The glorification of the military feat in the poem A.T. Tarovovsky "Vasily Terkin" (Chapter "Fight") - writings, abstracts, reports

The glorification of the military feat in the poem A.T. Tarovovsky
The glorification of the military feat in the poem A.T. Tarovovsky "Vasily Terkin" (Chapter "Fight") - writings, abstracts, reports

"Vasily Terkin" is the celebration of history, genuine and verified. The writer himself was a front writer, so he described the events taking place during the Great Patriotic War. The actions of this "combat" poem belong to 1942. One by one name it becomes clear that Vasily Terkin is a collective character that there were thousands of such turkins during the war, in each company one by one. Without them, we would not have won, without them it would be bored by defense.

Vasily Terkin is a character, filled with heroism. He is the embodiment of all Russian soldiers who guarded the border of their immense homeland without fear. This is one of the key works of Alexander Tvardovsky, who received a national recognition immediately. Despite the fact that the hero of the poem is fictional, he personifies the soldier of the Great Patriotic War, who passed through the whole war and carried with him inexhaustible enthusiasm. But the main qualities of the Hero of Tvardovsky is, of course, courage and courage.

This is a person who never dips, even at the most difficult moment can let go of the joke, and the most important thing is not afraid of death, as evidenced by the heads of "crossing", "death and warrior". His path is filled with sad days and events, but as critics are noticed correctly, this poem is more optimistic, as Faith felt in the final victory. Reading it for the first time, you might think that central hero is one person, one ordinary soldier. In fact, the central component is the People's Spirit.

The generalized image of Terkina is not just the image of Balaguar and a merchant, but the very real fighter who has repeatedly fought, has repeatedly turned out to be surrounded, more than once visited one step from death. Terkin was even "partially exterked", but every time he was reborn. As stated in the poem: "However, the warrior is alive." He was heavy war, there were losses, but Vasily knew that the biggest disadvantage was a manifestation of despondency, challenging and despair. Therefore, the soldier stuck to be resistant and sure.

Such qualities are needed on the battlefield. The author himself admires his hero, as if not enough to praise him in each chapter. He and the hands of gold, and the harmony can play, and to support comrades in difficult moment can. In short, Terkin is simply indispensable. He himself calls the "big lover to live." When he returned to his company, there was already a "new terkin", just not Vasily, but Ivan. They began to argue, but the foreman said that the terkin would be attached to each company. "

The main goal of the author, in my opinion, to convey to the reader the modest feats of their hero, both on the battlefield and in ordinary life. The formation of terkina is connected by national and universal features inherent in the Russian people. His life Path Even after many years, it causes respect and gratitude.

The poem of the Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin", which also has another name - "Book about the fighter", is considered one of the most important and famous workswritten by the poet for the period of their creative activity.

Being the top of the epic Russian poetry, she received popular recognition. Many lines of the work of the Wasil Terkin's Wasil Terkin became an integral part oral speech or popular aphorisms, spoken in poetic form. Moreover, the "book about the fighter" received not only nationwide, but also nationwide recognition.

History of creation

Work on the poem "Vasily Terkin" Tvardovsky began in 1939-1940. At that time, he was a military correspondent, publishing his material in the newspaper "guarding the birthplace" of the Leningrad Military District. It was the period of the Finnish campaign. The image and name of the main hero of the Tvardovsky - Vasily Terkin - became the fruit of the joint creativity of many members of the editorial board. Among them: S. Marshak, N. Shcherbakov, N. Tikhonov. As a result, it turned out a very successful image of a good-natured, strong and at the same time a simple Russian guy.

Initially terkin was satyrian hero Written for newspaper Fakelov and poems. And since that time of the Russian soldier, the readers of the district newspaper fell in love. This is also called the Tvardovsky to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe prospects of this topic and the need for its development within large work.

The beginning of the war with fascist Germany for some time not only interrupted the work on the poem. It caused the adjustment of the plan. As a result, Faken Wasya Terkin turned into a Soviet fighter, in which the best moral sides of the entire pre-generation are embodied. Tvardovsky gave his hero the features of the widest summarization, while maintaining its recognition and concreteness.

The work of the Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin" was loved by the soldiers who fought in the fields of war. It is the feeling of the need to book and forced the author to continue working on it.

