Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord on September 27. Exaltation of the honest and life-giving Cross of the Lord. Sayings and Signs of Holyting

Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord on September 27. Exaltation of the honest and life-giving Cross of the Lord. Sayings and Signs of Holyting
Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord on September 27. Exaltation of the honest and life-giving Cross of the Lord. Sayings and Signs of Holyting

Exaltation of the honest and life-giving cross of the Lord

Holiday, which Orthodox Church celebrates September 27. On this day, believers remember how in 326 in Jerusalem was a miracle of the cross, on which Crucified Jesus Christ. We will talk about the events, meaning and traditions of cross-position.

What is the erection of the Cross of the Lord

The full name of the holiday is the upper and Life-giving cross Lord. On this day, Orthodox Christians recall two events.

This miracle is committed by Christ by the end of his "climbing in Jerusalem". The Lord traveled to Galilee and most of the Jews for two and a half years to proclaim the "good news" about the kingdom of God, making many miracles to confirm the truth of his words.

Herod's murder from the young children of Bethlehem, which tradition calls "innocent saints", is one of the Christmas holidays. The gospel of Kanana is never read on Sunday in the Byzantine rite, but this is the gospel pericoppy of marriage in all Eastern rites. On the other hand, it is not used for marriage in Western rites, but he is read on Sunday after the Epiphany in a logical place.

As the sacred legend says, the cross was acquired in 326 in Jerusalem. It happened near the Golgotha \u200b\u200bMountain, where the Savior was crucified.

And the second event is the return of the life-giving cross from Persia, where he was in captivity. In the VII century, he returned the Greek emperor Irakli in Jerusalem.

Both events united the fact that the cross was erected in front of the people, that is, raised. At the same time, they paid it to all sides of the world in turn so that people could worship him and share the joy of gaining shrine.

"Love your enemies": in the preamble it should be clear that this team of Christ is the most difficult of all and that it may seem in many ways impossible. Before trying to decipher more deep meaning - What is not easy - you need to put it in context.

The choice of this pericopopa at the beginning of the time after Pentecost may be unexpected, because it is a "historical" gospel, which is part of the history of salvation, and you can prefer to be found between theoophesis and the beginning of the Easter cycle. In all rites, the Easter time consists of two parts: the first two Sundays are a continuation of Easter, and the following three prepare us for Pentecost.

The elimination of the Cross of the Lord is the two-month holiday. The two-month holidays are dogmatically tightly related to the events of the earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Virgin and are divided into the Lord (dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ) and the Virgin (dedicated to God's Mother). Crossment - the Lord's holiday.

When the crosses of the Lord

The Russian Orthodox Church recalls the elimination of the Cross of the Lord on September 27 for a new style (September 14, on the old style).

This Gospel is especially well chosen in the heart of the Great Post, because it is exorcism perfect by Christ in which the Lord gives us a very important doctrine of demons and distinguishing spirits. The very idea of \u200b\u200b"judgments" and especially the "last" fills people with horror. For the court is an absolute proposal, and the experience that we have in the human plan is generally catastrophic.

In Slavic liturgical use, the Gospel Zakmey always closes the time after Pentecost, regardless of this Sunday. In the eastern liturgical tradition, the worship of Magi is part of the Christmas holiday1, because the east carries a synthetic and timeless look at the secrets.

This holiday has one day of preferences and seven days of the cost. The pretreatment is one or a few days before the big holiday, in the worship of which already includes prayers dedicated to the coming celebrated event. Accordingly, incentiveness - the same days after the holiday.

Essay of the holiday - October 4. Essay of the holiday - the last day of some important orthodox holidays, noted by special worship, more solemn than in the usual days of the cost.

Bruno, can you explain to us what it is, the glorious cross?

He was born from the intuition of Pierre Gursa, the founder of the community of Emmanuel, at the end of several years. Some suffering brothers could not act just as others experienced a sense of uselessness or was not fertile, the glorious cross them was granted as a means to offer themselves and suggest that they live for the fruitfulness of Emmanuel's missions. Today, this service in the community of Emmanuil unites patients, people with disabilities and their parents.

