Why priests wear beards. Why do Catholic priests shave their beards

Why priests wear beards. Why do Catholic priests shave their beards

Robes, beards and long hair

"Why can't priests be like everyone else? Less stand out from the crowd: get their hair cut, shave and wear suits. The Catholics have shaven priests, cut their hair and in a suit. They are distinguished from the laity only by a white assistant on their necks instead of a tie. And ours ?!"

This is often heard from people. Orthodox priests have never tried to be like everyone else, their traditions have not changed for two millennia and are not going to change, they must be perceived as they are. Their ministry is so divorced from worldly life that it requires the preservation of external attributes as a cover from everything external. The priest is at the service, and therefore wears a uniform; the military is also obliged to wear a uniform.

So what, according to tradition, should an Orthodox priest look like? The most important attribute of Russian priests is a beard. In some places, due to the strong influence of the West, not all clergy wear beards.

There are several traditions that are directly related to the radical or liberal mood of a clergyman.

The old priests, who came from the intelligentsia, have always been very fond of short professorial beards, and people from the common people, as a rule, wear lush, thick beard-shovels. Generally, the more liberal the priest, the shorter his hair and beard.

The roots of wearing long hair go back to deep Old Testament antiquity, when dedicated to God did not cut their hair, nails and did not drink wine; however, the last two points do not apply to modern priests. Uncut nails will look especially funny.

Now about the clothes. Before the revolution, white priests (that is, married ones) always wore robes and wide-brimmed hats, while monastics did not wear hats. Now priests do not wear hats for a long time, they were replaced by more traditional skufi (domed cap). Pectoral crosses appeared only under Emperor Paul.

In Soviet times, priests were forbidden to appear in a cassock outside the church. Over the years, they got so used to it that when the Union collapsed along with all large payday loans bans, they continued to stubbornly follow this new tradition, sometimes even forbidding young priests to wear robes. In the early nineties, these traditions were still so strong that not every priest dared to go down the subway or walk down the street in a cassock. Now the situation has changed radically, now much fewer priests wear secular clothes.

The cassock is a long, wide garment with very wide sleeves that cover almost the entire palm. But a cassock is an outer garment, underneath it is supposed to wear a cassock, which differs from a cassock in narrow sleeves with cuffs, like on a shirt, a narrower cut and the presence of deep pockets, in which the missal must necessarily fit - a rather weighty book of a small format containing texts of requirements ... The cassock has no pockets, so pinch thieves rest.

About the absence of pockets in a cassock - another anecdote from our reality. The priest is on the subway. And suddenly he feels that someone is trying to get into his nonexistent pocket. Father pretends not to notice anything, watching what will happen next. The thief makes another vain attempt to find the coveted priest's purse. In the next instant, the thief's hand falls into the hand of the laughing priest. "Well, have you improved your financial situation?"

I must say that the cassock keeps warm well in the cold and protects from the heat in the heat. True, in extreme heat, everything black can melt, so summer clothes are usually of light colors.

There is also a kind of priestly fashion; robes, cassocks and skufeikas may vary in cut. For example, now the so-called Greek robes and skufi, which came to Russia from Greece, are very common. Provincial priests are very fond of multi-colored velvet skoufies. And in the seventies and eighties, among the clergy there was a fashion for multi-colored robes, which passed already in the mid-nineties. Among priests to this day there is a fashion for wide belts embroidered with colored threads and beads, which are worn on a cassock.

As a rule, priestly and liturgical robes are made to order; finished products are sold, but in smaller quantities. An ordinary cassock costs two to three thousand rubles. Cassock - up to two thousand. A winter cassock is like a good coat. True, there are few hunters among the clergy to wear winter robes. For winter clothing, priests prefer to wear ordinary coats, sheepskin coats or jackets. Skufia - from three hundred rubles to a thousand. Winter - on natural fur, like a regular fur hat.