Already at the end of 1942, the readers could familiarize themselves with the new head of the work "Who shot?", Which entered the second part of the poem. After that, Tvardovsky continued his work and fully completed work on a book in March 1945. Read S. short content "Vasily Terkina" Tvardovsky.

From the author

In the first chapter of the work, the reader meets the hero of the poem "Vasily Terkin". Tvardovsky, starting his story, argues that the most important thing in war is not at all food, but a good grantee and saying, as well as a joke. No less important at this time is also the truth. And even if she is bitter.

The Hero of the Tvardovsky, Vasily Terkin, with whom the author introduces us, plays important role at war. After all, at this difficult time must be a place for fun and joke. In the first chapter of the work, the author was determined with the form of his narration. He pointed out the reader that the book that he took into his hands does not have neither end. The first chapter is only the middle of the narrative.

On prival

Getting acquainted with the content of "Vasily Terkina" Tvardovsky, the reader learns that the main character The works hit the first infantry platoon where he immediately became his. After his appearance, the fighters could not fall asleep, listening to the stories of the experienced soldier. Jokes of Vasily Terkina helps to worry hard, hunger, hunger, dirt and sleep on bare roots and wet sequins.

Based on Tvardovsky's reasoning, Vasily Terkin is a person who can be found in every company. And let this fighter of medium height, unscrew itself, is not very beautiful and has no awards. But still he fought and was able to survive on any position and under any fire.

Before fight

Let us turn to the next chapter "Vasily Terkina" Tvardovsky. In it, the hero of the poem talks about how he was chosen from the environment and was a political officer, having a conversation with the fighters among the words "do not lose".

From this chapter "Vasily Terkina" Tvardovsky we understand that the Soviet army retreats. It leaves native land, which will soon be occupied. Soldiers feel their guilt before the civilian population. On their way home village Commander. The platoon comes there. The wife of the commander invites fighters in the hut and treats them. The children are pleased to their father, who, as they first seem to come in the evening, having worked in the field. However, they understand that tomorrow he will leave, and in their house, most likely, the Germans will enter. All night the commander is not sleeping and rolling firewood. He is trying to somehow help his wife.

Long in the head of Terkina, the crying of children who woke up at dawn and saw how their father and fighters go out of the house. Vasily dreams of how after liberation native land He will come to the hospitable hostess and bowed to her after the post.


We continue to get acquainted with the summary of the chapters of the poem of the Twardovsky "Vasily Terkin". In the next one, the reader learns about how the fighters of three platforms in the winter time tried to cross the river. Only soldiers of the unit, where Terkin served. After that, the Germans began the art crew. By night, the one who remained alive was already not hoping to see his comrades, believing that they were all died.

What then tells the reader the head "Cross" in "Vasily Terkin" Tvardovsky? At dawn, the sentigues reported to see a small black point on the river. Initially, they decided that this is the body of the fighter killed during the art film. However, the sergeant took binoculars and saw a swimming man. Someone joked that only Terkin could swap in ice water. And the truth, it turned out to be it. Vasily reported to the Colonel, that the first platoon is in advance, waiting for further instructions and asks support for artillery fire. Terkina is disguised into dry clothes, forced to run, rub with alcohol and give it inside for warming. At night, the fighters resumed a crossing to fight for life on Earth, and not at all for glory.

About war

The next chapter of the poem of the Tward "Vasily Terkin" contains the reasoning of the main character. He believes that with the arrival of war you need to forget about everything and be only responsible for my homeland and for your people. At this time, it is necessary to be one with all people. About me, Terekin believes, you need to also forget. Each fighter must beat the German, selflessly fight and be fully readily to fulfill the command of the command at any cost. Even if for it you will have to give your life. At the same time, the soldiers must believe that the descendants will be grateful.

Terkin Rannown

Continuing acquaintance with the chapters of the poem A. T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin", we learn that her main character in one of winter days I had to establish a connection. At this time, Vasily moved after the rifle rose. Suddenly, next to him, shell hurt him. Everyone was frightened and fell to the ground. The first of all the fighters raised terkin. He handed over to the soldiers the coil and decided to see if the enemy beats from the nearby cellar. But there was no one. He himself arranged an ambush in this dugout, deciding to keep defense using two grenades.

Fascists approached. Two steps from herself terkin noted the German soldier. The enemy rushed to Vasily and wounded him in the shoulder. Terkin also hit the German bayonet. At this time, shelling of heavy artillery began.

