Stone Age How many years before our era. Report "Stone Age"

Stone Age How many years before our era. Report
Stone Age How many years before our era. Report "Stone Age"

History human life On the planet began when a man picked up an instrument and applied his mind to survive. During the existence, humanity has passed several major stages of their development public building. Each era is characterized by its lifestyle, artifacts and workers of labor.

History of the Stone Age - The longest and ancient of the pages known to us, which is characterized by fundamental changes in the worldview and the lifestyle of people.

Features of the Stone Age:

  • humanity settled throughout the planet;
  • all tools of labor were created by people from what surrounding the world: wood, stones, different parts killed animals (bones, skins);
  • formation of the first social and economic styles of society;
  • the beginning of the domestication of animals.

The historical chronology of the stone century

A man in the world, where an iPhone is obsolete for a month, it is hard to understand how the people of centuries and millennia used some primitive tools of labor. Stone Age - the longest era-known epochs. Its beginning refers to the emergence of the first people about 3 million years ago and it lasts before the invention by people of methods to use metals.

Fig. 1 - the chronology of the stone century

Archaeologists share the history of the Stone Age into several main stages, which should be considered more. It is important to note that the dates of each period are very extensive and controversial, therefore can be varied in different sources.


During this period, people lived together in small tribes and used stone guns. The source of food for them was the gathering of plants and hunting for wild animals. At the end of the Paleolithic appeared the first religious beliefs In the strength of nature (paganism). Also, the end of this period is characterized by the advent of the first works of art (dancing, songs and drawing). Most likely, primitive art was spoiled from religious rites.

A great influence on the humanity of that time was climate, which was characterized by changing temperatures: from glacial period For warming and vice versa. An unstable climate has managed to change several times.


The beginning of that period is associated with the final retreat of the glacial period, which led to adaptation to new life conditions. The weapon used was greatly improved: from massive tools to miniature microliths, which facilitated everyday life. This also includes a taming of a man of a dog.


The new Stone Age has become a big step in the development of mankind. During this time, people learned not only to extract, but also to grow food, using improved tools for the processing of the Earth, harvesting and cutting meat.

For the first time, people began to unite into large groups to create significant stone buildings, for example, such as Stoneh. This indicates a sufficient number of resources and the ability to negotiate. In favor of the latter, the emergence of trade between different settlements.

Stone Age - a long and primitive period of human existence. But it was this period that became a cradle in which a person learned to think and create.

In details history of the Stone Age Considered in lecture coursesshown below.


The process of forming a person and the development of primitive-communal system was held in several stages. Unified generally accepted periodization of history primitive society There is no, although attempts to create periodization of the history of human development took place in ancient times.

So, for example, an ancient Roman philosopher, the poet of Lucretriy Kar, who lived in the first century to our era, in his poem "On the nature of things" painted the picture of the change of stone weapons with copper, and copper iron.

In the XVIII century The French philosopher-enlightener J. Kondorse offered to divide the history of mankind on a consistently replaced level of economic management - hunting and fishing, cattle breeding, agriculture.

Scottish philosopher A. Ferguson, Contemporary Condorce, allocated three epochs - wildness, barbarism and civilization.

In the XIX century The classification has begun primitive monuments material culture, which led to the creation of scientifically based archaeological periodization, which, by the way, confirmed the correctness of the hypothesis of Lucretia. So, the Danish scientist K. Tomsen, relying on archaeological data, introduced the concept of three centuries - stone, bronze and iron. The French archaeologist Mortille created the periodization of the Paleolithic, and the Swedish scientist-archeologist O. Montelus - Neolithic, Bronze and Early Iron Years of Europe.

In the first half of the XIX century. The Swedish scientist S. Nilson was offered his periodization, which allocated four stages in the process of historical development - wildness, nomadism (Greek. Nomados - nomading), agriculture and finally civilization.

In the second half of the XIX century. The American ethnographer L. Morgan, as well as Ferguson, proposed to divide the story for three epochs - wildness, barbarism and civilization, but at the same time dismeasided each of the epochs by three steps, taking into account the specific signs of the development of farm and material culture. For example, the era of wildness correspond to the assigning industries - gathering, hunting and fisheries. The era of barbarism - producing (agriculture, cattle breeding). The lowest stage of the wildness begins with the appearance of an ancient person, the average - with the occurrence of fisheries and the use of fire, the highest - with the invention of the bow and arrows. The lowest stage of barbarism begins with the opening of pottery, the average - with the introduction of cattle breeding and irrigation agriculture, the highest - from the appearance of iron.

