Where sits Patriarch Kirill. His Holiness Patriarch Kirill

Where sits Patriarch Kirill. His Holiness Patriarch Kirill
Where sits Patriarch Kirill. His Holiness Patriarch Kirill

Patriarch Kirill - the main figure of the Russian Orthodox Church today. For details of his biography and life, we learned from the press secretary - Alexander's deacon.

5 years of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church is the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill.
There are many positions about his extensive social activities, many, but private life from foreign eyes is hidden. For the first time, the curtain of secrets only for readers "AIF" agreed to open the head of the Patriarch press service.

God allocated

Julia Tutin, "AIF": Father Alexander, say, all the great people sleep. And what is the routine of the day at the Patriarch?

Alexander Volkov:For decades of hard work in the church, always being in the absolute lack of time, the patriarch has developed a hard work schedule. And now we, the people who surround it, find out in the same constant, almost unbearable insanity. His Holiness appreciates every minute and therefore it tries to optimize its time, filling all the free intervals. In the working residence in Moscow, in a pure alley, there is a small old garden for the main building, where he in recent months on the recommendation of the doctors took string for the habit. So I have never seen him there alone! He always causes someone from the staff of the Patriarchate. At the exit to this kindergarten now even hanging a duty jacket for people with whom it strives. All this situation is the projection of the thought, which he often repeats others: God is allocated to us a specific period of time in order to have something to do something to change the spiritual state in society. This time is not limitless, so we should squeeze the maximum number of cases every day, which would benefit the church and society.

- So how much does he get up?

- At about 7 am. Then prayer, breakfast, departure to work or in the temple. In the working residence, he usually comes to 10 hours, and worship begins earlier. Then meetings, work with documents until late evening. If I leave home in Peredelkino at 9 pm, it will definitely takes a kip of documents with you - it works after dinner. Goes to bed every day deep over midnight. Doctors recommend changing the mode, but he considers it is not possible. From healthy events - already mentioned walks, as well as not very regular, but fairly intensive physical exertion. For a clergyman, the first place of rest is a worship service. Orthodox worship is generally complicated physically, and the Patriarch is even more so. It is always solemn, very emotionally tense. But I have not yet been convinced that it is how it gives the Patriarch of Power. If it so develops that the patriarch does not have the ability to perform for a week worship, then after a break during the service is simply transformed, youth for several years.

- And on Sunday works? But it is impossible to canons?!

"Certainly, Sunday is the day of the Lord." On this day, the patriarch for the most part makes worship. On Sunday, never, with the exception of some extraordinary circumstances, meetings are not appointed. But at the same time, he is still forced to work with documents at home.

Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia prays in the church of the Merry Coffin in Jerusalem. Photo: Patriarch Patriarch Moscow and All Russia

Gift preacher

- Does he delve detail in detail in all the papers that sign?

- Yes, he is very closely suitable for any printed Word, which comes from him, because he understands the responsibility that is behind all these texts. After all, each text is in any case the appeal to a particular person. In this appeal, there can be no formalities, and a person should not have the impression that this paper prepared by the referents to which the signatory did not attach personal participation. I must say that my main, large public texts and especially sermons he prepares himself. He is one of the few people who can speak well on a piece of paper. Patriarch has an exceptional preacher talent. But his personal pre-work is behind each performance.

- It seems secular people that the head of the church is primarily a business position - so many cases, parishes, meetings. Is not it so?

- Prayer is in the first place for any Christian, and in this, any priest is designed to be an example for people, and the charter of the Church, of course, first of all. After all, this is the key to the fact that the church does not turn into an intercontinental corporation of the type of religious "Gazprom". It must be understood: everything that the church makes the organizational, administrative, economic fields of life is only so that every person can come to the temple and, if possible to live in accordance with the Gospel.

- Does Patriarch have relatives, family, what kind of relationships are they connecting?

- Yes, Patriarch has relatives in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Saransk. When the Patriarch was in Mordovia, he met with very long relatives in the house where his grandfather lived. He refers to his relatives very humanly, supports and retains family relationships, never distancing.

In Krymsk soon after the flood. Conversation with locals. Photo: Patriarch Patriarch Moscow and All Russia

Friends as a victim

- And friends?

"Patriarch, and he himself spoke about it more than once, there can be no friends in the sense that the chapter of the church needs to be with the surrounding on the same, equal distance, in order to prevent pressure attempts. And in this sense, of course, this is the Patriarch cross. He sacrificed the sake of the Blag of the Church with his personal interests, attachments, communication habits. There are really no approximate people around him who might praise the status of "Patriarch".

- And outside the church?

- Same. First of all, because in general the relationship between the head of the Church with the secular community in general and with some specific people in particular - it is always very big responsibility. Although, of course, this does not cancel the fact that the Patriarch has many good and good acquaintances with whom he for decades is supported by a warm relationship. They come to congratulate it with personal dates, with the holidays, attend worship, and he is always very happy to them, communicating with pleasure, asks for life, and then he says goodbye to him, after which they most often do not see for a long time.

- Who is the confessor from the Patriarch?

Optina old man EliWith whom he studied together at the Great Academy in St. Petersburg. Father Eli - an objectively recognized by the Orthodox Church, a man, a person who listens to thousands of people listen to. To communicate, the confession is going from all over Russia, from other countries. 5 years ago, after intronization, Patriarch Kirill asked him to move from the optical desert to Peredelkino. Since then, Father Eli lives in the patriarchal residence. There is a separate house for a small monastic community. There's father or dwells. Since it is very famous, then visitors come to him - ordinary people - for advice. He constantly accepts, is completely available and at the same time he is the confessor of the Patriarch. From my point of view, such a public presence of a spiritual father is a testimony of certain life priorities. This shows: the spiritual component in life for the patriarch is the main one. Not administrative functions, not some diplomatic relationships, although it is necessary. But beside him there is not his press secretary, but his confessor.

