Zentahl and Dudling: Patterns. These bizarre patterns - Zentahl and Dudling Benefits of Dudling and Zentahla

Zentahl and Dudling: Patterns. These bizarre patterns - Zentahl and Dudling Benefits of Dudling and Zentahla
Zentahl and Dudling: Patterns. These bizarre patterns - Zentahl and Dudling Benefits of Dudling and Zentahla

Most people sitting with a leaf and handle on a boring lecture, a meeting, meeting or just thinking, make unconscious movements, handle, drawing involuntary lines, shapes, creating incomprehensible drawings, thereby improving their mood and distracted from something uninteresting, forcing . But not everyone knows that he performs drawings in some style. Therefore, it is worth considering, such a direction as Zentngle and Dudling in the art of drawing, which is considered to be the right relaxation procedure that brings internal satisfaction.

Definition of concepts

It is worth noting that doodling (dudling) and zentangle (sntangl), these are two similar directions that contribute to the relaxation of a person performing drawings, but with some differences:

Dudling is the unconscious reproduction, any actions by the handle of intricate patterns, curls, the guidance of the same strokes and other forms. The drawings are most often performed on a small piece of leaf, in the fields or in the corners of the notebooks.

Zentahl is a patented modern direction in the art of drawing and conducting art therapy with a person, his psychological discharge. It is performed on small leaves with a certain sequence of actions and more clear requirements for patterns and patterns of drawing.

The new-fashioned drawing style, patented by the Americans R. Roberts and M. Thomas in 2006. Roberts and Thomas determined for themselves that Xen - the path of development (movement), and the reflective nature of R. Roberts, tangle - the copper curls reflecting the character M.Tomas. In fact, "Xen" (Zen) - balance, meditation and "Tangle" went from the "Rectangle" - a rectangle for drawing.

The main similarity of the two directions is the age category of people who can perform them - from small to the Great, who can keep the handle, pencil or liner in their hands.

Before you start painting in the style of a zentnglass or dudling, you need to purchase a drawing tools. For Zentalngle - watercolor paper, from it to make 9 cm cards for 9 cm, for dudling - notepad, notebook, etc. You will need a ballpoint pen, a liner, a pencil (simple or color) - you can choose everything with a different thickness of the rod and softness.

Performing drawings in the doodling style, should not be very thoughtful, it is necessary to completely rely on intuition and internal sensations, without rules and restrictions of fantasy, colors and shapes and type of pattern.

Zentangle is performed in black and white, with certain clear lines, in the form of abstraction. A sketch must be finished from all sides and look like a single picture.

The main thing in the performance of any drawing technology is an interest, relaxation and internal sensations.

Zentangle - Step-by-step lessons for beginners

Where to start painting in the style of the Zentahl:

  1. It follows on the drawing leaves to make a frame with a pencil, leaving small fields, to do this in the corners to put points and spend thin line with a pencil on the perimeter. This method should help the newcomer to navigate in the distinction of space on the sheet. Gradually, with the coming experience, this frame is not necessary to do, as they say, everything will arise by itself "on the eye".
  2. Next, flashes the zone with a pencil that will be the integrity of the picture. The main thing, all the strokes that will be divided into the sheet zones, spend without tearing hands, smoothly.
  3. Alternately fill the selected segments in the patterns. After graduating one drawing, you can begin to fill the new zone.
  4. When drawing, not only simple lines, but also curls, geometric shapes, figures of incorrect forms, giving them shades with a simple pencil, putting some strokes several times.

Several examples of simple patterns for beginners from which you can start a fascinating path in drawing:

Dots and straight lines

Before moving to the drawing in the form of simple lines, it is necessary to practice on a separate leaf: draw simple and thickened lines, give them shadows with a simple and color pencil or handle:

  1. Draw dashed lines and gradually thickened with each line and give different shadow.
  2. Draw the broken lines and make them volumetric, also highlighting the shadow, color strokes.
  3. Try to give lines cone-shaped thickening in different directions.
  4. It is important to learn how to attach direction lines, for this you should learn how to draw straight lines from one point, like a veser. To carry out such an exercise, creating on one sheet of a fan in different directions, first in a straight line: right-left (West-East), up-bottom (north-south), further use other directions.

Wavy lines, waves, arc

You should draw 2 straight parallel to each other. Between these lines, first draw straight lines that will be at the same distance from each other. Then reduce gradually the distance between them, further increase the distance between them. Then bend the lines in the form of English S and do the same exercises with it.

