Day of Slavic writing writing and culture - presentation. Day of Slavic Writing and Culture: Greeting Cards and Pictures for the Day of Saints Kirill and Methodius Download postcard for the day of Methodius and Kirill

Day of Slavic writing writing and culture - presentation. Day of Slavic Writing and Culture: Greeting Cards and Pictures for the Day of Saints Kirill and Methodius Download postcard for the day of Methodius and Kirill
Day of Slavic writing writing and culture - presentation. Day of Slavic Writing and Culture: Greeting Cards and Pictures for the Day of Saints Kirill and Methodius Download postcard for the day of Methodius and Kirill


We live in a country called ... / Russia /

Russians, Russians, Rusichi ...

Everyone should know and remember where he comes from who his ancestors.

Rod, born, homeland, pedigree - all these words related / relatives /, single.

His article all the priesthood
All different and all similar
You are called now - Russians,
Since ancient times, who are you?

/ Choir / We are Slavs!

Yes, we are Slavs! Both Russians and Ukrainians
and Bulgarians, Belarusians, Czechs Poles,
Serbs, Croats, Slovaks - all Slavs.
We also have culture and customs, and writing.
All of this will see at our festival.

Student 1.

From native Belarus
I meet the dawn,
All boys, girls
"Good Zen!" - I say.

Student 2.

In the morning of the Niva Rosoye,
Dahl transparent, clear
Russia will respond.
- Hello! - She will say.

Student 3.

Student 4.

The word of friendship is noting
Over Bulgarian Earth:
Good belly!
We will hear with you.

Student 5.

And where will not go
In those, these edges -
Make brothers, friends.


Rusolay and seruly
The face is all bright and glorious heart,
Trees, Rusichi, Polyana,
Tell me, who are you?

/ Choir / We are Slavs!

The festival of Slavic culture dedicated to the Day of Slavic Writing!

During the week, each class represents the culture of the country chosen.

Children prepare drawings of national ornaments, costumes, performances.

In the speech, you can imagine oral folk creativity (drawing fairy tales, non-icy, flies, folk songs, dancing, games)

Holiday of Slavic writing and culture

(The hall is decorated with drawings of children, tables, posters with texts written by modern Slavic font).


In the class cozy, spacious
In the morning there is silence,
Busy schoolchildren business -
Written on white black
Write in black white.
Handles write and chalk:
"We do not need war!"

It's hard to believe in it, but once we did not have printed books.

It was a time when our ancestors did not have writing. Did not know letters. Letters they wrote, but not letters, but pictures. So they were called ... / Picturesque letters. Each item has something for our ancestors, symbolized. For example, in the same ancient chronicle it says: "Found the Hazars of Polyan in the forests, and they said Khazara:" Pay us tribute. " Thought Polyan and gave me from each hut around the sword. They suffered this tribute to Hazars to their prince and elders. They said Elders Khazar: "It's not good this tribute, we made it with one-sided - sabers weapons, and these weapons are double-edged - swords, they will take tribute to us and others."

Pupils 1.

Look at our ancestors,
On the heroes of past days
Remember their goodwalk.
Glory to them stern!
Glory to Russian antiquity!
And about this old
I will start talking
To know people to know
About the affairs of the native land ...

Student 2.

In the monastery cell narrow,
In four deaf walls
About the land about the Old Russian
The priest recorded the monk.
He wrote in winter and summer
Illuminated with dim light.
He wrote from year to year
About the great people.


- What is the name of the event of events over the years? / Chronicle /

- What is the name of one of the first chronicles in Russia? / "Tale of Bygone Years" /

- What was the name of the chronicler who wrote her? / Nestor /

He wrote already letters. When did the letters appear?

It is assumed that already in the 9th century there were books written by Russian letters. But they did not reach us. And the books of the later period are written by the letters of the Old Slavonic ABC "Cyrillic".

- Why was she so called? / Answers Children /

/ Sounds bell ringing in audio records /

Student 3.