Currently, many foreign scientists share a primitive society to Paraistory (the era of Paleolithic) and the protoistory (from the era of the Mesolita to the initial stage of the metal century), and they actually begin with the emergence of the state and writing.

For the most part, Russian historians use two types of periodization of primitive society. Some historians offer primitive shape (taking into account its formation, flourishing and decay) to divide into two stages (a primitive herd community - a generic society, a generic community, divided into matriarchal and patriarchal). Others offer three stages: 1) a primitive human herd; 2) a generic community that is divided into an early generic community of hunters, collectors and fishermen and a developed generic community of farmers and cattle breeders; 3) The collapse of the generic system.

Archaeologists enjoy their periodization, which is created on the basis of the classification of monuments of material culture, depending on the material and technology of manufacturing tools. According to archaeological periodization, the story is divided by century (stone, bronze, iron), century - on the epochs, the epochs - for periods (early and late), the periods in turn are divided into cultures that are named at the first place of findings and constitute a certain complex of archaeological monuments identified by mapping mass archaeological materials.

For example, the stone age is divided into three epochs: Paleolithic (Greek. Palaios is an ancient, Lithos - stone), mesololite (Greek. Mesos - medium) and neos (Greek. NEOS is new). Consistently replaced by the cultures of the early (lower) Paleolithic are the Doshelle (pebble culture), Shelleskaya (G. Shell), Ashhelskaya (Saint-Ashhel, Mr. Amiena), Mustierskaya (Cave Le Mistier), Late (Upper) - Orignak (Orignac Cave ), Soltyrene (Parking Solutre), Madelena (Cave Le Madelen), Mesolita - Azilskaya (Cave of May d'Azil), Tardenauraz (Fer-An-Tardenoa), Neolith Badari (p. Badari), Tripolskaya (p. Tripolie) and etc.

In addition, there is a geological periodization for which the past earth crust It is divided into four eras - the Archean, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic. The latter, as you know, continues at the present time. The era in turn is divided into periods, and periods - to the epochs.

So, for example, in the Cenozoic era two periods are distinguished: tertiary and quaternary. Of the quaternary sometimes allocate the third period, which is called modern.

According to approximate estimates, the tertiary period was made of about 69 million, quaternary - 1 million, modern - 14 thousand years ago.

The quaternary period is divided into two epochs - Pleistocene (Prejoicing and Glacier Epoch) and Golotocene (Post-Degration of Epoch).

Only in the second half of the Archean era, which lasted about one and a half billion years, life arose on Earth, initially in the form of the first organisms, then algae, sponges, shell-free, mollusks, ringed worms.

Some scientists Time The emergence of life on Earth is distinguished into a special era - Proterozoic.

Paleozoic era lasted about 325 million years. Then appeared on the ground of fish, insects, amphibians, reptiles and terrestrial spores.

The Mesozoic Era is characterized by the development of gigantic reptiles. She continued about 115 million years.

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3.1.2. Global evolution and periodization is difficult to unambiguously judge the global evolution, which took place to the last global catastrophe, rushing on the ground, after which it arose and began to develop modern civilization. Realistic view of evolution

Modern science concluded that all the variety of current space objects was formed about 20 billion years ago. The sun is one of the many stars of our galaxy - 10 billion years ago appeared. Our Earth - Private Planet Solar system - It has an age of 4.6 billion years. It is considered now that a person began to stand out from the animal world about 3 million years ago.

Periodization of the history of mankind at the stage of primitive-communal system is quite complex. It is known a few of its options. Most often enjoy the archaeological scheme. In accordance with her, the history of mankind is divided into three large stages, depending on the material, from which the manual used man was manufactured (Stone Age: 3 million years ago - the end of the 3rd millennium BC. E.; bronze Century: The end of the 3rd millennium BC. E. - 1st millennium BC. e.; iron Century - From the 1st millennium BC. er).

W. of different nations in different areas Earth The emergence of certain working instruments and forms public Life It happened undesigned. There was a process of human formation (anthropogenesis, from Greek. "Anthropos" - man, "Genesis" - origin) and human society (sociogenesis, from Lat. Societacles - Society and Greek. "Genesis" - Origin).