We draw several squares, each of which is divided into 4 equal parts. First we make straight lines in different directions or from the center of the square. Curved lines and arcs in different directions, making them also wider, then already

Scales, Stones, Lights, Rings, Volume Figures

Rings are drawn like a second lesson, first between two straight, narrowing, expanding the ring, following a decrease in the increase in the distance between them, changing the thickness of the lines.

Scales - depicted that wide, then narrow, having shaped it with a simple pencil, then it is stronger to pressed - creating dark shadows, it is weaker - creating a light shadow

Lanterns draw using notebooks. From one end to another on both sides, arcs that will connect and form a peculiar flashlight. The shares that inside should be shaded, it will give the volume of the light.

Stones are a simple version of the image in the style of the Zentngul, they are painted in a rounded, uneven form, overlapping each other, shading. The exercise should be started with filling the square from the angle, drawing stones that create the effect of the root in the figure, then try to draw them.

Training should be done every day, paying at least 30 minutes, then the sketches will purchase more beautiful, clear, confident lines and figures, curls.

Phased dudeling for beginner

There is no rules and restrictions for creating drawings in the dudeling style, just the use of your fantasy in the weakening of bizarre curls and patterns.

To create a picture you need to decide on what to draw: Album, Notepad, Tetrad Flash, Wall, Glass. Select pencils, liners, ballpoint or markers for drawing;

The following presented the simplest phase-out drawings in Dudling style.

Examples for sriska

For the drawing, you can use any shape in which the original decoration is created from lines and curls. Patterns can be repeated or chaotically scattered in drawing.

We bring to your attention examples for advanced level (increased complexity of drawing):

Zentngle Patterns and Schemes for beginners

This style is so interesting that many people find an unusual application, such how to decorate the Easter eggs or tea set, manicure, T-shirt.

Zentangle carries a lot of positive results:

  • relaxes;
  • inspires;
  • concentrates attention;
  • eliminates negative thoughts;
  • relieves stress;
  • develops a small motorcy;
  • enhances the motor activity of the eyes.

Patterns and schemes a huge amount, the main thing to start with the simplest, training hand and imagination.

Dudling pencil, handle, Liner - Simple drawings

Owl - Wise Bird, which Many are trying to portray on a sheet of paper in the style of doodling - it looks original and unique:

  1. On a sheet of paper, first depict 2 eyes in the form of a circle, in which to draw 2 shaded semicircles with one of the sides.
  2. Draw in the form of a cone the nose in the middle between the edges of the circles.
  3. Determine the size of the owls, from the bottom to the upper part of the eye, to draw flooring the floor and spend the line between the line of unfinished oval, a little angular to the two corners, they reminded the ears of owls.
  4. On the sides of the oval to draw 2 arcs - these are the wings of the owl.
  5. Next, one should select the eyes of the owls, on top above the eyes and from the bottom under the eyes and nose to draw arcs on one side of the ear and on the other, to connect between the eyes, and the lower under the owl nose.
  6. The penultimate barcode - paws, depict in the form of 2 strips.
  7. Now you can proceed to doodling technique, and apply shadows and touches with a pen, pencil, liner.

Monstricts are often depicted by schoolchildren and students at lectures.

As well as other drawings:

The most beautiful drawings in the style of doodling

We made a selection of the most beautiful drawings in the doodling style:

For beginners draw in these styles, it is necessary to follow several advice:

  1. If the pencil is pre-drawn, then you should choose the thinnest pencil, which can then be masked under the pattern.
  2. It is not necessary to use an eraser to erase parts or not covered curls, they can spoil the drawing.
  3. In the first stages of drawing and workout hands, the rules should be followed. As soon as the necessary experience and confidence in the movement of the pencil, the handles, the rules can be neglected, creating the most incredible and bizarre compositions.
  4. For the drawing, it is better to use liners with different rod thick, which are sold in any stationery department;
  5. During drawing, it is necessary to relax, distract from the outside world and plunge, concentrate on its inner world;
  6. It is not necessary to create a huge picture at once, it can be performed for several days, months.
  7. If it does not work out something, draw, you need to distract, and then a new idea for creating a picture will come.

Each person, drawing daily, will understand and will find and find exactly those secrets that will help to make the most original and unique paintings in the style of doodling and zentangle.

