Alphabet Orthodoxy Calendar Evening Prayers read. Prayer Rule Morning and Evening

Alphabet Orthodoxy Calendar Evening Prayers read. Prayer Rule Morning and Evening

Prayers for the dream coming

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, according to the prayers of the Mother of Your Mother, Reverend and the God's fathers of our and all saints, have mercy. Amen.

Glory to you, God, glory to you.

King Heavenly, comforter, spirit of truth, everywhere staying and all sobbling, the source of benefit and life, come and have been noted in us, and cleanse us from every bad, and save, our good, our souls.

From Easter to Ascension instead of this prayer is read by the Easter Tripper: " Christ was risening from the dead, death as death, and those who are in the tombs, giving life ".. (three times)
From Ascension to Trinity, we begin prayer with "Holy God ...", lowering all preceding.


Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Immortal, Pomerize us. (3)

Prayer Holy Trinity

All the trinity, hind us; Lord, to clean our sins; Vladyka, forgive our lawlessness; Holy, visit and healed our gentlemen, the name of yours for the sake!

Lord have mercy. (3)

Slava Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit, and now, and always, and forever. Amen.

Prayer of the Lord

Our father, who in heaven! Yes, your name will be sainted; May your kingdom come; May will be the will of yours and on earth, as in the sky; Our urgent bread give us today; And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but get rid of us from the evil.


Have a lot of us, Lord, have a lot of us, / For, not finding yourself no excuse, / prayer we are sinful, you bring to you like Vladyka: / "Have a lot of us!"

Glory: Lord, nice us, for you we hope, / do not proceed to us strongly / and do not remember our lawlessness, / but recover and now, as a blessing / and getting rid of our enemies. / For you are our God and we are your people, / We are all - the work of your hands / and your name is calling.

And now: Mercy of the door holes for us, / Blessed by the Virgin, / In order, hoping for you, they were not ashamed, / but got rid of your prayers from the troubles, / for you are the salvation of the genus of Christian.

Lord have mercy. (12)

Prayer first, St. Macaria's great, to God to God

Onsite the eternal and king of all created, who really likened me to live to this hour!
Forgive me sins that I performed on this day, the Word and Thickness, and Clean, Lord, humble my soul from every bad flesh and spirit. And give me, Lord, spend this night in a peaceful dream, so that, getting up from the humble my bed, I launched the Holy Name of your name in all the days of my life and defeated the enemies attackers - carnal and disembodied.
And get rid of me, Lord, from the thoughts of stupid, defilementing me, and the wishes of vicious. For your kingdom, and the power, and glory, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now, and always, and forever. Amen

Prayer Second, Holy Antioch, to the Lord to our Jesus Christ

Almighty, word report, Jesus Christ! Being perfect himself, your great mercy is never leaving me, your servant, but always in me. Jesus, a good shepherd of your sheep, do not betray me the rebellion of Zmia and the will of Satan leave me, because the seed of death is in me. But you, Lord God, from all the receiving worship, the king of St. Jesus Christ, will save me while sleeping with a non-smoking light, the spirit of your holy to whom you have consecrated your disciples. Give, Lord, and I, unworthy of your servant, salvation of yours on the bed My: Enlighten the mind of my light of the intelligence of the Holy Your gospel, your soul - love to your cross, the heart is the purity of your words, my body is your suffering of impassive, my thought is your humility. And erend me while safely consuming to glorify you. For you are glorified with your original father and with the Molden Spirit. Amen.

Prayer Third, to the Most Holy Spirit

Lord, the king of Heaven, comforter, the spirit of truth, soaring and merry me, the sinful slave of yours, and let me go unworthy, and forgive everything that I have sinned today before you like a person, but not only as a person, but also worse cattle: free sins and unwitting, famous and unknown; Those that from youth and from the skill of evil, and those that from flares and carelessness. If I knew your name or hurt him in my thinking; or who warted, or slandered by someone in the anger, or seal, or something irritated; Or lied, or did not sleep during the time, or the beggar came to me, and I despised him; or my brother was sealing, or entered into a quarrel; or someone condemned, or glanced, or he was ingenected, or angry; Or, when I stood on prayer, my mind became interested in the seduction of this world; Or had unclean thoughts; or smoldering, or got down, or unreasonably laughed; Or evil thought, or seeing someone else's beauty, I was visible in my heart; or obscene spoke; or the sin of my brother was laughed, while my sins are countless; or the prayer was negligent; Or, anything else, I do not remember, I do not remember, because I sat down all this! Merry me, my creator, Vladyka, a sad and unworthy servant of yours, and leave, and let me go, and forgive me, as a good and a humus, yes with the world, wept, and I want, the prodigal, sinful and unhappy, and worship, and I will And I will glorify the name of your father with my father and his son, now, and always, and forever. Amen.

Prayer Fourth, Saint Makaria Great

What do you bring or what you will be rewarded, rich in gifts the immortal king, gracious and human-loving Lord, for the fact that me who lies to serve you and did not mind anything good, brought to the end of the past day of this, to handle and save my soul to my guide? Having mercifully to me, sinful and deprived of all kind of good deeds, to rebuild my fallen soul, desecrated in immense sins, and delete all the evil thoughts of this visible life of this. Sorry, the only sinless, my sinners, with which I sinned before you, in this day consciously and by ignorant, in a word, and the case, and a thinking, and all of my feelings. You yourself will save me from any enemy to attack, covering the Divine Your power and inevitable personally and power. Clean, God, cleanse many sins of my. Blagovolovoli, Lord, save me from the Lucavo network, and save my passionate soul, and Ozari of your face with the light of yours, when you come in fame, and now give me a dream to sleep not in condemnation, and without dreaming and embarrassment of your thoughts of your work. And all the satanic deeds of me from me, and enlighten the reasonable eyes of my eyes, and I will not fall asleep mortal. And I went to the angel of the world, the keeper and the mentor of the soul and the body of mine, let me save me from my enemies; Yes, the waist with my bed, I will bring you thankful prayers. Oh, Lord, hear me, sinful and poor slave of yours, will and conscience! Give me, Rezind from sleep, Word to your teaching and through the angels of your desoch's unfortunate is far away from me! Yes, I will bless the name of your sacred and glorify, and I will give it to the Mary Mary Mary, which you gave us, sinning, in defense, and hear her, who pray for us; For I know that she imitates your humanity and does not stop praying. Her intercession, and honest cross the sign, and for all saints, my soul, my soul, Jesus Christ, our God, for you holy and glorified forever.

Prayer Fifties

Lord, our God, all that I sinned today in a word, business and a thinking, as a good and a humus, forgive me. Peaceful sleep and serenely giving me. The angel of your keeper went covering and retaining me from all evil. For you are the keeper of our shower and the bodies of ours, and you fame to you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now, and always, and forever. Amen.
Prayer Six

Lord, our God, in which we believe and whose name more than any name call! Give us, to sleep away, facilitating the soul and body, and save us from all dreams and dark solvents. Stop gusts of passions, fading the fire of bodily excitation. Let us live chastely in matters and words, to conduct a virtuous life, we did not lose our best promised, for you are blessed forever. Amen.

Prayer 7th, St. John of Zlatoust
(24 prayers, by the number of hours of the day and night)

1. Lord, do not lose me the heavenly benefits.
2. Lord, get rid of me from eternal torment.
3. Lord, if I mind or thought, in a word or deal, I sinned - forgive me.
4. Lord, get rid of me from any ignorance, and oblivion, and frivolry, and petrified insensitory.
5. Lord, get rid of me from all sophistication.
6. Lord, enlighten my heart, praised by an evil wish.
7. Lord, I like a man sinned, but you like God is merciful, hunt me, seeing my soul soul.
8. Lord, went grace your help me so that I glorify the name of your holy.
9. Lord, Jesus Christ, write me, the slave of yours, in the book of life and give me the end of the good.
10. Lord, my God, although I didn't do anything good before, but let me put a good start by your grace.
11. Lord, Okropy in the heart of my dew grace of your.
12. Lord Heaven and Earth, remember me, the sinful slave of your, bad and unclean, in your kingdom. Amen.

1. Lord, in repentance of me.
2. Lord, do not leave me.
3. Lord, do not enter me to attack.
4. Lord, give me good thoughts.
5. Lord, give me tears, and the memory of death, and crushing.
6. Lord, give me the idea of \u200b\u200bconfessing my sins.
7. Lord, give me humility, chastity and obedience.
8. Lord, give me patience, generosity and meekness.
9. Lord, in line with the root of the good - your fear in my heart.
10. Lord, it is easy for me to love you from all my heart and thinking and to fulfill your will.
11. Lord, protect me from some people, and demons, and passions, and from any other inappropriate affairs.
12. Lord, I know that you all create in your will - may the will of yours and I feel sinful, for you are blessed forever. Amen.

The prayer of the eighth, to the Lord, Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, for the sake of the prayers of the mother of your mother and the infertility of your angels, as well as the Prophet and the forerunner and the Baptist of your and the terrible apostles, bright and victorious martyrs, reverend and governments and all saints - to save me from the current constraint of Beshovsky. So, my God and the Creator, who's not wishing the death of a sinner, but that he addressed and was alive, give me an appeal, the pile and unworthy. Removing me from the mouth of the snake-destroyer, thirsting to absorb me and bring it alive into hell. Yes, my God, the consolation of my, for the sake of my unfortunately enjoyed in a twarm flesh, get rid of me from misery and consolation of my poor soul. The inspired of my heart to create your commandments, and leave evil deeds, and get your bliss. For I'm on you, Lord, I hope, save me.

Prayer ninth, to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Peter Studiorsky

To you, the Mother Mother's Mother, I, Unfortunate, fall and pray: You know, the queen, which is indifferent to my son and the sick of my son and God and God, and, although it repeatedly repent, there is a false before God. I repent, tremble, will not be amazing for the Lord, and soon I do the same again! I pray so that you, my master, Mrs. The Mother of God, knowing it, pardoned, strengthened and taught me good to create. For you know, Mother Mother of God, which I hate evil deeds my and everyone I love the law of my God all the thoughts; But I do not know, Mrs. Mrs., for some reason, I hate love, and I do not fulfill good. Do not allow, the will of mine is prechible, because it is evil, but yes the will of the son of your son and God God will be accomplished, and I will save me, and I will enjoy and give the grace of the Holy Spirit so that I will stop doing the bad thing, and in the rest of the time I would live on the commandments Your son, who is approved by all the glory, honor and power with the original father, and the Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now, and always, and forever. Amen.

Prayer Tenth, to the Most Holy Virgin

The good king of the Good Mother, the Major Mary Mary! The grace of your son and the god of our streams on my suffering soul, and your prayers will send me to good deeds, so that I live the rest of my lifetime without a vice and through you Paradise to find, Virgin Virgin, a single clean and blessed.

Prayer eleventh, to the Holy Angel Keeper

Angel of Christ, my keeper Saint and the patron soul and my body! Forgive me, everything I was sinned today, and from any cunning of the enemy who goes against me, to get rid of me, so that I could not warm my sin to my God. But pray for me, a sinful and unworthy slave to present me with decent goodness and mercy of the All-Russia Trinity and Mother of God of My Jesus Christ, and all saints. Amen.

Kondak of the Blessed Virgin Mary

You, the highest defending commander / for getting rid of the terrible misfortunes / Establish you the celebration of the Victory Thanks / We, the slaves are yours, the Virgin! / But you, as having power you have to be needed, / from all the dangers of us, / yes, we call you: / "Rejoice, the bride, marriage without knowing!

From Easter to the Ascension of Kondak, the Blessed Virgin Mary is read by Kondak Easter:
« Although you went to the coffin, the immortal, but destroyed the power of hell and risen as a winner, Christ, God, wrapped my frames: "Rejoice!" And your apostles are giving the world, you, giving fallen Resurrection. »
There is also a tradition during the two-month holidays to read the Kondak holiday.

Presno, the Mother of God of God, bring our prayer to your son and our God, and you will save our soul prayers.

I have all the hope of my / you lay, Mother of God, / Save me under the cover of yours.

Virodia Virgo, do not despose me a sinful, in need of your help and in your intercession, for my soul mates you, and nice me.

Prayer of St. Joannikova

Hope is my father, my refuge is my son, my cover - the Holy Spirit; The trinity is holy, thank you.

Ending prayer
It is worthily to be truly / glorify you, the Virgin, / ever blessed and the wonderful / and mother of our God. / Honor the highest cherubs / and incomparably sorny sieraphy, / nine
The word gave birth, / True the Mother of God - you are great.

