Funny full name. The funniest names and the names of real people "Cool and real! And also our blogs

Funny full name. The funniest names and the names of real people
Funny full name. The funniest names and the names of real people "Cool and real! And also our blogs

Immediately, Gawaria is not Maja, those who read no longer bubenet, that the type of bayan .. I sit down, we can not read the thread ...))) Also continue the topic if you want ... Mata is not, simple surnames .. sorry ...)))
Found at\u003d112&f\u003d22
Ham preface. I work in a commercial bank and conducting the registers of shareholders. To date, more than 70 thousand people gathered in these registers (small city!) And we decided to collect ratings from all funny names, and then play the prize of the week, month, etc.
Just funny surnames such as Popik, Golobastikov, Truffle and others enter only in the starting ratings therefore they do not bring them here.
Well, that's what we have in the collection (I swear, everything was documented, I saw a copy of the passport!) Cochashkind, Blatko, Chmyruk, Woman with a sex surname (Interested in the question: How is life, sex?), Crank with a sonorier Bilayer (I wonder Him cellular Have you been handed over?), Man on the name Tampak (and I want to add, right?), a decent citizen Judah Schlemovich Cresman (here is Chekhovski: there is no such subject,
which could not become a Jewish family name, and what the name-patronymic is what!), Director of the Solid Firm by the name Pypkin (he calls to the office, everyone treats)
And now the first triple (in descending order) of the current month I repeat - I have copies of passports!)
3) Alexander Hikolaevich Pull (strongly, right?)
2) Leonid Haumovich Khur (even stronger!) And
1st place - Hit of the season - Woman with surname IHRALIGATOR (type
International crocodile).
We decided to shut up all 2.7 million subscribers of the Moscow telephone network and especially calculate similar names.
The most rich in indecent surnames turned out to be the letter "b". In Moscow, there are one Blabkin and nine glanities under the oppression of teasers. And even without the number of owners of such surnames, like Bararor, Blank, and just fucking. We express these people their sympathy. As well as the ball, bleaching and all whams. The background of these sufferers remains only to rejoice for three
Family, who proudly carry the surname of Bobik. Or
Bobinchchik-Rabinovich. And Hedrishchye in Moscow two, but there is another srushkin, four ass and one dry groove. Pyazhopova, respectively, five. HA Three Hyadhullin accounts for one podhullin. Atism is present in two
Copies, Pupkin - in three, and Sivuho, too, in two. The competition of the letter "b" in the Russian alphabet can only be the letter "X", on which three Hervims begin, one of the cherry, one Hernes, one Jesheh and three Herenkov.
For some reason, we have a surname Alkashov, we have only two.
But five families wear the surname of the Pedic. Citizens of Pedora and a pediatric citizens are adjacent to them, on whose background very badly lives the owners of the names of the cranny, Shabash, Zyuzya, Zaduviter, Sivokobylenko, Sivokoz, Palzhapa,
Zalebashkin, Dernopeko, Harot, Shmal and Glucin. We believe that I was not very lucky to one Mudelian citizen and nine Mudorisov.
But the fact that in Moscow for one bad accounted for three good and even three bars, says that good people are more than bad.
HU, and finally: balls among us are as many as 121, of which P.P. only one. Teapot -17 (good to appear when the traffic cop stops on the road). And about politics. Zyuganov in Moscow lives 39, Yeltsin four. Plus, varieties: Yeltsyn - 1, Elcin -2, Yelson - 3. Chernomyrdine - 31, Chernomords - 1, Blackordic - 1, Blackordin - 5, Lenin - 6, Kruchsky - 36, Stalin - 3.
Most often found in Moscow Ivanov - 21833 subscribers. They are not at all Petrov at all, as it was possible to assume, and at all Kuznetsov - 17440. Petrov in third place - 9953, pushing out of him legitimate Sidorovy, who are also very much.

Modern unusual names-names are the memory of the era in which they appeared. In Russia, decent nobility surnames began to form relatively recently, and before that, the families were protected by words used in popular speech and not subjected to no censorship. So, for example, if the father had one eye or he was chrome, the family was called curve. With the same logic they gave the unless, insane and sleepless. No other countries in the world will be equal to Ukraine and Russia in originality of the names.

Slavic funny, unusual surnames:

  • Nomoury;
  • Plastic;
  • Poor;
  • Semirosum;
  • Prussa;
  • Pyazopkin;
  • Bobbin, pr.

