Which of the priests gives lectures? How Orthodox Priests Cast Out Demons

Which of the priests gives lectures?  How Orthodox Priests Cast Out Demons
Which of the priests gives lectures? How Orthodox Priests Cast Out Demons

Casting out demons - myth or reality? In search of an answer to this question, RIA Novosti journalists witnessed a ceremony about which the Russian Orthodox Church does not have an unambiguous opinion, and talked with church and secular experts.

"Shut up! Run away!" - exclaims Father Herman, making a cross over a crowd of people.

The Peter and Paul Church near the Trinity-Sergius Lavra is jam-packed. Here, several times a week at noon, the famous Archimandrite German (Chesnokov), whom many call an elder, performs the rite of "healing those possessed by unclean spirits." In the Church, this rite is also called "lecture".

Before the beginning of the rank, Father Herman explains why an "unclean spirit" can settle in this or that person. The reason is simple - sin. “And we are sick because we sin,” he says.

Father Herman preaches for a long time, more than an hour. People stand, and in the center they sit in a semicircle on benches and chairs and try to listen attentively to the priest, who is actively gesturing, repeating: "We must go to the temple, and not to fortune-tellers or psychics! If someone has books with conspiracies, fortune-telling - burn it today immediately! It is very useful to receive communion! ".

Some come out of the stuffy temple into the street. The rest are shifting from foot to foot, someone yawns, someone looks at the icons, someone checks the messages on the phone. Everyone is waiting for the start of the lecture.

Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Sergiev Posad

Unlike most Orthodox rituals, during the rite of exorcism of evil spirits, the priest always stands facing the parishioners. Father Herman says prayers not in a chant, as is usually the case at services, but very emotionally, with an abundance of gestures, like pastors from American films... The believers in the front row move even closer to the altar. A thin old woman in a black scarf begins frantically to baptize her belly. Next to her is a woman with two photographs of a young man - during the sermon, she did not take her eyes off the altarpiece of the Savior, and now she is constantly crying.

After reading the prayers and the Gospel, Father Herman with two priests descends from the ambo and begins to smear everyone's forehead blessed oil... He asks the woman with the child how long he has been ill.

"A year and a half, father. After the fast began," the woman cries. "Are you married to your husband? You need to get married! This makes him sick," the archimandrite minted.

Then he picks up a simple metal teapot with holy water and begins to sprinkle abundantly, reciting a special prayer. His gaze is directed at the worshipers, but it seems that he is not looking at them. The cassock is all wet from holy water, there are large puddles on the floor. The worshipers shudder from the cold spray, but immediately smile. “Mothers, if you partake your children every Sunday, then no illnesses will take them!”, The exorcist repeats many times.

"A demon possessed my mother"

"Father, what to do?" - this question is often asked by people whose relatives, in their opinion, are possessed by demoniacs. The priests give a different answer, based on a personal view of the lectures.

“Something was wrong with my mom. We constantly fought over some trifles. Every day she told me: damn you, you don’t have to live anymore, you don’t even deserve a torn pillowcase,” says Oleg from Moscow (name changed at his request).

Mom forbade him to go to church, was very irritated when he saw an icon or a cross. The man secretly turned to the priest, who advised sprinkling the apartment and mother's things with holy water. But, according to him, "there were no changes."

Then, at one of the Orthodox forums, he learned about the lectures. Oleg admits that "somehow miraculously" he persuaded his mother to go to the temple, where they perform the rite of exorcism.

“Now (after the report - ed.) She behaves very calmly. Father advised me to come again. I later learned that many people do this,” Oleg said.

“The abbot of our parish blessed me to go to the monastery to give Father Herman a lecture, saying that I was possessed,” says Galina (name has been changed) from the Leningrad Region.

She didn't believe it for a long time. But one evening, convulsions began - at first it seemed to her that it was an epileptic seizure.

"But the next day I found out that they were taking miraculous icon Mother of God... It turns out that I, not knowing about the arrival of such a shrine, already felt it. It doesn't sound like self-hypnosis, "she said.

When the icon was brought, Galina "for a very long time could not approach" the relic without outside help. According to her, at that moment she was cursing in the temple, cursing everyone around her, banging her head on the floor.

“I then cried for a long time and asked for forgiveness for the curses, but the priest, calming me down, said that this demon was trying to intimidate everyone,” the woman explains. As a result, she went to her father German for a report, after which, according to her, everything went away.

However, there are other reviews about the benefits of the ceremony. President of the Russian Association of Centers for the Study of Religions and Sects (RACIRS) Professor of the Orthodox St. Tikhon's state university Alexander Dvorkin cited a case from his research practice.

One Orthodox believer, who had certain mental problems, fell into the sect of the false Christ-Vissarion (head of the organization "Church of the Last Testament"). When the new adept Vissarion began to have doubts in the sect, he decided to go for an excuse. But, having passed the ceremony, he did not feel anything - and concluded that he correctly believed in Vissarion: after all, if he were a false Christ, the exocyst would have expelled the demon of evil. Since then, this believer has been in the sect for many years, walks and teaches the Orthodox that Vissarion is right, and the lecture "irrefutably proved this."

"It helps if you believe"

Archimandrite German has been practicing mass exorcism of demons for over 30 years. To him, according to the Dean of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Archimandrite Pavel (Krivonogov), many people come. "Do the lectures help? Yes, I was an eyewitness. And it happens that someone is not helped. It depends on the person, on his faith, on the state of his soul," - said the dean. He does not agree that the lectures performed in the Lavra can be called massive (for which the rank is most often criticized). Usually, as the Dean noted, 50-60 people come to them, and not thousands, as you might think.

It is believed that the rite of casting out demons should be performed only in exceptional cases, when a person is under the total influence of the dark spirit that has taken over him and no longer controls his movements and actions.

In the Gospel it is written about the demoniac in Gadarene, who beat against stones day and night, and when he was chained, he broke the bonds and ran unconscious through the wilderness. Christ by his power in an instant freed the unfortunate man from the heavy bondage. In the first centuries of Christianity, even pagans knew about the existence of special persons who conjured those possessed by the name of Jesus Christ and thereby expelled from them evil spirits.

Often, this was beyond the power of even the apostles - the closest disciples of Christ: the New Testament describes a case when they could not expel a demon from a possessed youth. Over time, Christianity developed an understanding that victory over evil spirits is possible only with a decisive correction of his life by a person, while observing strict asceticism, and not thanks to a formally fulfilled rule.

Archimandrite German (Chesnokov)

At the same time, the expulsion of demons into Orthodox tradition is considered a special gift of God, which only some people receive due to their special, holy life and which they can realize only with the blessing of a confessor.

Exorcism in Russia

"According to the doctrine that after the Fall, humanity is in close communion with unclean spirits, trying to completely possess every soul, almost all Christian cult actions, including prayer at home, contain elements of exorcism. Spells against demons are contained in the rite of baptism, the great consecration water and others, "says Ilya Vevyurko, a religious scholar, senior lecturer at the Faculty of Philosophy at Moscow State University.