Some people have long been using Dudling and Zentngle techniques, maybe even from school bench, but do not know that these "doodles" have their own name and technology of execution. After reading this article and practicing a little, it is possible to sit down and relax after the working day, creating unimaginable patterns and figures. It is even possible that the paintings created after the working day will once become a masterpiece of art and will be highly appreciated by artistic critics and admirers of such creativity.

Dudling (from English Doodle - "Doodle") is a form of contemporary art and an irrational drawing style.

Unlike school lessons from, there are no rules in Dudling. Patterns can be both abstract and plot. You can apply and combine classic and.

Dudle Evangelist Sunny Brown (Sunni Brown) in his book "Creative doodle" highlights three directions of using Dudling.

  • Personal efficiency (Cognitive direction): memorization and recall of information, as well as its understanding, the birth of insights, an increase in creativity.
  • Collective efficiency (organizational direction): access to the full picture, strengthen collectivism, the development of creative, strategic and tactical thinking, active participation in solving problems and creating innovation, the effectiveness of meetings, visual logging of meetings.
  • Dudling for pleasure (Personal Direction): Concentration, Relaxation, Expanding Opportunities.

Brown adores Dudling and despises any attempts to "create equipment." However, on the pages of the same book, it is trying to classify Dudle artists and offers readers to pass the test "What are you Dudler?".

Exercise "Find out your Dudling DNA"
Turn on the radio or music (but not TV, because you do not hold out and you will look at the screen), sit at the table with the handle and notebook, and let your hand writes something, draws, reacts that you hear. No need to focus too much, and do not think that the first thing you draw, and there will be your Dudling DNA. Sometimes a hand, so to speak, rust, and you need to give it to be developed before it reveals your true dudler closer. After 5-10 minutes - or how much time you need to truly go to a relaxed state, look at the result of your creativity. Did you draw the vertical lines, the cells, did the face drawn? Something seems to you familiar, maybe a pattern or an item that you have already painted before? Close your eyes and remember how you have dudli. What do you remember? What do you see?

Here are five basic types of Dudlers allocated to Sanny Brown.

Brown is convinced that each of us has its own unique visual linguistic handwriting, almost like a signature or fingerprints. And it can be a starting point for the activation and development of natural ability to interpret the visual language and use it in different contexts.

Where to start

Dudling comes even to those who have never painted and convinced that he does not know how to do it. The main thing is motorcycle and spontaneity. While the head is something busy, the hand draws and gives the secrets of the subconscious. You are free in choosing color, shapes and sizes. However, if you just start practicing, take the following advice.

Start a notebook for creativity

It is better if it is a small notebook (A6 or A5) with tight paper so that you can always take it with you.

Select convenient tools

What do you like more: ballpoint pen, gel pen or pencil? Do you prefer to paint water-based markers or markers? Pick up the tools with which you will be comfortable to work.

Select time for drawing

As in any other case, in Dudling, skill comes with practice. Let's learn thoughts in the flight every day: draw for morning coffee, in the subway on the way to work, in bed before bedtime. It is enough 15-20 minutes a day. Soon Dudling will be your everyday positive habit.

Experiment with color

Colors are strong per person: some soothe, others, on the contrary, annoy; Some inspire, while others suggest longing. For many dudling black and white, but try to play with the rainbow. Apply a light background with watercolor paints and draw dudles over. You can go to another way: first draw the pattern, and then paint its individual elements either entirely.

Use templates

A blank sheet of paper can cause a stupor. How to draw? Where to begin? Templates will help start their own creative path in Dudling.

In the book of Tony Jenny (Tonia Jenny) and Amy Jones (Amy Jones) "Zen Dudling. The art of the subconscious drawings "are collected by the best world samples of Dudling art with step-by-step instructions. Try to repeat them to grope your creative manner.

As you can see, there are no strict rules in Dudling. Flight of fantasy, and only. Whatever the pattern came out, the main thing is that he reflects your soul.

No people who do not know how to draw. Being great artists working in a certain technique is not given to everyone, but even the passion for the removal of doodles on paper is also an element of visual art. This artistic phenomenon is becoming more and more popular and has its name - Dudling. It owns everyone who at least once created bizarre images on paper, being in power of their own thoughts or chatting on the phone. Subconscious thrust for graphic art can and need to be developed.