At the end of this head of the poem of the Twardovsky "Vasily Terkin", the reader finds out that the wounded fighter found soviet tankers. He has already expired blood and lost consciousness. Tankists saved his life.

About award

In the next chapter of the poem A. T. Twardovsky "Vasily Terkin", the reader meets the reasoning of the main character that he does not need an order at all. Fighter agree on the medal. This award will need after the war, when, returning to his homeland, he will tell girls about how he once went to the attack. The author regrets that now in his native edges, Vasily can't get. After all, he takes part in terrible, mortal, bloody fight for life on earth, and not for the sake of glory.


What is told in the next chapter of the poem A. T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin"? The reader finds out that after the injury and stay in the hospital, the fighter returns to the rifle regiment to the soldiers of his first company. On the way, he picked up a truck, next to the front. The running column had to stop due to the snowy congestion. In forced moments of rest, two tankers gave terkina Harmonic, who remained from the commander who had recently deceased in battle.

From sounds musical instrument All fighters are warmer in the soul, and some of them are started into dance. Tankers even begins to seem that they are already familiar with Terkin. Looking at him closer, they found out in Vasily of the wounded soldier who was saved from death. Tankists presented the terkina harmonica of his commander. They understand that the war is not the time when you need to grieve about the dead and guess who can survive and return home.

Two soldiers

What becomes known to the reader from the next chapter of the poem A. T. Twardovsky "Vasily Terkin"? Just three versts from the front line, the main character of the work went to the house where two old people live. Grandfather in the past himself was a soldier. Terkin helped the old man to fix the clock and saw. Jokes of Vasily smeared food from the old woman. Nothing she took out of their bins of the fat and roasted the fried eggs from two eggs. After having bought and drinking alcohol from the flask, two soldiers took a conversation about the household difficulties of war. At the end, Vasily bowed to the owners and promised that the German would definitely defeat.

About losing

What does the reader know from the next chapter of the poem of Alexander Twardovsky "Vasily Terkin"? In this narration, it is said that the comrade of our hero lost his pussy. It very saddled him. But Vasily calms the fighter, saying that he had already lost his native land and family. This is the main chagrin. It is not necessary to regret everything else. Terkin gives a friend's companion, noting that they could not lose Russia for anything in the world, for which they are responsible.


From the plot of "Vasily Terkina", the reader learns that the main character of the work entered the hand-to-hand fight with the fascist. The German is a strong and clever man, large and well. However, our soldiers do not surrender and does not lose. The German knocked her teeth terkina, and Vasily got his eyes to his enemy. Our soldier is very hard. He will hardly own his wounded right hand And exhausted, but it does not give up. The fascist took the helmet from his head and began to fight it. Terkin struck his enemy uncharged grenade, stunned and tied it.

Vasily satisfied with himself. He enjoys military success and proud that it goes on Soviet land and caresses to the headquarters of the "language", realizing that everyone who comes across to meet him is glad that Terkin returned from exploration alive.

Message from the author

The next chapter is a kind of respite in the "Faiport of War" created by the author. After all, listening to her well to someone who was already able to defeat the enemy and returned home. Tvardovsky says that the soldier in the war would like to read a peaceful fairy tale. However, as long as motherland continues to be in captivity, the author will talk about war.

Who shot?

In this chapter, the author leads a story about how after yesterday's battle the soldiers are in the trenches near the opponent's positions. A summer evening descends to Earth, resembling fighters about peaceful time and peasant labor. Suddenly the sound of an approaching opponent aircraft is heard. The fascist is circling over the positions of Soviet soldiers. Death is very near. However, I don't want to die anyone. And here the author began to argue about what time of year is best to die in the war. As a result, it comes to the conclusion that no time is good for this.

But here Terkin came to the help of comrades. He got up, shot the aircraft from the rifle and hit him. Vasily became a hero. For it, he is put ordard.

Oh Hero.

In the next chapter of the poem, her protagonist talks about how he met, being in the hospital, a young soldier-order from Tambov. He hinted him that such deals, like he, in Smolensk, is the homeland of Terkina, just can not. Now Vasily is glad that he received the Order. He does not sick his small MotherlandBut at the same time it is proud of the edge where it was born and grew, and also values \u200b\u200bthem.