On the broad Russia - our Mother
The bell ringing is bottled.
Now the brothers Saints Cyril and Methodius
For the works are glorified.

Student 4.

Remember Kirill and Methodius,
Brothers of nice, equal apostolic,
In Belarus, in Macedonia,
In Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia,
Praise the brothers wisdom in Bulgaria,
In Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia.

Student 5.

All the peoples that they write Cyrillic
What is since ancient times by Slavyansky,
Glory the feat of the first points,
Christian enlighteners.


/ Holds a book "Russian ABC" in the hands.

Yiya visible tank
In a spent alphabia,
Printed to be in the royal order
All missile children to learn.

/ Work software 214- 215 Tutorials "Russian ABC" ./

- Cyril and Methodius on the border of the state of Byzantium and Slavic lands in the city of Soluni.

Kirill's younger brother dreamed of writing books, understandable to Slavs, and for this one could come up with Slavic letters.

Years have passed. The brothers grew up, learned. But the dream of creating an alphabet did not leave the younger brother. He worked a lot. And here is the alphabet. But come up with - this is the floor of the case. It is necessary to translate from Greek to the Slavic Books, so that the Slavs have something to read. It turned out to be difficult, and one Cyril could not cope. He began to help the elder brother.

The first book, which is translated into Slavic - ... / What? / / Gospel /

- This event happened in ... / 863 /

- In Russia, the writing came after baptism her. When it was? / 988 /

- What was the name of the prince, who took up the baptism of Russia? / Vladimir /

Since then, the alphabet has changed several times, but so far we use for a letter to the alphabet, who has been written in antiquity by Brothers - Cyril and Methodius enlighteners.

Slavic alphabet was created on the basis of Greek writing. Strictly speaking - Cyrillic is not the only Rannesian writing. Many scientists believe that the verbs existed even before Kirill.

Here is the earliest writing of the Glabolitsa. See what icons the letters were designated (Fig. 1).

These icons could write simple words.

Decipher this word: (Fig. 2).

The task: Who will go and decrypt the offer?

If there is no letter, put dashboard. (Fig. 3).

("The Sun of All Suns has a heart")

- So, May 24, / What year? / 863 in Bulgaria, Kirill and Methodius announced the creation of the alphabet. They tried to have every letter of the first Slavic alphabet was simple and clear. They remembered the man, barely seeing the letter, immediately wanted to master the letter.

Part of the letters they took from the Greek alphabet, and part specially created to transfer those sounds that were not in Greek. These are letters / cards with old Slavonic letters: B, F, C, W, U, Yu, I /

- Let's compare the Greek and Slavic letters. (Fig. 4).

If you read the name of the first letters of the Greek alphabet, the question arises: why is he so named?

/ alpha + beta / veta / \u003d alphabet /

So today we call a sequence combination of letters of any language.

And now let's read the name of the letters of the Slavic alphabet.

So why the named book for which you learned to read is the alphabet?

- Let's look at the first Slavic alphabet - Cyrillic.


Buki- letters, books;

Vedi - Lead, know;

Verb - I say, the word;

Good - good;

there is- there is;

Live - a life;

Land- land;

AND - and;

As - as;

People - People;

Think - Think;

- Why are the letters worth exactly in this order?

What did the descendants of the ABC wanted to say?

What is important to encrypt Kirill and Methodius?

Try to find a trail of the secret words of the alphabet. Let's make text.

/ I, a book knowing the word good, there is a life of the Earth, and how people think.

I am letters who know and talking good, there is the life of the Earth, and how people think. /

That is, the alphabet teaches good, she talks about the life of the Earth.

So what is the first letter?

- No wonder the proverbs were created:

First az yes beech, then science.

/ Children speak or read proverbs about the teaching. /

Game "Collect the Proverb"

/ From each class 6 people leave, get paper strips with a part of the proverb. /

The task: Make a whole proverb.

1 class.

Mind without a book, like a bird without wings.

What is written in pen, do not cut down the ax.

Do not red Bird Feather, Krasnoy Mel.

Grade 2.

