Can the priest kiss the hand of a parishioner. Why the church is not everyone gives to kiss a hand

Can the priest kiss the hand of a parishioner. Why the church is not everyone gives to kiss a hand
Can the priest kiss the hand of a parishioner. Why the church is not everyone gives to kiss a hand

What does "take a blessing from a priest"?

- Take a blessing - it is to ask the priest to pray to the Lord of the Lord of the Street and Consefing Grace of the Holy Spirit.

When should I take a blessing from the priest?

- When meeting with the priest after the word "Hello" (or instead of the word), they immediately say: "Battyushka, blessing" - and take a blessing. Take the blessing of the priest and after confession.

In addition, take the blessing follows in all important moments of spiritual and worldly life. Before you decide, it would be good to consult with a priest and ask for his blessings.

How to get a blessing from the priest?

"For this you need to fold the hands right on the left palms up, stick your head and say:" Battyushka, bless. " The priest donates a person with a sign of a priest blessing, says: "God blesses" - and puts his right hand on the folded palm of the blessed. After that, kiss the priest's blessing hand - but not human hand, but as an image of a blessing handle of the owner of all the benefits - gentlemen.

Why do you need to kiss the hand of the priest?

- In the biblical times kissing was the usual form of a respectful greeting, especially kissing. To do this, it was necessary to bow down to the hand of another person, kiss her and spend it in his forehead. Kissing as a symbol of love and respect was perceived by early Christians: "Welcome all the lobesie saint brothers" (1 Fes. 5, 26).

The kissing of the priest's hand, which occurs when he gives a cross or blesses, unlike a simple greeting, has a special spiritual and moral significance. Getting grace from God through a cross or a priestly blessing, a man mentally kisses the invisible Desnis of God, who gives him this grace. At the same time, the kissing hand of the priest expresses respects also to the San, which from the Apostles of Christ switched to many servants of the Altar of God. Thus, the priestly san, believers express reverence to all the great saint and the confessors who wore this san, ranging from the Apostles and Dynam, who served the decoration of the Earth and became the decoration of heaven and who are named "earthly angels and heavenly people."

The kissing of the priest is not common kissing, but, according to the word of the Apostle Paul, holy kissing (1 Cor. 16.20).

Why do you need a spiritual father?

- The spiritual father is necessary for helping and leadership in spiritual life - for its disappointment, maintaining and improving, that is, to save the soul. The spiritual father is needed in order to help a person learn to live in Christian. Through obedience to the spiritual father, a person rejects his addiction, knows the will of God and leads his free human will in line with her.

How to find a spiritual father (confessor)?

- First of all, it should be started to regularly go to the temple, confess, coming and hard to pray that the Lord can help find a spiritual father.

Is it possible to choose priests?

- When a person begins to live a spiritual life, to regularly visit the temple, participate in the sacraments, to check his life with the establishments of the Church, he has a need to consult with a priest on various issues - both everyday and spiritual. Then he begins to search for a mentor. And, of course, for spiritual guidance, you can choose the priest to which the heart is most located, to whom a person can entrust his soul.

How to treat the priest if you know that he lives unworthy?

- The priesthood is not made deficiently from a unworthy person: personal human sensitors cannot take away the grace of ordination. The priest is only an instrument in the hands of God, and all the ordinances invisibly perform Christ himself, because the priestly unworthy of their spiritual qualities is a full-fledged performer of the sacraments.

Whatever the priest would, only through it you can get permission from sins. And for your affairs everyone is responsible before God - both mentor, and obeduy. If you see the sinful priest, remember the words of the Holy Apostle: "All they tend you to follow, follow and do; For do not do them. " (Matt. 23.3).

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Professor of the Moscow Spiritual Academy Alexey Ilyich Osipov. - Kaliningrad region in touch. - I once advised Protestantism to recover from alcoholism. And here I am Orthodox, and they are my name all the time so that I walked to them. What should I do? My conscience torments. - And if Satanists promise to save you from

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What does "take a blessing from a priest"?

Take a blessing - it is to ask the priest to pray for a prayer for the Lord of the Saglia of the Street and Consefing Grace of the Holy Spirit.

When should I take a blessing from the priest?

