All about the mystery of the wedding in the Orthodox Church - from the preparation before the commission.

 All about the mystery of the wedding in the Orthodox Church - from the preparation before the commission.
All about the mystery of the wedding in the Orthodox Church - from the preparation before the commission.
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Then the message to the Ephesians of the Holy Apostle Paul () is read, where the marriage union is likened to the Union of Christ and the Church for which the Savior who loved her. Love of her husband to his wife is the likeness of the love of Christ to the church, and the loving-humble obedience of his wife husband-likeness of the Church's relationship to Christ is a mutual love before selflessness, readiness to sacrifice himself in the image of Christ, who has given himself a crucifixion for sinful people, and in the image True followers of his, suffering and martyrdom confirmed their loyalty and love for the Lord.

The last spoke of the apostle: And the wife is afraid of her husband - calls not to fear of weak before being strong, not to the fear of slaves in relation to Mr., but to the fear to take a loving person, to break the unity of souls and telecons. The same fear will lose love, and therefore the presence of God in family life, should have a husband, chapter which is Christ. In another message, the apostle Paul says: the wife is not authorized over her body, but the husband; Equally, the husband is not dominated over her body, but the wife. Do not shy away from each other, perhaps, for a while, for exercise in post and prayer, and then again, be together, so that you do not tempt you to Satan with the identification of yours ().

Husband and wife - members of the Church and, being particles of complete church, are equal to among themselves, obeying Lord Jesus Christ.

After the Apostle reads the Gospel of John (). In it, the blessings of God's blessing of the married union and sanctifying it. The miracle of the implementation of water in wine The Savior converted the action of grace of the sacrament, with which earthly married love rises to the love of heavenly, connecting the souls about the Lord. About the moral change necessary for this, says the holy "Marriage of Honest and Lodge is immaculate, because Christ blessed them in Cana on marriage, tasting food to the flesh and pretending water to wine, - Javil is the first miracle so that you, the soul, has changed" (great Canon, in Russian translation, Tropear 4, Song 9).

After reading the Gospels, the bridal and prayer of the priest, in which we pray to the Lord that he retained those who were combined in the world and the misfortune, so that their marriage was honest, the beds are inconvenient, the cohabitation of them Until old age when performing from the pure heart of his commandments.

The priest hurts: "And the controversy of us, Vladyko, with daring it is not hard to attract to you, the heaven of God the Father, and Glagolati ...". And newlyweds, along with all those present singing the prayer "Our Father", the foundation and crown of all prayers, the Savior himself.

In the mouth of the marriage, it expresses the determination to serve the Lord, by the Small Church, so that and through them on the earth will be performed and reigned in their family life. In humility and devotion to the Lord, they bow under the crowns.

After the prayer of the Lord, Ieria glorifies the kingdom, the strength and glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and, who taught the world, commanding the heads of the head before God, as before the king and the Lord and at the same time, and before the Father of our. Then the bowl of red wine is brought, or rather, a compassion bowl, and the priest blesses it to mutual communication of her husband and wife. Wine under weddings is fed as a sign of joy and fun, reminding about the wonderful turning of water in wine, perfect by Jesus Christ in Cana Galilee.

The priest trocurely gives a young couple to drink wine from the common bowl - first her husband, as the head of the family, then his wife. Typically, the wine is unpacked by three little sip: first the husband, then the wife.

Having taught the general bowl, the priest connects the right hand of her husband with his right hand of his wife, covers their hands with her own her hand and puts his hand on top of her hand, it means that through the hand of the priest, the husband receives a wife from the church itself connecting them in Christ forever. The priest creates newlyweds around the aalo.

At the first time, the trophari "Isaoy, Likui ...", in which the sacrament of the embodiment of the Son of God of God is glorified by Emmanuel from the inoperative Mary.

With the second severity, the Tropear "Self-Martyr". Crown-crowned as winners of earthly passions, they are the image of a spiritual marriage of a believer soul with the Lord.

Finally, in the third trapar, which comes in with the last severity of the aalo, Christ is glorified as the joy and glory of newlyweds, the hope of them in all the circumstances of life: "Glory to you, Christ God, the apostles praise, martyrs of joy, and the sermon. Trinity is unique. "

This circular walking means the eternal march that began on this day for this couple. The marriage will be an eternal march hand in hand, the continuation and phenomenon of the sacraments committed today. Remembering the common cross, entrusted today on them, "wearing each other", they will always be filled with the gracious joy of this day. At the end of the solemn procession, the priest removes the wints with spouses, welcoming them with the words performed by patriarchal simplicity and therefore especially solemn:

"Early, the fiance, Jacques Abraham, and blessing Jacques Isaac, and smartly Jacques Jacob, walk in the world and do the truth of God."

