The meaning of the word waterville. The meaning of the word waterville in the literary encyclopedia

The meaning of the word waterville. The meaning of the word waterville in the literary encyclopedia
The meaning of the word waterville. The meaning of the word waterville in the literary encyclopedia

Waterville is a genre from the world of dramaturgy, which has characteristic recognizable signs. With confidence, let's say that he is a "great-grandfather" of modern pop. First, it is a very musical play, rich in dancing and songs. Secondly, it is always a comedy.

Waterville is also theatrical play created in this genre. The plot is pretty and easy. The conflict is built on a funnant intrigue and is allowed to be happy finals.


Curious origin of so unusual words. Historians argue that it was born in the fifteenth century in Normandy, near the Vir River. There lived poets that wrote folk songswho were named Val de Vire, translated - "Virgin Valley". Later, the word has changed on Voix De Ville (literally "provincial voice"). Finally, in French, the term took shape in Vaudeville, which means "waterville." So the literary creations were called, in which events were set out through the prism of an innocent uncomplicated perception. Initially, it was only street comic songs who performed the wandering artists. Only in the eighteenth century, playwrights appeared, who, focusing on the nature of these songs, began to compose the plays with similar plots and in similar stylistics. As the texts were poetic, they easily lay music. However, the actors in the process of execution of the plays improved a lot, they did it most often in prose, and therefore the playwrights also alternate the poetic pieces of text with prosaic.

Waterville and operetta

Art historians say that from now on, the Windows has appeared younger sister - Operetta, which, however, very soon became extremely popular. Singing prevailed in Operette, and in Waterville - conversations. For the specialization of the form there was a certain difference in the content. Waterville is not satirical, but, more likely, a joking image of the life and morals of people of the middle class. Comedy situations are developing rapidly, violently and often grotesque.

Features of the genre

One of characteristic features The works of this genre are the constant appeals of the actor to the viewer during the action. Also, the specificity of the hydroevil is the mandatory repetition of the same song versions. Waterville features made it the desired part of any benefit. The actor giving such a performance after serious dramatic monologues can please the public, appearing in a completely different image. In addition, waterville is a great opportunity to demonstrate vocal and dance data.

Impact on cultural traditions

Waterville in the era of his appearance very loved by residents different countries and continents, but in every culture he went his own way. In America, for example, Music Hall and other bright, striking the imagination of the show program grew out of it. In Russia, the waterville caused a joke play and comic opera to life. Completely water content in some brilliant works A. P. Chekhov ("Proposal", "Bear", "Drama", etc.).

Sample of russian water water

"Melnik - sorcerer, deceiver and swat" - sparkling comic Pieces Alexandra Ablessova in the spirit of Waterville was first played on stage in 1779. After two hundred years, it is happy to put it modern theaters. The plot is extremely simple: Mother's peasant peasant, born nobility, but issued to marry a peasant, hinders his daughter's wedding, who won their peasant guy to her husband. Does not want to take him into the son-in-law and father of the girl. The conflict is caused to resolve a tricky and enterprising Melnik Faddey. Since the village belief says that all Melniks are sorcerers, Faddey does not miss the case to take advantage, believing that the burner is nothing like a deception. He becomes a wool and, finding each of his "key," successfully convinces the parents of Anuti, that they do not find the best son-in-law. In this funny comedy provisions, there is everything that includes the importance of the word "hydroevil".

Waterville (FR. VAUDEVILLE) - Comedy Piece with Songs-Covers and Dancing. The name comes from the French "Val de Vire" - Virgin Valley. Vir - River in Normandy. IN XVII century In France, the spread of songs, famous called "Chanson de Val de Vire". They are attributed folk poets XV century - Olivier Washland and Le-Gu.

But most likely it is just a collective designation of a special genre of a simple simple joking song folk character, Easy through a melodic composition, mockery-satirical in content, and by origin to its associated villages of the Virgin Valley. This can explain the further transformation of the name itself - from "Val De Vire" in Voix De Ville ("Voice of the City").

In the second half XVII century They appeared in France and small theatrical plays, introduced these songs along the course of action and from them themselves called "Waterville". And in 1792, even the special "Théâtre de vaudeville" was founded in Paris - "Theater of the Waterl". Skreb and Labish are especially famous from French watermarists.

In Russia, the prototype of the water was small comic Opera end of XVII century, held in the repertoire of the Russian theater and by the beginning of the XIX century. This can be attributed here - "Sbutenik" Princess, Nikolaev - "Guardian-professor" and "misfortune from the carriage", Levshina - "imaginary widows", Matinsky - "S.-Petersburg Gostiny", Krylov - "Coffee Nail" and others.

The Opera V. Ablessov was a special success - "Melnik-sorcerer, a deceiver and swat" (1779). "Siaia Pieces," says "Dramatic Dictionary" 1787, "there so much filed attention from the public, which is played many times ... not only from the national hesishand, but also foreigners curious pretty."

