Malinovskaya Masha where she is. Masha Mallinovskaya biography

Malinovskaya Masha where she is. Masha Mallinovskaya biography
Malinovskaya Masha where she is. Masha Mallinovskaya biography

Masha Malinovskaya - Slebny Lioness, the scandalous TV presenter, was born in provincial Smolensk, 01/21/1981


According to the passport, it is not Masha at all, but Marina. Masha Malinovskaya is only a beautiful scenic pseudonym that took a girl to work on stage. The childhood of the girl can not be called cloudless. Her parents divorced her parents early, and the father, whom she madly loved, was stated in the distant Vladivostok.

Masha recalls that she was waiting for at least a phone call before each holiday, but it was never. Father suddenly emerged in her life when she was already 19, but Masha could not forgive him betrayal. She, now consciously, refused every communication.

Masha in childhood

No less tragic took the gap and mother of Marina. By charging the care of the girl to her parents, she began to actively engage in the device of personal life, changing the cavaliers as gloves and months disappearing outside the house.

Under the warm grandmother's wing, Masha was pretty cozy, but the tragic accident broke her life. The grandfather hit the stuff, and the little Masha fell into depression, feeling unnecessary.

When Grandpa, once again, drove out Masha from home, mother finally took the girl to himself. Her fortune there was no limit. But after a month, Masha was offered to move to another grandmother, as the apartment was small, and the girl prevented the calm life of Mamina Cavaller. With tears in the eyes, Masha was forced to obey.

In school, too, everything was difficult. Early stretched, awkward and very thin girl was completely unpopular and got a nickname. It was no one to make interest in studying, so she did some lessons as if not to fly out of school.

And who knows whether she would finish her at all if one day her friend did not come to go to the casting to the local model agency.

Carier start

Unsuctantly opening the door of the small room, the girls were ready for the fact that they would be married and disgraced with disgrace. But, to their vast surprise, both were accepted. That's where the transformation of Masha, which was just a few months from the ugly duckling turned into a wonderful swan.

At first she learned to paint properly, then - fashionably dress and proudly behave on the podium.

Girls were completely unattended that the podium was most often a boardwalk, incomplete on a huge thing market, where they mainly demonstrated the upper clothes and caps. In addition to pleasure from the shows, they got a good pocket money, which was immediately spent on cosmetics and new clothes.

Committing some kind of high school and having received the long-awaited certificate, Masha again at the initiative of Kati filed documents to the Institute of Arts. But if Masha arranged in the provincial life, then the girlfriend rushed to conquer the capital. However, to persuade Masha to move to Moscow, she was already from there. Katya called her almost every day, painting the charms of the capital's life.

Conquest of the capital

Moscow initially did not like Masha. All this insane bustle seemed to be meaningless after a measured provincial life. She came to visit the Kate a couple of times, but it was not solved to stay with her. Until you fell in love with a chance of a guy on a cool cabriolet.

He suggested that she was passing out, but Masha, who became a victim of rape in the young years, was the same in the unfamiliar car, flatly refused to go somewhere without a girlfriend. Katya knew her on the same seat, they rolled midnight, and then Masha began to meet with Maxim and very soon moved to him, leaving his native Smolensk forever.

These relations were very complex and played a fatal role in the life of the girl, but a little later.

On the television, Masha, who took a beautiful pseudonym Masha Malinovskaya, who took a beautiful pseudonym Masha Malinovskaya. This time, it was the bright appearance of the girl played a decisive role. Everything else she had to learn on the go - proper diction, work in front of the camera, the basics of journalism. She tried her very much, and it was appreciated.

Masha's debut immediately live. She was incredibly worried, but was able to master with him and spend it simply impeccably. Naturally, she immediately began to invite to other programs. The popularity of the girl grew rapidly, and after a couple of years she became one of the most famous TV presenters.

Alas, Glory poisoned her life. In such a short period of the insane popularity of the former provincially, a star disease was included. She began to behave as if she was allowed to do it, and the whole world should. While it was not reflected at work, she was forgiving many antics.

But when she started to allow themselves to ride the leadership of the MTV channel, which brought her popularity, the patience of colleagues burst. The director summoned it on the carpet and warned that after another anticipation, he would dismiss it, and uses all the influence, so that she did not accept it anywhere.

The output followed immediately - Masha sent him away and left, theatrically slamming the door. And then stretched for a long seven years, during which she just disappeared from the screens.

The financial state of Masha, who has always been full of rich fans, allowed her to live without work. But idleness does not benefit anyone. She began to "merge" with the help of plastic surgeons: I changed the chest first, then the face and became similar to the blown out of the silicone doll.

In this form, it is all the more turned out to be nobody on television. Drugs went to move.

