About Thai names, surnames and nicknames. Thai names royal and feudal names

About Thai names, surnames and nicknames. Thai names royal and feudal names
About Thai names, surnames and nicknames. Thai names royal and feudal names

The correctly chosen name has a strong positive impact on the character, aura and fate of a person. It actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of character and state, strengthens health, removes various negative programs unconscious. But how to find the perfect name?

Despite the fact that in culture there are poetic interpretations, which means women's names, in reality the influence of the name for each girl individually.

Sometimes parents are trying to choose a name before birth, preventing the child to form. Attempts to use astrology are already not applicable, astrology and numerology of choosing the name of the elected all serious knowledge about the influence of the name on fate in the centuries.

Calendar branch, Holy People, without consulting a seerful, insurgent specialist do not have any real assistance in assessing the influence of names for the fate of the child.

Lists popular, happy, beautiful, melodic female names are essentially a generalization, and close eyes on individuality, energy, child soul.

Beautiful and modern Thai names must first approach the child, and not the relative external criteria of beauty and fashion. Who is not affected by your child's life.

A variety of statistic characteristics are positive features of the name, negative features of the name, the choice of profession by name, the influence of the name on the business, the influence of the name on health, the name psychology can be considered only in the context of the deep analysis of the nature, energy design, the task of living and the genus of a particular child.

Name compatibility topic (and not people's characters) is an absurd that internal mechanisms of the influence of the name on their carrier turns out of the interaction of different people. And annuls the whole psyche, unconscious, energy and behavior of people. Moves to one false characteristic all the multidimensionality of the interaction of people.

Meaning of the name Does not give a full-fledged impact, it is only a small part of the influence. For example, Kuantai (Favorite) This does not mean that the girl will be happy in family life, and the carriers of other names are unhappy. The name can weaken health, block her heart center and she will not be able to give and take love. Another girl on the contrary will help solve the tasks of love or family, will greatly facilitate life and achieve goals. The third girl may not bring any effect at all that there is a name that is not. Etc. And all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics. And the same name. And the fate is different.

The most popular Thai names for girls is also a delusion. 95% of girls are called the names that are not facilitating fate. It is possible to navigate only on the congenital nature of the child, spiritual vision and the wisdom of a specialist. And experience, experience and once again experience in understanding - what is happening.

The mystery of the female nameAs a program of an unconscious, sound wave, vibration is revealed by a special bouquet primarily in person, and not in the meaning value and characteristic name. And if this name destroys the child, then some kind of beautiful, minor with patronymic, an astrological accurate, benevolent it was not, it would still be harm, the destruction of character, complication of life and the weighting of fate.

Below is a list of Thai names. Try to choose a few you most suitable to your child. Then if you are interested in the effectiveness of the influence of the name on fate, .

List of women's Thai alphabetic names:

A-GUN - Vine grape

Buff - flower
Busaba - Flower
Bunsy - high beauty
Buckers - Yellow Sapphire

Vanida - girl
Vaan - Sweet
Vaen - Ring

Tao - Star
Deng - Krasnaya
Dat - tanned
Dianphan - Full Moon

Kamlai - Bracelet.
Canya - girl
Karavent - Bird
Koz - flower
Kulap - Rosa
Quang - deer
Kanda - Beloved
Kuantai - Favorite
Keuta - Prosta Och
Kai - chicken

Lamai - soft
Lavevan - beautiful
Lek - baby, kid

Malia - flower
Mali - Jasmine

Nati - lovely woman
Narak - Honey
Nok - Bird
Num - Youth
NGAM-Chit - Good Heart

Pakpao - Snake Fighter
Pen-Chan - Full Moon
Pensry - Beauty and Kindness Moon
Phonpace - Virgo in beautiful robes and jewels

Rattana - Crystal, Jewelry
For the sake of pleasure

Sengdao - Star Light
Samon - Beautiful and Favorite Woman
Surya - Sun.
Sad - flowers
Sanoach - Sweet and pleasantly sounding
Sahodapha - the most beautiful of women
Solad - listened
Som - Orange
Ice - chain
Suming - femininity
Siphon - Blessed Beauty
Sirikit - Glory of the Kiiacar family
SIRIAT - Glory state
Ships - Dama
Sukhon - Beautiful aroma

Tenig - Melon
Thaphi - Queen
Thhevi - Goddess
Thapthim - Rubin

Ubon - Water Lily

Fileying - sapphire
Fierhok - sweet and nice sounding
Favta - Pleasant eye
Fueng - Bee.

