That I learned the Mcsi from being free. Essay on the topic: What I saw and recognized the McSi for three days of free life in the Potsry Poem, Lermontov

That I learned the Mcsi from being free. Essay on the topic: What I saw and recognized the McSi for three days of free life in the Potsry Poem, Lermontov
That I learned the Mcsi from being free. Essay on the topic: What I saw and recognized the McSi for three days of free life in the Potsry Poem, Lermontov

What did I see and recognize the MTSERS for three days of freedom?

    We also need, I really did not think that someone would remember about the MTSIR!

    Do you want to know what I did in the wild?

    Lived. And my life without these three blissful days,

    There was a sadness and gloomy, power ages!

    So spoke Mtsyri an old monk who came to him

    to find out what MTSERS did all three days when he fled.

    Do you want to know what I saw in the will? - lush fields,

    the hills covered with a crown of trees scattered around ...

    I saw the piles of dark cliffs when the flow was separated.

    And the Duma I guess ... I saw the mountain ranges,

    bizarre, like dreams ... Away I saw through the fog,

    In snow, burning like diamond,

    Sedoy unshakable Caucasus;

    Lord, what a poem! What words!

    He saw the mountains, the sky, a mountain stormy river, a Georgian girl.

    He fought with a leopard. He wanted freedom

    i wanted to return to my relatives, from which

    he was broken off in childhood. Three days he wandered

    mountains, and then turned out to be there again, from where he fled.

    his steppes without feelings found and again in the abode


    We are talking about the poem Lermontov. The main character of MTSERS for three days of life freely feels all the beauty of freedom and lives a lifetime. Being in captivity, he always wanted to know:

    As a result, he was convinced that the world was very beautiful and interesting. I saw the nature, felt myself, remembered my childhood and parents, love and freedom.

    For three days, the Freedom of MTSYry found out, actually, what freedom is. What is life without shackles and responsibilities. He saw the world outside the monastery, in which he dwell. Basically it was the beauty of nature, because the case was happening in the mountains and the steppes of the Caucasus.

    He also saw a very beautiful girl, and experienced feelings for her, which should experience a normal young man at the sight of a beautiful girl.

    A misunderstanding child was left in the monastery, where he grew up, turning into a young man who did not see the big world. However, when he was preparing for the suspension to the monks, the young man decided to run to the will.

    The amazing world of nature opened before him. For 3 days he will learn much more than some people in their entire life.

    The first thing that Mc is feeling - admiration for the beautiful nature of the CaucasusShe seems incredibly beautiful. Against the background of the luxurious landscapes of the Caucasus, the young man remembered his native aul, childhood paintings, close people.

    His sensitive nature speaks about the affiliation of McSi to people who prefer to communicate with wildlife, a society spoiled by false.

    It is felt that Lermontov opposes the hero of the poem to his surrounding, which, in most borders, was empty, young people often complained about boredom, giving their lives daily on the balas, in the salons.

    Against the backdrop of McSyry mountain landscapes, I will know the breath of the first love in the form of a young slender Georgian. However, passionately dreaming to see his homeland, he is not amenable to temptation of love, continuing his way.

    And then, such a beautiful area of \u200b\u200bnature, turns to him with another face, having overtaking it with a cold and stunning night. The young man feels loneliness again, which threw him in the monastery, and nature, instead of a friend, suddenly becomes an enemy. In the appearance of Barca, she stood on the path of McSi, offering him to win the right to continue the started path. Battle with leopard He took away his last forces, during his stay in the monastery he lost contact with nature, then a special flair, which helps to find the road to his native aulu, so, making a circle, he involuntarily returns to those places from where he fled, and here he loses consciousness.

    As a result, Mcsry again turns out to be in the abode, among people who came out, but represent a completely different culture. Now he himself brings his death himself, he only sads the idea that he will be worn by a slave, and not seeing his homeland and loved ones.