"And you, bride, exalcated by Sarah, and a melancholy revenge, and smartly Rachel, having fun about her husband, store the limits of the law, the God of God's favor."

Then, in the two subsequent prayers, the priest asks the Lord, blessing the marriage in Cana Galilee, to perceive and the crowns of newlyweds are unknown and immaculate in their kingdom. In the second prayer, read by the priest, with the conclusion of the heads of newlyweds, these petitions are imprinted by the name of the Blessed Trinity and the Irasey blessing. At the end of her newlyweds, the chastity kisses testify to the holy and clean love to each other.

Next, according to custom, newlyweds are summarized to the royal gates, where the groom kisses the icon of the Savior, and the bride is the image of the Mother of God; Then they change places and are applied accordingly: the groom - to the icon of the Mother of God, and the bride to the icon of the Savior. Here the priest gives them a kissing cross and presents them two icons: the bride is the image of the Savior, the bride is the image of the Most Holy Virgin.

What should be the wedding trapes

The sacrament of marriage is performed and joyfully committed. From many people: loved ones, relatives and acquaintances, - from the brilliance of the candle, from church singing somehow involuntarily becomes festive and fun in the soul.

After the wedding, young, parents, witnesses, guests continue the holiday at the table.

But however, some invitees sometimes behave indecently. Often here are driving, shameless speeches are pronounced, they sing indiscreet songs, wildly thanks. Such behavior would be shameful even for the heathen, "the disadvantage of God and Christ of Christ", and not just for us, Christians. The Holy Church warns from such behavior. In the 53rd of the Laodican Cathedral, it is said: "It does not apply for marriages to the walking (that is, even relatives of the bride and groom and guests) of Skakati or dance, but modestly listening and dinner, as decently Christians." The marriage feast should be modest and quiet, should be alien to any impoverness and indecency. Such a quiet and modest feast also blesses and the Lord himself, sanctified the marriage in Cana the Galilean her presence and the commission of the first miracle.

What can hinder the Christian marriage

Often, preparing for weddings first register civil marriage in the registry office. The Orthodox Church considers civilian marriage deprived of grace, but as a fact recognizes and does not consider him an illegal prodigal cohabitation. Nevertheless, the conditions for the conclusion of marriage in civil law and the church canons have differences. However, not every civil marriage can be consecrated in the church.

The church does not allow marriage for more than three times. According to civil law, the fourth and fifth marriage, which the church does not bless it.

Marriage is not blessed if one of the marriages (and even more so both) declares himself atheist and says that he came to wedding only at the insistence of a spouse or parents.

Wedding is not allowed if at least one of the spouses is unresolved and is not going to take baptism over the wedding.

Wedding is impossible if one of the future spouses is in fact married with another person. First, it is necessary to terminate a civil marriage, and if the marriage was a church, be sure to take the permission of the bishop to terminate it and blessings for the entry into a new marriage.

Another obstacle to the commitment of the marriage is the blood relationship of the bride and groom and the relationship of the spiritual, found through perception during baptism.

When the wedding is not performed

According to the canonical rules, it is not allowed to make a wedding for all four posts, to the cheese saddiment, the Easter week, in the period from the Nativity of Christ to the Epiphany (shints). According to pious custom, it is not customary to make marriages on Saturday, as well as the day before the two-month, great and temple holidays, in order not to take a pre-holiday evening in noisy merry and entertainment. In addition, in the Russian Orthodox Church, the marriage is not performed on Tuesdays and Thursdays (on the eve of lean days - environments and Fridays), the day before and on the days of the celening of the head of John the Forerunner (August 29 / September 11) and the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord (September 14/14). Exceptions from these rules can be made by the need for only the ruling bunch.
Cm. .

Wedding is a sacrament that happens on a strict canon, requiring a weighted solution and awareness, which is needed for this rite. I want to talk about important aspects that it is worth considering newlyweds when organizing a rite.

  • Native crosses
  • Rings
  • Wedding candles
  • Wedding icons
  • Rushnik
  • Shawl
  • Cigorm
  • Marriage certificate
  • Dress and shoes

For each of these attributes, you need to pay special attention, so I will tell you about each of them in detail.

Native crosses - An important wedding rule is that the bride and groom should be baptized, otherwise the priest will not hold a ritual.

Rings- According to the ancient traditions, the bride ring was the golden, personifying the sun, the bride had a ring of silver, as a symbol of heat and light in the house. In the modern world, this tradition is no longer obligatory and you can use both the same and different rings, it all depends on your personal preferences.

