What is ambassading in Orthodoxy? Explanations of church and home prayers. Divine Liturgy

What is ambassading in Orthodoxy? Explanations of church and home prayers. Divine Liturgy
What is ambassading in Orthodoxy? Explanations of church and home prayers. Divine Liturgy

People who recently began to go to the temple, it is difficult to understand the meaning of church services. One of the hostesses that cause many questions is ancecry. As it passes, than this rite is different from a simple prayer for loved ones, we will look below.

Ancecry - what is it?

Prosomide Call the first part Divine Liturgy (or lunch). Listening is a common word. So in Russia, called the morning church service, which ended before lunch.

At Ancecdia, priests prepare bread and wine to the sacrament eucharist (). Bread symbolizes the flesh, and the wine is the blood of the Savior, spilled for us. The sacrament is committed in memory of the secret evening, on which Jesus Christ first held the communion ceremony for his students. It reminds us that the Savior for the sake of our salvation left us not only the teachings and covenants, but also gave themselves. Coming, we connect with God, get him grace.

Also, the Eucharist symbolizes unity of all Christians. Not in vain Jesus Christ, treating students, laid out pieces from one bread. If the church has occurred, the parishioners themselves brought different varieties of bread, red wine, as well as oil, sugar and other products. The best of them were used during the liturgy, the rest were eaten for a common lunch after her end. So emphasized the community of everyone who was present in the temple.

That is why in translating from the Greek "Ancecdia" means "to bring". The bread used during the rite is called "prosforas" - from the Greek "gift".

Today, the tradition is brought to the temple necessary for liturgy products is lost. Bread apart usually wishes of priests or widows from among the parishioners. The requirements for it are as follows:

As wheat gives life only after his death, grinding and turned into bread, and the Savior gave humanity a chance to life eternal, dying on the cross.

Wine for ambassading take red, made of grapes. It was such a wine of Jesus Christ that was mentioned in the Bible. Starting from the XIX century, in the temples are used for this purpose Koror. In those days, the wine of this brand was the best. It is customary to dilute it with water. This is a reminder of the moment when the warrior has pierced the edge of the Savior who hung on the cross. Blood and water flowed from the wound.

During the proscride, both alive Christians are commemorated. The tradition to remember the loved ones and pray for them is very ancient. So that the priest read the names of the people close to you in the altar, you can write notes in advance. Usually they are served from the evening or early in the morning before the start of the liturgy. In the notes, it is permissible to indicate only those people who were baptized during life. It is also forbidden to apply notes with suicide names.

In some temples there is a division of notes on normal and custom. When we serve conventional noteThe particles in the number of specified names are taken out on the prospects from the prosphora, which are then lowered into wine. It symbolizes the cleansing of the souls through the blood of the Savior.

Names from custom notes Additionally sound during the objects, the priest utters them in front of the altar. After the liturgy, the health prayer for the health continues during the prayer, the murdration of the dead - during the memorialist.

Church prayer is very strong. Therefore, it is customary to order reconciliation during anointing of those people who are sick or need to support God, instruction on the right path. Under the "health" in Orthodoxy is understood not only physical and mental health, but also the well-being of a person, material wealth, spiritual aspirations.

In the notes of health, it is recommended to be the first to write the names of the patriarch, an archpastor, an excreant bishop, which depends on the well-being of the whole flock. Then the name of the spiritual father, which instructs a person is indicated. Following the names of relatives, loved ones. At the end of the note, you can enter the names of enemies, envious, ill-wishers. Praying on their health, we ask God to bring in the soul of our enemies by harmony, reconcile them with others.

Stake notes

Mom to the departed, which left the trail in our soul, allows you to feel unity with them. Orthodoxy teaches that there is no death. The souls of people are eternal, and our prayer we can help you have left in their heavenly life. Just like they help us from there.

Serve notes about the stop should be regularly, especially on the birthdays and death of the deceased, on the day of baptism, to the name day.

There are several rules that will help you correctly write a church note. List them:

Notes for prosomide are served separately from the notes for prayers and a memorial.

Procedure for recovery

Ancecry takes place in the altar is secretive from the parishioners, behind closed royal gates. Jesus Christ came to our world as secretive. At this time, watch hours are read. Before making a rite, entrance prayers are read, Ieria is on special clothes and sleeves hands.

Cooking Lamb

For the Bake, five prosphoras, which should remind Orthodox Christians about five breads, which Jesus Christ fed five thousand people. This is a symbol of spiritual saturation that can be obtained only through the Savior. Directly for the sacrament of the Eucharist uses only one of the prosphoras - Lamb. As Jesus smoked at all students, one bread and the lamb must be enough for everyone communion.

The priest is suitable for an altar and cuts out a quadrangular part from the Laptop Progress, which is called the Lamb (lamen). In the Old Testament Times, the lamb sacrificed to God to redeem the sin. For other people's contrary, a pure, innocent, meek creature suffered. The Lamb of God called Jesus Christ John the Baptist, because he went to our world not to live, but to die for us.

This part of the rite symbolizes at the same time the birth and death of the Savior. The carved part of the prosphora is put on the disk, which is simultaneously the nursery and the coffin of the Lord. The priest skeins the right-hand side of the Lamb, as the warrior pushed the rear of Jesus Christ's spear. After that, the Wine diluted with water is poured into the Pathrid (special bowl), as a symbol of the blood shed.

Removal of particles from other pros

The remaining prosphoras at ambassading also have their own meaning.

  • The second prosfora is called Bogorodnic. It takes a triangular piece in the mark of Mother Mother of God and put on the disk to the right of the Lamb.
  • The third is "nine." It takes nine parts from it, symbolizing all saints, and put on the left of the Lamb.
  • From the fourth prosphora take out two parts: one for all living clergymen, the second - for the health of all living Orthodox laity. They are put below the lamb.
  • The last priest puts on the discos part seized from the fifth score. It symbolizes the mumage of all the departed.

Now the cheroids of small prosphoders filed by parishioners come. Of these, the number of particles, corresponding to the number of names in the attached note. The names are read, read the prayer for the health of the living and the rest of the deceased. Particles are placed on the disk.

All particles that are taken out of prosphoray symbolize a single church, earthly and heaven, in the center of which Jesus Christ is located. Here are the saints, and lost, and living, and the dead, who stay in health and sick, even forgotten about God, who refused from him - all those who are not indifferent to whom we pray for.

Particles at the end of the liturgy are lowered in wine. This is a sign that everyone who is near the Savior will be washed by his blood from sin and forgiven.

At the end of the rite, the discos is set by a starrel resembling believers about the Bethlehem star. The discos and wines are covered with three canvases that symbolize both the pellery of the baby Jesus, and the funeral pellets. The end of the proscake means the death of Jesus Christ, the end of his earthly life.

Ieria is thrown by the altar, depicting this fragrance of Ladan, brought by the wax as a gift to the infant. He prays God to take gifts in the form of dismissal moistened in the fault, remember those who brought them and those for whom they were presented.

He then opens the royal gates, which symbolizes the Resurrection of the Lord, entering him into the kingdom of heaven and at the same time - our salvation. So begins the solemn part of the liturgy.

In Orthodoxy, it is believed that the remembrance of loved ones on anointing has a huge force. Thanks to this ritual, incurable patients are cured, they gain salvation of the deceased. However, it differs from simple and so far.

During anointing, the entire church is going to diskos, through the blood of Jesus Christ the boundaries between life and death, the heavenly kingdom and earthly. Having taken out a particle of prosphora and calling the name, we sacrificing our loved ones to God, as Jesus Christ brought themselves. Together with him, they symbolically die for sinful life and resurrect for the life of eternal, healed, spiritual. It was for such a lifetime a man was created initially, even before the commission of the original sin. Thanks to the Savior, we get a chance to enter it again.