The oldest ancestors of the modern man were like man-like monkeys, which, unlike animals, knew how to produce workers. IN scientific literature This type of monkey was called Homo Habilis - a skillful man. The further evolution of Habiisa led to the appearance of 1.5-1.6 million years ago of the so-called Peteitrontrops (from Greek. "Peteitos" is a monkey, "Anthropos" - a man), or Archantropov (from Greek. "Ahaios" - ancient). Archangets were already people. 200-300 thousand years ago, the archantropips were replaced by a more developed type of man - Paleoanthrops, or Neanderthals (at the place of their first find in the Neandertal location in Germany).

During the early stone age - Paleolitis (about 700 thousand years ago), a person penetrates the territory of Eastern Europe. Settlement went from the south. Archaeologists find traces of stay ancient people In Crimea (Cave of Kikoba), in Abkhazia (near Sukhumi - Yashtuh), in Armenia (Satani-Dar Hill near Yerevan), as well as in Central Asia (South Kazakhstan, Tashkent district). In the area of \u200b\u200bZhytomyr and on the Dniestera, traces of people are 300-500 thousand years ago.

Great glacier. Approximately 100 thousand years ago a large part of the territory of Europe occupied a huge glacier with a thickness of up to two kilometers (since then the snowy tops of the Alps and the Scandinavian mountains were formed). The emergence of the glacier affected the development of mankind. The harsh climate made a person use natural fire, and then mined it. It helped a person to survive under sharp cooling conditions. People have learned to do from stone and bones of stitching and cutting items (stone knives, tips for copies, scrapers, needles, etc.). Obviously, by this time refers to the origin of the self-regulatory speech and the generic organization of the Company. The first began to occur, still extremely vague religious viewsWhat is evidenced by the appearance of artificial burials.

The difficulties of struggle for the existence, the fear of the forces of nature and the inability to explain them were the causes of the emergence of a pagan religion. Panelism was a deification for the forces of nature, animals, plants, good and evil spirits. This huge complex of primitive beliefs, customs, rites preceded the spread of world religions (Christianity, Muslim, Buddhism, etc.).

In the period of late Paleolithic (10-35 thousand years ago) the melting of the glacier ended, and the climate was established, similar to modern. Using fire for cooking, further development Labor instruments, as well as the first attempts to streamline relations between the floors, significantly changed the physical type of human. It is by this time that the conversion of a person skillful (Homo Habilis) in a man of reasonable ( homo Sapiens.). At the place of the first discovery, he is called Cryanonian (the terrain of Cryanon in France). Then, obviously, as a result of adaptation to the medium in the conditions of the existence of sharp differences in the climate between different regions globe The races (European-like, nerosoid and mongoloid) are formed and existing now.

Further development was obtained by the processing of stone and especially bones and horns. Scientists are sometimes called the late Paleolithic "bone century". The findings of this time include daggers, copies, harpuna tips, needles with an eye, shill, etc., traces of the first long-term settlements were discovered. The housing served not only the caves, but also halars and dugouts built by man. Found decisions of jewelry that allow you to reproduce the clothes of that time.

In the period of late Paleolithic, a higher form of the organization of the Company is coming to replace the primitive flock - a generic community. Generic community is an association of people of one kind that have collective ownership and leading household based on age and sexual division in the absence of operation.

Before the emergence of pair marriage, the relationship was installed on the maternal line. At that time, a woman played a leading role in the farm, which determined the first stage of the generic system - the matriarchy, which continued until the spread of metal.

We reached us many works of art created in the late Paleolithic era. Picturesque colorful irck pictures animals (mammoths, bridges, bears, deer, horses, etc.), on which people hunted the time of time, as well as figurines depicting a female deity, found in caves and parking in France, Italy, on Southern Urals (The famous cave cap).

In the Mesolite, or the Middle Age (8-10 thousand years ago), new successes were made in stone processing. The tips and blades of knives, copies, harpunov were made then as peculiar liners from thin flint plates. For wood processing began to use a stone ax. One of of most important achievements The invention of Luke was an arms of a long battle, which allowed more successfully to hunt animals and birds. People learned to make sinks and hunting traps.