This chapter describes the second summer of war. Go fighting on the Volga. Terkin is in defense and swelling in the tag on the river bank. In half the afternoon, he heard a song in which the river, capable of sprinkling under barbed wire And get to his native village, giving hello and the words of the love of the mother of the soldier. And here it was summoned to the general to give the Order. Terkin refuses to leave him, and home decides to go at the time when the army proceeds to the liberation of Smolensk. The general agrees with his words, tightly rushing his hand, hugs and wondering the soldier in his eyes. He behaves with him as he behaved with his son. General Heat says goodbye to terkin.

About myself

In this chapter, the author tells the reader about how the father's house saved in his soul, although he left him yet in his youth. The poet recalls not yet wounded war forest and summer days, native courtyard and stitch leading to the well. He identifies himself with those soviet peoplewho left behind the feature of the family of the family and all that they have a native one. Now the edge of the author and Terkina is his countryman, suffering in captivity. And for it they are both must keep the answer.

Fight in the swamp

Terkina platoon fights for locality Bills. They are already the third day lead a fight in a swamp, which seems to them meaningless. Around the hungry and damp. You can not even smoke soldiers, because the whole tobacco Raskis. And at that time, Terkin managed to encourage fellow comrades. He tells the fighters that they are among their own and in their native territory. In addition, the soldier protects the Soviet artillery. According to Vasily, everything is not so bad. And this swamp can be compared with the resort. The words spoken by Terkin, cheated fighters, after which they did without much difficulty village.

About love

In the next chapter of the poem, the author argues that every soldier certainly accompanied the woman to war. Her love always encourages, glorifies, warns and condemns. Wife soldiers never complain in their letters on how hard they live. And these news from the house are creating real wonders with fighters. The author claims that love is much stronger than war, and encourages women more often to write husbands to the front. Also, the poet appeals to the girls so that they looked at the poem's hero and fell in love with him.

Rest Terkina

From the next chapter, the reader finds out that the paradise for a soldier is the place where he can get over. In such a peaceful house and hit the Hero of the Tward. There is a warm oven and a bedroom with a bed, covered with clean linen. In this "Paradise" do not need to sit in clothes, cut the bread with a bayonet and put the rifle at the feet, as well as remove the spoon for the boot. In such purity, Vasily becomes uncomfortable. Sometimes he even begins to seem to appear that he again found himself in the hospital. The fighter continues to think about those who are in war, and because of this can not sleep. However, the Soviet Army has not come to victory. That is why Terkin again goes to the front edge. Until the end of the war, he will have to relax only on the way and where the case will lead it.

In the offensive

In the next chapter, it is described that the fighters very much had to be in the harrow. However, an order came, according to which the armies need to go to the offensive. Young soldiers try to equal on terkina. And this, despite the fact that he is also scary, lying on the ground, wait for another break. Running ahead in the attack of Lieutenant heavily wounded, and he died right on the battlefield. And then Terkin led the soldier forward. But he was too hard wound.

Death and Warrior

In this chapter, the author tells the reader about how death came to expiring blood. She called him with her, frightened injury and said that the war would still go for a very long time, so there was no sense in life. However, Vasily did not give up. He still wanted to see the victory and, returning home, take a walk with live people.

Found a funeral team. He was put on the stretcher and attributed to Medsanbat. All this time, death was near. But when she saw that the living was well taken care of each other, gone.

Terkin writes

This chapter says that time when Vasily is in the hospital.

He writes his one-sex about what survived, and that his leg already heals. After the hospital, Terkin dreams again to return to the native part, which became a house for a soldier and family. Vasily wants to walk along with his comrades to the border itself, and if it does not work, you will meet my destruction among the fellow-cap.


After recovering Vasily was again in his regiment. However, now he feels completely stranger. And here someone asked: "Where is Terkin?" The first to the question of the unfamiliar red fighter responded. The Terkina-Older in the soul was hidden offense. He decided to figure out who of them is real. It turned out that the new soldier was called Ivan Terkin. He was awarded two orders. And because of the fact that Ivan hit one enemy car more, he is confident that the book about the fighter was written precisely about him. The other name was invented by the author only for rhyme. How did the heroes "Vasily Terkina" heroes allowed A. T. Tvardovsky? Stretched the conflict of the foreman. He announced that each company will now have its own terkin.

From the author

In this chapter, the poet refutes rumors about the death of the hero who loved everyone. He suggests that Terkin is alive, and not heard about him only because he fights in the West.

