People's Heroic Epos: "Song of Roland". Features of the heroic epic on the example of _sni about Roland - an essay

People's Heroic Epos:
People's Heroic Epos: "Song of Roland". Features of the heroic epic on the example of _sni about Roland - an essay

Ticket 13.

Heroic epic era of feudalism. The main cycles of the Epos France

Establishment of 10-11 centuries. Feudal relations in most Western European countries led to the separation of society into two antagonistic class - feudal and fortress peasants. From the 12th century The importance of cities as centers of shop craft and trade, which has grown mainly from the settlements of the serfs, who left the feudal estates. They create a special, "Burgers" (city) literature, by their tendency opposition and democratic. Folk poetry reached us in written records made at 14 - 15 centuries.

The best of all the French heroic epic has been preserved. He reached us in the form of poems ( general number About 100), of which the oldest arose at the very end of the 11th century. The poems have survived to us wear the name of Chanson de Gesture ("songs about acts"). They have a different volume. These poems were intended for singing. Their performers, and often the authors were jugglers ("GDERS"), who were broadcasting them throughout France.

Three topics make up the main content of the French epic:

· Defense of the Motherland from external enemies - Mavrov (or Saracin), Normanov, Saxons.

· The faithful service of the king, the protection of its rights and the eradication of traitors;

· Bloody feudal seal.

The choice of these topics corresponds to the political consciousness of the people's masses of that time. The first two topics are always connected in the poems with the way the good and wise king.

In most poems, the king is called Karl the Great won the many major victories and crowned in 800 by the emperor. Karl in poems appears in an idealized form: it is always fair and usually affectionate, although when you need to be harsh. He is grozen for traitors and invincible in battle. The enemies tremble in front of him, and God is a helper in all matters. In some poem, Karl actively actively, personally committing different feats. But in other poems, with the artistically more significant, Karl goes down to the background; It is inferior to the active role of Paladines (approximately salted knights), in particular twelve "Params" (most notable persons In the state), first of all - Roland.

Ticket 17. "Song of Roland". Folk base Poems. Rolanda image.

"Song of Roland" is a poem that had a European resonance and is one of the peaks of medieval poetry. The poem tells about the heroic death of the Roland's Graph, the nephew of Charles Great, during the battle with the Moors, about the betrayal of Roland's stepfather, Hanelon, which was the cause of this catastrophe, and about the revenge of Karl the Great for the death of Roland and 12 peers. "Song about Roland" arose about 1100, shortly before the first crusade. Unknown author It was not deprived of some education. He saved deep meaning and the expressiveness of an old heroic legend and found a brilliant expression for their expression artistic form. The saturation of the entire story of the idea of \u200b\u200breligious struggle with Muslim and a special mission of France.

Rolanda image. Roland in the poem is a mighty and brilliant knight, impeccable in the fulfillment of vassal debt. He is a sample of knightly valor and nobility. Roland alien egoism, cruelty, greed, anarchic pea and feudalist. It feels an excess of young forces, joyful faith in the rightness of their business and in their luck, a passionate thirst for a disinterested feat. Complete proud self-consciousness, but at the same time alien to any swelling or selfishness, he fully gives his strength to the ministry to the king, people, homeland. Hot love for homeland characterizes in the poem of all the soldiers of Karl. But the patriotic feeling of Roland is manifested more stronger, for which there is no more gentle and sacred word than "sweet France", with the thought of her he dies. All this makes Roland genuine folk hero, understandable and close to everyone.

The stern style of "Songs about Roland", its greatest rigor and the energetic compression of the presentation, the lack of the topic of love, the motives of intimate, comic, household are in full compliance with the nature of the plot and ideological design. Translations of French poems about Roland, their retells or imitation existed in the Middle Ages in many European languages.

The topic of Hanelon's betrayal. It reflected the socio-political contradictions characteristic of the intensively developed in 10-11 centuries. feudalism. This problem is introduced into the poem by the episode of Hanelon's betrayal. The reason for the inclusion of this episode in the legend could be the desire of singers and teachers to explain the external fatal cause of the defeat of the "invincible" army of Karl the Great. Ganeleon is not just a traitor, he is an expression of a powerful evil principle, hostile to every social cause, personification of feudal egoism. From the point of view of legal relations of that time, Hanelon's guilt is not so uncompaired, for, after hanged his vassal duty before Carl on the battlefield and during the embassy, \u200b\u200bGaneleon, reasoning formally, could consider himself to have the right after that to conduct personal accounts with Roland, his steps . In the "song about Roland", the black act of a separate traitor is revealed, how much the fraud is exposed for the native country of that feudal, anarchic egoism, whose representative is Ganeleon.

The image of Karl. Karl is a mighty ruler, who won a lot of major victories. In the poem, it appears in an idealized form: it is always fair and usually affection, although, when you need, I can be harsh. He is grozen for traitors and invincible in battle, enemies tremble in front of him, and God him is an assistant in all matters.

Ticket 14. "Song about Side." The originality of the poem. Image of Side.

The vertex of the Spanish National Epos form a legend of Side.

The face of historical, his acts are depicted in two poems that have reached us - "Poem about Side" and "Rodrigo". Diaz, nicknamed Sid. His nickname is the word of Arabic descent, meaning "Mr.". Sid belonged to the highest Castilian nobility, was the head of all the troops of King Castle Suncho II. With the next king, Alphonse, he began to act against Maurus.Sid \u200b\u200bwas the largest record of reconquists. It made him the greatest national hero Spain, beloved folk hero, "My Sid". He showed great caring and generosity towards his people, extreme simplicity and democracy; All this attracted the hearts of the warriors to him and created him popularity among the wide masses of the population. In the life of Side, the songs and legends about his exploits began to be made.

