Household stories. Literature second half of the XVII century

Household stories. Literature second half of the XVII century

In the second half of the XVII century. The genre of the story took a leading position in the system of literary genres. If the Old Russian tradition denotes this word any "narration", the fact that in principle it is described, the story as a new literary genre is filled with a qualitatively different content. Its subject becomes the individual fate of a person, choosing their life path, awareness of his personal place in life. Not so unequivocally, as before, the question of the author's attitude to the events described: the author's voice is clearly inferior to the plot as such, and the reader is provided to the very conclusion from this plot.

Tale of Mount-Zlophatia

Since in 1856, A. N. Pypin opened in the collection of the first half XVIII in. a poetic "story about the mountain and zlophais, as the Mount-Zlochesshipment brought the hammer in aunt Chin"The new lists were not found. Obviously, from the original the only list that has come down to us is separated by intermediate links: it is indicated, in particular, non-separable violations of the verse model. Obviously, in such a way that the original is a significantly "older" list. But what is the duration of this time interval, it is difficult to install. Characters "Tale of Mount-Zlophatia" almost completely unnamed. There are only three exceptions - Adam, Eva and Archangel Gabriel, but these names do not go to the case. Dating every text is usually based on different kinds of realities. There are no such realities in the story. Its nutritious environment - folk songs about the mountain and book "Poems repentant"; Both lyrical songs, and "repentant verses" in their genre nature do not need realities sending to specific persons and events. Such is the "Tale of Mount-Zlophatia", telling about the sad fate of the nameless Russian well done. If based on formal criteria, it would have to put a story in the wide chronological framework, including the first decades of the XVIII century.

Meanwhile, the dating of the monument did not cause discussions. All who wrote about him, converged on the fact that the well done, to whom the "gray Mountain Gorinskoye" was attached, is a man XVII century. Indeed, the signs of this "rebellious" era, when a vintage Russian structure broke, - in the story there. Her hero was sought by the covenants of the kind, became the "prodigal son", a renewent, voluntary outcast. We know that this is one of the most characteristic for the XVII century. Types. The collapse of generic relations is reflected in such an impartial and eloquent genre of business writing, like family dyfulness. "In the commemoration of the XVII century. We see usually only the next parents, i.e., the father, mother, brothers and sisters, the nearest relatives of the mother, less often grandfather and grandmother. Measurement of the XV century, and in part and the first half of the XVI century. Consistencies contain a large number of people of many generations, sometimes for 200 or more years. This is negligible shows that the consciousness of the generic communication in the XVII century. Significantly weakened and narrowed, the cult of reverence of remote ancestors came out of use, and it was a reflection of the decay of old concepts of the kind "

"Tale of Mount-Zlophatia" is the first in the group of household ages of the XVII century., Opening the topic young mannot wanting to live according to the laws of ancient and looking for their way in life. These traditional laws personify his parents and " kind people", giving a hero of reasonable tips: not to drink" two hours for one ", not to look" on good red wives, "it's not a sage, and a fool, do not steal, do not lie, do not lie, do not think about people badly. Obviously, that Before us is a free crossing of the Biblical Ten Commandments. However, well done, who was small and stupid, not in the mid-minded and imperfected by reason, "rejects this traditional Christian morality, opposes her path:" I wanted to love "This motive of life in his pleasure is enhanced in the story when the" named brother "brings a young man of wine and a mug of beer: to drink" a joy of yourself and merry ". It is the desire to pleasure that he leads to the collapse, which is very ironic as an anonymous author, telling how the mountain "teaches wellhold a richly live - kill and robbery, so that it was hung for themselves for that, or planted with a stone in the water." Life does not add up for the new rules, the oblivion of parental councils leads to a catastrophe, respectively, A return to traditional Christian values \u200b\u200bis a return to traditional Christian values: "Well done. Well done saved way - and Ottol, well done in the monastery went tagged." The appearance of the image of the monastery in the final "Tale of Mount-Zlophatia" is important primarily as an indicator traditional solution Problems of choosing their way: Well done, like the prodigal son of Simeon Polotsk, eventually returns to the parental text. The commandments at the beginning of the road and the monastery at the end are the iconic points of this way.

A fundamentally new feature of "Tale of Mount-Zlophatia" can be considered the image of the main character - nameless well done. Well done - folk hero by origin, a generalized representative young generation. The lack of a name is a significant characteristic, since this absence is the indicator of the initial stage of the transition from the traditional Old Russian hero to the hero of the new time. The author is important to emphasize exactly the generalization, the principal non-specificity of this image, and it resorts to this to the traditional folk view of the hero. We do not know many external circumstances of his life. Where he learned to drink and play, under what circumstances left the native house - all this remains an unknown reader. We do not know where and where well done is how he was in the end accepted in the monastery, what was his future fate there. The only characteristic of the well done in the "story" turns out to be social characteristic - It comes from a merchant medium. "Good people" on honest feast

Planted EUO for the oak table,
Not in a big place, not in the change -
Sit Evo to place average
Where are the children's living rooms.

In most ancient Russian literary works, the personality is disclosed static, and not dynamically. The person acts depending on the circumstances and the only possible change is the turn of the human consciousness from evil to good, most often - as a result of a miracle, which testified to the divine intent about a person. In the fictional works of the new time, the person's personality turns out to be capable of self-development, and this self-development can be performed both from evil to good and from good to evil, and in addition, and this is very important, the development of the human person can be committed whatever good and evil.

"The Tale of Mount-Zlophatia" has only one person's hero. This is a monodram. All other actors are moved to the shadow and are characterized by the author through a plural, which is most clearly opposed to alleviated, but at the same time, the principal "uniqueness" of the main character ("Father and Mother", "Other", "Good People", " Nagi-bare "," Upoles "). Only at the beginning of the story talks about one "nice friend", who deceived him and robbed. But this one, besides well done, the specific human character of the story was given so generally, which is more perceived as a symbol of all his drinking companions than as a specific person. In the story only one brightly lit character is unfortunate and unfortunate well done.

True, in the "story", besides well done, there is another brightly outlined character - this is the Mount-Zlochetic itself. But this character is alter ego well done. This is his individual destiny, a peculiar emanation of his personality. Mount is inseparable from the very personality of a well done. This is the fate of him, the personal chosen by him by the goodwill, although she subdued him to himself, relentlessly after him, the next, adherent to him. She does not pass to the young man from his parents and does not appear at him at birth. Mount-Zloping pops up to a young man because of the stone when he had already chosen his way, had already left the house, became a homeless retailer, brought friendship with "Nagi-Bosy", dressed in "Gunka Kabatskaya".

The unforeseen events of the life of wellhold are developing under the influence of changes in his personality itself. These changes are subject to one main thought of Tale: "The Human Heart is meaningless and irrevocably." A man comes to the dangerous path of tempts at all because there is evil in the world and the devil will not sleep, but because, regardless of the existence outside of a person, good and evil itself, the human heart is able to choose one or another way, but with the "incomplete mind" and The "imperfect mind" is inevitably inclined to evil, to reconciliation, to temptations and gazes.

In general, the development of a well done goes rather to evil than good, although in the end he is in the monastery to take the same way. But he has been forced to be forced - this is not a spiritual revival to good, and a simple attempt to escape from grief. The grief remains watching him at the gate of the monastery, and it is still unknown, whether it will wore it again.

However, the questions of good and evil are retreating in a story from their traditionally first place to the background. The author of the story is not so much as evidenced by the actions of a well done from the point of view of the religious and ethical, as well as humiliates wellhold, compets his failures, misfortune. He does not condemn the well done, he flashes on him, internally sympathizing. Therefore, the lyrical element of the story, so brightly manifested, is by no means random. People's lyrics - lyrics of the song, due, complaints about fate and share - was the form of the expression of the emancipients from the church didactics in relation to the emancipated personality of man.

The researchers noted that "the story of the Mount-Zlophatia" stands on the verge of autobiography, it is overflowing by the author's personal interest in the fate of his hero and from her one step to a complaint about his own destiny. And if neither paradoxically, it is very close to the autobiography of Avvakum in its lyrical tone.

Human being, taken as a whole, was interpreted in medieval Russia as the echo past. Had, a man became "Tesomen" by a certain saint, became the "image" and "drawing" of his guardian angel. This church tradition to a certain extent was supported by worldly. It was believed that the descendants as an echo repeat the ancestors that there is a common tribute to all generations. Only in the XVII century. The idea of \u200b\u200bindividual destiny is approved. In the "Tale of Mount-Zlophatia" this thought becomes fundamental.

Tale of Savva Grudtsina

In the XVII century For the first time, the self-sufficient value of the artistic development of the world was recognized. Free from business functions, from communication with the church ritual, the prose of the XVII century. turned into a free story. She not only destroyed or rethinkled medieval canon, not only focused on Western samples, she also created complex, qualitatively new compositions based on contamination of several traditional genres. Such is the "story about Savva Grudtsina," which in a certain sense can be called the first Russian experience of the novel.

This story, reflecting, apparently, some real misfortunes of the rich merchant family of breasts - musty was written in the 60s. As an episode of the recent past. Its is timed to the first third of the century - it begins "in the summer from the creation of the world 7114th", i.e. in 1606, when Faldmitry fell, and covers the siege of the Russian troops of Smolensk in 1632-1634. The main events are grouped around this siege.

The story has two genre prototypes. The first - "miracle", the religious legend of the young man, who sold the soul to the devil, then repeated and was forgiven. In the Middle Ages, the "Miracle" genre was one of the most common. He is abundantly represented in writing of the XVII century. - and original samples, and the collection of the "star-free star" and the "Great Mental" type. Each legend solves a certain didactic task, illustrating the definite thesis, a certain Christian axiom, and is usually built according to a three-part scheme: a prejudice (misfortune, illness) - repentance - the absolution of sin. Keeping the main composite components, the writer could "revive" a rigid circuit, introducing an arbitrary number of characters and a varied eventful material.