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priest Dimitri Kuligin

1. The concept of proscride

Ancestray is called the 1st part of the liturgy. The word "proscride" itself comes from the Greek προσκομιδη that is translated as "offering". The offer in the ancient church was bread and wine that brought Christians to commit worship. Thus, they observed this still in the Old Testament of God's command: "No one should appear before the face of the Lord with empty hands" (). The part of the brought was separated to commit the sacrament of the Eucharist, and the remaining went to the "Supper of Love." So it was from the very beginning of Christianity, when, on the Ascension of the Lord, his followers "were constantly in the teachings of the apostles, in the communication and refraction of bread and in prayers" (), according to the word of the Savior: "We create in my memoil" (). Made of the meals - Agaps, "no doubt, from the very beginning they received litrogetary meaning", although also "did not have exclusively liturgical meaning, but served in the first christmas time and to the satisfaction of the natural nutritional nutrition." To iv c. There is a branch of Agap from the actual liturgical worship, which is transferred to the morning or noon. However, the pious custom bring bread and wine to commit the sacrament remained, in some places he meets and at this time.

Apkdomidium is part of the liturgy of St. O and Liturgy St. . She is not It is part of the liturgy of the paid gifts, however, has an attitude towards it, since sv. Gifts for this liturgy are prepared on the ancestradia.

The memory of 2 events is happening at the proscride:

  1. Christmas of Jesus Christ from the Virgin Mary;
  2. The suffering and death of the Savior.

"As a result, the words and actions of anointing have a dual value, depicting, on the one hand, Christmas, and on the other - the suffering and death of Christ."

2. Ancestradia time

2.1 Time of day to commit pros

The usual day of the day for the commission of Archbishop Veniamin believes the 3rd hour (at our time - the 9th hour of the morning), because the Christians are "afraid to begin the sacrifice before the time when Christ was convicted of the Cross," and no later noon - Due to the fact that "every liturgy there is a ministry of the day, which begins in the evening or from noon of the past day, and comes out of more than no one before noon." In the event of a complete divine liturgy with the evening service, the prosomedia can be made after noon, but immediately so that there are no liturgyriasis when it will happen.

2.2 days when proskomoid is not committed

There are days when proscride notperformed.

In-1, it is when the charter does not hold to commit Divine Liturgy:

  • on Wednesday and Friday, the cheese week;
  • on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays to the whole great post;
  • in the Great Friday (if it did not coincide with the celebration of the Annunciation);
  • on Friday, before Merry Christmas (if the holiday itself is celebrated on Sunday or Monday);
  • on Friday before the Epiphany (if the holiday itself is celebrated on Sunday or Monday).

Secondly, the proscride is not performed in the days when the liturgy of the paid gifts is laid. These are the following days:

3. Place to commit anointing

3.1 Temple

Ancecdia must be committed in the Orthodox church, consecrated by the Orthodox bishop or, according to his blessing, the Orthodox priest, in the temple, which is not desecrated by "neither murder, nor the shedding of blood or the invasion of pagans or heretics." On the ban to make the liturgical service, to which the proscride believes, outside the temple, except for special cases, we say the 31st Rule of the VI Ecumenical Council: "We define that the priests who are sacred, or the bachers in prayer krasnic, who are inside the houses worked Otherwise, as in love with the local bishop, "the eruption from Sana has been severely dried up.

In special, exceptional cases, the liturgegiology, as can be seen, is allowed, but with the blessing of the bishop. Note that the history of the church represents us the facts of committing the Divine Liturgy on the chest (so the liturgical of the Sacred Martyr Presbyter Lucian Antiochsky, being in the dungeon), in his hands (so made the sacrament of the Eucharist of the Bleas., Being along with the Ierodicon in the desert). However, these are extraordinary cases that appeared forcedly, in view of exceptional conditions.

3.2 Aliacian

The immediate place of arriving is an altar.

Altar(or sentence) It represents the table, the direct appointment of which is the commission of anointing. In ancient times, the altar was in a separate room, where the bread and wine brought by believers usually relied to commit the sacrament. Currently, it can be found in rare cases (an example serves as a temple of the resurrection - sav-on-blood), and in the overwhelming majority of temples, the altar is located in the northeastern part of the altar apse (more simply, to the left of the throne). At the altar, the crucifixion (Calvary) and the lamp (candle or lamp) must be located. Over the altar, it is necessary to place the following icons: "Christmas of Christ", "Passion of Christ" ("Removing from the Cross"), "Pelting about the Bow".

4. Sacred Items used in proscakes

4.1 List of Eucharistic utensils used in proscake

When committing anointing, the following items are used:

  • Patir;
  • Paten;
  • Star;
  • Copy;
  • Pokrovtsy;
  • Air;
  • Cadylinant;
  • Walnuts;
  • Ladle;
  • Dish;
  • Vessel for wine;
  • Water vessel.

All of them symbolically treat Christmas and to his crucifixion. These items are called eucharistic utensils.Consider each of them individually.

4.2 Potir

Potir- a vessel in which the Eucharist mixed with water is prepared for the sacrament; In Russian, bowl. From it there is a communion of laity. Being along with a discos one of the most necessary subjects on liturgy, Patir was known as the Eucharistic utensils in the apostolic times. At first, he was made for the most part of the tree, as the material more affordable and easily processed, but could be from silver or gold. We will learn about the paths of gold, for example, from the lives of St. Lawrence, which speaks of Christians who "bring a sacrifice from golden Chashes". Prettyly used were in the ancient church of the pace, made of glass, "both clean and transparency and cheaper". Currently metallic vessels are common.

4.4 Star

Starit is two metal cruciform arcs. The beginning of the use of the star in liturgy is associated with the name of St. which introduced it to indicate the middle of the discos, to which it relies and for the protection of st. Lamb and particles from any careless random touch.

The name "Star" indicates that the symbol that she is: she depicts the Bethlehem star, thanks to which the Magic Magnifier came to worship from the east: "When Jesus was born in Bethlehem Jewish in the days of Tsar Herod, came to Jerusalem Volkhivi from the East and say: Where is the Born Tsar Jewish? For we saw a star in the east and came to bow to him "().

4.5 Copy

Copy - Knife like a spear used to separate parts in the browsing and seizure from it St. Lamb and particles. Symbolically, the copy marks a copy that the edge of the Savior was performed: "One of the warriors pierced him the ribs, and immediately expired blood and water" (). About consuming a copy of how the Eucharistic utensil writes that it was known in such an as "even before the time of St. Herman Patriarch, which gives him the banner copyCoimed by the ribs of the Savior on the Cross. "

In modern practice it happens that 2 copies are used for convenience - large and smaller.

4.6 Pokrovtsy and air

Pokrovtsy (cover)and Airit is every 4-x-degree circular boards, of which the air is large, and 2 others are smaller. For convenience in the modern church, Pokrovtsy in the form of an equilicular cross are common. The applied value of all three covers is the protection of sv. Gifts from entering them (in them) insects, so they introduced them to use, naturally, in the East, where the hot climate is just conducive to their spread. The Patir is covered with one bed, another disk.

Air or, another his name, Αηαφορά They are ledging over the big cover in the Jerusalem Church, at least to the PSP. . This name was given to him because during the head of the Liturgy of the Symbol of Faith, they are tested over the gifts, "what makes a slight movement in the air." Air is covered together Patir and discos.

This is what writes about the symbolism of the Pokrovtsov and the air of St. : "Ieria takes the cover of discos, meaning with other coverings of the pellets, and reads the poems of Psalm, where the words are referred about, then another cover believes only on the bowl and also says words related to the incarnation of the Lord. Finally, Ieria believes the last air, which means and solid, where the stars, and together Sindon (i.e., the reservoir). " Due to the meaning of air as the ruin of the Lord, it can be depicted anointing of the aromas of the body of Jesus.

