The most powerful demons. Evil spirits or soulless creatures? What attracts the demon to one or another person

The most powerful demons. Evil spirits or soulless creatures? What attracts the demon to one or another person
The most powerful demons. Evil spirits or soulless creatures? What attracts the demon to one or another person

Many people know that in the earthly dimension there are several levels:

  • the level on which we exist in our daily life;
  • fay levels;
  • third, the gnomes and elves live;
  • the fourth lives mythological creatures, such as unicorns, flying horses (for example, pegasus) or cyclops;
  • the fifth, sixth and seventh levels are lower, and they say, inhabited by terrible creatures.

The lower levels do not really exist, but since a very large number of people think about these creatures, they become a tulips like a snowy man or Nesssey. For example, the ancient Greeks believed that there are three types of vampire daemons - Lamia, Miro and Emupus. Lamia and Moro, according to beliefs, drank the blood of children (Lamyia also attacked pregnant women), and Empus was seduced by young men, and then killed, drinking blood and drinking insides.

Demon, silent married couple

In India, Paku Pati (whose name literally means "Lord of herd") is considered to be the king of all, vampires, witches and ghosts; In some classic Hindu texts, he is called the God of death, like a pit. Some of the uneducated inhabitants of India still consider Paka party by almighty force, as it can enjoy the corpses and revive them - which generates legends about the "immortal" vampires and zombies.

The word "nightmare" in English comes from the connection of two words, one of which in the Anglo-Saxon denotes a demonic spirit attacker on people during sleep. In England, believed that this spirit sits on a man's chest, which causes tuberculosis (so in the Middle Ages the appearance of this disease).

Stories about demons have always been contradictory and attended in the additional history of man. It seems that everything is inexplicable, be it eruption of volcanoes, diseases, plague or natural phenomena, explained with the help of the participation of "evil spirits". Obviously, it was the only way to explain the misfortune for a person was an evil creature or anger of God, who was followed by sentences or victims.

Given all the suffering, through which a person passed in his entire story, it is clear that we have come up with our own mythology to explain the vital difficulties.

People almost need to blame in their problems something external, invisible evil forces in order not to take responsibility for the perfect.

This is how they explain the existence of some famous demons.

Demon Lilith

Lilith, about which we know from the Talmud and the Bible, as it was thought could make a woman fruitless or lead to miscarriage, but to make a man powerless (please note that although in a negative plan, but it admits that a woman gives life and deprives her). Her father was the god of the sky Anna, the creator of the Universe.

In the Alphabet of Ben Syrah, Lilith is called Adam's first wife, as well as he created from clay. But she demanded equality with Adam, in which he refused to her, so she came into contact with the demons and gave life to numerous demonic beings (I don't know how you, but this story it seems to be another attempt to remake a woman compared to a man). Legends say that if a person carries a protective amulet, Lilith will not harm him.

Based on this belief and, thanks to the fear of death and destruction, amulets appeared, which, as believed to give their luck and protection. And these days we continue to use them, wearing crucifixes, crystals, signs of the zodiac and the like symbols. I do not believe that the amulet itself has some power; His abilities, on the contrary, appear due to the strengths that we give him, as well as thanks to his historical meaning ..

Archaeologists over many years have taken out countless amulets from under the ground; In the British Museum in London, there are even exhibited some of them who defended women from the infamous Lilit. Francine claims that Lilith is not angry, and in fact manages the fairy and lower forces of the Earth.

Banshi and Sirena

Celtic folklore tells about numerous perfumes with women's guise, both good and bad. One of the most famous spirits in Ireland and parts of Scotland is banshi. - It is said that when a person is close to death, you can hear a cry of Banshi.

I was on the British Islands and talked with some people, rather intelligent and educated, who heard these screams before they died their close man. I heard about it as often as Francin asked. I was very difficult to accept her explanations, but they turned out to be more meaningful than any more.

She told me that before the death of a man of his soul, or psyche, already knows that care from this world is inevitable. The soul publishes the ear of a cry, even before the death of a person, and because of the heavy and wet air of the British Isles, this "silent" cry is often heard - he was also attributed to the Banishi.

Here you can recall Siren and mermaids from ancient legends, which their singing or loud cries brought sailors to death, directing their ships to invisible reefs. Could this be a warning from subconscious of seafarers about the proximity of the meli or reefs?

Incubs and Sukkuby

Incubs and succoules are the demons of the male and female bleits who seduce the opposite sex people, usually at night or during sleep. This myth originates at the time of witch hunting, when many women were burned on fires.

People who believe in them believe that Sukkuby appear in front of a man in the image of a beautiful woman and seduce it, then, after sex, they turn into disgusting old old women. Incubs appear in front of women in the image of an attractive man and after sexual intercourse usually take the image of a demon or sorcerer. Such actions of incubuses and succubs bring their victims to madness.

Myths about incubations and succubs allow for all uniform to explain unwanted pregnancy, the birth of children outside of marriage, the ugliness of children at birth and the like. The faith in them also allowed the Inquisitors to search on the human body signs in the form of moles or birthmarks, which would indicate that these people were seduced by demons in the case of a man or a woman. It seems that people captured mass madness, causing suspicion; When this hell was invented, the church had a reason for the burning of the unfortunate on the fire. It is tragic that the remnants of this hysteria are preserved to this day.


Many Gorgoles, which you could see on the walls of the cathedrals seem to be statues of demons. GORGULES (they were also called "grotescas") - these are mythical creatures, the bricklayers put them on the roofs for decorating pipes, removing rainwater from the roofs. The word "Gargoyle" translates from French as "throat."

In the ancient Roman architecture of the Gorgrali used to decorate the walls (similarities were found as a result of excavations in Pompeii), as well as to protect against evil spirits. Because of their appearance, it seems to me that in order to prevent the penetration of evil inside the premises, they had to take the appearance of evil. I always believed that to exhibit similar so-called mythological statues outside the premises for prayer tasteless.

I do not think that too much attention should be paid to the myths that arose due to the fact that science or tradition were not able to explain certain phenomena. In other words, why be afraid of demons that were created to intimidate the crowd, if it is only worse? Again, if we cannot explain something, we do it negative ... as if we are not able to worry about anything else - for example, AIDS, wars, murders, or entered the saying of bacteria that always elude scientific understanding.

Medicines are changing, myths mutate. In the end, the people suffering from epilepsy for centuries considered obsessed devil. At the beginning of the development of science, when bacteria and genes were not yet discovered, in all vinyl "bad humor", which fall into the body. People did bloodshots to save them from bad gumors, and some, such as George Washington, expired blood to death as a result of such treatment. We may never be able to get rid of the idea of \u200b\u200bcurses or placing demons. Do you believe that in our time there are so many people turn to me so that I checked if there is no curse on them? They simply do not want to take responsibility for the lifestyle they have chosen on the way to perfection by the will of God.

Demons, of course, are not included in our bodies, but negative energy or severe person can really worsen your well-being. In my lectures, I often said that bacteria do not make us sick, but people and situations can - for example, we cannot "digest" the life situation, and therefore problems with the stomach appear, or we are too strained in business and earn back pain, etc. Our body literally tells us: If you continue to firm everything that your heart is broken, then you will have problems with your heart, if you have a "blood boil" from communication with another person, then you will earn increased pressure.