"The Tale of Savva Grudtsina" is the next stage in the development of the main half of the second half of the XVII century. The topics of searching with the young generation their fate. This work is the complete opposite of the "Tale of Mount-Zlophatia" in terms of household specifics. The story of a young man and grief is fundamentally generalized, without the name of specific places and with the complete absence of the individualization of the hero. And it was important for an unknown author of this story, since he sought to present the reader the path of the younger generation as a whole, the life choice is not a specific, but a generalized hero. "The story of Savva Grudtsina" gives Russian actors, real names and has events in a specific geographic, household, ethnographic environment. The action in it completely obeyed the merchant setting of a certain, close to the readers of the era. Savva Grudtsyn appears in front of the reader surrounded by numerous details and details. At the beginning, the traced trading routes of Father Savva from Kazan to Solikamsk, Astrakhan or even for the Caspian Sea. Sawva is told about the arrival of Savva to Eagle and about the acquaintance of him with his father's friend Bazhenoy the second and his wife. And here the topic of love comes to the fore. When describing the origin of the feeling, the author is traditional: "... Sugostat Divol, seeing husband of that kind of virtuous life, Abiye victures his wife to the young man Onhago to the bad mix of the Blud and incessantly causing the young shelter in the preventment of the word for the flutter." The traditionalism "Tale of Savve Grudtsina" affects both a medieval look at a woman as a "deaw vessel" almost in the literal sense, for sinful attraction to a woman, his father's friend, leads Sawvo to even greater sin - selling the immortal soul to the line. And indeed, the devil himself will soon appear in the figure of a period that becomes Savva called Brother (remember the "named brother" "Tale of the Mount-Zlophatia). The ending of the story is quite traditional: after a number of detailed adventure and journeys, Savva is under Smolensky, participates In the liberation of the city from the Poles, suddenly ill and terribly tormented by the demon. At the most dangerous moment, he is the Virgin and predicts a miracle. And indeed, on the day of the prestial holiday of the Kazan Icon of the Virgin from under the dome of the temple, Savina "Bogotsya Permota" falls from which all Lettering. As a result, Savva distributes all the property and ragged into a monk. So, as in the "Tale of the Mount-Zlophatia", the hero after long-term tests comes to traditional values. And yet the plot traditionality does not exhaust the content of this story. V.V. Skeinov noted the weave in it of genre signs of the old teacher preaching with a new psychological story and even Romano m. Savva's travels throughout the Russian land motivate household sketches of merchant life; His participation in hostilities translate the narrative of the military story, the theme of sin and repentance (perhaps the main one) is solved in the spirit of the traditional legend of the miracle. And this genre heterogeneity is the brightest feature "Tale of Savve Grudtsina" as phenomena of literature transition period.

In addition, the image of the demon - the "named brother" Savva is fundamentally important. Researchers have repeatedly noted that this image is opposed to the entire traditional Old Russian demonology: the devil appearance does not differ from people, walks in a merchant caftana and performs the responsibilities of servants. Demonology motifs are inserted into the causal relationship of events, specified, surrounded household detailsMade more visual and easily imagined.

Savva goes outside the city, but initially does not think about the meeting with the devil. He goes in the field in despondency and grief. And here, then Savvah, as if unwittingly, is "evil thought": "Although someone from a man or the devil himself created Mi Sie, hedgehogs would comply with me with his wife, az would be the devil." In the "Tale of Savva Grudtsina" show not only the reasons for the appearance of this "angry thought", but the situation in which this thought appeared: an empty field, lonely and, therefore, who has a long-hazard man with disintegration. As if, in response to this thought, Savva, who appeared in his frenzy of the mind behind him, a certain young man arises. At first he hears only a voice calling him by name, then turning around, sees the young man himself. The phenomenon of this soon on the revenue of the devil is largely similar to the phenomenon of grief.

There is nothing terrifying in the form of the demon, the most common thing becomes the most ordinary, even the ferrous appearance. With all its plot-functional proximity to the image of grief "Tale of Mount-Zlophatia", in artistic attitude it is already a completely different image: a literary household specific concrete comes to a change in folk summary. No wonder it was noted that the demon "Tale of Savva Grudtsina" partly anticipate the "particular" feature of Ivan Karamazov at F.M. Dostoevsky.

The author "Tale of Savva Grudtsina" for a long time does not allow Savva to guess that he deals with demons. Even this "named brother" "manuscript" does not force him to assume a non-carry, even the appearance of the chief Satan before the throne marks only vague suspicions. For the author, it is important that the "handwriting" given to the Savoy Devil symbolizes first that covered his passion for the wife of Bazhen's second, then his ambitious aspirations. For the first time in the history of Russian fiction, the author uses the reception to identify the hidden meaning of events: what is clear to the author and reader, and still unclear the acting person; The reader knows more than heroes know, so he is specially awakening a junction, which consists not only in the celebration of virtue, but also in finding out what is happening for the actors themselves.

Essential importance in this fiction demonology was transferred to a merchant medium. Thus, the plot about selling the soul to the devil connected with the setting of travel, movements in different cities and countries, with the theme of loyalty or infidelity of the wife - the usual for merchant ages. However, the continuous movements of Savva in Russian cities have a purely artistic importance: these movements demonstrate the restless conscience of Savva, the inability to get rid of the consequences of their sin. These movements are motivated at all with mercenary matters, but only unforgettable on which he pushes the servant-Devil.

From the point of view of the moral in the "Tale of Savva Grudtsina" a lot of extra. It would be enough for the fact that Savva in sending his own handwriting returns the love of the wife of Bazhen's second. However, Savva, along with his friend, the demon travels, moves from the city to the city, commits military feats near Smolensk. Sale of the shower becomes thus the plot-forming moment. Savva is needed from the devil. Not one service, but a lot of services, permanent help is needed - that is why the demon takes the case of a servant or helping him "named brother". The plot is complicated. The devil's help becomes rock, fate, shares, and Savva is doomed, he cannot get rid of his named brother. Something similar we saw in the "Tale of Mount-Zlophatia".

"Tale about Savva Grudtsina" is also of interest in the plan comparative analysis works arising in different national Literature And in different ways interpreting the motive of a human contract with the devil.

Stylistically, the "story about Savva Grudtsina" was written in the old manner. Screening stylistic formulas often do not allow to deepen psychological and household characteristics. The direct speech of the characters is devoid of household and psychological characteristics, not individualized, remains a book. Style and language notes did not allow reality to it fully, did not allow to fully achieve the effect of the reader's conventionity when the actions are deployed.

The limitations of the author's linguistic means created the effect of the character character. Despite the abundance of direct speech, this direct speech remained the "speech of the author" for his characters. These latter have not yet found their own language, only they inherent in words. The words of the author who are a kind of "doll" are inserted into their mouth. The same applies to "Tale of Mount-Zlophaisy," where we are already well visible, but I haven't heard it yet.

The attempt to individualize direct speech is made only for demon, but also this individualization concerns not speech in itself, but only the manners in which the demon speaks with the savoy: then "smoking", then "smoke", then "smiling." In the language of the speech Savva, the demon, the Bazhen of the second, his wife, the main Satan and others do not differ among themselves.

Tale of Frole Skobeev

Among the new for Russian literature XVII. in. Genres was a novel. In the formation of secular, quite autonomous from the religion and the church of Russian culture, this genre played a truly enormous role. As you know, Novella does not know didactics, maxims and edification. She does not condemn anyone and does not justify anyone.

In the Russian fictional trial of the transition period, only one product can be characterized as quite original. This is a story about Frol Skobeev. " There is reason to believe that she is composed of Petrovsky time. An anonymous author is building a story as a memory of the last (in some lists the action is referred to 1680). In the bobbin stationery style, the era of reforms was also affected: such warparisms such as "banquet", "Apartment", "Registry", "Person" (in the meaning "), etc. are often used here. Although you can find these words And in the documents of the XVII century, but taken together, they are typical of the works of Petrovsky time.

The most stylistic installation is to failure from verbal etiquette, from verbal "beauty" - is characteristic of this period. "In the Novgorod district there was a member of Frol Raskheev. In the same Novgorod subsession, there were victuchins of the chassion of Narden-Nachchokin, had the daughter of Annushka, who lived in those Novgorod primies ... ". To understand the specifics of this installation helps the literary policy of Peter himself (among many of his duties, as you know, there was a voluntary duty of the editor of the works prepared on the highest order). When in 1717, the petor of the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy Fedor Polikarpov sent his own translation of the "geography of general" B. Zarenaya, the king was disappointed with this translation. I. A. Musin-Pushkin, through which the case was conducted, announced the highest displeasure, explaining that the king demands "not high words Slavny, but simple Russian language. " Referring to Peter, I. A. Musin-Pushkin ordered Polycarpov: "The Embassy Order is used by the word." "The words of the Embassy Order" is the style of stationery office work, it is the style of the case, and not the philanthria, a style that does not take care of grace and beauty. To them, Peter declared war, identifying verbal etiquette with cosnosis and template thinking.

"The story of Frole Skobeyev" compositionally disintegrates two approximately equal in size. Rubage between them - the marriage of the hero. After marriage, he still has to die the test and get dowry for annuch. In the first part, the plot is developing rapidly, the action flows in the Novgorod subseeness, then in Moscow. Frolkheev "pokes": he is a reader in his house and in the house of the order of Nardena Nachichokin, in Svetlitsa, from Annushka and "At the apartment near the head of the stronper" in Moscow, even in her need ("And there was a freak of stuffing in need one, and Mamka Stood in the Seine with the candle "). He is not sitting in place, he will "pump" and "beats", like a barking Haldey. He is worried about all the time - then in a virgin dress, then in the Kucker outfit, so that in someone else's card, wash the submissive already beloved.

