What love in the work of Kuprin. The theme of tragic love in the work of Kuprick ("Olesya", "Pomegranate bracelet")

What love in the work of Kuprin. The theme of tragic love in the work of Kuprick (
What love in the work of Kuprin. The theme of tragic love in the work of Kuprick ("Olesya", "Pomegranate bracelet")

One of the primary topics in the work of Kuprin is love. The characters of his creations, "illuminated" a real strong feeling, open deeper. In the works of this wonderful writer, love seems to be a pattern, disinterested and selfless. After breaking the considerable number of his works, it is possible to comprehend that it is always tragic and is convicted in advance to flour.

One of the highest values \u200b\u200bin a person's life, according to A. I. Kurin, has always been love. Love that collects in a single bouquet all the best, all healthy and bright than life awards a person who justifies any deprivation and burden that can meet on his way. So in "Oles". So in the "pomegranate bracelet". So in "Sullamp". So in the "duel". The writer, until the end of the life, retained the romantic attitude of his youth in his soul, and its works are strong.

Many events pass before us on the pages of the story "Fight". But the emotional climax of the work was not the tragic fate of Romashov, but the night of love spent by him with a cunning and even more captivating roster; And the happiness tested by Romasov this predetermination at night, so great that it is one thing that is one and is passed to the reader.

In such a way, the poetic and tragic story of a young girl in the story "Olesya" sounds. The world of Olesi is the world of spiritual harmony, the world of nature. He is alien to Ivan Timofeevich, a representative of a cruel, big city. Olesya attracts him with his "unusualness", "there was nothing like the local girls in it," naturalness peculiar to her form, simplicity and some elusive inner freedom attracted to themselves as a magnet.

Olesya rose among the forest. She did not know how to read and write, but she had a huge spiritual wealth and a strong character. Ivan Timofeevich is formed, but he is indecisive, and his kindness is more like a little bit. These two completely different people loved each other, but this love does not bring happiness heroes, its outcome is tragic.

Ivan Timofeevich feels that he fell in love with Oles, he would even like to marry her, but he stops doubt: "I didn't even dare to imagine himself, what will be Olesya, dressed in a fashionable dress, talking in the living room with the wives of my colleagues, tagged from charming Frames of the old forest, full legends and mysterious forces. " He realizes that Olesya will not be able to change, become another, and he himself does not want it to change. After all, to become another - it means to become such as everyone else, and this is impossible.

The story "Olesya" develops the topic of Kuprinsky creativity - love as a saving force, which protects the "pure gold" of human nature from "beaning", from the devastating influence of bourgeois civilization. It is not by chance that the Kurpric was a volitional, courageous character and noble, good heart, who can enjoy the whole diversity of the world. The work is built on a comparison of two heroes, two natures, two worldviews. On the one hand, an educated intellectual, a representative of urban culture, rather humane Ivan Timofeevich, on the other - Olesya, "Child of Nature", not affected by urban civilization. Compared to Ivan Timofeevich, a good man, but a weak, "lazy" heart, Olesya towers nobility, integrity, proud confidence in his strength. Freely, without special tricks, he draws a dick of the appearance of a beauty of the beauty, forcing us to follow the wealth of the shades of her spiritual world, always distinctive, sincere and deep. "Olesya" - the artistic opening of Kupper. The writer showed us the true beauty of the innocent, almost a children's soul of a girl who grew away from the noisy world of people, among animals, birds and forests. But along with this, the Kuprin highlights and human anger, meaningless superstition, fear of unknown, unknown. However, this love won over all this. Thread of red beads - the last tribute of the generous heart of Olesya, the memory "On her tender, generous love."

By poetizing a life that is not limited to modern social and cultural frameworks, Kuprin sought to show the obvious advantages of a "natural" person in which he saw spiritual qualities lost in a civilized society. The meaning of the story is to approve the high norm of a person. Kubrin is looking for in the real, everyday life of people, obsessed with a high sense of love capable of climbing at least in dreams over the prose of life. As always he draws his gaze to a "small" man. So the story "Pomegranate bracelet" arises, which tells about the sophisticated comprehensive love. This story is about hopeless and touching love. Kubrin himself understands love as a miracle, as a wonderful gift. The death of the official revived a woman to life, who did not believe in love, and therefore love still wins death.

In general, the story is devoted to the inner awakening of faith, its gradual awareness of the true role of love. Under the sounds of music there is rebirth of the soul of the heroine. From cold contemplation to a hot, tremendous feeling, a man in general, the world is the path of the heroine, which once with a rare Guest of the Earth - love.