From Easter to Ascension instead of this prayer, the chorus and IRMOS 9th songs of the Easter canon are read:
« Angel was led by the gracious: / "Pure Virgin, rejoice! / And again I will say: Rejoice! / Your son rose on the third day from the coffin, / and resurrected dead." / People celebrate! Glowing, glowing, the new Jerusalem, / for the glory of the Lord over to you climbed! / Likuy now and sneak, Zion! / You are rejoice, clean the Mother of God, / About the Resurrection of the birth of you. "
There is also a tradition for the two-month holidays to read the chorus and IRMOS 9 of the songs of the festive canon - wanders.

Glory to Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit, and now
and always, and forever. Amen.

Lord have mercy. (3)

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, on the prayers of the Mother of Your Mother and all
saints, hind us. Amen.

When you move to sleep, saying: :

Prayer of St. John Damaskin

Vladyka Personalubets, really I will be a coffin, or still unhappy my soul will call the light of the day? Here, the coffin is before me, so, death will have death. Your vessels, Lord, I'm afraid, and flour endless, I never cease to create evil. You, gentlemen and my God, always nicely, and the most preching mother, and all the heavenly forces, and the Holy Angel, my keeper. I know, Lord, that inadequate, I am humoring yours, but worthy of any condemnation and flour. But, Lord, I want, or I do not want to save me. After all, if the righteous is saving, there is nothing great in it, and if you have a clean, there is nothing wonderful, because they are worthy of your grace. But on me, sinful, show your wondrous mercy, in that show you are humanly yours, and your malice will not overcome your angry goodness and mercy, and how do you want, with me.


I enlighten my eyes, Christ God, / Yes, I do not fall asleep, / may not say my enemy: / I have strengthened against him.

Glory: Whether the soul of my soul, God, / for I go in the midst of many networks; / Get rid of me from them, good, / and save me as a humus person.

And now: The Pressenger of God Materia, and the Holy Angels Holy Angels, and I do not shit, heart and mouth / confessing it by the Virgin, / for she was truly gave birth to the God of embodied / and praying inener on our souls.

Znake yourself with a cross and speak a prayer honest cross:
(Prayer to the sacred cross)

Yes, God will rise and the enemies of him will be scattered, and it runs from his face hate him. How the smoke disappears, yes will disappear how the wax is melting before the face of the fire, so yes the demons will die before the face of those who love God, and those who have a godded sign and with the joy of saying: Having rejoice in the many and life-giving cross of the Lord, running demons by force on you the crucial gentlemen of our Jesus Christ , in hell of the devil and destroyed the strength of the devil, and who bestowed you, his sacred cross, for the harness of any enemy! About the many and life-giving cross of the Lord, help me with the sacred Mrs., the Devolution of the Mother of God and with all the holy matches. Amen.

Or briefly:
Fences me, Lord, the power of the sacred and life-giving cross and save me from any evil.


Weave, let go, forgive, God, the sins of our free and unwitting, committed by business and the word, consciously and by ignorance, at night and day, in mind and thoughts, - We all sorry, as a good and humus person.


Hate and offending us forgive us, Lord a good man. Making good do good. The brothers and their relatives of our petitions about what serves to salvation, and give life eternal life. Holy visit and give them healing. Those who are in the sea, to the point. Traveling concomitant.
Leaving Darui to serve and sinks us. We charged us, unworthy, pray for them to have mercy on the great of your mercy. Remember, Lord, before the deceased fathers and our brothers and the rest of them where your face is shining. Remark (remember), Lord, our brothers, who are in captivity, and get rid of them from every misfortune. Remark, Lord, bringing donations and creative good in the holy churches and fulfill their petitions about what serves to save, and give life eternal. Roman, Lord, and we, humble,
and sinful, and unworthy of your slaves, and enlighten our mind with the light of knowledge of you, and direct us on the path of your commandments of yours, according to the prayers of the Maria's preching ladbery and foreman and all your saints, for you are blessed forever. Amen.

Daily confession of sins

I confess you, the Lord God to my and the Creator, in the Holy Trinity one, glorified and worship, father, and son, and the Holy Spirit, all my sins that I made in all the days of my life, and in every hour, and now, and in the past days and nights, in a word, thinking, junction, drunkenness, a secret taste, fellowship, despondency, laziness, barring, disobedience, slander, condemnation, negligence, pride, greed, theft, false, criminal profit (profitable), korestolobiye, jealousy, envy, anger, maliciousness, hatred, sober (greed), and all my feelings: vision, hearing, smelling, taste, touch, and other my sins, as spiritual and bodily owned by me, my God, The root and neighbor was offended. Sorry about them, I am guilty before you, my God and I have a desire to repent. But only help me, Lord my God, humbly with tears I pray you: My past sorry forgiveness for the mercy of yours, and allow you as a good and a humus, from all those sins that I listed before you.


In your hands, Lord, Jesus Christ, my God, I pretend my spirit. You bless me, you hindle me and the eternal life give me. Amen.

In the name of the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Glory to you, God, glory to you.

The king of the Heavenly, comforter, the soul of truth, and everywhere and all of the executive, the treasure of good and life to the submitter, come and messed in us, and clean it from everyone is bad, and save, our souls.

Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Seeless, nice us. (Three times)

Most Holy Trinity, nice us; Lord, to clean our sins; Vladyko, forgive our lawlessness; Holy, visit and healed our gentlemen, the name of yours for the sake.

Lord have mercy. (Three times)

Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are confused and forever. Amen.

Our father, izh, at Heaven! Yes, your name will hurt, and your kingdom will take away, and will be your will, IKo in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago.


Mighty us, Lord, have mercy with us; Somebaging a response is not smaller, this prayer is the sin of sin, we bring the sin: to have mercy.

Glory: Lord, have mercy on us, on the boost, Do not proceed at us beer, Below the lawlessness of our lawlessness, but the proud and now Yako prudettake, and save us from our enemy; You bless our God, and we are people of yours, VSI is your hand, and call your name.

And now: the doors of the door of the door to us, blessed by the Mother of God, hoping on the hell, will not die, but yes, you will get rid of you from the troubles: You bless you are the salvation of the genus Christianskago.

Lord have mercy. (12 times)

Prayer 1st, Saint Makaria Great, to God Father

Goodness the eternal and king in any companion of creating, forgiven me even at the time of this time, forgiveness, forgiveness, you are shitting this day, a word, a word and thinking, and clean, Lord, humble my soul from all sneakers of the flesh and spirit. And Lady Mr., Lord, in Narchi, have this dream in the world, yes, with the Smrennago Lodge, the warking of the Holy Name of Your name, all the days of my belly, and I apart the bunning enemies of the enemies and fearless. And save me, Lord, from Thiege Thiege, Determining Me, and Flying Luxury. Yako is your kingdom, and the strength and glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are also confused and forever. Amen.

Prayer 2nd, Holy Antioch, to the Lord to our Jesus Christ

Almighty, the word report, perfectly, Jesus Christ, M Mozhago for the mercy of the mercy to the mercy of your age, the servant of yours, but always so much in me. Jesus, a kind shepherd of your sheep, will not betray me Kramole Zemiin, and the desire of Satanina will not leave me, I have a seed in me in me. You are a worm, Lord God who is crumbling, the king of Holy, Jesus Christ, Sleepy, Save the Nemeless Light, the Spirit of your saints, I am so consecrated by your students. Lady, Lord, and I, unworthy slave, save your salvation on my lodge: Enlighten your mind of my mind of the saint gospel of your gospel, my soul's love of your cross, the heart of your word, my body, my own passion, the mind, my thoughts, and erect My sorry is like yours. IKO is declared with the original one and the Most Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer 3- I am to the Most Holy Spirit

Lord, the king of the Heaven, the comforter, the soul of the truth, soaring and hunting the sinner of your slave, and let go of the unworthy, and forgive the whole, Elika, the sinners of Yako, the person, and not the same man, but also eager for livestock, free my sins and Unwanted, ledging and unknown: Like younning and evil science, and the essence of the incidence and despondency.

Those who are named your swirls, or pour my throat; or whom Wocherch; or silence of whom anger mine, or sweeping, or what did they do; or lilts, or imaginary spa, or a prison of me, and his condoms; or my brother of my seals, or wadi, or someone condemned; or divorced, or inherited, or accepted; Or standing on prayer, my mind is about the sore of the world of this movement, or corruption of thoughts; or somehow, or asked, or crazy; or shuffle thoughts, or kindness alien to Vidovev, and thieved by heart; or the surrender of verbs, or sin of brother of my instantly, my essence is a critical sinner; Or a prayer is not the Radia, or it is so that Soda is soda, I do not remember that Bo All and Bolshaya Soda.

Miscellaneous me, the work of yours, Ullago and the unworthy of your slave, and leave Mi, and let go, and I'm sorry, I am a good and a humans, yes with the world, wept and so much, the flared, sinful and the opeyny Az, and worship, and I! And I will glorify your progressive name, with his father, and the only begotten of his son, now and dream and forever. Amen.

Prayer 4th, Saint Makaria Great

What will bring, or that we will take away, the great-free king, generous and humans, the Lord, who is sick of me on your fellowship, and nothing blessings, led to the end of Mimoshsago, the appeal and the salvation of the soul of my system? The gracious mi will be sinful and naked all the affairs of the good, to lay the fallen my soul, flavoring in immense sins, and from me the whole thoughts of the crazy visa of life.

Forgive my sinnership, one is sinless, you are very sinful to the day, leading and ignorance, in a word, and a matter, and a thinking, and all of my feelings. You yourself, covering, maintaining me from all the resistance, the circumstances are divorious, and inevitable humans and strength. Clean, God, cleanse many sins of my. Blagovoli, Lord, save me from the Lukavago network, and save a passionate my soul, and the autumn of your face of your face ,, EEN PRIVES IN GLANT, AND FAVORY WEATING SMENSIVE SOBROR, AND WITHOUT DREAMING, AND NEEDS MUST Annion from mea, and enlighten the intelligent eyes of the heart, and it is not safe to death. And he was lit by the Angel of Mirna, the keeper and the mentor of the soul and the body of my body, but will save me from my enemy; Yes, I ware with Odra of mine, I will bring a thank you thanks.

She, Lord, hear the sinsmanago and the beggag of your slave, the grace and consistency; Darui in the word of the word, you will read, and the desoch's disintegienable distance from me, the life of the life of your angels; Yes, I will bless your sacred, and I will glorify, and I will give it a preching Mary Mary Mary, the southeries gave us a sinning intercession, and I will take this one; We are very much to imitate your philanthropy, and praying does not break. Thi interpreted, and honestly cross the sign, and all the saints of yours for the sake of my soul, my soul observance, Jesus Christ, God, Jaco holy, and is declared. Amen.

Prayer 5th

Lord God God, hedgehogped in the days of the Sea, the word, business and the thinking, is forgiven forgiveness. Miren Sleep and Demonstrate Darui Mi. The angel of your keeper Ambassador, covers and observing me from all slander, Yako, you are the keeper of souls and a body of our own, and you get the fame of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer 6th

My God God, in no one likely, I call you the name in a challenge in some sovereign, give us to sleep, the Oslab of the Soul and the body, and observe us from all slands, and dark sloant except; We are settling the desire of passions, the fuss of the loss of chopping telenago. Give us shawlishly excuses and dives; Yes, a virtuous residence perception, promised not to disappear by good yours, IKO blessed. Amen.

Prayer 7th, St. John of Zlatoust

(24 prayers, by the number of hours of the day and night)

Lord, do not lose my heavenly benefits.

Lord, save me eternal flour.

Lord, if or a thinking, the word or the case of the sorry, forgive me.

Lord, relieve me all sland of ignorance and oblivion, and a malignancy, and petsenger naughty.

Lord, relieve me from all south of temptation.

Lord, enlighten my heart, Lucky lustry.

Lord, Az Yako, the man of sinners, you are Yako God generous, nice me, seeing the disrepair of the soul of Moyya.

Lord, Ambassadors grace your help me, yes I will glorify your holy name.

Lord Jesus Christ, write your servant of yours in the book of the animal and give the end of the Bluggy.

Lord, my God, Ash and nothing good coordinates before you, but gazing in your grace of yours to put the principle.

Lord, Sokropy in the heart of my dew grace is yours.

Lord Heaven and the Earth, acknowledged by the sinners of your slave, Studago and Uncleano, in your kingdom. Amen.

Lord, in repentance by accepting me.

Lord, do not leave me.

Lord, do not enter me in attack.

Lord, giving a good idea.

Lord, Lady, Tears and Memory Mortal, and Uming.

Lord, Lady Mi thoughts for the confessions of my sins.

Lord, Lady, humility, chastity and obedience.

Lord, Lady patience, generosity and meekness.

Lord, you all in the root of good, your fear in my heart.

Lord, it is easy to love the Maja and Muya's soul and thinking and creature in all your will.

Lord, the face of some of some, and demons, and passions, and from everyone inna, there are no things.

Lord, Weighs, Yako Creaters, are you willing, you will be the will of yours and in me the sinner, Yako blessed Esi forever. Amen.