The dynamism of the first part is and from the bayful playful playing, and from the art installation: "Tale of Frole Schever" is constructed as a typical Plutovskaya novel, the hero of which seeks to achieve its goal rather. The second part is built on other principles. In relation to the first it is contrasting. This composite contrast is perceived as a conscious reception, as artistic replacement of unpredictable storyline, legalized by the poetic novel.

In the second part, the plot enormity moves to the background. Not events, but characters, not a deed of heroes, and their experiences are now interested to the author. In the first part, he was an intrigue master. In the second, he showed himself an expert in psychology. He - for the first time in Russian literature, it individualizes the speech of the characters, separates their statements from the author's / in the second part of the attention focused on the generation of "fathers". This is a couple of old people of the Nardi-Nastokine and Malnik trafficking, all people Starlavetsky, living "permanently", who are alien to the moral fakeness of "children." In the artistic plan of this overcompanation corresponds to the slow focus, its "inhibition" by dialogues and genre scenes. Even the reckless Plut Frolkeev is playing out "fathers", their magnificent gestures and calm speeches. He also wants to "live constantly", to win the place under the sun, and achieves it.

In the "Tale of Frole Skobeev" there is no Old Russian book and folklore tradition, so strong in earlier stories. Frolkeev - a representative of a new generation, achieving success precisely thanks to the abandonment of traditional morality: deception, ruting, cunning. The story of the story is a story about his clever marriage on the daughters of Mainnik, Narden-Nachchkin, Annushka. And the disclosure of a love topic here is very different from "Tale of Savva Grudtsina": the author does not talk about the dangerous devilish temptation, but about deftly conceived and implemented intrigue, as a result of which each of the heroes receives its. If in the "Tale of Savva Grudtsina" the wife of the Bazhen of the second appears in the traditional for old Russian literature The image of the tempter and slanderous (this line is rich examples from the "Words" and "prayer" of Daniel Sharpener in the XIII century. before "a story about seven sages" in the XVII century), then Annushka turns out to be a kind of female parallel to the image of Frol - a dexterous Plut. Note that it comes to mind, as possible, without causing suspicions, leave parental house: "And Annushka asked Mom's Moms, as you can, went Frolu Skobeev and told him to, as you can, scoring a carriage and with the arises, and came himself to her, and the bootto had affected the sister of Saint Nardin Nachekin came across the Annushka from the Devician Monastery ". Single traditional trait "Tale of Frole Skobev" can be considered, perhaps the author's position. The reader could have serious suspicions that the author does not very much sympathize with the drama committed in the Main Stick family, and not without admiration looks at the tricks of his hero. But to catch the author on the Word, it was impossible to blame him in sympathy.

The new and very remarkable feature of the story is a refusal of traditional literary patterns of narration, a complete change in the narrative style. The style of the author's narration is close to the style of business prose, ordinary office work. The author gives testimony to the court more than writes work of fiction. He does not seek a literary elevation anywhere. We have an unassuming story about significant events.

It would, however, mistaken not to see for this external unavocalization of quite peculiar art of the story. In this regard, direct speech is distinguished. In the "Tale of Frole Skobayev" there is just that the most of all lacked the "story about Savva Grudtsina": an individualized direct speech of the existing people, living and natural intonations of this direct speech.

So, the evolution of the household tale genre in Russian literature of the second half of the XVII century. leads to gradual abandonment of traditional values \u200b\u200band to replace them with new ones. First of all, it turns out that a young hero can choose his way in life and succeed on it. It was this positive conclusion that the next turn of the genre in the Petrovsk era of the next turn of the genre - "Histories", telling about the heroes personifying new trends in the history of Russia.

By dating the adventures of his hero, 1680, the author of the story, of course, could not even remember that a year later in a solemn atmosphere, the king and boyars betrayed the lists of discharge books. It was a symbolic act: from now on and forever to serve "without places". Deciding to commit suicide, the tops if the estate partitions did not abolish, they made them overcome. Such a chronological coincidence, even if a random, very significant. From now on, the path to power and wealth was not ordered to people from the "high" birth, such as Frol of the stuffy.

Apologists of the "Personal" began tend to welcome this phenomenon without reservations. Of course, it is useful for public and public health when talent is able to break through the way. But if fate sweeps "from dirt in the prince" of a person's insignificant in one breed, but also by nature? Favoritism is so born, so on the story of the story appears like a squash, Skavron and gender, and then lanish, tooth and kutana. After all, people of high flight, menshikov and dotmkin, among the favorites are not so frequent.

The literary embodiment of this real type became Frol of the stuffy. His motto "I will colonel or dead man!" Accurately expresses and the desire to succeed at any cost, and a sober understanding of the fact that Fortuna windy and no one knows to know in advance how her wheel will turn around. Frolkeev - Favorit in miniature, from the maiden bed he built a bridge to wealth. This, of course, the bed is just a solid daughter, but also Frol's dreams further "Colonel" did not run away.

Such is the evolution of the novel XVII V.: From the assimilation of the principle of stories in the artistic development of Russian reality.

Federal Agency for Education of the Russian Federation

State educational institution

Higher vocational education

"Bratsk State University"

Department of Story

Course work.

Russian literature XVII century

Student of the group I-08 Sokolov D.A.

scientific adviser:

k.I., Professor Soldatov S.A.

Bratsk 2009.


Why I chose this topic to write term paper? The answer is simple. By setting the tasks of writing this work, I took into account, and I wanted to know, and what time at the time there were works of literature, styles, genres and relevance. Starting to the study of the ancient Russian literature, it is necessary to take into account its specific features other than the literature of the new time.

My work consists of two stages: literature 1st and 2nd half of the XVII century. The first stage is associated with the development and transformation of the traditional historical and agiographic genres of the Old Russian literature. The events of the first peasant war and the struggle of the Russian people with the Polish-Swedish intervention were an impaired on religious ideology, providencyalist views on the course of historical events. The second stage of the development of Russian literature of the second half of the XVII century. It is associated with the church reform of Nikon, with the events of the historical reunification of Ukraine with Russia, after which the intensive process of penetration into the ancient Russian literature of Western European literature began. The historical story, losing relationships with concrete facts, becomes not only living livelihood, but also by autobiography - confession of a hot rebellious heart.

The process of identity self-consciousness is reflected in the new genre - household stories in which appears new hero - Merchant son, a seedless faded nobleman. The nature of the translation literature changes.

The democratization process of literature meets a response from the dominant estate.

My term paper is dedicated to detailed lighting of these historical processes.

Chapter 1. Literature of the first half XVII century

1.1 Tale of "Vague" time

Stormy events of the early XVII century, who received the names of the "Discharge" in contemporaries (such a definition was held in historical scienceenshrined by noble and bourgeois historiography), was widely reflected in the literature. Literature acquires an exclusively topical journalistic character, quickly responding to the requests of the time, reflecting the interests of various social groups involved in the struggle.

Society, inheriting from the previous century a hot faith due to the word, by virtue of conviction, seeks to literary works Promotion of certain ideas, achieving specific effective goals.

Among the leaders who reflect the events of 1604-1613, we can allocate works that express the interests of the ruling boyars. Such is the "story of 1606" - a journalistic work created by the monk Trinity-Sergian Monastery. The story actively supports the Policy of the Boyar Tsar Vasily Shuisky, is trying to present it with a nationwide chosen one, emphasizing the unity of Shuisky with the people. The people turn out to be the force with which the ruling circles cannot be considered. The story glorifies " mushroom jerging"Shuisky in his struggle with" evil heretic", "rasp"Grishkoy Ruffle. To prove the legality of the rights of Shuisky to the royal throne, his genus is being built to Vladimir Svyatoslavich Kiev.

The reasons for the "Troubles" and "non-confidence" in the Moscow state The author of the story sees in the destructive rule of Boris Godunov, who ceased to the villain murder of Tsarevich Dmitry stopped the existence of the kind of legal kings of Moscow and " especially inappropriate in Moscow the royal throne".

Subsequently, the "Tale of 1606" was reworked in "other legends". The defending position of the boyars, the author depicts it as the Savior of the Russian State of Sugostites.

"The Tale of 1606" and "Other Tale" is written in a traditional book manner. They are built on the contrast of the pious concern of the Orthodox faith of Vasily Shui and " oven, procking"Godunova," zlochitro heretic"Grigoria Frepeva. Their actions are explained with traditional providencyalist positions.

This group of works is opposed to the story, reflecting the interests of the nobility and landing trade and crafts of the population. It should be mentioned primarily about those journalistic messages that have exchanged Russian cities, rallying forces to combat the enemy.

"The new story about the Preslav Russian Kingdom ..." attracts attention to the publicistic agitation appeal - "a new story about the Preslav Russian Kingdom and the Great State of Moscow." Written in late 1610 - early 1611, in the most busy moment of struggle, when Moscow was occupied by the Polish troops, and Novgorod was captured by Swedish feudalities, "New Test", turning to " all sorts of ranks", called them to active actions against the invaders. She sharply denounced the treacherous politics of the boyars power, which, instead of being" agriculture" native land, transformed into home enemy, and the boyars themselves in " vesnytsev", "curivators".

A characteristic feature of the story is its democracy, a new interpretation of the image of the people - this " great ... Anhydrous Sea". For the people, appeals and messages of the Hermogene, the people are afraid of the enemies and traitors, the author of the story appeals to the people. However, the people in the story still do not act as an effective force.

The overall pathetic tone of the presentation is combined in the "new story" with numerous psychological characteristics. For the first time in the literature, the desire to detect and show the contradictions between the thoughts and the actions of a person. In this increasing attention to the disclosure of human thoughts, determining his behavior, and is literary meaning "New story."

"Plach about captivity and finite ruin of the Moscow state." Are thematically close to the "new story" "crying about captivity and the ultimate ruin of the Moscow state", created, obviously, after taking Smolensk Poles and the burning of Moscow in 1612. In rhetorical form mourn fall " piggra (pillar) pious", ruin" bog planted grapes". The burning of Moscow is comprehended as a fall" multipoint state"The author seeks to find out the reasons that led to" falling extras of Russia", Using the form of an outfit" conversation ". In an abstract-generalized form, he speaks about the responsibility of the rulers for what happened" above sent Russia"However, this work is not calling against the struggle, but only grief, convinces to seek consolation in prayer and hope to help God.