"Song about Side" disintegrates on 3 parts.

· The first part ("Song of Exile"). The first feats of Side are depicted on a foreign land.

· Second part ("Song of the wedding"). The winning of Valencia's conquest is depicted. There is a date of Side with the king himself. LED gives the chance two of their combat sword and gives a rich dowry for her daughters. It follows a description of lush wedding celebrations.

· Third part ("Song about Corps"). It is told about the celebration of Side over her hazards. New grooms are woven to Side's daughters - Princes Navarre and Aragon. The poem ends the sloe Sidoy.

Family topics plays a prominent role. Family, relatives gradually act in the poem to the fore. There is a vividly pronounced anti-acrajratic tendency of the poem. LED escooked a variety of vices of hurried infants. The hero is represented only by Infanson, i.e. Knights having vassals, but not belonging to the highest nobility. He is depicted performed self-consciousness and dignity, but at the same time goodness and simplicity in circulation with everyone, alien to any aristocratic spoff. Speakers in the poem as a truly popular hero.

Ticket 15. "Song of Nibelunga". The main topics, images, the peculiarity of the poem.

At 12 in. In Germany, for the first time, semi-art literature arises german languagefixed in written monuments. It serves as an expression of the ideology of the feudal society. Plots of the German epress 12-13 centuries. Go up for their origin to the tribal epic songs of the Epoch of the Great Migration of Peoples. The association process remained unfinished due to the absence of historical prerequisites in the feudal-fragmented medieval Germany. Therefore, the medieval German epic is not as a degree of national as Epos French or Spanish. Heroes's heroes are limited to the interests of personal and family-related, tribal and feudal. The center of epic led becomes King Huns Etzhel (Attila).

"Song of Nibelungah" is an extensive poem consisting of 39 songs ("adventure") and numbering about 10 thousand verses united in stanza in 4 verses. The poem deploys the ideal picture of the military and peaceful life of the feudal society in the era of the heyday of the knightly culture. Epic narration far left the style of a brief heroic song. It is rich in episodes and descriptive details, spoken scenes and paintings of spiritual experiences of heroes.

At the same time, the authentic features of the heroic folk epic, to which the monumental images of the heroes and the main motives and the dramatic situations of the epic legend are coming. Such are the young hero Siegfried and his antagonist - "Stern Hagen", the heroic villain, a sample of adamant courage and feudal loyalty of Vassal, for the sake of honor and glory of Mr. Ready for feats and crimes; Stropy Brunjord Bride, Bloody Blood Conference, and Mustic, Loving the Crimchild. From the German epic on Dietrich in Nibelungi, the image of Etzel (Attila), as a hospitable and good, but the passive king, and the most of the Dietrich Bernsky, with his warriors, the strongest and fair from heroes.

The story of the poems contains the remnants of earlier stages of development: stories about the first expressions of the young Siegfried, about his victory over the dragon and the mining of the Nibelungs and the wonderful Virodnice of Brynhilde. The legends turned into a Knight's poem of 12 V. In the traditional fabulous motive. The abormity of epic tales (Scandinavian and German versions) is associated with conventional conditions for the development of oral tradition, with a parallel existence of a number of songs representing various versions The same legend.

Newest research Hisisler showed that the poem is based on two brief epic songs, corresponding to the two main parts of the poem: the song about Siegfried-Sword (Watching Gunter to Brynhilde and the murder of Siegfried) and the song about the death of burgunds (revenge of the Crimchilde). Here the ideal of a fearless warrior hero in the image of Siegfried is embodied.

Ticket 12. Middle Ages Courtless Literature. Troubadours. Kreten de Troa.

In 11 - 13 centuries. In France and other European countries, secular culture is developing, based on the Knight's morality code. There is a cult of an excellent lady. At this time, reform occurs literary language and poems. The poets of this time were called the troubadras.

Lyrics and Roman reaches the greatest development in France. The center of Knight's lyrics - South of France (Provence), experiencing the effect of the Arab East. After the collapse of the Empire of Karl the Great Provence became independent. From Latin, Provencal language developed here. Provencal Poetry - Sample for all european peoples. Provencal poetry and language existed 200 years before joining Northern France. The creators of Provencal lyrics were trumperas or pipes. About 500 names of Podbadur Poets are known to science.

The main topic of knightly poetry is love. The subject of love is married woman, feudal spouse. Therefore, one of the ideas of the court literature is to protest against marriage as transactions between parents. The poetry describes the secret love, the name of the lady is not called, because She can harm it. This love is thin, exquisite. Higher reward for the poet - kiss. In the literature also developed a cult of ministry Beautiful lady. The poetry describes the original images, positions and situations. Curcuisian poetry artistically reflects a huge moral process associated with individual love. Romance. Knight's prose gained development in Northern France. The French knightly novel became a sample for the literature of other countries. Main features:

· The main topic is sublime love.

· Fiction is often used.

· At the base of the plot - the adventures, the feats of the knights.

Up to 13 century The knightly novel had a poetic form. In the knightly novels, it is often narrated about distant people and long-standing times. The image of the spiritual experiences of the heroes is occupied.

Classification on the subject:

· "Antique" cycle ("Roman about Alexandra", "Roman about Three", "Roman about Ether").

· Breton cycle - the cycle of novels about the King Arthur and the knights of the round table.

