Pilgrimage is a journey to holy places: history and modernity. Pilgrimage trips

Pilgrimage is a journey to holy places: history and modernity.  Pilgrimage trips
Pilgrimage is a journey to holy places: history and modernity. Pilgrimage trips

The heart of Russia, which sets the rhythm of the country's life, is Moscow, which for centuries has been considered the soul of Orthodoxy, which has concentrated in itself the main Russian churches and shrines. Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims flock here every year, grace, pacification, admiration for the feat of the great companions dominate here.

And no matter what building concepts for acquaintance are dictated by the modern urbanistic fashion, Orthodox excursions around Moscow enjoy constant interest among the most diverse segments of the population.

The company "site" offers walking and bus walks in the most "reserved" places of Orthodoxy. Our guides are ready, in any weather, to tell fascinatingly and in detail about the shrines, taking travelers to the traditional and little-known sacred places of the city.

You will see a collection of miraculous icons of the Most Holy Theotokos, visit the Intercession Convent, get a unique opportunity to venerate the holy relics of the righteous Matronushka, visit the most famous temples and monasteries, chapels and churches. Orthodox excursions around Moscow pursue not only educational goals, they provide an opportunity to relax in soul, shake off the bustle of everyday life, touch history, look at the materialistic world through the eyes of eternity and faith.

When ordering Orthodox excursions in Moscow in our company, you can choose any places to visit or walk along the already drawn up route. Our guides are fluent in theory, knowing not only well-known facts about Orthodox Moscow, but also moments that can be read only in old folios. Contact us, time will fly by with us, and your soul will be filled with light!

Excursions in Moscow

Bus excursion

This excursion route can be classified as a classic one - it will help those who have visited the capital for the first time to get acquainted with the main sights of the city, and those who are already familiar with Moscow, to assemble the image into a single whole.

Tour duration: 1.5 hours

An object

Experienced Mosfilm guides will gladly introduce you to one of the largest and most advanced film studios not only in Russia, but also in Europe. Our excursionists will walk through the territory of the legendary Mosfilm film studio, get acquainted with its interesting past and see with their own eyes its present.

Tour duration: 4 hours

Bus excursion

When the hustle and bustle of the day leaves, and twilight descends on Moscow, the city becomes especially beautiful - the unusual and colorful illumination of many objects presents the architectural ensemble of the capital in a new guise.

Tour duration: 4 hours

Bus excursion

On frosty winter days, when the whole country is enjoying the long-awaited New Year's holidays, we invite you on an exciting bus excursion "The Lights of New Year's Moscow", which will give you a unique opportunity to contemplate all the beauty of the festive capital, the grandeur of Moscow Christmas trees strewn with bright lights, the splendor of New Year's illumination and ice figures ...

Tour duration: 4 hours

Bus excursion

We invite everyone who is interested in unusual phenomena and believes in the existence of the otherworldly, to go on a fascinating journey through the most mystical zones of the capital. Our theatrical bus tour will allow you to touch the mysterious world in which ghosts and phantoms live, to feel its frightening and at the same time attractive atmosphere.

Bus excursion

The sounds of revolutionary explosions that have captured the birth of the first workers 'and peasants' state on the pages of our history have long died out. The shock wave of Soviet transformations once and for all turned Moscow life upside down. Having brought down the walls of Orthodox churches, Moscow threw up the ideas of new leaders.

Bus excursion

Every person has desires. Material ones that come to life, one has only to make some efforts, or innermost ones - they don't even talk about such people and secretly hope for their miraculous performance. Do you know that absolutely any dream can be realized by correctly using the sacred forces that literally surround us from all sides?

Tour duration: 3.5 hours

Bus excursion

Moscow is one of the most extraordinary cities in the world. Its appearance has been taking shape over many centuries, and historical cataclysms and fatal events have made adjustments to the overall picture. The capital, which we know now, has its own character, sometimes unpredictable and even shocking.

Tour duration: 3 hours

Bus excursion

The royal dynasty of the Romanovs is today one of the most mysterious in Russian history. The Romanov family has overgrown with numerous mystical and mysterious legends for several centuries. However, can we say with absolute certainty that all these myths are true?

Tour duration: 3 hours

Bus excursion

Moscow is an ancient city in which dozens of styles and images are intertwined. Now no one can confidently single out the dominant style of the capital of Russia. Graceful, florid, trying to merge with nature, Art Nouveau mansions side by side with Gothic, glorifying the decay of all material and the greatness of heaven.


The Novodevichy Convent is the most beautiful architectural ensemble in the Moscow Baroque style. It was built in 1524 by the order of the Grand Duke Vasily III. The complex is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites and tops the list of the most famous active monasteries in Russia.

Tour duration: 2 hours


Everyone has their own Moscow. There is the Moscow of Vladimir Gilyarovsky, the Moscow of Alexander Pushkin, the Moscow of Joseph Stalin. We invite you to walk around the Moscow of Mikhail Bulgakov, a writer who created his own unique image of Moscow, filled with mystery, mysticism and love.

Tour duration: 2 hours


Visiting the capital's Red Square is a tradition that developed at the dawn of the Moscow State. Having reached the middle, every self-respecting tourist stops his gaze on the arena dominant - the Lenin Mausoleum, whose severe red and black granite facade hides, perhaps, the "main body" of the Land of the Soviets, which outlived its owner for many decades.

Tour duration: 2 hours


One of the most mystical places in Moscow - the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve - we invite you to visit with our guide. "Yes, complete, what mysticism!" - exclaims an inexperienced excursionist. However, those who have ever been to Kolomenskoye will only mysteriously smile in response to this remark and send you on this excursion, for there are few places in the capital more fanned by legends than Kolomenskoye.

Tour duration: 2 hours


If you love mysticism and secrets, or maybe you have a cherished desire, then you should definitely visit the walking tour "In the footsteps of Moscow ghosts", which will lead you into this mysterious and mystical world where the evil spirits of Moscow live.

Tour duration: 2 hours


Many noble estates located in the central districts of Moscow have been placed at the disposal of foreign embassies. Despite the fact that these beautiful examples of ancient architecture have lost their direct purpose, they continue to adorn the capital.

Tour duration: 2 hours


The mystery of the most closed society in the history of mankind has been stirring the minds and imaginations of the uninitiated for many centuries. "Freemasons" are credited with supernatural abilities and a powerful influence on all processes in the world. Whatever it was, but traces of their presence are everywhere, all of Moscow is literally dotted with Masonic symbols!

Tour duration: 2 hours


Kitay-Gorod is one of the most ancient districts of Moscow. It adjoins directly to the Kremlin and is not very large. But nevertheless Kitay-Gorod is practically the whole history of the capital, contained in several streets.

Posted Mon, 22/02/2016 - 14:59 by Cap

Wherever we go in our vast country - everywhere we are met by bell towers and domes of churches. Almost each of them have their own special story.
Somewhere it is a white-stone cathedral of the 12th century, somewhere the imperishable relics of a saint rest, and somewhere there is a Holy spring with blessed and healing water. Nearby is a miraculous icon of the Mother of God or a revered saint! And here is a completely new temple, money for the construction of which was collected by the whole world.
The nomads in their campaigns have visited many interesting and beautiful places of the bylaw of holy Russia: from the Caucasus to the White Sea!
Let's talk about the most famous shrines of Russia.

In the 17th century, in the Ipatiev Monastery, the beginning of the end of the Great Troubles, which threatened the destruction of the Russian statehood, was laid. In 1613, the monastery hid the young Mikhail Romanov within its walls. The glorious three-hundred-year reign of the House of Romanov began in the holy monastery. From that moment on, the name of the monastery was fixed - the "cradle" of the House of Romanov.

Located in one of the most picturesque corners of Kostroma. The place where the Kostroma River flows into the Volga was called the "arrow" from ancient times by the Kostroma people, and with the appearance of the monastery here it was called "Ipatievsky (Ipatsky) Cape".

At the present time, transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church at the end of 2004, the monastery is being restored, a spiritual, prayer life is being revived, without which all other types of monastic activity, which are in demand by modern reality, will not be able to bring real benefit. Both mission and social work here begin with prayer.
The small brethren of the monastery actively support the youth projects of the diocese, participate in the work of the diocesan media.
The Most Reverend Ferapont, Bishop of Kostroma and Galich, is the Holy Archimandrite of the Holy Trinity Hypatievsky Diocesan Monastery, and Abbot Peter (Eryshalov) is its Vicar.

In the summer of 1397, two monks of the Moscow Simonov Monastery, Cyril and Ferapont, appeared on the shore of Lake Siverskoye. They have come a long way, overcoming thickets, swamps and rivers. The final destination of the journey was known to Cyril in advance; it appeared to him in a vision one of the nights when the elder was praying to the Mother of God. While reading the akathist of the Most Pure, when Cyril came to the words: "Having seen a strange Christmas, we will settle the world and bring our mind to heaven", he heard a voice: "Kirill, go out from here and go to Beloozero, there will be a place to prepare, in it you can be saved ". This voice was accompanied by a bright light penetrating the window of the cell. Looking out, Cyril saw that the radiance came from the north, where Beloozero was located. Great joy gripped Cyril, for he realized that he had heard his Most Pure prayers.
Soon after this amazing night, the monk Ferapont returned to the Simonov Monastery, making an economic trip to the north by the order of the archimandrite. Cyril asked Ferapont in detail about the unknown land, he was especially interested in whether there were any suitable for desert habitation. Fera-pont not only confirmed that there were enough such places, but also agreed to accompany Kirill, since he had long wanted to get away from the bustle of Moscow.

For the settlement, the monks chose a high hill on the shore of the Siverskoye Lake. On the slope of this hill, a dugout was dug, in which they lived for a year. In 1398, Ferapont left Cyril, went further north, where he chose a place for his own monastery, which was later named after him.
Already during the life of the founder, the development of two nearby hills on the shore of Lake Siverskoye and the construction of wooden temples, cells, office premises, fences began, which were replaced by stone structures in the next two centuries. But the location of the main monastic territories, the cathedral, the principles of the formation of the monastic complex were carried out in strict accordance with the place once determined by the founder.
After the death of the Monk Cyril in 1427, his monastery became a place of comprehension of many covenants of monastic existence and tonsure of many founders of northern monasteries: Nil Sorsky, Korniliy Komelsky, Alexander Oshevemsky, Ignatius Lomsky.

Kirillo-Belozersky (also Kirillov) Monastery is a male Orthodox monastery on the shore of Lake Siverskoye. It is located within the city of Kirillov, Vologda Oblast, which grew out of a settlement at the monastery. In the XV-XVII centuries - one of the largest and richest monasteries in Russia, the center of the spiritual life of the Russian North. Since 1924 it has been a historical, architectural and art museum-reserve.
The monastery arose on the wave of the founding of new monasteries in the late 14th and early 15th centuries by the followers of Sergius of Radonezh. In 1397, monk Kirill Belozersky dug a cave on the shore of Lake Siverskoye, from which the history of the future monastery began. His companion Ferapont Belozersky subsequently founded the Ferapontov monastery nearby. The charter of the Belozersk monasteries was particularly strict.

Over time, the Kirillov Monastery found itself in the center of a whole network of monastic monasteries: Ferapontov, the Goritsky Resurrection Monastery (7 km from Kirillov), the Nilo-Sorskaya Hermitage (15 km), etc. These sparsely populated lands recently became part of the Moscow principality, which was interested in their early economic development. The Moscow princes traditionally maintained close ties with the Belozersk monastery; preserved the epistles of St. Cyril to the sons of Dmitry Donskoy.

The eyes of travelers on the Volga are involuntarily attracted by a white-stone handsome monastery located on its left bank, not far from the ancient city of Yaroslavl. The history of the founding of the monastery takes us to the distant past, during the domination of the Tatars in Russia.
The constant internecine strife of the princes, in which Russian blood was continuously shedding and Russian power was weakening, were the reason that over Russia, and in particular over Yaroslavl, heavy, now difficult to imagine oppression, the rule of the Tatars lay for a long time. Huge hordes of nomads roamed the Russian land, consigning everything to fire and sword.
The silent northern chronicle rarely goes into details, but on its pages we too often come across brief but ominous marks, such as, for example, “and there was fierce longing”, or “great harm (Tatars) to people doing”; from time to time a cry of indignation breaks out, behind which one feels terrible, wild scenes, such as, for example, under 1283: "You are ashamed to see and the greats are scared of abuse from the accursed Orthodox Christianity, and there is no bread in the mouth from fear."
In addition to physical and moral torment, the cruel yoke of the Tatars inflicted tremendous spiritual harm on the Russians. Eternal fear raised a physical and spiritual slave, eternal blood hardened and hardened people. In view of the general shame and death, faith and hope disappeared, replaced by a feeling of indifference or despair. A Russian man could finally become coarse with the eternal sight of blood and fire, he could degenerate spiritually, forget his honor under the Tatar yoke, if he did not have a treasure that he could not pass on to the enemy either for money or for torment, the possession of which saved him from moral death, this is the faith of his ancestors, which he kept as the only inheritance, which created an impassable chasm between him, a defeated slave, and his victor, "a filthy Tatar, a cursed raw food eater." "Blessed Lady Theotokos," the Russian people cried in a cry of despair then, "You have delivered the Christian race from hellish torture and now deliver us from finding the filthy and evil and impious captivity and beating!"
Under such circumstances, a most joyful event took place for the physically and morally exhausted, living in eternal fear and grief of the inhabitants of the Yaroslavl country. In August 1314, under the sovereign Yaroslavl holy noble prince David Feodorovich, in a dense forest, amidst the night of August darkness, the light from the newly minted icon of the Most Holy Theotokos shone, illuminating the whole adjoining country, pouring the life-giving balm of faith and hope into the suffering heart of man. strength to endure new suffering. On this occasion and on that holy place chosen by the Mother of God Herself, a monastic monastery was founded. This is how this remarkable event in the history of our Church and ever memorable in the history of the Yaroslavl Territory happened. Tolgsky monastery

Information about the first inhabitants dates back to the 30s of the 19th century.
The girl Evfimia Gerasimovna OVSYANNIKOVA, who had lived from an early age in the monastic cells of the town of Kirsanov in the Tambov province for twenty years, had to come with her parents to the village. Mikhailovka of Buzuluk district, when they moved here for permanent residence. But she could not live in the world and went to Buzuluk.
About 10 women gathered around her, inclined to monastic life, and, united, they began to fulfill the monastic rules, teach the children to read and write, read the Psalter for the Dead, intending to establish a convent.

Where is it, how to get there:
Orenburg region, Buzuluk, st. Sergo, building 1
Monastery type:
Language of worship:
Church Slavonic
Abbess - Abbess Panteleimon (Krivenkova)
Patronal feasts:
Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God - July 9 [n.s.]

Icon "Mammal"
ICON of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called with a particle of relics
Icon of the Great Martyr. healer Panteleimon
Icon of St. Seraphim of Sarov with a piece of his St. relics
icon of St. Feodosius of Chernigov
icon of St. Nicholas
A pebble from the place of suffering martyr. Basilisk
Reliquary cross
The grave of Schema monk Maxim
Shrine from Pochaev
Tabyn Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos
The Tikhvin Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.

In February 2005, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II and His Grace Longinus, Bishop of Saratov and Volsk, the Irgiz Resurrection Monastery began to restore its former power and beauty.
Here the lamp of spiritual life was lit up. On February 12, 2005, the first prayer service was served within the walls of the former chapel, and three weeks later, on March 6, the first Divine Liturgy was celebrated. At the same time, two ancient shrines appeared at the monastery: the icon of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, in whose name the temple revived from the ruins was consecrated, and the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Three-handed".
In this, the inhabitants of the monastery see God's blessing for their labor of restoration. On August 7, the first Sacrament of Baptism took place. In September, at the turn from the Balakovo-Pugachev highway, a worship Cross was erected and consecrated by the road leading to the monastery.

Now the only temple of the monastery, consecrated in the name of the apostle and evangelist John the Theologian, is the soul of the monastery. An iconostasis with patterned carvings and painted icons was installed, one of which is the Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God. In 2007, the external decoration of the temple was completed: the dome was installed, the roof and the porch were decorated with the same patterned carving.

Much work is being done to clean up the Monastic Lake, upon completion of which a chapel will be erected on its shore. Already, the descent to the proposed chapel is equipped with a multi-stage wrought-iron staircase. But this descent to the lake is not the only one. Recently, through the efforts of novices, of whom there are not so many here, another road was laid through the bowl of the forest, and through the efforts of two pious laity, a source of clean drinking water - a well - appeared in the monastery.

After a small renovation, a two-story brotherly cell building became suitable for the accommodation of pilgrims who come here for prayer and to help in the restoration of the monastery from different parts of Russia.
On its ground floor there is also a large winter refectory. Why winter? Because in 2007 a small, cozy summer refectory, located in a separate house, was renovated. In the summer of the same year, during the construction of the shore of the Monastic Lake, the ancient wall of the monastery and the burial place of the monks of the Irgiz monastery were discovered.

