Brief biography Sergius Radonezhsky. Rev. Sergius Radonezh

Brief biography Sergius Radonezhsky. Rev. Sergius Radonezh
Brief biography Sergius Radonezhsky. Rev. Sergius Radonezh

The article tells about the brief biography of Sergius of the Radonezh - the famous Russian monk ranked with the Orthodox Church to the Famine of Saints.

Brief biography of Radonezh: young years

The exact date of birth of Radonezh is unknown. The official church believes that he was born in 1341 near Rostov. When baptized, the boy was inflicted with a warface. Sergius's parents belonged to the boyars and were very pious people. From 10 years of the future, the monk was given to learn a diploma, which, however, was given a boy with great difficulty.
In the whole biography of Radonezh a lot of unclear and uncertain. Real facts are intertwined with fictional legends and parables that emphasize the divine gift of the monk. One of them explains the gift of a gift from the boy to a literacy by the fact that he met a wanderer who asked the prayer to pay to Radonezh's abilities.
Radonezh did not leave any written sources after him, so his biography knows mostly in life written by his student. Life was subsequently reworked. According to church customs, it is filled with biblical motifs and replete wonders concomitant by the life path of the elder. However, the critical analysis allows you to allocate historical facts and determine the main stages of the life of Radonezh.
The Bartholomew family was forcibly resettled by Ivan Kalita in p. Radonezh, from which the famous surname of Saint is happening. As evidenced from testimonies, Bartholomews from childhood felt his glory and dreamed of becoming a monk. He was able to fulfill his dream as a result of the tragedy: Parents of Radonezh died, and he settled in the monastery. He was not satisfied with too free monastic life, he was striving to more rigorous ministry and reverence of God. After a short life in the Radonezh monastery, it is based on his own Church of the Holy Trinity in the deaf forest.
After some time, he calls for Hamman Mitrofan, who makes the rite of Taking the Bartholomew, who received the name of Sergius. The news about the new young monk, which in difficult conditions gives all of himself in the hands of the Lord quickly applies to neighboring territories. Religious dedicated ministry was very popular if you can express it, at the time. A large number of people begged to the hermit, begging him to take them to themselves. At first, the monk limited to the twelve associates in the number of Christ's Apostles. However, gradually began to accept other monks. This allowed Sergia in 1345 to rebuild a small church in the monastery, glorified by the Trinity-Sergius Lavra called. Radonezh was put by Iguumen and received a san priest.

Brief Biography Radonezh: National West

A village began to emerge around the monastery, agriculture develop. The former deaf place was a crowded developed center.
The merit of the Radonezh was the introduction of the charter in his monastery of the "hostel", according to which all monks were absolutely equal to each other. In the Russian monasteries of that time, a person who had tested into the monks kept all his worldly rights and privileges. Sergius canceled this rule. His monastery became a kind of democratic community, united by the general and mandatory physical labor, combined with the ministry of God. Thanks to the activities of Radonezh throughout Russia, they began to be created in the uninhabited places of the new type monasteries, which become gradually centers of spiritual and economic life. People liked the asceticism and simplicity of the life of the monks. Grew reverence Sergius Radonezh.
Slava Radonezh spread throughout Russia. In addition to the tremendous masses of the simple people, noble people and princes begin to apply to Sergia. The monk not only received visitors, but also went, neglecting the danger, in various lands in order to call the princes to righteous life. For Sergius, the ideal was Christian charity, love and compassion. The big merit of the monk is that he called for the cessation of civil workers in Russia and did a lot to create a single Russian state.
According to the well-known version, he blezed Dmitry Donskoye before the famous Kulikov battle, which became one of the reasons for the Great Victory over Tatar-Mongols. He even sent his monks to the battle, violating the canonical rules. Radonezh taught that even a person who dedicated himself to God must take a weapon in his hands if his homeland threatens death.
Sergius Radonezh lived a long life and died in 1392. His remains are revered as the relics of the saint and serve as the object of religious worship. As for the rank of Radonezh to the Famine of Saints, there are also disagreements. Its widespread reverence began long before the establishment of solid canonization rules. Regardless of the official duty, Sergius earned a wide folk love, which was then simply confirmed by the Orthodox Church.

