What to do before baptism. Questions about the sacrament of baptism

What to do before baptism. Questions about the sacrament of baptism
What to do before baptism. Questions about the sacrament of baptism

How is the baptism of adult in the church?

    I had so. I suffered to baptize your child. It is necessary that the parents themselves are baptized. I was athe system. Batyushka said: nothing terrible, now we first poke you, I will be your godfather, you can do without the godfather. And you want, come out someone from good acquaintances, this will be enough. I guess my mother's girlfriend. So, just in case. I read the father some prayer, sprinkled me with holy water and put on the cross on the neck. The cross bought there in the church. Then they drank the child, with lowering the font. Or just sprinkled from her, I don't remember exactly. And they gave two evidence of baptism. So the procedure is not complicated.

    The baptism procedure; It is called the sacrament of baptism is a (If we are talking about Orthodoxy). An adult man before baptism is obliged to undergo catechization (a semi-annual course of studying the law of God in the publication groups at the temple), and the announcement (at least an annual visit to worships in order to study the canonics of the annual church service challenge). The new applied announced before baptism should know: Our Father (in Church-Slavic), I believe, preferably, morning and evening prayer rule.

    On the appointed day of his baptism, a new applied Christian takes with him:

    • pre-consecrated cross. (can be sacrificed in the church bench)
    • white baptismal robe. Large towel or woolen plaid.
    • a pair of medium sized candle (each invited to baptism - on a candle and one for yourself).

    The sacrament of baptism can occur or in the Baptistery, built near the temple (sometimes inside the temple, if the temple was built with the Baptistery), or, in ancient practice, in an open reservoir. The last option is possible with blessing bishop.

    When holding a sacrament, the clergy will tell you what to do at what point. Before the sacrament, you must have in white robe (under which nothing should be), transfer the cross to the clergy. In the course of the sacrament, the priest may request from you to read the faith symbol (believe), hereinafter, will ask to go to the Baptistery (or will go with you in the water) and keeping your hand on your head three times immersing you completely (you will need to sit down) With the words: Slave of God Lt; Name\u003e In the name of the father (immersion), Amen. And son (immersion), Amen. And the Holy Spirit (immersion), amin. After that, the world congestion of all parts of your body occurs. (If the Baptistery is cold - it is then you will need a woolen plaid that you can throw both until the moment of immersion and after).

I would like to pass the baptism rite. But I do not know all the details that you need to read, go to the service or you need to write to confession.
In the church, I was told that men were sacred on Fridays and environments, and they said that they had to bring with them, they did not say anything else.


Dear Vladislav, I am glad about your decision to enter the Church of God through the sacrament of baptism. What do you need to be baptized? The most important condition for baptism is faith. It is necessary to believe in God, be baptized by unauthorized considerations: to marry not hurt, so that nothing bad in the army happens to study at the institute, and because: "I believe in the Lord of our Jesus Christ, God in the Trinity of the Slavimoy. I want to become an Orthodox Christian, living in the fence of the church. " If this desire is in the soul, you come to the nearest temple to your home, or where your soul calls, come to the priest and take the sacrament of baptism.

About how it passes, you can read. The baptism of an adult, of course, on an external form is characterized by the fact that he himself enters the font, and not immersed in her hands at the priest (or in the absence of a font for a full immersion of adults, baptism is performed). Around the font adult also bypass himself.

The godparents for an adult are not needed, since he himself can confess his faith and take care of the deepening of knowledge in the field of creed and piety. However, if there are thirtened friends who will help make the first steps in church life, it will be good.

Will be very good if you read at least one of the four gospels before baptism, if you don't understand, at least in detail you will analyze the faith (brochure with his interpretation in most church shops and on the Internet, and this is the oath that you Bring the Lord), learn some of the first prayers ("Our Father", "Virgin Delo, Rejoice"). It is also good if in the temple still there is an opportunity to talk before baptism with the priest, and to talk about repentance. Confession before baptism is not a sacrament in the full sense of the word, but it is committed in memory of repentance that John the Baptist preached. Before baptism, it is important to call his sins before God and consciously renounce them.

