What is the tragity of the fate of Pecherin? What is the tragian of the existence of Pechorina? Is the Pechistan tragic hero.

What is the tragity of the fate of Pecherin? What is the tragian of the existence of Pechorina? Is the Pechistan tragic hero.

The main hero of the novel "" - Grigory Aleksandrovich was endowed with an unusually tragic fate. His actions, his actions very often lead to undesirable events not only in his life, and in the fate of other people. On examples from the Roman's Agenda, we can notice how cold and selfish Pechorin is also cold.

Or maybe he is just to the depths of the soul unhappy? Maybe his inner world resides in constant confusion from what is happening around? There is no definite answer! But, with all the same, people who were near Grigory, very often experienced suffering and pain.

Friendly relationship with Maxim Maximsch, with the last meeting, turn a good-natured headquarten in an embittered and offended old man. And all this is due to dryness and rudeness of the main character. Maxim Maximych with an open shower waiting for a meeting with the peopling, and gets only a cold greeting in response. What is happening? Evil breeds and causes a response evil! And all because of the behavior of Gregory.

Hero's love relationship with women can be called unsuccessful and unhappy. All his beloved ladies, after parting, experienced severe spiritual flour. Love seemed to Pechorin the same as the feelings of noble lady. Only here Gregory tried to find quite another in a woman! Relationships with prince were just the game, which Pechorin started in order to learn the pearshnitsky. The feelings for faith were the most real from all love relationships, but the hero understood about it only when he lost his beloved forever.

Friendly connections with end with his death on a duel with Pechor. The main character gives a few opportunities to his comrades, in order to apologize and correct the current situation. But, a proud and proud officer does not compromise, so, ultimately, Gregory Alexandrovich is dying.

And the episode with the guarantor of Voulich makes us think about the fact that Pechorin has also secret prediction capabilities. After fighting with fate, the lieutenant remains alive, but, Pechorin will prejudice his ambulance. So it happens!

So, the main character of the novel really had a tragic destiny. From the message before the "Note Pecherin" we learn that Grigory dies on the road from Persia. He could not find his happiness, he could not find true love, understand what joy and sincerity is. In addition, he crippled the fate of many people who were near him.

Please help you find an essay on the topic: What is the tragedy of the fate of Pecherin? Posted by the author Vyacheslav South The best answer is Why did I live? For what purpose did I born? Tragedy of Fate Grigory Pechorin
All the life of the main character of the novel M. Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time" can really be called the tragedy. Why and who is to blame the themes that are devoted to this essay.
So, Grigory Pechorin, sent from St. Petersburg for a kind of "story" (obviously for a duel because of a woman) at the Kavazz, on the way there are several more stories on the way, he was sent again to Kavazz, then traveling for some time, and returning From Persia home, dies. This is such a fate. But for all this time, he survived himself a lot and has affected the lives of other people.
I must say, this was not the best influence - for my life he destroyed a lot of human destinies - the princes Merie Ligovsky, faith, Bala, Hushnitsky ... Why, is it really such a villain? Does he do it specifically or is it arbitrarily?
Generally speaking, Pechorin - a man is extraordinary, smart, educated, strong will, brave ... In addition, it is distinguished by a constant desire for action, Pechorin cannot resist in one place, in one environment, surrounded by the same people. Doesn't it be happy if it can not be happy with one woman, even with the one in love with? After some time, he overcomes boredom and he begins to look for something new. Doesn't he break their fate? Pechistan records in his diary: "... The one in whose head more ideas was born, he acts more; from this genius, chained to the official table, should die or go crazy ...". Pechorina does not indispose such fate and it acts. It acts, not believing with the feelings of other people, practically not paying attention to them. Yes, he is an egoist. And this is his tragedy. But is one Pechorin in this?
Not! And Pechorin himself, explaining Mary, says: "That was my fate since childhood. Everyone was read on my face signs of bad properties that were not; but they were assumed - and they were born ...".
So, "all." Who does he mean? Naturally, society. Yes, the same society that prevented Onegin and Lensky, who hated Chatsky, now Pechorin. So, Pechorin learned to hate, lying, began to hide, he "buried the best feelings in the depths of the heart, there they died."
So, on the one hand, an extraordinary, intelligent person, on the other hand, the egoist, breaking the heart and destroying life, he is "evil genius" and at the same time victim of society.
In the Pechistan diary we read: "... My first pleasure is to subjugate my will all that surrounds me; to initiate a feeling of love, devotion and fear - is not the first sign and the greatest celebration of power." So that is love for him - just satisfying your own ambition! But what about his love for faith - is it the same? In a partly, yes, Between the Pechorin and faith, faith stood was married, and it attracted Pechorin, who sought a true wrestler, to overcome all obstacles, it is not known how Pechorin would believe, if this obstacle would be ... but this love would be love for faith, however, more than just a game, faith was the only woman Pechorin loved truly, at the same time only faith knew and loved Pechorina not fictional, and Pechorina of the real real, with all his merits and disadvantages, with All his vices. "I should hate you ... You didn't give me anything but suffering," she says Pechistan. But she cannot hate him ... However, selfishness takes its own - all people around Pechorina turn away from him. In a conversation, he somehow confesses to his friend to Werner: "Thinking about close and possible death, I think about one of myself." Here she is his tragedy, the tragedy of his fate, his life.
I must say, in my diaries Pecherin, this recognizes, analyzing his life, he writes: "... I did not sacrificed for those who loved: I loved for myself, for my own pleasure ...". And as a result of his loneliness: "... and will not be left on earth not a single creature that would understand me

"The hero of our time", written by Mikhail Yurevich Lermontov, shows us one of the newest images in the literature, previously open by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in Evgenia Onegin. This is an image of an "excess person", shown through the main character, the officer Grigory Pechorin. The reader already in the first part of Bal sees the tragedy of this character.