Sergius Radonezh was born on May 3, 1314 in the village of Varnanti near Rostov. When baptized, the future saint received the name of warfolomes. At seven years, parents gave him to learn a diploma. First, the training was given a boy very badly, but gradually he studied the Holy Scripture, became interested in the church. From twelve years, warfolomes began to quickly fast, prayed a lot.

The foundation of the monastery

At about 1328, the future Ieromona, together with his family, moved to Radonezh. After the death of parents of Bartholomew, together with the elder brother Stefan went into deserted places. In the forest on the hill Macovec, they built a small temple of the Trinity.

In 1337, on the day of memory of the martyrs, Sergius and Vakha, Bartholomew took the victim under the name of Sergius. Soon the disciples began to come to him, the insidual was formed at the site of the church. Sergius becomes the second igumen and the preventive monastery.

Religious activity

A few years in this place formed a thriving temple Sergius Radonezhsky - Trinity-Sergiev Monastery. Having learned about the emergence of the monastery, the Universal Patriarch Filofee sent hegumen to a diploma in which he gave proper activities. Rev. Sergius was a highly respected personality in the princely circles: he blessed the rulers before the battles, trying together.

In addition to the Trinity-Sergiev, for his brief biography, Radonezh founded several more monasteries - Borisoglebsky, Blagoveshchensky, Old-Golutvinsky, Georgievsky, Andronnikov and Simonov, height.

Removing memory

Sergius Radonezh was ranked sainted in 1452. In the work of "Life Sergius", the main source of life of Hieromonach, the epiphany woven wrote that for his life Saint Radonezh many miracles, healing. Once he even resurrected a man.

In front of the icon, Sergius of Radonezh people ask for recovery. September 25, on the day of the death of Saint, believers celebrate his memory day.

Other biography options

  • In "Sea Sergius" it is described that Bartholomew has learned to read and write thanks to the blessing of the Holy Star.
  • Among the students, Sergius of Radonezh was such well-known religious figures, like Abraham Galitsky, Pavel Obnorsky, Sergius Nuromsky, Rev. Andronic, Pakhomy Nerekhtsky and many others.
  • The life of Holy inspired by many writers (N. Zerinov, N. Kostomarova, L. Charskaya, Fedotova, K. Slaphevsky, etc.) to create artistic works about his fate and acts, including a number of books for children. Biography Sergius Radonezh is studied by schoolchildren in 7-8 classes.

Test on biography

A small test on a brief biography of Radonezh will help you better grab the material.

(in the world of warfolomes) - the Saint, Rev., the greatest devotee of the Russian land, the converter of monasticism in Northern Russia. Originated from a noble kind; His parents, Kirill and Maria, belonged to Rostov Boyars and lived in their estate near Rostov, where Sergius was born in 1314 (according to others - in 1319). At first, his literacy learning was completely unsuccessful, but then, thanks to patience and work, he managed to familiarize himself with the Holy Scriptures and was addicted to the Church and inherent in the night. Around 1330, the parents of Sergius brought to poverty were to leave Rostov and settled in the city of Radonjez (54 versts from Moscow). After their death, Sergius went to the Khotkovo-Pokrovsky monastery, where he was atocating his elder brother, Stephen. Seeking to "strictest monasticism", to deserted, he stayed here for a short time and, convincing Stephen, together with him founded the deserts on the banks of the Konchura River, in the midst of the deaf Radonezh Bohr, where he built (approx. 1335) a small wooden church in the name of St. . Trinity, on the site of which is now the Cathedral Temple also in the name of St. Trinity.

