Funeral prosecutor dead souls. Report: Eropence in the poem

Funeral prosecutor dead souls. Report: Eropence in the poem
Funeral prosecutor dead souls. Report: Eropence in the poem

The landowner Stepan Plushkin is a cruel fleece, a stingy, suspicious, incredulous to everyone - does not want to see you in his estate and is not going to treat even last year's cake. Plushkin pettyly suspicious spiritually and physically degenerate lost human appearance slave of things The drive extremely stingy man

Ivan Antonovich "Kuvshina Rylo" - a subtle official striking the ability of the official to turn into an eagle, then in a fly. At your table, Ivan Antonovich Eagle, and in the office of the boss of the fly. This is a bribe, bureaucratus, dexterous striving of all illegal cases. Even Chichikov gave him a bribe, although he was a friend of his boss.

Politzmeister Alexey Ivanovich What characterization gives N.V. Gogol PolitzMister in GL.7? How do citizens treat him? What is the feature of the policeman contributes to this? Why applied to the policeman used the phrase "Position I comprehended perfectly"? Artist P. Bolevsky

The conclusion about the formation of the Politzmeister Politsester, "Father and the benefactor of the city" must strictly and steadily follow how laws are being done, to give the justice of those who violates them, but, visiting the living room, he feels here as in his own Pantry. "Although he will take, the merchants say, but it will not be given to you." In other words, the crime will hide for a bribe. This, he acquired love and "perfect nationality."

Conclusion: the prosecutor did not do anything but the mindless signing of the papers, as provided all the decisions of Stranat, "First Hapuga in the World." Obviously, the cause of his death was rumors about the sale of "dead souls", since it was he who was responsible for all the illegal affairs in the city. Gorky Gogol Irony hears in thought about the meaning of the life of the prosecutor: "Why did he die, or why he lived, one God knows." Even chikhikov, looking at the funeral of the prosecutor, involuntarily comes to the thought that the only thing that the dead man could remember is dense black eyebrows.

The provincial Olympus conclusions: the guards of the city are unanimous only in the desire to widely live at the expense of "sums gently beloved by them of the Fatherland." Officials are robbed and the state, and petitioners. Casnokratism, bribery, robbery of the population - phenomena everyday and completely natural. No request is considered without a bribe.

GL 9 Ladies of the city N Gogol rises vulgarity, hypocrisy and limited characteristic of the provincial ladies. With claims for tastes and education, gossip, empty urban news chatters, hot controversy on outfits. These women seek to imitate the metropolitan society in the manner to speak and dress, blindly copy foreign traditions. Gogol reveals the emptiness of their confusion of the inner world. How does the dialogue between the two "pleasant" ladies?

One said that the chischiki did the Department of State Assignments, and then added: "Or maybe not a doer"; Another claimed that he is an official of the Governor-General of the Office, and immediately satisfied: and however, he knows him, they don't read it on his forehead. "Officials officials. Non-citizenship of their bureaucratic rule.

Thus, bribes, theft, sinovation, a circular lour of the defects of officials. Officials are cruel and inhuman. Satirically depicting provincial officials, the author strikes the bureaucratic apparatus of the entire autocratic-fastened state and makes it clear that these "guardians of order and legality" are the same dead souls as landowners.

Gogol, a contemporary Pushkin, created his works in the historical conditions established in our country after the unsuccessful speech of the Decembrists in 1825. In front of the literature and social thought figures, thanks to the new socio-political situation of the task, found in the works of Nikolai Vasilyevich deep reflection. Developing in his work the principles of this author became one of the most significant representatives of this direction in Russian literature. According to Belinsky, it was Gogol who managed to look first right and boldly into Russian reality.

In this article we will describe the image of officials in the "Dead Souls" poem.

Collective image of officials

In the notes of Nikolai Vasilyevich, belonging to the first novel, there is the following remark: "Dead insensitiveness of life." Such, according to the author, the collective image of officials in the poem should be noted the difference in the image of them and landowners. The landowners in the work are individualized, but officials, on the contrary, are impersonal. It is possible to make only a collective portrait of their portrait, slightly stand out from which the postmaster, the policeman, the prosecutor and the governor.