Churpin love is a hopeless platonic feeling, besides tragic. Moreover, in the chastity of the Kurrun heroes, there is something stripped, and in relation to your beloved person is striking what a man and woman be changed to their roles. It is characteristic of an energetic, volitional "Polesskaya sorcerer" Oles in relations with "good, but only weak Ivan Timofeevich" and a smart, calculating airlin - with "pure and good Romasov" ("duel"). The underestimation of yourself, the disbelief in their right to possession of a woman, a convulsive desire to clicter - these features are given to the Kurpric hero with a fragile soul that fell into the cruel world.

An increased addiction to any human personality and the skill of psychological analysis is the specificity of the artistic talent A. I. Kurin, which allowed him to study the realistic heritage to it. The importance of his creativity is in the artistically convincing opening of the soul of his contemporary. The author undertones love as a perfect moral and psychological feeling. The works of Alexander Ivanovich Kurrova awaken the original issues of humanity - questions of love.

Created to buy a story, despite the complexity of circumstances and often the tragic end, is filled with preylabia and optimism. We slam the read book with its stories, and in the soul there is still a long time a feeling from touching something light and clear.

The topic of love is often affected in the work of A.I. Cooker. This feeling is revealed in its works in different ways, but, as a rule, it is tragic. Particularly brightly tragedy, we can see in two works: "Olesya" and "pomegranate bracelet."
The story "Olesya" is an early work of Kupper, written in 1898. Here you can see the features of romanticism, because the writer shows his heroin outside the influences of society, civilizations.
Olesya - a clean soul man. She grew up in the forest, it is characterized by natural naturalness, kindness, soulfulness. The heroine lives only at the orders of his heart, she is alien to her pretense, insincerity, she does not know how to overpower through her genuine desires.
Olesya meets in his life man from a completely different world. Ivan Timofeevich is a novice writer, an urban intellectual. There is a feeling between the heroes, which in the future helps to reveal the essence of their characters. Before us appears the drama of unequal love characters. Olesya - a genuine girl, she loves Ivan Timofeevich with the whole soul. Sincere feeling makes a girl stronger, she is ready for the sake of his beloved overcome all obstacles. Ivan Timofeevich, despite his positive qualities, was corrupted by civilization, corrupted by society. This kind but weak man with a "lazy" heart, indecisive and careful, can not stand above prejudice of its environment. In his soul there is some kind of flaw, he cannot with his head to give up the strong feeling that captured him. Ivan Timofeevich is not capable of nobility, he does not know how to take care of others, his soul is full of egoism. This is especially brightly noticeable at the moment when he puts Oles in front of the choice. Ivan Timofeevich is ready to make chosen by Olesia and grandmother, he did not think about the desire of Olesi to go to church, the hero gives his beloved to convince himself in the need for their parting and so on.
Such selfish behavior of the hero becomes the cause of a real tragedy in the life of a girl, and Ivan Timofeevich himself. Olesya and her grandmother are forced to leave the village, because they threaten the real danger from the locals. The life of these heroes is largely destroyed, not to mention the heart of Olesi, who sincerely loved Ivan Timofeevich.
In this story, we see the tragedy of the divergence of an authentic, natural feeling and feeling that has absorbed the features of civilization.
The story "Pomegranate Bracelet", written in 1907, tells us about genuine, strong, unconditional, but unrequited love. It is worth noting that the basis of this work is the real events from the family chronicles of the princes of Tugan-Baranovsky. This story became one of the most famous and deep works of love in Russian literature.
Typical representatives of the aristocracy of the beginning of the 20th century, the family of necks. Vera Nikolaevna Shein is a beautiful secular lady, moderately happy in marriage, lives calm, worthy of life. Her husband, Prince Shein, a pretty nice man, believes him, comfortably with him, but from the very beginning the reader has the impression that he does not like him.
The calm course of the life of these characters violate only letters from the anonymous fan of faith Nikolaevna, some year The heroine's brother contemptively treats marriage, does not believe in love, so he is ready to make fun of this unlucky G. S.Zh. But, looking at the closer, the reader understands that only this secret fan of Princess faith is a genuine treasure among vulgar, who has learned to love people. ".. Love in people accepted such vulgar forms and descended simply to some everyday amenities, to small entertainment," the words of General Anosov transmits the Kubrin of the modern state of affairs.
The fan of faith Nikolaevna is a small official of yolks. Once in his life there was a rock meeting - yolks saw faith Nikolaevna Shein. He did not even talk to this, unmarried even then, the young lady. And no matter how much he died, their social status was too unequal. But a person is not subject to the feeling of such strength, he is not able to control the life of his heart. Love has been so captured by Yoltykova, which became the meaning of his entire existence. From the farewell letter of this person, we learn that his feeling is "reverence, eternal worship and slave dedication."
From the hero itself, we learn that the feeling is not a consequence of mental illness. After all, in response to his emotions, he did not need anything. Perhaps this is absolute, unconditional love. Yellowkov's feelings are so strong that he voluntarily leaves life, just not to interfere with faith Nikolaevna. Already after the death of the hero, under the end of the work, the princess begins to vaguely realize that he failed to see something very important in his life in his life. No wonder at the end of the story, listening to Sonatu Beethoven, the heroine crying: "Princess Vera hugged the barrel of acacia, pressed towards him and crying." It seems to me that these tears are long-term heroine in real love, which people are so often forgotten.
Love in the perception of Kupper is often tragic. But, perhaps, only this feeling can make sense to human existence. We can say that the writer checks the love of his heroes. Strong people (such as yolks, Olesya) Thanks to this feeling, they begin to glow from the inside, they are able to bear love in their heart, no matter what.