Fortunately, Masha found the strength to come to his senses and return to normal life. In 2011, she again appeared on the screens in the project "Temptations with Masha Malinovskaya", in which lovers checked their chosen to loyalty. After the second successful debut, Masha was demanded again. She learned excellent lessons from complex life situations and now to the star disease in the girl with persistent immunity.

Personal life

Relations with Maxim, to whom Masha moved to Moscow, became generally her first relationship with a man. Then she just fell in love and did not understand that her chosen was sometimes like a real scoundrel. So, when Masha got pregnant, he suggested her to do a test to find out the floor of the next child on early last period. This is very dangerous for both women and for the fetus procedure. Realizing that he simply does not want a kid, Masha decided on an abortion and left back to Smolensk.

However, after a couple of weeks, Maxim came after her and knees began to ask for forgiveness. She forgave, and they even got married - quietly, without any pump and wedding bustle. But very soon, the spouse again broke her heart. When, after another quarrel, Masha came home, she caught him in bed with a strange view by the girl. Masha simply turned around and left to live to her friend.

Maxim by tradition began to refuse her back. But she remained adamant. Then he decided to take revenge and asked her to urgently bring him 10 thousand dollars - at the time, a huge amount of money.

Having no idea that when crossing the border, money should be declared, Masha was arrested, and then in prison. Having carried out his plan, Maxim himself filed for a divorce, stating that he would not want to have anything to do with a criminal.

The second husband of Malinovskaya was the businessman Denis, who almost in the open girl changed. But at the same time it was Mil, charming and giving dear gifts.

With husband Denis

At that time, Masha was completely satisfied. But when in the press began to mock her openly, she arranged a loud scandal, followed by a breaking of relationships.

The next choice, to whom Masha was able to believe, became a Chechen businessman who created around her just a fabulously beautiful atmosphere. But it turned out that he was married for a long time, and until Masha appeared in his life, his family was considered perfect.

They talk about her as an amazing and talented woman who managed to overcome all the difficulties and achieve brilliant success. She managed to try their hand in various fields: in the model business, on television, in music and even politics. She does not cease to surprise her fans with new hobbies and achievements. It is full of strength, energy and creative potential.

Masha Malinovskaya - biography

A talented TV presenter was born and a model in 1981. His birthday celebrates January 21. School years have left the best memories in mind. At that time, it did not differ in particular beauty and attractiveness. Its insight appearance served as a reason for numerous ridicule from classmates.

All photos 16.

She herself admits that every time, looking into the mirror, saw only the ugly duckling in himself.

A visit to the Smolensk Model Agency "Podium" helped change the attitude of a young girl to himself. Masha took possession of the art of makeup and acquired a beautiful gait. Moreover, she suffered some tricks of communication with men, became more liberated and bold. She was even invited to a photo session for a local advertising agency. Soon the whole city was decorated with photographs of an attractive blonde, in which it was already impossible to learn the former ridiculous and non-zero girl. She had his own style, which at that time wanted to imitate many of her peers.

Having received secondary education, Marina Nikolaevna (that was the way it was called at birth) agreed to work in a modeling agency. At the same time, she had to combine and study at the institute, in which she entered the correspondence department.

After his successful ending, she left his job and moved to Moscow.

In Moscow, she immediately had a relationship with Sergey Protasov. Soon they got married, but the joint life did not work out. Because of the wife, Masha was in a very unpleasant situation. Being abroad, Protasov asked her to bring a rather large amount of money for him. She agreed to help, but for incomprehensible reasons they did not declare. She failed to avoid arrest, and after the trial and imprisonment.

Without waiting for an exit from prison, a young couple made a divorce. Once at freedom, the former spouse did not see help from his beloved. Masha Malinovskaya was without work, housing and money. Only thanks to his friends and acquaintances, she managed to survive that difficult time, retaining the power of the Spirit and faith in himself.

After some time, the girl falls as lead to the popular music channel MUZ-TV. This is happening thanks to the help of one of her friends, which at that time it worked there and could be able to get a skip to one of the castings.

New presenter accounted for millions of people. Huge popularity and celebrity brought such large-scale programs as the "Best Twenty", "Star Factory", "10 Sexy" and "Empire". Her rating increased every day. Many glossy magazines were ready to go to everything to print photos of stunning beauties on their pages. In 2005, Masha finishes his career as leading and leaves the TV channel.

This time she appears a desire to try himself in the political sphere. During the filming of the Erotic show "Empire", she had the opportunity to communicate with Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the leader of the LDPR party. Even such a serious person could not not notice the volitional nature and leadership qualities of a cute girl. He persuaded her to join his party, after which she was elected to the deputy in the regional Duma Belgorod.

It cannot be said that it was treated as a serious political figure. Her work has repeatedly been seriously criticized and open ridicule. Masha Malinovskaya itself was confident that her extraordinary thinking and a new approach was exactly what is needed for modern society, and above all for young people.

