Miraculous icon of the Kursk Native God's Mother. Kursk-indigenous icon of the genus of the Mother of God

Miraculous icon of the Kursk Native God's Mother. Kursk-indigenous icon of the genus of the Mother of God
Miraculous icon of the Kursk Native God's Mother. Kursk-indigenous icon of the genus of the Mother of God

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At the end of the XIII century, on September 8, 1295, as ledge, in the surrounding forests near Kursk, in the roots of the tree, the Most Holy Mother of God brought her face to one pious husband. "... And he saw near the river Tuskari in half / at the root of a large tree, lying on the NIC icon, which he only raised from the ground, as the source of water immediately from that place. Seeing this, the husband put a honestly acquired icon in the hollow tree, and at the same time he announced the Orthodox miracle to his comrades who, agreed between him, built a chapel of the chapel mentioned above and, putting a miraculous icon, returned to the world of the ravoisi ... "

The found icon with his image reminded the Novgorod icon of the sign of the Mother of God (1170). This icon gained on the shores came in history under the name Kursk root icon of the Mother of God "Sign", and for seven centuries it is a patronage and intercessors of the Kursk land.
Many mysterious and significant events are associated with this icon. According to one of the modern researchers of the history of this icon, J. Senatorsky, in centuries reached us "the wonderful signs and the grace of God, which contributes to us who, who, with faith, touched the miraculous image of the Mother of God's signs of Kursk Natives."

The phenomenon of this icon occurred into a turning point for Russian land the moment of history: many Russian cities and settlements were ruined and destroyed by Tatar-Mongols. One of these cities worried about terrible disasters was Kursk. Residents of this city in all those comprehended by their misfortunes saw the wrath of God, punishment for sins. They also connected his liberation from the foreigner to the grace, which lied on them in the images of the miraculous icons, in the considerable number of Russian countries in enslaved by the Mongols.

Church sources retained the names of such well-known icons in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, at different times of the revealed to our forefathers, like Kostroma (1239), Ustyugskaya (1290), Kursk National (1295), Tagging (1814), Chukhlomskaya (1350). Donskaya (1380), Tikhvinskaya (1383), Putivlskaya (1405) Kolocheskaya (1413), Pskov or Chirskaya (1420), Kazanskaya (1579).

True, there were no disputes among church historians regarding the year of the phenomenon of a Kursk indigenous icon. It was explained by the fact that in a number of lists "Tale of the phenomena of the miraculous icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Kursk ..." (literary monument of the 18th century) 1295 is not named at all, but it is mentioned only that it was the time of Mongolian dominion.

But be that as it may, in one of the handwritten ledges, the year 6803 is named from the creation of the world or 1295 from the Nativity of Christ. And it is this date that is celebrated by the Russian Orthodox Church as the time of the phenomenon of the Kursk shrine.

One of the first chronicles mention of the miracles of the Kursk Native Znamenskaya Icon is associated with the name of Prince Vasily Shemyaki, to which the vision returned after a diligent prayer in front of the problem.

With the intercession of this icon, the Kuryans are binding to overcoming the consequences of terrible hunger (1601-1603) in the reign of Boris Godunov and the troubled time with "innumerable troubles from the impostors, the reflection of the raids of the Crimean Tatars, Lithuanians and Poles.

Miracles and signs associated with the Kursk indigenous icon were so hit all their divine power that glory had passed about them all over Rus, and gradually this image became a national shrine. This icon has become one of the most popular, lists from it (accurate copies) richly decorated and spread in temples, monasteries, in the troops.

When in 1689, in the days of Russian-Turkish wars, the Russian warriors went to the Crimean campaign, the image of this icon was decorated with regimental banners with the inscription: "All hope for you is imposed, Mother of God. You blagologol from all our enemies with our invincible - willingly voivodship, keeping in their own blood. "

The list with the miraculous icon of Kursk Nienient in 1812 was sent by Kujany to the operating army of Prince Mikhail Kutuzov, and throughout the war with the French he protected Russian warriors.

In 1769, under the canopy of this image, the Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky is one of the greatest, along with St. Sergey Radonezh, Russian Saint. The future sacred on July 19, 1759 was born in the city of Kursk in the merchant family of moshnins, which built one of the pearls of cult architecture - Sergiev-Kazan Cathedral in the center of Kursk. As a child, the wonderful cover of God was repeatedly manifested over the Holy Pass, explicitly showing God-Webly in it. When he was seven years old, the mother, who visited the church, not completed by Sergiev, took him with him to the very top of the built bell tower. By negligence, the boy fell from the bell tower to the ground. Agaphia buzzed in horror down thinking that her son crashed to death, but, to indescribable joy, I found it whole and unharmed. Three years later, the boy was seriously ill, and so that the homemade was no longer believed in the happy outcome of his disease. At this time, Seraphim's father saw the Most Holy Virgin, who promised his forgiveness and quick healing from the disease. Soon this prophecy came true. In Kursk there was an annual procession with the miraculous icon of the sign of the Most Holy Virgin (called the root); This time, due to the rain and dirt, the procession passed directly through the yard of Agaphius Moshnina. Agaphia hurried to endure a sick son and put it to the miraculous icon, after which the studes of the Stud recover and soon completely recovered.

For your long history, Icon traveled a lot. So, in 1597, on the outcome of the 16th century, the icon was sent to Moscow, where King Fedor John met with Patriarch Jews, and the Cathedral and Army. According to the command of the king, the icon was decorated with silver-gold salary, pearls and precious stones. A cypress board was made around the icon, on which the Lord Savaof was depicted, and on the sides and from the bottom - the prophets with scrolls in their hands and corresponding from their writings with sayings. The queen of Irina Fedorovna to the icon was raised by the Pelon of the Red Atlas, which she embroidered with gold and silver threads and decorated with precious stones.

After returning the icon to Kursk, King Fyodor John, shortly before his death, issued a decree on the construction of an icon of the male monastery at the site of the phenomenon. For the past four centuries, this monastery has been known to the Orthodox world as Kursk National Christmas-Bogoroditsky desert.

This monastery is not only an Orthodox shrine, but also a monument of architectural art, since the temples of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a lively source, all saints, a lidelian, the covered gallery, leading to the source, ponds, household buildings, and picturesque surroundings are located on its territory. A lot of people were glazed regularly during the procession and the world-famous indigenous fair, which was considered the largest along with Makaryvskaya near the Nizhny Novgorod and Irbitan in the Urals.

The very first congestion in the history of the Kursk root was held in 1618, in the ninth Friday for Easter, on the highest decree of the Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich. On this summer day, the miraculous icon was solemnly postponed from the Znamensky Monastery (founded in 1612) in the "desert" what to the root. "

The time of stay of the shrine in the indigenous desert changed: first - one week (1726-1765, which was recorded in church sources), since 1765, this time, at the request of the igumen of the root abode of Isaiai, Moscow Patriarch was extended to two weeks.

And in 1768, the decree of the Holy Synod to wear an icon in the root desert was banned due to the violation of the spiritual regulation, which took place into unworthy disputes between the rebels and monks of Znamensky and the indigenous monasteries on the income from the procession and the indigenous fair. And during the procession in 1767, even unrest arose.

The ban on the congestion in the root desert existed for 22 years. He fell at the time of the rule of Empress Catherine II, which imagined himself standing on the guard of morality of his subjects. The congestion, who had a 150-year-old tradition, attracted to the root abode of pilgrims. After his prohibition, the authority of the Kursk Fair began to fall, the interests of commercial people began to undermine, which eventually applied a tangible damage and state treasury.

And only in 1790 after the numerous requests of the clergy, the Holy Synod, the sacred synod retained the requesters of the Kuryans and again allowed the godders. After 22 years, in June 1791, in the last Friday, the miraculous icon, accompanied by thousands of pilgrims, solemnly passed from the Znamensky monastery to the root desert. Among the participants of the resumed procession were pilgrims from St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev, Greece, Poland, Valahia and other countries.

Since 1805, the timing of the icon in the indigenous desert has been changed. This was done by Alexander I in response to the passion of the head of the indigenous monastery of Makaria. The Russian emperor allowed the miraculous icon in the indigenous desert not two weeks, and with the ninth week for Easter until 12 (25) of September - the holiday of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin.

In the middle of the XIX century (May 1852), the State Council decided to make the days of the procession by non-working. The tradition of the procession, which was strengthened by centuries, was a well-developed order and the ceremonial part. After receiving the Kursk status of the provincial capital (1775) and the Eparcian-Administrative Center (1833), the significance of this rite has increased significantly. Erended to the rank of the provincial holiday, the procession united smokyan, bringing together secular officials, clergy and simple people. In addition, participation in the governors of governors and clergy attached to this rite special solemnity and significance.