In the specialized section of our site you will find many amazing and unusual work performed in the doodling technique, intuitive drawing. Copy your favorite options in your notebook, upgrade the dudeling pictures, add the author's elements and just enjoy drawing.

Do you know the word Zentahl? Perhaps you even know what it is and saw zentngle patterns? In essence, the Zentangle is a concentrated, thoughtful weave of ornaments, figures and lines on small square pieces of paper. Initially, such a style like a zentngle ...

Zentangle pictures are pictures created with the help of special graphic drawing techniques. Small square elements filled with subtle ornaments, uncomplicated lines and interesting textures can be connected in one big picture, or are separate small pictures. Sentgnal Pictures Similar Technique ...

Do you know the word Dudling? And zentngle? What do you think it is? Whatever answer to these questions you do not tell your imagination - everything is quite simple! Zentahl and Dudling are two modern drawing techniques, rapidly gaining popularity in everything ...

Do you know how to draw in the style of Zenart? If not yet - it's time to learn! Drawing pictures in the style of Zenart is gaining popularity with a rapid pace. And this means that it is time for you to try your hand in creating unusual paintings in this direction ...

What is zentngle? How to draw it? Surely, such questions have come to mind if you have ever heard this name. The zentangle is an abstraction from repeating patterns created by special rules. The real drawing in the style of the Zentahl - always paint black ...

Do you know the word Dudling? Strange, and even a little frightening, right? Surely, you know what it is, even if it seems to you that it is not. After all, it is just - doodle, unconscious drawings. And they painted them in their life ...

Do you know what Dudling is? Although, at first glance, this word may seem unfamiliar, with Dudling today every one of us. And even those who do not know how to draw! Do not believe? Yes, you just take a look at the pictures in the style of Dudling ...

How to learn to draw zentngle and dudling?

If you have not tried to draw a Zentahl or Dudling techniques in popular today, then it's time to learn them.

Let you not create real pictures from the drawings, but you have exactly the occupation to which you will contact if you need to throw the accumulated negative, think about something good and beautiful.

This article contains information about the techniques of drawing Zentungl and Dudling. You will not only learn when and who first had the idea of \u200b\u200bfilling the white sheet with simple, but spectacular patterns, and the difference in drawing techniques, but also be able to develop their hidden abilities.

What is zentngle and dudling?

Sentangle technique has long been adopted by the people of creative professions to create amazing and fascinating drawings, filling out notebooks, sketchbook pages.

Interesting patterns are used even art therapists during their trainings. Patterns drawn on the cards with gel handle can be seen on the Internet, but you can create wonderful drawings yourself.

Pros from drawing in equipment Zentahl and Dudling:

  • drawing is considered as a way to melect
  • you can distract from pressing problems for a while
  • you can see the usual things fresh look
  • ability to reconfigure and inspire new projects
  • is an excellent tool from insomnia
  • the way to increase self-esteem
  • drawing of uncomplicated patterns soothes, relieves stress
  • way to develop the hardness of the hand, the eye, improve the handwriting
  • attention increases and small motility is being developed

The photo below shows the spectacular black and white and colored patterns drawn in the Sentahl technique.

So, what are the beautiful works of art in miniature?

Zentangle (Zentngest) - These are the drawings that are created unconsciously during waiting, or just to relax, calm down.

After studying some features of drawing patterns, you can not just drive the handle on the sheet, but to transfer unique abstractions into white paper squares.

For drawings, repetitive motifs are characteristic of the design of the ZentNagl. Sentangl technique received its name in 2006 in the United States from two words:

  • "Xen" is one of the Buddhist sects
  • "Tangle" - means confusion, interlacing

Dudling - These are the most doodle, which are so good in people of different ages: from Mala to Great. The drawing in the Dudling technique consists of simple forms and curved lines.

This technique you can start drawing without any knowledge, skills. After all, the main thing is that it helps to create an interesting pattern is an opportunity to act intuitively.

The drawing in the Sentangle technique is characterized in that there is a significant concentration of attention. Draw patterns on square cardswhose size of which 9x9 cm.

Cards can be cut out of thick paper, and you can buy ready-made in the store for artists

Zentahl can be drawn in notebooks, flashering a sheet into squares with 9x9 cm sides

You can draw a regular sheet of paper into squares. Each square encompasses a separate composition. There is another embodiment of the drawings: in a large square, several small are drawn.

Curved lines inside squares determine the boundaries of future patterns and figures, combining them into one composition.