It was not long to stay in the party. Already three years later (2008) she was excluded from it. But the girl did not have time for disorders and experiences, since it was almost immediately elected to the post of deputy of the State Duma of the fifth convocation.

The leading and political figure is far from the only professions in which the girl could try himself and achieve considerable success. In 2007, after the publication of the book "Men as cars", they were talking about her as a young and talented writer.

And in the period from 2008 to 2011, she decided to try themselves in acting skills.

Masha Malinovskaya - personal life

Its first marriage, whatever heavy and painful memories left in the shower of a young girl, she calls fictitious.

The next person with whom the pretty blonde was ready for a serious relationship, became Evgeny Morozov, a well-known owner of a real estate company. The fans of this wonderful couple were incredibly glad when information about their preparation for the upcoming wedding appeared. However, this time the girl failed to build a family life. There is still an unknown reason for which young people have canceled a wedding after a few months.

Close relationship with Denis Davitiashvili (the general director of two companies, the son of a high-ranking official) became another attempt to arrange his personal life. They signed, not even thinking to put anyone in fame (2009).

Happy at first, family life broke up overnight. And the year has not passed, as the former beloved disagreements, inconsideration and numerous problems appeared. It is rumored that the reason for their divorce was the family violence and the close connection of Davitiashvili with Jan Tes, his long-standing familiar, who was supposed to be pregnant. Masha was at that time in an interesting position, but also not the wise of his ex-husband, decided to interrupt pregnancy.

The next passion of the talented girl was the music. And soon she has a new friend. They became a rather popular rapper Taras.

With its beauty and attractiveness, the girl is obliged not only to nature and its stylistic skills. Its smooth nose, chubby lips and impressive bust size - the result of the painstaking work of experienced plastic surgeons. The girl does not hide it and so he is not ashamed. Masha Malinovskaya is confident that if she has a desire to make any other adjustments to their appearance, it will do it without the slightest doubt and fear.

Masha Malinovskaya periodically reproaches the use of prohibited substances. According to eyewitnesses, she was seen at a party in the ladies room with an impressive dose of "powder". And once appeared in doubtful state on the air of the Federal TV Channel, causing indignation of the audience. Now Malinovskaya published a frank post on the network.

"I decided to learn every day and lay out on your favorite poem, reading it for you. Read and listen to poems. I am a literary addict, and this is not treated. But only plankton believes and the gossip belongs. My people know the truth. Literature, love, friendship , dedication, loyalty, deeds, sincerity, art. "Faust" Goethe. Reads Masha Malinovskaya, "Svetsky Lioness signed post.


Shortly before that, a former member of the Dom-2 project Rustam Solntov hinted in his video blog, which Dana Borisov is not the only teediva suffering from drug addiction. In his opinion, in the Russian show business, there is another celebrity that immediate assistance is required.

"I give a press: there is one former TV presenter in our show business." Masha call. She barely languidly, she really needs help, "the Solders said. The girl needs to urgently put into the rehabilitation clinic, otherwise "soon we will go for her coffin," the ex-participant of the telestroy is confident.

The popularity of Malinovskaya was the popularity on the Muz-TV channel, where her friend worked. She made Masha's pass to the television center. After successful casting, the girl became the leading rating gear "10 Sexy", "Star Factory" and "Best Twenty", as well as an erotic realistic show "Empire".

Later, Malinovskaya began to appear in the ratings of glossy publications. In 2005, she fell into the top of the most beautiful women in the world according to FHM magazine, took the 23rd position and bypassed such recognized beauties as Natalia Vodyanova, Anna Kornikova and Pamela Anderson.

And showman in drug use. Malinovskaya allegedly disappeared from TV screens because of its dependence. A few years ago, TV presenter divorced her husband-businessman, and he "hung" on her multimillion debts. All this, the audience connected with the strange behavior of Malinovskaya, because the star has changed more than once that she has "glass eyes" and inconclusive speech.

Malinovskaya came to the Studio "Direct Ether" to defend and answer the accusations of Borisova. True, that her "offender" will also be on the transmission, Masha did not know. Sitting on the sofa in the studio, she apologized for the trembling hands and confusing speech, explaining that he was excited. She explained: she had to leave the screens not in his will. First, financial problems. Secondly, her mom found oncology by making two operations. But barely woman felt better, there were rumors about the drug addiction of the Malinovskaya, which provoked a heart attack.

At the last moment I learned that the studio would be given. After what exactly she said, my mother had a heart attack. She almost died, "Malinovskaya told. "It's a shame that this is a misunderstanding that the child is torn, which is drunk lying down, she lift her ... Her Andrei persuaded to be treated, she recognized:" Yes, I'm all such a dependent "... and went to be treated, taking with you seven grams of amphetamine in the bra. I feel sorry for her, she is unhealthy. They did not shine before the mind before, there was such a fool. Now she is forty, and smarter it did not become ...