4.7 Cadilla

Cadilla -a small vessel in which the burning coal is believed to Fimiam (incense) for fragrance. Tradition to cess aromatic substances to God - ancient. At the conclusion of the Testament with Israel after exiting Egypt, God had commanded " cadils, bowls and mugs to raise them: Make them with clean gold "(). This command was executed, numerous indication of this we find, for example, in the book of numbers, in the books of kingdoms, the paraleteen. The pagans also had the custom to smoke their gods. This was pointed out the ancient prophets: Isaiah (65: 3, 7), Jeremiah (1:16; 44:19), Ezekiel (16:18), Axia (12:13; 11: 2). Everyone itself was associated with a prayer. "May my prayer will be correlated," the prophet David sang God, "I wrote before you" (). In the New Testament, this connection is shown in the Apocalypse, which speaks about the golden bowls, complete Fimiam, "which is the essence of the saints' prayers" ().

The symbol of Cadyl with the invested in it specifically in the ambassoye - "gifts, from the magicians brought, - Zlatto, Lebanon and Smyrna."

4.8 Walnut Sponges

Walnut sponges(απόγγος) are intended: 1st - for collecting particles; 2nd - for wiping sacred vessels. About their use of St. John Zlatoust says the following: "Do not see our servants, gUBY The meal wash and the house of cleaning, and taco dishes ( Discos.) believing? - Jacques gUBYwe wash, yes, in the pure church, the whole is offered, but no one will be a square. "

4.9 bucket, dish, vessels for wine and water

Next, items that play more auxiliary and not such a mandatory role in the proscake, as listed above, why their actually, you can call it rather conditionally why they are not subject to symbolic meaning.

Ladle It is used to influence in water wines with water.

Dishdesigned for prosperity, for taken out of the so-called "consumer" prosphods.

IN vessels for wine and for waterstored on the altar meant substances until their use on proscake.

5. Substance for prosdiadia

And when they ate, Jesus took bread and,
blessing, prevented and, distributing
Pupils, said: Hold, Fly:
This is my body. And, taking a bowl and
Thank you, filed them and said: Drink
it's all, for this is my blood
New covenant, for many poured
to leaving sins.

For ancestrading is needed: bread, wineand water.

5.1 Bread

Breadit is supposed to take for the sacrament of a kvass (sprinkling), wheat, well baked clean.

Kvass Bread is taken because the word "Artos" is used in the New Testament, when it comes to an eucharistic meal (;;;;). Arthos is translated precisely as "rising", "Skyshsky", whereas for the designation of fresh bread in Greek there is a word "Azimon".

Wheat The bread should be because in the days of the life of Jesus Christ Judea, it was such bread and just such, "no doubt, they were used to be used when establishing the sacrament"; And also because "Jesus Christ compared himself with wheat grain ()."

Of course, the bread must be well baked and clean, since the opposite would testify to a negligent, even blasphemy attitude to the sacrament. Taking care of the cleanliness, the compilers of the rules of ministry on the liturgy warn that the bread is not worn or moldy. In addition, it is forbidden to use milk, butter or eggs in the manufacture of bread, and only flour and water should be.

Eucharistic bread is called forgets (Greek προσφερω - "bring") - because he, as mentioned earlier, was an offering of Christians to commit the Eucharist.

Externally, the prosfora is round and consists of 2 parts connected together, to commemorate 2-nata in Jesus Christ, Divine and Human.

From above on the prosphora is a 4-x-in-line cross, which is divided by the top of the prosphora on 4 parts, in which: it is written:

  • in the left top - IS;
  • in the right upper - xs;
  • in the left lower - ni;
  • in the right lower - ka.

The cross is a reminder of the crosses of suffering and the death of Jesus Christ. Two-letter designs are deciphered as Jesus (IC) Christ (XS) Winner (NI and KA). The Greek word Nick (νίκα) is written on the prosphora "In memory of the sovereign of the cross of the cross with the Apostles king of the Konstantin in the sky, the general sense of the cross and all the inscriptions is:" The name I. Christ, crucified on the cross, defeat (enemies of salvation) "

Thus, the service prosfora is different from ordinary bread.

In total, it is used 5 prosphorated:

1 - string;

3 - nine;

4 - Cooling;

5 - Oil.

The main thing is the striking prosfora, which is prepared by St. Lamb.

5.2 Wine

The second substance used for the sacrament of the Eucharist is wine. Nothing else should serve him to replace under any "faultful" pretext, like the heretics of the 1st centuries, making the sacrament on water, honey, milk and even cheese for the sake of abstinence from wine. The fathers of the Carfage Cathedral (Rule 46) were told: "In the sanctuary, nothing besides the body and blood of the Lord, the Lord myself betrayed, that is, except for bread and wine, water dissolved," and even before it was designated in Apostolic rules (Rule 3): "Those who, bishop, or presbyter, contrary to the institution of the Lord about the victim, will bring to the Altar of Inya, some things, or honey, or malko, or instead of wine, prepared from anything friend or birds or birds, or Some animals, or vegetables, contrary to the institution, except for new clasces, or grapes at the appropriate time: yes will be erupted from Sacrednago China. " (From the last text we see that it was allowed to bring simply grapes, however, it should not be used at all that you can use grape juice to commit the Eucharist, which warns, in particular, the "teacher news".)

Wine There must be a red grape, clean, without impurities, not proceed.

Grape The wine must be because it was the wine on which Jesus Christ made the 1st Eucharist, as it was written in the gospel: "I tell you that from now on I will not drink from the fetus of this grape before the day when I drink with you a new wine In the kingdom of my father "().

Red It for the same reason and in order to "present the blood of Christ for sensory eyes."

As in relation to bread, its cleanliness and unspoance must be observed in relation to wine.

5.3 Water

Waterit is an additional component to the guilt, it is diluted with wine, quite a bit. This dissolution of wine with water is called the "holy compound".

This connection of water with wine is motivated by two reasons. Partly, as Bishop Wissarion writes, is the imitation of the "Sacredness of Christ of the Savior himself, who, by legend, witnessed by Irinem (Haer. L. 4 p. 5), Cyprian (AD Caecilium) and Apostolic Decisions (L. 8. p. 12 ), used the wine on the secret evening, connected to the water, following in the Universal in the east, not to drink a whole wine in the east, and maybe in accordance with the Old Testament Blood by the sacrificial, with which Moses, connecting it with water, sprinkled the book of the Covenant and the people who joined the covenant With the Lord with Sinai (). In addition, due to the fact that prospectidine sacred is a memory of the sufferings and death of the Savior, and we remember the words of the Gospel: "One of the warriors pierced him the ribs, and immediately expired blood and water"(). The canonical statement of such a custom is the Trulular Cathedral, who expressed the renewal of the Armenian Church in 32, which still used) only Wine: "Incidentally, who is a bishop, or a presbyter, creates, not by the devotee from the apostles, and water with Do not connect the wine, Symo brings a pretty sacrifice: yes will be erupted, it is an imperfectly sacrament, and a damaging dedicated innovation. "

It must be raw and clean.

6. Ancestra's persons and their clothes

If there are church services that are allowed to make the laity, then the liturgy, which includes anointing, in no way applies to them. Ancestray can do onlycorrectly delivered a bishop or priest. If there is a deacon, then he is an assistant to Archbishop and (or) a priest in committing proscride.

The same priest has the right to make two liturgies or more in one day. Accordingly, he cannot make more than once and prosomide. "For Christ brought himself to himself as a sacrifice, one day, and died on the cross only once," the Archbishop of Nizhny Novgorod and Arzamas Veniamin explains this rule.

Can not start by the liturgy as a whole, nor to the prospectiveness of the person under prohibition. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to serve, having a serious sin not cleared by repentance, which indicates the "book about the posts of Presbyteers of Parishki": "Dangerously, the presbyters are dangerous, in order to themselves, and always, there is a lot of wake when committing a Taine, were not in what gres , mortal, through the repentance of crude. " The same book writes about the impossibility of serving in a drunk. In general, the priests are obliged to prepare for the priesthood - both bodily and spiritually; In the service of the Divine Liturgy itself, "Although the priest of the Divine to commit a mystery, the first taste is presented to life with everyone and not what to whom."