According to the memoirs of the Archbishop of the Kursk and Belgorod Seraphim, on the eve of the removal of the miraculous icon, on Thursday evening, in addition to the bishop all-in-bedroom in the Znamensky Cathedral, there was also a folk all-in-part in a special platform in the middle of the regional square. She began after 8 o'clock in the evening and ended at midnight. Tens of thousands of individuals are illuminated by candles burning in the darkness. Stacking chorus spread sacred songs around the district. The ringing of monastic bells picked up the ringing of all Kursk churches. And grace fell on everyone who gathered on the congestion from the near and distant provinces of Russia and other countries ... Very realistic, this state of the Spirit handed over the great I. E. Repin in his picture "Our Cross Procedure in Kursk province."

The tradition of the godfather in Kursk province was interrupted by the events of 1917. After the release of the decree (01/23/1918), the Holy Tikhon, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia wrote in those days in his desperate message, "Patriarch Moskovsky and All Russia," Patriarch of the Moscow and All Russia, "the trial of the crucifier is erected and the holy church. Holy temples are subjected to or destruction through the executions from the tools of deadly ... or robbery ... the godless lords of the century of this ... power ... manifests everywhere the most unfastened personifier and solid violence over all and, in particular, over the Holy Church of Orthodox.

The monastery in which Icon was kept was looted during the civil war, but the Kursk indigenous icon of the signs of the Mother of God managed to save. In October 1919, this shrine was overpowering first to Belgorod, and then to Taganrog with the direct participation of the Bishop of the Kursk and Oboyan Food. And on April 1, 1920, the icon left the limits of Russia on a steamer "Saint Nicholas". The last time Icon was on the territory of Russia in the same 1920 in September-October at the request of General Wrangel in his troops. After this, only her copy remained in Russia.

In the emigration of icon was located in Greek Thessaloniki, the Serbian city of Nisch, Belgrade, Vienna, Munich. She passed this path for thirty years and finally finally stopped in the new indigenous desert under New York (USA). From the moment the icon left Russia (1921), the Kursk image of the Most Holy Virgin is the main shrine of Russian Orthodox emigration.

The monastery in the indigenous desert was closed in 1923, and then before the foundation was destroyed, looted and desecrated. So Russia has lost another national shrine, a lively source, consecrated by the most Mother of God, tried to erase from the face of the earth, the bay of his concrete. But the source made his way in new places. Not only the monastery suffered, but all those who did not want to forget the tradition existing in the centuries. The territory of the monastery was acquainted with a four-meter height of the fence, all the approaches to the monastery were put up. Hunting was arranged literally for each pilgrim; Believers tried to raise the memory of the transmission during the root desert.

But it was impossible to eradicate by the power methods of faith. All methods of believers were looking for communication with their shrine. Changes occurred only in 1988, in the 1000-year anniversary of the Baptism of Russia. This year, the appeal of the ruling bishop of the Kursk Diocese of Juvenal to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Pimen and the head of the state M. S. Gorbachev with a request to return the root abode of believers.

After this appeal on August 7, 1989, the Executive Committee of the regional council of People's Deputies issued a decision on the phased transmission of the Diocesan Directorate of the part of the historical and architectural complex "Kursk Native Christmas-Bogoroditsky desert. On August 15, the first worship service was held in place, where before the revolution of 1917, the temple of the Most Holy Mother of God was touched.

From this point on, the revival of the Kursk indigenous desert as a monument of the XVI century began. The restoration of this monument was carried out by almost five years. The bells, the temples of the indigenous desert were erected at the place of Razvalin. At the point of the phenomenon, the icon was again erected by the temple, built at one time by the companion of Peter I, General-Field Marshal Boris Petrovich Sheremetev, to his own means in honor of the Swedes wondered under Poltavaya Victory.

In addition to the main buildings of this Orthodox monument, the Skit was revived with the house church, a hotel, household buildings, pastures and vegetables, a fish pond and a cattle courtyard. The ground paths to this historic shrine were again established.

Orthodox traditions were revived and interrupted. The first congestion after a long break took place on June 15, 1990, in the ninth Friday for Easter. In terms of its scale, he was distinguished from his historical predecessors (his length was only 900 meters), he was carried out inside the monastery fence. Subsequent processions have gained their previous historical scale. Having become a nationwide holiday, the procession in the root desert was carried out by thousands of pilgrims from near and far abroad. The atmosphere and all the events that occur it is consecrated and carry in themselves a huge outfit of spiritual energy.

In September 1991, the His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II called the Kursk root desert by the Third Spiritual Center of Russia, along with the Trinity-Sergiev Lavra and the Diveevsky Initum of Seraphim Sarovsky in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

This holy place to this day does not cease to surprise his pilgrims wonderful signs. So, in the year of the 700th anniversary of the Icon of the Mother of God "The sign" of a Kursk indigenous procession was accompanied by a natural miracle. The move was held on Friday on June 23 and was a special crowded and solemn. He was preceded by a week, all the length of which lily heavy rains. The rain was walking at night from Thursday to Friday. On the day of the procession, early in the morning, when in the Znamensky Cathedral before the removal of the miraculous icon of Vladyka, Juvenali began the Divine Liturgy, the sky suddenly was cleared of heavy clouds, and all the surroundings lit up the gentle summer sun, which shone all the path of the godfather.

On this day, for the first time after the resumption of the course of the Kuryan and guests of the city solemnly carried the intercession of the Kursk region along the streets of Kursk to the introduced Temple of Yams? Those Slobodi with letters of graceful prayers in the Troytsky Holy Trinity and Voskresensk-Ilinskiy temples, Sergiev-Kazan Cathedral.
Grishechkina N. B.

Gallery icons.

During the invasion of Russia, Khan Batya Kursk was so ruined that the residents of the neighboring town of Rylsk often hunted. Once, on September 8, 1295, one hunter saw the tree root facing a face to the earth icon. He raised the image, and it turned out that it was the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Sign." At the same moment on the place where she lay, the source of spring water scored from the ground.

When the prince of Ryll Vasily Shemyak reported on the phenomenon of the icon, he ordered to bring her to the city. The people met an icon with a celebration, but the prince himself did not take part in this meeting, for which he was immediately punished with blindness. When, after repentance, he received an insight, then in gratitude for healing, the temple was erected in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, where after the end of construction and the miraculous icon was delivered. Then the holiday was installed on the day of her phenomenon. The icon from the place of the phenomenon at the root of the tree began to call the root.

"Sign" Kursk-indigenous icon of the Mother of God. Gallery icons.

But the icon stayed in the temple for a long time: it miraculously disappeared and was discovered on the place where the hunter was acquired. The inhabitants of the digs have repeatedly took her and attributed to the city, but the icon disappeared every time from the temple, and she was again found in the place of the phenomenon at the root of the tree. Then everyone understood that the Mother of God favors to the place of the phenomenon of her image, and the chapel was built in this place.

"Sign" Kursk-indigenous icon of the Mother of God. Gallery icons.

In 1383, the attacks on the Kursk region of Tatars took captors who served at the chapel of the priest, lit the chapel, the icon was cut down in half, one half was thrown into the fire, and the other - to the side. The priest was assigned to the Crimea, where he spent several years in captivity, performing hard work. One day, Moscow ambassadors, passing by the Tatar mill, heard Russian chants to the Most Holy Virgin. Having learned about the priest's priest, the ambassadors bought it from slavery, and he returned to the place near Kursk, where the chapel had once stood with a miraculous icon.

At the site of the burnt chapel, the priest found one half, and after the search discovered aside in the grass. With faith, he folded two halves together, and they wonderfully embarrassed. Since that time, Icon remained in its place in the newly rebuilt chapel, and all the time it did not stop the miracles. Subsequently, a monastery was arranged at the place of the chapel - the root desert. It is known that Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky as a child he underwent in front of this way.

In 1898, the attackers tried to destroy the Russian shrine. The explosion from the fencered bomb was so strong that the temple was collapsed, but Icon remained unharmed. To universal amazement, even glass on kyota remains. In memory of the wonderful preservation of the icon during the explosion, another day of the celebration of the Kursk-indigenous icon of the Mother of God "Znoman" - September 8 (September 21, on a new style).

After the revolutionary Liphethety, the miraculous image was outside of Russia. Now it is one of the shrines of the Russian Orthodox Church abroad.