We will not describe the liturgical clothes, since you can read about it in any catechism. There are a lot of them, they have completely different purposes. The main ones are the felon and the epitrachelion, without which the priest cannot serve the Liturgy. One thing is worth saying that some elements of liturgical vestments are awards that, like the military, are given for length of service and other merits.

For example, the very first award is the so-called legguard, an element of liturgical vestments of a rectangular shape, which is worn on the side, which is why it is called a legguard. The next award is a kamilavka, a blue or red velvet headdress. It is only worn for worship (not to be confused with the skufia worn outside 1000 dollar loans fast services and has a different shape). This is followed by a pectoral cross - a gilded four-pointed cross, not six-pointed, as in the case of novice priests. In church slang, it is called the "golden cross".

After the golden cross, there is a cross with decorations along with the title of archpriest (proto is the first or senior, and the usual priest is priest). After the ornamented cross, there is a miter, a special brocade headdress decorated with stones or rhinestones. After the miter, there is a club, a diamond-shaped brocade ornament, worn, as on a legguard, on the side. These are, perhaps, all the priestly awards.


One might get the impression that the priests do not know how to rest at all. This yearly free credit report is not the case. Priests love to sit at the table in a pleasant company, for sincere conversations, and they love to sing very much. The members of the clergy generally have excellent voices, often worthy of an opera house. And do not feed some with bread - let them sing. The repertoire can be very diverse. The priests especially love to compete, who will last longer and louder. Their voices are so powerful that no speakers are needed. And do not feed others with bread - let them argue on theological topics.

Priests also like to go out with friends to nature. Families, or purely male companies, to someone at the dacha, with a bathhouse. After all, they are also great masters to take a steam bath in a Russian bath and dive into a snowdrift. And the couple is catching up in Russian! The bathhouse is always a company and sincere conversations, it is a real Russian pleasure, which only “ulcers” refuse.

The priesthood also has vacations - as expected, once a year, for a month, or for two weeks, depending on the situation in the ward. It is very difficult for rural priests to break out on vacation: where there is only one priest in the church, this is fraught with debt consolidation pros and cons, the liturgical circle will have to be interrupted, the church closed, parishioners will have to explain the situation or look for a replacement for a vacation, which is practically impossible in the countryside. ... Therefore, many village priests often do not go on vacation for many years.

To go on vacation, they write a petition to the diocesan bishop, who in turn decides whether to release the priest or not. By the way, in the official language there is no such thing as a vacation for rest. Formally, a minister of the church is not supposed to rest. Therefore, in the petition they write "to allow leave for treatment."

One day in the life of an ordinary priest

So how does a typical priest's day go? Let's try to create a daily routine with comments. First of all, it should be noted that the clergy have irregular working hours.

Wake up at 6.00-7.00

Breakfast is missing. The priest serves the liturgy strictly on an empty stomach. Before the service, after 24 hours, it is absolutely forbidden to eat or drink, not even medicine.

The service starts at 7.00 or 8.00. The priest appears in the temple long before the official start of the service.

The Liturgy lasts two to three hours, immediately after it begins church services - weddings, molebens, funeral services, requiems, christenings.

End of service at 13 or 14 o'clock. Now notice that the priest is on his feet without food or drink by this time for seven o'clock!

Lunch at about 2 pm. Many reproach the priests: they say, very often the priests are fat or with bellies. Probably eat a lot. Their life is so abundant and idle, so they get fat. Let's try to answer the question of where the abdomen come from.

Firstly, what do you think, after a six-seven-hour work day, without food or drink, on your feet, with a colossal emotional and mental stress - what will your appetite be? What kind of healthy eating in such a situation can we talk about? And in the afternoon, the priest has an hour or two of free time, which, as a rule, he tends to use for sleep, as he simply collapses from fatigue. Although it happens that this time is not at all. Therefore, if a person is inclined to be overweight, then in these favorable conditions the weight begins to exceed the prescribed norms.

