Scenario KVN "Young Rescuers MOE. Scenario Events of KVN for fire safety "Fire - My friend and enemy" III

Scenario KVN "Young Rescuers MOE. Scenario Events of KVN for fire safety "Fire - My friend and enemy" III

Script Speech School Team

In KVN on fireproof theme

Competition greeting


We are "Flame"

Always burn, always sparkling,

Go ahead and up strive!

Is this a suitable name for such a contest?

Sure! Does the Fighters have no fiery hearts?

Yes! And they always work

with a light!


And who will be the captain?

In the hard moments, the most decisive and most courageous takes guidance into your hands!

Therefore, the charges of the captain will fulfill ..........



Become! (built)

Sing "Wonderful neighbor"

If someone stroked pants

And did not turn off the iron,

He immediately remains

And without home, and without trousers.

If someone, without thinking,

At the refueling litter,

He, of course, is greater

Nolescence created!

(Fold houses from matches)

Captain: Seriously, I do not see anything merry.


If the fire found you in the house:

  1. Do not hide under the table, under the bed, in the closet!
  2. Many people poison smoke!
  3. Roth and nose Close the wet cloth!
  4. Go along the walls of Clear!
  5. Do not use the elevator!


Captain: - Bill:


If somewhere lights up, you need to urgently turn

In the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Zero-one quickly dial.

You do not open windows. Turning off the current source

Do not try to save your home scarb.

Kohl do not get out of the apartment, lie on the floor - three, four,

Wrapped with a sheet wet.

If you can, go down the neighbors, burn,

Life save always try each!

With a cigarette, do not sleep, it is better not to smoke,

And deal with skis and tennis.

And with fire you do not joke: if you burn in fire,

From the fire are not revived by Phoenix!


And we will soon have New Year's "Spark". And you?

Captain: - Arch of fire rules and for you!

Ah-well, come out and tell the rules to hear everything!

Melody (fold from the Christmas Talk)

If the Christmas tree caught fire:

  1. Immediately de-energize the electric grill
  2. Swipe the Christmas tree to the floor so that the fire does not rise up
  3. Call fire protection
  4. Urgently leave the room

Song "Kiphache!"

Do not smoke at work, hide matches from children,

And then do not fall into the list of sad news.

After all, the fire is unlikely, a lot of power in it.

We just begging you: careful with fire!

Melody (Make up the little man)

Take care of yourself!

Use fire only for peaceful purposes!

We just call you:

(Together) Careful with fire!

Melody (Built in Shan)

The "Flame" team to the struggle for fire safety of the Earth is ready!

Competition homework

Mini performance Fire in the Palace

Phone ring.

Fire protection?


The royal palace burns !!!

Let's leave.

(firefighters sing on the melody "Song guard")

Tili-bom, Tili-Bom,

Caught fire ...... ..!

On even and odd at the post,

We are in the post

We are in the post, we are on the post, we are at the post !!!

Danger we reveal for the mile.

And we never sleep, storing

Property princely from fire!

Eh, Mom! Check Tama!

There is a hydrant and there is a brand, there is a foam gun.

Provided with water, intact.

Ready! (run away)

(The king appears. Excited courtes run to him

Your Majesty! Fire!


In the rest of the princess!

What with her?




The fire is already awesome.

Who is the culprit?

Her Highness ... (All Gomonat)

(Song "Such-Syakaya")

What children are currently right

Know: matches - not fun

What to smoke - spend your health

They don't care about it

Call the princess. Now I will be inspired!

Enter, lead! All joys lish!

Today the children need a lot

Phones and ipady

Children fucking terrible

Explosive and flammable

Call the princess! You are careful with her!

Enter, lead! Please gentle!

And let's in the edge

She will give her formation

So that with the fire would not be shalled

Let the rules

Such a Syakaya, diped half a doors!

Such a Syakaya, upset Father!

(Arrives the princess. Song "I don't want anything")

I became my baby unpleasant

You have a publ

We must urgently consult a doctor

WHAT'S WRONG? I want to know!

Oh, what innocence on the face!

Better yet, you still sculpt the kulichiki

I have too much harm

Never smoked!

You scared with fire - my version

Your candle dressing for conversion

Yes, and matches do not work to sell

And wiring to change? !!!(leaves, stuck with the leg)

Appears court.

King: - Fuck, Princess is innocent.

In the palace you need to clean up!

Call the fireshit!

(Phone ring)

Emergency fire inspection does not listen. All on the shooting of the thriller "Space landing"

I forgot to introduce yourself. KING.

Let's leave.

(Desant) appears)

Space landing, ugh,fire landing Arrived!


It is not strange that a fire

It originated in the titles of noble!