In Pushkin's "Column Nulin", the definition of waterville is associated with the concept of Aria, the operas:

"... Would you like to listen

Adorable waterville? "And graph

The next stage of the development of Waterville is the "little comedy with music", as the Bulgarian determines it. This idea received special distribution from about the 20s of the last century. Typical specimens of such waterville Bulgarian believes the "Cossack-poem" and "Lomonosov" Shakhovsky.

"Cossack-poems," F. Vigel writes in his "notes", is especially noteworthy in that the first staged to the scene under the real name of Waterville. From him, this endless chain of these light works was stretched. "

Among the noble-guards youth early XIX. The century was considered a sign of "good tone" to compose the waterville for the benefit of a particular actor or actress. And for the beneficiaries, it was beneficial, for meant and some "propaganda" from the author for the upcoming benefit collection. Later, even Nekrasov "sinned" with several water wakes under the pseudonym N. Rememorsky ("Shila in a bag do not hurt, you can't hold the girl in a bag", "Fooclist Onufrievich Bob, or a husband is not in his plate", "That's what it means to fall in love with the actress", "Actor" and "Babushkina Parrots").

Usually waterville translated from french. "Alteration on Russian morals" of French watervals was limited mainly by the replacement of French evidence by Russians. N. V. Gogol in 1835 he lists in his notebook: "But what happened now, when a real Russian, and a few more stern and distinguished by a kind of nationality, with his hard figure, began to fake under the putimetra scarcation, and our fat, But a sweeterous and smart merchant with a wide beard, who does not know anything on his leg, except for a heavy boot, would put on a narrow shoe and stockings à jour instead, a different, even better, would leave in the boot and began to be in the first pair to French cadrille . But almost the same our national watermen. "

Also, the sterns of Belinsky's sentence of Russians: "First, they are mainly the essence of the alteration of French water wakes, therefore, couples, sharpness, funny positions, tie and omission - everything is ready, you will only take advantage of. And what comes out? This ease, naturalness, the liveliness, who involuntarily fascinated and keshii our imagination in the French waterway, this sharpness, these cute stupidity, is a talent flutter, this mind is the game of these grimaces, in a word, all this disappears in the Russian copy, but one seriousness remains , awkwardness, unnaturalness, tension, two or three kalabours, two or three sequels, and nothing more. "

Studied secular theaters of waterville usually on very simple prescription. About him also told Griboedovsky reheetals ("Mount from the mind"):


Other six to music are clad

Others clap when they give it ... "

There are guidance on the fact that Pushkin, going to meet the requests of some friends, gave tribute to the customs of the then Great Dandy, although with a certainty the texts of Pushkin water waters are not installed.

Usually, water-wing poems were such that with all the condescension, they can only be called rhymety.

Waterville's passion was truly huge. For October 1840 in St. Petersburg Alexandrinsky Theater A total of 25 performances were delivered, of which almost in each other than the main play was still one or two watervilles, but ten performances were over whenever they were composed exclusively from waterville. Herzen, waiting with the impatience of arrival in London M. S. Shpkin, recalls (in a letter to M. K. Rehel) not his big roles, but a water chorus:

"Chuk-Chuk, Tetyan,

Chernobrova Kohan. "

Schepkin himself played in water watery very willingly. They held a very prominent place in his repertoire. Going in 1834 on tour to St. Petersburg, he sends his repertoire to Sosnitsky, where, along with the "grief from the mind," there are a lot of water waters.

Approximately from the 1840s. In Waterville, it begins to glorify noticeably, then in the text, then in the form of acting discovered and bakers, element of topicality and controversy, and it has in the public big success. Of course, the topicality in Nikolaev times could not go beyond purely literary or theatrical worship (and then carefully), everything else "stricter forbidden." In Waterville Lensky, for example, "in people an angel is not a wife, at home with her husband - Satan" smeared:

Here, for example, the analysis of Poles Poles - and the author and the actor will not understand the words here ...

A special success fell to the share of a five-acting waterway of Lensky "Lev Gurych Sichkin or Provincial Debutant", converted from the French play "Father Debutant". It was preserved in the repertoire of theaters until the beginning of the 20th century, although, of course, was already deprived of any of the topicality (which there was a lot in it), but did not yet lose the values \u200b\u200bof the pictures of theatrical morals of that time. In the 1840s, appeared yet special genre Waterville "with dressing up". They had a noisy success of a young, sneaking Nekrasov, Actress Ashenkov. The most popular waterways were the most popular authors: Shakhovskaya, Khmelnitsky (his water wake "Air locks" resisted before end XIX. century), Pisarev, Koni, Fedorov, Grigoriev, Solovyov, Kratygin (author "Vitzmundyr"), Lensky and others.

Penetration into Russia In the late 1860s from France, Operetta weakened the passion for the waterfront, especially since all political expression was widely practiced in the operetta (there are also very vigilant censorship), and especially topical (in the same water type) couplets. Without such locks, the operetta then did not think. Nevertheless, the waterville is still long enough in the repertoire of the Russian theater. Its noticeable wilting begins only with the eighties of the XIX century.


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Waterville (FR. VAUDEVILLE) - Comedy Piece with Songs-Covers and Dancing.

