English female names. Beautiful English names in the USA

English female names. Beautiful English names in the USA
English female names. Beautiful English names in the USA

Condemned at the end of the XVIII century. The American nation combines not only descendants of immigrants from all parts of the world, but also the indigenous population - Indians. During the long time, the culture of the American people was formed under the influence of traditions of other countries and peoples, which was reflected on the names of the Americans themselves. Many common American names take their origins from Greek, Italian, Latin, Asian, ancient German origin.

Rare names are very popular among the American population, which take their origin not only from the reduction of geographical names related to the history, but also the names of famous people, the connection of several names into one, etc.

Conditionally divide US names by origin into the following groups:

  • names associated with human character features (cheerful, smart, brave, brave);
  • names associated with the names of animals and plants, natural phenomena; - names meaning various professions;
  • names borrowed from the Bible.

America is a colonial country, therefore, in different states of the country, the same names enjoy varying popularity. For example, in Spanish villages the popular male name Federico (Federico), in the Irish regions - Patrick (Patrick), in Italian - Paulo (Paulo).

The choice of a name for a newborn is also of great importance. When choosing a child's name, Americans are guided by the following principles: a combination of name and surname, the origin of the name and its secret value. To pay tribute to family traditions and memory of ancestors, parents give the name to a child who wore father, grandfather or great-grandfather. If the family already has a person with the same name, then at the beginning of the name add the "Senior" or "Jr." prefix.

The desire of Americans to give a "highlight" of the child name is not limited to choosing just a beautiful and memorable name. The fantasy of the parents does not know the limit - the child can become a "happy" owner of the brand name of the favorite car of parents, a politician, whose speeches did not leave parents indifferent, the next celebrity, the city liked, etc. In this situation, the choice falls on the most unexpected facilities. You can meet children named Lexus (Lexus), Madison (Medison), Infinity (Infiniti).

Surely not everyone knows that Sarah Jessica Parker, Mary Kate Olsen or Sean William Scott - these are double names. What is the tradition of giving a child the second name at birth? The tradition of the second (or average name - Middle Name) has developed in the XIX century. European immigration in the 1830-1840 led to the growth of the US population, and as a result, the number of people with the same name and surnames increased. As an additional means of identification began to use the second name. Children were given the second names in honor of the famous political, religious, public figures and military (for example, George Washington, the first US president, or John Wesley, one of the founders of metodisism).

Another version is the protection of the child from evil spirits and death. When baptized, the child was given several names with the aim of knocking off death in case of danger, who threatened the child during the outbreak of deadly diseases.

Sometimes the average name is associated with some terrain or the names of the ancestors, as well as the names of other people.

This tradition still "lives" in modern American families.

Most Popular Modern American Names

  • Alex.(Alex) - from Greek., "Defender". James (James) - from English, "Invader".
  • Anthony. (Anthony) - from the English, "invaluable", "competing".
  • Brandon. (Brandon) - from him., "Prince".
  • Christopher. (Christopher) - from the English, "follower of Christ."
  • David(David) - Hebrew, "Beloved", "Favorite".
  • Dillon.(DOLON) - Welly origin, "Great Sea". Philip (Philip) - from Greek., "Horses amateur".
  • Ethan. (ITan) - from English, "Durable".
  • Fred. (Fred) - from English, "Mirny Ruler".
  • Josh. (Josh) - Jewish, "God, Salvation."
  • Justin. (Justin) - from English, "Fair". Matthew (Matthew) - from the English, "Gift of God", "God's Man."
  • Kevin.(Kevin) - from Irland., "Beautiful", "dear".
  • Ryan. (Ryan) - from Arab., "Little king". Nicholas (Nicholas) - from Franz., "Winner of Peoples".
  • Thomas.(Thomas) - Polish, "twin".
  • Tyler. (Tyler) - from English, "Stylish". Caleb (Caleb) - from Heb., "Deadly, Brave".
  • William. (William) - from the English, "desired."

List of common American surnames

Modern American surnames modified during many years.

Immigration representatives of different peoples in America, their gradual mixing with local residents, and as a result, change and reduction (reduction) surnames to the American Floor.

