Development of a business plan of a travel company. PUT TO BUSINESS: Is it worth opening a travel agency for franchise "Vell

Development of a business plan of a travel company. PUT TO BUSINESS: Is it worth opening a travel agency for franchise
Development of a business plan of a travel company. PUT TO BUSINESS: Is it worth opening a travel agency for franchise "Vell

* The calculations use average data in Russia

Fragment of the book of Julia and George Mokhov "Travel Agencies: Where to start, how to succeed" Peter's publishers. Published with the permission of the publisher

Do I have enough money to open a travel agency? Risk last savings or not? What time will the investments in the turbines take off? How much will I earn? Create your travel agency or buy ready? Or join the franchise network? Is it difficult to make businessnet travel agency? What are the requirements for the office of travel agency? How many employees will have to hire? Where to look for frames? What tour operators work? Which countries sell tours? Restrict ourselves to a narrow specialization or sell everything in a row? Open air and railway tickets immediately or later? How to attract customers? How much to spend on advertising? Do tourists have many complaints? And still…

Open me a travel agency or not?!.

Trend Product 2019.

Thousands of quick earnings ideas. Worldwide experience in your pocket ..

We will try to dispel all your fears and support the desire to open a travel agency. But we guarantee: everything that is written here is a real reflection of the positions of things in the tourist business, without exaggeration and non-diamond.

Development of a business plan of a travel company.

We offer to familiarize yourself with the scheme, which reflects the main parameters and expenditure items that can be used, making it a businesspeople in the tourist company (agency).

1. Concept travel agency

Kind of activity:

  • travel agent;
  • tour operator;
  • Mixed activity.
Additional services:
  • sale of air and railway tickets;
  • Transfer services, limousine order;
  • visa processing;
  • insurance;
  • Preparation of documents for registration of passports;
  • Services of an individual guide accompanying;
  • translation services;
  • sale of guidebooks;
  • sale of related goods for travel;
  • implementation of gift certificates;
  • booking and booking tables in restaurants, tickets for events;
  • hire of tourist equipment;
  • Car rent.
Priority tourist destinations:
  • by the type of tourist destination;
  • at the cost of the tours;
  • by country;
  • By type of tourism.

2. Organizational plan

Location of the office of travel agencies:

  • Centre;
  • Outlet;
  • Distance from the subway.
Office status:
  • Rent;
  • own premises;
  • Other.
Office type:
  • showcase office on the first line;
  • in the business center;
  • in an administrative office building;
  • in the mall;
  • On the first floor of a residential building.
Office size:
  • two jobs, triphe jobs;
  • one-room, two-room, three-room, more than three rooms;
  • free layout (number of meters).
Office Furniture (Cost Calculation):

tables with receiving places, chairs for employees, visitors chairs, bedside tables, catalogs rack, wardrobe, hangers, hairdback,
Board for information and special offers, sofa for visitors, coffee table, safe, blinds, mirror, dishes (for employees, for receiving visitors), photo frames and permits, plants.

Office Equipment (Cost Calculation):

computers, phone numbers, fax, printers (2 pcs. Minimum), scanner, photocopier, TV, CD and DVDPleer to demonstrate movies about countries and resorts, air conditioning, water cooler, first aid kit, clock, stationery, Wall world map or globe.

Office Design Project:

  • zoning space;
  • Design of the room according to the concept of a tourist company;
  • floor plan.

3. Competitive environment

Competitors at the selected tourist destinations.
Competitors within a radius:

  • building;
  • district;
  • cities;
  • Countries (if necessary).
Advantageous competitive qualities of future travel agencies.

4. Production plan


  • staff schedule;
  • wage formation policy;
  • training.


  • Search and book the tours;
  • Scheme of interaction with partners;
  • Registration of payment tours;
  • Document proof;
  • Delivery and issuance of documents.
Assortment of the Travel Agency services:
  • by seasons;
  • in directions;
  • by country;
  • by price;
  • on the target audience.

Price policy travel agency.

Features of selling tours.

Development of corporate identity:

Ready ideas for your business

  • contractor;
  • List of the necessary positions;
Creating an Internet:
  • Site concept and function functions;
  • contractor;
  • Cost and timing of work.
Office registration for sales.
  • signboard;
  • pillar;
  • pointers;
  • Plate with mode and details of the company.
Printing products (Description, Circulation, Contractor, Manufacturing Dates, Cost):
  • booklet;
  • Business Cards;
  • Branded blanks.
Presentation when opening.
  • budget size for 3 months, 6 months, 12 months;
  • Advertising agents.
Structure and rules for maintaining a client base.

6. Legal aspects of the opening of a travel company

    Legal form of a legal entity.

    Taxation system.

    Registration of the lease agreement.

    Necessary permits depending on the type of tourist activity.

    Registration of a trademark.

    Purchase and registration of control equipment (if necessary).

    Order forms of strict reporting "Tourist ticket".

    Accounting (independently, with the involvement of an accountant, consulting company).

    Legal support of activities

7. Financial plan

    Sources of funds.

    The size and term of investment.

    The plan of initial costs.

    Plan of permanent costs.

    Revenue plan.

    Plan payback.

8. Conclusion

    A plan of promising development.

9. Prints

Sample expenses for the creation of a travel agency in Moscow,

    Registration of a legal entity and registration of the necessary permits for agency tour: 20,000-25,000

    Office furniture and preparation for sales: 50 000-100 000

    Office equipment and communications 100 000-150 000

    Development of corporate identity 15 000-25 000

    Development and registration of the site 20 000-45 000

    Registration of the trademark 50 000-100 000

    Employee training 5000-30 000

Additional costs

Ready ideas for your business

  • Buying a ready-made travel business, payment of legal services on the maintenance of a transaction
  • Payment of selection services
  • Payment for recruitment services
  • Payment for connecting services
  • Internet and additional telephone lines
  • Payment of Services Consulting Company

The cost of tours even in one category of hotels is different, and the choice of tourists does not always fall on 3 * level of placement. Therefore, to make an income plan, it is necessary to analyze the price of the season to selected directions with data 3 *, 4 *, 5 * hotels and compare with the expected amount of income

Exemplary plan of the monthly expenses of the travel company in Moscow (rub.)

Office and infrastructure

    Rental of premises 25 m2 - 50 000

    Communication services 3000.

    Internet 5000.

    Water (Cooler) 500

    Stationery 2500.

    Others Administrative expenses 6000Remotability staff

  • Director 35 000 +%
  • Manager 19 000 +%
  • Manager 16 000 +%
  • Secretary-manager 12 000 +%
  • Courier 16,000
  • Accountant (outsourcing) 10 000
  • Cleaner 3000.
Advertising budget
  • Legal subscription service 7000 rubles. Mem.
  • Payment of the online booking system and search tours 1200 rubles / month.
  • Cartridge refill 400 rubles / month.
Unforeseen expenses 10 000 rubles.

TOTAL 241 500 rubles. + percentage to s / n

Selection of status of the tour company. Tour operator or travel agent?

After canceling the licensing of tour operator and travel agent activities in 2007, the obligatory state order is established only for tour operating activities. Any legal entity or individual entrepreneur can be engaged in travel agent. The only thing that determines the status of the travel agent today is the presence of a treaty with the tour operator, according to which the travel agent on behalf and at the expense of the tour operator implements a tourist projector formed by the tour operator. At the same time, the travel agent is obliged to comply with a number of requirements established by the law that we will tell below.

But first of all, it is necessary to find out why it is so important to understand the difference between travel agent from the operator's tour and perform the necessary legal actions on time. The fact is that the law establishes compulsory requirement - all tour operators registered in the Russian Federation are required to have financial support. Financial support is a guarantee of the tour operator in case of failure to fulfill or improper execution of the Treaty on the implementation of the product of the product, insurance of his civil liability to consumer studies.

From the funds of financial support to victim tourists, the real damage, which they carried, for example, the cost of the tour, if he did not take place, or the difference in value, if the rest time has decreased. Financial support provides an insurance company or bankgarant. The law establishes the minimum amount to which the insurance contract or the bank guarantee agreement must be concluded; Today it is 10,000,000 rubles. For international tourism (entering out) and 500,000 rubles. For internal tourism.