Days of Celebration: March 21 (March 8th old style), 21 (September 8), December 10 (November 27) and in the 9th Friday for Easter.

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill delivered the miraculous Kursk-indigenous icon of the Mother of God "Znoman" in Kursk on September 23, 2009.

More about the icon "Sign" Kursk-native

Miraculous icon, the most famous copy-list icons "sign" Novgorod. The history of her reverence began, probably in the 16th century. According to legend, in 1597 Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich commanded to bring a tritimy to Moscow in Kursk icon "Znoman". In Moscow, the icon was updated: inserted into the frame with the images of the prophets, Queen Irina Fedorovna decorated it with precious salary. Soon the icon returned to Kursk, where the root abode was founded (named in the memory of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe icon that happened, according to legend, in the 13th century "at the root of the tree"). The icon again brought Lhadmitriy I to Moscow, returned to Kursk in 1615 King Mikhail Fedorovich. In 1898, the esters tried to blow up the shrine, but she remained unharmed. In 1918, the miraculous Kursk-indigenous icon and its list in the precious salary were stolen, but they were soon found abandoned (without salary). In 1920, the icon was taken abroad: after a temporary return to the Crimea, in the army of General Wrangel, she was sent to Yugoslavia, where he was within 25 years; During World War II in 1944, I was transferred to Germany. Since 1951 is the shrine of the Russian Orthodox Foreign Church in the United States.

The preserved icon of "sign" Kursk-indigenous small sizes is executed at the end of the 16th century; Images of prophets on the frame later. In the 17-19th centuries, Icon was especially revered as a patron sacrifice of the Orthodox military, its copies were taken to military campaigns. Every year, the icon was worn by the congestion from the Kursk Znamensky Cathedral, where it was kept from the 17th century to the root desert. Numerous copies of the icons (mainly in the southern regions of Russia), were also revered by miraculous.

"Sign" Kursk-indigenous icon of the Mother of God.

March 8/21, the Holy Church of Christ celebrates the memory of the icon of the Mother of God "Znoman". Kursk-indigenous icon of the Mother of God "Sign (Non-Kursk sign), the most revered icon in the Russian foreign church received the name Russian scattering odigitria.

This icon depicts the Most Holy Virgin, sitting and prayerfully roving his hands; On her chest, against the background of a round shield (or sphere) - a blessing divine baby - Savior-Emmanuel. Such an image of Our Lady is among the very first of its iconographic images.

In the tomb of Holy Agnes in Rome, there is an image of the Mother of God with arms outstretched in prayer and with a baby sitting on her knees. This image refers to IV century.

In addition, the ancient Byzantine image of Our Lady "Nikopayi", the VI century, where the Most Holy Virgin is depicted sitting on the throne and keeping with both hands in front of him an oval shield with the Avenue Emmanuel image.

The icons of the Mother of God, known as the "sign" appeared in Russia in the XI - XII centuries, and be called so steel after wonderful signs from the Novgorod Icon, which happened in 1170. This year, the United States of Russian specific princes, led by the son of Suzdal Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, approached the walls of Veliky Novgorod. Novgorod people prayed, asking the Lord not to leave them.

On the third night, the Archbishop of the Novgorod Elijah, the wonderful voice, commanding him, from the Church of the Savior Transfiguration on Ilyina Street, the image of the Most Holy Mother of God and take him to the city wall.

Icon of the Mother of God, referred to as "sign"

When the icon was transferred, - the enemies were allowed into the procession of the cloud of arrows, and one of them went into the icon painting face of the Virgin. From the eye, her tears expired, and the icon turned the face to the city. After such divine signs, the horror suddenly attacked the enemies, they began to beat each other, and the Novgorod workers encouraged by the Lord fearlessly rushed into battle and won.

In the memory of the wonderful intercession of the Queen of Heaven, Archbishop Elijah then established a holiday in honor of the signs of the Mother of God, who and Donyn celebrates the whole Russian church.

Numerous lists with icons of signs are known throughout Russia. Many of them spawned miracles in local temples and were called miracles at the place of phenomenon.

Holy icon of God's mother Kursk root "sign" Almost every year visits all the parishes of the North American and Canadian dioceses.

In the anniversary year of the Millennium, the Baptism of Russia, the shrine visited our flock in Australia, as well as parishes in Chile, Argentina and Brazil. Further, in 1993, Icon was in France, in Lesne, where the bishop Cathedral took place, at the end of which the icon visited the German diocese. In November 1993, Metropolitan Vitaly visited the Australian Diocese with a miraculous way. Icon visited almost all the parishes of this diocese.

A lot was ascended by prayers and shed tears to the miraculous icon of the Mother of God; immense joy, consolation and wonderful assistance from the Queen of Heavenly, pouring through her miraculous image.

Russian people abroad turned out to be scattered over all countries of the world, and to preserve the foreign church, it was necessary to preserve the spiritual and public unity among themselves. Our commonly shrine, the soul of this unity became the soul and symbol of this unity, the Russian scattering odigitria - Kursk icon of God's Mother's Mother.

And in our troubled time we will pray for the Most Holy Mother of God - let it retain her house from enemies visible and invisible; Yes, there will be an immutable sign of the promises of God, and it will rise to Holy Rus in all its spiritual magnitude. The fate of not only Russia, but also the whole world depends on this.

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God "sign" Kursk-rooted for the last time stayed in the Russian land on September 14, 1920 in the Crimea, in the troops who fought against the Bolsheviks. After leaving Russia in 1920, the holy icon became "Odigitria" (guidean) of Russian scattering, non-extently staying with all the first-herarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church abroad. Now it stays in one of the temples of the new indigenous desert under New York (USA). And in the Russian Kursk Znamensky Cathedral, a list of the miraculous image is stored.

Kursk icon "Sign" of God's Mother. History

One of the wonderful and oldest Icons of Orthodox Russia - Kursk icon "Sign" of God's Mother . The history of this icon is very instructive and executed such a variety of fertile signs and miracles, which causes an invalid reverence to the wondron.

In the 13th century, during the time of Tatar pogrom, when almost all of Russia lay in ruins, the Kursk region also did not avoid the fate of other Russian cities: the whole she came to complete launch, and her main city of Kursk, ruined by Horde, Batya turned into wild, The desert place overgrown with the dormant forest and populated wild beasts.

The inhabitants of the city of Rylsk who survived the city often went here to hunt for catching animals. That's what tells us "The story of the phenomenon of the Chusualny Icons of the Mother of God, honestly and Slavnago, Hergarten, the Kurskie, and about the heard of the Kursk," of the acquisition of the icon:

"In 6803, from the creation of the world, and from the Nativity of Christ in 1295, on September 8 (under Art.), It happened to one pious husband to come for his arrival in the forest, which were stolen by the neighborhood of Kursk, on his ruin, and in God's viewing He saw the rivers of the river Tuskari in SemiGore, at the root of a large tree lying on the NIC icon, which he just raised from the ground, as the immediate place of the water source, seeing this husband, honestly acquired by the icon of the Mother of God's vision, And then he himself announced his comrades from the Preslav's miracle to his comrades who agreed between themselves, built a chapel's more mentioned place for several sages, and putting a miraculous icon in it, returned to the world of the ravoisi. "

Such an unusual phenomenon of the icon, connected to the miracle, was quite famous in the neighboring city of Rylsk and its surroundings. From here and rushed to worship the new shrine pious residents in the hope of obtaining healing and consolation in their sorrows, which over time was increasingly glorified by the wonderfulness.

Having learned about this, the Rylsky Prince Vasily Shemyak ordered her to move it into a fish. Icon was solemnly met by all the inhabitants who came out to meet the icon. Only one prince Shemyak drank from this celebration. For this, he was punished with blindness on the day of arrival the icon. The prince realized his guilt, repented and, having committed a diligent mulabal before sacred icon, heced healing. Dyed by this miracle, Shemyaka built a church in a digs in the name of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. The miraculous icon was delivered in this temple, and on the day of the phenomenon - September 8, its annual celebration was established.

But the icon was here for a short time: it was miraculously handed over to the temple and returned to the place of his phenomenon, to the bank of the river Tuskar. The inhabitants of the digs have repeatedly taken her from here and put in a fishing, but every time she was incomprehensibly returned to the previous place. Then they realized that the Mother of God favors to the place of the phenomenon of his icon, and left her here in the chapel.

Numerous mantis flies here to worship the shrine, from which miracles took place. The molders for the Bogomolev committed one pious priest on the nickname of Bogolyub, who voluntarily, on a special diligence and awe at the Mother of God, was here and lived here, especially on the holiday of the Nativity of the Virgin, exercising in the mobility.

