Art idea story. Theme and idea of \u200b\u200bthe literary work

Art idea story. Theme and idea of \u200b\u200bthe literary work
Art idea story. Theme and idea of \u200b\u200bthe literary work

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When analyzing the literary work, the concept of "idea" traditionally use, under which it most often refers to the answer to the question, allegedly supplied by the author.

The idea of \u200b\u200ba literary work - This is the main idea that generalizes the semantic, figurative, emotional content of the literary work.

Art idea of \u200b\u200bthe work - This is the meaningful-sense integrity of the artistic work as a product of emotional experiences and mastering life by the author. This idea cannot be recreated by means of other arts and logical formulations; It is expressed by the entire artistic structure of the work, unity and interaction of all its formal components. Conditionally (and in a narrower meaning) The idea stands out as the main thought, ideological conclusion and the "life lesson", naturally arising from the holistic comprehension of the work.

The idea in the literature is a thought concluded in the work. The ideas expressed in the literature, a great set. Exist logic ideas and abstract ideas . Logical ideas are concepts that are easily transmitted without figurative means, we are able to perceive by intelligence. Logical ideas are characteristic of documentary literature. For the artistic novels and stories, philosophical and social generalizations, ideas, analyzes of causes and consequences are characterized, that is, abstract elements.

But there is I. special view Very subtle, barely catchy ideas of the literary work. Art idea - This is a thought embodied in figuratively. It only lives in the figurative implementation and cannot be set forth in the form of a sentence or concepts. The peculiarity of this thought depends on the disclosure of the topic, the state's worldview, transmitted by the speech and actions of the characters, from the image of paintings of life. She is in the clutch of logical thoughts, images, all significant composite elements. An artistic idea cannot be reduced to a rational idea, which is possible to specify or illustrate. The idea of \u200b\u200bthis type is inherent from the image, from the composition.

Formation of an artistic idea is a complex creative process. The literature affects him personal experience, the worldview of the writer, understanding life. The idea can be invented years and decades, and the author, striving to embody her, suffer, rewrites the manuscript, is looking for suitable means of incarnation. All themes, characters, all events selected by the author are needed for a more complete expression of the main idea, its nuances, shades. However, it is necessary to understand that the artistic idea is not equal ideological design, the plan, which often appears not only in the head of the writer, but also on paper. Exploring an extraordinary reality, reading diaries, notebooks, manuscripts, archives, literary critches restore the history of the plan, the history of creation, but often do not detect an artistic idea. Sometimes it happens that the author comes against himself, yielding initial design For the sake of artistic truth, internal idea.

One thought is not enough to write a book. If everything is known in advance what I would like to tell, then you should not turn to artistic creativity. Better - to criticism, journalism, journalism.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe literary work cannot be contained in one phrase and one image. But writers, especially novelists, are sometimes trying to formulate the idea of \u200b\u200btheir work. Dostoevsky About the "Idiot" wrote: "The main thought of the novel - to portray positively beautiful man" For such a declarative ideology Dostoevsky Screw, for example, Nabokov. Indeed, the phrase of the Great Romanist does not clarify why, why did he do it, what is the artistic and life foundation of his image. But here you can hardly stand up Nabokova, landing writer of the second row, never, unlike Dostoevskynot set in front of creative topsack.

Along with attempts by the authors, identify the so-called major thought of their work, the opposite, although no less confused, examples are known. Tough To the question "What is" War and Peace "? He answered as follows: "" War and Peace "there is something that I wanted and could express the author in the form in which it was expressed." Unwillingness to translate the idea of \u200b\u200bhis work into the language of concepts Tough Demonstrated once again, speaking of the novel "Anna Karenina": "If I would like to say with words, all that I meant to express to the novel, I would have to write the same that I wrote, first" (from the letter to N.Strahov).

Belinsky very accurately indicated that "art does not allow themselves to be distracted philosophical, and even more so rational ideas: it allows only poetic ideas; A poetic idea is<…> Not a dogma, not a rule, this is a live passion, pathos. "

V.V. Odintsov His understanding of the category "Art Idea" expressed more strictly: "Idea literary essay Always specifically and is not displayed directly not only from the writer lying outside of its individual statements (the facts of its biography, public life, etc.), but also from the text - from the replica of positive heroes, journalistic inserts, comments of the author himself, etc. "

2000 ideas for novels and stories

Literary critic G.A. Gukovsky also spoke about the need to distinguish between rational, that is, reasonable, and literary ideas: "Under the idea, I understand not only rationally formulated judgment, approval, not only not only the intellectual content of the work of literature, but the entire amount of its content that makes it an intellectual function, its goal and the task." And further clarified: "It means to understand the idea of \u200b\u200ba literary work - it means to understand the idea of \u200b\u200beach of its components in their synthesis, in their system relationship.<…>. It is important to consider precisely structural features Works - not only words-bricks, of which the walls of the building are folded, how much the structure of the combination of these bricks as part of this structure, their meaning. "

The idea of \u200b\u200ba literary work is the attitude to the picture, the fundamental pathos of the work, a category that expresses the author's tendency (a tendency, intention, biased thought) in the artistic lighting of this topic. In other words, the idea is the subjective basis of the literary work. It is noteworthy that in Western literary criticism based on other methodological principles, instead of the "Art Idea" category, the concept of "intention" is used, some sentence, the author's trends in the expression of the point of work.

The magnitude of the artistic idea, the longer the work lives. Creators of population, writing out of great ideas, shines very soon oblivion.

V.V. Skeins called the artistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe meaning type of product growing from the interaction of images. An artistic idea, in contrast to the idea of \u200b\u200blogical, is not formulated by the author's statement, but is depicted in all the details of the artistic whole.

In epic works, the idea may be partly formulated in the text itself, as it took place in the narration Tolstoy: "There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, good and truth." More often, especially in lyrics, the idea impresses the structure of the work and therefore requires a big analytical work. Artistic work as a whole, which is rich in a rational idea, which critics usually make out, and in many lyrical works The allocation of ideas is simply impossible, because it practically dissolves in pathos. Consequently, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work should not lead to the conclusion or lesson, and in general, it is certainly to look for it.