    For three days, the Freedom of the MTSERS for himself found out and felt much more than in all his sluggish life in the walls of the monastery. His escape and these three days in the wild became a true happiness. Ea these three days he breathed full breasts freedom. He saw the whole world from the other side, which was previously an unaware of him. He simply enjoyed the magnificence of the environment, the Caucasian mountains, the splendor of the mountain air, a stormy robust, waterfalls. This wandering in the mountains was incredibly beautiful for him. He also happened to meet with a dangerous opponent Barz, where he showed all his best qualities - he was a brave and courageous.

    And let his fate died, but he was not so hard for him to die after the three days of the real disualizing happiness.

    The desire to get to their homeland, to gain freedom pushed Mcsi to run from the monastery. Not long, just for three short days he gained long-awaited freedom and what kind of saturated these days were. Mcyri knew the magnificence of free nature, he enjoyed the view of wild waterfalls and mountains, he breathed free air and I thought it was endlessly happy these days. This is the main thing that he learned during the escape - what is so happiness. With such knowledge, he was probably not so painful. He felt the taste of life, he could know love, because he was fascinated by the singing of the young Georgian, but the traction to the house was stronger and he continued his way. He happened to feel the feeling of danger, emission of adrenaline from fighting with a leopard, in which he managed to defeat and become twity, that is, a warrior, a free man. The life of McSri broke out for three days a bright torch and he burned down in his fire.

    Three days of freedom for MTSYRU turned over all his life, because he knew the diversity and beauty of the world. He was amazed by the magnificence of nature and absorbed with interest to himself the smallest E part. Mczyry was breathing with full breasts, contemplating beauty and feeling unknown led freedom. The young man even managed to fall in love, although this feeling did not lead to reciprocity. It is a pity that Mcsry again turned out to be in the monastery, and the world was again closed for him.

MTSYRI first his own confession asks the question: "Do you want to know what I have seen free?"

Since childhood, the child was locked in the monastery. He spent the whole conscious life exactly there, not having the opportunity to observe the big world, feel real life. However, at the time, the young man decided to run, thereby discovered the new world.

For those three days, until Mcyri was free, he tries to know the big world, what missed. He managed to learn much more than other people for a lifetime.

Freedom sensations

What did Mcsery see, being free? He admired, rejoiced by his nature. For the young man she is amazingly beautiful. And indeed, the incredible landscapes of the Caucasus opened before him, and there are places that you can admire. McSi catches everything surrounding it, - Birds-clouds, mountain ranges, crowd trees, large fields. The heart felt ease, memories were awakened inside, which were absent in conclusion. The inner look of the hero is watching familiar, close people, a picture of childhood. Fights of McSri's nature, which is very poetic and sensitive. He opposes its sincerity to nature, her call. He is ready to reveal to her completely. Mczyry is a person preferring to communicate with nature, and not a society that can spoil any soul.

Unity with nature

(Mcsi alone with nature)

The young man goes on and observes other paintings. Nature reveals its formidable power - the flow noise, which resembles many evil voices, shower, formidable zipper. Fugitive does not feel fear. Similar nature closer to him in spirit. Mcyri considers him a brother and ready to evaporate with a storm. It is rewarded - the hero begins to understand the voices of everything alive around. He communicates with wildlife under clear sky. The young man is ready to experience these moments again and again. After all, his life is filled with joy.

Mcyri soon meets his love. This young Georgian, the beauty of which contains the shades of nature: the gold of the day in combination with an amazing black night. Mcsury during her stay inside the monastery always dreamed of his homeland. Therefore, he does not allow himself to succumb to love. The young man continues to move forward and soon nature shows him his second face.