Grigory Pechorin is a typical "extra person." He is young, attractive outwardly, talented and smart, but life itself seems to him boring. A new occupation soon begins to bother him, and the hero is started in new searches for bright impressions. An example of this may be the same trip to the Caucasus, where Pechorin gets acquainted with Maxim Maximy, and after - with Azamat and his sister Bel, beauty-Cherkhekhenka.

Grigory Pechorin is a little hunting in the mountains and communicating with the inhabitants of the Caucasus, and he, in love with Balu, abducts her with the help of a heroine brother, the wayward and proud Azamat. Young and fasterful mind girl falls in love with a Russian officer. It would seem that mutual love - what else do you need a hero? But soon he becomes boring. Pechistan suffers, Bal suffers, offended by the inattention and the coldness of the beloved, suffering from Maxim Maximich, who observing all this. Many misfortunes of Balla brought a family family, as well as Kazbich, who wanted to marry her.

These events are tragically end. Bal dies almost on the hands of Pechorin, and it remains only to leave those places. From his eternal boredom and searches were injured by people who do not touch the hero. And "extra person" goes on.

One of this example is enough to understand how Pechorin is able to intervene in other people's fate. He cannot catch up for something one and hold on to this all life, he needs a change of places, change of society, changing classes. And all the same, he will bother reality, and still he will go further. If people are looking for something and, having acquired a goal, calm down on it, then Pechorin cannot decide and find their "finish". If he stops, he will still suffer from monotony and boredom. Even in the case of Bala, where he had mutual love with Young Cherkishhenka, a true friend in the face of Maxim Maximich (after all, the old man was ready to help the Pechorin) and the service, Pechorin returned to his state of boredom and apathy.

But the hero can not find his place in society and life of life, not only because he quickly becomes bored by any occupation. It is indifferent to all people that can be observed in the "Maxim Maximych". People who have not seen five years could not even talk, because Pechorin with absolute indifference to the interlocutor tries to finish the meeting with Maxim Maxima, who, by the way, managed to miss Gregory.

You can say with confidence that Pechorin, as a true hero of our time, can be found in each of the modern people. Indifference to people and endless searches themselves will remain eternal traits of society of any era and the country.

Option 2.

St. Pechorin - the central character of the work of the "Hero of our time". Lermontov was accused of depicting moral uroda, egoista. However, the peopinger figure is extremely ambiguous and requires deep analysis.

Lermontov did not accidentally named Pechorin the hero of our time. His problem is that he from childhood has fallen into the corrupting world of the highest light. In the sincere impulse, he tells the Princess Mary, as he tried to act and act according to the truth and conscience. He was not understood and laughed at him. Gradually, it made a serious fracture in the soul of Pechorin. He begins to come contrary to moral ideals and seeks the location and favor in the noble society. At the same time, it acts strictly in accordance with its own interests and benefits and becomes an egoist.

Pechorina constantly oppresses melancholy, it is bored in the surrounding environment. Moving to the Caucasus only on time revives the hero. Soon he gets used to danger and again begins to miss.

Pechistan is vital to a constant change of impressions. Three women appear in his life (Bal, Princess Mary, Faith). All of them become victims of hero's restless nature. He himself does not feel a special pity for them. He is sure that he is always correct. If love passed or did not even arise, he is not to blame for this. His character is to blame.

Pechorin with all its shortcomings is an exceptionally truthful image. His tragedy lies in the limited nobility society of the Lermontov era. If the majority are trying to hide their shortcomings and non-resident actions, the honesty of Pechorin does not allow him to do this.

The individualism of the main character could in other conditions to help him become an outstanding personality. But it does not find applies to his forces and as a result seems to be surrounding a soulless and strange person.

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"The hero of our time", written by M. Yu. Lermontov in 1840, became the first psychological novel in the domestic literature. The author set itself the goal of detail and versatile to show the character of the main acting person who fell out of the coupling of the era.

It seems to me that the tragedy of Fate Gregory Aleksandrovich Pechorin is concluded in his complex character. Lermontov presented a psychological portrait of a contemporary to the reader's court with duality of nature.

Coldness, indifference, egoism, waste

and the tendency to self-analysis was inherent in many representatives of "extra people", doomed to inaction. A smart, educated hero is boring and dreamed of senselessly changing days, from a series of predictable events.

Pechorin does not feed confidence in any friendship, nor to love, therefore suffers from loneliness. He himself is not capable of deep feelings and brings suffering around. Gregory feels that two people get along and explains the duality of behavior. This thought is confirmed by Maxim Maksimovich the story of Pechorin, who could safely go in a lonely to hunt a boar, and

sometimes looked a coward - he shuddered and pale from the window of the window was the window.

The behavior of the hero is controversial, he quickly cools to any endeavors, can not find his purpose. Recalling at least his desire to achieve the location of the Bail and rapid cooling to the mountain beauty who loved him. The personality of Pechorin is evaporated from the relationship in which he enters the surrounding. His actions are worthy of condemnation, but it is possible to understand the hero, because he belongs to the people of his time, have managed to be disappointed in life.

Not finding the meaning of being, Pechorin decides to serve in a long journey, which will once be completed by death. He himself is unpleasant that he becomes the cause of other people's troubles: because of him Bal and Grushnitsky die, faith and princess Mary suffer, inspired Maxim Maksimovich. The tragity of the hero is that he is in search of his place in life, but at the same time always comes as it seems necessary.

Thus, the tragedy of the fate of the Lermontov Hero is concluded in it: in character, in the analysis of any situation. The burden of knowledge made him by Cynic, he lost naturalness and simplicity. As a result, Pechorin has no goals nor obligations, no attachments ... But if the person himself loses interest in life, seeing only boredom in it, then even the physicious power of nature is unlikely to heal the soul.