List of most famous surnames in America

Names of the names Jones (Jones), Smith (Smith), Williams (Williams), Wilson (Wilson) according to statistical data more than a million. The following surnames are no less popular:

  • Allen (Allen)
  • Anderson (Anderson)
  • Brown (Brown)
  • Clark (Clark)
  • Davis (Davis)
  • Garcia (Garcia)
  • Hall (Hall)
  • Harris (Harris)
  • Hernandez (Hernandez)
  • Jackson (Jackson)
  • Johnson (Johnson)
  • King (King)
  • Lee (Li)
  • Lewis (Lewis)
  • Martin (Martin)
  • Martinez (Martinez)
  • Miller (Miller)
  • Moore (Moore)
  • Robinson (Robinson)
  • Rodrigues (Rodriguez)
  • Taylor (Taylor)
  • Thomas (Thomas)
  • Thompson (Thompson)
  • Walker (Walker)
  • White (White)
  • Wilson (Wilson)
  • YOUNG (Young)

The melodiousness, the beauty of the sound of the surname is another reason for the pride of their carriers. The desire of a person to change in life could not affect the desire to change its surname or name in the name of a well-known person in the entertainment industry or politics. Sources for inspiration can be found in the names of natural phenomena, representatives of flora and fauna, names of geographical objects. In search of a more excellent name or surname, improvisation is not a hindrance.

Some of the most beautiful and common American surnames are:

  • Beverly (Beverly)
  • Collins (Collins)
  • Daniels (Daniels)
  • Evans (Evans)
  • Ford (Ford)
  • Gilmore (Gilmore)
  • Harris (Harris)
  • Holmes (Holmes)
  • Labert (Labert)
  • Moore (Moore)
  • NEWMAN (Newman)
  • Riley (Riley)
  • Stephenson (Stephenson)
  • Wallace (Wallace)
  • Washington (Washington)

The respectful attitude of the person to his name as the heritage of the ancestors is a kind of valuable relic, which its carriers are transmitted from generation to generation, keeping their history and family traditions in the name of the family.

English female names

Oleg and Valentina Lightsid - Mystics, specialists in esoteric and occult, authors 14 books.

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American names

American women's names and their meaning

American names, that is, the names common in the United States mainly combined English and Anglo-Saxon names. Roman (Latin) and Greek names are also used. There are new names that first appeared in the United States.

Women's American names

Alan - Beautiful

Alex - Defender

Alexandra - Defender

Ameli. - industrious

Andrea - courageous, brave

Angela - Angel, Herald

Angelina - Little Angel, Newsright

Beverly - Beaver

Becky - Missing trap

Betty - Honor of God

Brand - Sword

Britney - Little Britain

Brooke - Creek, stream

Vivian - Vivalent, lively

Wood - Living in the forest, Forest

Garnet - Red grenades

Gweets - Good luck, happiness


Gloria - Glory, famous, famous

Goldi. - Golden

Gainor - white and soft

Daria (Darcy) - sparkling

Jennis - Belokurai

Jennifer - White and smooth

Jerry - owning a spear

Jessica - God sees

Gina - Reduction of long names starting with Gina

Joan - God is good

Jodie - God is good

Caroline (Caroline) - Reliable

Kandy - Lollopy

Cat. - Immaculate, Chaste

Katlin (Kathleen) - Immaculate, Chaste

Catherine (Catherine) - Immaculate, Chaste

Kate - Immaculate, Chaste

Kelly - Blonde

Kendra - skillful, high hill

Kimberley - urban royal meadow

Claire (Claire) - Clear

Cameron - Curved nose

Lara - Chaika

Laura - Laurel

Lea - Tired, chick

Leslie - Oak Grove

Lie - Luga

Lisa - Honor of God

Lillian - Lilia

Larry - Fidget

Lassuit - Beloved

Maril - Gorky, beloved by God

Martha - Lady, mentor

Megan (Mighan) - Pearls

Meryl - Marine

Merilin - Marine

Miranda - decent admiration

Meg - Pearls

Obi - obedient

Audrey - noble power

Opra - Young deer, young mountain

Pamela - Honey

Patricia - nobleman

Peggy - Pearls

Penelope - Sly Tkachkha

Ricky - Sportiv

Rita - Reduction of long names ending on "... Rita"

rose flower - Rosa flower

Roxy - Dawn.

Rosemary - Reminder

Rachel - Ovechka

Sally - Princess

Samantha - God heard

Sandy - Sunday

Sarah (Sarah) - Nonable

Stephanie - Corona

Sue - Lilia

TE. - gift of God.

Tera - land

Tina - Reduction of long names ending in "... Tina"

Typhani (Tiffany) - manifestation of God.

Khan - kind, merciful

Heather - Heather

Haley (Holly) - hay

Helen - Light

Hilary - joyful, happy

Holi - Saint

Hase - Unpredictable

Chelsea - Port.