It is important that you understand that Christian life from baptism is just beginning. Do not be baptized if you assume that next time you will only get to the temple for your own funeral. If a person wants to enter the church through baptism, it is necessary to put a firm intention to go to the temple to go to the temple regularly, read the gospel, to learn to pray, confess and commitory Holy Taine. And your desire for God, undoubtedly, unrequited and barren will not remain.

How it turns out that it is often necessary to baptize an adult, because in Orthodoxy immediately after birth, in infancy? To do this, you need to remember the history of the country, because at the time of the USSR, an active attack on the church took place, and a lot of who could not be baptized or baptized their children. Now, when it became possible, most people want another group of people who suffer already as adults are Protestants. In their understanding, the baptism of the baby is the choice of his parents, not the child himself. Therefore, the adult man should be baptized, which made this choice is consciously.

What precedes baptism

As the servants of the Church say, the baptism of an adult should not be simple formality for him. The person must come to this consciously, to understand that he already as a true Christian he will need to live according to the laws of faith, to fulfill all the necessary regulations, dogmas, etc. First of all, a person needs to talk to the priest, explain his situation and desire. Then the priest can offer him to hold public conversations that are designed specifically for those who want to be baptized. It is also necessary to read spiritual literature, although much depends on the level of your readiness for baptism.

But all this is only auxiliary factors, the most important thing is the true desire of a person who is not a tribute to fashion or something like.

Adult man

Let us dwell on this important moment. The baptism of an adult is different from the usual one. By virtue of his age, a person himself can pronounce the words needed on the baptism, he understands and realizes his actions, respectively, you can do without the godparents who do everything instead of babies. If the baptism of an adult is to take place, what is needed for this? It should be taken with you (no matter how expensive), a shirt for baptism, a large white sheet and slippers. The priest holds the necessary rite, the man's head is washed three times or immersed in the font. During the rite, a person keeps a lit candle, and then a cross is drawn on his forehead.

Baptism in Protestants

Already on the reasons specified at the beginning of the article, it is clear why Protestants adopted precisely the baptism of an adult. At the same time, the rite itself can be carried out in different ways. Some must dip in the water completely in a special pool or river. Some are confident that it should be an extremely open reservoir. Other enough, as in Orthodoxy, just sprinkle their heads in the reservoir can also pass in different ways: some priests are dipping a person once, others - three. It can also be varied and the way of dipping: face up or face down. According to some Protestants, all these differences are not very significant, others are confident that only their opinion is correct. Protestant baptized, as well as Orthodox, should dressed in white clothes.

Today, a person comes to the Lord through diseases, grief, problems or, understanding over time, that material values \u200b\u200bare fragile, and mental is relative, and he begins to look for support in the church, the Lord through, his commandments and teachings. The entry into the church called differently - insertion, begins with the sacrament of baptism. How the christenings are held, and how to prepare them, will be told later.

How to choose godfall parents?

The first task, and, perhaps, the most important, which is facing parents who wanted to baptize their child to decide who can be godparents. Why the most important, because the godfather mother or the godfather dad will have to be responsible for spiritual development, raising the child. That is why it is desirable that the godparents will be the Orthodox people to go to church. The godparents should not be married. Aunt grandmother, sisters and brothers can become a child with godparents.

How is the baptism?

Before the baptism itself. Great parents are desirable to visit the public conversations, in which it describes in detail how it passes. The sacrament of baptism consists of reading a prayer over a person who is preparing to flexing, in a different way, this rite is called a announcement. After graduation, baptism begins. The most important point is the immersion of an adult or child in the font, you need to plunge three times. After immersing in the font, the cross is put on the baptist, and it is enacted by the sacred world. After that, bypassing three times around the car - a symbol of eternity. After that, men and boys get into the altar, and girls and women only sum up to the altar. Ends the baptism of the hair and washing the sacred world. The baptism of children is somewhat different from the baptism of adults. You can remove the video of the sacrament of baptism, which will remain for a long time in memory, and will deliver joy at each view.