Your castle is very old,

Is he super old, understandable?

Wiring must be replaced

Do not litter a balcony

Wig above the gas is not dried

Color white throne.

All candelabras,

Ragged and mop.

Together with fireworks

We took to check.

King: - Now we have everything in the pippore?

Exactly! In full fire!

(Song "Nothing in the world is better not")

Observe (it is very important!)

Firebreaks -(Transparencies rise)

Saving tips,

Speed, king, palace, carriage,

All people, animals and the whole planet!(Transparencies are rotated)

"Fire is my friend and the enemy."

KVN for fire safety on the topic:

"Fire is my friend and the enemy."


    introduce children with fire safety rules;

    teach to observe them;

    bring to the consciousness of children the impossibility of frivolous and careless handling of fire;

    work out the accuracy of the action when a fire occurs;

    brigade careful attitude towards your health.

    to form a cohesive children's team.

Technical support:

1. Computers.

2. Multimedia projector and screen.

Exhibition of books:

    S. Marshak "Koshkin House", "Fire", "Story about an unknown hero";

    L. Tolstoy "Firefighters", "Fire";

    B. Zhitkov "Fire in the Sea", "Smoke", "Fire";

    E. Permyak "How Fire Water Married".

Event flow:

1. Message the topic of the event.

Matches - best toy

For bored children.

Papin tie, mother's passport -

Here is a small fire.

If slippers throw

Or broom to put

You can fry a whole chair

To cook your bedside table.

If adults somewhere

Matches hid from you.

Explain to them that matches

For fire you need!


Of course, this is a comic poem, but it is possible to joke with fire

What is the game with fire? ( to fire)

What are we talking about our holiday today? And to guess you will help the reasters. Slip it. ( About fire)

Educator:We know with you that the fire is kind, and is evil.

Without a good fire, it is impossible to do without the day.

He is reliably friendly with us, he drives cold, chasing darkness.

He is a friendly flame raising, as if the flag.

All the fire is good, and for him honor,

What guys warm dinner, cuts steel and bread bake.

Yes, the fire is different, pale yellow, bright red,

Blue or golden, the fire is kind, the fire is evil.

Angry Fire - Fire Fire,

The evil fire is the fire of war.

From the ruthless heat days dark, black fields.

Residents of the globe, citizens of any country,

Angry fire to stew.

Remember this night and day - be careful with fire !!!

Educator: Have you ever thought that it would be if there was no fire? But listen ...

If there was no fire.

I gave me granny

What is fire to us friend and enemy.

Without him it would be dark

We lived b not at all.

We would tremble from cold,

Would turn into penguins

Or Mammoths became

Would have covered the hair long.

Tv b did not know

Neither eat and live

In "Dandy", too, not played.

In general, it was bad to live.

N. Afanasyev

Educator: In man's life, fire plays an exceptional role. Heating our homes, cooking, the development of science and technology - everything is connected with the fire.

Most of the fires occur due to the fault of the people themselves, because of their carelessness, and about every 6th fire occurs due to the fault of children and adolescents.

Educator: Start! We start our fireman KVN!

We expect to expect hot contractions, bright scenes!

( Presents the jury)

Competition 1: Greeting teams:

Time - 5-7 minutes. It is estimated on the 5 ballroom system.

Educator: To fight the fire skillfully,

Know everyone needs a firefighter!

Fire skills will be useful to you

Then to know how to handle with fire.

Competition 2: QUIZ:

Alternately, each team is set 5 questions, for the correct answer of 5 points. If the team responds incorrectly or does not respond at all, another team receives the right to respond. (Slide 12)

1. What is better to lubricate the burn place - butter or alcohol?

Answer: only cold water, snow or ice.

2. Why is it possible to open windows and doors in the room indoors?

Answer: Fresh air (oxygen) comes and the fire flashes stronger.

3. Fire and firefighter. What is the difference between these concepts?

Answer: Firefighter - extinguishes fire, Firefighter - astroker.

4. What to do if there is a lot of smoke in the room?

Answer: lie on the floor and crawl to the exit.

5. Why is a red fire truck?

Answer: red color - color of fire so that the drivers see and inferior the road.

6. What are people more often suffering from fire or smoke?

Answer: From smoke more often: 2-3 carbon monoxide inhalation - you will get strong poisoning.

7. What to do if clothes crashed on you or on another person?

Answer: Fall on the ground and ride, you can not tear off your clothes.

8. Cause of the ignition of electrical wires?

Answer: short circuit.

9. If it is difficult to breathe from ugly smoke, what to do?

Answer: breathe through wet fabric.

10. What if the iron caught fire?

Answer: Disable electricity; To cover the tanned iron with a woolen blanket, heavy cloth and tightly press so that the air (oxygen) does not hit.