Hom - fragrant

Chilea - beautiful, honey
Chanssuda - Moon's daughter
Chimlin - Cute
Chuhensha - refreshing

EPL - Apple

Yu - magnificent

Condeta is character. Character is adjusted including through thoughts. The most important idea is the name. The name lays out changes. Then the character changes fate and the future. Since all people are different, any generalizations ignoring personality personality are incorrect.

How to choose the right, strong and suitable child name in 2019?

Make an analysis of your name - find out right now the meaning of the child's fate now! Write in the wicker, Telegram, Viber +7926 697 00 47

Neuromormyotic name
Your, Leonard Boyard
Switch to the value of life

In accordance with the adopted, in Western European culture, the principle of building a name, modern Thai names are built in such a way that when pronouncing or writing a full name surname follows the name. These are them and distinguishes them from the traditional East Asian pronunciation, in which the last name is first, and then the name.

Thai names and surnames are often very long and peculiar, and the diversity is huge. A variety can be explained by the fact that the introduction of surnames happened relatively recently. This innovation is customary to give every family uniqueness. Thais sometimes change their surname several times during their lives.

For the first time, at the legislative level, the need for the surname was spelled out in the relevant law in 1913. Up to this point, Thai residents used only the names that they were given at birth or names received by people in everyday life. In accordance with the law adopted, one surname can be used only by one family.

Thai surnames are quite long especially among representatives of the highest estate or Thai Chinese origin.

In accordance with the law on human name, the new created last name should not be longer than ten letters, except for vowels and diacritical signs, the exception are those cases when the name is used as surnames.

The monarchs in East Asia often take themselves royal names after going to the throne. So it was in Thailand during the Kingdom of Siam. In addition, the subjects of the monarch could get from his permission not only titles, but also new Thai names.

Among the descendants of noble families, the name of their ancestor of noble blood is often taken as a surname.. An example in this case can serve Hugo Chacgrongs, which is a British singer and a composer with Thai origin. This composer is the descendant of Prince Chakrabongs Bhwanatha.

In some cases, distant relatives and descendants of royal genera are added to the surname pretext "on" to the geographical name and thus create names.

During the conversation, residents usually turn by name with the CFUN consoleThis is especially true for interlocutors who have a higher status. We are treated to women using the Khuning console. This is an old-fashioned, but polite enough to a woman. Such an appeal is the equivalent of the conversion of "Lady" used in the Western world. In a friendly communication, a prefix "PI" is used.

Almost all residents in tourist areas are used in the everyday life "Name, invented by himself", instead of the Thai name. Thai names, Thais get almost immediately after birth. Thai names "Euro-I became" are so common that sometimes none of the environment of a person knows his real name. For example, my familiar Thai parents of a boy, named Age, in half a year he gave him the second, now the well-known name is Ben. Amazing Thai names!

In accordance with the adopted law on the name, the name should not be similar or similar to the name of the king or queen. Surname should not consist of ignorable words and values.

In the case of a spouse divorce, in accordance with the law, should take its prefabricated surname. If the marriage is terminated after the death of the spouse, then the second is entitled to leave himself the name of the spouse. When re-entering the marriage, the spouse is obliged to write a refusal of the surname of the deceased.

Thais - the people are superstitious. If there are problems, they often turn to mediums, and the latter are not rarely recommended to change the surname. New surname symbolizes a new life.

I wonder if you could change the name or surname .... What would you write in a new passport?! Write in the comments! Maybe later such a law will be introduced in Russia!

Following the Western European and Indian tradition, modern Thai names are built on the principle according to which the surname follows the name. In this they differ from the traditional East Asian sample, where the name, on the contrary, follows the last name.

The names and surnames of Thais are often very long and stunningly diverse. This variety is explained by the fact that the existence of surnames is a relatively recent innovation designed to emphasize the uniqueness of each family. In the future, Thais sometimes change the names several times throughout their lives (whereas in many other countries the practice of changing the names outside the marriage is not actually distributed).