The name comes from the French "Val de Vire" - Virgin Valley. Vir - River in Normandy. In the XVII century, the songs known as the "Chanson de Val de Vire" were distributed in France. They are attributed to the folk poets of the XV century - Olivier Washcha and Le-Gu.

But most likely it is simply a collective designation of a special genre of a simple simple joking song of a folk nature, easy on a melodic composition, mockery-satirical in content, and by origin to its associated villages of the Virgin Valley. This can explain the further transformation of the name itself - from "Val De Vire" in Voix De Ville ("Voice of the City").

In the second half of the XVII century, in France and small theatrical plays, introduced these songs in the course of the action and from them themselves called "Waterville". And in 1792, even the special "Thtre de Vaudeville" was founded in Paris - "Theater of the Watering". Skreb and Labish are especially famous from French watermarists.

In Russia, the prototype of the Windows was a small comic opera of the late XVII century, held in the repertoire of the Russian theater and by the beginning of the XIX century. This can be attributed here - "Sbuteneshchik" Princess, Nikolaev - "Guardian-Professor" and "Unfortunate from the carriage", Levshina - "Many Widowers", Matinsky - "St. Petersburg Seating courtyard", Krylova -" Coffee Night "and others.

The Opera V. Ablessov was a special success - "Melnik-sorcerer, a deceiver and swat" (1779). "Siaia Pieces," says "Dramatic Dictionary" 1787, "there so much filed attention from the public, which is played many times ... not only from the national hesishand, but also foreigners curious pretty."

In Pushkin's "Column Nulin", the definition of waterville is associated with the concept of Aria, the operas:

The next stage of the development of Waterville is the "little comedy with music", as the Bulgarian determines it. This idea received special distribution from about the 20s of the last century. Typical specimens of such waterville Bulgarian believes the "Cossack-poem" and "Lomonosov" Shakhovsky.

"Cossack-poems," F. Vigel writes in his "notes", is especially noteworthy in that the first staged to the scene under the real name of Waterville. From him, this endless chain of these light works was stretched. "

Among the noble-guards young people began the beginning of the XIX century, it was considered a sign " good tone»Compose water wake for benefit from a particular actor or actress. And for the beneficiaries, it was beneficial, for meant and some "propaganda" from the author for the upcoming benefit collection. Later, even Nekrasov "sinned" with several water wakes under the pseudonym N. Rememorsky ("Shila in a bag do not hurt, you can't hold the girl in a bag", "Fooclist Onufrievich Bob, or a husband is not in his plate", "That's what it means to fall in love with the actress", "Actor" and "Babushkina Parrots").

Usually water was translated from French. "Alteration on Russian morals" of French watervals was limited mainly by the replacement of French evidence by Russians. N. V. Gogol in 1835 he lists in his notebook: "But what happened now, when a real Russian, and a few more stern and distinguished by a kind of nationality, with his hard figure, began to fake under the putimetra scarcation, and our fat, But a lifeling and clever merchant with a wide beard, who does not know anything on his leg, except for a heavy boot, would put a narrow shoe and stockings Jour, and another, even better, would leave in the boot and began to be in the first pair to French cadrille. But almost the same our national watermen. "

Also, the sterns of Belinsky's sentence of Russians: "First, they are mainly the essence of the alteration of French water wakes, therefore, couples, sharpness, funny positions, tie and omission - everything is ready, you will only take advantage of. And what comes this ease, naturalness, the liveliness, who involuntarily fascinated and keshii our imagination in French waterwood, this sharpness, these cute stupidity, this is a talent flutter, this is the game of the mind, these grimaces of fantasy, the word, all this disappears in the Russian copy, And there is one heavyness, awkwardness, unnatural, tension, two or three kalabura, two or three sequels, and nothing else. "

Wasteville's secular theaters usually strengthened along a very simple recipe. About him also told Griboedovsky reheetals ("Mount from the mind"):

There are guidance on the fact that Pushkin, going to meet the requests of some friends, gave tribute to the customs of the then Great Dandy, although with a certainty the texts of Pushkin water waters are not installed.

Usually, water-wing poems were such that with all the condescension, they can only be called rhymety.

Waterville's passion was truly huge. For October 1840, only 25 performances were delivered in the St. Petersburg theater, of which almost in each other, other than the main play, were still one or two watervilles, but ten performances were over whenever composed exclusively of waterville. Herzen, waiting with the impatience of arrival in London M. S. Shpkin, recalls (in a letter to M. K. Rehel) not his big roles, but a water chorus:

Schepkin himself played in water watery very willingly. They held a very prominent place in his repertoire. Going in 1834 on tour to St. Petersburg, he sends his repertoire to Sosnitsky, where, along with the "grief from the mind," there are a lot of water waters.

Approximately from the 1840s. In Waterville, it begins to glorify noticeably, then in the text, then in the form of the acting discovered and bakers, an element of topicality and controversy, and it has a great success in the public. Of course, the topicality in Nikolaev times could not go beyond purely literary or theatrical worship (and then carefully), everything else "stricter forbidden." In Waterville Lensky, for example, "in people an angel is not a wife, at home with her husband - Satan" smeared:

Here, for example, analysis
Poles Poles -
And author and actor
There will be no word ...

