What are the spheres of culture. Subject and Personal Types of Culture

What are the spheres of culture. Subject and Personal Types of Culture

1. Structure of culture

1.1 Facilities of Culture

2. Agents and social institutions of culture

3. Typology of cultures

4. Types of Culture

4.1 Dominant culture

4.2 Subculture and counterculture

4.3 Rural culture

4.4 City culture


1. Structure of culture

Culture (from Lat. Culture - cultivation, education, education, development, reverence) - a specific way of organizing and developing human livelihoods, presented in the projects of material and spiritual labor, in the system social norms and institutions, in spiritual values, in the aguity of relations of people to nature, among themselves and to themselves. Culture is peculiar to any form of human existence as its characteristic and mandatory feature, required attribute all society.

The structure of the culture is presented in two main parts: cultural static and cultural dynamics. The first describes the culture at rest, the second - in motion. Cultural statics applies internal structure Cultures - a set of oasis elements or damns and form of culture - configurations, characteristic combinations of such elements.

The dynamics includes those tools, mechanisms and processes that describe the transformation of culture, its change. Culture is born, spreads, persisted, with it there are many metamorphosis. The basic units of culture are elements or traits of culture. They are two species - material and intangible. Material cultural monuments are more durable, they store a greater amount of information than intangible. We can judge the material and intangible elements of culture on modern culture, but about the ancient - only on material.

Material culture Includes physical objects created by human hands. They are called artifacts (steam machine, book, temple, residential building, tie, decoration, dam and much more). Artifacts are distinguished by the fact that they have a certain symbolic meaningPerform the provided function and represent a certain value for a group or society.

Intangible or spiritual culture form norms, rules, samples, standards, models and norms of behavior, laws, values, ceremonies, rituals, symbols, knowledge, ideas, customs, traditions, language. They are also the result of people's activities, but created not by hand, but rather reason. Intangible objects exist in our consciousness and are supported by human communication.

1.1 Facilities of Culture

Basis units Cultural statics are called elements or features of culture. Facilities of culture are divided into universal, general and specific.

Universal features of culture Inherent in the human race and distinguish it from other species of living beings. First of all, GGO sociobiological features, in particular, a long period Childhood, permanent (and not seasonal) the nature of the reproductive function and a difficultly organized brain, inherent in all people, the need for a long and caring education of offspring and attachment of children to parents. Social universals include collective life, food distribution and family building.

General features of culture inherent in a number of societies and peoples, so they are also called regional. There are several reasons for regional similarity. The first is that some nations communicate and exchange each other cultural achievements more actively than with other peoples. The second reason is common ethnic ancestors. The third cause of similarity is due to the same, but independently from each other by cultural inventions, made at the same time among different peoples.

Specific features of culture often referred to exotic, unusual or not generally accepted. In some cultures it is believed that the funeral should be lush, and not the name of people. In other cultures, they think otherwise. The difference in the approach to the same event in different nations can be explained by cultural factors.

Along with these features of culture, there are still nine fundamental inherent in all cultures, namely: speech (language); material traits; art; Mythology I. scientific knowledge; religious practice; Family I. social system; own; government; war. They can be called universal patterns (structures, samples) of culture. Otherwise, patterns are called cultural themes. For example, some cultures are built around such as equality and social justice, others are individual responsibility and money success, the third is a military valor and hunting, etc.

Cultural complex - A combination of cultural traits or elements that occurred on the basis of the source element and functionally related to it. As an example, you can bring sports game. hockey.

A stadium, fans, sportswear, washer, tickets and more are connected with it. Cultural complex can be galleries and museums, exhibition halls, private collections of paintings and antique objects, artistic styles and directions, scientific theories and schools, religious teachings, etc.

In cultural statics, elements are delimited in time and space. And since the cultural complex is a functionally interconnected set of elements of culture, then, therefore, it can be spatial and temporary.

Under the spatial cultural complex in this case it is understood cultural Area, And under the temporary - cultural heritage.

Cultural range is a geographical region, including a number of companies on the same and similar features or separating dominant cultural orientation. (For example, polygamy - distinctive feature East countries, professing Islam.) For example, slavic culture Includes Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Belarusian and some other subcultures or national cultures.

2. Agents and social institutions of culture

TO culture agents relate large social groups, small social groups, individuals.

Small social groups divided into:

- voluntary Professional Associations unifying cultural creators, contributing to their professional growth, protecting their rights and contribute to the spread of cultural values;

- specialized associations and circles;

- Circle fans separate species art for example, a musical group;

- cultural sections representing an indefinite set of people belonging to the intelligentsia and exercising spiritual support or culture as a whole or its individual species and directions;

- families, in which the primary socialization of a person occurs.