· The Byzantine cycle (the main story is the story of love and the violent separation of loving and their happy meeting, the elements of realism are used).

Ticket 21. Roman "Tristan and Isolde". The main topics and heroes of the novel.

At the heart of the work - Celtic legend of Tristan and Isolde.

Tristan as a child lost his parents and was abducted by merchants. Fucking from captivity, he got to the yard of his uncle King Mark, who was childless and intended to make him his successor. One day, Tristan was injured by a poisoned weapon, and he sits down in the lady in despair and swimming. The wind puts it in Ireland, the queen, not knowing that Tristan killed her brother Maltte on the duel, heals him. Upon returning Tristan, the barons require Mark to marry and gave the country of the heir. The king announces that he marries only on the girl who belongs to the golden hair, frown by the flutter. In search of beauties, Tristan is sent. He again falls into Ireland, where he learns in the royal daughter, Isolde Zlatovlas, a girl who belongs to the golden hair. Tristan defeated the dragon and got the hand from the king isoled. On the way back, Tristan and Isolde, by mistake, drink a "love drink", which Mother Isolde gave her to her and king mark on the eyelids tied love. Isolde becomes a brand wife, but secretly meets with Tristan. In the end, loving caught, and the court senses them to execution. Tristan manages to run with Isolde, and for a long time we wander in the forest. Finally, Mark forgives them with the condition that Tristan will be removed into exile. In Brittany, Tristan marries another Isolde, called Belarusian. Mortally wounded, he sends true friend In Cornwall, so that he brought him an isold. In the event of good luck, the friend must set a white sail. Jealous wife Tells to say Tristan that the sail is black. Hearing it, Tristan dies. Isolde comes to him, falls along with him too dying. They are buried, and on the same night two trees grow out of two graves, whose branches are wooped.

The author's attitude to the moral and public conflict of tristan and isolde with the environment is Dual. On the one hand, he as if recognizes the rightness of the dominant morality. But at the same time, he does not hide his sympathy for this love. From the contradiction of the author, the motive of the fatal love drink is saved. Roman about Tristan and Isolde caused a lot of imitations in most European countries - in Germany, England, Scandinavia etc.

Heroic epos is one of the most characteristic and popular genres of European Middle Ages. In France and Spain, he existed in the form of poems called gestures, i.e. songs about acts, exploits.
Thematic basis gesture make up real historical eventsMost of which are related to the VIII - X centuries. Probably, immediately after these events arose oral legends and legends about them.
Leading from early Middle Ages, Heroic Epos took the classic form and survived the period of active existence in the XII, XIII and partly the XIV century. By the same time his written fixation also applies.
In the heroic epic of the Middle Ages, it is possible to detect signs:
1. The story confidently decides the forefront of mythology. National history or dominates, or completely displaces it. In the cleanest form, this is manifested in the Spanish epic (entirely "Song about my Side" 1140g) - It is born in late material. His plot dates back to the middle of the 11th century.
2. The importance of religious Christian motives is significantly increasing.
3. Patriotic motivation increases. And the material motivation in the characters ("Side Song" - for the first time in the epic, numbers of accounting numbers appear: to make exploits need to have money).
4. An increasingly clear influence of knightly ideology and culture (this is explained by the transformation).
5. Signs of removal of these works from folklore becomes more obvious: the drama (growing up to tragedy) increases, these epos are characterized by a more slender composition, there is a large epic shapeIn which these works have reached us (the principles of cyclization are preserved, but generic cyclization is increasingly displaced by national-ethical cycling, develop into national cycles, generic values \u200b\u200bare replaced by the values \u200b\u200bof feudal, state and family).
French Epos - political epic. In the archaic epic policies are not at all. Spanish epic is also political.
One of the main topics heroic eposa - disinterested, moving only love for his homeland, the service of loyal vassals weak, hesitating, often thanks to the king, who is constantly threatened by the internal, then external enemies.
On the one hand, for the heroic epic, a rather large plot diversity is characterized, on the other - he knows only a few sustainable types of characters moving from gestures in a gesture.

Such heroes (on the example of "Song about Roland"):
1) King (Karl)
2) Epic Hero - Valorous Knight, ready not to regret life for the sake of debris, faith and king (Roland)
3) comrades of the hero, creating a kind of background or motivation for his feats (Oliviere)
4) "Traitor" (Ganeleon)
5) "Antiger" - Martily (King of Zaragoza)

Song of Roland - French folk heroic epic.
The most famous and most ancient poem in this cycle.
The core of the plot: the Ariřard of Francs under the leadership of Ronald is attacked by Herps with Saracin. The treacherous attack is the fruit of revenge Roland's stepfather.
The time of creating the poem is not for sure. About ten versions of the editorial were preserved, which are dated 14 centuries. Of these, the most ancient - Oxford list (1170g). The events themselves refer to 778. Ancient story About the Ronsival battle, which took place in August 778, is contained in the ancient life of Karl the Great from 878 (Einhard). On this description they wrote a bask.