Soon Stephen left him; Left alone, Sergius took in 1337. In two or three years to it began to fluff The monastery was formed, and Sergius was her second igumen (first - Mitrofan) and the presbyter (from 1354), who had applied to all the example with his humility and hard work. Gradually glory grew; In the abode began to turn everything from the peasants and ending with princes; Many settled next to her, sacrificed her property. First, in all the necessary extreme need, the desert appealed to a rich monastery. Slava Sergius even reached Tsargrad: Patriarch Konstantinople Philofee sent him with a special embassy, \u200b\u200bParamad, Schima and a diploma, in which he praised him for virtuous lives and gave advice to introduce a strict society in the monastery. Under this advice, and with the blessings of Metropolitan Alexei Sergius introduced community charters into monasteries, taken later in many Russian monasteries. High respected by Radonezh Iguman Metropolitan Alexey before his death persuaded him to be a successor to him, but Sergius decisively refused. According to one contemporary, Sergius, "quiet and kinstims" could act on the cooler and fierce hearts; Very often reconciled by the warring between his princes, persuading them to obey the great prince of Moscow (eg, Rostov Prince - in 1356, Nizhny Novgorod - in 1365, Ryazan Oleg, etc.), so that by the time of the Kulikovsky battle, almost all Russian princes Recognized the primacy of Dmitry Johnovich. Going on this battle, the last, accompanied by princes, boyars and the governor went to Sergia to pray with him and receive a blessing from him.

P. Rugo. Sergius Radonezh bless Dmitry Donskoy on Kulikovsky battle

Bless him, Sergius predicted him a victory and salvation from death and let go to the campaign of his two sokov, reboot and dock (see). Approaching Don, Dmitry Ioannovich hesitated, whether to move to him or not, and only upon receipt from Sergius an encouraging diploma, who extinguished him as soon as possible to attack the Tatars, started decisive actions.

Yu. Pontyukhin. Sergius Radonezh bless Dmitry Donskoy on Kulikovsky battle

After the Kulikov battle, the Grand Duke began to relate yet with a great reverence of Radonezh Igumen and invited him in 1389 to bore a spiritual testament, legalizing the new order of the throne from his father to the eldest son. In 1392, September 25, Sergius died, and in 30 years they were gained with his power and clothing; In 1452, he was counted for the saints. In addition to the Trinity Sergius of the Monastery, Sergius founded a few more abode (Blagoveshchenskaya in Kirzchech, Borisoglebskaya near Rostov, Georgievskaya, height, Galulvinskaya, etc.), and his students were established up to 40 monasteries, mainly in Northern Russia.

See "Pub. Sergius Radonezh. Regarding the 500th anniversary since its blissful death" ("Christian reading", 1892, No. 9 - 10); "Life and works prep. Sergius of Radonezh" ("Wanderer". 1892, No. 9); A. Mr., "On the meaning of the pre. Sergius of Radonezhsky in the history of Russian monastic" ("Reading in the society of fans of spiritual education", 1892, No. 9); E. Golubinsky, "Prep. Sergius Radonezh and Laurezh created by him" (Sergiev Posad, 1892); "Life and miracles prep. Sergius Radonezhsky" (M., 1897, 5th ed.); V. Eyngorn, "On the meaning of prep. Sergius of Radonezh and the monastery founded in Russian history" (M., 1899, 2nd ed.).

Sergius Radonezh (approx. 1314-1392) is revered by the Russian Orthodox Church in the face of saints as the Rev. and is considered the greatest devotee of the Russian land. He founded the Trinity-Sergiev Lavra near Moscow, who used to be called the Trinity Monastery. Sergius Radonezh preached the ideas of Isychasm. He understood these ideas in his own way. In particular, he rejected the idea that only Inkai will enter the kingdom of God. "All good will be easy," Sergius taught. He became, perhaps, the first Russian spiritual thinker who not only imitated the Byzantine thought, but also creatively developed it. The memory of Sergia Radonezh is especially revered in Russia. It was this monk-devotee who blessed Dmitry Moscow and his cousin Vladimir Serpukhovsky to fight with Tatars. His mouth, the Russian church first called for the fight against the Horde.

We know about the life of Rev. Sergius from the epiphany of the wisdom - the master "Weaving Dobels". "Life of Sergius Radonezh" was written on them on the slope of years in 1417-1418. In the Trinity-Sergiev Monastery. According to his testimony, in 1322, Rostov boyar Kirill and his wife Mary born the son of Bartholomew. Once this family was rich, but then he left and, fleeing the persecution of servants of Ivan Kalita, about 1328 was forced to move to Radonezh - the city, who belonged to the younger son of the Grand Prince Andrei Ivanovich. At the age of seven, Bartholomew began to train a diploma in church school, the teaching was given to him with difficulty. He rose a quiet and thoughtful boy, who has gradually arose to get away from the world and devote his life to God. His parents themselves accepted the lead in the Khotkovsky monastery. There, the vow of monasses took his older brother Stefan. Bartholomew, testifying the property to the younger brother Peter, went to Khotkovo and began to monk by Sergius.