The celebration in honor of the Three-Handed Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos on July 11 became a special event in the life of the monastery. In 2006 and 2007, the Divine Liturgy on this day was led by the Bishop of Saratov and Volsk Longin (before this episcopal service in the monastery was not 150 years). After that, in front of the church, before the venerated icon, Vladyka served a solemn prayer service. The last visit to the monastery became doubly remarkable: Bishop Longinus performed the first monastic tonsure in the modern history of the monastery.

Easter, the Bright Resurrection of Christ, after which the monastery is named, is also considered a double feast in the monastery. Traditionally, many believers from Saratov, Samara, Pokrovsk (Engels), Balakov, Pugachev and surrounding villages come here on this day. It seems that the temple cannot accommodate everyone, but what is impossible for man is possible for God. The first, night hours of Easter for almost everyone who stands in the church ends with the acceptance of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. And in the morning the bell does not stop, carrying the Easter joyful news to the whole neighborhood, Christ is Risen!

2007 marked the 850th anniversary of one of the oldest monasteries in Russia - the Holy Bogolyubsky Monastery, located on the territory of the ancient Vladimir land.
This anniversary is a particularly significant event for us, because the future glory of Vladimir as the capital of the ancient Russian state began precisely from here - from Bogolyubov City, Bogolyubov Monastery.
In 1155, Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky, obeying a revelation from above, left Kiev for the north-east of Russia. Having passed through the small, "little finger" as it was called at that time, the city of Vladimir, the prince was soon forced to stop. 7 versts from the city, on the steep bank of the Klyazma River, the horses that were carrying a cart with the miraculous icon of the Mother of God suddenly got up and could not move on. Having ordered to make a halt, the prince spent the whole night in prayer in front of the icon. At midnight, the Most Holy Theotokos herself appeared to him and ordered her miraculous icon to be erected in Vladimir, and on this place to build a temple and found a monastery. The prince exactly fulfilled the command of the Mother of God - in 1157 the construction of the monastery began. The miraculous icon was named in honor of the city - Vladimirskaya and from that time to this day is the main shrine and symbol of Holy Russia. In addition, at the behest of the prince, an icon of the Mother of God was painted in memory of the night vision, called Bogolyubivaya or Bogolyubskaya.

This icon is the first to be painted in Russia, because until then all the icons were brought from Byzantium. Over the centuries, many miracles occurred from the icon, the main one of which was the salvation of the inhabitants of Vladimir from a pestilence in the fall of 1771, in memory of which an annual procession with the God-loving icon was established since 1772, which is currently being performed on July 1.

The holy noble Grand Duke Andrei Bogolyubsky was the first after St. Equal to the Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, the creator and organizer of the Russian land. From his famous grandfather Vladimir Monomakh, Prince Andrei inherited many character traits: courage, nobility, generosity to enemies, integrity of nature and perseverance in achieving the set goal. For his wondrous piety, Prince Andrew received the nickname Bogolyubsky.

He knew by heart the entire church liturgical circle (saints), was an eyewitness to the apparition of the Most Holy Theotokos and bestowed on Russia two miraculous icons of Her, built over 30 churches and monasteries. The prince also had a military leadership gift - he made several military campaigns to the Volga Bulgaria, which made devastating raids on the Vladimir-Suzdal land. The Lord miraculously helped the prince to win, and in honor of this, the celebration of the All-Merciful Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos was established on August 1 (14 according to the present). In addition, in memory of his eldest son Izyaslav, who died in battle, Prince Andrey built a temple in honor of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos at the confluence of two rivers - the Nerl and the Klyazma. He himself established the celebration of the Intercession of the Mother of God on October 1 (14 AD) in commemoration of the fact that the Mother of God accepts the Russian land under Her omophorion, Her protection. (Later, a female monastery was built at the temple, which existed until 1764, and then there was a skete from the Bogolyubsky male monastery.)

In the 19th century, one of the most beautiful and richest monasteries in the Lower Volga region was the Belogorsky Kamennobrodsky Holy Trinity Monastery (Olkhovka), standing among the picturesque chalk mountains with their mysterious caves, among the ancient mighty oak trees.
It dates back to 1860, when the Holy Trinity Kamennobrodskaya women's community was founded in Kamenny Brod (Olkhovsky district), when the landowner and court councilor Peter Ivanovich Persidsky allocated 455 dessiatines of his land with an old oak forest (officially this land will be donated later by his wife).

On all sides this place is surrounded by chalky white mountains, on the banks of the Ilovlya there were centuries-old oaks and juniper trees. On the northwestern outskirts of the Olkhovka settlement there is a mound called the Holy Mountain or Holy Grave, and a spring gushes near it. Old-timers say that once there was a church that went underground from earnest prayers.

The history of the future monastery began when P.I. Persian travels from Olkhovka to Moscow, where he acquires three icons: the Transfiguration, the Mother of God and the Mother of God Joy of All Who Sorrow, and two large icons of the Trinity in silver and gold frames. Returning, the landowner shared with his wife Serafima the idea of ​​founding a community, and she, having supported her, joined the work herself. She went to Saratov to visit Bishop Ioannikiy, and received a blessing for the construction. Vladyka offered her the first abbess. At first, the community members, up to 60 people in number, lived in a private house with. Stone Brod near Olkhovka. But soon the number of sisters increased to 90 people.
Near Olkhovka, they found a non-freezing healing spring, in total they counted 9 springs (even radon and hydrogen sulphide), the water of some of them filled a special pool. Construction continued - the nuns built a cattle shed, a stable, a pigsty, a poultry house, a bakery with a cell and a hut for bakers, and a hotel for pilgrims appeared. The monastery settlement grew, where pilgrims and local servants and clerks lived.

In 1887, 9 nuns and 7 novices were working here. Strengthening the spiritual, economic and human base of the community led to the consideration of the case of renaming the Kamenno-Brodsky women's community into a cenobitic monastery named after Belogorsky Nikolaevsky. But they returned to this issue later - only in 1903 the spiritual authorities approve the name of the change in the status of the community in Olkhovka and the name of the Belogorsk Kamennobrodsky Holy Trinity Monastery.
In the 30s, the Belogorsk Kamennobrodsky Monastery (Olkhovka) was abandoned, but, according to the stories of local residents, several monks were hiding here. Later, the temple and many buildings of the monastery were destroyed. On the territory of the monastery, in the baptismal building, an MTS with a fleet of tractors was housed, and cattle were kept in the refectory building. During the war, they set up a hospital, and after that - a state stud farm.

If you go from Astrakhan to the sea, towards the village of Tsvetnoy, not far from the village of Bolshoy Mogoi, on a hillock planted with trees, you can see several abandoned stone buildings. This is all that remains of the once famous Vysokogorskaya Uspensko-Nikolaevskaya Churkinskaya desert. The history of this monastery goes back centuries.
In 1568, Churkinsky Island, with a nearby uchug, was transferred to the possession of the Astrakhan Trinity Monastery. According to the monastery legend, the first church was built here by the founder of the Trinity Monastery, the Monk Abbot Kirill. The church was consecrated in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the patron saint of all those sailing on the sea. The Monk Cyril himself donated for this church the image of St. Nicholas. This icon later became famous for many miracles and healings.
In the middle of the 17th century, by the will of God, another shrine appeared here - the miraculous icon of the Smolensk Mother of God. As the legend tells, in 1669, when Stepan Razin's bandit gang was robbing in the lower reaches of the Volga, some of the robbers stopped on a hillock near the Churkinsky Uchug. Among the looted was the icon of the Smolensk Mother of God, which the villains, having torn off her robe, wanted to burn. But as soon as they kindled a fire on the icon, the fire spread to them, blinding the robbers, who fled in horror. The icon miraculously walked on the water and ended up at the monastery school, where the monks honorably erected it in the church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Subsequently, many miracles occurred from this icon, so that the inhabitants of the surrounding villages often took it to their homes to serve prayer services in front of it.

In the 17th century, the Churkinsky Uchug passed into the possession of the Astrakhan Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, which bore the title of patriarchal. Monks constantly lived here at the church, which stood on the banks of the Churka river.
In the 70s of the 17th century, a new unusual inhabitant appeared here. As the monastery legend narrates, who took part in the execution of the Hieromartyr Joseph Metropolitan of Astrakhan, the executioner Larka, who burned him at the stake, unexpectedly received admonition through illness, and, realizing that he was punished for his sins, he retired from everyone here, in the lower reaches of the Volga, digging a cave for himself on hillock, which stood near the Churkinsky uchug. Having received the nickname Churki for torturing the saint tied to a log (chock), this former executioner remained in the people's memory with this name. After many years of asceticism in fasting and prayer, the caveman Churka died here, and was buried by the monks.
Since that time, after him, other ascetics began to dig caves in the hillock, and now, according to local residents, many passages have been dug inside the hillock, the passage to which is closed from prying eyes. At the beginning of the 18th century, the St. Nicholas Church itself was moved to the "High Mountain", as the people called the Churkinsky Hillock, for its superiority over all other hillocks in the area.

The temple is located on the Beshtaugor ring surrounding the mountain - it is very convenient to get here by car.
The Second Athos Monastery was founded in 1904 by Russian monks from Athos. The monastery was founded on the site where in the ancient times of Alanya (9th century) there was a Byzantine temple. After the consecration of the monastery, which took place on November 28, 1904, more than 50 monks came here.
Because of the 1917 revolution and the civil war that broke out in the country, many inhabitants became victims of repressions, some were simply expelled from the monastery. In 1927, the Second Athos Monastery was finally closed. In the following decades, it slowly but collapsed: at first there was no temple, then the rest of the buildings also disappeared. But despite the devastation, people regularly gathered in the ruins for common prayer.

The monastery began to prepare for the solemn day long ago. First of all, the Grand Duke Dmitry Konstantinovich was notified of the upcoming important event. Unfortunately, he could not come to the consecration of the temple, but answered with a congratulatory telegram. On the eve of the holiday, the monks met eminent guests. A procession of the cross came here from the Pyatigorsk Spassky Cathedral. And then Hieroschemamonk Gerasim was elected abbot of the Second Athos Dormition Monastery.

The celebrations began on November 28, 1904 at 9 am. All the clergy gathered in the church. According to the hierarchical ordination, they met at the entrance of His Grace Gideon, Bishop of Vladikavkaz and Mozdok, as well as all the high-ranking guests.
A procession of the cross began around the newly created temple, which presented a majestic spectacle. Banners were carried ahead, icons and crosses behind them. Following were 16 priests in bright vestments, two in a row. The procession was concluded by the archpastor, who carried on his head a reliquary with holy relics. They were supposed to be invested in the throne of the newly created temple. They also carried myrrh for the anointing of the throne and antimension. The archpastor was followed by officials in full dress, two in a row.

According to the generally accepted Orthodox custom, the procession walked around the new church, stopping in front of the western entrance, where the litany was pronounced, the people were overshadowed with holy relics and the Gospel was read.
The most exciting moment came when the Vladyka, with the temple gates closed, exclaimed: "Take the gates of your princes! And take the eternal gates, and the King of glory will enter!" And in response, a choir sounded from inside the temple: "Who is this King of glory?" These words were repeated twice, and then the doors were opened, and the procession ended with a prayer.
The consecration of the temple began with the singing of psalms. They consecrated the throne, set it up, washed and dressed. The holy relics were placed in the upper part of the cross under the throne, and the names of benefactors were placed under the cross. They were also recorded in the synodikon for eternal remembrance.

And then His Grace Gideon solemnly served the first liturgy in the church, after which he thanked the builders, churchwardens, benefactors and visitors. "Despite all the difficulties," said the Bishop, "the monastery has been revived, and now, as a young child, it needs constant support."
On the occasion of the significant day of consecration, the new monastery received great blessings from many monasteries of Athos and Russia. The elders of the Khilandar Lavra on Mount Athos blessed the brethren with the icon of the Mother of God "Sweet kissing", the Patriarch of Jerusalem - with the icon of the Resurrection of Christ; Metropolitan at the Holy Sepulcher - the image of the Dormition of the Mother of God from the Sepulcher of the Heavenly Queen; Archbishop Porfiry of Mount Sinai - the icon of the Mother of God and the righteous Elizabeth; the abbot of the Russian Panteleimon monastery on Mount Athos Niphon - the icon of the Great Martyr Panteleimon; abbot of the Russian St. Andrew's skete - the icon of St. Andrew the First-Called; hegumen of the Russian Ilyinsky skete - with the icon of St. Prophet Elijah; the elders of the brotherhood of the Athonite monasteries - the icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear"; abbot of the monastery of St. Trinity on Athos, hieromonk Niphon - the icon of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos; the abbot of the monastery in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord Zephany - the icon of the Iberian Mother of God; the abbot of the desert of St. Mitrofania Thaddeus - the icon of St. Mitrofaniya of Voronezh; the abbot of the desert of St. Dmitry Solunsky - icons of the Pochaev Mother of God and Dmitry Solunsky; abbot of st. 12 large icons (from 2 arshins and less) donated to the Theological Desert on Mount Athos. Among them is one of the main shrines of the new monastery - the ancient miraculous icon of St. John the Baptist.

One of its main attractions is located - the active Svyato-Vvedensky nunnery, created in 1685 and having a long and glorious past. Initially, he settled on the left bank of the Orlik River, where the ancient Afanasyevsky churchyard was.

A terrible fire in 1843 destroyed everything to the ground, leaving two hundred inhabitants homeless, and the monastery was moved to the southeast of Orel.
It was opened on the edge of the city on October 31, 1848. In the 19th century, the Vvedensky Monastery was built up to 75 cells, the gateway church was consecrated in the name of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God (1865). In 1870, a refectory was erected from wood, a hospital was opened, an almshouse was set up in the monastery, later turned into a girls' school, even later re-baptized into the parish St. Olga's two-year school for one hundred and twenty students (free). The temple (already made of stone) with a chapel-burial vault in honor of the Resurrection of the Word was built and consecrated in 1885.
Orthodox shrines are kept here: a list of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, presented in 1712 by Archbishop John (Maksimovich), a particle of the Tree of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord, an ark and more than fifty icons with particles of the relics of saints.
Already by 1901 the monastery had become one of the best and most equipped monasteries in Russia, in which there were 583 people (nuns, cassockers, novices).

Over the years of its existence, the Holy Vvedensky Convent has received visits from prominent personalities: Empresses Elizabeth (1744) and Catherine II (1787), Monk Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna Romanova, Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt, religious writer Sergei Nipus.
In the post-revolutionary period, the monastery, like many others, was banned and destroyed. Partially survived the Church of the Resurrection of the Word, in honor of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God and two chapels. In the post-war years, there was a lot of things here: an artel, a workshop, a warehouse, a rubber goods factory, and ordinary people lived in cells.
In 1993, Archbishop of Oryol and Livensk His Eminence Paisiy gave his blessing - and the revival of the monastery began. Today the Svyato-Vvedensky Convent is closed for visits, it is very difficult to get inside, it is generally forbidden to do any shooting there.
You can get to the temple to the miraculous list from the Balykinskaya icon of the Mother of God only during divine services, between which the temple is closed. The church shop near the monastery has everything you need.
Orthodox shrines were kept and preserved here: the not preserved icon of the Presentation of the Mother of God from the city of Karachev (17th century), a list of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, presented in 1712 by Archbishop John (Maksimovich), a particle of the Tree of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord, an ark and more than fifty icons with particles of the relics of saints.
The monastery is a religious educator of a special hospital, colonies (for women and children), kindergartens and boarding schools, homes for the elderly and veterans.
Having visited, if possible, the Svyato-Vvedensky nunnery, having entered its church for a divine service, you can feel the former greatness and calm blissful atmosphere of this ancient place, leading to thoughts about the eternal.


Team Wandering.

sites of the indicated monasteries and temples.

Holy places of Russia.

Temples and monasteries of Russia.

Monasteries and temples of Central Russia.


Orthodox Holy Places of Russia. Pilgrimage tours, churches, monuments and religious sites of Russia.

  • Tours for May in Russia
  • Last Minute Tours around the world

A pilgrimage in itself is a very logical thing: you don't need to invent anything here, you just need to understand why and where a person wants to go. After all, a true pilgrimage is not just a round trip. The pilgrim not only and not so much travels in the usual sense of the word - he is present at some personal and necessary event only for him. It is necessary for the pilgrim to feel that all his thoughts and aspirations coincide with the upcoming journey.

Practical points

As you know, the level of accommodation facilities in our country is very uneven, which is directly reflected in the choice of hotels for pilgrimage tours in Russia. Most often they mean staying in inexpensive hotels. But sometimes it turns out that there are simply no such in the district: then there are either very expensive accommodation options, or overnight stay in monasteries or in the "private sector".

One of the most important practical points that must always be taken into account is the dietary habits (observance of fasts, Wednesdays and Fridays) and the organization of the liturgy. As a rule, the travel time is calculated so that the pilgrims arrive at the place in the evening, can defend the all-night vigil and spend the night. And in the morning - liturgy and departure. All programs are structured in such a way that there are one or two obligatory liturgy per journey.