In 1383, Kursk land underwent a new plunder from the Tatars. Tatars, having met the chapel on his way, took the priest captured, and the chapel decided to burn. But the chapel, despite all the efforts, did not light up, although they laid it with her twig. Superval barbarians threw on Bogolyuba, suspecting him in the magic, which they explained their failure.

Pious Ieria implied them to nerazuma and pointed to the icon of the Mother of God, located in the chapel. The angry Tatars grabbed the holy icon, they cut her into two parts and threw them in different directions, and the chapel burned. Ieria Bogolyub was removed.

Icon of the Virgin Kursk-National Sign

In captivity of the wrong pious elder kept his Christian faith: despite the guarantee of the Tatars to take their religion, he remained adamant, imposing all his hope for the Most Holy Virgin. And this hope did not deceive him. Once he ripped sheep and delighted himself in a gravily insection of church prayers and Slavs in honor of the Mother of God. The ambassadors of the Moscow king were passing towards Hanu, having heard this singing, found out in the shepherd-Starta of the Russian priest and bought it from captivity.

Bogolyuba returned to his fatherland and settled again in his former place, where the chapel was standing with an icon. Here, he soon found the sidelines of the miraculous icon, folded them together, and they immediately embarrassed so tightly that there was no trace of this damage; Only in the place where the split icon appeared, "Aki Rosa" seemed. The inhabitants of the digs, having learned about this miracle, glorified God and his preching mother.

By updating the church of the Nativity of the Virgin, built by Shemyaka, the inhabitants of the Rylsk again tried to transfer the holy icon here, but the latter again wonderfully returned to the place of his phenomenon. Then the new chapel was built here, in which the icon "sign" and stayed about 200 years old, incessantly escalating wonders.

Numerous lists with icons of signs are known throughout Russia. Many of them spawned miracles in local temples and were called miracles at the place of phenomenon. Such lists of sign icons include the Icons of Dionisievo-Glushtskaya, Abalatskaya, Kursk, Seraphimo-Potetaevskaya and others.

In July 1966, Archbishop ROCS John Shanghai (Maksimovich) (day of memory on June 19, Art. / July 2, N.St.) visited the Holy Nikolaev parish in Seattle with the Kursk-indigenous icon of God. July 2, during a prayer in front of this icon, he died in his cell.

The original Kursko-National Mother of God's most famous icon is in the Synodal Znamensky Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church abroad in New York, USA.

Days of celebration:

  • March 8 (March 21) - In memory of the salvation of the icon from the revolutionaries, attenuating, trying to blow up the icon in the Kursk Cathedral in 1898;
  • 9th Friday for Easter - an annual procession with an icon from the Kursk Znamensky monastery in the root desert.
  • September 8 (September 21) - In memory of the acquisition of icons in 1295 on the Day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
  • November 27 (December 10) - the holiday of the icon of the Mother of God "Sign".

Our Lady "Sign

Icon of the Blessed Virgin "Sign
Tropear, voice 4

Yako-needed wall and source of miracles / tied up, Rabbi Your, / the Virgin Major, / Resusted militias. / Towel Molima: / Peace Hoody to your giving / and souls our Grace.

Kondak, voice 4

Honorable image of your sign / celebrating your people, the Vibrator, / guess the wondrous victory on the distinguished country, was given to Your Esi, / Dormant to you, I call: / Rejoice, Devo, Christians praise.


There is a worthy of bunny, / the Virgin Devo, / Correctly Cherub / and Sornyless Seraphim without comparing. Or: Song every spiritual bring the Mother of God.

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Major Major, / Most Holy Devo, / God-in-love, / and honor the image of your holy, / guess the wondrous victory to the resistance / deceit.

Ino the greatst

Major, / Holy Devo, / and honor your exemplary, / guess showed ESI / Presserving.

Ino the grade, and in great service

Major, / Most Holy Devo, / and honor your way honest, / guess the victory to the enemies of the gift / our country.


Tsarice is our preparing, our hope, the Virgin. The pleasant of the siery and strange subsidiaries who are grieving joy, insidual patroness; See our break, see our sorrow. Pomping us is wearing weak, we are strangely shaky. The insult is our weight, allowing those whimpically. Yako is not the imams of your help. Do you, nor a bird's present, nor burghi comforter, tokmo you, about the Bogomati, Yako yes, save us and covered in eyelids. Amen.

From the book "Experience of the Putting America"
According to the current multi-year tradition, every time, visiting New York, we first send our feet into the eastern part of Manhattan, where at the intersection of the Avenue Park and the 93rd Street administration is the administration of the Synod RODC and two temples: synodal in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Sign »Kursk-indigenous and so-called" lower ", in the name of Rev. Sergius of Radonezh.

The building of the Synod ROTSZ in Manhattan.

Kursk Native Icon of the Mother of God Sign

Located in the fashionable part of the city, the building of the bishop Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church is impressive by its respectability.

But it turns out to be completely different in this well-keeled mansion: for half a century, which have passed since here, the bishop Synod of the ROCZ, built in a classic style on the project of the architect William Adams Demo, the mansion became an urgen-up part of the Russian culture of New York, the house of Prayer's prayer The place of residence of Odigitria of Russian scattering - the miraculous Kursk indigenous icon of the Mother of God "sign" and other expensive heart of the Orthodox man shrines.

The Kursk Native Icon of the Mother of God "Znoman" was found in place, where the monastery was subsequently erected the monastery. According to legend, in the roots of the tree on September 8, 1295, a certain hunter found an icon. When he raised her, Sprinder scored at this place.

Since then, the image has been in Kursk Earth, but in 1919 it was exported first to Novorossiysk, and then left Russia.

Since 1957, the miraculous icon is located in the Znamensky Cathedral of the Bishop Synod in New York.


Icon often travels not only on the Orthodox parishes of the United States and Canada, but also happens on other continents: in Latin America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and everywhere they are looking forward to and hopefully on a miracle.
Therefore, to catch her in New York is not easy. True, you can learn about the place of her stay in advance on the schedule on the Synod ROCZ website, and, if possible, to attend a visit to the "City of Big Apple" to the days when the miraculous icon is in the Znamensky temple. However, this is not always possible, so the icon-traveler during its absence replaces the list stored in the altar and the miraculous.

There is odigithriors of Russian scattering and in the post-Soviet space.

Since 2009, every summer it is brought to the place of gain - in the indigenous desert, from where the Holy Image is transferred to the congestion in the Znamensky Cathedral of the Kursk, and then leaves the walls of the Cathedral for the whole day - he is carried there, where they need fertile care most of all: on therapeutic Institutions Kursk. The geography of the triumphal procession of the miraculous icon in Russia is extensive, and this is not only Moscow and other major cities, but also the most Russian depth. And everywhere the odigithrius of Russian scattering gives the joy of healing, the inspection, instructions on the right path.

Interestingly, several times we even encouraged to make it to her in Russia and Ukraine. It was especially remembered by her first visit after the long years of stay in abroad and those wonders that took place along the path of her follows.

Once, having arrived in New York, we learned that the miraculous icon at this time remains in the far-Russian outback (in Neftekamsk, to be more accurate), and we prayed for its wonderful list written by the legendary "icon painter of all abroad" - Archimandrite Cyprian ( Pyrzym), who gave Orthodoxy in America, many wonderful paintings, as well as the miraculous image of the oncely updated Harbinsk Virgin "All Thoring John", stored in the Lower Church, and other shrines, about which we will tell.

Icon "All Thoring John"

But we were not at all upset.
In the end, we were so often here to do the tragedy from the fact that the icon travels did not become, but, on the contrary, sincerely pleased with those at that time there, in Russia, had the opportunity to pray before this beautiful ancient shrine. After all, they knew: she hears everything ...

Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God "All Morning Joy" in the St. Sergiyevsky Temple of the Building of the Bishop Synod ROCZ in New York

The miraculous image of the Mother of God's "All Surgent Radom", located in the St. Sergiyevsky Temple of the Building of the Bishops' Synod in New York - one of the miracle refreed after the October coup and civil war icons.

The impact phenomenon was first noted in southern Russia and gradually spread to the East of Russia - to Irkutsk (1919) and Vladivostok. In the last icon, on which there were several images of the Mother and Saints, was updated on February 3, 1923 at Friday of the Syropus week. The image was so darkened from the time that the images were not visible, but the tracks of time wonderfully disappeared, and many years of images were shown on the icon.