When meeting with the priest after the word "hello" (or instead of the word), they immediately say: "Battyushka, blessing" - and take a blessing. Take the blessing of the priest and after confession.

In addition, take the blessing follows in all important moments of spiritual and worldly life. Before you decide, it would be good to consult with the priest and ask for his blessings.

How to get a blessing from the priest?

To do this, fold the hands right on the left palms up, to bow the head and say: "Battyushka, bless." The priest donates a person with a sign of a priest blessing, says: "God blesses" - and puts his right hand on the folded palm of the blessed. After that, kiss the priest's blessing hand - but not human hand, but as an image of a blessing handle of the owner of all the benefits - gentlemen.

Why do you need to kiss the hand of the priest?

In the biblical time kissing was the usual form of a respectful greeting, especially the kissing of the hand. To do this, it was necessary to bow down to the hand of another person, kiss her and spend it in his forehead. Kissing as a symbol of love and respect was perceived by early Christians: "Welcome all the brothers with the lubrication of the holy" (1 Fez. 5:26).

The kissing of the priest's hand, which occurs when he gives a cross or blesses, unlike a simple greeting, has a special spiritual and moral significance. Getting grace from God through a cross or a priestly blessing, a man mentally kisses the invisible Desnis of God, who gives him this grace. At the same time, the kissing hand of the priest expresses respects as well as to the San, which from the Apostles of Christ moved to many ministers of the Altar of God. Thus, the priestly san, believers express reverence to all the great saint and the confessors who wore this san, ranging from the Apostles and Dynam, who served the decoration of the Earth and became the decoration of heaven and who are named "earthly angels and heavenly people."

The kissing of the priest's hand is not common kissing, but, according to the word of the Apostle Paul, the kissing holy (1 Cor. 16:20).

Why do you need a spiritual father?

The spiritual father is necessary for helping and leadership in spiritual life - for its disappointment, maintaining and improving, that is, to save the soul. The spiritual father is needed in order to help a person learn to live in Christian. Through obedience, the spiritual father rejects his addiction, he knows the will of God and leads his own human will in line with it.

How to find a spiritual father (confessor)?

First of all, it should be started to regularly go to the temple, confess, coming and hard to pray, so that the Lord helped find a spiritual father.

Is it possible to choose priests?

When a person begins to live in a spirit life, to regularly visit the temple, participate in the sacraments, to achieve his life with the establishments of the Church, he has a need to consult with a priest on various issues - and everyday and spiritual. Then he begins to search for a mentor. And of course, for spiritual leadership, you can choose the priest to which the heart is most located, to whom the person can entrust his soul.

How to treat the priest if you know that he lives unworthy?

The priesthood is not made deficiently from a unworthy person: personal human sensitors cannot take away the grace of ordination. The priest is only an instrument in the hands of God, and all the ordinances invisibly perform Christ himself, because the priestly unworthy of their spiritual qualities is a full-fledged performer of the sacraments.

Whatever the priest would, only through it you can get permission from sins. And for your affairs everyone is responsible before God - both mentor, and obeduy. If you see the sining priest, remember the words of the Holy Apostle: "Everything they told you to observe, follow and do; For business, do not do them "(MF. 23: 3). to you, dear visitors to the Orthodox island "Family and Vera"! it locally to turn to the priest: "Holy Father?"

N.does it be necessary to kiss the priest's hand after a bastard?

FROMdoes the kissing the cross and the hand of the priest on the day of the communion?

N.umber whether to cover the head with scarves with little girls when they go to the temple?

Replies Archpriest Sergiy Nikolaev:

« ABOUTthe saint father is made to the spiritual person of the "Holy Father" in the Catholic Church, as well as among the Orthodox in some Western regions of Ukraine. In the Russian tradition, official appeal - your pretext or your high-strength. In other cases - father such something (name), or batyushka.

Sometimes instead of the name of the priest call his obedience or position: father Abbot, Father Vicer, Father Delight, Father Economy. Turning to the bishop, they say: Vladyka. To the deacon: father Deacon or father such (name).

However, sometimes we can hear the appeal: "Holy Father"in which the word "Holy" It means not the holiness of the face, but a san priest. So, the Russian translation of this Slavic circulation is rather unusual than incredible.

- Is it necessary to kiss the priest's hand after reels?