Fisheries added to hunting and collecting. Attempts by people to swim on the logs. Animal domestication began: a dog was tamed, following her - a pig. Eurasia was finally settled: a person came to the shores of the Baltic and Pacific Ocean. Then, as many researchers believe, people hit the territory of America from Siberia through the Chukchi Peninsula.

Neolithic revolution. Neolithic - last period The Stone Age (5-7 thousand years ago) is characterized by the appearance of grinding and drilling tools from stone (axes, tesla, hoes). Handles were attached to the subjects. Since that time, clay dishes are known. People began to build boats, learned to weave the network for fishing, weave.

Significant changes in the technique and forms of production at this time are sometimes referred to as the "Neolithic Revolution". The most important result was the transition from gathering, from assigning farms to the producing. The man was no longer afraid to break away from the hidden places, could more freely settle in search best conditions Life, mastering new lands.

Depending on the natural and climatic conditions in Eastern Europe and Siberia, various types have developed economic activity. In the steppe strip from the middle Dnieper to Altai lived cottle breeding tribes. In territories modern Ukraine, Transcaucasia, Central Asia, the south of Siberia settled farmers.

The hunting and fishing economy was characteristic of the northern forest areas of the European part and Siberia. The historical development of individual regions was unevenly. Frequently developed cattle and agricultural tribes. Agriculture gradually penetrated steppe areas.

From among the parking lots on the territory of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, nonolithic settlements in Turkmenistan can be distinguished (near Ashgabat), in Armenia (near Yerevan), etc. in Central Asia in the 4th millennium BC. e. The first artificial irrigation systems were created. In the Eastern European Plain, the ancient agricultural culture was trypole, called Trepole near Kiev near Kiev. Trepole settlements are opened by archaeologists on the territory from Dnipro to Karpat. They represented large villages of farmers and cattle breeders whose dwellings were located in a circle. When excavations of these villages, wheat grains, barley, millet were found. Wooden sickles with flint liners, stone grains and other items are found. Tripoli culture refers to the copper-stone century - Eneolyt (3-1th millennium BC. E.).

Stone Age

Stone Age - This is the first period in the history of mankind. This historic period It is called so, because the ancient people made the tools of labor from stone and silica. Stone used and treated to improve life. Knives, tips, arrows, cutters, scrapers ... - seeking the necessary sharpness and shapes, the stone turned into an instrument of labor and weapons.

People lived in small groups of relatives. A person from the Stone Age has no permanent dwelling, only temporary parking. IN warm time years, next to pastures, primitive people Built huts. When the cold came, they moved to the caves, not far from water sources. In the absence of caves, parking were organized from bones of animals, skins and stones.

People collected plants and hunted, getting food to themselves. Society of gathet hunters was based on family based. Probably, during the hunting season, the generic groups could be united into entire tribes, but with the end of the hunting of the group-tribes disintegrated.


The herds of animals often went to other places, and people moved behind them, getting meat and milk from animals. As a weapon for hunting, a person used a stone ax and a wooden spear, and later spears with tips. Animals attacked immediately or used pit traps. When it was necessary to catch a big flock, animals were drunk on the rock. For catching forest animals used onions and arrows. The capture of one mammoth could feed a whole genus for 2 to 3 months.

The hunt was also conducted on seabirds and seals. Fish was caught with bone harpunov, hooks and networks.


From spring and to deep autumn, a person fed rooted roots, berries, seeds and nuts. In the summer you could find wild cereals, beans, peas, cucumbers, pumpkin. And in winter, the dried fruits and berries went to the food. Fascular grass and honey of wild bees were something like dessert. Also, man used insects, caterpillars, beetles, bird eggs.

Fire mining

Life was easeed with the use of fire. Perhaps people saw him after the next blow of a lightning about a tree. Later, a person realized that the fire appears from rapid friction of wooden sticks or from a flock of silica about a stone. Primitive buildings have not yet had stoves, the fire was divorced right in the midst of the dwelling, but over time the person learned to remove the smoke with the help of a chimney, so gradually there were furnaces that were used for cooking, and for heating during the cold season.

Appearance of remodes

People gradually learned to improve traps for catching animals, Luke, have already been able to spit baskets, building dams for fishing. The first boats appeared, which were still rudely crushed out of trees. The first houses appeared, they were round. It was in the new Stone Age that a man learned how to make his first artificial material - refractory clay. The invention of refractory clay appeared the opportunity to do dishes. Water, sand, chopped straw or crushed stone added to the clay. The method of experimenting a person managed to create such a material that would not crack when firing.