Exorcism is familiar to popular culture, primarily from Western films about Catholic priests... In Roman catholic church there is even an Association of Exorcists, courses and conferences are held for them. Experts from the Moscow Theological Academy have no unequivocal opinion about whether exorcism is inherent in Orthodox Christianity.

For example, Alexei Osipov, a professor at the Moscow Theological Academy, believes that, unlike the Catholic Church, exorcism is historically alien to Eastern Christianity. “In Russia, they never lectured. Only at the end of the 20th century, due to the penetration of Catholic influence into Russia, certain people began the practice of lecturing, and often without any blessing. Then, when the popular rumor rushed, they began to do it openly. But no special they never received blessings, "Osipov emphasizes.

But the professor of the MDA, Archpriest Maxim Kozlov, believes that the practice of exorcism is regulated from the point of view of the canons, therefore, it is not marginal. “Practice assumes that such a rite is performed with the blessing of the ruling bishop. But only if it is regular,” the professor clarifies. This practice came to Russia from Byzantium immediately after baptism, "together with liturgical books, which were translated from Greek."

Modern exorcists use the text of the rite of the lecture from the famous missal of the Metropolitan of Kiev Peter (Grave) of the 17th century.

To church or clinic?

A couple of hundred years ago, various mental illness... Today, the Church accepts the achievements of science and at the same time speaks of the possibility of the influence of evil spirits on human behavior.

"At present, the Church does not have a clear methodology for separating possessed and mentally ill people. Sometimes this is practically impossible, since demonic content is combined with mental illness. Sometimes the demonic possession proceeds in isolation. Before the revolution, the Holy Synod specifically addressed the psychiatry clinic of the Medical-Surgical Academy ( now the Military Medical Academy - ed.) with a request to give guidelines for priests who have a similar spiritual practice. The main task was precisely to establish the line between spiritual and mental pathology, "notes the Doctor of Theology and Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, psychiatrist, Archpriest Grigory Grigoriev.

According to him, if the priest "reads with faith church prayer", then a demon-possessed person - in spiritual practice such people are" extremely rare "- will experience a sharp relief from his mental state... Spiritually-related mental disorders usually resolve after the discourse.

But mentally ill people, according to the doctor, not only will not benefit, but even worsen the condition. "For example, in some forms of schizophrenia, delusions of influence on religious grounds can develop. This requires serious drug treatment in a hospital setting," the psychiatrist explained. Therefore, he advises to see a doctor first. And if he doesn't help, then to the temple.

The abbot of the Optina Compound in Moscow, Archimandrite Melchizedek (Artyukhin), explained why, for example, there was never a lecture in the famous Optina Pustynia. “In difficult spiritual cases, the Optina elders advised confession (detailed, from childhood), unction and communion. This is the tradition. Innovations are sought by those who have no desire to take root in tradition, but have a desire for everything at once without fighting themselves. Fruitless practice. Healing is a process, not a focus, "says Archimandrite Melchizedek.

"Report the lecturers"

Priest-psychiatrist Grigory Grigoriev emphasizes that before the revolution, clergymen were recommended to give lectures individually, "in order to cut off patients with hysteria, who were called hysterics in the church." According to him, they often attract attention at church services with harsh outcries and other demonstrative actions, which are perceived by believers as demonic, although they are not. The demoniac, according to the priest, is distinguished by the fear of church sacraments, holy relics, holy water and miraculous icons.

Professor Alexander Dvorkin is extremely negative about the current practice of the report. According to him, he is in solidarity with the opinion of Patriarch Alexy II, who many years ago, at one diocesan meeting, said that one should "reprimand the reprimands."

"Reporting is a completely unconventional phenomenon that degenerates into some kind of hysterical, dark and extremely unpleasant shows. orthodox person, I understand that demonic possession undoubtedly happens. Christ expelled demons from possessed people, the saints also did it in His name, "- noted the head of RACIRS.

Professor Dvorkin proposes to turn to the lives of the saints, from which it is clear: if some confessor or saint cast out demons, then it was always exclusively individual - not in public, not in large numbers. "Also, it has never been a long process and did not turn into lengthy dialogues with demons, the collections of which were only recently sold in our church shops," he said.

Icon "Saint Marina of Antioch, slaying the demon". 1857 year. Lazaros. Athens. Hidden in the Byzantine Museum (Greece)

Where and how much do they drive out demons

According to MDA professor Osipov, today it is not the people who received this special gift thanks to the holy life that are taken up for the lecture. “Sometimes people take up scolding out of arrogance, vanity, self-interest, of which we find more than enough evidence,” Osipov states.

"It is clear that the lectures bring popularity to the priests who conduct them. People begin to go to them, this brings massive cash, increases income, therefore, in certain dioceses, the hierarchy supports such events, or at least does not interfere with their implementation, "notes, in turn, Dvorkin.

Judging by the reports on the network, trips to the village of Chikhachevo, Ivanovo Region, to see Schema-Archimandrite Ioannikiy (Efimenko) are quite popular among believers. Hieromonk Vladimir (Gusev) is also known in the city of Livny, Oryol region. In Ukraine, they go to the Pochaev Lavra or to the Ilyinsky Monastery in Odessa for lectures.

On the Internet you can find lists of dozens of other places throughout Russia where lectures are given. Therefore, on numerous sites of pilgrimage services there are even special tours to famous exorcists. Pilgrimages are held mainly on weekends, it is advised to sign up for them in advance, due to the large number of those who wish.

As a rule, on the sites of pilgrimage centers it is mentioned about donation for the trip, but the "donation amount" cannot be seen - it is announced when communicating on the phone. It can include, for example, only a round-trip road. There are also all-inclusive packages that include, in addition to travel, lodging, meals and necessities. For example, a trip from Moscow to Livny will cost about 6 thousand rubles, including two prayers "For the sick" (as they call the lecture in the pilgrim center) and unction.

For the sake of fairness, it is worth noting that you can attend the reports without making a donation.

"Unauthorized expulsion"

Another problem is the recognition of the legitimacy of an exorcist. On the Internet, you can often find articles about how in some village a priest casts out demons in various ways.

"Anyone can put on a cassock, a cowl, take up a cross and declare himself a bishop, a gracious old man - and he will have followers and so on. It is clear that no one keeps statistics (report - ed.)," Said the host of the Internet of the "Father Online" project, Hieromonk Macarius (Markish).

Bishops can ban such self-proclaimed demons from the ministry or defrock them. However, according to the hieromonk, a person casting out demons is unlikely to accept the decision of the hierarch - therefore "he will become a self-sacred, or a direct schismatic, a sectarian."

“In particular, we can say: since our country is free, everyone can declare himself (an exorcist - ed.),” Markish is convinced.