Duration of travel

In terms of duration, all pilgrimage tours in Russia can be divided into one-day (mainly the Moscow region), "weekend tours" and multi-day trips - mainly from 3 to 7 days. The maximum number of days on the tour, as a rule, is no more than 12. Most often these are either routes on a motor ship, or a pilgrimage to remote regions of Russia, when the journey takes quite a long time - for example, Yekaterinburg, Tobolsk and Altai.

A good pilgrimage route should be logical and complete. For example, if a pilgrim decided to visit holy places in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg or Tobolsk, it makes sense to go on an integrated journey that covers all the main shrines of the Urals.

Here is an example of such a route. The journey from Moscow to Tobolsk takes about two days, depending on the train chosen. Most often, it is supposed to stop in Tobolsk for 2-3 days and explore nearby attractions. Then - moving to Yekaterinburg by bus or train and exploring the outskirts of the city. In addition, it is not far from there to Perm, where the Belogorye monastery is located - a kind of "Ural Athos". Thus, in one journey, you can unite the Holy Places of the Northern and Central Urals, as well as “join” to it the entire path of the Royal Martyrs in the Urals and Siberia.

Where and when they go

If we divide pilgrimage tours by regional basis, then we can highlight the directions to which pilgrims most often go. This is, first of all, the North-West and the Center of Russia, the most developed part of the country, which was back in the Middle Ages, at the time of the emergence of Christianity and its development in Russia. A lot of pilgrims travel along the Golden Ring, Zadonsk (Lipetsk region), Kursk and Diveevo (Nizhny Novgorod region) and, of course, to the North-West region.

The North-West is not only Karelia (Valaam and Kizhi), but also the Arkhangelsk (Solovki) and Vologda lands, Pskov and Veliky Novgorod. Pskov is interesting not only for the Pushkin Mountains and Pechora - apart from them, many pilgrims visit the Talap Islands, where Father Nikolai Guryanov lived and served.

Most of the cities included in the Golden Ring of Russia are inextricably linked with the history of Orthodoxy in Russia: many shrines are concentrated in them, and almost every temple and monastery is an object of pilgrimage. The most visited cities are Alexandrov, Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov the Great, Yaroslavl, Uglich, Kostroma, Suzdal and Vladimir.

In addition, it should be noted and such southern directions as Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar and Arkhyz - for recent times many monasteries were rebuilt and opened there. Altai occupies a special place, pilgrimages there are inextricably linked with the study of the traditions of local residents.

It is difficult to identify the most favorable time for travel. In the summer they travel everywhere and more long time- from 3 to 7-12 days. In autumn and spring, as a rule, relatively short programs of 2-3 days are chosen. The only exceptions are major holidays: whether it's a weekend or not, it doesn't really matter.

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A brief overview of the Holy Places of Orthodox Russia

All monasteries of the Russian Orthodox Church have the same principles for organizing monastic life. But it is also worth noting that each monastery has its own history and spiritual image. This is most clearly and vividly noticeable in the ancient monasteries - Kirillo-Belozersky (Vologda region), Valaam (Valaam), Pskov-Pechora (Pskov region), Holy Trinity-Sergius Lavra (Moscow region).

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery The monastery is located on Bolshoy Solovetsky Island in the White Sea, and hermitages and deserts are located on other islands of the archipelago. It was the geographical location that largely influenced the history of the development and the fate of the monastery. The monastery was a kind of border fortress: it withstood the siege of the Livonians, Swedes and British, and from the end of the 16th century it was also used as a place of exile. After its closure in 1920, there was a camp and a prison for special purposes.

Flying over Kolomna

The relics of the monastery: the relics of the founders of the Solovetsky - Zosima, Savvaty and Herman (the gateway church of the Annunciation), particles of the relics of many revered saints, the relics of the Monk Eleazar of Anzersk (Holy Trinity Anzersky skete) and the Monk Job of Anzersky (Golgotho-Crucifixion skete). Holidays of the monastery: Transfiguration of the Lord - August 19, Saints Zosima, Savvaty and Herman - August 21, the Cathedral of the Solovetsky Saints - August 22, the Cathedral of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Solovetsky - August 23.


Monasteries: St. Danilov - part of the relics of the Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, Donskoy - the relics of Patriarch Tikhon, Zachatievsky - the icon of the Mother of God "Merciful", Novospassky - the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa", Svyato-Pokrovsky - the relics of the blessed matron of Moscow, Novodevichy - revered icons Mother of God of Smolensk and Tikhvin.

Shrines: the relics of the righteous Alexy of Moscow (Mechev) in the church of St. Nicholas on Maroseyka, the worshiped "Kyi cross" with particles of the relics of more than 300 saints in the church of St. Sergius of Radonezh in Krapivniki.

Moscow region

Monasteries: Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Vysotsky Bogoroditsky in Serpukhov - the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice", Savvin-Storozhevsky in Zvenigorod - with the relics of St.

Joseph-Volokolamsk Monastery

St. Petersburg

Monasteries: Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra - the relics of the Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky, St. John's - the relics of the righteous John of Kronstadt.

Shrines: the relics of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg in the chapel of Xenia of Petersburg at the Smolensk cemetery, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Joy with pennies of all who sorrow" in the church in honor of this icon at Zelenetsky courtyard, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Sign" Tsarskoselskaya in the academic church of the St. Petersburg spiritual academy.

Other regions of Russia

Altai Territory: Theotokos-Kazan (Korobeinikovsky) Monastery - the miraculous icon of the Mother of God.

Kaluga Region: Optina Hermitage, St. Paphnutiev Borovsky Monastery, St. Tikhon's Assumption Hermitage.

Kostroma region: Holy Trinity Makariyevo-Unzhensky monastery.

Lipetsk region: Zadonsky Nativity of the Mother of God monastery.

Nizhny Novgorod Region:

  • All the Orthodox shrines and relics of Moscow are innumerable. There are hundreds of them in various temples and monasteries of the city.
  • The main place among Orthodox shrines is the miraculous images of the Mother of God.
  • The main Orthodox church in Russia is the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. Here are the relics of Metropolitan Peter of Moscow.
  • The Archangel Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin contains the relics of Saints Michael and Theodore of Chernigov and the relics of St. Prince Demetrius Donskoy.
  • You will find revered shrines in the Epiphany Cathedral in Yelokhov, Danilovsky and Donskoy monasteries and many other temples mentioned in this article.
  • There is no information in English in Moscow monasteries and temples.

After the conquest of Constantinople by the Turks in the middle of the 15th century, the idea arose that Russia was the last stronghold of Orthodoxy, the “third Rome”. The famous saying of the monk Philotheus: "two Romes fell, and the fourth will never be." This understanding of the mission of Orthodox Russia became the basis of Russian politics in the Middle Ages. Since the 16th century, Moscow has become the residence of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia and remains it to this day. Therefore, it was here that the most magnificent cathedrals and monasteries were erected, in which the most valuable Orthodox relics were collected. Among them, one of the main places is occupied by the miraculous and revered images of the Mother of God, who is considered the patroness of Orthodox Russia.

Shrines of the Kremlin cathedrals and the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed

The main and most revered shrine of Moscow is Assumption Cathedral Moscow Kremlin. This is the main Orthodox church in Russia, it is dedicated to the Mother of God. For centuries, the cathedral was the burial vault of the metropolitans and patriarchs of Moscow and All Russia. The relics of St. Metropolitan Peter of Moscow, who transferred the once Orthodox metropolitan see from Kiev, rest here. The relics of the saints Metropolitans Theognost, Cyprian, Photius, Jonah, Macarius of Moscow and Philip, as well as the relics of Saint Patriarch Job (the first Russian patriarch) and the holy martyr Patriarch Hermogenes, also rest in the Assumption Cathedral. Many miracles and healings took place from their holy relics.

In the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin is the staff of St. Metropolitan Peter, ancient icons of the XIV-XV centuries (Savior "The Bright Eye", the icon of the Holy Trinity, the icon of the Dormition of the Theotokos). Access to all shrines is possible during infrequent divine services, which are held with the blessing of the Patriarch. At normal times, a museum is open in the cathedral.

Located on the same Cathedral Square of the Kremlin Archangel Cathedral are in the shrine of the relics of Saints Michael and Theodore of Chernigov, as well as the relics of the holy noble Prince Dimitry Donskoy. Representatives of the grand ducal and royal houses traditionally rested in this cathedral. Among the burials, a shrine with the relics of the holy right-believing Tsarevich Dimitri of Uglich stands out. The son of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, who died tragically in 1591, was canonized at the beginning of the 17th century. In the Orthodox tradition, he is considered the patron saint of children. In the Archangel Cathedral, services are performed on patronal holidays and with the blessing of the Patriarch; the rest of the time the cathedral works as a museum.

Probably the most famous Moscow temple in the world is considered Cathedral of the Intercession or St. Basil's Cathedral (Red Square, 2). The cathedral was originally built as a token of gratitude after the capture of Kazan by the troops of Ivan the Terrible in the 16th century. The temple got its second name by its name Saint Basil, Christ for the sake of the holy fool... His relics rest in the chapel of the Intercession Cathedral.

St. Basil early accepted the feat of foolishness - a special path to God, known in Christianity. Wandering, he had neither shelter nor clothing. So he lived for 72 years, prophesying, instructing and correcting people who immensely venerated him. Tsar Ivan the Terrible himself carried his coffin to the place of burial. Many healings are known from the relics of St. Basil the Blessed.

Shrines of the ancient monasteries of Moscow

Saint Alexy also founded in Moscow, not far from the Kremlin, the first nunnery - Zachatyevsky(2nd Zachatievsky lane, 2). Destroyed during the Soviet era, the Conception Monastery was rebuilt in the 21st century. In it you can find the burials of Sts. Juliana and Eupraxia - the founders of the monastery and the sisters of St. Alexia.
Its main shrine is the icon of the Mother of God "Merciful", which is considered miraculous. People resort to it with prayer in sorrow and illness. This icon can be found in the main cathedral of the monastery - the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. the temple of Ilya the Obydenny(2nd Obydensky per., 6). It is known that during the Soviet era, the Kremlin cathedrals and monasteries were closed and turned into museums, and many were completely destroyed. The Church of Ilya Obydenny is the closest Orthodox cathedral to the Kremlin, which continued to work during the Soviet era. In these years, shrines from the destroyed neighboring monasteries and churches were gathered behind the scenes. This temple has a special, "prayerful" atmosphere. Temple shrines are the icon of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy" , as well as a particle of the belt of the Virgin, particles of the relics of saints, including St. Stefan.

Among the most famous active Moscow monasteries is Pokrovsky (Taganskaya St., 58). It contains relics of St. Matrona of Moscow... From her youth, Matrona possessed the gift of prophecy, people from all over the region resorted to her for advice, and later from all over the country. Her earthly life is set as an example of a great feat of spirit, compassion, self-denial, love and patience. Matrona died in 1952, and in 1998 her relics were found, which are now in the shrine in the Intercession Church of the monastery. St. Matrona is prayed for a successful marriage and family preservation.

The oldest Moscow monastery is the stavropegic (Danilovsky Val, 22). It was founded more than seven centuries ago by the first Moscow prince - St. Prince Daniel of Moscow. It was with him that the revival of Orthodox Moscow began at the end of the Soviet period: in 1983, the devastated monastery was transferred to the Orthodox Church and became the residence of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. The monastery now houses the department for external church relations and the Synodal residence.

In this ancient monastery, several temples are open, the oldest of which is the temple of Sts. Fathers of the seven Ecumenical Councils, in which part of the relics of St. Prince Daniel of Moscow. They were found imperishable in the middle of the 17th century. In the Trinity Cathedral there is an ark with particles of the relics of St. Prince Daniel, and in the Intercession Church - icons of St. Prince Daniel with particles of relics. Among other shrines of the monastery is a particle of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, relics George, the revered icon of the Mother of God "Three-handed" and others.

Pilgrims should also definitely see the Danilov Bells . These bells were saved from melting down in 1930 by the American industrialist Charles Crane, who bought them at the price of scrap bronze and donated them to Harvard University. For many years they were installed on the tower of the Lowell House student residence. In 2008, the original bells were returned to Russia, and exact copies of them are now at Harvard. The monastery conducts guided tours with a visit to the bell tower and inspection of the famous bells. The monastery also has a pilgrimage center, an Orthodox literature store and the Danilovskaya hotel.

One of the most famous Orthodox monasteries in the capital is Donskoy monastery(Donskaya Square, 1-3). In it in 1925 was buried the holy patriarch Tikhon, who led the Orthodox Church during the years of trials, endured oppression from the Soviet rulers and steadfastly defended Orthodoxy. His relics were miraculously found in 1992 and are now in the Great Cathedral of the monastery.

The shrine of the Donskoy Monastery is one of the most revered shrines in Russia - Don icon of the mother of God, which was considered the intercessor of Russian soldiers. It is kept in the State Tretyakov Gallery at 10 Lavrushinsky Lane, in the hall of ancient Russian art. Every year, on the day of the celebration of the day of the icon, this ancient image is delivered to the Donskoy Monastery and takes part in the solemn service.

Famous icons of the Mother of God in Moscow

There are icons in Moscow that are traditionally used at certain moments of life. For example, Iberian Icon of the Mother of God(Voskresensky Proezd, 1) is considered the patron of the city of Moscow. They pray in front of her when they begin an important difficult business or a long journey. Her image can be seen in the chapel restored in the 1990s at the Iversky (Resurrection) gates of Red Square.

On Ordynka Street there is a beautiful classicist Church of the Icon of the Mother of God of All Who Sorrow, Joy, built by the architect O. Bove (B. Ordynka street, 20). Its main shrine is the temple the image of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow"... Near this icon they pray for the health and healing of the sick. Nearby, in the temple of Gregory of Neocaesarea(B. Polyanka str., 29). there is an ark with a particle of the relics of St. Gregory, Bishop of Neocaesarea. He became famous as a fighter against paganism and, according to legend, it was he who wrote down the Symbol of Faith - the basis of Orthodox teaching. It is known that in this temple the parents of Tsar Peter I were married, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and Tsarina Natalya Kirillovna. The temple is decorated with wonderful tiles and is considered one of the most beautiful in the city.

Icon of the Mother of God "Reigning" is in Kazan Church on the territory of the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve (Andropov Ave., 39). This icon was miraculously found in this former suburban royal residence in 1917. According to legend, this happened on the day when Emperor Nicholas II abdicated the throne. On the icon, the Mother of God is seated on a throne in the image of the Queen of Heaven with the attributes of royal power - a scepter and orb. With her appearance, she seems to indicate that after the abdication of God's anointed one, she becomes the main intercessor and patroness of Russia.

;In the department of the Tretyakov Gallery - church of st. Nicholas in Tolmachi(M. Tolmachevsky lane, 9) is one of the most revered images of Russia - the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God. According to legend, this image was painted by St. evangelist Luke. In the XII century this Byzantine icon was transferred from Kiev to Vladimir by St. Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky, the son of the founder of Moscow, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. In the XIV century, the icon was solemnly transferred to Moscow. For a long time, this icon was associated with the victories of Russian weapons over the invaders. The Tretyakov Gallery also houses a number of other ancient icons, including the famous "Trinity" of the 15th century by Andrei Rublev.

In the church of St. Trinity in Nikitniki (Nikitnikov lane, 3) is a revered icon of the Mother of God "Georgian"... It was brought to Russia in the 17th century from Persia, and after a prayer service at this icon in Moscow, a terrible plague epidemic stopped. On August 22, every year, the day of this miraculous icon is celebrated.

In the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God of the Sign (2nd Krestovsky lane, 17) there is a revered copy of the icon, with which numerous miracles have been associated in Russia since ancient times. it the image of the Mother of God "The Sign". His intercession saved Veliky Novgorod during the siege in 1170. Lists of the "Sign" icon are widespread in Russian churches. In the church in Krestovsky lane there is a list dated to the 16th century. Also in the temple there is a miraculous image of St. Tryphon with part of the relics. This temple has also never been closed and is famous for its "prayer".

One of the most famous Moscow churches is Epiphany Cathedral in Yelokhov(Spartakovskaya St., 15), which during almost the entire Soviet period (since the 1930s) was the cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The cathedral contains the miraculous icon of St. Nicholas and the miraculous Kazan icon of the Mother of God. The most revered relic of the cathedral is the relics of St. Metropolitan Alexy. He was the Moscow Metropolitan at a turning point in Russian history, on the eve of the liberation of Rus from the rule of the Golden Horde. Alexy fought for the unity of the Orthodox Church and, in fact, was the ruler of Muscovite Russia during the childhood of Prince Dmitry Donskoy. His relics openly rest in cancer. It is interesting that they were transferred to the cathedral in 1947 by the personal permission of Joseph Stalin.

In Moscow Church of the Resurrection of the Word on the Assumption Vrazhka(Bryusov lane, 15/2) there is a miraculous icon "Recovery of the lost". This icon is dated 1802. She became famous for numerous miracles and healings, those who were exposed to drunkenness, fell into poverty, found themselves in a difficult life situation turned to her. She is worshiped by parents who pray in front of this image for happiness and direction on the true path of their children.