Large social groups divided into:

- ethnicians (tribe, nationality, nation), which are sustainable interheardous communion of people united by a common historical destiny, common traditions, culture, features of life, unity of the territory and language;

- professional groups creators, researchers, keepers and artists of artistic works (in particular, ethnographers, philologists, philosophers, critics, restorers, architects, censors, musicologists);

- unprofessional groups in one form or another introduced to culture (for example, fans, viewers, readers);

- audience (Spectator, reader).

It should be noted that the special category of crop subjects is depositors - People who contributed to positive changes in culture. This category disintegrates NESKA Group:

Creators of artwork: composers, artists, writers, poets;

Potenates, sponsors, that is, investors of culture;

Distributors of cultural property: publishers, lecturer, speakers;

Consumers of cultural property: public, audience;

Censors: literary editors, chief editors, literary censors following the compliance with the rules;

Organizers: Minister of Culture, mayor of the city.

TO institutes of Culture The institutions and organizations that create actuating, stored, distributing artworks, as well as sponsoring and educational populations of cultural values, in particular, schools and bubbles, academy of sciences, ministries of culture and education, lyceums, galleries, libraries, theaters, educational Educational complexes, stadiums, etc.

3. Typology of cultures

Sectors of culture They call such aggregates of norms, rules and models of human behavior, which include a relatively closed area as part of a whole.

Types of culture Such totals of norms, law and models of behavior of people, who constitute relatively closed areas, are considered, but are not part of one whole.

Any national or ethnic group refer to cultural types. They are not only regional ethnic formations, but also historical and economic.

Forms of culture belong to such aggregates of rules, norms and models of behavior of people who cannot be considered completely autonomous formations; They are also not integrated parts of any whole. High or elite culture, folk culture and mass culture are called cultural forms because they are a special way of expression artistic content.

Species of culture These sets of rules and models of behavior are called, which are varieties of a more general culture. The main types of culture include:

a) dominant (nationwide) culture, subculture and


b) rural and urban culture;

c) ordinary and specialized culture.

There are the following industries of culture:

Economic culture. It includes in its composition the production culture, culture of distribution, culture of exchange, culture of consumption, management culture, labor culture. When the company issues defective products, they talk about low production culture. When the Contracting Parties do not fulfill obligations, submit each other when concluding and implementing the transaction, they talk about low exchange culture. When the consumer interests in society ignore when the buyer can not return or exchange low-quality goods in the store or when sellers are incorrect, they talk about low consumption culture.

In the ordinary consciousness "Culture" acts as a collective image, uniting art, religion, science, etc. The cultural science also uses the concept of culture, which reveals the essence of human existence as the implementation of creativity and freedom. It is culture that distinguishes a person from all other beings.

Of course, it is necessary to distinguish here, firstly, freedom as an integral spiritual potency of man and, secondly, awareness and conscious social realization of freedom.

Without the first culture, it simply cannot appear, but the second is achieved only at relatively late stages of its development. Further, when we are talking about culture, we mean not some kind of separate creative act of a person, but creativity as a universal attitude of a person to the world.

The concept of culture is denoted by a universal attitude of a person to the world, through which a person creates the world and himself. Each culture is a unique universe created by a certain human attitude towards peace and to itself. In other words, studying various cultures, we study not just books, cathedrals or archaeological finds- We discover other human worlds in which people and lived, and felt differently than we. Each culture is a way of creative human self-realization. Therefore, the comprehension of other crops enriches us not only by new knowledge, but also new creative experience.

However, so far we have done only the first step towards the correct understanding and definition of culture. How is the universal attitude of a person to the world? How is it fixed in human experience and is transmitted from generation to generation? Answer these questions and means characterize culture as a subject of cultural studies.

The attitude of a person to the world is determined by meaning. It makes sense to relate any phenomenon, any subject with a person: if something is deprived of meaning, it ceases to exist for a person. What is the meaning for cultural studies? The meaning is the content of human being (including internal being), taken in a special role: to be a mediator in human relations with the world and with himself. It is the meaning that determines that we are looking for and what to open in the world and in ourselves.