Prayer 8th, to the Lord to our Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, for the sacrificial mother of the Mother, and the devoted Angel, the Prophet and the Forerunner and the Baptist of your, the Godogogolars of the Apostle, Light and Dokropinous Martyr, Reverend and the Godhead Father, and all the Holy Prayers, relieve the circumstances of Bescago. To her, Lord My and Cottage, not at least the death of the sinner, but I rose and I live to visit him, and I appeal to the appeal and unworthy; Among the mouth of the Chubnago Zmia, Zrayyukovo, and I will bring alive in hell. To her, my God, the consolation of my, and me, for the sake of Okayannago in a melted flesh, the felling, decedural from the eye, and consolation of the soul of my appearance. Naughty in my heart Create your commandments, and leave the deceitful acts, and get your blesses: on you Bo, Lord, Version, save me.

Prayer 9th, to the Blessed Virgin, Peter Studiorsky

To you the Mother of God's Mother's Mother Okayayyyyy, I pose: Weighs, Queen, Yako Sleepy sin and nape of your son and my God, and Kyutsya Kyusya, I've getting up my god, and Kyusya trembled: really the Lord will hit me, and on the hour of Paki ; Leading of this, Mother Madames Motherodok, I pray, dame, yes, it's strengthening, and the benefit of creating yes. Weighing Bo, Mother Mother Mother of God, Yako, from the imam in hatred of evil, and all the thoughts love the law of my God; But not veam, Ms. Ms. Mr., Schuada I don't hate, that I love, and the blessing to press. Do not thorough, the prechile, the will of my will commit, not pleased, but will be the will of your son and my God: yes, I will save, and I will send, and will give the grace of the Holy Spirit, and the oss oscillations of the Saltal of Square, and others lived in the command Your son, Jezhe applies any glory, honor and power, with his original father, and the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving His Spirit, now and are confused, and forever. Amen.

Prayer 10th, to the Most Holy Virgin

Bleago Tsar Belshai Mati, the Mother of the Mother of God, the mercy of your son and the god of our sickness to passionate my soul and your prayers to hurt me on the Acts of Honor, yes, the time of the belly of mine without a vice, I'll give you a clear, the Virgin of Devo, one is clean And blessed.

Prayer 11, to the Holy Angel Keeper

Angela of Christ, the keeper my holy and the patron soul and my body, all sorry, I sorry, sorry in the last day, and from all slander the opposite of the enemy to get rid of me, and I do not fuck my God in Coch; But moths are for me sinning and unworthyNago Slave, Iko yes deserves me showing the goodness and grace of all the Trinity and Mother of the Lord of My Jesus Christ and all the saints. Amen.

Kondak Virgin Mary.

The winner of the victim, the victorious, who was delivered from the evil, thank you by the absorption of our robies, the Virgin, but I can have an invincible power, from all our troubles freedom, but call; Rejoice, bridesly nonsense.

Preslavnodelo, Mati of Christ of God, bring our prayer to your son and our God, and will save our soul to you.

All hope for my hope, Mother of God, Save me under your telescope.

The Virgin Delo, do not disappear, Greshnago, demanding your help and your intercession, my soul's soul, and a lot of me.

Prayer of St. Joannikova

Hope My Father, refuge my son, the cover of my spirit Holy: Saint Trinity, thank you.

It is worthy to eat Yako Valitinna Bunitia, the Virgin, the courtesy and the presets and the mother of our God. Honestly cherub and a nornyless seraphim, without comparing Seraphim, without the evolution of God, the words rising, sowing the Virgin Major.

Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are confused and forever. Amen.

Lord have mercy. (Three times)

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayers for the sake of the Mother of Treating Mother, Rev. and God's Father and all saints, have mercy. Amen.

Prayer of St. John Damaskin

Vladyko manually, does this coffin really be, or still ancient my soul of enlightenment? Si Mi Coffin will be pretearing, death will have. Your vessels, Lord, I am fighting and flourlessly, I don't press anything angry, I always warm my god, and your Mother's preching mother, and all the heavenly strength, and the Holy Guardian of My Keeper. Wem UBO, Lord, Yako, unworthy of the humanity of yours, but the presenter of any slander and flour. But, Lord, or worst, or not a worst, save me. More than bo righteous spaschers, devoted to nothing; And chistago chestaging, nothing drank: worthy of the essence of mercy. But for me, I'm sinful, your mercy is yours: Your people are human-minded, so you will not overcome my malice of your fatal adolescence and mercy: and I have a stagger, a thing for me.

They enlighten the eyes of my, Christ, God, not when I am in death, but not when my enemy count: strengthened on him.

Glory: The soul of the soul of Muya Boudes, God, IKo, through the rack of networks of many; Get rid of them from them and save me, closs, I can have a philanthropic.

And now: the Solewly Mother of God, and the Holy Angel Holy Angel, Unfortunately with the Heart and Usts, the Virgin of the Mother of God, who is trying to be the god rising to us embodied, and praying incessantly about our souls.

Znake yourself with a cross and speak a prayer honest cross:

God will resurrect, and the gazes are harmful, and yes, they fight his hate him. Yako disappears smoke, yes will disappear; Yako melts the wax on the face of the fire, so the demaths will die from the face of those who love God and marked with the godmond, and in the fun of the verbal: rejoice, the precessive and life-giving cross of the Lord, run the demons to the power of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, to hell to hes Dilution, and diving to us the cross your honest to the defendance of a suggestion. Oh, the precessive and life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help with the sacred mistress, the girl of Virgin and with all the saints. Amen.

Or briefly:

Fence me, Lord, the power of honestly and life-giving your cross, and save me from all slander.


Oslabi, leave, sorry, God, our forelegations, free and unwitting, Like in the Word and in the case, Laja, and not running, Like in the days and in N., Like in the mind and in the Thickness: We are sorry for And a humus person.


Hate and offend us forgive us, Lord a good man. Charling flaps. Scraps and the conjunction of our giving Luza to salvation of petitions and the eternal life. In the unpleasant land of visit and healing Darui. I use it in Mori. Traveling confusing. Leaving Darui to serve and sinks us. Delivered to us unworthy pray for them to survive the greatness of your mercy. The obstacles, Lord, before the deceased father and the brothering of our and regain them, the appearance of your face. Roman, Lord, the brotherhood of our captives and save me from all the circumstances. Roman, Lord, Fruit-seeming and vasting in the saints of your churches, and giving them like an eternal life and life. Remember, Lord, and us, humble and sinful and unworthy servants, and enlighten our mind with the light of your mind, and to imagine us on the passage of your commandments, the prayers of the Mother of Mother Our Virgin and Naznodeli Mary and all your saints: Yako blessed Esi forever . Amen.

Confession of sins everyday

I confess to the Lord to God to God and the Creator, in the Holy Trinity of the Unified, Slavima and Caught, Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, all my sins, I like soda all the days of my belly, and at all in the hour, and now, and in grazing days and nosta, business, word, thoughts, inquiry, pyuanism, secretion, fellowship, despondency, lanomy, precastness, disobedience, slandering, condemnation, negligence, vague, squeezing, theft, incredigible, scrubbing, foolishness, moss, jealousness, envy, anger, monozyme , hate, lair and all of my feelings: vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch and other sins, spiritual couple and bodily, imži to you god of my and the creator of the progees, and my nephelmale of the Onephanovdovakh: ... Sorry, the wine is myself to my God I imagine, and I have the will of Kayatsya: Toys, Lord God, Pomping, with tears, humbly praying the things: the pretended sins of my mercy for forgiveness, and allow from all this, yaz Before you, IKO GOOD AND PERSON-PERSON.

When you move to sleep, saying:

In the hand of yours, Lord Jesus Christ, my God, I am pretending my spirit: You are bless you, you are murmuring and the abdomen of the Eternal Darui. Amen.

Evening Orthodox prayers for sleep coming. Prayers evening, before going to sleep every day. In the evening prayer, a person thanks the Lord for a good day, Krotko asks for a blessing to the coming dream, he applies to repentance of the desired or random sins of them throughout the day.

In the name of the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Glory to you, God, glory to you.
The king of the Heavenly, comforter, the soul of truth, and everywhere and all of the executive, the treasure of good and life to the submitter, come and messed in us, and clean it from everyone is bad, and save, our souls.
Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Seeless, nice us. (Three times)
Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are confused and forever. Amen.
Most Holy Trinity, nice us; Lord, to clean our sins; Vladyko, forgive our lawlessness; Holy, visit and healed our gentlemen, the name of yours for the sake.
Lord have mercy. (Three times) Glory, and now: (read completely "Glory Father and Son and the Holy Spirit", "and now and are constantly and forever.")

Our father, izh, at Heaven! Yes, your name will hurt, and your kingdom will take away, and will be your will, IKo in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago.


Mighty us, Lord, have mercy with us; Somebaging a response is not smaller, this prayer is the sin of sin, we bring the sin: to have mercy.
Glory: Lord, have mercy on us, on the boost, Do not proceed at us beer, Below the lawlessness of our lawlessness, but the proud and now Yako prudettake, and save us from our enemy; You bless our God, and we are people of yours, VSI is your hand, and call your name.
And now: the doors of the door of the door to us, blessed by the Mother of God, hoping on the hell, will not die, but yes, you will get rid of you from the troubles: You bless you are the salvation of the genus Christianskago.
Lord have mercy. (12 times)

Prayer 1st, Saint Makaria Great, to God Father

Goodness the eternal and king in any companion of creating, forgiven me even at the time of this time, forgiveness, forgiveness, you are shitting this day, a word, a word and thinking, and clean, Lord, humble my soul from all sneakers of the flesh and spirit. And Lady Mr., Lord, in Narchi, have this dream in the world, yes, with the Smrennago Lodge, the warking of the Holy Name of Your name, all the days of my belly, and I apart the bunning enemies of the enemies and fearless. And save me, Lord, from Thiege Thiege, Determining Me, and Flying Luxury. Yako is your kingdom, and the strength and glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are also confused and forever. Amen.

Prayer 2nd, Holy Antioch, to the Lord to our Jesus Christ

Almighty, the word report, perfectly, Jesus Christ, M Mozhago for the mercy of the mercy to the mercy of your age, the servant of yours, but always so much in me. Jesus, a kind shepherd of your sheep, will not betray me Kramole Zemiin, and the desire of Satanina will not leave me, I have a seed in me in me. You are a worm, Lord God who is crumbling, the king of Holy, Jesus Christ, Sleepy, Save the Nemeless Light, the Spirit of your saints, I am so consecrated by your students. Lady, Lord, and I, unworthy slave, save your salvation on my lodge: Enlighten your mind of my mind of the saint gospel of your gospel, my soul's love of your cross, the heart of your word, my body, my own passion, the mind, my thoughts, and erect My sorry is like yours. IKO is declared with the original one and the Most Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer 3- I am to the Most Holy Spirit

Lord, the king of the Heaven, the comforter, the soul of the truth, soaring and hunting the sinner of your slave, and let go of the unworthy, and forgive the whole, Elika, the sinners of Yako, the person, and not the same man, but also eager for livestock, free my sins and Unwanted, ledging and unknown: Like younning and evil science, and the essence of the incidence and despondency. Those who are named your swirls, or pour my throat; or whom Wocherch; or silence of whom anger mine, or sweeping, or what did they do; or lilts, or imaginary spa, or a prison of me, and his condoms; or my brother of my seals, or wadi, or someone condemned; or divorced, or inherited, or accepted; Or standing on prayer, my mind is about the sore of the world of this movement, or corruption of thoughts; or somehow, or asked, or crazy; or shuffle thoughts, or kindness alien to Vidovev, and thieved by heart; or the surrender of verbs, or sin of brother of my instantly, my essence is a critical sinner; Or a prayer is not the Radia, or it is so that Soda is soda, I do not remember that Bo All and Bolshaya Soda. Miscellaneous me, the work of yours, Ullago and the unworthy of your slave, and leave Mi, and let go, and I'm sorry, I am a good and a humans, yes with the world, wept and so much, the flared, sinful and the opeyny Az, and worship, and I! And I will glorify your progressive name, with his father, and the only begotten of his son, now and dream and forever. Amen.