And, of course, when visiting Moscow, it is impossible to ignore the restored churches of the Orthodox Church. Kazan Cathedral on Red Square (Nikolskaya St., 3) was founded in the 17th century. Completely destroyed in the 1930s, it was restored to its original form in 1993. Using his example, you can attach yourself to the typical decoration and appearance of the church of Moscow Russia of the 17th century. It stores a list Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

Shrines of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and other temples

The cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church is Cathedral of Christ the Savior(Volkhonka st., 15). It was also restored at the end of the 20th century. The temple that stood on this site, built by the architect K. Ton in memory of the Patriotic War of 1812, was barbarously blown up by the Bolsheviks in 1931. The current Cathedral of Christ the Savior is one of the largest temples in the world, it can accommodate almost 10 thousand people. Like the original temple, it is richly decorated with valuable materials and paintings. You can walk around the temple with a guided tour or climb to the observation deck of the upper tier, which offers a wonderful view of the center of Moscow. The Cathedral of Christ the Savior contains the most important relics: the relics of St. Filaret of Moscow and other saints, particles of the Robe of the Lord and the Robe of the Mother of God, the Nail of the Cross of the Lord, the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God, the icon of the Nativity of Christ and others.

Church of the Resurrection in Sokolniki(6 Sokolnicheskaya Square) became a place in the east of the capital, where relics were transferred from churches that were destroyed during the Soviet era. These are the Iberian, Passionate, Bogolyubskaya, Georgian icons of the Mother of God, the image of St. Panteleimon, an ark with particles of the relics of the Forty Martyrs of Sebastia and other revered shrines.

Saint John the Warrior dedicated to one of the most beautiful temples in Moscow (Bolshaya Yakimanka St., 46). They resort to his intercession in everyday adversity. According to legend, the temple was built according to the project of Emperor Peter I himself in memory of the victory over the Swedes at Poltava. This temple was also not closed during the entire existence of the Soviet regime. Its beautiful decoration is an example of the Moscow baroque of the early 18th century. A part of the finger with the ring of St. Great Martyr Barbara.

"Church embassies" are represented in Moscow. These are the courtyards of other Orthodox churches: for example, Serbian(Ts. Peter and Paul, Petropavlovsky lane, 4-6), courtyard of the Orthodox Church in America in Moscow (St. Catherine's Church on Ordynka, Bolshaya Ordynka St., 60/2), patriarchal courtyards: Antioch(Arkhangelsky lane, 15a,) and Alexandria(Slavyanskaya sq., 2) and others. Jerusalem Patriarchal Courtyard(Church of the Resurrection of the Word, Filippovsky lane, 20) the right hand of St. Eustathius Placis, martyr of the 1st c. AD, as well as rare Jerusalem and Akhtyrskaya icons of the Mother of God.

Trips to holy places help a believer to join the richest Orthodox culture, expand his spiritual experience. Visiting churches and monasteries, a Christian gets the opportunity not only to comprehend logically, but also to feel with his soul the essence of the Christian faith. Pilgrimage is the cultivation of faith in the soul, it has no less influence on a person than prayer or fasting.

Pilgrimage services in Moscow are developing their own routes for Orthodox Christians. Their goal is to help a person visit the most important centers of Orthodoxy from the point of view of believers, personally see and touch the shrines. Pilgrimage trips from Moscow are thought out in such a way as to expand knowledge and spiritual experience, to acquaint with the peculiarities of life in monasteries and temples.

Orthodox trips allow you to delve into the spiritual life of people who have devoted their whole lives to serving the Lord, who have given up worldly goods and concerns. On a pilgrimage, worldly vanity disappears from consciousness, a new world opens up - spiritual joys, self-denial and service. The human soul is renewed, feelings of bright joy and peace appear.

The Pilgrimage Service "Enlightenment" develops unique itineraries for Orthodox trips, returning from which people begin a new stage of life - in love for their neighbor and serving God. You can find the routes, timetables and impressions of the pilgrims on our website. If you are interested in a trip to the holy places of Russia, you can sign up by filling out a special form.

Call us and we will be happy to answer all your questions.

NS. No. 21-S. 2019

  • Check-in: 22/09 - 29/09/19
  • 8 days / 7 nights



Breakfast. Ferry cruise along the shores of Mount Athos, a monastic Orthodox republic. At a distance of 500 meters from the coast, there will be an opportunity to see the monasteries of Athos, including the Russian St. Panteleimon Monastery. Return to Ouranoupoli. Transfer from Ouranoupoli to Thessaloniki. On the way, visit the ancient monastery of St. Anastasia the Patterner, where the relics of St. Theona, Metropolitan of Thessalon. Sightseeing tour of the city of Thessaloniki. Visiting several temples of the most important spiritual significance, where the relics of saints and miraculous icons are kept:




6th day. 27/09 PATRAS - MEGA SPILION - EUBEA

7th day. 28/09 EVIA - THESSALONIKI


The tour price includes:

The tour price does not include:

At extra charge:


NS. No. 19-S. 2019

  • Check-in: 8/09 - 15/09/19
  • 8 days / 7 nights


Meeting at the airport of Thessaloniki with the Orthodox guide of the SALUNI pilgrimage center. Departure to Ouranoupoli. On the way, visit the monastery of St. John the Theologian, where the grave of St. Arseny of Cappadocia. Arrival to Ouranoupoli. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.


Breakfast. Ferry cruise along the shores of Mount Athos, a monastic Orthodox republic. At a distance of 500 meters from the coast, there will be an opportunity to see the monasteries of Athos, including the Russian St. Panteleimon Monastery. Return to Ouranoupoli. Transfer to Thessaloniki. On the way, visit the ancient monastery of St. Anastasia the Patterner, where the relics of St. Theona, Metropolitan of Thessalon. Sightseeing tour of the city of Thessaloniki. Visiting several temples of the most important spiritual significance, where the relics of saints and miraculous icons are kept:

  • Church of St. the great martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki, patron saint of the city of Thessaloniki. In the temple there is a shrine with its relics, as well as the relics of St. prmts. Anisia and St. Gregory (Kallidis), Metropolitan Heraclius. A crypt has been preserved under the altar, where St. Demetrius, and where he was martyred.
  • Catacomb temple with St. source of John the Baptist, I - III centuries.
  • Cathedral of St. Gregory Palamas, where his St. power.
  • Monastery of St. Theodora of Theodora, where her St. power and power of St. David Solunsky.

Moving to Pieria. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.


Breakfast. Transfer to Kalambaka. Pilgrimage to the Meteor monasteries, visiting two of the following monasteries: St. Barbarians (nunnery) or St. Stephen's (nunnery), Big Meteora (nunnery), St. Nicholas (male monastery). Transfer to Igoumenitsa. Dinner. Ferry crossing to about. Corfu. Hotel accommodation.


Liturgy in the church of St. Spiridon of Trimifuntsky. Breakfast. Visit to the monument to the righteous admiral Theodor Ushakov at the fortress. Visiting shrines: the cathedral church of the Greek queen Theodora, where her St. relics, the temple of John the Baptist, the burial place of the Russian soldier, the temple of the Virgin of the Strangers, the temple of the apostles Jason and Sosipater, where their holy relics are kept. Moving to the town of Kanoni, visiting the church, where the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Blachernae resides. Departure to Paleokastritsa. Visit to an amazing paradise - Paleokastritsa monastery. Free time for rest. Return by ferry to Igoumenitsa. Dinner. Departure for Bari (Italy) at 24:00.


Breakfast is not provided (optional on board). Arrival in Bari. Liturgy in the Basilica of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, where his holy relics are located. Dinner. Visit to the Russian Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. In the evening, sail to Patras (Peloponnese, Greece). Dinner is not provided (optional on board).

6th day. 13/09 PATRAS - MEGA SPILION - EUBEA

Arrival in Patras (12:30). Breakfast is not provided (optional on board). Visit to the cathedral church of the city, where the relics of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called and part of the cross on which he was crucified are kept. Here, in the crypt, is the holy spring of the Apostle Andrew. Dinner. On the way to Athens (without entering the city), which runs along the Corinthian Gulf of the Ionian Sea, visit the monastery of Mega Spileon (Great Cave), where the miraculous wax icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is kept in a silver ark, called the Great Cave, the creation of the Apostle Luke. There is also a large collection of St. relics of the saints of God. Moving to about. Euboea. Late arrival and hotel accommodation. Dinner is not provided.

7th day. 14/09 EVIA - THESSALONIKI

Liturgy in the church of St. John the Russian. Breakfast. Visit to the monastery of St. David of Euboea, where the honest chapter of St. Basil the Great and the honest head of the founder of the monastery, here is the grave of the Monk Jacob of Euboea and his cell. Departure by ferry to the mainland. Transfer to Thessaloniki. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.


Breakfast. Departure to the airport. Departure.

The tour price includes:

all transfers according to the program on a comfortable bus, accommodation in hotels cat. C, B, meals according to the program, excursions and services of an Orthodox Russian-speaking guide, tickets for the ferry Igoumenitsa - Corfu - Igoumenitsa, ferry Igoumenitsa - Bari - Patras: 4-seater internal cabin, ferry Evia - mainland.

The tour price does not include:

visa, insurance, air travel, visa, insurance, air travel, state tax, which is paid by the guest at the hotel upon check-in (from about 10 euros depending on the type of hotel accommodation)

At extra charge:

entrance tickets to the monasteries of Meteor (total 9 €, 3 € - each monastery), fee to the Basilica of St. Nicholas in Bari (1 €).


The group, in addition to a guide with a theological education, is accompanied by a Russian-speaking priest along the entire route.

If there is a shortage of the group (the group consists of at least 23 people), the next arrival date is offered to the pilgrims.

After the end of the program or before it starts, men can visit Holy Mount Athos for an additional fee.

NS. No. 17-S. 2019

  • Check-in: 9/08 - 16/08/19
  • 8 days / 7 nights

1 day. 9 / 08SALONIKI

Meeting at the airport of Thessaloniki with the Orthodox guide of the SALUNI pilgrimage center. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.


  • Church of St. the great martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki, patron saint of the city of Thessaloniki. In the temple there is a shrine with its relics, as well as the relics of St. prmts. Anisia and St. Gregory (Kallidis), Metropolitan Heraclius. A crypt has been preserved under the altar, where St. Demetrius, and where he was martyred.
  • Church of St. Sofia, where the relics of St. Basil, Metropolitan of Thessaloniki.
  • Catacomb temple with St. source of John the Baptist, I - III centuries.
  • Cathedral of St. Gregory Palamas, where his St. power.
  • Monastery of St. Theodora of Theodora, where her St. power and power of St. David Solunsky.

Visit to the monastery of St. John the Theologian, where the grave of Elder Paisius the Holy Mountain is located and St. relics of Arseny of Cappadocia. Visit to the ancient monastery of St. Anastasia the Patterner, where the relics of St. Theona, Metropolitan of Thessalon. Transfer to Igoumenitsa. Dinner. Ferry crossing to about. Corfu. Hotel accommodation.

Day 3. 11/08 CORFU - KALAMBACA

Dry rations. Festive Liturgy in the Church of St. Spyridon of Trimifutsky. Cross procession with the relics of St. Spiridon. Breakfast. Visit to the monument to the righteous admiral Theodor Ushakov at the fortress. Visiting shrines: the cathedral church in the name of the Greek queen Theodora, where her St. relics, the temple of John the Baptist, the burial place of the Russian warrior. Return by ferry to Igoumenitsa. Transfer to Kalambaka. Hotel accommodation. Dinner

4th day. 12/08 METEORA - KEFALONIA

Breakfast. Pilgrimage to Meteor Monasteries visiting two of the following monasteries: St. Barbarians (nunnery) or St. Stephen's (nunnery), Big Meteora (nunnery), St. Nicholas (male monastery). Departure to the port of Astako. Ferry crossing to about. Kefalonia. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

Day 5. 13 / 08KEFALONIA

Breakfast. Visit to the monastery of St. Gerasim, the patron saint of the island. In the monastery there is a cave where the monk asceticised, and to the right of the altar, his holy relics rest in a shrine. On this day, the relics are taken out to the center of the temple, tk. the next day, the commemoration of St. Gerasim. Saint Gerasimus helps to heal from many diseases. Through his prayers, relief and healing are received by those possessed by unclean spirits. This is followed by a visit to the monastery of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called, where his foot, donated to the monastery in the 17th century by Princess Roxanne, is kept. Return to the hotel. Free time. Dinner.

6th day. 14 / 08KEFALONIA

Breakfast. Free time. Transfer to the village of Markopulo, to the temple of the Most Holy Theotokos Fidusa for the evening service. Return to the hotel. Dinner.


Festive Liturgy in the temple of Panagia Fidusa.

The temple is known in the Orthodox world for the event that takes place here from year to year on the days of the celebration of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (in a new style). Small snakes with crosses on their heads slide down to the temple from the mountains. The miraculous icon of the Mother of God takes place a large number of healings. Further, transfer to the temple of the village of Peratata, where every year at the miraculous icon on the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin, the miracle of blossoming of dry stems of lilies is performed. Breakfast. Ferry crossing to the mainland. Transfer to Thessaloniki. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.


Breakfast. Departure to the airport. Departure.

The tour price includes:

all transfers according to the program on a comfortable bus, accommodation in hotels cat. С, meals according to the program, excursions and services of an Orthodox Russian-speaking guide, tickets for the ferry Igoumenitsa - Corfu - Igoumenitsa, ferry mainland - Kefalonia - mainland

The tour price does not include:

visa, insurance, air travel, visa, insurance, air travel, state tax, which is paid by the guest at the hotel upon check-in (from about 10 euros depending on the type of hotel accommodation)


The group, in addition to a guide with a theological education, is accompanied by a Russian-speaking priest along the entire route.

The pilgrimage center "SALUN" reserves the right to change the sequence of visits to the Shrines provided for in the program.

If there is a shortage of the group (the group consists of at least 23 people), the next arrival date is offered to the pilgrims.

After the end of the program or before it starts, men can visit Holy Mount Athos for an additional fee.

NS. No. 15-S. 2019

  • Check-in: 07/07 - 07/13/19
  • 7 days / 6 nights


Meeting at Thessaloniki airport with the Orthodox guide of the SALUNI pilgrimage center. Transfer to Igoumenitsa. Dinner. Departure by ferry to Corfu. Hotel accommodation.


Liturgy in the church of St. Spiridon of Trimifuntsky. Breakfast. Visit to the monument to the righteous admiral Theodor Ushakov at the fortress. Visiting shrines: the cathedral church of the Greek queen Theodora, where her St. relics, the temple of John the Baptist, the burial place of the Russian soldier, the temple of the Virgin of the Strangers, the temple of the apostles Jason and Sosipater, where their holy relics are kept. Moving to the town of Kanoni, visiting the church, where the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Blachernae resides. Departure to Paleokastritsa. Visit to an amazing paradise - Paleokastritsa monastery. Free time for rest. Return by ferry to Igoumenitsa. Dinner. Departure for Bari (Italy) at 24:00.


Breakfast is not provided (optional on board). Arrival in Bari. Liturgy in the Basilica of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, where his holy relics are located. Dinner. Visit to the Russian Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. In the evening, sail to Patras (Peloponnese, Greece). Dinner is not provided (optional on board).

4th day. 10/07 PATRAS - MEGA SPILION - EUBEA

Arrival in Patras (12:30). Breakfast is not provided (optional on board). Visit to the cathedral church of the city, where the relics of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called and part of the cross on which he was crucified are kept. Here, in the crypt, is the holy spring of the Apostle Andrew. Dinner. On the way to Athens (without entering the city), which runs along the Corinthian Gulf of the Ionian Sea, visit the monastery of Mega Spileon (Great Cave), where the miraculous wax icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is kept in a silver ark, called the Great Cave, the creation of the Apostle Luke. There is also a large collection of St. relics of the saints of God. Moving to about. Euboea. Late arrival and hotel accommodation. Dinner is not provided.


Liturgy in the church of St. John the Russian. Breakfast. Visit to the monastery of St. David of Euboea, where the honest chapter of St. Basil the Great and the honest head of the founder of the monastery, here is the grave of the Monk Jacob of Euboea and his cell. Departure by ferry to the mainland. Transfer to Thessaloniki. Hotel accommodation. Dinner. Departure to Suroti, to the monastery of St. John the Evangelist, where the grave of St. Paisia. Night service with Liturgy in memory of St. Paisii Svyatogorts. Return to the hotel.


Breakfast. Sightseeing tour of the city of Thessaloniki. Visiting several temples of the most important spiritual significance, where the relics of saints and miraculous icons are kept:

  • Church of St. the great martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki, patron saint of the city of Thessaloniki. In the temple there is a shrine with its relics, as well as the relics of St. prmts. Anisia and St. Gregory (Kallidis), Metropolitan Heraclius. A crypt has been preserved under the altar, where St. Demetrius, and where he was martyred.
  • Church of St. Sofia, where the relics of St. Basil, Metropolitan of Thessaloniki.
  • Catacomb temple with St. source of John the Baptist, I - III centuries.
  • Cathedral of St. Gregory Palamas, where his St. power.
  • Monastery of St. Theodora of Theodora, where her St. power and power of St. David Solunsky.