The nice cross is a call from God, a special calling to experience suffering as evidence of life victory over death, on the cross as a source of salvation and joy. The usual community of Emmanuil §2. Once a year, those who may be during the retreat in a pair or Lourdes. Of the 200 members of this service during this retreat, only 40-50 people can come. These are prayerful intentions on the geographical area: for example, the retreat of brother in the country, the school of evangelism, the change of the leader of the province or service.

What can I eat on the holiday of the Evidence of the Cross of the Lord

On this day, Orthodox - a strict post. You can not eat meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. Food can be seasoned only with vegetable oil.

Cross events

The description of the Events of the Cross of the Lord, which occurred in the IV century, we find some Christian historians, for example, Eusevia and Feodorita.

In which countries there is a nice cross?

Most members of the glorious cross are in France, but some of them are isolated, very lonely or far away. There are also about ten brothers and sisters in Poland. We have brothers in Australia, Nicaragua, and our service is developing in Germany and Belgium.

Can any brother or sister of the community Emmanuel integrate a glorious cross?

Yes, if he feels this appeal to offer himself and offer his suffering. We will not offer your brother who rebels due to illness, enter the nice cross. Originally Pierre Gurs even wanted this service to be opened outside Emmanuel, but on this moment They are brothers and sisters of the community, which are members. To publish a nice cross, we call on provincial leaders to offer its brothers and sisters in their area. To deepen it, we recently created the "brothers and sisters of prayers."

In 326, Emperor Konstantin Great decided by anything to find the lost shrine - the Cross of the Lord. Together with her mother, Queen Elena, he went hiking to the Holy Land.

Excavations were decided to spend next to Calvary, since Jews had a custom to dig an execution guns next to the place of her commit. And, indeed, in the ground there were three cross, nails and a board, which was nailed by the head of a crucified Savior. As a legend says, a hilling person touched one of the crosses and healed. So the emperor Konstantin and Tsarina Elena found out which of the crosses is the same. They bowed shrines, and then Patriarch Jerusalem Macarius began to show her people. For this, he got up to the exaltation and raised ("Erected") the cross. People worshiped the cross and prayed: "Lord, humbly!".

Who are these "brothers and sisters of prayer"?

With joy, offering himself Jesus, they testify to their confidence that they were loved by God. The usual community of Emmanuil §1. Sometimes we had very sharp prayer intentions that we could not communicate with all people of the glorious cross. Brothers who have certain responsibilities in the community now there is a "brother or sister of prayer", a member of the glorious cross, which they can entrust the important intention. The brother or sister of the glorious cross prays for this brother and his mission, and in turn, the leader undertakes to pray for the health of this brother of the glorious cross.

In the VII century, another memoil was connected with the memories of the Holy Cross of the Lord - about the return of the Tree of the life-giving Cross of the Lord from the Persian captivity.

In 614, the Persian King won Jerusalem and loossed it. Among other treasures, he took into Persia a tree of the life-giving Cross of the Lord. The shrine was in foreign workers in fourteen years. Only in 628, Emperor Irakli won the Persians, concluded the world with them and returned the cross in Jerusalem.

Almost all members of the glorious cross now have a brother for whom they pray in particular. Thus, they are part of the mission. We would like other brothers and sisters to enter the glorious cross. Sometimes people can be denied entry into the community due to disability and diseases that may occur in this service. The community brothers should not be afraid to join the Great Cross. We have beautiful reviews.

Some entered the service, because they were sick. They were healed, but they remained in a glorious cross.

The church installed this holiday on September 14 to thank God for the gift of his son to mankind. Jesus died on the cross to pay for us our sins. After the resurrection subsequently, he showed the victory of his life over death, love for sin. By his power, God gave rise to the life of death: here the glory of the cross, which we celebrate today. As an instrument of punishment for criminals, the object of contempt and contempt, the cross became the pride of every Christian.

As folded further fate Shrines, historians do not know exactly. Someone says that the cross was located in Jerusalem until 1245. Someone that it was divided into parts and separated around the world.

Now part of the Cross of the Lord rests in the ark in the Altar of the Greek Temple of the Resurrection in Jerusalem.

History of the Holiday Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord

As legend says, the cross of the Lord was acquired before the Easter holiday, Light Christ Sunday. Therefore, at first, the crosses were celebrated on the second day of Easter.