Grandfather and Baba

The heroes with which the reader met at the head of the poem of the Twardovsky "Vasily Terkin" - "Two Soldiers", met again upon the occurrence of Soviet troops. Grandfather and Baba sat in the cellar, hiding from the shots when they heard the voices of scouts, among whom was our fighter. Old men accepted Vasily as native Son., feeding it with lard. Terkin assured them that the Soviet army back will no longer retreat. He promised to bring a clock from Berlin, which the Germans took away from the old people.

On the Dnieper

Having created a collective image of Vasily Terkina, Tvardovsky claimed that throughout the war his hero did not cease to feel his own guilt in the occupation of his native land. He was ashamed that he was not among those who freed his native village. The front continued to move towards the Dnieper, where at dawn, at the very end of the Babi summer, there was a fight. Our troops successfully forced the river. At the same time, they captured the Germans who practically did not resist this.

The image of Vasily Terkina in the Wardowsky poem to this chapter has already managed to undergo significant changes. In this fight, we see the perfect other person - a calm, experienced, who has already managed to lose many and much.

About sirota soldier

Soviet army continues his offensive. Fighters, liberating the city outside the city, already as a real dream of the capture of Berlin. After analyzing the "Vasily Terkina" Tvardovsky, it becomes clear that the popularity of the main hero of the poem began to decline. In width, he was in those times when the army retreat was going down. In that period, Vasily raised the mood to fighters. Now this role is assigned to generals.

It becomes clear that the War in Vasily Terkin Treardovsky is nearing its completion. Residents european capitals I joy meet the liberators. However, a simple soldier never ceases to think about his native village.

One of the country's countrymen was orphaned. His house was burned, and the family was killed. He learned about this during the offensive under Smolensky, when the village of Red Bridge took over to the native village. The soldier silently returned to the part and holding a plate with a cold soup in his hands, cried. The author calls the reader not to forgive the fascists of these tears, reach the victory and take revenge on the grief brought by the Germans.

On the way to Berlin

The war in the poem of the Tward "Vasily Terkin" is increasingly approaching the end. The Soviet army is in someone else's edge, where the soldiers are unusted red tile and someone else's speech.

In the direction of the East there are people. These are the British, the French and Poles, who are friendly in Russian soldiers liberators. Here the fighters meet a Russian woman who returns for the Dnieper, to his destroyed yard. Terkin gives her a horse with a dressing, sheep, cow and a different homemade utensils.

In the bath

Real stepfather in a foreign land becomes Russian Bath for Soldiers. She gives them a lot of pleasure. Sorry fighters only that they have to take from foreign rivers. However, the author notes that in war will be worse if the soldiers will wash, for example, near Moscow.

In the bath we all undress, and immediately become visible on the body all injuries. They are marked war. On the gymnasters that fighters wear after the bath is highlighted a large number of Medals. Soldiers joke, that this is not all. After all, there are waiting for them the Last Frontier.

From the author

In this chapter, the author says goodbye to Terkin. After the war, he became not needed, as it was time for a different song. But the created by the Twardovsky "Book about the fighter" the way to him. After all, Terkin is the poet pain, his Otrada, rest and feat. Everything written by the author should have pleased the reader.

Analysis of the poem

"Vasily Terkin" Tvardovsky is rightfully in the list of the most significant works of Russian literature written in the second half of the 20th century.

The poem includes 29 chapters. Each of them can be considered as independent work. There are many books in the book lyrical deviations. At the same time, its shape and content are close to folk narratives.

In the poem you can find a whole alloy of genres, epic and lyrics. The poetic form of the work is rich in humor and pathetic, sketches of front-line life and heroic battles, a casual joke and tragedy. There is a popular language and high ration. That is why the work is sometimes called at all the poem. It can be considered folk Book. Tvardovsky was invented a general genre and chosen military Topic. Moreover, the author showed the war from the very beginning to the end.

From lyric retreats, the image of the author becomes clear to us. The reader realizes that the poet loves his hero.

The entire plot of works carries a high ideological thought. And the simplicity of the poetic language, which is close to the folk, makes the poem understandable to all people. From the poems of the Tvardovsky became the heat of fighters that were on the battlefield. The inexhaustible spiritual energy they give us now, after many years.