Sharic (Cheryl) - Favorite

Charlotte - courageous, brave

Sharon (Sheron) - Plain

Our new book "Energy Family"


Brief energy information characteristic of some names


Woman with the name of Vanessa for their nature - leader, only in a soft beautiful shell.

She will try to be bright, try to manage the surrounding people, especially manipulate men. Vanessa twists the nuts slowly, so as not to swipe "game". But her grip is iron.

A woman named Vanessa knows what he wants and systematically goes to the realization of her desire. This is a strong man, material, intuitively understanding psychology and means of manipulating people.

If a man lives with her for several years in marriage, he will become podcast. His vital energy (vital force) will decrease at least half.

When Vanessa lick everything from her husband and she will not have enough energy, she will lead a lover or two at once. To implement desires, she needs an additional external source of energy, men are such a source for her.

Woman with the name of Vanessa is a pretty, charming, soft, energy vampire. She gladly shakes the energy of men through sex. Although you cannot tell you immediately that the vampire, because Vanessa wrapper is beautiful and soft.

Vanessa - a zealous woman, she does everything to achieve fame, fame, success and squeeze out of men everything you can.


Dora - A woman with this name will often drive out of work. She will be enjoyed in life - no career, no personal life. She will try his best to please - bosses, men - but they will get rid of it from the annoying puppy. This name carries such vibrations that, on the one hand, a person tries to be decent, kind, caring, gentle, and on the other hand, they treat him as something very annoying and do not want to support long, close relationships with him. People simply do not withstand excessive woman attachment with the name of the Dora.

A person with this name is difficult to live in the material world. But through suffering, through some rejection there is a tremendous development of the human soul. Through such tests, little woman can pass. Almost this way is holy.

Dora is a good friend and comrade, but there are few people in his wife will take it. Most people are not ready to accept her.


Florian - This name gives great claims to fame and fame.

A woman with this name can manifest itself in the profession of designer, fashion designer, artist, actress.

She will also choose her husband from the creative environment - artistic director of the theater, director.

Florin is aimed at his career and fame, she will take a little about family and children.

Most likely, a woman with this name will be talent, she will shine on stage and in society, everyone will admire her, admire her talent and beauty, but few will truly love her.

She is a star, but a cold star.

You correctly feel that your main karmic program in life is the work and career. With all your positive qualities, your spiritual workers are such that love, personal happiness, family is your vulnerable topic. But this can be tried to adjust. And one of the ways of energy correction is the second name with the desired energies (with the necessary vibrations).

Alberta (Alberta)

Alberta (Alberta) - This name gives broken energy. A person can be soft and stopped, and after a second tough, principled and touchy. This name makes a person unpredictable and difficult to communicate and in life.


Allegr - This name gives increased emotionality and psychological instability.

Lisa (Lisa)

Lisa (Lisa) - This name activates mental abilities, sensitivity, gives increased sensitivity. The power of the will is stimulated, purposefulness and principle is produced. At the same time, there is an increased level of desires, it applies to the material level - money, jewelry, material comfort.

Men will use as a means of achieving material well-being.

Lisa - Egoist, she is not able to truly love. Increased sexuality, it uses to achieve its material purposes.

This name aims a woman on material well-being. When Lisa is able to pretend.

ELIZABETH (Elizabeth)

ELIZABETH (Elizabeth) - This name gives sexual insatiability, greed to power and to money. Traveling female name. A woman with this name sucks the energy of men who are near and who are well treated.

This is the name of the powerful woman who becomes an energy vampire.


A woman named Juliana is dangerous, she will act magically.

To this name, I need a rear in the form of good spiritual workers.


Olga-Diana-Victoria - This name gives the quality of sexual attractiveness, business grip and sacrifice. A person with this name will take care of the family, about his loved ones, about his country (about his people). At the same time, a woman with this name will always be fans. If a woman is not picking up in his connections, then lovers will be a lot.

With this name, you need to be able to control your expenses. Because the money will come, but the desire will appear to spend this money on fashionable clothing, cosmetic salons and their relatives.

Olga-Diana Eden

Olga-Diana Eden - In this name, there is a collected, the ability to work, notes of volitional qualities appear. There is beauty and mind. The only minus is fear for the future, especially in the material plan. From here there is a permanent incentive to work, work and work to be a material reserve.

Most people succeeded in business and people came to success thanks to this feeling - fear for the future. This stimulates them to work, career and move forward.

With this name, a person needs constant physical unloading. Ideally swimming to remove energy clamps in the lower energy center.

