programs for computer science lessons in schools. Brovko became the general director of Am-Invest, which was expected. As he said, the team of the Center for Strategic Communications worked on to create software for multiple platforms.

In October 2011, Brovko began cooperation with the Anji Football Club. There he helped develop a "concept of the development of children-youth football in the Republic of Dagestan." This concept included not only the creation of the relevant infrastructure, but also the preparation of a professional coaching composition.

Vasily Brovko. Parents and personal life

Until now, resources cannot tell about the parents of a talented entrepreneur with any little information. Do not find information about who they worked, perhaps, the Son went in the footsteps of his ancestors? In any case, there is no this information on the Internet. Vasily Brovko (wife, according to official information, is absent) "suspected" by the public in relations with TV host of Tina Kandelaki. However, there was still no official confirmation rumors.

Conflict with Navalny

At the time of the conflict, Alexey Navalny was another member of the Board of Directors of Aeroflot. In 2013, he accused the Holding "Apostle" in default under the contract. However, browingly answered the claims, stating that the total video of the company in the YouTube service had the necessary number of views, to overtaken even their German and French "colleagues."

I could not answer this, but after some time stated that the rebranding of the Center for Strategic Communications "Apostle" was an unjustified measure. It also had an argumentated answer. He led the values \u200b\u200bof the favored index, which increased from 10.9 thousand to 29.5.

In 2013, March 27, Ruslan Leviyev, who was a supporter of Navalny, accused holding at cheating views. Navalny himself copied the entry into his blog. Vasily Brovko answered this unreasonable plunge of the article in which Navalnya raised for attempts to conduct an information attack without facts and evidence.

As the founder of the "apostle" Vasily Brovko is developing state budgets and why married the scandalous TV presenter of Tine Kandelaki

Natalia Golitsyn

The government appointed the Growth Corporation the only performer of the project to create an IT infrastructure for the 2018 World Cup was told by the newspaper Vedomosti.

According to the publication, the decision was made at the level of the first deputy prime minister of the Russian Federation Igor Shvalovwriting the preparation of the 2018 World Cup in Russia. The state corporations have to provide a championship of data channels, video conferencing, fixed and mobile communications, satellite communications and cable TV. Such large prey brought Vasily Brotko to the native nest of Rosteja, which occupies the position of Director for Communications and Strategic Studies in the corporation. A tempting multi-billion dollar order, apparently, the result of long and painstaking lobbizm.

Indeed, some more than 14 years ago, he chased football in the yards of Zhukovsky. Brovko still can't forget how he pushed in train to Moscow. It would seem that all his current stormy activities is devoted to desperate attempts to be taken to grab everything from life that he is due, and even more. So who is this Vasily Brovko born in 1987? His name is not first populated in connection with the 2018 World Cup. Vasily Brovko for five years headed the Communction Agency created by him "Apostle"Where he went to work in Rostech at the end of 2013. However, he continued to keep influence on his brainchild. In the absence of Brovko, the head of the Apostle became his close friend, the well-known TV presenter Tina Kandelaki, together with which they owned the shares of PR-agencies equally. In 2015, it became known that the "apostle" would receive a contract for branding 11 cities, where matches will be held within the framework of the 2018 World Cup. At that time, the information was circulated in the media that the project is supported by the Government's financial and economic block, headed, as well as the First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov. Thus, IT-provision of the championship "Rosteh" looks like a logical continuation of the lobbyistic activity of the former general director of the Apostle.

Proximity to the first persons of the state and direct access to high cabinets more than once helped him successfully resolve cases affiliated with him structures. Thus, in April 2014, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who oversees the defense industry in the government, expressed resentment about two tenders of the Kalashnikov concern for the development of the site and brand, the starting price for each of which was 20 million rubles. The details of the "Kalashnikov" included in Rostech were going to give the "apostle", but Rogozin promised to initiate a test of the competition. The conflict was repaid, not having to flared up, and the branding of the legendary manufacturer of small arms still engaged in the "apostle". So Vasily Brovko won his own hardware victory.

Friendship between Rosteh and Brovko began in 2010. With the submission of the post of Minister of Information and Communications of Tatarstan Nikolai Nikiforova The "apostle" received a contract for the complete communication support of one at that time a "young, but ambitious" Internet provider. In August 2010, the Moscow PR Agency organized a presentation of the first 4G network for him, and not somewhere, but in Kazan. It is possible that Nikiforms tritely sympatheted brings it, since he himself was only 29 years old, and he did not know what it was difficult to make nursing entrepreneurs in his life.