A special success fell to the share of a five-acting waterway of Lensky "Lev Gurych Sichkin or Provincial Debutant", converted from the French play "Father Debutant". It was preserved in the repertoire of theaters until the beginning of the 20th century, although, of course, was already deprived of any of the topicality (which there was a lot in it), but did not yet lose the values \u200b\u200bof the pictures of theatrical morals of that time. In the 1840s, there was still a special genre of Waterville "with dressing up". They had a noisy success of a young, sneaking Nekrasov, Actress Ashenkov. Most popular authors Waterville were: Shakhovskaya, Khmelnitsky (his waterway "Air locks" held until the end of the XIX century), Pisarev, Koni, Fedorov, Grigoriev, Solovyov, Kratygin (author "Vitzmundyr"), Lensky, and others.

Penetration into Russia In the late 1860s from France, Operetta weakened the passion for the waterfront, especially since all political expression was widely practiced in the operetta (there are also very vigilant censorship), and especially topical (in the same water type) couplets. Without such locks, the operetta then did not think. Nevertheless, the waterville is still long enough in the repertoire of the Russian theater. Its noticeable wilting begins only with the eighties of the XIX century.
Gorbunov I. F., L. T. Lensky. "Russian Starina", ї 10, 1880.
Tikhonravov N. S., Prof., M. S. Shpkin and N. V. Gogol, Journal "Artist", KN. V, 1890.
Izmailov A. Fedor Koni and Old Waterville. "Yearbook imperial theaters" Ї 3. 1909.
Varnah B.V. History of the Russian Theater. Part II. - Kazan. 1910.
Notes, letters and stories M. S. Shchepkin. Spb. 1914.
Ignatov I. N. Theater and viewers. Part I. - M. 1916
Beskin E. Nekrasov-playwright, magazine "Worker of Enlightenment". Ї 12. 1921.
Grossman L. Pushkin in theatrical chairs. - L. 1926.
Vigel F. F. Notes. t. I. - M. 1928.
Beskin E. M. History of the Russian Theater. - M. 1928.
Vsevolodsky-Gerzross. HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN THEATER. - M. 1929 (2 TT.).
The article is based on the materials of the literary encyclopedia 1929-1939. Wikipedia

Ilya Repin. Vaudeville

Ah, waterville, waterville, waterville,
Music, songs, intrigues and dancing,
Let him rust and naive it was
Let him remain so.
You do not judge about it,
Do not say that jokes are cumbersome,
All that pops we call
It all started on these stage.

From k / f "Ah, Waterville, Waterville ..."

What kind of genre is molar!

Vaudeville (FR. VAUDEVILLE) - Comedy Piece with Songs - Purchas and Dancing.

The word comes from the French "Valdevire" - the Virgin Valley. Vir - River in Normandy. In the XVII century in France, the spread of songs, known as "ChanSondevalDevire" or Watervira received. They are attributed to the folk poets of the XV century - Olivier Washland and Le-Gu. Le-Gu issued a collection of poems Vaux de Vire Nouveaux. These light comic songs became in Paris the property of wide urban masses, thanks to the fact that they were on the bridge of Pon-Nets were stray singers. But most likely it is a collective designation of a special genre of a simple simple joking song of a folk nature, easy on a melodic composition, mockery-satirical in content, and by origin to its associated villages of the Virgin Valley. This can explain the further transformation of the name itself - from "Val de Vire" in Voix De Ville ("Rustic voice"). In the XVII century Songs-waterville gradually appear in theatrical ideas. There is a kind of small play played during the people's festivities in fair-term theaters, so-called. "Piez-water wake." The earliest water waters, characters, desired buffonade, is associated with the Pantomimoy and fair parades ("Harlequin - poster-flyer", 1792, "Harlequin - Tailor", 1793, etc.).

In the future, the waterville turned into a genre of a light comedy play with an anecdotical plot, in which the dialogue and dramatic actionBuilt on acute entertaining intrigue, combined with songs-checks, romances and dancing. In the XVIII century, the Lesazh, Fuselyeee and Durneal in imitation of these water-wing songs began to make plays of the same content.

By the end of the XVIII century. In France, Waterville has developed as an independent theater genre. During the Great french revolution He became a favorite genre professional Theater. In Paris, the "Water" theater was opened; Then the watering theaters "Trubadurov Theater", "Theater Montannacie" and others arose.

Waterville as a genre was canonized in France E. Screb, who wrote independently or in collaboration with other playwrights over 150 watervals, many of which were translated over 50 years and reworked, serving other playwrights european countries samples.

The Russian audience first met Waterville in 1800-1802, when the French troupe toured in St. Petersburg.