Funny people surnames

Original, interesting surnames have people different nationalities. Many of them are surprised and make you laugh to colic in your stomach. It is unlikely that everyone who got funny surnames, names or patronymic in a passport, live in Lada with them, because such people have to be crowded and sortes from children from children. Nevertheless, it is worth treating this with irony and humor, because there is always a person who is not lucky even more, for example, the love of cats or Zahar Weskovsky.

For VK for girls

With the ungually surname, it is not very comfortable to live, so most girls strive to change or at least hide her from others. Young fair sex representatives are selected for social networks beautiful, laconic pseudonyms, only partially reminiscent of real last name. Thanks to this, discontent and shame disappear, but friends, however, easily recognize girls. What fun surnames for VKontakte exist? Examples of well-changed pseudonyms:

  • for Naumenko Ira - Naum Irina, Naira;
  • for Par Sveta - Lana Tarakanova, Lana Prus;
  • for Kuznetsova Anna - Anna Blacksmith (literal translation into English);
  • for Nastya Ivanova - Ivanna Nastina (shift in places FI).

The funniest names in Russia

Carbon black Russian surnames can be found in the telephone directory. For example, in the capital there are several families with interesting options: goody, yesterday's, eyebuses, calosh, cook, grabmihuhi, sebacing, rear, curtains. The list can be continued for a very long time: different authors (as a rule, employees of social services) make up large-scale selections and ratings of the most funny names / surnames registered in Russia.

For girls

In any large team there are owners of strange, ugly and even mother surnames. From a huge number, such interesting names for girls can be distinguished:

  • Brehunova;
  • Zhopin;
  • Kazyowkina;
  • Sex;
  • Mozgodova;
  • Hryukina;
  • Naked;
  • Zhirnova;
  • Dernopoyko;
  • Snot;
  • Dobrobaba;
  • Corpse;
  • Lokhov;
  • Nonad.

Special "charm" differ complex double rare women's family names:

  • Shura-Bura;
  • Melting-joyful;
  • Bita Maria;
  • Honest-good;
  • Buffalo cat.

Sometimes normal in front of the surname look strange and funny in conjunction with the professions of women. A selection of such fun, sometimes scary tandems:

  • patient doctor;
  • artist House Meshkova;
  • cosmetologist of decracy;
  • salesman-Cassiere Skorobogatova;
  • pediatrician plague;
  • geologist earthen;
  • director of the store of Gnilleasov;
  • director of school book.

Funny male surnames

As a rule, funny male surnames come across the eyes of those whose work is associated with the analysis of a huge number of letters and applications. Among the addressees and applicants, you can meet goats, kissels, Pumps and other citizens, whose names cause a smile on his face. The following lists ridiculous and funny Russian names of Russian men. These include:

  • Blobrel;
  • Lumps;
  • Blaheres;
  • Bobbin;
  • Herenkov;
  • Zakabashkin;
  • Glucine;
  • Pupkin;
  • Blobrel;
  • Backs;
  • Bobby;
  • Ababa;
  • Balls;
  • Dry groove;
  • Sivokoz;
  • Walking;
  • Dernopoyko;
  • Cord.

The funniest names in the world

Among other peoples in creating funny names, Moldovans and Romanians succeeded. Among them are a lot of Boshar (translated by "Pumpkin"), Mosh ("Grandfather"), Surdulov ("Deaf"), Berbecayev ("Baran"). Chechens are not inferior to these peoples, their families can be interwicied, shed, bother and even playboat. The funniest names and surnames in the world are also found among Armenians and Georgians - they are sown, Opohymelanes, rusted, Robelity.

A lot of funny Japanese names - Nakamod, Suachen, Oshechu, Somisi, Willhary, Herowato. In America, the insurance agent has been living, whose name is Chip Munk, when pronunciation of words are connected and sound like a "bug." In addition, the United States is known for the prevalence of such a surname as Assman, which is translated into Russian as a "ass". Canadian family Wacko would have been greasy as nuts. The Polish resident of Bzdashek Zdaschai was distinguished.