The most terrible demons from world religions

The demon is the word originating from the ancient Greek "Daimon". So who are, after all, demons?

The mythological consciousness of pagan beliefs suggests that the demon is the "soul" of the subject, unrecognizable power, which may be evil or very angry, the demon is present in all phenomena or things, fiery and water perfumes, spirits of trees and spirits of stones, representing the Universe as Space - everything is filled with demons. (Falez).

Religious consciousness, especially Christian mystic, believes that the demon is a creature opposite to the angel, which often the demons came from former bright angels or even the gods. Most often, the demon is something evil and absolutely indifferent to the person, but if you contact him, then a person who knows, the daemon will be readily serve and fulfill the slightest desires in order to ensure that the energy feed.

Devils, no doubt, are also very strong essences, but since they have no physical shell, which deprives them of a huge number of earthly pleasures, then they are extremely huntingly on various agreements and can completely obey the will of the magician and even do good. The passion for the cubalistic, on the one hand, and the development of demonology - on the other hand, had consequences in the form of the development of a hierarchy and a certain specialization of demons (for example, incubs, demons, sukkuba and inference); If we talk about Byzantine theologians, they were divided into 4 categories:

- God-like demon (Theodaimones);

- humanoid demon (anthropodaimones);

- Zoodaimones (Zoodaimones);

- Ploto-like demon (Phitodaimones).

If you understand the constructive strength of nature, more precisely, progress and, regardless of what is about - about society, about inanimate or wildlife, then the forces of destruction is what is understood by the Devil. The devil became the owner of a huge number of names for the last few thousand years. This is the prince of Darkness, and Lucifer, and Velzevul, and the Beast, and the Antichrist, and the Chat, and Prince Besysky, and the serpent-temptist, and an angel of the abyss, and Satan, as well as many other names. In the Devil Names section, the most frequent names and a brief description of the names of evil spirits are given.

Now we know that in the occult and philosophical understanding, the demons are spiritual entities embodied in abstract form, these are the creatures of disembodied, and neither less capable of certain actions. The main principle of communication with the demon is knowledge of his name and the main purpose of this demon. If you know the name of the desired daemon and have certain skills, you can quite call him and tell him about your wishes.

Demonic names and destinations

    Abdustionus - a demon, pulling the trees with roots.
    Abbadon - the ruler of the abyss.
    Adramaleh - a demon who was considered an adviser and answered the Satanic wardrobe.
    Abigor - a skilled warrior, demon-rider.
    Azazel - carrier banners of the powerful troops of hell.
    Agvarez is the organizer of the dance, the Great Hell Duke.
    Alruuna is the name of the sorcerer, able to change its appearance, in German mythology is a female demon demon.
    Alastor - Herack.
    Amon - Marquis.
    Amduscias is a musician.
    Ancu - foreshadowing the death of a ghost with a wagon (Brittany).
    Andras - Great Marquis.
    Astarot - the Great Duke of the Underworld, kept hellish treasures.
    Asmodework is a demon of lust, family difficulties and great passions.
    Astarta is the goddess motherhood, war and fertility - from ancient.
    ASTART - Great Hell Duke.
    Aheron is a monstrous hellish demon, his eyes are glowing.
    Barbatos is a predictor of the future, as well as knew how to find related treasures.
    Balthazar - Tailed half impex-pubed.
    Belophegor is the one who seduced people with wealth.
    Buffomet - was a symbol of a satanic goat; Most often, it is depicted as receiving-semi-seen or in the guise of a man with a goat head.
    Walberit is the main Hell Secretary.
    Waal is a demon of deception and treachery, the great hellish duke.
    The vampire is a rustic dead man driving the blood of people.
    Valafar is a patron of robbers and robbers.
    Warlocks are male witch.
    Velzevul - Lord Muh, commanded the legions of hell.
    Velizar - Demon Lie and one of the strongest Allies of Satan.
    Vodestets - hell ceremonium officer.
    Golem is so angry with a terrible man who has been created by magic in Jewish folklore.
    Dantalian is the one who pushes people on bad actions, thereby feeding their energy.
    Dagon - Baker Hell.
    The devil - Christian teachings say that this is the Grand Duke evil.
    Ded Dante gave Satan such a poetic name.
    Dubbuk - on Jewish mythology - a wandering spirit.
    Zepar - a demon, brought to madness of women.
    Ishtar - from the Babylonian and Assyrian mythology - the Great Goddess Mother.
    Incubus - Male Demon-Lover.
    Kernunnos - God fertility and hunting, the horned Celtic God.
    Kali - the Indian goddess of destruction, death, horror, fear, the wife of the destroyer of Shiva.
    Xafan - breeds fires in hell.
    Leviathan is the Lord of the Oceanov, a huge snake.
    Lamia - female demon, vampire, who hunted, most often, for children.
    Lilian - Children Lilith from demons.
    Leonard - the owner of Sabbath.
    Lilith is the first wife of Adam, Queen Sukubus.
    Lucifer - Son Dawn, Fallen Angel. He rebelled against God and was overthow from the sky, he is Satan.
    Malebolje - the eighth, almost the last circle of hell, created for fraudsters and cunning.
    Put Satanakia is the Supreme Commander of the Satanic Army.
    Marbas is the one who sent or treated the disease.
    Mammon - experienced a passion for wealth.
    Mephistopheles - served by Foust 24 years.
    Mill - kept the treasures of the princes of hell.
    Mulcyber - ADA Architect.
    Moloch is a deity, which was sacrificed to children's souls.
    Nibras - answered excessive entertainment.
    Nebiro - Feldmarshal of the Hell Army.
    Oliviere - Fallen Archangel, awakening cruelty to the poor.

Several examples of vampire names

Civatateo: Vampire Witch, was found among Aztecs. As they say, he served as a variety of lunar deities. The most favorite victims there were children, they died from the disease immediately after they were attacked. It is believed that these vampires were Belolic.

DEARG-DUE: a disgusting creature from Ireland, his name meant "Red Blood Susks". This vampire is afraid and still, he refers to the dates of another Celtic times. There is only one way in curbing a predator - you need to any grave that is suspected of housing such an animal, put stones. The most famous story about these vampires is a story about a beautiful woman who, perhaps, was buried in Waterford, near the "Blancher Tree" (most likely, this is a ossen is a type of willow) in a small yard of the Church.

Danag: Vampire Philippine, as a kind, he appeared responsible for the fact that Tarot was created on the islands for many years ago. This vampire worked for many years with people, as one day, a similar partnership ended, due to the fact that the woman cut a finger, and Danag sucated her blood for so long that he had completely sinking the body.

Other mystical names

    Loa - "Soul" for religion Voodoo.
    Isis - the goddess-mother of ancient Egypt, was a symbol of the loyal spouse and the fertile of mother-defenders.
    The quotation is a frozen river from the ninth circle of hell.
    Druids - caste of high-ranking Celtic priests.
    Zombies - a living corpse that performs the orders of the sorcerer.
    Demeter is a Greek goddess, her image is an integral part of the cult of the female deity of modern witchcraft, she is the goddess of agriculture and fertility.
    Ginnes - from Arab mythology - most often these are evil and ugly demons, they have supernatural strength, as well as those who are observing their own secrets of magic.