Prayer 4th, Saint Makaria Great

What will bring, or that we will take away, the great-free king, generous and humans, the Lord, who is sick of me on your fellowship, and nothing blessings, led to the end of Mimoshsago, the appeal and the salvation of the soul of my system? The gracious mi will be sinful and naked all the affairs of the good, to lay the fallen my soul, flavoring in immense sins, and from me the whole thoughts of the crazy visa of life. Forgive my sinnership, one is sinless, you are very sinful to the day, leading and ignorance, in a word, and a matter, and a thinking, and all of my feelings. You yourself, covering, maintaining me from all the resistance, the circumstances are divorious, and inevitable humans and strength. Clean, God, cleanse many sins of my. Blagovoli, Lord, save me from the Lukavago network, and save a passionate my soul, and the autumn of your face of your face ,, EEN PRIVES IN GLANT, AND FAVORY WEATING SMENSIVE SOBROR, AND WITHOUT DREAMING, AND NEEDS MUST Annion from mea, and enlighten the intelligent eyes of the heart, and it is not safe to death. And he was lit by the Angel of Mirna, the keeper and the mentor of the soul and the body of my body, but will save me from my enemy; Yes, I ware with Odra of mine, I will bring a thank you thanks. She, Lord, hear the sinsmanago and the beggag of your slave, the grace and consistency; Darui in the word of the word, you will read, and the desoch's disintegienable distance from me, the life of the life of your angels; Yes, I will bless your sacred, and I will glorify, and I will give it a preching Mary Mary Mary, the southeries gave us a sinning intercession, and I will take this one; We are very much to imitate your philanthropy, and praying does not break. Thi interpreted, and honestly cross the sign, and all the saints of yours for the sake of my soul, my soul observance, Jesus Christ, God, Jaco holy, and is declared. Amen.

Prayer 5th

Lord God God, hedgehogped in the days of the Sea, the word, business and the thinking, is forgiven forgiveness. Miren Sleep and Demonstrate Darui Mi. The angel of your keeper Ambassador, covers and observing me from all slander, Yako, you are the keeper of souls and a body of our own, and you get the fame of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer 6th

My God God, in no one likely, I call you the name in a challenge in some sovereign, give us to sleep, the Oslab of the Soul and the body, and observe us from all slands, and dark sloant except; We are settling the desire of passions, the fuss of the loss of chopping telenago. Give us shawlishly excuses and dives; Yes, a virtuous residence perception, promised not to disappear by good yours, IKO blessed. Amen.

Prayer 7th, St. John of Zlatoust
(24 prayers, by the number of hours of the day and night)

Lord, do not lose my heavenly benefits.
Lord, save me eternal flour.
Lord, if or a thinking, the word or the case of the sorry, forgive me.
Lord, relieve me all sland of ignorance and oblivion, and a malignancy, and petsenger naughty.
Lord, relieve me from all south of temptation.
Lord, enlighten my heart, Lucky lustry.
Lord, Az Yako, the man of sinners, you are Yako God generous, nice me, seeing the disrepair of the soul of Moyya.
Lord, Ambassadors grace your help me, yes I will glorify your holy name.
Lord Jesus Christ, write your servant of yours in the book of the animal and give the end of the Bluggy.
Lord, my God, Ash and nothing good coordinates before you, but gazing in your grace of yours to put the principle.
Lord, Sokropy in the heart of my dew grace is yours.
Lord Heaven and the Earth, acknowledged by the sinners of your slave, Studago and Uncleano, in your kingdom. Amen.
Lord, in repentance by accepting me.
Lord, do not leave me.
Lord, do not enter me in attack.
Lord, giving a good idea.
Lord, Lady, Tears and Memory Mortal, and Uming.
Lord, Lady Mi thoughts for the confessions of my sins.
Lord, Lady, humility, chastity and obedience.
Lord, Lady patience, generosity and meekness.
Lord, you all in the root of good, your fear in my heart.
Lord, it is easy to love the Maja and Muya's soul and thinking and creature in all your will.
Lord, the face of some of some, and demons, and passions, and from everyone inna, there are no things.
Lord, Weighs, Yako Creative, Jacques you will have trouble, will be the will of yours and in me the sinner, Yako blessed Esi forever. Amen.

Prayer 8th, to Lord to our Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, for the sacrificial mother of the Mother, and the devoted Angel, the Prophet and the Forerunner and the Baptist of your, the Godogogolars of the Apostle, Light and Dokropinous Martyr, Reverend and the Godhead Father, and all the Holy Prayers, relieve the circumstances of Bescago. To her, Lord My and Cottage, not at least the death of the sinner, but I rose and I live to visit him, and I appeal to the appeal and unworthy; Among the mouth of the Chubnago Zmia, Zrayyukovo, and I will bring alive in hell. To her, my God, the consolation of my, and me, for the sake of Okayannago in a melted flesh, the felling, decedural from the eye, and consolation of the soul of my appearance. Naughty in my heart Create your commandments, and leave the deceitful acts, and get your blesses: on you Bo, Lord, Version, save me.

Prayer 9th, to the Blessed Virgin, Peter Studiorsky

To you the Mother of God's Mother's Mother Okayayyyyy, I pose: Weighs, Queen, Yako Sleepy sin and nape of your son and my God, and Kyutsya Kyusya, I've getting up my god, and Kyusya trembled: really the Lord will hit me, and on the hour of Paki ; Leading of this, Mother Madames Motherodok, I pray, dame, yes, it's strengthening, and the benefit of creating yes. Weighing Bo, Mother Mother Mother of God, Yako, from the imam in hatred of evil, and all the thoughts love the law of my God; But not veam, Ms. Ms. Mr., Schuada I don't hate, that I love, and the blessing to press. Do not thorough, the prechile, the will of my will commit, not pleased, but will be the will of your son and my God: yes, I will save, and I will send, and will give the grace of the Holy Spirit, and the oss oscillations of the Saltal of Square, and others lived in the command Your son, Jezhe applies any glory, honor and power, with his original father, and the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving His Spirit, now and are confused, and forever. Amen.

Prayer 10th, to the Most Holy Virgin

The Bleago Tsar of the Blesha Mati, the Mary Mary Mary, the mercy of your son and our god sneezing to passionate my soul and your prayers will put me on the Acts of Honor, yes, the time of the belly of my belly without a vice, I will pay and you Paradise, the Virgin Maid Blessed.

Prayer 11, to the Holy Angel Keeper

Angela of Christ, the keeper my holy and the patron soul and my body, all sorry, I sorry, sorry in the last day, and from all slander the opposite of the enemy to get rid of me, and I do not fuck my God in Coch; But moths are for me sinning and unworthyNago Slave, Iko yes deserves me showing the goodness and grace of all the Trinity and Mother of the Lord of My Jesus Christ and all the saints. Amen.

Kondak Virgin Mary.

The winner of the victim, the victorious, who was delivered from the evil, thank you by the absorption of our robies, the Virgin, but I can have an invincible power, from all our troubles freedom, but call; Rejoice, bridesly nonsense.
Preslavnodelo, Mati of Christ of God, bring our prayer to your son and our God, and will save our soul to you.
All hope for my hope, Mother of God, Save me under your telescope.
The Virgin Delo, do not disappear, Greshnago, demanding your help and your intercession, my soul's soul, and a lot of me.

Prayer of St. Joannikova

Hope My Father, refuge my son, the cover of my spirit Holy: Saint Trinity, thank you.
It is worthy to eat Yako Valitinna Bunitia, the Virgin, the courtesy and the presets and the mother of our God. Honestly cherub and a nornyless seraphim, without comparing Seraphim, without the evolution of God, the words rising, sowing the Virgin Major.
Glory, and now: Lord, humbly. (Three times)
Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayers for the sake of the Mother of Treating Mother, Rev. and God's Father and all saints, have mercy. Amen.

Prayer of St. John Damaskin

Vladyko manually, does this coffin really be, or still ancient my soul of enlightenment? Si Mi Coffin will be pretearing, death will have. Your vessels, Lord, I am fighting and flourlessly, I don't press anything angry, I always warm my god, and your Mother's preching mother, and all the heavenly strength, and the Holy Guardian of My Keeper. Wem UBO, Lord, Yako, unworthy of the humanity of yours, but the presenter of any slander and flour. But, Lord, or worst, or not a worst, save me. More than bo righteous spaschers, devoted to nothing; And chistago chestaging, nothing drank: worthy of the essence of mercy. But for me, I'm sinful, your mercy is yours: Your people are human-minded, so you will not overcome my malice of your fatal adolescence and mercy: and I have a stagger, a thing for me.
They enlighten the eyes of my, Christ, God, not when I am in death, but not when my enemy count: strengthened on him.
Glory: The soul of the soul of Muya Boudes, God, IKo, through the rack of networks of many; Get rid of them from them and save me, closs, I can have a philanthropic.
And now: the Solewly Mother of God, and the Holy Angel Holy Angel, Unfortunately with the Heart and Usts, the Virgin of the Mother of God, who is trying to be the god rising to us embodied, and praying incessantly about our souls.

Znake yourself with a cross and speak a prayer honest cross:

God will resurrect, and the gazes are harmful, and yes, they fight his hate him. Yako disappears smoke, yes will disappear; Yako melts the wax on the face of the fire, so the demaths will die from the face of those who love God and marked with the godmond, and in the fun of the verbal: rejoice, the precessive and life-giving cross of the Lord, run the demons to the power of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, to hell to hes Dilution, and diving to us the cross your honest to the defendance of a suggestion. Oh, the precessive and life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help with the sacred mistress, the girl of Virgin and with all the saints. Amen.

Or briefly: Fence me, Lord, the power of honestly and life-giving your cross, and save me from all slander.


Oslabi, leave, sorry, God, our forelegations, free and unwitting, Like in the Word and in the case, Laja, and not running, Like in the days and in N., Like in the mind and in the Thickness: We are sorry for And a humus person.


Hate and offend us forgive us, Lord a good man. Charling flaps. Scraps and the conjunction of our giving Luza to salvation of petitions and the eternal life. In the unpleasant land of visit and healing Darui. I use it in Mori. Traveling confusing. Leaving Darui to serve and sinks us. Delivered to us unworthy pray for them to survive the greatness of your mercy. The obstacles, Lord, before the deceased father and the brothering of our and regain them, the appearance of your face. Roman, Lord, the brotherhood of our captives and save me from all the circumstances. Roman, Lord, Fruit-seeming and vasting in the saints of your churches, and giving them like an eternal life and life. Remember, Lord, and us, humble and sinful and unworthy servants, and enlighten our mind with the light of your mind, and to imagine us on the passage of your commandments, the prayers of the Mother of Mother Our Virgin and Naznodeli Mary and all your saints: Yako blessed Esi forever . Amen.

Confession of sins everyday

I confess to the Lord to God to God and the Creator, in the Holy Trinity of the Unified, Slavima and Caught, Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, all my sins, I like soda all the days of my belly, and at all in the hour, and now, and in grazing days and nosta, business, word, thoughts, inquiry, pyuanism, secretion, fellowship, despondency, lanomy, precastness, disobedience, slandering, condemnation, negligence, vague, squeezing, theft, incredigible, scrubbing, foolishness, moss, jealousness, envy, anger, monozyme , hate, lair and all of my feelings: vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch and other sins, spiritual couple and bodily, imži to you god of my and the creator of the progees, and my nephelmale of the Onephanovdovakh: ... Sorry, the wine is myself to my God I imagine, and I have the will of Kayatsya: Toys, Lord God, Pomping, with tears, humbly praying the things: the pretended sins of my mercy for forgiveness, and allow from all this, yaz Before you, IKO GOOD AND PERSON-PERSON.

When you move to sleep, saying:

In the hand of yours, Lord Jesus Christ, my God, I am pretending my spirit: You are bless you, you are murmuring and the abdomen of the Eternal Darui. Amen.

In the name of the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayers for the sake of the Mother of Treating Mother, Rev. and God's Father and all saints, have mercy. Amen. Glory to you, God, glory to you. The king of the Heavenly, comforter, the soul of truth, and everywhere and all of the executive, the treasure of good and life to the submitter, come and messed in us, and clean it from everyone is bad, and save, our souls. Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Seeless, nice us. (Three times) the Most Holy Trinity, nice us; Lord, to clean our sins; Vladyko, forgive our lawlessness; Holy, visit and healed our gentlemen, the name of yours for the sake.

Lord have mercy. (Three times)

Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are confused and forever. Amen.

Our father, izh, at Heaven! Yes, your name will hurt, and your kingdom will take away, and will be your will, IKo in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago.


Mighty us, Lord, have mercy with us; Somebaging a response is not smaller, this prayer is the sin of sin, we bring the sin: to have mercy.

Glory: Lord, have mercy on us, on the boost, Do not proceed at us beer, Below the lawlessness of our lawlessness, but the proud and now Yako prudettake, and save us from our enemy; You bless our God, and we are people of yours, VSI is your hand, and call your name.

And now: The doors of the doors of the hole for us, blessed by the Virgin, hoping on the hell, will not die, but yes you will get rid of you from the troubles: you bless the saving of Christianskago.