For the first time, the need to have the name was spelled out in the law in 1913, in those days most of Thai citizens used only names given to them at birth, or everynown (home) names. In general, the surnames had to transfer positive qualities. In accordance with Thai law, one and the same surname could only be used by members of one family, so all the same names initially were to each other relatives.

Thai surnames are often long, especially in families of the highest class and among Thai Chinese origin. For example, the family of the former Prime Minister Taksin Chinavat, which has Chinese roots, took the name of the Chinavat (which can be translated as "Currently creating good"), in 1938.

According to the current human name (BE 2505, published in 1962), the newly created Thai surname should not be longer than ten Thai letters, not counting vowels and diacritical signs.

As a sample of the diversity of Thai names of that time, in the sample of 45665 full names, 81% of the names were unique, only 35% of names: Thus, people with the same names with a high probability are related to kinship, and the names are often repeated and their diversity is very conditional.

Royal and feudal names

East Asian monarchs often took themselves royal names after climbing the throne, as happened in Thailand until the end of the existence of the Kingdom of Rattanakosin (Siam). In addition, not only titles, but also names can also be given to the monarch. As, for example, in the case of Singhaseni Chancellor, in 1826, in 1826, the operating king of Rama III presented the Duchean title of Chao Praia (Chao Phraya), and in addition to it - the name of the Bodindecha (Bodindecha), which was part of the full name King himself.

Kings frame I and frame II, noble titles and names were assigned before they rose to the throne and accepted their royal names, which, in turn, were changed by subsequent kings. Due to the fact that neither noble titles nor names are neither unique nor constant, when writing a full name to generally indicate the highest titles and the best names, then the previous names and titles and already at the end (often in parentheses) The name and surname obtained at birth.

Noble names

At the descendants of Thai noble families (both in the hereditary and not hereditary), it is customary to take the name of his noble ancestor as a surname. For example, Hugo Chakrabongse (Hugo Chakrabongse) (British singer and composer of Thai origin - approx. Translator) - the descendant of the Siamese prince Chakrabongse Bhuvanath (Chakrabongse Bhuvanath).

Some (usually long-distance) descendants of royal surnames add a preposition "on" (NA) to geographic names of places to create a surname in such a way, like the members of the German aristocratic families use the "Von" console. So, for example, Mongkol Na Songkhlaim, Minister of Health in the Government of Chonalanonta Surayud (Ch. Surayud, now the secret adviser to the current King of Thailand - approx. Translation), is a name that indicates that he is a distant descendant of the royal surname from Songhal Province of the same name. In the same way, the surname "On Chiang Mai" may indicate the noble origin of its carrier from the descendants of the rulers of Chiang May, who was in the time of Siam his vassal victim.

The name of another minister, Casim Sanitwong on Ayutthaya (Kasem Sanitwong Na Ayutthaya) also testifies to his relationship with the royal family, since the added "on Ayutthaya" is a manifestation of the same tradition of indication of distant relatives of the kings, a kind of noble prefix for the name. Santelong is the name of Kasima, so called the spouse of the king frame V, whose name later began to be used by her descendants as a surname.

Official names - surnames

The surnames, as such, the Thais appeared only in the 20th century. This innovation introduced the then King of Vajiravudh (Vajiravudh), or Rama VI (the years of the Board - 1910-1925), which was educated at the Royal Military Academy in Sandherst (United Kingdom). The entire Council of Royal Scientists (later renamed the Royal Institute of Thailand), was engaged in inventing surnames for citizens. The foundation for the creation of the names was the individual merits of individual family representatives. So, for example, at that time, the name of the ancestors of the Premier Admier of Apheads was created. Since the founder of the genus was the first in the history of Thailand by the Minister of Health and the founder of several large hospitals, the name "Vetchchika", which he was given, translated as "belonging to the Medical Profession".

Polite appeals

In a polite conversation, Thais turns to those present and friend by the name, which is curved by the kind console "Khun" (KHUN), especially with regard to people of higher status or public situation. Thus, for example, to ministers whose names are mentioned above, it will be correct to contact "Khun Mongkol" and "Khun Casim". It is important to pronounce "Khun" gently, not in the increasing intonation of another "Khun", which in such an articulation will mean an obsolete feudal title. You can contact women by using the Khuning attachment (Khunying), which is although slightly old-fashioned, but extremely polite appeal, the equivalent word "Lady" in Western culture. Friends and close people can use the prefix "PI" when communicating. For example, "Pi Chart"

Informal names (nicknames)

Almost all the Thais in everyday life use instead of official nickname names or "nickname", which they will be seen, as a rule, from birth. Nicknames (they can still be called "home" names) so common in the daily life of Thais, which sometimes the real name of a person recorded in the documents, none of those surrounding and knows. Thais themselves call the informal names of Chu-Len (Chue-Len) - "name-game", "Joke name".