As for the nature of the chief hero, his author reveals its reader gradually. Passing the way from the head to the chapter, Terkin appears to us from different sides. Sometimes it exhibits real courage and courage. This reader sees in the chapter "Crossing". When describing what is happening in war, the author does not cease to emphasize what soviet soldiers Not heroes from birth. They are simple young guys, and many of them put on military form for the first time. Nevertheless, their face illuminates heroism.

The Tvardovsky emphasizes his idea that the feat made by these young fighters is nothing more than anything else, as a continuation of the success of their grandfathers and fathers who participated in the wars of the past centuries.

Participation of terkina in battles The author illuminates using a hartulous form. At the same time, he tells about the dreams of his hero, who wants to return home soon. Vasily does not mind get a reward, but at the same time shows modesty. Most of all he wants his medal to impress the girls.

After the cheerful scenes, which describe the dreams of Vasily, the author proceeds to the descriptions of a terrible battle. This seeks to emphasize that the path to happiness lies through the struggle, and also points to the connection of the fate of each person with the future of the country.

In the poem, the author gathered folk joy and grief. You can find here and severe, as well as sorrowful lines. However, most in the work of the people's humor, approving a huge love for life. Sometimes it seems incredible that the story about the hardest and fierce warwhich was only in the history of peoples, will sound so life-affirming. But the Twardovsky in his "Vasily Terkina" successfully coped with such a task.

The work with amazing brightness and truthfulness draws real picture life and struggle of the people in harsh years wars. At the same time, the author constantly draws the reader's look into the future. He mentions the list of Golden Glory, which the descendants will be made by nameless heroes who gave their lives for victory.

Epicness of the poem, as well as its narrative nature of the scene presentation, perfectly get along with a high lyrical beginning, which after literally permeates all the chapters. With the most sincere thoughts of the author, the reader gets acquainted in the descriptions of the battle, and in the story about a woman who defends the soldier, and in the conversation that Terkin leads to death. Thus, the lyric and epic start in the work is united and non-wet.

The poem of the Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin" was reprinted more than once. There are many of its translations into different languages. And nowadays it reads her and older generation, and young people.

Poem "Vasily Terkin" dated 1941-1945 - complex, terrible and heroic years of struggle soviet people With German-fascist invaders. In this work, Alexander Tvardovsky created the immortal image of a simple, Soviet fighter, the Defender of the Fatherland, who became a certain personification of deep patriotism and love for his homeland.

History of creation

The poem began to be written in 1941. Separate passages were printed in a newspaper version from 1942 to 1945. In the same 1942, another unfinished work was published separately.

Oddly enough, but the work on the poem was launched by Tvardovsky back in 1939. It was then that he already worked by the military correspondent and covered the course of the Finnish military campaign in the newspaper "guarding the Motherland". The name was invented in collaboration with the members of the editorial board of the newspaper. In 1940, a small brochure "Vasya Terkin on the front" was released, which among the fighters was considered a big award.

The image of the redarmese liked the readers of the newspaper from the very beginning. Understanding this, Tvardovsky decided that this topic is promising and began to develop it.

From the very beginning Patriotic WarBeing at the front as a military correspondent, it falls into the hottest battles. Enters the environment together with the soldiers, it comes out of it, retreats and goes to the attack, experiencing everything that he would like to write on his own experience.

In the spring of 1942, the Tvardovsky arrives in Moscow, where he writes the first chapters "from the author" and "on the privala", and it is immediately printed in the "Krasnoarmeysian Pravda" newspaper.

Such an explosion of popularity Tvardovsky could not even present in the most bold dreams. The central editions of "True", "Izvestia", "Banner" reprint passages from the poem. On the radio, the texts read Orlov and Levitan. Artist Orest Veresky creates illustrations, finally formed image of a fighter. Tvardovsky spends in hospitals creative eveningsand also meets with labor collectives In the rear, raising the morale.

As always, what I liked simple peopledid not receive the party support. Tvardovsky was criticized for pessimism, for the lack of references to the party leading all the accomplishments and achievements. In this regard, the author wanted to finish the poem in 1943, but the grateful readers did not give him to do this. Tvardovsky had to agree to the censorship edits, he was awarded in return Stalinist Prize For its ended immortal work. The poem was completed in March 1945 - it was then that the author wrote the chapter "in the bath."

Description of the work

In the poem, 30 chapters that can be divided into 3 parts. In four chapters, Tvardovsky does not talk about the hero, but simply talks about the war, how much I had to go through the ordinary Soviet men, which became to protect their homeland, and hints at work on the book. The role of these retreats can not be diminished - this is the author's dialogue from readers, which he leads directly, even bypassing his hero.