Lord have mercy. (12 times)

Prayer 1st, Saint Makaria Great, to God Father

Goodness the eternal and king in any companion of creating, forgiven me even at the time of this time, forgiveness, forgiveness, you are shitting this day, a word, a word and thinking, and clean, Lord, humble my soul from all sneakers of the flesh and spirit. And Lady Mr., Lord, in Narchi, have this dream in the world, yes, with the Smrennago Lodge, the warking of the Holy Name of Your name, all the days of my belly, and I apart the bunning enemies of the enemies and fearless. And save me, Lord, from Thiege Thiege, Determining Me, and Flying Luxury. Yako is your kingdom, and the strength and glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are also confused and forever. Amen.

Prayer 2nd, Holy Antioch, to the Lord to our Jesus Christ

Almighty, the word report, perfectly, Jesus Christ, M Mozhago for the mercy of the mercy to the mercy of your age, the servant of yours, but always so much in me. Jesus, a kind shepherd of your sheep, will not betray me Kramole Zemiin, and the desire of Satanina will not leave me, I have a seed in me in me. You are a worm, Lord God who is crumbling, the king of Holy, Jesus Christ, Sleepy, Save the Nemeless Light, the Spirit of your saints, I am so consecrated by your students. Lady, Lord, and I, unworthy slave, save your salvation on my lodge: Enlighten your mind of my mind of the saint gospel of your gospel, my soul's love of your cross, the heart of your word, my body, my own passion, the mind, my thoughts, and erect My sorry is like yours. IKO is declared with the original one and the Most Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer 3- I am to the Most Holy Spirit

Lord, the king of the Heaven, the comforter, the soul of the truth, soaring and hunting the sinner of your slave, and let go of the unworthy, and forgive the whole, Elika, the sinners of Yako, the person, and not the same man, but also eager for livestock, free my sins and Unwanted, ledging and unknown: Like younning and evil science, and the essence of the incidence and despondency. Those who are named your swirls, or pour my throat; or whom Wocherch; or silence of whom anger mine, or sweeping, or what did they do; or lilts, or imaginary spa, or a prison of me, and his condoms; or my brother of my seals, or wadi, or someone condemned; or divorced, or inherited, or accepted; Or standing on prayer, my mind is about the sore of the world of this movement, or corruption of thoughts; or somehow, or asked, or crazy; or shuffle thoughts, or kindness alien to Vidovev, and thieved by heart; or the surrender of verbs, or sin of brother of my instantly, my essence is a critical sinner; Or a prayer is not the Radia, or it is so that Soda is soda, I do not remember that Bo All and Bolshaya Soda. Miscellaneous me, the work of yours, Ullago and the unworthy of your slave, and leave Mi, and let go, and I'm sorry, I am a good and a humans, yes with the world, wept and so much, the flared, sinful and the opeyny Az, and worship, and I! And I will glorify your progressive name, with his father, and the only begotten of his son, now and dream and forever. Amen.

Prayer 4th, Saint Makaria Great

What will bring, or that we will take away, the great-free king, generous and humans, the Lord, who is sick of me on your fellowship, and nothing blessings, led to the end of Mimoshsago, the appeal and the salvation of the soul of my system? The gracious mi will be sinful and naked all the affairs of the good, to lay the fallen my soul, flavoring in immense sins, and from me the whole thoughts of the crazy visa of life. Forgive my sinnership, one is sinless, you are very sinful to the day, leading and ignorance, in a word, and a matter, and a thinking, and all of my feelings. You yourself, covering, maintaining me from all the resistance, the circumstances are divorious, and inevitable humans and strength. Clean, God, cleanse many sins of my. Blagovoli, Lord, save me from the Lukavago network, and save a passionate my soul, and the autumn of your face of your face ,, EEN PRIVES IN GLANT, AND FAVORY WEATING SMENSIVE SOBROR, AND WITHOUT DREAMING, AND NEEDS MUST Annion from mea, and enlighten the intelligent eyes of the heart, and it is not safe to death. And he was lit by the Angel of Mirna, the keeper and the mentor of the soul and the body of my body, but will save me from my enemy; Yes, I ware with Odra of mine, I will bring a thank you thanks. She, Lord, hear the sinsmanago and the beggag of your slave, the grace and consistency; Darui in the word of the word, you will read, and the desoch's disintegienable distance from me, the life of the life of your angels; Yes, I will bless your sacred, and I will glorify, and I will give it a preching Mary Mary Mary, the southeries gave us a sinning intercession, and I will take this one; We are very much to imitate your philanthropy, and praying does not break. Thi interpreted, and honestly cross the sign, and all the saints of yours for the sake of my soul, my soul observance, Jesus Christ, God, Jaco holy, and is declared. Amen.

Prayer 5th

Lord God God, hedgehogped in the days of the Sea, the word, business and the thinking, is forgiven forgiveness. Miren Sleep and Demonstrate Darui Mi. The angel of your keeper Ambassador, covers and observing me from all slander, Yako, you are the keeper of souls and a body of our own, and you get the fame of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer 6th

My God God, in no one likely, I call you the name in a challenge in some sovereign, give us to sleep, the Oslab of the Soul and the body, and observe us from all slands, and dark sloant except; We are settling the desire of passions, the fuss of the loss of chopping telenago. Give us shawlishly excuses and dives; Yes, a virtuous residence perception, promised not to disappear by good yours, IKO blessed. Amen.

Prayer 7th, St. John of Zlatoust

(24 prayers, by the number of hours of the day and night)

Lord, do not lose my heavenly benefits.

Lord, save me eternal flour.

Lord, if or a thinking, the word or the case of the sorry, forgive me.

Lord, relieve me all sland of ignorance and oblivion, and a malignancy, and petsenger naughty.

Lord, relieve me from all south of temptation.

Lord, enlighten my heart, Lucky lustry.

Lord, Az Yako, the man of sinners, you are Yako God generous, nice me, seeing the disrepair of the soul of Moyya.

Lord, Ambassadors grace your help me, yes I will glorify your holy name.

Lord Jesus Christ, write your servant of yours in the book of the animal and give the end of the Bluggy.

Lord, my God, Ash and nothing good coordinates before you, but gazing in your grace of yours to put the principle.

Lord, Sokropy in the heart of my dew grace is yours.

Lord Heaven and the Earth, acknowledged by the sinners of your slave, Studago and Uncleano, in your kingdom. Amen.

Lord, in repentance by accepting me.

Lord, do not leave me.

Lord, do not enter me in attack.

Lord, giving a good idea.

Lord, Lady, Tears and Memory Mortal, and Uming.

Lord, Lady Mi thoughts for the confessions of my sins.

Lord, Lady, humility, chastity and obedience.

Lord, Lady patience, generosity and meekness.

Lord, you all in the root of good, your fear in my heart.

Lord, it is easy to love the Maja and Muya's soul and thinking and creature in all your will.

Lord, the face of some of some, and demons, and passions, and from everyone inna, there are no things.

Lord, Weighs, Yako Creaters, are you willing, you will be the will of yours and in me the sinner, Yako blessed Esi forever. Amen.

Prayer 8th, to the Lord to our Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, for the sacrificial mother of the Mother, and the devoted Angel, the Prophet and the Forerunner and the Baptist of your, the Godogogolars of the Apostle, Light and Dokropinous Martyr, Reverend and the Godhead Father, and all the Holy Prayers, relieve the circumstances of Bescago. To her, Lord My and Cottage, not at least the death of the sinner, but I rose and I live to visit him, and I appeal to the appeal and unworthy; Among the mouth of the Chubnago Zmia, Zrayyukovo, and I will bring alive in hell. To her, my God, the consolation of my, and me, for the sake of Okayannago in a melted flesh, the felling, decedural from the eye, and consolation of the soul of my appearance. Naughty in my heart Create your commandments, and leave the deceitful acts, and get your blesses: on you Bo, Lord, Version, save me.

Prayer 9th, to the Blessed Virgin, Peter Studiorsky

To you the Mother of God's Mother's Mother Okayayyyyy, I pose: Weighs, Queen, Yako Sleepy sin and nape of your son and my God, and Kyutsya Kyusya, I've getting up my god, and Kyusya trembled: really the Lord will hit me, and on the hour of Paki ; Leading of this, Mother Madames Motherodok, I pray, dame, yes, it's strengthening, and the benefit of creating yes. Weighing Bo, Mother Mother Mother of God, Yako, from the imam in hatred of evil, and all the thoughts love the law of my God; But not veam, Ms. Ms. Mr., Schuada I don't hate, that I love, and the blessing to press. Do not thorough, the prechile, the will of my will commit, not pleased, but will be the will of your son and my God: yes, I will save, and I will send, and will give the grace of the Holy Spirit, and the oss oscillations of the Saltal of Square, and others lived in the command Your son, Jezhe applies any glory, honor and power, with his original father, and the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving His Spirit, now and are confused, and forever. Amen.

Prayer 10th, to the Most Holy Virgin

Bleago Tsar Belshai Mati, the Mother of the Mother of God, the mercy of your son and the god of our sickness to passionate my soul and your prayers to hurt me on the Acts of Honor, yes, the time of the belly of mine without a vice, I'll give you a clear, the Virgin of Devo, one is clean And blessed.

Prayer 11, to the Holy Angel Keeper

Angela of Christ, the keeper my holy and the patron soul and my body, all sorry, I sorry, sorry in the last day, and from all slander the opposite of the enemy to get rid of me, and I do not fuck my God in Coch; But moths are for me sinning and unworthyNago Slave, Iko yes deserves me showing the goodness and grace of all the Trinity and Mother of the Lord of My Jesus Christ and all the saints. Amen.

Kondak Virgin Mary.

The winner of the victim, the victorious, who was delivered from the evil, thank you by the absorption of our robies, the Virgin, but I can have an invincible power, from all our troubles freedom, but call; Rejoice, bridesly nonsense.

Preslavnodelo, Mati of Christ of God, bring our prayer to your son and our God, and will save our soul to you.

All hope for my hope, Mother of God, Save me under your telescope.

The Virgin Delo, do not disappear, Greshnago, demanding your help and your intercession, my soul's soul, and a lot of me.

Prayer of St. Joannikova

Hope My Father, refuge my son, the cover of my spirit Holy: Saint Trinity, thank you.

It is worthy to eat Yako Valitinna Bunitia, the Virgin, the courtesy and the presets and the mother of our God. Honestly cherub and a nornyless seraphim, without comparing Seraphim, without the evolution of God, the words rising, sowing the Virgin Major.

Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are confused and forever. Amen.

Lord have mercy. (Three times)

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayers for the sake of the Mother of Treating Mother, Rev. and God's Father and all saints, have mercy. Amen.

Prayer of St. John Damaskin

Vladyko manually, does this coffin really be, or still ancient my soul of enlightenment? Si Mi Coffin will be pretearing, death will have. Your vessels, Lord, I am fighting and flourlessly, I don't press anything angry, I always warm my god, and your Mother's preching mother, and all the heavenly strength, and the Holy Guardian of My Keeper. Wem UBO, Lord, Yako, unworthy of the humanity of yours, but the presenter of any slander and flour. But, Lord, or worst, or not a worst, save me. More than bo righteous spaschers, devoted to nothing; And chistago chestaging, nothing drank: worthy of the essence of mercy. But for me, I'm sinful, your mercy is yours: Your people are human-minded, so you will not overcome my malice of your fatal adolescence and mercy: and I have a stagger, a thing for me.

They enlighten the eyes of my, Christ, God, not when I am in death, but not when my enemy count: strengthened on him.

Glory: Muyoy Budi's soul, God, sneezing, sick of many networks; Get rid of them from them and save me, closs, I can have a philanthropic.

And now: The Pressenger of God Materia, and the Holy Angel's Holy Angel, Unfortunately with the Heart and Usts, the Virgin of the Virgin of the God of God, who took God's belonging to us embodied, and praying incessantly about our souls.

Znake yourself with a cross and speak a prayer honest cross:

God will resurrect, and the gazes are harmful, and yes, they fight his hate him. Yako disappears smoke, yes will disappear; Yako melts the wax on the face of the fire, so the demaths will die from the face of those who love God and marked with the godmond, and in the fun of the verbal: rejoice, the precessive and life-giving cross of the Lord, run the demons to the power of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, to hell to hes Dilution, and diving to us the cross your honest to the defendance of a suggestion. Oh, the precessive and life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help with the sacred mistress, the girl of Virgin and with all the saints. Amen.

Or briefly:

Fence me, Lord, the power of honestly and life-giving your cross, and save me from all slander.

Oslabi, leave, sorry, God, our forelegations, free and unwitting, Like in the Word and in the case, Laja, and not running, Like in the days and in N., Like in the mind and in the Thickness: We are sorry for And a humus person.