The cost of maintenance of financial support on average is 1-1.5% per year on the size of the provision.

Ready ideas for your business

For example, from the minimum size of the financial resources for international tourism in 10,000,000 rubles. The cost of insurance remuneration will be 100,000-150,000 rubles. It is this amount that will need to pay an insurance company annually for the civil liability insurance towards the tour operator.

A contractual processing scheme of the travel agent when implementing tours looks approximately as follows:

  1. the tour operator concludes a agent (commission) agreement with the travel agent, according to which the agent is entrusted to implement (sell) tours formed by the tour operator for remuneration;
  2. the travel agent attracts the client (tourist) and concludes an agreement with him on the implementation of the tourist product, receives documents necessary for the design of the tour;
  3. the travel agent sends a tour operator for booking a concrete car for the client (tourist) - specifying dates, quantity and data of tourists, hotel, the level of transportation, excursions and other components of the tour;
  4. the tour operator confirms the application of the travel agent and invoes the bill;
  5. the travel agent transfers the tour operator documents (or information) necessary for registration of the tour (for example, for a visa);
  6. the travel agent takes the final payment from the tourist (with cash calculation issues a cash receipt or a form of strict reporting);
  7. the travel agent makes payment by the tour operator minus the remuneration due to it (non-cash bank transfer or cash at the ticket office of the tour operator);
  8. the tour operator issues the travel agent for the tour, the necessary tourist for traveling;
  9. the travel agent issues the tourist documents on the round and all the necessary information to the tourist;
  10. the travel agent is reported to the tour operator - directs the agent report (ACT) indicating the amount of the sale of the tour and the amount of remuneration;
  11. the tour operator signs the agent's report and disclaims the invoice for services rendered under the agency agreement.

But it should be borne in mind that the outlined scheme reflects only the perfect version of the document management.

In the practice of travel agent, various surprises may wait; First, the tour operator may refuse to enter into an agency agreement with you and suggest a sales contract, as a result, your legal status will change, it will be necessary to adapt accounting and document management;

secondly, conducting payment under the Tour Operator's contract, you will suddenly find that the account is set to pay to
Another company or, having been paid through the ticket office of the tour operator, you will be given a receipt of a cash order for physical
Face with a stamp "paid for" without printing organization.

Tourist company staff

The optimal staff of a small tourist company looks like this:

  • | Head;
  • | Manager1;
  • | Manager2;
  • | Secretary with an expanded circle of responsibilities;
  • | Courier;
  • | Accounting Cars;
  • | Cleaner.


The head of the tourist company-Figure is key and solves a large number of questions such as economic and strategic, but in addition to him it is desirable to have at least two selling managers.

The head may be the chief accountant, the cashier, to sign documents and make out the arrival of money.
If the head of travel agencies is a hired employee, he must have experience of at least two years old, it must have a minimum time for which the specialist can pass all the "seasons" of the travel agency - high, low, "dead" - and learn how to manage the company. If the head has a founder of travel agencies, there is no experience in tourism, this is not a tragedy. You need to be invited to work managers with experience and work with them to develop a strategy, an assortment, advertising policy of the company.

Manager tourist company.

Its responsibilities include: negotiating with customers and partners by phone and in the office, registration of tours with tourists, booking tours and issuing documents with tour operators, control over orders, price changes, requirements for documents provided, cooperation conditions, special offers.

The universal manager must support and raise its qualifications (masterclasses, seminars, advertising tours), work at exhibitions and workshop. Requirements for managers: Higher education, experience in tourism, lack of bad habits, presentable appearance, competent Russian speech, sociability , initiative, ability to solve conflict situations, responsibility.

A manager without work experience at least should strive to work in tourism and have a secondary special or higher (unfinished higher) education, since this is significantly reflected at the overall level of culture. On the
learn who is committed to knowledge - a grateful thing, but find out the promising plans of this candidate to
Invested forces and funds were not spent in vain, it may take advantage of the knowledge gained in another travel agency.

Secretary of travel agency

carries out the reception of incoming calls, distributes them according to the specialization of managers, is responsible for general questions ("How to drive?", "Do you have an hour?"), Provides the timely order of the necessary stationery, household goods, carries out control over the work of the courier. , Performs the instructions of the head, accepts visitors and guests of the office. It should be understood that sometimes without the help of the secretary, it is very difficult to do, especially in the high season - in the summer, when the phone is calling at the same time and the client sits in the chair.

Secretaries also charge the filling of the questionnaires, accounting and registration of incoming and outgoing mail, answers to corporate Email, ICQ, Skype.

As a rule, the secretary takes to work after several months of the beginning of the work of the tourist company, when the phone calls constantly, and the office goes to the office, requiring attention.


Very important and responsible position. Forces (legs) of this person money, passports, documents should fall to the tour operator. Therefore, when choosing a candidate for this position, follow a simple rule: a person needs to check with all possible ways - to call the previous job, confirm the compliance of the place of registration and place of residence, call the home phone and chat with relatives, request recommendations. These measures are not unnecessary. Problems that may arise for the actions of the courier without exaggerating the catastrophic -poter of overseas passports and documents, theft of cash, which courier transports daily. The best option is a relative or a familiar, but, unfortunately, not always such candidates are.

Accountant cashier,

of course, the necessary specialist, but the cost of its services for a small travel agency is too high (in Moscow from 30,000 rubles). Therefore, the pain of tunication of travel agencies use the services of legal companies or the incoming accountant. Such a personnel decision makes it possible to reduce accounting costs at least three times.

Wage and bonuses in the tourist business

In the tourist business, there is a general trend towards an increase in wages. This is due to the existing personnel "hunger". Specialists with experience goes to another company, where they offer a slightly large salary on the same staff position, and it can happen every six months.

Options for calculating wages of tourism manager

The tour is considered to be sold at 100% of his payment.

1. Read-free system:salary 22 000-30 000 rub.

2. Salary + percent:
Salary 10 000-15 000 rub. + 10% of the tours sold by the manager.
Salary 15,000 + 10% after the implementation of tours of more than 150,000 rubles.
Salary 15,000 + 10% of revenues from sold tours separated between all managers.
Salary 18 000-20 000 rub. + 5% of the tours sold by the manager.
Salary 18 000-20 000 rub. + 10% of all tours sold separated between all managers.

3. Planned system: Fixed salary is paid when executing a plan; For example, from 50,000 rubles. (This refers to the company's income, not the total cost). When overfulfilling the plan over 50,000 rubles. + 10%, more than 100,000 rubles. + 15%, more than 250,000 + 20%.

During the period of the low season (January, February, May, June) plan is 50%. At the same time, the former fixed wages are paid.

With the non-fulfillment of the plan, with the exception of the low season, the fines are running:

  • | The first month - without fines, requires an analysis of the reasons associated with a decrease in sales;
  • | For the second month and further: 40 000-49 000 rubles. - 10% is held from fixed payment (30,000-39,000 rubles. - 20%; 20000-29 000 rub. - 30%).

The first months after the opening of the tourist agency office, the planned salary calculation system is usually not applied.

Options for calculating salary courier courier company

1. Salary 12 000-15 000 rub., Payment of a travel ticket, mobile phone, mode of operation: Monday-Friday.

2. Salary 15,000-20 000 rub., Payment of a travel ticket, mobile phone, operation mode: Monday- Saturday.

During the high season and increasing sales by couriers, it is customary to give a bonus 20-30% of the salary. The courier is an important employee of the travel agency, so it's better to pay on time, write premium and work calmly.

On the market you can find offers from courier companies that deliver documents to anywhere
Cities, they conclude an official treaty, carry full financial responsibility for cash and documents in the parcel.

Options for calculating salary directors of a travel company

1. Salary from 40,000 rubles.
2. Salary 18 000-20 000 rub. + 1-5% of monthly income
Agencies after deducting costs.
3. 12 000-15 000 rubles. + 5-10% of monthly income after spending spending.

It was just a small fragment of the book of Julia and George Mokhov "Travel Agencies: where to start, how to succeed" Pyter publishing houses.