"The story of the press of Prince Mikhail Vasilyevich Skopina-Shuisky." His victories over the False Dmitry II Skopin-Shuisky turned the fame of a talented commander. His sudden death at the 20th age spawned various senses that he was alleged from the envy he was poisoned by boyars. These senses were reflected in folk songs and legends whose literary processing is the story.

It begins a rhetorical book entry, which makes genealogical calculations, elevating the genus Skopina-Shuisky to Alexander Nevsky and Augustus-Cesar.

The story has the antiboyar orientation: Skopin-Shuisky poisoned " on the advice of evil traitors"- Boyar, only they do not grieve around the commander. The story glorifies Skopina-Shuisky as a national hero, the defender of the motherland from the enemies-supports.

"Tale" Abrahamiya Palcin. The smart, cunning and rather unprincipled dealers of Abraham Palcin was in close relationship with Vasily Shuisky, secretly ended with Sigismund III, achieving the Polish king benefits for the monastery. Creating a "legend", he sought to rehabilitate himself and tried to emphasize his merits in the fight against foreign invaders and election to the throne of the king Mikhail Fedorovich.

Much attention in the "legend" is paid to the image of actions and thoughts as defenders of the monastery fortress and enemies and trains. Based on the tradition of the "Kazan Chronicler", "Tale of Taking Tsargrad", Abraham Palcin creates an original historical workwhich made a significant step towards the recognition of the people an active participant in historical events.

"The chronicle", attributed to Katyrev-Rostov. The events of the first peasant war and the struggle of the Russian people with the Polish-Swedish intervention are devoted to the "chronicle book" attributed to Katyrev-Rostov. It was created in 1626 and reflected the official-government point of view for the recent past.

The goal of the "chronicle book" is to strengthen the authority of the new ruling dynasty Romanovs. "The chronicle book" is a coherent pragmatic narration from recent years The reign of Grozny before the election to the throne of Mikhail Romanova. The author seeks to give an epically calm "objective" narration.

A characteristic feature of the "chronicle book" is the desire of its author to introduce landscape sketches in the historical narration, which serve as a contrasting ego-contrasting event. Works of the period of struggle of the Russian people with the Polish-Swedish intervention and peasant war under the leadership of Bolotnikov, continuing, develop traditions of historical narrative literature Reflected, the growth of national self-consciousness. This manifested itself in a change in the view of the historical process: the course of history is determined not by God's agility, but the activities of people. There may no longer be a story about the people, about his participation in the struggle for the national independence of their homeland, about the responsibility of the "whole land" for the accomplished.

This in turn determined increased interest in the human person. For the first time, the desire to portray the internal contradictions of the character and open the reasons that these contradictions are generated. The rectilinear characteristics of the person begin to be replaced by a deeper image of the contradictory properties of the human soul. At the same time, according to D.S. Likhachev, characters historical persons In the works of the beginning of the XVII century. Showing on the background of folk people about them. Human activity is given in the historical perspective and first begins to be assessed in his "social function". Events 1604-1613. caused a number significant changes in public consciousness. The attitude to the king has changed as the chief of the chief who has gained his power from the progenitor, from August-Caesar. The practice of life convinced that the king is elected by the "Zemstvo" and is morally responsible to his country, before the subjects of their destinies. Therefore, the deeds of the king, his behavior is not a divine, and the human court, the court of society.

Events 1607-1613. A crushing blow to the religious ideology, the undivided domination of the church in all spheres of life: is not God, and man creates his fate, not God's will, and the activities of people defines the historical destinies of the country.

All this testifies to the strengthening of the process of "coincidence" of culture and literature, i.e. Her gradual liberation from the guardianship of the Church, religious ideology.

1.2 Evolution of Agiographic Literature

The process of "priority" of the ancient Russian literature affected the transformation of such a sustainable genre as life. His canons, firmly attached by Makaryevskiy Mineyami, are destroyed by the invasion of household realities, folklore legend from the XV century, as evidenced by the lives of John Novgorodsky, Mikhail Klopsky. In the XVII century Life gradually turns into a domestic tale, and then becomes autobiography-confession.

"Tale of Juliania Lazarevskaya." Changes in the traditional genre of life can be traced in the "Tale of Juliania Lazarevskaya." This story is the first in the ancient Russian literature the biography of Women's nobility. She was written by the son of Juliania by a friend of Osorin, the Gorda of Murom, in the 20s and 30th of the XVII century. The author of the story is familiar with the facts of the biography of the heroine, her moral appearance, her human features. The positive character of the Russian woman is revealed in an ordinary atmosphere of a rich nobility manor.

The qualities of the exemplary hostess are put forward. After the coming on the shoulders of Young Juliania, the maintenance of a complex economy of the noble estate. Catersing mother-in-law and mother-in-law, sinking, she follows the work of the Khopov, for housekeeping; At the same time, it often has to settle social conflicts arising between the palace and the gentlemen.

The story truthfully depicts the position of a married woman in a large noble family, it will be easier and numerous duties. The management of the economy is so absorbs Julia that it is deprived of the opportunity to attend the church, and nevertheless, she is "holy". "The story of Juliania Lazarevskaya" creates an image of an energetic smart Russian woman, an exemplary wife and hostess, with patience of transferring tests that life feels like it. As befits saint, Juliania saming his death and piously dies. Ten years later, they acquire her nonetable body, which works wonders.

Thus, in the "Tale of Juliania Lazarevskaya" elements of household stories with elements of the Giland genre, but domestic narrative elements are clearly intertwining the prevailing place.

All this indicates the process of destruction of canonical agiographic genres. Pious Movitar Monk - central Hero Life displaces a secular hero who begins to portray in a real home apparel. The next step along the path of convergence of lives with life will make a protopop avwakum in his famous autobiography.

1.3 Evolution of the genres of historical narration

Genres of historical narration (historical story, tale) in the XVII century. We undergo significant changes. Their content and form are subjected to democratization. Historical facts are gradually crowded with artistic fiction, an entertaining plot, motifs and images of oral folk creativity.

"The story about the Azov siege sitting of the Don Cossacks." The democratization process of the genre of historical stories can be traced on the poetic "Tale of the Azov Sitting of the Don Cossacks." It originated in the Cossack environment and captured a selfless feat of the handful of bravery, which not only captured in 1637. The Turkish fortress of Azov, but also managed to defend it in 1641 from a significantly superior enemy forces.

There is a very convincing assumption that its author was the Cossack Esala Fedor Poroshin, who arrived together with the Cossack Embassy to Moscow in 1641 in order to convince the king and the government to take the fortress of Azov from the Cossacks " under your hand".

Being a member of the events, Fyodor Poroshin truthfully and described in detail the feat of the Don Cossacks, using the Cossack military unsubsive for him. He managed to give a bright poetic sound that was achieved not so much by mastering the best traditions of historical narrative literature (Mamaev's leadership, "a story about taking the Tsargrad"), so much wide and creative use of the Cossack folklore, as well as the true and accurate description Events themselves.

Distinctive feature Tale - her hero. This is not an outstanding historical personality of the ruler of the state, the commander, and a small team, a handful of brave and courageous courage, the Cossacks, who accomplished a heroic feat, not for personal glory, not from the carriage, but in the name of their homeland - the Moscow state that " great and extensively shining light in the middle of the month of all other states and the Horde Budmanssikh, Persian and Elelinsky, Aki in the sky". A high sense of national self-consciousness, a sense of patriotism inspires them on the feat. And although they are on" Russia do not read for the ps of a fatal", Cossacks love their homeland and cannot change her. They answer the Turkish ambassadors, who offered them to pass the fortress without a fight and move to the service to Sultan. The response of the Don Cossacks Turks to a certain extent anticipate the famous letter of Cossacks to the Turkish Sultan.

After all, the 5,000 Cossacks are the forces of Turkish Sultan in 3,000,000 soldiers! And despite this, the Cossacks proudly and with contempt reject the proposals of ambassadors about the peaceful delivery of the city and take an unequal battle. 95 days the siege lasts; 24 enemy attacks beat the Cossacks, destroying the subcoop, with which the enemies tried to master the fortress. Having gathered all the forces, the Cossacks go to the last and decisive tale. Previously, they say goodbye to their homeland, with native steppes and tikhim Donom Ivanovich. Cossacks are forgiven not only with their native nature, but also with their sovereign, which is for them the personification of Russian land.

In the last, decisive fight with the enemy of the Cossacks won, and the Turks are forced to remove the siege.

By glorifying the selfless feat of the Cossacks - faithful Russian sons, the author of the story can not not give the tribute to the tradition: the victory achieved by the Cossacks is explained by the result of the wonderful intercession of the heavenly forces led by the John Forerunner. However, religious fiction serves here only a means of exalting a patriotic feat of the defenders of Azov. In the story, the desire to create the image of "masses", transfer its feelings, thoughts and moods, and also given the approval of the power of the people, triumphant over " forces and puffy" "tsar Tursky".

Speaking on behalf of the Troops of the Donsky, the author seeks to convince the Government of Mikhail Fedorovich " to accept" "his sovereign Votchin Azov Grad". But Zemsky Cathedral 1641-1642 I decided to return the fortress by the Turks, and the zealous advocacy joining Azov to Moscow, the accuser of oppression of the Cossacks by the Cossacks and nobles - Fyodor Poroshin was exiled to Siberia.