Wedding candles - During the entire ceremony, a couple in their hands should be wedding candles. Throughout the rite, they should burn and do not guess, thereby personifying the light and warmth for your family. Therefore, you need to pay attention to thick and large candles, because on average the duration of the rite takes 30 minutes, or even more. For convenience, there are also stands under the candles, so that the wax does not drop to you by creating discomfort.

Wedding icons - You need to buy two icons in advance and sanctify from the father. Usually a couple crowned with the images of the Savior and the Virgin Mary. After the ceremony, the icons remain with the newlyweds.

Rushnik - At the very beginning of the ceremony, the young must stand on the trench, which symbolizes the white sky. I want to warn that it should not be with patterns and other decorations.

Shawl - If you decide not to use the coasters for the candle, then you will need small handkerchiefs, so as not to burn your hands with hot wax during the rite. Also, the scarves will need witnesses to keep the wints during the ceremony.

Cigorm - Church Wine, which are also an integral part of the process. During the rite of bride and the bride, alternately drink it from the bowl.

Marriage certificate - Civil laws are important churches, so before holding the ceremony you need to provide a marriage certificate. The exception may be if the marriage ceremony is announced the next day after the rite.

Dress and shoes - There are no categorical rules, the bride can be on the wedding in a secular dress, but it must meet certain standards, for example, a deep neckline should be covered with cape or choose a more modest outfit. Shoes can also be selected to your liking, but I want to remind you that the rite is standing and quite a long time, so you need to choose not only beautiful, but also the most comfortable shoes.

Wedding rules

  1. The groom should reach the age of 18, and the bride is 16;
  2. Newlyweds should be Orthodox Christians;
  3. Parent blessing should be received (this is not mandatory for people who have reached adulthood);
  4. Wedding occurs after state registration of marriage;
  5. The couple should also prepare spiritually, make the sacrament, obstacle post and confess.


One of the important decisions in the preparation of the wedding will be the choice of witnesses. There are no too categorical rules here, but there are still things to pay attention to:

  • Naturally, witnesses, like everyone who will be at the time of weddings in the Church, should be baptized and have a full cross
  • An important feature on which I want to focus on is that, becoming witnesses, people among themselves acquire a certain spiritual relationship, which is equivalent to family uzam. Therefore, couples who later want to make marriage are undesirable as witnesses, since during the rite they will connect themselves with spiritual threads close to relatives.

In what cases can not be carried out

  1. The procedure is unacceptable among blood relatives (up to 4 knees);
  2. The second, third and fourth wedding is not approved by the Church, but permission to the ceremony can be obtained by proving that both spouses are married with other people or are widows;
  3. Unacceptable for people of another faith or atheists;
  4. If the young are not yet painted.

It also wants to mention that pregnancy is not a barrier for the wedding, the church on the contrary stands for the fact that the child should be born from a family that is consecrated by the Lord.

How to choose a date

The selection of the date of the wedding can be for a couple a whole problem, because there are dates when do it is prohibited:

  1. Orthodox posts (both one-day and multi-day);
  2. Easter;
  3. Church holidays;
  4. Solid weeks;
  5. The two-month turning and non-passing holidays.

Guests at the ceremony

On the rite of wedding may be present all who express such desire, but also to guests there are a number of requirements.

  • All guests must have native crosses
  • Women should not be in pants, light and modest clothing.
  • Heads in women should be covered with scarves
  • Men in festive costumes, if they are black, should be hoping a light shirt

Preparation for the wedding already living in marriage

What was already mentioned above, wedding takes place only after state registration of marriage, hence it follows that it does not matter whether the rite is happening the day after the painting in the registry office or after 20 years of living together.

But in a situation, if you have already been married for a long time, it is necessary to provide possible problems for the wedding:

  • If the blessing of the parents was not received on time, the priest can give a refusal
  • A situation is possible when in a close environment will not be unmarried people who could have witnessed
  • By the way, a person should not be married more repeatedly, it can also lead to a church failure to hold the ceremony (but I want to note that in the modern world the church has become more loyal in these issues)

Planning a wedding, I strongly recommend considering the previously described advice and rules, then this exciting event will pass calmly and bring only good emotions. But the main thing is remember, because it is not just a festive ritual, it is a big responsibility!