A separate list is to form among famous personalities - football players and athletes. Foreigners proudly worn surnames in their own country, and in Russia they sound ridiculous and funny. The list of football players who are not lucky with the name:

  • Mandanda Steve;
  • Child Paul;
  • Sisino;
  • I am Conan Didier;
  • Lazhen Ivan;
  • Gad Marian;
  • Kaka;
  • Samir's people;
  • Chuka Stefano Bowl;
  • Kakalov George;
  • Tubes Teem;
  • Abdullah Fool;
  • Bop Mariusch;
  • Pivko Rafal;
  • JUBU;
  • Pukanych Adrian.


Cossack roots can be found in the names of Ukrainians in passports. The sharp to the Cossack language, not stupid, gave funny, sometimes even offensive nicknames to their fellows. So, until our time, the most funny names of Ukrainians are preserved:

  • Vernali;
  • Non-stove;
  • Davicosis;
  • Vyachyuk;
  • Abyyak;
  • Pidopriller;
  • Zazhchenko;
  • Exhibition;
  • Ridkokash;
  • Hakalo;
  • Pindouyur;
  • Jopinsky;
  • Galushka;
  • Cloth;
  • Gulyiden;
  • Gryzidub;
  • Nose;
  • Unclean.


Not only Slavic surnames are able to make Russians. Funny Jewish family names can be evaluated only with the name. To such "pearl" belong:

  • Lolita sole;
  • Melon Merlin;
  • Psyche prayer;
  • Cylinder headper;
  • Monya slashing;
  • Leu sherong;
  • Helmet robobyamin;
  • Pechitsa Lechitsa;
  • Me shalahibacious;
  • Fanya cork;
  • Shmulik rag;
  • Rivka shovel;
  • Motya Naftalin;
  • Faina Draver;
  • Immanuel Podtyanka;
  • Maria Help;
  • Lena dial;
  • Pesya barrier;
  • Haim Kukish;
  • Rasse Schucker;
  • Aron Benefit;
  • Yosef Pshik.

Chinese names and surnames

For foreigners, Chinese names are a set of an incomprehensible hieroglyphs. Nevertheless, every name in this country carries a literal meaning, which sometimes happens not just funny, but even indecent. Funny Chinese names and surnames:

  • Fàn Tǒng - means "fool", "Lazy / Nakhladnik";
  • Lái Gāo Cháo - "Reach orgasm";
  • Shǎn diànqiú - "ball lightning";
  • Hè Hèhe (does not need to be translated);
  • Sháng Gāo Cháo - "frequent orgasm".

Even if you do not go in particular translation, many Chinese are funny in pronunciation names:

  • Sun reinforce;
  • Piy himself;
  • Remove Su Him.

Funny celebrity surnames

The real names of Russian pop stars, cinema and show business are not so harmonious as their pseudonyms. Below is only their brief list. Funny surnames of famous people (first - pseudonym, second - real name):

  • Pavel Kashin - Pavel Kvasha;
  • Jasmine - Semendueva Sarah;
  • Queen Natasha - Pust Natasha;
  • Marshal Alexander - Minkov Alexander;
  • Malinin Alexander - Alexander Viguzhov;
  • Andrei Razin - Krivorotov Vadim;
  • Lolita Milyavskaya - Lolita Gorelik;
  • Rotaru Sofia - Rotary Sofya;
  • Abraham Russo - Ephraim APJYAN;
  • Rubashin - Chernorubashkin Boris;
  • Stashevsky Vlad - Hardichlebov Vyacheslav.

Top funny surnames

For extraneous inhabitants, very funny surnames - an extra reason to have fun, but their owners often have to fall out. From a kindergarten, such people have to endure sweatshirts, so many of these "lucky ones" sooner or later are decided to make changes to their passport details. Below are the strangest names registered in the CIS countries:

  • Crap;
  • Worm;
  • Stitching;
  • Passing;
  • Bananovich;
  • Boobs;
  • Violence;
  • Vindarylova;
  • Ubeyolk;
  • Steering wheel;
  • Single loops;
  • Dohlik;
  • Uncle;
  • Hollow;
  • Dulle
  • Drish;
  • Chmyruk;
  • Asshole;
  • Bilineer;
  • Cochast.


I work in a commercial bank and conducting the registers of shareholders. To date, more than 70 thousand people gathered in these registers (a small city!) - And we decided to collect ratings from all funny names, and then play the prize of the week, month, etc.

Just ridiculous surnames such as Popik, Golobastikov, Truffle and others enter only the starting ratings, therefore they do not bring them here.

Well, that's what we have in the collection (I swear, everything was documented, I saw a copy of the passport!).