(1 estimates, average: 5.00 out of 5)

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Sad I look at our generation!
His coming - Ile is empty, Il is dark,
Meanwhile, under the burden of Poznan and doubt,
In idle it will make up it.
M. Yu. Lermontov
Roman M. Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time" was created in the era of a government reaction, which caused a whole gallery of "extra" people to live. Pechorin is "Onegin his time" (Belinsky). Lermontov hero - a man of tragic fate. He concludes in his soul "immense", but on conscience a lot of evil. Pechorin, according to his own admission, invariably plays "the role of an ax in the hands of fate", "the necessary acting person of every fifth act." How belongs to his hero of Lermontov? The writer is trying to understand the essence and origins of the tragedy of Pechorinsky destiny. "It will also be the fact that the disease is indicated, but how to heal it is - this is God knows!"
Pechorin greedily searches for applications with its extraordinary abilities, "immense heartless forces", but is doomed to the historical reality and the peculiarities of their mental warehouse for tragic loneliness. At the same time, he admits: "I love to doubt everything: this location does not interfere with the decisiveness of character; on the contrary ... I always feel like ahead, when I don't know what it expects me. After all, it will not happen worse than death - and death will not pass anything! "
Pechorin alone. The failure ends attempted the hero to find a natural, simple happiness in the love of the Bail's Goringe. Pechorin frankly recognizes Maxim Maxima: "... the love of a dicarka is a little better than the love of a notable lady; ignorance and simpleness of one as annoyed as the coquetry of the other." The hero is doomed to the misunderstanding of others (only Werner and Faith are the exceptions), his inner world is not able to comprehend either the beautiful "Dicking" Bal, nor a kind-hearted Maxim Maximych. However, recall that at the first meeting with Gregory Alexandrovich, the headquarters-captain in the power to notice only the secondary features of the appearance of Pechorin and the fact that the "thin" ensign recently was in the Caucasus. Does not understand Maxim Maximych and the depths of the sufferings of Pechorin, being an involuntary witness of the death of Balla: "... His face did not express anything special, and it became annoying: I would die in his place with grodge ..." And only in casual obedience, that "Pechorin was a long unhealthy, I washudal," we guess about genuine strength
Iy Gregory Aleksandrovich.
The last meeting of Pechorina with Maxim Maximes is clearly confirmed by the idea that "evil creates evil." The indifference of Pechorina to the old "buddy" leads to the fact that "Good Maxim Maximych became stubborn, grumpy headquarters." The officer the narrator guess that the behavior of Gregory Alexandrovich is not a manifestation of spiritual void and egoism. Special attention is attracted by the eyes of Pechorin, who "did not laugh when he laughed ... This is a sign or an evil in the face, or a deep constant sadness." What is the reason for such sadness? The answer to this question we find in the "Journal of Pechorina".
Publishing Pechistan is preceded by a message that he died on the way from Persia. So does not find Pechorin worthy use by its extraordinary abilities. Tale "Taman", "Princess Mary", "Fatalist" confirm it. Of course, the hero on the head is above the empty adjutant and sprayed Frances, which "drink - however, not water, walking little, is worried only in passing ... They play and complain about boredom." Grigory Alexandrovich perfectly sees the nullity of the Grushnitsko-th, dreaming "to become a hero of the novel." In the actions of Pechorin, a deep mind is felt and a sober logical will pay the Mary seduction plan is based on the knowledge of the "living strings of the human heart." Causeing a skillful story about his past compassion for himself, Pechorin makes the princess Mary first confess to love. Maybe before us is empty hind, seducer women's hearts? Not! This convinces the last date of the hero with Prince Mary. Pechistan's behavior is noble. He is trying to alleviate the suffering of his loved girl.
Pechorin, contrary to its own allegations, is capable of a sincere, great feeling, but the Hero's love is complex. So, the feeling of faith with a new force awakens when the danger arises forever to lose the only woman who understood Gregory Alexandrovich completely. "If it is possible to lose her forever faith, it became more expensive for me in the world - more than life, honor, happiness!" - Recognizes Pechorin. He drove the horse towards Pyatigorsk, the hero "fell on the grass and, like a child, cried." Here it is - the power of the senses! The love of Pechorina is high, but tragic for himself and the most disastrous for those who love him. The proof of the fate of Bail, Princess Mary and Faith.
History with a pears - an illustration of the fact that the outstanding abilities of Pecherin are wicked, small, insignificant. However, in its attitude to the Pepper Pechistan in his own way and honest. During the duel, he makes every effort to cause late repentance in the opponent, awaken conscience! Useless! Grushnitsky shoots first. "The bullet scratched my knee," commented by Pechorin. Overflows of good and evil in the soul of the hero - a large artistic discovery of Lermontov-Realista. Before Duel Gregory Alexandrovich concludes a kind of deal with his own conscience. The nobility is combined with merciless: "I decided to grant all the benefits of the pearshnitsky; I wanted to try it; in his soul could wake up the spark of generosity ... I wanted to give myself a full right not to spare it if fate pardoned me." And Pechorin does not gear the enemy. The bloody corpse of the Grushnitsky rolls into the abyss ... The victory does not deliver the peopist of joy, the light will fade in his eyes: "The sun seemed to me dim, the rays of his me n
E Greet. "