Competition 3: Challenge firefighters.

Children become in the column. One by one run up to the phone, raise the tube, cause 01, run back. The team, completed the first, receives 10 points.

Lighter than fire to stew

We warn him!

Let every citizen know:

Fire service - 01.

Fire we will quickly win

Kohl will call on 01.

Competition 4: Connoisseur of proverbs and sayings on fire.

For each proverb or saying, the team gets 1 point.

Educator: More than once, we were convinced that "the old proverb will not be praised." According to the right remark of the people, proverbs and sayings, they are taught, warned, protect, guard. That's why I again offer you to turn to a long time, through the centuries of the wisdom of our people about fire, his meaning and danger. You will be parties to the contest of constructions of proverbs and sayings. Who knows more proverbs and sayings about fire and with words related to this phenomenon? Right now and check.

Examples of proverbs and sayings for a response:

    Smoke without fire does not happen.

    Straw with fire is not friendly.

    Out of the frying pan into the fire.

    Matches are not tricked - there is a fire in them.

    Match is small, the fire is giant.

    Zhizhn oven, her does not touch, because there is a fire in it.

    The spark of the carcass to the fire, mischievous until the hit.

    There will not light up, where there is no fire.

    Do not have habit, wear matches in your pocket.

    The box of matches at least Mala, but can make a lot of evil.

    Fire can cause electrical appliances when they remain without supervision.

    With matches of the game are always dangerous, from a little spark - a big trouble.

    Do not have habits to wear matches in your pocket.

    Little match burns a large forest.

    In fire and iron flood.

5. Game with spectators.

Educator:Our participants are advocating proverbs and sayings, and we answer in a friendly chorus: "This is me, it's me, these are all my friends!". (Slide 15)

    Who, having heard the smell of Gary, will report a fire?

    Who, of you noticing smoke, shout "Fire! Girl! "?

    Which of you is shawl with fire, in the morning, in the evening and day?

    Who, having honed the gas in the apartment, will call "04"?

    Who from a little sister will imperceptibly hiding matches?

    Which of you is shawl with fire? Feature honestly!

    Who does not burn fires and does not allow others?

Competition 5: Smart fireman:

From the letters of the word security is necessary in 2 minutes to make as many words as possible. For each correctly composed word, the team receives 1 point. (Slide 16)

Competition 6: GUESS A RIDDLE.

Each team in turn guess the riddles, for the correct answer of 3 points, if the team does not respond, the answer is received by another team. (Slide 17)

1. There is an aggregate in the kitchen,

What food is happy.

Circling match, and immediately

The gas will shoot the gas.


2. Fearless hero, which is always in the post,
He cares and fire for the mile.
Unequal leads with the elements he fights
She strives to always protect us with you.


3. The shaft was arranged to tourists -

Smashed the camp in the field pure.

Lena Where is the crack now?

And sparks from what are flying?


4. LED MOSHKA - Pine-leg,

A stack of village - all the hay ate.


5. Who is dangerous in the whole district
Horny afternoon, in a silent blizzard?
Who will leave us without bed
No coat in the frost stern?


6. Red Makushka,
Two ears, two arms,
Empty so branded
And fill it - silent.
(Fireman bucket.)

7. In the shirt in bright red,
In the work sureless.
Device named op-5
Shade must know everyone!

(Fire extinguisher.)

8. On wheels, not WHO.
With water, not a steam locomotive.
Boca in the belts
Always on the clock.
(Fire barrel.)

9. I am a shaggy, I'm kudlaty,
I am in winter above each hut,
Above the fire and plant
Over the bone and steamer.
But anywhere else me
It does not happen without fire.


Educator: The jury is still summed up, and our girls will sing a chastushki about those who do not fulfill elementary safety rules when handling fire. Let's see what happens with such inections.

I. He, she and we and I
We dope for you, friends,
And touch between
Fire-fighting topics.

II. The growth of the match is small.
Do not see what Mala.
This little match
Can make a lot of evil.

III. Near the forest and shed

Find a fire without dare.
Maybe trouble big
For buildings and people.

IV. Mature of our house
The son of Yerema distinguished himself.
He's with matchpieces
And the apartment poured.

V. Zina stove turned on once
Well, I forgot to turn off,
So that the fire is not to get
Turn the electric furniture.

Vi. Smaster Sergey Pugach,
Shot a little.
Now Serious doctor
Heals from burn.