The meaning should be distinguished from the value, i.e., the objective image or concept. Even if the meaning is expressed in the image or concept, in itself it is not necessarily the subject. For example, one of the most important meanings - the thirst for love-- does not imply an objective image of any person (otherwise, each of us would know in advance who he would love). An authentic meaning is addressed not only to mind, but also uncontrolled the depths of the soul and directly (in addition to our awareness) affects our feelings and will. The meaning is not always aware of a person, and not any meaning can be expressed rationally: most of the meanings are lurking in unconscious depths human soul. But those other meanings can become commonplace, uniting many people and speaking the basis of their thoughts and feelings. It is these meanings to form culture.

A person gives these meanings the whole world, and the world acts for him in his universal human significance. And the other world is simply not needed and uninteresting. ON THE. Meshcheryakova rightly distinguishes two source (basic) types of value relationship - the world can act for a person as "its" and as "alien". Culture is a universal way, what a person makes the world "his", turning it into the house of human (semantic) being. Thus, the whole world turns into a carrier of human meanings, into the world of culture. Even the starry sky or the depths of the ocean belong to culture, since they are given a particle of the human soul, as they carry the human meaning. If it were not for this point, the man would not look at the night sky, the poets would not write poems, and scientists would not give out the study of nature all the strength of their soul and, therefore, would not commit great discoveries. The theoretical thought is not born immediately, and that it appears, you need a person's interest in the mysteries of the world, you need surprise before the secrets of Genesis (not in vain Plato said that knowledge begins in surprise). But there is no interest and surprise where there are no cultural meanings that guide the minds and feelings of many people to master the world and their own soul.

From here you can give such a definition of culture. Culture is a universal way of creative self-realization of a person through the assistance of meaning, the desire to open and approve the meaning human life in the correlation of it with the meaning of the existing

Criteria, or foundations, cultural typology can be a lot, for example: communication with religion; regional belonging of culture; regional ethnic feature; belonging to the historical type of society; economy way; Society or type of activity; connection with the territory; specialization; Level of skill and type of audience, etc.

When they talk about artistic, economic or political culturesSpecialists call them either varieties of the culture of society or the spheres of the culture of society. In short, consider the main varieties of culture (spheres) of culture.

In cultural studies, there was no single opinion that it is possible to offer the following conceptual scheme as one of the options in the formations, types, sectors of culture, as one of the options.

Culture sectors should be called such aggregates of norms, rules and models of behavior of people who constitute a relatively closed area as part of a whole.

Culture types should be called such aggregate of norms, rules and models of behavior of people who constitute relatively closed areas, but are not part of one whole.

Any national or ethnic culture we must attribute to cultural types. Not only regional ethnic education should be attributed to the types of culture, but also historical and economic.

The forms of culture belong to such aggregate rules, norms and models of behavior of people who cannot be considered completely autonomous formations; They are also not integrated parts of any whole. High or elite culture, folk culture and mass culture are referred to as cultural forms because they are a special way to express art content.

We will call such aggregates of rules, norms and behavioral models, which are varieties of a more general culture. We will attract the main types of culture:

  • a) the dominant (nationwide) culture, subculture and counterculture;
  • b) rural and urban cultures;
  • c) ordinary and specialized culture.

Special conversation require spiritual and material culture. They cannot be attributed to industries, forms, types or types of culture, since these phenomena combine in varying degrees all four classification features. Spiritual I. material culture It is more correct to consider combined, or complex, formations aside from the general conceptual scheme.

A variety of spiritual culture is artistic, and a variety of material - physical culture.

Typology of cultures, classification of various types and forms of local and world religions, because Built on the basis of several criteria:

communication with religion (religious and secular cultures);

regional belonging of culture (culture of the East and West, Mediterranean, Latin American);

regional-ethnic feature (Russian, French);

belonging to the historical type of society (culture of traditional, industrial, post-industrial society);

economic structure (culture of hunters and collectors, gardens, farmers, cattle breeders, industrial culture);

society of society or type of activity (culture production, political, economic, pedagogical, environmental, artistic, etc.);

connection with the territory (rural and urban culture);

specialization (ordinary and specialized culture);

ethnicity (folk, national, ethnic culture);

the level of skill and type of audience (high, or elitar, folk, mass culture), etc.