Secondly, the abdomen is an occupational disease. Tell me, are there many opera singers without tummies? Probably not. So, the belly is from vocal stress, which is no less than that of professional singers. This is due to physiological changes in the body, when during singing, the internal pressure in the lungs and abdominal cavity rises. And priests who do not have a strong voice, as a rule, do not even have a belly.

17 hours - evening service. It may not be there, then the priest immediately after lunch and until evening goes to services - this is the communion and unction of the sick at home or in the hospital, the consecration of apartments. It could be a funeral, with a trip to the cemetery.

Many priests teach in various theological courses in the evening. Many visit nursing homes, colonies, hopeless patients, and so on and so forth. The priest always has a lot to do.

If there is an evening service, it ends at the earliest at 19:00, and maybe at 20, and 21. And then confession and personal conversations with parishioners.

At 21 or 22 o'clock - the end of the working day.

Dinner after 10 pm.

On this, perhaps, we will stop.

Occupational diseases

Varicose veins - from constant stress on the legs.

Cardiovascular diseases, hypertension - from emotional stress.

Obesity; it was mentioned above.

Stomach diseases - from malnutrition and constant stress.

The Holy Apostle Paul, warning Orthodox Christians against the deception of heretics, writes: "Remember your instructors, the Word of God who speaks to you like the Word of God, they look at the end of their life, imitate their faith" (Heb., Zap. 334) and "in teaching it is strange and different do not attach. "

Here, without going into a detailed discussion of the manifestation of lawlessness among the children of the Church, we will focus on the most visible and all conspicuous evil - shaving.

This epidemic disease, the Latin heresy, quickly takes root among some young people who, having come out of the due obedience of their parents and not hearing the living, exposing their iniquity, the instructive word of the pastors of the Church, without being ashamed or ashamed of anyone or anything, enters in such a non-Christian form in the holy Temples of God.

This fornication image, a delusion that infects some Christians, has always been condemned by the Church Fathers and recognized as the work of filthy heretics and heresy.

The fathers of the Stoglava Cathedral, discussing barber shaving, set out the following decree: "The sacred rules for Orthodox Christians are forbidden to everyone so as not to shave their bras and their mustaches, such as the Orthodox, but the Latin and heretical tradition of the Greek Tsar Konstantin Kovalin. And about this, the apostolic and paternal rules velmas forbid and deny ... Well, is it not written in the law about cutting the brads? an abomination is before God; for this is from Constantine the Tsar Kovalin and the heretic is legalized. That's why all the henchmen, as heretical servants are the essence, and they are tonsured. If you want to please God, to depart from evil. And in that is God himself Moses speech, and the holy apostles forbade, and rejected such from the church, and that is glad and a terrible reprimand, for the Orthodox it is unseemly to do this "(Stogl., Ch. 40).

The apostolic decree on the prohibition of the evil of barbarism contains the following dictum: "Nor should you spoil the hair on the beard, and change the image of a person contrary to nature. Do not expose, says the law, your beards. For this (to be without a beard) the Creator God has made fit for women, and He recognized as obscene to men. But you, who bares your beard in order to please, as resisting the law, you will be an abomination with God who created you in his own image "(Decree of the Holy Apostle. Kazan Publishing House, 1864, p. 6 ).

The Holy Apostles and Fathers of the Church, recognizing shaving as heresy, forbidding Orthodox Christians to indulge in this abomination, took various measures to correct this epidemic of shaving. In Bolshoy Potrebnik it is stated as follows: “I curse the God-hating fornication image of charm, murderous heresy to cut and shave the hedgehog” (fol. 600ob.) The fathers of the Stoglavna Cathedral, in order to finally suppress the evil of barbarism, acted more strictly than stated in the Big Consumer. They set out the following definition: "If anyone shaves and dies like that, he does not deserve to serve over him, neither petit for it, nor prosphora, nor bring a message on it to the church, let it be reckoned with the unbelievers; . 40). And the interpreter of the rules of the church Zonar, interpreting Canon 6 of the Ecumenical Council and condemning barber shaving, says: "And so the fathers of this council fatherly punish those who share what they said above, and subject them to excommunication." This is how the holy apostles and holy fathers defined it; now let us also hear how the Church Fathers in particular looked at this plague of Christianity.