VII. I say: "Aunt Masha,
Careful with fire.
Boil and porridge will light up
And then burn the whole house. "

VIII. Somehow priest Ivan
With a cigarette on the sofa.
As a result, early in the morning -
Not a sofa nor Ivan.

IX. Eh, throw their time
These violators
From head to the heads
From the fire extinguisher.

X. With fire, in case of fire,
Knows every citizen
With fire, in case of fire
Digure 01.

Educator : Fight fire in the fire fight,

Fire to pacify, put on the blade,

In other words, the fire is tame -

Do not surrender, but survive and defeat!

Competition results, congratulations of the winners.


1. Dubrovskaya E. N. Game Class Watch. Fire safety rules: Tutorial.

2. Shoryina TA Fire safety rules for children 5-8 years. (Along with children), 2005

3. Teachers and parents about fire safety - Komova M.A., Jail G.A., Rodnikova OD, Chirko V.E., Vasilyev M.S. Tutorial VNIIPO 2005

4. What you need to know about the fire, or three "P" on the "five" - \u200b\u200bVolkova P.S.Pod edited by Chernova V.N. Tutorial for primary classes 2005.

5. Basics of life safety - Gostyushin A.V., Textbook for students of 1-4 class

6. Alphabet of Fire Safety - UGPS Central District MO, Tutorial, 2000

7. The teacher about the fire - Gainulina V.M., Sergeev F.V., Yakovlev D.E., allowance for the teacher, 1998

8. Contests, Holidays, Show Programs - Kugach A., Turygina S. Collection for school teachers

9. Basics of fireproof behavior - method. Recommendations for teachers working with preschool children, Vologda 2002

10. Collection of information and methodological materials on working with children on fireproof themes - MGO VDPO, Issue No. 2, Moscow, 2004

11. Methodological manual for conducting classes according to the rules of fire safety - Guo MO, UGPS Municipal GUVD, for general education schools MO, prominent 2000.

I. Competition "Greeting"

Props:3 posters with the inscription "on SOS", fire sleeve, 2 chairs, 2 wig, 2 skirts, 3 scarves, for jury - gifts.

The musical loss of Ruslan "Wild Dances" sounds, then the fire siren.
The whole team is sitting on the scene, except for one person. All are busy with their own business. It runs the very missing person (captain) and shouts: "Total alarms!". All slowly turn the heads on him. No one moves from place.

Captain.Yes ... They scored a rapid response group this year, you will not say anything ... (affectionately, but very clearly pronouncing words): children, and what are we sitting, huh?

The team is silent.

Captain(command tone): What are you rushed, say? We do not have a school burn, our KVN begins!

Everything: And KVN, well, that you did not immediately say ...

Song sounds on the motive "Buratino".

Day today at least where,
And all adversity - nonsense.
And laughter and jokes are already waiting
The fun holiday will be here
We are noses in rivals
Tell me who we are?
We are notasos

Sound of the explosion. Everyone falls. Under the music from the movie "17 Moments of Spring" "Do not think about the ranks of Hill" on the scene there is a fireman in a helmet and with a hose. He crawls. He freezes, opposite the troop of the jury, sending the hose to them in the face and shouts.

Captain. Turning!

Sound of flowing water. Music loss.

Captain. Misha still as a child decided to become a fireman. At the age of 5, he was acknowledged and put out his first apartment. Sasha - at 7 ... firmly decided to become a fireman and ride on a large red car. On Ferrari. Anton. His favorite dish is a stew. No comments. Nikita. He took the father's baseball bat and got up at the intersection. The boy lacked on the bike. And these are our girls - talented and explosive. Our team …


Captain. Our motto…

Everything.If problems, if the skid is always time we will try to sos!

Begin to dance to the song of Kirkorov "and fire and water". Some girls and boys go for the scene.

Captain. So! Well, what did you arrange again here? None for a second you can not leave alone!

Everything: What ... We are nothing ... We ... it ...

Captain. Quiet! Do you know who these people are? This is ... Jury! Silent? Ashamed? Quickly corrected the situation, as it should be a rapid response group!

Under the sounds of "Finnish Polka", everyone scatter. As soon as the music of "Black", 1 of the shower bunch is allocated by several girls and sing the jury. Go from the wall to the edge of the scene, fall on your knees.

Black eyes,
The eyes of burning,
About the jury, jury,
Oh, mighty!
You will pledge to us
In this difficult hour,
We speak
Only for the first time!

Captain. The same. Get up the main program!

Everything. There is!

Again "Finnish Polka" Everyone is scattered. On stage 2 stools, the guy and the girl are sitting on them.

Girl. Cool car! Bentley?

Guy. No, fireman ... where do you go?

Girl. Yes ... on the driving exam, here is near ... I, by the way, Katya is called ... Sorry, do you happen to do not break? One person!

Guy. One face is a bun! And my name is Sergey Kuzutgetovich Shoigu ...