- The custom of kissing the hand is very ancient. In a secular society today, only the tradition of hands kissing in women has been preserved. However, such a tradition arose in Europe only in the Middle Ages, during the passion of the cult of an excellent lady. Prior to that, in most societies, the hands kicked men. Kissed hand giving or having the opportunity to give. And the owners were mostly men. Vassal kissed the hand of Mr. Slave and servant - the master's hand. Wife - hand of her husband.

In such an action there was a deep meaning: the kissing of the hand was gratitude for the real or possible grace emanating from this hand. By the way, the custom, receiving a gift, applied to the hand of the donor, was maintained in many Christian countries until recently.

The priest is also the grace rate - Blessings, therefore, having received a blessing, people are applied to his hand. In addition, every priest is a servant of God, he gives us not his own, and what he received from the Lord, and, applying a father, we express my gratitude to him, but a true grace in the Lord. An embarrassment in this case can only experience a very proud person.

Holy Fir - the symbol of God's mercy. The priest is not from himself, and from the Lord he teaches him. And by us, thanks to God, kiss your hand through which he had this mercy.

Sometimes in this case applied to the cross on the injury of the priest. Hanging - This is part of the priesthood, tape with a cross, tightening his wrist, as a sign that the priest creates actions not with their own hands, and the Lord himself acts through him.

- Should I kiss the cross and the hand of the priest on the day of the communion?

- On the day of the communion, at the end of the service, we kiss the cross, but they are no longer applied to the hand of the priest. On this day, it is also not taken to apply to icons and other shrines. In the communion, we already have the greatest shrine, and look for something else - meaningless. As if someone, having received assistance from the king, then turned to his noble and thus would humiliate the king unbelief in his power.

- Is it necessary to cover your head with scarves with little girls when they go to the temple?

- Cover on the head of a woman - obedience sign; The heads on the head of the babies is also a sign of obedience. And he obey children should be accepted from the very early age.

Handkerchiefs in the service - the first difference for the child special Space Temple From the space of the house and the street, the difference between the time of communication with God from everyday life. Light handkerchief is the first and easiest burden of Christ, assigned to the girl. She can not yet, by age, fast, does not know the prayers, but already, through the handkerchief, familiar with piety. Apostle Paul, among the instructions of spiritual life, also wrote about the cover on the head of a woman. What care a great apostle has shown about you! Why not answer obedience to his love? "

Hand kissing as such does not mean humiliation - it all depends on the feelings that we experience. Negative feelings based on distrust prohibit the signs of respect, ordinary for other cases.

We can kiss your mother's hand. There are quite a few people who respese their parents who in the rustling of feelings are able to sincerely kiss her hand and father to express their gratitude, respect and love. In the old days, when people were intelligent and raised, so did not think. Nowadays, we are able to kiss the hand of the Father, only if he probably dies. If an example with the Father seems to be a completely unreal reader, probably not to continue reading. You just need to keep in mind that the priest is not necessary to kiss the hand. There are no such rules. This is a personal matter of everyone.

The same who overcame the previous lines, we have something to say.

First of all, we note that the priest's hand is not always kissing and not always. When is usually kissing? After the end of the service when believers, according to the established tradition, are suitable for the priest for kissing the cross - the instruments of our salvation. All other cases are unusual.

However, in the normal case, not all kiss the hand. Some kissing cross and hand. Some cross and instructions on which the cross is embroidered again. Some contest. Why? Because the man is unpleasant to kiss a man's hand (for a woman there is no such barrier) and for this requires additional motivation. It is available, but only for believers. During the service, the priest symbolizes Christ. The cross in the hands of the priest symbolizes the cross on which the Lord was crucified. Kissing the hand of the priest, a person just kisses the hand of Christ, stretching our cross, that is, the hand of God offering us salvation. That's all.

Moreover, a number of priests object to kissing their hands, holding a cross with the fingers of both hands for a long crossbar, so that their arms were far from the cross, and immediately after kissing the cross, their hands are taking aside. Why? Ask these priests.

Of course, there are cases of excess feelings when we understand that it makes this priest for us, and we do not be ashamed and wish to kiss his hand. The description of these feelings is unlikely whether they are so far from the mentality of non-believers. The closest analogy is gratitude.