In Russia, the prototype of Waterville at the end of the XVII century. There was a small comic opera, which used its very popular before the beginning of the XIX century. In January 1779, a comic opera of the Russian playwright-satirist A. O. Ablessova "Melnik Sordun, a deceiver and Schat was presented in the Moscow Theater. Music design From Russian songs was created by Moscow violinist, conductor and composer M. M. Sokolovsky. The success of the opera struck everyone: "Siaia Pesia has filed so much attention from the public, that a lot of times was played and the theater was filled. And then in St. Petersburg, it was presented many times at the courtyard, and in what happened at that time the Volnoye Theater at the Kwards of the city was played by a sixth of twenty-seven times; Not only from the national audience was pleasure, but foreigners curious pretty; Briefly to say that it is hardly the first Russian opera had so much admiring specthers and splasons ". So wrote about the success of the comic opera Ableximov, one of his contemporaries.

To the comedian opera at the theater "Comedy" a special relationship. There is a possibility that the artistic director of the theater, Honored Artist of Russia, Mikhail Alexandrovich Levshin, descendant of Vasily Alekseevich Levshin, Russian writer, the author of numerous agricultural and economic guidelines, instructions for housekeeping, veterinary medicine, fairy tales, and ave mentioned in the poem A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin":

"Here is the time: good lazy,
Epicuretes wise men
You, indifferent lucky,
You, schools Levshina * chicks,
You, rustic approaches,
And you, sensitive ladies,
Spring in the village calls you
It's time for heat, colors, works,
It's time for the guys inspired
And seductive nights. "

Creativity of this extraordinary person occupies a special place in the history of Russian culture end of XVIII - early XIX centuries. Writings V. A. Levshin make up about 250 volumes. He, besides, and author about 20 comic operas. In comic opera V. A. Levshina reflected social problems Modern Russian reality. The basis of the majority of Russian comic operas of the end of the XVIII century. Interpretation of Western European drama. However, in each of the comic operas, V. A. Levshin, even if it relied on a certain foreign sample, contained something alive, colorful, interesting for the Russian viewer. V. A. Levshin turned out to be the last famous authorworked in the field of Russian comic opera.

The next stage of the development of the Windows, according to F. V. Bulgarin, the Russian writer, journalist and criticism was the "little comedy with music", which received special distribution from about the 20s of the last century.
Usually, the water was translated from French. "Alteration on Russian morals" of French watervals was limited to the greatest part of the replacement of French Russian names. In Gogol's notes, you can read: - "But what now happened when a real Russian, and a few more stern and distinguished by a kind of nationality, with his hard figure, began to fake under the putimetime scarlet, and our fat, but a mild and intelligent merchant with a wide beard, not knowing his leg Nothing other than a heavy boot, it would put on a narrow shoe and stockings of à jour instead, a different, even better, would leave in the boot and began to be in the first pair to French cadrille. But almost the same our national water wakes ". It is such a translation and "converted" watervillers flooded the scenes of Russian theaters.

Watershali's secular theaters are usually angry at a very simple recipe. This was perfectly expressed by the Hero of Comedy Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" reheetals:

"Zasya, I do not sit apart,
And somehow an invalid, suddenly the punishment of rye,
Other I have the idea of \u200b\u200bthe same thing
And Lester look the windower blindly
Other six to music are clad
Others clap when they give it. "

At the beginning of the XIX century. Among the noble-guards youth was considered a sign of "good tone" to compose the waterwhal for the benefit of a particular actor or actress, which implied some "propaganda" for the beneficiaries.

Waterville's passion was truly huge. For October 1840, only 25 performances were delivered in the Alexandrin theater, of which almost one or two water waters were made in each other, but ten performances were above that were composed exclusively from waterville. Special success fell to the share of Waterville D. Lensky "Lev Gurychin Sichkin or Provincial Debutant", converted from the French play "Father Debutant". It is preserved in the repertoire of theaters and to the present day, being a symbol of the Russian theater for many years.

County Charf Vyndrinsky

Here is your theatrical quarry
Is it possible to make you?
Our provincial theater
Laughter and grief, shame and stamp!

Posters Sichikkin

Now I am mine and my daughter
I am to you on a strict court
And, I confess, in the soul of Roby
For the first Lisankan debut.
What will happen to her, unknown.
I was confused in fear all:
There took her wonderfully
But what will happen here! ..

In the 1860-1880s, the theaters repertoire consists mainly of old water waters. By this time, more than 800 plays of this genre was presented on the stage. Watervili written almost for all occasions. The First Russian Waterville should be recognized as Knince A. A. Shakhovsky, Russian playwright and theater Worker, "Kozak poem" with Kavos music (1812). To the original Watervilles Shakhovsky should still be found: "Fedor Grigorievich Volkov". Not passed by this genre and the great Russian writer A. P. Chekhov. In addition to the magnificent innovative plays, called lyrical comedians, Chekhov created water waters, the plot for which some stories served. So the basis of the Weddab "Wedding" is a story "Wedding with General". Funny and serious one-acting watermented "On the dangers of tobacco", "Bear", "Offer", "Wedding", "Jubilee" have long become a dramatic classic, familiar fans of Chekhov not only theatrical productions, but also by numerous screen vendors.

Several penetration into Russia in the late XIX century, the french operetta penetrate into Russia, especially since the operetta was widely practiced and all sorts of political expressions (of course, within the limits of very vigilant censorship), acting chief and especially topical (in the same water type) couplets. But, nevertheless, the water wake is still long enough and successfully walked on the scenes of Russian theaters. The power of the inertia, according to which the water wake continued to attract theaters was huge.