Experts with a negative attitude to mass reporting are in favor of eradicating this practice. However, in their opinion, it is extremely difficult to do this. Popular rumor supports the exorcism. And if, according to Professor Osipov, one tries to "forbid", for example, giving lectures to Father German, there will be a lot of noise.

"Sometimes those on whom it depends do not give of particular importance what is happening, they do not understand how many people simply die because of this, become abnormal, "Osipov is convinced.

He criticized the popularization of exorcism and the clergy performing it. “If the saints were hiding their gift, now you can find on the website of our Lavra the timetable on which days and hours the priest performs the miracle of exile. Christ himself did not do this according to the schedule,” concluded our interlocutor.

However, the Dean of the Lavra, Archimandrite Paul, is convinced that little depends on a person - no one can limit "the power God's grace"." The Lord himself governs and heals. It's not like drinking an aspirin to make it feel better, "he emphasizes. The main thing that is required of a person is to sincerely believe.

How is the casting out of demons, and who are they? You can find out about this if you read our informative article.

The demoniac Gadara ran naked through the tombs, howling and beating against the stones, inspiring terror with his superhuman strength. But after the legion of demons left him, he was found clothed and in sound mind, sitting quietly at the feet of the Savior. Are there many people today who, in a rage, can break chains and break shackles? Probably not very much. Nevertheless, the pilgrims go by whole buses to "lecture to the elder". What is the meaning of the rite of casting out demons? And when should you use it? The correspondent of "NS" tried to comprehensively investigate this issue and even went to a report himself.

Something invisible and frightening

Coming for prayer help, you can sometimes get to a specific service that can boggle your imagination: screams, screeching, twisted faces, cramps on the floor with foam at the mouth. The priest can also behave in an unusual way: “Putting the sick person on his knees, the priest gives him holy water to drink from the cross. If the demon somehow manifests itself, then the priest stands with his feet or sits on the sick person, conjuring the demon. " Ed.). And this can happen not in some distant monastery, but in the very center of Moscow.

Natalia K., an icon painter-restorer, told us how, having entered one of the metropolitan churches to discuss working issues with her father, the rector, and having defended the service, she was surprised to learn that she would not be able to go outside, because the doors of the temple locked from the inside. In front of her eyes, two strong altar men took the woman who had previously been calmly standing by the arms, led her to the pulpit, and the priest began to read some prayers over her. And then things began to happen in the church that for the first time in her life Natalia felt: the hair on the back of her head stood on end with horror. She, like the rest of the parishioners, prayed in fear on her knees, not daring to even raise her eyes to where the creature was beating and screeching in a disgusting, thin voice. There was no doubt that the voice that sounded from a woman could not belong to a man. Natalia said that it was not the woman's convulsions or even the content of her remarks that scared her. Frightened by the clear sensation of the presence of an absolutely hostile person and endlessly evil creature... A presence that evokes melancholy and discouragement. From everything she saw, Natalya was left with an extremely difficult impression, which, according to her, did not at all strengthen her in faith. And to this day she does not want to remember this episode. A natural question arises - what is this phenomenon and how should we relate to it?

Commissioners and impostors

The topic of exorcism and spellcasters was relevant already in apostolic times... In the Acts of the Holy Apostles (19: 13-16) we find a story about how the seven sons of the Jewish high priest Sceva, seeing how the Apostle Paul cast out demons, decided to try it too. “We conjure you by Jesus, whom Paul preaches,” they said, and in response they heard: “I know Christ, and I also know Paul, but who are you?” And the demoniac attacked them, severely beat them, tore their clothes and one drove all seven along the street.

There is no consensus in the Church regarding contemporary lectures. His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II condemned the increasing practice of lecturing. Archimandrite John (Krestyankin) advised a person possessed by a devil to take communion and to take unction more often: “Exposition is an order, but Unction is one of the seven sacraments of God. Practice and receive communion more often ... So there will be help for you - and you will resist evil "(Letters from Archimandrite John (Krestyankin). 8th ed., Additional: Holy Dormition Pskovo-Pechersk male monastery, 2008).

Doctor of Theology, Professor of MDAiS Alexey Ilyich Osipov in his book "The Path of Reason in Search of Truth" points out: in assessing cases of exorcism, one must be guided primarily by the opinion of the holy fathers, and the fathers argue that only holy people who have not only won passion, but also received from God the corresponding gift. In the epistle of Clement of Rome (1st century) "On virginity" ascetics-exorcists are instructed "... to visit those possessed by evil spirits and pray over them. Let them conjure by fasting and prayer, not with red, selective and exquisite words, but as men who have received the gift of healing from God. " Abba Pitirion: "He who wants to cast out demons must first enslave the passions: for what passion who wins, such a demon will be cast out."

At the same time, according to the holy fathers, demons can portray fear of reprimanding "elders", publicly call them saints, deceiving both the "elders" themselves and the simple-minded believers. The results of demonic lies are dire. St. John Cassian the Roman, there is a warning in this regard: “Sometimes demons work miracles to lift into arrogance a person who believes that he has a miraculous gift in order to prepare him for an even more miraculous fall. They pretend that they are burning and fleeing from the bodies of those where they were, thanks to the alleged holiness of people, about whose impurity they know. " "…Already big number tragic incidents happened to those who passed the reprimand, - writes Professor Osipov. "And one can only deeply regret that no serious work is being done to monitor this pseudo-church activity."

Now such work is being carried out in some regions. For example, in the Sumy diocese, parish priests are forbidden to lecture without the blessing of the ruling bishop. As they explained to us in the diocesan administration, this decision was made due to the fact that the reports turned into a kind of travel business- near-church entrepreneurs began to organize pilgrimage trips to monasteries where exorcism is practiced.

Service as service, nothing special

There is also a directly opposite point of view. Its adherents do not enter into public polemics, but simply reprimand people themselves, as, for example, Archimandrite German (Chesnokov) in the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra. He does this with the blessing of Patriarch Pimen and the spiritual cathedral of the Lavra. Talk to Fr. I did not succeed with Herman, I had to apply for an interview, given by the priest newspaper "Trud" in 2002. In it, he says that he does not see anything special in the rite: "Service is a service, any priest who has received the blessing of the bishop (but not less) has the right to do this."

Maybe it's true that every believer should go to such a spiritual and hygienic procedure from time to time? After all, we are all imperfect and not alien to passions. And any passion is a demonic property. And so I decided to "go to the report" myself. I tried to take part in reading prayers over me for the expulsion of evil spirits seriously - with faith, reverence and hope for help.

They did not start lecturing right away; the sermon took two and a half hours. Kind short course catechesis with an explanation of who Christ is and how to live: “Love each other, forgive, yield to each other, endure each other, give alms to each other, wash each other's feet, and always reproach and reproach yourself. Only then will you walk the right path to salvation. "

The Church of John the Baptist is full to overflowing. People listen carefully. Among them there are young, well-dressed couples, and there are typical church grandmothers. What brought them here? Those standing next to me on the lecture agreed to answer a few questions. One woman arrived, suspecting damage, and took her daughter with her - "it is good for her too, from diseases"; another brought his wife to persuade her to get married. “You have to know your roots, your faith,” he explained to me. “What more often do you succeed in doing - to report or receive communion?” I asked. “To report somehow more often for now,” was the answer. I ask his friend: "Are you going to change something in your life after the lecture?" - “Why change? I have a normal attitude to Orthodoxy as a religion ”.