Olga-Diana Casey

Olga-Diana Casey - This name stimulates to become a famous person who will succeed in society. This name fits a woman who has become the head of the PR agency, a politician. This name gives collected, mind, dedication, creative approach to business and to life. A strong logic with high intuition is mixed here. Gives the qualities of a high-level secret secret service officer.

This is the name of a successful woman in the business world. Women who knows what she wants and achieves it.

But problems may arise in relations with children - this is the problem of all business, volitional, self-confident women. As compensation.


Olga-Greta-Victoria - This name gives a woman a mystery, a riddle and high sexuality. Enhances business qualities and purposefulness in achieving conceived. With this name, a woman can become the owner of the hotel (hotel) and succeed in this matter. She will always have fans. This name develops an artistic taste, a fantasy with a tint of lyricism. With this name, a woman will be a good caring mother. She will take care not only about their children, but also their loved ones.

With this name you need to be able to control your expenses.

Olga Ramin Aster

Olga Ramin Aster - This name gives the quality necessary to the modern artist, who develops modern styles of clothing, forms of powerful sports cars, boats, yachts. This is a designer of ultra-modern offices, houses and everything related to the development of High-tech styles. This is a high-class professional designer. At the same time, a person will rely on the experience of ancient culture and the best traditions.

A person with this name is an innovator in his business, whatever he did. There is a permanent search for new.

This name is developing an analytical mindset, the ability to risk, good quality businessman. This is a volitional, purposeful woman.

The man of this woman must support her in all its endeavors, otherwise he will simply do not hold next to her.

A woman with this name not only feels modern fashion, modern style, it perfectly feels the energy of ancient culture.

A woman with this name turns around the culture and art of Zen. This is beauty, high aestheticism, refinement and minimalism.

Olga-Santa Clare (Olga-Santa Clara)

Olga-Santa Clare (Olga-Santa Clara)- A person with this name will serve his family, his family, his people. The name gives a high degree of efficiency aimed at ministry. If a person does not work for himself, but for the sake of others.

At this field, a person with this name can achieve a lot. The main thing is to put priorities correctly. Nothing for money, not for the sake of a career, but for the sake of a high goal, for the sake of idea.

A person who is able to give his energy to the world around the world, sooner or later, will definitely receive a remuneration in the form of a good husband with high material prosperity, in the form of good reliable friends, the necessary connections, magnificent children.

This name is suitable for a strong energy donor, or for a person who wants to become an energy donor. The name develops spiritual qualities.

Oleg and Valentina Lights

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Watching American names:

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American names. American women's names and their meaning


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Sometimes people write to us that on some sites have seen information that we supposedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that it is slander, not true. In all his life, we never deceived anyone. On the pages of our site, in the club materials we always write that you need to be an honest decent person. For us, honest name is not an empty sound.

People who write about us slander are guided by the lowest motifs - envy, greed, they have black souls. There were times when the slander is paid well. Now many home is ready to sell for three kopecks, and to engage in squeezing for decent people is even easier. People who write slander do not understand that they seriously worsen their karma, worsen their fate and the fate of their loved ones. Talking with such people about conscience, about faith in God is meaningless. They do not believe in God, because the believer will never go to a deal with conscience, will never do a deception, slander, fraud.

Scammers, pseudomags, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor, thirsting money, a lot. Police and other controls still do not cope with the increasing influx of madness "deception for the sake of profit."

So please be attentive!

Sincerely - Oleg and Valentina Lightsid

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Choose cool, but the appropriate name for your child is not easy task. In the end, your child will live with him all life! Many parents begin to break their heads before his birth, trying to all of them to envisage and go in the opinion, and so that later, when the baby is growing up, he did not occur to change his name. You need to choose with mind and without fanaticism, don "t forget this. Well, we bring to your attention interesting names in the USA. Check IT

On the site NameBerry, you can not just pick up a special, cool and enjoyable name, but also to find out true of its value and popularity. There is also an excellent opportunity to assess the list of the most striking trends of the decade, regardless of whether you are a fashion legislator or its investigator.

A Name IS A Gift So Meaningful, So Powerful and Personal That Only You Can Select It for Your Child.
The name is a gift, so significant, so powerful and personal, that only you can choose it for your child.