Names and names of officials

It should be paid to the fact that all those who make up the collective image of officials in the poem "Dead Souls" are not indicated by the names, and the names are called often in grotesque and comic contexts, sometimes duplicated (Ivan Antonovich, Ivan Andreevich). Of these, some are put forward on the first plan only for a short time, after which they disappear in the crowd of others. The subject of Gogol Satira was not positions and personalities, but social vices, social medium, which is the main object of the image in the poem.

It should be noted the grotesque beginning in the image of Ivan Antonovich, his comic, coarse nickname (pitched out), simultaneously sending animals and non-living things to the world. Ironically characterized by the department as a "Temple of Femis". This place is important for Gogol. The department is often depicted in the St. Petersburg peas in which it appears as an antimire, a kind of hell in miniature.

The most important episodes in the image of officials

The image of officials in the poem "Dead Souls" can be traced in the following episodes. This is primarily the governor "home party" described in the first chapter; Then - the governor's ball (eighth chapter), as well as breakfast at the Politzmester (tenth). In general, in the 7-10th chapters, it is a psychological and social phenomenon for the first plan.

Traditional motifs in the image of officials

Many traditional motives are found typical of Russian satirical comedies, in the "official" plots of Nikolai Vasilyevich. These techniques and motives go back to Griboedov and Fonvizin. The officials of the provincial city of their "colleagues" are also very similar to the abuse, arbitrariness, inconsistency. Bribery, sinovation, bureaucracy - social evil, traditionally ridicule. It is enough to remember the story described in the "Sintel" with a "significant person", the fear of the auditor and the desire to bribe into the work of the same name and a bribe, which Ivan Antonovich gives the 7th chapter of the poem "Dead Souls". The images of the police officer, the "benefactor" and "father" are very characteristic, which visited the living courtyard and shops, as in her storeroom; Chairman of the Civil Chamber, who not only freed from bribes, but also from the need to make a fee for issuing documents of his friends; Ivan Antonovich, who did not do anything without "thankfulness."

Composite construction of the poem

The poem itself is built on the adventures of the official (Chichikova), who buys dead souls. This image is impersonal: the author itself is almost not telling the author.

The 1st volume of the work according to Gogol's plan shows the various negative sides of the life of Russia of that time - both officials and landlord. All provincial society is part of the "Dead World".

The exposition is given in the first chapter, in which the portrait of one provincial city is drawn. Everywhere the launch, unpleasution, dirt, which emphasizes the indifference of the local authorities to the needs of residents. Then, after Chichikov visited the landowners, in chapters from the 7th to the 10th, the collective portrait of the officialhood of the then Russia is described. In several episodes, various images of officials in the poem "Dead Souls" are given. On chapters, you can trace how the author characterizes this public class.

What does officials relate to the landowners?

However, the worst is that such officials are no exception. These are typical representatives of the bureaucracy system in Russia. In their environment reigns sales and bureaucracy.

Registration of the knob

Together with the chikchikov returning to the city, we are transferred to the judicial chamber, where it will be necessary to place a bunch of this hero (the 7th chapter). The characteristic of the images of officials in the poem "Dead Souls" is given in this episode very detailed. It is ironically used by Gogol a high symbol - the temple in which the "Priests of Femis" serve, impartial and incorruptible. However, it is primarily struggling and dirt in this "temple". The "unattractive appearance" of the femids is explained by the fact that it takes visitors in a simple, "in a bathrobe".

However, this simplicity in fact turns frank disregard to the laws. No one is going to do business, and the "Priests of Femids" (officials) take care only about how to take tribute to visitors, that is, bribes. And they really succeed in this.

The circle of running with papers, bustle, but all this serves only one goal - to confuse the petitioners, so that they cannot do without the help, the kindly provided for the fee, of course. Chichiku, this pass and a connoisseur of backstage affairs, nevertheless I had to use her to get into the presence.