In the very same manual, you will find detailed advice on the choice of the tour operator, the organization of document management, taxation, recommendations for promoting, working with the client base and many valuable references to specialized Internet resources for the practitioners of the tourism industry.

Travel business.

Travel agencies in Russia
Development of tourist business in the country - Trend 2014-2018

First steps in the organization

Travel agency from scratch:

Features of the tourist business in Russia:
Who is the tour operator?
What is the amount of authorized capital for travel agencies?
Do you need a license for travel agency for tourist activity?
Form and taxes for travel agency.
What directions for recreation Russians are in demand?
What a remuneration gets a travel agency?
How much will the average earn a travel agency?
Legal documents regulating the activities of travel agencies.
How many Russians go abroad to rest?
How to open a travel agency for franchise in Russia?
Relationships of tour operators and travel agencies. Where does the travel agency buys tours?

Organization and management of tourist business.
Advertising - customer search
Sales products
Financial plan:

№1 Rest in the country, organization of recreation in your region
№2 Organization of exotic tours with an annual turnover of about 10,000,000 rubles
№3 Your mini business organization of youth recreation in your city
№4 How to earn without having a travel agency?

Travel business.

Travel agencies in Russia.
Today, about 15,000 travel agencies are operating in Russia in the tourist services market, of which 500 largest and about 2,500 tour operators.

And the first travel agencies in Russia appeared in the late 80s early 90s. After 1993, a boom of development of tourist business begins, all new travel agencies with a variety of proposals appear. This area is seen by many entrepreneurs as an unpaid field and a sufficiently light business. But the 1998 crisis put everything into its place, as most of the agencies simply did not survive a difficult time, these were usually those firms who sold their tours on dumping prices and did not accumulate financial reserves. Those who were able to survive troublemakes today are the largest in Russia.

After 2000, the state's economy began to recover and together the incomes of the population grew. In this regard, a new round of development occurred in the tourist business, travel agencies of various formats began to open again. But, in spite of the more or less favorable time, about 40% of the newly open tourist agencies continue to be closed, without worrying and three years, such a tendency is also valid to today. What are the reasons for such a situation? And what are the main mistakes of new travel agencies? We will try to figure out our article.

Development of tourist business in the country - Trend 2014-2018
To date, there is no doubt that the trend of the development of the tourist business inside our country has already begun. There are actually enormous money in the development of individual regions, which look from the point of view of tourism and rest is very attractive. Confirmation of this can serve as a successfully conducted Olympiad in Sochi-2014. The state, along with private investors, has invested a large amount in the construction of Olympic facilities and the infrastructure of all nearby terrain. After the Olympics, these attractions advertised on the whole world have become access to both ordinary people.

Also, immediately after the Olympics, the Crimea and Sevastopol returned to Russia, and Sevastopol returned to Russia, these are excellent seats for summer holidays and as soon as in Ukraine the situation is normalized on the peninsula, the bridge will be built and the main tourists will reach out. By the way, the state has already launched a low budget flight from Moscow to Simferopol, it is called "Dobolt" and tickets there are cheaper by 40%.

The sharp jumps of patriotism recently also will undoubtedly affect the development of tourist business within the country.

It is also worth mentioning about the upcoming football championship, which will be held in our country in 2018. By this time, the state promises to work on the creation of infrastructure in those cities where festive events dedicated to football will be held.

In Russia, there are many areas for tourism and recreation and besides the south. In general, in our country there are all the seas and rivers and mountains and steppes and taiga, and the desert, etc. You can relax in Russia and on the beach and in ski resorts and with cognitive goals and therapeutic, active rest, hunting, fishing, everything is there, but one problem that bothers all this to develop in such a pace, no matter how much infrastructure is.

Inside our country, priority is rest in cities, spa rest, river tours, tours of the Golden Ring. All this happens in the central part of our country, the eastern regions are less in demand on this matter, but Putin offered our European friends to come to us in Siberia for firewood.
The leading travel agencies of our country are prioritized by Moscow and St. Petersburg, it is believed that this is not a plowed field, as something new is constantly appearing in these cities, which can attract tourists, youthful hotels can be given as an example - hostels in which hostels can be given as an example. Young people are going to large groups for parties, the price for accommodation in the hostel is much lower than in ordinary hotels, and profit is obtained by the mass of the client.

Also in many regions began to develop agricultural tourism, such a type of recreation helps to plunge into the origins of their ancestors, for such a direction of tourism does not require special investments. Agricultural or different green tourism is already a feature of the tourist business in
Russia, we smoothly go to the next topic.

The first steps in the organization of the tourist agency from scratch:

Tourist business features in Russia.

Who is the tour operator?
The tour operator is a firm that creates the product service itself on the tourist market. The tour operator interacts with athers, carriers, insurance companies. Large tour operators have on the balance of their company buses and their own rooms in some hotels. The state employs guides accompanying during the rest. Simply put, the tour operator creates a wholesale product, a travel agency engaged in retail sales.

What is the amount of authorized capital for travel agencies?
To open a travel agencies, authorized capital remains at the level of 10,000 rubles.

Do you need a license for travel agency for tourist activity?
The license for the provision of tourist services was canceled in 2007. To date, the license is not required, only tour operators remained in the registry, which create the product itself, and the travel agency is only implemented.

Form and taxes for travel agency.
It is definitely better to choose LLC since the client's firms have more trust than IP, and in the tourist business, the client's confidence is a key to success.
Total taxation for travel agencies for today is possible only by "simplified", but is offered in two versions:

  • Either 6% income
  • Or from the difference between income and expenses in 15%

It is better to choose the second option, as expenses can be written off for staff training, including departure for introductory tours, as well as high advertising costs.

What directions for recreation Russians are in demand?
To date, the situation on the market is not particularly changing, in the last 5 years the picture looks like this:

What a remuneration gets a travel agency?
On average, the remuneration for large tour operators is 10%, and in general there are oscillations from 5% to 16%, it depends on how long the travel agency and what volume it is implementing. The more sales, the higher the profit percentage. The tour operator recalculates profits for each agency once every six months.

How much will the average earn a travel agency?
Travel agency's profit is customary to count not for a month and not even six months, but once a year. The calculation of annual profitability is due to the seasonality of this business.

On the Internet there is a lot of all sorts of digits of earnings of travel agencies from 200,000 to 3,000,000 rubles.
But then the question is different: "How many tours can you sell?"

Suppose you work three - you and two managers, you want yourself s / n - 30 000 rubles. For the month, the 2nd managers of 20,000 rubles. + Rent, phone, Internet 30 000 rubles per month, + advertising 5 000 rubles per month. (I do not consider taxes, accountant services and other expenses)

As a result, per year need: 1,260,000 rubles of expenses.

Suppose the price of the average spent round will be 50,000 rubles, your remuneration is 10%, that is, 5,000 rubles.

Question: How much do you need to sell tours to earn a minimum of 1,260,000 rubles per year?
Answer: 252 rounds. Based on the calculation, each of your manager should sell at least 126 rounds per year!

Legal documents regulating the activities of travel agencies.

  • At the opening - KBID number 53.30 - "Activities of travel agencies".
  • Tax reporting on documents for a simplified system of taxation
  • Between the tour operator and travel agency - agency agreement, the Commission agreement

How many Russians go abroad to rest?
For several years, the number of Russians traveling abroad gradually increases and today it is about 15 million trips per year. On the website of Rosssturism there is all data. Here, for example, the Table Top 50 tourist countries with the number of visits:



2 767 649


1 429 629


1 097 884


887 191


787 226


787 159


683 082


638 193


605 482


494 702


478 829


433 421


355 475


333 462


298 029


245 081


233 672


209 277


165 920


159 189


143 862


139 648


109 773


108 444


100 832


81 922


79 824


78 679

Korea, Republic

75 926


48 517


39 792


38 289


36 712


35 751


34 714


33 120


32 835


32 775


30 246


28 910


27 113


25 859


25 855


25 787


24 957


24 597


24 006

Moldova, Republic

23 024


21 726


18 569

How to open a travel agency for franchise in Russia?