In the liturgyria of several priests to make prosomide, it is the youngest of them. He "makes the preface of the sacred."

To commit an Ancestradia, the priest puts on a consistently underrector, the Epitrohil, the belt and the instructions, - that is, it has complete vestments ("the symbol of investment by His Divine grace"). Verification of the same diacon - ordinary: the stir, oraar and instructions.

7. Cooking for prosdiadia

7.1 3 Stages of Ancestradia

Preparations for Divine Liturgy and, accordingly, to proscride, as the 1st part of it, passes in 3 stages:

  1. input prayers;
  2. vesting;
  3. hand skills.

Consider them in this sequence.

7.2 Entrance prayers

7.2.1 Beginning

Natural for any Christian, and even more so the priest, start the case with prayer. And before proceeding to the immediate commitment of the sacrament, the clergymen make prayers, called input, that is, prayers, created immediately at the arrival of the temple and before the service.

The priest (according to custom in Epitrohili, although there is no such indication in the service of such an indication) and the deacon (if any) become the royal gates and are creating 3 bows with a prayer "God, cleaning me, sinning, and survive me," after which Deacon says (quiet) : "Bless, Vladyko." The priest: "God is blessed always, now and is confessed, and in the eyelids." And then Diaconom reads the usual principle ("Amen. Glory to you, our God, thank you. King Heavenly ..." According to "Our Father ...") and at the exclusion ("Yako is yours there is a kingdom ...") After "Amen" - Repeat Pathpieces ( "Have a lot of us, Lord, have mercy with us ...").

7.2.2 Kissing icons

Then occurs kissing icons.

When reading the diacon of the Tipper "Prech the image, you worship, good ..." The priest, "having completed the icon of earthly worship, kisses the icon." Having finished reading the tropar, makes worship and kisses the icon of Deacon. Similarly, when reading the Trepar "Mercy, the source ..." is worshiping before the local Icon of the Virgin and its kissing.

Thus, there is a visible testimony by the clergy of icon.

7.2.3 Prayer "Lord, Look at your hand ...",
Forgiveness and entrance to the altar

After worshiping the local icons of the Savior and the Virgin, the priest utters a prayer "Lord, who lowered your hand from the height of the Holy Housing ...", which is preceded by the diacon's words, "Lord will pray". Also in practice here there is a prayer "Oslabi, leave ...", after which the clergymen bow to each other, and then - the people, asking for forgiveness. In the chin-survey of the sorry, there is also no forgiveness, but such a pious tradition could not not entrenched in practice before such a clergy, which is the Divine Liturgy, especially since the service teacher prescribes before the liturgies to reconcile, if possible, with everyone.

Then, when reading the prayer "Vnid into your house ...", the clergymen proceed to the altar: on one tradition, the priest goes to the northern door, Deacon - Yuzhnoy, on the other - both south. In the altar, they are creating 3 o'clock with a prayer "God, cleanse me, sinning and amers", kiss the gospel, a postric cross, the throne and depart for the vessels.

7.3 Doing

7.3.1 General

The vestment occurs in the sacristy (in the ancient church it was called the vesseller, in Greek Σκευοφιλάκιον), if such exists. If there is no barn, then the clergy makes the vestments right in the altar, trying not to interfere with each other.

7.3.2 Diacon Values

Deacon takes all his folded clothes into the right hand - the stir, oraar and the failure (the latter are not listed in the service, but they are), - Makes 3 Downside east with a regular prayer and takes a blessing from the priest: "Bless, Vladyko, a stirring with Orarara " The priest blesses the Diacon and his clothes, uttering "God's blessed ...", and believes the right hand to the Diaconian stir. Deacon kisses blessing his hand, leaving and dresses, reading the following prayers:

  • on the vestment to the stir - "My soul will rejoice at the Lord ...";
  • oraar - "Holy, Saint, Holy, Lord Savaof ...";
  • on putting on the right instruction - "Dandy Your Lord, glorifying the fortress ...";
  • to put on the left liaison - "The Ruta of Your Creation of Movie and Create Me ...".

Before you wear each of the listed items, Deacon is baptized and kisses the cross, depicted on clothing.

7.3.3 The vestments of the priest

After the blessing of the deacon on the vestment, the priest himself also begins to wait.

Taking every of his clothes, he says "God's blessed .." and kisses the cross on it before putting. Putting on the same prayers:

7.4 Skulling hands

For the pleasure of Deacon and the priest alternately wash his hands, doing the same prayer: "I wash in the unhappy hand ...". This prayer is verses from the 25th Psalm (in general, the above-mentioned prayers for the vessels are excerpts from Psalms).

The handwheeling of the priests goes back to the Old Testament: in the tabernacle on the command of God, a washbasin was put in a washbasin, in which the coming serves were washed out not only hands, but legs, before entering the discount of the test (see). "Following this, the clergymen of the New Testament wash their hands, to testify the purity of their souls and conscience, with whom they begin to the priesthood." And this custom spread to the laity, for which the washbasin filled with water was located before entering the entrance. This is evidenced by St. John Zlatoust: "Two essence font ( washbasin) before the door church: one with water, wherein wash the hand; The other is the hands of the beggars in which your soul cleansing. "

If in the ancient Christian church, as the same Dmitrievsky writes, the skill of the hands of priests took place before the transfer of gifts from the altar to the throne, now this custom has been preserved only in relation to the bishop, which is washing her hands at the beginning of the Kheruvim song.

7.5 Preparation of the altar and vessels.

After the sense of hand, the deacon is supposed to go for the preparation of an altar and utensils to commit anointing. He removes the covered on the altar, lights the lamp lamp or a candle) without which there is no prosecution. In the sacristy, he takes the holy vessels and has them on the altar as follows: discos - on the left, the Pathrot - right (and to itself the party on which the Savior is depicted). Then the rest of the items that we understood above are dropped already in separate vessels of wine and water and putting prosphoras.

(In general, it is not indicated in the service, in the closure or without it there should be a deacon to prepare an altar, vessels and everything else for prosdiadia, so there is no prohibition to prepare all this before the versions and to the input prayers, which is often observed in practice.)

8. Chanication and ideological content of proscride

8.1 General comments

We now proceed directly to the statement of the Ancestradia itself with an explanation of the ideological content of the work by the clergy of action. But before 2 comments.

First, all the prayers read by a priest or a deacon at ambassia are pronounced "secretly", that is, in a low voice, only to hear each other.

Secondly, the practice of making anointing currently has a feature that the confession often takes place during ancestradia by tradition, especially since the latter is remembered by the Earth's life of Jesus Christ, which puts in close connection with proscrusia.

8.3 Sacredness with Laptop Reform

After reading the tropar, Deacon says: "Bless, Vladyko".

The priest: "God is blessed, always, now, and is dreaming, and forever and ever." Often in practice, this exclamation serves as the beginning of reading hours (specifically the 3rd hour), so it can be pronounced loudly.

Diakone: "Amen", after which the cutting of the Laptop Reforms begins. But before talking about the process of cutting the prosphirt, we note that notrelying To rotate the prosperity with each incision, it must lie still, the copy also produces cuts along and across the edges of the print. You need to take a copy "Three fingers, as a writer takes the pen," recommends Gaslov, "and not a handful, like an ordinary knife."

So, the priest takes a straightforward brief in the left hand, and the right takes the copy (more, if there are two) and depicts a 3-wait cross over the seal of prosphoras, saying every time: "In the memory of the Lord and God and the Savior of our Jesus Christ."

Then Deacon says: "Litus will pray" and the priest makes an incision on the right side of the prosphora (from himself with the left), along the print line, with the words: "Yako Sheep on the junction".