Each is invited to change the eyes on the cross. 40 days after the transformation or glory of God manifests itself in Jesus, the holiday of the glorious cross is an invitation to consider the Transfiguration Cross. These are not the terrible sufferings of Christ that we see, but the joy of this mighty sign God's love To us and hopes for salvation from him.

The historical origin of this holiday is likely to refers to September 14, 335, on the day of the initiation of the coffin of the Lord, where the relics of the True Cross were exhibited. For me there is no other title of glory, except the cross of the message of the Lord Jesus Christ to Galatians 6, 14.

In 335, the temple of the Resurrection of Christ was consecrated in Jerusalem. It happened on September 13th. In honor of this, the Exaltation holiday was postponed to September 14 (according to the old style; on a new style - September 27). Bishops who came to consecrate from all over the Roman Empire, told about the new holiday to the whole Christian world.

Worship Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord

On the day of the Crossing, it is necessary to perform Vigil vigil and liturgy. But now all night rarely where they serve, so the central worship is becoming the day before the holiday - vigil.

Celebrate a nice cross with a new anthem on the cross of Emmanuel songs

Saint Helena - between the legend and history. Saint Rufinus, one of the first students of St. Francis of Assisi, told in his "History of the Church" episode of the opening of the Cross of Christ Saint Helena, Mother of Emperor Konstantin. Helen came to Jerusalem, inspired by God, and the heavenly sign told her the place where she had to dig, and she took off three cross: Christ and two thieves: Macarius, Bishop of Jerusalem, who was present by the Empress in his requests asked for a dying woman brought to bring to Stretchs, and this miracle made it possible to distinguish the true cross.

Exaltation is the Lord (dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ) the two-month holiday. Therefore, his service is not connected to any other service. For example, John Zlatoust's memory is postponed to another day.

Interestingly, during the morning the gospel is read not in the middle of the temple, but in the altar.

The culmination moment of the holiday is when the first priest or a bishop, dressed in purple vesting, puts the cross. Everyone praying in the temple kiss the shrine, and the Primary comes to their saints. During the overall worship of the cross, the trophari is singing: "You turn your crosses, Vladyko, and holy Sunday Your Slavim. "

Elena made three parts of this cross, one intended for Jerusalem, the second for Constantinople, the third for Rome. The importance of the opening of the relic, the estimated date of which was 3 May 326, gave rise to a feast of the restoration of the Holy Cross or the invention of the Holy Cross.

In the calendar of the rite of the Jerusalem Church, confirmed from the beginning of the fifth century, the feast of the invention of the cross dated on May 7, which was preserved today by Orthodox. Sunday of the Cross on September 14, partially borrowed from liturgy Good FridayAlso testified from this time.

The cross lies with an analog up to October 4 - an exaltation day. The priest carries the cross to the altar.

Prayer Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord

Troper Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord

Save, Lord, your people and bless your taste, victory orthodox Christian On the resistance granting and yours preserving your residence permit.

The chapel of St. Helena from the outpatient stairs descends to the chapel dedicated to St. Elena. The walls of the stairs are covered with small crosses carved over the centuries by Armenian pilgrims, which indicates their devotion to the cross. The chapel consists of three milbs, with four columns. Sources and archaeological excavations confirm that this part has already been used in Constantine project. Raising your eyes, we see a few Armenian style lamps hanging from the ceiling.

The chapel of the cross imposed from the Armenian chapel of St. Helena, you can get at the bottom chapel of the "recovery of the cross". Every year May 7, to celebrate the memory of the restoration of the Holy Cross, the Franciscanian-keeper's father carries the procession of the crust tree of Christ to the place where it was found.


Save, Lord, your people and bless your heritage, Victory is faithful to the enemies granting and your cross is preserving your people.

Kondak Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord

Will ascended by the Cross, the tezo-generated of your new residence, the generousness of your gift, Christ God, the power of your faithful people, who giving us to the Sopalands, the benefit of your weapon of the world, invincible victory.