In "Songs about Roland" two storylines:
- The struggle of two worlds: Muslim and Christian (Karl's struggle with King Martilyl).
- Revenge of Ganilon Steyka Roland. Between them there is a feudder to the embassy. Death of Roland, execution.
The first plot is larger and has a general meaning. The second plot fills in vitality, he also binds the "Song of Roland" with the cycle of evil feudal. Giving the Council Karl Ganilon advises to appoint Roland.
Ganilon is not in the most ancient plots. The line of Ganilon probably entered the plot of Roland not earlier than 860, since the Ganilon is modern science associated with the San Archbishop of Vinyl, who changed Karl Lysom, the court above him took place in 859, there was no execution.
Two plots correspond to two conflicts in the song:
1. Between Christian and muslim worldwhich develops from the point of view of monologue legend: "Nonharhydrate is not right, but a Christian rights."
The motive of religious intolerance and the struggle of two worlds should be compared with the "Side Side". In the Spanish epic, there is no motive of frowning pectoons, they were known to Mavrov's merit. There are not fighting against someone else's religion, but for the liberation of their land. "Song about Side" is very delicate in this matter: it is tolerance in the most direct sense of the word.
2. Between the vassal loyalty and feudal right to the reaction, which leads to betrayal. The Vassal Declaration is invested in Roland's mouth: Vassal must suffer for the senory.
Nagal feudal Ganilon does not consider himself a traitor, he directly and publicly announced at the beginning of a song about his hostility with Roland: the right to the reaction is legal right. Karl's barons in the court scene do not see the traitor in it, they justify the Ganilon. Only with the help of God's court, the fight of the parties, it turns out to be possible for Karl to punish Ganilon. God's court puts the point of attitude of the Vassal and the king and about the right of Vassal on the Money Medieval Balance (in the "Side Side" is also only with the help of God's court).
Both conflicts are allowed in favor of Karla - the personification of the Christianization of Europe.
Side plot: Roland line - Olivier.
In the initial version it was not, appeared only in the 11th century. Conflict plot: "Mudda Olivier, and our Roland is bumping" or "Roland hot, and Olivier Obual." Roland refuses to protruding in the horn. The end of their dispute will put the Archbishop of Trubin. Roland refuses to drive into the horn, as its epic immeasibility confesses with vassal debt, this is determined by the tragic wines of the hero: he cannot allow him to and warriors to reach the houses of political hula that he was frightened by Mavrov. It cannot change its epic heroic character. "Roland dies not so much under the blows of enemies, but under the weight of his heroic character." Olivier, offering to protruding in the horn, suggests such a junction: he considers the defeat of the pride of Roland to defeat the warriors. Roland himself is also aware of his guilt.
The ideal of the knighthood will be based on a valor equipped with wisdom and virtue, a valor subordinate to the Christian canon.
"Song of Roland" - a song about defeat. The topic of the defeat is elected, as Painchair does not have such an opportunity: it was impossible to show the perfect archpactor and the perfect monk, the strength of the Spirit of Roland himself otherwise than through such a sacrifice.
Roland's death scene is described as a rite, the death ritual of the perfect Christian war: he is not injured, but the head hurts (tube, he broke the veins at the temples). Roland falls into fainting several times, he cries, the archpactor dies on his hands, goes to die.
Roland enters into the depths of the Sarazinsk land, rises to the hill, hit the sword three times, falls on the grass, under the pile, head to Spain, sick, as dying, remembers the battle, a feat, a relatives and king, but also does not forget his soul: confession, repentance And the rite of gloves (Süsteren handed his glove to his vassal, served the service - Returns the glove) - Before the death of Roland stretches the glove up, passing it to God, and Archangel Mikhail passes the soul of Roland to Paradise.

"Song of Roland" - one of the brightest works studied at school in the lessons foreign literature. Many impresses the main character - the glorious Knight Roland, who, as if the vessel, absorbed all the most positive qualities, always stands on the side of good, and hence, the victory in life battles will be behind him.

Rolande's characteristic should be considered deep enough so that it was possible to correctly perceive the whole meaning and main thoughttransmitted in the work.

Roland - Knight, the standard of all the best qualities

The basis of the song "Song about Roland" are actually occurring historical events. They were subject to literary understanding for the right perception by the reader.

The Roland characteristic is quite a banal for the works of the literature of that time. The main character - the knight, in which, it seems, is embodied by all the best ideas about the hero, which he saw in medieval France. Thanks to this essay, each reader receives a unique opportunity to go through the whole hard way Roland, the satellites at the same time our hero will have only the brave hearts.

Personal qualities

Studying "Song about Roland", the characteristic of Roland It turns out almost perfect: it is a bold, patriot to the bone's brain, and the main thing for him is to keep the previous word for him. Roland faithful to his king and will never betray him, as it prizes traitors. Christian faith for him is the value that can be called more important than life itself, which is why the Rolandic characteristic appears in such noble tones, he is the person who puts religion and the church to the top of personal values, only such people medieval France could call heroes .

And he does not bother

Of course, the characteristic of Rolanda as the hero of that time implies that it will be the most valiant and most bold. At the same time, the author adds him another quality: he is the same as the smart, as far as the fusion of these two factors makes Roland almost invincible in any fights. the main objective In the life of our hero, it is also formulated quite clearly - the honor of France - the Motherland is to be saved at any cost.

Unequal battle

Even aware that the last battle described is unequal, Roland takes it. Of course, such a person, as he, cannot surrender, he will feel free to fight until the end, even if the end is a terrible death. The fact that the last seconds of his life, the hero dedicated to thoughts about his beloved country - is one of the highest moments In the works of "Song of Roland". The characteristic of the heroes like Roland, always goes one scenario - for love for the Motherland and to the Church you will definitely deserve eternal life in the ballads.

As can be seen, Roland is an excellent example of an ideal knight that they so often sang and presented in literary works that time.