Unfortunately, there are cases and slavery. They must be avoided. To even greater regret, there are cases when the priest literally pokes his hand in the face, demanding kissing. Thank God, these cases are one to the entire ROC. Just come out then from such a priest, and the Lord will judge how it finds it necessary.

Maybe someone enlightens - what are the fundamental differences of two religions?


For Orthodox Catholics Heretics.
Catholics adopted several dogmas, which the ROC will not adopt under any circumstances.
This also applies to the immaculate conception of D.M. and its ascension on the sky, the origin of St. Spirit, celibacy ..
That's what I found ..
"Old Believers to us are much closer than Catholics. Old Believers (Popovtsy, that is, those that have retained the hierarchy) is a split, that is, separation due to ritual questions and issues of church management. Catholics are a heresy that began with" Philobov " (and some other erroneous views, for example, Blez. Augustine) and gradually spread to all sides of church life. Now we share us with them:
1. The doctrine of grace (she is creative; so the grace, in the sense, as Orthodox understands it, Catholics do not; Orthodox is not tweed, but the energy of God).
2. Soteriology, that is, the doctrine of salvation (Catholics is obtaining enough for the redemption of "original sin" the number of creatures of graceful grace; Orthodox is a burden, that is, the connection with God in its energies).
3. Eclicisiology, that is, the doctrine of the church (Catholics is an organization engaged in the distribution of tailored grace under the leadership of the Pope, and "if the court of God contradicts the court of Pope, the court of God should be canceled"; Orthodox is the Body of Christ, the Godchild Organism in which the burden of faithful).
4. The doctrine of prayer (Catholics the limit of prayer is the "blissful vision of God Holy"; Orthodox vision of God, a possible, partly, in heretics, there is no limit nor salvation, but only the connection to him; in the limit - the inclusion of faithful In the intramenity life of the St. Towns).
As we can see, the difference between Catholics and Orthodox reaches the most that neither is, the basics of faith and gives all the grounds for recognizing them with heretics and for reinstatement with them only on the basis of their accession to Orthodoxy. "

I, of course, are not special on this issue, but my opinion, as a simple ordinary man, the following: The difference between these currents is this: the execution of religious rites, the interpretation of the main religious books, adopting one and non-acceptance by other governors of God on Earth (ie, papacy) . Although the last concept can flow from the first two.
I would be interested to know the origins of these differences and how true my conclusions about these differences are.

06/29/2001 11:27:59, Katya

This discovery makes clarity, who were the proto-crustians who are killed or how more often they say, certified Jesus Christ.

Now it has been proven that the protocristians - Essei and social sciences, sociology, social issues.
So, two options were discovered by the charter of the future society: the kingdom of highly moral ("kingdom of heaven").
The issues of economics, finance and politics, apparently, were also not alien to "primoacaders". The so-called "copper scroll" was also found and was found, which contained exclusively secret information about the secret Sonoron in the cities of the Media-Seinerine, about 180 tons of gold and silver prepared, obviously, for social reforms, which Jesus Christ says in his famous specifically . And almost none of anyone correctly not read the "Nagorno Protection", where he primarily mentions the beggars, strong intelligence (spirit). Well, it is another conversation.

Such an answer to the question of the age of baptism will, in my opinion, the most constructive: if you baptize the child after the start of reading, then this will give Orthodoxy a new impulse to the origins - to enlighten and intellect, as the basis of true spirituality. Of course, you need a more informative set of recommendations and accessories for baptism. On this basis, in 1996 - 1999, a program of development and education was developed: "Each family - gifted and talented children" .- [Link-1]
As I understand it, there are three options for the "baptizing set" on a new, modern baptism rite, which will inevitably come to replace the old - depending on which future does the parent want to give a child? The most important thing is to give the child the gifts by baptism after the child starts reading, earlier than walking ...
But I think that it is necessary to baptize when the child gets his first higher education - this is in the new system, it takes place at the age of 11 - 12 years - then it will be a truly conscious choice.