The second appearance of nature and the battle of MTSI

(Pattle of MTSI with Barce)

Night came in the Caucasus, it is cold and impregnable. The feeling of loneliness comes to Mcsiry. And the forest around is behind the wall. The young man understands that he was lost. In the daytime, nature was a friend to him, and at night it becomes an worst enemy who wants to laugh at him. Nature acquires the appearance of Barca and McSii should fight the same as he himself. If he wins, he will be able to continue the way. These moments allow the young man to realize what honest rivalry, happiness from the received victory.

Mcyri admires nature, but is no longer her child. Nature rejects a young man as well as sick animals. Snake, which symbolizes death and sin. She resembles a blade. And the young man only watches how she jumps and dares ...

Mczyry was on the will very long and paid for it his own life. But it was worth it. The hero saw how beautiful the world was, he learned the joy from the battle spent, he felt love. These 3 days for him were much more valuable than all his existence. He said that in the absence of these blissful days, his life would be sad and gloom.

The answer was left the guest

"Do you want to know what I saw / in the will?" - So begins his confession MTSYR, the hero of the poem of M. Lermontov's poem. Anotherly small child was locked him into the monastery, where he spent all his conscious years of life, never seeing the big world and real life. But before Teshig, the young man is solved on the escape, and in front of him there is a huge world. Three days on the will of MTSI will know this world, trying to crash all the previously missed, and the truth will find out during this time more than others in life.
What does Mcsyri sees in the will? The first thing he feels is the joy and admiration from the seen of nature, which seems to be an incredibly beautiful young man. And the truth, he has to admire, because in front of him the luxurious Caucasian landscapes.
"Magnificent fields", "Fresh crowd" trees, "Fancy, like dreams" Range of mountains, "White caravan" of birds-clouds - all attracts a curious look of the MTSI. It becomes "easy, I don't know why," and it is awakened by the most expensive memories that he was deprived of captivity. Pictures of childhood and native aul, close and familiar people pass in front of the hero's inner eyes. Here, the sensitive and poetic natura of the MTSYRY is revealed, which sincerely responds to the call of nature, reveals towards it. The reader who observing the hero, it becomes clear that it belongs to those natural people who prefer to communicate with nature in society, and their soul is not yet corrupted by the falsehood of this society. The image of McSri is particularly important for Lermontov for two reasons. First, the classic romantic hero is just the same and should have been characterized in a similar way as a person close to wild nature. And, secondly, the poet opposes his hero to his surrounding, the so-called generation of the 1830s, most of which were empty and idle young people. For MTSI, three days of freedom have become a whole life saturated with events and inner experiences, - the familiar Lermontov complained about boredom and lived in the salons and on the balls.
Mcsury continues his way, and other pictures are opening. Nature is revealed in all its formidable power: lightning, shower, "threatening the abyss" of the gorge and the noise of flow, similar to "angry hundreds of votes". But in the heart of the fugitive there is no fear, such a nature for the MTSERS is even closer: "I, like a brother, to hug with a storm would be happy!". For this, he is waiting for a reward: the voices of the sky and the earth, the "gravily birds", herbs and stones - the surrounding hero, becomes clear to him. Awesome minutes of communication with wildlife, dreams and hopes at a meal heat under immaculately clean - such that it would be an angel to see - the McSiry sky is ready to worry again and again. So he feels life and her joy again.
Against the backdrop of beautiful mountain landscapes, his love, young girl Georgian appears in front of McSri. The beauty of it is harmonious and combines all the best natural paints: mysterious black night and gold gold. Mczyry, living in the monastery, dreamed of homeland, and because he is not amenable to the temptation of love. The hero go ahead, and here nature turns to him with his second face.
There comes night, cold and stunned night of the Caucasus. Only slightly glows somewhere in the distance of Lonely Sakley. Mcyri recognizes hunger and feels loneliness, the most that he tomil him in the monastery. And the forest stretches everything and stretches, surrounds the MTSI "impenetrable wall", and he realizes that he got lost.
Nature, such a friendly day in the afternoon, suddenly turns around a terrible enemy, ready to bring down a fugitive from the way and laugh brutally. Moreover, she, in the appearance of Barz, stands directly on the path of MTSY, and he has to fight with an equal foot of myself for the right to continue the path. But thanks to this hero, he knows the unknown affection of the joy, the joy of honest rivalry and the happiness of a worthy victory.
It is not difficult to guess why such metamorphoses occur, and Lermontov invests an explanation in the mouth of the MTSI. "The heat is powerless and empty, / the game of dreams, the disease of the mind" - so the hero speaks about his dream to return home, in the Caucasus, yes, for the MTSERY, the homeland means everything, but he, who grew up in prison, will no longer be able to find a way to her. Even a horse, which dropped the saddle, returns home, - Mcsery exclaims with bitterness. But he himself, grown in captivity, like a weak flower, lost the natural flair, unmistakably prompting the path, and got lost. Mcyri is delighted with nature, but he is no longer her child, and she turns him back, as the flock of weak and sick animals. Knowing the palette of the dying Mcsury, the snake will be sovered past him, the symbol of sin and death, she is torn and jumps, "as a blade", and the hero can only watch this game ...
Just a few days was at the freedom of MTSI, and he had to pay for them death. And yet they did not pass fruitlessly, the hero has known the beauty of the world, love, and the joy of the battle. Therefore, this three days for MTSERS is more valuable to all other existence:
You want to know what I did
On the will? Lived - and my life
Without these three blissful days
It was sad and gloomily ...