The rite of wedding is a rather responsible ritual that requires sufficient training. Of course, first of all it is necessary to prepare for the wedding spiritually. The priests are not recommended to go to the wedding to people are not incendants, those who do not attend church services, do not profess and not comes. Wedding imposes certain obligations on a married couple, more serious than registration in the local registry office. If in a pair, one person is truly believers, and the second refers to the church service is cool, should not be forced to the wedding. Pray that your second half came to God with sincere faith. And the first step at the preparatory stage to the wedding: this is official registration. Be sure to show your priest your certificate of marriage or passport with stamps. A couple living in the so-called civil marriage will not be wary!

Choose a suitable date
If you are just going to register the official marriage, you wish to wedding in the church, as well as registration in the registry office passed in one day, look at the calendar of church posts and holidays. There are many days when the wedding of the church authorities prohibit hold. Consign themselves with priests or even simple saleswomen in the church shop, buy a calendar, where dates that are not suitable for ritual, as well as brochures, where the preparatory process is written to this serious rite. With the registrar in the registrar, it is easier to agree on the appointment of the date.

If you already live in a marriage, choose any date by matching it with the priest. Some couples are interested, is there life in the official marriage sin? Yes, the Orthodox Church believes that marriage should be blessed in the temple, but the spouses are allowed to take partition and confess when they really wish it.

Choose outfit for wedding
Suppose you have already chosen a dress in which you will undergo a solemn registration in the registry office. However, for the wedding, your outfit may be too brave. You can not come to the Orthodox church in a short dress, with open shoulders and back, deep neckline. Select gloves to a short sleeve dress. When you do not have the opportunity to purchase two separate outfits, for an open wedding dress, take Pelterina, which will close your shoulders and chest. Now in the fashion dress-transformers that can change the length. By the way, in the church inappropriate will be bright colored outfit. The wedding dress should be snow-white, you can with a slightly shade of ivory, soft cream and champagne colors.

The bride's head should be covered with a veil or a beautiful embroidered lace handkerchief. You can buy such a seat in the church itself, where there are ready-made sets and for wedding, and for baptism. Wedding rings are better taken silver, crowded candles, scarves are attached to them, two icons: the Virgin and Jesus Christ and the Rushnik.

Choosing a priest and temple
Well, when there is a familiar priest, which you trust and confess. If there is no such, then go to the temple close to your home, consult with local priests, find out the features of the wedding in this temple, its cost to prepare for the wedding in the church correctly. As a rule, in large central temples wedding will cost more. And they are crowded more often. Ask, it is possible to spend in the temple shooting, whether there are additional services: choral singing and bell ringing.

Couples sometimes ask a question: Is it possible to arrange a wedding in nature, how do you do in Hollywood films? Orthodox priests respond strictly: wedding outside the temple is allowed when one of the pair is sick and cannot be present in the church. Outbound wedding accepted only in Protestant confessions. By the way, only Orthodox can be married in the Orthodox church. The Catholic Church allows a wedding of Catholic and the Orthodox believer, but the Catholic, who wants to be married in the Orthodox church, it is necessary to take the first baptism first.

Confession and Communion - Required rites
Of course, to find a priest who agreed to marry a couple, not past confession and communion. However, church laws should not be criticized. To visit the temple in front of the wedding, be sure to play perfect sins, take the communion at the morning service. If you have never confessed, ask a brochure in the church shop with a list of sins and write down in advance what you have to repent. You will be honest before God and the priest, it means that in family life, save it commendable and necessary quality.

Guests on wedding
The Orthodox Temple is a special place. Therefore, talk to the guests so that the church does not have causing outfits and mobile phones included. Do not appear there in a drunk. Do you want the rite to remove on the camera or camcorder? Warn the priest. The photographer must be a real professional, because in the church special lighting.

Wedding is a vow, which spouses give God. There are doubts that you can live all your life with an official husband (wife), do not hurry to be married.

The rite of wedding in the Orthodox Church belongs to the sacraments of the church, during which, with a mutual promise of the arrest under the crown, to keep loyalty to each other in any situations, God himself blesses a couple of things to be all throughout his life with Christ.

The rules of the wedding require that future spouses be baptized by the laws of Orthodoxy and realized the importance of this rite.

Spiritual essence of wedding

Jesus in the Bible said that the Union blessed by God cannot destroy. (Mat.19: 4-8).

The rite of wedding in the Orthodox Church is the action committed by the priests as intermediaries between God and people, during which there is a drain of two souls into one.

In Genesis 1:27 it says that God has created a man, pay attention, not two people, and one man and a woman created the Lord.

The sacrament of the parish under the crown of a couple is consistent with the help of the Holy Trinity to give a blessing to a future family life.

During the rite of blessing, the couple becomes under the spiritual protection of the church, becoming its part.

The head of the family is the husband, and he is Jesus.