You have a desire to go to the temple, but will our own ignorance of the rules of behavior in the church scare?
... And, let me forgive me Orthodox, more important than prayer rooms. Congratulations on your life in your life! go_romanovs! I just thought that the Bible was mandatory by default, even somehow strange to remind a Christian about the need to have it and read. Innana can be a question, just do not swear. And why does the priest of the Holy Father be called? Is it very bad? Batyushka, it's like a confessor, well, or someone personally acquainted, but just ask a stranger priest about something like? Or monk? Then I tried to pick up a voting monk, but it turned out to be at all at that steppe, I could not call him at all, only you. So how should it be? Aquare to call the priest Holy Father is accepted in Catholic ...

How to behave when visiting challenging houses of various religious directions? General rules of etiquette and main differences.

Jesus did not humiliate women, he preached to everyone who wanted to listen. Who came up with covering the head of a woman in humility of a man? The follower, the same scribe, only from new ones. Jesus did not pushed a bleeding woman, healed. And the father in the church, I think, should be interested in the purity of my thoughts and souls, and not my body and linen - I am not going to the gynecologist. Yes, in the conditions of hot climate and antisanitarian of the end of the last era, the commandments of the Old Testament, and had the meaning, but also with a bust - to touch and to the corpse, and to the "unclean" wife in the "critical" days the days equally gadko. For what parents in the church should ask for forgiveness (there is no such thing in the Bible), if the birth of the Baby is the mercy of God? Who came up with calling a woman ...


I fully agree with you, Natalia, and admire your act. So it is necessary! Although it is very difficult, and most of us completely goes to the depths of our grief, but in fact the way to exit him only one - to try to help another person. Not being religious, I'm sure that God wants from us exactly - so that we never surrender, they didn't get angry and returned to happily through love, but not through the care of the world to the monastery, etc. Otherwise, why did he give us this world ?
And I still can't come to the church. I do not understand many things:
According to Christians, some people pay for their sufferings to the sins of other people (starting with Jesus). Somehow in the children's hospital read the article of the priest on the bench, that such is the meaning of severe diseases in children. So, maybe they do not need to be treated? Some pagan attitude - to bring the victim, and everything will be decided (and the victim is not a lamb, but a child!). You can find wisdom yourself and understanding through suffering. How can someone else do it for you?
After reading the Gospel, I wondered another question: why does the Christian church exist? Jesus ordered:
- do not build temples on earth, but only in the soul of man;
- Do not fast, do not pray, but it is better to go and make up with your neighbors;
- And if there is a desire to pray, enter quietly into your home and pray there so that no one has seen you.
Is not it?
That's why I would like everything as Natalia to go to God (\u003d to understanding life and your place in it) through the love of people, to children, to their child, and not by the advice of priests. Even if they are good people, clean soul, etc. - Well, who may wisely manage your life, your thoughts, your feelings? And if the priest is a bad person Il just indifferent? There are a lot of such.

07/21/2006 12:08:03, Marina

"Do not allow one to consider the patient to consider life affairs as a material for obedience to the enemy. If you made the world goal, and faith - a tool, a person is almost in your hands and there is absolutely indifferent, what purpose he pursues. If only rallies, brochures,
political campaigns, movements and cases mean more than prayer,
sacrament and Mercy - He is our. "
This is a quote from the "Letters of Balamut" K.S. Lewis (C.s. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters). At one time, this book pushed me to finally drink, and I highly recommend reading it to everyone who sincerely wants to find answers, and not just "hanging out." (If anyone does not understand - these are the advice of the old sophisticated demon with a young and novice).
As for the last statement - "If you believe in Christ and go to Christ - then only not through Orthodoxy," then I often hear this very often. Indeed, in modern satanic society, it is permissible to be anyone - a Catholic, Sandyist, a fire permanent, and at least a pagan - but not Orthodox! Well, for me it is another proof that it is Orthodox Christianity that is a true faith.