Let's summarize the "practical activity" of Pechorin: due to the trifling, the Azamat's serious danger puts his life; Digested from the hands of Kazbich Beauty Bal and her father, and Kazbich himself deprives her faithful Karagez; The fragile world of "honest smugglers" collapses; shot on the duels of the Pereshnitsky; Faith and Princess Meri suffer deeply; Tragically ends the life of a voyach. What did Pechorina do "an ax in the hands of fate"?
Lermontov does not introduce us to the chronological biography of his hero. The plot and composition of the novel subordinate to one goal - to deepen the social and psychological and philosophical analysis of the image of Pecherin. The hero appears in different stakes of the cycle with the same, does not change, does not evolve. In this - a sign of early "deathyness", the fact that we are really halfuport, whose "reigns in the soul some cold secret when the fire is boiling in the blood." Many contemporaries Lermontov tried to limit all the wealth of the image with one quality - egoism. Belinsky resolutely defended Pechorin from accusations in the absence of high ideals: "Do you say that he is an egoist? But doesn't he despise and does not hate himself for it? Doesn't his heart crave for his love clean and disinterested? No, this is not selfishness ... "But what is it? The response to the question gives us Pechorin itself: "My colorless youth passed in the fight against myself and the light; the best my feelings, afraid of mockery, I buried in the depths of the heart; they died there ..." Ambigid, thirst for power,
Language to subordinate to their will of others mastered the soul of Pechorin, which "from the life storm ... carried out only a few ideas - and not a single feeling." The question of the meaning of life remains in the novel open: "Why did I live? For what purpose did I born? And, right, she existed, and rightly, it was a high destination, because I feel in my soul of my strength. . But I did not guess this appointment, I got fascinated by the bait of passions, empty and ungrateful; from the burning of them I came out firm and cold as iron, but lost forever of the dust of noble aspirations, the best color of life. "
Perhaps the tragedy of the fate of Pecherin is connected not only with the social conditions of the Hero's life (belonging to secular society, the political response in Russia after the defeat of the Decembrists' uprising), but also so that the sophisticated ability to self-analysis and brilliant analytical thinking, "burden of knowing and Doubts "lead a person to the loss of simplicity, naturalness. Even the physicious power of nature is not able to heal the peeling soul of the hero.
The image of Pechorina is eternal precisely because it is not exhausted only by social. Pechistan is now, they are next to us ...
And the soul on the space breaks down
From under the power of the Caucasian commander -
The bell rings stalls ...
Horse boys to the north of Mchat ...
Aside, I hear the rone frame -
I distinguish the corpse of the horse -
Run, chase! Shadow Pechorzna
In the footsteps catch up with me ...
These are lines from the wonderful poem of Ya. P. Polonsky "on the way because of the Caucasus."

Pechorin is the main character of Roman M. Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time." The author himself points out that the collective image was embodied in his hero, in which all the defects of generation were embodied. But the fate of Pechorin to some extent tragic, the hero sometimes I sincerely want to regret. To understand the meaning of the work, it is important to assess what the tragity of the fate of Pecherin.

Character of Hero

Pechorin is a very controversial character. It is endowed with a lot of positive qualities. All with it: it is beautiful and rich, raised and formed. Gregory carefully monitors his tidy, is not rude to anyone, not Hamit. It would seem that all the positive qualities of an educated secular person say that he can be happy. He is confident in himself and does not doubt his actions and actions. But the worst thing is that there is in this character - the lack of ability to feel. This character is Cynic and Egoist. He does not feel responsible for the fate and life of other people, is able for his own whim to play with the fate of those who feel good to him.

The hero is not able to love. He himself constantly feels boredom, understands the power of his egoism, calls himself "moral cripple". But he does not feel the feelings of guilt about this. Knowing that his soul frustrated, he does not undertake anything in order to correct the situation. He is inclined to self-analysis, but it does not justify it. Pechorin can not be called a happy man. He is constantly taking boredom. For the sake of satisfaction of this sensation, he neglects the feelings of other people, but himself is not at all capable of testing them. Probably, the tragedy of all generation lies in this - the inability to experience real feelings, because this is a real gift that is inherent only to a person. This can be called as a personal tragedy, because such a person is just a pity and the tragedy for others, because they suffer from cynicism and egoism such as Pechorin.

Tragedy generation

But the problem lies not only in the very character of Pechorin. The novel is not in vain wears such a name, because it reflected the tragedy of the whole generation. Lermontov noted that he had repeatedly met in the lives of people, similar to Pechorin, and perhaps himself applies to them. They have a lot of opportunities, but do not feel happy. They live in the period of changing the epoch when the old has already been outlined, and the new is not yet clear. That is why the generation problem is a global boredom, inconsistency, worn.

"Moral cripple"

When Pechorin makes a conversation with someone about himself, he constantly makes it clear that he knows how insensitive him and himself suffers from it. When talking with Maxim Maxims, he mentions that he is experiencing a big boredom, and you can regret it. Talking with Mary, he says that the society made it this, without taking good feelings, seeing only evil and negative in it. That is why he became "moral cripple".

In the novel of the "Hero of our time", Lermontov introduces the reader with a man's image that has gained the most characteristic quality of generation of the 1930s of the XIX century. The novel is considered the problem of "excess person" on the example of the main acting person, Pechorina.
Pechorin is a very difficult and controversial personality. His life carries a tragedy imprint. This is a tragedy, a person who is rejected by society, and the tragedy of a crumpled soul. What is this tragedy and what are its origins and causes?
Pechorin is set in conditions in which his uncommon person cannot fully disclose and show itself, and therefore it is forced to waste his strength on unnecessary small intrigues., Bringing people only in misfortune. Pechorin is forced to play the role of an egoist, that is, to be a "egoist unwitting," and to suffer because of this.
This is the tragedy of the hero.
Pechorin is distinguished from the total mass of his people around him. He is a smart, straightforward and insightful. He is alien to false and pretense, hypocrisy and cowardice. It does not suit the empty and monotonous existence in pursuit of small, insignificant interests. Pechorin does not want to swim together with all the flow. With his mind and power of character, he is capable of the most decisive and bold actions. If he had directed his activities for good, high goals, he could achieve a lot. But fate and life ordered differently. As a result, Pechorin appears before us as an egoist living in the world in order to dispel his boredom at the expense of unfortunate others. He lives not with a heart, but the mind. His soul half dead. "I got moral cripples" - recognized Pechorin Princess Mary. Pechorin is full of contempt and hate to people. He loves to study the psychology of people in various situations, not competing and not sympathizing, but absolutely indifferent. The surrounding Pechorin does not bring anything other than misfortunes. According to his fault, smugglers suffer, Bal's dying, the life of faith and the princes Mary destroys the life of the faith and the nehel. "I played the role of an ax in the hands of fate," Pechorin writes in his diary. What did the hero induce to cruel, selfish actions? Most likely the desire to dispel boredom. Pechorin did not think that there was a living person who had a soul and heart with his feelings and desires for each of his unbridled act. Pechorin did everything for himself and nothing for others. "I look at the suffering and the joy of others only in relation to myself," said Pechorin. This is how he explains his actions in relation to the princess Mary: "... there is an immense pleasure in possession of a young, barely blossomed soul ... I feel this insatiable greed." No wonder Princess Mary considers Pechorin worse than the killer.
What did the hero make such? Possessing uncomfortable qualities, Pechorin has highlighted from the crowd of peers, friends and other people. He put himself higher than others, and society put it below. The Company does not tolerate those who are not like everyone else, it cannot accept the existence of an extraordinary, something distinguished personality. And yet people failed to bring Pechorin under its average level, but managed to sick his soul. Pechorin became hidden, envious, malpamine. "And then in my chest, my despair was born - not the despair, which is treated by a pistol spirit, but cold, powerless despair, covered by courtesiest and good-natured smile."
On the example of Pechorina Lermontov shows the inevitable conflict between a thoughtful person and society, the confrontation of a strong person and a gray, faceless crowd, the problem of "excess person."
But it is possible to definitely call the hero with a cruel egoist.
"... if I have the reasons for the others, then myself is no less unhappy! .. I ... very much regret," said Pechorin. Indeed, the torment of others, Pechorin himself suffers no less. If he is an egoist, then suffering a egoist. Genuine human feelings did not die in it. An example is the relationship to faith. Indeed, his feelings for this woman are genuine. Pechorin in its essence is a deeply unhappy person. He is alone and incomprehensible.
People face him, feeling in it some ugly power. Pechorin lives without a goal, without aspiration, squandering on empty intrigues, unnecessary passions. But despite this, his heart is still able to love, the soul is to feel, and the eyes are crying. At the end of the chapter "Princess Mary" we see Pechorina, who cries like a child. We see the unfortunate, lonely person, and who has not found their own place in life, repenting in their actions, a person who causing pity and compassion.
The image of Pechorin is a tragic image of a thinking, strong person. Pechorin - child of his time, in it Lermontov focused the basic typical defects of his generation, namely, boredom, individualism, contempt. Lermontov portrayed a man in the fight against society and with himself and the tragedy of this person.