Optina old man Eli - the patriarch's confessor. Photo: Patriarch Patriarch Moscow and All Russia

- People have an opinion: Patriarch is the spiritual father of President Putin. I understand that this can not be, but is the patriarch in general someone's confessor?

- These are things that lie in his private life, so I can't say anything here.

- Does he have any hobbies - books, theater?

- He loves classical music - I can list Baha, Beethoven, Rachmaninova.

He usually listens to music when it works, takes some important solutions. It is, of course, he loves, like any intelligent person, but he has very little time in order to go to free reading. Hundreds of pages of documents daily need to read. It is clear that by the end of the day, probably, you just feel easy hostility to the letters of the alphabet. But from domestic authors he loves Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Leskov. With some degree of regularity, he visits musical productions, conservatory, sometimes - Moscow theaters. Recently was at one of the models of Mkat named after Gorky to congratulate the anniversary Tatyana Doronin.

- And the movie?

- Public in cinemas does not go, but several times went to the preclasses of films directly related to the church.

- TV looks?

- News programs - often, and it is clear that this is an area associated directly with his work. He must, so let's say, be aware.

Native fenats

- How does Patriarch spend a vacation?

- Vacation, like weekends, in the usual worldly understanding he does not happen. 15-20 days of rest are recruited, which it usually distributes by months and spends this time in solitude.

- Did you go abroad to rest?

- Rides official visits. During these five years, several times went abroad for treatment.

- What places in Russia are especially close?

- He loves his native St. Petersburg, Valaam, as well as Smolensk and Kaliningrad, where he comes around once a year, because it is the manager of the local diocese so far, also visits the spiritual and administrative center of the Russian Orthodox Church in the south of Russia.

Chef Primer

- What does Patriarch love and who is preparing?

- He is completely not published in a meal, loves simple food. He also likes to try the national cuisine that he does, visiting foreign countries. It is clear that because he makes worship, conducts events in a variety of places, on the part of the assistants of the Patriarch to eating the attitude attentive. Especially since various official techniques and protocol dinners with high guests are often held. Therefore, it was decided that in the Patriarchate there should be a permanent chef. He is not a monk, a professional of his business, prepares the right from the point of view of Orthodox traditions and canons.

- Can Patriarch can afford to drink a glass?

- If you need to support the toast, it usually raises a glass of white wine. Maybe in some situation and streaming to drink - in Japan, he was treated to Sake, in Greece, on Athos, - Anisian tincture of the Uzo. In the spirit of the Orthodox tradition, does not offend in such cases those who provide hospitality.

Taste to Starne

- Patriarch - Monk. He, in principle, should not be his property. But are there any things that deliver him joy?

- Patriarch, as a person, brought up in the St. Petersburg environment, has a very good taste, understands painting and architecture. By visiting those or other dioceses, carefully evaluates new construction and especially the decoration of churches. Chambered Novodel hurts his artistic feeling. But it is very pleased when people carefully retain genuine and old.

- What is the patriarch mobile phone?

- I will not say exactly - the most ordinary, definitely not an iPhone. He almost does not use mobile, refers to it with some removal, but with understanding the need to use. He was given tablets and laptops several times, but somehow he was not inclined to use them. He loves to write by hand, he always has a notebook with him.

- But he knows how to work on the computer, go online?

- Of course, he has a computer in the office, and he, when necessary, enjoys it. But, of course, he does not respond to e-mail and does not fill its account in Facebook. Thank God, the competent people are engaged in this, and he spends his time on objectively more important things. Thus, by the way, and we all consumes an example.

- What is the Patriarch car?

- For five years, he used two cars patriarch Alexywhich are already 12 years old. Now the Holy Piece moves on the transport provided by a special purpose garage.

Where to rush

- And nothing collects? Books?

"I don't know how much they collect, but he loves old books, especially theological literature." When he is given to rare pre-revolutionary editions of church authors, he accepts them with gratitude. His Holiness appreciates the items transmitting the atmosphere of the past epoch, and calls to take care of what came to us from the past and that it makes the meanings of the time we can judge including and for some individual things.

- Probably, this is generally the tactics of the Russian Orthodox Church - do not rush?

- You're right. Only not tactics, but the main strategy of the Orthodox Church - to maintain and multiply everything is good that exists in our world and in every person. Everything that the church does is made on the basis of centuries-old experience and understanding that the church has repeatedly experienced terrible and tragic moments in its history. But, whatever the external circumstances, the church was, there will be and will exist and carry people the truth about Christ. And, probably, this is largely reflected in the human habits of the patriarch. He has deeply churched consciousness. From morning to evening he lives at 100% of church life, and in this sense it really wants such a life to some noticeable percentage in each of us.

Patriarch Kirill: biography

His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill (in the world Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyaev) was born on November 20, 1946 in Leningrad.

Father - Gundyaev Mikhail Vasilyevich, the priest, died in 1974. Mother - Gundyaeva Raisa Vladimirovna, a German teacher at school, in recent years a housewife, died in 1984. The elder brother - Archpriest Nikolai Gundyayev, Professor of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy, Primer of the Savior Transfiguration Cathedral in St. Petersburg. Grandfather - Ieria Vasily Stepanovich Gundyaev, prisoner of Solovkov, for church activities and the fight against renewal in the 20s, 30s and 40s of the twentieth century, subjected to prison conclusions and links.

At the end of the 8th grade of high school, Vladimir Gundyaev went to work in the Leningrad Complex Geological Expedition of North-West Geological Governance, where he worked from 1962 to 1965 as a cartographer technique, combining work with high school training.

After graduating from high school in 1965 he entered the Leningrad spiritual seminary, and then to the Leningrad Economic Academy, which he graduated with honors in 1970.