Subject(gr. Thema literally means something that is based on) is the subject of knowledge. Topic- These are the phenomena of life that are reflected in the work.

In antiquity, it was believed that the integrity of the literary work was determined by the unity of the main character. But the Aristotle drew attention to the fallacy of such a look, indicating that the stories about Hercules remain different stories, although they are devoted to one person, and Iliad, telling about many characters, does not cease to be a holistic work.

The holistic nature of the work attaches not a hero, but the unity of the problems set in it, the unity of the disclosed idea.

The subject of the image in the works of the artistic literature can be the most different phenomena human life, the life of nature, animal and vegetable world, as well as material culture (building, furnishings, types of cities, etc.).

But the main subject of knowledge in fiction is the characteristic features of human life. These are the social characters of people both in their external manifestations, relations, activities and in their inner, mental life.

Eustin: Subject - "The object of artistic reflection, those living characters and situations that seem to be transmitted from real reality to an artistic work and form an objective side of its content."

Tomashevsky: "Unity of the values \u200b\u200bof individual elements of the work. It combines the components of the artistic design. "

The plot may be the same, but the topic varies. In the mass literature plot over the theme. Life very often becomes an image object.

The topic is often determined by the literary addictions of the author, its affiliation to a specific grouping.

The concept of internal theme - themes through for a writer, this is the thematic unity that combines all his works.

The topic is the organizing start of the work..

Problem - This is the allocation of any aspect, the emphasis on it, resolved as the work is deployed, is ideological understanding by the writer of the social characters that he portrayed in the work. The writer highlights and strengthens those properties, parties, attitudes of the characteristics, which he considers the most significant.

Problems to an even greater degree than the theme depends on the author's world view. Therefore, the life of the same social environment can be realized differently by writers who have different ideological world-plants.

Moliere in the Comedy "Tartuf", to bring in the person of the main character, the passage and hypocrisy, deceiving straightforward and honest people, depicted all his thoughts and actions as manifestations of this major negative character traits. The name of Tartuf has become a none designation of hypocrites.

Idea - This is what the author wants to say, why this is written this work.

It is thanks to the expression of the idea in images, literary works so act on the thoughts, feelings, the will of readers and listeners, for all their inner world.

The attributable attitude towards life, or its ideological-emotional assessment, always depends on the comprehension by the writer of the characters depicted by them and follows from its worldview.

The idea of \u200b\u200ba literary work is the unity of all parties of its content; This is a figurative, emotional, summarizing the thought of the writer.

The reader is usually sincereamenable to the illusion that the whole shown in the productionknowledge is life itself; He is interested in actions,the fate of heroes, going through their joy, sympathizes themsuffers or internally affect them. Whereinthe reader often does not immediately realize what significantfeatures are embodied in heroes and throughoutmarvelous events and what value do the detailstheir actions and experiences.

But these details Created by a writer in order to raise the characters of some heroes in the consciousness of the reader and reduce the characters of others.

Only rereading works andflowing about them, the reader can come to awarenesswhat general properties of life are embodied in those orother heroes and how to comprehend them and evaluatestel. In this he often helps literary criticism.

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Theme and idea of \u200b\u200bthe literary work

1. Theme as an objective basis of the content of the work

2. Types of Tom

3. Question and problem

4. Types of ideas in the literary text

5. Paphos and its types

1. Theme as an objective basis of the content of the work

theme Paphos Literary Idea

At the last lesson, we studied the categories of content and form of a literary work. The topic and idea are the most important components of the content.

The term theme is often used in different values. Thema word greek origin, in the Plato language it means the position, the basis. In science of literature, the topic is most often called the subject of the image. The topic bonds all parts of the art text, gives the values \u200b\u200bof its individual unity elements. The topic is all that it became the subject of the image, evaluation, knowledge. It is concluded total meaning content. Fedotov in literary textbook leads the following definition Categories Subject: "The topic is a phenomenon or subject, selected, meaningful and reproduced by certain artistic means. The topic stems in all images, episodes and scenes, providing unity of action "Fedotov O. I. Introduction to literary studies. M., 1998. This is an objective basis of the work, its depicted part. The choice of the topic, work on it is associated with experience, interests, the mood of the author. But there is no evaluation in the subject, problematic. Subject little man - Traditionally for Russian classics and characteristic of many works.

2. Types of Tom

In the work, one topic can dominate, subordinate all the content, the whole structure of the text, such a topic is called the main or leading. Such a topic is the main meaningful moment in the work. In the head of the work - this is the basis of the fate of the hero, in the dramatic - the essence of the conflict, in the lyrical it is formed by the dominant motifs of SierotwiSski S. SiOwnik Terminuw Literackich. S. 161.

Often the main topic is suggested by the name of the work. In the title can be given general view about life phenomena. "War and Peace" are words denoting the two main states of humanity, and the work of Tolstoy with this name is a novel that embodies life in these main states. But the title can report a concrete phenomenon. Thus, the story of the Dostoevsky "Player" is a work that reflected the destructive passion of a person to the game. Understanding the topic declared in the title of the work can significantly expand as artistic text deployment. The title itself may acquire symbolic meaning. Poem " Dead Souls"It became a terrible reproach of modernity, lifeless, the lack of spiritual light. The image introduced by the title can be the key to the author's interpretation of the events depicted.

M. Aldayan's tetralogy contains a prologue in which time is depicted construction of the cathedral Parisian Mother of God., that moment when in 1210-1215. The famous chimer devil is created. Chimera B. medieval art - This is an image of a fantastic monster. From the top of the cathedral of the horned, the jumping beast, with a pesting tongue, silently looks at the center eternal city and contemplates inquisition, fires, great french revolution. The motive of the devil, skeptical contemplating the course of world history, is one of the means of expressing author historosophy. This motive is presenter, at the level of the topic he is the leitmotif of four Aldan books about world history.