26.02.2005 18:35:38

Do not forget the handkerchief for yourself - to cover your head, and take a brenus for the baby with you - everything is more pleasant to paint than shouting. Marzhenka asked me to wait on the street. After 5 minutes the husband ran out and dragged me there - the Mashka never screamed before. I took her away and she sat in my hands. Batyushka said nothing. It lasted 40 minutes (but there were few people). Tarakanya (1,3) I gave me after they drank. But in general, everything is informally and very quickly passed in the face of the village church and the father's dirty caught, but as in the city - I do not know. Tanya is actually the kid in the hands of the kid. But when I was the godfather, the cross ...
... In different churches, the time is different. If there are many children, respectively, baptism lasts longer. And if the child is one, we were told that about 15 minutes. But the mother seems to be in that room where the child is constructed. We are also going to be baptized next week. Maxi holds the godfather there - the boy - Mom, the girl is dad. Mom is not allowed to go to the church, only then, when it is surrounding, they will call, they will give a child in their hands and will read prayers. Margo (Son 2.4 and Son 1,2) When I baptized: Moms and Dads did not let only the godfather in the room, since the boy should mainly do all the godfather Olga and Artemka *** girls, if not hard, tell us I am dark about the christening: how does it happen, how long does it last that you need with you ...
... So your presence in the second stage of baptism is required to keep a godmother (dad), and if there is a mother, then the baby will ask for mom and capricious. Lija depends on the priest which is baptized. One of the convincing versions, why is not allowed - this is an indication that the child belongs not to the mother, but to God. Olga Ovodova used to be baptized in the first 40 days after childbirth, maybe not allowed. Now, if after childbirth, more than 40 days have passed, must start. Natasha in ....

The joiner dies and gets into heaven. There he meets the Lord God and says: - Eh, the master, as I envy you! - But what, Lord? - The fact that the stools made by you do not run for you by the crowd and do not swear every minute: "Give money, give health, give happiness ..." Zen Buddhist monk asks his teacher: - Teacher, how can I become enlightened? Teacher: - Get rid of my self or egoism! For example: you go down the street. Suddenly, you see a gold coin in the sand. What will you do...


Jesus collected students and says:
- People on Earth suffered a terrible trouble - they use a lot of drugs! We must help them get rid of this attack ... But for the successful outcome of the case we must know what drugs are represented. Let each of you go down to the ground and will add a sample!
The next day someone knocks at the gate of Paradise.
- Who's there?
- This is me, John.
Jesus, opening the gate:
- What have you brought?
- Moroccan hashish.
Then the knock is again distributed. Jesus asks who there.
- This is me, Mark.
Jesus, opening the door:
- What have you brought?
- Colombian Cocaine.
Matthew and onions come from Indian hens and Afghan heroin, respectively.
Then the knock is again distributed. Jesus:
- Who's there?
- This is me, Juda.
Jesus, opening the door:
- What have you brought?
- Rubop - everyone stand, hands behind the head !!!

Pelo Pope ...
For this occasion, the Apostle Paul itself suits him a tour of Paradise:
- Here, take a look, here we have Catholics.
- And here - Lutherans ...
- And there, in the park - Protestants.
- TS-S-C, quieter-quieter, here Orthodox!
Dad surprised:
- Why "TS-S-C", don't they children of God ???
- Uh, you see, they believe that they are alone here ...

New Russian died. It takes him at the gate of Paradise Apostle Peter. Apostle Peter looks in a notebook:
- BUT! Hello, Arkady Vasilyevich! Do you have a villa on the waws and villa on the Canaries to have?
- Yes - TA-AK..QUARY in London, New York and Paris?
- Yes there is.
- Apartment in Moscow and Villa on Rublevka?
- Yes, it all had it. I worked all my life, taxes, by the way I paid.
- "Rolls-Royce", yacht, two "Ferrari"?
- Yes, it was all me. And what does all this matter? May I come in?
- Yes, come. Only ... I'm afraid you don't like us ...

Died in one day pop and tax inspector. They fell on the sky and God distributes them:
- Pop to hell, tax inspector to heaven.
Pop prayed:
- God, I have served you all my life, the word is in the people in the people, served read ...
God himself says:
- You understand, on your preaching people missed, yawn, dreamed, but when a tax inspector came to them, they began to sincerely pray to God ...

Saint Peter (SP) and Jesus Christ (them) play golf. The joint venture sets the ball on the first mark, waving and dries on the ball. The ball flies 200 meters and falls in 50 centimeters from the well.
Them: - good blow, sp!
Puts the ball on the first mark and wipes on him from all over Duri. The ball flies completely in the other direction. SP stands, smiles. Under the bush sleeps hare.
The ball arrives, there is a hare on his head and gets stuck in his ear. Near the Korshun flies. Seeing that the rolling hare was lying under the bush, it grabs him, and carries it to his nest.
Suddenly, where we do not fall, quickly climbed clouds. From the clouds there is lightning and gets right in Korshun. Korevun sowed. Feathers in one direction, hare to another. The hare falls to the ground. The ball from the blow drops out of the ear and rolled into the hole.
Them (raising her eyes to the sky): - Dad, let me play myself!