Hate and offend us forgive us, Lord a good man. Charling flaps. Scraps and the conjunction of our giving Luza to salvation of petitions and the eternal life. In the unpleasant land of visit and healing Darui. I use it in Mori. Traveling confusing. The Orthodox Christian is afraid. Leaving Darui to serve and sinks us. Delivered to us unworthy pray for them to survive the greatness of your mercy. The obstacles, Lord, before the deceased father and the brothering of our and regain them, the appearance of your face. Roman, Lord, the brotherhood of our captives and save me from all the circumstances. Roman, Lord, Fruit-seeming and vasting in the saints of your churches, and giving them like an eternal life and life. Remember, Lord, and us, humble and sinful and unworthy servants, and enlighten our mind with the light of your mind, and to imagine us on the passage of your commandments, the prayers of the Mother of Mother Our Virgin and Naznodeli Mary and all your saints: Yako blessed Esi forever . Amen.

Evening prayers listen to mp3 format

Confession of sins everyday

I confess to the Lord to God to God and the Creator, in the Holy Trinity of the Unified, Slavima and Caught, Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, all my sins, I like soda all the days of my belly, and at all in the hour, and now, and in grazing days and nosta, business, word, thoughts, inquiry, pyuanism, secretion, fellowship, despondency, lanomy, precastness, disobedience, slandering, condemnation, negligence, vague, squeezing, theft, incredigible, scrubbing, foolishness, moss, jealousness, envy, anger, monozyme , hate, lair and all of my feelings: vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch and other sins, spiritual couple and bodily, imži to you god of my and the creator of the progees, and my nephelmale of the Onephanovdovakh: ... Sorry, the wine is myself to my God I imagine, and I have the will of Kayatsya: Toys, Lord God, Pomping, with tears, humbly praying the things: the pretended sins of my mercy for forgiveness, and allow from all this, yaz Before you, IKO GOOD AND PERSON-PERSON.

When you move to sleep, saying:

In the hand of yours, Lord Jesus Christ, my God, I am pretending my spirit: You are bless you, you are murmuring and the abdomen of the Eternal Darui. Amen.

How to learn to understand prayers? The translation of the words of prayers from prayer for laity from church-Slavyansky, clarification of the meaning of prayers and pastures. Interpretations and quotes of holy fathers. Icons.

Prayers evening (for the coming sleep)

Prayers for the dream coming

In the name of the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayer for the sake of the Mother of Mother, the Reverend and the Godhead Father of our and all saints, have mercy. Amen.

Glory to you, God, glory to you.

King Heaven ... *

Thurscier on Father our. *

* Explanation of the initial prayer, see ""


Mighty us, Lord, have mercy with us; Any answer is inappropriate, this is a prayer of Yako Vladyz's sinning. We bring me: nice us.

Lord, have mercy on us, on the boost, Do not proceed at us beer, Below the lawlessness of our lawlessness, but the proud and now Yako prudettake, and save us from our enemy; You bless our God, and we are people of yours, VSI is your hand, and call your name.

The doors of the door holes for us, blessed by the Virgin, hoping for the hell, will not die, but yes you will get rid of you from the troubles: you are blessing the savings of the genus Christian.

Any answer is missing - not finding no justification (undermetry - not to know what to do, be inexplicable; the word answer here is the translation of the Greek word "Protection)," justification "- cf. Russian:" Call to the answer ").

On Ma Bo, because we got on you (so in the Greek text of the prayer; Uphova - the form of the 1st person of the set. Numbers of the past time - aorist - verb to help; Churchovyansky option means: we hoped for you). The bearer is strong. Below - and not. Jaco's prudettake - since you are merciful. Us - us. VSI is your hand of your hand - all of the hands of your hands (a dash would have a closer to this expression: Following the Greek original in the Slavic translation, the verb-bunch was missing, in full form it would sound: VSI Esma is your hand of your hand; your hand is a form of doubt. . numbers).

To you - in the meanwhile: through you.

These trails are the creation of St. John Damascus.

Lord have mercy. (12 times)

Prayer 1st, Saint Makaria Great, to God Father

God's perpetual and the king of any creature, a fairness of this day, forgiven, forgiveness, Yazh, in this day, the day, word and thoughts; And cleaning, Lord, humble my soul from everyone's bad flesh and spirit. And Lamby Mr., Lord, in this dream to Protothes in the world, and the worm of the Smithy Lodge, the warking of my abdominal name to all the days of my belly, and I apart from the enemies of the enemies and a mustache. Relie me, Lord, from Thiege Thistle, Determining Me, and Flying Flying. Yako is your kingdom, and power, and glory, father, and son, and the saint spirit, now and are confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Even at the time of this hour, there is a budget to this hour (the challenge is to achieve). Like the coordinates - which I created (pretended). Smolen - here: a miserable, unfasteless (take care of yourself from the terrible danger of lzhesigas and proud recognition of yourself with humble!). There is this dream in this dream - to sleep this night, "go through the field" sleep this night. From Smrennago Mi Lodge (in some prayers: from the Smrennago of my bed) - from my miserable, scarce bed (smarmer often means: "low, omentged" even and simply in the physical sense). Popper - Ovutyu, popra. Lust of deer - evil desires.

And save me, Lord, from Thiege Thiege, Determining Me, and Flying Luxury. With these words of prayer, other words from the teachings of Rev. Makaria about prayer are peculiar: "The true foundation of the prayer is such: to be attentive to thoughts and make a prayer in great silence and the world. A person praying is needed all the effort to pay his thoughts and what serves as food sled thoughts , then cut off, but to rush to the thought of God and the wants of thoughts do not fulfill, but the spising thoughts collect from everywhere together, distinguishing the natural thoughts from the evils. The soul under sin is like a big forest on a mountain or cane on the river, or some more often thorns and Tree, therefore, intending to pass the sim place should stretch the arms forward and effort and difficult to spread the branches. So the soul surrounds the whole forest of thoughts, inspired by the residue, why the great ladies are required and the care of the mind, to distinguish alien thoughts. force. "

Prayer 2nd, Holy Antioch to the Lord to our Jesus Christ

Almighty, the word report, myself was performed by Jesus Christ, Mägago for the mercy of your age will be left by me, the servant of yours, but you always wish in me. Jesus, a kind shepherd of your sheep, will not betray me Kramole Zemiin, and the desire of Satanina will not leave me, I have a seed in me in me. You are a worm, Lord God who is crumbling, the king of Holy, Jesus Christ, Sleepy, Save the Nemeless Light, the Spirit of your saints, I am so consecrated by your students. Lady, Lord, and I, unworthy servant, your salvation on my lodge; Enlighten the mind of my light of the mind of the saint gospel of yours, my soul's loving of your cross, the heart of your cleanlore of yours, my body is my passion without disassemary; The thought of my humility is preserved, and the erection of me is like that of your sloop. IKO is declared with the original one and the Most Holy Spirit. Amen.

He himself was perfect - being perfectly performed - the sacrament from the verb of life: being, which is). Kramole - excitement, confuse metries. The desire of Satanina is the will of Satan (on the will of Satan). Seed Tlima - seed died. Nemestant - non-worker. Lady - give. The light of the mind is here: the light of understanding. Your passion is fundamental - your suffering, alien passion. Time is like - fitting time.

Prayer 3rd, to the Holy Spirit

Lord, the king of the Heaven, the comforter, the soul of truth, soaring and hunting the sinner of your slave, and let go of the unworthy, and forgive the whole, Elika, the sinners of Yako, the person, and not the same man, but Might of the cattle, free my sins and slaughter , led and unknown; Lucky from youth and from the science of evil, and the essence of the incidence and despondency. Those who are named your swirls, or pour my throat; or whom Wocherch; or silence of whom anger mine, or sweeping, or what did they do; or lilts, or imaginary spa, or a prison of me, and his condoms; or my brother of my seals, or wadi, or someone condemned; or divorced, or inherited, or accepted; Or standing on prayer, my mind is about the sore of the world of this movement, or corruption of thoughts; or somehow, or asked, or crazy; or sulfur thoughts, or kindness of someone else's vidis, and thieved by the heart, or the vicinity of verbs, or sin of my brother, let's notify, my essence is a critical sin; Or a prayer is not the Radia, or it is so that Soda is soda, I do not remember that Bo All and Bolshaya Soda. Pomemui, the work of my Vladyko, Ullago and the unworthy servant of yours, and leave me, and let go, and forgive me, Jaco, the Goods and a Physician; Yes, with the world of a blunder, wept and so much, prodigal, sinful and popyan Az; And worship, and I will, and I will glorify your first name, with his father and the only begotten of his son, now and are confused, and forever. Amen.

All, Elika Ti sughre-haired - everything I sinned before you (all, Elika - everything, how much; I sinned - I sinned). Duration - today. Page is also more. Mountain - worse, pretty. Like - which. From youth - from youth, from the young years (and not "because of youth"). From evil science - from evil learning. From undulating - from shamelessness, daring. Through - if. Swear - I swear. Puddled E - Hip him (hereinafter, the prayer follows a number of verbs in the form of the 1st person of the past time - aorist; Ukurich - I'm wicked; slanders - I was slandered; I got ate - I missed, etc.). Suitable - not on time. Wadi - excited quarrel, quarreled someone. Stretching mi on prayer - when I stood on prayer. The junction of the world of this move - rushed to the worldly (to the lie of this world). Decorative - evil, bad. The kindness of someone else's trees - seeing someone else's beauty (or good properties at all: the kindness means both the beauty external, and in general perfection). Those hurt by heart - she was visible in his heart. There are no verbs - not applicable, indecent. My essence is a diverse sewing - whereas my sins are countless. That Bo is all and bigger soda - because I did it all and more than that.

At the beginning of the prayer and at the end, it is mentioned among the causes of numerous sins of despondency: ... Sorry, Elika Ti sinners ... From the despondency ... Herm, the work of my Vladyko, Ullago and unworthy of your slave ... The despondency belongs to the number of eight main passions, and the fight against this Passion is inevitable for any Christian.


"To the prayer, this sly spirit reminds of the necessary affairs and uses any tricks to just distract us from the interview with the Lord in any faithful pretext."

Rev. John larchik


"The soul, weighing the arrow of this ruinage passion, really falls asleep for every desire to virtue and watching your spiritual feelings ... The main thing that produces the spirit of despondency, is what he sees, he misses and the idleness. Mind of festivubets What a friend does not think about how about food and wise, while having met somewhere the Commonwealth in any man or a woman who are chaining in the same coldness, will interfere in their affairs and needs ... Countering him will be: do not give up, sit for business ".

Rev. John Cassian Roman


"In any case, I decided to yourself and do not leave it before you end; also pray is reasonable and effortful - and the spirit of despondency runs from you."

Rev. Nile Sinaisa


In this repentant prayer, a whole list of sins we are sinning daily; In order for this daily repentance to be sincere, it should be performed into the essence of the sins professing here, in their connection and the difference. Some of them should be said especially.

... in the name of your swirl ... Here are the words of the Lord Jesus Christ: you still heard you, what is said to the ancient: do not break the oath, but you're doing your own whale. And I tell you: Do not swear at all: neither heaven, because it is the throne of God; Neither the earth, because she fit his legs; Neither Jerusalem, because he is the city of the Great Tsar; I don't swear your head, because you can't make any hair white or black. But yes, your word will be: yes, yes; no no; And what's over this, then from the evil (MF.5: 33-37). Undoubtedly, the words of the evening confession of sins speak not only about the direct oath, but also about any violation of the 3rd commandment of the Law of God - about the female and commemoration of the NEW of God (notice that the violation of the same commandment refers to Catchism and inattention in prayer - as pronouncing The name of God with a violation of reverence and false).

... or Puddhah E in the froth ... These words confess the gulfuric thoughts - disgusting, dirty thoughts and ideas, arising primarily during the prayer and for worship.

"Whom the spirit of Hula is worried about and who wants to get rid of him, let him know no longer that he is not the soul of him guilty in such miseles, but the unclean demon ... Therefore, we, despising him and imputing any vague thoughts, say to him: Get away from me , Satan: I worship God to God and to him alone (Wed: Matt. 4: 10); Words are yours will turn to the chapter! "

"Who won the victory over her passion, he repeated pride." "Let us stop judge and condemn the neighbor, and we will not be afraid of gloomy thoughts: for the reason and the first root is the first." To the same, internally connected with the moral, sins against nearby draws our attention and prayer-confession:

... or whom Wocherch; Or slander who is anger mine, or seal ... It says about the direct ukor (Ukorch), about the fading unfair condemnation (slanders of whom I am angry); Finally, even the "fair" and not expressed anger, one way or another upset our neighbors (sweepy). The repentant prayer draws us to the root of these sins against the closest: ... or what did you do it ... Anger belongs to the number of eight most important passions.

"Nothing does not interfere with the coming of the Holy Spirit as angry."

Rev. John Reiychnik


"It is not useful to be angry, both for no reason and for a reasonable reason; for this is rightly being prohibited by the Lord (see: MF.5: 22)."

Rev. Nile Sinaisa


Anger is admissible only on demons and on yourself: "Angry in sin, that is, on themselves and on the devil, so as not to sin against God."