Deacon again says: "I will pray to the Lord," and the priest makes an incision on the left line of the press, pronouncing: "And Jaco, the Lamb is not clear, it is straightforwardly his shag-free, taco does not cuddle his mouth."

Deacon: "Lord is prayed." The priest carves the upper side, saying: "In humility, his court takes it."

The given priesthood words when cutting off the prosphora from three sides depict the meekness of Jesus Christ and the "free long-suffering of suffering."

Deacon: "Lord is prayed." The priest, with the words "Bringing it, who is to apply" to the prosfora on the bottom line of printing. Words indicate the incomprehensibility of the birth of Christ.

Diakone: "Take, Vladyko". And the priest carries out a prosperity from the bottom side, thereby separating the middle of the prosphora - the Lamb - from its walls, and at the same time says: "Yako swam from the ground of his belly."

Deacon: "Fit, Vladyko". The priest removes the lamb, puts it on the disk the seal down and crucifically makes a deep (before printing) incisive, saying: "The Lamb of God is harvested, to explode the sin of the world, for the worldly belly and salvation," there is a consecration of bread. The position of the Lamb Printing down, that is, the naval, symbolizes the sacrificial lamp, which, lying down, "waiting for a mortgage." The cruciform cutting is "the memoil of the victim in the Cross."

After this, the priest turns the lambs and puts it on the disk stamp up. Deonacon says: "Sleep, Vladyko". The priest with the words "one from the warrior is a copy of the edge of his sample and abium breath and water ..." makes a small incision on the right side, marking the ribs of the ribs of Christ with the words of the Gospel.

As Dmitrievsky writes, St. Patriarch Herman in the crucifixion with Little Disformation sees the conception and Christmas of Jesus Christ: "As in the womb of the Virgin, the body of God's son, the action of the Holy Spirit, was made out of the immaculate blood, and here the dismount of the inside in the Eucharist proceeds to the body of Jesus Christ the same Holy Spirit. In this way Prosfora So, at this Tyintovitelnago interpreter, virgin Cure Bogotrod Mary; watering Copy., to cut the lamb, conception; removing print From the inside of the Her birthJesus Christ; With the sector w seized from it interior - the most bodyChrist a priestSpirit saint, autumnal girl with his nai, deacon - Archangel Gabriel, the minister of incompago of the sacrament of the embodiment. "

8.4 Wine connection with water

After the memories of the expiration of blood and water when weeping the ribs of Christ Deacon takes the vessels with wine and water asking blessings for their connection: "Bless, Vladyko, Holy Connection." The priest silently blesses, after which the deacon pours into the wines and quite a bit of water, which denotes the expired blood and water here, and thus in practice "performs everything that is known about the convictions, i.e. The suffering of Christ. "

8.5 Sweetheart with a Virgin Uniform

Having finished the clergy from the 1st, Little, Reflare, the priest starts the 2nd prosphora - a Virgin.

From this missile, only one, quite large, particle - "In honor and memory of the Master of the Mother of God, ...", are the initial words to seize the particle. The cut of the triangular form of the particle relies on the disk on the right side of the Lamb, near it is the middle, with the words: "The Queen's idea is ones, the robes, pre-Ukraushenna are marked in Rise.

The position of the particle in honor and the memory of the Virgin to the right of the Little Progress symbolizes the gum from God to slander her, for which they indicate the words "Present Queen west."

8.6 Sacredness with nine science

The 3rd prosfora - in honor of the saints. In total, 9 particles are covered, why it is called "nine". The words on the seizure of particles are as follows:

Words themselves point for whom, for which saint's face is taken out by one or another particle, and especially revered, well-known commemorate directly by name - some are in these prayers, but it is also not forbidden to remember the name and other (local, saint whose name wears The priest accommodation) is "in the appropriate face."

Cut particles rely in the 3 column to the left of the lamb in this order:

The number of nine and 3 columns are the manner of the 9-ranks of the Heavenly Hierarchy, divided into 3 faces - 3 ranks in each. About this ratio and why particles are so put in sv. Dionysius writes: "By laying on the divine altar of the worshiped gifts<…>, immediately the memories of the saints, representing the inseparable, premium and sacred unity with God. "

8.7 Sweethealth with Conformer

Of the 4th prosphora, the priest is withdrawing particles for living.

First he takes out two The particles from the top of the prosphora, at the bottom of the press, for the church clearing and for the country, for all Orthodox, with the words:

These two particles rely immediately under the lamb.

After this, other particles are removed for living - from the same scope on the wall around the wall right to left, as well as from prosphorated by believers (so-called "consumer"), or (s) from "specially harvested service prosphoras". Commemorate namely with the words: "Remember, Lord<name\u003e ". According to some tradition, the priest will first commemorate his own bishops (if alive), then - the rector and the whole cleird of the temple, then parents and so on. Cut particles rely below two cooked, taken off at the beginning.

At the time of the sacredness with the 5th Reflare, the priest postpones the prosperous, but then returns to it again - in order to take out a particle for himself (with the words: "Rubber, Lord, and my unnecessary and forgive me, all sinning, free and unwitting"). This particle is usually removed, as well as other particles - from the wall of the prosphora - although it is rare, but the custom of removing this particle from the top of the prosphora is found.

8.8 Sacredness with Official Reform

From the 5th, clock, the prosphora is withdrawn one particle from the top of the prosphora, at the bottom of the print, with the words: "On the memory and leaving the sins of the Holy Patriarchs, the Blessed Creators of the Holy Temple of this"; There is also a mismatch of the bishop (s), if among those who have repaired.

Then other particles are made for the deceased - in a similar way as from the previous prosphora for living. (As for seizures from the same prosphora - consumer - particles for health and demand, Gaslov writes that it is not allowed by anywhere and is allowed. ")

At the end of the commemoration, the priest says: "Remember, Lord, and all in the hope of resurrection, the life of the eternal and of your communication of the deceased Orthodox father and our brotherhood of our people, and the Lord," after which particles believes on the discosse below the cozy particles. (According to one of the traditions, before that, the priest takes a particle about those who delivered him to pray, saying: "Remember, Lord, and all those who drove me unworthy praying about them, I don't remember oblivion, ignorance, or many names, myself, Lord, Range, driven by same age and name. ")

8.9 Needless comments on particles for living and dead

"There should not be to think that the particles, bringing about the living and the dead, were cleansing the victim of our sins; ONE, as professes and firmly contains our Orthodox Church, do not be sanctified in the body of the Lord; When extracting them there is no memory of Christ's suffering; With the permanent of the Saints of the Little Mountain, during the lead Holy holy, ONE will not get lit for the mysterious evidence of the cross with the fleet of savory; And therefore, it is forbidden to give them a church in the predomism. "

At the end of the seizure of particles from the priest's prosphorn with the help of walnut, all particles of St. Bread from the edges of discos, so that none of them fell from discos. "

8.10 Even

The next stage of proscake is every.

Deacon takes a subsequent cencing, puts in the corners of incense and brings the priest with the words: "Bless, Vladyko, Cadyl" and "Lord will pray." The priest blesses, reading the prayer "Cadyl brings you, Christ, God ...".

Then the deacon on the right of the priest keeps the open cencing at the level of the altar and says: "Lord is prayed." The priest makes a star to Cadyl, emphasizes her incense smoke and installs it on the disk over the Lamb with the words: "And the star is a hundred top, the appearance of Be deh." As already mentioned above, the star, on the one hand, protects the lamb and particles located on the displate, and on the other, it is a symbol of the Bethlehem star, which indicates the words pronounced by the priest taken from the Gospel ().

Deacon says again: "Lord is prayed." Gaslov writes that the deacon must add here: "Pokyoy, Vladyko" - words are present at the percentage of the 2nd Coverment and which is not in Russian officials in this place, oddly enough. The priest after Diakone words emphasizes the 1st Pokrovka and covers the discos from the top of the star, uttering the words of the 92nd Psalm ("Lord rearrangements, in the leptwork of the bucket ...").