The opening of his travel agency for the franchise looks quite attractive, as today there is a sufficient choice of firms that are ready to sell their franchise at quite reasonable prices. The investment in the business on the franchise starts from 250,000 rubles and end in the area of \u200b\u200b600,000 rubles. By purchasing a franchise, you get a number of advantages over competitors.
Here are some of them that offer franchises:
  • Increased reward rate from tour operators
  • Perhaps territorial protection within its city or its part
  • Franchiser software will be installed on your computers.
  • Freyzer can regularly hold advertising companies for the entire network
  • Frequently, the franchiser has a type of 8-800 with redistribution of calls to regions and calls calls around the clock, including from your customers.
  • You can have legal and accounting assistance in the framework of work.
  • Franchiser conducts training courses and advanced training of your managers
  • You will get access to the total base of corporate documents, reports and knowledge.

But it is not necessary to assume that all franchises distribute the franchises of their business to the right and left, they also have a number of their requirements and visions of the business, constantly control and follow how you serve your customers. Since they are responsible for this with their prestige.

Frequent requirements from franchisers to entrepreneurs:

  • Availability of an office on the 1st line of the central streets
  • Area of \u200b\u200babout 20 m2 with good repair, and sometimes with repair in corporate style
  • Perhaps convenient car parking
  • Necessarily a signage made in a certain way with a specific design
  • Other…

In our opinion, one way or another, before the opening of the travel agency, you need to consider all possible options, including the discovery of the franchise even if you want to develop your own brand and after the expiration of time also sell franchise to your business.

Relationships of tour operators and travel agencies. Where does the travel agency buys tours?
Today, more than 2,500 tour operators are represented in Russia and it must be said that not all of them have an impeccable reputation, therefore it is necessary to approach the partner weighing.
First you need to visit the website of the Rossturism, which has lists of tour operators with their data and the most important capitalization is usually the higher, the most reliable partner.

It should also be paid to how to occur by the interaction of tour operators with your clients, whether they have their own guides, vehicles and perhaps even rooms in hotels. As a rule, conscientious tour operators work with tested air carriers, insurance companies. In place of rest, transportation provides transportation, consolidate the groups of tourists of their guides through which excursions can be purchased and consult on various issues of stay and accommodation. Including guides are carried out with tourists, they inform them important information, for example, about transferring departure, it is very important!

Then you should look at the presence of representative offices of the tour operators in your region if they are available, it will facilitate further work on the document flow, say, to obtain visas, you will not need to send documents to the central office, everything can be done through representation.

The beginning of the relationship begins with the conclusion of the contract, in this case this agency agreement and the Commission's Agreement on which you receive your percentage from the sale of tours, to the Word this size is about 10%.

Another important aspect of the relationship between travel agencies and tour operators, which has already happened in practice, it is when the flights or non-default hotels were filled with whole aircraft, for the unscrupulousness of the tour operator. And your customers will make claims to you because you sold them this tour. So you need to be careful when choosing partners.
After concluding contracts, you are given the possibility of access as an agent to the base of all tours of specific tour operators. This access can be implemented both through the software and directly on the site. Through your personal account you will order tours for your customers. Also on the Internet there are sites on which the bases of all accessible tours from all tour operators are presented, through such sites it is most convenient to compare prices.

Organization and management of tourist business.

To the organization of tourist business on the basis of travel agency, it is necessary to approach enough weigly and not to lose sight of the main features of the business, in order not to make mistakes that lead to the unprofitability of the company and its subsequent closure, as we said above that about 40% of companies do not survive three years . They bend in no season when the demand for travel is reduced.

Step by the opening scheme of the travel agency:

By zero stage, you should choose the time to open the travel agency, it is best to open up for a long time before the season in order to have a promotional company and immediately start earning the first money. We will refer to the creation of a site for the company here.

The first stage of the business organization should be a marketing research of your region and city. You must understand how many competitors you have and what are their features.

The second stage will be a choice of concept, that is, you can open a travel agency from scratch or buy a ready-made business, or open on a franchise.

The third stage will be the search for the premises. To this issue you need to approach with all the responsibility and disagree to the first options. The location and convenience for the client depends on your profit.

Fourth stage search for partners and conclusion of contracts. This question concerns the choice of the tour operator, we discussed it above.

Fifth stage search for sales managers. This is also a very important point when opening a profitable travel agency. There are several options that are most often found to solve this issue.
The first option is the search for managers who have experience and already accumulated client base. This option helps to start already having some advantage, but requires an increase in labor costs.
The second option is the selection of managers without work experience with only the desire to learn and earn in the tourist business. Such an approach makes it possible to lead a personnel to develop personnel.
The third option will be funnant, it is a reception to the work of managers and with experience and without that. In this case, there is a diversification of the wage fund, is also not a bad option.

The sixth stage is advertising. Conducting advertising companies eats quite most of the profits of the travel agency in some cases, up to 40% of the company's net income. But what to do advertise an engine trade. Read more about the behavior of advertising companies below.

Now that your travel agency is openly, an advertising company has been conducted and the first clients appeared time to talk about the management of this business. As a manager should clearly understand their duties!

Most often, people who have already worked for employment in such a business and learned the subtleties of this business and this is usually for the discovery of travel agencies.
But does such managers have a team management skills? Not always! And therefore, many sales at the opening of travel agencies begin to engage in their usual affairs and from the very beginning drive their business trap. In order not to make such mistakes should be removed from managers for some distance and try to see work from the side. You must understand that it is not a specific client, but most customers in general.

The work of tourist agencies comes down to sell the tour to the client as quickly as possible. Because in any city, working travel agencies are selling essentially the same tour and about the same price. Those agencies that dump prices are usually dying in not the season, and the tour operators do not welcome this method of work. Therefore, the management of the travel agency is not to control the client, but to control its managers, so that they answer inquiries as quickly as possible and offered not one option, and somewhat trying to please the customer's request. For this, managers must constantly study and every day coming to work to monitor the situation on the tourist market. To make a good tour at the first appeal at the first address.

The next very important point is to work with regular customers. A separate folder must be equipped with each client, where the maximum amount of information will be stored up to its relatives and its preferences. Let's say there are people who do not change their habits and every year fly, for example, to Turkey in July, in connection with this, why do you earlier, say in May not to offer a tour at a bargain price.

In addition to working with managers in your task, planning will be included or otherwise we can say strategic planning. Strategic planning is the calculations of the suggestion for the future, how to create a situation and how you will act. To begin with, you should come up with questions that may arise in the course of your work and try to answer them, for example, than our travel agency will do in not the season? How much do I plan to sell tours for this year? And for the next? What will I do if customers turn to me to the court? What are the stocks and when will we conduct? How much do we plan to spend on advertising this year?

For each such question, you must provide a clear answer, for example: "What should I do if a law on compulsory authorized capital comes out for travel agencies, let's say in 2 000 000 rubles ???" Answer: "Combine with the same way as our travel agency and drop ..."
All this is called business planning, which may not know the sales manager of tours, but the travel agency should definitely know and be able to apply in practice.

Room for travel agency.

About the room for the travel agency was said in this article above and will be said even lower, in this section, let's say that:
Special requirements, except for convenience for the client and aesthetic appearance, the travel agencies are not presented.
The choice of premises is reduced to:

  • Acceptable price
  • Location closer to the center
  • Perhaps human streams
  • Having minimal staff amenities
  • Availability of telephone and Internet lines

In any case, when renting an office, the repairs even the cosmetic will be needed, so you should take at least 50,000 rubles to this case.

Equipment for travel agency.
After the repair and premises are ready for work should be purchased equipment.
It is worth the choice of equipment for the travel agency, quite carefully on the one hand, all the equipment must be functional on the other hand to please your clients' eyes.
Main types of equipment for a small travel agency:

  • Furniture.
  • Office equipment.
  • Advertising and information products.
  • Office.