    Dana is the ancestor of Fay from Celtic mythology.
    Homunculus - an artificial person, was created with the help of alchemy.
    Gri Gri - from shamanism - talismans or spells, stored for disgusting evil and good luck.
    Gay - Spirit, Mother Earth in Greek mythology.
    Goblins are ugly and malicious elves.
    Osiris is the Egyptian God of the Dead.
    Bellarmina is a witch bottle that is used to prepare the potion.
    Witch is a woman who uses black magic to achieve its goals.
    Anh - Cross with a loop, Egyptian symbol of immortality, universe and life.
    Atam - a ritual dagger used by witch.
    Allotrilodophagia - most often associated with an obsession with the devil. Express or vomiting of alien items.
    Altar - an exalted place for religious ceremonies and privacy of victims.
    Pandemonic - in hell - the capital of Satan.
    Lemegeton - Pocket Witchcraft, Small Solomon Key.
    Summer - in hell - river oblivion.
    Kabbalah is a Jewish system of philosophy, theosophy, magic, science and mysticism, which has developed during the Middle Ages.
    Kerriden - Celts are a goddess of the mind, wisdom, magic, magic and fortune telling.
    I-Jing is an ancient Chinese system of witchcraft and divination.
    Gnomes are perfumes that live in the ground.
    Angels - Assistants of God (White Angels), and the angels are fallen - this is the embodiment of the evil of the servant of Satan himself.
    Hekata - from Greek mythology is a powerful goddess, patronizing magic and magic.
    Vurdalak is a terrible creation that breaks the graves and eats down.
    Voodoo is a religion from the West Indies, a hybrid of Catholic faith and African religions.

· Primer elements - Earth, water, air and fire - four primary elements.

Essences that hugging horror people exist, perhaps, in the myths and legends of different nations. Their appearance goes back to the sources of folklore. As a rule, a variety of terrible supernatural monsters carried evil, death or were an instrument of punishment of the highest strength. In our review the most terrible and terrible entities from different cultures.

1. Pishachi.

Pisachi is one of the most terrible carnivorous demons in Hindu myths. They were portrayed with dark persons discovering veins and praised red eyes. Pisachi always alkali human flesh.

2. Vetals

Vetals - Ghost creatures from Hindu mythology. They constitute spirits that are placed in the corpses, after which they cease to decompose and gain the opportunity to move, like zombies. Nevertheless, the vetala can also leave the corpse at their own desire.

3. Rona

In demonology, Rhone is considered to be the Marquis and the Grand Claf of Hell, who commands twenty legions of the demons. It is most often depicted by a certain monster with vague outlines, which keeps the staff in his hand. It is also believed that he collects the souls of people and animals that die.

4. Rakshasa

These demonic perfumes occur from Hindu myths, but they can also be found in other religions, such as Buddhism. They are known as cannibals, and devouring their victims are still alive. According to Hindu traditions, they were so crowded with thirst for blood, which when creating tried to devour their creators - God Brahma.

5. Preta

Perfume pret, also known as "hungry ghosts" can be found in some Indian religions. They are doomed to wandering and suffering from terrible hunger and thirst, which can not satisfy. In accordance with these religions, people who have been greedy, corrupt, jealous and greedy during life, are pret.

6. Lemurs

In the ancient Religion, Lemur was evil restless spirits of the dead, which were known for their horrific appearance. It was also believed that they were associated with the Greek Monster Lamia, in honor of which were called.

7. Yorogumo

According to ancient Japanese myths, Yoroguo is a bloodthirsty monster. In most fairy tales, it is described as a huge spider that takes the shape of a very attractive woman who seduces men, lures them to himself in the lair and devour.


Huntnun is a faceless evil, which in Chinese mythology and cosmogony is considered a source of disaster and chaos. The strangest thing in this demon is how an ancient. According to Chinese beliefs, it existed before the sky and land were divided, that is, to a large explosion.

9. Elygos.

Edigos is the great Duke of Hell, who rules sixty legions of the demons. He discovers hidden things and knows the future of wars. Usually, Elygos is depicted as a pious knight, carrying a spear, a banner and a snake.

10. Ginn

Ginnes - supernatural creatures in Arabic, as well as Islamic late mythology and theology. The Quran states that Ginn consists of smokeless and "scorching fire", but at the same time they are also physically able to interact with people and objects.

11. Barbatos.

Barbatos in demonology is the duke of hell, which rules the thirty legions of the demons. In the companions, he consists of four kings that help him command by legions. It is believed that he can lead people to the treasures that were hidden by magic of wizards, but for it he asks a very high price - soul.

12. Barakhel

Barakuel is a ninth observer from twenty leaders of two hundred fallen angels, which are mentioned in the book of Enha. His name means "Lightning of God", which is not surprising, as it is believed that Barakiel taught people of astrology to their fall.

13. Asia Dahaka

Azia Dahaka - Demon Sturi from Iranian mythology and religion. It was alleged that he defends cattle and attacks people. This is a snipe-like monster with three heads and six eyes, which also personifies the oppression of Iran during the time of Babylon.

14. Agares

Agares - the Duke of Hell, who owns his eastern part and commands the thirty one legion of demons. It appears on the crocodile and with a hawk on his hand. It was believed that Agares could return deserters and turn enemies to escape. He can also exalt people, teach all languages \u200b\u200band cause an earthquake.

15. Abaddon

In the book of Revelation Angel named Abaddon, which looks like Satan, is described as the king of the locust army. He holds a trident, has a frightening wings, a snake tail and an evil face with cruel eyes. His name in ancient translation from Greek means "Destroyer".

16. Asag.

In the ancient Sumerian religion, ASAG was a grotesque demon who looked so scary that fish in the rivers were pretext. His name is translated as "causing diseases".

17. Dibbuk

In the Jewish mythology, Dibbuk is an evil spirit that hesitates in a person and lives in him before his death. This malicious creature leaves the owner's body only after he fulfill its vile target.

18. Abizua

In the myths of the Middle East and Europe, Abisu is a female demon. She is accused of miscarriages and infant mortality, because Abisu allegedly envies people, being fruitless.

19. Ghoul (Gul)

Ghoul is one of the most famous creatures in the ancient Arab religion and is first mentioned in the "Thousand and One Night". It is described as undead, which can also take the form of an intangible spirit. As a rule, evaporates dwell on cemeteries and feed on the desiccine.

20. Sukkub

Those who think that only men make rape, are deeply mistaken. Sukkub - a demon who invited men and boys in the form of attractive women in the medieval legends in the form of attractive women, and then seduced or raped them.

21. Xin Tien.

Blue Tien is an evil divine giant in Chinese mythology, who fought with the heavenly emperor Juan-di. Even after he was defeated and was beheaded, Xin Tian continued the struggle, making a face on the body: eyes from nipples and mouth from the navel. At the same time, it was armed with an ax in one hand and a shield in another.

22. Booer

Booer - a demon who was first described in the demonological literature of the sixteenth century, where he is described as a great president of hell, commander of the fifty legions of demons. Buer was described as a lion's head and five goat feet surrounding his body so that Booer could move in any direction.

23. Azazelle

According to the book of Enha (apocryphal books in the Jewish religious tradition), Azazel was one of the leaders of a group of fallen angels who took people in wives and taught people a lot. After the archangels of the fallen angel were sent to hell, the Archangels were sent to the "elimination" of the fallen angel), Azazel became the most mysterious supernatural being in the sacred literature.