On April 3, 1969, the Metropolitan of Leningrad and Novgorod Nicodemia (Rotovy) was tonsured in a monk with the advent of Kirill. On April 7, it is applied in Ierodicone, on June 1 of the same year - in Hieromona.

Since 1970 - Candidate of theology of the Leningrad Spiritual Academy.

From 1970 to 1971 - teacher of dogmatic theology and assistant inspector of Leningrad spiritual schools; At the same time, the Personal Secretary of the Metropolitan of the Leningrad and Novgorod Nicodya and the class mentor of the 1st grade of the seminary.

From 1971 to 1974 - a representative of the Moscow Patriarchate at the World Council of Churches in Geneva.

From December 26, 1974 to December 26, 1984 - the rector of the Leningrad Spiritual Academy and the seminary. In 1974-1984 - Associate Professor of the Department of Patrology of the Leningrad Great Academy.

March 14, 1976 Cherotonisan in the bishop of Vyborgsky. September 2, 1977 was erected in San Archbishop.

Since 1986 - Managing parishes in the Kaliningrad region.

Since 1988 - Archbishop Smolensky and Kaliningrad.

From November 13, 1989 to 2009 - Chairman of the Department of External Church Relations (from August 2000 - the Department of External Church Relations), a permanent member of the Holy Synod.

On January 27, 2009, the local council of the Russian Orthodox Church elected Metropolitan Cyril Patriarch Moscow and All Russia.

Private life Patriarch Kirill. Frames that have fallen in the media for the first time

Frames on which the Primate is presented is not made for the "Protocol", and before they were not published in newspapers and magazines - they are part of the private life of the Holy. "AIF" was the only newspaper, which O. Alksandr Volkov, press secretary of the Patriarch, provided them and told them, under what circumstances they were removed.

Patriarch on Valaam, one of his favorite places in native land.

Patriarchal visit on Valaam in 2009. Meeting with V. Putin. The head of the ROC with the President of the Russian Federation there was a good relationship.

A unique photo - Patriarch makes a daily walk in kindergarten in his residence in the pure alley of Moscow. With him - employee of the Patriarchate, they decide working questions ...

Visit to Mordovia in 2011. The Patriarch visited the village of Oror, where his grandfather lived, and talked to his relatives for a cup of tea.

With the brother of the Russian Holy Panthermon Monastery in Athos in Greece in 2013.

Girl on the patriarchy worship. His Holiness easily finds a common language with children of all ages.

Patriarch serves in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in the first week of the Great Post.

Name: Patriarch Kirill

Age: 71 year

Place of Birth: St. Petersburg

Height: 178 cm

Weight: 92 kg

Activity: Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia

Family status: not married

Patriarch Kirill - Biography

The man who managed to draw the attention of the state to the immutable laws of Orthodoxy, wake faith in the hearts of modern Christians. Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill - the one who inherited from the previous leaders of the church is not only the love of the neighbor and endless faith in the purity of the thoughts of believers in Christ. He acquired justice and determination in solving many issues.

Children's years, Family Patriarch Kirill

Patriarch was born in St. Petersburg in the family of a clergyman. Then he was just Vladimir Gundyaev. His mother taught German at school, and his father received rank of Jerey. Grandfather stayed in the Solovetsky camp almost thirty years. He spoke out against politics who offered the update of churches. Father Volodya was first a simple factory mechanic. In the family sacredly believed in God, they knew the Bible. Gundyaev Senior graduated from the highest theological courses, was exiled for three years to Kolyma for the disreteal attitude towards the existing power.

Mikhail Vasilyevich began his service in San Deacon in the temple on Vasilyevsky Island. The biography of grandson and son was obvious. After eight classes of ordinary school, Vladimir studied in the spiritual seminary of Leningrad, and then in the Great Academy. Then he was tonsured to the monks, then he got his current name. The Spiritual Academy of Cyril graduated with honors, he has a degree of candidate of theology. Now he has reached the top, and now he is the first patriarch born in the USSR. The usual biography of a priest who has served to such high sanitary sang. Only the person of Patriarch Kirill is not simple.

Patriarch's hard work

In the rapid career growth lies incredible work. Cyril was noticed in the first year after the monastic post. In it was traced the leading alkaline and the ability to negotiate. Therefore, he became a representative of the Patriarchate of Moscow, when the World Council of Churches was gathered in Geneva.

A little later, he is appointed by the rector of the spiritual seminary and entrust to lead the Council of the Diocese of Metropolis of Leningrad. Then the San Bishop followed, and the destination became more considerable. Being introduced into the Synod to his permanent member, he began to develop laws on freedom in religion.

The collapse of the Soviet Union

In the most terrible moments for the country, Cyril adhered to peacekeeping policies. I discarded respect to the people for the desire to maintain and strengthen the world. It is he who owns the reunification of Orthodox Christians in Russia and abroad, to the Orthodox Russian Church, they became kind to relate in the Vatican. Thanks to its enormous educational activities, he managed to establish close cooperation with the Government of the Russian Federation.

Patriarchy throne

The post of Patriarch before the appointment of Metropolitan Kirill led Alexy II. After his death, the voting was elected with a large number of votes of the new leader. Cyril's heads of the head of state, Dmitry Medvedev, Vladimir Putin, the spouse of the ex-president Naina Yeltsin expressed hope for fruitful cooperation and mutual understanding with the Russian Orthodox Church.

The Patriarch communicates a lot with Russian rulers, businessmen, strengthens the position of the Russian Church. There is a lot abroad, where demonstrates broad erudition and intelligence.

