Can Catholic and Orthodox be married. Wedding in the Catholic Church: Rules, how passes, video

Can Catholic and Orthodox be married. Wedding in the Catholic Church: Rules, how passes, video
Can Catholic and Orthodox be married. Wedding in the Catholic Church: Rules, how passes, video

Those who decided to marvel on the Catholic ritual, it is worth remembering that there are a number of rules, according to which the mystery of the wedding is carried out.

Before wedding

"When people make a decision to get married, they must come to the church at least for three months Before the expected wedding date, "says the diocesan dioxide of the families of the Minsk-Mogilev archo Party Father Peter Antoni Belevich.

According to him, for this period (for three months), "young" are a kind of "special training", and there is even a special book, which describes how 10 meetings with people who preparing for weddings should be held.

Nevertheless, it happens that people come, for example, a month before the wedding, they say that the restaurant has already ordered, the registry office, which was not thought, did not know, etc., but it is rather an exception. Today, the majority of young people know about The fact that you need to come in advance. "

During these three months, future spouses teach prayers ("Our Father", "to the Virgin Mary", "believe") and the basics of the Catholic faith, prepare for marital life.

"This is very important. For example, we explain to the future spouses that in the Catholic faith strictly prohibited And it is a great sin to use any contraceptives. I emphasize - any, starting with the simplest, such as a condom, and ending with pills and spirals. When someone asks: "So what do we give birth and give birth without end?", I say that there is a natural family planning method, and we also explain it with young. "

Who are crowned

If the pair is "mixed", for example, one of the future Catholic spouses, and the other is Orthodox, then, according to Petra's father, in this case there are no big problems, since religions are very close to each other.

"There is only one condition: the Catholic side should give a promise that it will be baptized and educate children in the Catholic faith, and the Orthodox side should know that the Catholic gave such a promise."

In addition, it will take permission from the bishop to the wedding of the "mixed" pair.

"This permission can always be obtained, if there are no other problems," says Peter's father.

By the way, the priest is engaged in obtaining permission, which prepares "young". There are special forms that the priest fills in the presence of future spouses, and they should put their signatures under the promise of the upbringing of children (Catholic side) and under the notice of such a promise (Orthodox side), then the priest sends the documents to the bishop.

"If we are talking about a unprecedented person (no matter who he is Muslim, Jew or atheist), everything is more difficult here: there is a special permission from the bishop and a serious approach is needed. We always warn young about the big difference in cultures. In general, such cases Very little, practically no happening. "

Note that it is possible to marry only after the conclusion of official marriage.

When married

Speaking about when you can or can not be married, Peter's father noted that "as such restrictions are not, because the wedding is one of the sacraments and it, like other sacraments, can always be taken."

According to Peter's father, people themselves are usually not crowned during posts, although there are exceptions.

"If the priest agrees to marry" young "in the post, for example, if people lived for several years without a wedding and decided to" legalize "their relationship before God before Easter, then there is a very important point: in this case it is impossible to arrange Wedding, that is, celebrate this event (dancing, having fun, etc.), "said Father Peter. If this condition is observed, you can get married on any day.

Who is not crowned

Newlyweds are not crowned in related communication (in a straight line), as well as those who are consolidated brother and sister. If they are going to get married cousins \u200b\u200band sister, then, according to Father Peter, "this can be implemented, but only in exceptional cases and for holding such a wedding requires a special permission of the bishop, which is almost never issued."

Also, an interference for the wedding is the impotence of one of the spouses. "Not the fact of infertility, namely the inability to the sexual act. Even if the" young "did not speak about this to the priest, the wedding is considered invalid," says Peter's father. By the way, the answers to this and other issues that are asked by the "young" before the wedding (separately man and the woman, as well as together) are entered into a special protocol.

Naturally, the newlyweds are not marked, one of which is already in another marriage. Moreover, as Father Peter says, "in the Catholic Church of the divorce (divorce) is not, even if a person, for example, was previously married in the Orthodox Church, then divorced and even debunk, he would still not be able to marry the Catholic church." If a person was simply painted, and then divorced, it is possible to marry, but it will be necessary to provide a certificate of divorce.

Another obstacle wedding, which, according to Father Peter, is almost never found, "is the murder of his wife's wife (husband's wife) in order to join a new marriage.