In the XX century Waterville exists in the "memory of the genre". Some revival of the Russian waterway tradition can be found in 1920-1930, when V. Shkvarkin (someone else's child), I. Ilf and E. Petrov (a strong feeling), V. Kataev (Circle quadrature) worked in this genre. By the way, it was the "square of the circle" became the first serious director's work now artistic director Theater "Comedians", and then in the 1966th Student of the 3rd Course of the Director of the Faculty Theatrical Institute On Mokhovah, Mikhail Levshina. Then the student was also played in this performance, and later the rector of the theater academy was the sundrem. Later, the director will continue to work with the genre of the Windows, putting in his theater already classic ancient water waters "Barsk and Pansies"And" Bed from a delicate heart. "

In the 60-80 years of the XX century. Genre Waterville suddenly shone again, but already in the Soviet cinema. Films appeared on the screens as: "Hussarskaya Ballad" (1962), "Fortress actress" (1963), "Wedding in Malinovka" (1967), "Lev Gurych Sichkin", "Straw Hat" (1974) and others. They shone the stars of the Soviet screen - Eugene Leonov, Sergey Yursky, Sergey Filippov, Mikhail Pugovkin, Evgeny Vester, Olga Aroshev, Saveli Kramarov, Nikolay Trofimov, Nonna Mordyukova, Georgy Georgiu, Oleg Tabakov, Mahail Kazakov, Leonid Kuravlev, Andrei Mironov, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Vladislav Pleelchik, Zinovy \u200b\u200bGerdt, Efim Copelian, Mikhail Kozakov, Alisa Freindlich, Ekaterina Vasilyeva, Mikhail Boyarsky, etc.

In 1978, the viewers were pleased with the premiere of a fabulous, fantastic, musical and very beautiful film "June 31". Who then looked, so lucky, because the film is long on the shelf. He was deployed because of his departure abroad Alexander Zatsepina and did not return from Alexander Godunova's ballet in the border. Now the film is returned to the people.
Easy music film "Ah Waterville, Waterville ..." He was shot in 1979 by director George Jungwald-Khilkeich and Peter Grigoriev, according to the motives of Waterville Peter Grigoriev "Daughter of the Russian Actor". This list can be continued infinite! All these films can be called successful examples of the water watery genre.

The water wake of the 20th century "invaded" to the region of satire and parody, losing its original ease. However, the techniques of the emotional impact of waterville, causing clean, sincere emotions, and the uncomplicated conflicts of dramaturgical material, giving the viewer the opportunity to worry about the coupled character as close man relevant now. And if you are interested in this wonderful genre, we are waiting for you on the "trouble from a delicate heart"!



Vaudeville. - The word comes from the French "Val de Vire" - the Virgin Valley. Vir - River in Normandy. In the XVII century, the spread of songs known in the name "Chanson de Val de Vire" were distributed in France. They are attributed to the folk poets of the XV century - Olivier Washland and Le-Gu. But most likely it is simply a collective designation of a special genre of a simple simple joking song of a folk nature, light on a melodic composition, mockery-satirical in content, and by origin to its associated villages of the Virgin Valley. This can explain the further transformation of the name itself - from "Val de Vire" in Voix De Ville ("Rustic voice"). In the second half of the XVII century, small theatrical plays appeared in France, which, in the course of the action, these songs and from them themselves called "Waterville". And in 1792, even the special "theater de vaudeville" was founded in Paris - "Theater V.". Skreb and Labish are especially famous from French watermarists.
We have a prototype V. There was a small comic opera of the late XVII century, held in the repertoire of the Russian theater and by the beginning of the XIX century. This belongs here - "Sbutenik" Princess, Nikolaev - "Guardian-professor" and "misfortune from the carriage", Levshina - "imaginary widows", Matinsky - "St. Petersburg Gostiny", Krylova - "Coffee Nail" and others. Special success had an opera-c. Ablessova - "Melnik-sorcerer, deceiver and swat" (1779). "Siaia Pieces," says the Dramatic Dictionary of 1787, "so much filed attention from the public, which is played many times ... not only from the national hearisters, but foreigners curious pretty". In Pushkin "Count Nulin", the definition of V. is still associated with the concept of Aria, Operas:

"... Would you like to listen
Adorable waterville? " and graph
Sings ...