Saint Epiphanius of Cyprus writes: “What is worse and more disgusting than this? It, part 5, p. 302. Publishing house Moscow, 1863).

The Monk Maxim the Greek says: "If you curse those who deviate from the commandments of God, as we hear in sacred chants, the same oath is subject to those who destroy their brads with a razor" (Word 137).

In the Service Book of Patriarch Joseph it is said: "And we do not see, in the titanic people of Orthodoxy, at some time in great Russia a heretical ailment is introduced. Alike, according to the chronicle books, the legend of the Greek king, moreover the enemy and apostate of the Christian faith and lawbreaker Konstantin Kovalin and er hedgehog to tonsure the brady, or shave, as if he were cutting the divinely created kindness to corrupt, or packs according to the chronicles of confirming the sowing of evil heresy of the new Satan's son of the devil, preventing the antichrist, the enemy and apostate of the Christian faith, I support the Roman Pope Peter Gugnivago, I reinforce that Roman people, and even more so and their sacred rite, I will do the job, and I will cut and shave them. Epiphany, the Archbishop of Cyprus, I will call this heresy. tonsured "(Summer Edition 7155, sheet 621).

Likewise, the Serbian Metropolitan Demetrius wrote: “The Latin repentance has fallen into many heresies: on holy fourtieth, on Saturday and weekly, they eat cheese and eggs, and they do not forbid their children to fast. The brads shave their brads and cut their mustaches, and the evil and evil of that do and bite the mustache ... all this received from the father of his evil son Satan, Pope Peter Gugnivago, shave his brads and mustaches. your brothers, behold the abominable Lord "(his book chapter 39, sheet 502).

By pointing out the law of the Church, the instruction, denunciation and punishment of the pastors of the Church of Christ to the Bradobrians, we will also remember the zeal of Christians numbered among the saints, who, fearing the reproof of the Church Fathers, never agreed to fulfill the command of the impious Prince Olgerd to shave their brads, for which suffered.

In the calendar with the lives, printed under Patriarch Joseph in the 7157th summer, it is said: "Anthony, Eustathius and John suffered in the Lithuanian city of Vilna from Prince Olgerd, the first for barber shaving, and for other Christian laws, in summer 6849" (see under 14th of April). Under the same April number in Chetia-Menaion, it is indicated that Anthony, Eustathius and John were only known by the Christians from Prince Olgerd because, contrary to pagan custom, they grew hair on the brad.

Such suffering of the holy martyrs for Christian customs, between which a beard flaunted in the foreground, should serve as an example of modesty and a way of pious life for true Christians. Not shaving and not cutting beards is a Christian matter, an important matter - this is the fulfillment of the law prescribed by the Church, which is obligatory for those who believe in God and His holy Church.

The holy martyrs, having grown their brads as a Christian's duty requires, showed the wicked prince Olgerd that they are no longer worshipers and servants of the demon, but imitators of the way of life of Christ in the flesh, which he spent on earth for the salvation of the human race. Such a pious life and wearing a beard according to the Christian custom were commanded by the fathers of the 6th Ecumenical Council; for they say: "In Christ, having clothed with baptism, they made a vow to imitate His life in the flesh" (Canon 96.

So, to cut and shave a beard is not a Christian custom, but of filthy heretics, idolaters and unbelievers in God and His Holy Church. For such a filthy custom, the church fathers severely condemn and punish, and betray an oath; and those who have not repentance, and those who have passed away, are deprived of all Christian parting words and remembrance.

We pray to our Lord Jesus Christ, may this abomination cease - the foolishness in our fellow believers, we also pray you, our shepherds, that you teach the flock of Christ entrusted to you by God, according to the sacred rules of your children, all Orthodox Christians would be taught and punished, so that from everyone those evil heretical deeds would cease and live in pure repentance and other virtues.