New Russian comes to church and asks the priest:
- Tell me, Father, if I write off the church of $ 500,000, will my soul saved?
A priest:
- I do not assume to say, but let's try!

The millionaire comes to the church for confession. The priest asks him:
- What is your sin, my son?
- Batyushka, I am too greedy.
- Greediness is a great sin. When you leave the church, you have to give $ 50 to the first one who will fall on your path.
- How? $ 50 first oncoming?
- My son, if you want to get up on the Path, you have to start with this.
The millionaire him listened. He comes out of the church - around anyone! Going further and sees one girl - heel shoes, a short skirt, cosmetics almost falls off. He comes to her, gives her a bill of $ 50 and says:
- Here, take it.
- No, it is not enough, you need $ 100.
- Why $ 100? My father told me that you need to give $ 50.
- Well, because the father is a permanent client

Jesus, seeing a completely immobilized man, says the poor man:
- Get up and go!
No reaction Then Jesus repeats his words. Again to no avail.
Here is the saint John with the list of patients and says:
- Teacher, you are mistaken.
- John, it is impossible: I'm never mistaken.
- I know Jesus, but this person is not paralyzed, but deaf.

And Jesus told them:
- Answer who, tell you, is I?
And they answered:
- You are the eschatological manifestation of the foundations of our being, revealed to us, the ontological foundation of the context of our essence itself.
... And Jesus responded:
- What?

The priest ordered to help with the first time to help in the top of the new tsep. Firstly responded by the well-known one in the correspondence:
- Batyushka, I give two thousand dollars.
"Although we really need," the priest says, "I can't finish these dick money."
From somewhere from the rear Padov, a dick male voice is heard:
- Bat, father! After all, this is our money!

He raises the chief physician of the psychdispanceer of his head and tells him:
- You know, the Commission will be in the week. So I prepared a surprise.
- What, let me?
- Staging "Borodino", on Napoleon I put a patient from the 6th chamber, and for the role of cutuzuz patient from the 3rd, the rest in the crowd ...
- In my opinion, it will be too bloody, you don't seem?
- Well ... then take another patient from the chamber number 7 for the role of Jesus Christ.
- But why, let me ?? !!
- will walk to resurrect ...

Do you know why Jesus Christ appeared after his resurrection first before women? - asked one joker. And without receiving an answer, continued:
"Because, well knowing their natural tendency to chatter, he understood that no one else would be able to convey his sacrament to the people so quickly.

Pastor goes down the street and passes by a bunch of boys who piled around the puppy. "Are you tormented by a dog?" - asks Pastor.
"No, uncle, we just found a puppy, and everyone wants to take it to themselves. We decided to arrange a competition: who is the best one, he will take the puppy."
"Ay-ah-ah! As you are not ashamed! To lie - this is a sin. I, when I was small, never felt."
The boys got sick, looked at him, then one of them took a puppy on her arms and said:
- Take a puppy, pastor! ... Diapers for the dressing kid so that not frozen. 16.4.2001 13:54:40, Kuhan Choose for baptism the temple, where Mama is allowed (there are those in which for some reason only the godparents are allowed). It is desirable (if you are the believer itself) to confess to you on the eve and coming up. Yes, and before that (usually during confession), the father must read the prayer of the 40th day (which gives you the right to participate in the sacraments). Then you with a clean conscience can keep your baby in your hands almost all the time while baptism lasts. 16.4.2001 0:48:48, Tamara Cross Great (perception) is the one who accepted the child after baptism (diving in the font) who gave all the vows for him (the child himself is not able to do this, who Ensure ...


I wanted to baptize my son after 40 days, as soon as possible. Pure for his calmness, because I believe. The husband firstly agreed, and then protested, like, let him grow up and decides, to what faith he wants to belong. In principle, it is possible, he is right. But after all, it is possible to change faith at any age. In short, I will give a free baptismal kit on the boy, new, up to 3 months. Sent for your account