Impact of the century growing man.

Gold is mined from the ground, and knowledge from the book.

Grade 3.

The word said was yes no, but written lives a century.

In vain work without a hook and learn without a book.

4th grade.

Book for mind that warm rain for shoots.

The book is happiness decorates, and in misfortune comforts.

Bread nourishes heat, and the book nourishes the mind.

- Folk proverbs retained memories of the difficulty of studying the alphabet.

"Az, Buki, lead, scary as bears."

"The alphabet is taught for the whole hut screaming."

- Thank you letters that teach us beauty, kindness, wisdom. Thanks to the Holy Brothers Kirill and Methodius for giving us the Slavic ABC. Solun brothers - the pride of the entire Slavic people.

After all, thanks to them, we learned the pearls of folk wisdom.

In what works do we meet wise words?

/ Children call: proverbs and sayings, fairy tales, riddles, patters, chastushki, fun, etc. /

- Well, try to guess the ancient folk riddles of Slavic peoples.

1. Russian:

I was Copan,
I was Toptan,
I was on fire,
I was on grinding,
One hundred goals fed.
Starned old
Welding began.
Threw out the window -
And do not need dogs!

2. Ukrainian:

We are seven brothers.
We are equal to the years, and the names are different.
/Days of the week/

3. Serbian:

When you see, you do not see her
And when you do not see, you see it.

4. Czech:

White bees on Earth sat down,
Fire came, they did not.
/ Snowflakes /

5. Slovak:

Who are beaten on the head to go smoothly. /Nail./

6. Belorussian:

Little, light, and raise hard. / Hot Corner /

7. Polish:

In elegant clothes, and goes barefoot. /Peacock./

8. Bulgarian:

From one focus all the world is heated. /The sun./

- Thanks to the books, such pearls of oral folk creativity have reached us as bait.

/ Turning to one student /

- What is better: cherry or plum?

- Button is superfluous. / Pulls off the button. /

- plum, plum.

- Buttitz beautiful.

  • Competition teasers.
  • Competition of folk chastushki.



Letter to the letter - will be the word
The word to the word is ready.
And singing and slim,
She sounds music.

Game - Competition "Make a Word".

/ Four people are invited from each class /

The task:from the suggested letters make a word.

1 cl. - land.

2 cl. - Motherland.

3 cl. - Slavs.

4 cl. - holiday.


So send these letters!
Let them come to children,
And let it be famous
Our Slavic alphabet.

/ Awarding active participants of the festival. /

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In history there are several varieties of writing from Slavs. Slavic writing was used to conclude contracts, transfer notes and for other purposes. About this, for example, you can find information from Archimandrite, Leonid Cavelin in his collection: "On the homeland and the origin of the verbs and its attitude to Cyrillic" (1891). There is a special day dedicated to Slavic writing. It is celebrated today by Russians as a day of reverending Kirill and Methodius, although it is known that neither Cyril nor Methodius invented Russian alphabet. They only transformed it - rooted and adapted to make it easier to translate Christian manuscripts from Greek. For example, in the historian of Dober (Czech Republic), you can find a whole study on the topic: "Is the so-called now called Kirillovskaya ABC is the invention of the Slavic AP. Cyril? " (1786 year of publication).

Writing, as the derivative of the well-known Christian saints, Kirill and Methodius, appeared in Russia from 900 to the beginning of the 1000s. Until that time, the Slavs had a different writing in everyday life. We encounter the chronicles about the conclusion of the CN treaties. Igor and KN. Oleg with the Byzantine kingdom (907-911) even before the arrival of Cyrillic.

Some historians were called "Khazar Letter" (PERS, FAHR Ad-Dean, 700), speaking about the south-western Slavs of a particular historical period. Others called the "independent Russian letter", referring to the "Solun legend", in which there is a mention of Jeronim (lived until 420) and his relationship with Slavic letters. Some scientists consider Kirill and Jerome from this legend by one person, but dating activities of these characters do not coincide.