Often, the title indicates the most acute social or ethical problems of reality. The author, comprehending them in the work, the name of the book can make the question: so happened to the novel "What to do?" N.G. Chernyshevsky. Sometimes in the title, the philosophical opposition is scheduled: for example, Dostoevsky - "Crime and Punishment". Sometimes it contains an assessment or sentence, as in the scandalous book Sullivan (Boris Viana) "I will come to spit on your graves." But the name does not always exhaust the theme of the work, it can be provocative, even to the gradual entire text content. So, I. Bunin deliberately called his works so that the name does not open anything: neither the plot or the theme.

In addition to main topic There may be the topics of certain chapters, parts, paragraphs and, finally, simply offers. B. V. Tomashevsky noted on this matter the following: "In the artistic terms, individual proposals, combined with each other, they result in some design, combined with the generality of thought or theme" Tomashevsky B.V. Theory of literature. Poetics. M., 1996. P. 176. That is, all artistic text It can be divided into components of it, and in each allocate a specific topic. So, in the story "Pick lady" the topic of cards turns out to be organized by force, it is suggested by the title, epigraph, but other topics, which sometimes be reduced to the level of motives are expressed in the chapters. In the work, several topics may be equal, they are declared the author as much and significantly as if each of them was the main topic. This is the case of the existence of counterpunctic topics (from lat. Punctum Contra Punctum - point against the point), this term It has a musical basis and means the simultaneous combination of two or several melodically independent voices. In the literature, this is a conjugation of several topics.

Another criterion for distinguishing themes is their connection with time. Transient topics, the themes of one day, the so-called topical, live long. They are peculiar satirical works (The topic of slave labor in the fairy tale of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrian "Konya"), texts of journalistic content, fashionable surface novels, that is, fiction. Topical topics live as much as they are released by the evil day, the interest of the modern reader. The container of their content can be either very small, or completely uninteresting the subsequent generations. The theme of collectivization in the village, presented in the works of V. Belova, B. Gomaeva, now does not affect the reader who lives not so much by the desire to understand the problems of the history of the Soviet state, as in the problems of life in the new capitalist country. The widest limits of relevance, significance reaches universal (ontological) themes. The interests of a person for love, death, happiness, truth, the meaning of life is unchanged throughout history. These are topics related to all times, all nations and cultures.

"The analysis of the subject includes the consideration of the time of action, the place of action, the latitude or narrowness of the depicted material» Esalnek A.Ya. Basics of literary studies. Analysis of the artwork: Tutorial. M., 2004. S. 11. About the method of analyzing the subjects in his manual, A. B. Esin Esin AB Principles and techniques for analyzing a literary work: a training manual. M., 1998. P. 36-40. .

3. Question and problem

In most works, especially epic kind, even general ontological topics are specified, sharpened in the form of topical problems. To solve the problem, it is often necessary to go beyond the limits of old knowledge, former experience, reassess the values. The third hundred years exists in Russian literature the theme of a "little man", but the problem of his life is solved in different ways in the works of Pushkin, Gogol, Dostoevsky. Hero of the story "Poor People" Makar Girl reads "Sinel" Gogol and Stationery Pushkin and notices the feature of his position. Girls looks at human dignity otherwise. He is poor, but proud, can declare himself, about his right, can challenge " large people», strong Mira This, because respects a person in itself and others. And he is much closer to Pushkin's character, too, the man of a big heart, depicted lovely than the character of Gogol, a suffering, small man, presented very low. G. Adamovich somehow noticed that "Abakievich's unfortunate Akakius, Gogol, in essence, mocks, and it is not by chance [Dostoevsky in" poor people "] opposed him Pushkina, who in the" Station Career "reacted to the same helpless old man a lot of humanity" Adamovich Gogol report // Berberova N. People and Lodzh. Russian Masons XX century. - Kharkov: Kaleidoscope; M.: Progress-Tradition, 1997. P. 219.

Often the concept of the topic and the problem is identified, use them as synonyms. It will be more accurate if the problem is to see concretization, update, pointer theme. The topic may be eternal, and the problem is modified. The theme of love in Anna Karenina and Crececera Sonate has a tragic filling precisely because during the thickness of the problem of termination of a marriage in society did not decide at all, there were no such laws in the state. But the same topic is unusually tragic in the book of the Bunin "Dark Alleys", written during the 2nd World War. She reveals against the background of people's problems, love, whose happiness is impossible in the era of revolutions, wars, emigration. The problems of love and marriage of people born to the cataclysms of Russia is solved solely peculiar.

In the story of Chekhov "Fat and thin" the topic - the life of Russian officials. The problem will be voluntary butter, the question of why a person goes to self-esteem. The subject of space and a possible interplanetary contact, the problem of the investigation of this contact is brightly designated in the novels of the Strugatsky brothers.

In the works of Russian classical literature The problem most often has the nature of a socially significant issue. And more. If Herzen put the question "Who is to blame?", And Chernyshevsky asked "what to do?", Then these artists themselves and offered answers, decisions. In the books of the 19th century, an assessment was given, analysis of reality and the way to achieve a public ideal. Therefore, Roman Chernyshevsky "What to do?" Lenin called the textbook of life. However, Chekhov said that the solution to the problems is not necessarily in the literature, for life, continuing endlessly, herself does not give final answers. It is more important - the correct setting of problems.

Thus, the problem is one or another feature of the life of a separate person, the whole environment or even the people, leading to some generalizing thoughts.

The writer speaks with the reader is not rational language, it does not formulate ideas and problems, but represents us a picture of life and thereby pursues on the thoughts that researchers call ideas or problems.

4. Types of ideas in the literary text

When analyzing the work, along with the concepts of "Topic" and "Problems", the concept of the idea, under which most often meaning the answer to the question, allegedly supplied by the author.

Ideas in literature can be different. The idea in the literature is the thought concluded in the work. There are ideas of logical, or concepts logically decorated general thought about the class of objects or phenomena; idea of \u200b\u200bsomething. Concept of time. which we are able to perceive intelligence and which are easily transmitted without figurative means. For novels and associates, philosophical and social generalizations, ideas, analyzes of causes and consequences are characterized, the network is abstract elements.