Unbandal scandalous person

Kirill supports many residents of Russia and abroad. Patriarch constantly accuses. He was attributed to a huge billionth state, the organization of importation into the country of tobacco and alcohol. And not embarrassed, called among all expensive substances and yachts and aircraft. Accused him of dissolving the diocese money. It is difficult to withstand such attacks and give constant. But Patriarch Kirill adequately, not trying to participate in scandals, gives explanations and leads evidence of the falsity of all rumors. The clergyman urges everyone to ensure that people appeal to God and have gained spiritual healing.

Patriarch Kirill - Biography of Personal Life

The laws of the Church prohibit the Patriarch to have a family in the world. All his love, he must humbly bring God. Children, whom he should love, how his own is the parishioners of his arrival. The main concern of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church: Charity and care for those who have no parents. The policy takes a lot of time in Cyril now, since the world can not get calm yet. Educational activities delivers true joy and enjoyment of the Patriarch of All Russia.

At the Savior's 16th Patriarch, Metropolitan Smolensky and Kaliningrad Cyril was elected at the Savior of Christ's Cathedral of Christ the Savior of the Savior Cathedral of the 16th Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. Here are a few strokes to his portrait.

The future Patriarch told about his grandfather: "My grandfather was a wonderful person. He passed 47 prisons and 7 links, lived in imprisonment for almost 30 years and was one of the first Solovchan. Worked by a driver on the Kazan Railway Railway, but sat only because What fought against the update, which at one time was inspired by the CC, and then the NKVD to destroy the church.

Very interesting with their grandmother was fate. After all, when Grandfather Salted, the grandmother remained on the will. And when he was planted for the second time, it was in the 30s when hunger was raging in the country, she said: everything, now we will die. And they had eight children: seven relatives and one daughter reception. And grandfather said: Since I will hide a cross for Christ, you will be alive. Then the grandmother told that at some point she understood: everything, life was over, because only a little bitesta of flour remained at all. She prepared some kind of cakes from this flour, they buried them, and tomorrow there was nothing. And now I rang out the window. Grandma jumps, and from the street a voice: mistress, take the cargo. Opened the door - there is a bag, full flour, and around - no one. This bag of flour saved my father, and I gave me an opportunity to appear. "

He worked him by the main mechanic of the defense enterprise in Leningrad, before the war he was repressed, sat on Kolyma, then built fortifications during the defense of Leningrad. During the war years, the warfold at the Gorky plant and took T-34 tanks before sending them to the front.

He received church name in 1969, when Metropolitan Leningradsky Nicodemia was tonsured in monasticism. And began to "serve" Volodya from three years old and to six-seven years could surfacing a prayer or a memorial. Once in childhood, he accidentally entered the tsarist gates of the temple, looked around the altar and came out. Mom took his hand and led to the abbot of the temple. The priest looked at the frightened mother, smiled and said: "Nothing, the bishop will be.

In Volodya's school was one of the best in the classroom. In the 60s he wrote about him in the newspapers: where the school looks when there is such a boy in Leningrad, who is studying on the top five, and believes in God. According to the future Patriarch, it was a hard time: "I went to school, like in Calvary."

He loves to read, got used to since childhood. He recalls that he, the son of the priest, was easier: there was a large collection of works on theology, history, including the works of Russian philosophers, most of which have become available to a wide range of readers in recent years.

From an early age, the future Patriarch was fond of alpine skiing. He studied to ride in a red village on the crow Mount, with whom the Germans fired at Leningrad. Later came down already with Mont Blanc. Somehow explained to journalists perplexed how church activity and sports could be related: "Spiritual training, which gives us Askey, post, prayer and physical training, which is impossible without volitional effort, - together provide a very important result - education of the human person .

And about my passion: "What does a person usually do when he sees the abyss? Natural reaction of an ordinary person - back. Reaction of self-preservation. Instinct. And the skier is always ahead. And the more cooler, the more" forward ". It means - to go At the meeting with the danger consciously, inappropriate instincts, in the way of human weakness. "

He also loves walking and swimming. On vacation every day saves some kilometers without stopping, the same amount passes. Unlike fashion on Labradors (it appeared in the VIP environment after the appearance of Labrador in Putin) contains a shepherd. In the evening, having arrived home, it puts on a tracksuit and walks his dogs: "For the whole day they will dance at home and so go on the street, they barely sleep behind them. Meters five hundred mileage for them, then pull up to themselves and walk in the same way. So here Every evening I run-run kilometers five to six. "

Love for animals is voting. He is tied to dogs, but it is completely indifferent to cats.

In Kaliningrad, Boeing 737-300 flies, named after his name: Metropolitan Smolensky and Kaliningrad Cyril. The plane fulfills regular flights to Europe, and now it will have to be slightly renamed.

Being a metropolitan, struck many statements that he does not see the reasons to deal with the desire of some rock musicians to use the topic of Orthodoxy in his work. And even promised to support modern rock culture, rebelled: "If we see that it contributes to the moral growth of the person." It believes that often rock musicians at the concert "speak several phrases about Orthodoxy, which produce a greater impression on young people than the long sermon in the temple."

At the same time, he never visited rock concerts: "I never heard Kinchev and Shevchuk, but met with them, and the discussion was very interesting, communicating with them made a good impression on me. Both of the sincere people, Orthodox" .

He stands for the right to religious education at school. The objections of opponents about multinationality and multi-aneligiosity of Russia calls "Strashilki" and believes that it is impossible to prohibit the absolute majority of the people to study the foundations of its religious culture. At the same time, by Kirill, the foundations of Orthodox culture should not be imposed in a row and without options. There must be an alternative: "If there are Muslims in the classroom, the basics of Islamic culture can be conducted for them."

Condemns civil marriage, opposes the frank television show on television. At the same time, advent of women in the church with a uncoated head. When the question is why women should wear a handkerchief in the temple, told the story of life.