Visit to the stavropegic monastery of St. Anastasia the Patterner, where the relics of St. Theona, Metropolitan of Thessalon. Transfer to Kalambaka. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.


Breakfast. Departure to the airport. Departure.

The tour price includes:

all transfers according to the program on a comfortable bus, accommodation in hotels cat. C, B, meals according to the program, excursions and services of an Orthodox Russian-speaking guide, tickets for the ferry Igoumenitsa - Corfu - Igoumenitsa, ferry Igoumenitsa - Bari - Patras: 4-seater internal cabin, ferry Evia - mainland.

The tour price does not include:

visa, insurance, air travel, visa, insurance, air travel, state tax, which is paid by the guest at the hotel upon check-in (from about 10 euros depending on the type of hotel accommodation)

At extra charge:

fee in the Basilica of St. Nicholas in Bari (1 €).


The group, in addition to a guide with a theological education, is accompanied by a Russian-speaking priest along the entire route.

The pilgrimage center "SALUN" reserves the right to change the sequence of visits to the Shrines provided for in the program.

If there is a shortage of the group (the group consists of at least 23 people), the next arrival date is offered to the pilgrims.

After the end of the program or before it starts, men can visit Holy Mount Athos for an additional fee.

NS. No. 12-S. 2019

  • Check-in: 2/06 - 9/06/19
  • 8 days / 7 nights



Breakfast. Sightseeing tour of the city of Thessaloniki. Visiting several temples of the most important spiritual significance, where the relics of saints and miraculous icons are kept:

  • Church of St. the great martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki, patron saint of the city of Thessaloniki. In the temple there is a shrine with its relics, as well as the relics of St. prmts. Anisia and St. Gregory (Kallidis), Metropolitan Heraclius. A crypt has been preserved under the altar, where St. Demetrius, and where he was martyred.
  • Church of St. Sofia, where the relics of St. Basil, Metropolitan of Thessaloniki.
  • Catacomb temple with St. source of John the Baptist, I - III centuries.
  • Cathedral of St. Gregory Palamas, where his St. power.
  • Monastery of St. Theodora of Theodora, where her St. power and power of St. David Solunsky.



Liturgy in the church of St. Spiridon of Trimifuntsky. Breakfast. Visit to the monument to the righteous admiral Theodor Ushakov at the fortress. Visiting shrines: the cathedral church of the Greek queen Theodora, where her St. relics, the temple of John the Baptist, the burial place of the Russian soldier, the temple of the Virgin of the Strangers, the temple of the apostles Jason and Sosipater, where their holy relics are kept. Moving to the town of Kanoni, visiting the church, where the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Blachernae resides. Departure to Paleokastritsa. Visit to an amazing paradise - Paleokastritsa monastery. Free time for rest. Return by ferry to Igoumenitsa. Dinner. Departure for Bari (Italy) at 24:00.


Breakfast is not provided (optional on board). Arrival in Bari. Festive Liturgy in the Basilica of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, where his holy relics are located. Dinner. Visit to the Russian Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. In the evening, sail to Patras (Peloponnese, Greece). Dinner is not provided (optional on board).


Breakfast is not provided (optional on board). Arrival in Patras (12:30). Visit to the cathedral church of the city, where the relics of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called and part of the cross on which he was crucified are kept. Here, in the crypt, is the holy spring of the Apostle Andrew. Dinner. On the way to Athens (without entering the city), which runs along the Corinthian Gulf of the Ionian Sea, visit the monastery of Mega Spileon (Great Cave), where the miraculous wax icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is kept in a silver ark, called the Great Cave, the creation of the Apostle Luke. There is also a large collection of St. relics of the saints of God. Moving to about. Euboea. Late arrival and hotel accommodation. Dinner is not provided.

7th day. 8/06 EVIA - THESSALONIKI

Liturgy in the church of St. John the Russian. Breakfast. Visit to the monastery of St. David of Euboea, where the honest chapter of St. Basil the Great and the honest head of the founder of the monastery, here is the grave of the Monk Jacob of Euboea and his cell. Departure by ferry to the mainland. Transfer to Thessaloniki. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.


Breakfast. Departure to the airport. Departure.

The tour price includes:

all transfers according to the program on a comfortable bus, accommodation in hotels cat. C, B, meals according to the program, excursions and services of an Orthodox Russian-speaking guide, tickets for the ferry Igoumenitsa - Corfu - Igoumenitsa, ferry Igoumenitsa - Bari - Patras: 4-seater internal cabin, ferry Evia - mainland.

The tour price does not include:

visa, insurance, air travel, visa, insurance, air travel, state tax, which is paid by the guest at the hotel upon check-in (from about 10 euros depending on the type of hotel accommodation)

At extra charge:

entrance tickets to the monasteries of Meteor (total 9 €, 3 € - each monastery), fee to the Basilica of St. Nicholas in Bari (1 €).


The group, in addition to a guide with a theological education, is accompanied by a Russian-speaking priest along the entire route.

The pilgrimage center "SALUN" reserves the right to change the sequence of visits to the Shrines provided for in the program.

If there is a shortage of the group (the group consists of at least 23 people), the next arrival date is offered to the pilgrims.

After the end of the program or before it starts, men can visit Holy Mount Athos for an additional fee.

Project No. 10-S. 2018

  • Check-in: 19/05 - 26/05/19
  • 8 days / 7 nights


Meeting at the airport of Thessaloniki with a guide from the SALUNI Orthodox pilgrimage center. Transfer to Igoumenitsa. Dinner. Hotel accommodation.


Dry rations. Ferry crossing to about. Corfu. Liturgy in the church of St. Spiridon Trimifutsky. Visit to the monument to the righteous admiral Theodor Ushakov at the fortress. Visiting shrines: the cathedral church in the name of the Greek queen Theodora, where her St. relics, the temple of John the Baptist, the burial place of the Russian soldier, the temple of the Virgin of the Strangers, the temple of the apostles Jason and Sosipater, where their holy relics are kept. Moving to the town of Kanoni, visiting the church, where the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Blachernae resides. Return by ferry to Igoumenitsa. Dinner. Departure to Bari (Italy) at 24:00.


Breakfast is not provided (optional on board). Arrival in Bari. Visit to the town of Alberobello, protected by UNESCO. The unique look of this amazing town is given by houses - trulli, small buildings with quaint roofs, recognized as a world cultural heritage. Getting to Alberobello, it is as if you find yourself in a fairy tale revived. Visit to the Church of St. the unmercenaries of Cosmas and Damian, where the particles of their relics are located. Return to Bari. All-night vigil in the Basilica of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker... Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

4th day. 05/22 Feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.BARI. FERRY ACCOMMODATION

Festive Liturgy in the Basilica of St. Nicholas. Dinner. Visit to the Russian Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Free time. Departure for Igoumenitsa. Dinner is not provided (optional on board).


Breakfast is not provided (optional on board). Arrival in Patras (12:30). Visit to the cathedral church of the city, where the relics of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called and part of the cross on which he was crucified are kept. Here, in the crypt, is the holy spring of the Apostle Andrew. On the way to Athens (without entering the city), which runs along the Corinthian Gulf of the Ionian Sea, visit the monastery of Mega Spileon (Great Cave), where the miraculous wax icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is kept in a silver ark, called the Great Cave, the creation of the Apostle Luke. There is also a large collection of particles of the relics of God's saints. Transfer to the island of Evia. Accommodation at the hotel. Dinner.

6th day. 24/05 EVIA - THESSALONIKI

Liturgy in the church of St. John the Russian. Breakfast. Visit to the monastery of St. David of Euboea, where the honest chapter of St. Basil the Great and the honest head of the founder of the monastery, here is the grave of the Monk Jacob of Euboea and his cell. Departure by ferry to the mainland. Transfer to Thessaloniki. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.


Breakfast. Sightseeing tour of the city of Thessaloniki. Visiting several temples of the most important spiritual significance, where the relics of saints and miraculous icons are kept:

  • Church of St. the great martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki, patron saint of the city of Thessaloniki. In the temple there is a shrine with its relics, as well as the relics of St. prmts. Anisia and St. Gregory (Kallidis), Metropolitan Heraclius. A crypt has been preserved under the altar, where St. Demetrius, and where he was martyred.
  • Church of St. Sofia, where the relics of St. Basil, Metropolitan of Thessaloniki.
  • Catacomb temple with St. source of John the Baptist, I - III centuries.
  • Cathedral of St. Gregory Palamas, where his St. power.

Visit to the monastery of St. John the Theologian, where the grave of Elder Paisius the Holy Mountain is located and St. relics of Arseny of Cappadocia. Visit to the stavropegic monastery of St. Anastasia the Patterner, where the relics of St. Theona, Metropolitan of Thessalon. Return to the hotel. Dinner.


Breakfast. Transfer to the airport. Departure.

The tour price includes:

all transfers according to the program on a comfortable bus, accommodation in hotels cat. С, meals according to the program, excursions and services of an Orthodox Russian-speaking guide, tickets for the ferry Igoumenitsa-Corfu - Igoumenitsa, ferry Igoumenitsa - Bari - Igoumenitsa: 4-seater internal cabin, ferry Evia - mainland.

The tour price does not include:

visa, insurance, air travel, visa, insurance, air travel, state tax, which is paid by the guest at the hotel upon check-in (from about 10 euros depending on the type of hotel accommodation)

At extra charge:

entrance tickets to the monasteries of Meteor (total 9 €, 3 € - each monastery), fee to the Basilica of St. Nicholas in Bari (1 €).


The group, in addition to a guide with a theological education, is accompanied by a Russian-speaking priest along the entire route.

The pilgrimage center "SALUN" reserves the right to change the sequence of visits to the Shrines provided for in the program.

After the end of the program or before it starts, men can visit Holy Mount Athos for an additional fee.

NS. No. 8-S. 2019

  • Check-in: 8/05 -12/05/19
  • 5 days / 4 nights


Meeting at the airport of Thessaloniki with the Orthodox guide of the SALUNI pilgrimage center. Moving to Larissa. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

2nd day. 9/05 LARISA - VUNENA (Festive Liturgy)- KALAMBACA - IGUMENITSA - CORFU

Moving to the village of Vunena, where St. Nikolay Novy with his associates. Every spring a miracle happens here: the tree from which the saint was martyred begins to “bleed” - exuding a liquid of dark red color. Many patients receive healing from this "blood" fluid. Festive Liturgy. Breakfast. Transfer to Kalambaka. Pilgrimage to Meteor Monasteries visiting two of the following monasteries: St. Barbarians (nunnery) or St. Stephen's (female monastery), or Big Meteora (male monastery), or St. Nicholas (male monastery). Departure to Igoumenitsa. Dinner. Ferry crossing to Corfu.


Dry rations. Liturgy in the church of St. Spiridon of Trimifuntsky. Visit to the monument to St. righteous Theodore Ushakov at the fortress. Visiting shrines: the cathedral church in the name of the Greek queen Theodora, where her St. relics, the Church of John the Baptist, the burial place of the Russian soldier, the Church of the Virgin of the Strangers, the Church of St. the apostles Jason and Sosipater, where their holy relics are kept. Moving to the town of Kanoni, visiting the church, where the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Blachernae resides. Return by ferry to Igoumenitsa. Transfer to Thessaloniki. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

4 day. 11/05 THESSALONIKI

Breakfast. Sightseeing tour of the city of Thessaloniki. Visiting several temples of the most important spiritual significance, where the relics of saints and miraculous icons are kept:

  • Church of St. the great martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki, patron saint of the city of Thessaloniki. In the temple there is a shrine with its relics, as well as the relics of St. prmts. Anisia and St. Gregory (Kallidis), Metropolitan Heraclius. A crypt has been preserved under the altar, where St. Demetrius, and where he was martyred.
  • Church of St. Sofia, where the relics of St. Basil, Metropolitan of Thessaloniki.
  • Catacomb temple with St. source of John the Baptist, I - III centuries.
  • Cathedral of St. Gregory Palamas, where his St. power.

Further departure to the stavropegic monastery of St. Anastasia the Patterner, where the relics of St. Theona, Metropolitan of Thessalon. Visit to the monastery of the Apostle John the Theologian, where the grave of Elder Paisius the Holy Mountain is located and the relics of St. Arseny of Cappadocia. Return to the hotel. Dinner.


Breakfast at the hotel. Arrival at the airport. Departure.

The tour price includes:

insurance, air travel, all transfers according to the program on a comfortable bus, accommodation in hotels cat. С, half board meals, excursions and services of an Orthodox Russian-speaking guide, tickets for the ferry Igoumenitsa - Corfu - Igoumenitsa, tickets for the ferry Igoumenitsa - Corfu - Igoumenitsa

The tour price does not include:

visa, insurance, air travel, visa, insurance, air travel, state tax, which is paid by the guest at the hotel upon check-in (from about 10 euros depending on the type of hotel accommodation)

At extra charge:

entrance tickets to the Meteor monasteries (total 9 €, 3 € - each monastery), entrance to the Portopanai temple (2 €)


The group, in addition to a guide with a theological education, is accompanied by a Russian-speaking priest along the entire route.

The pilgrimage center "SALUN" reserves the right to change the sequence of visits to the Shrines provided for in the program.

If there is a shortage of the group (the group consists of at least 23 people), the next arrival date is offered to the pilgrims.

After the end of the program or before it starts, men can visit Holy Mount Athos for an additional fee.

Pilgrimage from Thessaloniki

NS. No. 7-S. 2019

  • Check-in: 24/04 - 1/05/19
  • 8 days / 7 nights

1 day. 24/04 THESSALONIKI

Meeting at the airport of Thessaloniki with a guide from the SALUNI Orthodox pilgrimage center. City tour. Visiting several temples of the most important spiritual significance, where the relics of saints and miraculous icons are kept:

  • Church of St. the great martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki, patron saint of the city of Thessaloniki. In the temple there is a shrine with its relics, as well as the relics of St. prmts. Anisia and St. Gregory (Kallidis), Metropolitan Heraclius. A crypt has been preserved under the altar, where St. Demetrius, and where he was martyred.
  • Church of St. Sofia, where the relics of St. Basil, Metropolitan of Thessaloniki.
  • Catacomb temple with the source of St. John the Baptist, 1st - 3rd centuries
  • Cathedral of St. Gregory Palamas, where his relics are kept.
  • Monastery of St. Theodora of Theodora, where her relics and relics of St. David Solunsky.

Hotel accommodation. Dinner.


Liturgy at the Church of All Saints in Thessaloniki. Return to the hotel. Breakfast. Transfer to Kalambaka. Hotel accommodation. Visit the oldest temple in Greece of the Assumption of the Virgin (XI century) of the city of Kalambaka, where at 19:00 Matins begins "The Crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ" (reading the 12 Gospels). Return to the hotel at approximately 21:30 (15 minutes leisurely walk). Dinner.

Day 3. 26/04 Great Heel. METEORA - IGUMENICE - CORFU

Breakfast. Pilgrimage to the Meteor monasteries, visiting two of the following monasteries: St. Barbarians (nunnery) or St. Stephen's (nunnery), Big Meteora (nunnery), St. Nicholas (male monastery). Transfer to Igoumenitsa. Ferry crossing to the island of Corfu (in Greek Kerkyra). Visit to the monument to the righteous admiral Theodor Ushakov at the fortress. Adoration of the Shroud of the Savior at the Cathedral of the capital of Corfu... Visit to the church of St. Spyridon and worship of his holy relics. Participation in the Rite of the Burial, held in Greece with special solemnity. At this time, in the capital of the island, an alternate procession with the Shroud of 15 temples of the city takes place. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

4th day. 04/27 Great Saturday. CORFU

Breakfast. Departure to the city center, for participation at 9 o'clock in the morning in a solemn procession with the relics of St. Spyridon... After the litany, at 11 o'clock in the morning, earthen vessels filled with water are thrown from the balconies of the old city decorated in red fabrics and corfiots, which break on the sidewalk. This local pre-Easter tradition is observed as a sign of joyful anticipation of the Great Celebration - the Resurrection of Christ, which will be celebrated at night. Visit to the historic Church of St. John the Baptist, the burial place of the Russian soldier, the Church of the Virgin of the Strangers. Moving to the picturesque town of Kanoni, visiting the temple, where the miraculous icon of the Virgin of Blakhernskaya resides. Transfer to the hotel, dinner (optional) and rest. In the evening, about 22 hours - transfer to the capital. At this time, all residents and guests of the island gather in the main square - Spianata to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ. At about 12 o'clock in the morning, the Metropolitan of the island of Kerkyra brings out the Holy Fire from one of the temples of the old city, which is transmitted to everyone who is waiting in the square and the joyful news is heard - Christ Anesti - Alifos Anesti! This is followed by the festive Easter Liturgy. Return to the hotel. Meal.