The heroic defense of the Cossacks of the Azov Fortress in 1641 was reflected in the "documentary" of the story, devoid of artistic pathos peculiar to the story of "poetic". In the last quarter of the XVII century, the plot of historical stories on the Azov events (1637 and 1641) under the influence of Cossack songs associated with the Peasant War under the leadership of Stepan Razin, turns into a "fabulous" "story about the Azov taking and siege sitting from the Turkic Tsar Brahim Don Cossacks. "

Chapter 2. The literature of the second half XVII century

2.1 Household Tale

The process of awakening a person's consciousness is reflected in the appeared in the second half of the XVII century. New genre - household stories. His appearance is associated with the new type of hero, who declared itself both in life and in the literature. In the household tale, the changes that occurred in the consciousness, morality and the life of people, the struggle of the "antiquities" and "novelty" of the transitional era, which perished all the spheres of personal and public life was brought.

"Tale of Mount and Zlophatia." One of the outstanding works of literature for the second half of the XVII century is the "Tale of Mount and Zlophatia". The central topic of the story is the topic of the tragic destiny of the younger generation, trying to break with the old forms of family-household economy, Domostroevskaya morality.

Entry to the story gives this topic a universal sound. The biblical plot of the fall of Adam and Eva is interpreted here as a disorder, the disobedience of the first people will be the will of God created by God. The basis of the story of the story is sad story The life of a well done who rejected parental instructions and wished to live in their will, " how to him anyone". The emergence of a generalized-collective image of a representative of the younger generation of its time was a very remarkable and innovative. In the literature on the change of historical person comes fictional hero, in whose character is typed features of a whole generation of the transition era.

Well done grew up in a patriarchal merchant family, surrounded by emergency concerns and care of loving parents. However, he rushes free from the native bed, eager to live in his will, and not by parental instructions. The permanent parent carekeleton has not taught well to understand people, to understand life, and he pays for his credulity, for the blind faith in the holiness of ultrasound of friendship. The reason for further infusion of the hero is its character. Robs a well done to the praise with their happiness and wealth. From that moment on, the story appears the image of grief, which, as in folk songs, personifies the tragic fate, fate, a fraction of a person. This image also reveals the inner splitness, the maturity of the soul of the hero, his insecurity in his abilities.

In the Soviets, which Gore gives the Mount, it is easy to detect painful meditation of the Hero himself above life, over the instability of his material well-being. In truthful image of the education process of declassified elements of society - large social meaning Tale.

The author sympathizes the hero and at the same time shows his tragic doom. Well done pays for her inconsistency. He cannot oppose anything, except for his desire for freedom to consecrated centuries. Two types of relationships to life are abruptly opposed to the story, two worldviews: on the one hand, parents and "good people" - most standing on the guard of "Domostroevskaya" public and family morality; On the other hand, - well done that embodies the desire of a new generation to free Life.

It should be noted that the instructions of parents and the advice of "good people" concern only the most general practical issues of human behavior and deprived of religious didactics.

The interweaving of the epic and lyrics gives the lead an epic scope, tells her lyrical incessity. In general, the story, according to N.G. Chernyshevsky, "It follows the right course of the people's poetic word."

"Tale about Savva Grudtsina." Thematic to "Tale of Mount and Zlopiness" adjoins the "story about Savva Grudtsina", created in the 70s of the XVII century. In this story, the topic of two generation relationships is also revealed, two types of relationships to life are opposed.

The basis of the plot is the life of the merchant son Savva Grudtsina, complete alarms and adventures. The narrative of the fate of the hero is given on a wide historical background. Savva's youth proceeds during the struggle of the Russian people with the Polish intervention; in mature years The hero takes part in the war for Smolensk in 1632-1634. The historical personality is mentioned in the story: King Mikhail Fedorovich, Boyarin Streshnev, Voivode Shane, Sotnik Shilov; Yes, and the hero itself belongs to the well-known merchant family of breast-weft. However, the main place in the story is occupied by paintings by private life.

The story consists of a series of consistently replacing each other episodes that make up the main milestones of the biography of Sava: youth, mature years, old age and death.

In his youth Savva, sent by the father of trading cases to the city of Orel Solikamsky, places love joy with his wife's friend's father Bazhen's second, boldly trample the holiness of the family union and the holiness of friendship. The author sympathizes Savva, condemns the act " evil and wrong wife", insidiously prevailed him. But this traditional motive of the inexpensive patterns acquires real psychological outlines in the lead.

Showing the participation of Sava in the struggle of Russian troops for Smolensk, the author heins his image. Savva's victory over enemy heroes is depicted in a heroic epic style. In these episodes, Savva is brought together with the images of Russian warriors, and his victory in the fights with enemy "gigners" rises to the value of the national attachment.

Tresting is associated with traditional motif "Wonders" of the Virgin Icons: The Virgin Own deliberates Savva from the demonic torment, taking a vow at him, go to the monastery. Having healed, getting back its discharged " manuscript", Sawva becomes a monk. At the same time, attention is drawn to the fact that throughout the story Savva remains" young men ". The image of Savvah, like a fashion image in the" Tale of Mount and Zlophatia ", summarizes the features of the younger generation, seeking to reset the blowing of age-old Traditions, live in a complete measure of their remote youth forces.

The idea makes it possible to the author of the story to explain the reasons for the extraordinary successes and defeats the hero in life, as well as to show the peasant soul of a young man with his thirst for turbulent and rebellious life, the desire to become notable. In the style of the story combines traditional book techniques and individual motifs of oral folk poetry. An innovation of the story is to attempt to portray an ordinary human character in an ordinary household setting, to reveal the complexity and inconsistency of nature, show the meaning of love in a person's life. It is quite fair, therefore a number of researchers are considering the "story of Savva Grudtsina" as the initial stage of the formation of the genre of the novel.

"Tale of Frole Skobeyev." If the Hero of the Main and Zlophatia and Savva Grudtsina hero in his desire to go beyond the traditional rules of morality, the household relationships suffer defeat, the poor nobleman Frol of the stuffed, the hero of the same name, already dismissed ethical norms, seeking personal success In life: material well-being and durable public situation.

The story reflected the beginning of the process of merge the boyars-warders and serving the nobility into a single noble class, the process of elevation of a new nobility from Dyakov and the attic, parish " higure" for changing " forted, honest birth". The author does not condemn his hero, and he admires his resourcefulness, dexterity, prudentity, cunning, rejoices his successes in life and does not consider the actions of Frol shameful. After seeking the goal, Frol of the Schever does not hoped on God, nm on the devil, but only For its energy, mind and everyday practicism. Religious motifs occupy a rather modest place. The actions of a person are determined by the will of the Divine, Besa, and his personal qualities and are construed with those circumstances in which this person acts.

The fate of the hero who achieved success in life, reminds us of the fate of the "semi-enlightened lord" Alexander Menshikova, a graph of the Razumovsky and other representatives of the "Petrov chicks".

"Tale about Karp Sutulov." This story is the link between the household and satirical story genre. In this work, Satira begins to occupy the prevailing place. Satyric infusion is exposed to the dissolute behavior of the clergy and the eminent merchants. The narration of the unlucky love adventures of the archbishop, the pop and the merchant acquires the features of the fine political satire. Not only the behavior of the "tops" of society, but also a hypocrisy, the hypocrisy of religion, giving the "right" to sin and "let go of" sores.

The heroine of the story is energetic, intelligent and tricky woman - Tatiana's merchant wife. She is not embarrassed by the obscene offers of the merchant, pops and archbishop, and she tries to extract the maximum benefit of them. Thanks to its resourcefulness and the mind, Tatiana managed and sophisticated loyalty Observe and capital acquire, for which the praise of her husband - the merchant Karp Soullov was awarded.

The whole stroke is defined by the folk satirical antipop fairy tale: neatness and sequence of narration with compulsory repetitions, fantastically fabulous incidents, acute satirical laughter, implanting famous unlucky lovers found in the chests in " single schchasch".

A satirical image of the depraved morals of the clergy and merchants brings closer to the "story about Karp Sutulov" with works by the democratic satire of the second half of the XVII century.

2.2 Democratic satire

One of the most remarkable phenomena of literature The second half of the XVII century is the design and development of satire as an independent literary genre, which is due to the specifics social Life that time.

Satyrian influxed by the essential sides of the life of a feudal-serfdom; unfair and coherent court; social inequality; immoral life of monasure and clergy, their hypocrisy, hypocrisy and korestoloby; "The state system of" soldering the people through " tsarev Kabak".

"Tale of Shemyakin Court." In the "Tale of the Shemyakin Court" the object of satirical chill is the Judge of Shemyak, a bribemer and a hooker. Praised the possibility of rich "wrapped", he cansoistically interpreting laws. Artistic stroke is defined by the Russian satirical folk fairy tale about the wrong judge and magic fairy tale About "wise ridges" - the rapid development of action, the inapproprible injunction of crimes, which makes the "miserable", the community of the situation in which the judge and the plaintiffs are. Externally, the impartial tone of the story in the form of a "judicial submission" shakes the satirical sound of the story.

"The story of the Yersh of the Hexovic Son is bristle." The bright satirical image of the practice of the Voivodsk Court introduced in the 60s-190s of the XVII century is the story of the Yershchovich, which has come down to us in four editions.

The story denounces the tricky, prudent and arrogant "yabed" of the Yersh, aspiring violence and deceive to assign themselves other people's possessions, frown in the surrounding peasants.

The story is the first sample of literary allegorical satire, where fish are in strict accordance with their properties, but their relationship is a relationship mirror human society.

"ABC about the nude and a poor man." The chief of social injustice, the public inequality is devoted to the "ABC about the bare and poor man." Using the form of didactic Azbukovnikov, the author turns it into acute weapons of social satire. Hero Tale - " naked and poor"A person tells the eagerness of the irony about his grief destiny.

"Kalyazinskaya petty". A large place in the satirical literature of the XVII century. It occupies an anticleric topic. Corestatolia, the greed of Popov is exposed to the satirical story of the "Tale of Pop Savve", written by the rhymed versals.