Again, Deacon led: "Lord is prayed" and: "Stepgy, Vladyko". The priest emphasizes the 2nd Pokrovka and covers them by Potir, saying: "Copy of heaven is virtue of yours, Christ, and the praise of your praise.

Deacon again: "Lord Pray", "Pokyoy, Vladyko". The priest envelops the air and covers them on top of the coupling together discos and the Pathrot, reading the prayer: "I have a possession of our kinnik ...".

On the meaning of these 3-cover - applied and symbolic - it was already mentioned above.

After the coating of sv. Gifts by air, the priest takes from Diacon Cadyl and the 3-way altar with St. Dames. At the same time, each time the Slavora is going on - the priest says: "God is blessed, the Sita is favorite, thank you," and the deacon finishes: "Always, now, and dreamily, and forever. Amen". And every time both clergymen are reverently worship.

The meaning of the three-time each follows: "1) for pre-combustion of them; 2) in the banner aroma.displaced on the body of Christ Joseph and Nicodemus with his burial (); 3) in the memory about Gifts, Smyrna and Lebanon,warms of the newborn king Christ brought. "

8.11 Ending anointing

After the 3rd Slavovia, Diakone takes Kadylov's priest and says: "On the proposed honest gifts, the Lord is prayed." And the priest reads prayer offers: "God, God, heavenly bread, food to the whole world, our Lord and God of Jesus Christ sent ...".

Then an ordinary release is made. Priest: "Glory to you, Christ God, your hope, glory to you." Diakone: "Glory: And now", "Lord Pommery" 3-waiting, "bless." The priest creates a small release: "Christ, the true God of our ..." - with the commemoration of the compiler of Liturgy (St. John of Zlatoust or St.). Deacon: "Amen".

This ends the actual proscrusterity.

However, after the recovery of the proscride, the priest can take out particles from prosphorated and dead. So, immediately after graduation, he, if there is another time (did not finish reading the clock), maybe it can do it, and Diacon can read the clarifiers and notes submitted by believers for prostia.

9. Conclusion

So, we disassembled part of the Divine Liturgy, called Ancestray. We saw how serious and multi-mixed it is. Being at the beginning, it is the starting point for the Eucharist, preparations for it.

Two most important events of mankind of 2000 years ago - the coming to the world of the Son of God, his birth, and his redemption of us from slavery to sin, his sacrificial suffering. These events permeate anointing priesthood, being simultaneously the memories of the Savior's Christmas and the memory of his godfall - this is seen from the dismissal. On the one hand, we are constantly present at Ancestradia at Christmas, Christ. On the other hand, as Archpriest said, "Golgotha \u200b\u200bin the sacrament is given in the Divine Eucharist"

Having come to the Orthodox Temple, you can face what the terminology is often not familiar to us. This situation occurred due to the fact that many terms occur from Greek or the Old Slavonic language. For example, it is proposed to submit a note to prosomide, and the person who first went to the temple for the first time: proscride, what is it and for whom you can give a request for commemoration? You need to ask those who take them, explain a little the essence of this rite.

The word "proscride" from the Greek can be translated as an offering. In the first century, Christians brought bread for worship.

The priest prayed over him, made a part of the health or for peace of the shower, and the rest of the bread returned to someone who brought him, or was heard sick, orphans or widows. From this there was a name - offering.

But the main task of Ancecdia is not this. This is a divine service committed in front of the Divine Liturgy (Lunch), on which wine and bread for the Eucharist are harvested. On it, the bread, remaining the bread financially, is offered to the present body of Jesus Christ, and wine into his real blood.

Necessary attributes:

  • Altar. Artician affiliation. A small table is designed to commit anointing. He symbolizes the Vertips, where Jesus Christ was born, as well as Calvary, where he was crucified.
  • Pathrot (Bowl) - like a bowl of wine during a mystery of the evening.
  • Diskos - Vertel.
  • Star - symbolizes the Bethlehem star.
  • Copy - Spear, who broke the side of the Lord Jesus.
  • Pokrovtsy - Pellens, which was Ukutan the Bog Mouden.
  • Progos at ambassoidia (5 pieces).

Chin of the arrival of prosdiadia

Before the service of the priest, having to go in clothes, standing in front of the altar, uttering prayer, during which kisses the belongings necessary for worship.

Proclaiming: "God is blessed ...", begins to prospect. The first (straight) prosfora is taken and the lamb is withdrawn by circumcision of its edges.

Part of the prosphora in the form of a cube or pyramid remains. This lamb will be rebuilt into the Body of Christ, also they are involved. The lamb symbolizes Jesus Christ himself, sacrificed as a lamb (lamb) for the life of the world. For this reason, the first prosfora is called agne.

The Wine is mixed with water. Since the edge of the crucified blood flowed from the edge of Jesus. Wine during the Eucharist is prevailed in the blood of Christ.

The second prosfora is called a Virgin. She symbolically depicts the Virgin. The particle is removed from it, and then put on the disk to the right of the Lamb.

The third prosfora is called "nine". It was such a name due to the fact that nine particles are withdrawn from it:

  • John the Baptist,
  • prophets
  • apostles
  • saint,
  • martyrs
  • rev.
  • non-care,
  • those who have a holiday of the day, and what holy temple,
  • forecher of the liturgy (John of Zlatoust or Vasily the Great).

Nine particles dwell on the discos three rows to the right of the Lamb.

The fourth prosfora is "about health." It takes out particles for living. At first, one large removes the health of all the clergy, then the second particle for the country and its inhabitants.

The third particle takes out the priest for himself. Also taken out particles for those for the sake of whom notes are applied to prosomide. That's what proskomiyadium about health.

Fifth prosfora - proscride for rest. The particles are taken out about the reserved builders, aliquals, as well as the servants of the temple. The second particle is removed for all who have reached Orthodox Christians. Then the small particles are also removed for those for whom they are filed.

The disk is covered with a star and a cover, then the bowl is covered with a cover, and together the discos with the bowl is covered with air (large Pokrovka). Then the priest with a prayer is coming off, after that, it utters his release.

Interesting! In the Eldelskaya Orthodox Church (Greek), proscride is performed on one big prosphora. The lamb is removed from its central part, and the rest of the particles from different sides of this prosphora.

After a day, the gifts are considered prepared for the commission of Divine Liturgy. In the bowl, wine and water are poured, all particles are posted on the displate. Diskos symbolizes the entire completeness of the church. In the center there is a lamb Jesus Christ, near him the Virgin and all the saints. It is surrounded by all members of the church.

Health particles are the earthly church, and particles about the deceased - heaven (triumphant). Laining, here the Lord begins to curse. Now time will create the rulers, i.e. The priest prepared, and it was time to do the Lord. So the first part ends and liturgy begins. Now all believers are involved, because liturgy means a common cause. Here is the liberation of gifts, prepared earlier.

Useful video: Notes on health and rest

Types of notes

In the temple can offer various types of notes. In addition, they are distinguished about health or about rest, there are still many varieties:

  1. Note to prosomide. It is also sometimes called customer. Here for each name, which is written, the priest takes out a particle from prosphora and kills it to disk. It is important that everyone who is submitted to surprise at ambassadoids was necessarily baptized. After all, the particles are put on the disk, which symbolizes the church, and only baptized man can be a member of the church.
  2. On the object. Sectivy means "outcropping". After reading the Gospel, a petition for the health of living and the rest of the deceased is performed. During these things, requests for the commemoration submitted on the object are read.
  3. On prayer. After liturgy or, regardless of it, prayers are often performed. This worship is different from Ancestradia and dinner, devoted to the Lord, the Virgin, Angels or someone from the saints. There are no prayers on the prayer, so the notes are fed only about health.
  4. On the pack. The service performed for the dead, so the notes are fed only about the rest. Such a service is committed after liturgy or as needed.
  5. Simple. If the arrival is big, the priest physically does not have time to pray for everyone, he prays only about those who submitted a custom note. Simples are usually read by the dealers of the altar.
  6. On the psalter. Such notes are accepted mainly in the monasteries, where the psalter is read daily, and while reading those whose names in the applied notes are coming.
  7. Sorokoust. Note is served for 40 days. If the service is not performed daily, then the fortyst is read 40 services. Sorokousts also have semi-annual, annual, lifelong.