He got access to the necessary person only after Ivan Antonovich suggested openly. As the legal phenomenon, it became in the life of the officials of Russia, we understand when the protagonist finally falls to the Chairman of the Chamber, which takes it as his old friend.

Conversation with Chairman

Heroes after courteous phrases go to the matter, and here the Chairman says that "he should not pay" him. The bribe here, it turns out, so mandatory that only close friends of officials can do without it.

Another remarkable detail from the life of urban officials is finding out in a conversation with the chair. Very interesting in this episode analysis of an official of an official in the poem "Dead Souls". It turns out that even for such unusual activities, which was described in the judicial chamber, not all representatives of this class consider it necessary to go to the service. As a "idle man" the prosecutor is sitting at home. Everything about it is solved by the threshold, which in the work is called "the first Hapuga".

Ball at the governor

In the scene described by Gogol on (8th chapter) we see the seeing dead souls. Gossip and balls become for people the form of a wretched mental and public life. An image of officials in the poem "Dead Souls", a brief description of which we make, can be supplemented in this episode with the following details. At the level of discussion of fashionable styles and color coloring, there are representatives of the presentation of beauty, and solidity is determined by how a person obes the tie and blows the root. No and there can be no real culture, morality, since the norms of behavior depend entirely from the ideas about how it should be. That is why Picks at first accepted so welcome: he knows how to respond to the requests of this public.

This is briefly the image of officials in the poem "Dead Souls". The brief content of the work itself, we did not describe. We hope you remember it. The characteristic submitted by us can be supplemented by relying on the maintenance of the poem. Very interesting, the topic "The image of officials in the poem" Dead Souls ". Quotes from the work that can be found in the text by contacting the chapters we will help you to supplement this feature.

The share of the participation of the prosecutor in the narrative is small: the first meeting of Chichikov with him in the house of the governor, the appearance of the ball in the society of Nozdrev, the death of the prosecutor yes, the collision of Chikchikov with a funeral procession - nevertheless, Gogol is not profitable to prosecutor attention.
Invulsion, the power of it is imperative to see the fraudster, emphasizes a very important idea - to show "insignificant people."
"I was needed, - wrote Gogol, - to take away from all the beautiful people I knew all the vulgar and nasty, that they captured inadvertently, and return to the rightful owners. Do not ask why the first part must be all vulgarity and why everything in it Faces to one should be hit: Other topics will give you the answer. That's all! "
So, Chichikov successfully buys dead souls, and the one who would have to stop him - the prosecutor - dies.
The prosecutor becomes one of the first listeners of the exposure of Nozdrev. He is almost the ears shouting about the fact that Chichots are buying dead souls. The atmosphere is condensed. Prosecutor is brought to the attention of the prosecutor about the abduction of the governor's daughter. All this must be thought out.
"... He began to think, to think and suddenly, as they say, did not die from anything from anything. Whether he was paralysis, or something else grabbed, only he, as he sat, and slammed his chairs. I cried, as usual, Splashing hands: "Ah, my God!" - sent for the doctor to let the blood, but saw that the prosecutor was already one of the soulless body. Then only with a condolence learned that the dead man was, for sure, the soul, although he is like his modest Never showed it. "
V. Yermilov, estimating the meaning of the prosecutor's figure for the theme "Dead Souls", wrote: "The finest sad irony is hidden in the history of the prosecutor. Comes of comments of Soberevich, that in the whole city only the prosecutor" a decent person, and that pig "has its own inner The value. In fact, because the prosecutor is deeper than all worries universal confusion and fear caused by the Chichikovsky "case". He even dies the only thing for the reason that he began to think ... He died from trying to think. In his position he himself would really have to Most of all thinking about all that it came into the minds of shocked officials, in connection with the incomprehensible matter Chichikov ... "
The death of the prosecutor gives Gogol with the possibility of another lyrical insert, thinking that everything was equal in the face of death: "And meanwhile, the appearance of death was also scary in small, as it was terribly and in a great man: one who has not yet long walked , moving, played in Vist, signed different papers and was so often visible between officials with his thick eyebrows and a flashing eye, now lay on the table, the left eye was already blinked at all, but the eyebrow one was still raised with some question expression . What did the dead man asked: why he died or why lived - one God knows about that. "
But no death will make any death to think about the strugnure of the world: "All the thoughts were focused on this time in ourselves: they thought, what would be a new governor-general, as it will take it and how to take them ..." The first volume of the poem is completed by the sad picture.