Loss "Killa".

Captain. Ku-ku! Ku-ku!

The team replies: Ku-ku! Our boy.

Captain. I'm not alone in this room, my school is with me!

Fans:"It is better not at all about the school than mine 297."

Song "We - Pumps"

On us soon put the
Yes, do not hesitate, everything is OK.
I check out our work,
5 points Give us soon!
And why? Yes, because!
Grisha Mom ... Prosecutor.
The script was composed,
Over him sobbed at night.
And ... Grisha .. We took into the team.
Well, what did we like you?
And why? What a question!
Yes, because we are "notas"!


We are pumps, we are pumps.
We do not smoke cigarettes.
We look quite specifically,
Isn't noticeable.
And why? What a question?!
Yes, because we are "notas"!

II. Music Competition "Remember, Children, these rules!"

Subject:"Rules and measures for compliance with fire safety.

Props:3 stools, a device for smoke, gas mask, picture with a picture of fire, pictures of fire safety rules, bondan, cloak, bathrobe for nanny.

The sound of steps is heard.

Captain.Children, are you ready?

Everything.Yes captain!


Song sounds on the motive of Michael Jackson "Blackorwhite".

Today evening magic and miracles
"Pump" on this scene is progress.
There will be laugh, flowers and jokes
Safety is cool
You know!
There is no limit to perfection,
Rules you will learn.

Music interruption.
On stage 3 guys and 3 girls. The musical "Do not Kuri-TR-Ra La La" begins.
In the middle of the song, the sound of the descent water of the toilet is heard.
The guys get silent for a second, and then continue to sing.

Nurse.Fire! Girl ... smokers in the toilet.

Music sounds from Benny Heil's show. Call to lesson. Then the song sounds on Bilan melody "Impossible possible".

We know exactly the theorem of Pythagora,
"War and World" four volumes are familiar to us. "
Newton's laws come at night
And what is a cross hinge know for sure.

We go to the burden, always as for the first time.
Let's try to use your chance now.


To smear fires
And hydrant seize.

Anton, you're better away, you can't sing!
So what we spoke to Anton
With fire extinguishers were (earlier) are not familiar.
We want to master today "sleeves",
And get acquainted with fire shields!

Teacher.So, today in the lesson, we study informational signs.

Everything. Oh!

Guy.And hydrants?

Teacher. All looked at me with good attentive eyes.

To the music of "Hay on-on-on" shows signs: prohibiting sign (not smoking), evacuation, index, prescribing, then gas mask dressing teacher, removes. Only 2 guys remained

Teacher.And where is the class?

Guys shrug.

Teacher.The situation is hopeless. It is necessary to act globally. Need to call detectives.

Music from the movie "Pink Panther".

Girl. Hello Friend!

Guy.What a girlfriend!? I spoke, I am James Bond. What business are we investigating today? We investigate a terrible crime against power. Do you understand what I mean?

Girl. Of course, James. The whole class ran away from the lesson. We have only one way to find out - monstrous torture.

Guy.And here are our suspects.

Girl. Look at how they are monstrously similar. They are just like 2 fire hydrant.

Guy. And you worked as a fireman.

Girl. Yes.

Melody sounds from k / f "Seventeen moments of spring".

Guy. Sister.

Girl. Brother (hug). Let us apply torture.

Dress glasses include a TV where "House-2" is shown. One boy puts a finger in his mouth and with delight follows the transmission. The second is fighting in convulsions from disgust.

Girl. Enough. Turn off. It is too cruel.

Guy. Yes, you are right, here you need a psychological approach.

Take a sign. It is depicted on it ... fire.

Guy. What do you see in this picture?

1 boy.Angelina Jolie.

2 boy (admiring). Our director!

Detectives meet.

Girl.It is hopeless. After the organization's lesson, the world has changed for them.

Guy. As the blood says a healthy person - "It's time to turn around!"

The melody from the cartoon "Chip and Dale is rushing to the rescue." The team runs out.


Everything.We entered the Emergencies Ministry Sviblovo.

The melody from the cartoon "Chip and Dale is rushing to the rescue."
Song sounds for Motif Michael Jackson "Blackorwhite".

Our fate has connected all of our school.
Always - study, and today is a game.
We finished this song to sing again together,
The main principle of our national team -
"Pump" - always defeat!

III. Homework: "Report from Events"

Subject:"Fire hazardous and emergency situations and their heroes."

Props:fire sleeve, helmet, bathrobe, bow, shirt. Skirt, doll, flag, visa, suitcase.

Leading.Hello, dear spectators. Today you are present at the unique release of the program "Emergencies and their heroes". And our first report from the fire unit, where one girls work, which is already an emergency.