Culture sectors should be called such aggregates of norms, rules and models of behavior of people who constitute a relatively closed area as part of a whole. Economic, political, professional and other activities of people give the basis to allocate them into independent industries of culture. Thus, political, professional or pedagogical culture - These are branches of culture, just as industry has such industries as automotive industry, machine-tooling, heavy and lightweight industry, chemical industry, etc. Culture types should be called such aggregate of norms, rules and models of behavior of people who constitute relatively closed areas, but are not part of one whole. For example, Chinese or Russian culture are such original and self-sufficient phenomena that do not belong to a really existing whole. In relation to them, only the culture of all mankind can play the role of a whole, but it is rather a metaphor than a real phenomenon, since we cannot put the culture of other living beings near the culture of mankind and compare with it. Any national or ethnic culture we must attribute to cultural types. The term "type" suggests that national cultures are Russian, French or Chinese - we can compare and find them typical traits. Not only regional ethnic education should be attributed to the types of culture, but also historical and economic. In this case, the Latin American culture, the culture of the post-industrial society or the culture of hunters and collectors should be referred to as cultural types.

The forms of culture belong to such aggregate rules, norms and models of behavior of people who cannot be considered completely autonomous formations; They are also not composite parts of some kind. High or elite culture, folk culture and mass culture are referred to as cultural forms because they are a special way to express art content. High, folk and mass culture differ in a set of receptions and fine remedies artwork, authorship, audience, means of reporting to the audience of artistic ideas, level of performing skill. We will call such aggregates of rules, norms and behavioral models, which are varieties of a more general culture. For example, the subculture is a kind of dominant (nationwide) culture, which belongs to a large social group and is distinguished by some uniqueness. For example, youth subculture created age group People from 13 to 19 years old. They are also called adiges. Youth subculture does not exist in the separation from nationwide, constantly interacts and fueled by it. The same can be said about the counterculture. This name is a special subculture, antagonistic culture towards the dominant culture. We will attribute to the main types of culture: a) the dominant (nationwide) culture, subculture and counterculture; b) rural and urban cultures; c) ordinary and specialized culture. The spiritual and material culture cannot be attributed to industries, forms, types or types of culture, since these phenomena combine in varying degrees all four classification features. The spiritual and material culture is more correctly considered to be combined or comprehensive formations standing aside from the general conceptual scheme. They can be called through phenomena that permeate and industries, and types, and forms, and types of culture. The species of spiritual culture are artistic, and a variety of material - physical culture.

The sociocultural world advocates researchers in all its heterogeneity and multiplicity. For the most complete and fruitful study of the cultural phenomenon, the method of classification, or typology is applied. The cultural typology solves the problem of an ordered description and explanation of the solugenous in the composition of many objects of culture. Culture Typology - Method scientific knowledge, which is based on the dismemberment of sociocultural systems and objects and their grouping using a generalized idealized model or type; The result of typological description and comparison. At the same time, in the scientific community, as more or less equal, there are various grounds for the typology of culture. The grounds are certain sets of indicators, including significant characteristics of the studied cultures in accordance with the tasks set.

The prerogative of the researcher is the choice of base for typology, with such grounds, as will be shown later, may be several. Modern cultural knowledge is represented by various typologies, cultural classifications. This does not mean that some of them are more correct than others. The meaning is that the research tasks themselves dictate the necessary set of indicators, which are the basis for one or another cultural typology. "In today's cognitive paradigm, research intentions are considered as a significant factor affecting the entire course scientific work, including the data obtained and their interpretation. Therefore, it is impossible to "objective" classification of crops "by itself", which they are "actually" "1.

By the nature of the creations, you can allocate the culture presented in single samples and mass culture. The first form on the characteristic features of the creators is divided into folk and elite culture. Folk culture It is a single product most often nameless authors. This form of culture includes myths, legends, legends, epos, songs, dances, etc. Elite culture - The aggregate of single creations, which are created by the well-known representatives of the privileged part of society or by its order by professional creators. Here we are talking about creators having a high level of education and well-known enlightened public. This culture includes art, literature, classical music etc.

Mass (public) culture It is products of spiritual production in the field of art created by big circulations Based on the general public. The main thing for it is the entertainment of the widest masses of the population. It is understandable and accessible to all ages, all the segments of the population, regardless of the level of education. Its main feature is the simplicity of ideas and images: texts, movements, sounds, etc. Samples of this culture are aimed at emotional sphere man. At the same time, mass culture often uses simplified samples of elite and folk culture ("remixes"). Mass culture averaged spiritual development of people.

Subculture - This is a culture of any social Group: a confessional, professional, corporate, etc. It, as a rule, does not deny universal culture, but has specific features. Signs of subculture become special rules of behavior, language, symbolism. Each society has its own set of subcultures: youth, professional, ethnic, religious, dissident, etc.