The chapel of the invention of the cross is descent again - this is the lowest point of the Basilica - we come to the stone chapel of the invention of the Holy Cross. The grid indicates the exact location of the discovery of relics. The walls covered with a rich ash hydraulic solution typical of Christ's time show that the cavity was used in its time as a tank.

In the September issue "Meeting for the Living Church", the periodical edition of the Church community Ravello, headed by Monsignor Giuseppe Imperato, a parish priest from the Ravelo Cathedral. The first article in this issue concerns World Day God's Word, which will be celebrated on Sunday, September 24. An important evidence of the authoritative characters of our time is also published on this issue, which illustrate their deep relations with the Bible as an example.


Ascended to the cross voluntarily, with you to the new people of the mercy of yours Darui, Christ, God; Hanging strength is yours loyal people Your, feeding us victory over enemies, to help with you, weapons of the world, invincible victory.

The highest cultivation of the Cross of the Lord

Major, exemplary Christ, and what the cross is your holy, I should save us from the work of the enemy.

As usual, even in this matter there is also a sharp Catechization of the Pope, which on Wednesday resumed hearing on St. Peter's Square, developing another aspect of the theme of the Christian Hope, which "guarantees victory over the tragedies of the world." This month of September, in which the feast of the Ecclesia of the Holy Cross, which is celebrated on our territory in a salt rock, the parish priest Don Nella offers reflections on the find of the Cross Sant'Elena and the popular worship which of ancient tradition Given the crucifixion, called the Lord of the Rock, the faithful coast of Amalfi.

Prayers to the honest and life-giving cross of the Lord

Prayer first

The cross is honest, the keeper of the soul and body Budi Mi: how does his demons of the bulk, the enemies driven out, passion the exercise and the reverence of giving mi, and life, and the strength, the promotion of the Holy Spirit and honest Mother of God the Molubes. Amen.

Prayer Second

The extensive parish chronicle of the month passes with detailed description what prof. Roberto Palumbo, who with the usual passionate and analytical vision of rites performs community and history religious life Community Ravello. Dr. Maria Karl Sorrentino, the leader of the Catholic promotion, represents new wayAccording to which the Sodalizio, the Fundamental Association of Catholic Mijan, seeks to go to our community to testify the commitment that Christians should be exercised in the church today.

In September catholic Church He experiences two important appointments: the day of prayer for the creation and World Tourism Day, which is annually celebrated on September 27, when the church joins a civil society in the approaching this phenomenon, convinced that each truly human activity should find a place in the heart of Christ's students.

About the pretensible and life-giving Cross of the Lord! The ardations of the task was the execution of a shameful tool, now the sign of the salvation of our dearly revered and glorified! As worthy of the permeability of Az, unworthy, taking the trick of the heart of my heart to the redemore, confonse my heart, confessing my sins! But the mercy and inener humanity collapsed on you the humble budding gives mi, and the mouth of the mouth of the Selitician; This is for the sake of yeit: Rejoice, the cross, the church of Christ the beauty and the foundation, the All Universe - the statement, Christians of all - hope, the kings - the Power, the faithful - refuge, angels - glory and chasing, demons - fear, degradation and outdiction, wicked and incorrect - The Ambassador, the righteous - the conjugation of burdens - weakens, the disadvantaged - the rebelieving - the tackle, obsessed with passions - the repentance of the beggars - the enrichment, floating - the feed, weak - power, in Branch - victory and borrowing, siery - loyal perspective, widow - Intercession, marshes chastity, unnecessary - hope, nozzles - the doctor and the dead - Resurrection! You, transformed by the wonderful rod of Moses, a life-giving source, which attacked the thirst in the spiritual life and the raising of our grief; You are the ADR, on the most respectful soil thirteantly the risen winner of hell. Then for the sake of the sake of the morning, and in the evening, and noon you glorify you, the urgent tree, and pray to the collapse of you, and he will enlighten my mind to you, and my source of Luva is perfect and all the acts and my whole deeds will be , Yes, I will be squeezed on you, the sin of my sin, the Lord of My Savior. Amen.

Icon of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord

The most common plot of the icon of the cross of the Cross of the Lord has developed in Russian icon painting in XV-XVI centuries. The icon painter depicts a large cluster of people against the background of one-eyed temple. In the center on Ambon stands the Patriarch with a cross raised above his head. Under the hands of it supports deacons. Cross decorated with sprigs of plants. In the foreground - saint and all who came to bow down the shrine. On the right - the figures of the king of Constantine and the king of Elena.