Today, the names that begin with " AD"Or end on" lEE"Are among the most popular for children. So stumble upon a bunch of children Called Kinsley ( Kinsley.), Bentley ( Bently) or even Epelpin ( AddlyN.), Nowadays it becomes more likely than, say, in the years of the 50s. By the way, about them. Meet tons Jennifer ( Jennifer) or jayson ( Jason.) It was much likely than today. And now children in the United States and Britain, unlike Russian names, are fairly willing to give the names of the so-called "excellent degree". Get IT? Well, for example, such as Legend, Royalty or King. Would you like this? Would be able to puffly to declare someone: "I am a legend!" And Will Smith himself would have envied you. Hurry to change while the names are not like, because they are becoming more popular every day!

Also in the list of fashionable names for kids there are surnames of celebrities. These days, calling your child Lennon, Monroe or Hendrix, you can take the assault on the whole world! We believe that this trend is worth sticking to. Why? Well ... Because the tribute to the legendary stars can inspire your child to become the most cool child in the world!

We would not want to upset you, but Mother Murphy with their laws - not at all against. One of them, for example, reads: "How harmless would seem to be the name you gave the child, it will definitely be teased by this name." So, call your child so that such a law does not come into effect.

Popular American names

List of men's names:

List of women's names:

Well, if you still want to know the story, then on the website of the Social Security Administration ( Social Security Administration Or. SSA., But Don "T Read Backwards Tho) There is a whole table with five most popular male and female names in the US for newborns of life, starting from 1917 to 2016. Over the past 100 years, for example, the name" Michael"Still keeps the championship (44 times), while the female name" Mary."Over these years, it became the leader of 39 times.

Other American names

While some names come and go, those that we pointed below, however, "stuck" in the people are thorough. They may not have no number 1, but they will definitely never fall out of fashion and seem to see the top of the list every day.

English men's names:

  • Everett.. Means "brave, like a wild vent" - " brave As A Wild Boar" English version of the German name " Eberhard.».
  • Henry.. The German name means "home controlling" - " ruler of the Household"Or" managing economy ".
  • Charlie. "Free guy" - " fREE Man." English soft form name "Charles".
  • Edwin.. "Prosperous friend" - " pROSPEROUS FRIEND."Or" rich friend ". English name.
  • Sam. Herase the meaning of the name "hear". Also means "God declared" - " told by god." English name, full form - "Samuel".
  • Marshall.. French name, means "horse keeper" - " tHE KEEPER OF HOURSES».
  • Calvin.. Latin name meaning "bald" or "deprived of cover" - " bald Boy.».
  • Edgar. English name meaning "Great Speeder" - " great Spear Man.

English female names:

  • Lola. Spanish name meaning a "strong woman".
  • Lillian. French name derived from Elizabeth (Elizabeth). As not strange, means "Lily".
  • Stella. Latin name formed from " stellar"That translated" Star ".
  • Genevieve. (read like, "Genevaiv") - Genevieve. Good name from France. Means "white wave".
  • Cora. Not the one on the trees. It is like Corinne, only bark. In ancient Greek means "filled heart" - " filled Heart." In mythology, the name of the bark was the epithet of Persephone, the goddess of fertility and the domain of the underground world.
  • Evelyn.. Evelina is a Jewish name meaning "life force". Traditionally - the English surname, which was a garbage name, but is now used mainly for girls.
  • LUCY.. Lucille is an English Catholic name meaning "light-pointed". YOU CAN SAY " Lucia.»AS WELL.
  • Clara.. Stole corals, but in general it is "bright" and "clean." Latin name.
  • Ruby. Again the Latin "Dark Red Gemstone".
  • EVA. ["I: və]. The name of the agencies of all mankind means" giving life "or just" life. "Cool, yes? Latin form of the Hebrew name" Eve ".

Rare and unusual english names

A UNIQUE NAME IS Chosen As A Symbol of a Unique, Special Child and Family.
The unique name is selected as a symbol of an exceptional, special child and family.

Top 5 unusual male names in English

  • Prescott.This is an excellent English name, meaning the "priest's house", was given 18 boys in 2016. It can be cut to "Scott" as a nickname if he thinks that it sounds too strict.
  • Grover.Although during the 20th century there were a lot of grovers, for example, president of Cleveland, as well as a nice blue wound from Sesame Street. Another famous Grover is a jazz saxophonist Grover Washington Jr.. But only 19 boys were named Grover in 2016.
  • Oberon.Character Oberon in the play of Shakespeare "Sleep in the Summer Night" - Tsar Fay and Elf, but the very name, with the shock "O" at the beginning, demonstrates a much more courageous image. Oberon was also seen as a fabulous king in an ancient German legend, a French heroic song, in a dramatic work for Bena-Johnson's masks theater and in several operations. He also lit up in the Animation film Disney "Garguli". In ancient England, the name was written as "Auberon".
  • Regis.This holy french name means "Royal". Today this name is most often associated with the honorable leading current show by Regis Philbin
    (REGIS PHILBIN). Only 10 parents chose this name for their son in 2016, so, most likely, your son will become the only "Regis" in your life.
  • Thelonious.The most famous as the name of the legendary jazz pianist of Telonius Monk (Thelonious Monk), 20 boys received this unique name in 2016. The origin is obliged to the German name "Tillman", which means "the one who plows the Earth", and the "Telephone" is a latinized variation of this word.