The image of Karl Great

The characteristic of Roland and Karl is similar to the fact that both heroes are hyperbolized compared to their real prototypes. And if Roland is the most brave and most faithful knight, then Karl is the wisest, the best king. Interestingly, according to historical data, Carlo was only thirty at the time of the beginning of the Spanish campaign, but our literary carl is a two-year-old sage, the appearance of which is truly Patriarchen. Hyperbolized by the author also the scale of Karl's possessions, since many of the countries named in the poem were no longer part of his empire in the period described here. Even the non-existent country of Normandy was also inscribed in his possession. A similar step in the literature was often used during the Middle Ages, so that the reader admire his hero.

Today, Charles would be called a superhero, because only such as he, probably, to stop the sun in the sky. It is emphasized here and the power of the influence of Christianity on the literature of the time, since the sun was frozen in the sky for the fact that our king can shiver all the wrong churches, thereby withered the true other people who have not yet taken faith as a single source of truth and enlightenment.

Religious thread stretches through the whole poem, we can spend quite a few parallels with biblical stories. Carl and Roland are almost perfect and similar to the apostles. This still confirms that the literature of that period was suspiciously unitage and had a single goal - to turn people to the church.

The peak of the French heroic classic epic is the poem "Song of Roland". It has been preserved in several manuscripts, the best of which is recognized as Oxford (1170). The work is written in the Staropranszo language with poems and divided by couplets of different quantities. Each verse ends with the same Asonance. In fact, the poem was a song, since many of her Tirad ended with the scream "Io", which, apparently, meant the chorus or a melody, which was performed during the sound of the song.

The poem is based on a historical fact that took place in the VIII century. Chronicler Karl Great Einhard said that in 778, the King of Frankov began his first hike with the aim of liberating Spain from Moors. In fact, his invasion of Spain was a typical condocent adventure in order to obtain wealth and lands of Arabs. In the poem, this hike is depicted as a great feat of France and Christianity's glory. Historical facts It is evidence that Maur managed to give a decisive resistant to the troops of Karl the Great. Capturing several cities and reaching Zaragoza, Karl met a powerful fighter from the Maurus and was forced to turn back. During the retreat, the Ariřard of the French troops in the Ronsvalo Gorge attacked and defeated the Basque. In the battle killed one of the glorious peers of the king, his nephew Count Roland. In the poem, on the contrary, Karl the Great won a complete victory.

"Song of Roland": summary

The Great Emperor Karl seven years has fought in Spain and had the baptism of all edges. Only Mauri Zaragoza remained unresolved, because their King Martilly respected Magomet. Since he was no longer able to resist francs, he went to the cunning - sent to Karl the messengers with a big gift (700 camels, 400 mules, loaded with Arabic gold and silver) so that he could award his vassals and pay mercenaries. In addition, Martilia promised in a month to come to the throne city of Karla and adopt the Christian faith on the day of St. Michael. So that the francs believe him, he gave hostage children of famous and wealthy Saracin, although he knew that they would perish. The messengers ordered to carry the Olina branch in his hands (a symbol of humility and reconciliation) and promised to the faithful service rich estates.
However, Karl did not trust Martilyly, because he has already lost two of his bold graphs - the ambassadors of Bazan and Basil. To take final decisionHe decided to consult with his peers: to continue the war to the complete destruction of Martily's troops or to offer the king, who fled, the world on the terms of his vassal dependence and adoption of Christianity.

Roland expressed the opinion not to trust the words of Mavrov and take revenge on the death of glorious warriors. Not all the barons were satisfied with such a proposal, because they preferred to return home rather, tired of a long hike and heavy cruel battles. Count Gwvetelon tried to prove to the king that the army was tricious enough, it took a lot of prey and with pride could return to France, and therefore you can believe the words of Martilia. He was supported by other barons. The Knight Nemon Bavarian advised to listen to the words of Gwennelon, remembering that the Christian debt envisaged to forgive the wrong and turn them towards God. There was no doubt that Martille would still take Christianity.

The enemy with the answer decided to send a bold knight and a far-sighted policy. Roland offered his candidacy, and she was rejected. Everyone knew that he was unrestrained and not sufficiently diplomatic. Such an ambassador would hardly have achieved success. Many other barons agreed to be ambassadors to prove their loyalty to the king and France. Only one Gwennelon was silent. Then Roland made a new proposal: send by the parliamentary of his stepfather of Gwennelon, since he gave Karl to the Council to finish the case with the pagans, and after all, Marciilus promised to become a submissive vassal, to accept faith and the law of Karl. By making such a proposal, he understood that Gwennelon threatened death from the hand of incorrect, but was guided by the main motive - respect to the mind and restraint of the stepfather, which could best fulfill the dangerous order of the emperor.

Count Gwennelon realized that he could not return, but did not have the right to refuse. Nevertheless, he decided to take revenge on such an act.

So, the epic background of the work was the opposition of two worlds - Christian and Muslims. The conflict originated from contradictions inside the Christian, or rather the Knight's world. Knights Christians behaved in accordance with the requirements of primarily the class, and then the Christian morality.

Gwennelon presented Mrsilia low cruel ultimatum, which disengaged with the requirements of Charles. Perhaps he wanted to prevent the reconciliation of francs with Sarcins, risking at the same time to faster the king of Moors, although it facilitated the task of further reconciliation with the enemies. To take revenge on Roland, he suggested Marcilya during the retreat of francs from Spain to attack their Ariergard, who will head Roland - the best knight of Karl Great. To defeat it, you should send 20 thousand francs 100 thousand Saracin. He convinced the Mauric King to give franks a large tribute so that they could not come to themselves. Then Carl will not remain anything, how to return to France. In the event of the death of Roland, the king of francs will not dare to fight with the Moors. Martilly thanked Gwennelon for advice, mutual understanding and support, presented a sable fur, sword, helmet and decorations for his wife.