Interesting!Often, people are indignant about the fact that they filed a note, and they did not read it. This is explained by the fact that if not one priest serves, then the notes are distributed on all. One reads out loud, and the rest pray to yourself or quietly.

Also, the cause may be a human factor. But it should not be worried, the guilty will answer before God, and the petition, if they filed, then it is already accepted in the sky. Even if for some reason it was not read by the priest during the service, then be sure to God.

For whom you can give notes

When a person comes to the temple for the first time, he should approach the church shop where candles are sold, icons, books, you can also give notes.

In many temples there are ready forms. The leaflets, where it is written "On health" or "About the rest" with name fields.

You can take the form and write names. It is important not to confuse them here. Then give them to make them. Well, when there is a sample note, how to fill it.

Only full names are written in the note. Not Aleshenka, Masha, Zhorik, and Alexey, Maria, Georgy, and in the Parental case. It follows the names of baptized people exclusively. If the person was baptized by another name, not the one hears, then it is necessary to serve the name that was baptized. If the name can belong both to a man and a woman, then you should make a mark in the form of letters "M" or "W" opposite the name, for clarification.

Often you can see the markup before the name that it is and what they mean:

Important!If there is no special form, then you can take a leaf (usually they are already prepared), to write "about health" or "about resting", to emphasize, and below the names of those who need to pray.

Useful video: Is it possible to give notes to prosomide for people who are far from the church?


Apply notes for prosomide is very important. After all, at the end of the service, the priest plunges all the particles for whom it prayed, in the bowl with the blood of Christ with a request to wash all sins. The Lord is washes who remembered in the ambassia of his martyr's blood. But it is not necessary to think that a piece of paper filed by the priest frees from its own prayer.

Ancecry - what is it? Ancestradia about health or rest.

« Ancecry"- the word Greek and means bringing. This is the name of the first part of the liturgy from the custom of the ancient Christians to bring bread, wine and everything necessary to make a liturgy; Therefore, and the coarse bread, used on it, is called a disform, which means offering. Bread (prosfora) must be quas (rising), clean, wheat. The Lord himself, Jesus Christ, to commit the sacrament of St. Communion, took a quas, and not fresh bread. The prosfora must be round and consist of two parts into the image of two Natures of Jesus Christ - the Divine and Human; On the top of the prosphora there is a seal with the image of the cross and at the corners of it - the initial letters of the Cathedral of the Savior: IS-CC and the Greek word Ni-ka; This means: Jesus Christ wins. Wine for the sacrament requires grape, red, because the red color resembles the color of the blood; The wine is mixed with water in the memory of the fact that blood and water expired from the perforated edge of the Savior on the cross. For Ancecdia, five prospects are used in the memory of wonderful saturation by Christ five breads of more than five thousand people, which causes Jesus Christ the reason to teach the people about spiritual saturation and about the imperishable, spiritual food, submitted in the sacrament of St. Comfection (John 6, 22-58) . But one promotion is used for communion (Lamb), according to the word of the apostle: "One bread, and we are many - one body; For everyone communion from one bread "(1 Cor. 10, 17), and therefore, in its magnitude, this prosfora must correspond to the number of participants.


Preparing, according to the church charter, to the commission of Liturgy, the priest and deacon are read by the so-called "entrance" prayers and are clothed in the Holy Clothing Altar. Approaching, then, to the altar, a priest, blessing the beginning of anointing, takes the first (striking) prosfora and a copy of the cross image of the cross on it, uttering: "In the memory of the Lord and God, and the Savior of our Jesus Christ." This means Ancecdia is committed by the commandments of Jesus Christ. From this prosphora, the priest Copier cuts out the middle of the Cuba with the pronunciation of the words. Isaiah: "Yako (like) a sheep on the clipping where, and Iko, the Lamb is definitely, it is straightforwardly, it does not curse him, she does not curse his mouth; In humility, his court takes him; It is his own who is to apply; Yako swam from the ground of the belly (life) of it "(Is. 53, 7-8). This cubic part of the prosphora is called Lamb (John 1, 29) and relies on the disk. Then, the priest crucifically cares from the bottom side of the Lamb with the pronunciation of words: "I wake up (sacrificed) Lamb of God, swamp (taking over) the sin of the world, for a worldly belly (life) and salvation," and will give the right side of the Lamb by copy, pronouncing The words of the evangelist: "One of the warrior is a copy of the edge to him the sample and abie (immediately) the breath and water; and seeing evidence and truly there is a testimony of it "(in. 19, 34); In accordance with these words in the bowl (Patir), wine is mixed with water.

From the second prosphora called "Virgin", the priest takes out one particle in honor of the Mother of God and believes it on the right side of the Lamb on Diskos. From the third prosphora called "nine", nine particles are removed in honor of Saints: John the Baptist, Prophets, Apostles, Saint, Martyrs, Reverend, Bessengers, Bogotets, Joachim and Anna, Saints, whose memory is committed this day, and that saint, name which liturgy is performed; These parts rely on the left side of the Lamb on the disk, three particles in a row. From the fourth score, particles are removed for living and rely below the lamb on the disk; From the fifth - for the dead and rely below the particles taken over the living. Finally, particles from prosphorated believing are taken out; At the same time, the corresponding "commemoration" on the health and salvation of living and on the rest of the dried slaves of God; Particles from these prosphoras are relying together with particles taken out of the fourth and fifth prosphora.

At the end of the Ancestradia, the priest blesses Cadyl with Fimyama and, by sharing a star, puts her on a disk on the lamb and particles to keep them in the right order, covers the discos and the pace of two small coupling and on top of them another, somewhat large sizes called "air" , I have been driving the suggested gifts of the Lord, to bless the proposed gifts, to remember these gifts and those who are brought to whom it is worth it worthy to honesty the Divine Tain.

Sacred objects and actions applied in Ancecdia are symbolic: discos marks the Bethlehem Cave and Calvary; Star - Bethlehem Star and Cross; Pokrov - Wooden Christmas, Pellena and Dospa, who were in the coffin of the Savior; Pathr - the bowl, in which Jesus Christ attacked; The preparation of the Lamb - the court, the suffering and death of Jesus Christ, and the spinning of him is a sprinkle made by one of the warriors on the body of the Savior. The combination of all particles in a certain order on the displays means the whole Church of God, whose members consist of the Mother, Angels, all the holy worships of God, all the believers of Christians are the living and dead, and her Lord himself is our Savior. Each marks the autumn of St. Spirit, whose grace is reported in the sacrament of St. Commission.

Ancecdia is committed by a priest on the altar, with the closed altar, in a low voice. It is completed when the 3rd and 6th (and sometimes 9th) hours are read on the closer.

Amount donation

Commemoration of health or about resting (recurring in worship)
Simple note (proscride) - (12 names) 150 rubles.
Panhid - (12 names) 150 rubles.
Prayer - (12 names) 150 rubles.

On the great post - (up to 12 names) - 500 rubles.

Remembering about the health or about the rest of the Psalter (the Psalter is read in the afternoon between worship)
Sorokoust (40 days) - (for 1 name) 350 rubles.
Half a year - (for 1 name) 700 rubles.
For a year - (for 1 name) 1500 rubles.
Long-term remembrance (5 years) - (for 1 name) - 5000 rubles.