How is the wedding

As the father of Peter says, "some one" scenario "is not: holding a rite depends on the priest and from traditions adopted in this area (city, village). For example, somewhere the father of the bride introduces it to the church, somewhere young come together. "

Wedding itself begins as a liturgy, the priest welcomes young guests, then the first prayer is read, after that, all the college listened to one or two fragments from the Bible and a short sermon in which the "young" once again reminds the duties of spouses.

1. Do you come here voluntarily and freely want to conclude a matrimonial union?

2. Are you ready to love and respect each other all your life?

3. Are you ready with love to take children from God and raise them according to the teachings of Christ and the Church? (This question is given only by young couples).

If at least one of the questions from someone from the "young" answer "no", then wedding is not carried out.

If all the questions answered was "yes", the priest asks the Holy Spirit to go on the spouses, the newlyweds serve each other's hands, and the priest connects them to a special ribbon, and they, standing face to each other, repeat (or they say, if you know by heart) words Sophisticated oath.

After that, the priest blesps "young". As the father of Peter says, "the marriage is the only of the sacraments that people give themselves: the husband is his wife, and his wife is a priest only blesses them."

Then the rings are also consecrated (if they are), the prayers of our "Father", the intercessious prayer are read, ends the rite of blessing (usually the wedding takes no more than half an hour).

Interestingly, for wedding wedding rings are not at all necessary. "In Catholic, there is a rite of consecration and putting on the rings, but this is only an addition of the main rite - mutual oath, that is, the words of God's grace. Rings are the sign that the spouses received this grace, "says Peter's father.

The prerequisite for the wedding is the presence of two witnesses, which must be baptized people, and it does not matter - Orthodox or Catholics. During the rite, they stand for "young" and must hear everything that the priest says, and all that the groom says with the bride.

Wedding may, if desired, be held at one of three languages \u200b\u200b(Belarusian, Polish and Russian).

The Orthodox wedding ceremony implies the complete consent of the bride and the bride to give an oath of loyalty to each other, as well as obtaining from the Church of the blessing of their union, birth and raising children in accordance with the traditions of Christian society.

The ceremony consists of two parts: both the wedding itself. Initially, these two processes were separated separately from each other, but by the end of the XVII century they were combined. In the process of engagement, the priest puts on the bride and the bride wedding rings as a symbol of their infinite, eternal and limitless love. Spouses as a sign of their consent should exchange rings three times, after which one ring remains with the bride, and the second is in the groom.

After the engagement, the priest, with the help of a crown, the bride and groom marks crucifically. Spouses make a bowl with red wine, which symbolizes their common fate, and the newlyweds alternately drink all the wine into three receptions. Further, the priest connects the right hands of newlyweds and three times drives them around the aalo. This is a symbol of starting a joint path.

At the end of the ceremony of the bride and the bride kiss the icons of the Mother of God and the Savior, they receive two icons from the priest, pre-prepared by the parents of spouses, and the rite of wedding ends.

Traditions of Catholic wedding

Catholic wedding is a rite, full of solemnity and beauty, which occurs once in life. After the wedding of Catholics spouses can only die death.

Unlike the Orthodox, where the main roles are distributed among the priest and entering into marriage, in the Catholic rite, one of the main participants is the father of the bride. As the head of the family, he leads his daughter to the altar and transmits it into the hands of the future spouse. From this day, it will be my husband to take care and love your choices.

The main ceremony begins with the introductory prayer of the Catholic priest, during which the bride and groom are kneeling on special chairs, witnesses are near, and relatives and invited guests are sitting. After prayer and answers to the questions of the priest of the bride and the bride, they pronounce oaths of loyalty and love, exchange rings and in the church book. On this rite of wedding in the Catholic Church ends.

Bans on wedding

According to the laws of the Orthodox and Catholic churches, marriages between blood relatives are prohibited, as well as summary brothers and sisters. For the Orthodox rite, it is imperative that both spouses are baptized; In the Catholic Church, marriage, by a monk or, as well as in the event that one of the spouses had previously been a rovel in the Orthodox Church.

Wedding is one of the seven church sacraments, during which newlyweds conclude a marriage union before God, certifying their feelings to each other. The mystery in the Orthodox church lasts about an hour.