The writing

In Tsarist Russia, the 1930s of the XIX century, a real disaster for the people was not only a serfdom, but also an extensive bureaucratic bureaucratic unit. Understanding on guard of legality and law enforcement, representatives of the administrative power thought only about their own material good, rushing out the treasury, extorting bribes, mocking abuse people. Thus, the topic of exposing the official world was very relevant for Russian literature. Gogol has repeatedly turned to her in such works as the "auditor", "Shinel", "Notes of Crazy". She found the expression and in the "Dead Souls" poem, where, starting with the seventh chapter, officials are in the center of the author. Despite the lack of detail and in detail drawn images similar to the heroes-landlords, the picture of the official life in the poem Gogol is striking with its breadth.

Two-three master strokes writer draws wonderful miniature portraits. This is the governor embroidering the tulle, and the prosecutor with very black dense eyebrows, and the lowest postmaster, stroke and philosopher, and many others. These fluent parties are remembered thanks to characteristic funny details that are filled with deep meaning. In fact, why is the head of the whole province characterized as a kind, which sometimes embroiders on the yoke? Probably because as a manager there is nothing to say about him. From here it is easy to conclude about how the governor is negotiating and unfaithfully applies to their official duties, to civil debt. The same can be said about his subordinates. Gogol widely uses the characteristics of the hero with other characters in the poem. For example, when a witness was needed for the purchase of a fortress, Sobachievich tells Chikchikov that the prosecutor, as a fellow man, is true, sitting at home. But this is one of the most significant officials of the city, which should be repeated justice, follow the observance of legality. The characteristic of the prosecutor in the poem is enhanced by the description of his death and funeral. He did not do anything but the mindless signing of papers, as provided all the decisions of Stranat, "First Hapuga in the World." Obviously, the cause of his death was rumors about the sale of "dead souls", since it was he who was responsible for all the illegal affairs in the city. Gorky Gogol Irony hears in thought about the meaning of the life of the prosecutor: "Why did he die, or why he lived, one God knows." Even chikhiki, looking at the funeral of the prosecutor, involuntarily comes to the thought that the only thing that the dead man could remember is dense black eyebrows.

Closeup gives a writer a typical image of an official of Ivan Antonovich, a kuvshinnyh row. Using his position, he extorts bribes from visitors. It's ridiculous to read about how Chicchikov put in front of Ivan Antonovich "a piece of paper", "which he absolutely did not notice and covered the immediate Book." But sadly from the consciousness of which Russian citizens, depending on dishonest, borestiving people, representing state power, turned out to be. This thought emphasizes Gogol comparison of the official of the civilian ward with versgil. At first glance, it is unacceptable. But the gady official, like the Roman poet in the "Divine Comedy", leads Chichikov in all the circles of bureaucratic hell. It means that this comparison enhances the impression of the evil that the entire administrative system of Tsarist Russia is impregnated.

Gogol leads a peculiar classification of officials in the poem, making representatives of this class on the lower, thin and thick. The writer gives a sarcastic characteristic of each of these groups. The lower is, in Gogol Definition, unspoken pizari and secretaries, as a rule, bitter drunkards. Under the "thin" author implies the average layer, and the "thick" is a provincial one who holds firmly for its places and deftly extracts considerable income from its high position.

Gogol is inexhaustible in choosing surprisingly accurate and taking comparisons. So, he likes the officials of the Squadron Flys that fly to the rafiornad's talilla pieces. The provincial officials are characterized in the poem and their usual classes: a game of cards, bats, dinners, dinners, gossip Gogol writes that in the society of these civil servants, "meanness, completely disinterested, pure meanness" is flourishing. Their quarrels do not end in duel, because "they were all civilian officials." They have other methods and means, thanks to which they pack each other, which is heavier than any duel. In the lifestyle of officials, there are no significant differences in their actions and views. Gogol paints this class as thieves, bribes, idlers and fraudsters who are connected with each other circular place. Therefore, officials feel so uncomfortable, when Scim Chichikova revealed, because each of them remembered his sins. If they try to delay Chichikov for his fraud, he will be able to blame them in dishonesty. A comic situation arises when people who are clotheled by the authorities help the screw in his illegal fraud and fear him.