During the Great Post and Easter, 1923, the number of cases of wonderful update was multiplied, and this made a strong impression on the masses, whose loyalty to Saint Orthodoxy became deeper. Agents of the OGPU, learning about each new case of updates, hurried to the temple and tried in every way to hide obvious facts. They collected people, pushed paint on icons, trying to prove that the update of the icon is a hoax and charlatanism, "Popov's tricks". But the number of grateful updates increased.

Having reached the Pacific coast, the wave of updates shutdled to Manchuria. On November 8, 1923, the icon of the Great Martyr George Victorious and Martyrs Alexandra was updated in Harbin.

The icon of the Mother of God "All Morning John" is the second on the account, renovated in Harbin. She was kept in the house temple "Mercy Houses", which built Bishop Kamchatka Nestor to help chronic patients, elderly and orphans. The temple was consecrated in honor of the Mother of God and in memory of her image of "all sorrowing glades." One of the assistants of Vladyka is a piety of Catherine Camera, who had a copy of the icons, donated her to the temple.

The icon is written in a traditional Russian style, but so darkened from the time that it was almost impossible to disassemble neither the faces of the saints nor the inscriptions. Bishop Methodius (Gerasimov; later Metropolitan) Harbinsky and Manchurian (+1932) closely considered the icon before the update and after. He noticed that paint and gilding on the icon became bright and fresh. Preserved and dark places have also been preserved, which showed traces of time. On their background, the wonderful update was especially noticeable. Prayer before this icon also has greater than graceful power.

Communication with the First Hierarch of the Russian Foreign Church (ROCZ)

Several times we have confused a lot of spiritual joy: communication with the First Hierarch of the Russian Foreign Church (ROCZ), Metropolitan Hilarion, to catch which is also not always given possible. The archpastor carefully listened to us, blessed for a further road and gave books, icons, booklets. A book about the Jordanville Monastery is especially valuable. I, in response to the courtesy of the archpastor, in turn, presented to him some other one of his monographs.

In general, the Vladyka is very simple and accessible, and whenever we talk to him, the warmth of his loving heart warms us for a long time, and the archpastor blessing helps a lot in our mid-pilgrimage.

Conversations with Lord always showienese

Vladyka takes visitors in their cozy rest, where everything is simple and convenient.

It should be noted that here, even despite the wealth of the interior of the temples and the architectural personality of a luxurious mansion, and truly reigns the Russian spirit, and about the man, the care of which he was transferred to the church, reminds the memorial plaque set by his facade - "Semenhenko Memorial". About how it happened, we will write below.

History of the Chinda Building

The building has its own story. From the end of the XIX century on Earth, on which there is now the building of the bishop Synod, there was a wooden mansion built in the Renaissance style. At one time, his owner was Lieutenant-General Vinfilf Scott (1786-1866), Commander-in-Chief of the United Army during the civil war of 1861.

After the death in 1866, General Scott in the mansion was located the female Catholic monastery of the Order of Ursulongov, whose sisters were engaged in the formation and raising girls. Construction in the Park Avenue Tunnel Metro Avenue and the associated fuss forced Ursulinka to expose mansion for sale.
In 1913, the new owner of the building became the widow of one of the owners of the New York company Robert B. Minturna - Suzanne (show). However, after three years, Ms. Minturnan, who also owned another real estate in the eastern part of the Upper Manhattan, sold the mansion of the well-known financier and the offacarious banker Francis Palmeruru, the founder of a large brokerage company by 40 Wall Street.

The design of his new acquisition Palmer invited fashionable in those years of the architect William A. Delano, a graduate of the Yellow University, one of the authors of the impressive monumental building of the New York Public Library. The architect was also famous for the fact that on the paternal line accounted for a distant relative to the President of the United States Franklin Delado Roosevelt, and on the maternal was a direct descendant of President John Adams.

For his next creation, the classic style was made, which was successfully used in the construction of The Colony Club, The Union Club, The KnickerBocker Club.

Holy Sergiev Temple

Building of Synod ROCZ

Erecting a new mansion at the corner of 75 East 93rd street and 1180 Avenue Park began in 1916 and was completed in 1918. The five-storey building of the square shape was built of red bricks with an intersection of a white ornament made from Tuscan marble. A cone-shaped roof is equipped over the attic. In short, everything is thoroughly thought out and sustained in a single style. No frills.
Palmer died in 1923, and after 3 years, his widow, Isabel, having received another mansion mansion in the city, sold the creation of Delano George F. Beiker - the youngest, the only son and the heir of one of the most powerful, according to the Times magazine, US people - banker George F. Baker - Senior.

Simultaneously with the purchase of a mansion at number 75 on the fashionable East 93rd Baker Street - the junior acquired another 3 adjacent buildings. They were demolished, and in their place was built, also on the project William Delaware, continued at home with the hall for balls and the main dining room overlooking the Avenue Park. The rooms were reconstructed inside the mansion, especially those where the notable audience was going.

In 1937, George Baker - the younger died during a cruise in the Hawaiian Islands, and the mansion moved to his wife Edith Baker (in Kane's Maiden).

Today it is the main hall of the church assemblies and the banquet hall, where to this day there is a fireplace transferred from his generic house. On Sundays and holidays here, together with the clergy and bishops, the trapping parishings of the temple.

In a beautiful and spacious room, the Znamensky Cathedral was consecrated, which received its name from the miraculous icon of the Virgin "Sign" Kursk National. Sunday and festive worship are held here.

The ballroom became the cathedral temple of the "signs" of the Mother of God, the former main dining room was converted to the temple in the name of the St. Sergius of Radonezh, where divine services are currently committed daily, including early services in English for Orthodox Americans. By the way, in many temples and abode during worship, sacred English sounds, and it is completely normal, especially since the service of worship does not change at all and even a person who does not speak English is understandable.

Znamensky Cathedral

Temple in the name of the PRP .. Sergius of Radonezh

In the main living room of the former owners, the Synodal Hall is located, where the bishop synod meets.

In the hall at the fireplace very cozy

"When the Synod of the Russian Foreign Church is located in the mansion, and Metropolitan Anastasiy (Gribanovsky) moved here, I was only eighteen years old," Prince Vladimir Kirillovich Golitsyn recalls the first years of the eighteen.
In the main living room of the former owners, the Synodal Hall is located, where the bishop synod meets.

Per hour of testing

After the revolution of 1917, part of the clergy, who did not adopt Soviet power left the country. In 1920, the administrative authority of the highest church management was created in Constantinople.

In 1921, King Alexander and Serbian Patriarch Dimitri invited the hierarchs of the foreign church to move to Serbia, to the city of Sremba Karlovtsy. There, the bishops' synod of the foreign church remained until the end of World War II. With the approach of the Soviet troops to the borders of Serbia, Synod temporarily went to Czechoslovakia, and then in Munich, who was in the American zone.

In the late 1940s, the center of Russian emigration moved over the ocean, as a result of which First Hierarch and Synod decided that it would be more reasonable to move the church administration to the United States.

Exodus of Russian emigration in the USA

In 1951, the First Hierarch of the ROCZ, Metropolitan Anastasi (Gribanevsky) arrived in America.

The famous member of the Russian community and the long-term benefactor of the Russian Foreign Church, Prince Sergey Sergeyevich Beloselsky-Belozersky (1895-1978) provided its country estate in the town of Magopak, which was in the north, near New York for the needs of the bishop synod. It was originally delivered and the miraculous icon Kursk is rooted.

So the odigitria of Russian scattering in a holiday dedicated to her memory

Icon in Jordanville

But we met her in Jordanville, where she was transported from New York during Hurricane Sandy, which caused a terrible flood in October 2012 on the Eastern Coast of the United States.

However, back to the story

But Magopak was a place remotely removed from most Russian Orthodox, which embarked on economic considerations within the city of New York and his nearest suburbs.

Then the prince handed over the Synod House on the 77th street in the western part of Manhattan, where and moved the church administration of the ROCZ. It was in this house with First Hierarch, Metropolitan Anastasi ", met after a long break a person, with whose name the current building of the bishops of the Synod ROCS on the East 93rd Street is connected - Sergey Yakovlevich Semeno.