The sacrament itself consists of a deposit of engagement and directly. Before the beginning of a solemn worship service, the priest meets newlyweds under the ringing of bells at the entrance to the temple.

Before the start of the collapse, newlyweds are at the end of the temple (at the same time, they are stealing special boards under their feet). Further, newlyweds give in the hands of wedding candles. After that, the priest is moving to the center of the temple and gives an exclamation to the beginning of the sacrament. Further, the clergyman pronounces it with special petrocal petitions. Then the prayer is read after which the priest again approaches the newlyweds and puts on their fingers rings. Persdet (so in the Orthodox tradition it is called) Trookly changing. That is, alternately, the wedding ring of her husband and wife dress up on the finger of the spouse (spouses). After that, a few more prayers priest in the center of the temple are read.

After the prayer, the priest is suitable for a pair and when singing certain wedding chants leads newlyweds to the center of the temple. Then the church marriage is happening. After receiving from both sides, the maturity of the wedding begins.

One of the main moments of the wedding is the laying on the newlyweds of the crowns. Already after that, the priest says three times a securitory formula: "Lord God, Gov and Celebrate I (them)." At the same time, the priest rises his hands to the sky, and then turns to the newlyweds and blesses them. This happens three times. Next, follow reading passages from the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament.

Another moment of weddings wedge is the use of newly demanded wines from a single bowl as a sign that now her husband and wife have everything in common. After that, the priest takes the hand of newlyweds and three times around the nucleus in singing certain chants by the choir.

The crowns are removed from the heads of the marriage, before the completion of the wedding. At the end of the sacrament, the newlyweds will sing the "MULTI-SUMMER" chant, in which the god is brought by the newlyweds.

After the sacrament of the sacrament, the priest leads newlyweds to the open tsarist gates to the saline. The spouse and spouse kiss icons located near the royal gates, and then, as a certificate of newlywed love, the newlyweds kiss themselves.

At the end of the wedding, the priest can speak parting word for young, after which a certificate is necessarily issued.

In some temples, there is practice to pass three times around the temple to newlyweds on, after which, under the ringing of the bells, the wedding procession leaves the temple.

Video on the topic


  • How does the rite of wedding take place?

The rules of the wedding in the Catholic Church differ significantly from the Orthodox. And although the goal of both denominations is pursued by one - to connect the young couple in the face of God and ask for the gift of the newlyweds grace - it happens in different ways. However, we will not delve into theological arguments, but just try to note the main, the most significant stages of the solemn Catholic ceremony.

Wedding conditions

As with the accomplishment of Orthodox sacrament or civil registration, the strict standards of Catholicism require that both spouses at the time of marriage are adult and there were "in the right mind and sober memory"; That is, they gave yourself a report in their actions. Occasionally, in exceptional circumstances and with the permission of parents, they may be a couple of adulthood, but this is done very reluctantly. By the way, in contrast to the same Orthodoxy for adult bridegroom and the bride, the parent blessing is not an indispensable condition for marriage, it is sufficient to the willing of the young themselves.

They will refuse in the Catholic wedding and blood relatives, and those who have already managed to enter the marriage alliance with a third party. To prevent possible misunderstandings and speculation on this topic, the groom with the bride will definitely ask to bring a certificate of marriage registration in the state organization.

But the belonging of one of the young to Orthodoxy, Muslim or Judaism will not be an obstacle. However, the spouse will have to get a special permit for marriage and give a written promise that children born in such an alliance will be brought up in the Catholic faith.


After the wedding in the Catholic Church, divorce is impossible in principle, and the family union is considered an eternal, having equal strength in this life and in the next. In the worst case, marriage may be canceled if the rite was conducted with serious disorders or one of the spouses hung important information from the satellite - for example, about the hereditary disease that he can transfer to children. That is, a few weeks before the ceremony, the priest fully spends several conversations with young conversations, on which it tries to inspire her husband and wife about the importance of the step they committed them and explain the basics of family life from the position of the Catholic Church. Keep in mind, to weddings allow only a document with an indication that the necessary conversations were held!