Scripture quotes

Levit, 19
1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
2 Declare to all the congregation of the children of Israel, and say to them: Be holy, for holy I am the Lord your God.
27 Do not cut your head around, and do not spoil the edge of your beard.

Leviticus, 21:
1 And the Lord said to Moses: Declare to the priests, the sons of Aaron, and tell them ...
5 They shall not shave their heads, nor trim the edges of their beards, or cut their flesh.

2 Samuel 10: 4 And Annon took the servants of David, and shaved each one of them half of the beard, and cut off their clothes half to the loins, and sent them away.
2 Kings 10: 5 When it was reported to David, he sent to meet them, as they were very dishonored. And the king ordered to say to them: stay in Jericho until your beards grow, and then return.

2 Kings 19:24 And Mephibosheth the son of [Jonathan the son of] Saul went out to meet the king. He did not wash his feet, [did not cut his nails,] did not care for his beard and did not wash his clothes from the day the king went out until the day he returned in peace.

Ps. 132: 2 It is like a precious oil on his head, flowing down onto the beard, the beard of Aaron, flowing down to the edges of his clothes ...

Is. 7:20 On that day, the Lord will shave the head and hairs on his legs with a razor hired on the other side of the river by the king of Assyria, and even take away his beard.

The last Jeremiah 1:30 And in their temples sit the priests in torn clothes, with shaved heads and beards, and with bare heads.

Whether it is a sin to shave for an Orthodox Christian ford and a mustache or not, decide for yourself!

Beard as a virtue.

Priest Maxim Kaskun

Father, here Dmitry asks:

“Hello, I recently heard the monologue of a philosopher (Alexander Dugin)“ The virtue of the beard ”. Is it true that wearing a beard is a virtue? Or should it be perceived as a ritual that is necessary only for clergymen, but for laymen - not? .. Does wearing a beard help in any way in spiritual growth? Clarify please. Save me, God!"
- Well, first of all, wearing a beard is, of course, not a virtue - but an honor for a man. Because virtue is something that can be acquired, acquired through labor and achievement. The beard grows in a natural way, this can be compared with the character given to a person. But she is some accompanying factor for the spiritual life of a person.
For example, in ancient times, for a person whose beard was shaved, it was a shame; and even, for example, the envoys of David were not allowed into the city because they were dishonored and disgraced, that is, they cut their clothes (shortened) and, accordingly, cut their beards. And until they had grown a beard, they were not even allowed into the city.
And today you and I see that a beard does not have such an honor. On the contrary, there is mockery. Therefore, if we consider the beard as an honor, then today it turns out to be dishonorable. But why, after all, do the Orthodox wear a beard and even insist ?! And rightly so! First of all, the main purpose of a beard is to help a person in spiritual life. How does a beard help? If we take animals, they have a mustache that helps them navigate when there is no light: they feel like walking even when they see nothing. The same role, only in a spiritual sense, is played by the beard for a person. She helps him. Because the structure of the hair of the beard is also empty, it is hollow, like a mustache; completely different hair on the head. It is hollow and really helps a person to somehow spiritually tune in. These are things that need to be experienced ... For example, a person who shaves off his beard - how does he feel? Yes, he feels naked, as if his underwear has been removed. Why? Because, indeed, a beard both ennobles and gives a feeling of support. But this is, of course, a secret that only the one who wears a beard can know. And therefore, today the Orthodox, of course, should wear it, not only because the beard helps, but also in order to revive the ancient attitude towards the beard as an honor for a man; but, on the other hand, somewhere ... and as a sermon! If you are a Christian, you still have to wear a beard; you should not merge with this world, because in this world there is a cult of flesh that came to us from Ancient Rome, where for the first time officially, so to speak, they began to shave constantly. Although the Egyptians started before them, but, nevertheless, the Romans were more successful in this regard, because their influence on the surrounding culture was decisive. They also influenced the Church: that is, all Roman priests always shaved, with rare exceptions. If we look at the holy fathers of the Ancient Roman Church, who are glorified in the face of saints (by us) - they all had a beard. Augustine of Ipponsky, Ambrose of Mediolansky, Pope Leo the Great - all with a beard. And only after the separation did they begin to shave. When they fell away from Orthodoxy, then they completely changed their attitude towards this and, in general, EVERYONE without exception began to shave. ... And Protestants generally say: "When I shave, after that I feel the breath of the Holy Spirit on me" ...
- Thanks.