24. Belfegan

In Western Demonology, Belfegor - a demon who was originally the Vsetnestemic God, and then became one of the seven princes of hell. The sixth of the ten archigitware offers people in cunning inventions that can make them rich, in return for the soul.

25. Nefilim

According to ancient biblical texts, the word Nephilim means "giants". They were known as the great warriors born from the "sons of God" who were divine beings and the "daughters of Adam" who were mortal. God condemned his sons for the riot and connection with people, and that is why their offspring was called "Nephilim" or fallen.

There are various types of demons - the classification was compiled at different times with different authors from the number of monks, occultists and philosophers. Find out which demons exist than they differ among themselves and what attitude to the Angelic Outline.

In the article:

Types of demons - ranks in demonology

In modern demonology, the types of demons - not fully disclosed the topic. But it is known that every representative of the unclean power has a strictly regulated circle of responsibilities, beyond which is quite rare. At different times, medieval, modern, classical demonology and leading authors studying this science have created various ways to classify hell forces.

All demons were once angels. Some authors, for example, I. VIER and R. Burton It is believed that if an angel hierarchy exists, then the demonic was created by her image and likeness. Fallen angels took advantage of the usual way to build a hierarchy without creating anything new. There is also the demonic ranks as much.

Nine Demon's Ninov

The first rank is pseudobogo, demons who outstand themselves for the gods. Such are the pagan deities, as well as all the others, with the exception of the Unified Lord. They commanded.

The second rank is a lie demons. Their task is to deceive people with the help of prophecies and predictions. They patronize gadels, psychics, sooths. Among these representatives of the demonic hierarchy, the ruler is a ponyph.

The third rank - wrestlers with God's laws and commandments. They invented all evil acts, vicious types of classes and arts. Prince of demons of lawlessness is.

Fourth rank - Avengers and punishers. They inspire thoughts about revenge and atrocities towards other people who allegedly deserve it. .

The fifth rank is deceivers, which seduce people with pseudochudes. They are able to introduce themselves to anyone - as an ordinary person who has a gift and the messenger of God. Lord of deceivers -.

The sixth chin rules over the air elements, with the help of which his representatives suggest diseases and epidemics on people, as well as natural disasters. The head of the sixth rank is Merezin.

The seventh rank - Furi, which to burn wars and discord. Their influence can be seen on a large scale when it comes to military conflicts or major urban clashes. Furi affects people individually, forcing them to conflict. .

The eighth ranks are prosecutors and begged. They watch people, noticing their slightest sins and sinful thoughts. At the same time, these representatives of the unclean forces never misses the chance to make a good room. Usually their effect manifests itself in false accusations, slander, quarrels with colleagues and close due to misunderstanding. The entire "compromising" prosecutors give their lord.

The ninth ranks are tempted people who pushed a person in sin. The greatest pleasure to them gives the transformation of the righteous in an avid sinner. Most often, it is these demons that are people, it's easier to call, but keep in mind that you don't get the benefit from your communication, and evil spirits. Leads her Mammon.

There is another classification of demons tied to. Before the fall, all the demons occupied their places in it. On medieval records that were obtained during exile of the Demon of Balberyite from the girl named MadeleineThe demons after deploying to hell took places in a new, dark hierarchy in accordance with those places that occupied in heaven. In other words, the fallen cherubs among the demons occupy the same position as Cherubims in heaven.


Demon hierarchy

First level

The first level of the demonic hierarchy corresponds to angelic, consisting of seraphists, cherubs and thrones. Above them - only:

  • Seraphim Velzevul ranks second after Lucifer, as. He inclined people to Gordin. Seraphim Leviafan pushes people from the Christian faith, teaches heresy and inclined to sins that contradict Christian morality. Seraphim Asmodez seduces luxury and material benefits.
  • Cherubi Balbery, who communicated with an exorcist, if you believe legend, pushes people to suicide. He also contributes to quarrels and squabbles, incite the scandals and teaches the crust.
  • The throne of Astarot is headed with laziness, despondency and idleness. The throne faiths makes people intolerant to each other, teaches them egoism. The throne of Gressin is responsible for the tendency to slope, heads the mud in her physical sense. The throne Sonnellon is always ready to ignite hatred for the enemy and make revenge.

Second level

The second level of the hierarchy of demons corresponds to the rank of domination, strength and power in an Angelic hierarchy:

  • Elle's domination inciterates to violating the vow of poverty. Rosier's domination - Demon Demon and Bluda.
  • The prince of Faurier's strength is able to make disrupting obedience.
  • The power of Carro instills in the heart of people cruelty and struggles with compassion and mercy. The Power of Carnivan is negotiating and the lack of feelings of guilt for the sins perfect, the inability to repent and get the forgiveness of God.

Third level

The third level is former starts, archangels and angels:

  • The beginning of the grand is inclined to arrogant. It was he who created the fashion and concept of beauty, because differences in appearance are closely related to a high opinion of themselves. Grand teachers chatting and distracted during worship services. Most of all he influences women and children.
  • Archangel Olivia is responsible for hatred of poverty. People who are under his influence hate those who earn less than they. Olivia teaches not to serve alms and refers to poor and miserable with all cruelty.

Classification of demons on their habitat

Types of demons on their habitat allocated monk Mikhail Pwell.who lived about a thousand years ago. He argued that not all demons live in hell. According to this author of historical, religious and philosophical works, the demons have certain habitats and are rarely chosen from them. The source was not preserved to the present day, but it was repeatedly quoted by other authors, for example, Henry Haluell.

Fiery Demons

According to this theory, fiery demons live in higher air layers, lunar ether or at all over the moon. They do not go down in the world of people or in hell. According to Pwell, they will only enter the day.

Aerial Demons

Aerial demons live in the air of the world of people. They are that the most unclean power, which every person should beware. These demons know how to cause natural cataclysms, become visible and affect people's lives. From time to time they go down to hell in their affairs. Aerial evil spirits are mentioned in Goethey.

Earth Demons

Earth demons, like air, live among people. They can hide in stones, forests and mountains. This kind of unclean power loves to harm people, but not all of them are evil. Some of the earth's demons are secretly living among mortals, giving themselves to ordinary people.

Water Demons

Water demons live in water sources. They harm the navigators and underwater livelihood. The aqueous evil is aggressive, never says the truth and is quite restless. Most often it is in the guise of women.

Underground demons

Underground demons inhabit the caves and mountain clefts. They harm the miners and representatives of other professions that work under the ground. Underground evil spirits are also attributed to the destruction of foundations of houses and earthquakes.

Dog demons, heliophobes or Lucifugi live in hell and never go beyond its limits. Pwell, they are incomprehensible and unattainable for mortal. When meeting with a person, Lucifug will surely kill him, strangling or pooling his breathing. The lights are afraid of only light, no witchcraft or magical seal, causing or protecting against them is impossible. They face people and never respond to various challenges.

Pwell, you can call only air, earthly, water and underground demon. This can be done in the place corresponding to its entity. For example, with aqueous unclean force, it is better to communicate on the shore of the reservoir, with the earth in the forest, with underground - in the cave. To call an air demon, this condition is not necessary, the air is so around you.