Finally, the reading of the order began. Father Herman anointed everyone with holy oil, sprinkled water, censed and recited prayers from the missal. In general, the situation was relatively calm, apart from a few shouting and growling voices. After the service, Fr. Herman gave the cross to kiss, and at the moment of kissing, he kind of spanked the person on the face with a sprinkler. “So, everyone came up? No? Schnel, schnel, schnel! Why did you come here in trousers ?! Oo-oo-oo, sinner ", - Fr. Herman on the woman in jeans and with a smile sprinkled holy water after her. The ruling lasted about half an hour. Judging only by the amount of time allotted to it, it is inferior in importance to the preaching sermon.

After the service, I did not feel any changes in myself, except that I had a headache. Maybe because I lacked faith ...

Do not accept, but also do not judge

How can an authoritative practicing exorcist, to whom 700 people gather for lectures, and an authoritative opponent of exorcism, whose works encourage entire dioceses to prohibit lectures, in one and the same Lavra? For clarification, we turned to to the rector of PSTGU, Archpriest Vladimir VOROBYEV.

- Why are the lectures so popular?

- Since ancient times, since pagan times, there has been an idea that communication with the spiritual world depends solely on "dedication", on the knowledge of some secrets hidden from all others. It's lovely. Our Lord Jesus Christ approved the doctrine of what is necessary for salvation true faith united with love for God and neighbor. It is possible to receive the grace of the Holy Spirit into oneself only when a person takes upon himself the feat of repentance, the purification of his heart from passions, the feat of confessing his faith in the true God. And with magic, no feat is required: pay money for some magical events - that's all. That's why modern people more inclined to choose magic than to go to church. Even those who have accepted Christian faith often bring magical representations of spiritual life with them to temples. For such parishioners, it is not Christian virtues that are important, but the way over which shoulder passed the candle, how he turned, how he bowed, etc. The search for special elders, special shrines or a "lecture", perhaps, has nothing reprehensible in itself, but it is bad if it replaces inner spiritual doing, if it is a form of light faith, in which the center of gravity is shifted outward, and not inside one's own heart.

- What is obsession?

- This is a complete captivity of the will of a person by an evil force, in which he can no longer control himself. Often this obsession occurs against the background of mental illness. Therefore, atheist psychiatrists argue that obsession is simply a mental illness, that it requires medication, and not casting out demons. In ancient times, there was another extreme. Then they did not know what a mental illness was, all mentally ill and epileptics were recorded as possessed. From the point of view of a believer, a mentally ill person is a particularly convenient target for an attack by an evil force, because he usually cannot resist it. But even among the mentally ill there are very humble, gracious people.

- How to distinguish obsession from mental illness?

- Obsession is often associated with the commission of a grave sin, in addition, it can manifest itself in a pathological, incomprehensible desire for evil or enslavement to evil. It also manifests itself in an inadequate reaction to the shrine. Of course, we can say that all this fits into the picture of mental illness. But there are cases when a person did not know about the presence of a shrine, nevertheless, an attack of demonic possession occurred near it. This suggests that there really are not only mental illnesses, but also states of obsession.

- What is a report?

- This is a liturgical rite, which consists of reading psalms, canons, special prayers, Holy Scripture... It is believed that reprimanding can have a positive effect on the state of the possessed. This view is not new. For example, in the Great Missal of St. Peter Mogila, published in the 17th century, there is a rite of 12 incantatory prayers. In modern missal, there is also such an order. The rite of announcement, which precedes baptism, also contains the so-called exorcisms, that is, the expulsion of a dark, evil force. The priest says: “I forbid you from the all-evil and the unclean, and the filthy, and the disgusting, and alien to the spirit by the power of Jesus Christ, who has all power in heaven and on earth, to the deaf and dumb demon: leave the man and let him not enter into him ... "

- How are these exorcisms different from magic spells?

“The Church has never done any witchcraft. Although there are holy words for us, for example the name of God, there are holy prayers. You can pray in your own words, or you can say prayers written by ancient saints. When we say our prayers from the bottom of our hearts, we pray with faith and love, then we spiritually resist evil force... In prayer, we gain God's grace-filled help in the struggle against the dark spiritual world. It is heartfelt concern, our faith and loyalty to God, the desire to be with God, the prayer for help to a suffering person that is the content of our actions and our words when we drive out evil spirits from the catechumens or possessed.

Everything Orthodox sacraments are committed according to the principle expressed in words Christ "according to your faith it shall be unto you" (Matthew 9: 29). Even if we performed the sacrament, having completely fulfilled the rite, fully uttered all the words, then the question always remains - how effective will this sacrament be? For example, partaking of the Saints Mysteries of Christ, we always pray that this Holy Communion will not be for judgment and condemnation. Because we never feel worthy or ready enough for it. Even if it is real, that is, it is perfect, its effectiveness remains primarily dependent on the will of God and on the state of the human soul. No sacrament can be performed on a person by force. Participation, synergy is always required.

From this point of view, you need to evaluate what is happening in the lecture. If a possessed or mentally ill person wants to be taken to a lecture, and there the priest prayed over him, then the prayer can be heard. If he does not want this, then forcibly dragging him into a lecture so that something is done on him - does that make sense? From the lives of the saints, from church experience, it is known that there really were such cases, but exclusively in relation to people completely obsessed, that is, people who do not have any free will and themselves can no longer want anything, cannot take Communion or confess. Then those around, seeing the desperate situation of such a person, dragged him even forcibly to the holy person. In the life Saint Sergius it is said that the demons left the possessed on the way to him. And in the biography of the holy righteous father John of Kronstadt, there are testimonies of many cases when an obsessed man was brought or dragged to Father John, who was barely restrained by several healthy men. Father John rushed to meet him with the words: "In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I tell you, come out of him." It happened that the possessed person even grabbed the saint's hair, but with his ardent prayer he cast out the demon, and the possessed one was healed. This has been described by many witnesses. What's here, just magic words? Of course not. Holy people have this power over evil spirits promised by the Lord.

What do we hope for - some order or that the performer of this order has special power over evil spirits, some kind of spiritual gift? In the second case, the rank is not really needed. The Monk Sergius and Father John of Kronstadt cast out demons without any rank. If the matter is in the rank, then the question of magic arises.

- And if not a saint will try to scold?