Kakashkynd, Blyatko, Chmyruk, Woman with a full name (Interesting Question: How is life, sex?), Crank with a sonorous name Bilayer (I wonder, is it a cellot for free for free?), Man on the name Tampak (so I want to add, right?), A decent citizen Judas Glemman Deskommendum (here is Chekhovski: there is no such subject who could not become a Jewish family name, and what the patronymic name is what!), Director of the Solid Firm by the name Pypkin (he calls to the office, everyone will treat).

Now, now the first triple (in ascending order) of the current month, I repeat - I have copies of passports!)

3) Alexander Nikolaevich Spark (strongly, right?)

2) Leonid Naumovich Khuer (even stronger!) And

1st place - the hit of the season - a woman with the surname of the intraligator (type international crocodile).

We decided to shut up all 2.7 million subscribers of the Moscow telephone network and especially calculate similar names.

The richest on indecent surnames turned out to be the letter "b".
In Moscow, there are one Blabkin and nine glanities under the oppression of teasers. And even without the number of owners of such surnames, like Bararor, Blank, and just fucking. We express these people their sympathy. As well as the ball, bleaching and all whams.

Against the background of these sufferers, it remains only to be happy for three families who proudly wear the surname of Bobik. Or Bobinchik-Rabinovich.

And the unfinished in Moscow is only two, but there is one more srushkin, four ass and one dry groove.

Pyazhopova, respectively, five.
Three nastyulins account for one podhullin.
Atism is present in two copies, Pupkin - in three, and Sivukho, too, in two.

The competition of the letter "B" in the Russian alphabet can only be the letter "X", on which three herovims begin, one of the cherry, one Hernes, one hurlesh and three Herenkov.

For some reason, we have a surname Alkashov, we have only two.

But five families wear the surname of the Pedic!
Citizens of Pedora and a pediatric citizens are adjacent to them, on whose background very badly lived by the owners of the names of the cranny, Sababash, Zyuzya, Sivokyviter, Sivokobylenko, Sivokoz, Palzhapa, Zakabashkin, Dernopko, Narco, Shmal and Glucin.

We believe that I was not very lucky to one Mudelian citizen and nine Mudorisov.

But the fact that in Moscow for one bad there were three good and even three bars, says that good people are all the same than bad.

Well, finally - the balls among us are number 121, of which P.P. only one.

Teapot -17 (good to appear when the traffic cop stops on the road).

And about politics. Zyuganov in Moscow lives 39, Yeltsin - four.
Plus, varieties: Yeltsyn - 1, Elcin -2, Yelson - 3.
Chernomyrdini - 31, Chernomords - 1, Blackordic - 1, Blackordin - 5, Lenin - 6, Kruchsky - 36, Stalin - 3.

Most often found in Moscow Ivanov - 21833 subscribers.
They are not at all Petrov at all, as it was possible to assume, and at all Kuznetsov - 17440. Petrov in third place - 9953, pushing out of him legitimate Sidorovy, who are also very much.

Each person pays his last name much attention. He studies her value, where she appeared, what her roots are. However, the funniest and unusual surnames presented here, their owners do not bring joy, and many seriously dream to get rid of such a gift for their parents.

It is only possible to surprise the inexhaustible human fantasy and from the soul to have fun, meeting such names your own in serious documents or on door signs of the Cabinets of solid chiefs. The presented list is real names found in Russia and citizens belonging to its citizens. Proof of this is numerous photos.

Cossack culture has always been peculiar and somewhat different from the cultures of other indigenous peoples of Russia. This originality was reflected in those nicknames that were distributed by warriors on different signs or qualities of character. In the future, with the emergence of surnames in the 19th century. They became official last names.

  • Karaibeda
  • Rotan
  • Gubach
  • Non-agypack
  • Titsky
  • Mobyl
  • Good evening
  • Gryzidub
  • Okaydolk
  • Slide
  • Unclean
  • Gulyuden
  • Lamba
  • Tremor
  • Gnilozub
  • Pidkumich
  • Nosela
  • Zhelothog
  • Helping
  • Mordan

Of course, the Cossack guys had conventional, Orthodox names, but taking into account the specifics of troops, frequent trips and close communication, people with the same name had to be distinguished, and then observation and humor took into account. For example, two Sasha could be very different outwardly or on temperament and then everyone received his nickname. Now, no one could confuse them during roll call or call in battle during contractions.