Types of demons in demonology - separation by the nature of classes

The duties of the demonic entity reveal its power. The stronger the demon, the greater the influence it has per person in particular and the world as a whole. The classification of demons by the nature of their classes and the level of power was first introduced Alphonse de Backina In the 15th century. She is often criticized, since many of the duties of unclean forces, this source does not mention, and most of the well-known demons fit into the framework of this classification.

Parks - Roman goddesses of fate, almost coinciding with Greek Moira. (Picture "Three Moira", Marco Bijo, 1525)

Parks called the goddesses that walked human fates in Roman mythology. Such characters are available in most of the pagan pantheons of the world. De Spin counted them to demons, in the authorities of which are human destinies.

Clean demons are powerful creatures from hell, which attack only the saints. Demons-deceivers are only people, usually in human appearance. Their goal is to deceive, introduce a righteous person in the sin, get him soul. There are still dream demons, or nightmarish demons who satisfy terrible dreams and feed on the energy of sleeping.

Two types of representatives of hellish troops are attached to witches and sorcerers. For de back, each witch has an assistant who is almost always in the appearance of a small animal. A separate type of demons inspires them false memories of Shabashs - the source calls the sabbage in the real world in the real world.

About who are such incubs and sukkubs know almost everyone. These are demonic entities that seduce a person and feed on its energy. De Spin added to these two species another - demons who are interested in male seed. According to Christian beliefs, demons and demons are born out of it.

Demonism Stephanie Connolly

Already in our time there was another attempt to highlight the varieties of demons by the nature of their classes and the scope of responsibility. Classification modern demonology and priestess demonstratria Stephanie Connolly Closer to traditional ideas about the birth of the unclean strength of different ranks and levels of influence. It is both more convenient for practitioners who are engaged in calling representatives of hellish forces and work with them.

Each demon has its own area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility, and each of the demons has in its subordination of the lower demons, demons, devils and other representatives of hello troops. Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to cause a powerful demon, but it can send someone to the help of Magu's rank.

Love, passion and sex are in the field of responsibility, Asmodeus and Astarota. These can be addressed to create love spell or sexual binding, as well as gaining attractiveness and searches for the beloved.

Hate, vigilance, anger and war are managed by Andras, Abadon and Agaliarept. These demons and their servants are treated in order to damage, revenge with the help of the enemy's magic, as well as to gain assistance in confronting a strong opponent.

Demons can both take up life and give it. For health and healing, Virin, Verier and Velin, are responsible. They can ask for help in combating severe illness if you are engaged in black magic for healing.

Demons of death - Evrin, Walberit and Babael. They are treated in order to avoid death or kill the enemy with magic. The same demons are patronizing necromancy.

Lucifer, Leviathan and Dagon and Dagon. They can ask for help to facilitate contact with natural energy sources, as well as strengthening the rite in which the elements play an important role.

Wealth, luck and all material components of a person's life are influenced by Belfehegor, Veelzevulus and Mammon. They can ask good luck in any case, enrichment - and without any restrictions on the methods of earnings, as well as the ruin of the enemy.

The secret knowledge of the sorcerers and the magicians give demons of the ponyphone, Rongle and the dealer. They are addressed to the Council of the sorcerers that work exclusively with the forces of Darkness. For white magicians, this path is closed.

Classification of demons in the demonology of the Cornellia Agrippa - Planetary Compliance

In demonology, the classification of demons can be tied to the planets. Many ancient sources states about some spirits of the planets. For example, those are described in detail in "Solomon Key". It is difficult to say exactly who is described in this source - perfume or demons, because Christian demonologies treated to representatives of unclean power in general of all mythological characters, except those who are directly related to God.

Occult philosophy. Book 4.

The planetary classification of the demons of hell was drawn up Cornelius Agrippoy. It is described in detail in the fourth volume of the Occult Philosophy of this author. Each of these creatures corresponds to a certain appearance, behavior manner, as well as a number of issues with which you can contact them. The latter correspond to the value of the planets in the generally accepted sense, for example, the demons of Venus can help with a spell or gaining attractiveness.

So, there are demons or spirits of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon. All of them come in various guards, and their appearance accompany physical phenomena around the magic circle - for example, the lunar demons cause rain, and Mercurians turn all those present in horror. To communicate with them, it is necessary to clearly comply with all matches. Each planet corresponds to a certain time of day, metal, color, stone and other important components of the call of demons.

Christian demonology - classification in accordance with sins

Christian demonologies are repelled against the connection between the ability of a person to sin and demons who are directly related to the transformation of righteous to sinners. For the first time connected demons and human vices demonologist P. Binsfeld In the 16th century, this way:

Lucifer - Pride;
Mammon - greed;
Asmodein - lust;
Satan - anger;
Velzevul - Czechodie;
Leviathan - envy;
Belfegor - laziness.

In the 19th century occultist of London F. Barrett Changed the classification in one of his books. Mammon became the patron saint of seduction and temptation, not greed and thirst for profit. However, material benefits are one of the temptations for a person. Asmodein, according to Barreta, commands not lust, and revenge and anger. Satan is a famous deceiver who has nothing to do with anger and essentiality. Velzevul is named in this source by the lord of the false gods, which are actually demons. Barrett's Garrette "Pass" Mammon as the Lord of Temptation.

PiPon - Prince of Perfumes of Lie;
Velisal - the capacity of the vice;
Merichim - the leader of spirits that cause contagious diseases;
Abaddon - Demon Wars;
Astarot - Demon Prosecutors and Inquisitors;
Azazel - scapegoat.

Russian demonology and its features

Russian demonology originated even before the coming of the Orthodox faith on the land of the ancient Slavs. In unclean power, our ancestors always believed. Somewhat changed under the influence of Christian. But the information about the unclean strength of the Slavs remained well, since Christianity only added new characters, without affecting any existing ones.

As well as other types of "walking dead" - one of the brightest characters of Russian demonology. In the times of the Cossacks in Russia and Ukraine, they believed in people who possess demonic abilities - sodukhi and duals. During sleep, if you believe old legends, they receive almost complete power over the situation.

Badzul - a demon who can make any man drunk and vagrand. In the appearance of a woman in rags, he appears near the settlements closer to winter. If you start Badzul for the night, the family will soon decide and disintegrated. Therefore, the trails were pretty wary in the winter - in the cold our ancestors rarely moved away from their native places.

Forest, marsh, field and river evil - unchanged characters of Russian folklore. A lot of information about them has been preserved in the signs and folk tales. Devils, contrary to popular opinion, time impact lived near people, according to the beliefs of Slavs. Evil spirits are a lot - the worst, the willow, Peshegolovers and many others.

Slavs tried to drop evil spirits so that they were not harmed. Some of them are not good for people, for example, are the houses with which to this day is customary to be friends.

The doctrine of demons (from the ancient Greek "Damon" is a deity, spirit, in English is written Daemon) is called demonology. It includes their names, descriptions of appearance, behavior, rituals on the challenge of uncleani, methods of controlling and fighting them.

Teaching is referred to black magic and consider enough dangerous for a person. Practicing his demonologist who owns extensive knowledge about the supernatural world.