Durable by relatives or buddies in early childhood, the comic name is usually very short, often consists of one syllable. Or from several, which over time erased to one. They may have a humorous meaning or not to have it at all, with the exception of rare direct abbreviations of the full name to a diminutive-smear form. Such a NOC ("bird") formed from the Noknaya ("Little Bird").

These names have all Thais and they are used in everyday life regardless of how children they may seem to foreigners. Even his majesty has a nickname - "Ong Lek" (Ong Lek). "ONG" is a collective noun to designate kings, princes, princesses, priests, buddha, gods, angels, palaces, pagodas. "Lek" means "younger" in relation to the youngest native brothers. Nickname of the former Prime Minister of Thailand Taksin Chinavat (Thaksin Shinawatra) - Meow (Maew).

Some got nicknames from colleagues or friends in school and youthful times. Often nicknames can reflect the peculiarities of behavior or appearance and changes in time. An example of how the nickname was entrenched as the official name, a Thai picket dictator PHIBUNSONGKHRAM can serve. The name "Pers" was actually the "strange" nickname, which he received for an unusual appearance was still a child. Later, he accepted as his last name given to him for the achievements of the Phibunsongkhram academic title, and in history he entered the nickname, Pybun, which is a reduction in this adopted last name to two syllables.

The first prime minister of the Thailand of Female Paul Yingglak Chinawatra (Yingluck Shinawatra), as a child, had a nickname Pu - "Crab".

Very often, throughout life, a person lives under his informal nickname, and the other can never know his official name. Being once presented under the "home" name, Thais and continue to use it.

According to the law on the name BE 2505 (§ 8 as amended by 2008), Thai surname can not be:

  • The same or be similar to the name of the king, the queen or any royal title;
  • The same or be similar to any title, except when the title belongs to this person, relatives or its descendants;
  • Changes in any surname provided by the king or already registered; ( change the surname is possible)
  • The surname cannot consist of any impolite word or value;
  • Thai surname can not consist of more than ten consonants, except in cases where the name is used as a surname.

When divorced, the spouse is obliged to take its former surname. If the marriage is terminated as a result of the death of one of the spouses, the second spouse has the right to leave the surname of the deceased spouse. But if the widow marries again, she is obliged to refuse the surname of the deceased spouse. (§ 13, BE 2505)

Thais is very superstitious and often in case of vital turmoils, they turn to local mediums who recommend changing the official name and surname. New name - new life. Such a case has recently happened to our girlfriend in secret, which changed the name and surname, but at the same time left its former nickname.

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Thai names follow the western model. Surname follows pre-or alias. There they differ from the template of naming the common tradition of East Asia. Thai names often for a long time and there are many of them very much. It follows from the variety of the surname, they must be unique within the family. In addition, some Thai relatively often change their name. However, the name less often changes. Due to the permission of the head of the family. In the event of children, setting up father and mother. This practice is almost unknown in most other countries. In addition to typical reasons, for example, separate accommodation and divorce, many names of names are carried out to facilitate the carrier of the field. Thais consider, you can avoid that the loss is caused by an evil spirit.

Since when there are surnames in Thailand?

In 1913, it is required according to the law that each Thai must have a family name. Prior to that, most of the Thais was only a pre-alias. Names give mainly positive signs. According to Thai law, any name can only be used in the family. Familienmtglieder should be used with the same name in relationships.

Construction of the Thai surname

In accordance with the current legislation of the year 1962, there must be a new Thai surname not longer than 10 Thai letters. Glazny characters and diacritical signs are excluded. Thai surnames often for quite a long time, especially if they are Chinese origin.

How do you get a new surname in Thailand?

Rules for registration of a new name are:
The applicant presents the five name alternative on one of the officials. Each name has a maximum of 10 Thai characters. The officer is watching the same names in the database. The law allows the same names for existing ones. One of the 5 alternatives should be all unique and can then be used to be promising. About a month later you will pay again for the official one. It is defined not to duplicate Nachnames, you can use the new name of the last query.