Putting up with gifts, with a load of gold on 10 mula, the traitor returned to Carlo, handed over the keys to the Zaragoza and assured the peaceful intentions of the Moors. The king of francs decided to bring troops from Spain, although doubted.

Ariřard Frankov headed Roland. With him was his comrade Oliviere and 12 peers - brave graphs of France. When Carl's army retreated, Roland saw a big army of Saracin. Oliviere asked Roland to cut into the horn to return the squad of the king back, but he was afraid to defame himself and did not. Such a recklessness led to the loss of thousands of francs. When the third part of the troops remained, Roland decided to inform Karl and cut into the horn, but his outraged Oliphant was kept, because Karl will not have time to help them, because the warriors remained only to die. At the end of the battle, on the advice of Bishop Turpina, Roland still called Karl to take revenge on the death of the French and to bury them. He bitterly regretted his act, because of which many glorious barons died, among which 12 peers of France. Suffering, Roland also died from wounds and grief. Angels accepted the soul of the brave knight. Archangel Gabriel, an intermediary between God and people, he took his glove in his sign of the fond of Knight his new suzerena - God.

When Roland would have been in the horn, Karl heard him and ordered the return of the army back. Mauri fled. Marcelius, who Karl's elbow cut off his right hand, disappeared in Zaragoza. The battle ended in the victory of Charles Great. He returned to his capital Aachen. This was brought here Gwennelon, which was planted on a chain as a traitor. He became twice: violated the duty of Vassal and became the enemy of a kind of and his family. In addition, his criminal egoism led to numerous franc victims.

The trial of him is a court of feudal arbitrariness. Gwennelon did not take reproaches in treason, as it considered the revenge of Roland, his other was not interested. He did not strive for the defeat of the whole Karlov troops. Since Gwennelon was a supporter of feudal internecasters, they found a baron, which even wanted to justify him. Then Thierry decided to give a true interpretation of the act of Gwennelon: he suffered not just a baron, and the faithful servant, the King's vassal, and with him and the glorious warriors of the country. The king was silent, not deciding to punish the traitor. Then Thierry suggested Carlo to arrange a duel between him and a relative of Gwennelon Pinabel, and depending on its result, make a decision. Only the victory of Knight Thierry in a tense match made it possible to punish a traitor who was cruelly executed: tied to horses, which drove to water. Gwennelon was ruined into pieces, they came with him as he wanted to do with France.

Analysis of the poem "Song of Roland"

The ideological struggle went around Karl, the image of which was allegedly darkened by events. He treated his vassalad in different ways, since the power he was just started to strengthen. The image of Karl the Great is depicted in a sublime style. In the work, the epithet "Sedoborochny" is constantly found, that is, a wise and fair king, who thought only about France and how to approve the name of God and Christian ideas on the whole earth. He cared for his warriors, loved Roland, was always ready to take revenge on his sons in cruel battle. Despite his old age, Karl was not afraid to participate in the battle, fearlessly reflecting the attack of Moors. During the Spanish campaign, he was 36 years old, in the poem he is much more.

The work is based on two aspects: epico-heroic and feudal-knight. Roland and other characters of the poem - Knights kept loyalty to her tiny. Roland - Knight and Epic Hero, Gwennelon - Knight and Traitor. Following the laws of the Knight's honor, he set the interests of feudal interdiscructures above the interests of France. Moreover, it believed that it was entitled to declare a passage of civil engine for his enemy. During the trial he was held arrogant, for he was convinced that he did not violate the Knight's honor and was not a traitor. Therefore, his business decided with the help of the "God's Court". Gwennelon lost not only Roland, but also 12 peers - the pride of francs.

The reason for the tragism of the poem is not at all in revenge Gwennelon, but in the nature of the epic heroism. Count Roland was not able to frighten enemies or death itself. When he, together with his army, got into the Ronsive Gorge, was able to call for the rescue, but did not do it so as not to "damage the genus."

Roland - the embodiment of the folk dream about the perfect hero, a bold, courageous, desperate, devoted to France, God and the king. He died for the honor and glory of "Mila France." It was difficult was the religiosity of this hero. Roland, who with all the height of youth put his head for the honor of Christianity, moved to another world with full conviction and heart remorse in sins. He liked God, because the angels accepted the Knight's glove outstretched them. At the same time, it cannot be considered a real Christian, he did not think about the instructions of the church, did not put large religious goals in except for the fight against the pagans.

For the knight, love was not the most important in life, and sometimes she even interfered with him. Therefore, only a few tirades are illuminated by Roland's relations and his imndreatment of the sister of Olivier. Before death, the hero forgot about his beloved, thought only about his sword would be in the hands of the wrong. This fact prompted the researchers to consider an episode with alder secondary, which was explained by the lack of this image in one of the ancient edits "Song about Roland." Unlike Knight, Alda is completely dedicated to his clean feeling. Having learned about the death of a loved one, she did not want to live and committed suicide.

Roland Oliviere friend is also a brave and decisive knight suspended in their decisions. He always thought about the consequences of his actions. Like Roland, he died heroic death, hoping that the people would fold about him and his friends songs. Oliviere acts in the poem in the role of a kind of tempter, which is experiencing Roland.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem is the glorification of love for the debris and condemnation of anarchic feudalism. Knighthood - the embodiment of ideas about the dedication to the Fatherland and its faith.