In each pattern, it is necessary to highlight and show the shaded area. Shadows and glare in the drawings will emphasize the depressions, create the illusion of volumetric patterns, will help to give an unfamiliar appeal. Ton contrasts will make the world recognizable.

Examples of patterns:

Zentngle Drawing for relaxation, inspiration and pleasure

Drawings in the Sentangl technique is that we are deposited on paper, sitting at a meeting, at the lecture, during a protracted telephone conversation. Doodle and dashes help not lose concentration, overcome drowsiness.

With emotional exhaustion, fatigue, marker, felt-tip or ordinary handle will distract from pressing problems: you will begin to create anything, without thinking. Thinking energy at such moments is not consumed, and therefore the information received continues to be processed and digest.

Several squares with patterns turn into an interesting completed product and does not require any special skills in the field of drawing.

Today, elements of a zentange or dudling can be seen on various elements of the decor. Strange and intricate figures are connected to bizarre surreal plots.

What is the meaning of meditation during drawing in the Sentahl technique?

  • In order for the drawing to be beautiful, you need to be able to focus on the moment "here and now." And this is possible only under the condition of full immersion in the drawing process.
  • Machine movements hand over time become informed.
  • Spontaneity is gradually displaced by the wellness of the composition.

Signagl and Dudling drawing technology

There are certain rules for the drawings of the Zentahl:

  • pattern is performed in black and white colors
  • the pattern is limited to a square frame inside the card of the specified size (9x9 cm)
  • inside the frame draws arbitrarily lines that divide the square on the sector
  • formed after the sector lines are filled with bizarre arbitrary patterns.
  • the plot of each composition is abstract

Pictures in the Dudling technique are performed intuitively, there are no rules when they are fulfilled. Zentangl, unlike Dudling, is created in such a way that the pattern is full and finished on any side and from any angle.

For drawing, the following materials will be needed for drawing in the Sentnglah technique:

  • dense watercolor paper
  • liin (capillary handle), marker or ordinary
  • ball pen
  • simple pencil

A variety and unique patterns are created in one scheme:

  • Cut from paper tiles of classical size in a zentngle (9x9 cm).
  • We draw lines: put four points with a pencil in the corners of the tile, slightly retreating from the edge. We try not to press the pencil to push it later it was easy to get rid of lines.

  • Rows connect one solid line. It is not necessary to use a ruler for this or try to draw a line exactly: some negligence will give a special charm tile with a painted pattern. Thus, we set borders for further work.
  • The next step is the creation of "zones" inside the square for future patterns. They will not be scattered in chaotic order, but create a holeric picture.

  • When the Zentahl patterns start to get acquired, it will be possible to skip this step and start drawing without prior "markup".
  • How to place a square on "zones"? Holding lines without cutting hands from paper. You can see how such lines look like.

  • Now you need to fill the empty space between the lines. Source a segment behind the segment. Here's what it looks like:

  • There is no specific sequence that must be followed: Segments Fill in the pattern as you suggest your imagination. Leave some areas unfinished, the general picture does not suffer from this.

  • When you consider that the drawing does not require adjustments and additions, erase the painted early pencil lines.
  • Be sure to add shadows by defining the location of the light source. Without shading, the glance will not slide in the picture and attract attention.
  • By deciding where the light is to fall on the elements of the pattern, add a solid pencil and we grow well in painted borders.
  • Parties filled with segment segments, giving three-dimension image.

The shaded patterns of "pebbles", "leaves", "pea", "balls" look especially impressive. If your shadows do not get or too dark, you can erase them with eraser or clarify.

Patterns for the Zentungl are given in this section. You can make changes to them or invent your own. However, if you just learn to draw a zentahl, then it is better to use the classic patterns of patterns.

Zentngle tiles during drawing turn over around its axis so that it is more convenient to draw lines. Specify where the pictures of the bottom, you can, putting a signature on one of the parties.

Dudeling drawings Pencil stages for beginners

  • Pictures in Dudling technique do not comply with any rules and tiles cut no need. You can simply print the contours of the animal, geometric shape, plants and fill the empty space by patterns.
  • You can draw a square or oval in the center of the sheet, and then call for help your fantasy and draw everything that comes to mind. Somewhere drew the pigtails, somewhere add a spikelet or let it be bugged into the ribbons leaving the sink mouth.
  • You just add oblique lines to your creation, combine arbitrary elements into a circle, draw contours and get a unique picture.