During the narration there is no clear chronological sequence. Moreover, the author does not call specific battles and battles, however, individual battles and operations allocated in the history of the Great Patriotic War are guessed in the poem: the retreat of Soviet troops, so common in 1941 and 1942, the battle of Volga, and, of course, taking Berlin.

There is no strict plot in the poem - and the author did not have the task to pass the course of the war. Central Chapter - "Crossing". There is clearly traced the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work - a military road. It is over her terkin with his comrades walks to achieving the goal - a complete victory over German-fascist invaders, which means that a new, better and free life.

Hero of the work

The main character - Vasily Torkin. Fictional character, cheerful, cheerful, straight, despite complicated circumstancesin which he lives during the war.

We are watching Vasily in different situations - And everywhere we can celebrate it positive traits. Among the combat twigs, he is the soul of the company, the balagen, always finding the opportunity to joke and laugh the rest. When he goes into an attack - he is an example for the rest of the fighters, manifests such their qualities as resourcefulness, courage, excerpt. When he rests after a fight - he can sing, he plays the harmony, but at the same time it can answer quite rigidly and with humor. When the soldiers meet with the civilian population, Vasily is charming and modesty.

Courage and dignity manifested in all even the most hopeless situations- Here are the main features that distinguish the main character of the work and form its image.

All other heroes of poems are abstract - they do not even have names. War wit, general, old man and old woman - they are all played, helping to reveal the image of the main character - Vasily Terkina.

Analysis of the work

Because Vasily Terkina is not real prototypeYou can say with all the courage to say that this is a certain collective image that was created by the author, based on its real observations of soldiers.

The work has one distinctive featurethat highlights it among similar works of that time is the lack of an ideological start. In the poem there is no praise of the party and personally comrade Stalin. This, according to the author, "would destroy the idea and shaped system of the poem."

The work uses two poetic sizes: four-stranded and three-stranded kernels. The first size occurs much more often, the second is only in separate chapters. The poem has become a kind of Tvardovsky card. Some moments looking like sayings and rows of funny songs, which is called "gone to the people" and began to be used in everyday speech. For example, the phrase "no, guys, I'm not proud, I agree to the medal" or "the cities will hand over the soldiers, the generals are used" are used by many and now.

It is on such as the protagonist of this poem in verses, all the war was fell. And only them human qualities - The power of the Spirit, Optimism, Humor, the ability to laugh at others and on themselves, to discharge the situation stretched to the limit on time - they helped them not only to win, but also survive in this terrible and merciless war.

The poem is still alive and loved by the people. In 2015, the Russian Reporter magazine conducted sociological research Regarding hundreds of the most popular poems in Russia. Rows from Vasily Terkina took the 28th place, which indicates that the memory of the events of 70 years ago and the feat of those heroes is still alive in our memory.

A. T. Tvardovsky wrote outstanding work About the war - the poem "Vasily Terkin".

The Literary Hero of Tvardovsky deserved right to put a monument to him. After all, together with him, the monument and millions of those who somehow resembled Vasily, who loved their country and did not regret their blood, who found the way out of a difficult situation and knew the joke to brighten away the frontal difficulties who loved to play or listen to music on a privala.

Who was Vasily Terkin? Simple fighter, which very often can be found in the war. Tvardovsky himself talks about him:

Terkin - Who is he?

Let's say frankly:

Just the guy itself.

He is ordinary.

The work of Alexander Trifonovich is written light, figuratively people's Language. Its poems and remembered themselves. The author offers:

In a word, a book from the middle

And let's start. And there will go.

And he does not lose. Lives and rejoices of life. Today this quality is so lacking many people. Terkin can not but rejoice in his life. After all, ON.

In the kitchen - from the place, from the place - to battle.

Smokes, eats and drinks with savory

At the position of any.

He can twist the icy river, drag, darling, language. But here is a forced parking, "and frost - neither become nor sit down ...". And Terkin played on someone else's harmony.

And from that harmonica old

What remained orphan

Somehow suddenly the warmer became

On the front road.

Terkin - Soul of the soldiers' company. No wonder the comrades like it to listen to him, then humorous, and then very serious stories. Here they lie in the swamps, where the "stroke" infantry dreams even about that "at least death, yes on dry." And terkin smiles and begins long reasoning. He says that while the soldier feels the elbow of his comrade, he is strong. Behind him battalion, regiment, division. And even the front. What is there - all Russia!