Furniture should be functional comfortable and beautiful.
To open a small travel agency with personnel from 2 managers and the manager, you need:
Tables with stands - 3pcs. 15 000 rubles.
Chairs - 3pcs. (Personnel) 7,000 rubles., 6pcs. (Customers) 3,000 rubles.
Sofa for customers - 1pc. 25 000 rub.
Coffee table - 1 pc. 7 000 rubles.
Schedule - 1pc. Storage of promotional products 12 000 rubles.
Total for furniture: 128,000 rubles.
Additionally, you can install aquarium, it is from 30,000 to 300,000 rubles.

Office equipment must be functional and fast.
Computer -3pc. 30,000 rubles.
Fax -1pc. 3000 rub.
Printer scanner -2pc. 5000 rubles.
Phone- 2pc. 1500 rubles.
Total office equipment: 106,000 rubles.
Additionally, you can install the projector or plasma TV or at least an additional monitor for the convenience of presentations is another 15,000 to 50,000 rubles.

Advertising and Information Products It must be represented in sufficient volume, according to the client, the longer the travel agency is the more promotional products.
World map on the wall - 2000 rubles.
Magazines catalogs - 20,000 rubles.
Extra. Waste paper - 5000 rubles.
Total for promotional products: 27,000 rubles.

To the Office, we attribute: paper, handles, markers, staplers, paper clips, folders, files, and so on.
Costs for the Office: about 10,000 rubles.
Additionally, you can buy magnetic boards for the convenience of learning or presentations within the firm.
Also, do not forget about the shelves where you will post small gifts that brought you your satisfied customers from tour trips.

General exercise on equipment without additional amenities: 271 000 rubles.

Personnel for travel agency.
The presence and number of personnel working in a travel company can be the most different. If you have a mini travel agency, then on the first pairs you can organize all processes yourself, over time you need to expand the staff of the staff in favor of sales managers.
For the average travel agency, there are enough five people, of which:

  • Director is you
  • Two Manager - Sale Tours
  • Accountant - reporting
  • System Administrator - website promotion

Of these people, only director and managers can work in the office, the rest can work remotely. Such a concept will help save on rental office.

What are the requirements for travel agency personnel?
It is impossible to call any special requirements, as it depends only on the desires of the manager, meaning the presence of higher education and experience.

Mandatory is: knowledge of your work in particular is to relate to the accountant and the system administrator.

From managers, the desire to work to develop and earn. Also, the frequent demand for managers from the employer is the presence of pleasant appearance and charm.

Training business should be trained primarily managers and managers selling tours. What do you want to know?
For managers:

  • Strategic planning
  • Reporting
  • Control of work managers
  • Interaction with competitors
  • Work with partners
  • Work on attracting and holding customers

For managers:

  • Study of the tourism industry
  • Search and selection of tours
  • Distinguishing tourpackets
  • Reporting
  • Sale of tours by phone
  • Sale of tours in the office at a personal meeting

Good training can be obtained by opening a tourist agency for a franchise, this topic was told a little higher. Part of the necessary learning can be obtained by communicating directly with hotel and guides on the Internet. Good experience can be obtained from communicating with customers after the trip. The mining of information for training also has a rather creative approach, as well as the whole business in general.


Advertising travel agency.
Advertising travel agency is one of the most complex and interesting types of advertising and in this business, as not in which advertising is a valid engine of trade.
Promotion of the travel agency is a creative approach to advertising companies. Mandatory is the creation of advertising, which has potential customers for rest. Advertising should be bright and memorable!

The first thing is necessary to the modern tourist agency is the creation of your own website and pages on social networks and the format of your business is not important in this issue, in the sense of small or medium. Advertising on the Internet is mandatory for all travel agencies.

Today's realities require the presence of a modern site, which presents the prepared proposals for your destinations. There must be a section to search and select tours with the possibility of booking via the Internet and various payment options, including payment for electronic money.

Do not forget that your site should be constantly updated, providing the information for potential customers. It is also nice to have a section with the photo reports and the stories of your customers who went to relax through your travel agency, it says that you need to interact and work with customers and after their return from rest.
The site must provide the registration section for users. After registering, the person automatically becomes your potential client leaving your data for you, in replacements you must provide him with some exclusive information that will be not available to anonymous visitors. It may be the opportunity to leaving your comments for photos and articles, or access to the possibility of downloading information, such as a printed guide, reminders for tourists, maps, routes, etc.

It is possible to create on the basis of the site and the forum dedicated to rest and travel. But it is worth mentioning that the development of the forum will require funds from 100,000 rubles, but you will get a lot of potentially interested customers, with their registration data.

Many advanced travel agencies were able to create entire social networks on the basis of their sites, in which not only customers, but also hotels, other travel agencies and even large tour operators, and so, are many other diverse firms and personalities that, one way or another, Complete in the tourist business. Combining social networks helps to create convenience and the necessary atmosphere for the development of tourist business and, of course, to provide a big profit to its creator.

Promotion of the tourist agency website on the Internet:

  • Registration on forums and advertising boards
  • Creation and development of pages in social networks
  • Maintain blogs and microblogging
  • Continuous update and add new articles on the site itself
  • Order contextual advertising - Yandex Direct, Google AdWords
  • Promotion through the places of cluster of people - Yap, etc.
  • Maintaining free mailings from his site - Sabskraiba, etc.
  • Advertising on women's thematic forums works well, as women are more than men are interested and pick up a place to relax.

The second is very important, this is the promotion of your travel agency offline, for this, practical any of the types of advertising will also fit.

Newspapers, radio, television will also work, but when complying with a number of conditions. The main thing is to provide important interesting and necessary information.

In the newspaper, it is better to order a whole narrative article with your contacts inside it, must have a header of interest from the reader, for example, how to visit Turkey for 10,000 rubles? What awaits tourist in 2014 in Spain? Interesting places in Europe - Top 10, etc.
On the radio advertising you need to make creative and memorable, for a short roller, it is necessary to most interest the listener. It works well for the radio format question - answer, this is when the question is: "Maybe if you get into the Louvre without a queue?", Answer: "Tour agency" Name "knows how! Contacts, France in your pocket !!! "

Advertising on television for today Saama dear format and a novely tourist agency will be difficult to allocate such a budget. With television it is best to start on the scale of local TV channels, inside your city.

Creative people will almost always find an optimal way out of this quite complex question - advertising for travel agency. One of my familiar girl, who has already been successful for the tourist business, has ordered the manufacture of a fridge magnets with the image of the sea and the island with a palm tree, well, of course, not forgetting to write the name of your company from above and below your site.

She spreads these magnets by separating mail by apartment. And I can tell you that such an advertising move has led to her many new customers. I myself personally saw from my friends at home, hanging her magnets on the refrigerator.

Here is an example of a creative creative approach to advertising travel agency, in which attachments are minimal than 20,000 rubles, and the return of maximum.

Comparing customers who come from advertising on the Internet and advertisements from Offline, you can say the following that customers coming from advertising newspapers, radio and television sets the same question: "What can I offer, and what do you have?". Customers coming from the site are more aware of the tours offered by you and are aimed to choose between several. This facilitates the work of managers, and it is safe to say that the conversion of people coming from the Internet will be higher.

Selection of titles for your travel agency.
To the name of the travel agency should be approached very weigly and come up with at least 50 titles. Of all this it is necessary to choose the most consonant and memorable!
Here are some examples:

  • Rus-tour
  • Ali Baba - Tour
  • Infiniti - Tour
  • Laksheri - Tour
  • Gambit - Tour
  • To Berlin
  • Three whales
  • Seven seas
  • Three continents
  • Atlantis
  • Heat-tour
  • Euro-Tur.

Names can come up with a lot of enough, but try to choose which which can talk about the tours you provide taking into account the future development. And maybe in addition to the memorable name, make it a little bit with humor.

Sales products.
How is the sale of the tour?
The classic sales scheme of the tour looks like this:

  • The client sees advertising
  • Call to office
  • Work manager
  • Visiting office
  • Work manager
  • Acquisition of services

Tour sales scheme on the Internet:

  • Search or advertising, or recommendation of acquaintances
  • Visiting the site and the choice of the tour
  • Payment tour
  • Getting Documents for Trip

But what chain of sales of the tour does not give, all the same in the first place will be advertising, so you can definitely say that the sale of tourist business products will be completely dependent on advertising.
When writing a business plan in this section, you should pay attention to the holding and development of regular customers and the distribution of "sarafined radio".