The theme of love in the works of A.I. Kurin.

Love ... Someday this feeling comes to everyone. Probably there is no such person who would never love. Did not love mother or father, a woman or a man, her child or a friend. Love is able to resurrect, make people more kind, mental and humane. Without love there would be no life, for life itself is love. It is this all-consuming feeling inspired by A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu.Lermontova, L.N. Tolstoy, A.A. Block, and in general, all great writers and poets.

Easy wonderful poems and works, like "I loved you ...", "Anna Karenina", "They loved each other for so long and gently ...".

The 20th century gave us A. I. Kurin - a writer, in whose work the topic of love occupied one of the most important places. I especially admire this person - open, courageous, straight, noble. Most Chinese stories are a hymn clean, ideal, sublime love, which he wrote throughout his life.

The writer acutely felt the need for "heroic plots", in Sao-Mussmen, self-critical heroes. In addition to the pen, Alexander Ivanovich, the wonderful works were born: "Pomegranate bracelet", "Olesya", "Sullaph" and many others.

The story "Olesya" was written in 1898 and entered the cycle of the Polessian works. In addition to the topic of love, A.I Kubrin affects the story no less important theme of the interaction of civilized and natural worlds.

From the very first pages of the work we get into the deaf village of Volyn province, on the outskirts of Polesia. It was here that fate cast Ivan Timofeevich - a competent, intelligent person. From his mouth, we learn about the wild nras of the perisky peasants. These people are illiterate, unknown, uncommunicable. It is clear that they have not yet completely got rid of the habits of Polish destroying.

Ivan Timofeevich terribly misses in this place where I some talk, where I have nothing to do. That is why so much agitated by his story Yarmol about an old witch. The young man craves adventures, he wants at least for a while to distract from the everyday routine of rustic life.

During the next hunt, Ivan Timofeevich suddenly stumbles on the old hut, where his first meeting with Olesey - the granddaughter of the local witch of Manulyhi. Olesya fascinates with his beauty. Not the beauty of the secular lady, but the beauty of the wild lani living on the lap of nature.

But not only the appearance of this girl attracts Ivan Timofeevich. The man is delighted with self-confidence, pride, daring, with whom Olesya keeps himself. That is why he is solved on a repeated visit to Manuilich. Olesya itself is also interested in an unexpected guest. Growing out in the forest, she communicated a little with people, used to treat them with great caution. But Ivan Timofeevich bribes the girl with his own ease, kindness, intelligence. Olesya is very glad when a young guest comes to visit her again. It was she, guessing his hand, characterizes us the main character as a person "although good, but only weak," recognizes that his "not heart-old" kindness. He has a "cold, lazy" heart, and those who will love him, he will bring, although it is involuntarily, "a lot of evil". In a way, with the words of a young fortune-up, a young man appears in front of us as an egoist incapable of deep spiritual experiences. But in spite of everything, Olesya and Ivan Timofeevich fall in love with each other and completely given to this feeling.