- He risks falling into the position of the seven sons of the Jewish high priest Sceva, described in the Acts. What can a simple priest do? With humility, in no way considering himself an exorcist, he can simply pray for the sick or the possessed. A priest can and should pray for all the sick. But we must remember that our prayer is weak. We can bring our faith, love, humility, repentance and pray to the Lord for help. If the priest prays in this way, then he can read any prayers from the prayer book. And it is certainly always good to go to such a kind and humble priest. If he thinks that he is a persecutor of demons, who in himself has power over them, then this is certainly the path of dangerous delusion. All these subtle situations are not easy to sort out, and it is better not to judge them hastily.

- Is the priest required to take a special blessing for this?

- It is always useful to ask for a blessing for a difficult task. But it cannot be said that it is obligatory. The priest receives the gift of the ordinances from the bishop. During baptism, for example, the priest both announces, and conjures, and casts out demons. In addition, a missal is given to the priest, and it contains the rite of incantation of evil spirits. Every priest can use the book without the additional blessing of the bishop.

- How should we relate to the lecture to the laity?

- This phenomenon has always existed. It is not in our power to abolish it, nor to distribute it. I would advise against making categorical judgments. Each case is different. I'll just give you an example. One very famous elder lived next to another ascetic, an exorcist known throughout Russia. And this elder did not send anyone to lecture him, but he did not condemn anyone and did not forbid anyone. This is the position I would adhere to.


In Christianity, there is a concept of sin. When passions and vices become a habit for a person, then, according to the teachings of the church, he moves away from God, opening the doors of his soul to the spirits of evil or, more simply, to demons. There are often cases when the latter's invasion is so strong that it takes on the character of a real obsession. Such people are called demon-possessed, or demon-possessed. Possession is a special state of mind. It is extremely difficult to identify it. A clear line between mental disorder and obsession is not.

A person can make various sounds, easily change the timbre of his voice, bark, meow, moo. He is often aggressive, maybe even dangerous. Possession also manifests itself in convulsions, convulsive movements, and seizures. However, if the possessed one is brought to the shrine, his behavior is replaced by fear (for example, in front of a glass of holy water) or aggressiveness (he can attack icons), during the Liturgy, especially at the moment of reading the Gospel, the possessed shout loudly, call the priest names, make strange and terrible sounds ...

You can often hear a question that is mysterious to the inexperienced mind - how are demons cast out in the church? What is it? This is a rite during which the priest reads special prayers over the demoniac to drive out the evil spirit. It is painted, its text is known to many priests. But only a few of them are blessed to be instructed. Only a few decide to spend it arbitrarily, for which they are badly beaten by demons.

As a rule, monks in ancient monasteries (Trinity-Sergiev, Kiev-Pechersk, Pochaev Lavra, Optina Pustyn, etc.) have a blessing for a lecture. How dangerous it is to walk on thin ice, expose yourself to the influence of harmful factors environment, and to come into contact with the subtle spiritual world, where the spirits of malice dwell, one must always be extremely careful. Without the special blessing of a confessor or priest, it is impossible to observe the rite of the lecture.

Before exorcising a demon from a person with a lecture, the possessed must confess and take a blessing from the confessor. During the performance of the rite of casting out demons, the priest reads prayers over the demoniac, sprinkles with holy water, applies a cross to his head, and also performs other actions. The patient's relatives present in the church pray intensely.

With the possessed themselves at this time, various phenomena can occur, which are described above. Often the demon begins to shout that he is burning, tells how he settled in this person, how he torments him. He can leave the person after the first lecture. But it happens that another one may be required. The Lord Himself said that this race (the spirits of evil) is expelled only by prayer and fasting.

Relatives of the unfortunate, demon-possessed people should remember that they should be prayed vigorously, given to the magpie, the Psalter, and every Sunday - to the Proskomedia. You can order prayers, for example, to the Monk Irinarch the Recluse, a saint who was especially famous for the gift of casting out demons. His holy chains, stored in the now restored, and once Tsarist Borisoglebsk Monastery in the Yaroslavl region, also have the property of healing demon-possessed people.

Jan 9 2008, 06:05 PM

Christianity. Casting out demons

[Casting out demons]
Brief characteristics of demons (demons)

Demons, or demons, are created from subtle matter, invisible to humans, although their presence near you can be felt by a sudden alert feeling (there is someone nearby), and this feeling is oppressive, alarming. They can penetrate all obstacles (wall, door), because they can "seep" through them. Free demons cannot enter the consecrated room. This room is "marked" for the Lord, and if actions pleasing to him take place, prayers are performed, then he sends his Graceful protection to this place. The grace of God covering such places scorches the demons, they cannot overcome it. If a person does not have God's protection, then demons can freely penetrate into his energy bodies. Demons live where they have a place. Man, sinning, prepares such a place for them. Where there is sin, there they are. By their nature, demons (demons) are extremely evil, cunning, deceitful creatures with a disgusting appearance. They hate righteousness and virtue, they hate everything that is connected with the Lord. They strive with all their might to get a person, to persuade him to sin, and then cultivate, increase this sin in him, until the person becomes their "slave". Demons feed on the energies of a person when he indulges in sinful activities (for example, the energies of anger, lust, hatred). Also, demons like to inhale incense from various incense, demons really like it when a person consumes meat, especially with blood, or indulges in lustful passion (while the partner's energy is "sucked" by the demon). If a demon is in a person who has come to a consecrated place ( Orthodox church God), then from the Grace of God he becomes ill, and the person is inclined to leave this room as quickly as possible, by mentally instilling a demon so that the person does not even suspect (for example, under some pretext). Or the demon, who had previously been quietly in him, suddenly manifests himself sharply, and is revealed.

Signs of the presence of a demon in a person, as well as its effect on a person

A person begins to hear other people's thoughts (for example, I am your friend, I will help you, I love you, I will give you special knowledge). There may be "cosmic stories" of extraterrestrial Intelligence, and even deception, when a demon pretends to be a Guardian Angel, or the voice of God. This is done in order to gain confidence, the demon knows where your weak point is. The stake is placed on pride - I chose you because you are better than others, they are worse than you. The demon manipulates you as he wants you to believe him and want to communicate with him. If you suspect anything, he will immediately have excuses for you to calm down and blindly trust him. Then the "Friend" and "Mentor" will begin to teach you and guide you along the path of Satan.

The situation may be different. The person clearly does not hear any other voices, but he suddenly suddenly becomes completely different. The look, gait, movements, manner of speaking change sharply, inside you can feel a sudden impudent confidence, a feeling of strength and authority. In such a state, a person, before this very modest and virtuous, is immediately drawn to sin. Often the catalyst for this state is walking in the dark, drinking alcohol, or a noisy disco with trance rhythms. Then the person realizes what he has done and falls into bewilderment. How could he, so virtuous, do such a thing? And the reason is that he is inside him - a demon. The demon feeds on the energies of sin, and specifically arranges for the victim to drink alcohol, go to a disco, etc. to get the necessary energies.