The next stage of Development V. - "Little Comedy with Music," as Bulgarian determines. This V. received special distribution from about the 20s of the last century. Typical specimens of such V. Bulgarian believes the "Cossack-poem" and "Lomonosov" Shakhovsky. "Cossack-poem," F. Vigel writes in his notes, is especially noteworthy in that the first staged to the scene under the real name V. From him this endless chain of these light works was revealed. "
Among the noble-guards young people began the XIX century. It was considered a sign of "good tone" to compose V. for the benefit of a particular actor or actress. And for the beneficiaries, it was beneficial, for meant and some "propaganda" from the author for the upcoming benefit collection. Later, even Nekrasov "sinned" with several water wakes under the pseudonym N. Rememorsky ("Shila in a bag do not hurt, you can't hold the girl in a bag", "Fooclist Onufrievich Bob, or a husband is not in his plate", "That's what it means to fall in love with the actress", "Actor" and "Babushkina Parrots").
Usually V. translated from French Yaz. "Alteration on Russian morals" of French watervals was limited to the greatest part of the replacement of French Russian names. Gogol in 1835 he lists in his notebook: "But what now happened when a real Russian, and a somewhat stern and distinguished by a kind of nationality, with my hard figure, began to fake under the scarring of the Petimetra, and our fat, but mild and intelligent A merchant with a wide beard, who does not know anything on his leg, except for a heavy boot, would put the narrow shoe and stockings a jour instead, and another, even better, would leave in the boot and began to be in the first pair to the French cadrill. But almost the same our national watermen. " Also, the sterns of Belinsky's sentence of the Russian waterways: "First, they are mostly the essence of the alteration of French water wakes, therefore, couples, sharpness, funny positions, tie and omission - everything is ready, you will only take advantage. And what comes out? This lightness, naturalness, the liveliness that was involuntarily fascinated and kerisy was our imagination in French waterworm, this sharpness, these cute stupidity, this is a talent flutter, this game is the game of the mind, these grimaces of fantasy, in a word, all this disappears in the Russian copy, but one hardness remains , awkwardness, unnaturalness, tension, two or three kalabours, two or three sequels, and nothing more. "
Silent Theaters of V. Usually in a very simple recipe. About him also told Griboedovsky reheetals ("Woe from Wit"):

Other six to music are clad
Others clap when they give it ... "

There are guidance on the fact that Pushkin, going to meet the requests of some friends, gave tribute to the customs of the then Great Lady Dandy, although the texts of Pushkin water waters are not installed.
Usually, the water-wing poems are such that with all the condescension it can be called only rhyme-flying.
Waterville's passion was truly huge. For October 1840, only 25 performances were delivered in St. Petersburg the theater, of which almost in each other, in addition to the main play, were still one or two V., but ten performances were overly compiled exclusively from waterville. Herzen, waiting with the impatience of arrival in London M. S. Shpkin, recalls (in a letter to M. K. Rehel) not his big roles, but a water chorus:

"Chuk-Chuk, Tetyan,
Chernobrova Kohan. "

Schepkin himself played in V. Very willing. They held a very prominent place in his repertoire. Going in 1834 on tour to Petersburg, he sends his repertoire to Sosnitsky, where, along with the "grief from the mind," there are a lot of V.
Approximately from the 40s. In V., it begins to noticeably glorify, then in the text, then in the form of acting challenges and bakers, an element of topicality and controversy, and it has a great success in the public. Of course, the topicality in Nikolaev times could not go beyond purely literary or theatrical worship (and then carefully), everything else "stricter forbidden." In Waterville Lensky, for example, "In people an angel is not a wife, at home with her husband - Satan" smeared:

"For example, analysis
Poles Poles -
And author and actor
There will be no word ... "

Special success fell to the share of a five-acting V. Lensky "Lev Gurych Sichkin or Provincial Debutant", converted from the French play "Father Debutant". It has been preserved in the repertoire of theaters and to the present day, now, of course, is already deprived of any of the topicality (which there was a lot in it), but did not yet lose the values \u200b\u200bof the pictures of theatrical morals of that time. In the 40s, there was still a special genre of V. "With dressing up". They had a noisy success of a young, sneaking Nekrasov, Actress Ashenkov. V. The most popular authors were: Shakhovskaya, Khmelnitsky (his V. "Air Castles" held until the end of the XIX century), Pisarev, Koni, Fedorov, Grigoriev, Solovyov, Kratygin (author "Vitzmundyr"), Lensky, and others.
Penetration to us in the late 60s from France is operetta (see) weakened the passion of V., especially since all political expressive practices were widely practiced in the operetta (of course within the limits of very vigilant censorship), chosen and especially topical (in the same Water Type) Purchases. Without such locks, the operetta then did not think. Nevertheless, B. still has a long time retained in the repertoire of the Russian theater. His noticeable wilt begins only with the eighties of the last century. Bibliography:
Gorbunov I. F., L. T. Lensky, "Russian Starina", No. 10, 1880; Tikhonravov N. S., Prof., M. S. Shchepkin and N. V. Gogol, Zh. "Artist", KN. V, 1890; Izmailov A., Fedor Koni and Old Waterville., "The Yearbook of the Imper. Theaters ", № 3, 1909; Varnah B. V., History of the Russian Theater, Part II, Kazan, 1910; Notes, letters and stories M. S. Shchepkin, St. Petersburg, 1914; Ignatov I. N., Theater and viewers, part I, M., 1916; Beskin E., Nekrasov-playwright, Zh. "Enlightenment Worker", № 12, 1921; Grossman L., Pushkin in theatrical chairs, L., 1926; Vigel F. F., notes, t. I, M., 1928, Beskin E. M., History of the Russian Theater, M., 1928; Vsevolodsky-Gerzross, the history of the Russian Theater, M., 1929 (2 TT.).