Wallen couple - a prototype of relations between Jesus and the Church, where Christ is a fiance, and the church of the bride awaiting the arrival of his narrowed.

In the small church, the family also occur in the form of common prayers and reading the Word of God, their sacrifice of spouses on obedience, patience, humility and other Christian sacrifices.

On family life in Orthodoxy:

Children born from crowded couples get a special blessing at birth.

Starting a common life, even if Christians are not true performers of the Word of God, rarely attend temple services, they can come to God through the sacrament of the joint of two to one.

Only ending the crown of God's blessing, you can feel the power of His grace.

Sometimes a couple in love with one in another only at the physical level, but this is not enough to build a happy life together.

After the ceremony of the spiritual connection, a special connection appears, which gives a strong impulse for a long marriage.

Getting blessings in the temple, a couple trusts himself to cover the church, input in his life Jesus Christ as Mr. at home.

Marriage after a perfect rite God takes on his hands and pesters throughout his life, but when complying with Christian laws by family members, chastity.


What is the spiritual process of preparing for the wedding

The rules of the wedding in the Orthodox Church say that an important event in spiritual life should be cooked. Cheering is a Christian feat of the future family in front of the Holy Church.

The bride or evidence must take care of the snow-white festive handkerchiefs for this action.

In the absence of guarantors, the crowns are put on the heads of the weddings, so young prudently makes such a hairstyle that will not interfere with the rest of the crown.

Is it possible to be crowned with Orthodox, not strictly adhered to church canons

The rite of marriage in the temple some people turned into a fashionable wedding attribute, belonging to him without any reverence.

Not understanding the spiritual value of the blessing of the future common life, people deprive themselves spiritual joy from staying under the cover of the Almighty.

Some young people refuse blessings in the temple due to the cooling of faith.

The Creator opens its doors for all Orthodox wishing to get the consecration of their marriage union. No one knows what time the Holy Spirit will touch the heart of the sinner, perhaps it will happen during the wedding. You should not limit God in gravity.

Mandatory post and communion will help the bride and the bride approaching the reverence of God's throne.

Family prayers:

  • Prayers of the Blessed Ksenia Peterburger about family well-being

How to behave in the temple during the sacrament

People rarely exercise on temple ministries, sometimes behave inconspicuously to shrines because of their church illiteracy.

Wedding in the temple is a holy interaction, during which it is forbidden to talk, laugh, whisper, the more talking on the mobile phone.

Even the most important persons must turn off all means of communication before entering the temple.

Being in the middle of the temple, you should carefully follow the movement on it, so that you accidentally do not turn your back to holy images, especially iconostasis.

During the rite, which occurs after the completion of the liturgy, the church gives all his attention to two personalities - the bride and groom, blessing them for a happy life, and a prayer may be committed for parents or people who upbringing the bride and groom.

With reverence and all attention, a young couple praizes that the sacrament of the blessing of their future life for many summer, while death does not give spouses.

Should the bride cover the head during the wedding

Snow-white dress, air veil - a traditional image for the bride, but new fashion trends made their own adjustments.

Do you need to cover your head at wedding, what's the point in a small piece of fate?

The history of the head covering in the temple comes from the beginning of Christianity, when women of easy behavior, shaving hair, are obliged to cover the cover during the ministry.

Over time, the head coating shows the status of a woman. A married lady is indecent to appear in society without a handkerchief, hats or hoods. The Queen of England will never appear in society without hair cover.

In Orthodoxy, Fata is a symbol of purity and innocence.

Tip! Long hair is a coating for a woman, so each bride itself chooses his outfit for the wedding.

What is a wedding gain

The engagement is an event committed after liturgy. It marks the act, emphasizing that the sacrament of the blessing is committed in the presence of Holy Trinity, in front of the Holy Lick, in his favor.

The priest informs a pair of the importance of the event that happens, stressing that the sacrament of blessings need to be attached in awe waiting, with a special reverence.

In the face of the lighter, the bridegroom should understand that he takes his wife from the hands of the Savior himself.

The married couple rises in front of the entrance to the temple, and the priest that brings the mission of the Mission of the Mission of the Mission itself, expects them in the altar.

The bride and the bride, as the grandparents, Adam and Eve, get up in the face of God, willingly begin their common life in cleansing and holiness.

As a pious Tovia, distilled off the demons opposed to church marriage, and the priest blesses the young words "in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit," burning church candles, submitting to the future husband and wife.

For each pronounced clergy, the blessing of the marriage pair is barely baptized.

Great sign and lit candles symbolize the celebration of the Holy Spirit, which is invisible presence in the process of making a rite.