"To wear a headdress or not - this is a matter of our national Orthodox culture and tradition. If you will go to the temple every Sunday, you will not notice how you yourself start to wear a scarf. How do it, let's say, Muslims. I remember I served in Tehran , in our temple. I look, women stand in clothes to the floor, in handkerchiefs, quiet, modest, like angels. I serve, I have such a fertile mood. It turned out the wives of our diplomats. And in the evening I was invited to accept me. And there I saw me The same women, but completely in another form: such trendy and elegant, which is impossible to imagine. And these were just a modesty in handkerchiefs. Why do we need handkerchiefs in the temple? Because the thoughts of people in the temple should be focused on prayer. The appearance of beautiful Women naturally attracts attention - and distracts from worship. "

Case from the Life of the Favorites Patriarch

And after a short time, maybe two-three weeks passed, another embassy officer came to me, who also occupied a very high position, and asked me to do the same. And also warned that he really risks. And then asked me to make sure that he never recognized the one I walked to him. Because, from his point of view, it was the most dangerous person from those who could harm him. And then I thought: Lord, we live in the kingdom of curves mirrors! Two Orthodox, which, maybe, would be close friends, are divided by fear of ideology and prejudice.

Hypocrisy is a sin. And the Lord will punish such people. But if it is some kind of timid, still poorly realized, but still a real movement towards God - so thank God! The church should not condemn anyone. She should open the door to the temples and help in this temple remain.

church in the USSR and Russia

1988 2008

76 Dioceses 157 Dioceses

74 bishop 203 bishop

6893 arrival 29 263 arrival

6674 priest 27 216 priests

723 Diacon 3454 Diacon

Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev Vladimir) - Bishop of the Russian ROC, as well as after the elections in 2009, the Local Cathedral - Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Chairman of the OSDS and a permanent member of the Holy Synod. Before the intronization, he served as Metropolitan Smolensk and Kaliningrad Churches.

Born in the autumn of the 46th year in Leningrad. In high school, combined studies with work. After completion of the training, he entered the clergy seminary.

At the end of the 60s, he accepted the posture, and in a year he graduated with honors from the clergy academy. Two years later, he was erected in San Archimandrite and in the same period became the representative of the capital Patriarchate in Geneva.

In the mid-70s, elevated in the San Bishop of Vyborg Diocese, subsequently joined the position of Archbishop. Since the beginning of the 90s, the Chairman of the Sacred Synod Commission, and after a year it is erected in San Metropolitan.

In early 2009, it becomes a candidate for the post of Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, and two days later, with 75% of the votes won the vote.

A significant event in 2016 was his meeting with the Pope Francis, who passed on the neutral territory in Havana.

A family

The mother worked as a teacher of a foreign language, and the Father is the main mechanic at the factory, but in the end I decided to take the San of the Sacredtor. The grandfather was also close to Orthodox faith and fought against the destruction of churches in Soviet times.

The elder brother is Nikolai, holds the position of Archpriest and is the abbot of one of the cathedrals, he worked as a professor at the academy of the clergy. The younger sister - Irina, works as director in gymnasium with Orthodox training.

Where does Patriarch Kirill live

The main residence is the estate located in the village Peredelkino. On the plot of two and a half hectares there is a major three-story building and adjacent to it separate buildings, including: personal apartments, reception rooms, a household church, a hotel, household premises and a wellness complex, as well as parking and boxing for food storage.

In addition, there is a pond and a parking area with sculptures and houses. Constructs of domestic purposes.

The manor itself is furnished with luxury interior objects brought from Italy, and the facade of the building resembles a terman palace in the Kremlin.

The chairman of the OSD travels through the cities of Russia and leads educational activities, so he does not have a permanent residence. The main places where it stops are considered: Holy Danilov Monastery, Trinity-Sergium Lavra, Residence on Valaam and in a pure alley for working meetings, as well as several mansions: at Solovki, in Trinity Lykovo and Rublevka.

A few years ago in Gelendzhik in the village of Praskoveevka, in the territory of a little more than 16 hectares, the construction of the spiritually educational center at the ROC began. This construction of various media was covered in different ways.

According to one posts, meetings and meetings of the Holy Synod will be held here, residential premises are also built for members. In addition, this center will work the work of an educational nature with young people and receiving charters and delegations from other churches.

According to other reports, this manor will mostly carry out the dacha function and is built mainly for the summer holiday Patriarch.

Apartment Patriarch Kirill

While Metropolitan, he lived in Silver Bor for a long time in a small wooden house. The area of \u200b\u200bthe land plot is about seven thousand square meters. On the territory there are economic buildings and buildings for educational and church activity, but the main house is small and already thick enough.

During this period, President Boris Yeltsin and his entourage decided to improve the housing conditions and presented the clergyman five-room apartment in the size of 140 square meters. meters. The living space is located in the famous "House on the Embankment" on Street Serafimovich House 2.

Here he does not live and never lived. Initially, the presented property was in very poor condition and is not suitable for housing. Over time, the apartment was put in order and transported a collection of rare books here, which in Soviet times began to collect the father of Kirill.

The apartment is located on the very upper floor of the building and has a magnificent view of the Church of Christ the Savior. This is the only real estate officially owned by Vladimir Gundyaev.

According to Cyan, apartments at Serafimovich, 2 more than 100 square meters. meters cost from 95 to 300 million rubles.

A family

On father's line patriarch mordvin, (Surname Gundyaev from the old Mordovian name of Gundyay). Grandfather - Vasily Gundyaev - The priest - passed 47 prisons and 7 references, conducted in prison for almost 30 years. Saved the term, including at Solovki. Began to jail because it struggled against the update of the church, which at one time was inspired by the CC.

Father - priest Mikhail Vasilyevich Gundyaev (January 18, 1907 - October 13, 1974). Graduated from the highest theological courses in Leningrad; He served two years in the Red Army, in 1933 he graduated from a mechanical technical school, entered the Leningrad Industrial Institute. But he did not finish him - was accused of political disloyalty, arrested and convicted for 3 years. Serving the term on Kolyma.