Metropolitan Anastasiy (Gribanovsky) (1873-1965

Metropolitan Anastasius (Gribanovsky) (1873-1965) was a famous hierarch in pre-revolutionary Russia. Despite the fact that among Moscow bishops at that time he was the youngest, he was appreciated for reverence and humility, mind and organizational abilities. It was he who was entrusted to the organization of all worship services in the days of the celebration in 1913 in Moscow 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty. After the restoration of the patriarchate at the All-Russian Cathedral of 1917-1918. Bishop Anastasius was appointed to Chisinau Department with the construction of an archbishop. But it was necessary to manage the diocese for a long time: with the arrival of the Bolsheviks, Archbishop Anastasius had forced to leave the country. Shortly before the emigration in Chisinau, Vladyka met the family of the merchant Yakov Semenhenko, who not only helped to leave the country, but also provided invaluable help in Constantinople, where Semenhenko got along with other refugees.

Metropolitan Anastasiya (Gribanovsky)

I found the Vladyka Anastasiy and the means to ensure that the son of Yakov, Sergey, went on his studies at Harvard University. There, Sergei Semenhenko graduated from a business management school based on circumstances, George Baker - senior, and began his career in the financial sector. A few years later, he became president of First Bank of Boston, and then - Bank of New York.
In the meantime, obedience to Archbishop Anastasia in the Russian spiritual mission in Jerusalem ended, and in 1936 he was elected the second first-herrock of the Russian foreign church.
In the mid-1950s, Sergey Semenhenko, who lived in the elegant apartments of the magnificent New York Pierre Hotel, found out that the Lord of Anastasius, to whom he personally owes many, also settled in New York and is in a few crash circumstances. Insufficiently respectable house made of brown brick on the 77th street seemed to Semenhenko too modest for the first Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, and in gratitude for the help provided in a difficult period of life, he decided to find a suitable home for Metropolitan and the Synodal Administration. In search of Sergey Yakovlevich, the Russian emigrant Mikhail Grigorievich Shcherbinin helped in the highest circles of New York society. As a result of the search, the Baker's Palmer mansion was the best option, and then MG Shcherbinin found the opportunity to present S.Ya. Semeno his hostess, Edith Baker. The purchase agreement was achieved. In 1958, the bishop Synod moved to the eastern part of New York, to the mansion number 75 on the East 93rd street.
The new owners of the impressive mansion had to once again contribute to its internal planning of adjustments in accordance with the appointment of the building.

Semenhenko Sergey Yakovlevich (1903-1980) - the largest donor of Russian abroad

On August 26, 1903 was born in Odessa Kherson province in the family of a contractor for the construction of port structures. During the revolution, the Semenhenko's family fled to Turkey. He graduated from College in Constantinople with honors. In 1924, he entered the graduate school of Harvard University, at the end of which began to work with a clerk at the FIRST National Bank. In 1967, he retired from the post of Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank. The largest donor in favor of the Russian Orthodox Church abroad (ROCZ). In 1958, donated $ 1 million to acquire one of the significant buildings in Manhattan to create the cathedral of the sign of the Mother of God in the jurisdiction of the ROCZ and the temple of St. Sergius Radonezh, with a place for Synod, the shakers of Metropolitan and clergy, a hall for solemn meetings and school premises. On the building there is a commemorative board with an inscription dedicated to S. died on April 26, 1980. He was buried at the Mount-Obern cemetery, in Cambridge (PC. Massachusetts).

First Hierarchs RPC

Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky)

In the Znamensky Synodal Cathedral held a mold of four First Hierarchov ROTSZ: Metropolitan Filaret (Voznesensky), Vitaly (Ustinov), Laurel (Schkurs) and Hilarion (Capral).
After the blissful death of Metropolitan, Anastasia Bishi could not choose the chapter of the Church of the two proposed candidates: Archbishop John Shanghai, now glorified in the face of Saints, and Archbishop Nikon (Rclitsky). And then Vladyka John suggested that the first Hierarch of the youngest of the Bishops - Archbishop Filaret (Voznesensky), Vicar Bishop of the Australian Diocese.

Metropolitan Filaret (in the world Georgy Nikolayevich Voznesensky; March 22 (April 4) 1903, Kursk - 8 (21) November 1985, New York) - Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, abroad (ROCZ); From May 27, 1964, the third primerier of the Russian Orthodox Church abroad, Metropolitan New York and East American.

Born on March 22, 1903 in Kursk. His mother, Lidia Vasilyevna, died when the young man was 18 years old, and father Nikolai Fedorovich, who later took a monk with the name Dimitri, was the presbyter, then Archbishop.

The Voznesensky family in 1909 moved to Blagoveshchensk-on-Amur, where George graduated from an eight-class gymnasium in 1920. Having moved from his family to Harbin, entered the Russian-Chinese Polytechnic Institute and finished it with the rank of an electromechanics engineer in 1927.

In 1930, applied to San Diacon. In 1931, he graduated from pasto-theological courses at the Institute of St. Prince Vladimir. In 1931, he was tonsured in a monk named Filaret in honor of the Holy Filaret of Merciful. In the same year, applied to Hieromona. In 1933, he was erected in San Iguman, and in 1937 - in Archimandrite.

After the occupation by the Soviet troops of Manchuria, the elderly Metropolitan Harbin Rielli (Zaborovsky) recognized the power of the Russian Orthodox Church, Archimandrite Philaret, went to the clearing of the Moscow Patriarchate, but it was strongly refused to accept the Soviet Passport and commemorate atheistic power. Father Archimandrite Filaret in 1946 returned to the USSR, where he soon died.

Kursk Native Icon of the Mother of God "Sign

The bishops of the Synod of the Foreign Church for a long time and stubbornly slapped to get a visa visa for him. Only by 1962 the Synod managed to achieve the arrival of Archimandrite Filaret in Hong Kong, where he soon moved to Brisbane.

On March 29, 1962, a letter of Archimandrite Filaret (Voznesensky) was listened to the Synod Synod (Voznesensky) letter on his arrival in Hong Kong and repentance that he since 1945 was under the jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarchate, as well as the confused statement signed by him Bishops.

By that time, a significant part of the former flock of Archimandrite Filaret was gathered in Australia, and very soon on his arrival there, for numerous signatures, was filed in the Synod to the appointment of his bishop in this city. This petition was willingly supported by the archbishop of Savoy (Raevsky).

On May 26, 1963, Archimandrite Filaret was ordained in Bishop Brisbanesky, Vicar of the Sydney Diocese. Cassonia was committed by Archbishop Savva (Raevsky) and Bishop Anthony (Medvedev) in the presence of Bishop of the Constantinople Orthodox Church Dionysius (Psihahas).

14 (27) May 1964, being a vicarium and the youngest of Charotonia from Hierarchov ROSCI, was elected the Cathedral of the Bishops of the ROSCI and was torn on the same day the first-herier of the Russian Orthodox Church abroad.

In his primacy, in September 1974, a third all-country cathedral was held; A number of saints are glorified, in particular John Kronstadt (1964) and new martyrs and Russian confessors (1981).

In 1998, the remains of the studied first Hierarch were postponed from the crypt of the Cemetery of the Assumption Temple into a new tomb of the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville (USA). When the tomb was revealed, the relics of Metropolitan Filaret turned out to be awesome.

Metropolitan Vitaly also remember us as a strict monk, which, however, loved that in the temple it was beautiful, tastefully; In the altar, did not tolerate disorder.

8 (20) August 1873 was born in the town of the announcement of the Taganrog District in the family of Diacon. The family lived very poorly. At seven years orphaned.

Metropolitan Vitaly (Maksimenko)

He graduated from Mariupol Spiritual School. In 1895 he graduated Ekaterinoslavskaya The spiritual seminary, entered the Kiev Senior Academy.

For participation in student riots in 1896, it was expelled from the 2-year course of the Academy without the right to recovery and appointed a rural teacher: "I brought the school room in a residential condition: he argued the glass, took out the firewood and so it was engaged in children from morning to evening ... my exams The school, who did not have several years of release and the last, was published, came out the first ... ".

At this time, Vasily recognizes the rector of the Kazan Spiritual Academy - Bishop Cheboksary Anthony (Khrapovitsky). Vasily was adopted on the second course of the Kazan Spiritual Academy thanks to the guarantry of Bishop Anthony.

In 1899, Anthony (Katcharovitsky) was tonsured to Monasticism, ordained him in Ierodicone and Hieromonach. He is attributed to the Don Monastery in Moscow.

In the same year he graduated from the Academy with a degree of candidate of theology. Appointed teacher Aleksandrovskaya Missionary seminary in the village of Ardonskoe.

In early 1903, he was erected in Archimandrite and was appointed a preacher in Pochayevskaya Lavra, at the insistence of Archbishop Anthond Archbishop (Katcharovitsky) translated into the Volyn Dioceve.

He was the chairman of the Pochaevsky Department of the Union of the Russian People. He managed to turn the printed shop in the Pochaev monastery into one of the largest church printedryrs in Russia.