The brothers decided to leave the monastery and put in the forest, in ten versts from him Celle. Together they cut the church and sanctified it in honor of St. Trinity. Around 1335, Stefan could not stand the burden and left the Moscow Epiphany Monastery, leaving Sergius one. For Sergius, a period of severe tests began. His privacy lasted for about two years, and then inki began to flux to it. They built twelve keys, got a fence. So in 1337 the monastery of the Trinity-Sergievsky monastery was born, and Sergius became his igumen.

He led the monastery, but this leadership had nothing to do with the authorities in the usual, the secular sense of the word. As they say in "Life", Sergius was for all "accurately purchased slave." He chopped the celi, lasted a log, fulfilled hard work, fulfilling the monastic poverty and neighboring monastic. Once he ended in the food, and he hung over for three days, he went to the monk of his abode with a certain Daniel. He was going to attach the sense to his cell and waited for carpenters from the village. And here Igumen suggested Daniel to fulfill this work. Daniel was frightened that Sergius would ask him a lot, but he agreed to work for rotten bread, which was already impossible. Sergius worked a whole day, and in the evening Daniel "sneaks his rotten breads."

Also, according to life, he "enjoyed all such a case to make the abode where it was necessary." According to one contemporary, Sergius "quiet and krobroy words" could act on the cooler and fierce hearts; Very often reconciled the princes warring. In 1365 he sent him to Nizhny Novgorod to peer quarreling princes. On the way, in passing, Sergius found time to arrange a wastewhere in the wilderness of the Gorokhovetsky County on a swamp in the Klyazma River and erect the church of the Holy Trinity. He settled there "Elders of deserted hermites, and they fed onto the flashes and hay on the swamp mow." In addition to the Trinity-Sergius of the Monastery, Sergius founded the Annunciation Monastery in Kirzchach, old-Golutvin near Kolomna, Vysotsky Monastery, Georgievsky on Klyazma. In all these monasses, he put the rebels of his students. More than 40 abode was founded by his students, for example, Savoy (Savvino-Storozhevsky near Zvenigorod), Ferapont (Ferapontov), \u200b\u200bKirill (Kirillo-Belozersky), Sylvester (Resurrection Obnodsky). According to life, Sergius Radonezh committed many miracles. People came to him from different cities for healing, and sometimes even in order to just see it. According to life, one day he resurrected a boy who died on his father's hands when he was a child of a child to his saint for healing.

Having achieved deep old age, Sergius, for half a year, Nick's death, urged his brotherhood and blessed on the need of an experienced in spiritual life and obedience to the student, Rev. Nikon. Sergius died on September 25, 1392 and soon was canonized. It happened during the lifetime of people who knew him. The case has never repeated.

After 30 years, July 5, 1422, they were gained with the nettical relics, as indicated by Pahomi logo. Therefore, this day is one of the days of the memory of the saint.11 April 1919, during the campaign to open the relics, the power of Sergius of Radonezh was subjected to an autopsy in the presence of a special commission with the participation of representatives of the Church. The remains of Sergius were found in the form of bones, hair and fragments of gross monastic robe, in which he was buried. Pavlu Florensky became known about the upcoming opening of the relevant, and with his participation (in order to protect power from the possibility of complete destruction) The head of St. Sergius was secretly separated from the body and replaced by the head of the prince Trubetskoy buried in the Lavra. Before returning the relics of the Church, the head of Rev. Sergius was kept separately. In 1920-1946 The relics were in the museum, placed in the Lavra building. On April 20, 1946, Sergius was returned to the church. Currently, the relics of St. Sergius are in the Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra.