Girls run up, drag fire sleeve. The melody from the musical "Chicago" sounds.

- Schak.
- Fire
- Pancake
- Aaa
- Gim
- Porn
- Schak.
- Fire
- Pancake
- Aaa
- Masters
- Porn
- Schak.
- Fire
- Pancake
- Aaa
- Schak.
- Fire
- Pancake
- Aaa
- all the life of fires with water extinguished,
- the work of this no price ...
- When you were paid in the service ...
- By the way, guys, how much they pay for this ... Lipschits!
– 150
- Aaa
- To each?
- For everyone!
- Pancake!
- hit!.

1 girl.When I was trampled from school, I decided to become a firefighter. Why? And really? I remember my first task very well ... We then touched the fire on the 5th floor of a 3-storey building ... I, by the way, failed ... And all this sleeve!

2 girl.When I came to the fire station and said that I would work with them, the marriage turned pale and called me with prisons. True, when I figured out how to use the sleeve, he took his words back.

Save us helmet, you're from fire,
Iron Paradise in the arms of darkness,
When you knew how we save,
That would not be afraid of trouble.
They hit ...

Music news.

Leading.Today on a fire on ... Enki ... The street was found unknown pages of the diary of the diary of the main rescue center of Russia Sergey Shoigu. Gregory?

Correspondent. Kristina!?

Three boys read a diary.

October 12. Jump with guys from the garage. We decided to become rescuers. At the third approach, Rusty jumped and broke his leg, then I jumped and broke his hand. I do not know how he will jump tomorrow in the gypsum.
October 23.Smoked with boys in the school toilet. I'm silent with unaccustomed. I want to become a lifeguard.
October 28 (night).Thought about the army. Walking there is reluctant, to have two children? I want to become a lifeguard.
29th of October. Hooray! I have acne! Hmm ... "Crerasil" No ... There is only a lifeguard. Probably fate.
10th of November. Police Day. Called 01, 02, 03, 04. Decided that who would come faster, the more.
11th of November. I woke up from the scream of Pope: "I do not know how to melt." I realized that the firefighters came. Determined with the profession.


Leading.And now - a summary of emergency news.

Music interruption "Brazil", comes out the team reads news.

1. And you know the evolution of firefighters in Russia Ivan III!
- Here is a stukach!

2. The inscription on the poster: "Do not smoke in bed! Ash, which is then to be sweeping, may be yours. "

3. Call to 01:
- Hello, if you burn with you, press "1"; If the neighbors - click "2"; If your phone does not support the tonal set - extinguish yourself!

4. Fire on a pyrotechnic factory raged 6 hours. None of the firefighters dares to extinguish such beauty.

- We now turn to the sensations:

5. The explosion explosion in Medvedkovo. In the hands of firefighters hit a unique material ...

6. On the streets of MKR-on Sviblovo, a bus with an inscription "Alcohol - the cause of a fire appeared. Spicy matches from children. "

Leading.We proceed to the heading "Some Love Studies." Report from the scene I am leading Christina.

Song on the melody "Stop drug".

Forta Woman Summer Akhtung Zero Belomoro,
This story happened in the midst of the woman's summer,
Veriz E TI V Set eurida Rosa
With a simple Tambov schoolgirl named Dunya.
Piazzo Grand Bambino Colombino Preslato soon,
Dunya saved the baby from the burning building,
And Ausweiss Naturly All Okay,
MOE awarded her visa to exchange experience abroad
Schwestter Dona Rosa Rashen Pille Uniform,
Dunya put her favorite dress
Ma cartoon de Set Letter Coco Chanel,
And he stenched a cologne "Red Firefighter".
Times Yaan Handred Faif Alya Platforman,
She sat down in the fast train Tambov-Moscow,
I, I am Main Campf Hood Bai Mont Column,
And went to a fabulous journey.
RIMO, Lisbono und Mosquino Bourgeoisino,
When the Dunya arrived in other people's imperialist powers,
& Nostalzha der Main Klein Garson,
She immediately seized her friends from the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
Casteo-gun-Ganstscape Und Bambino,
Local firefighters were very friendly,
Syndromo dowunito chromosoma,
With amazing mental abilities.

Chorus: Oh, Dunya, Oh-oh-oh ... Poor, poor, Unhappy Dunya,
AU, Dunya, Au-Ah ... She did not know that she was waiting for her.