A bright accurate document depicting life and morals of monasticism is the "Calyazin Magnifier". In the form of a tear mustache, the monks of Archbishop Tver and Kashinsky Simeon on their new Archimandrite are complained of the abbot of Gabriel's monastery. The cheerful emphasizes that the main article of the monastery income is distillation and brewing, and the ban of Gabriel only reigns the instruction of the monastic execution. In the petition, the requirement of immediate replacement of archimandrite by man, Mostmadym " lying wine yes beer drink, and not walk to church", as well as a direct threat to rebel against your oppressants.

The characteristic feature of the petition style is its aphoristic: the mockery is often expressed in the form of folk rhyming additives. These booms discover from the author of "Kalyazinskaya petition" "the casual Russian mind, so oblique to the irony, so simple in its desertion."

"Tale of Kura and Lisa." In the allegorical images of the Russian folk animal, the fairy tale opens hypocrisy and the pinnacle of the Popov and the monks, the inner falsity of their formal piety "Tale of Cura and Lisce."

The story denounces not only the clergy, but also criticizes the text of the "Holy Scriptures", noticeing his contradictions. It shows that with the help of the text of "sacred books" you can justify any morality.

The enormous achievement of a democratic satire was an image for the first time in our literature, life of disadvantaged people, " nudid and boosotes"In all of her untouched gods.

2.3 Historical Tale

Tale of the beginning of Moscow. In the second half of the XVII century. The historical story gradually loses historicism, acquiring the nature of the love-adventure novel, which then serves as the basis for the development of an adventurous adventure love novel. The main attention is transferred to the personal life of a person, an interest in the moral and ethical, domestic issues arises.

The chronographic story of the beginning of Moscow still retains well-known historicity: here the foundation of Moscow is associated with Yuri Dolgorukh. The story-novel is already completely losing historicism. New in the story is not only its plot built on a love intrigue, but the desire to show a psychological state.

In the story, a tale is already completely lacking any hints on historical events. Her hero is Daniel Ivanovich, who is based on the Krutitsky bishop house.

The story of the foundation of the Tver degree of the monastery. The transformation of the historical story in the loving adventure novel can be traced on the example of a story about the founding of the Tver degree of the monastery. Her hero is the princely servant Fatures of Gregory, vulged with love for the daughter of the sheer of Ksenia.

The story is widely represented by the symbolism of wedding folk songs.

The agiographic elements prevailing at the end of the story do not destroy the integrity of its content based on artistic fiction.

"Tale about Sukhan." In search of new images, the forms of the story story associated with the heroic topic of the protection of the motherland from external enemies, the literature of the second half of the XVII century. Appeals to the National Epos. The result of the book processing of the epic story was "the story of the Sukhan", preserved in the only list of the late XVII century. Her hero - Bogatyr - fights with the Mongol-Tatar conquerors, who, led by the king by Azbuk Tavruevich, want to sharing Russian land.

Thus, losing historicism, genres of historical literature in the XVII century. It acquires new qualities: they develop artistic fiction, enormality, the impact of genres of oral folk creativity increases, and the stories actually becomes an independent form of ideology, gradually turning into science.

2.4 Translation Literature

In the XVII century Economic and cultural ties of the Russian state with Western Europe are enhanced. A large role in this was played by the reunion of Ukraine with Russia in 1654. Founded in 1631 by Peter Moghal, the Kiev-Mogilyan Academy becomes a real forge of cultural frames. Pupils of the Academy created a number of schools in Moscow.

"Great Merzor". The Russian reader meets the collection of religious and didactic and moral-domestic agents "The Great Merzor", translated from the Polish original in 1677. The collection used apocryphal and gortgage literature, which illustrated those or other provisions of Christian dogmatic. A large place in the collection was given to the glorification of Our Lady.

The "Great Mental" includes purely secular tests, implanting women's stubbornness, female angry, exposing ignorance, hypocrisy. Such, for example, a well-known anecdote about the dispute husband with his wife about whether the field is restful or bend.

The presence of an entertaining narrative material in the collection contributed to its popularity, and a number of his plots moved to folklore.

"Roman acts." In 1681 in Belarus from Polish print edition A collection of "Roman acts" was translated. The Russian collection contains 39 works on historical faces associated with Rome. There were no homogeneous in the genre attitude: they combined the motives of the adventure story, a magical fairy tale, a joking joke and didactic story. An allegorical moralistic interpretation was usually given narrative material. Some stories performed in defense of medieval ascetic morality, but most stories glorified the joy of life.

So, in one product, motives were combined, close to the original household stories and the Christian didactics.

"Faceing" in the second half of the XVII century. The collection "Apophheggmaty" is translated into Russian, where they are collected by the philosophers and instructive stories from their lives. In 1680, "Faceings" were translated from Polish to Russian, ascending to the collection of Pozho Braccholini. With a thin humor, funny anecdical cases are told here. everyday life of people. "Faceing" attracted the reader in prosecution, shine wit.

"The history of seven wise men." The history of the "History of Seven Wise men" was very popular, which became the famous Russian reader through the Belarusian translation and rising to the ancient Indian plot. The story included fifteen small novels united by a single story frame. All these novels are pure household content.

"Tale of Eruzlan Lazarevich." To the translated lint adjoins the "Tale of Eruzlan Lazarevich". It originated in the Cossack medium on the basis of the eastern plot, rising to the poem of the Great Tajik-Persian poet Firdawi Shah-Nae. The hero of the poem Rustem in Russian processing turned into a deleted hero of the Uruslan, and then Eruzlan. Uruzlan has hyperbolic hectares. He exists a valor and courage, in battle does not know tired and constantly wins. Uruzlan is inevitable, noble and unlockable. He is alien to the trick, deception, deceit. He makes his feats in the name of the truth, honor and justice, but his exploits also lead the desire to find the female beauty perfect in the world.

The hero was close and clear to the Russian reader, who saw the reflection of his ideal of man in him.

Gain cultural connections Russia with the West is reflected in the titles of Russian ambassadors.

So, due to changes that occurred in the life, the life and consciousness of people, the nature of translation literature changes. Produces are translated mainly secular content. However, translators still do not put their goal to transfer with the maximum accuracy of the original, but adapt it to tastes and the needs of their time, filling sometimes purely Russian content using achievements and opening in the image human charactermade by original literature. The heroes of translated topics are multifaceted, their actions organically flow out of the properties and qualities of nature. Exceptional circumstances in which they act, serve as a means of pointed positive Parties their nature.


Thus, summarizing the work done, I can confidently say that all 2 stages of Russian literature are consecrated in the work. For seven-leaved development, our literature is true and consistently reflected the main changes that happened in society. For a long time artistic thinking It was inextricably linked with the religious and medieval historical form of consciousness, but gradually with the development of the national and class self-consciousness, it begins to be released from church bonds.

The literature has developed clear and certain ideals of the spiritual beauty of a man who gives all over himself with a common good, the good of the Russian land, the Russian state. The focus of literature was the historical destinies of the Motherland, state-building issues. That is why the epic historical topics and genres play a leading role in it. Deep historicism in the medieval understanding led to the connection of our ancient literature with the heroic folk epic, and also determined the features of the image of a human character. A characteristic feature of ancient literature is its inextricable connection with reality. This connection gave our literature an extraordinary journalistic sharpness, agitated lyrical emotional pathos, which made it an important means of political education of contemporaries and what informs it that it is in the next centuries of the development of the Russian nation, Russian culture.

From the statistical still image of a man, our writers went to the disclosure of the internal dynamics of feelings, to the image of different psychological states of a person, to identify individual identity features.


2. Kukushkin M.V. Monuments of culture. - Yearbook 1974., M., 1975

3. Likhachev D.S. Man in literature Ancient Russia

4. Robinson A.N. Military leaders of ancient Russia (series "Literary monuments"). M. - L., 1949

5. Orlov A.S. Historical and poetic stories about Azov (taking 1637 and siege seat 1641). M., 1906.

6. Chernyshevsky N.G. Full Cathedral Op., T.2. PG, 1918.

7. Russian tale of the XVII century / aftergot. and comments. M.O. Crew to the story of Savva Grudtsina. M., 1954.

8. Belinsky V.G. Full Cathedral op. in 13 t., T.5

9. Eremin I.P. Literature of ancient Russia.


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A new stage in the development of the ancient Russian cittail begins after the church reform of Nikon in 1653 and the historical reunion of Ukraine with Russia in 1654

Intensive convergence of Russia with the countries of Western Europe, aware of Western Europe was penetrating old Russian culture Numerous elements of European culture.

There is an acute struggle of the supporters of the Byzantine-Greek and Latin-Polish articula. The process of differential cyting begins fictionHer membership of the writing of historical and religious and didactic.

Gradually, the elevation of the chronicle, from being stored only on the periphery ("Siberian chronicles"), are modified to unrecognizable historical stories, life becomes a household tag and autobiography.

There are household stories with fictional plots and heroes, a democracy of the Satire is developing; Drama and theater arise, Shi Rock development receives Sillabic Poetry; The character of the translation of the issuance is changing.

The process of awakening a person's consciousness is reflected in the appeared in the second half of the XVII century. New genre - household stories. His appearance is associated with the new type of hero, who declared itself both in life and in the literature.

In the household tale, the changes that occurred in the consciousness, morality and the life of people, the wrestling of the "antiquities" and "novelty" of the transitional era, which permeated all the spheres of personal and public life was brought.

"Tale of Mount and Zlophatia"

One of the outstanding works of literature of the second half of the XVII century. It is the "Tale of Mount and Zlophatia." The central topic of the story is the topic of the tragic destiny of the younger generation, trying to break with the old forms of family-household economy, Domostroevskaya morality.

Entry to the story gives this topic a universal oversized sound. The biblical plot of the fall of Adam and Eva is interpreted here as a disorder, the disobedience of the first people will be the will of God created by God.

The source of this disobedience is not the devil-is a kuster, as the Bible interpreted, and the man himself, his heart "meaningless and impetitive."