Dominant culture - Values, traditions, views, etc., divided by only part of society. But this part has the opportunity to impose them into the whole society or by virtue of that, that it is an ethnic majority, or by virtue of the fact that it has a coercion mechanism. The subculture that opposes dominant culture is called a counterculture. The social basis of the countercultitution are people to some extent alienated from the rest of society. The monitoring of the counterculture makes it possible to understand the cultural dynamics, the formation and distribution of new values.

A tendency to evaluate the culture of his nation as good and correct, and another culture - as strange and even immoral named "Ethnocentrism" Many societies are ethnocentric. From the point of view of psychology, this phenomenon acts as a factor in the unity and stability of this society. However, ethnocentrism can be a source of intercultural conflicts. Extreme forms The manifestations of ethnocentrism are nationalism. The opposite acts cultural relativism.

Elite culture

Elite, or high culture It is created by a privileged part, or by its order by professional creators. It includes elegant art, classical music and literature. High culture, such as painting Picasso or music by Schnit, is difficult to understand the unprepared person. As a rule, it is ahead of decades ahead of the perception of the average humanized person. The circle of its consumers is a highly educated part of society: critics, literary critics, regulars of museums and exhibitions, theater, artists, writers, musicians. When the level of education of the population is growing, the circle of consumers high culture expands. To its varieties, secular art and salon music can be attributed. Formula of elitar culture - " art for art”.

Elite culture It is intended for a narrow circle of a highly educated public and confront both folk and mass culture. It is usually incomprehensible to wide masses and requires good preparation for the right perception.

The elite culture include avant-garde directions in music, painting, cinema, complex literature of a philosophical nature. Often the creators of such a culture are perceived as residents of the "Elephant Tower", extinguished by their art from a real daily life. As a rule, elite culture is non-commercial, although sometimes it can be financially successful and go into a category mass culture.

Modern trends are such that the mass culture penetrates all areas of "high culture", mixing with it. At the same time, the mass culture reduces the general consumer level of its consumers, but at the same time itself gradually rises to a higher cultural level. Unfortunately, the first process still flows much more intense than the second.

Folk culture

Folk culture recognized as a special form of culture. In contrast to elite culture, popular, culture is created anonymous creators who do not have training. The authors of folk creations are unknown. The folk culture is called amateur (not in terms of level, but by origin) or collective. It includes myths, legends, tales, epic, fairy tales, songs and dancing. By execution, elements of folk culture can be individual (statement of legends), group (performance of dance or songs), mass (carnival processions). Folklore - another name folk creativitywhich is created by various layers of the population. Folklore is localized, i.e. is associated with the traditions of this area, and democratic, since all those who wish are involved in its creation. Anecdotes, urban legends can be attributed to modern manifestations of folk culture.

Mass culture

Mass or publicly available does not express the exquisite tastes of the aristocracy or spiritual searches of the people. The time of her appearance is the middle of the XX century, when media (Radio, printing, television, gramzapsy, tape recorders, video) penetrated in most countries of the world And the representatives of all social layers became available. Mass culture can be international and national. Popular I. pop musicbright example Mass culture. It is understandable and accessible to all ages, all the segments of the population, regardless of the level of education.

Mass culture is usually possesses less artistic valuethan elite or folk culture. But she has the most wide audience. She satisfies the momentary requests of people, reacts to any new event and reflects it. Therefore, samples of mass culture, in particular lumps, quickly lose the relevance, are obsolete, out of fashion. With the works of elite and folk culture, this does not happen. Pop culture - The slang name of the mass culture, and KITCH is its kind.


The totality of values, beliefs, traditions and customs, which are guided by most members of society, is called dominant Culture. Since society breaks into many groups (national, demographic, social, professional), gradually each of them forms its own culture, i.e., the system of values \u200b\u200band rules of behavior. Small cultures are called subcultures.

Subculture - Part of the total culture, system of values, traditions, customs inherent in particular. Say O. youth subculture Subculture of the elderly, subculture of national minorities, professional subculture, criminal subculture. The subculture is different from the dominant culture with the language, looks for life, behavior, hairstyles, dress, customs. Differences can be very strong, but the subculture does not oppose the dominant culture. Its culture from drug addicts, deaf-and-dumb, homeless, alcoholics, athletes, lonely. The children of aristocrats or middle class representatives are very different from their behavior from children from the lowest class. They are reading different books, go to different schools, focus on different ideals. Each generation and social group has their own cultural world.


Counterculture Indicates such a subculture that does not just differ from the dominant culture, but is opposed, is in conflict with dominant values. The subculture of terrorists is opposed to human culture, and Hippie's youth movement in the 1960s. Drew the dominant US values: hard work, material success, conformism, sexual restraint, political loyalty, rationalism.