By the end of the First World War, he was appointed a confessor to the operating army and selflessly drove along the trenches inspiring soldiers.

Having learned about the renunciation of the emperor Archimandrite Vitaly arrived at the royal bid in Mogilev, in order to tend the sovereign to take his renunciation back. But it was not allowed to meet.

After the class of Volyn Poles during the First World War was planted to the underwater caasemate in Deblock. After liberation, emigrated to Yugoslavia, then in Czechoslovakia. Some time served as the abbot of one of the parishes in the Pravyskaya Rus (Czechoslovakia). He founded in the village of Ladomirovo in the Pokiaevsky St. Isova Monastery and the printing house with it.

On May 6, 1934 in Belgrade Charotonisan in the Bishop of Detroit, managing the parishes of the Russian Church Abroad in North America, with location In St. Petersburg monastery in Jordanville, New -yrk). Recreated in the monastery printing house.

September 3, 1934 was erected in San Archbishop North American and Canadian. Since 1948, he was the abbot of the Holy-Oritsky Monastery. He founded the spiritual seminary at the monastery.

Since 1950 - Archbishop East-Aerical and Jerseycite.

Died 8 (21) March 1960 in New York. He was buried at the cemetery of the Holy-Holy Monastery in Jordanville.

Metropolitan Lavr (Schucling)

Metropolitan Lavr (Schucling)

Born on January 1 in Ladomirovo (Vladimirov (Czechoslovakia)). Since 1939 (from 11 years old) lived at the monastery of the PRP. Iova Pochayevsky in Vladimirova. Emigrated in 1944 and became a novice. In 1946, together with the brother of the monastery of the PRP. I wasova Pochayevsky arrived at the Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville (PC. New York, USA). In 1947, he accepted herself to Ryasofor, in 1948 he was tonsured in the mantle. Irodyakon (1950). Hieromona (1954). From 1954 to 2001 He taught dogmatic theology and canonical law in the Holy Trinity of the Spiritual Seminary. Seminary inspector (1958). Igumen (1959). Archimandrite (1966). Bishop Manhattan, Vicar of the East American Diocese (1967) and Secretary of the Bishops' Synod (1967). Bishop Syracuse and Troitsky (1976) and the rector of the Holy Trinity Monastery. Rector of the Holy Trinity Seminary (1976). Archbishop Syracuse and Troitsky (1981). In 1991, they mention as the secretary of the Synod of the ROCZ (in San Archbishop). Deputy First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church abroad (RPZTS) (2000). Since 2001, Metropolitan, First Hierarch of RPZTS. Active supporter of the establishment of canonical communication of the ROCZ with the Moscow Patriarchate. He died on March 16, 2008 at the Skit in Jordanville.

Metropolitan Hilarion (Capral) -nnest First Hierarch ROCZ

Born on January 6, 1948 in Spirit River (Alberta, Canada Province). He was a youngest child in the family of Alexey Capral and Efrosigny (nee Kasyanyuk). Igor's parents were originally from the village of Nedozhi in the Volyn region in Ukraine and in 1929 they emigrated to Canada. In 1967, at the age of 19, a suspension-trinity spiritual seminary was entered in Gordanville (USA) and, after graduating from 1972, he entered the Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville to the novice. On December 2, 1974, he was tonsured to Ryasofor named Hilarion. On December 4, 1975, he was ordained in the Hieroodicon Archbishop Averkie (Taushev), in which the future Vladyka served as Clacer. In 1976, the Bishop of Manhattan Lavra (Schucling) ordained to Hieromonah. In the same year, Father Hilarion graduated from the University of Syracuse, where the title of Master of Slavic Sciences and Russian literature was awarded. Future Vladyka was the editor of the English version of the Journal "Orthodox Life", while working simultaneously with a typewriter in the monastic printing house. Bishop Manhattansky (1984). In 1991, it was mentioned as the Deputy Secretary of the Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, abroad (ROSC) (in Sana Bishop). Washington Bishop with Location in New York (1995). Archbishop Sydney and Australian-New Zealand (1996). In 2003, he was awarded the right wearing a diamond cross on the hood. At the Bishop Cathedral of the ROCZ 15-19, 2006 - determined by the First Deputy Chairman of the Bishops' Synod of the ROCZ with a place in New York. After the death of Metropolitan Lavra (Schucling) on \u200b\u200bMarch 16, 2008, as the first deputy chairman of the Synod, became temporarily managers of the ROCZ, and on May 12, 2008 he was elected First Hierarch of the ROCI with the construction of the East American and New York Metropolitan.

Bishops of the ROCS

Prince Vladimir Vladimirovich Golitsyn became the first old Znamensky Cathedral.

Prince Vladimir Golitsin

Memories of Prince Vladimir Golitsyn

"When the Synod of the Russian Foreign Church is located in the mansion, and Metropolitan Anastasiy (Gribanovsky) moved here, I was only eighteen years old," Prince Vladimir Kirillovich Golitsyn recalls the first years of the eighteen. - We immediately engaged in the arrangement of the temple and the adaptation of the premises for church goals: they made frames for paintings, they carried out electricity, masters of hangers for the bishops, and often prepared meals for Metropolitan Anastasia and his guests.

My grandfather - Prince Vladimir Vladimirovich Golitsyn, before the revolution headed the Moscow Noble Assembly, also settled in America and, after a while, she took monasticism with the name of Dionysius. He lived in Montreal, and soon Metropolitan Anastasiy blessed his father Dionysia to become his Clacer and move to New York.

Kursk Native Icon of the Mother of God "Sign

Znamensky Cathedral was consecrated in 1959. Icons for the temple iconostasis wrote a well-known icon painter Arch-Mandrit Cyprian (Pyzhov), as he was called - "Icon painter of all abroad." On the left side of the saline in Kyota, the miraculous icon of "signs" is a miraculous icon of "signs".
During the pilgrimage of the Holy Image, it replaces a copy written by Archimandrite Cyprian. Nearby - the icons of the Mother of God "Kazan" and St. John Shanghai with a particle of relics.

Further on the wall - the icons of St. Petersburg Saints: Blessed Ksenia with a fragment stored in the jacket of a stone from the inner cladding of the grave of the Holy; And the righteous John Kronstadt with his mantle. Next to the analog - Medallion of Rev. Seraphim from Ekaterinburg Icons of the Tsarist Family and the cross of the saint from his coffin. On the wall in Kyota - the image of Rev. Anastasia of the Sinai, the Heavenly Patron of the Second First Hierarch of the Russian Foreign Church of Metropolitan Anastasia.

From the right side of the altar, the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Kyote and the mantle of the Tsar-Passionerpaca of Nicholas II.

The prestinal holiday of the cathedral is celebrated on December 10 (by a new style) on the day of the celebration of the icons of the Mother of God "Znoman".

Kursk icon "The sign" of God's mother is one of the wonderful and oldest icons of Orthodox Russia. On the icon depicts the Most Holy Virgin, sitting and prayerfully rising his hands; On her chest, against the background of a round shield (or sphere), a blessing divine baby - Savior-Emmanuel. Such an image of Our Lady is among the very first of its iconographic images.

Kursk Kursk Icons

The first keeper of the icon is the bishop of Kursk Fofan (Gavrilov). It was the icon that I was taken from Russia and brought through Turkey to Greece, where there was a short time, after which it was transferred to Serbia. During the war, Metropolitan Anastasiya (Gribanovsky) Icon via Austria was delivered to Germany. In Munich, the keeper of the icon became Archimandrite Averky (Taushev), who visited parishioners and refugees with her. New York icon came to the state in 1951 together with Archimandrite.

After some time, the appointment of the icon of the Archpriest Boris Kritsky was followed by the keeper, who traveled to the parishes of the Russian Church Abroad.

After his death in 1989, the then first-herarh of the Russian foreign church Metropolitan Vitaly (Ustinov) himself became the keeper of the icon, and various priests received from him the destination to travel with her.

In December 2010, the keeper of the Kursk-indigenous icon of the Mother of God was appointed Deacon Nikolai Olkhovsky (now bishop).

Finding icons

According to legend, the icon was found on September 8, 1295, on the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, in the forest, in the crown of a huge tree, not far from the burned Kursk burned. At this place they put a chapel, and then in 1618, the Znamensky monastery, in which the icon was stored exactly 301.

Znamensky monastery in Kursk.

Every year, the icon was transferred to the root desert. Cross moves with an icon collected a huge number of believers.