Bulgarian, Moldavian, Gypsy

Everyone knows that people of different nationalities live in the Russian Federation, there are even whole villages, where Bulgarians live, Gypsies, and many Moldovans have long been Russian citizens. Among them also have surnames. which cause. If not the wild uncontrollable laughter, then surprise for sure.

  • Brewery
  • Fan
  • Rakov
  • Khachapuri
  • Chalk
  • Weskovsky
  • Cherepovsky
  • Cat
  • Snweid

Caucasian surnames

  • Thaw
  • Wallpaper
  • Pomoev
  • Sarayev
  • Pleboev
  • Pliev
  • Onanidze
  • Onaniashvili

  • Pigosenkov
  • Nescribes
  • Hemp
  • Shmal
  • Zhopin
  • Yablonskaya
  • Vagina
  • Lochov
  • Shelyukhina
  • Schmarin
  • Mozgian
  • Dernopeko
  • Snot
  • Sexual
  • Pinar
  • Kovyrylov
  • Zhirnov
  • Zhirinovsky
  • Chmir
  • Moshnin
  • Khokhlupoykin
  • Syringe
  • Moshonkin
  • Brehunov
  • Mityukov
  • Monddina
  • Moochenkin
  • Fondric
  • Sosunov
  • Pechenkin
  • Pichugina
  • Khryukina
  • Golobokov
  • Golurakhekin
  • Quarter
  • Tretyak
  • Dobrobaba
  • Onan

To make sure that the list is not fascinated, it is enough to score any name in the search engine and you can immediately get a few dozen lucky with unusual last names. Help in search and telephone directories of megacols.

Double surnames with a strange value

In Russia, carriers of double surnames are not rare. They are usually written through a hyphen and sometimes deliver a lot of trouble with their owners. How do they come from? Ways are different:

Someone adds pseudonym to his native last name, usually it happens in the creative environment to be not like others and it was not confused with other actors. (For example, a wonderful actor pancrats black).

There are also historically established. Two noble families, when to breed, united and the names of the spouses (Musin-Pushkin).

Someone got a surname in an orphanage during the war years, thanks to the irrepressible fantasy of educators.

We will get acquainted with these unique words:

  • Buffalo Cot
  • Bit-Ivan.
  • Honest-good
  • Male and joyful
  • Shura-Bura
  • Drinker Nefedoya

Gatherers of the names

There are civil servants whose work is directly related to documents and personal data of people. Among them, we know how to appreciate humor, so they are unable to pass by the next family fear. There are large collection of names from which you can laugh not one evening. In each work, even such a paper and boring, you can find your charms. Here is one of the interesting selections:

  • Mukhosran
  • Serbaba
  • Blyher
  • Intraligator
  • Nearby
  • Akulibaba
  • Dolbnya
  • Bibik
  • Nearby
  • Dohlik
  • Pipko
  • Sopk
  • Borodavkin
  • Square
  • Pueulike
  • Schuri
  • Hertheheev
  • Krennov
  • Smorchuk
  • Wart
  • Scurry
  • Burdiga
  • Golotoxian
  • Neumyvakin
  • Sinebryukhov

Sometimes such collectors not only discharge their finds into a separate notebook, but also make scans as evidence that such funny names really exist, and are not the next point.

Funny surnames of public people

Among the famous personalities, you can often meet people with strange last names. They are in all areas and countries, including among our athletes and media personalities.

Football players

  • Karyaka
  • Smerthin
  • Kolodin
  • Zlobin
  • Put
  • Mazil
  • Contra
  • Kakashvili
  • Krivorchko
  • JOP (Poland)

Hockey players

  • Crochohvostov
  • Ovechkin
  • Myshkin
  • Koshechekin
  • Mogily
  • Bukl (Czech Republic)
  • VIBL (Czech Republic)
  • Yablonski
  • Spruppy

Tennis players

  • Garlic

Basketball players

  • Fuck
  • Gryep

Biathlon, ski

  • Deri Earth
  • Miracles
  • Kr. Stick
  • Jerbacher


  • Borzakovsky
  • Borzov
  • B. Schieblovski


  • A. Maly
  • Zebra

Of course, a person is not free to choose the name. He gets it from his relatives. Some owners becoming adults are in a hurry to change the name of the family name, others go through life with her, not a complex and the case proving that the person does not make a person, but just the opposite, if he is a purposeful, self-sufficient person.