Metropolitan Anthony Surozhsky. Sermon on the day of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Today we worship with trepidation and gratitude to the Cross of the Lord. As two thousand years ago, the Cross of the Lord remains for some seduction, for others - madness, but for us, believers and rescued by the Cross of the Lord, he is power, he is the glory of the Lord.

Trephant Cross Lord: This is a weapon of cruel, painful death. The horrific thing that covers us when we look at the instrument of her, I must teach us the least love of the Lord. So loved the Lord the world that he gave his son's son in order to save the world. And this world, after the incarnation of the Word of God, after the life of Christ on Earth, after he proclaimed the divine teaching in hearing all the peoples, and after he confirmed the preaching of love, proved the death without anger, death to which it did not need One moment of opponent, revenge, bitterness, - after all this, our world is no longer former. His fate is not tragically scary and painfully before God's courtBecause God himself entered this fate of the world, because this fate is our present tied together God and man.

And the cross tells us about how the road is the man of God and how expensive is this love. Only love can be answered for love, - no other can be paid off for love.

And now we have a question, the question of conscience while, who in due time becomes a question that the Lord on Terrible court We will put it when he stands in front of us not only in his glory, but we will rise to us ulce into our sins. For the judge who will stand in front of us is the same Lord who gave his life for each of us. What will we answer? Do we have to answer the Lord that his death was in vain that his cross is not needed that when we saw the Lord loved us, we didn't have any return love, and we answered him that we prefer to walk in the darkness that we prefer To head passions, lust our, what is more expensive for us a wide road of the world than the narrow path of the Lord? .. While we live on Earth, we can deceive themselves that there is still time. But this is not true, - time is scary. Our life can break into an instant, and then our standing before the judgment of the Lord will begin, then it will be too late. And now there is time: there is time, only if we turn into love every moment of our lives; Only then, if we will turn into love for God every moment every moment, I like it or not, we are close to us or not, "only then, our soul will have time to grow to the meeting of the Lord.

We look into the cross. If a person close to us is dead for us and because of us, didn't our soul be shocked to the very depths? Wouldn't we change? And here: the Lord died - are we really indifferent? We will bow the cross, but we will bow not only for a moment: we will bow down, bent under this cross, take, as we take our strength, this cross is on your shoulders, and let's go for Christ, who gave us an example, how he himself says that we followed him . And then we will connect with him in love, then we will come to the terrible Cross of the Lord, and then he will not stand in front of us, condemning us, but saving and introducing into the endless, triumphant, victory joy eternal life. Amen.

The temple of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord in Altufyevo

Address of the temple: Moscow, Altufyevskoe highway, house 147.

The old church was built on the means of I.I. Veljaminova in the 1760-1763, because the previously existing on this place "... A built stone church in the name of Sofia and her daughters of her faith, hopes and love came to perfect dilapidation, - and from this ladder they slammed ...". The new temple was with the bell tower. IN late XVIII The century rebuilt him.

The temple was closed only on a short time During the Great Patriotic War. The shrines are particularly honored icons: a list from the Kazan image of the Mother of God and Rev. Makaria Zholovodsky (wonderfully appeared at the well-preserved source at the border of the village of Altufeva, Bibirev and Medvedkov).

Temple of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord on a pure enemy

Temple address: Moscow. 1st workers of the alley, house 8, structure 3.

The temple was laid in 1640 at the beginning of a deep ravine on the left bank of the Moscow River.

The stone church on the spot was built 18 years. The main throne was consecrated in 1658.

In 1701, the stone church was rebuilt for the first time. The composition of the church continued the tradition of land construction of the XVII century. In the volume of the building, part of the preceding brick church of the preceding brick church, built in the 1658th, when the territory between the Street and River and the River was occupied by Slobods belonging to the Rostov bishop house.

For two centuries, the temple was constantly rebuilt, he acquired her appearance in 1894-1895. Most of the parishioners of the temple on the outskirts of the city were yard people, artisans, soldiers. However, belonged to the coming and representatives of the famous noble names Musion-Pushkin, Sheremetyev, Dolgoruky. On May 25, 1901, A. P. Chekhov was married here.