Culture in Russia

The state of the spiritual life of modern Russia can be characterized as a transient from defending values \u200b\u200brelated to attempts to build a communist society, to finding a new meaning public Development. We went out on the next round of the historical dispute between Wessengers and Slavophiles.

The Russian Federation - multiethnic country. Its development is due to the peculiarities of national cultures. The uniqueness of the spiritual life of Russia is a manifold cultural traditions, religious beliefs, moral norms, aesthetic tastes, etc., which is associated with the specifics cultural heritage of different nations.

Currently, in the spiritual life of our country is observed contradictory trends. On the one hand, mutual penetration different cultures He contributes to interethnic understanding and cooperation, on the other - the development of national cultures is accompanied by interethnic conflicts. The latter circumstance requires a weighted, tolerant attitude towards the culture of other communities.

7. Classification of culture

As culture is complex systemIt is customary to be considered from different parties for certain characteristics.

The main classifications of culture are conducted:

1) by geographical signs (East, West, etc.);

2) in temporary features (crop chronology is conducted);

3) on formation features ( stone Age, iron, etc.);

4) according to technological features (characteristics of new information technologies);

5) on the carrier of culture.

Let us dwell in more detail on the last classification - on the carrier of culture. Depending on this, culture is divided into worldand national.

To global culture, everything is the best that has been achieved by national cultures of the various peoples of the whole world.

National culture is a combination of cultures no longer peoples, but of various classes, groups and layers of society. The national culture includes spiritual values \u200b\u200b(language, religion, literature, etc.) and material (maintenance of farming, tools, economic entry).

That culture with its values, customs, beliefs, way and traditions, which is inherent in most members of society, is dominant culture.But various factors (the collapse of the Society for individual social groups) led to what appeared so-called subculturei.e. cultures that are inherent in small cultural Miraems. Such subcultures may include young people, retirees, national minorities and other groups. Often the discrepancies between the dominant culture and subculture are insignificant. But it happens that the differences are huge, groups appear, which begin to resist the dominant culture. This phenomenon got a name counterculture.Sometimes this contradiction from passive develops into extremist. Often such groups have anarchism, radicalism. It is worth remembering the sixties and seventies years of the twentieth century. In Europe and the United States, such a significant movement as hippie appeared. "Children of flowers", as his participants called themselves, denied moral norms of society, lived in their own principles and beliefs ("free love"). They did not agree with the conformism inherent in the society of that time, with its restraint and rationalism. The basis of the new movement was young people. A new movement came to the change of "children of flowers", more radical and fierce, - punk. Translated by S. english word Punk means "rot, garbage." Pankams were inherent anarchic ideals, music and attributes, which distinguished them from the "consumer" society with his thirst for profit, outdated moral values.

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X. Custom rules: Definition and classification At the beginning of the first chapter, examples of modern approaches attributing to a primitive person automatic submission to the law were given. Some conclusions are connected with this assumption, widely

Ministry of General I. vocational education Russian Federation

Samara State Economic Academy

Department of Philosophy


By discipline: "Culturalology"

Subject: "The structure of culture. Classification of her species. "

Performed: Falling D.B.

IV Course, faculty VVIDO

Specialty: Fikre

Checked: Kostin V.I.

Samara 2001.


1. Structure of culture

      Basic elements of culture

      Tradition - the fundamental concept of cultural studies

    Classification of species of culture

1. Structure of culture

      Basic elements of culture

Culture is the unity and harmony of spiritual and material, but for this unity and for this harmony is responsible for the spirit of man, in which it is manifested by his decisive role in culture. The determining role of the spiritual principle of culture is that it is creative work human spirit Determines the true measure of the unity and harmony of spiritual and material forms of culture.

The concept of "cultural level"

When the basis is the philosophical analysis, the structure of culture is considered simply as an object of knowledge, regardless of national or class features, to age or professional characteristics.

If culture itself is the quality of human existence, its level can be expressed quantitatively and include a complex of indicators: the nature and organization of production, the form of ownership, the nature of power, social structure.

Cultural level is an index of cultivation or degree of development by a separate person, a team or a society of certain types of activities or behavior, cultural values \u200b\u200bof previous generations.

Culture and civilization

The desire to express and consolidate your culture in some exterior, to make a subject of culture with the only indicator cultural level It was always characteristic of a person. Evidence of this is the role of clothes and decorations from the ancient people. The increase in the role of objective culture in society is associated with its civilized development. The term "civilization" himself appeared in the XVIII century. until the XX century It was used as a synonym for culture. In | The current century, these two concepts are used in different senses. Civilization is a necessary stage of development in almost all societies, at this stage become visible and get independent development The results of cultural activities.