The love of Olesi makes her explicit sensitive delicacy, a special congenital mind, observation and tact, its instinctive knowledge of the secrecy of life. In addition, her love opens a huge force of passion and selflessness, detects in it the great human talent of understanding and generosity. Olesya is ready to abandon his feeling, squeezing suffering and flour for his beloved and only. Against the background of all people surrounding the main heroine, her figure looks elevated and makes faded others. Images of Polesian peasants become dull, spiritually enslaved, evil, recklessly cruel. They don't have a latitude of mind, no generosity of the heart. And Olesya is ready for everything for all his love: go to church, to endure the mockery of local residents, to find the strength to leave, leaving behind himself only a thread of cheap red beads as a symbol of eternal love and devotion . For Kurros, the image of Oleces is the ideal of an elevated, exceptional personality. This girl is open, selfless, deep nature, the meaning of her life is love. She raises her over the level of ordinary people, she gives her happiness, but she makes Olesya defenseless and leads to death.

Loses from the neighborhood with Olesya and the figure of Ivan Timofeevich. His love is ordinary, sometimes even looks like a hobby. The man in the depths of the soul understands that his beloved will never be able to live out of nature. He does not represent the Oles in a secular dress and still offers her hand and heart, implying that she will live with him in the city. Ivan Timofeevich even does not allow the idea that for his love to refuse to refuse the situation in society and stay to live with the Olesya in the forest. He fully argues with what happened and is not going to fight for his love, to challenge the current situation. I believe that if Ivan Timofeevich truly loved Oles, he would definitely find it, would try to change his life, but he would try Unfortunately, I did not understand what love passed by him.

The topic of mutual and happy love is affected by A. I. Kuprin and in the story "Sullaif." The love of King Solomon and the poor girl Sullaif from the vineyard is strong as death, and those who are above the kings and queens themselves.

But the writer kills the girl, leaving Solomon one, because, according to Kupper, love is a moment, which covers the spiritual value of the human person, awakens all the best in it.

In one of the most famous works of the writer "Pomegranate bracelet", the topic of unrequited love as a great gift, which transforms the human soul is sounded. Princess Vera Shein was a strict, independent, kind and "royal calm" woman who loved her husband. But idyll in the house was destroyed after the appearance of a gift with a letter from "S.Z.". Together with the message to the house of Princes of Shein entered the conflict, selfless, not waiting for the love award: Love-mystery, love - tragedy. The meaning of the life of Yellowkova - the sender of the message, was to love faith Nikolaevna, not requiring nothing in return, praise His beloved from the pure heart, pronouncing the words: "Yes, the name of your name will be sainted." Alarm of the princess of faith after receiving a gift from Yolterkova turned into bitterness of the losses of something high and beautiful at the last last meeting with the dead as a dead needle: "At that moment she understood that the love that every woman dreams about it was hurt. " And Vera Nikolaevna cried, listening to the second Sonatu Beethoven, knowing that he loved. He loved just an alone, but forever.

In his stories A.I. Kubrin showed us sincere, loyal, disinterested love. Love, about which every person dreams. Love, in the name of which you can sacrifice anything, even life. Love, which will survive the millennium, will overcome evil, will make the world beautiful, and people are kind and happy.

Tried to find answers to questions about love. It cannot be said that they did not solve the task. Decided! And the prime example is the love of love. - One of the outstanding laureate of the Nobel Prize, which until the end of his days sought to know the truth of love. No less delicate the topic of love in the work of Kuprin. So what is this "gift of God" (according to these great Russian writers)?

If you rephrase the Note of the Pown K.G. The fact that love has thousands of aspects, it is possible to present this great feeling in the form of a gems with a lot of faces (or even with an infinite amount of them), because the limit is impossible here, and not needed .... After all, the end point means the end of everything! Not only humanity, but also the universe. Love is the main goal, the highest meaning of life. This is life itself. It was about such love A.I. Kubrin and I.A. Bunin. In their works, the heroes are looking for and opening new verge of love, they themselves and the world around themselves through the prism of a new understanding.

In the story of A.I. The Kuprin "Pomegranate Bracelet" The topic of love is disclosed through the inner sensations, experiences, actions of the main character, a small yolk official, to the secular lady - faith Nikolaevna Sheina. His feeling is deep, humbly and definitely. He knows perfectly well that there is a woman between them - she is a woman from the highest society, and he is from the middle class, they have different views on life, a different inner worldview, and finally, she is married. He, on the one hand, does not accept all these conventions, does not refuse her, and from his deep attachment to her, he is ready to carry this "cargo" .... On the other hand, yolks do not join the fight against society, does not try to prove something, to disintegrate. He just loves. And only one - happiness for his chosen. Of course, the hero was not understood with his contemporaries. And, most likely, he would not be accepted and in the world today. Why? Most people believe that love is, rather, a partnership, passing passion, respect, friendship, where the most important thing is to comply with the principle "You - I, I am." And, if this rule is broken, then, it means that the end of the feeling. And it is necessary to go into search of new passions. How often we turn away, bring, run away if something does not like something, does not fit, does not bring happiness. Of course, when such a person appears as yolks, which does not retreat, and the soul only wants to love him, despite the fact that he is humiliated, insult, and frankly ignore - he becomes a real "White Voronene". Some laugh at him, like Prince Vasily, for whom the story about turns out to be the main plot for the packaging conversations. Others are frankly afraid, because unknown, incomprehensible is always afraid, becomes a living threat. Therefore, the brother of Faith proposes to introduce a sentence for this kind of "crime" - beating rugs. Hero Cookin leaves life. Everything that could say - he said. He fulfilled his mission - he experienced a true feeling, I knew that the line of love for which it was born. It remains hope that the princess and other heroes will understand and test this endless gust. Death implemented his dream - the princess thought about his life, about his soul, about his attitude to her husband, and that there is truth ...