It is clear that to ensure the maximum sale of your tours, we need to have regular customers who form a key core of our business.

To ensure a high product market, some travel agencies form their own non-standard tourpacks. Turpaket is a set of necessary components required for the journey.

What is a standard tour package?
The standard turpake complex includes: visa (if required), honey. Insurance, airfare (there - back), shuttle service to place of residence, hotel room, meal.

What is not a standard turpacket?
Not a standard Turpaket differs from the standard fact that additional services are included, such as excursions, additional services. Maybe the formation of a tour package for visiting immediately several countries for one trip.
In general, in order to sell your service, you can come up with a real non-standard tour package and thereby call more interest from customers. Everything will depend on your creativity.

How to find and keep regular customers?
Permanent customers are people whose requests fully satisfy your travel agency.
Searching the client must be engaged in the marketer, withholding manager.

  • First of all, the client must attract advertising
  • in the second charm of your manager,
  • in the third price of the tour,
  • on the fourth tour itself

At the same time, at all stages, your manager must interact with the client, but this does not mean to be obsessive.

You need to communicate with the client and after he returns from the journey, it will help to keep the client, you need to be able to be if not else, then at least a comrade and then will undoubtedly have a lot of regular customers.

In the tourist business, there is such an expression as Deadline - this is the sale of burning tours, it is impossible for the way, since your client will have a certain amount of time for which it should decide on the purchase of a travel tour.

Do not forget about the holding of shares and bonuses to regular customers in this will help you with hotel rooms. Many hotels have promotions, while re-visiting the client provides the best room.
Discounts as the necessary tool. A discount can act when re-accessing your travel agency and within the framework of the shares - bring a friend. There are also systems of accumulative discounts than more trips, the more discount.

You can provide your discounts and customers who help in promoting your travel agency in social networks, write articles on forums and other sites, are registered and post their reports, including photo reports with the mention of your company.

There is another example of a profitable opening of a travel agency with a promotion to attract the first customers in a new sleeping microdistrict. First, this approach helps to save on rental office, cheaper than in the center. Secondly there is no competition or almost no.
Opening the aforementioned travel agency, his creators thought about attracting customers. We decided to hold a share "passport without a queue", that is, they assumed the entire process of registration of passports for the population. And what do you think wishing to be quite a lot. Yes, let such an action intensive enough and requires additional staff, but at the competent work of managers, the return can be up to 40% or even more. Let's say you will help 3,000 people for free, but they sell 1000 rounds, in my opinion, not bad.

Financial plan.
The preparation of the financial plan is a prerequisite for the beginning of any business. The standard financial plan includes calculations for presumptive initial investments and assumptions on the payback of the project with projected profits.

Investments in the travel agency are not quite large in connection with this business attracts many entrepreneurs. Let's try and we calculate the initial investments in a small travel agency.

Calculation of investments will be carried out for the quarter, that is, the future three months of work. In the future, all expense articles are planned to be paid from the profit.
All investments we divide into four parts:

  • Rental premises
  • Acquisition of equipment
  • Foundation for labor
  • Marketing events and advertising

Rental of the premises for a tourist company - a room was found with an area of \u200b\u200b35 sq.m. With already repaired, for rent 400 rubles. For 1 sq.m. For the month it turns out 14,000 rubles. + Internet, telephone 3000rub. For a quarter of 51,000 rubles.

The acquisition of equipment - above we considered the minimum set required for a small travel agency, its cost was 271,000 rubles.

Fund of remuneration - five people will work in our small travel agency, together with the head of them, the head of the s / n itself is 30,000 rubles. will work in the office and two managers with s / n at 20,000 rubles. + Percentage from the sale of tours will also be in the office. Accountant and system administrator with sailing will work remotely with 20,000 rubles.
Total wage fund for the Quarter is: 330,000 rubles.

As a result, our investments on the opening of a not a big travel agency amounted to 752,000 rubles.
If you take at a minimum and rely on the instant return from the business, it is meant immediately after the first month of work, you can meet at 388,000 rubles. By the way, in the calculations on the payback of the business, we will use this particular figure, as the business should start at least somehow recoup from the first month of work.

To calculate the payback of business, we will use the estimated number of sales of tourist vouchers, as well as use the amount of the average check.

So, we plan to attract the main customers from the spent advertising companies, at the rate of the response percentage we plan to 0.8% of 1,000 people - 8 will commission the tour, respectively, the more money will be spent on advertising, the more we receive customers.

By comparing this data at the rate, we predict the attraction of customers at 600 per year. Based on these numbers, we made a ruble for managers of 220 tours sold per year if the manager sells more, it receives an annual bonus, sells more - gets more.
Next - the price of the average tour sold is 50,000 rubles, we get 10% commission, respectively, 5,000 rubles the amount of average check.

Annual expenses:
Rent + Internet, Phone - 204,000 rubles
Fund of remuneration - 1,320,000 rubles
Advertising - 470,000 rubles
Outcome: 1 994 000 rubles

Annual income:
220 tours x2 \u003d 440 tours multiply on the average check 5 000 rub. \u003d 2 200 000 rubles
Free funds at the end of the year: 2 200 000-1 994 000 \u003d 206 000 rubles.

The return on the tourist agency should occur in the first year of existence at the same time an additional profit should be formed at the end of the year, which will be spent on advertising and paying bonuses so that the profit has increased earnings in the second year.

Startups in the tourist business (examples):

№1 Rest within the country, organization of recreation in your area.

The organization of recreation and tourism in its own region will suit almost any resident of our country. To do this, it is necessary to show curiosity and activity. In any region, many private attractions that other people want to see. The main thing is to properly present such a service.

First you need to get a camera, learn to make beautiful photos. Having shifted to the smell and observation, you can pick up a good list of the most beautiful places of your region and the area. After that, media through the Internet make yourself an advertisement. Advertising for startup We will do by creating your own blog, forums, portals and of course social networks on topics: tourism, recreation, photograph, attractions, culture, art, etc.

On the Internet, lay out accumulated materials under your authorship and with our coordinates, while offering our services for the organization, meetings, accompanies and posting everyone.
With the right approach, investments in such a startup are zero, and the income of 30,000 rubles per month is provided. Here is the first example of a tourist business from scratch!

№2 Organization of exotic tours with an annual turnover of about 10,000,000 rubles.

To date, the tourist services market is represented not only by the main areas for recreation. Many people are already tired of this and want to rest on an individual program, say, to visit where no one or few people have been. As the demand is said, the demand gives rise to a proposal, therefore there are tourist firms that specialize in exotic directions by making up individual routes. By the way, the price of exotic leisure has already led $ 10,000 per round and it is quite reasonable!

For example, have a lot of people conquered Elbrus? Not! And what do you think, many of those who want to do it? Many and the number of them increases every year! The cost of such a climb of about $ 20,000 and there are tourist agencies that have been collecting several groups of exotic leisure lovers each year (a total of 20 people per year !!!) and reconcile.
We believe: 20 (person) multiply by 20,000 dollars (the price of one person), we get $ 400,000, which translated about 14,000,000 rubles to rubles.

And for a startup of such exotic tours, you can come up with a lot in completely diverse directions and preferences ranging from relax and ending with sports and extreme.

№3 Your mini business organization of youth recreation in your city.

One of my familiar frequent city clubs and parties began his tourist business even that he did not suspect. Many conventional party members are familiar to the phrase that the club is the same faces. This situation and advocated him to get acquainted on the Internet with people from other cities and invite them to parties in his city. When the question arose with the placement, he began to offer the second room of his apartment in the hir. He takes 500 rubles per person, with his words only for the delivery of a room a month less than 20,000 rubles he did not have.

Also in large cities there are mini hotels - youth hostels where many young people come, relax and hang out to find new acquaintances and have a good time. In such hotels, my friend also places groups of young people. With the leadership of the hostel, he cooperates percentage.