Two directions are divided into now, in which Slavic writing developed:

  1. Fine views. Creating a surround image and perception.
  2. Designed species. Creating plane perception of designs on the plane.

Previously, our ancestors, when they talked about objects and functions, called their writing:

  • word;
  • letter;
  • book;
  • letter.

Types of writing in the history of Slavs built in the chronological order of their time appearance and use:

  • Glagolitsa - middle of the century;
  • Letter (Vellalovskaya) - Presumably the end of the X century;
  • ABC - option of pre-revolutionary tsarist Russia;
  • Alphabet - 1918 (Lunacharsky reform).

Some scientists represent the verbs as one of the ways of pronunciation and letters of the letter. But this question is still investigated. That's what the Russian philologist Szrenevsky I.I. reports (1848):

Turning to the alphabet of the Glablish, we note first of all than it is similar and what is it different from Cyrillic. Most of its letters in their form differs not only from Kirillovsky, but also from other well-known. Similar to Kirillovsky D, X, M, P, F, W ... Selection of letters the same. The order of letters is also the same ... The peculiarity of many verbic letters leads to the conclusion that the verbs is an ancient alphabet of pagan Slavs and, therefore, the ancient Cyrillic; This believed Count Grebshishch, Dr. Anton; This believes and now the famous philologist German Ya. Grimm. Disprove it is hardly possible, allowing simple features ancient replaced with curly and complex in a well-known verbolier already later, due to special, unknown reasons; However, it is also difficult to refute the fact that the letters of the verbs of unknown origin were never easier, and they are invented by visibility as they are, without any deviation to the ancient letters Slavic. True, the features of the verbs are generally coarse and some are turned out to the left side, as if used for the Scripture with the right hand to the left, but the rudeness of the drawing of the letters is not a sign of antiquity, but the conversion of some on the left side could be a random expression of the inventor taste ...

Slavic letter was used in 4 variations: 2 basic and 2 auxiliary. Separately, it should be stopped on such varieties of writing that the historians of modern science still can not get around their attention. These are the following types of letters from Slavs of different nations:

Damage and cuts. By names, it can be judged about their occurrence - drew the letters and cut. This is a kind of application of the initiative.

Da'ary Dahragi - were used to transmit multidimensionality and figuations of runes.

X'ary Karuna (Runic, Rozhitsa, Rugs) - was used by the priests, consisted of 256 runes, who have formed the basis of the languages \u200b\u200bof Devanagari, Sanskrit.

Rassenskaya Mollians - a letter of Etruscsk.

Now there is enough evidence that the Slavic tribes and peoples long before Christianity settled on the ground. Therefore, anthropologists often find blue-eyed Hindus in India, Kalashi - in Pakistan, or the mummy of European appearance among archaeological excavations in China. Therefore, the Aryan writing can also be remotely called Slavic, or the Slavic-Aryan, who is more convenient to understand. The Slavs of modern Russia and adjacent countries with ethnic identity are the most close - the verbolire and the letter, as well as the runes, features and cuts.

Than special Slavic writing and culture

The verbs are most often used to fasten business relationships in trade issues. She made up contracts, other papers, which are confirmed by the prisoner. In confirmation of this today there are quite a sufficiently large number of old agreements recorded by the Slavic Glag. The following words are associated with this title:

  • verbat - speak;
  • glablasha - who spoke, uttered;
  • glagolim - speak;
  • verb - action.

Letter as the capital part of the words had different writing styles. The following several options for an artistic image of ancient letters can be brought as an example:

ostromirovy Books - Taken from Ostromirov Gospel (1056-1057)

teratologic (or animal) style - in the image of the letter included features of animals and birds

initials - Colored letters, where those depicted in addition to fantastic animals, also the characters of people (about 800)

otonovsky style of Western Slavs - Large letters, with gilding and patterned interlacing

illustrated lettering - each capital letter illustrated by different fabulous characters and topics

filigree beech (from the ancient name - "beech", and not "letters" from the solid literacy of Shuba-Abramova Anania Fedorovich) - decorated the letters with the finest pattern

huslitsky style - comes from the old-handed settlement of the Huslitz

vetkovsky style in Belarus

Image options for Slavic letters. Our ancestors of Slavs were famous masters of art and art. Therefore, letters could be depicted with writers with a creative approach. The main feature of the letter is that it formed the basis of these languages \u200b\u200bknown to us as Latin (Latinis) and English.