Baptism of adults

Before baptism for an adult, it is important to know what kind of components in Orthodox faith are, and it is desirable to read the new covenant, read about the sacraments of the church. In addition, the one who wishes to poch must know the following three prayers: "Our Father", the symbol of faith, "the Virgin Devo, rejoice." These prayers can be taken from Prayer. Before baptism, it is necessary to withstand a three-day post, i.e. There is no dairy food, meat, eggs, and of course refrain from bad habits, such as smoking, and drinking alcoholic beverages. And also at the time of fasting to attend entertainment events. Baptism itself is equally underway both for young children and for adults, the only difference is that the adult is independently the necessary actions, and the child's parents help the child. To plunge into the font need to buy clothes. For men, this shirt is a christening, a woman can wear a long shirt with sleeves or can buy a dress designed specifically for baptism. Clothing for baptism should be new, clean, and white. And also need a towel, cross, candles, slates, since. In the sacrament there are moments when there should be no shoes on a person, and socks. In the temple, a woman must be in the scarf.

Baptism of the child

As for the baptism of the child, as already mentioned earlier, everything should make a godfather for him, namely: read for him or with him prayers, help dress, to assist when immersing in the font, etc. Great parents must be in advance Purchase a baptismal shirt, a baptism for a child. After immersing in the font, the priest transmits the child to a cross parent (boys from the fastener takes the godfather dad, and girls are a godfather's mother), so the godfather in his hands should lie towel. The baptism of the child passes as well as for an adult.

Choose a gift for a god

When someone from relatives or loved ones finds out that they will become the godparents, they immediately think about to give the kid. In fact, choose a gift will not be a lot of work.

An even since ancient times, the godded parents gave her kitsley kiss, clothes for baptism, and the icon of the holy name of whom the child was adolent.

For a baby or a small child, you need to purchase such a cross so that it is easy, and the rope should not be long.

Back in ancient times, instead of baptism clothes, the godfather gave the kryflik's godfather - white fabric, as a symbol of purity, then a condition in which a person is perceived from the font. Today, such a cloth can be a towel, a white diaper. Captive clothing can be sewn with a godmother. It can be decorated with lace or embroidery.

One of the highest important gifts, of course, will be the Bible, as well as other books that can be purchased in the church shop. But the most valuable gift is the prayer of the godparents for their gods.

Video on the topic of the article.

The baptism of an adult has a number of features, both spiritual and organizational nature.

The most important thing - there must be an understanding, for which baptism is taken. Before the sacrament, the passage of public conversations is required. Moreover, listen to them should not so much the godfather as the blessby itself.

By the way, the glory adult is not necessary to seek, because it is not necessary to challenge before the Lord, he himself understands the full responsibility, which the life of a Christian suggests. However, if there are thirtened friends who will help to make the first steps in Orthodoxy, no one will object.

To the sacrament of baptism, an adult must prepare: to keep the post, at least three days. This means that there is no meat, dairy, not drinking alcohol, do not smoke. It must be confronted with those who were in a quarrel. To try to refrain from entertainment activities, which is married and from the marriage relationship.

Khfezhemma need to know the main prayers: "Our Father", "Symbol of Faith", "The Virgin Devo". It is desirable and cyanocution of the sacrament to understand the meaning of what is happening.