History of captivity and life of MTSI.
Main part
Three days of wandering - the most vivid impressions of the hero's life:
a) the beauty of nature;
b) meeting with a girlfriend;
c) Battle with leopard.
Mcyri realized that "the trail's homeland does not pave ever."
The hero does not regret the three days spent in the wandering.
The life of the hero "Without these three blissful days was sad and gloomily ...".
Poem M.Yu. Lermontov "MTSYRY" is devoted to events in the Caucasus of the 30-40s of the XIX century. Mcyri - a plated child from the Gorsky tribe, weakened and the sick. The Russian general leaves him in the Georgian monastery on the care of the monks. They managed to cure the child, he was dying, called "MTSI", which means "novice". It seemed that Mcyri was used to living in the monastery, met with his fate and even prepared to take the monastic vow, but "suddenly one day he disappeared." Only three days later they found him, insensitive, in the steppe and brought back.
What told Mcsi about his wandering in these three days? These were the most vivid impressions of his life. All that he was deprived, appeared in front of him in all its glory. The beauty of nature, "lush fields", hills, mountain streams struck the young man. "The God's garden bloom around me," he tells the monk. Even more struck his meeting with a Georgian girl. Let "be Poiened her outfit", but "the darkness of the eyes was so deep, so full of the mysters of love that my Duma was embarrassed ..." - recalls the young man. Finally, the battle with Barz began the strongest shock: "... the heart suddenly lit the thirst for fighting and blood ..." Armed with only horned woody bitch, McSiry manifests the wonders of courage and strength in this battle. He enjoys the rage of battle and convinces himself that "I could be in the edge of fathers not from the last Udaltsov."
Of course, all these impressions were tired and exhausted his strength. He is not ready to save, nor practically nor physically. He does not know the road, not stocking food. Therefore, it begins wandering around the mountains, the decline of forces, delusional sleep. Seeing familiar places and having heard the ringing of the bell, Mcyri realized that she was doomed, "that I was never on my homeland a trace." But he does not regret about three days spent in wrapping. They accommodated everything that was not in his life before, all his missed opportunities: freedom, beauty of the world, longing for love, the rage of struggle.
You want to know what I did
On the will? Lived - and my life
Without these three blissful days
It was sad and grind
Cleisive old age of your, -
Says Mcyri Monk in a suicide confession. Life is a feat, life-struggle is that it was necessary to have a rebellious soul of the hero, and not his fault that only these three days were carried out in his life.