After the war, on March 9, 1947, he was ordained in Diacon, on March 16 of the same year - in Jerey Metropolitan Leningrad Gregory (Chukov), appointed to the temple of the Smolensk icon of God's Mother of God on Vasilyevsky Island.

In 1951, he was transferred to the Savior Transfiguration Cathedral, where he performed the responsibility of the assistant abbot. In 1960, Alexander Nevsky's temple was translated by the abbot in the Red Selo; The then Serafimovsky Temple, in 1972, became the abbot of the Nikolsky Temple on a big ohta.

Mother - Raisa Vladimirovna Gundyayev (November 7, 1909 - November 2, 1984); Dev. Cacha, taught German at school.

Elder brother - Archpriest Nikolai Gundyaev - worked by the rector St. Petersburg Spiritual Academy, Professor, rector of the Transfiguration Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

The younger sister Elena works as director of the Orthodox gymnasium.


Born on November 20, 1946 in Leningrad. Another schoolboy worked in the Leningrad Complex Geological Expedition of North-Western Geological Administration, from 1962 to 1965 - a cartographer technician.

In 1965 he entered the Leningrad spiritual seminary, then to the Leningrad Education Academy.

On April 3, 1969, the Metropolitan of Leningrad and Novgorod Nicodemia (Rotovy) was tonsured in a monk with the advent of Kirill. In the same year, on April 7, ordained in Ierodicone, June 1 - in Hieromonach.

In 1970 he graduated with honors Leningrad Spiritual Academy, I received a degree of candidate of theology (thesis on the topic "The formation and development of the church hierarchy and the teaching of the Orthodox Church about her fertile character"). Stayed at the Academy of the Professor's scholarship, teacher of dogmatic theology and an assistant inspector.

From August 30, 1970, he performed obedience to the personal secretary of Metropolitan Leningrad Nicodemic (Rotova).

September 12, 1971 was erected in San Archimandrite. In the same year, became a representative of the Moscow Patriarchate with World Council of Churches. In Geneva.

At age 28 (December 26, 1974) appointed by the rector of the Leningrad Governments Academy and Seminary. Organized a special regent class for girls and introduced physical education lessons in the program.

In December 1975, he became a member of the Central Committee and the Executive Committee World Council of ChurchesSince 1975, a member of the Commission "Vera and the Device" of the World Council of the Churches, from March 3, 1976, a member of the Synodal Commission on Christian Unity and Intercursions.

On September 9, 1977, he was erected in San Archbishop, and on October 12, 1978, he was appointed managing patriarch parishes in Finland. In the same year, he was appointed Chairman of the Department of External Church Relations.

Since 1983, he taught in graduate school at Moscow Spiritual Academy.

From December 26, 1984 - Archbishop Smolensky and Vyazemsky. Translation into the provincial department was associated with refusal to vote in 1980 for the resolution of the Central Committee of the World Council of the Churches, which condemned the commissioning of Soviet troops to Afghanistan, as well as other antireligious motifs of the USSR authorities.

In April 1989 he became the "Archbishop Smolensky and Kaliningrad".

November 14, 1989 he became the chairman of the department of external church Moscow Patriarchate, permanent member Sacred Synod.

Since 1990, he was appointed Chairman of the Sacred Synod Commission on the revival of religious-moral education and charity, a member of the Synodal Biblical Commission.

Since 1993, the co-chair has since 1995 - deputy head of the World Russian People's Cathedral. Since 1994, the Honorary President of the World Conference "Religion and World". From February 26, 1994, a member of the Synodal Theological Commission.

Since 1994, he became the leading spiritual and educational program "The Word of the Shepherd" on the Channel One.

In 1995-2000, he headed the Synodal Working Group to develop the concept of the Russian Orthodox Church on the issues of church-state relations and the problems of modern society.

December 6, 2008, the day after the death of Patriarch Alexy II, at a meeting of the Sacred Synod by secret ballot, Kirill was elected patriarchal location.

On December 10, 2008, he became the chairman of the Commission on the preparation of the Holy Synod of the ROC Bishopic and Local Soborov (scheduled for the end of January 2009) of the Russian Orthodox Church.

December 29, 2008 declared to journalists that he acts categorically against any reform" in the church.

December 30, 2008, at a meeting with students of the Sretenskoy theological seminary, said that, in his opinion, the huge problem of church life before the revolution was that it was not possible to create a strong Orthodox intelligentsia, which he dreamed of Anthony Kharakovitsky (Forbidden by the Moscow Patriarchate of the First Hierarch RPCZ).

On January 27, 2009, the 16th Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, having gaining 508 votes from 677 (75%) at the ROC's Local Cathedral.

On February 1, 2009, the intronization of Metropolitan Kirill was held in Patriarch San in Church of Christ the Savior.

On March 11, 2009, during the trip around the country, he said that the main criterion in assessing the activities of the Church should be the moral state of society, and not the fullness of temples.

April 16, 2009, in the great Thursday, committed chin Skill Foot - "For the first time in the newest history."

April 29, 2009, during the meeting with the Prime Minister of Ukraine Julia Tymoshenko, said: " For the Russian Orthodox Church, Kiev is our Constantinople with his Holy Sophia; This is the spiritual center and the southern capital of Russian Orthodoxy".

On July 4-6, 2009, he made his first, as the Primate of the ROC, the official foreign visit - Istanbul (Konstantinople Patriarchate). Following his negotiations with Ecumenical Patriarch BartholomeumThey started talking about the warming of traditionally intense relations between the two patriarchy. Also, the Patriarch met with the head of the Department of Religion, under the Government of Turkey.

In 2011, 21 Archpastric Visits committed in 19 Dioceses of Russia, Ukraine and Moldova.