Warranty lady Jess Furtea Pa Ile Crime
Exciting experiences, Dunya in the evenings went through the streets of the city,
Eh Dunya Anderstend TU RASHN Lipsshitz Ank Benz,
She was proud of Russia and wanted to perform feats in her honor
Ve Trenno Dominanta Lieugen Dough Bafe
In the state of the euphoria of the Dunya walked on the oncoming lane
Dont Anderstend Clowz Kaming Suicide.
And I did not understand that extreme will not lead to anything good.
Camp Paraffini Donya Rose Prima Vera
And now, once in the evening, under the battle of the chimes,
Her accidentally shot down a vehicle(Stop Music)

Skin brakes. Siren.

Everything. Fire engine?

Captain. No ... Bentley.

Everything. So what…

Captain. Save it. Returned to their homeland.


Captain. Losing in guesses.

Music from the movie "17 Moments of Spring". The team freezes in solemn poses.

List of resources used:

1. Anecdotes about firefighters.
2. Schoolboy's diary.

Vera Gaiko
Scenario KVN "Young Rescuers MOE"

The summary of the joint venture of the teacher with children to identify gifted children.

Subject: the game "TO. V.N. Young rescuers MSS»

Miscellaneous Group: Medium group (4-5 years)___ 5 ___ people.

preparatory Group (6-7 years)___ 4 ___ people


Continue to create conditions for identifying the prerequisites for the intellectual gifting of children of secondary and senior preschool age through cognitive development in the joint activities of the educator and children - through the influence of elementary knowledge and fire safety skills, expanding the ideas of children about emergency situations and overcome them through children's emotions and feelings.

Educational tasks:

Systematize, intensify the submission of children about the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Firefighters through game, cognitive activities and game assignments.

Maintain in children interest in cognitive activity, develop curiosity, activity of thinking, memory and speech.

Fasten the ability to work in a team, respect to each other, to improve communicative skills.

Developing tasks:

Develop an understanding that compliance with fire safety rules is always always and everywhere.

Strengthen the health of children, to develop physical qualities, cause a desire to help people in trouble, bring up a feeling of compassion and responsibility.

Continue to develop logical thinking, memory, connected speech.

Educational tasks:

To bring up friendly relations to each other, respect for the work of firefighters, its significance in the lives of people.

Materials and equipment for activities children:

Symbols of KVN-commands

Plates with scallers

Prizes winners (diplomas of participation and diplomas of the winners)

Photos of professions of people associated with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the work of firefighters

Fragments of children's cartoons logos

Subject pictures.

Firefighter riddles and rescuers

Presentation »Our service and is dangerous and difficult to" work a young school rescuer G.. Ministry of Emergency Situations Russia according to E. A. O. (organized by the educator and Kozyreva V.V.)

Projection board


Visual (Conditional and symbolic) Algorithms of activity (on compliance with the rules of behavior in the team).

Preliminary work:

Learning poems and proverbs about work rescuers and firemen,

Consider posters and cartons on fire safety emergencies.

Reading artistic works:

"Fire", "Firefighters" - L. Tolstoy

"Fire", "In smoke" - V. Zhitkov

"Fire", "Story about an unknown hero" - S. Marshak;

View illustrations to them;

-Please presentations: "Fire Piece", "Young School rescuers"," Flooding and rescuers in E.. A. About, 2015, "Flashmob, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Russia."

Conversation about profession "Firefighter."Rescuer»

Developing games trial is the method of control issues, good-bad.

Theatricalization of works of fires, viewing the lessons of the aunt of owls about caution, the lessons of Arkady steam locomotives.

-Chell-role-playing gamesMES rescuers"," Firefighters on the exercises ",

Type of integrated activity children:

Cognitive development

Gaming development

Socio-communicative development

Physical development

Integrated form: KVN.

Methods and techniques:

1. Competition "Business Card".

Representation of teams to each other.

2. Workout "All about MES".

3. Collect the puzzle "Guess the cartoon".

4. Motor Pause "Taming of Fire"

5. Captain competition "Camerage"

6. Didactic game "Association"

7. Homework "Rebus"

The course of the game.

Under the music "We start KVN." Commands consisting of children of medium, preparatory groups


We have KVN today for those who are inquisitive.

We have a very informative KVN today.

Club funny

Torny club

Club resourceful guys.

Two teams of our teams

Start their parade.

Educator: And today we have KVN. We will compete and learn who the best one knows about the Ministry of Emergency Situations, about the dangers that can be involved with children, and how to avoid them, about professions « rescuer, firefighter"

I want to suggest you check the knowledge of fire safety.

Listen to the rules games:

The presenter sets you a question, you listen carefully, do not interrupt.

Command game, you need to consult with friends to give the right answer.

If you are not responsible correctly, then you do not get a score, and your question goes to your rivals.

For each correct answer, you get one score.

Evaluate the results of competitions will be the jury in composition:

Graduate School Youth Rescuer In the city of Birobidzhan-Kozyreva, Varvara Vladimirovna.