The renewed Kursk root desert was headed by our past elder, Schirchimandrite Isaiah (see our article "Deep inner man")

Restricted Kursk Native Desert Nowadays

During the Civil War, so that the shrine does not get into the hands of red commanders, the icon was taken out of the monastery, and in the fall of 1920 he left Russia for a long time. I will visit my fatherland only in 89 years, in 2009. Here, in the far abroad, her with love is called Russian scattering odigria. True, in the cathedral it does not always happen: travels along various hails and weighs, comforting the suffering ... And although believers understand that the shrine belongs to everyone, its return is always joyful and desirable.

It should be noted that in our difficult time the crisis that covered America suffered painfully and on the church. It is more difficult to keep such a large area, paying taxes, simply exorbitant due to the high cost of real estate in Manhattan, and the priesthood thinks about changing the prestigious area And the spacious room is more modest. Annual synod deficiency is 450-500 thousand dollars.

During the throne holiday

On this issue, the Synod of the ROCD made a special statement. "The Synodal Office is aware that if the construction of the building becomes the only way out of the situation, the parishioners of the Znamensky Cathedral in New York, located in the building of the Bishops' Synod, will lose the church," it is noted in it.
The ROCZ states that "the seriousness of the situation leaves little time in search of the solution."
Forces of the parishioners of the temple and pilgrims, most of which are not very secured emigrants, to solve the problem seems to be very difficult.
Unfortunately, many other temples are also in a difficult position, some of which are generally closed. We very much upset the news that one of the loved ones and visited by the emigrants of the temples in the name of the Virgin Unquesting the Bowl on Brighton, in which we did not even come to pray and chat with the abbot, the father of Vadim Arefyev, to our last arrival was already closed under the pretext of inconsistency by fire standards .

There was also a house of hardworking, where about. Vadim, more than one year, who was selflessly worked in this direction, gathered sleeved homeless and unemployed, giving them shelter and hope for a new life.

By the way, it helped to survive and not lose themselves, and we knew some of them. All of them now remained without refinery, and although the collection of funds for the construction of a new temple has been organized, they are not enough.

Eh, America, America! Rich and carefree, with immense expanses and a variety of landscapes, where millions of people could live happily, you sometimes go to the stepmother for those who do not stand your rapid rhythm and a rigid world order, based on unconditional subordination of the power of money ... in your smelly boiler mercilessly overjoy Human fate, grinding life ... Golden Taurus firmly settled not only on Wall Street, but also in the minds of people. The mournful voice of Christ in their hearts hears more and less often ...
I really do not want to complete the story on such a sad note. We still very much hope that the church will be able to overcome these negative trends, because, according to the Savior, "the Gate of Adov will not overcome it."

Miraculous Kursk root icon of the Mother of God "Sign."

History miraculous Kursk indigenous icon of the Mother of God "Sign Began for a very long time - on the outcome of the XIII century, when the era of Tatar yoke kicked on Russia.

Discussion of the Kursk Native Icon of the Mother of God

Observing Kursk indigenous icon of the Mother of God Made precisely in those times. 1295 year. Kursk stopped the existence half-building earlier, during the invasion of Batya. Burned and plundered, he bred undergrowth. Locals hid in the forests, waiting from day to new troubles. Agriculture at that time did little, Introducing the Borutrod and Hunt. The hunter came across randomly on the "Tree Elm", the roots of which was unknown where the icon of the Mother of God had come from.

In "Talking about the miraculous signs of the Holy Mother of God, the icon, called Kursky," about this event says like this:

"In 6803, from the creation of the world, and from the Nativity of Christ in 1295, on September 8, it happened to one pious husband to come for the sake of his neighbor's neighborhood, which came down the neighborhood of the city of Kursk on his ruin, and he saw the look at the river in Highway , the root of a large tree, lying on the NIC icon, which only raised from the ground, as if once, from that place the source of water. Seeing this, her husband set a honestly acquired icon of the "sign" of the Mother of God in the vapla of that tree, and he himself was announced by the Music Miracle Miracle to his comrades who, agreed between them, built a few seedlings of the above-mentioned place on the wooded island Chapel from Forests cut down in a sem, and, putting a miraculous icon in it, returned with the world of the ravoisi. "

Here the image was quite long, as long as the Crimean Tatars were not attacked by the Crimean Tatars in 1385. Finding a secluded forest chapel, they decided to burn her. However, the evidence of it was not so easy to realize: the chapel was not burning. The Tatars began threats to a certain priest Bogolyuba, seeing the reason for her failure in his "wicked". The priest said that he was never engaged in any magic, and what the chapel burns does not give, apparently, the miraculous icon in it. For his honesty, Ieria paid: the icon of Tatars was taken out of the chapel and destroyed in half, the very building was burned, and Boglyuba was captured.

For several years, the priest tried in captivity near the Crimeans, until, finally, he did not bother him the Russian messenger, who arrived at the Crimean Hanu on some instrument of the Grand Duke. Together with the embassy, \u200b\u200bBogolyub returned to his homeland, and his first thought was to find two halves of a breed icon. It succeeded. And moreover: parts of the icons have grown, barely only he attached them to each other.

The priest went to Rylsk and told fellow citizens about the miracle committed. Residents of the city were very delighted and tried to transfer the indigenous image to the street. However, this attempt was as unsuccessful as the previous one, hundredsmates, when the Icon "retells" the prince of Rylsky Vasily Shemyaka. The image of the Blessed Virgin Mary did not stay in a digression, returning literally in a few hours to the place of its acquisition. Despite this, several other unsuccessful attempts were undertaken to place a miraculous icon in the city. But the Mother of God clearly showed another intention: to leave his icon to the time where she appeared. And the icon every time disappeared from the digs, then drunk on the shore of a quiet tuskari.

Traveling of the Kursk Native Icon of the Mother of God

For the first time, the image of the Mother of God left his modest chapel in 1597, when the king Feodor Ioannovich ordered him to bring him to Moscow. Actually, this departure and put the limit to the constant stay of the indigenous image at the place of his phenomenon. Although the monastery was to get a job here, but the icon itself was soon set in Kursk, shortly before the restored, where it was located until the withdrawal of it in 1604 by Lhadmitry I.

After a ten-year lack of a native Icon of the Mother of God returned to, founded by Kurayans on the Vow after the memorable Polish siege of 1612. In 1618, the first in the "deserted, which is on the root" took place. So the tradition appeared to transfer the icon for a small time from the Znamensky monastery in.

In Kursk, the indigenous icon was peacefully rested until the end of the XIX century. And twenty years later, the empire collapsed, the whole Russian life collapsed, which was reflected on the fate of the miraculous. In 1918, the image and list from it in broad daylight were abducted from the Znamensky Cathedral. In Kursk, then hung the Bolsheviks, and the search for icons was tired.

According to the legend, the icons were revealed by chance in the well, dug, according to legend, the reverene Feodosius Pechersky themselves ... And now, just on the day of the memory of the Rev. Feodosiya Pechersk, on Thursday of Fomina of the Week, May 3, one poor woman, by profession, whiteist, hungry returned From the bazaar ... Passing by the Feodosievsky Well, this whisker noticed an old bag in which something was located. In the hope of finding anything edible, the hungry woman went to the well and looked into the bag. It turned out to be two wooden icons of the Mother of God without Reese.

In mid-October, General Kutpov told the local bike that the city could be left by the Volunteer Army, and offered him, as well as other people of the spiritual title to go south. It was decided to remove the Kursk indigenous icon - first in the Oboyan, and if the situation on the fronts will exacerbate, then further. October 31, 1919, indigenous icon left the bannoy monastery.

Together with the white army, the icon retreated to the southern outskirts of Russia - through Belgorod, Taganrog, Ekaterinodar, Novorossiysk. On March 1, 1920, on a steamer "Saint Nicholas" she was departed in thessaloniki.

The miraculous image was once again returned to Russia - September 14, 1920, he, according to the zealous request of General Wrangel, arrived in Crimea. However, the white movement has already agonated, and at the end of October, the icon left the Russian shore for decades.

She was in Yugoslavia's next quarter of a century. When in 1944, Belgrade's bombing became continuous, and the Soviet troops closely approached him, the icon was taken to Vienna, and then in Munich. For five years, the icon in Europe was detained, and in early February 1951 she was delivered to a new root desert - a monastery arranged in the United States in the former estate of the Princes of Beloselsky-Belozerski.

Now the icon of the Mother of God "Sign" Kursk Naison is in the Znamensky Synodal Temple of New York. In 2009, early autumn, she first visited Russia for the first time after a long break.