Allow your hand to move chaotically or determine the direction and draw simple repeating patterns that are from the inside.

How to draw in the Dudling technique, you will learn by looking at the video.

Video: Dudling Feather

Zentagla Step-by-Step Lessons: Learn Tangles

To fill the tiles with patterns, you must perform pre-drawings of tangles - patterns. You can practice in the drawing of tangles and only then start creating the drawings of the Zentahl.

Below are uncomplicated tangles for beginners.

Several beautiful variations of the Cadent pattern for your inspiration

Video: Draw tangles

Video: 24 Patterns for Dudling, Zentahn Patterns

Zentahl - manicure

Beautiful patterns have become popular not only among artists: Dudling is used to create an unusual fashion manicure.

A whole work of art on marigolds in the new technique will complement the image and help make it harmonious. In addition, even the girl who has long waved his hand on an independent nail design for a long time to apply an orphanage in the Dudling technique. After all, many believe that they cannot draw anything to them.

What do you need for a simple, but spectacular pattern on the nails?

  • search the Internet the appropriate template that you can repeat
  • disassemble the pattern to the components and stages to practice it on paper
  • start sketching pattern, carefully carrying lines, circles, petals
  • Do not worry if you have some lines turned out uneven: Dudling is able to hide many mistakes!
  • If you look at the design of nails in Dudling style, then make sure there is nothing complicated in these drawings.

The process of creating a manicure includes several stages:

  • nail coating lacquer
  • application of a pattern of lacquer more liquid consistency
  • instead of lacquer for drawing patterns, you can use acrylic paint
  • fastening upper coating applying

What instruments will need?

  • special thin brush
  • in the absence of a tassel, you can use the toothpick or handle

The photo presents fir-handed materials that can replace special tools. You can see which thickness of the strokes are obtained when using them.

  • Start from the circumference at the base of the nail plate, gradually moving on: over the first circle, draw the second, then the petals that diverge on the sides and fill the empty space with dots or strokes.
  • Video: Zentahl for beginners

Drawing techniques Zentungl and Dudling at first glance may seem similar, however, these directions vary.

Dudling (doodling) as drawing style comes from the English word doodle (unconscious doodle). This technique is suitable for all from to adults who have never been drawing. Dudling patterns allow you to maintain a concentration without mental voltage, effectively coping with monotonia. From here, doodling can rightly be considered the original and practically no cost version of art therapy and meditation. Dudling is free appliances and offers endless possibilities for self-expression on a sheet of paper.

Zentangle (Zentangle) was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas as a patented drawing technique. It allows you to feel like a real artist, cope with stress, aggression and improve your well-being with the help of patterns, ornaments and various patterns. The creators offer to draw on white sheets of 3.5 inches width (8.9 cm) ink, a liner or gel handle.

The classic zentangl should be free in the execution, not limited in time, non-space-oriented and abstract. In this case, small sheets of the specified size allow you to perform the drawing quickly anywhere, as soon as inspiration has come.

The style of Zentahl not only brings pleasure and develops creativity, but also allows you to achieve artistic meditation. Unlike Dudling Zentangle requires a certain concentration and concentration from the artist. Therefore, this technique cannot be fulfilled unconsciously and requires complete immersion in the process.

Doodling & Zentangle styles can be called impulsive and unexpected, and the composition itself develops along the drawing and is not determined in advance. Although a certain accuracy of lines and elements is assumed in Zentnagle, unlike Dudling, where it is not a prerequisite.

Zentahl and Dudling contribute to the development of creativity, the implementation of creative potential, increase self-confidence, train such mental processes as attention, thinking and memory. In addition, you can improve your college and mood, achieve inner harmony and manage anger.

Withdrawing on paper Dudla and Zen Tangles, do not think about the final result. It is enough to trust its intuition and an inner state, using various patterns, snaps, points and abstract patterns for self-expression. Due to the consistent repetition of light motifs, of which whole works of art are obtained, you can plunge into a certain trance and achieve the long-awaited state of comfort and relaxation.

In when we practically stopped writing and drawing from hand, and all make it on a computer, intuitive drawing using ink and white sheet paper will allow you to break from gadgets and virtual reality.

Some people have long used Dudling and Zentahl not only as therapy and hobby, but also learned to earn money on their work without the presence of art education and the need to reckon with the requirements of academic pattern.