The theme of love in the work of Kurin A. and . it continues in the story "Fight". The name of the work is not accidental. The whole world (and each of us) is the unity and struggle of opposites, black and white, physical and spiritual, calculation and sincerity .... The main character, Lieutenant Romashov, is ready to resist the meaninglessness of the existence in a small military town. He is not ready to put up with stupid, empty everyday life of the officers, whose members are doing the same assignments in the morning, and evenings spend in games, drunk fights and vulgar novels. His soul is looking for true feelings, of the real and sincere, for what to live and go on. He falls in love with the married lady - Shuraka Nikolaev. This is not just a passion or an attempt to escape from the gray everyday life. No, it is love that people dream about, but which they do not recognize in reality. She uses the cordiality of the main character, sending him to the faithful death for the sake of his husband's career. Who won, and who lost in this "duel"? Lieutenant Romashov died, he was destroyed, but his soul was raised over the fine, conditional, voyage. Shurochka won, she got what she wanted. But she died inside.

The theme of love in the work of Kupin A.I. Offers to think. And choose your life path. Yes, love is not a paradise on Earth, rather, it is a difficult work, refusal to his ego, from stereotypes, from the conventions of life. But in return, you get a lot more is a paradise in the soul. From now on, life becomes harmonious, conscious, filled. A real gift of heaven! But the choice remains for each of us ....

The topic of love in the work of Kurris is not an abstract philosophy, these are living people with their thoughts, feelings, ideas. The writer does not condemn and does not elevate them. Everyone has the right to live life with his truth. However, not all truth is true ....

(342 words) The topic of love in the story "Olesya" is the main one. It is this feeling that awakens in a person all the qualities about which Kubrin writes in its work. The main character meets the Poleskie sorcerer by name Olesya, living with his grandmother, is also a witch, in more often the forest. She appears unspoiled, naive, but selfless woman with a child's soul that conquered the heart of Ivan.

In the distance from civilization, in more often the woodland, where Manulylich and Olesya live, - time stopped. Education assured the girl in the fact that it has supernatural abilities, strengthened her faith in legends and conspiracies. The heroine is absolutely not similar to the girls from the village, so the writer in love with the fervent imagination. The author pays special attention to the description of the origin of the senses of heroes after the first meeting, the long separation and misfortune. Their union is built on the lap of nature, in the silence of forests, so Ivan Timofeevich is difficult to believe the predictions of Olesya. He seriously thinks about marriage, naively ignore obvious obstacles. This need for self-deception appears in the girl: she goes against fate, giving it to Ivan. These sweet illusions are characteristic, but not an explicit feature of love, which is finely noticed by Kubrin.

True features of the characters are hidden behind their original restraint behavior. Beloved are the full opposites. In Oles, Kubrin embodies his own vision of an ideal woman and her feelings. The emotionality of the girl is not manifested in the work as a well-known cliché. It is open, sensual, capable of self-denial and violation of generally accepted rules. Kurrun shows a female love in the image of Oleasy, when the heroine is ready to carry a bitterness of loss, not burdened with her beloved, but only bless it for presented moments. The only thing she regrets is about the absence of a child from Ivan. But its chosen one is not. The passion was not able to wash off the prejudice from his consciousness. He says, for example, that men can laugh at faith, however, women must be diagnosed. Because of this secular nonsense, he loses his love, because Khanje from the village beaten by Oles, contrary to all Christian virtues.

Kubrin depicted this test with love, which a man did not pass, but a woman withstood with honor. The writer admires the ability of girls to live alone with feeling. For the sake of him, they are ready to change for the best and reject the misconceptions of the past. But their choices seek to curb the passion for reason, which allows a monstrous mistake.

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