Use name in everyday life

In everyday life, which he is always attracted is in Thailand with the specified name. Even foreigners, as a rule, are considered with the specified name. Lists are sorted by the specified name in the alphabet telephone book. Titles work is also used in speech. Also, in combination with polite "Khun" before, Khun MH as a doctor then.

Some Thai surnames

Yao Yun.

The correctly chosen name has a strong positive impact on the character, aura and fate of a person. It actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of character and state, strengthens health, removes various negative programs unconscious. But how to find the perfect name?

Despite the fact that in culture there are interpretations, which means male names, in reality the influence of the name for each boy is individually.

Sometimes parents are trying to choose a name before birth, preventing the child to form. Astrology and numerology of choosing the name of the name of all serious knowledge of the influence of the name on fate in the centuries.

Calendars of the Sky, Holy People, without a consultation of a seerful, inspired specialist do not have any real assistance in assessing the influence of names for the fate of the child.

And the lists of ... popular, happy, beautiful, melodic male names are completely closed with eyes to individuality, energy, child soul and turn the selection procedure into the irresponsible game of parents in fashion, egoism and ignorance.

Beautiful and modern Thai names must first approach the child, and not the relative external criteria of beauty and fashion. Who is not affected by your child's life.

Diverse statistics - Positive features of the name, negative features of the name, the choice of profession by name, the influence of the name on the business, the influence of the name on health, the name psychology can only be considered in the context of the deep analysis of subtle plans (karma), the energy construction, the task of life and Skinny child.

The topic of compatibility of names (and not the characters of people) is an absurd that internal mechanisms of influence on the state of their carrier turns out of the interaction of different people. And annuls the whole psyche, unconscious, energy and behavior of people. Moves to one false characteristic all the multidimensionality of the interaction of people.

The meaning of the name does not have literal impact. For example, Vazha (courageous, knight) does not mean that the young man will be strong, and carriers of other names weak. The name can weaken health, block the heart center and he will not be able to give and take love. Another boy on the contrary will help solve the tasks of love or power, will greatly facilitate life and achieve goals. The third boy may not bring any effect at all that there is a name that is not. Etc. And all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics.

The most popular Thai names for boys is also a delusion. 95% of boys call names that are not facilitating fate. You can only focus on the congenital nature of the child, spiritual vision and wisdom of an experienced specialist.

The mystery of the male name, as a program of an unconscious, sound wave, vibration is revealed by a special bouquet primarily in man, and not in the meaning value and characteristic name. And if this name destroys the child, then some kind of beautiful, minor with patronymic, an astrological accurate, benevolent it was not, it would still be harm, the destruction of character, complication of life and the weighting of fate.

Below is a list of Thai names. Try to choose a few you most suitable to your child. Then if you are interested in the effectiveness of the influence of the name on fate, .

List of men's Thai alphabetic names:

A-VUT - Weapon
ATHIT - Sun.

Bandy - Victory Day
WONGRAT - Family of precious stones
Vintai - Discipline
Viriya - perseverance
Virgin - power, power

Kiantisak - Glory, Honor
Kulap - Rosa
Kitet - Honor
Clahan - brave

Mongkut - Corona

Narrong - winner
Niran - Eternal

Praste - superiority
Phakphum - Pride
Podbutr - Son of Father
Puentai - Pistol

Rakponmyang - Care about citizens

Sakda - power, energy
Somager - courageous
Sunan - Good Word
Soma - Masculinity
Somboon - perfection
Sontahi - able to combine and combine.

Taxin - a source of happiness
Thanet is a rich man
Thirasak - authority, power
Tassna - observation
Tinnakorn - Sun.
Tuang - Golden Spear

Fanumas - Sun.
Fassakorn - Sun.

Chemkhaeng - Strong
Hongzavan - Heavenly Swan
Channargon - an experienced warrior

Remember! Choosing a name for a child is a huge responsibility. The name you can easily facilitate the life of a person and harm.

How to choose the right, strong and suitable child name in 2019?

Make an analysis of your name - find out right now the meaning of the child's fate now! Write in the wicker, Telegram, Viber +7926 697 00 47

Neuromormyotic name
Your, Leonard Boyard
Switch to the value of life