The candle light means that the couple promises one other to store a flaming, not forth with the years in purity.

As required by the rules, the rite of engagement begins with the Slavs of the Almighty by the exclamation "God's blessed".

Diakon is pronounced ordinary prayers and prayers about the young couple on behalf of all staying in the temple.

In Prayer, Deacon praits the Creator about the salvation of people entering the Holy Trinity.

Important! The marriage is a blessed action, the purpose of which is to continue the human race at the birth of children.

In the first prayer, according to the word of God, the Lord hears all the requests of the marriage pair regarding their salvation.

In a reverent silence, the prayer for salvation is secretly read. Jesus Christ is the fiance of his bride of the Church, which is engaged in Him.

After that, the clergyman puts the rings of the bridegroom, then the bride and wores them in the name of the Holy Trinity.

"The slave of God (the name of the bridegroom) of God is engaged (the name of the bride) in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

"The slave of God (the name of the bride) is engaged in the slave of God (the name of the groom) in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

The spiritual meaning of the rings, which in front of the hoop lay on the right side of the throne, as if before the face of the Savior of Jesus Christ, heaven, having taken the power of his grace for unity. How rings lie next to the side, so engaged will be all their lives together.

Braccable through consecrated rings take God's blessing. After engaging, the pair is changing rings three times.

Ring from the groom on the hand of the bride - the symbol of his love and readiness to be a patron saint in the family. As Jesus loves his church, so the husband undertakes to treat his wife.

The bride puts on the ring on the order of the chief, promising him love, dedication to humility, willingness to take his help. The engagement ends with the past to bless the Creator, to approve the engagement, set the rings, send the keeper - an angel for a new family.

Wedding accessories

The sacrament of the church - wedding

After the engagement, with candles as a symbol of the sacrament, the young are moving in the middle of the temple, marching for the priest. The clergyman is assessed by Fimiam to the Creator with the help of the cub, showing that thus the sincere fulfillment of the commandments of the Lord will be pleasant to the Creator.

Singers performed by Psalm.

Psalm 127.

Song climb.

Blessed with every fearful gentlemen walking by him!

You will eat from the work of your hands: Blessed you, and good!

Your wife, like a prolific vine, in your house; Your sons like oil branches, around your meal:

so bless a person who is afraid of the Lord!

Lord bless you from Zion, and you will see the prosperity of Jerusalem in all the days of your life;

you will see sons in your sons. World on Israel!

Between the analog with the gospel decomposed on it, the cross and the crowns and the walked spreads the boards or towel.

Before getting on the boards, the bride and the bride once again claim their decision to take wedding in their own will, without any coercion. At the same time, emphasizing that none of them is associated with a promise of marriage with third parties.

The priest addresses to those present on the sacrament with a call to report the facts that prevent this union.

For in the future, all obstacles should be forgotten if they were not voiced before the rite of blessing.

After that, the marriage pair rises on a towel, hiding under his feet. There is a sign that the first will fall on the boards, he will be the head of the house. All those present by throwing breathing, observe these actions.

The priest communicates with the bridegroom, asking, according to a good will, sincerely desire, he wishes to take a girl in his wife who is upcoming in front of him.

After a positive response, the young man is obliged to confirm that it is not engaged with any other maiden and is not associated with her promises.

The same questions are asked the bride, specifying, not under coercion whether it goes under the crown and is not promised to another man.

The adopted mutual positive decision is not yet an union, consecrated by God. This decision has so far be the basis for the conclusion of an official marriage in state authorities.

Over painted officially young, the sacrament is committed by the consecration of a new family to the Creator, the rank of wedding begins, the objects of the well-being of both spiritual and bodily born for just born family begins.

The first prayer is filled with the past to Jesus Christ bless to be married to each other, long years of life, children and the purity of a marital bed. The priest asks for a blessing for prosperity in the house more than dew in the field so that everything is in it, from grain to oil, allowing you to share with people in need.

"Bless these marriage: and give the slaves of your sim life of peaceful, rapidness, love to each other in the Union of the world, the seed of the long-life disadvantageous crown of fame; Specifies them to see Chad Chad your own, the bed is sustained an uneven. And give them from the dew heaven over, and from the Tuka earthly; It will be at home their wheat, wines and lodge, and all blessings, so that they shared excess with the needy, give, and those who are now with us, everything that is demanded to salvation. "

In the second prayer, an appeal to the Holy Trinity is given:

  • kids like grains on the colosum;
  • abundance, like grapes on the vine;
  • long life to see grandchildren.
"Give them the fruit of the frozen, a diploma, unitedness in the souls, testing them, like a cedar of Lebanese, like a grape vine with beautiful branches, give them the seed of the hollow, so that they, having satisfied in everything, abounded for any good deed and you are well-framed. And yes, they tear the sons from their sons, like young siblings of the Maslin, around the trunk of their own and fragrant to you, and they will reach as shining in the sky in you, our Lord. "

For the third time, it sounds a petition for the Triune God to bless young as the heirs of Adam and Eve, created in the image and likeness of God, to create one spiritual flesh and bless the wovers, giving a lot of fetus.