TOP 5 unusual female names in English

Since many are looking for a "unique" name, the search is really unusual may be extremely difficult, especially when it comes about girls. Historically, the names of the girls had a tendency to fashion, while the names of the boys were more conservative. For example, while the most popular female name changed every 10 years, the name "Michael" remains in the top ten for more than 75 years. Thanks to this, popular beautiful female names there are more than male. In addition, many trend "unusual" names for girls come from male. Therefore, if you are looking for something unusual, but distinctly feminine, then you may have to make a dot deeper.

The names below were given 10 or less newborn girls every year, so, of course, there is a small chance that she will have to share his unique name with anyone else. But if you want your new addition to the family to stand out among Um, Olivia and Sophia, then boldly choose one of the unusual names below for your little princess.

  • Flannery.. You may have not yet reached the reading of the most famous story of Flannery about "Connor (Flannery O'connor)," On the top of all trails converge "(" Everything that Rises Must Converter "). But this should not stop you to give preference to this heat sounding. Irish name. "Flannery" comes from "Flann" and "Gal", which means "rosy" and "courage" in Irish. Only 10 little girls received such a name in 2016.
  • Alberta. The English name meaning "noble" and "bright" is probably like from the Western province of Canada. However, there is information that the province is actually named after the Princess Louise Caroline Alberta, one of the daughters of Queen Victoria. Although the name and can be quite popular abroad, in 2016, only 9 girls were named.
  • Sigourney.. Who knows, maybe a new "alien" would be quite balanced, be there the main woman of all the franchise. Not many parents call their daughters of Sigurn. In fact, only 8 families chose it in 2016, but we also know that this is the name of the winner (that it, by the way, means). Even Sigurni Waiter herself once in an interview admitted that he changed her first name "Susan", an inspired by the character from Francis Scott Fitzgerald "Great Gatsby" ("The Great Gatsby").
  • Talullah. The main thing is that not tanunnah. Despite the fact that celebrities such as Demi Moore, Patrick Dempsey and Philip Seymour Hoffman, called their daughters Tallula, only 7 families chose this charming name of the Chocto tribe indians, meaning "jumping water" in 2016. Previously, the name was associated with the greatest star scene and screen Tallula Bankhead (Talullah Bankhead), now it basically approved as the most suitable name for beauties from the south. Another meaning of the name is "shining girl."
  • Antigone. Right as the name of the anti-theft system. Name of name - "instead of a child." If you want to make a solid choice of a name with a good story, then antigone is a good solution. A bold and fundamental heroine of frequently leased history in Greek mythology - falls precisely to the target and even more. Although the name is known throughout the story, the parents made it slightly an unusual choice for their daughters - only 8 families called their daughters antigone in 2016. We would say that "Tig" also sounds pretty pretty. Girls with the name of Antigone are distinguished by courage and independence. In childhood, this is manifested in the form of a pronounced and excessive even for a child of curiosity.

Double English names

If you have a little single name, you can try to go one more way. In fact, give children double names - the tradition is relatively recent. Until the XVIII century, people affected only one name and surname. For a long time, the source of names, mainly was the only list of saints and holidays in calendar (church sacraticles). But the variations on the topics of church names in the people were quite a lot: in English, the Latin form "Maria" was transformed into "Mary" (Mary), which, in turn, gave a diminutive "Molly" (Molly), and then "Polly" ( Polly). The name "Joannes", which occurred from the ancient Jewish. Yohanan, gave in medieval England the form "Jan", "Iohn" and "John" (John), as well as a diminutive "jankin", "jackin", and only then the popular name "Jack" (Jack). And the female form "Ioanna", borrowed from the French "Jeanne" (Zhanna), turned immediately into three independent name: "Jane" (Jane), "Jean" (Gin) and "Joan" (Joan).

We all have everything. If you suddenly decide to move to live in the United States and get a family there, then you will know exactly how to call your offspring!

Big and Friendly Family EnglishDom

American names in themselves combined several Anglo-Saxon and English names at once. In addition, there are still Greek and Roman (Latin) names in the United States. There are American women's names that first appeared in the United States.