So it was talent. Such a talent, which, lying in the damp, laughed comrades, it became easier for them.

In the chapter "Terkin - Terkin" we meet another fighter with the same name and the same name, and he is also a hero. There were many of these heroes on the roads of war.

However, the guy at least where.

The guy in this way

Each company always has,

Yes, and in each platoon.

Real fighters, such as terkin, are not afraid of death, they are not afraid of risk. They fight for their homeland and commit feats without thinking about the award, but "for the sake of life on earth."

Vasily Terkin became one of his favorite literary heroes Many readers. In the formation of Terkina, Tvardovsky depicts the best features of Russian character - courage, perseverance, resourcefulness, optimism and huge devotion to their native land.

Our mother is our mother,

Already in the first chapter of his poem, the Twardovsky claims, which in war does not live without such a person like Terkin. What did the hero do so deserve the author's sympathy? Let's try to figure it out.

Vasily Terkin is a valid soldier. "Not the first boots without fixing" he has to wear. One hero does not lose. Being on a prival, he collects around him a crowd of comrades and makes any story. Most often cheerful.

B. alagora look in the mouth,

The word is caught greedily.

The terkin raises the overall on the structure with its booms, makes you forget about all the hardness and smiy. "Good, as there is such a guy for a prayer," the author states.

The image of terkina is typical. Tvardovsky himself says that such "in every company is always always, and in every platoon," and their role in the great victory is huge. After all, it is "from the spirit of the troops" depends on the "outcome of the battle", and terkins are able to raise this spirit.

Externally, the hero is not remarkable. He is a common guy who is not endowed with the "beauty excellent", but in war he is "hero hero."

Brightly reveals the image of Terkina in the chapter of "re-rights". Risk own lifeHe swims the ice river than he saves his comrades. In a critical situation, Terkina does not change the sense of humor. I barely recover from such a crossing, he jokes. Ge-Roy does not think about what has done a real feat, does not sift them.

Decent admiration for the behavior of Terkina, described, and in the head of Terkin Ranned. For a single day, he keeps defense and hardly deprived of life. From the last of the Forces, talking to the "their own" terkin in time, everything worms to joke. In another episode, Terkin one on one comes into a duel with a German. Their forces are unequal. But Terkin realizes that "Russia, Mother Older" he "lose impossible in any way." The hero is ready to meet the death face to face. He believes that "it's not good to pray in a war" and boldly knocks the German plane from the rifle.

Hero makes her feats "not for the sake of glory, for the sake of life on earth." To get a reward, he is relative to humor. She is not the main thing for him.

I do not need, brothers Order,

I do not need fame

And you need, sick to me the Motherland,

Native side!

So it motivates his truly heroic mortar.

Harmonic - folk instrument, and its value at the front is difficult to overestimate. Gar Monin unfolds - the Russian soul unfolds, and then the Russian man is ready, then the life is ready to give for a native land block. Especially the harmony sings in the hands of Terkina. He is indispensable here. "Memorial Motive" makes the fighters forget about Lita so much and the death of many comrades, and they are all together rush to the beaches, hot, passionate, Russian.

The author admires his hero not only at the front, but also in everyday life. At Terkina golden hands. He will easily repair any breakdown, will eliminate the malfunction, and all this with additives, with humor. The ability to maintain the presence of the spirit in any situation is the most important trait of Ter-Kina. He infects his optimism and the life of the rest of the fighters and when the fight is in the swamp, and in many other episodes.

And fighters, which is not

That for the first time they go,

In this hour, everything is more expensive

To know one thing that terkin is here.

Lovely, terkina is amazing. He confidently and boldly leads himself in conversation with death.

I will cry, throw from pain,

Die in the field without a trace

But you are good will

I will never give up.

With these words, the hero wins death. Terkin himself calls himself a "big lover of living."

In the formation of terkina, those national and o-checkers are connected, which were needed by the Russian people for victory. "The symbol of the people - win-la, - wrote a researcher Y. Burtin ,— became in the poem of the Tward ordinary person, ordinary sol-dates. His life and good work, his experiences and the Duma made the poet clear and close to us, his modest feat was glorified, he was awakened by a living sense of respect, gratitude and love. "