Is Pechistan a tragic hero?

Pechorin Grigory Aleksandrovich, the main character of the work, appears in all five parts of the novel. Maxim Maximych, his father talks about his subordinate: "... He was so thin, whlen, on him the uniform was so new." Maxim Maksimych sees contradictions in the behavior of Pechorin: "... He was small enough, only a little strange - then he was silent by hours, and then she mixed up the gas that the" tranquillas would awwit. " Stack captain is sure that there are people with whom \\ \\ loagree to agree. byunusual things should happen to them.

A more detailed portrait (psychological) is born in the psychological story "Maxim Maximych" through the eyes of the narrator: "It was lazy in the codec, it was lazy and careless, but ... he did not swing his hands -

the right sign of some character is character. Despite the light color of his hair, his mustache and eyebrows were black - a sign of the breed in man. "

Obviously, Lermontov Pechorin belongs to disappointed young people of that era. He continues the gallery of "unnecessary people." Bright abilities and strengths do not find decent applications and spend on fleeting hobbies and meaningless and sometimes brutal experiments over the surrounding. Already at the beginning of the novel, the hero's self-recognition sounds: "In me, the soul is spoiled by the light, imagination is restless, the heart is insatiable: I'm still not enough: I'm also easily accustomed to sadness, and my life, and my life is becoming an empty ..." Best features Maxim Maximsch, the "Russian Caucasian" of the Ermolovskaya Nora, shall with the moral abnormalities of Pechorin's nature with its inner cold and mental passion, with genuine interest in people and selfishly time fear. Pechorin is recognized: "... I have an unhappy character: how did the upbringing of me made me, did God gave me so much, I do not know; I know only that. What if I was the reasons for any other, then I myself am not less unhappy. " The confession of the main character reveals the inner motives of spiritual longing and boredom, the hero is not able to gain happiness in achieving life goals, since upon reaching them immediately goes to the result of their efforts. The reasons for this moral disease are partly related to the "spoilness of the world", corrupting young souls, partly with the premature "old age of the soul."

In his journal, Pechorin analyzes the external and internal events of his life. His sober self-analysis, a clear understanding of himself and other people - all this emphasizes the power of character, his earthly multifaceted nature, is doomed to loneliness and suffering, a tireless struggle with his unfortunate destiny.

Pechistan is a wonderful actor, deceiving everyone and partly yourself. There is a passion of a player, and a tragic protest, thirst to take revenge on people for their invisible resentment and suffering, for a failed life.

"Pechistan's soul is not rocky soil, but the earth dried away from the heat of fire ..." - notes V.G. Belinsky. Nobody brought his happiness Pechorin, did not find any friend in his life ("Of two friendly one servants of another"), nor love, no place - only loneliness, challenge, skepticism, fear to seem funny in the eyes of society.

He "mad is chasing. Life, "but finds only boredom, and in this tragedy not only Pechorina, but also all his generations.

What is the inconsistency of Pecherin's character?

"The hero of our time" is the first major social identity-psychologic Roman n Russian literature. The main problem of the novel "; The hero of our time is defined by M.Yu.Lermontov in the preface; he draws" a modern man, how he understands it, "a hundred hero, a portrait of not one person, but" The portrait made up from the vices of our generation. " The image of Pechorin was in-therapist, the indigenous peculiarities of the Peculoscript IIIOXII. In which, according to Herzen, only losses were visible on the surface, "the great work was performed inside ... a deaf and silent, deaf"; on and uninterrupted. "

Pechorin himself, reflecting on his life, finds a lot of things in it with the fate of the whole generation: "We are not able to more than the great victims for the good of humanity, nor even for our own happiness, because we know its inability and indifferently proceed 01 doubts about doubts "

Pechorin, as an evil beam, brings suffering. We have, who meets on his way: Bale and her close, family of "honest smugglers." Mary, Pereshnitsky. At the same time, he is the most stringent judge to itself. He calls himself "moral cripples", more than once compares himself with the executioner. No one is better than Pechorin, as far as his life is even senseless. Remembering the duel of the past, he cannot answer the question: "Why did I live? For what purpose did I born? " Life Tomit Pechorin: "I am like a man who yawns on the ball, who does not go to sleep only because not yet\u003e His carriats." But still, the live soul of Pechorina manifests itself in shocked: !! The death of Bala, in tears of despair, when he realized that forever lost faith, in a capable! And about I is given to the charm of nature, even before a duel, in the ability to look at yourself from the side.