Brief characteristic of certain names.

Vanessa - This is a beautiful woman, for her nature she is a leader. In addition, this woman is not difficult to notice, because she is bright, knows how to manage the surrounding people, as well as manipulate men. Waensa iron grip. Makes it all gradually and carefully, so as not to sigh. All Vanessa know what they want to get from life, so they purposefully go to their goal. By nature, she is a material, a strong person who knows the psychology very well and maybe they can be manipulated by them. A man who lives with her in marriage becomes gradually repeated. He half loses his vitality. As soon as the husband is like a squeezed lemon, Vanessa will immediately lead his lover, perhaps even two immediately. In order to implement your plans, Vanessa need a source of energy that she takes from her men. Vanessa refers to women vampires, which are charming, cute and soft. It also gets energy from a man through sex. But looking at her, you will never even think about the fact that it is an energy vampire, because she is a very beautiful and attractive woman. Vanessa loves glory, so she does everything to become a famous woman.

Dora -this is a weak woman. She is absolutely not lucky in his work and his personal life. Her will constantly drive out of work. Dora always tries to enjoy the boss, but she does not work, therefore she will not be lazy with work too. By nature, the Dora is very good, decent, caring, tender woman, but for some reason in life from her all the time want to get rid of some unnecessary things. More than once it was noted that the Dora is very tied to a particular person, which is why people do not stand and drive it away. A person with such a name is very difficult to live, especially in the material world. But for all the suffering, having passed such a heavy life path, a woman with the American name will be rewarded. The male will be a great girlfriend, but married women with this name are extremely rarely taken.

Florian - most often women with such name have fame and fame. Florian in life chooses most often the profession of the artist, fashion designer or actress. Naturally, her life satellite will also have a famous personality, from the same creative environment as Florian herself. For example, director, head of the theater. Florian in life dreams only to achieve glory, so she thinks only about her career, but she has a family with her the background. Women with such American name will shine in society or on the stage, all surrounding will admire her, her beauty and talent, but there will be really few people to love her. In life, she will be a star, but cold. But having all this: a career, fame, fame, Florian never knows the real family happiness, love. But how we all know with you, if you try, we can always change your destiny, we just need to want it. To do this, you can take the first step, for example, take a second name with another energy.

Alberta"This woman is a man's mood, and her mood can change every second. For example, it can be dug and soft, and immediately become a tough, touchy and principled. The fate of a woman with such American name becomes unpredictable and difficult.

Allegr- The woman named after such a name gives an increased psychological and emotional instability.

Lisa- The owner of this name is a smart, sensitive woman, but very touching. It has a good effort of will, purposefulness and principle. She was used to achieving goals, especially if it concerns the material condition. She herself knows how to make a living. Men often uses to achieve material well-being, as a means. Lisa by nature is a big egoist, but she can sincerely love. Its external data, it is also used to use to achieve material any of their values. More Lisa is easily, especially if it needs it, knows how to pretend and lie.

Elizabet- Women with so name are very greedy to power and money. This name can even be called mercenary. Elizabeth sucks energy from men with her near. A woman in his nature is very powerful, even it can be called an energy vampire.

Juliana- A very dangerous woman, because it often resorts for help to magic.

Olga-Diana-Victoria - Women with this name externally very attractive people who know how to make a business grip. If a woman with this name is a family, then she will always take care of her, giving all his love and self. The American female name gives the owner of beautiful external data, thanks to which a woman will constantly be surrounded by fans. There will be many lovers to have, if not picking up in relationships. In addition, for their nature, this is a woman's transmission, so you should always follow and control your expenses. She will have a lot of money, and they go to Olga-Diana Victoria very easily.

Olga-Diana Eden - Women with such a name for nature workable, collected, often show their volitional qualities. In addition, they are attractive. Very smart. The minus is that the owner is always experiencing for its future, especially in the material plan. That is why it constantly works and works to always be money. Have you ever thought about why women with such American name become very successful business woman? And I will tell you, because they are afraid of their future, thanks to which they are constantly working and moved through the career ladder, reaching their goals.

Olga-Diana Casey - It will help his owner in life to become a successful and well-known special. Very often, women with this name become politicians or leaders of any agencies, major firms, etc. Operations are smart, purposeful, collected. Work and case are always suitable with full responsibility. Women with the same name always achieve goals set in front of them. She will create a family, but there will be some problems in raising children. But such problems very often arise from volitional, confident, business women.