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Facial hair was considered a sign of barbarism among Catholics

Popes are always clean-shaven, and our priests, as a rule, have long beards. Both those and others adhere not to fashion, but to religious traditions that go into the distant past.

What gender is this dad?

In modern Catholicism, there is no hard and fast rule that priests should not grow a beard. But even in ancient Rome, men with abundant facial hair were equated with barbarians. This has been the case since the time when the Roman legionaries went to the northern lands for slaves and gold.

In addition, shaving the face for an aristocrat was considered an obligatory hygienic procedure. It was difficult to care for hair in ancient times, so commoners remained with beards, and patricians sported smooth faces. And, naturally, the clergyman, who was obliged to be a model, had no right to look like a slob.

In addition, a Catholic worshiper, unlike an Orthodox one, does not realize himself with Christ with the help of a beard and mustache. On the contrary, he seeks to be closer to his parishioners, as it were.

By the way: Among some Western and European monks, tonsure is also adopted, or gumenzo - hair cut in a circle on the crown of the head, symbolizing a crown of thorns.

However, from 1511 to 1700, there was a period when the popes let go of their beards: starting with Julia II and ending Pope Clement XI... But even earlier, according to legend, there was a scandalous incident that could well have influenced the tradition of shaving a beard. Allegedly in the 9th century, a woman named John, who called herself John VIII.

Since then all the monks shaved, then for some time no one paid attention to the effeminacy of "Pope". And then Joanna gave birth to a child during one of the ceremonies.

The truth of this story or fiction is unknown. However, a ritual appeared in Catholicism to determine the sex of the future Pope: the applicant sat in a special chair with a hole, and another holy father was convinced of the candidate's “masculinity”, so to speak, with his own hand.

Pope Benedict XVI. Photo: pixabay.com

In the image and likeness

In Orthodoxy, on the contrary, wearing a thick beard makes the image of a believer look good - after all, Jesus himself sets an example for us. Shaving was prohibited in the Old Testament and was considered a sin. In the Book of Leviticus, there are these words: “Do not shave your head around, and do not spoil the edge of your beard” (chapter 19, verse 27). In general, the Bible has written a lot about this. Here is another statement from the Holy Scriptures: "... the scorn will not ascend upon your brads."

By shaving, according to the Orthodox Church, a person expresses dissatisfaction with the appearance that the Lord gave him, shows disrespect to him.

In 1347, in the city of Vilno (modern Vilnius), pagans amused three Orthodox Christians - Anthony, John and Eustathia- for refusing to shave off his beard. They were asked to either die or be shaved and thereby keep themselves alive. The martyrs chose the first and were canonized by the Church.

In imperial Russia, up to Peter I, shaving a beard and mustache was punishable by excommunication and compared to adultery. In 1551, the Stoglavy Cathedral of the Russian Church decided at all that a burial service should not be carried out over a deceased person who shaved his beard during his lifetime, that he should not be buried and lit candles for him in the church.

And, for example, the Old Believers still believe that the entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven is allowed only to beard bearers. A shaved person is prohibited from entering even an Old Believer church. And if the Old Believer shaved, and did not repent of this on his deathbed, then he will be buried without a proper ceremony.

In modern society, priests can choose any shape and length of beard. As well as not growing it at all.

Righteous Elder Nikolai Guryanov with Father. Photo: pechori.ru

By the way: The ancient Arabs shaved the temporal part in honor of the pagan god Orotal. The Jews believed that long hair helped ward off pagan superstitions. In India, there is a religious community in which people are forbidden not only to shave their hair, but also to comb it!