Rev. Isichi Jerusalemsky


... or my brother of my seals ... It would seem about this sin just said; But there was a question about the sadness caused by the manifestations of anger, and the brother of my brother can also be inattentive, and nerazumia, and simply my overall sinfulness.

... or Svdih ... Welditi is to quarre, excite a discord.

... or someone are conciliatory ... We will remind the words of the apostle: who grew his brother or judges his brother, it is gossipped the law and judges the law; And if you judge the law, then you are not the performer of the law, but the judge. One legislator and judgment that can save and destroy; And who are you who judge the other? (Jac.4: 11-12).

... or weighing, or incense, or accepted ... But above mentioned: or what did they do; Is it repeated? Perhaps the prefix once - indicates another quality, another level of the Passion of the Passion: a fairly strong grossing of anger (it may be projected to relate to the fleeting feeling).

... or the kindness of someone else's vidayev, and I would be hurt by heart ... Bully hearts - that is, it was wounded in the heart, got a painful heart wound (ulcery). The meaningfulness of the word of kindness allows you to attribute this phrase as a temptation of anyone else with external beauty (considerable thoughts, burning and painful) and envy, always painful; Apply these words to your own spiritual ulcer.

... or sin of brother of my mixture, my essence is a diverse breeding ... What are you looking at the bitch in your brother, and you don't feel the logs in your eye? Or how do you say your brother: "Give me, I'll take it out of your eye", but in your eye in your eye? Hypocrite! Remove the first log in your eyes and then you will see how to remove the bitch from your brother's eye (MF.7: 3-5).

The creator of this prayer is Rev. Efrem Sirin ...

Prayer 4th, Saint Makaria Great

What will bring, or that we will take away, the great-free king, generous and humans, the Lord, who is sick of me on your fellowship, and nothing blessings, led to the end of Mimoshsago, the appeal and the salvation of the soul of my system? The gracious mi will be sinful and naked in any way of the affairs of the good, it will argue the fallen my soul, flavoring in immense sins, and from me the whole thoughts of the crazy visa. Forgive my sins, one is more sinless, we are very sinful to the day, leading and ignorance, in a word, and a matter, and a thinking, and all of my feelings. You yourself, covering, maintaining me from all the resistance, the circumstances are divorious, and inevitable humans and strength. Clean, God, cleanse many sins of my. Blagovoli, Lord, save me from the Lukavago network, and save a passionate my soul, and the autumn of your face of your face ,, EEN PRIVES IN GLANT, AND FAVORY WEATING SMENSIVE SOBROR, AND WITHOUT DREAMING, AND NEEDS MUST Annion from mea, and enlighten the intelligent eyes of the heart, and it is not safe to death. And he was lit by the Angel of Mirna, the keeper and the mentor of the soul and the body of my body, but will save me from my enemy; Yes, the rebel from Odra of mine, I will bring than thank you thanks. She, Lord, hear the sinsmanago and the beggag of your slave, the grace and consistency; Darui in the word of the word, you will read, and the desoch's disintegienable distance from me, the life of the life of your angels; Yes, I will bless your sacred, and I will glorify, and I will give it a preching Mary Mary Mary, the southeries gave us a sinning intercession, and I will take this one; We are very much to imitate your philanthropy, and praying does not break. Thi interpreted, and honestly cross the sign, and all the saints of yours for the sake of my soul, my soul observance, Jesus Christ, God, Jaco holy, and is declared. Amen.

Lithograpted - the nice great gifts, generous. I can't bother me to serve me to serve you. And nothing blessings - and not doing anything good. He led to the end - you led to an end. Mimoshshago - who has passed. Building - here: arranging. Nude some kind of good affairs - deprived of any good deeds (the image of grace, as well as good deeds, as clothes, a man, repeatedly in the New Testament and very often in liturgical poetry and ascetic literature. Words of the word of the Almighty in Apocalypse: CE, I go like a thread: Blessed is the wakeful and keeping his clothes, so as not to walk to him nagim and in order not to see his smokers - Open.16: 15).

Like the sinners - with whom I sinned before you (Like - who were sinners - I sinned: the form of the 1st person of units. H. The last time - aorist). From all sorts of sopagate, the circumstances from all sorts of evil. Lukavago - here: devils. Passionate - filled with passions exposed to passions. Always when. Children - business, activity. Szedia - otgon. She - yes, truly. Love and consistency - in the meaning. : In the expressing of my will and in my conscience (the permission is the militant, free will, and the conscience belongs to the prayer in this expression, it comes from it). I woofer - me when I get up. We will consider the words of yours - to teach your law (the same expression in the morning prayer for the Most Holy Trinity). The southell made Esi - which you gave. We are bo - for I know. Yako - what. Imprints - enhances, calls to (literally: pushes). Toya is her.

Blagovoli, Lord, save me from Lukavago's network ... And the whole Satanina cellar from me. These words of the prayer of the Great Makaria will add words from his teaching: "The visible world, from the kings and to the beggars, all in confusion, in the struggle, and nothing of them knows the reasons ... Has a sin, as a reasonable some power and the essence of Satan, sowed Any evil: he secretly acts on the inner man and to the mind and fights with him by thoughts; people do not know what they are doing a certain force, opposite that, think that this is natural and what this do on their own reasoning. But in the very The mind having the world of Christ and the insight of Christ know where all this is erected. "

Prayer 5th

Lord God God, hedgehogped in the days of the Sea, the word, business and the thinking, is forgiven forgiveness. Miren Sleep and Demonstrate Darui Mi. Angela of your keeper Ambassador, covering and observing me from all slander; Yako, you are the keeper with souls and a television in our own, and you are ashamed to you, father, and son, and the Holy Spirit, now and are confused, and forever. Amen.

Herge-haired - what I sinned. Yako - like. Mi - me Jaco you are - because you.

Prayer 6th

My God God, in no one likely, I call you the name in a challenge in some sovereign, give us to sleep, the Oslab of the Soul and the body, and observe us from all slands, and dark sloant except; We are settling aspiration of passions, the fuss of the rally of the uprising of telenago. Give us shallow fellowships to us and dives; Yes, a virtuous residence perception, promised not to disappear by good yours, IKO blessed. Amen.

Page - more. Oslab - relief. Dark sloy except - unaffected unclean lust (Sattle - sensual pleasure, lust; except - out). Start - Say, stop. Perception - accepted by receiving back (note that the Word itself indicates a return to the unknowable lifestyle!). Promised - promised. Good - good.

This evening prayer is all directed to the chastity, on the confrontation of lust - dark sloy. Such expressions as: the desire of passions and the rallying of telenagigaging, should not be translated into modern Russian: they are clear in Church Slavonic, because they indicate a whole worldview, captured in them. Modern Christians live in the world, literally covered by the prodigal madness, therefore, even for a married Miryanina, seeking to live with God, the struggle for ensuring that the chasudene is valid for business and literacy in their own way is not less tense than for a monk. Prayer is an indispensable weapon in this struggle.

Prayer 7th, St. John of Zlatoust (24 prayers, by the number of hours of the day and night)

Lord, do not lose my heavenly benefits. Lord, save me eternal flour. Lord, if or a thinking, the word or the case of the sorry, forgive me. Lord, relieve me of any ignorance and oblivion, and failing, and petsenger in humility. Lord, relieve me from all south of temptation. Lord, enlighten my heart, Lucky lustry. Lord, Az Yako, the man of sinners, you are Yako God generous to survive me, seeing the disreflection of the soul of Moyya. Lord, Ambassadors grace your help me, yes I will glorify your holy name. Lord Jesus Christ, write your servant of yours in the book of animals, and give the end of the close of good. Lord God, Osch, and nothing good coordinates, but guessing your grace of yours to possess the principle. Lord, Sokropy in the heart of my dew grace is yours. Lord Heaven and the Earth, acknowledged by the sinners of your slave, Studago and Uncleano, in your kingdom. Amen.

Sigger - I sinned (past time - aorist). Yezhu dying - which was perhaps (perplexed - also an aorist, but the form of the 3rd face). In the book of the animal - in the book of life. She and nothing good coordinates - although I did not do anything good. Studago - Gnus (literally: shamened; the stud is shame).

Lord, in repentance by accepting me. Lord, do not leave me. Lord, do not enter me in attack. Lord, giving a good idea. Lord, Lady Mi tears, and memory mortal, and lunizing. Lord, Lady Mi thoughts for the confessions of my sins. Lord, Lady, humility, chastity and obedience. Lord, Lady patience, generosity and meekness. Lord, you all in the root of good, your fear in my heart. Lord, it's easy to love your breath from all souls and frightened, and you are creating in all your will. Lord, the face of some of some, and demons, and passions, and from everyone inna, there are no things. Lord, Weighs, Yako Creaters, are you willing, you will be the will of yours and in me the sinner, Yako blessed Esi forever. Amen.

The root of good - root (that is, the foundation) of all the good, all of the good. Weighs - You know (you know). We are creative, I'm sorry, you are too sorted - what you do what you want.

Great Prayer Teacher, Saint Feofan, attached great importance to these prayers and recommended them to many of his spiritual children as the basis of a prayer rule as a school of undergrowth. Here are some passages from his letters:

"How to read Saint Zlatoust prayers (24 in the evening prayers for sleep)? Read them in front of the prayer to gathered together ... But at all time mentally repeat. This is the best way to accustom yourself to mindfulness about God, and this is the basis of spiritual life. . Bowlings, and sometimes earthly. " - "Saint Zlatoust praying can use instead of their homepage and in the morning. Let's follow them and think about anyone ... The spiritual life comes in them ... how many times to remember every time - this is determined to stand on prayer as much as usually stand up on the rule. You can attach my prayers to choose from Psalms: what a poem to the heart, that and write down ... Using the rules of these prayers with attention, soon, in the prayer, insert them into prayer. Insert them to the Wednesday. For example, tent times saying: "Lord , I do not lish the heavenly benefits, "include:" Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the sinner's sin. "-" The appointment of short prayers is to contribute to the meeting of thoughts and sober. The force is not in words, but in the feeling of God. It is soon formed in workers over a prayer. This is a smart prayer. The mind, standing in the heart, the tricks of God and cleverly confess him to call him ... The feeling for God is an unceasing prayer without words. "

Prayer 8th, to the Lord to our Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, for the sake of the honest mother, and the lack of suitable Angel, the Prophet and the Forerunner and the Baptist of your, the Godogogolars of the Apostle, Light and Accomparce Martyrs, Reverend and the Godhead Father, and all the Holy Prayers, relieve the circumstances of Bescago. To her, Lord My and Cottage, not at least the death of the sinner, but I rose and I live to visit him, and I appeal to the appeal and unworthy; Among the mouth of the Chubnago Zmia, Zrayyukovo, and I will bring alive in hell. To her, my God, the consolation of my, and me, for the sake of Okayannago in a melted flesh, the felling, decedural from the eye, and consolation of the soul of my appearance. Naughty in my heart Create your commandments, and leave the deceitful acts, and get your blesses: on you Bo, Lord, Version, save me.

The circumstances of Bescago - the current environment of demons, demonic siege. Do not even want it. But I am rose and live by being to him - but that he addressed and was alive. Zrayyukovo Ignorate me - a sprinkling mouth to absorb me (the gypsy is to smash the mouth). Like ... Ewshes - enjoyed.

... not at least death of the sinning, but I am rose and I live to visit him ... In prayer, the words of the Lord are given from the book of the Prophet Ezekiel: not the worst of the death of a sinner, but hedgehogs to become wicked from his way and live being for him (Iz.33: 11). This verse in Russian translation of the Bible: Tell them: I live, the Lord says God: I do not want the death of a sinner, but that the sinner addressed his way and was alive. Contact me please contact your evil ways; Why dying to you, house of Israel?

Prayer 9th, to the Blessed Virgin, Peter Studiorsky

To you, the Mother of God's Mother's Mother Okayyany, pokingaya Praying: Weighs, Queen, Yako Sleepy sin and nourge my son and God's God, and Kyutsya Kyusya, I've got to God, and Kyusya trembled: I didn't have the Lord to strike me, and on the hour of Pakuje How do you work: the leading of this, my lords is Mrs. The Mother of God, pray, yes, pomping, yes, it is strengthened, and the benefit of creating yes. Weighing Bo, Mother Mother Mother of God, Yako, from the imam in hatred of evil, and all the thoughts love the law of my God; But we do not want, Ms. Mrs., from where you like Naaviju, Ta and I love, and the benefit of top. Do not thorough, the prechile, the will of my will commit, not pleased, but will be the will of your son and my God: yes, I will save, and I will send, and will give the grace of the Holy Spirit, and the oss oscillations of the Saltal of Square, and others lived in the command Your son, Jezhe applies any glory, honor and power, with his original father, and the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving His Spirit, now and are confused, and forever. Amen.

