What will lead the camphechniks on the canal saved. Boris Korchevnikov will head the Orthodox TV channel

What will lead the camphechniks on the canal saved. Boris Korchevnikov will head the Orthodox TV channel

For several months, rumors were buzzed around the news about the departure of the leading show "Direct Ether" on the channel Russia-1 - Boris Korchevnikova. In the media and among fans, various reasons were discussed who pushed Boris to escape from the post of TV host "direct ether". Korchevnikov attributed a terrible disease, but the lead refuted the rumors.

In the "Light Air" Boris Korchevnikov will replace the symbol of Russian television, the leading talk show "Let them say" Andrei Malakhov, which Boris is very happy. Boris Korchevnikov noted that now the audience looks differently on all the familiar "direct ether".

There were rumors that Korchevnikov suffers from hearing problems, the level of which is so low that the leading does not hear teams and instructions of the director of the TV show "Direct Ether". Such conversations only smiled the lead and he hurried to assure that the bad state of his health is too hyperbolized.

"Direct Ether" in its former form and really finishes existence. The program that will appear in its place will not be like that, but will keep everything that made a "direct ether" with a successful and favorite viewer. The coming changes in the current show are not connected with my health. Yes, Ideal to call it difficult, but show me an absolutely healthy person. Those problems that occasionally happen from time to time are solved. Everything is far from scary and fatally, as they wrote about this lately, "commented Boris.

As it turned out, for a long time, Boris Kochernikov tried to combine work on two channels - on the channel of Rezia-1 and on the air on the channel "Savior". Korchevnikov was difficult to "divide" and she put in priority the post of lead to the "Savior".

"It seems that, Blessed Augustine said that if God was in the first place, then everything else is on his own. I try to follow this philosophy - noted Boris. - What would I have had to do, I tried to always be in the first place. When this proposal sounded, I felt from the inside that this is a proposal from God. So it is better to take a step and make a mistake than not to take a step and make a mistake. So I agreed! "

Recently, the first broadcast of the new "Ether" with Andrei Malakhov on the Russia-1 channel was published, in which her ex-leading Boris Korchevnikov became the hero of the transfer. This alignment caused cognitive dissonants from the audience. All transmission was built at a cross-interview of the new leading Andrei Malakhov, and an already formerly leading "direct ether". During the conversations, it turned out that the Korchevnikov did not fully leave the Russia-1 channel and will soon present his new show. The pregnant wife Andrei Malakhov came to the shooting of the transfer to support his husband's debut on a new channel for him.

Today, the media appeared information about the fact that TV host Boris Korchevnikov received a new position. This was announced by the Director General of the Orthodox TV channel "Savior" Boris Kostenko. According to a man, it should happen soon. Specific deadlines, when the Korchevnikov starts their duties and head the channel, until they are called. The founder of the "Savior" of Patriarch Kirill, as Kostenko noted, approved the candidacy of Showman.

Starkit appealed for more detailed information to the representative of the TV channel VGTRK. "We do not comment on this news," Maxim Kranan said the press attache.

We also note that at the moment Boris Korchevnikov continues to work in the "direct ether" show. The fans of the leader are waiting for an official statement from the representatives of the channel and programs that would have made clarity into a situation with its alleged care. "Starhit" got through to Boris Korchevnikov, but he refused comments, referring to what was busy on the set.

"This decision was made by the Founder of the Canal. We have long been familiar with Boris Korchevnikov, most likely, I will become his deputy, and he will begin this work since May. As for that, whether he will remain on the channel "Russia 1", I can not say anything, "said Boris Kostenko" Starhit ", General Director of the Orthodox TV Channel" Savior ".

Earlier, information about the fact that Boris Korchevnikov decided to leave the program "Direct Ether" were actively agreed in the media. Showman himself and channel representatives refrained from commenting about the data that appeared on the network. It was also stated that the place of colleagues would take Dmitry Shepelev. Called and concrete deadlines - it was said that personnel permutations would occur this spring.

After the press appeared in the press that Shepelev will replace Korchevnikov, lively discussions arose in the network. Boris's fans could not believe that he leaves his beloved change. Some of them suggested that the Korchevnikov decided to suspend shooting due to health problems. Nevertheless, the representative of the showman did not confirm these species.