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Why do Orthodox priests wear long hair? I ask you to answer seriously, what do you think (but no offense)

someone from the crowd

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Video: The priest has long hair. Priest Maxim Kaskun

Does not nature itself teach you that if a husband grows hair it is a devil of honor for him. But if a wife grows hair it is an honor for her, since the hair was given to her instead of a veil. And if anyone wanted to argue, then we do not have such a custom either in the Church of God.

Probably to cover your face as carefully as possible. After all, a young, shaved priest may seem very attractive to the female sex. And Christ also walked like that. 🙂

In imitation of Christ


hair with energy beard - with kind - GOD + ROD = beard

For greater respectability. Which church, Pepper? Orthodox, or what? :)))

This is an ancient tradition of the Church. Leviticus 19:27 says: "Do not shave your head around, and do not tear the edge of your beard."

This is an ancient sign of dedication to the service of God. Even in the Old Testament there were Jesse who dedicated themselves to God for several years and did not cut their beards and hair. Nowadays, not all priests and bishops wear long hair. This is especially true for monastics.

In the Bible, in the book of Leviticus, there is a direct instruction to priests not to cut their beards. "Leviticus 19:27" Do not cut your head around, and do not spoil the edge of your beard. “I don’t know about the Slavs.

I wonder how the Bible says about whether a man should wear long hair. In 1 Corinthians 11:! 4 "... if a husband grows hair, then this is a dishonor for him." they made wine. The verse from Leviticus 19:27 in another translation sounds like "do not cut your temples short" ... most likely it was impossible to cut your hair very short and your beard should be neatly cut.

Disorder, flea lice

It does not depend on whether you are a Priest or not, the hair is not given to a person for nothing, if it grows, it means for something! When a person Evolves sufficiently, then hair may not grow anywhere! Human teeth are not adapted to chew Meat, but we eat and chew, and then we put fillings and crowns.

They are trying to hippie little by little. :)


Long hair is a shame for a man. The Orthodox cover up this wearing with the law for the Levites and Nazarenes, but by and large they do not fulfill it. For example, this law says that a Levite should not even be in the same room with the deceased - he will be unclean. And they even sing the funeral service and touch in the process of "sealing" and this is not the only violation of the law. So dressing up in women's clothing (very different from the clothes of the same Levites) and wearing long women's hairstyles is just a cover - a candy wrapper, and in it everything is as written in Matthew 23: 27-28

A beard is a sign of a godly person. From time immemorial, men have worn beards.

they mow under the gnomes ...

Why do you need this, you are in a totalitarian antisocial sect. Why do you offend the representatives of a foreign religion to you? Why sow sectarian strife? I somehow do not care what and where you wear your hair.

1. The beard is an antenna in communication with God. And long hair - to maintain balance, so that the indicated beard does not pull the entire carcass forward. A beard makes a person look older, and therefore smarter. The same applies to the weight of the carcass. Who will listen to the shabby holy father?

Hmm. There is no Orthodox image-maker on them. The trendsetter is also a former carpenter, albeit a Jew 🙂

that's really an ambush. ... several times a year. ... people deceived by priests take me for the same deceiver. ... an extremely uncomfortable situation arises. ... the bastards even ruined the beard ..

what have the priests and what has the masquerade to do with it ... God created ... that a mature man grows a beard. ... and what Tvlrets has conceived, then there is good and harmony .... and a man remakes everything in his own way, opposes God ... so excuse me that Orthodox priests do not oppose God ...