Since then Nikiforov Doros to the position of the federal minister, and yesterday's "Internet provider" - to the status of a full-fledged mobile operator. Very mature and Vasily Brovko. He began to drive on the "Patzansky" sports cars. It is said that yesterday's poor people are best dealing in the brands of cars - it has become a passion for briefing. His first successes did not pay attention to the leadership of the State Corporation Rostech. So browing met with Sergey Chezhezov. The fruits of this dating were not forced to wait long. In 2012, the Apostle Agency fulfilled rebranding for the state corporation, as a result of which she ceased to be called "Rostechnology" and became Rosteh, and also acquired a new logo and branded style. The work performed for modest at the time of 1.5 million dollars was so impressed by Sergey Chezzova, that he called browling to communicate the entire state corporation directly in her state. For a long time to persuade Vasily Brovko did not have to have, because it was necessary for him.

So began the elevation of the general director of the Apostle. Solver about his communication abilities and a well-suspended language through Chemezov raised according to the ruling circles of Russia. As a result, the Russian PR has developed a paradoxical situation. As soon as large state structures and departments have a need for information promotion, they understand that it is not necessary to go far and turn directly to Vasily Brovko. He, famous for its eloquence and love for "fashionable" docks like "extrapolate", "Synergy", "Growth Driver", "Spectrality", "Segregation", knows how to bring fog, promise the Client Golden Mountains and ultimately sell to him . Brovko is a "bridge" between the state apparatus and the "apostle", for its successful lobbyism, in the media environment, the unlocked nickname "Empire Evil". So, in April 2015, the Agency won a scandalous tender worth more than 60 million rubles for the information and analytical support of the Ministry of Industry and Commission of the Russian Federation. This competition was hit by two lots: one worth 40 million rubles, another in the area of \u200b\u200b20 million rubles. They are called differently, but the set of services contain plus minus the same. In millions of budget rubles, branding of pencils, folders and business cards were evaluated, as well as daily media monitoring and writing positive posts about the ministry in blogs.

Strong ties with Nikiforov, as well as friendship with Rustam Minnikhanov, soon opened a new chapter in the relationship between the "apostle" and Tatarstan - this time much more expensive. In 2014, the Agency acquired a contract for the development of the territorial brand of the republic. In addition, Vasilia Brovko managed to turn Tatarstan in fact to the advertising platform of Rostech. In the vicinity of Kazan, the corporation rebuilt its own Science of Innopolis, where Brcco now holds annual IT conferences with the participation of politicians and their deputies, including Minnikhanov, Nikiforov and the head of the Ministry of Industry. Apparently the purpose of such forums is the praise of the state corporation and everything that Sergey Chemezov does for the country. Against the background of the fabulously expensive videos on huge screens, browing in a kindly designer suit and practiced in oratorical skills.

As military plants stamps their products on the conveyor, and Vasily Brovko organized an uninterrupted delivery of all new tenders for the "apostle" and learned to use Rostech, and with him the federal budget, for his surroundings. How much is included in the "Rostex" of Holdings - so many orders for rebranding received the candelacks to his bottomless piggy bank. Crot, Aviation Equipment, Schwab, Kalashnikov, - All these concerns dropped a lot of money "Apostle" in exchange for incomprehensible services with "muddy" names: "Positioning concept", "Development of the brand architecture", "Creating a Communication Platforms. " Brovko seems to be able to juggle with these concepts, even if he was waking up in the middle of the night.

Vasily Brovko, who is not yet 30 years old, is inclined to hide his huge influence in every way. But sometimes in the information space, there are still signals indicating its exclusive relations with the authorities. So, in 2013, he was criticized on the pages of the blogs of Alexei Navalny because of the scandalous tender "Apostle" on the information service "Aeroflot". As you know, the popular oppositionist does not write about anyone, in different years such influential figures were subjected to attacks, as the first deputy chairman of the government, Igor Shuvalov or the former head of the Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin. Brovically became an object of attacks and from other opposition stars - Ksenia Sobchak mentioned him in his Twitter, however, mainly in a romantic sense, hinting at Vasily and Tina Kandelaki. But the "Blonde in Chocolate" often takes place in the microblog in Sergey Chezovov and "Rostech Spairs". Browfully also appeared in a large post "put your candelays" of the authorship of the close companion of Navalny, the activist Ruslan Leviyev. The question remains open, why the Russian opposition is seriously related to not particularly media brow.

The "apostle" stretches the long loop of scandalous stories related to the information service of power supports. From Kandelaki, Vasily brought a special relationship in every sense. The TV presenter not only for a long time performed the function of his goldenfield in the "apostle", from the capital of which it was chained in connection with the transition to work in the state corporation, but recently ceased to hide that family bonds were united with a business partner. Gossip that Tina Kandelaki and Vasily got married, became a hit of yellow tabloids of this summer.

But the state contracts, which are browing for the "apostle" and "Rostech" by skillful lobbize and talented manipulative practices, can be regarded including both replenishment of the family budget. Thus, the cost of the IT-provision of the 2018 FIFA World Cup is about 11 billion rubles.