In confession, Mary Pechorin accuses the society that he became "moral cripples". Pechorin repeatedly speaks of his duality, about the contradiction between his human essence and existence. Dr. VRRNSRU He admits: "In me, a person: one lives in the full sense of the word, another thought

lit and judges him ... "Live for Pechorin, namely, the function of the first person," to be always on the challenge, to catch every look, the meaning of each word, guessing the intentions, to destroy conspiracies, pretend to be deceived and suddenly knock on all the huge and crowded Building from tricks and ideas ... ".

Pechorin differs from the rest of the names of the novel, it is the gee, that he is disturbed by the questions of conscious human being - about the purpose and sense of the life of a person, about his appointment. His disturbances. That his only appointment is the destruction of other people's hopes.

What is the most important for Pechorina: honor, debt, conscience, freedom?

Roman M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time" - Psychology! A-CHARY ROMAN.

In the center of his - "History of the Soul" of the extraordinary personality of the beginning of the XIX century.

The imprint of fate was in the soul of Pechorin, and he knew his fate) Pechistan sought to death and knew how he would die. For a person, "there is so much about himself, I think it will be more important" sow freedom. His honor and conscience, he is ready to put on a map for freedom.

He did not have at home at all, he did not want to bind himself. Pechorin was, in my opinion, the perfect person, cold and strong. This man hurts without remorse of the SOSO-1. With pleasure and savor. The literary prototype of Pechorina was the demon who despised everything. Self-life. So. For the hero of our time, the purpose of life was "displacement" from the life of all possible feelings and experiences that a person could feel. But standing in one place, could he realize it? Not!

Lermontov wrote in the preface, ChGO Pechorin is not a portrait of the author. But. I think it was just a hoax. In the article ll. Solovyov, where the philosopher describes the inner world of Lermontov, there are lines, very similar to the songwriter's diary record: "I feel this insatiable greed, absorbing everything. What is found to Nougy: I look at the suffering and joy of Drupg only in relation to myself, as for food that supports my mental strength. . And the first pleasure is to subjugate my will, all that surrounds me. "

That's why freedom is needed by the hero of our time!

Decisive in the novel, in my opinion, is the motive of fate. Convirmation serve constant randomness. Fate leads the hero. The fate and the case manages God, who sent on! Small in the image of Pechorin's soul in order for that to determine the choice. That's the answer to the question: such a soul, like Pechorin and Lermontov, can not bind himself to the ground and all his life decides who she is. I. In my opinion, Pechorin decided who he was: Demon, Mephistopheles and the Devil, eternal from Gorrat. Lonely, but but free.

I agree with the point of view of Pechorin: the main thing for a person is not a debt, not honor and not even conscience, but freedom, without which it is impossible to serve his debt, take care of your honor and act on conscience.

What kind of celle Pechorin is climbing love nitride

With prince Mary? (but Roman M.Yu. Lermontov

"Hero of our time")

In the novel of the "Hero of Our Time", Lermontov set the task to comprehensively and multifaceted the identity of the contemporary, show the portrait of the "time hero", "drawn up from the vices" of the entire generation "in their full development", as the author said in the preface to the novel. All plot lines are reduced to the central image, but a special role is played by love intrigue, which is present in almost every of the parts of the novel. After all, one of the main features of the "time hero" is the "premature old age of the soul", at which "... I reigns in the soul of some kind of secret, / when the fire boils in the blood."

The story is about. As Pechorin, it seeks the location and love of Princess Mary, shows the secret motives of the actions of the hero, who always strives and rule in everything, while maintaining their own freedom. People he was doing toys in his hands, forcing to play according to its rules. As a result, the broken hearts, suffering and the death of those who met on his way. He is really similar to the "executioner in the fifth act of the tragedy." This is how his role in the fate of Mary.

The girl belonging to Pechorin, to the Higher Light, Princess Mary absorbed a lot of morality from childhood and the morals of her environment. She is beautiful, proud, impregnable, but at the same time loves worship and attention to himself. Sometimes it seems spoiled and

capricious, and therefore the plan developed by the people of her "seduction" at first does not cause a strong condemnation from the reader.

But we notice other qualities of Mary, hiding behind the appearance of a secular beauty. She is attentive to Pearsitsky. Which considers it to be a poor suffering from a young man, does not endure the squeezing barraffsis and the vulgarity of officers constituting "Water Society". Princess Merie shows a strong character when Pechorin begins to carry out its "plan" of the conquest of her heart. But the trouble Pechorin admits that he does not like "women with character." He does everything. To break them, conquer and subordinate to yourself. AND, toregret. Mary fell victim, like others. Is it guilty of this?

In order to revel it, you need to look at what the Pechorin playing, winning its location. The key scene is a journal of Pecherin with Mary on a walk from the failure. "Having adopted a deep-touched species", the hero "profess" before an inexperienced girl. He tells her about Gom, as the PSE since childhood saw "the vices, and as a result he became a" moral cripple. " Of course, there is a particle of truth in these words. But the main task of Pechorin is to cause the girl sympathy. II Indeed, her kind soul is touched by this story, and as a result she loved Pechorin for his "hassiness". And the feeling it turned out to be deeply and seriously, without the verge of coquetry and narrowing. And Pechorin reached his Tsei: "... After all, there is an immense pleasure and possession of a young, barely blossomed soul!" - Cynically notices the hero. Once again, he showed the most negative features of his character: egoism, heartlessness andsoul coldness, the desire for power over people.