Primary school teacher Irina Valeryevna.

Head of pre-school institution-Udovenko Olga Vladimirovna.

"Business card".

I ask the captains to submit our teams!

Team captain:"Bold and smart"


Rules we know

Just the highest class!

If you want

We will teach you!

Command Captain »Brave and Inquisitive»


We are tuned seriously

Although it looks not terrible.

Behind the victory in good time,

Go around you today!

Lead: So we met. I propose to warm up.

"All about the Ministry of Emergency Situations"

Each team will ask questions and respond to three questions of their rivals. Before answering, you can conscribe with each other.

Questions to the team "Smart and brave"

1 square fireman? ( "01", "112")

2Why Fire Machine Red? (red - bright and reminds fire; so that it is noticeable on the road; so that the road is inferior)

3Why the profession of people called « rescuers» ?

Questions to the team "Brave and inquisitive"

1. What qualities you should have firefighters and rescuers?

2If room filled with thick smoke, what will you do? (close the nose and mouth with a wet handkerchief or a napkin and a regiment to move towards the exit?

3Why did the profession of people called "firefighters?"

The game begins.

1. Game "Gather Puzzle"

Command participants collect logos from parts and call the cartoon.

2 game - "Whose team will quickly collect the word RESCUER»

Every day fire and rescuer Begins with charging. We are now charged with positive energy, lament.

Aerobics to the music of Sviridova "Taming of fire"

3. Camerages - Captain competition.

Puzzles-descriptions of assistance to victims are offered, they find a fellow in the photo. ( salvation at flooding, with earthquakes. fire extinguishing animal Rescue.

4. Didactic game "Association".

The presenter offers team members to choose from the set of substantive pictures those necessary for rescuersFirefighters.

Game with spectators - "Not mistaken".

5. Homework "Rebuses"

Record (oral answer) Sign scheme (rebus)The team participants (the option of guessing together with the parents-parents, viewers) is solved by the rebus and voiced it or the recording of its decryption.

6. Master: Don - Don. Don - Don.

Caught Koshkin House,

The goat jumped out, the eyes revealed,

Runs chicken with a bucket

Fill a cat house.

And they failed to pour.

Leading: Guys, and you know what you can lie down?

Children: (Possible Answers) Water, sand, earth, snow, washing powder, a tarp bedspread, a fire extinguisher, broom.

The relay is carried out (Siren sounds, children are built into two teams)

Participation of barbarians and educators in different teams.

The relay "01" hurries to help "

Wear a suit with a firefighter and gloves.

Take a bucket

Running "Snake" between cones

Crawl into

"Pour the water, put out the fire (buckets of children's or children's fire extinguishers)

Reverse - Running in a straight line, pass the bucket to the next participant

8The children want to express senses of gratitude respect for people of a courageous profession.

Reading poems by participants of the game.

Take an example from fire adults

We always try.

It is not easy to become the same -

This requires labor. - Lev Kabaev

So that the profession of brave

Perfection to master

Need a lot of knowledge important

And good in the shower to have. - Ksenia Kaptyuk

And silenok so that and courage

Others do not take ...

We wanted so much

Strong like you now. - Karina Gorbunova

Reading a poem for Varvara Kozyreva (author Gaiko V. A.) With viewing a presentation of achievements in the school of young rescuer.

"There is something like that in this girl, why it is impossible to remove the eyes.

Good, honest, purposeful, full of vitality.

Engaged in the Ministry of Emergency Situations and at school, competitions and studies

All had time to combine, and reached the ultimate goal

She became a lifeguard! In life a lot of learning

But people will be able to help if misfortune happens, always comes to the rescue! "

Song: "Anthem rescuers Ministry of Emergency Situations»

Leading: Summing up the game »Black and white envelope»

In the black envelope, we place photos of the players who have not actively participated in the transfer. White envelope is the strongest players and connoisseurs about the Ministry of Emergency Situations. (Other options - the participants themselves evaluate their activities in transmission, justify their actions)

Varvara: Dear Guys! As a representative of the Ministry of Emergency Situations I express you deep gratitude and i say: "Huge thank you» For attention, active participation in manifestation in front of the audience and guests of smelting, speed, dexterity and abilities in the physical, speech and intellectual development of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia awards children with diplomas of winners and participants of the game, chocolate medals. Presentation of a memorable gift from children and staff to the former pupils of kindergarten Varvara / Vladimirovna (made by the hands of children) For participation in the game and training of preschoolers the basics of fire safety.

Leading: Guys, you liked the game "TO. V.N.? What did you know for yourself interesting, what caused difficulties? (children's responses) Let's tell our guests a big thanks for participating in the game.

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