The introduction of a demon (demon) into a person is called possession. The open manifestation of a demon (demon) is demonia. With possession, the sacrifice can be possessed by one or several demons. By their "strength" demons (demons) differ depending on their hierarchy. When a demon enters a person, it connects to his brain, nervous system, vision, hearing, touch, smell, speech and chakras (places where energies are concentrated). That's where supernatural abilities, divination "gift", mediumship, "ventriloquism" in a voice other than one's own, "inhuman piercing gaze", suddenly increased strength of muscles, vision and hearing. The demon does not want to betray himself, and sometimes manifests itself explicitly when a person relaxes and becomes internally liberated, or he is forced to manifest Orthodox prayers when exiled. The possessed feels at this time, as it were, in an unusual semi-hypnotic-trance state, he feels, hears, sees what is happening, but sometimes, as under a little hypnosis (if he does not resist the demon), he simply becomes a doll in the hands of a demon. At the same time, the creature openly shows its attitude towards people, shouting blasphemy at them ("how I hate you all! ...", "damn you all!" , sometimes such that the possessed one can swing at you with a sharp first object that comes across, or launch at you with the first one that comes to hand). The demon hates everything that is connected with the Divine, and therefore, as soon as he sees or feels consecrated things (icons, candles, holy water, a cross with a crucifix), this causes him a storm of hatred. At the same time, a person shouts out blasphemies, can spit on icons, overturn a glass of consecrated water, blow out a consecrated candle. With the manifestation of a demon (demonic possession), the person's face changes, becomes unnatural, the victim can hiss, growl, roar, howl, scream, scream, laugh, pronounce incantations in an incomprehensible language in such voices that it is not only disgusting to hear, it cannot be reproduced by a person. Even an animal cannot reproduce sounds like a demon. The human body suddenly begins to sway, beating in convulsions that begin from the abdomen and solar plexus - the favorite location of the demon. The human body can bend unnaturally (the belly is raised, the support is on the head (like a bridge).) The belly happens, it moves with a shaker, while puffing up, as if "you are pregnant" and something inside you moves. At the same time, the solar plexus is covered with heat and painful spasms. The demon can also affect the throat chakra and vocal cords by causing painful spasms, ordering you to obey him. A person can grin, grimace, wave his arms like wings, feel that he has long claws on his hands, show strong aggression towards others. At the same time, his teeth just want to grab onto something. If a possessed person falls in a state of madness, then he will fall so that he will not hurt himself. Sometimes (but not always), after the rage has passed, the person abruptly relaxes, as if falling asleep, and does not remember. what happened to him. This is how the demon manifests itself, invading consciousness and nervous system victims.

The demon can persuade a person to watch horror films, films on prodigal themes, films with scenes of bloodshed, cruelty, violence, while a person experiences pleasure from watching, and longs for such views again and again, and some want to get these pleasures in real life imitating your favorite movie characters. Thus, a person prepares himself for contact with already real heroes favorite "horror movie".

A person may develop an inexplicable craving for occult symbolism, which is sold in abundance in specialized departments of esotericism. The demon's victim begins to be drawn to talismans, cards, figurines, audio materials with trance rhythms, meditations, lectures by psychoenergetic therapists (listening to which, a person enters a hypnotic state and opens up to demonic influences), aromatic burning incense, books on the occult, healing, magic, witchcraft ... A person seeks to develop superpowers in himself, to open the "Third Eye" in order to become all-seeing and omnipotent, without thinking about what makes a deal with the devil.

The demon can inspire a person possessed by him that he has unusual abilities and they need to be developed, he is not like everyone else, and then, taking advantage of the person's desire for knowledge, he begins to "process" the person, persuading him to study in the opening schools of magic, witchcraft , healing, etc., sometimes playing on the feelings of altruism and compassion of the victim, that in this way a person will help people, heal them, will bring invaluable benefits to others, encouraging the victim that "soon everyone will know about you, you will be the best healer."

When the will of a person is greatly weakened, the demon can lead the victim into a hypnotic state, literally ordering him to do sometimes wild things, even life-threatening (to walk in an unfamiliar forest, hurt another, etc.), and the person at this time may not give an account of their actions. The person is brought to a state of mental disorder.


What a person needs to do if he is possessed by a demon (demon) and wants to get rid of it forever

If a person is unbaptized, it is necessary to accept Holy Baptism v Orthodox Church, for only with the help of our Lord Jesus Christ can the demon be overcome. Be sure to install an iconostasis for prayers at home, with icons of our Lord Jesus Christ, Holy Trinity, Mother of God, Archangel Michael, Guardian Angel, Holy Great Martyr Healer Panteleimon, Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious, Holy Martyr Tryphon, Holy Great Martyr Cyprian, St. It is necessary to memorize the main Orthodox prayers - Father our, Prayer Honest Cross, Jesus Prayer, and other Orthodox prayers. They will help you in a sudden encounter with a demon, if you feel his presence.

Reflect on your life, understand and realize the sins that you have committed, even by someone's evil will. You need to confess to the priest all your sins, remember even minor sins, and take communion. If possible, order a prayer service for health, a proskomedia. Go to the unction at the temple. It is necessary to make a confession of sins and repentance to the Lord for your sins, being in front of the iconostasis in your home, kneeling. Remove and destroy objects from the apartment that attract demons (occult and mystical books, amulets, cards, charms, talismans, incense, video and audio materials with meditation and trance music, etc.). Be sure to consecrate the apartment by inviting the priest.

It is necessary to strengthen your faith and spirit in order to then enter into the fight with the demon tormenting you. Be sure to read the Bible, the Gospel, the Acts of the Holy Apostles, the Revelation of John the Theologian, read the instructions of the holy elders. Visit the temple as often as possible, pray and ask for God's help. If a person is afraid of the manifestations of the demon in the temple, it is necessary on the way to the church in prayers to call upon the help of God in pacifying the demon and in healing. It is necessary to accustom yourself to control your body movements, speech, behavior during manifestations of the demon (demonic possession). That is, during his manifestations, resist him, disobey, and maintain sanity. Now there is a new one Orthodox TV channel"Union" of the Yekaterinburg diocese. Watch on this channel morning and evening prayers, church services, instructions and conversations of Orthodox priests. Observe fasts, this will strengthen your faith and spirit; refraining from animal food weakens the influence of the demons on you.

In order to enter into a fight with a demon, you need to realize that you will need to change your life. During the struggle, and also after being freed from the demon, you will have to live godly. At first it will seem unrealizable to you, but as your spirit, faith strengthens, and the influence of the demon weakens, virtue will begin to enter your life.

When the demon leaves a person, they may suddenly begin to seize convulsions, the body will sway back and forth, convulsions may also cover the throat, and it will be nauseous. This means that the demon needs to get out. Let you vomit, as it were, with air, and with a wheeze, or a cry, and let this creature come out. As it happened, pray to the Lord for your deliverance, take communion in the Temple, help out in the near future.