Literary encyclopedia. - at 11 tons; M.: Publishing House of the Communist Academy, Soviet Encyclopedia, Fiction. Edited by V. M. Friece, A. V. Lunacharsky. 1929-1939 .


(Franz. Vaudeville from Vau de Vire is the Vir River Valley in France, where folk songs were spread - water waters), light play with bonds. Initially, comic songs, from the 18th century. Mandatory in the comedies, then the water wake becomes an independent genre. Found widespread in French drama 18-19 centuries. ( the best authors E. Skreb and E. Labish recognized). In Russia, Waterville becomes popular at the turn of the 1820-30s., It is a genre of moral phositive and beative. Best works This genre belongs to A. I. Pisarev (1803-28), D. T. Lensky (1805-60), F. A. Koni (1809-79), also wrote Watervili N. A. Nekrasov.

Literature and language. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Edited by prof. Gorkina A.P. 2006 .


VAUDEVILLE. Waterville call a dramatic collision in comedy plan (see comedy). If the comedy dramatic struggle should not be cruel, then it is even more applied to the water waters. Here, usually, a comedy violation of any very minor social norm, for example, the norms of hospitality, good-neighborly relations, etc. Due to the insignificance of the violated norm, waterville is usually reduced to a sharp short collision - sometimes to one scene.

History of waterville. Etymology of this word (VAUX-DE-VIRE, Virgin Valley) gives an indication of the initial birth of this type of dramatic creativity (G. Vir is in Normandy); Subsequently, this word through the distortion was comprehended by Voix De Ville - a rustic voice. Under the hydroevil began to understand such works in which the phenomena of life are determined from the point of view of naive rustic views. Easy character content is distinctive feature Waterville. The creator of waterville, characterizing these works from its content, was french poet The XV century Le-Gu, who was subsequently mixed with another poet Olivier wishes. Le-State Farmers collector Vaux de Vire Nouveaux. These light comic songs in the spirit of the Le-Gu and the Bolshal were made in Paris the property of wide urban masses, thanks to the fact that they were on the bridge of the Pon Negmeni. In the XVIII century, the woodwork, the fuselier and Durneal in the imitation of these water waters began to make plays of the same content. The text of water devices is accompanied by music from the beginning of the second halves XVIII century. Musical execution Waterville contributed to the fact that all the text was written in verses ("Melnik" Ableximov). But soon, with the fulfillment of water waters, artists began to be made to the text in the prosaic form of change - improvisation on the current malice of the day. This gave the opportunity to the authors themselves alternate verse with prose. From that time, the branching of the water waters begins for two types: on the actual water and operetta. In waterville prevailing colloquial speech, and in operetta - singing. However, the operetta began to differ in its content from waterville. It is parody different phenomena Life. Such is the operetta Khmelnitsky (beginning of the XIX century): "Greek Bedding or Iphigencies in Tavrid" and later: "Orpheus in hell", "Beautiful Elena", "Market Daughter", "Sightbirds", "Geisha", etc. . After this differentiation of the water waters, it remains at first a joking image of life in general urban class, and then medium and minor bin.

The ease of water content contributed also to the fact that he was compiled in case of adequate artist or artist, and he was put for the most part After a serious drama or tragedy. This determined the insignificance of its volume, although they were known not only by trichat, but even a five -active (Waterville of Lensky out of 5 acts - "Lev Gurych Sichkin or provincial debutant"). The insignificance of the volume of waterville required a special coincidence of the comic element relatively to the comedy. Therefore, the hyperbolicity of the Commission led the rapid development of action.

At first, the water was written by verses, then the poems began to alternate with prosaic dialogues - with the indispensable repetition of the same bakers with the appeal to the public; Often the most couplets were called water wakes. In the late Time, the plots and music became optional.

We had Khmelnitsky, Shakhovskiy, Pisarev, Field, Kratygin 2nd, and others. In the era of reforms, Waterville lost its meaning, giving way to operetta. In most cases, water was driven by plays, more often from French, but alien names were often reworked into Russian. In the form of Waterville Chekhov wrote his jokes: "Bear" and "Offer".

V. Volkenstein, Yves. Lyskov. Literary Encyclopedia: Dictionary literary terms: In 2 tons / edited by N. Brodsky, A. Lavretsky, E. Lunina, V. Lviv-Rogachevsky, M. Rosanova, V. Cheshikhina-Wind. - m.; L.: Publishing house L. D. Frenkel, 1925


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    vaudeville - I, m. Vaudeville f. 1. The birth of folk songs common in France. Sl. 18. Study. Joking water woven song, joking couplets. Bass 2. He challenged .. Going along the streets of some songs composed by verses, on the likeness of French watervals. ... ... Historical Dictionary Galticisms of the Russian Language

    - (Franz. Vaudeville). Rank theatrical play cheerful, funny content with singing; I received my name on behalf of the mountains. Vau, or Val de Vire, where Olivier Bashel, at the end of the XIV century, composed funny drinking songs. Vocabulary foreign words,… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

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