Sergius Radonezh embodied the idea of \u200b\u200ba hostel monastery in Russia. Earlier, the monks, leaving the monastery, continued to own property. There were poor and rich monks. Naturally, the poor soon became mines from more secured fellow. This, according to Sergius, contradicted the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe monastery fraternity, equality, aspiration to God. Therefore, in its Trinity Monastery, based not far from Moscow, Radonja, Sergius Radonezh banned the monks to have private property. They should have given their wealth to the monastery, which became as if the collective owner. The property, in particular the Earth, was needed by the monastery, only for the inquars that dedicate themselves prayer was to eat. As we see, Sergius Radonezh was guided by the highest thoughts and struggled with monastic wealth. Pupils Sergius became the founders of many monasteries of this type. However, in the future, the hostel monasteries became the largest land owners who, by the way, and large driven wealth - money, precious things obtained as deposits on the soul member. Trinity Sergiev Monastery with Vasili II was given an unprecedented privilege: his peasants did not have the right to transition to Yuriev's day - so, on the scale of one monastery victorcia, for the first time, serfs appeared in Russia.

Sergius Radonezh (Radonezh Bartholomew Kirillovich)

Biography Sergius Radonezhsky

Sergius Radonezh (in the world of Bartholomew; Radonezhsky - toponymic nickname; May 3, 1314 - September 25, 1392) - Monk of the Russian Church, founder of the Trinity Monastery near Moscow (now Troice-Sergiyev Lava), converter of monasticism in Northern Russia.

Sergius Radonezh is revered by the Russian Orthodox Church in the face of Saints as the Rev. and is considered to be the greatest devotee of the land of Russian.

Days of memory for the Julian calendar:
July 5 (gaining relics)
September 25 (Pressing).

Birth and childhood

In his story, the first biographer Sergius Radonezh Epiphany Promotud reports that the future of the Saint, who received the name of the Bartholomew, was born in the village of Varnanti (near Rostov) in the Family of the boyar Kirill, the servant of the Rostov specific princes, and his wife Mary.

In the literature there are several different dates for its appearance. The opinion was expressed that Sergius was born or in 1315, or in 1318. The birthday of Sergius was also called or May 9, or on August 25, 1322. In the compositions of the XIX century appeared on May 3, 1319. This dispersion of the opinions gave the basis of the well-known writer Valentina Rasputin with bitterness to argue that "the year of birth of the Bartholomew is lost." The Russian church traditionally considers his birthday on May 3, 1314.

At the age of 10, young warfolomery was given to led by a diploma to a church school along with the brothers: senior Stefan and younger Peter. Unlike its successful brothers, the Bartholomew brothers significantly lagged in training. The teacher scolded him, his parents were upset and drew, he himself prayed with tears, but the studies did not move forward. And then the event was happening, which is reported to all the life methods of Sergius.

On the instructions of the father of Bartholomew went to the field to look for horses. During the search, he went out to the Polyana and saw under the oak of the elder-spike, "Saint and Wonderful, Sanzan of the Presbyter, a fraudulent and similar angel, who stood on the field under the oak and diligently, with tears, prayed." Seeing him, Bartholomew first wondered, then came up and got close to, waiting for the prayer. The elder, seeing the boy, turned to him: "What are you looking for and what do you want, Choo?". He alright, with deep spiritual excitement, told him his grief and asked the elder to pray that God would help him defeat diploma. Praying, the elder took out a jacket of the cozier and took a part of the prosphora, blessed and told me to eat, saying: "You are given to the sign of the grace of God and understanding the Holy Scriptures.<…> About the diploma, child, not grief: know that from now on the Lord gives you a good knowledge of the diplomas, more than your brothers and peers. " After that, the old man wanted to leave, but Bartholomew prayed him to visit his parents. For the meal, the parents of Bartholomew told the elder. Many signs that accompanied the birth of their son, and he said: "The sign of the truth of my words will be for you that after my departure, the matters will be well aware of the diploma and understand the sacred books. And here is the second sign to you and prediction - the tags will be great before God and people for your virtuous life. " Having said this, the elder gathered to leave and finally said: your son will be the abode of the Holy Trinity and many will lead to the understanding of the Divine Commandments.

Around 1328, the Bartholomey's strongly impoverished family was forced to move to the city of Radonezh. After the marriage of the eldest son Stefan, the aged parents took Schima to the Khotkovo-Pokrovsky monastery.