But there is a special kind of very thin, barely catchy ideas of a literary work. An artistic idea is a thought embodied in figuratively. It lives only in the figurative implementation, cannot be set out in the form of a sentence or concepts. The peculiarity of this thought depends on the disclosure of the topic, the state's worldview, transmitted by the speech and actions of the characters, from the image of paintings of life. It is in the clutch of logical thoughts, images, all significant compositional elements. An artistic idea cannot be reduced to a rational idea, which is possible to specify or illustrate. The idea of \u200b\u200bthis type is inherent from the image, from the composition.

The formation of an artistic idea is a complex creative process. He is influenced by personal experience, the worldview of the writer, understanding life. The idea can be tooling whole years, the author, striving to embody her, suffer, rewrites, is looking for adequate means of incarnation. All themes, characters, all events are necessary for a more complete expression of the main idea, its nuances, shades. However, it is necessary to understand that the artistic idea is not equal to the ideological design, the plan, which often appears not only in the head of the writer, but also on paper. Exploring an extraordinary reality, reading diaries, notebooks, manuscripts, archives, scientists restore the history of the idea, the history of creation, but do not detect an artistic idea. Sometimes it happens that the author goes against himself, inferior to the initial design for the sake of artistic truth, internal idea.

One thought is not enough to write a book. If everything is known in advance what I would like to tell, then you should not turn to artistic creativity. Better - to criticism, journalism, journalism.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe literary work cannot be contained in one phrase and one image. But writers, especially novelists, are sometimes trying to formulate the idea of \u200b\u200btheir work. Dostoevsky about "Idiot" said: "The main thought of the novel - to portray a positively beautiful person" Dostoevsky F.M. COLCHOVO OBS: at 30 t. T. 28. KN.2. P.251. . But for the same declarative ideology, Nabokov did not take it. Indeed, the phrase of the novelist does not clarify why, why did he do it, what is the artistic and life foundation of his image.

Therefore, along with cases of determining the so-called major thought, other examples are known. Tolstoy to the question "What is" War and Peace "? He answered as follows: "" War and Peace "there is something that I wanted and could express the author in the form in which it was expressed." The reluctance to translate the idea of \u200b\u200bhis work on the language of Concepts Tolstoy demonstrated again, speaking of the novel "Anna Karenina": "If I would like to say with words, all that I meant to express to the novel, I would have to write the same that I wrote, first "(Letter to N.Strahov).

Belinsky very accurately pointed out that "art does not allow themselves distracted philosophical, and even more so rational ideas: it allows only the ideas of poetic; A poetic idea is<…> Not Dogmat, not a rule, this is a live passion, pathos "(Lat. Rathos is a feeling, passion, inspiration).

V.V. Odintinov his understanding of the category artistic idea expressed more strictly: "The idea of \u200b\u200ba literary composition is always specific and is not displayed directly not only from the writer lying outside of its individual statements (the facts of his biography, public life, etc.), but also from the text - from replica Positive characters, journalistic inserts, comments of the author himself, etc. " Odintsov V.V. Stylistics text. M., 1980. P. 161-162. .

Literary critic G.A. Gukovsky also talked about the need to delimitation of rational, that is, reasonable, and literary ideas: "Under the idea, I understand not only rationally formulated judgment, approval, not only not only the intellectual content of the work of literature, but the entire amount of its content that makes its intellectual function, His goal and task "Gukovsky G.A. Studying a literary work at school. M.; L., 1966. P.100-101. . And further clarified: "To understand the idea of \u200b\u200ba literary work is to understand the idea of \u200b\u200beach of its components in their synthesis, in their system relationship<…> At the same time, it is important to take into account the structural features of the work - not only words-bricks, of which the walls of the building are folded, how much the structure of the combination of these bricks as parts of this structure, their meaning "Gukovsky G.A. C.101, 103.

O.I. Fedotov, comparing an artistic idea with the theme, objective basis of the work, said the following: "The idea is the attitude to the depicted, the fundamental pathos of the work, a category that expresses the author's tendency (a tendency, intent, biased thought) in the artistic lighting of this topic." Consequently, the idea is a subjective basis of the work. It is noteworthy that in Western literary work, based on other methodological principles, instead of the category artistic idea, the concept of intention, some sentences, the author's trends in expressing the meaning of the work is used. This is described in detail about this in the work of A.Kompanon "Demon theory" companion A. Demon theory. M., 2001. P. 56-112. . In addition, in some modern domestic studies, scientists use the category "Creative Concept". In particular, it sounds in the study manual edited by L.Chanets Chernets L.V. Literary work as artistic unity // Introduction to literary studies / Ed. L.V. Chernets. M., 1999. P. 174.

The majestic art idea, the more the work lives.

V.V. Kelinov called Hood. Ideate the semantic type of product growing from the interaction of images. Summarizing the statements of writers and philosophers, we can say that Hood. The idea, in contrast, from the idea of \u200b\u200blogical, is not formulated by the author's statement, but is depicted in all the details of the artistic whole. Evaluation, or value, aspect of the work, its ideological-emotional orientation is called a tendency. In the literature of socialist realism, the trend was interpreted as partialness.

In the epic works of ideas can be partly formulated in the text itself, as in the narration of Tolstoy: "There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, good and truth." More often, especially in lyrics, the idea impresses the structure of the work and therefore requires a large analytical work. An artistic work as a whole richer rational idea, which critics usually are usually mixed. In many lyrical works, the allocation of ideas is inconsistency because it practically dissolves in pathos. Consequently, the idea should not be reduced to the conclusion, and seek it certainly.

5. Paphos and its types

Not all in the content of the literary work is determined by theme and ideas. The author expresses ideological and emotional attitude to the subject using images. And, although the author's emotionality is individual, some elements are naturally repeated. In various works, similar emotions are manifested, close types of lighting of life. The types of this emotional orientation include tragedy, heroic, romance, drama, sentimentality, and comic with its varieties (humor, irony, grotesque, sarcasm, satire).

The theoretical status of these concepts causes a lot of disputes. Some modern scientists, continuing tradition V.G. Belinsky, called them "types of pathos" (Pospelov). Others are referred to as "artistic mododules" (V. Tyupa) and add that this is the embodiment of the author's concept of personality. Third (V. Khalizhev) is called "ideological emotions".