Day 5. 28/04 LIGHT EASTER !!! CORFU

Breakfast. In the morning, a procession with the icons of the Resurrection of Christ from 15 churches of the capital takes place in the city. Participation in the second (morning) Easter Liturgy in the Church of St. Spyridon (optional). At 10:30 departure from the hotel and transfer to the oldest temple of the island - the holy apostles from the 70's Jason and Sosipatra. Adoration of their holy relics. Transfer to the old city to venerate the relics of the holy Empress Theodora in the cathedral. Festive lunch at the hotel. Free time. Return to the hotel. Dinner.


Breakfast. Departure to the port. Crossing to the mainland, to Igoumenitsa. Moving to Patras. Visit to the cathedral church of the city, where the relics of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called and part of the cross on which he was crucified are kept. The holy spring of the Apostle Andrew is also located here. On the way to Athens, which runs along the Corinthian Gulf of the Ionian Sea, visit the Mega Spileon (Great Cave) monastery, where the miraculous wax icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is kept in a silver ark, called the Great Cave, the creation of the Apostle Luke. There is also a large collection of particles of the relics of God's saints. Arrival in Athens and accommodation at the hotel. Dinner.


Breakfast. Visit of the Areopagus under the Acropolis, the place of preaching of the ap. Paul. Descent through the old Plaka district to the Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, where the relics of the Patriarch of Constantinople - Martyr Gregory V are kept. Transfer to the island of Euboea. Visit to the church of St. John the Russian, where his holy relics are kept. Departure by ferry to the mainland. Moving to Pieria. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.


Breakfast. If time permits, a visit to the monastery of John the Theologian in Suroti, where the grave of St. Paisiy Svyatogorets. Departure to the airport. Departure.

The tour price includes:

all transfers according to the program on a comfortable bus, accommodation in hotels cat. С, half board meals, excursions and services of an Orthodox Russian-speaking guide, tickets for the ferry Igoumenitsa - Corfu - Igoumenitsa, ferry Evia - mainland.

The tour price does not include:

visa, insurance, air travel, state tax, which is paid by the guest at the hotel upon check-in (from about 10 euros, depending on the type of hotel accommodation for the entire tour).

At extra charge:

entrance tickets to the monasteries of Meteor (total 9 €, 3 € - each monastery)


The group, in addition to a guide with a theological education, is accompanied by a Russian-speaking priest along the entire route.

The pilgrimage center "SALUN" reserves the right to change the sequence of visits to the Shrines provided for in the program.

If there is a shortage of the group (the group consists of at least 28 people), the next arrival date is offered to the pilgrims.

After the end of the program or before it starts, men can visit Holy Mount Athos for an additional fee.

NS. No. 6-S. 2019

  • Check-in: 7/04 - 14/04/19
  • 8 days / 7 nights


Meeting at Thessaloniki airport with the Orthodox guide of the SALUNI pilgrimage center. Visit to the monastery of St. John the Theologian, where the grave of Elder Paisius the Holy Mountain is located and St. relics of Arseny of Cappadocia. Visit to the stavropegic monastery of St. Anastasia the Patterner, where the relics of St. Theona, Metropolitan of Thessalon. Return to Thessaloniki. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.


Breakfast. Sightseeing tour of the city of Thessaloniki. Visiting several temples of the most important spiritual significance, where the relics of saints and miraculous icons are kept:

  • Church of St. the great martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki, patron saint of the city of Thessaloniki. In the temple there is a shrine with its relics, as well as the relics of St. prmts. Anisia and St. Gregory (Kallidis), Metropolitan Heraclius. A crypt has been preserved under the altar, where St. Demetrius, and where he was martyred.
  • Church of St. Sofia, where the relics of St. Basil, Metropolitan of Thessaloniki.
  • Catacomb temple with St. source of John the Baptist, I - III centuries.
  • Cathedral of St. Gregory Palamas, where his St. power.
  • Monastery of St. Theodora of Theodora, where her St. power and power of St. David Solunsky.

Transfer to the skete of John the Baptist in the area of ​​Veria. This ancient hermitage is currently the courtyard of the Athos monastery of Simonopetra. The chapter of St. Clement of Ohrid, disciple of Sts. Cyril and Methodius, as well as part of the hand of St. John the Baptist. Here, near the skete, are the cells of the great ascetics: Gregory Palamas (where he labored for 5 years) and Dionysius the Olympian. Transfer to Kalambaka. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.


Breakfast. Pilgrimage to the Meteor monasteries, visiting two of the following monasteries: St. Barbarians (nunnery) or St. Stephen's (nunnery), Big Meteora (nunnery), St. Nicholas (male monastery). Transfer to Igoumenitsa. Dinner. Departure by ferry to Corfu. Hotel accommodation.


Liturgy in the church of St. Spiridon of Trimifuntsky. Breakfast. Visit to the monument to the righteous admiral Theodor Ushakov at the fortress. Visiting shrines: the cathedral church of the Greek queen Theodora, where her St. relics, the temple of John the Baptist, the burial place of the Russian soldier, the temple of the Virgin of the Strangers, the temple of the apostles Jason and Sosipater, where their holy relics are kept. Moving to the town of Kanoni, visiting the church, where the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Blachernae resides. Departure to Paleokastritsa. Visit to an amazing paradise - Paleokastritsa monastery. Free time for rest. Return by ferry to Igoumenitsa. Dinner. Departure for Bari (Italy) at 24:00.


6th day. 12/04 PATRAS - MEGA SPILION - EUBEA

Arrival in Patras (12:30). Breakfast is not provided (optional on board). Visit to the cathedral church of the city, where the relics of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called and part of the cross on which he was crucified are kept. Here, in the crypt, is the holy spring of the Apostle Andrew. Dinner. On the way to Athens (without entering the city), which runs along the Corinthian Gulf of the Ionian Sea, visit the monastery of Mega Spileon (Great Cave), where the miraculous wax icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is kept in a silver ark, called the Great Cave, the creation of the Apostle Luke. There is also a large collection of St. relics of the saints of God. Moving to about. Euboea. Late arrival and hotel accommodation. Dinner is not provided.

7th day. 13/04 EVIA - THESSALONIKI

Liturgy in the church of St. John the Russian. Breakfast. Visit to the monastery of St. David of Euboea, where the honest chapter of St. Basil the Great and the honest head of the founder of the monastery, here is the grave of the Monk Jacob of Euboea and his cell. Departure by ferry to the mainland. Transfer to Thessaloniki. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.


Breakfast. Departure to the airport. Departure.

The tour price includes:

all transfers according to the program on a comfortable bus, accommodation in hotels cat. C, B, meals according to the program, excursions and services of an Orthodox Russian-speaking guide, tickets for the ferry Igoumenitsa - Corfu - Igoumenitsa, ferry Igoumenitsa - Bari - Patras: 4-seater internal cabin, ferry Evia - mainland.

The tour price does not include:

visa, insurance, air travel, visa, insurance, air travel, state tax, which is paid by the guest at the hotel upon check-in (from about 10 euros depending on the type of hotel accommodation)

At extra charge:

entrance tickets to the monasteries of Meteor (total 9 €, 3 € - each monastery), fee to the Basilica of St. Nicholas in Bari (1 €).


The group, in addition to a guide with a theological education, is accompanied by a Russian-speaking priest along the entire route.

The pilgrimage center "SALUN" reserves the right to change the sequence of visits to the Shrines provided for in the program.

If there is a shortage of the group (the group consists of at least 23 people), the next arrival date is offered to the pilgrims.

After the end of the program or before it starts, men can visit Holy Mount Athos for an additional fee.

NS. No. 5-S. 2019

  • Check-in: 24/03 - 31/03/19
  • 8 days / 7 nights


Meeting at Thessaloniki airport with the Orthodox guide of the SALUNI pilgrimage center. Hotel accommodation. Dinner. Festive night All-night Vigil and Liturgy according to the Athonite charter at the courtyard of the Athonite monastery Grigoriat. Return to the hotel.


Breakfast. Sightseeing tour of the city of Thessaloniki. Visiting several temples of the most important spiritual significance, where the relics of saints and miraculous icons are kept:

  • Church of St. the great martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki, patron saint of the city of Thessaloniki. In the temple there is a shrine with its relics, as well as the relics of St. prmts. Anisia and St. Gregory (Kallidis), Metropolitan Heraclius. A crypt has been preserved under the altar, where St. Demetrius, and where he was martyred.
  • Church of St. Sofia, where the relics of St. Basil, Metropolitan of Thessaloniki.
  • Catacomb temple with St. source of John the Baptist, I - III centuries.
  • Cathedral of St. Gregory Palamas, where his St. power.
  • Monastery of St. Theodora of Theodora, where her St. power and power of St. David Solunsky.

Visit to the stavropegic monastery of St. Anastasia the Patterner, where the relics of St. Theona, Metropolitan of Thessalon. Return to Thessaloniki. Transfer to Kalambaka. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.


Breakfast. Pilgrimage to the Meteor monasteries, visiting two of the following monasteries: St. Barbarians (nunnery) or St. Stephen's (nunnery), Big Meteora (nunnery), St. Nicholas (male monastery). Transfer to Igoumenitsa. Dinner. Departure by ferry to Corfu. Hotel accommodation.


Liturgy in the church of St. Spiridon of Trimifuntsky. Breakfast. Visit to the monument to the righteous admiral Theodor Ushakov at the fortress. Visiting shrines: the cathedral church of the Greek queen Theodora, where her St. relics, the temple of John the Baptist, the burial place of the Russian soldier, the temple of the Virgin of the Strangers, the temple of the apostles Jason and Sosipater, where their holy relics are kept. Moving to the town of Kanoni, visiting the church, where the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Blachernae resides. Departure to Paleokastritsa. Visit to an amazing paradise - Paleokastritsa monastery. Free time for rest. Return by ferry to Igoumenitsa. Dinner. Departure for Bari (Italy) at 24:00.


Breakfast is not provided (optional on board). Arrival in Bari. Reading the Akathist of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the basilica where his holy relics are located. Dinner. Visit to the Russian Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. In the evening, sail to Patras (Peloponnese, Greece). Dinner is not provided (optional on board).

6th day. 29/03 PATRAS - MEGA SPILION - EUBEA

Arrival in Patras (12:30). Breakfast is not provided (optional on board). Visit to the cathedral church of the city, where the relics of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called and part of the cross on which he was crucified are kept. Here, in the crypt, is the holy spring of the Apostle Andrew. Dinner. On the way to Athens (without entering the city), which runs along the Corinthian Gulf of the Ionian Sea, visit the monastery of Mega Spileon (Great Cave), where the miraculous wax icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is kept in a silver ark, called the Great Cave, the creation of the Apostle Luke. There is also a large collection of St. relics of the saints of God. Moving to about. Euboea. Late arrival and hotel accommodation. Dinner is not provided.

7th day. 30/03 EVIA - THESSALONIKI

Liturgy in the church of St. John the Russian. Breakfast. Visit to the monastery of St. David of Euboea, where the honest chapter of St. Basil the Great and the honest head of the founder of the monastery, here is the grave of the Monk Jacob of Euboea and his cell. Departure by ferry to the mainland. Transfer to Thessaloniki. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.


Breakfast or dry rations. If time permits, a visit to the monastery of John the Theologian, where the grave of Elder Paisius the Holy Mountain is located and St. relics of Arseny of Cappadocia. Departure to the airport. Departure.

The tour price includes:

all transfers according to the program on a comfortable bus, accommodation in hotels cat. C, B, meals according to the program, excursions and services of an Orthodox Russian-speaking guide, tickets for the ferry Igoumenitsa - Corfu - Igoumenitsa, ferry Igoumenitsa - Bari - Patras: 4-seater internal cabin, ferry Evia - mainland.

The tour price does not include:

visa, insurance, air travel, visa, insurance, air travel, state tax, which is paid by the guest at the hotel upon check-in (from about 10 euros depending on the type of hotel accommodation)

At extra charge:

entrance tickets to the monasteries of Meteor (total 9 €, 3 € - each monastery), fee to the Basilica of St. Nicholas in Bari (1 €).


The group, in addition to a guide with a theological education, is accompanied by a Russian-speaking priest along the entire route.

The pilgrimage center "SALUN" reserves the right to change the sequence of visits to the Shrines provided for in the program.

If there is a shortage of the group (the group consists of at least 23 people), the next arrival date is offered to the pilgrims.

After the end of the program or before it starts, men can visit Holy Mount Athos for an additional fee.

  • Check-in: 13/12 - 18/12/19
  • 6 days / 5 nights

1 day. TBILISI

2nd day. TBILISI


Breakfast. Departure to the airport. Departure.

The tour price includes:

The tour price does not include:

insurance, air travel

At extra charge:

At extra charge:


The pilgrimage center "SALUN" reserves the right to change the sequence of visits to the Shrines provided for in the program.

  • Check-in: 22/11 -29/11/19
  • 8 days / 7 nights

1 day. TBILISI

Meeting at the airport of Tbilisi. Transfer to the hotel. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

  • Russian Church of St. Alexander Nevsky, where the grave of Vladyka Zinovy, one of the last Glinsky elders, glorified in the face of saints, is located. At the temple, a cell was preserved where he lived in last years and received an endless stream of spiritual children and pilgrims. Fr Vitaly, a spirit-bearing elder known in the Orthodox world, is also buried here.
  • Mount Mtatsminda, from where a magnificent view of the city and its surroundings opens. Visit to the temple of St. David of Gareja, built on the site of the cave in which the saint ascended.

  • Metekhi temple, built in the XII century. Here is the burial place of the first Georgian martyr - Shushanik, Queen of Ranskaya (5th century);
  • Sameba - Cathedral of the Holy Trinity - the main cathedral of the Georgian Orthodox Church, located on the hill of St. the prophet Elijah. There are 13 thrones in the cathedral, the lower temple is in honor of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos; there is a belfry separately. The height of the upper temple is 105.5 meters. The cathedral houses the cathedral of His Holiness and Beatitude Patriarch-Catholicos of All Georgia, Archbishop of Mtskheta and Tbilisi - Primate of the Georgian Church Ilia II;


Breakfast. Departure to the airport. Departure.

The tour price includes:

The tour price does not include:

insurance, air travel

At extra charge:


The pilgrimage center "SALUN" reserves the right to change the sequence of visits to the Shrines provided for in the program.

  • Check-in: 3/11 - 8/11/19
  • 6 days / 5 nights

1 day. TBILISI

Meeting at the airport of Tbilisi. Transfer to the hotel. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

2nd day. TBILISI

Breakfast. Excursion around the capital of Georgia. Visiting temples of the most important spiritual and historical significance:

  • Sameba - Cathedral of the Holy Trinity - the main cathedral of the Georgian Orthodox Church, located on the hill of St. the prophet Elijah. There are 13 thrones in the cathedral, the lower temple is in honor of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos; there is a belfry separately. The height of the upper temple is 105.5 meters. The cathedral houses the cathedral of His Holiness and Beatitude Patriarch-Catholicos of All Georgia, Archbishop of Mtskheta and Tbilisi - Primate of the Georgian Church Ilia II;
  • Metekhi temple, built in the XII century. Here is the burial place of the first Georgian martyr - Shushanik, Queen of Ranskaya (5th century);
  • Sioni is the main temple of Tbilisi, named in honor of Mount Zion in Jerusalem and consecrated in honor of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos. The main shrine of the cathedral is the cross of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, the enlightener of Georgia, made of grapevine and tied with the hair of a saint.
  • Anchiskhati is the oldest temple in the city (VI century), which was consecrated in honor of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, and became famous as the keeper of the miraculous icon of the Savior.
  • Russian Church of St. Alexander Nevsky, where the grave of Vladyka Zinovy, one of the last Glinsky elders, glorified in the face of saints, is located. A cell was preserved at the temple, where he lived in recent years and received an endless stream of spiritual children and pilgrims. Fr Vitaly, a spirit-bearing elder known in the Orthodox world, is also buried here.
  • Mount Mtatsminda, from where a magnificent view of the city and its surroundings opens. Visit to the temple of St. David of Gareja, built on the site of the cave in which the saint ascended.

At the request of the group and for an additional fee, a visit to the golden fund of the Museum of Art, where ancient miraculous icons are kept. Dinner.