Different nations have their own idea of \u200b\u200bdemonology. Select directions:

  • Christian - The origin of the demons is due to the expulsion of angels from Paradise. One of them has been ingenected by power and raised the rebellion against the Lord. The name of this bright Angel Lucifer (Dennica, on the Jewish Heilel - Morning Star).

    He collected the third part of the heavenly army and intended to take the place of God. However, Archangel Mikhail with the military successfully opposed the rebels.

    The rebels were dropped into the underworld, so the fallen angels turned into demons. According to the Bible, for human souls and all the existence there is a constant struggle between the dark and the bright parties.

  • Slavyanskoye - Mythology explains the device of the world by the impact of demonic forces. The natural phenomena affects atmospheric spirits, on family relationships, households - sorcerers, witches, houses, life after death is represented by mermaids, ghouls, water, werewolves, and so on.

    A feature of the direction is considered to be the number of human states (diseases), processes (fate), events (days of week) in the discharge of mythological.

  • Japanese - Chinese and Japanese religion Sintoism denotes the presence of Gods everywhere in the world: in subjects, phenomena. Demons O-Bak, Ykai, Yurai and other lower ranks than kami.

    Demon Ekai

    Demon Yurai

    At the same time, a person is able to interact with them good or fraudulently.

  • In occultism - Mages can use demons for the performance of their own desires. To do this, the mystical traditions of Goeytius (Goetie) are applied to challenge the unclean, creating talismans and other practices.

It is possible an occult direction, which consists in worshiping demons (demonstration).

An African voodoo rituals are known to call evil spirits, guardian angels.

Characters in demonology are different, include images of animals, plants, mythical creatures, cullless and having sex, creepy and attractive, capable of changing appearance (alruna) or to alter in mortals. Their connection with people is common: Received - half-semen, Centaur, Minotaur and so on. Almost everyone has a horns. The teaching describes the half-emmon-receiving age (Ashgar), which is recognized as one of the strongest creatures.

Bookstores present a lot of books on the subject of demons and magic. Among the names of their authors, Kalashnikova V.I., Korotanov Alexander and Goluban Marina, Crowley and Fuller and so on. Information about the demons is represented in the teachings of the Christian Church: the books of the Prophet Ezekiel, IOVA, the revelations of John the Theologian and so on.

Demon's names: List and photos

The inhabitants of hell numbered a great set, ancient times, demonologies and theologians tried to calculate how much about this number. The numbers in various interpretations are significantly different: in the second century, the number of demons is of about 30 thousand, in the 15th century Alfons de Spin increases it to 133 306 608. In the 16th century, the biblical "number of beast" was taken as a basis to calculate the number of monsters, it turned out 66 Hell Princes, heading Legion from 6,660,000 supporters of darkness.

Of the total number of representatives, according to Jewish beliefs, 12 demons of the gates of hell are taken to the underworld sinful souls.

The presented list includes the descriptions of the common names of the hellish inhabitants, in accordance with various interpretations.

Lucifer (Satan, Satanel, Devil)

He was a beautiful, powerful and beloved God angel. After his failed attempts to take possession of the throne of God, why Lucifer was expelled from Paradise to hell, he acquired the name of Satan (in translating the "slander"), became the prince of darkness, the main leader of hell and demons.

His excellent appearance turned into ugly and ugly. It is considered the strongest representative of the dark forces that opened people in knowledge and the leading centuries-old confrontation with the light side. The name of the devil is also its title, and translates to Latin SATAN (enemy). There are various assumptions, there are a son or daughter at Satan. Mages and Inquisitors Middle Ages believed that all the demons were not fallen angels from the connection of Lucifer and Lilith. Among sons are called Molok.

On another theory, the children of the devil are people who renounce God. Many are interested when the birthday of Satan, while there is often a number on May 1 - a feast of collecting the unclean in Valpurgiyev night. However, the real date is definitely unknown. The Lord's Direct Creator and Father is the Lord, Mother Ancient Grimuars indicate Lucid - inanimate star energy.

Astarot (Asterota, Astorret)

High-ranking demon, the keeper of the treasure of hell, in the hierarchy takes place after Satan and is his right hand. Was minimized into hell along with Lucifer. Silen, talented, charming, charm has towards himself. The archchistal is able to give a man the mind, invisibility, power over snakes. Mixed in people, making them obsessed. More often than other demons is in human court, in his right hand holds viper. His wife performs Astarta, in some sources the spouses merge into the image of one fallen angel.

Velzevul (Verzaul)

The powerful demon of power, known as the Lord of the Flies, commander of the Helling Legions. It is considered a companion and co-citizen of Satan, sometimes represented by the devil and bears his name.

The appearance of the epic archidemason is diverse: from the messenger to the monster with 3 heads. The wife was convicted by buffovirt. The demon received his nickname for the fact that from childhood insects submitted to him, together with the flies he lowered the plague on Canaan.


Supreme Demonian, Devil's wife. Sometimes it is identified with Lilith, but Casicandrier is considered the first wife of Lucifer. The lady of hell with the origin from the Supreme Astral world is the monastery of the gods. What the queen of hell looks like, is represented in the photo.

She was in hell at his own request, where he won the location, thanks to her moral and beautiful appearance. Casicandrier is considered a kind devil, which is peculiar to the heart. Its power is so great that the girl is able to destroy hell, paradise and humanity. However, the main demonstration is observing neutrality, and does not participate in the confrontation of good and evil.


It is considered the first wife of Adam, created to Eve. Different with a challenge of the temper and due to the reluctance to obey her husband was expelled from paradise. In the underworld, Demonian becomes a friend of Satan.

The mention of it was excluded from the Bible not to file a bad example for women. There is a version that Lilith was a snake that entered into an alliance with Adam, and then he fired him to the desired Eva, having treated it for a forbidden fruit, and also persuaded to conceive Cain.


One of the spouse is the great unclean.

The genus of its activities was in the arrangement of personnel in hell. Different with cruelty in relation to humanity, shed a lot of blood. The death of the demise was 4 meters, the head was crowned with seven horns.


So called the wife of Astarota, Demonitsa Delight and Lust, Queen of the Dead Shower, Warring.

Born in the Union of Satan and Lilith. Loves to amused on people, emotional, hysterical. The Phoenicians worshiped her as the goddess of love, fertility, hunting, war. The cult of Astarta was accompanied by orgies, with which the Old Testament prophets were struggled.


Spouse Velzevulu, Demonian authorities, her sign - fly.

Different with refinement, beauty, decency, loyalty. Before marriage was a power demon. Miloris is the firstborn of spouses.

Valak (Volk)

Strong Hellian Governor, pushing a boy with angel wings sitting on a dragon with 2 heads.

Commands 30 spirions of perfume, opens the caster information about hidden treasures, voluntarily gives snakes.

Velisal (Veliar)

The leader of the dark forces, the head priest, the approximate Vladyka.

The demon of the lie is not hostile to man than different from the devil, in medieval Christianity, he acts as a lawyer of hell against the bright forces for the right of possessing. Gallel (in a different Velizar) was recognized as a liar, a patron of gambling, celebrate his cheerful character, the unwillingness to take the appearance of terrible monsters.


Demon reproach, fornication, jealousy, turmoil in the family, hatred and revenge. Prince "Witch Mold".

It is considered an approximate and friend of the lord and can act on his behalf. Cruel and merciless, at the same time appreciates the concept of honor. The temper contradictory is considered to be a psychos and the charm.