The beginning of the monastic life

After the death of the parents of Bartholomew, he himself went to the Khotnkovo-Pokrovsky monastery, where His widowed Brother Stefan was already inocated. In an effort to "strictest monogram", to deserted, he stayed here for a short time and convincing Stephen, together with him founded the deserts on the banks of the Konchura River, on the Macoves Hill in the midst of the deaf Radonezh Bohr, where he built (about 1335) a small wooden church in the name The Holy Trinity, in the place of which is now the Cathedral Temple also in the name of the Holy Trinity.

Without withstanding too severe and ascetic lifestyle, Stephen soon left the Moscow Epiphany Monastery, where he later became igumen. Bartholomew, remaining in complete loneliness, called on a certain Ighumen Mitrofan and took the victim from him under the name of Sergius, since the memory of martyrs was celebrated on that day: Sergius and Vakha.

Education of the Trinity-Sergiev Monastery

In two or three years to it began to fluff The monastery was formed, which in 1345 was formed as the Trinity-Sergiev Monastery (later the Trinity-Sergiyev Lava) and Sergius was her second igumen (the first - Mitrofan) and the presbyter (from 1354), who submitted to all the example with his humility and hardworking. I forbid to take challenge, Sergius put the rule so that all the buildings live from their work, applying to them as an example. Gradually glory grew; In the abode began to turn everything from the peasants and ending with princes; Many settled next to her, sacrificed her property. First, in all the necessary extreme need, the desert appealed to a rich monastery. Slava Sergius even reached Tsargrad: The Universal Patriarch Filofee sent him with a special embassy, \u200b\u200bParaman, Schima and a diploma, in which he praised him for virtuous lives and gave advice to introduce a film in the monastery (strict community). Under this advice, and with the blessing of Metropolitan Alexei Sergius, he introduced the community-based charter in the monastery, taken later in many Russian monasteries. High respected by Radonezh Iguman Metropolitan Alexey before his death persuaded him to be a successor to him, but Sergius decisively refused.

Public ministry Sergius Radonezh

According to one contemporary, Sergius "quiet and krobroy words" could act on the cooler and fierce hearts; Very often reconciled the princes warring them, persuading them to obey the Grand Duke of Moscow (for example, Rostov Prince - in 1356, Nizhny Novgorod - in 1365, Ryazan Oleg, etc.), so that by the time of the Kulikovsky battle, almost all Russian princes recognized Dmitry Johnovich's primacy. According to life, going on this battle, the last, accompanied by princes, boyars and the governor went to Sergia to pray with him and receive a blessing from him. Blessing him, Sergius predest to him to victory and salvation from death and let go to the campaign of his two sokov, reboot and dock.

There is also a version (V. A. Kuchkin), according to which the story of Life in Sergius Radonezh about the blessing of Sergius Radonezh Dmitry Donskoy on the fight against Mama does not apply not to the Kulikov battle, but to the battle on the river, (1378) and is associated in later texts ("The Tale of Mamaev Boy") with a Kulikovsky battle afterwards, as with a more large-scale event.

Approaching Don, Dimitri Ioannovich hesitated, whether to cross the river or not, and only upon receipt from Sergius an encouraging letter, who extinguished him as soon as possible to attack the Tatars, began decisive actions.

In 1382, when the Tokhtamysh army approached Moscow, Sergius threw his monastery "and from Takhtamyshova to find in the tfer" under the defense of Prince Mikhail Alexandrovich Tverskogo.

After the Kulikov battle, the Grand Duke began to relate yet with great reverence to Radonezh Igumen and invited him in 1389 to bore a spiritual testament, legalizing the new order of the throne from his father to the eldest son.

In addition to the Trinity Sergius of the Monastery, Sergius founded a few more monasteries (Blagoveshchenskaya in Kirzchich, Old-Golutvin near Kolomna, Vysotsky Monastery, Georgievsky on Klyazma), in all these monastery he put the rebels of his students. More than 40 abode was founded by his students: Sawva (Savvo-Storozhevsky near Zvenigorod), Ferapont (Ferapontov), \u200b\u200bKirill (Kirillo-Belozersky), Sylvester (Resurrection Obnodsky), etc., as well as his spiritual interlocutors, such as Stephen Perm.