Such a interpretation of the biblical plot indicates the new world of the abstract of the author: the cause of the crime of the person in the commandment of humility, humility - in it itself, in his character, and not the result of the extended forces.

The basis of the story of the story is the tragic history of the life of a well done, who rejected parental instructions and wished to live according to his will, "as him of any".

The emergence of the generalized and harvester image of a representative of the younger generation of its time was a very remarkable and innovative.

A fictional hero comes to the literature on the change of historical personality, in the character of which the features of a whole generation of the transitional era are typed.

Well done grew up in a patriarchal merchant family, surrounded by emergency concerns and care of loving parents. However, he rushes free from the native bed, eager to live in his will, and not by parental instructions.

The permanent parent carekeleton has not taught well to understand people, to understand life, and he pays for his credulity, for the blind faith in the holiness of ultrasound of friendship. Rubit his "Tsarev Kabak".

But the well done does not give up, he does not bear his opposite head into the parental house, he wants to prove his rightness, sending to "Strank the country, Dallan, Deliven."

Personal experience convinced him that it was impossible to live without the Council of "Good People". And humbly listening to their instructions, well done "teeted ... Life-skiing": "... He inspired the belly of Bolshai Starov from the great mind."

The reason for further infusion of the hero is its character. It is a young praise with his happiness and wealth ("... and always the word praise," the author moralizes).

From that moment on, the story appears the image of grief, which, as in folk songs, personifies the tragic fate, fate, a fraction of a person. This image also reveals the inner splitness, the maturity of the hero's soul, his thiefs in his abilities.

In the consciousness of the well done still the stability of traditional ideas. So, he cannot overcome an old look at a woman like a "devil vessel", the source of all the misfortunes of men; It preserves loyalty and religious beliefs His fathers.

Without believing the cunning councils of grief, well done, however, unable to disobey the same advice when they proceed from the Archangel Gabriel, the appearance of which took Mount.

In the Soviets that the Mount Gore gives, it is easy to detect painful meditation of the Hero himself above life, over the instability of his own welfare.

The story emphasizes that the reason for the ruin of a well-known "Tsarev Kabak", where hero leaves "his stomachs" and changes the "Guest dress" on "Gunka Kabatskaya".

So the "Living Son" turns into a homeless stroller, having merged the numerous army of "guing people", weird in the hails and weighs of Russia.

The pictures of "Nudid and blades of the immense" are bright, in which the motives of the protest of the poor class against social injustice, against an evil share.

In truthful depiction of the education process of the declared elements of society - a great social value of the story.

Well done, who rejected the parental government, did not want to face the father and mother, is forced to push his proud head in front of the grief Gorinsky. "Good people" sympathize with the fate of the fate of the fate of him to return to parental shelter and ask for forgiveness.

However, now the grief does not want to let go of his sacrifice. It stubbornly and relentlessly haunted well done, mocking over all his attempts to escape from his "malicious share." Going with a young man "Under the arm", the mountain "teaches" him "richly live - kill and rob."

It makes it young to remember the "saved way" and go to the monastery. For a hero and the author, the monastery is not the ideal of righteous life, but the last opportunity to escape from his malicious share.

Two types of attitude towards life are abruptly opposed in the story, two world-world: on the one hand, parents and "good people" - most standing on the guard of "Domostroevskaya" public and family morality; On the other hand, a well done that embodies the desire of a new generation to free life.

It should be noted that the instructions of parents and the advice of "good people" concern only the most general practical issues of human behavior and deprived of religious didactics.

The fate of the well-posted in the form of his life, but the story no longer has anything to do with traditional ageiography. Before us, the pique is a secular household biographical story.

The author perfectly owns the folklore poetics, its shape, forms of the epic verse. The image of good well done, "naked, barefoot", "spontaneous" sorrow, the epic picture of the feast, the song symbolism of the episode of the persecution of the grief of great, all this is directly matched in epic folk poetry, and in lyrical songs about the mountain.

The interweaving of the epic and lyrics gives the lead an epic scope, tells her lyrical incessity. In general, the story, according to N. G. Chernyshevsky, follows the correct flow of a peopetic word.

Kuskov V.V. History of Old Russian literature. - M., 1998

Strengthening the centralized autocratic power, which was based on serving nobility, led to an increase in the operation and reassurance of peasants. The growing economic oppression caused the occurrence of mass peasant unrest, which took place in a wide popular movement - peasant War Under the leadership of Ivan Bolotnikov. With the death of King Fyodor Ivanovich ceases its existence of the Ivan Kalita dynasty. The country arises opposition by boyars, which receives support from outside, from Polish magnates. Stormy events of the beginning of the XVII century - the universities were widely reflected in the literature. The literature of this period acquires an exclusively topical character, quickly responding to the requests of the time, reflecting the interests of various social groups involved in the struggle. Works of this period, continuing to develop the traditions of the historical narrative literature of the XVI century, brightly reflected the growth of national self-consciousness. This manifested itself in a change in the view of the historical process: the course of history is determined not by God's agreed, but by human activity. And the stories of the early XVII century can no longer talk about the people, about his participation in the struggle for the national independence of their homeland. There is an increased interest in the human person. For the first time, the desire to portray the internal contradictions of the character and open the reasons that these contradictions are generated. The rectilinear characteristics of the human XVI century literature begin to be replaced by a deeper image of the contradictory properties of the human soul. At the same time, as D. S. Likhachev indicates, the characters of historical persons in the work of the beginning of the century are shown against the background of people's folk people. The human activity is given in the historical perspective, and first begins to be evaluated in his "social function". The events of the Troubles period was caused by a crushing blow to the religious ideology, the undivided domination of the church in all spheres of life: not God's Will, but the activities of people define the historical destinies of the country. The role of the trade and craft Posted population in public, political and cultural lifeAnd this, in turn, entails the democratization of literature. In the book rhetorical style, various forms of business writing are increasingly penetrating, and oral folk creativity begins to be used. All this leads to the "coincidence" of the culture and literature of the XVII century, that is, to the gradual liberation from the custody of the Church, to the gradual displacement of church genres and the emergence of new, purely secular genres of literature, in particular, there are household stories.

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Household tale 17th century

B. In the second half of the XVII century. The genre of the story took a leading position in the system of literary genres. If the Old Russian tradition denotes this word any story, the fact that in principle is told, the story as a new literary genre is filled with qualitatively different content. Its subject becomes the individual fate of a person, choosing their life path, awareness of his personal place in life. Not so unequivocally, as before, the question of the author's attitude to the events described: the author's voice is clearly inferior to the plot as such, and the reader is provided to the very conclusion from this plot. The story of the Mount-Zlophatia is the first in the group of household ages of the XVII century., Opening the topic of a young man who does not want to live according to the laws of ancient and seeking their way in life. These traditional laws personify his parents and good people who give the hero of reasonable advice: do not drink two hours for one, do not look at good red wives, it's not a sage, and a fool, do not steal, do not lie, do not lie, do not think about people bad . Obviously, we have a free crossing of the Biblical Ten Commandments. However, well done, who was so small and stupid, not in complete mind and imperfected by reason, rejects this traditional Christian morality, opposes her way to her: I wanted live, as anyone. This motive of life in his pleasure is intensified in the story, when a named brother makes it a young man of wine and a mug of beer: a drink in joy to yourself and merry. It is the desire to pleasure that he makes a good one to collapse, which is very ironically stating an anonymous author, telling how the mountain tells wellhold a richly to live and robbery, so that the young people hang for that, or they planted with a stone in the water. Life for the new rules does not develop, the oblivion of parental councils leads to a catastrophe, respectively, the only possible way out is to return to traditional Christian dogmas.

Begins the story literally from Adam. Following such an exposition, a story begins about the very Hero of Tale - about the nameless well done.

In all the previous Russian literature, we will not find works in which it would be told about the fate of an ordinary world man and set out the main events of his life. "The story about Mount and Zlosta" speaks of the fate of the unknown young man who violated the commandments of the antiquity and heavily for it paid.

The image of "grief-zlosta" - a share, fate, as he gets up in our story, is one of the most significant literary images. The grief simultaneously symbolizes the external, hostile man strength and the inner state of a person, his mental devastation. It is how his twin.

For old days, it turns out to be a victory, it is still triumphant over the wakeful individualistic gusts of the younger generation. In this, the main meaning of the story, very talentedly depicting children on a fracture of two eras. It is also characteristic, however, that the monastic life is interpreted in the story not as an ideal, not even as a norm, but as a kind of, an exception for those who failed to establish their worldly life according to the rules that the established tradition prescribed the centuries. Appeal to the monastery is for a sad man, but the only way out of his unsuccessful life.

Nedinny Struit Story: Metric Structure of verse, epic common places (coming on the ball, praise on the feast), repetition of individual words, tautology, consumption of permanent epithets (buoy winds, buoyed head, green wine)

The story of Frole Skobeyev, about Savva Gruditsyn.

Historical stories

Tale of the beginning of Moscow.In the second half of the XVII century. The historical story gradually loses the historicism, acquiring the nature of the loving recorded novel, which then serves as the basis for the development of an adventure-trial novel. The main attention is transferred to the personal life of a person, an interest in moral societic, domestic issues arises.

In this regard, the story of the beginning of Moscow, which S. K. Shambinago divides into three types: chronographic story, novel and fairy tale. Historical basis These stories were the tale of the killing Andrei Bogolyubsky in 1174, recycled in the XVI century. When it is included in the nikonovsky chronicle and a power book. Here were the agiographic characteristics of the prince and the negative assessment of his killers, "Okayana"Kuchkovichi.

The chronographic story of the beginning of Moscow still retains well-known historicity: here the foundation of Moscow is associated with Yuri Dolgorukh, who created the city in the place of the bunch of Garin Stepan, and his sons and daughter sent to Vladimir to his son Andrei. Having become Andrei's wife, ultimate, obsessed with lust, heads a conspiracy against the pious husband and kills him with his brothers.