At the heart of events, actions depicted in many works are conflict, confrontation, the struggle of anyone with anything, anything with anything.

In this case, contradictions may not only be of different power, but also of different content and character. A kind of answer, which often wants to find the reader, can be considered the emotional attitude of the author to the characters of the heroes depicted and to the type of their behavior, to conflict. Indeed, the writer sometimes can conveput its sympathies and antipathy to a particular type of personality, while not always unequivocally assessing it. So, F.M. Dostoevsky, condemning what she came up with a splitter, at the same time he sympathizes. I.S. Turgenev examines the Bazarov's mouth of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, but at the same time appreciates him, emphasizing his mind, knowledge, will: "Bazarov is smart and knowing," Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov says convinced.

It is from the essence and content of contradictions exposed in the artistic work, its emotional tonality depends. And the word Paphos is perceived now much wider than a poetic idea, it is an emotional and value orientation of the work and characters.

So, different types Paphos.

The tragic tonality is present where the brutal conflict takes place, with which it is impossible to put up and which cannot be safely allowed. It may be a contradiction of man and inhuman forces (rock, God, elements). It may be the confusion of groups of people (war nations), finally internal conflict, that is, the collision of the opposite began in the consciousness of one hero. This is awareness of irreparable loss: human life, freedom, happiness, love.

The understanding of the tragic dates back to the works of Aristotle. The theoretical development of the concept refers to aesthetics of romanticism and Hegel. Central character - This is a tragic hero, a person who fell into a situation of disagreement with life. This personality is strong, not flexible circumstances, and therefore is doomed to suffer and death.

Such conflicts include contradictions between personal gusts and proper restrictions - caste, estate, moral. Such contradictions gave rise to the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, who loved each other, but belonged to different clans of the Italian society of their time; Katerina Kabanova, who loved Boris and understood the sinfulness of her love for him; Anna Karenina, exhausted by consciousness of the abyss between her, society and son.

The tragic situation may be established in the presence of a contradiction between the desire for happiness, freedom and awareness of the hero of his weakness and impotence in their achievement, which entails the motifs of skepticism and doom. For example, such motifs sound in the speech of MTSI, who pouring their soul to the old monk and trying to explain to him how he dreamed of living in his village, and was forced to spend a lifetime, except for three days, in the monastery. Tragic fate of Elena Stakhova from Roman I.S. Turgenev "On the eve", who lost her husband immediately after the wedding and the country that went with his clerket.

The height of the tragic pathos is that he instills faith in a man who has the courage, who remains faithful to himself even before his death. From the time of antiquity tragic hero We have to experience the moment of guilt. According to Hegel, this wine is that a person violates the established order. Therefore, for the works of tragic pathos, the concept of tragic guilt is characteristic. It both in the tragedy "King Edip", and in the tragedy "Boris Godunov". Mind-plan in the works of such a warehouse - sorrow, compassion. From the second half of the 19th century, the tragic is understood increasingly. They include all that causes fear, horror in human life. After the spread of philosophical doctrines of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, the existentialists tragic attached universal meaning. In accordance with similar views, the main property of human being is catastrophicity. Life is meaningless due to the death of individual creatures. In this aspect, the tragic is reduced to a sense of hopelessness, and the qualities that were characteristic of a strong person (approval of courage, durability) are leveled and not taken into account.

In the literary work and tragic and dramatic start can be combined with heroic. The heroic arises and felt there and then when people take or act active action in the name of the good of others, in the name of protecting the interests of the tribe, kind, states or just a group of people who need help. People are ready to take risks, adequately meet death in the name of the exalted ideals. Most often, such situations are found during the periods of national liberation wars or movements. The moments of heroics were reflected in the "Word about the regiment of Igor" in the decision of the prince of Igor to join the fight against Polovtsy. At the same time, the heroic-tragic situations may occur in peacetime, at the moments of natural disasters arising from the "fault" of nature (floods, earthquakes) or man himself. Accordingly, they are displayed in the literature. Larger poetications reach events in folk epic, legends, epics. The hero in them is an exceptional figure, his acts is a socially significant feat. Hercules, Prometheus, Vasily Buslaev. Sacrificial heroic in the novel "War and Peace", the poem "Vasily Terkin". In the 1930s, the 1940s heroic was required by coercion. The thought of Gorky was put on: in the life of everyone there should be a feat. In the 20th century, the literature of the struggle contains the heroic of resistance by lawlessness, the heroic of defending the right to freedom (stories V. Shalamov, Roman V. Maksimova "Star Admiral Kolchak").

L.N. Gumilev believed that truly heroic could only be at the origins of the life of the people. Any process of formation of the nation is covered with the heroic actions of small groups of people. He called these people passionars. But crisis situations requiring people heroic-sacrificial accomplishments, always arise. Therefore, the heroic in the literature will always significantly, highly and inevitably. An important condition for heroic, hegel believed, is free will. The feat was forced (the case of gladiator), in his opinion, cannot be heroic.

The heroic can be combined with romance. Romantics call the enthusiastic state of the person, caused by the desire for something high, beautiful, morally significant. Sources of romance are the ability to feel the beauty of nature, feel part of the world, the need to respond to someone else's pain and someone else's joy. The behavior of Natasha Rostoy often gives the basis to perceive it as a romantic, because of all the heroes of the novel "War and the World" she has a living nature, positively an emotional charge, unresponsible in the secular lady, which immediately noticed Rational Andrei Bolkonsky immediately.

Romance for the most part And manifests itself in the sphere of personal life, revealing himself at the moments of waiting or the offensive of happiness. Since the happiness in the consciousness of people is primarily associated with love, then romantic minigration is likely to be felt at the time of approaching love or hope for her. The image of romanticized heroes we meet in the works of I.S. Turgenev, for example, in his story "Asya", where heroes (Asya and Mr. N.), close to each other in spirit and culture, are joy, emotional ascent, which is expressed in the enthusiastic perception of nature, art and themselves, in joy Communication with each other. And yet most often, pathos of romance is associated with an emotional experience that does not turn into action, a deed. Achieving an exalted ideal is impossible in principle. So, in verses of Vysotsky young men, it seems that they were born late to participate in the wars:

And in basements and mixtures

Kids wanted under tanks

I didn't even get on the pool ...