In 1918, the temple began to learn. The authorities were taken out of here more than 400 poods of silver utensils.

In the 20s in the temple, the Divine Liturgy St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow. He served here and, who was shot in December 1937 at the Butovsky Polygon.

In 1930, the temple was closed, the abbot of Archpriest Nikolai Saryevsky was exiled. The dome and the bell tower broke, demolished the allest and the house of the party, and in the place of the temple they made a hostel. The wall painting was painted, and when she began to appeal through the blots, she was shot down. But 70% of the painting survived. By the end of 2000, after the return of the Church and a long restoration, the building again adopted the previous architectural appearance.

Vozdvizhenka - Street in Moscow

Vozdvizhenka - Street between Mokhovaya and the Arbat Gate Square. At the end of the XIII - the beginning of the XIV centuries, there was a road to Volokolamsk and Novgorod. In the middle of the XIV century, Vozdvizhenka is part of the trading road to Smolensk. In the XV - the first half of the XVII centuries, the street was called Orbat (probably from Arab Rabad - suburb).

In 1493, the beginning of the street near the Kremlin wall was cleared at 110 sages, in the XVI century, Nikola's Church in the boot was already stood on a liberated place (demolished in 1838) and small private courtyards. In 1547, the crossed monastery is mentioned for the first time. It was he who gave a new name Street. In 1812, the abode ruined the Napoleonic army. In 1814, the monastery was abolished, and his cathedral church Turn into parish church.

In 1935, the Vozdvizhenka was renamed the Comintern street, in 1946 - in Kalinin Street. In 1963-90, she became part of Kalinin Avenue. Now the street returned the historical name.

Cross-Protein Monastery

The crossed monastery was located in Moscow, in a white city, on the street Vozdvenik. The initial name is the monastery of the Exaltation of the Honest Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, which is on the island. Built it no later than 1547.

During the invasion of Napoleon, the abode was plundered by the invaders. In 1814, it was abolished, and the Cobra Temple was turned into a parish church. The crossed church was closed after 1929, and in 1934 she was demolished. At the site of the church, they built a mine of the metrostro. The priest of this temple of Alexander Sidorov in the 1931st arrested. He died in a concentration camp in Kemi.

Folk traditions of the Holiday Holyting

In Russia, the holiday of the Exaltation of the Honest Library Cross, the Lord united church and folk traditions.

On this day, the peasants painted crosses on the doors of the houses, put little wooden cross in Nursery cows and horses. If there was no cross, it was replaced by crossed rowan branches.

On September 27, they also called third scenarios or a day of day. It was the final day of the Baby Summer, the third and last meeting of autumn. "On the courtyard of the upstream, the last shock from the field moves, the last WHO is in a huced!". "On the upstream of a fur coat behind a cafetan!". "On the exaltation of Zipun with a fur coat!". "The uplift of the caftan fucks, the fur coat will put on!". "Exaltation - the last WHO moved from the field, and the bird is in the departure!".
The day was lean: "Who will stop on the upstream, then the seven sins will say goodbye", "At least for the Sunday day, come up with an upstream, and all on it - Friday-Wednesday, lean food!", "Who will not post the attachment - Cross of Christ - on that seven Sin will be erected! ".
The exaltation festival was also called "Kapuatnitsy". "Smeciy, Baba, about cabbage - an attachment came!", "Runs-kapuetrian, cappist having time!", "That and chop cappist, that with an attachment!", "At a good man on an extension day and pies with cabbage!", "On the bridge the first lady - cabbage!". It was still sentenced: "Neither the Vozdvizhensky, nor the Blagoveshchensk cabbage frost beats!". Young people arranged "Cabusthen evening"; They lasted two weeks.

Sayings about crushing

All the sayings and proverbs, dedicated to the holiday of the Exaltation of the Cross, are devoted to the topic of the approaching autumn or strict post. on this day. For example: "At least for the Sunday day, come up up, and everything is on it - Friday-Wednesday, lean food!", "Who will not post the attachment - Cross of Christ - on that seven sins will be erected!", Or: "Shoot, Baba, about cabbage "The attachment came!", "Kaftan moved to the exaltation with a fur coat, and the hat has shook."