Adult baptism

If we talk about the "external" part of the baptism, then for an adult, it will be necessary:

  • captive clothing (for men - this is a long white shirt, for women long white shirt and brazer)
  • large (if baptism through immersion) and / or a small towel (for hair or if baptized through head pouring)
  • spare underwear when baptism through dive in the font
  • slippers, clean or new
  • long rope

We draw your attention to the fact that in different temples there are various traditions holding the rite of baptism. For example, there is a practice when the baptism is immersed in the font right away in baptismal clothes. After that, he can be wrapped with a towel, throw a small sheet on the shoulders. Until the end of the sacrament, a person does not disguise into ordinary clothes. (As an option in this case, it is allowed to take with you another set of baptismal clothes to remove the wet and change clothes into dry. In consequence, a person retains both baptismal shirts like the "shrine" in which he accepted baptism).

In other temples, the baptismal is immersed in the font in the laundry, it turns out shirma. After a person comes out of the font, he is wiping with a towel and puts on baptismal clothes. There are arrivals in which baptism occurs through the pouring of the head. Therefore, you need to know in advance how baptism will be held in your temple.

In any case, you will need baptizing clothes. She must be necessarily white. This is a symbol of purity, come to the Lord and faith.

It is useful and a large towel to wrestle after the font. And the little one. It can use women who have long hair to gently put on the shoulders, not wet clothes.

Do not forget that during baptism, a person should have legs in "free access", so that the priest can anoint them with the saints, so a very convenient option with slippers.

As for a native cross, you can buy it in advance. Not necessarily in this temple. You can in any church shop or shop. The main thing is that the cross was Orthodox. If he is not consecrated, inform the baptism of the father. He will be able to sanctify it before holding a rite.

And yet the most important thing in preparation for the baptism of an adult is an understanding that Christian life after baptism is just beginning for you!

Women's Baptism Shirts

A woman in the temple should be covered with a covered head and without makeup: kissing a cross with lipstick on the lips is prohibited. Clothes need to choose a modest, clean, tidy. After the font you need a baptismal shirt - a shirt of free cut to ankle with the sleeves below the elbow. In many temples, the immersion itself is also carried out, so it is important to choose products from non-translucent fabric.

Presented in our online store "Captile" and the exhibition hall in Moscow shirts are always available in size from 38 to 56. For the font, we recommend choosing models from softened blended flax, which is characterized by good density, does not shine, nice to the body, allows skin freely "breathe."

Among the linen products, the Lilia's shirt is noticeable. On the sleeves and podol decorated with lace inserts with floral pattern. Cutout on the chest is decorated with a white-peach ornament with lilies, and on the back there is a cross with curly lily flowers. You can pick up a linen shirt with lilies embroidered in the same gamma.

Budget model from Boszya (100% Helopes) - Lyudmila's shirt. The decoration of the shirt is fully made in white: on the chest with an equilateral cross and vegetable ornaments. The edge of the sleeves and hem is decorated with openwork cotton lace. Embroidery color can be any except gold and silver, which additionally need to close the lining. With wetting, the fabric shines, so we recommend that underwear or long shirt.

Men's shirts for baptism

In the temple, a man should dress modestly, adhering to a calm color scheme. T-shirts, shorts, sports costumes are not allowed. Traditionally, after the holy font, a man goes into a long, free cut chicken shirt white.

We offer models from natural costume flax and bosal (100% cotton). Fabrics are well absorbed by moisture remnants, pleasant to the body, do not cause irritation on the skin. Shirts are presented in size from 46 to 56. The service of tailoring of products to order is also available, under your individual parameters.

From linen models, Vladimir shirt is popular. On the chest decorated with a pattern of grape vines, on the back embroidered the trustees of the cross. Colored embroidery with a smooth viscose thread looks on a white canvas expressively and harmoniously. You can pick up a terry towel "The trustees cross".

Economy option from Bosi - Georgy Shirt. The neck is decorated with an orthodox embroidery with a curly vine in a beige-green gamma. On the back, the cross is embroidered, accusing a vine. Combined with a terry towel "Early Cross." On a towel under the cross, you can additionally embroider the name or date of Crespin.