In addition, you will need:

  • Paper with a certificate of baptism of each of the newlyweds, if both confess the Catholic faith.
  • Certificate of first church communion.
  • The wedding form with a request and a marriage permit issued by the young in the church and marked by the stamp of the bishop.
  • Finally, both newlyweds should go to know the prayers to the Lord, the Virgin Mary and "believe"; Pass confession and coming up. Only after that they are ready to appear in front of the altar.

Order and general rules of the solemn ceremony

If you have seen how a Catholic wedding passes, then probably did not miss the exciting and beautiful moment when the father of the bride brings the daughter to the altar, symbolically handing her concerns and the patronage of the spouse. After that point, the girl comes out from under the parental authority and becomes part of a new family.

Witnesses of the bride and groom - up to three people on each side - occupy the places of interest to them near future spouses, guests are cleared on the benches. Usually, newlyweds also have small chairs, on which those will sit during a general prayer and introductory preaching.

Taking the necessary prayers and severition of newlyweds, the priest will task three main questions:

  • Will the groom come with a bride to the ceremony in their will?
  • Are love and loyalty to each other are ready to give each other?
  • Is it ready to raise children sent to them in care and the rules established by Christ?

Hearing a triple "yes" in response, the priest will ask if anyone who present the reasons for which this Union cannot be concluded, and then utters prayers about the descent on the young couple of Holy Spirit. The groom with the bride will be exchanged by solemn oaths, fasten their union rings and signatures in the accounting church book, and the priest in all declarations declares a couple of her husband and his wife. After that, the wedding is considered to be accomplished, and only the death of one of the spouses can break it.

To visually imagine all the beauty of the rite, look at the short wedding video in the Catholic Church.

The wedding is an event that is radically changing the life of not only newlyweds, but also, often, their families who are now united in one family. Having wrapped with marriage's dues, if not only for life, the newlyweds create not only the union of two hearts, but also officially receive a new status in the face of the state, create a so-called cell of society called the family.

And if you and your future husband decided to legitimize your marriage also for church laws, it is worth thoroughly study many more aspects.

First, you do not marry, if at least one of the spouses is not baptized. And secondly, you need to take into account your religion. If you are Orthodox, namely, this religion is official in our country, and your chosen one is a representative of another religious branch, then you will not be able to bore the union in the church. But marriage between representatives of Orthodoxy and Catholicism is possible, and can be married in the Catholic Church or Orthodox Church. But you need to know several rules and the differences in the wedding in the Catholic and Orthodox church, because in general, the Catholic wedding differs from the Orthodox, like all other religious rites of the Western branch of Christianity from Eastern.

1. The Orthodox pair should cross the threshold of the temple together, and Catholics the bridegroom waits for the bride at the altar, where her father should lead it. It symbolizes that the head of the family conveys care of her husband's daughter. If the father for some reason can not accompany the daughter, then it makes the elder brother, the godfather or uncle.

2. Newlywed Catholics can pronounce oaths that they will write themselves, and Orthodox newlyweds repeat a special oath for the priest.

3. Catholic marriage - a contract between each spouse and the church, and the Orthodox - the spiritual union, entering into which the husband and wife create their homework.

4. Wedding in Catholics begins with the fact that Xendse pronounces instruction, and during the ceremony, the husband and wife stand on their knees, next to them - witnesses. All other guests are sitting. In Orthodox ritual, none of those present on the sacrament, like the newlyweds themselves, do not fall on their knees.

5. You can get married in the Catholic Catholic church on any day of the week, with the exception of four weeks before Christmas and forty days before the Catholic Easter, in the Orthodox Church are not crowned for all four posts, to the cheese saddime, Easter week, in the period from the Nativity of Christ (January 7) Before the Epiphany (January 19), on Tuesday and Thursday (on the eve of lean days - environments and fridays) and Saturday. On the eve and on the days of the care of the head of John the Forerunner (September 11) and the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord (September 27).

6. In the Catholic rite, engagement rings are not required, unlike the Orthodox.

7. The Orthodox Church is a divorce, but not more than three times, and Catholics are crowned once in life.

In addition, there are prohibitions for marriage: atheists; consisting in blood relationship to the fourth knee; consisting in spiritual relationship (Kumanya and godfather parents with gods); non-Christians; Monks or those who accepted the monastic vow.