According to life, Sergius Radonezh committed many miracles. People came to him from different cities for healing, and sometimes even in order to just see it. According to life, one day he resurrected a boy who died on his father's hands, when he was a child of a child to his saint to heal

Old age and the concent of Rev. Sergius

Having achieved deep old age, Sergius, for half a year, Nick's death, urged his brotherhood and blessed on the need of an experienced in spiritual life and obedience to the student, Rev. Nikon. On the eve of the death of the Rev. Sergius, the last time urged his brotherhood and turned with the words of the testament: to look at myself, my brotherhood. Before have fear of God, the purity of spiritual and love is non-estate ...

September 25, 1392 Sergiy died, and in 30 years, July 18, 1422 were gained by his relics, which indicated the plowing logo; Day July 18 is one of the days of the saint's memory. At the same time, in the language of the ancient church literature, non-relics are not nonsense, but preserved and unfulfilled bones. In 1919, during the campaign to open the relics, the power of Sergius of Radonezh was opened in the presence of a special commission with the participation of representatives of the Church. The remains of Sergius were found in the form of bones, hair and fragments of gross monastic robe, in which he was buried. In 1920-1946 The relics were in the museum, placed in the Lavra building. On April 20, 1946, Sergius was returned to the church.

The most famous source of information about him, as well as the wonderful monument of the ancient Russian literature, is the legendary lives of Sergius, written in 1417-1418 by his student of the epiphany to wisdom, and in the middle of the XV century, a significantly revised and supplemented with a fraud. Logoheet


Removing Sergius Radonezh emerged earlier than the formal rules for the canonization of saints appeared (the Russian Church did not know the mandatory cathedral canonization to the Makarev Cathedrals). Therefore, there are no documentary news about when and how it began to read as the Orthodox Saint and who it was established. It is possible that Sergius "became a communal saint himself, because of his great glory."

Maxim Greek discovered direct doubts in Holiness Sergius. The reason for doubt was that Sergius, like the Moscow saint "held the cities, parish, villages, gathered duties and regulations, had riches." (Here Maxim Greek is adjacent to incubuses.)

Church historian E. E. Golubinsky does not give unequivocal messages about the start of his worship. He mentions two princely diplomas written before 1448, in which Sergius is called the St. Starter, but it believes that it is indicated in them yet as a local saint. In his opinion, the fact of the correspondence of Sergius to the Face of Saints for general workers, the Metropolitan of ions is served by Dmitry Shemyak, dating from 1449 or 1450 (the uncertainty of the year is caused by the fact that it is unknown, when it was the old March chronology that was replaced by September). In it, Sergius is named by the Russian Church in it and puts it next to other wonderful artists and saint, threatening to deprive the shemyak of the "mercy" of the Moscow Saints. Golubinsky believes that the general terrorism glorification of Sergius Radonezh, together with Rev. Kirill Belozersky and St. Alexy, was one of the first acts of Metropolitan Jona after leaving him at the Department.

In a number of secular encyclopedia, it is indicated that Sergius is ranked sainted in 1452.

With the approval of the Pope Sergius, Radonezh is worshiped only by Eastern Catholic churches.

Pivot historians note that Sergius is ranked sainted for the political reasons for the will of the Grand Duke Vasily Dark. The Grand Duke included Sergius in the number of Moscow saints not a special act, but on a private occasion, in the negotiability of 1448 with Prince Ivan Mozhaysky.

Tradition of Florensky family on preserving the head of St. Sergius

In the journal "Science and Religion" (№ 6, June 1998), O. Gazizova published an interview with Pavel Vasilyevich Florensky, famous scientists and grandson of Father Paul Florensky. P. V. Florensky told the family legend about how in Lazarev Saturday of 1919, Father Pavel Florensky became aware of the preparing authorities of the opening of the relics of Rev. Sergius, which was to take place before Easter. The further preservation of the relics was under great threat.

According to P. V. Florensky, a secret meeting was held soon in the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra, in which Pavel Florensky's father was attended, Lavra Father Kronid, Yu. A. Olsufyev, a member of the Commission for the Protection of History and Starns of the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra; And, probably, members of the Commission Count V. A. Komarovsky, as well as S. P. Mansurov and M. V. Shik, who later became priests.