The first clothing was needed to protect from the cold and the skin of animals were served. Skins pulled out, screamed and bonded. The holes in the skin could be made using a pointed sewer from a silica.

Later, plant fibers served as the basis for weaving the threads and in the future, for the release of the tissue. Decorative fabric painted with plants, leaves, bark.

The first decorations served sinks, teeth of animals, bones, nut shell. Random search for semi-precious stones allowed to make beads bonded by strips of threads or skin.

Primitive art

Primitive revealed his creativity using the same stone and walls of the caves for shark drawings. It is these drawings that lived in preservation to this day. Worldwide, animals and human figures are still found around the world.

End of the Stone Age

The nature of growing, people began to contain livestock and handle land. To control and planting a crop need to stay in place. Wheat and barley became the first inhydrated plants. Gradually, the grain was learned to break into the flour to make porridge or pellets from it. The grain was placed on a large flat stone and with a grinding stone, it was triturated into powder.

The Stone Age ended at the moment when the first cities appeared, and people began to master copper. The development of agriculture and cattle breeding led to the fact that the generic groups began to unite in the tribes, and the tribes began to grow into large settlements.

In Pain ancient period Development, which lasted for several thousand centuries, a person survived three stages. The first stage was the Stone Age. After him, humanity stepped into the bronze, and then in the first stage was the longest stage. At its length, a person made various implements, the material for which served the fragments of the bones of animals and sticks, having a sharp end. But the durable was the stone. It is this material that dominated the adaptations of our ancestors. For this reason, this period is called the "Stone Age".

The longest era in the development of humanity is divided by archaeologists for three stages. The first of them is the ancient Stone Age (Paleolithic). The second is mesolith. It is also called the middle stone age. The third stage is neat. Scientists refer her to the new stone century.

The period of the Stone Age of the Paleolithic era lasted from the beginning of the origin of the human community until the Tenth Millennium on the assumption of scientists appeared in the tropics of Africa and from there their distribution to other areas of the planet went to other districts. At this time, a person was an integral part of the world around. He lived in the caves, creating a tribe, was engaged in collecting edible plants and hunted a small game. Tools for fishing made of solid mountain breeds (Obsida, quartzite and silicon) were not subjected to grinding and drilling. IN late period Paleolithic fishery developed. The man learned to drill the bone on which he began to produce first engraving.

At the same time, there is a complication of the equipment of the hunt, a house building is born and a new household structure begins to develop. The aging of the generic system is a prerequisite for the fortress primitive community. Its structure is complicated. A person begins to develop speech and thinking, which contributes to the expansion of his mental horizon and enrichment spiritual world. It was in the late Paleolithic that the art of the Stone Age arose and began to develop. Man learned to use natural mineral paints with bright colors. He mastered the new ways to process soft stone and bone. It was these methods that discovered the possibility of transferring the surrounding world in a thread and sculpture. The art of Paleolithic is distinguished by the truthful transmission of reality and loyalty.

The middle stone, or mesololite, began with the tenth and ended in the sixth millennium BC. This is characterized by the end of the glacial period. The world He became like a modern one. Man and his lifestyle has undergone strong changes. Tribes broke. They came to replace those who were led by the elders and most experienced members. The man began to build his home using wood and stone material, leaving the cave. The emerging sense of excellent found its reflection in peculiar jewelry, which served gold nuggets.

Large changes affected the methods of manufacturing a tool from stone. There were sharp knives, as well as sharpened arrows and spears. In the period of mesolitis, the primitives of handicrafts, cattle breeding and agriculture arose. Cardinal changes Art underwested. Images applied to open areas of the cliffs began to present various scenes of hunting or ritual rituals. A man who occupies a central place in the drawings of the Mesolithic era, has been simplified, sometimes even as a sign. Images were painted with black and red.

Last third Stone Age - Neolith lasted from the sixth to the third millennium BC. The man learned to polish and polish guns made from stone materials, engaged in cattle breeding and agriculture. There was a pottery. Of the clay, various utensils and dishes were manufactured. The growth and combination of several births was a prerequisite for the appearance of tribes.