September 27 - the upstream of the honest and life-giving Cross of the Lord Exaltation of the honest and life-giving cross of the Lord - belongs to the number of the two-month holidays. Installed in memory of the Holy Cross, which occurred, according to church legend, in 326 in Jerusalem near Calvary - the crucifixions of Jesus Christ. The elimination of the Cross of the Lord is the glorification of the Cross of Christ. This is the only two-month holiday, which is based on not only the events of the New Time, but also later, from the field of church history. The Christmas of Our Lady, celebrated by the six days earlier, - the opposite of the secrets of the incarnation of God on Earth, and the cross announces his future sacrifice. Therefore, the holiday of the Cross is also at the beginning of the church year. The history of the observation of the Cross Christianity did not immediately become a global religion. In the first centuries, the Jewish clergymen tried to fight with him, and, especially, the authorities of the Roman Empire - and Palestine was her part of. The Roman emperors-pagans tried to completely destroy the memories of the sacred places in humanity, where they suffered for people and rose our Jesus Christ. Emperor Adrian (117 - 138) ordered to fall asleep of the land of Calvary and the coffin of the Lord and on the artificial hill to put the capacities of the pagan goddess Venus and the statue of Jupiter. The pagans were going to this place and performed idolial sacrifices. However, after 300 years, the Graphic of God's great Christian shrines - the coffin of the Lord and the life-giving cross were again acquired by Christians and are open to worship.

Konstantin Great - the first Christian emperor this happened during the board of St. Constantine of the Great (306 - 337), who, after winning in 312, over Maxentiy, the ruler of the Western part of the Roman Empire, and above the Liking, the ruler of the eastern part of it, in 323, became unique The ruler of the Huge Roman Empire. In 313, he published the so-called Milan Edict, which was legalized christian religion And the persecution of Christians in the Western Half of the Empire ceased.

The cross of Constantine is a monogram, known as "chi-po" ("hee" and "ro" - the first two letters of the name of Christ in Greek). The legend states that this cross Emperor Konstantin saw in the sky on the road to Rome, along with the cross he saw the inscription "SIM Win." According to another legend, he saw a cross in a dream on the night before the battle and heard the voice: "You will win with this). It is said that this prediction consisted of Constantine into Christianity. And the monogram became the first generally accepted symbol of Christianity - as a sign of victory and salvation. Equal-Apostle Emperor Konstantin, to the promotion of God who won the victory over the enemies in three wars, saw the sign in the sky - the cross with the inscription "SIM Win" (τούτῳ νίκα).

It's warmly wanting to find the cross, on which our Jesus Christ was crucified, equal to Konstantin sent his mother to Jerusalem, the pious Tsaritsa Elena (a memory of May 21), providing her letter to Patriarch by Jerusalem Macaria.

Holy Tsarina Elena Elena started the archaeological excavations in Jerusalem, which were necessary, since in the IV century there was practically no one to show the place of the crucifixion of Christ, nor the place of his burial. Most of the first Christians - those that could be generated from generation to transfer information about places related to earthly life Christ, - were Jews. And the Roman power, dissatisfied with the permanent uprisings of Jews for independence, in the II century of our era kicked them out of Palestine. (This, by the way, has become the main reason The fact that now the Jews are seased worldwide). In the order of the queen, Helena had written evangelical sources, with an accurate description of not only events in the life of Christ, but also the places in which they took place. For example, the Golgoti mountain, which crucified Christ, was known to any resident of Jerusalem. Another question is that the city has repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt. During the times of the Passions of Christ Golgotha, there was an outside of the city walls of Jerusalem, and by the time of the excavations of Elena turned out to be inside them. The language of the Kitchensky and Idolian statues that fill in Jerusalem, the queen ordered to destroy. Waving a life-giving cross, she asked Christians and Jews, but for a long time her searches remained unsuccessful. Finally, she was pointed to one old Jew named Judas, who said that the cross was buried where the Vener's Keep is. The capital was destroyed and, having committed a prayer, began to dig the land. Calvary was excavated almost to the base, as a result of which the cave of the Coffin of the Lord was discovered - the place where Christ was buried, as well as several crosses.