The last scene of the explanation of Pechorin and Mary causes acute sympathy for an unfortunate girl. Even the peopling itself "began to harm her." According to the verdict, merciless, the cards are disclosed: the hero announces, h GO IIINIH laughed at Pei. And the princess remains only to suffer and hate it. And the reader is to reflect on how cruel can be a man, squeezed by egoism and thirst to achieve its goals, despite anything.

Whether Pechorin isfatalist?(according to the novel M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time")

Roman Lermontov "Hero of our time" is rightly called BE only socio-psychological, but also morally

philosophical. The question of freedom of will and predestination, about the rage of the fate of the II of the human life, one way or another is considered in all parts of the novel. Neither the deployed OIBCI is given only in the final part - the philosophical story "Fatalist", to Jurass plays the role of a peculiar epilogue.

Fatalist is a man who believes in the predetermination of all the events in life, in the inevitability of fate, rock, Fatum. In the spirit of his time, subjecting the revision of the fundamental issues of human existence, Pechorin is trying to solve.

As the action develops, the peasant Pechorin receives a three-time confirmation of the existence of the EXion of the estate, fate. Officer Vulich. With whom the hero concludes a risky bet, could not shoot, although the gun was charged. Chatham Vulchich still dies from the hand of a drunken Cossack, and in this Pechorin is not a hatch in the nipple, because even during the dispute, "the seal of death" on his line. Finally, Pechorin himself feels fate, deciding to disarm the drunk Cossack, the murderer of the Volycha. "... a strange thought flashed in my head: like Voulich. I thought to experience fate, "said Pechorin.

What is the answer "time hero", and with him the writer himself, on this most complex question? The conclusion of Pechorina sounds like this: "I love to doubt everything: this is the arrangement of the mind does not interfere with the determination of character: on the contrary, that before me concerns, I always boldly go ahead when I don't know what I expect me," as we see, the failed fatalist turned his opposite. If he is ready to recognize that predestination exists, then not to the detriment of the activity of human behavior: to be just a toy in the hands of fate, according to Pechorin, humiliating.

Lermontov gives just such an interpretation of the problem, not responding to the question of tormented by the philosophers of that time. It seems in the story, the final novel, there is no solution to the problem of judge. But showing that the hero, expressing thoughts about the possible and existence of predetermining, in all situations prefers to act as a person endowed with freedom of will, Lermontov, in essence, shows the solution path.

Why "Dead Souls" - Poem?

The author himself determined the genre of his work as a poem, emphasizing such reversal equality of the epic and lyrical started 1B "dead I \\ I epic and lyrical parts differ in the objectives that the author puts. The task of the epic part show "Although from one side of Russia".

The main means of the image of Russian life in the poem becomes the detail. With its help, Gogol shows the typicity of the provincial Yell, who "did not inferlude with the Kubernsky Yellham", the landscape representing the "famous species". These techniques point! On the realistic method of creating thunder conducting.

In addition, the item acts as a means of individualization. Sobesevich looks like a "mid-ham bear", and the fracture on it "completely medical a color."

In an epic fraction, the writer is especially attentive to the world of things (the feature of the "genuine school" !: Lishes are claimed, but the reverse process takes place the person becomes likeness.

A positive ideal of the author appears in the lyrical part, which is revealed through the lyrical deviations about Russia, connecting the topics of the road, the Russian people and the Russian word ("Eh, loud" the bird-troika, who has invented the game? Not so and you. Rus that a brisk Rongy Troika wear? "). The author is aware of his high mission (" And for a long time still defined to me the wonderful power to go hand with my strange heroes ").

Such opposition (epic and lyrical) are reflected in the language of the poem. For the language of lyric retreats, a high style is characterized, the use of yetaphor, metaphorical epithets ^ "Piercing finger"), hyperball, rhetorical issues ("II What Russian does not like quick ride?"), Exclamations, repetitions, gradations.

The language of the epic part is simple, conversational. Spaciously used. Proverbs. The main means of creating and characterize characters irony.

"Dead souls" on the affected Gogol problem called the "Russian Odyssey". The romance start, not related to the episodes, which are combined by the hero's adventures, a through the theme of the road, a wide social pressure, discouraging in the poem, the presence of plug-in mions (Novels "The Tale of Captain Copscaykin" and the parables about Kife Mokievich and Mokhni Kifovic) - All of this indicates on the epic side of the work.

The presence of a huge number of lyrical deviations, drawing a positive ideal of the author, the presence of the author himself, expressing his attitude to what is happening, arguing to philosophical topics affecting the topic of writing, the poetic language of these deviations is characterized by a work as a poem. Thus, in front of the reader, the original work of the unusual genre is the poem "Dead Souls."

Why N.V. Gogol uses precisely

artistic detail

how is the main means of psychologist?

Detailing is a special feature reception that is necessary to create the most complete image. Through the item can show any comic situation, designate somethingtypical in heroes or. On the contrary, to emphasize individual traits. Reception of detail is used, as a rule, in epic works.

N.V. Gogol is a recognized detail master. The details filled not only large-scale poem "Dead Souls", but also a dramatic work - a comedy "Auditor". The brightest example is a dumb scene. In it, the author, reminding both of the heroes, and the sight of a terrible court, describes in detail the postures in which heroes are free. So. For example, the city stops with me "in the middle in the form of a pillar, with open hands and pounded back."

Reception of detail is sometimes used to create a comic effect. At the end of the 1st action, the city is trying to wear instead of a hat, which shows his excitement, the fear of Khlestakov, who all officials of the county city accepted for the auditor.

Histakov in the culminated scene of Siena Vrana - tells about the suprekka, who "right on the steamer came from Paris", and the watermelon on his table "in seven hundred rubles Watermelon". The item can act not only as an individualization means, but also as a means of typing. So. For example, preparing for a meeting with the "auditor", Gingerbread, gathering officials, gives instructions to everyone. OI knows what is happening in each department: in the god-friendly institutions, patients are "recovering like flies", walk in the dirty caps, in the first place in Liaikina-Tipkina gooshads go, and in the most prominent place the arapnik hangs. These details are not only characterized by not only characters, but also the city, the whole of Russia

The plot of the poems "Dead Souls" is overflowing with descriptions, both epic and lyrical deviations. In chapters dedicated to visits to chikchikov landowners, you can highlight your microsuzh.