If the Bes (Demon) is expelled from a person, in about a week or two he can return again. Therefore, from the moment of his expulsion from you, change your life, live pleasingly. You will feel his presence next to you by the changed mood, filthy indecent thoughts in your head, and strange sensations in the body. It will try to take over you again. What to do? Pray with a special effort to the Lord and the Mother of God, the Guardian Angel, asking for protection, trust in God's mercy and philanthropy. Everything will soon pass, and this demon will never come close to you again, you will be under the Blessed fiery protection.

Sometimes you can hear mental suggestions from the outside, not from you, coming suddenly. Pray the prayers "Our Father", "May God rise again", the Jesus Prayer, the Prayer to the Mother of God, and these thoughts will quickly pass. This means that demons (demons) are tempting you, as if they are testing you. If you disagree with their thoughts and ask for God's protection in prayer, they will lag behind. Don't worry, this is spiritual warfare, all Christians need to endure it, even the holy fathers write about it.

Jan 9 2008, 06:06 PM

... "In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit" ... The crucifixion in the hands of the priest only touched the head of a woman of 40-45 years old. And suddenly ... an eerie animal roar shook the awe-inspiring silence of the temple. The woman was literally thrown from the cross by an unknown but terrible force. With full swing, her stout body collapsed to the floor and began to thrash in terrible convulsions. The crowd, which had previously been so dense that it seemed that the apple had nowhere to fall, dispersed almost instantly. People, clinging to each other, looked down with compassion and horror at the bending, beating, shaking, roaring man ...

Believe me, this is not an excerpt from the script of another horror movie. Life, as often happens, presents plots more terrible than any fantasy. The event described took place in real terms just a few months ago. The scene of the action is the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, where the abbot of the monastic brethren of the monastery, Father German, conducted his next "lecture".
From the history of the issue

The word "exorcism" is probably not familiar to everyone modern man... In the old days in Russia, this sophisticated overseas term corresponded to a simpler, but no less terrible definition - "casting out demons"!

Almost any religion, including Christianity, recognizes the existence of dark forces - evil spirits, demons that live in the astral world and obey the prince of darkness who has fallen away from God. In various revelations, he is called differently - Ahriman, Iblis, Satan. However, everywhere its essence is defined in the same way - the enemy of the human race, an insidious liar and a fighter against God.

The first mention of exorcism in Christianity we find already in the Gospel itself. During His earthly life, Jesus Christ repeatedly expelled demons trembling before Him from people possessed by these infernal (i.e., hellish) entities. But perhaps the greatest impression produces an episode of Holy Scripture, which tells how our Lord forced a whole crowd of evil spirits (remember: "our name is legion!") into a herd of pigs. Crazed by such an unexpected "neighborhood", the animals threw themselves off the cliff into the sea.

The most experienced adherents of Christianity in spiritual life sometimes received the power to drive out unclean spirits, commanding it in the name and power of Christ the Savior. However, this kind of practice is fraught with very serious consequences and at all times demanded an incredible moral purity, mastery of their physical instincts, ascetic exercises and ascetic lifestyle. Far from everyone, even a warrior of Christ experienced in spiritual battles, dared to enter into an open battle with the forces of hell.
"I know Jesus, and I know Paul"

In the most difficult battles with demons, the unclean spirit "immigrated" into the caster himself.

So, in the "Acts of the Apostles" (19, 13-16) there is a story about some would-be exorcists: "Even some of the wandering Jewish exorcists began to use the name of the Lord Jesus over those who have evil spirits, saying: we conjure you by Jesus, whom Paul preaches. This is did some seven sons of the Jewish high priest Sceva. evil spirit He answered: I know Jesus, and Paul is known to me, and who are you? - and a man rushed at them, in whom there was an evil spirit, and, having overcome them, took such power over them that they ran out of that house naked and beaten. "
"Strong pop"

During another prayer service, a young woman of about thirty-five, turning her face away, suddenly began waving her arms like a dog in front of her - she was aware of the light puffs of incense from the priest's censer.

It is difficult to describe in words the intonation of her voice, when she angrily shouted at Herman's father: "S-old idiot, - and then, as if with regret in her voice:" Ooh ... strong pop! " Accustomed to everything during his numerous "lectures", the elderly priest paused only for a moment and, standing half a turn, in a stern voice only imperiously threw at the one who, sitting inside the woman, insolently bellowed blasphemy at him: "Come on, shut up. now!" More this someone did not express his thoughts about what was happening - only grumbled dully and displeased inside the woman.

There were also much more serious cases. One possessed was brought to Trinity-Sergiev, chained to a bed. When he was just being brought to the gate of the Lavra, he began to rage terribly and break out of his bonds. He backed up his actions with the most selective obscenities. The verbal constructions, built from profanity, were so multi-storey that you can hear similar "pearls" far from every "eatery". Calm came to him after several hours of the prayer service of Father Herman in the church, where the possessed person was brought right from the bed.
Demonic Burns, or Why the Baby Screamed male bass

Usually at the prayer services of Hegumen German, performed in the church of St. Prophet John the Baptist, gathers up to a hundred people. Among them, as a rule, from three to five are possessed.

However, they are by no means present at every divine service. mandatory... If there are such people in the church, then the "oddities" begin almost with the first words of the prayer service: some unintelligible and frightened shouts, groans, murmurs, incomprehensible movements. Children in whom "something" is present begin to cry for no reason. At the very approach of Herman's father, one such baby roared with a real male bass and began to rage, tearing himself out of the hands of the mother holding him. And this at a time when other children happily put their faces under the holy water. Outwardly, many of them even brightened outwardly, smiling happily and listening to something mysterious that was happening inside them.

The possessed behave quite differently. When they are splashed with holy water, they writhe and shudder, as if from burns. During the service, Abbot German several times bypasses all those present, anointing with holy myrrh and sprinkling with holy water - each individually. Those who have an "anomaly" of an infernal character usually, rolling their eyes with a roar, stagger back, sometimes fall. The woman mentioned at the beginning of the article, while the service was going on, fell to the floor four times. And every time - convulsions, convulsions, roar ...

The lady who cursed the priest (who came to the temple, as it turned out later, with a friend and son of 6-7 years old), at the end of the service, with difficulty approached kissing the Crucifixion. The picture was heartbreaking: she herself - the image and likeness of God - reached for the Cross, and the one sitting inside her with all his might shied away from him. It is impossible to describe this scene. You must see her with your own eyes!

In spite of obvious tactlessness, I, not holding back the professional journalistic curiosity, approached this woman with questions: "What did you feel? Why did you shout like that?" Weary, tired eyes looked at me: "I don't know. Everything happens against my will."
Revenge of the prince of darkness

Possession is not contagious, like, for example, tuberculosis or scarlet fever. But one thing should be remembered: you cannot mock the forces of darkness, even if you are a convinced materialist and "Voltairean"! Satan, being a liar and a deceiver who does not recognize any divine laws, nevertheless knows them well and, like a lawyer-chican, always defends the rights of the "injured party" before God. His "cassation complaint" appeals to the original justice of the Creator, who established the Ecumenical law, before which all are equal and for the righteousness and immutability of which God is glorified by all existence. At the moment a man inflicts "offense" on Lucifer, it does not matter that the latter rebelled against God (for this Satan has already received the punishment - eternal excommunication from the Almighty with overthrow to Tartarus!). The prince of darkness hypocritically cries out to God, like a creature, without a pretext on his part "offended" by the concrete "word or action" of an individual person.