In the reverence, the union of a new couple in heaven is being consecrated in the great creator, fastens the Most High.

It is the time of the chief of the wedding - putting on the crown.

The priest takes the crown, three times the young man, giving the image of Jesus Christ, located ahead of the crown, for kissing and saying that the slave of God is married (names) in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

The same act is committed on the bride, only for kissing it is invited to kiss the image of the Mary Mary.


Covered by the blessing of the crowns, the couple expects God's blessing, standing in the face of the Most High.

The most exciting and solemn minute of the whole sacrament, when the priest, on behalf of God, crowned young, proclaimed blessings three times.

All those present must sincerely, with a reverence to repeat the words of the priest within himself, asking for the Creator about the blessing of the new family.

The priest seal God's blessing, proclaiming the birth of a new small church. Now this is a single church cell, an unbreakable church union. (Matv.19: 6)

In the conclusion of the wedding, the message of the Apostle Paul to Christians in Ephesus, in which he says that the husband and wife are similar to Jesus and the Church. The husband is obliged to take care of his wife as a body, the task of his wife is to be a submissive loving husband. (Ephesus. 5: 20-33)

In the first message of the Church, Corinth Apostle left recommendations in the family behavior to achieve full harmony. (1 Cor.7: 4).

Prayer "Father Our" is read, which the Savior left as a sample of appeal to the Creator.

After that, it takes to drink a young pair of wine from the common bowl that gives merry, like a wedding in Cana, where Jesus turned water into wine.

The priest connects the right hands of the bride and groom with the help of Epitrohili, covers with his palm. This action symbolizes the transfer of his wife the Church, which connected the pair in the name of Jesus Christ.

Taking the young for the right hands, the priest is bypass three times anal, performing the path. Walking in a circle - the prophecy of the eternal, endless earthly life for a new kind.

After removing the crowns and kissing icons, the priest reads a few more prayers, after which the young kissing each other.

In which cases the church marriage is unacceptable

According to church canons, not every marriage can be blessed in the temple. There are several contraindications for wedding.

  1. Some of the young people already accepted the rite of the sacrament three times. The church does not march the fourth and subsequent marriages permitted by civil law.
  2. A couple or one of the members of the future family refers to atheists.
  3. Unresolved people cannot go under the crown, but they can take baptism already in adulthood, immediately before making a rite.
  4. People who have not been officially bonded in the previous marriage, both civil and Christian laws, cannot receive a blessing for further family life.
  5. The bride and groom's native blood and bride cannot create a Christian family.

What days wedding is not committed

Canonical rules clearly define days when blessing rites are not accomplished:

  • for all days of posts, and four of them;
  • seven days after Easter;
  • 20 days from Christmas to baptism;
  • on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays;
  • before the great temple holidays;
  • for the day and the feast itself, the tender of the head of John the Baptist and the elimination of the Cross of the Lord.
Tip! The date of the future weddings should be discussed in advance with its spiritual mentor.

What to do with wedding accessories after a wedding

What to do with candles, scarves and towels that used during wedding?

Candles - not just a light, but the embodiment of faith in the execution of things before the creator. By tradition, wedding candles should be wrapped in handkerchiefs, with the help of which they were kept, and hide behind images or another pious place.

Wedding candles light off for a short time whenever the house is attended by difficulties, whether there are quarrels, illness, financial problems.

Towels, as a rule, decorate the icons that were blessed in the temple.

In some families, there is a tradition to transmit scarves and towels for wedding from generation to generation as a kind of kind. Towels can be left in the temple for couples who cannot afford to purchase this accessory.

Tip! All traditions remain only traditions, the main thing for the family is love, mutual respect and support for each other.

Watch the video about the wedding

In the Soviet years, in our country, some functions that previously carried out the church began to carry out registry offices. The state institutions registered the acts of civil status, including marriages, and the sacral rite of consecration of the union between the spouses, which was carried out in the temples, was forgotten.