Family life should begin with the fact that the couple is obliged to confess and come

With the prohibitions found out, and now let's deal with how you need to prepare for the mystery of the wedding. "Family life should begin with the fact that the couple is obliged to confess and compete," explains the Dyakon of the academic church of the Holy Apostle and the Evangelist John the Godloga Mikhail Omelyan. - No need to forget about the stage of preliminary preparation: post and repentance. " According to the clergyman, today there is a kind of fashion for wedding, and for the sake of the beautiful frame of the newlyweds, they choose the restored temples with a beautiful interior, without thinking that the main thing is not the visible part of the rite, but what she symbolizes, after all, there is a couple in front of God in a married loyalty and in what will lead a Christian lifestyle. Therefore, those who understand the true spiritual value of weddings are responsible preparing for him, and some families need years to mature for church marriage.

Having graduated from all spiritual aspects, you need to take care in advance and that you need to take with you.

Without this official document, your church marriage is impossible.

2. Icon of the Savior and the Virgin.Usually icons are stored in the parents' home and are transmitted from generation to generation as a spiritual family symbol. But if they are not in the house of your parents, they buy icons in the temple and keep in your home, and then bless them their children.

3. Tissue cross.As with the commission of each church sacrament or rite, there must be a native cross. It is not necessary that it is expensive jewelry, the cross can be the cheapest at the price, from this he will not lose its symbolicity. Although it is better to wear a cross, which was presented with baptism.

4. Wedding rings.Ring - a sign of eternity and continuity of grace of the Holy Spirit.

5. Wedding candles.Special wedding candles need to be purchased only in the temple, because they are consecrated and have a greater force than ordinary decorated candles purchased in the wedding salon.

6. Rushnik or white towel.The towel or towel must be white, but you can decorate their embroidery. Well, if the towel will be embroidered the bride, her mom or grandmother. You know about the long-standing Ukrainian tradition to embroider the pushers for the wedding. So, if you can cope with this task itself, it's time to start work.

Special attention needs to be done along the bride. Of course, a gorgeous wedding dress with a neckline, open with a back or incision will give you even greater sexuality, but such a style is inappropriate for a hike in the temple, and even more so on this occasion.

Dyakon Omelyan says that there are no special requirements for clothes of newlyweds, the main rule: it should be modest and suitable for visiting the house of the Lord. By the way, the dress can be not wedding, but any other. The bride needs not to forget to cover the head of the Fata, but in the case of its absence - handkerchief.

No special requirements for newlywed clothes, the main rule: it should be modest and suitable for visiting the house of the Lord

Do not think that your post ends after confession and communion. You need to fast before the wedding ceremony, and on the day of its commission it is not recommended to eat food and even drink water. The same requirements are nominated to your witnesses that will have to keep the wints over your heads.

During the wedding itself, several rites are performed. The priest engages newlyweds rings that make out of the altar. After that, he trusts witnesses to keep the wints over the heads of the marriage, and then the bride and the bride after the priest, three times bypass anal. After that drink wine from one bowl. And only then marriage is considered church.

The creation of a family is a very responsible decision, so, before you go to such a responsible step, think even three times, are you ready to spend my whole life with your chosen one and be with him united only in earthly life, but after death.

"Hello, Victor! An Orthodox Christian can marry a Catholicke only if the wedding is committed in the Orthodox church, and their children will be brought up in Orthodoxy. It is impossible to marry in the Catholic Church. I wish your friend to create a strong and happy family!" Hello, Father! So you answered someone to Viktor. Where did you get such categoricality? In situations where the Orthodox church is not available? It is better not to marvel at all? Understanding the sacraments from Catholics and Orthodox is close. Or it is better to destroy the family, but try to force the spouse in Orthodoxy or save the family in Orthodoxy or save the whole family to the Orthodox church? Igor.

Replies Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko:

Hello, Igor!

The Orthodox Christian should not take part in the sacraments committed by the Catholic Church. Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine the situation when the Orthodox church is not available, but if this is true, it is enough to register marriage according to the laws of the state, in whose territory the bride and groom live, and with the first opportunity to get married in the Orthodox church. Let me remind you that an officially registered marriage is recognized by the Orthodox Church by a legitimate marriage. Spouse-Catholic Nobody forcibly in Orthodoxy does not seek to drive: wedding with nonsense (that is, Christians not belong to the Orthodox Church) does not imply changes their religion.