Rustam Solntsev also got when he also appeared in the studio.

He claims that I am his girlfriend, "Malinovskaya was indignant. - Dude, I do not know you! I was on your program once in my life, and was the eighth month of pregnancy! Which drugs? Do you think with your Silicon's head?


However, neither Borisov nor the Solders have changed their opinions. Dana accused Masha in what she looks and talking like a "man in a problem."

- You have vulgar splash, and you swear, from this, by the way, can also wean on rehabilitation. Maybe you finally get it easy? You say as if you are "in use." I understand you, "she said.

The Malinovskaya said that "another decision, how to inject these two," she does not have and she brought to rabies. Numerous videos on the Internet, where it is unleashed and not clearly expressing, Malinovskaya explained that the antidepressants took a long time. At the same time, guests in the studio were divided: someone from the experts stated that antidepressants do not have such an effect on a person, and someone supported the star, saying that when a man had a long stress, he could not behave.


The studio also appeared aunt and father of Malinovskaya, who stated that they had never seen a relative in an inadequate state. Due to the financial problems, Masha has recently lives with his son and parents in Saratov, and was not seen in the use of drugs. After the ether, Malinovskaya wrote in his instagram that she was hard to shoot and called their offenders "mad dogs":

I have such a feeling that I am contuge. In the ears, white noise and circle of head. I want to once again ask my subscribers to put "Like" for me. You do not understand!!! He fought like a lion! I am proud to consider this man with my friend. If you say that I was extremely suppressed, it's nothing to say !!! I was very difficult to have this ether. Not because I have something to hide, but because these mad dogs, really almost brought my family to the grave! Andrei, you saw that I was, and I could not convey to you that I felt. From my whole family. From Mom, Pope, from your friend Mirone's low bow. I have no idea how you managed not to sell the soul to the devil, but the fact is that you managed it !!!

Masha Malinovskaya, born on January 21, 1981 in Smolensk, is one of those girls who, as a child, considered the "ugly duckling". When she went to study in the usual secondary school number 26 and fell into the society of his peers, she failed to become a soul. Odnoklassniki considered her ugly, so she had a little friends, and she could only dream of friendly friendly relations.

When Masha became older, she decided to take the situation in their hands and prove that her beauty was underestimated. She graduated from school and found a modeling agency, where she was hired. But the busy Malinovskaya was not only this: she also managed to go to the institute, where she studied at the Faculty of Economics and Management.

TV presenter career

Having received a higher education, Masha went to conquer the capital. She very soon successfully passed the casting, which arranged the leadership of the famous TV channel, and became a TV presenter. Malinovskaya appeared on the air of MUZ-TV programs as a widget, which brought her first fame. It could be seen during broadcasts of such programs as the "Best Twenty", "10 Sexy" and many others.

Having become popular, Malinovskaya decided to abandon work on this TV channel and begin to achieve other goals.

Immediately after leaving from Muz-TV, Masha left the show business and was filed with politics. In 2005, she became a deputy of the Belgorod Regional Duma and represented the party of the LDPR, in which it persuaded it to join Vladimir Wolfovich Zhirinovsky himself. Despite the fact that the actions of the Malinovskaya caused literally a squall of critics, she did not stop and remained convinced that she had no rivals in the election. Masha argued that she, as a representative of a new generation, is able to engage in the problems of young people.

Good intentions did not help the Malinovskaya for a long time to stay by a deputy. In 2008, it was excluded from the party.

In search of his own "I", Maria also managed to try himself as a writer and released the book "Men as cars" in 2007. In addition, its account has several acting works - for example, in films "Everyone can kings", "pseudonym for the hero" and other ribbons.

She managed to leave his mark and in the world of music. She sang along with the T-Killah rapper. Ultimately the best classes than being TV presenter, Masha never found. In 2011, she again began to work on Muz-TV channel.

Personal life Masha Malinovskaya

After arrival in Moscow, Masha very quickly married. Its chosen was Sergey Protasov, but the marriage turned out to be fictitious. Because of this, Malinovskaya men had trouble with the law; When they arose, the spouse did not want to help Masha, but only expressed a desire to divorce.

In 2007, rumors began to appear that Masha marries Evgenia Morozov, the owner of a large company. They were engaged, but the wedding did not take place - she was canceled in a couple of months.

In 2009, Masha secretly married Denis Davitiashvili, also a major businessman. But in 2010, their marriage collapsed.

In 2011, the Malinovskaya had a son, whom the presenter decided to call Miron.

Photo Masha Malinovskaya.: RIA News