The world of romance is a dream, fantasy, romantic performances often relate to the past, exotic: "Borodino" Lermontov, "Sullamife" Cook, "MTSY" Lermontov, "Giraffe" Gumilev.

Pafos romance can perform with other types of Paphos: irony by the block, heroic from Mayakovsky, Satira Nekrasov.

The combination of heroes and romance is possible in cases where the hero makes or want to make a feat, and it is perceived by him as something elevated. Such an interweaving of heroes and romance is observed in the "war and peace" in the behavior of Petit Rostov, who was obsessed with the desire to personally take part in the fight against the French, which led him to death.

The predominant tonality in the content of the overwhelming number of artistic works is undoubtedly dramatic. Dysfunction, unpleasution, man dissatisfaction in the spiritual sphere, in personal relations, in the social situation - these are the real signs of drama in life and literature. Failed love Tatiana Larina, Princess Mary, Katerina Kabanova and other heroines famous works Specifies to the dramatic moments of their lives.

Moral and intellectual dissatisfaction and non-identity of the personal capabilities of Chatsky, Onegin, Bazarov, Bolkonsky and others; Social Juice of Akakia Akakievich Bashmushkina from the story of N.V. Gogol "Shinel", as well as marmalade family from Roman F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", many heroines from the poem N.A. Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia", almost all the characters play M. Gorky "on the bottom" - all this serves as a source and indicator of dramatic contradictions.

Underlining romantic, dramatic, tragic and, of course, the heroic moments in the life of the heroes and their sentiments in most cases becomes a form of expressing sympathy with the heroes, a way to support and protect them by the author. There is no doubt that V. Shakespeare is experiencing along with Romeo and Juliet about the circumstances that prevent their love, A.S. Pushkin regrets Tatiana, not understood by Onegin, F.M. Dostoevsky grims about the fate of girls such as Dunya and Sonya, A.P. Chekhov sympathize with the suffering of Gurov and Anna Sergeyevna, who fell in love with each other very deeply and seriously, but they have no hope for the combination of their destinies.

However, it happens that the image of romantic sentiment becomes a way of spreading the hero, sometimes even his condemnation. For example, Lensky's misty poems cause a light Irony A. S. Pushkin. The image of F. M. Dostoevsky Dramatic Experiencers Skolnikova is a large form of a conviction of the hero, who conceived a monstrous version of the correction of life and confused in his thoughts and feelings.

Sentimentality is a form of pathos with a predominance of subjectivity, sensitivity. All R. The 18th century he was dominant in the works of Richardson, Stern, Karamzin. He is in "Sineli" and "Starlavetsky landowners", early Dostoevsky, in the "mu-mu", Nekrasov poetry.

Much more often, humor and satire are in the discredit role. Under humor and satir in this case, one more emotional version is meant. Both in life, and in the art of humor and satire are generated by such characters and situations that are called comic. The essence of the comic consists in detecting and identifying the incomprehensibility of the real possibilities of people (and, accordingly, characters) and their claims, or the inconsistencies of their essence and visibility. Paphos satire destroying, satire reveals socially significant vices, exposes the deviation from the norm, ridicules. Paphos humor claiming, because the subject of humorous feeling sees not only the shortcomings of others, but also their own. The awareness of their own deficiencies gives the hope of healing (Zoshchenko, Dovlatov). Humor - an expression of optimism ("Vasily Terkin", "Adventures of the Brave Soldier Soldier" at Gashek).

Mockingly appraisal attitude towards comicities and situations are called irony. In contrast, it carries skepticism. She does not agree with the assessment of life, situations or character. At Voltaire in the story "Candid, or optimism", the hero of his fate disproves its own installation: "All that is done, everything for the better." But the opposite opinion "all to the worst" is not accepted. Pafos Voltaire in mocking skepticism towards extreme principles. The irony can be easy, nobility, but can become an unkind, condemning. Deep irony, causing a smile and laughter in the usual sense of the word, and bitter experience, called sarcasm. Reproduction of comic characters and situations accompanied by an ironic assessment leads to the emergence of humorous or satirical artworks: moreover, humorous and satirical can be not only works of verbal art (parody, jokes, fables, stories, stories, plays), but also pictures, sculptural images , Mimic representations.

In the story of A.P. Chekhov "Death of the Officer" Comic manifests itself in the ridiculous behavior of Ivan Dmitrievich Chervikhakova, who, being in the theater, inadvertently sneezed on Lysina General and was afraid that he began to pushing him with his apologies and pursued until he had caused the real anger of the general that And led an official to death. Relightness in the inconsistency of the perfect act (sneezed) and the reaction caused to them (repeated attempts to explain to the general that he, worms, did not want to offend him). In this story, it is mixed with a sad, as a similar fear of a high face is a sign of the dramatic position of a small official in a system of service relations. Fear can generate unnatural in human behavior. Such a situation is reproduced by N.V. Gogol in the comedy "Auditor". Identifying serious contradictions in the behavior of heroes, generating clearly negative attitude towards them becomes distinctive feature Satira. Classic Satira samples gives creativity M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin ("Like a man of two generals Pin") Esalnek A. Ya. S. 13-22. .

Grotesque (Fr. Grotesque, literally - fancy; comical; Italy. Grottesco - Fancy, Ital. Grotta - Grotto, Cave) - One of the varieties of comic, combines a fantastic form of terrible and funny, ugly and elevated, and also brings the far, combines Complete, intertwines unreal with real, present with the future, reveals the contradictions of reality. As a form of comic grotesque differs from humor and irony by the fact that it is funny and funny and funny inherent from terrible and ominous; As a rule, the images of grotesque carry the tragic meaning. In Grotesque for external implausing, fantasticity lies deep artistic generalization of important phenomena of life. The term "grotesque" was distributed in the fifteenth century, when wall-mounted paintings were found during the excavations of underground premises (grotto) bizarre patternswhich used motifs from plant and animal life. Therefore, initially grotesque called distorted images. As an artistic image, the grotesque is distinguished by bibeliness, contrast. Grotesque is always a deviation from the norm, convention, exaggeration, intentional caricature, so it is widely used in satirical purposes. Examples literary grotesque There may be a story N. V. Gogol "Nose" or "Chicken Tsakhs, on the nickname of the zinnober" E. T. A. Gofman, fairy tales and the story M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.