"Song of Roland" was popular in world culture. Italian poet Luigi Pulchi (1432-1484) created the epic "big blink" (1483). Another Italian poet, Boyardo (1441-1494), wrote the poem "Orlando in love," and Ludochiko Ariosto (1474-1533) - "Furious Orlando" poem.

Source (translated): Davydenko G.Y., Akuleko V.L. History of foreign literature of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. - K.: Center for educational literature, 2007

"Song of Roland". People's heroic epic of the Middle Ages differs significantly from Gomeov's poems. Homer's poems, as shown, completed the development of the folk ancient epic. Homer relies on the myth, singing the heroic past of his people, "the glory of husbands"; Its scale is space and humanity. Especially "Odyssey", with its sophisticated composition, with a variety of literary applications, testifies to the transition from the folk stage on the literary, author. Medieval epic poems, compared to the Homer Epos, as if returned to a typologically earlier, purely folk staging of literature. They reflected oral folk art Young peoples of Western Europe, their passionary impulse, which is based on the spread of Christianity.

These poems were developing during the centuries, and were recorded almost simultaneously: the best manuscript "Song about Roland", the so-called Oxford manuscript, refers to the middle of the XII century; At the same time, in the Spanish monastery, the "Song of My Side" was recorded, at the turn of the XII-XIII centuries in South Germany, "Song of Nibelungakh" was recorded. But to what extent the authorship of the poems belong to people who have fulfilled their record? Whether they were simply the monks of the correspondence who had any more ancient, who did not reach us manuscripts, or professional obscene poets, which in France were called "jugglers", in Spain "Hugrars", and in Germany "Spies"? It is impossible to answer this question today. In the last line "Song about Roland", the name of one's own one appears: "Turold said". But we do not know anything about this Turold, and the assumption that this is the author of the poem is unreasonable. The fact is that epic literature The Middle Ages does not know the concept of individual authorship: the text of the epic poem is a collective heritage, and each new performer, each new correspondence, felt entitled to make changes to it. Therefore, dealing with the recorded, recorded text "Song about Roland", should be aware that it is one of the many really existing options for the poem.

"Song of Roland" is the main monument of the French epic, the most rich and extensive of all other national epic traditions of Western Europe. It consists of the so-called Chansons De Geste ("Chanson de Gesture", or a shorter "gesture", - Song of the Act). Today is about a hundred gesture created in X-XIII centuries. Stray singers-jugglers performed gestures under the accompaniment of harp or a viola at the fairs, in the castles of the feudal. The volume of the gesture is from one to twenty thousand poems, that is, the gesture could not always be listened to the time, sometimes it took place for its execution for several days.

Gestures could narrow conflicts inside the feudal nobility, but Caroling Epos - Songs about the so-called "Caroling Regeneration" were most popular, about the era of the board of the historical emperor Karl Great (rules from 768 to 814). IN folk memory He departed all the remaining rulers of his dynasty and turned into an ideal king, the creator of the powerful power and defender of faith. "Our emperor Karl" is one of the main characters "Song about Roland."

The historic basis of the poem is set out by Frankish and Arabic chronicles. At the end of the VIII century, Spain was exposed to the invasion of the Moors; In 778, 38-year-old Karl (he will be proclaimed only in 800) to no avail in the dispute of Muslim rulers in Spain. This expedition was unsuccessful. He was forced to take off the short siege of the Zaragoza, and returning to France, was attacked by the troops of Basques who confessed Christianity, who wanted to take revenge on the francs for the destruction of their settlements. The airship of the French was attacked in the tesnes of Ronsevalsky gorge, which in the Pyrenees. The basks easily took the top, and among the fallen in this battle, the only chronicle mentions some "Chrodeland, the prefect of the Breton Brand", that is, the epic Roland.

Jugglers turned this episode in the picture of the seven-year war of Charles with Sarcins for the Christianization of Spain. We again meet with a characteristic epic exaggeration of the scale of events, the number of people involved in them, with the rethinking of the meaning of these events for the history of the people.

The plot events are enlarged. At the seventh year of war in Spain, won many victories, Carl takes ambassadors from the last opponent, the king of Zaragoza Marcialy, with a false proposal of the world. Marcialia Carl Embassy meets the Hanelon Embassy, \u200b\u200bwhich should clarify the conditions of the truce. Hanelon's name on the Council utters his stepper and the beloved nephew of Charles, Count Roland, he himself first caused to be ambassador. But since Franks remember the fate of their former ambassadors - they were all killed by Martilye, - the king forbids Roland to go to the embassy, \u200b\u200bbut agrees to the candidacy of Hanelon. Ganeleon immediately accuses Roland that he wishes his death, and he dies to revenge. Arriving in Zaragozu, he joins a treacherous conspiracy with Martilyl, inspiring him that only the militant Roland at the court of an old, tired emperor stands for the war, and it is necessary to donate with Roland to save Spain from francs. By bringing hostages and the gifts of Marcialy Carlo, Ganeleon persuades him to appoint Roland to the head of the twenty thousand French Ariergard, who will cover the return of Karl's main troops, and Roland, with his definition herself, accepts this order, seeing recognition of his military merit.