Gogol in the poem spreads the framework of the county city, introducing into it "Tale of Captain Copeikin". It is not already talking about local abuses, but about the arbitrariness and lawlessness that the highest Petersburg officials are creating, that is, the government itself. The contrast is striking between the unheard of the luxury of St. Petersburg and the pathetic Nishchensky position of Kopeykina, who shed blood for the fatherland, lost his arms and legs. But, despite the injury and military merit, this hero of war has no right even to his retirement. The desperate disabled person is trying to find assistance in the capital, but his attempt is broken down on the cold indifference of a high-ranking dignitary. This disgusting image of the soulless Petersburg Veelmazby completes the characteristics of the world of officials. All of them, starting with the small provincial secretary and ending with the representative of the highest administrative authority, dishonest, mercenary, cruel people, indifferent to the destinies of the country and the people. It is to this conclusion that the reader leads the reader a wonderful poem N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls".

The share of the participation of the prosecutor in the narrative is small: the first meeting of Chichikov with him in the house of the governor, the appearance of the ball in the society of Nozdrev, the death of the prosecutor yes, the collision of Chikchikov with a funeral procession - nevertheless, Gogol is not profitable to prosecutor attention.

Invulsion, the power of it is imperative to see the fraudster, emphasizes a very important idea - to show "insignificant people."

"I was needed, - wrote Gogol, - to take away from all the beautiful people I knew all the vulgar and nasty, that they captured inadvertently, and return to the rightful owners. Do not ask why the first part must be all vulgarity and why everything in it Faces to one should be hit: Other topics will give you the answer. That's all! "

So, Chichikov successfully buys dead souls, and the one who would have to stop him - the prosecutor - dies.

The prosecutor becomes one of the first listeners of the exposure of Nozdrev. He is almost the ears shouting about the fact that Chichots are buying dead souls. The atmosphere is condensed. Prosecutor is brought to the attention of the prosecutor about the abduction of the governor's daughter. All this must be thought out.

"... He began to think, to think and suddenly, as they say, did not die from anything from anything. Whether he was paralysis, or something else grabbed, only he, as he sat, and slammed his chairs. I cried, as usual, Splashing hands: "Ah, my God!" - sent for the doctor to let the blood, but saw that the prosecutor was already one of the soulless body. Then only with a condolence learned that the dead man was, for sure, the soul, although he is like his modest Never showed it. "

V. Yermilov, estimating the meaning of the prosecutor's figure for the theme "Dead Souls", wrote: "The finest sad irony is hidden in the history of the prosecutor. Comes of comments of Soberevich, that in the whole city only the prosecutor" a decent person, and that pig "has its own inner The value. In fact, because the prosecutor is deeper than all worries universal confusion and fear caused by the Chichikovsky "case". He even dies the only thing for the reason that he began to think ... He died from trying to think. In his position he himself would really have to Most of all thinking about all that it came into the minds of shocked officials, in connection with the incomprehensible matter Chichikov ... "

The death of the prosecutor gives Gogol with the possibility of another lyrical insert, thinking that everything was equal in the face of death: "And meanwhile, the appearance of death was also scary in small, as it was terribly and in a great man: one who has not yet long walked , moving, played in Vist, signed different papers and was so often visible between officials with his thick eyebrows and a flashing eye, now lay on the table, the left eye was already blinked at all, but the eyebrow one was still raised with some question expression . What did the dead man asked: why he died or why lived - one God knows about that. "

But no death will make any death to think about the strugnure of the world: "All the thoughts were focused on this time in ourselves: they thought, what would be a new governor-general, as it will take it and how to take them ..." The first volume of the poem is completed by the sad picture.