The meeting of the meeting was secretly penetrated into the Trinity Cathedral, where, after reading the prayer in cancer with the relics of St., separated by a copy of the chapter of the saint, which was replaced by the head of the prince Trubetskoy. The chapter of the presented Sergius of Radonezh temporarily placed in the sacristy. Soon the Count Olsufyev moved the chapter to the oak ark and moved to his home (Sergiev Posad, Gross Street). In 1928, Olsufyev, fearing arrest, buried the ark in his garden.

In 1933, after the arrest of Father Paul Florensky Count Yu. A. Olsufyev fled to Nizhny Novgorod, where he dedicated to this story Paul Alexandrovich Golubsyova (the future of Vladyka Sergius - Bishop of Novgorod and Old Russian). P. A. Golubtsov managed to move the ark with the head of Reverend Sergius from the garden of Count Olsufyev in the surroundings of the Nicholo-Ugreshsky Monastery near Moscow, where the Ark was held before the end of the Great Patriotic War. Returning from the front, P. A. Golublov handed over the ark Ekaterina Pavlovna Vasilchikova (adoptive daughter of the Count Olesufyev), which became the last keeper of the shrine.

In 1946, when the Trinity-Sergiyev Laureau was re-opened, and the relics of St. Sergius were returned to the monastery, E. P. Vasilchikova secretly returned Chapter Sergius Patriarch Alexy I, who blessed to return it to the place, in cancer.

According to the family legend of the Floren Father, Paul made records in Greek about his participation in all this story. However, no written evidence was found in his archives.

Rev. Sergius Radonezhsky (in the world - Bartholomew Kirillovich) - the great spiritual and politician of Russia, whose works of the Orthodox Church managed to obtain exceptional confidence and recognition of the parishioners.

Being the son of Rostov Boyarin, Sergius Radonezh since childhood herself for loneliness and solitude. It was harmoniously combined with such features as hard work, lack of thrust for profit and exceptional religiosity. Held Saint Sergius Radonezh begins after a 20-year-old line. He lives alone in the forest for a long time, in his own hands. Humidity of a lonely monk is spread over the Radonezh district and the same connoisseurs of loneliness are settled near the Celi. In 1335, a wooden temple was built with a hangover, which is consecrated by Metropolitan Feoganosest in honor of the Holy Trinity. Over time, the village of Radonezh, where everyone lived separately was formed around the Celi of the Young Holder of Rev. Sergius. The community was collected together only for worship. Thanks to the spiritual experiments of the settlers, this place became widely known. At 23, at the insistence of Mitrofan's insistence, Rev. Sergius Radonezh takes Holder and the nightly rank with a change in the name of the Bartholomew, and the settlement acquires the status of a hostage monastery. Today he is known as the Trinity-Sergiev Monastery. The novices living here were distinguished by the purity of thoughts, love for the whole created by the Creator, and did not exclude physical work from their daily life. The latter feature gave rise to a new way for monasteries throughout Russia - from now on, the establishments of this type lived not at the expense of allegations, but at the expense of their own works on the economic field. Reverend Sergius Radonezh himself, not twelving the hands, worked on the landscaping of the monastery: Challenged the firewood, sewed clothes and shoes, catches the candle for the temple.
With its quiet intelligible speeches, Radonezh has repeatedly saved Russia from civil wars. It was his arguments that the world was introduced into relations between princes. Recognizing Dmitry Don Chief of Troops, Russian princes won in the Kulikov Battle of 1380 over Mongol-Tatars. Without the approval and councils of the righteous, Sergius of Radonezh Dmitry Donskoy did not make a single military campaign. At his request, Holy Sergius Radonezh became the godfather of children of Moscow Prince. Thanks to the Diplomatic Visit of the monk to Ryazan, the conflict between Novgorod and Moscow in 1385 was settled.
In 1389, the Great Righteous was invited by Dmitry Donskoy to curve a document, which proclaimed the new order of the Preconsession: from the Father to the Son.
So the righteous life of Rev. Sergius Radonezh served to the welfare and unification of the entire Russian state.