27 Do not cut your head around, and do not spoil the edges of your beard. 28 For the sake of the deceased, do not make cuts on your body and do not inject letters on yourself. I am the Lord. (Lev. 19: 27,28) 4 And Annon took the servants of David, and shaved each of them half of the beard, and cut off their clothes in half, to the loins, and sent them away. 5 When it was reported to David, he sent to meet them, as they were very dishonored. And the king ordered to say to them: stay in Jericho until your beards grow, and [then] return. ”(2 Sam. 10: 4,5) 17 And he opened all his heart to her, and said to her, The razor did not touch my head, for I am a Nazarene of God from my mother's womb - but if you shave me off, then my strength will depart from me - I will become weak and will be like other people. (Judg. 16:17)

1 Corinthians 11:14: "Doesn't nature itself teach you that if a husband grows his hair, it is dishonorable to him."

in the nomokanon: "he who raises his beard and his mustache be cursed and burn in hell" short hair is a symbol of obedience and submission ... it is not for nothing that the slaves were shaved bald.. shaved head - complete detachment from the world ...

human hair is an antenna connecting us with space and accumulates information, both positive and negative, so women are advised to cover their heads with a scarf, but believers prefer not to shave, but Buddhists, on the contrary.

Are you bald?

the essence is the same as in S.I., the Orthodox wear beards and long hair - so that everyone can see and understand who it is - just as you can see from afar that witnesses I. are walking - in a suit with a tie and a daddy or a briefcase, some also consider this masquerade.


This is the custom.

For visual identification, here ...


some are just storytellers, while others also have a beard!))))))

Should they be somehow different?

long hair gets in the way on the guillotine.

It's stile, baby ...

I don't understand myself. It seems like the bible says that men need to get their hair cut, and fig knows why.)

Because they are so unpleasant to each other that even the similarities are removed.

1 Corinthians 11:14 Does not nature itself teach you that if a husband grows his hair, it is dishonor for him

does it really matter what people do ?? in the New Testament, Jesus did not command how to dress disciples, followers, ministers…. Christians ... in general it is said that if a man grows long hair, then he shames his head .... as for the ministers of religious cults, perhaps they dug up something in the Old Testament, which no longer works as the New Testament is given ... Jesus and his teachers usually dressed decently and as is customary among the people ... this is how the first Christians in the First Apostolic Church dressed ... then the invention of people began ...

... but everyone is wearing skirts


At the Liturgy, the priest is "the image of Christ", so they try to correspond….

Mikhail Belostotsky


Poison ivy

Crimson Rolex

Standartenführer Stirlitz

Midved the Blessed

The osiris

Ara Araratyan

I am


Inna Allianova

Dmitry Prikhodko

pontifex minimus

samba das

Why, in many religions, priests wear beards and long hair on their heads?





Why do priests wear beards?



The Catholic priest does not personify Christ during the service. Rather, he is equated with his parishioners. Catholicism is strongly influenced by Roman, more secular traditions. The ancient Romans, who finally embraced Christianity in a difficult struggle with pagan idols, considered shaving their faces as an obligatory hygienic procedure for any civilized person.

In ancient Rome, bearded men were considered barbarians. Such Roman legionaries met in the northern lands, where they often went for new slaves and wealth. The noble Roman patrician always carefully looked after his face and always shaved off excess vegetation, so as not to become like commoners and slaves. This tradition took root later in Catholicism. The clean-shaven face (in some monastic orders and the head) of a priest is considered a special symbol of holiness.

In connection with the tradition of shaving a beard in the Middle Ages, an unusual ritual arose. In the 9th century, the holy papal throne in the Vatican was rumored to be occupied by a woman. The legendary Pope John called herself John VIII. She felt such a strong desire for godliness that she hid her true gender in order to lead the church. All the priests shaved their faces, so no one was surprised at the beardless and effeminate father of the church.

After a scandalous incident during one of the ceremonies when the Pope allegedly gave birth to a baby, this shameful fact was forever erased from the history of the Roman Catholic Church. Whether all this was true or rumor is difficult to establish now. And yet, it was after that incident that the ritual of determining the sex of the future pontiff was instituted.

The applicant sat in a special Sella chair, in which a small hole was cut. The empowered holy father simply ran his hand under the seat and literally groped for physical evidence of the masculinity of the future head of the church. In the case of Orthodox priests, such problems have never arisen. Thick or not very beard clearly indicated the gender of the priest.