The plan of Hanelon and Marcília is carried out. In the Ronsevalsky gorge, the hundredsmatic hordes of the Maurus treacherously attack the French. Spent Roland, Olivier, Three times persuade him to protrubed in Rog Oliphan, until Karl can hear his call and come to the rescue, but proud Roland refuses. He is right and left to the left of Durandal, he worns on the battlefield on his battle horse Vellyantif, kills hundreds of Mavrov, but all this in vain. In a cruel battle, all French peers and barons were killed: a spishop-warrior Turpen died in the penultimate, and finally, Roland himself, only before his death, protriving in the horn. Karl returns to his call, mourns the French and arranges the defeat of Marcialy's troops at first, and then landed in Spain Babylonian Emir Baligan. So the right thing of the Christian faith was proved, and the pagans renounced their gods that could not help them.

In the third part, the Poem's action is immediately transferred to the capital of Karl, in Aachen, where the traitor Ganeleon is sent for the trial. However, the Baron Court, consisting of relatives of Hanelon, justifies him, and justice triumph only thanks to " god's court", that is, a fight between Pinabel, a supporter of Hanelon, and the faithful servant of Charles - Tierry. Thierry wanders the top, and Ganeleon takes a painful penalty -" Change of yes the criminal does not praise. "In the Final of the Poem widow, Marcialia Brahrimond voluntarily adopts Christianity, and Karl's king Dream is Archangel Gabriel and calls to the profog of Christians suffering from pagans:

But the king does not want to go to war. He picks up: "God, how much is my lot Gork!" - River beard gray, crying mournfully ...

As can be seen, the composition of the poem is based on the principle of symmetry: each of the three main steps of action consists of two contrast events. The baggage of the poem, the betrayal of Hanelon, includes a description of two embassies - Maravo Blankandrina and Christian Hanelon. The climax of the poem is a description of two battles, one victorious, the second most disastrous for the French. Delivery - Retribution of Muslims and Ganeleon.

Compared to Gomemer's poems of the action framework in "Song about Roland" narrowed: it is only military, patriotic and religious epic. Roland's beloved, Alda's lady, is mentioned only in one stanza; Roland himself does not remember her. Only by learning from Karl about the death of someone who "the oath gave her wife," she immediately dies - "Homes, Alde, God!" No private life There are no heroes, they are only warriors, diplomats, state figuresAnd their value system is subordinate to the concepts of Christian and vassal debt. To those who do not share these values, the author does not show any tolerance. Maurics are shown as idolatry devoid of light true faith; Died in battles, these devils are directed directly to hell. Those of them who refuse to take baptism after the surrender of Zaragoza Carlo, killed on the spot, and the epic author says quite calmly about it:

Karl O. vera christian, He weights the water to sanctify the prelates and the Maurus to paint in the fonts of the lads, and if someone does not agree, those hang, burn and kill mercilessly.

The same Christian idea is permeated by images of the main epic heroes. Karl is a defender of the south of France from raids of Maurus, and the war with them is understandable as a patriotic war for "cute France". Karl's barons are faithful vassals and the best warriors in the world, and the best among them is Roland, who won his king many land. But, in addition, Roland also vassal God, no wonder before his death, he stretches his glove to heaven - this is a gesture that he betrays himself to the Lord, as Vassal gives his glove as a sign of loyalty to Sisser. The church of the warrior personifies in the poem of the Archbishop Turpen, who in Ronseval one hand lets the sins in a dying, and the other will bring enemies.

With Christianity, a relatively small element of fiction in the poem is associated. Carlo dream prophetic dreams. King is Archangel Gabriel; On the prayer of the emperor, the day lasts: so that he could finish the beating of the Moors, God stops the sun in heaven. At an hour of battle in Ronsevale, a terrible thunderstorm is developed over France - then crying at the dying Roland.

Accordingly, the characters in the poem are outlined more straight than Homeric characters. Karl personifies in the gesture of state wisdom, Christian virtue, Roland - Bogatyr Fury, Olivier - Prudent Restraint:

Obpeams Olivier, Roland bezden, and a valor of one another is equal.

All three heroes are opposed to each other, but combined with each other love for "Mila France", and opposes them a traitor to the interests of the birthplace of Ganeleon.

The poem says that Roland makes a mistake, as a result of which his whole detachment dies and he himself. This error is a consequence of his frantic heroism, his faith in his strength and its high principles:

Let Nobody says about me that I have forgotten from fright. I will never take my own kind. .......................................... Shame, in whose heart the fear crept .

Roland's tragic mistake is explained and justifies his advantages of the epic hero, and let the previous epic heroism, which fills the person, vanity, is a sin that is subject to redeeming, Roland fully reaches the feat of his mistake. Heroism His I am deducted and unlimited, this is a hero aimed at a personal feat to the glory of his king and his God. This is a new, painted by Christianity version of the epic hero, which is why the poem is named after Roland name, name.

"Song about Roland" in Oxford manuscript consists of 4002 poems. Like all gestures, it is written by a special stubbic shape - lessels, or otherwise tiradami, with a non-permanent number of rows in stroke, from four to twenty; Rows inside the lesters are associated with inaccurate rhymes - associations, when in each last syllable of each row of this stanza, the same vowel sounds. The French epic verse is a Syllabic Table, the exact rhymes in the French versification will arise later.

"Song of Roland" uses the same repeats (often the forests are completed by the exclamation of "Aoy!"), Sustainable formulas; Its amazing parallelism in the image system and in the compositional construction.

Known processing "Song about Roland" almost all Romanesque and German languages.

"Song about Roland" was recorded at the time when the knights had already arisen with his special ideology, and the Knight's Code had a well-known imprint on the image of the relationship between the characters "song" (the glorification of loyalty to the vassal duty, Christian dust), but in general the value system Here is the early refortel. Specific knightly conflicts will be reflected in the most popular epic literature genre of high Middle Ages - in the knightly novel.