Meeting in the lobby of the hotel with the guide of the Orthodox pilgrimage center SALUN. At 8:30 am departure from Tbilisi in the northwest direction towards the ancient capital of Georgia Mtskheta. Visit to the Samtavro nunnery, founded in the 4th century by King Mirian on the site in the royal garden where Saint Nina lived. Many shrines are kept in this monastery: a part of the Life-Giving Pillar, a copy of the miraculous Iveron Icon of the Mother of God, the miraculous icon of St. Nina. There are also the graves of the holy kings Mirian and Nana, the relics of Saint Shio of Mgvim, as well as a shrine with the relics of Elder Gabriel, newly glorified in the face of saints. Festive Liturgy in honor of St. Gabriel. Breakfast. This is followed by a visit to the 11th century cathedral Svetitskhoveli (Life-Giving Pillar), dedicated to the Twelve Apostles. On this site, with the blessing of Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, Equal-to-the-Apostles King Mirian built the first Christian church in Georgia. A great shrine is kept in the temple - the Tunic of the Lord. In the right side-altar of the temple is the cloak of the prophet Elijah, dropped by him during his chariot ascension to Heaven. Visit to the active monastery Jvari (Cross), founded in the 6th century on the site where the first Cross was erected by Saint Nina, the enlightener of Georgia. Visit to the Shio Monastery. The first monastic community was founded here in the 6th century by one of the 13 Assyrian fathers, the monk Shio. The temple of the 6th century monastery is dedicated to St. John the Baptist. Return to Tbilisi. Dinner.


Breakfast. Departure to Martkopi. Visit to the monastery founded by Anthony Martkopsky, where his holy relics are buried. Departure to Kakheti. Transfer to the monastery complex of David Gareja, 60 km from Tbilisi. Gareji is a set of cave monasteries carved into the rocks, 25 km long. The first of these was founded by David of Gareja, one of the 13 Assyrian missionary fathers, in the first half of the 6th century. Return to Tbilisi. Dinner at the hotel.


Breakfast. Visit to the Khirsky monastery, founded in the 6th century. one of the Assyrian elders Stephen of Hirsky, where his holy relics rest. Transfer to the Bodbe convent (IV-XI centuries), where the grave of Nina Equal to the Apostles, the enlightener of Georgia is located. The monastery was founded by Mirian, the first Christian king of Georgia. In Bodbe there is a holy spring that appeared at the place where St. Nina prayed. Pilgrims have the opportunity to swim in the holy spring. Near the monastery there is a picturesque town associated with the famous artist Pirosmani, which we will also visit. Transfer and visit to the Ninotsminda convent. At this place, St. Nina. Return to Tbilisi. Dinner.


Breakfast. Departure to the airport. Departure.

The tour price includes:

transport service; Orthodox guide; meals based on breakfasts and dinners, including national Georgian cuisine, national music and dance program during one of the dinners;

The tour price does not include:

insurance, air travel

At extra charge:

At extra charge:

tickets: cable car in Tbilisi ($ 1), entrance tickets to the Golden Fountain of the Museum of Art ($ 7)


The pilgrimage center "SALUN" reserves the right to change the sequence of visits to the Shrines provided for in the program.

  • Check-in: 18/10 - 24/10/19
  • 7 days / 6 nights

1 day. TBILISI

Meeting at the airport of Tbilisi. Transfer to the hotel. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.


Breakfast. Excursion around the capital of Georgia. Visiting shrines of the most important spiritual and historical significance:

  • Russian Church of St. Alexander Nevsky, where the grave of Vladyka Zinovy, one of the last Glinsky elders, glorified in the face of saints, is located. A cell was preserved at the temple, where he lived in recent years and received an endless stream of spiritual children and pilgrims. Fr Vitaly, a spirit-bearing elder known in the Orthodox world, is also buried here.
  • Mount Mtatsminda, from where a magnificent view of the city and its surroundings opens. Visit to the temple of St. David of Gareja, built on the site of the cave in which the saint ascended.

This is followed by a transfer to Kakheti, to the monastery complex of David Gareja, 60 km from Tbilisi. Gareji is a set of cave monasteries carved into the rocks, 25 km long. The first of them was founded by David of Gareja, one of the 13 Assyrian missionary fathers, in the first half of the 6th century.


Breakfast. Departure to Kakheti. Visit to the active nunnery of Bodbe (IV - XI centuries). Here is the grave of Nina Equal to the Apostles, the enlightener of Georgia. The monastery was founded by Mirian, the first Christian king of Georgia. In Bodbe there is a holy spring that appeared at the place where St. Nina prayed. Pilgrims have the opportunity to swim in the holy spring. Return to Tbilisi. Continuation of the visit to the shrines of the most important spiritual and historical significance:

  • Metekhi temple, built in the XII century. Here is the burial place of the first Georgian martyr - Shushanik, Queen of Ranskaya (5th century);
  • Sioni is the main temple of Tbilisi, named in honor of Mount Zion in Jerusalem and consecrated in honor of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos. The main shrine of the cathedral is the cross of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, the enlightener of Georgia, made of grapevine and tied with the hair of a saint.
  • Anchiskhati is the oldest temple in the city (VI century), which was consecrated in honor of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, and became famous as the keeper of the miraculous icon of the Savior.
  • Sameba - Cathedral of the Holy Trinity - the main cathedral of the Georgian Orthodox Church, located on the hill of St. the prophet Elijah. There are 13 thrones in the cathedral, the lower temple is in honor of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos; there is a belfry separately. The height of the upper temple is 105.5 meters. The cathedral houses the cathedral of His Holiness and Beatitude Patriarch-Catholicos of All Georgia, Archbishop of Mtskheta and Tbilisi - Primate of the Georgian Church Ilia II;

At the request of the group and for an additional fee, a visit to the golden fund of the Museum of Art, where ancient miraculous icons are kept. Dinner at the hotel.


Breakfast. Meeting in the lobby of the hotel with the guide of the Orthodox pilgrimage center SALUN. At 8:30 am departure from Tbilisi in the northwest direction towards the ancient capital of Georgia Mtskheta. Visit to the active monastery Jvari (Cross), founded in the 6th century on the site where the first Cross was erected by Saint Nina, the enlightener of Georgia. Moving to Mtskheta, visiting the 11th century cathedral Svetitskhoveli (Life-Giving Pillar), dedicated to the Twelve Apostles. On this place, with the blessing of Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, Equal-to-the-Apostles King Mirian built the first Christian church in Georgia. A great shrine is kept in the temple - the Tunic of the Lord. In the right side-altar of the temple is the cloak of the prophet Elijah, dropped by him during his chariot ascension to Heaven. Further - a visit to the Samtavro nunnery, founded in the 4th century by King Mirian on the site in the royal garden, where Saint Nina lived. Many shrines are kept in this monastery: a part of the Life-Giving Pillar, a copy of the miraculous Iveron Icon of the Mother of God, the miraculous icon of St. Nina. There are also the graves of the holy kings Mirian and Nana, the relics of Saint Shio of Mgvim, as well as a shrine with the relics of Elder Gabriel, newly glorified in the face of saints. Visit to the Shio Monastery. The first monastic community was founded here in the 6th century by one of the 13 Assyrian fathers, the monk Shio. The temple of the 6th century monastery is dedicated to St. John the Baptist. Return to Tbilisi. Dinner.


Breakfast. Transfer to the village of Kanda, where the monastery is located, where the service is held in the Aramaic language, in which the Lord Jesus Christ spoke. If possible - participation in divine services. This is followed by a transfer to the Samtavisi monastery, built in 1030 by the Samtavis Bishop Hilarion. Today it is a convent. Moving to the monastery of Ateni Sioni, VII century, where frescoes of the XI-XII centuries have been preserved. This is followed by a visit to two ancient temples with frescoes of the 6th - 11th centuries. in the ancient regions of Urbnisi and Ruisi. The relics of saints are kept in Urbnisi, among which is a particle of the relics of St. George the Victorious. In Ruisi, in the iconostasis of the temple, there are icons that from time to time begin to stream myrrh. Return to Tbilisi. Dinner.


Breakfast. Departure to Kakheti. Visit to the Shuamta monastery complex, which consists of two parts - the earlier one, dating back to the 7th century. and later, XVI century, founded by St. Queen Tina, who later took monastic vows in him. Visit to one of the highest temples of antiquity in the Akhmeta region of Kakheti. The Alaverdi monastery was built by the Assyrian fathers, namely Joseph of Alaverdi, who came here in the middle of the 6th century, built a temple, and asceticised here. He died in 570, and was buried here, in the temple. The cathedral was consecrated in honor of St. George the Victorious. Moving to Gremi, the former capital of Kakheti. Visit to the ancient fortress with the temple of the Holy Heavenly Forces. Tsar Levan, who built this temple, is buried on the territory of the fortress. The rest of this day will be devoted to acquaintance with Georgian traditions. In the Manor, in the autumn Sanavardo time, our pilgrims are waiting for the grape harvest. Further, they themselves will have the opportunity to suppress the harvested grapes in the old way. This is followed by training in the preparation of Georgian bread in special ovens TONE, training and cooking with your own hands khinkali and churchkhela (Georgian sweetness made from grape juice and nuts.). And everything will end with a traditional Georgian feast. If the pilgrimage falls on a time of the year when the grapes are not harvested, then the pilgrims will take part only in master classes. Return to Tbilisi. Dinner.


The tour price includes:

transport service; Orthodox guide; meals based on breakfasts and dinners, including national Georgian cuisine, national music and dance program during one of the dinners;

The tour price does not include:

insurance, air travel

At extra charge:

tickets: cable car to Tbilisi ($ 1)


The pilgrimage center "SALUN" reserves the right to change the sequence of visits to the Shrines provided for in the program.

  • Check In: ​​4/10 - 11/10/19
  • 8 days / 7 nights

1 day. TBILISI

Meeting at the airport of Tbilisi. Transfer to the hotel. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.


Breakfast. Excursion around the capital of Georgia. Visiting shrines of the most important spiritual and historical significance:

  • Russian Church of St. Alexander Nevsky, where the grave of Vladyka Zinovy, one of the last Glinsky elders, glorified in the face of saints, is located. A cell was preserved at the temple, where he lived in recent years and received an endless stream of spiritual children and pilgrims. Fr Vitaly, a spirit-bearing elder known in the Orthodox world, is also buried here.
  • Mount Mtatsminda, from where a magnificent view of the city and its surroundings opens. Visit to the temple of St. David of Gareja, built on the site of the cave in which the saint ascended.

This is followed by a transfer to Kakheti, to the monastery complex of David Gareja, 60 km from Tbilisi. Gareji is a set of cave monasteries carved into the rocks, 25 km long. The first of them was founded by David of Gareja, one of the 13 Assyrian missionary fathers, in the first half of the 6th century.


Breakfast. Departure to Kakheti. Visit to the active nunnery of Bodbe (IV - XI centuries). Here is the grave of Nina Equal to the Apostles, the enlightener of Georgia. The monastery was founded by Mirian, the first Christian king of Georgia. In Bodbe there is a holy spring that appeared at the place where St. Nina prayed. Pilgrims have the opportunity to swim in the holy spring. Return to Tbilisi. Continuation of the visit to the shrines of the most important spiritual and historical significance:

  • Metekhi temple, built in the XII century. Here is the burial place of the first Georgian martyr - Shushanik, Queen of Ranskaya (5th century);
  • Sioni is the main temple of Tbilisi, named in honor of Mount Zion in Jerusalem and consecrated in honor of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos. The main shrine of the cathedral is the cross of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, the enlightener of Georgia, made of grapevine and tied with the hair of a saint.
  • Anchiskhati is the oldest temple in the city (VI century), which was consecrated in honor of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, and became famous as the keeper of the miraculous icon of the Savior.
  • Sameba - Cathedral of the Holy Trinity - the main cathedral of the Georgian Orthodox Church, located on the hill of St. the prophet Elijah. There are 13 thrones in the cathedral, the lower temple is in honor of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos; there is a belfry separately. The height of the upper temple is 105.5 meters. The cathedral houses the cathedral of His Holiness and Beatitude Patriarch-Catholicos of All Georgia, Archbishop of Mtskheta and Tbilisi - Primate of the Georgian Church Ilia II;

At the request of the group and for an additional fee, a visit to the golden fund of the Museum of Art, where ancient miraculous icons are kept. Dinner at the hotel.


Breakfast. Meeting in the lobby of the hotel with the guide of the Orthodox pilgrimage center SALUN. At 8:30 am departure from Tbilisi in the northwest direction towards the ancient capital of Georgia Mtskheta. Visit to the active monastery Jvari (Cross), founded in the 6th century on the site where the first Cross was erected by Saint Nina, the enlightener of Georgia. Moving to Mtskheta, visiting the 11th century cathedral Svetitskhoveli (Life-Giving Pillar), dedicated to the Twelve Apostles. On this place, with the blessing of Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, Equal-to-the-Apostles King Mirian built the first Christian church in Georgia. A great shrine is kept in the temple - the Tunic of the Lord. In the right side-altar of the temple is the cloak of the prophet Elijah, dropped by him during his chariot ascension to Heaven. Further - a visit to the Samtavro nunnery, founded in the 4th century by King Mirian on the site in the royal garden, where Saint Nina lived. Many shrines are kept in this monastery: a copy of the miraculous Iberian icon of the Mother of God, the miraculous icon of St. Nina. There are also the graves of the holy kings Mirian and Nana, the relics of Saint Shio Mgvimsky, as well as a shrine with the relics of Elder Gabriel, newly glorified in the face of the saints. Visit to the Shio Monastery. The first monastic community was founded here in the 6th century by one of the 13 Assyrian fathers, the monk Shio. The temple of the 6th century monastery is dedicated to St. John the Baptist. Departure to Samtavisi monastery, built in 1030 by Bishop Hilarion of Samtavis. Today it is a convent. Transfer to the town of Borjomi, famous for the production of mineral water. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.


Breakfast. Visit to the city park with a mineral water source. Visit to Timotes Ubani Monastery, founded by St. Shalvoy in the XIII century. The monastery has preserved frescoes from the 13th century. Transfer to the monastery in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, called "Green Monastery". Transfer to the ancient stone city of Vardzia. The name of Queen Tamara, glorified among the saints, is associated with this cave city-fortress. Transfer to Akhaltsikhe. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.


Breakfast. Departure to the Zarzma monastery, founded by Serapion Zarzma. The bell tower of the X century has been preserved here, and the temple dates back to the XIV century. The monastery contains the incorruptible relics of an unknown saint, as well as an ossuary where the remains of monks are kept. On the way to Kutaisi, stop at the Ubisa monastery, where there is a 9th century Church of St. George the Victorious. It has preserved unique frescoes of Saints George and Damian of the 15th-16th centuries. The son of David the Builder, Demetrius, asceticised in this monastery, and Damian as monk. Transfer to Kutaisi. Inspection of the Bagrati temple, built in 1003 by King Bagrat III. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.


Breakfast. Visit to the Gelati Monastery - the burial vault of the royal dynasties, founded by David the builder. Transfer to Motsameta. Here, in the temple of the 8th century, the brothers martyrs Constantine and David, the princes of Aragvet, are buried. Visit to the Prometheus cave, which is located in the vicinity of the city of Kutaisi. It consists of 16 underground rooms with stalactites and stalagmites. Here, if you wish, you can take a boat ride on the underground river. Departure to Tbilisi. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.


Breakfast. Departure to the airport. Departure.

The tour price includes:

transport service; Orthodox guide; meals based on breakfasts and dinners, including national Georgian cuisine, national music and dance program during one of the dinners;

The tour price does not include:

insurance, air travel

At extra charge:

tickets: to Vardzia ($ 3), Rabat fortress ($ 3), Prometheus caves ($ 5), park in Borjomi ($ 1), cable car in Tbilisi ($ 1)


The pilgrimage center "SALUN" reserves the right to change the sequence of visits to the Shrines provided for in the program.

  • Check-in: 20/09 - 27/09/19
  • 8 days / 7 nights

1 day. TBILISI

Meeting at the airport of Tbilisi. Transfer to the hotel. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

2nd day. TBILISI

Liturgy in one of the churches in Tbilisi. Breakfast with dry rations. This is followed by an introductory tour of the capital of Georgia. Visiting temples of the most important spiritual and historical significance:

  • Sameba - Cathedral of the Holy Trinity - the main cathedral of the Georgian Orthodox Church, located on the hill of St. the prophet Elijah. There are 13 thrones in the cathedral, the lower temple is in honor of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos; there is a belfry separately. The height of the upper temple is 105.5 meters. The cathedral houses the cathedral of His Holiness and Beatitude Patriarch-Catholicos of All Georgia, Archbishop of Mtskheta and Tbilisi - Primate of the Georgian Church Ilia II;
  • Metekhi temple, built in the XII century. Here is the burial place of the first Georgian martyr - Shushanik, Queen of Ranskaya (5th century);
  • Sioni is the main temple of Tbilisi, named in honor of Mount Zion in Jerusalem and consecrated in honor of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos. The main shrine of the cathedral is the cross of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, the enlightener of Georgia, made of grapevine and tied with the hair of a saint.
  • Anchiskhati is the oldest temple in the city (VI century), which was consecrated in honor of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, and became famous as the keeper of the miraculous icon of the Savior.
  • Russian Church of St. Alexander Nevsky, where the grave of Vladyka Zinovy, one of the last Glinsky elders, glorified in the face of saints, is located. A cell was preserved at the temple, where he lived in recent years and received an endless stream of spiritual children and pilgrims. Fr Vitaly, a spirit-bearing elder known in the Orthodox world, is also buried here.
  • Mount Mtatsminda, from where a magnificent view of the city and its surroundings opens. Visit to the temple of St. David of Gareja, built on the site of the cave in which the saint ascended.