According to the results of a sociological survey conducted at the end of June 2012, 46% of respondents belonged to Patriarch with respect, in 27% it causes hope, confidence - in 19%, sympathy - in 17% of respondents; Difference causes 4% of respondents, disappointment - in 2%, indifference - in 13%, antipathy in 1% of the survey participants, 1% condemn it or perceive skeptically.

In August 2012, there was information that the Patriarch for the first time in history became the user of the social network Facebook. With Patriarhkirill account. However, in May 2012, Deacon Alexander Volkov - Deputy Head of the press service of the Moscow Patriarchate noted that "this is not a personal page of Patriarch Kirill, but one of the official information resources of the Moscow Patriarchate," and clarified that " the resource will not be a source of direct connection with the Holy Patriarch".

In September 2012, at the invitation of the Primate Polish Orthodox Church The Archbishop of Warsaw Savva made an official visit to Catholic Poland, where he met, both with representatives of Orthodox churches and with a Catholic clergy. This visit was not only church, but also political; This trip has become an important step towards the establishment of relations with the holy throne. These actions caused a positive response to Vatican.

From 1 to 7 June 2013, Patriarch was on the first official visit to Greece, where he met with the Pontic Greeks. From September 8 to 9 visited Transnistria.

On November 11, 2014, XVIII opened in the Department of Moscow World Russian People's Cathedral Under the sign "Unity of history, the unity of the people, the unity of Russia."

Patriarch Kirill, speaking before the gathered, said: " 2014 opened a new chapter in World History - dramatic. Those who consider themselves the winners in the Cold War inspire all that the development path defined by them is correct and, moreover, the only possible for humanity. Dominating in the information space, they impose their understanding of the economy and the state device to the world, seek to suppress the determination to defend the values \u200b\u200band ideals other than their values \u200b\u200band ideals related to the idea of \u200b\u200bconsumer society. Russian people are the most important subject of national relations in Russia and its national interests should not be ignored, and with maximum attention to be taken into account to achieve harmony with the interests of other national communities".

And in conclusion, Patriarch appealed to the elites: " It is necessary that we have at all levels to realize that the interests of the Russian people should not be ignored, and as much as possible. In order for the elites an understanding that genuine Russian self-consciousness does not threaten the integrity of Russia and the interethnic world, and vice versa acts as a guarantor of the country's unity", I concluded Patriarch.

Social activity

From January 13, 1995 - Member of the Public Council under the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation on the settlement of the situation in Chechen Republic.

From May 24, 1995, a member of the Presidium of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation on the State Prizes of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art.

From August 2, 1995 to May 28, 2009, a member of the Council on cooperation with religious associations under the President of the Russian Federation.

From February 19, 1996, a member of the College of the Russian State Maritime Historical and Cultural Center (Maritime Center).

From December 4, 1998 - a member of the Russian Organizing Committee for the preparation for the meeting of the Third Millennium and the celebration of the 2000th anniversary of Christianity.

From October 10, 2005 - Member of the Organizing Committee for the Year of the Russian Federation in the People's Republic of China and Of the Year of the People's Republic of China In Russian federation.

From September 1, 2007 - Member of the Organizing Committee for the Year of the Russian Federation in the Republic of India and the Year India In Russian federation.

Scandals, rumors

In the late 1990s - the beginning of the 2000s, a journalist of the newspaper "Moscow's comsomolets" Sergei Bychkov accused Metropolitan Kirill in the use of tax benefits in the early 1990s on the import of alcohol (church wine) and tobacco products.

According to the newspaper, the import of tobacco products was engaged in the financial and trade group "Nika", whose vice president became arisers Vladimir Veriga - Commercial Director of the Department of External Church Relations, which was led by Kirill. Journalist Sergei Bychkov published a number of articles on this business.

Then Metropolitan Kirill, recognizing the fact of import transactions from the face of OVDS, has repeatedly refuted the accusations of personal interest, he called such publications "a completely specific political order", and the newspaper is written about it ".

After the collapse of the USSR, the Commission of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of Russia to investigate the causes and circumstances GKCHP From the sources transferred to it concluded that the authorities KGB The USSR church authorities were used for their own purposes by recruiting and refusing them to the KGB agents.

That is, some of the Hierarchs of the ROC were agents KGB. Based on the comparison of the famous overseas travel agents Mikhailov and Vladyki Kirill, the Commission had an opinion on the identity of the Vladyka Kirill and the Mikhailov agent. In 2003, a member Moscow Helsinki Group Priest Yuri Edelstein sent a letter to the President of Russia Vladimir Putinwhere also accused Metropolitan Kirill in ties with the KGB.

In 2005, Kirill supported the position of Moscow Mayor about banning to hold a sex minority parade in the city. In an interview with the magazine "Spiegel" in January 2008, also confirmed its unconditional condemnation of homosexuality, but spoke out against the persecution of persons with homosexual orientation ( they have the right to live as they consider correct).

Visit Patriarch to Ukraine at the invitation Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (July 27 - August 5, 2009) was accompanied by local riots, as well as protest shares of Ukrainian non-canonic church jurisdictions.

Speaking on July 29 in Kiev-Pechersk Lavra At a meeting with the clergy, laity, teachers and students of the Kiev Spiritual Academy, Patriarch criticized " influence on Western Christian theology of ideas of the Epoch of Enlightenment and Philosophical Ideas of Liberalism".

August 5, on the final day of the visit, Kirill said that he was not against spending half a year in Moscow, six months in Kiev, and "Ukrainian citizenship would be ready." The next day the business manager UPC Archbishop. Mitrofan (Yurchuk) insisted that the last statement was a joking answer.

In September of the same year, according to the results of the visit of Patriarch, the newspaper "Arguments of the Week" reported that the "certain circle of so-called security workers" do not like some political actions of the Patriarch, in particular, during his visit to Ukraine.