Recently, well-known personals with their concerts often come to the clubs of our city, which many fans and fans want to get, but some uncertainty prevents where to go where to spend the night, etc.
Here and turns on an email! In social network groups, the familiar publishes posters about the upcoming event and offers its services "Guide" - all inclusive. Wishing abuse!

For these purposes, he books apartments in advance, which are surrendered for a day, you know such? On a day, such an apartment costs 1,500 rubles. Sew six people in them and over the weekend, only with such an apartment earns 3,000 rubles in his pocket.
In the future, he dreams of building a house of a man on 20. In order for only two weekends it was possible to earn 20,000 rubles.

№4 How to earn without having a travel agency?

Today, starting your startup and earn money in the tourist business, selling tours and vouchers can not even have your company and even registration of IP. There are sites of travel agencies that offer from your face to work ordinary individuals. After registration, you will provide access to their tours.

Why is it beneficial to travel agencies?
Travel agencies receive a commission from the tour operator from selling a tour and the more they sell tours, the higher the Commission will be. Attracting individuals, travel agency increases its sales.

Why is it profitable for you?
Working in such a scheme, you get the opportunity to engage in tourist business for the sale of tours without leaving home. Also you get large commission, working under the wing of travel agency, today they are willing to pay about 35% of their profits. That is, let's say the travel agency earns 10% of the sale of each tour, take an average profit from one tour of 5,000 rubles. From 5,000 rubles you pay 35%. We get 1750 rubles arrived from one tour.
To earn about 20 000 rubles a month you need to sell about 12 rounds.

The advantage of such a business is obvious, you can begin to master the tourist business today at the same time, without investing in the opening of your company. You are not risking anything!
First you need to create pages on social networks, perhaps your site and start promotion on the Internet. Start with your friends and acquaintances. Get the first invaluable experience with minimal investments in the tourist business.

In the conclusion of our article about the tourist business, I would like to say that all the same and to date, the opening of the travel agency remains a fairly profitable business. Main choose the right format for the start. Good luck!

The main task of the tour operator is to help the future tourist with a selection of vouchers and travel countries, organizing conditions for recreation.

The manager advises customers, makes insurance, draws up a visa, solves the issue of transportation, accommodation and other tasks.

What is the earnings from the tourism manager in the country

According to statistical data from recruiting portals, the average salary of tourism managers at the tour operator in Russia for 2017 - 35,000 rubles.

How many tour operators pay:

  • depends on the region;
  • popular popularity.

Salary at the tour operator in different cities are following (rub.):

  • Moscow, St. Petersburg - 30-130 thousand rubles;
  • Ekaterinburg - 22 thousand rubles;
  • Novosibirsk - 20 thousand rubles;
  • Chelyabinsk - 19 thousand rubles;
  • Nizhny Novgorod -18 thousand rubles;
  • Volgograd - 16 thousand rubles.

These figures do not include bonuses and surcharges for attracted customers.

Especially successful tourism agents in large cities can receive 100,000 rubles. per month or more.

Revenues in other countries

Salary vary greatly between tour operators.

Larger networks usually pay higher rates.

The salary can be increased by various incentives and performance bonuses:

  • the number of vouchers sold;
  • insurance.

Statistics, how many tour operators earn in the world:

  1. Big spreading is how much tour operators get in Belarus. The minimum tourism agent without work experience earns 300 white. rub . Maximum, with a packed customer base and a large stream of those who want to rest - 1200 white. rub .
  2. IN Ukraine The tour operator has the most common in large regional centers: Kiev, Dnieper, Odessa, Lviv, Kharkov. The salary on average for 2017 is 10 000 UAH. Young professionals get salary of 4 thousand UAH.
  3. Salary level B. Kazakhstan hesitates from 50,000 to 170,000 tg.
  4. Salary for tourist managers in England fluctuate from 25,000 to 30,000 pounds sterling per year. Salary for consultants vary from 12,000 to 25,000 pounds sterling. On senior positions and with experience, tour operators can receive per year - 25,000-60,000 pounds sterling Depending on the nature and location of the organization.

How to solve the issue with documents

Any tour operator must issue a customer:

  • flight;
  • voucher;
  • medical insurance.

A contract is drawn up, which is typical of all tour operators, but it should be read.

Many are interested in how much time before departure, the tour operator issues these documents.

The government has obligated travel companies to provide customers with documents minimum per day before departure.

Perspectives of career growth

As a rule, the role of the tourism manager offers many opportunities for professional development.

In large companies, this may mean the transition to senior positions:

  • director of travel agency;
  • top manager.

The figure how many tour operators receive in senior positions, several times more than that of the customer service manager.

Perhaps you will need to move to get an increase, especially when working in large companies.

If you work in a small, independent company, you may need to go to another company to promote service.

Also, some employees who studied the work associated with travel completely, discover their own business.

It is known how many tour operators provide their services.

For 2017, 4561 officially registered in Russia.

You can choose a company that offers good salary and working conditions.

Training tourist profession

There are special courses with which you can get a profession of the tourist destination without separation from work.

Courses last from 4 weeks to several months.

It is possible to learn after higher or secondary special education.

But to advance the career ladder will require a deeper profile education.

Surely each of us at least once in my life when booking tickets and travel, the trips were asked about how much travel agencies earn. And in fact, what is the turnover of the average company in this area? Is it necessary if there is a certain amount of free funds and desire to work only on yourself to start this particular business? Let's talk about everything in order.

Experts and entrepreneurs agree that even a small one, but correctly built their work, the tour operator is quite realistic to earn 250,000 rubles. Is there a lot or a little? It's hard to say. Profit is a relative thing. For example, for the capital, this is a completely achievable and real figure.

In the provinces or in the small Russian town of earnings, the agency may be several times lower. True, in order to approach even this result, you must invest some funds. And before you rub your hands waiting for profit and mutations on how much tour operators receive, you should take a chance and work well.

Take profit

Let's go back to the tempting figure in a quarter of a million rubles. We'll figure it out at full-specific examples, what should be done, what amount of work is to produce in order to have this amount in my monthly assets. The goal will be achieved if you sell for 30 days at least 70 rounds, the cost of which will be equal to 60,000 rubles. As a rule, this is a regular tour of two people. Most travel agencies are trying to work in this range.

We consider further. Seventy multiply by sixty thousand, we get four million two hundred thousand rubles of revenue. The Commission received from the tour operator for the implementation of these tours is 12%. This is the figure you can get if you work not straight with a tour operator, how many newcomer agencies do, but through a special booking center. So, if this figure is achieved by your travel agency, and you can sell 70 tours within a month, you can earn a good commission - 504,000 rubles.

Spoonful, or let's talk about expenses

Along with the question of how much travel agencies earn, it should also be understood as they spend. Figure in half a million rubles literally manites to start your own business. But how much do you really have on your hands, after you do all the necessary payments? The main cost of expenses is a salary of employees. This issue should lay the amount of 100,000 rubles. This money should be enough to pay for the work of pairs of managers and courier (about how much the travel agent receives, let's talk later). Go ahead. Approximately 50,000 will be required to pay for the rent of your office, as well as connections.

How much tourist agencies do?

The experience of many entrepreneurs in this area proves that without fulfilling and systematic advertising business will stand still.

Therefore, these goals should be mortgaged very large (relative to other costs) budget. After deducting other minor costs, you will receive an amount of about equal to a quarter million rubles.

Now let's see how much you need to invest in order to earn this money. Before starting a business, be sure to monitor. Find out how many companies currently carry out their activities in your city, with what tours and in what price range they work. This will help you correctly calculate your strength, determine which office you need and what staff, which trips to offer customers in order to successfully conduct a competitive struggle.

Not gasoline trading

Tourist business topics and attractive, which does not require super-high investments, such as some industrial plant or the same gas station. At the first stage, only to equip the office on two or three people should be equipped. It is not necessary to spend much on the design of the room or its repair.

The experience of many entrepreneurs in this area proves that most customers easily make tours in mid-level offices that are not littered with statuettes from different countries. A person who came after a ticket must simply be conveniently located on a chair or a soft sofa and comfortable without being distracted by an office entourage, arrange all the required documents. Therefore, adhere to strict and calm minimalism. In addition, consider the fact that tourism is not the sphere of activity that will pay for hundreds of thousands of rubles spent just on the office.