In those years, people who were crowned in the church were excluded from the party and the Komsomol, and there were and dismissed from work. It is not surprising that few have been solved for such a step. Over time, these bans were removed, and the old tradition of consecrating the relationship of loving people in the temple begins with us to be revived.

Some couples decide to conclude such a union a few years after registration of marriage in the registry office. What are the requirements for the married church, if they are already married? Any difference in the rules of the church charter for people married for a long time or recently does not exist.

What is needed for wedding in the church, if married?

In any case, you must bring documents to church confirming registration in the registry office.

According to the rules, spouses who want to consecrate their union in the temple should be baptized by Orthodox Christians who are not consistent with each other in the blood relationship (up to the fourth stage), who do not come to each other by Kumany or godparents and gods.

In some cases, a wedding is allowed with Christians of other denominations (Catholics, Lutherans, Protestants), however, this rite is not carried out if one of the spouses is not baptized, is a Muslim, Buddhist or the other faith holds.

It should also be aware that the Church recognizes not all prisoners in accordance with civilian rules. It does not allow the marriage union for more than three times, although in accordance with the legislation in our country the following is the fourth and fifth - marriages.

If one of the spouses was already married before, he needs to obtain a permission of the bishop to terminate the previous marriage union.

How is it preparing for the wedding to those who are already married?

You need to choose the temple where this rite will take place, install the appropriate date in accordance with the church calendar and agree on this with the priest. According to the church charter, the wedding is not carried out:

  • in the days of multi-day church posts (Christmas, Great, Petrov and Assumption),
  • in cheese and easter weeks,
  • in the period from the Nativity of Christ to the Epiphany (Sky),
  • on the eve of the two-month, the Great and Temple Holidays,
  • in the days of church holidays (at the meeting, the Ascension of the Lord, the Trinity, the Adoption of the Head of John the Forerunner, the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, the cover of the Holy Virgin),
  • on Saturdays, as well as on Tuesdays and Thursdays - on the eve of the check-in environments and Fridays.

To have time to prepare everything you need, it is better to appoint a wedding date for 2-3 weeks before this event.

What else is needed to marry spouses to prepare for the rite of wedding? On the eve of this rite, the spouses need to withstand a three-day post, confessing and coming.

If you are not very familiar with the order of church rites, do not worry - the father will tell you about everything. Before you give you my blessing, he will suggest reading certain prayers, to visit the service in the temple, etc.

Consider that on the eve of the communion and wedding can not be used alcoholic beverages; It is also recommended to refrain from intimate intimacy. These days, they do not need to be angry, quarrel, allowing idle, unkind thoughts, should be more humble and crowns.

What will be required for the rite of wedding in the church?

To make this rite you will need:

  • two icons - the Savior and the Mother of God, who, during the sacrament, the clergy will bless spouses,
  • rings: Golden - for a man and silver - for a woman, although you can use only gold or silver,
  • church candles and two small handkerchiefs that you wrap the candles so that during the wedding, the dripping wax did not have a hand,
  • towels, one of whom the wedding pair tie hands, and the other will undermine them under their feet (it can be elegant white towels, decorated with wedding symbols),
  • red Fastened Wines "Kahors" or "Herez".

Wedding set can be purchased in church bench. The rite of the wedding is carried out for free, but the tradition has developed at the same time in the temples donation. Its size, which is negotiated individually, is usually 500-1500 rubles.

We can only lead the video shooting in the temple only by receiving a preliminary resolution of the priest. In some churches, shooting is prohibited, and in some it is allowed to lead it only from certain places.

How to prepare for wedding in the church?

Require with all seriousness to the selection of witnesses. According to the rules, only baptized Orthodox believers can speak in this capacity. It is desirable that this is married a couple, a wedded and having children.

Witnesses will have to not only be present in the church and keep the crowns during the rite over your heads, but also support with you a close connection, help in the formation of a family and, if necessary, to provide moral aid.

Outfits of spouses should be solemn and at the same time modest. Do not wear on a wedding everyday, sports or too frank clothes. The dress married should not have a deep neckline and cuts, the length above the knees.

If it is too open, you need to take care of a scarlet or cape, which is attacked from above. Heads of all women present in wedding must be covered with scarves or headdresses. Also during the ceremony on the spouses must be a native cross. This also applies to other people present at wedding ritual.

It remains to say that the rite of the wedding is performed long enough - at least 40 minutes, and the wedded better choose comfortable shoes on the wrong heel so that nothing distracts it during the ceremony.

We hope that in this article you will find the answer to the question that is necessary for the wedding in the church, the pairs that were previously married. We advise you to take this sacrament with all seriousness and responsibility, because to terminate the church marriage, unlike civil, is extremely difficult.