Evailing (correspondence) 500 rubles.
Baptism 1000 rub. (+ testimony, books, candles)
Wedding 3000 rub. (+ icons, candles)
Consecration of vehicles 1000 rubles.

An hour excursion in the monastery - 150 rubles / person (up to 10 people \u003d 1500 rubles)

In contact with

Ancecdia is the most important remembrance about living and deceased. On the Liturgy, the priest from prosphoray takes out particles about health and the rest of those who believes were given notes.

The particles from the prosphus at the end of the liturgia are immersed in the Holy Bowl, at this time the priest utters words: "Father, Lord, sins who remembered the blood of the blood of your honestly, the prayers of the saints of yours." The particles come into contact with the body and the blood of Christ the Savior.

This is the strength and effectiveness of the seizure of parts from prosphorated.

It's not just a prayer for a living or deceased, but the cleansing of sins by this most bloodless victim. Here, each part, penetrating the blood of the Savior, is already being done by the Substitute before it is taken out about whose name it is removed.

That is why it has always been considered the most saving and fruitful act from the prosphirt of a particle about live or died behind the liturgy in the Orthodox Church.

Ancecdia still symbolizes the Christmas of Jesus Christ and takes place in the altar is secretive for believers located in the temple - just as secretly, unknown for the world there was a birth of the Savior.

therefore Serve notes in the altar can only be baptized in Orthodoxy! 40-outers for suicides are also not accepted.

In our temple, in addition to one-time commemoration, it is possible to apply for a long-term commemoration. The difference in such a commemoration is only in time - a period of commemoration (a particle from prosphora is removed). In some other churches, the particle is not removed for the period more than the fortyst.

You can serve forty stores in several temples

How to order Sorokoust, remember for half a year, year?

To do this, come to the temple, approach the bench, where they sell candles and say: "I need to order a fortyst / for half a year / a year about health / rest and call the name of the person.

How to order one-time remembrance?

To do this, you need to write a note by yourself (you can at home, you can take a blank in the church shop), which can be inserted up to 10-15 names.
"On the restoration" and "about health" are served separately. This note must be given to the seller in the shop. Memorial notes are always paid.

Recommendation about health order not only about patients, but also healthy people "In order for the Lord to store them, helped them in their good deeds, gave them a health spiritual and bodily health, and also helped in correction.

Why is such a temporary segment, as forty days? We know from the Holy Scriptures and legends that often to achieve a certain spiritual result need a feat last 40 days. Here is the mystery.

We also know from the patristic revelation that the soul of the deceased person on the fortieth day of the conching receives the definition of its fate in the private court of God. And therefore, especially pray during this period. From the foregoing it follows that it makes sense in continuous forty-day salting.

The old man of Schirchimandrite Zosima noted that the whole history of mankind is measured by "saddamins and forties". "The forty days of Christ was his disciples, staying on Earth before the History of the Ascension of the Lord. Holy Holiday - the fortieth day of the Ascension of the Lord. We carry out Easter on the eve and we will meet the great annual holiday in the fortieth day for Easter - the Ascension of the Lord. Sorokousts are forty days of fasting, forty days of Easter, all the fortings are walking, weeks and forty-coins. And the history of mankind also goes on weeks and fortification. "

How is the campaign for our memorandum be performed in the temple?

Cooking on it begins during anointing.
Ancecry is part of the liturgy, during which bread and wine prepare for the sacrament.

Translated from Greek this word means "bringing" - the ancient Christians themselves brought bread into the temple, the wine necessary for the liturgy.

Ancecry, symbolizing the Christmas of Jesus Christ, takes place in the altar is secretive for believers located in the temple - just as secretly, unknown for the world there was a birth of the Savior.
For anointing, five special prosphoras are used.

From the first prosphora after a special prayer, the priest carries the middle of the cube - this part of the prosphoda is the name of the Lamb. This prosfora, "Little", relies on the disk, a round dish on the stand, symbolizing the nursery in which the Savior was born. Laptop prosfora and serves itself for communion.

From the second prosphora, the "Virgin", the priest takes out a part in honor of the Mother of God. This particle stacked on the disk on the left side of the Lamb.

From the third prosphora, "nine", nine particles are removed - in honor of the Saints: John the Baptist, the Prophets, Apostles, Saint, Martyrs and Reverend, Bessengers, Joacima and Anna, and the Saint, whose name is liturgy. These removed particles rely on the right side of the Lamb, three particles in a row.

After that, the clergyman proceeds to the fourth prosphore, from which particles are taken out about living - about the patriarch, bishops, presbyters and diakons. From the fifth disforms, particles are taken out about the departed - patriarchs, the creators of temples, bishops, priests.

On the disk are stacked and these removed particles - first for living, below - for the deceased

Then the priest is removed particles from prosphorated by believers.

At this time, commemoration are read - notes, dyful books that are served by us in a candle box for prosomide.

After reading each name specified in the note, the priest takes out the prosphory particle, saying: "Remark, Lord, (the name written by us)".

These particles who are removed by our memories are also put on the disk along with particles, taken out of the liturgical prosphoras.

This is the first, invisible to the praying of those whose names are written in the notes that applied by us.

So, the particles who took place by our memories lie on the disk, next to the particles, taken out of the Special Laughing Progress.

The particles lying in this order on the displays symbolize the whole Church of Christ.

"At the Ancestradia, it seems to be collected near the Lamb, the sins of the world, the whole Church of Heaven and Earth ... What a close connection is between the Lord and Holy Holy, between him and piously living on earth and those who died in faith and piety: remember what close connection between us Both the holy and dead in Christ, and everyone loved, as members of the Lord and their members, writes the Holy Righteous John Kronstadt about particles taken out of the prosphoras and assigned to disk. - In what proximity to each other are both the celestial and farmingers, and the Mother and all saints, and all of us, Orthodox Christians, when the Divine, World, Neglome, Universal Liturgy is committed! Oh my God! What an excellent, life-minded communication! "

Many believe that the particles, bringing about the living and the dead, are the cleansing victim of our sins.

It's a delusion. From sin can be cleaned only with repentance, correction of life, grace, good deeds.

The particles who came out of the prosperity submitted by us are not sanctified into the body of the Lord, when extracting them there is no memory of Christ's suffering: when the Holy Laman is, these particles do not rise to the mysterious exaltation on the cross with the Savior's flesh. These particles are not given in the acquisition of the Savior flesh. Why are they brought? In order to via their believers whose names are written in our notes, they received grace, sanctifying and releasing sins from the sacrificent sacrifices brought on the throne.

The particle, carved from our prosphora, recalculation near the preching body of the Lord, being introduced into the Patir, is piping by divine blood, all the shrines and spiritual tissues and will no longer be the name of whose behalf. After all the participants acquire the saints of secrets, the deacon is vague in the pace reclining the particles on the saints, about the living and the dead.

This is done so that the saints in the near connection with God are rejoiced in heaven, the living and dead, whose names are listed in the notes, washing the most the most demanding blood of the Son of the Son, they received the remaining sins and eternal life.

This is also told about the words that are pronounced by the priest: "The Father, Lord, sins remembered by Zea, is a blood honestly."

That is why it is necessary to make a lot of alive and deceased in the church, on liturgy - after all, it is here that the blood of Christ performed by our daily sins is cleared. The victim brought by the Lord by our Jesus Christ in Calvary and daily during the liturgy brought on the holy throne, is a complete and completely comprehensive fee for our debt to God - and only she, like fire, can fall in a man all his pre-sections.

Submit a church note (remembrance)

Brothers and sisters, now you can right here on the site Order Reques from the list offered to you

Nowadays, the development of information technologies allows you to submit donations to remembered remotely. On the website of the Holy Resurrection Temple (old), Vichuga also appeared such an opportunity - filing notes via the Internet. The process of filing notes takes a few minutes ...

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