Olga-Greta-Victoria - This is a mysterious and sexy woman who has a mystery in itself. If she conceived something, then it must necessarily achieve, even if it is necessary to improve business qualities. The American female name can allow a woman to become the owner of something, for example, hotels. This feature has always a sea of \u200b\u200bfans. The owner of such a name is beautiful and concerning mom in the future. But she takes care not only about her kids, and also about their relatives and loved ones. By nature, Olga-Greta-Victoria is not a transcription, because he knows how to properly spend its income.

Olga Ramin Aster - Often a woman with such a name becomes a designer, and professional, because it can develop and create stylish and trendy clothes, sports cars, yachts, boats. Whatever a person with the same name he was engaged in the innovative of his affairs and ideas. She is constantly looking for something new. Women are risky, so in the future they become wonderful business women. Possess an analytical mindset of the mind. A man who will be next to her must necessarily maintain it in everything, otherwise, he will not stay with her for a long time. Especially with this name can be beautiful and fashionable to dress, she knows a modern style.

Olga-Santa Clare (Olga-Santa Clara) - A woman with such an American name will be correct and is predicted to his family, children, family and people. She is a wonderful able-bodied worker at work. In life, a person, with such a name, seeks great success. You only need to be able to properly arrange priorities. That is, it is not for the sake of moving along the career ladder, not for the sake of money, but for the sake of idea and the goal. A woman who knows how to give and give the energy to people around people, sooner or later will be rewarded: a wonderful husband with great prosperity, good and true friends, obedient children. This name is able to develop spiritual qualities.

The Americas women's names and their meanings will be listed below.

Alexandra - Defender;

Alex - the intercession;

Alan - Beauty;

Amelie - loves work;

Andrea - brave, brave;

Angela - Newsright, Angel;

Angelina is a small angel;

Beverly - Beaver;

Beckka - manits in the west;

Betty - honing God;

Brand - sword;

Britney - Little Britain;

Brooke - rods, stream;

Vivian - real, smart, live;

Wood - Forest Woman;

Garnet - Mature red grenades;

Gweets - happy, successful;

Gloris - the famous, glorified;

Gloria - famous;

Goldi - Golden;

Gainor - gentle and white;

Daria (Darcy) - shining;

Jennis - White;

Jennifer - smooth;

Jerry - mastered the spear;

Jessica - a selection of the Most High;

Gina - short-range brevity;

Joan is a good Most High;

Jody is a good God;

Caroline (Caroline) - a woman on which you can rely and trust (reliable);

Candy - sucking sweetie;

Cat - sinless;

Katlin (Kathleen) - Virtuous;

Catherine (Catherine) - Great;

Kate - innocent;

Kelly - blond woman;

Kendra - Master, Big Clellitsa;

Kimberly - Meadow Queen;

Claire (Claire) - shining, brilliant;

Cameron - curve nose;

Lara - Seagull;

Laura - Lavr tree;

Lea - tired;

Leslie - Grove from oaks;

Lee - meadow;

Lisa - an extrosting God;

Lilian - White Lily;

Larry - Unreasonable in one place;

Lassie - dear heart;

Maril is a hot beloved by God;

Martha - Teacher, Ladyman;

Megan (Mighan) - Pearl;

Meryl - Maritime

Merilin is a marine ladder;

Miranda - decent delight;

Meg - white pearls;

Ob - submissive;

Audrey - Virtuous, honest;

Oprah - young deer;

Pamela - Sweet Medic;

Patricia - a woman from a privileged class;

Peggy - Pearl;

Penelope - Taples Surface;

Ricky - an athlete;

Rita is a reduction in long names that end on "... Rita".

Rose is a wonderful inventory;

Roxy - sunrise;

Rosemary - forever;

Rachel - Sheep;

Sally - Princess;

Samantha - heard by God;

Sandy - Sunday;

Sarah (Sarah) - famous;

Stephanie - Crown;

Sue - Yellow Lily;

TE - a gift of the Most High;

Tera - Earth;

Tina - a reduction in all long names that end on "... Tina";

Tifani (Tiffany) - a deed, the action of God;

Khan - compassionate;

Heather - evergreen shrub heres;

Haley (Holly) - a stack of hay;

Helen - bright, clear;

Hilary - gives joy and happiness;

Holi - holy;

Haziz - an unexpected, unexpected;

Chelsea - port;

Sharic (Cheryl) - desired;

Charlotte - brave, brave;

Sharon (Sheron) - the surface of the sushi, the bottom of the ocean and the sea;

Sherry - the most favorite