We also add that Boris Korchevnikov is a believer. In his microblog, the host regularly shares publications that reflect its worldview. So, in February of this year, Boris reported that he had replenished his collection of icons. "A new holy came home came home. Martyr Abraham ... This rich and very successful entrepreneur was not Russian, accepted Orthodoxy and did not forgive him. And I have this connection with him: I turned out to be in Bulgaria almost 800 years after his death. In the cozy distant from the district centers, the wooden church of his name and learned there the priest of Father Vladimir Golovin. He told me that spring a few words. And everything fell into place in my life. And went differently, "the man wrote in" Instagram ".

An employee of the channel "Savior" told the site that the Orthodox TV is transformed into a clone of the scandalous show "Direct Ether".

Previously, the site wrote about in Russia. With the advent of the new leadership in the face of Boris Korchevnikova, the "promoted" transmission "direct ether" on "Russia 1", one of them - the TV channel "Savior" - began to change. An employee of the TV channel assures: his colleagues are dismissed, and the audiences begin to turn away from the "Savior".

In May, we were announced that "Savior" appointed a new general director, Boris Korchevnikov became them. He wanted to do something new, the younger, give fresh breath to the channel, - Shared with the site one of the employees "Savior", which for obvious reasons asked not to call his name and surname. - But in the end it turned out that the "new breathing" in two months of his work led to an obvious fact. Previously, the channel showed high-quality, demanded by the viewer and already received a well-deserved assessment of the transfer - "Ukrainian question", "Conservative Club" and many others who viewers watched, both on the air and on social networks, in Youtube. And now on the channel only one program called "Direct Ether", analogue of the program of the same name on the channel "Russia 1".

[Approx. Ed.: Judging by the schedule, the TV channel "Savior" has a rather extensive program; However, in the program for the current week there is not a "Ukrainian question", no "conservative club", but no and notorious "direct ether". Archives of this transmission available On the channel "Savior" on YouTube, the last release of July 14 was devoted to the "charity marathon", among the earlier releases - "abortions", "Euthanasia" and "Stalin".]

- And this new breathing was required by the canal?

It so happened that the channel regularly changed the leadership, the most "permanent" always remained Boris Kostenko (now he was appointed Deputy Korchevnikov). Korchevnikova has a new vision expressed in one: close all programs and leave one of its own - "direct ether", which would illuminate some hot topics. But you yourself understand, any current topics can be covered in different ways. For example, there were such programs on the channel "Savory", but they did not leave the authors for certain frameworks. Channel mission - spiritual and moral education of the audience. The channel has its own established audience, another pace, rhythm, rather than other federal channels. We had expectations that would come - and it would be better, there will be something new. As a result, everything came out to make the scandal as much as possible, to go into some investigations with detailed bloody details - about murders, criminals, with smeared people on asphalt.

- And Korchevnikov continues to lead the same transmission on the channel "Russia 1"?

As far as I understood, he was dismissed from there, "live broadcast" on "Russia 1" or will close, or recruit a new team with a new face. Now he will be in the frame on "SPACE" one to one to repeat the same transmission as on "Russia 1", only without extras.

[Approx. Ed.: Boris Korchevnikov continues to lead the "live broadcast" on "Russia 1", despite the rumors that have previously existed for Dmitry Shepelev. The last release available on the website of the channel "Russia 1" is dedicated to the topic "The adopted son of Galina Brezhneva to drive out the son from home, called him somewhere and even demanded the DNA test."]

All the "live ether" begin with the fact that "today such a shot down to death or shot someone, let's discuss it, we will tear, smash, squandal." The rating, of course, is an important thing, but it is impossible to seek it with such means on the Orthodox Canal. As a result, the audience calls, they write, complain, switch the channel "saved" to another button.

- Boris, when was appointed to this position, collected people, something declared?

At the general meeting of employees, politics were announced: there will be only "live broadcast" six to eight hours a day. Thus, the channel will acquire relevance, we will talk about what newspapers and the Internet are shouting today. Then the educational programs about the faith, about the Orthodox holidays, about Russian well-known people began to disappear from the ether, about how people came to faith and so on. This to the new leader seemed uninteresting. Although the TV channel demonstrated a stable growth of the audience and always retained his face.

- Strange, after all, the Korchevnikov often positions itself as a believer.

Therefore, all channel staff had an expectation that still innovations will be made from the point of view of the Orthodox person. But the expectations were not justified.

- Channel employees also fired in one day?