If you further want to hit competitors and customers with some exotic and make a "ahov" repair, then earn a really good money, for example, several million rubles, and then spend them on office entourage.

Amendment to the city

We would like to once again emphasize your attention to the fact that the costs associated with the opening of the case can be very different in Moscow and in another Russian city.

Accordingly, the answer to the question of how much travel agencies earn may be very variable. In our material we consider the Russian capital as a platform for business.

At the initial stage, according to our estimates, an entrepreneur will need to be at a time to spend about 400,000 rubles. And if you take into account the fact that the travel agency will be profitable only for 2-3 months of work, it means that you must have a sum of about 800,000 rubles. This money will be needed in order to equip your office and first just keep afloat. Here the rental and salary of employees have already laid.

Home value

By the way, about the latter. Good managers on the road are not lying. Therefore, you value with your frames. At the first stage, you can score middle qualification personnel. Next, as the company grows, it is possible to gradually increase the level of professionalism of its personnel with the help of working in your company and special courses. If the budget has enough amount, then it is better, of course, to immediately recruit professional frames.

How much do travel agents get in Moscow? Here a lot depends on the activity and initiative of the employee. On average, according to expert settlements, he receives 45,000 rubles. In St. Petersburg, this amount is lower - in the area of \u200b\u200b35,000. In other major cities, approximately 20,000 rubles. Pretending how much travel agents are on average in Russia, consider that here, as in any other case, it is very important, what a person has experience. Experienced employees may have a salary, two or three times higher than the earnings of newcomers.

What else do tour operators earn?

Of course, with a certain proportion of creative and initiative, you can come up with an unusual earnings in your company. However, the lion's part of the firms occupied in the sphere of tours are trying not to spray. They focus on the main thing - the implementation of the vouchers - and well in this matter succeed. Therefore, it is not necessary to break your head over what travel agencies earn. Their main income article is commissions.

If you as a novice entrepreneur does not satisfy the level of income and profits, do not invent anything new, but try to improve the service provided or invite more advanced managers. Then you can significantly improve your financial situation.

Or maybe on ready?

Some entrepreneurs prefer instead of starting the case from scratch, buying ready and promoted companies. What are the risks here? First about the pros. First of all, you significantly save time. By making a transaction for buying travel agency, you immediately receive a valid business with an office, customer base, equipment and contracts with partners.

The second important point is reduced risks. Opening a business independently, you may be calculated and burned in the first months of work. If the company lasted on the market for several years, then we can already say that she took his independent niche. True, it is worth considering the fact that such an organization will cost you much more expensive than a travel agency created from scratch.

Subject purchase

Now let's talk about what is the most valuable on the selling company operating in the field of tourism. This is, of course, employees. These professionals are extremely difficult to find their business. And then you immediately receive experienced staff with your own customer base. This moment is especially important. If, for example, a company that appeared on the market, it works at a loss precisely because of the lack of clientele, then the company with the experience of things is much better. You can purchase agency that will immediately start making a profit.

On the other hand, and the cost of the maintenance of such a company can increase you significantly. Take at least a salary to employees. We have already mentioned how much a travel agent with experience and its own base. Multiply this figure by the number of people in your staff. You will receive an increase to your own expenses. And on the other hand, do not forget about how much travel agencies that have already found their niche. If young companies are happy to be a quarter of a million, then organizations with the name can fully count on a million and more.

Optimal option

Since we started talking about the client base, it is worth noting that it is important to pay attention to the fact that it is. For example, if focused only in the heads of employees and is not displayed on paper or in an electronic version, then we can assume that it is simply not. Another plus in the purchase of a ready-made case is that it is not easy enough to find a decent room in the center for reasonable money. In the case of buying a company with experience, this is possible.

And now a few words about the minuses of acquiring a ready-made company. The main one is the price. The organization cannot cost 300,000 rubles. It will talk about some kind of serious problems. Experts and experienced entrepreneurs advise to pay attention to the company, the cost of which begins from 3 million rubles.

For this money, you will receive a promising office with employees and a decent customer base. We hope that our material helped you understand how much the travel agency earns in a month and how much money is necessary in order to open it. Good luck to you in your own business!

When you start a new business, you want to evaluate as a whole, what are your prospects, how much you can earn and what means it will be necessary to invest. Therefore, in this lesson, we will disclose the initial economy of the travel agency in detail. The first question is a figure of 250 thousand rubles. For someone, this is a lot for someone - little. For a small, but profitable travel agency, these are normal, real and very achievable figures, especially in Moscow. In the regions, it may be difficult to approach them. Nevertheless, this is what you can and need to focus on the first, starting period of activity. To walk to these numbers, naturally, you need to invest something.

How do we get 250 thousand rubles. personal income?

Let's analyze it on specific figures to be more clear and visual (Fig. 1). To get 250 thousand rubles. Personal income, we need to sell 70 rounds with an average price of 60 thousand rubles per month. This is the middle tour for two, and many agencies work around this range. 70 tours of 60 thousand rubles. - This is 4200 thousand rubles. Revenue. The Commission, which we receive from the tour operator for the sale of these tours - an average of 12%. This is the Commission that you will receive if you work on our recommendations, not directly with the tour operator as a newcomer agency, but through the reservation center or through some network. Then your commission will be 12% equal to, and you will earn 504 thousand rubles from these 70 tours.

Fig. 1. How to get 250 thousand rubles. per month

Go to expenses. Primary, the main flow is a salary. Here we laid 100 thousand rubles. This money should be enough for the salary of two managers and one courier. Next: 50 thousand rubles. - For rent office or some commercial premises in the shopping center, for payment of communication (telephony and the Internet).

Our experience shows that without advertising normal sales, do not achieve, so we allocated for advertising quite large (for most travel agencies) budget. Other small expenses (office, post office, etc.) laid 4 thousand rubles. And in the dry residue, minus all costs, creator of the business, i.e., you will remain invente 250 thousand rubles. per month.

How much money you need to have to open the travel agency and what you spend them

How to miss the means to not let the money on the wind, but also not save on an important?

In fact, the turbines is not such a capital-intensive industry as a gas station or a combine. It does not require enormous investments and buying expensive machines. Initially, you need to arrange a small office for 2-4 people.

Tip: Do not make a particularly large cost of repair or design.

Our experience has shown that it is quite stable and with pleasure tourists make purchases in the usual office without excesses, which is normally furnished, is not climbed by furniture, where they have the opportunity to sit down, where managers are located normally. Therefore, reasonable minimalism, especially at the initial stage, will be quite acquitted, it is not necessary to bother.

And then, tourism is not the type of business that will pay for millions invested in the office arrangement. If you want to make your business really beautiful, in the future, with the development of the case, you can already have money earned, to profit, do something exotic and extraordinary to say all competitors and customers: "Wow!"

Table 1. Costs

In tab. 1 We have led the main initial costs that can be at a novice travel agency for three jobs. The calculation is made with a guideline to Moscow.

A few bonuses that you find on our website are attached to our book. There is a typical business plan, and there are several options. There is a business plan for Moscow, and there is a business plan for regional cities. The calculation is made for cities with a different population, because the scale of the business, when you open agency, say, in the city with a population to 250 thousand people. And in the city millionth, completely different, expenses will be different, the number of jobs will be different, the number of area you rent will be different. That's why you will find source tables on the site with bonuses, where we did the calculations and where you can play with your numbers. There are usual Excel files where you can insert your data, let us rent, salary, and see what you have what you can go out.

According to our estimates, some tangible minimum is one-time spending of about 250 thousand rubles. and monthly costs of about 150 thousand rubles. If we say that the minimum stable income of the Agency will begin to bring at best on the second or third month, then you need to have at least 500-700 thousand rubles. This amount will be needed in order to equip the office and keep afloat for the first couple of months. The same minimum includes rental, advertising expenses, salary to employees are those foundations, without which sales in the new agency will not go. 500 thousand rubles. You should be enough for the first time, if you do not get together, and approach sufficiently modestly to the issue of consumption of funds.