The worldview of the Slavs changed even by modifying writing. If earlier letters and words were perceived volume with the meanly and figurative-symbolic load, now they are perceived on the plane, faceless, carrier only the sounds folded in words.

Researchers of Slavic mythology believe that such a translation of perception from a surround "holographic" on a plane letter from approximately from the time of numbness of Russia began. Apparently, the influence of the West has always been fatal for Rusich and Slavs in general, why the leading Russian minds of Pyodor Dostoevsky and Lion Tolstoy mentioned this.

When the day of Slavic writing is celebrated

Slavic culture in historical data has undergone various changes. This suggests that scientists have not yet stopped their research - new artifacts found are being studied. The date was also changing when the writing of Slavs and their culture were honored. Slavic mythology itself and history does not confirm the fact that the ancient Slavs celebrated some particular day dedicated to their writing. Nevertheless, it is worth considering the appearance of such events at a later time, approximately when Christianity came on Rus.

Most often, this date was associated with Cyril and Methodius. It is in those days and begin to allocate a certain day, in which the merits of these two reverend fathers recalled. Only the date changed:

  • May 11 - Christian enlighteners recalled the "Solun Brothers";
  • May 24 - Bulgarians and today, along with these two saints, they remember about their culture;
  • July 5 - in the Czech Republic;
  • January 30 - residents of Russia recalled Slavic writing and culture with the submission of the Presidium of the Sun RSFSR (1991).

May 24. - a generally accepted holiday in Slavic culture and writing. He was announced "Day of Slavic Culture and Writing" in 1985, when the 1100th anniversary of the Methodius was noted in the USSR. Therefore, this holiday today is fully served from the point of view of the Orthodox Church. However, those who remember and honor the heritage of more ancient ancestors of Slavs, and now the Vlleslovnoe letter. On this day draw old letters on asphalt, in underground transitions, in the squares, everywhere in the cities of the country.

In scientists, some believe that the Slavs once has one, but there were many ways to display on any carrier. Written writing on metal (coins, decorations), Bereste, skin, stone. The peculiarity of Slavic writing is that it, first of all, carried Svetorusskaya (in some reading - "Svyatarusky") images. Simply put, we understand that it was a figurative letter, and not a plane, carrying a deeper meaning than just sound.

Good day! The day of Slavic writing and culture is a kind of recognition by the Soviet power of the merit of two outstanding Orthodox saints: Kirill and Methodius. Cyril and Methodius were born in the 9th century in the city of Soluni, and by origin was the Slavs from a noble kind. Both became Orthodox monks (Kirill and Methodius - their names after the posting). In 857, the Byzantine emperor sent brothers to Khazar Kaganat, to preach the Orthodox faith there. As the story says, they safely convinced the Khazar Prince and his close to adopt Christianity, and even took from the captive of 200 Greek prisoners from the captive. In 862, preachers came to Moravia (at the request of the Moravian Prince) - here they created the Slavic ABC, transferred to the Slavic language of the Gosalgel, Psalrty and other liturgical books.

Cyril and Methodius were recognized by the Church of Saints back in the 9th century, but in Russia the memory of the enlightened brotherhood began to celebrate in 1863 - it was the decision of the Russian Holy Synod, who had determined for this date on May 11 at the old style (on May 24 in a new one).

On January 30, 1991, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR adopted a resolution to celebrate the days of Russian culture and writing every year. Every year another city became the capital of this holiday. Look in the same way in the selection with choose to your taste in verses or prose.

Day of Slavic Writing and Culture - Beautiful Postcards

Animation for the day of Slavic writing and culture

Pictures on the day of Slavic writing and culture

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