By the fairness of the Law established by Him, the Creator is forced to give any "offended" the right to repay the "offender" to the same extent. The so-called God's connivance to the powers of darkness takes place. And the latter will not make them wait for themselves with revenge: generosity and nobility are not the lot fallen angels, they take revenge cruelly and mercilessly!

Suggestions of suicidal thoughts, despondency, despair, hatred, anger, troubles in material life - the arsenal is great. One goal - enslavement human soul! The most optimal way is to get inside a person.
What the seers said about the end times

From wherever they do not stretch to the Lavra, to the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh, the Orthodox. Judging by outward appearance, clothes, speech, for spiritual nourishment in Sergiev Posad - the capital of all Russian Orthodoxy people come from Moldova, and from Siberia, and from the Urals. There are a lot of visitors from Ukraine. Believers, often families, travel hundreds of kilometers specifically to accomplish only one thing - to venerate the holy relics of St. Sergius, the great miracle worker and abbot of the Russian land. To those relics that have been incorruptible for six hundred years and to which our ancestors have venerated since time immemorial - just imagine! - John the Terrible and Peter the Great. But, as often happens, many of us, who for decades have lived just an hour's drive from Sergiev Posad, have never visited this great patriotic shrine. Are there few of us like that - mired in the everyday hustle and bustle ?!

People from all over Russia come here, among other things, in order to get to the spiritual children and heirs of the Monk Sergius - to Father Naum, who has the gift of clairvoyance, or Father Herman, who drives out demons at his services.

And this is the thought that came to my mind. Almost exclusively believers, religious people come to the prayer services of the latter, but even among them there are some possessed. How many of these, inconspicuously carrying an unclean SOMETHING in themselves, exist among us, mere mortals, many of whom, living up to whitish gray hairs, never knew the way to the Temple - who, like St. to the apostle Paul, his way to Damascus ?!

The ancient seers spoke of the last times as a terrible bacchanalia, when demons escaped from hell before the coming of the Antichrist, in droves would begin to inhabit people who opened their souls to them with their godlessness, depravity, vices, anger, hatred, envy, love of money, selfishness and dislike. Take a look around! Do not the mores of modern times ("O tempere, o mores!") Correspond to these descriptions of sinful people, first given as essential characteristic the proximity of the end of the world two thousand years ago St. by the apostle Paul in one of his epistles. The official church, which has always been very skeptical and wary of all kinds of homespun prophecies about the dates of the End of the World, today openly claims that we all live in last times... Father Herman also speaks of the terrible coincidence of the signs of the impending End in his sermons. Perhaps it's time to seriously think about the corruption of life and the future of our immortal souls! ..

For those who are interested in the article, I will add that Abbot Herman receives all the suffering in the church of St. Prophet John the Baptist, located above the very arch of the entrance to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra (travel: to the station "Sergiev Posad", then three hundred meters on foot). Services begin every day at 13.00. Nobody will demand money from you, admission is free. However, if you take with you five to ten rubles for donations to the Lavra and alms for the poor, then, frankly, it will not be a sin.

Before the beginning of the service, it is necessary to venerate the relics of Saint Sergius and ask for his blessing in the soul. You can bring children and sick people with you. And take a small container with you: Father Herman's prayer service for the holy water - pour some holy water for yourself at home.

God bless you!

Jan 9 2008, 06:24 PM

Saturday coincided with the Feast of the Nativity of Christ. They served at night, and at 14 o'clock a prayer service for the sick. Among the others was a new one, I went up to her to check her with reliquaries. The demon spoke:
- Step aside, and so tired
- What were you doing?
- I worked all night and was very tired, move away! He walked around the whole city, even in the cathedral was ...
- Why?
- He turned everyone against each other there: in the altar everyone quarreled
- I thought that at night you sleep
- What are you ?! At night we have our most work: fights, drunkenness, murder, debauchery ... Nothing happens without us. And we enter at night: when they fall asleep without a cross, prayers, drunk ...

At the prayer service, I bring the reliquary to the sick woman:
- N. devil: “What, have you lost your mind? How long can you go out? And so nothing is left of me scary whole, shabby ... "
- Me: "Come out, let's see you"
- N. devil: “What are you doing! Everyone will run away from fear, no one will go to church ... It's early for me to go out. What do you think if I go out, it will be easier for me? And how other demons will beat me, strangle me! Not the way I am N. soul, worse "
- N. demon: “How tired of your crosses to me! Do not you understand? That N. is bad, even if she was a fool, he felt sorry for her, mindless. Why is she listening to you, you fool? She has become completely stupid: she prays, bows, cries about her sins, ugh (spits) a fool! I hate you, you with her. If I go out, I'll do this to you ... you can't even imagine ... "

Came out Orthodox calendar for 1997 with my article "Who, who lives in the mansion?"
The reaction of demons through the mouth of the sick:
- I would break you with N for this calendar. Everything about our intrigues ... reveal everything!
- Where was the bishop looking? Is he out of his mind? We’ll arrange this for him ... How dare he miss such a thing?
- I'm amazed, how can you miss this? Who typed it?

One of our patients was allergic to dill, parsley, etc. She absolutely could not eat salads, because rash and swelling began, and the meal ended with hospitalization. Doctors, however, could not understand why the body's reaction to this, and not to something else. After several months of going to our temple, she calmly ate any salad. The demon often used to say through her lips: "I hate this stuff, I want meat!" Thus, the enemy pushed the patient to break the fast, but after exposure to the shrine and incantatory prayers, he could not manifest himself as he wanted.

A man, about forty-five years old, came from afar to us, from the Urals. Embarrassed, he asks: "Check me, father, I am very sick, I am getting dry, but you, they say, can say whether I need to report or not."
- What do you think?
- I do not know. What is a report?
I put the reliquaries on him and suddenly his belly swells terribly and begins to “walk with a shake”, as if someone were beating in it. He looks at me in surprise and, pointing to his stomach with his finger, asks:
- What is it?
- Demon. This is a shrine, and here it is
- Which? - a man in amazement
- We'll find out tomorrow. And what is a lecture, and who is sitting ..
After the Saturday prayer service, at which he felt very bad: all his intestines were twisting with vomit, much became clear to him and became clear. He left differently, not the way he came: what he had to experience and endure changed his concept of life, gave “spiritual dimension”. And his demon had a "hippopotamus" and sat for a long time.

Jan 9 2008, 06:25 PM

Demons speak (from the priest's notebook).