At first, Chichikov enters the estate, he is met by the landowner (here is a description of the estate, a portrait of the landowner, the interior, describes in detail the author of the treat), the culmination - the conversation of Chikchikov with a landowner to sell the mercious souls. Then departure the main character. And in each of these descriptions, Gogol uses many details. For example, describing Plushhina, calling it "band in humanity," indicates that the house of the former maternity owner looked like a gigan castle, which was talking about the past wealth, and now the dwelling resembled a stray disabled person. Streets in the village were very clean, but not because the peasants were cleaned, and extinguished. That Plushkin himself went on a kind of hunt: dragged everything into the house. What I found on the street.

Describing Manilov, the first landowner to whom the chichoti came, the author uses such a portrait detail as "too transmitted sugar" into the pleasant features of his face. Interior details (armchair tightened by roget, two different candlesticks), subject details (laid on the 14th page. Book, neat pyramids knocked out of the ash tube) - All this helps to create an image and characterize this character.

The item for Gogol work is vital. F\u003e EI Her Gogol with its appetizing dinners, colorful landscapes, bright portraits, a memorable speech characteristic.

Can I agree with the statement of A. White about

what "Chichikov - genuine damn"?

(on the poem N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls")

Once the hegel philosopher fairly has found that the work of art is a dialogue with each, in front of him. Probably. That is because ohparts arise on the meaning of a literary work, about his heroes. Andrei White Symbolist White, who wrote in his time an interesting job about the work of the go. I saw a scary, mystical meaning in the image of Chichikov. I think. That you can bring arguments both for and against such a point of view, depending on how to interpret this ambiguous literary image.

On the one hand, Chichikov is a special type of Russian person,
a kind of "hero of time", the soul of which "enchanted a richest
vOM. " "Bound-acquired", in pursuit of capital he loses
it is not. conscience, decency. Thirst for naught killed him

the best human feelings, did not leave the place "alive" soul.

her twille, on the other hand, this hero, as a real feature, is merciless and terrible, when he, with rampant energy, seeks to bother his goal, he and the pitfall and heter, knows how to pay for the benefit of weakness and vices of people.

Until the 11th chapter, where the Chichikov biography is given, its character is not fully defined. After all, with each newly encountered on his way, it looks different: with Mani Yun, politeness itself and the most grace, with I [Lady, seeker of adventures, with a beta - an indigestion owner. To all he knows how to find an approach, for everyone picks up the desired elephant. As "genuine damn", Chichikov has the ability to penetrate the most secret corners of people's consciousness. I, but it is necessary for a successful committing his creepy "case" - the purchase of "dead carcass". That is why in the appearance of Chichikova sometimes freezing something devilish: Psi. Hunting for the dead souls of the original (embossing the line. No wonder the urban gossip among other things, the Nackacch of his Lhshchrist, and in the behavior of officials, something apocalyptic is reinforced, which is supported by the picture of the death of the prosecutor.

But let us recall the not realized intention of Gogol, according to which from the first volume embodies "hell" of the Russian action

Pechorin Grigory Aleksandrovich, the main character of the work appears in all five parts of the novel. Maxim Maximich in Fiefsovskaya tells about his subordinate: "... He was so thin, whlen, on him the uniform was so new." Good Maxim Maksimych sees contradictions in the behavior of Pechorin: "... He was small, only a little strange - then he was silent for hours, and then she was mixed so that the" tranquits would awwit. " Staff-captain is confident that there are such people with whom we must certainly agree that unusual things should happen to them

A more detailed portrait (psychological) is given in the psychological story "Maxim Maximych" by the eyes of the narrator, "the gait was lazy and careless, but ... he did not swing the right sign of some significant character. Despite the light color of his hair, his mustache and eyebrows were black - a sign of the breed in man. "

Obviously, Lermontov Pechorin belongs to disappointed young people of that era. He continues the gallery of "unnecessary people." Bright abilities and strengths do not find decent use and spend on fleeting hobbies and meaningless and sometimes brutal experiments over others. Already at the beginning of the novel, the hero's self-recognition sounds: "In me, the soul is spoiled by the light, the imagination is restless, the heart is insatiable; I'm still not enough for me: I'm as easily accustomed to sadness, and my life is becoming an empty day of day ... "The best features of Maxima Maximich, the" Russian Caucasian "of the Ermolov pore, shade the moral anomalies of Pechorin's nature with its inner cold and Sincere passion, genuine interest in people and egoistic pepper. Pechorin is recognized: "... I have an unhappy character: how did the upbringing of me made me so, did God created me like that, I do not know; I only know that if I have the cause of others, then it is no less unhappy. " The confession of the main character reveals the inner motives of spiritual longing and boredom, the hero is not able to gain happiness in achieving life goals, since upon reaching them immediately goes to the result of their efforts. The reasons for this moral disease are partly related to the "spoilness of the world", corrupting young souls, partly with the premature "old age of the soul."

In his journal, Pechorin analyzes the external and internal events of his life. His sober self-analysis, a clear understanding of himself and other people - all this emphasizes the power of character, his earthly multifaceted nature, is doomed to loneliness and suffering, a tireless struggle with his unfortunate destiny.

Pechistan is a wonderful actor, deceiving everyone and partly yourself. There is a passion of a player, and a tragic protest, thirst to take revenge on people for their invisible resentment and suffering, for a failed life.

"Pechistan's soul is not rocky soil, but the earth dried away from the heat of fire ..." - notes V.G. Belinsky. Nobody brought his happiness Pechorin, did not find any friend in his life ("Of two friendly one servants of another"), nor love, no place - only loneliness, challenge, skepticism, fear to seem funny in the eyes of society. He "madly chasing his life," but he finds only boredom, and this tragedy is not only Pechorina, but also of his generation.