Grave cave on Calvary, in the territory of the chill of the Lord

The place of gaining the Cross of the Lord in those days the cross was only a gun of the execution, and the mountain of Calvary is the usual place to bring the death sentences. And how difficult was the queen Elena to understand which of the crosses found in the land - Christ. The Lord of the Lord identified, firstly, on a sign with the inscription "Jesus Nazori, King Jewish", secondly, on the entrusted to a sore woman who instantly healed. In addition, there is a legend that the died of contact with this cross was risen - he was joined by the burial. From here and the name is the life-giving cross. The Start of Judas and other Jews believed in Christ and accepted holy baptism. Judah received the name of Kiriak and was subsequently ordained in the bishop of Jerusalem. In the reign of Julian apostate (361 - 363), he accepted a martyrdom for Christ.

When the cross was found (and then annually on this day), the Primate of the Jerusalem Church raised him, that is, he erected (hence the air), alternately turning to all the parties of the world - so that all believers could if not touch the shrine, then at least to see It. In places associated with the earthly life of the Savior, Tsarina Elena built more than 80 temples.

The church of the Mernel of the Lord with a special decree of the emperor Konstantin in Jerusalem was erected by a huge, even according to the current standards, and the majestic temple of the Resurrection of Christ, which is more often called the temple of the Mernel Coffin. He included and the cave, where Christ was buried, and Calvary. The temple was built about 10 years old - deadlines, recorded even for our time - and was consecrated on September 13, 335, along with the Big Basilica Martirium, and others. Buildings at the site of the crucifixion and resurrection of the Savior. The Day of Updates (i.e. consecration, the Greek term Enkainia (update) usually refers to the consecration of the temple) began to be celebrated annually with great solemnity, and the memory of the acquisition of St. The cross entered the festive celebration in honor of the update, and had an initially secondary meaning. Establishing a holiday at the end of the IV century. The renewal holiday was in the Jerusalem Church one of the 3 main holidays, along with Easter and Epiphany. According to a number of researchers, the renewal holiday has become a Christian analogue of the Old Testament holiday, one of the 3 main holidays of the Old Testament worship, especially since the consecration of Solomonov Temple also occurred during a bunch. He lasted 8 days during which even the sacrament of baptism was taught; Every day performed Divine Liturgy; Temples were decorated in the same way as on the Epiphany and for Easter; A lot of people came to the holiday in Jerusalem, including from distant regions - Mesopotamia, Egypt, Syria. On the 2nd day of the Holiday Update St. The cross showed all the people. Thus, the initial exaltation was established as an additional festival, accompanying the main celebration in honor of the update - similar to the holidays in honor of the Mother of God the day after the Nativity of Christ or St. John the Baptist the next day after the baptism of the Lord.

Starting with the VI century. Exaltation gradually became a more significant holiday than the holiday of updates. For example, in the life of the pre. Maria Egypt (VII century), it is said that prep. Maria went to Jerusalem to celebrate the Exaltation. Return of the Cross

The battle of Emperor Irakli with Persians. The execution of the Persian Tsar Josrooy subsequently precisely the Evidence was the major holiday and got much spread in the East, especially after the victory of Emperor Irakli over the Persians and the solemn return of St. Cross from captivity in March 631. Christian shrineBy breaking the Greek army, captured the Persian king Hozroy II. It was possible to win it only after 14 years, when the Greeks broke the Persians. The life-giving cross with great celebration and reverence was brought in Jerusalem. He was accompanied by the Patriarch Zechariah, who was in captivity all these years in Persians and was unduraially located next to the Cross of the Lord. The Great Shrine wished to carry the emperor Irakli himself. According to legend, at the gate, through which it was necessary to go on Calvary, the emperor suddenly stopped and, no matter how he tried, could not do a step. The Holy Patriarch explained the king that an angel was blocking him, because the one who was a cross in Calvary for the redemption of peace from sins, made his gloor path, being humiliated and persecuted. Then Irakli took off the crown, his royal outfit, dressed in simple clothes and ... unhindered entered the gate.