Determine pathos - it means to establish a type of attitude to peace and man in the world.


1. Introduction to literary studies. Basics of literature theory: textbook for bachelors / V. P. Meshcheryakov, A. S. Kozlov [et al.]; under total. ed. V.P. Meshcheryakova. 3rd ed., Pererab. and add. M., 2013. P. 33-37, 47-51.

2. Esin A. B. Principles and techniques for analyzing the literary work: studies. benefit. M., 1998. P. 34-74.

additional literature

1. Gukovsky G. A. Study of the literary work at school: Methodological essays on the methodology. Tula, 2000. P. 23-36.

2. Odintsov V.V. Text Stylistics. M., 1980. P. 161-162.

3. Rudneva E. G. Paphos of the artwork. M., 1977.

4. Tomashevsky B.V. Theory of literature. Poetics. M., 1996. P. 176.

5. Fedotov O. I. Introduction to literary criticism: studies. benefit. M., 1998. P. 30-33.

6. Essalnek A. Ya. Basics of literary studies. Analysis of art text: studies. benefit. M., 2004. P. 10-20.

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Art idea

Art idea

The main idea, concluded in the artistic work. The idea is expressed by the attitude of the author to the problem posed in his writing, to the thoughts expressed by the characters. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe work is a generalization of the entire content of the work.
Only in regulatory and didactic writings, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work takes the character of a clearly expressed unambiguous judgment (such, for example, fable). As a rule, an artistic idea cannot be reduced to some separate statement reflecting the author's thought. So, the idea of \u200b\u200b"war and the world" L. N. Tolstoy It cannot be reduced to the thoughts about the insignificant role of the T. N. Great people in history and fatalism as a representation, the most acceptable when explaining historical events. With the perception of the story story and the historical and philosophical chapters "War and Peace" as a whole, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work is disclosed as a statement about the superiority of natural, natural life over the false and foreign existence of those who mindlessly follows the social fashion, seeks fame and success. The idea of \u200b\u200bRoman F. M. Dostoevsky "The crime and punishment" is wider and multifaceted than the Sonya marmalade idea about the inadmissibility for a person to decide whether another right has to live. For F. M. Dostoevsky, thoughts about murdering as a sin committed by man against themselves, and as a sin, who alienate the killer from close and dear people, is not less important. It is as significant for understanding the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe limited human rationality, about the insurmountable of the meaning of the mind capable of building any logically consistent theory. The author shows that only life and religious intuition, faith can be a refutation of goggle and inhuman theory.
Often the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work is not at all reflected in the statements of the narrator or characters and can be determined very approximately. This feature is inherent primarily by many tons. post-authorized works (eg, stories, stories and plays A. P. Chekhov) and the writers of modernist writers depicting absurd world (eg, novels, stories and stories F. Kafki.).
Denial of existence of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of the literature postmodernism; The idea of \u200b\u200bthe work and theorists of postmodernism is not recognized. According to postmodern ideas, artistic text is independent of the will and the author's plan, and the meaning of the work is born when reading it reader freely placing the work in a particular semantic context. Instead of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, postmodernism offers the game of meaning at which a certain end sense instance is impossible: any idea entered into the work is served with irony, with removal. However, in fact, it is hardly justified to talk about the absence of ideas in postmodern essays. The impossibility of serious judgment, the total irony and the gaming nature of existence is the idea that unites postmodern literature.

Literature and language. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Edited by prof. Gorkina A.P. 2006 .

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Idea (Greek. idea. - Private, ideal, idea) - the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work expressed through the entire method of its shaped system. It is the way of expression that fundamentally distinguishes the idea of \u200b\u200ban artistic work from scientific idea. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe artwork is inseparable from its figurative system, so it is not so easy to find it an adequate abstract expression, formulate it in the separation from the artistic content of the work. L. Tolstoy, emphasizing the inseparalness of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe form and content of the novel "Anna Karenina", wrote: "If I wanted to say in words, all that I meant to express to the novel, I would have to write a novel, that same I Posted, first. "

And one more difference of the idea of \u200b\u200ba artistic work from the idea of \u200b\u200bscientific. The latter requires a clear justification and strict, often laboratory, evidence, confirmation. Writers, in contrast to scientists, do not seek, as a rule, to strict evidence, although naturalists, in particular, by E. Zola, can be found such a tendency. The artist of the word is enough to put one or another exciting society. In this formulation, the main ideological content of the work can be concluded. As noted by A. Chekhov, in such works, as "Anna Karenina" or "Evgeny Onegin" not "resolved", no question, but nevertheless, they are permeated with deep, socially significant ideas that exciting everyone.

The concept of "idea of \u200b\u200bthe work" is close and the concept of "ideological". The last term is more connected with the position of the author, with his attitude to the depicted. This relationship may be different, as well as various ideas, expressed by the author. The position of the author, its ideology is determined primarily by the epoch in which he lives inherent in this time. public viewsexpressed by this or that social group. For enlightenment literature XVIII The century was characterized by high ideological, due to the desire for the reorganization of society on the principles of the mind, the struggle of enlighteners with the vices of the aristocracy and faith in the virtue of the "Third Society". At the same time, the literature aristocratic, deprived of high citizenship (Rococo literature) developed. The latter cannot be called "Unties", just ideas expressed by this direction were the ideas of the opposite class enlighteners, a class that losing the historical perspective and optimism. By virtue of this idea, expressed "precise" (exquisite, sophisticated) aristocratic literature, a large social sound was deprived.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe writer is not reduced only to the thoughts that he invests in its creation. The selection of the material on which the work is based, and a certain circle of characters is based. The choice of heroes is usually determined by the corresponding ideological settings of the author. For example, the Russian "Natural School" of the 1840s, confessing ideals of social equality, with sympathy draws the life of the inhabitants of urban "corners" - small officials, poor branches, janitors, cooks, etc. soviet literature The forego comes to the fore " real man", concerned primarily by the interests of the proletariat, sacrificing personal in the name of the nationwide good.