September 25, 2009, while visiting Belarus, during a meeting with the President Alexander Lukashenko , Patriarch said: " The Church is always ready to support the strengthening and development of the Union of fraternal states and assist in the dialogue of the Belarusian leadership with the Russian authorities".

Turning to the people from the porch of the temple of all saints under construction in Minsk said that he was aware of himself " as the patriarch of the people who came out of the Kiev font"Apparently he meant that Moscow Patriarchate does not intend to convert the limits of its local church jurisdiction with new state borders arising after the collapse of the USSR.

Kirill This statement raised the question of the "reality" of the sovereignty of many states: " there are many countries in the world who consider themselves sovereign, but who are not able to act, including in the international arena, in full compliance with their national interests.". This statement had a big negative resonance.

On February 25, 2010, on the day of joining the position of the fourth president of Ukraine, together with the Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine, Vladimir (Sabody), turned with a speech to the new chapter of the state, - for the first time in the history of Ukraine.

The participation of the patriarch in the event in connection with the inauguration of the President of the Foreign State (the first such act in the history of the Moscow Patriarchant) caused the criticism of a number of politicians of Ukraine. Portal-Credo.ru has extended officially confirmed information that in the Moscow Patriarchate, consider the possibility of replacing the Patriarch Kirill of the Kiev Department along with Moscow - after the departure of Metropolitan Vladimir.

At Christmas, 2012, Patriarch Kirill called on the authorities to listen to the national protests and adjust the political course, stressing that in terms of development of democracy in Russia almost nothing has changed since the times of Soviet power or changed only for the worst, since the lower level of power, which closely comes into contact with the people , It causes persistent rejection. But at the same time he called people "not to succumb to provocations", "to be able to express disagreement" and "not destroying the country."

In early 2012, there was a loud scandal around the case on compensation for damage to the apartment belonging to Patriarch, the defendant for which was living in the neighborhood Yuri Shevchenko. According to the position of registered and living in the patriarchal, the apartment of the plaintiff Lydia Leonova And the court decision, on the basis of an examination performed by IONA experts, dust from repair in the shevchenko apartment contained dangerous components, including nanoparticles, and caused damage to the apartments of the Patriarch, furniture and a collection of books.

The amount of the claim amounted to about 19.7 million rubles. Such a big amount of the claim and the unclear status of Leonov called numerous critical articles in the media and discussion in the blogosphere. In a conversation with a journalist, Patriarch explained that he had no relation to the suit, which was filed with his secondary sister Leonovoy, registered in his apartment.

At the same time, Kirill argued that the money, which on the claim paid Leonova Ex-Minister of Health Shevchenko, will go to clean the library and charity.

In 2011 on their pages "New Newspaper" reported that the security of the Patriarch was carried out by employees of the Federal Security Service ( FSO), despite the fact that the Patriarch is not a civil servant. In December 2011, a special amendment was made to the Federal Law "On Protection". In accordance with it, taxpayers now pay not only the protection of officials, but also "other persons." To these "other persons", the state and ranked the Primate of the ROC, providing him with protection due to the allegedly large number of threats entering the Kirill from "militant atheists".

The fact of the availability of state boots in Patriarch confirmed "Gazeta.Ru" Vladimir Vigilansky's press service of the Patriarch of Archpriest Vladimir Vigilansky, who stressed that: "This decision was made by President Yeltsin." However, the Patriarch Alexy guarded much more modest, according to the number three scheme - "just our car plus accompanying employees." Now the security of the patriarch is carried out according to the "presidential scheme". This scheme includes "work on the route of movement, at the place of stay, on the departure. Plus support. In total, more than 300 employees are involved in the protection of the patriarch," the source in the press service of the FSO.

In 2012, Patriarch Kirill at a meeting with the Minister of Justice Alexand Konovalov Once again, "visor" with its BREGUET clock for 20 thousand dollars. The ministers of the press service of the Patriarchate, lareered hours in Photoshop, but forgot about their reflection on the table. This fact did not slip away from the attention of bloggers, which in the shortest possible time made this news number 1. Next, with the filing of the Patriarch of Cyril, the story with a clock received an even more unexpected continuation. At first, the Patriarch called the photo with Breguet Photoshop, and then unexpectedly recognized the watch "gift".

In the same year, Patriarch spoke with a call not to leave the share of the perfect punk group Pussy Riot. In the church of Christ the Savior in Moscow. In many ways, thanks to the irreconcilable position of the ROC and Patriarch personally, on August 17, 2012, 3 participants were sentenced under the article by hooliganism condemning for 2 years imprisonment in the colony of the general regime.

In response to criticism in connection with the data, as well as a number of scandalous cases, the Moscow Patriarchate, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and some politicians declared an organized campaign to discredit Patriarch and ROC. Patriarch Kirill himself June 16, 2012 on the ether of the program "The Word of the Shepherd" on the first channel called people, "who criticize the church", "requiring spiritual healing."

year 2014. Another scandal broke out due to congratulations to Patriarch Kirill with a victory in the election of the President of Ukraine. And made it Cyril earlier than the Russian President.

"Together with many people, I hope that the powerful powers, which today turn out to be in your hands, will serve the Good and East, and the West, and the North, and the South of Ukraine"," said Patriarch Kirill.

Many considered Poroshenko's congratulations on behalf of the ROC insult to the inhabitants of the East of Ukraine, against which the war was unleashed, as well as an insult to the Russian people, against whom, thanks to the efforts of the new Ukrainian authorities, the propaganda war is being conducted.

At the end of September 2015, a public network movement, funded, published a photo report allegedly from the rest of the Russian Patriarch ROC Kirill on a chic yacht Azimut. worth about 680 thousand euros.