Many employees said that they need to collect things. With the arrival of Boris Korchevnikov, the canal lost many good specialists who were not ready to endure mats and screams - both in the hardware and in their address.

- And what is your forecast? What to expect the spectators "Savior"?

If in a similar context, the feeding of the "fried" material will not be good. Because of these scandalous topical topics in the transfer of Boris Korchevnikov on the channel, scandals and disassembly began. Spectators write letters, complain that the channel has become impossible, requires to change intonation. Well, as possible on the air of the Orthodox Channel to invite some kind of motorcyclists, "hell angels"?! Crazy house.

The release of the "direct ether" of the channel "Savior" of June 26: "Bikers are going around MGIMO because of the student of this prestigious university who shot down a motorcyclist to death. Again Major, drunk again. And does he suffer punishment on all the rigor of the law? "

A veteran of war Nikolay Dupak came to the air - so it was simply brought during the "direct ether": he is boring, he old became uninteresting. Uncontrolled vakhanalia, aggression on the canal, which should call, on the contrary, to peacefulness, to good, to another attitude towards the outside world.

But Boris Korchevnikov makes only what he can. For many years, he worked on the channel "Russia 1" in the scandalous talk show "Direct Ether" and, probably, it believes that it is necessary to speak on the channel "Savior" - this is "joyful and free Orthodoxy."

On July 20, 1982, Boris Korchevnikov was born - the famous TV host and CEO of the Savior Channel. In his youth, Korchevnikov had to choose between acts and journalism: he was engaged in Tabakov's studio and beat many children's roles. Then he entered the Studio School MCAT, at the acting, and at the same time at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Chose Corchevnikov journalism - having received a diploma, worked for RTR and NTV.

In the thirteen years, after the release from Zhurfak, he Doros to the Director-General and the general producer of the Orthodox Channel, received the "New Name in Journalism" award and two Awards "Teffi" - Career more than impressive. At the beginning of zero, when the situation on the channels changed dramatically, the former masters have lost their positions and the new rules of the game have entered into force, many young people flew on television. But the Korchevnikov differs from them: first, he is really talented. Secondly, most of these characters clearly know the boundaries of the permitted and not cross them, and Boris often falls into scandalous stories.

The Director General of the TV channel "Savior", Korchevnikov became not by chance. Someone considers the Orthodox faith with their personal, intimate affair, and he carries her as a banner. Korchevnikov - a fierce opponent of those whom he considers atheists and liberals. He often tells about his path to Orthodoxy in an interview. And this story is quite indicative.

I was convinced by the cochetic workers before filming the series "Cadet". Of God's fishery, he saw that his, the reporter NTV, the boss was released for a long period on the filming pad. The TV presenter became famous for the public statement made in 2012 that his father is Jesus Christ, and Mother - Virgin Mary. And in the program "I do not believe!" 2013, Boris Did the enemies of the Church, including his teacher Leonid Parfinov.

Most recently, Korchevnikov published a video where he dressed in shorts and a shirt and cooked into the Russian flag, baptized in front of the home television-standing TV screen on the Russian national team players. Then he pressed the forehead of each palm - so the general director of the "Savior" blessed them. Apparently, Korchevnikov sincerely believed that, blessed a television picture, he helps footballers to defeat.

Nowadays, faith can help career, give public weight. It uses very strange people - known, for example, calling himself an Orthodox priest of psychics. Boris Korchevnikova and his faith with this no one, of course, does not compare - and yet there is something unusual in it. He too clearly exhibits her at the bottom, while he behaves not in Christian. In 2014, the historian of television Zaicin argued that at the shooting of the talk show of the Corchevnikov, he collided him from the scene, as a result of which Zaicin broke his hand. As the media wrote, in 2018, during the planner, Korchevnikov broke the editor of Doblyeva: In humans, in his office.

Once he was a completely different person, he worked in the "Naming", was considered "Western". Boris Korchevnikov was a student and a companion of Parfinov, and then moved to other positions. Nowadays, people are changing at the speed of the world: an uncompromising Orthodox fighter Enthereo unexpectedly turns out to be a boyfriend and a condescene condemned for the blasphemy of Alekhina from Pussy Riot. It will not have to be surprised if some phantasmagoric metamorphosis will again be made by the Korchevnikov. If public conjuncture changes, it may well become an atheist: the durable internal basis does not seem like.