At the request of the group and for an additional fee, a visit to the golden fund of the Museum of Art, where ancient miraculous icons are kept. Dinner.


Breakfast. Meeting in the lobby of the hotel with the guide of the Orthodox pilgrimage center SALUN. At 8:30 am departure from Tbilisi in the northwest direction towards the ancient capital of Georgia Mtskheta. Visit to the active monastery Jvari (Cross), founded in the 6th century on the site where the first Cross was erected by Saint Nina, the enlightener of Georgia. Moving to Mtskheta, visiting the 11th century cathedral Svetitskhoveli (Life-Giving Pillar), dedicated to the Twelve Apostles. On this place, with the blessing of Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, Equal-to-the-Apostles King Mirian built the first Christian church in Georgia. A great shrine is kept in the temple - the Chiton of the Lord. In the right side-altar of the temple is the cloak of the prophet Elijah, dropped by him during his chariot ascension to Heaven. Further - a visit to the Samtavro nunnery, founded in the 4th century by King Mirian on the site in the royal garden, where Saint Nina lived. Many shrines are kept in this monastery: a part of the Life-Giving Pillar, a copy of the miraculous Iveron Icon of the Mother of God, the miraculous icon of St. Nina. There are also the graves of the holy kings Mirian and Nana, the relics of Saint Shio Mgvimsky, as well as a shrine with the relics of Elder Gabriel, newly glorified in the face of the saints. Visit to the Shio Monastery. The first monastic community was founded here in the 6th century by one of the 13 Assyrian fathers, the monk Shio. The temple of the 6th century monastery is dedicated to St. John the Baptist. Departure to Samtavisi monastery, built in 1030 by Bishop Hilarion of Samtavis. Today it is a convent. Return to Tbilisi. Dinner.


Breakfast. Departure to Kakheti. Visit to the convent of Ninotsminda. At this place, St. Nina. Transfer to the Bodbe convent (IV-XI centuries), where the grave of Nina Equal to the Apostles, the enlightener of Georgia, is located. The monastery was founded by Mirian, the first Christian king of Georgia. In Bodbe there is a holy spring that appeared at the place where St. Nina prayed. Pilgrims have the opportunity to swim in the holy spring. Near the monastery there is a picturesque town associated with the famous artist Pirosmani, which we will also visit. And at the end of this pilgrimage day, a visit to the Khirsky monastery, founded in the 6th century. one of the Assyrian elders Stephen of Hirsky, where his holy relics rest. Return to Tbilisi. Dinner.


Breakfast. Departure to the north-east of Georgia. On the way, visit the ancient fortress Ananuri, then the picturesque Zhinvali reservoir follows. Pilgrims will have the opportunity to see an amazing natural phenomenon, the merging of the white and black Aragvi into one river. Arrival to Kazbegi, which is located in the alpine zone. Here we will visit a nunnery called Gergeti Trinity in the Khevi region. Return to Tbilisi. Dinner.


Breakfast. Departure to the southeast of Georgia. Visit to the Shavnabad Monastery, dedicated to the Great Martyr. George the Victorious, founded in the 18th century. on the site of an ancient church. Moving to Bolnisi. Visit to the most ancient cathedral of the 5th century, called Bolnian Zion. Moving to Dmanisi region, visiting another ancient temple - Dmanisi Zion. On the territory of the ancient fortress, the remains of the most ancient people on earth were found - men and women. Scientists named them Mzia and Mzezwa. Return to Tbilisi. Dinner.


Breakfast. Departure to Martkopi. Visit to the monastery founded by Anthony Martkopsky, where his holy relics are buried. Transfer to the monastery complex of David Gareja, 60 km from Tbilisi. Gareji is a set of cave monasteries carved into the rocks, 25 km long. The first of these was founded by David of Gareja, one of the 13 Assyrian missionary fathers, in the first half of the 6th century. Return to Tbilisi. Dinner at the hotel.


Breakfast. Free time in Tbilisi. Departure to the airport. Departure.

The tour price includes:

transport service; Orthodox guide; meals based on breakfasts and dinners, including national Georgian cuisine, national music and dance program during one of the dinners

The tour price does not include:

insurance, air travel

At extra charge:

tickets: cable car to Tbilisi ($ 1), SUVs ($ 5)


The pilgrimage center "SALUN" reserves the right to change the sequence of visits to the Shrines provided for in the program.

  • Check-in: 6/09 -11/09/19
  • 6 days / 5 nights

1 day. TBILISI

Meeting at the airport of Tbilisi. Transfer to the hotel. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.

2nd day. TBILISI

Breakfast. Excursion around the capital of Georgia. Visiting temples of the most important spiritual and historical significance:

  • Sameba - Cathedral of the Holy Trinity - the main cathedral of the Georgian Orthodox Church, located on the hill of St. the prophet Elijah. There are 13 thrones in the cathedral, the lower temple is in honor of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos; there is a belfry separately. The height of the upper temple is 105.5 meters. The cathedral houses the cathedral of His Holiness and Beatitude Patriarch-Catholicos of All Georgia, Archbishop of Mtskheta and Tbilisi - Primate of the Georgian Church Ilia II;
  • Metekhi temple, built in the XII century. Here is the burial place of the first Georgian martyr - Shushanik, Queen of Ranskaya (5th century);
  • Sioni is the main temple of Tbilisi, named in honor of Mount Zion in Jerusalem and consecrated in honor of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos. The main shrine of the cathedral is the cross of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, the enlightener of Georgia, made of grapevine and tied with the hair of a saint.
  • Anchiskhati is the oldest temple in the city (VI century), which was consecrated in honor of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, and became famous as the keeper of the miraculous icon of the Savior.

At the request of the group and for an additional fee, a visit to the golden fund of the Museum of Art, where ancient miraculous icons are kept. Dinner.


Breakfast. Meeting in the lobby of the hotel with the guide of the Orthodox pilgrimage center SALUN. At 8:30 am departure from Tbilisi in the northwest direction towards the ancient capital of Georgia Mtskheta. Visit to the active monastery Jvari (Cross), founded in the 6th century on the site where the first Cross was erected by Saint Nina, the enlightener of Georgia. Moving to Mtskheta, visiting the convent of Antioch, where the temple of the IV-V centuries has been preserved. At this place, at the confluence of the Aragva and Kura rivers, the Baptism of the people of Georgia took place. Visit to the 11th century cathedral Svetitskhoveli (Life-Giving Pillar), dedicated to the Twelve Apostles. On this place, with the blessing of Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, Equal-to-the-Apostles King Mirian built the first Christian church in Georgia. A great shrine is kept in the temple - the Tunic of the Lord. In the right side-altar of the temple is the cloak of the prophet Elijah, dropped by him during his chariot ascension to Heaven. Further - a visit to the Samtavro nunnery, founded in the 4th century by King Mirian on the site in the royal garden, where Saint Nina lived. Many shrines are kept in this monastery: a part of the Life-Giving Pillar, a copy of the miraculous Iveron Icon of the Mother of God, the miraculous icon of St. Nina. There are also the graves of the holy kings Mirian and Nana, the relics of Saint Shio Mgvimsky, as well as a shrine with the relics of Elder Gabriel, newly glorified in the face of the saints. Visit to the Shio Monastery. The first monastic community was founded here in the 6th century by one of the 13 Assyrian fathers, the monk Shio. The temple of the 6th century monastery is dedicated to St. John the Baptist. Departure to Samtavisi monastery, built in 1030 by Bishop Hilarion of Samtavis. Today it is a convent. Return to Tbilisi. Dinner.


Breakfast. Departure to Kakheti. Visit to the active nunnery of Bodbe (IV - XI centuries). Here is the grave of Nina Equal to the Apostles, the enlightener of Georgia. The monastery was founded by Mirian, the first Christian king of Georgia. In Bodbe there is a holy spring that appeared at the place where St. Nina prayed. Pilgrims have the opportunity to swim in the holy spring. Return to Tbilisi. Free time. Dinner.


Breakfast. We continue our acquaintance with the shrines of Tbilisi:

  • Russian Church of St. Alexander Nevsky, where the grave of Vladyka Zinovy, one of the last Glinsky elders, glorified in the face of saints, is located. A cell was preserved at the temple, where he lived in recent years and received an endless stream of spiritual children and pilgrims. Fr Vitaly, a spirit-bearing elder known in the Orthodox world, is also buried here.
  • Mount Mtatsminda, from where a magnificent view of the city and its surroundings opens. Visit to the temple of St. David of Gareja, built on the site of the cave in which the saint ascended.

This is followed by a drive to the monastery complex of David Gareja, 60 km from Tbilisi. Gareji is a set of cave monasteries carved into the rocks, 25 km long. The first of these was founded by David of Gareja, one of the 13 Assyrian missionary fathers, in the first half of the 6th century. Return to the hotel. Dinner.


Breakfast. Departure to the airport. Departure.

The tour price includes:

transport service; Orthodox guide; meals based on breakfasts and dinners, including national Georgian cuisine, national music and dance program during one of the dinners;

The tour price does not include:

insurance, air travel

At extra charge:

At extra charge:

tickets: cable car in Tbilisi ($ 1), entrance tickets to the Golden Fountain of the Museum of Art ($ 7)


The pilgrimage center "SALUN" reserves the right to change the sequence of visits to the Shrines provided for in the program.

  • Check-in: 23/08 - 3/09/19
  • 12 days / 11 nights

1 day. TBILISI

Meeting at the airport of Tbilisi. Transfer to the hotel. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.


Breakfast. Excursion around the capital of Georgia. Visiting shrines of the most important spiritual and historical significance:

  • Russian Church of St. Alexander Nevsky, where the grave of Vladyka Zinovy, one of the last Glinsky elders, glorified in the face of saints, is located. A cell was preserved at the temple, where he lived in recent years and received an endless stream of spiritual children and pilgrims. Fr Vitaly, a spirit-bearing elder known in the Orthodox world, is also buried here.
  • Mount Mtatsminda, from where a magnificent view of the city and its surroundings opens. Visit to the temple of St. David of Gareja, built on the site of the cave in which the saint ascended.

This is followed by a transfer to Kakheti, to the monastery complex of David Gareja, 60 km from Tbilisi. Gareji is a set of cave monasteries carved into the rocks, 25 km long. The first of them was founded by David of Gareja, one of the 13 Assyrian missionary fathers, in the first half of the 6th century.


Breakfast. Departure to Kakheti. Visit to the active nunnery of Bodbe (IV-XI centuries). Here is the grave of Nina Equal-to-the-Apostles, the enlightener of Georgia. The monastery was founded by Mirian, the first Christian king of Georgia. In Bodbe there is a holy spring that appeared at the place where St. Nina prayed. Pilgrims have the opportunity to swim in the holy spring. Return to Tbilisi. Continuation of the visit to the shrines of the most important spiritual and historical significance:

  • Metekhi temple, built in the XII century. Here is the burial place of the first Georgian martyr - Shushanik, Queen of Ranskaya (5th century);
  • Sioni is the main temple of Tbilisi, named after Mount Zion in Jerusalem and consecrated in honor of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. The main shrine of the cathedral is the cross of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, the enlightener of Georgia, made of grapevine and tied with the hair of a saint.
  • Anchiskhati is the oldest temple in the city (VI century), which was consecrated in honor of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, and became famous as the keeper of the miraculous icon of the Savior.
  • Sameba - Cathedral of the Holy Trinity - the main cathedral of the Georgian Orthodox Church, located on the hill of St. the prophet Elijah. There are 13 thrones in the cathedral, the lower church is in honor of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos; there is a belfry separately. The height of the upper temple is 105.5 meters. The cathedral houses the cathedral of His Holiness and Beatitude Patriarch-Catholicos of All Georgia, Archbishop of Mtskheta and Tbilisi - Primate of the Georgian Church Ilia II;

At the request of the group and for an additional fee, a visit to the golden fund of the Museum of Art, where ancient miraculous icons are kept. Dinner at the hotel.


Breakfast. Meeting in the lobby of the hotel with the guide of the Orthodox pilgrimage center SALUN. At 8:30 am departure from Tbilisi in the northwest direction towards the ancient capital of Georgia Mtskheta. Visit to the active monastery Jvari (Cross), founded in the 6th century on the site where the first Cross was erected by Saint Nina, the enlightener of Georgia. Moving to Mtskheta, visiting the convent of Antioch, where the temple of the IV-V centuries has been preserved. At this place, at the confluence of the Aragva and Kura rivers, the Baptism of the people of Georgia took place. Visit to the 11th century cathedral Svetitskhoveli (Life-Giving Pillar), dedicated to the Twelve Apostles. On this place, with the blessing of Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, Equal-to-the-Apostles King Mirian built the first Christian church in Georgia. A great shrine is kept in the temple - the Tunic of the Lord. In the right side-altar of the temple is the cloak of the prophet Elijah, dropped by him during his chariot ascension to Heaven. Further - a visit to the Samtavro nunnery, founded in the 4th century by King Mirian on the site in the royal garden, where Saint Nina lived. Many shrines are kept in this monastery: a copy of the miraculous Iberian icon of the Mother of God, the miraculous icon of St. Nina. There are also the graves of the holy kings Mirian and Nana, the relics of Saint Shio of Mgvim, as well as a shrine with the relics of Elder Gabriel, newly glorified in the face of saints. Visit to the Shio Monastery. The first monastic community was founded here in the 6th century by one of the 13 Assyrian fathers, the monk Shio. The temple of the 6th century monastery is dedicated to St. John the Baptist. Departure to Samtavisi monastery, built in 1030 by Bishop Hilarion of Samtavis. Today it is a convent. Transfer to the town of Borjomi, famous for the production of mineral water. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.


Breakfast. Visit to the city park with a mineral water source. Visit to Timotes Ubani Monastery, founded by St. Shalvoy in the XIII century. The monastery has preserved frescoes from the 13th century. Transfer to the ancient stone city of Vardzia. The name of Queen Tamara, glorified among the saints, is associated with this cave city-fortress. Transfer to the monastery in honor of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, called the "Green Monastery". Transfer to Akhaltsikhe. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.


Breakfast. Visit to the 13th century Rabat fortress. This amazing, majestic monument of history, restored several years ago, contains a museum, a palace, an Orthodox church, a mosque, and small shops, as well as fountains, swimming pools and other structures. Departure to the Zarzma monastery, founded by Serapion Zarzma. The bell tower of the X century has been preserved here, and the temple dates back to the XIV century. The monastery contains the incorruptible relics of an unknown saint, as well as an ossuary where the remains of monks are kept. Transfer to Kutaisi. Inspection of the Bagrati temple, built in 1003 by King Bagrat III. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.


Breakfast. Visit to the Gelati Monastery - the burial vault of the royal dynasties, founded by David the builder. Transfer to Motsameta. Here, in the temple of the 8th century, the brothers martyrs Constantine and David, the princes of Aragvet, are buried. Visit to the Prometheus cave, which is located in the vicinity of the city of Kutaisi. It consists of 16 underground rooms with stalactites and stalagmites. Here, if you wish, you can take a boat ride on the underground river. Departure to Ureki. Hotel accommodation. Dinner.


Breakfast. Transfer to Batumi. Visit to the Greek Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in 1865, where the service is currently conducted in two languages: Russian and Georgian. Next, visit the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built as a Roman Catholic at the end of the 19th century. Today it is an Orthodox church. Moving to a picturesque place with the majestic Makhuntseti waterfall, next to a beautiful bridge built in the XII century. Queen Tamara herself. According to legend, the relics of St. Evangelist Matthias, chosen instead of Judas. Moving higher into the mountains to visit the Church of St. Andrew the First-Called, built, according to legend, at the place where the apostle erected the cross during his visit to Georgia. Return to the hotel. Dinner.


Breakfast. Vacation at sea with magnetic sands. Ureki is a special place, it is a resort with black sand, which has special healing properties. The town of Ureki is located about an hour's drive from Batumi.It is rightfully called one of the most popular Black Sea resorts in Georgia. Black sand creates a magnetic field here, which heals the body in case of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, in case of injuries, has anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect. Magnetotherapy is recommended for nervous diseases, rickets and cerebral palsy, but it also has contraindications. Therefore, before traveling to Ureki, it is worth consulting a doctor.



Breakfast. Vacation at sea with magnetic sands. Dinner.


Breakfast. Transfer to Batumi, to the airport. Departure.

COST OF THE PROGRAM per person (in $)

Group Double room Triple room Single room

8 people 665 645 885

The tour price includes:

transport service; Orthodox guide; meals based on breakfasts and dinners, including national Georgian cuisine, national music and dance program during one of the dinners

The tour price does not include:

insurance, air travel

At extra charge:

tickets: to Vardzia ($ 3), Rabat fortress ($ 3), Prometheus caves ($ 5), park in Borjomi ($ 1), cable car in Tbilisi ($ 1)


The pilgrimage center "SALUN" reserves the right to change the sequence of visits to the Shrines provided for in the program.