External and internal culture, their relationship and interconversion

The actual danger of civilization is that in everyday,

life person can lose the ability to distinguish between the activity itself and its results. External, visible world Culture becomes the only way of its existence for him. Then the visibility of culture is formed.

In cultural studies, it is customary to distinguish between the external and internal determination (conditionality) of culture. Economy, public relations Causal causes the development of culture, but it creates a person, i.e. There is an internal condition of culture. The general condition of the culture is a kind of resulting these two factors. It can be said: civilization is the predominant breaking and impact of an external subject culture for the general development of culture as a whole, that is, for a person.

If civilization is a high level of external culture,

all the higher the level of human internal culture should be high. Its indicator is the freedom of confrontation of a person to the effects of external, superficial, fashion events of everyday life. An indicator of the inner culture does not serve only the abundance of knowledge or abilities.

The ability to restrain itself characterizes the inner culture of a person much more than the ability to make some action. The ability to keep yourself - this ability to keep yourself towards the goal.

Cultural orientations

External and internal culture should not resist each other. Their unity is the self-determination of a person.

Mastering an external culture, a person develops his own culture if at the same time retains what A.S. Pushkin called "self-like". But it is more important not the magnitude of the development of external culture, but the growth and production of the culture of the inner. At the same time, the development of the culture becomes the development of art to be a man. Being a peculiar robe of a person, she characterizes it as well as the clothes he wears.

But the determining value of what a person in culture sees himself, as whom he considers herself, which considers the main thing in man, and what is secondary. For example, for decades in our society, the personality of the worker was considered as if the measure, to which the individuals of the peasant or intellectual were customized. This was the consequence of the domination of the ideology of the working class. The image of a factory-factory person identified the appearance of our culture, art, literature, where the so-called production subject was reapped and was embroidered. This image largely identified the appearance of our cities where residential buildings often resemble factory buildings. By the measure of this image, an administrative command system was formed, the essence of which is that all society is managed as a huge plant or factory.

Consequently, although culture as a whole is focused on a person, the meaning is that the idea of \u200b\u200bit that feeds the growth of culture at a certain stage.

1.2 Tradition - the fundamental concept of cultural studies

Transfer and savinge. Social and cultural experience from generation to generation is called tradition. As traditions, certain values \u200b\u200bare speaking, norms of behavior, customs, rites, ideas. Traditions can sometimes be perceived as remnants, that is, as obstacles to the further development of culture. They can disappear, and then reborn again. Traditions can be positive when something perceived, but can be negative, when something is rejected, as it is "not in tradition," as they say this society or group of people. The time takes the selection of traditions, and eternal of them, such as, for example, a respectful attitude towards parents, to a woman, are always modern.

Custom, rite, ritual as the moments of tradition

The tradition covers a wider range of phenomena than the custom that sometimes resembles a stereotype in behavior. But the custom does not exist separately from tradition, he is its type. The rite, or ritual, is a certain procedure for which the custom is performed and fixed.

Traditional Society

Traditions and customs contribute to the stability and equilibrium of society. This can be said about the primitive community, and about modern society. Traditions are the channels of different currents public Life. Traditional societies were in China, India, Japan, some other countries. Almost all the devils traditional society possessed Russia. The spiritual culture of a traditional society is usually high enough.

      Needs and their role in culture

Culture serves as a means of satisfying needs.

The need is a disadvantage, the need for something necessary. But it is better to say that the need is the need for something, i.e. Internal conditional condition of a person or just a feeling that he realizes as a need to satisfy.

The need for the need causes a person to act in the direction of her satisfaction.

There are source, or primary, human needs that are associated with its biology and psyche, and secondary, which are formed in it with life in society or culture.

The need for any things or in action makes them meaningful to humans, awakens interest in it and activities that can be creative, and may be empty troubles and care to meet their needs.

What has a value for a person and awakens his interest is value. The world of such values \u200b\u200band their production is a culture. Consequently, we have such a chain of concepts: feelings - needs - interests - culture.

Each concept contains preceding, and the stability and close relationship of all links in the chain ensures tradition as a method of existence of culture. The role of the tradition is that it creates the continuity of culture and continuity of needs, interests, etc. Tradition - the need for the culture itself. It can be represented as "cultural genetics".