The problem of the relationship in the work of "ideological" and "artistic" is extremely important. Not always even outstanding writers It is possible to embody the idea of \u200b\u200ba work in perfect art form. Often, the artists of the word in their desire as much as possible to express the exciting ideas as possible to join the journalism, begin to "reason", and not "depict", which ultimately worsens the work. An example of such a situation can be Roman R. Rollan "Enchanted Soul", in which highly artistic initial chapters contrast with the latest, representing something like journalistic articles.

In such cases, full-blooded artistic images Turn into a scheme, in simple vehicles of the author's ideas. To the "straight" expression of the exciting ideas resorted even such the greatest artists Words, like L. Tolstoy, although in its works such a method of expression is given relatively little space.

Usually artwork expresses the main idea and a number of secondary associated with side effects scene lines. So, in the famous tragedy "King Edip" Sofokla along with the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, stanking that a person - a toy in the hands of the gods, in a magnificent artistic embodiment Ideas about the attractiveness and at the same time the strugnure of human power are held (Edipan conflict with Creonh), about wise "blindness "(Dialogue of the blind Tiresia with a moay of bodily, but spiritually blind camep) and a number of others. It is characteristic that antique authors even the most deep thoughts sought to express only in artistic form. As for the myth, his artistry without a residue "absorbed" the idea. In this regard, many theorists say that ancient workThemer it is artistic. And this is not because the ancient creators of the "myths" were talented, but because they simply had no other way to express their ideas due to the undevelopment of abstract thinking.

Speaking about the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, about his ideological content, it should also be borne in mind that it is not only created by the author, but can be entered by the reader.

A. France said that in each line of Homer, we introduce our meaning other than the Homer himself in it. To this criticism of the hermeneutic direction add that the perception of the same artwork is different in different epochs. Readers of each new historical period Usually "absorb" in the work of the dominant ideas of their time. And indeed it is. Didn't try in soviet time Fill the novel "Eugene Onegin", based on the "proletarian" ideology dominant at that time, what did not think of Pushkin? In this regard, the interpretation of myths is especially indicative. If you wish, you can find any modern idea from political to psychoanalytic. It's not by chance that Z. Freud saw a confirmation of his idea about the initial conflict of his son in myth about the Odipe.

The possibility of a wide interpretation of ideological content of artistic works is precisely caused by the specifics of the expression of this content. The figurative, artistic embodiment of the idea is not so accurate as scientific. This also opens up the possibility of a very free interpretation of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, as well as the possibility of "reading" those ideas about which the author did not think.

Speaking about the ways of expressing the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, it is impossible not to mention the teachings about Paphos. The words of V. Belinsky are known that "a poetic idea is not a syllogism, not a dogma, not a rule, it is a living passion, it is Paphos." And therefore, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work "is not a distracted thought, not dead by the form, but by living creatures." The words of V. Belinsky confirm what was mentioned above - the idea in the artistic work is expressed by specific means, it is "live", and not abstract, not "Slimogism". It is deeply true. It should only be clarified than the idea of \u200b\u200bpathos is different, for such a difference is not viewed in the formulation of Belinsky. Paphos is primarily a passion, and it is associated with the form of an artistic expression. In this regard, they are talking about "pathetic" and impassive (in naturalists) works. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe same, inextricably connected with Paphos, is still more refer to what they call the content of the work, in particular, they are talking about "ideological content." True, this division is relative. The idea and pathos merge together.

Subject(from Greek. thema) - What is based on the basis of the main problem and the main circle of life events depicted by the writer. The topic of the work is inextricably linked with its idea. Selection of life material, setting problems, i.e. the choice of topics, are dictated by those ideas that the author would like to express in the work. V. Dal in " Explanatory dictionary"Determined the topic as" position, the task, about which is reasoned or which is explained. "This definition emphasizes that the topic of the work is first of all the formulation of the problem," tasks ", and not just those or other events. The latter can be the subject of the image and It is also determined as the plot of the work. Understanding "themes" mainly as "problems" assumes its proximity to the concept of "idea of \u200b\u200bwork". This connection was noted by bitter, wrote that "the topic is the idea that originated in the author's experience, suggests him Life, but nests in the capacity of his impressions is still unforgettly, and, demanding incarnation in images, excites me to call it to work in its design. "The problem of the topic is often expressed in the very name of the work, as is the case in the novels" What? "Or "Who is to blame?" At the same time, you can speak almost about the patterns that almost all literary masterpieces are emphasized by neutral names, more often Just repeating the name of the hero: "Faust", "Odyssey", "Hamlet", "Brothers Karamazov", "Don Quixote", etc.

Stressing the close relationship of the ideas and themes of the work, often talk about "ideological and thematic integrity" or his ideological and thematic features. A similar combination of two different, but closely connected among themselves concepts seems quite justified.

Along with the term "theme" is often used and close to him in meaning - "Theme",what implies the presence in the work not only the main theme, but also of various side thematic lines. The more larger the work than wider the coverage of vital material and more difficult idea baseMoreover, such thematic lines. The main topic in the Roman I. Goncharov "Options" - the story of the drama of the search for its path in modern society (Line of Faith) and the "opening", which end such attempts. The second theme of the novel is noble dilettantism and his destructive impact on creativity (line of paradise).

The theme of the work can be as socially significant - it was precisely such a "cliff" theme for the 1860s, and in a slightly significant, in connection with which a different one says about the "smallness" of a particular author. However, it should be borne in mind that some genres on their very nature suggest "small-dimensional", that is, the absence of socially significant topics. Such is, in particular, intimate lyrics, to which the concept of "smallness" is not applicable as an estimate. For the largest works, the successful choice of theme is one of the main conditions of success. This is clearly visible on the example of Roman A. Rybakova "Children of Arbat", the unprecedented reader's success of which provided primarily the topic of exposure of Stalinism for the second half of the 1980s.