The string is already completely losing historicism. The basis of Moscow is attributed to the prince Andrei Alexandrovich and attributed to June 17, 1291 (the author seeks to emphasize the "historicism" of his story). The focus is on intrigue associated with the criminal love of the wife of Suzdal Prince Daniel Alexandrovich (in fact, the younger son Alexander Nevsky was the Moscow Prince from 1272 to 1303) Street to the two young sons of Boyarin Kuchka.

An image of the evil princess ulities, replenished "Cotanic Movement of Bludnaya Lust",it is also connected with the tradition of moral literature on "evil wives". The desire to show Daniel Martyr, who "They bring martyrdom from the adulterers and his wife",and even to some extent correlate it with Boris and Gleb.

New in Trestinelle is not only her plot built on a love intrigue, but also the desire to show the psychological state of Kuchkovich. They are abide "In grinding and in sadness and in the grief grand"due to the fact that the prince Daniel missed "Alive",and begin to repent in the deed. Only inspired by the street, who told them the mystery of her husband, they, again "The evil mind is filled",murder. Kuchkovichi from Suzdal flew in fear and thrill, having learned about the campaign on them Andrei.

In the style of the story, the traditions of the book and the nurseful manner of the narrative are closely intertwined. With the latter, the presence of rhymed phrases:

"Why would it be in Moscow the kingdom of life

and who knew that Moscow was heard by Moscow.

Turning to boyar Kuchka, Prince Daniel says:

"It is not a dasy of my sons to me into the courtyard,

And Az on the war to the war and you are swinging to you,

and the villages of your red fire fire. "

In the story, there are already no kakelo hints on historical events. Her hero-Daniel Ivanovich, who bases the Kratytsky bishop house.

The story of the foundation of the Tver degree of the monastery.The transformation of the historical story in the Love-tanned Novel can be traced on the example of "Tale of the Foundation of the Tver Device of the Monastery." Her hero is the princely servant Fatterns of Grigory, blamed with love for the daughter of the sheer of Ksenia. Having enlisted the consent of the father of Ksenia and Prince for marriage, Gregory is happily preparing for the wedding, but "God's Decision"the Tverskaya Prince Yaroslav Yaroslavich, and Grigory of the champion of His matchmaker, turns out the real fiancian of Ksenia. Shocked Gregory, "Great Krichoye obsessed,"removes with himself "Princess dress and ports",disguise in the dress peasant and goes into the forest where "Hiji to yourself and chapel."

The main reason forcing Gregory to run "To desert places"and there is a monastery there, is not a pious desire to devote himself to God, as it was before, but an unrequited love.

Ksenia is largely reminded by Fevronia: it is the same wise, the tearing Virgo, endowed with the features of piety. "The ceremony of that girl is beno beautiful,"prince "Eugene-heart and confused thinking."

The story is widely represented by the symbolism of wedding folk songs. Prince sees a prophetic dream: his favorite falcon caught "Golubitsa beauty is glowing";during the hunt, the prince las out his falcons, and the favorite falcon leads him to the village of Udamonovo and sits on the Church of Dmitry Solunsky, where Ksenia was to be married with Gregory, and now the prince of Fate, Gregory took the prince.

The agiographic elements prevailing at the end of the story do not destroy the integrity of its content based on artistic fiction.

"Tale of Sukhan."In search of new images, the forms of the story story associated with the heroic topic of the protection of the motherland from external enemies, the literature of the second half of the XVII century. Appeals to the National Epos. The result of the book processing of the epic story was "a story about Sukhan", which preserved in the only list of the late XVII century. Her hero - Bogatyr - fights with the Mongolotatarian conquerors, who, led by the king by Azbut Tavruyevich, want to sharing Russian land. By poetizing the heroic feat of Sukhan, the author highly appreciates the faithful service of the hero of the ideal sovereign Monomakh Vladimirovich. Only with the help of a trumpet tool, the enemies are fatally injured by Suhan. But wounded, it beats until he interrupted all enemies. The king wants to complain Suhan for the faithful service by cities and patrimonies, but the dying bogatyr asks only to give him "HOLOPU", "PUBLIC WORD AND FORGORITY".It is very important that the relationship of the hero and the sovereign reflect the nature of the relationship of a person to the Moscow King.

Thus, losing historicism, genres of historical literature and the XVII century. New qualities are acquired: artistic fiction develops in them, the effect of genres of oral folk creativity is growing, and the story itself becomes an independent form of ideology, gradually turning into science.

Satyrian literature

Themes of satirical works of the second half of the 17th century. The nature of the parody in the works. Antiteza as a leading reception of a satirical image. Folk began in satirical works. Language of satirical works.
One of the most remarkable phenomena of literature of the second half of the XVII century is the design and development of satire as an independent literary genre, which is due to the specifics of the life of that time.
The formation of the "Unified All-Russian Market" in the second half of the XVII century. He led to strengthening the role of the trade and craft population of cities in the economic and cultural life of the country. However, in politically, this part of the population remained uninterrupted and subjected to loosening operation, oppressing. At the strengthening of the Mneta Posal, he answered numerous urban uprisings that contributed to the growth of class self-consciousness. The emergence of a democratic satire was a consequence of the active participation of the Posh population in the class struggle.
Thus, Russian reality "Buntashnya"The XVII century and was the soil on which satire arose. Social acuity, anti-refortion orientation of the literary satire nearby frompeople's oral-poetic satire, which served the inexhaustible source, from where she scored her artistic and visual means.
Satyric chubs were subjected to the essentials of the life of the feudal society: an unfair and coherent court; social inequality; immoral life of monasure and clergy, their hypocrisy, hypocrisy and korestoloby; "State system" of soldering the people through "Tsarev Kabak".
The decomposition of the draft proceedings, based on the Cathedral Camment of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, is devoted to the story of Shemyakin Court and Ohershovich's Yersh.
The birth of Russian satire is inseparable from the approval of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe extrallinary value of a person, as well as from the need to accumulate the experience of a satirical image accumulated in folklore and the literature of the previous centuries.
Russian satire during the period in the period of becoming was not distracted, morality, and was socially acute, rose from the case of private abuse of power before the criticism of the existing world order

40. One of the most remarkable phenomena of literature of the XVII century is the appearance of satire as an independent literary genre, which is due to the specifics of that time. Satyrian chips were subjected to the essentials of the life of the feudal society: an unfair and coherent court, social inequality, immoral behavior, hypocrisy and monastery and clergy, the state system of soldering the people through the "Tsarev Kabak". These works are closely related to folklore on their artistic specifics. They are mostly anonymous.

What are the main artistic conquests of democratic literature? First of all, a decisive refusal of historicism, which determines the principle of ancient Russian literature. A new hero appears - not historical (prince, warlord, priest), and a personal identity (a simple person of different classes). Literature is gradually exempt from religious custody, defends the right to fiction. An important step on this path was the namelessness of literary heroes.

Consider in this regard "Tale of Shemyakin Court". It is devoted to the chief of legal proceedings. It is satirically depicted by the Judge of Shemyak, a bribemer and a hooker, who in its favor, interprets state laws.

The content of the story comes down to the following: two brothers lived - rich and poor. "The rich leaned many years of the poor, but could not improve his poverty." Somehow the poor man asked his brother a horse to bring wood from the forest. A rich horse gave, but did not give a clamp. The poor man tied the woods to the tails of the horse, but, entering the courtyard, the horse clinched at the gate and torn his tail. The rich saw a crown horse, took his brother and went to the city to complain Judge Schemyak.

On the way, the brothers did in the house of the pop. The poor man, lying on the reality, watched him with envy, as his brother dinches with Pop, fell to the cradle in which the Popovsky Son slept, and crushed him to death. Now two plants went to the judge - a rich brother and pop.

In the city they had to go through the bridge. The poor thing in despair decided to part with life, rushed from the bridge in the ditch, but unsuccessfully. He fell on the old man, who was taken to wash in the bath, and crushed him. The judge was already three plaintiff. The poor man, not leading, how to be, I took a stone, wrapped it in a handkerchief and put in the header. With the analysis of each case, he showed the judge of the knot with a stone.

Shemyak, hoping that the defendant promises him "Zlata Zlata", in all three cases decided the case in his favor. But when his messenger asked the poor man, that he had in his header, he answered that he was wrapped in the knot, which he wanted to kill the judge. Having learned about this, the judge did not dry, but was delighted: after all, if he condemned the poor man, he would have killed him.

In a funny position, a rich peasant is punished for their greed, and pop. Taking money from all three plaintiffs, thanks to his mind and tricks, the poor thing remains the winner in this dispute. According to researchers, this story relates to a satirical folk fairy tale about an unfair judge and a magical fairy tale about wise ridges. There are all fabulous elements here: the rapid development of action, the incredible crimes of the Hero-poor and the Common of the Region in which the judge and the plaintiffs are.

Satirine reports include well-known "The story of the Yersh Ershovich"An emerged in the first decade of the XVII century. In the story about the litter, the real living conditions of the life of the time, the estate relationship, are reflected with the bream and the head.

Bream and head, "Rostov Lake Residents", complain of court to "Yersh, on the son of the Son, on the bristle, on the Yabrange, on the thief, on the robber," which was asked for a small time to "live and feed" in the Rostov Lake. Simple bream and the head believed him, they were allowed, and he spread out there and the lake took possession. Next narrates about the tricks of the Yersh, the "century deceiver". In the end, the judge recognize that the right of the bream with their comrades and give them a hesh. But here the Ersh managed to avoid punishment. He suggested in bream to swallow him from the tail, and the bream, seeing the desertion of the Yersh, did not mess with him and let him go to the will. Moreover, the bream and the head call themselves "peasants", and Ersh - "from Boyar kids." The story resembled contemporaries life situationWhen the son of Boyarsky deception and violence takes the land from the peasants.

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