Weighs - you know. And there is a moggy throat, I kyunya, I have been around God - and although I repeatedly repent, I turn out to be incorrect to God (deceiving God). Paki Tayazhde is doing - I do the same again. Leading Sia - knowing it. The benefit of the manifold yes feed is a good one yes feed me. Yako from the wrong imam in hatred - that I absolutely hate. Evil mine - my evil. We do not believe - I know. Exclude Nazi Naaviju, she love - for some reason I hate, then I love (literally: from where [those deeds], which I hate, those and love). Good - good. Yes, the oscillation of the oscillation of the Slept Square is to stop evil deeds. Other - henceforth. Elderly, lived.

This prayer for the Most Holy Theotokos - the cry of a man who has known how little his will be good to counteract sin. And repentance, quite sincere, and love all thoughts to the law of God, and hatred for evil affairs themselves are not able to save a person from slavery to sin. The words of this prayer are close to the words of the Apostle Paul: ... I'm a carnival, sold sin. For I do not understand what I do: because I do not do something that I want, but I hate, I do. If I do something that I do not want, then ... I do not do that, but a sin living in me. For I know that it does not live in me, that is, in my flesh, kind; Because the desire for good is in me, but to make it, I do not find it. Good, whom I want, do not, and evil, whom I do not want to do. If I do something that I do not want, I do not already do that, but a sin living in me. And so I find the law that when I want to do good, belongs to me evil. For on the inner person I find pleasure in the law of God; But in my members I see a different law, opposing my mind of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of the sinful, which is in my members (ROM.7: 14-23). It is possible to overcome and defeat the law of sinful, only God's assistance, the power of God's grace, about which we curse in our prayers.

Prayer 10th, to the Most Holy Virgin

Bleago Tsar Belsham Mati, the Most of the Mother of God, the mercy of your son and the God of our sickness to passionate my soul, and your prayers will overtake me on the acts of good; Yes, the time of the belly of my belly without a vice will be posted, and to you paradise and we will do, the Virgin of Devo, the one is clean and blessed.

Passionate - 1) susceptible to passions; 2) unhappy, suffering; Both values \u200b\u200bare combined here. My belly is my life. You - here: Your help, through you. We will catch up.

Prayer 11th, to the Holy Guardian Angel

Angela of Christ, the keeper my holy and the patron soul and the body of my, all sorry, I sorry, sorry in the last day, and from all sorts of anticipation of the enemy, I will relieve me, and I don't fuck my gossi in any way; But moths for me sinning and unworthynagnago slave, IKO yes deserves me showing the goodness and mercy of all the Trinity, and the Mother of God of My Jesus Christ, and all the saints. Amen.

All, Elika Sogrechy - everything I was sinned (Elika - how much). Dniest is the current one. From all sorts of junk - from all the lies, all tricks. Anti-mi - opposing, counteracting me. None in any gres - no sin. Decent me showing me - you see me worthy.

Kondak of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The winning governor, the victorious, who was getting rid of the evil, thank you by the formation of Ti, the Virgin, the Mother of God, but Into the fact of the power invincible, from all of us freedom, yes, I call: Rejoice, the bride is non-invalid.

The voivod - invincible the governor (sworn - invincible in the bangs - battles). Winning - victorious (singing, that is, a victorious song). Well got rid of evil - as they got rid of (literally: how to get rid) from the evil (from the troubles). Thank you - thanksgiving (thank song). We will define TI - sing (literally: we write) to you. Yako has a powder - (you), as having power. Nonsense - not married (literal translation of the Greek word).

Akathist of the Most Holy Theotokos, beginning with this Kondaki, was written in the VII century in Constantinople. This is the first (and the most beautiful) of the Akathists, who became a sample for all subsequent. All 12 Ikos of the Akathist end in multiple "constituents" of the Arkhangelsk greeting of the Blessed Virgin - "Rejoice!", The final of which is rejoice, the bridesly nonsense! We magnify the celestial cleanliness of an inexperienced Virgin, unhappy with the Christ of our God, and in our purity "honestly cherub" the bride appears before us as the greatest warriper with the forces of evil - a swift of the voivode, the imaging power invincible.

Rejoice, bridesly nonsense! If we turn to the Greek language, which is written akathist, we will see that all these three words, literally translated into the Church Slavonic language and entered our religious consciousness, had to be perceived by the Greeks somewhat differently than we perceive them.

Rejoice - Greetings of the Archangel Gabriel, reported to us with the Gospel - and before the Nativity of Christ, and after him there was an ordinary greeting in Greek - the same as our "Hello." In the phenomenon of Angel, in his wicked and mysterious words, the inner meaning of the greeting, forgotten in everyday life, of course, was updated and shone with everything by all; Akathist for the Most Holy Theotokos (and every later inspired ancient Akathist), the whole permeated "rejoice!" And sparkling the joy of magnitude, also resurrecting the meaning of the Greek word in the ordinary language. But in Russian (and ancient Russian), the language was welcomed by each other I do not "rejoice", but the word "Hello" (in which we usually forget the wishes of health). "Rejoice" remains for us the word is always more rich, a special - conscious word about joy, a unique greeting for the Mary Virgin Mary and the Holy God.

Bridesmaid nonsense - straight, literal translation of two Greek words. The Church Bride corresponds to the Greek word "nymph", which means not only a bride girl, but also a newlywed wife, and a young woman. The new covenant (and Greek translation of the Bible) gave this word a huge mystical depth: the bride of the Lamb in the revelation of John the Bogoslov (Rev. 19: 7; 21, 22, 17) not only intended to him, but also stands with him in a mysterious marriage; This is the image and the Lady, and the Church (in it we will learn the bride of song songs and other books of Scriptures). And the Greek word translated by the Slavic word is nonsense - this is a negative form from the first word, meaning "not married"; This word was quite usually for Greek. For Greek, but not for Slavyansky! Indeed, in the Slavic Bride - it is non-slamming, unknown (that is, just that the Greek nonsense corresponds to) a girl who has not married, although intended for him; The word itself bears the value of purity. Inside the Slavic language, the word non-invalid is difficult. It makes a new shade of the meaning in the expression of akathist: a clean bride, but - non-invalid, not ordinary, not comparable to any other bride.

Other Slavic epitles of the Virgin, the corresponding word non-invalid, is an inoperative, inexperienced.

The winner of the winner of the winner ... These words almost all of us are accustomed to hearing to perceive as a single whole, so we do not feel the structure of the phrase (enough simple): (To whom?) The voevod (we) will explain (what?) The winning thankfulness, that is, a victorious thanksgiving song, (Why?) It is boring from evil - as they got rid of troubles.

Preslavnodelo, Mati of Christ of God, bring our prayer to your son and our God, and will save our soul to you.

All hope for my hope, Mother of God, Save me under your telescope.

The Virgin Delo, do not despite the sinner, demanding your help and your intercession, my soul's soul, and a lot of me.

To you - here: through you, your intercession. Under the shelter - under cover.

Prayers "Preslavnodelno ..." and "all hope of mine ..." - the creations of St. John Damaskina.

Prayer of St. Joannikova

Hope My Father, refuge my son, the cover of my spirit Holy: Saint Trinity, thank you.

The creator of this prayer, the Saint John the Great, repeated it after each verse of the psalms read by him on the rule, thus constantly removing the mind to the Most Holy Trinity.

Ending prayer

It is worthy to eat Yako Valitinna Bunitia, the Virgin, the courtesy and the presets and the mother of our God. Honestly cherubis and a sorry no comparison of Seraphim, without the evillation of God, the words noded, sowing the Virgin Major.

Glory, and now:

Lord have mercy. (Three times)

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayers for the sake of the Mother of Treating Mother, Rev. and God's Father and all saints, have mercy. Amen.

We see that after those prayers, which in the "Morning Prayers" section are finalizing and marked with the words "ending prayers", in the section "Prayers for the Sleeping Sleep" (in most prayers), some more prayers are followed, more directly related to the departure to sleep (The prayer of St. John Damascina is supposed to read, pointing to bed, when reading the prayer, "God will resurrect" the sign of the Cross and the bed, and the four sides of the world). One of the consequences of this: we can more flexibly adapt the general rule to our own living conditions, to their internal state. So, for some people (or in some circumstances of life) it is more convenient to read the first part of the prayers for sleeping even in the evening, it is quite early - perhaps until the complete completion of all cases, and immediately before bedtime, already near his bed, read the remaining prayers. Joint reading prayers for the dream of the coming - for example, in the family, - it can be completed on the "worthy ..." and the general blessing, and the prayers starting with the prayer of St. John Damascus to read everyone ..., at his own bed.

This practice existed in ancient Russia. With Ivan Grozny in the XVI century, there was a custom of adding a few more prayers, literally leaving for sleep and to his lie (the composition of these prayers did not coincide with our). / Supplement Archpriest Sergius Pravdvitubova.

Prayer of St. John Damaskina (read it, pointing to your bed)

Vladyko is a good man, I can't get this coffin to me, or still ancient my soul of enlightenment in the afternoon? Si Mi Coffin will be pretearing, death will have. Your vessels, Lord, I am fighting and flourlessly, I do not press the evil creative; You are always naming God of God, and your Mother's preching mother, and all the heavenly strength, and the holy angel of my keeper. Wem UBO, Lord, Yako is not fit to the people of your humanity, but the AM is worthy of any condemnation and flour. But, Lord, or worst, or not a worst, save me. More than bo righteous spa, nothing burned; And chistago chestaging, nothing drank: worthy of the essence of mercy. But for me, I'm sinful wonder your mercy; About Sez Javi is humanly yours, so will not overcome my anger of your fatal adequacy and mercy; And the skeins of Khoshchi, arrange a thing about me.

CE - here. Mi - me We are working - so, I know. Yako - here: what. She is more like a righteous spa - because if you save the righteous. Answered - there is nothing great in this (Veliy - Great). And sharply chestago amples, nothing dively - and if you have a pure, there is nothing surprising. Decent Bo essence - because they are worthy. About this - here: in this, that. Inhabaneous - the unspecified.

They enlighten the eyes of my, Christ, God, not when I am in death, but not when my enemy count: strengthened on him.

My soul's intercession, God, Yako, although there are many sick networks; Get rid of them from them and save me, closs, I can have a philanthropic.

The Preslav of God Materia, and the Holy Angel, Saint, Sophisticated with the Heart and Usts, the Virgin of the Mother of God the confessants, who the god rising to us is embodied, and praying incessantly about our souls.

Strengthened - I strengthened (past time - aorist). We are definitely about the enemy invisible - diazole.

By the Virgin, this confessant - confessing (openly proclaimed) that she is the Virgin.

They enlighten the eyes of my, Christ, God, not when I am in death, but not when my enemy count: strengthened on him. These are words from Psalm: a proud, hear me, Lord my God, enlighten my eyes, but not when I am in death, but not when my enemy is mind: strengthened on it (Ps.12: 4-5).

Znake yourself a cross and say prayer honest cross

God will be resurrected, and the gazes are harmful, and it beats from his face hate him. Yako disappears smoke, yes will disappear; Yako melts the wax from the face of the fire, Tako, the beams will die from the face of those who love God, and marked with the godfall, and in the fun of the verbal: rejoice, the prechistant and life-giving cross of the Lord, run the demons to the power of the gentlemen of our Jesus Christ, to Hell Szedshago, and Impressually force the power of diatling, and we have been graduated from you the cross your honest to the defendance of all sacuostate. About the pretensible and life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help Mi with sacred Madam, the Devir Virgin, and with all the saints forever. Amen.

Returns - scattered. The gazes are enemies. Yako - like. On behalf - in meaning: in front of. Verbal - speakers. Rocky - running. Predagago - crucified. Honest - worthy honors, nice. Soup - enemy.

God will resurrect him, and the guise of him will rise ... The beginning of the prayer is taken from the Psalm: God will resurrect him, and the gazes of him will rise, and it is fought from his face hate him. Yako disappears smoke, yes will disappear; Yako buat wax from the face of fire, so the sinners will die (sinners) on behalf of God (Ps.67: 1-2). The same poems of the Psalm come across the Easter service, interpreted by the Easter path. Words about the Lord Jesus Christ, to Hell Szedezago, and Impressually the power of diatling, also remind us the tropari (death death) and other Easter chants. The power of the Cross of the Lord is neutral from the resurrection of Christ; Death and Resurrection of Christ make the cross "Victory Sign", because this prayer, uttering with faith, and with love for an honest cross, to drive the power of evil from us.

Or briefly prayer about the cross

Fence me, Lord, the power of honestly and life-giving your cross, and save me from all slander.


Oslabi, leave, sorry, God, our forelegations, free and unwitting, Like in the Word and in the case, Laja, and not running, Like in the days and in N., Like in the mind and in the Thickness: We are sorry for And a humus person.