      Culture as a value system

Hierarchy of Cultural Values \u200b\u200b(Civilization)

The closer the hierarchy of values \u200b\u200bto the general culture, the higher the level of culture of this society.

The problem of the hierarchy of values \u200b\u200bpaid to the attention of Plato. Since then, millennia has passed, the hierarchy of values \u200b\u200bgradually developed as a result of the experience of the cultural activities of many nations. It can be represented as follows:

Sphere of life (vital) values \u200b\u200band benefits (housing, food, clothing, hygiene, comfort, etc.);

- separate spiritual values \u200b\u200b(science, art, principles of economic management, policies, etc.);

- moral values \u200b\u200band first of all recognition of the identity value as an integral (inalienable) dignity of a person.

In turn, the sphere of moral values \u200b\u200bcan be represented as: - respect for life (reverence of life, according to A. Swituer's expressions) and to death (personal responsibility for life | Before the fact of death, which no one can remove from a person);

- love for truth (sincerity, diligence and courage in the desire for it);

- love (loyalty, decency, selflessness, respect for the individual in another person).

The respect of freedom in another person is directly related to the essence of a person, since it is in a state of freedom of freedom, and not imaginary, its best qualities will be liberated in it. It is such qualities that awaken in a person freedom provide humanity of culture and society as a whole, which is expressed by the law of elevation of needs.

    Classification of species of culture

      Types of culture as various areas of application

The first and most affordable area of \u200b\u200bculture is the world's world visible. Moreover, these items do not have to be created by a person. Distant stars or bustle sea are purely natural objectsBut we still perceive them in the context of culture. They are somehow called, explained, more or less understandable. This means that even non-homework, natural objects we perceive as cultural education.

We see around ourselves mostly only the world of cultural items, or a substantive type of culture.

The variety of subject type of culture is determined by the diversity of human itself. It is very difficult to classify different kinds Activities, like the subject type of culture. But conditionally it can be attached to nature, society and a separate person.

Types of culture in relation to nature

In applied to nature, agriculture culture, gardening and parking culture, special cultivation of individual plants, as well as plant itself (grain crops, special varieties of fruits and vegetables, etc.), landscape reclamation, i.e. full or partial restoration of a certain natural environmentdisturbed by previous economic activities.

This can also be attributed general culture material production.

Types of cultural activities in society

Material proceedings as a mediator between society and nature includes both specific publicity of cultural activities. It applies first of all the work. Even K. Marx distinguished live and emitted work. Culture of living labor is a culture of directly productive activities and culture of production management, construction, transport, etc. Here it is possible "'more fractional division: the culture of the head, culture or the skill of the builder, the culture of driving a car, etc. Obviously, in the end, we will come to the totality of knowledge, skills, the skills of a separate person, which is determined by its culture and attitude towards work. Effective work is the means and tools of labor, the whole world of objects in which the efforts of people who worked once were fried away. It is clear that the culture of the subject, or extractable, the world largely determines the culture of living labor, and vice versa.

The concept of culture in relation to a separate person

Naturally, the culture of a separate person does not exist in the detachment from the listed cultural species. And yet: neither attitude towards nature nor the attitude towards work or some social responsibilities - nothing characterizes the culture as the attitude of a person to man and to himself. The concept of "culture" is applied literally to each human ability - bodily or spiritual (mental).

Man is a crystal culture, its concentrated expression. But he is also a soul of culture, its source. This implies its comprehensive development, the harmony of the mind and feelings, souls and body. To achieve such a goal, a culture of education is necessary.

      Subject and Personal Types of Culture

The subject type of culture is its visibility. Of course, culture cannot exist without this visibility, but it does not bring it to it. Culture has also a personality that is captured in things. According to things, it is possible to judge the level of intellectual, aesthetic, moral development of its creator, about the relationship between people, about the nature of the era. But to see a personal expression of culture, you need to be a person. Each of us sees the Personal World of Culture is exactly how much the person himself.

      Types of culture and form of culture

As a person is the unity of external and internal, and culture is such unity, i.e. subject and personal species. Outdoor, or subject, type of culture is organized on the principle of material existence. This means that the leading role in it is played by the laws of natural, material world. The combination of material values \u200b\u200bis customary to be called material culture.

Inner, or personal, type of culture is organized on the principle of spiritual existence. This means that the leading role in it is played by ideals and goals, motivating and attachment of the person himself, his ideas about themselves and the surrounding world.

The combination of spiritual values \u200b\u200bis customary to call spiritual culture.

So, culture exists in material and spiritual forms.


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    Christmas Yu.V. Introduction to culturalology. M., 1996.

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