Waal (Baal, Bel, Bale, Vel)

Duke of Hell, a powerful and cruel demonship and deception, spread his image in the guise of a bull.

Endolving it included human sacrifices, large-scale orgies. Creepy ritual committed fertility to ensure land. Sacrifted predominantly children, a child under 7 years old threw a fire. However, modern studies have established the fact that the child usually had already fallen to the ritual.


Advisor, Chancellor of Hell, engaged in the wardrobe of the devil. Presented in the guise of a person with a head of mule and a tails of Peacock.

In the Old Testament, it is mentioned as the Separavaymian deity, for whom fiery sacrifices were characterized, in which babies were burned on a fire.

Gremori (Homori, Gemori)

The Great Duke appears in the image of a beautiful woman in the crown, squeezing on a camel.

Talks about the mysterious events of the past, present and future, about the places of hidden treasures. Provides women's love, especially maiden.


Demon Brotherhood, has no wife, children, parents. There is a sister of Vololayan. It is considered a great and cruel warrior, it cannot accept the audacity and rudeness. It has a bright appearance: red hair, fiery wings and red horns.


Duke of the hellish empire, demon robberies.

Deludes to theft until it brings to the "gallows". It appears with the body of a lion and a human head with a frowning facial expression.


Duke of Hell, which brings in the form of a man with a unicorn head.

Creates or inspires mortals on sharp, terrible music. Allows you to hear the sound of tools, at the request of the necromancer will obey the trees to be inclined.


Belongs to the Asmodaa group, the son of Satan and Lilith is considered. It has many children married to Lamy, but does not support relationships because it is serving a sentence. He loves alcohol and amused over mortals, interested in the story of hell. It appears in the image of an attractive man with blond hair with a long bang, dark horns, impressive wings.


Marquis endowed with great power. It appears in the mythical image of a wolf with a snake tail, then transformed into a person from a head of a crow or with teeth, which dogs are from.

Resolves disputes, says the past and coming, provides patronage and love.

Arabas (Orobas)

Prince of Ada is presented in the image of a centaur, because when falling from heaven in the abyss merged with his own horse. Orabas commands 20 spirits of perfume. He tells about past and future events, ensures the title, the patronage of friends and enemies. Laid Magu.

Dantalian (Dantalion)

The duke has many persons: men, women, girls, guys. In his hands holds a book.

He reads the thoughts of mortals and change them, encouraging evil acts. Gives knowledge, teaches art, can cause love.


Demon of greed and wealth. Mamon taught a man to dig a land to steal the treasures. Posted to hell among the latter, walks with a low head lowered.


Great avenger and the executioner of the Underworld. Also leads public works. Demon retribution, evil, which puts up in the avenger. Recognized by one of the most cruel representatives of hell.

Abbadon (Abbadon, Apolion)

Mighty Dead Defend, Military Advisor of Hell, Destroyer, Pseudonym - Apollion, in the Middle Ages His name was mentioned as the designation of Satan, approached the king of darkness, his faithful assistant. Cruel and merciless, does not retreat before.


Who is a moloss mentioned in the Old Testament. Babylonians worshiped the Death Death, the inhabitants spent the ceremony of purification for children: girls and boys were forced to jump through the fire.

However, the historical interpretation claims that the offspring burned alive. The Jewish Bible forbade her children to worship my oohoh, punishment - deprivation of life.

Walberit (Wareryite, Baalberit)

Chief Secretary, Archivius, who bonds agreements between the mortal and inhabitants of the underworld.

In some interpretations, he appears to death. The Devilian representative declares people to the sickness, murder, suicide. Mentioned in the "Satanic Bible" of La Veya.


The female demon refers to Judeo-Christian mythology. Who this and about the acts of Abisu told Tsar Solomon, to whom she appeared. Demonian harmed women in childbirth, trying to strangle the newborn. According to the description of the body, the creature was not visible, only the hair was fluttered, as if snakes, and glowing green eyes.

Voice (Nebir)

Marquis, Feld Marshal of the Underworld, who rules the 19 legions of the spirits. Gives mortal knowledge, skills, especially in rhetoric. Appears in the form of a circulating black crane.


Demon Brotherhood, close to the Devil, student asmodeus, worthy of his rank. Wife and children are missing. Demon's warrior who does not know fear, demanding and executive.


General in the underworld, which obeys only Lucifer. This villain, manages 3 powerful demons and the spirit of water.

It has the ability to manage the past and future, disclose the secrets of the authorities of any state.


The sinister prince and the governor gives mortal philosophical knowledge, causes love and hatred, is able to deprive the person of sensitivity, to make invisible, opens the events of the past and the future.


Slutznaya demon who influenced the female sex with love for men, bringing to madness. Made girls fruitless. During the Socia, the appearance of a woman could change. Men declined to homosexualism.


Lower demon, servant Satan, responsible for entertainment and fun in hell. Those who live in the underworld, to taste all human vices.


The gloomy demon-killer, Marquis. At a convenient case, it will easily kill the magician and his comrades, communicating with it requires increased caution. His appointment is to create disagreements and waving. It appears in the image of a person from the head of the crow or owl, a spied wolf.


The Marquis and Count of Darkness, appears in the appearance of a terrible teacher with a stick, which brings up negligent students. Gives knowledge of languages, gives the favor of friends and enemies. The demon teaches rhetoric well, prepares excellent servants.

Merezin (Merazin, Meris, Metiris, Merichim, Meryim)

A demon having many names. Prince of air authorities, head of 6 ranks. Causes infectious diseases, replacing epidemics and disasters. He likes to fly in an air area among lightning.


The demon is responsible for breeding and maintaining fire in hell. During the rebellion, he suggested that heaven of heaven, for which he was also expelled. Presented in the form of dwarf, spreading fires in the underworld.


Approximate Vladyka, Demon Brotherhood. Silen, brazed, ruthless, rushes into battle. Appreciates the concept of honor. Does not have wives and children. He is fond of playing on the flute, when drinking alcohol loses adequacy. Externally beautiful and mighty.


Governor in the form of a lion. Talks about hidden secrets, gives knowledge and skills in mechanics. It is able to turn people in other creatures, to send and cure diseases.


Demon strength, approximate Satan. At his instructions, for some time was in the human world. It is dangerous, mighty, ruthless, wearing things that are stitched from the skin of demons and demons. Still makes lashes. Hero Hell, his lower demons and demons fear.

Shaks (Shah)

Marquis, which appears in the image of a pigeon. At the request of the magician blinds and stuns people, deprives understanding, brings things to the caster. He steals money, returns 1200 years later.


Strong governor appearing in the form of a crow. Builds at home, towers, reads and reports the thoughts and knowledge of enemies, their actions. Gives good friends. It has a hoarse voice.

Abigor (Elygos)

The Great Duke, the events of the future, knows and reveals secrets. It appears in real life in the knight in the armor. Provides love and patronage of power persons. Externally attractive.

Belfegor (Venelfegor)

The demon of wealth, laziness, greed, seducing mortals by material benefits. Worshis women, because it has an impressive genital size.

A nagging was performed by the center of rituals of worshiping a decoration of the Demon, excrement used as a sacrifice.


The demon of incredible power, strong physique and great growth. Appears in the form of a man with a fast head. His abilities are in torn trees together with roots.


One of the Administrators of the Underworld. Archangel, overthow from heaven. Awakened in people hate and cruelty to the poor.


Prince with leopard head and griffin wings. He had a passion, sexual attraction between the opposite sex. Called to nude. Taking a man's image, was distinguished by beauty.


Znamers of hellish troops, the master of the desert. As a cherub, it took in connection with earthly women, as a result, giggles appeared (receiving a semi-mangel) who participated in the mate against God.

Azazel in punishment chained to a rock in the desert to the vessel's day, when he was thrown into the fire. Mages who met the demon disappeared without a trace. Sacrifice to him annually brought a black goat.


Demon Brotherhood, an approximate great unclean. Married to Cali. He was trained at Asmodeus, a strong and faithful warrior, his merits were marked by the Lord. Loves alcohol and dancing.


The duke, which is capable of finding the hidden treasure, predicts the coming, gives an understanding of the language of animals, birds and other creatures. Smoothes conflicts, Mitrit of friends and government representatives.


Demon rank authorities. Refers to Peteimon's Spere. There is an opinion, if the demon will fall into a virgin, then it will defile its purity.


Demon in the Book of Deer. It causes love between the opposite sex. Manages thunder, lightning, storm, hurricane.


The king and the graph that appears in the form of a lion riding a horse. Finding hidden things, exposes the witch trials and their themselves, is endowed with the gift of prophecy. May cause a storm, at the request of the magician to build or destroy the walls, at home.

Agares (Agvarez)

Duke, presented in the image of an old man sitting on a crocodile.

Instantly teaches languages \u200b\u200band adverbs, causes an earthquake, deprives the ranks. Arrive turns to flight, but can return the fuel. Organizer of dance.

Samael - Angel or Demon

The value of the name of the representative of the underworld from the Hebrew translates as "poison and God." Samael is not submitted in the general list of demons, because it takes a separate place.

It is considered the head of the Hell's Army, as well as an angel of death, which are usually outside the concepts of good and evil. It is believed that Samael is in the eternal confrontation with Archangel Mikhail, who tried to captivate in hell. In some interpretations, it was suggested that he was a snake-tempter Eva. Samael is an angel of death that appeared behind Moses.


The generally accepted classification of demons is not developed, therefore, they use their separation by type, according to certain characteristics.

By type of monsters, there are categories:

  • poltergeisti - Make small pranks at night (items moved, spoil things and so on);
  • parks - Women's demons affecting fate;
  • service - Feds of witches;
  • incubs and Sukkuby - seductors of female and male;
  • clean- attack the saints;
  • dummies-nightmares - are in dreams and so on.

Habitat classification determines representatives related to fire, water, air, land, as well as living under it in remote areas of hell (Lucifugi and Heliophobes). The demon Mulcyber was considered the architect directly the hellest.

Separation by ranks:

  • First - Pseudobogo and Prince Velzevul;
  • Second - Perfume lies led by a pyphon;
  • The third - the vessel of lawlessness, headed by Velo;
  • Fourth - Caiders of atrocities with prince asmod;
  • Fifth - Deceivers with the leader of Satan;
  • Sixth - air authorities led by Merezin;
  • Seventh - Furi and their Lord Abaddon;
  • Eighth - prosecutors and suspended at the head of Astarotom;
  • Ninth - tempters and worshipers with Prince Mammon.

Demonologies allocate types of demons in the ratio with celestial luminais: spirits of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon.

The field of exposure classification is considered the most convenient for practitioners Mages:

  • love andlust - the category includes Lilith, Asmodein, Astarot;
  • revenge, hate, anger, war - Abbadon, Agaliarept, Andras;
  • healing and life - Velin, Virin, Verier;
  • death -Babael, Walberit;
  • luck, wealth - Velzevul, Belfegor, Mammon;
  • knowledge, witchcraft, sacrament - Pypone, Rongva, and so on.

It is known to divide demons of 7 perfect mortal sins: Gordin (Lucifer), misfortune (Mammon), lust (Asmodework), anger (Satan), Grevogenia (Velzevul), envy (Leviathan), Lena (Belfegor).


There is also no generally accepted hierarchy, since the hell has always been considered the place of chaos and disorder. Many variants of the demonic structure have been made to the demonstrations in order to systematize knowledge, identify the difference in the powers of individual representatives.

The highest lords who are the mainstream in hell have established Lucifer (emperor), Velzevul (Prince), Astarot (Great Duke). In their subordination there are 6 spirits of more than the highest rank of many small.

In other sources, the fourth: Moloh, Leviathan or Veligal is added to the specified leaders.

The magical treatise "Lemegeton" notes 72 major demon, while they have the titles of kings, graphs, dukes, marquizes. There is no information on the source one in the source.

The shallow and lower representatives of the Underworld include demons (service personnel), NLA (working class), sukkuba, Incuba.

Sukube and Incuba

Such names are given smaller Satan's cereals. These are varieties of temporary demons who have incorporated people to sex intimacy. Sukkub - a priestess of love specializing in men. It appears in the image of a beautiful girl, as can be seen on the Gothic photo.

Incubs, on the contrary, shared women's love, being in an attractive male bowl.

Demons of gluttony, drunkenness, carnal jits are recognized as sinners hunters, they prefer not to attack the righteous. Food victims, devastating them.

Vampire names

Vampires are counted to the class of undead. Power supply and energy for them - blood. Different with force, speed and dexterity, are not reflected in the mirror. Hate sunlight and holy water that burn their bodies.

Allocate vampire names in the mythology of various countries:

  • Adeze - African bloodsuit.
  • Algul - Arabic.
  • Streigoy - Romanian.
  • Brooksa is a vampire female demon.
  • Alps - German Monster.
  • Danag - Bloodstock from the Philippines and so on.

In the literature and cinema on the century, the name of the Romanian vampire Count Vlad Schendesha Dracula was imprinted.

Demonic creatures

In the mythology of various countries, in addition to the demons in the image of people or human-like monsters, there are creatures of a terrible appearance carrying evil.


Mythical creature of a huge size with flaming eyes. He has 3 pharynxes from which the flame is escaping. 2 people support his mouth open. From the womb of the beast, there are cries of countless damned souls.


The legendary monster - guard guarding the entrance to the cave of sorcerers.

Distorted man with a turned back with a foot, mutilated hands, fingers, nose, mouth is also used by Warlock as a tool for curses and revenge. Creates a sorcerer creature from an ordinary nine-month-old child abducted or purchased from his parents.


Christian demon carnical joy (gluttony) accepting the appearance of animals.

Deludes mortals to sinfulness, manifestation of the worst character traits. An example of a demon - Behemoth's cat from the work of M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita".


A huge multi-headed sea monster. In some interpretations are considered the fallen angel, in others - the snake-tempter of the first people, in the third creature created by God for the previously alive.

Some sources indicate that the Lord destroyed the beast in prehistoric times, but also there is an opinion that in the future the deadly fight of Leviafan with a hippopotamus is expected.

Glasialabolas (Glasia Labolas)

Governor of hell. Presented in the image of a dog with griffin wings.

Can make mortal invisible, teach instantly art, cause the love of friends and enemies. The culprit of murders and bloodshed is subordinate to nebilos