Polish surnames. Beautiful Polish surnames: Alphabet List and History The most common names in Poland

Polish surnames. Beautiful Polish surnames: Alphabet List and History The most common names in Poland

The origin and formation of the names of Poland is identical to how this process took place from other European and Slavic peoples. However, the Poles, like each people, has its own national characteristics and characteristic features of family education.

Let's look at how the Families of Poland appeared and what is their structure, what the difference between male and female surnames, what surnames are given when concluding marriage, what are the rules for changing the surname and what the Poland's names are most often found and how they are pronounced.
The emergence of the name of Poland.
Initially, the Latin word "Familia" meant a certain community of people, the family, including the family of their slaves and vassals, in addition to the family owners. In the general case, the surname is a generic name, that is, the name of the ancestor, ancestor (name, nickname or name of the primary) transmitted by inheritance and added to the personal name of the person. Historians argue that the origin of the names began in the X-XI centuries in economically developed countries of Europe.
In Poland, the surname entered the source in the XV century in the XV century in the Polish Union - Szlachta (Szlachta - from the Wallsurnenetsky word Slahta - Rod).
Structure of the name of Poland.
The structure of Polish surnames put an imprint feature of the formation of a gentry, as originally military estate. The shutters were equal to each other on rights and differed only in terms of ownership and the level of prosperity.
Since the beginning of the entry into force of the Statute of Bolesca Cryavoiste (from 1138), the regular princely army ceased to exist in Poland and, who became owned by land, the shutters were obliged to collect their inflation (Pospolite Ruszenie) and put it under the command of the king. At the same time, the gentry of one terrain was combined into peculiar military clans with their own name and coat of arms of the same name. Since the coat of arms belonged to all participants of this clan, the name of the coat of arms included, as an integral part, in the surname of each gentry and all the clans people were called a gentle coat of arms (Klejnotni, Herbowni, Współherebowni). As a result, the same coat of arms entered the names of dozens, and sometimes hundreds of birth. And in the lexicon of the gentry, the concept of "coat of arms" was used.
Thus, the full name of the gentry consisted of several components: directly the name of the gentry, his personal surname (the name of the genus), the name of the terrain of the Votchina, plus the name of the coat of arms. For example - Piotr Lunak-Kmita (Piotr Lunak-Kmita) from Schcheniawa (Szreniawa).
During the subsequent three centuries, almost all the gentle full names were given to the classic three-storage point: a personal name, then the name of the kind or coat of arms, the name of the surname. For example, Jan Jelita-Zamoyski (Yang Elita Zamoysky).

Structure the names of the simple people
Poor and uneducated Poles that were not included in the Shankhetsky estate, the names were significantly later later than the Polish aristocracy. Starting from the XVII century, the names began to have citizens, and then the residents of the village. Their names were formed from personal names and nicknames, professions, as well as the names of cities, from where they come from. For example, Jankowski (Yankovsky), żukowski (Zhukovsky), Przybyszewski (Pshibyshevsky) from Przybysz's concept - arrived, Kowalski (Kovalski) from the Profession of Kuznets, Wileński (Vilensky) from the city.
Already in the XIX-XX centuries, the surnames began to be added through the nicknames and pseudonyms, transforming surnames to such shine. For example, Burze-Komorowski (Bur-Komarovsky), Tadeusz Boy-żeleński (Tadeusch Boy-Zhelenysky).
For today, the Poles most of them have the surname of only one word. However, the Staropol traditions of the presence of a two-storey surname of Poland are still alive and officially legalized.
Typical ending in the name of Poland
Currently, the most commonly found Polish surnames with Suffix "-ski / -CKI" ("-sk / -tsky"). Initially, this suffix was used in the surnames of the gentry, pointing to their generic estate. Due to the social prestigidity of this "noble" suffix, he gradually twisted in the surname of the lower social layers and as a result now rooted in about 35.2% of the names.
The second most popular suffix "-AK" is found at 11.6% of the names of Poland. For example, NOWAK (Novak). Also, suffixes "-YK" and "-IK" (in 7.3% of the surnames) and the suffix "-Ka" (3.2% surnames) are suffixes.
The second "noble" suffix of the name of Poland "-OWICZ / -EWICZ" ("-OVICH / --Evich") is now consumed by little, only in 2.3% of Polish surnames. It has no longer Polish, but the Ukrainian-Belarusian origin. His originally Polish view "-OWIC / -EEWIC" ("-ovitz / -Evitz"). However, after the Lublin Union adopted in 1569, when the privileges of Poland nobility were given to the Ukrainian and Belarusian feudalities, this suffix spread rapidly in these territories, acquired more familiar to the people of these localities "-OVich / -Evich" and moved to a literary language . And the Polish "-OWIC / -EWIC" as a result became referred to as a dialectic, commonary, and therefore socially lower and gradually was ousted from new names. The last time the "-OWIC / -EWIC suffix" was recorded in the noble name in 1574.

Male and female forms of the name of Poland
Poland's names have both forms - male and female. They differ in suffixes and endings.
Thus, the most common names formed from adjectives, in men's genus, have at the end of "-ski / -cki", and the female genus - "-ska / -cka".
Also change the end depending on the genus of the name-adjective other models. For example, the names in the men's "śmigły" and "Brylski" (Smigla and Brylski) in feminine is already sounding already like "śmigła" and "Brylska", that is, change the end of C "-Y / -i" to "-a".
In the names of Poland, which are nouns, men's and female forms are the same and the female form does not inclined. For example, NOWAK, KOWAL, KOWALCZYK, SIENKIEWICZ, MAZUR (Novak, Koval, Kovalsky, Senkevich, Mazur).
In colloquial speech, women's forms of nouns are built depending on marriage. So, for unmarried women to the surname in male form ending on the consonant or vowel, the end, respectively, "-ówna" or "- (i) anka" is added. For example, NOWAK - Nowakówna (Novak - Novakowna), Konopka - Konopczanka (Konopchanka). If a woman is married or widowed, her surname is pronounced by the surname of the husband ending on the consonant or vowel, respectively, the endings "-owa" or "-ina / -yna". For example, Nowakowa (Novakova) and Konopczyna (Konopkin).
Families of Poland in marriage
In Polish tradition, in marriage, the girl takes the surname of her husband. It is also allowed that the girl is one of the two parts of his master's family name (Nazwisko Panieńskie) replaced one of the parts of the husband's surname. However, it happens that the husband adds one of the two parts of the maiden name of his wife to his (replaces one of the two parts of his surname). Children from this marriage take, as a rule, the surname of the Father.

Changing the name of Poland.
Poles have the right to change their surname, if it is unreactive, not Polish, coincides with the name, or unusted in a wide range of previously acquired acquaintances and admirers (for example, in case of work for a long time under the pseudonym).
The most common names of Poland
According to a study of 10 years ago, the most common last name Poland is NOWAK (Novak). It is worn about 200 thousand Poles. The second most popular is the name Kowalski (Kowalsky) with the number of carriers of about 140 thousand people. The third in the ranking is the last name Wiśniewski (Vishnevsky) - about 110 thousand people. The range of carriers from 85 to 100 people includes the following surnames (descending): Wójcik (Vuyzik), Kowalczyk (Kovalchik), Kamiński (Kaminsky), Lewandowski (Levandowskiy), Zieliński (Zelinsky), Szymański (Shimansky), Woźniak (Wozniak) and DąBROWSKI (Dombrovsky).
Features of pronunciation of the name Poland in Russian
In the pronunciation of Polish surnames in Russian, there are features, for example, in the endings, which are often complemented to the usual Russified forms.
Thus, the adjectives, ending on "-ski / -cki / -dzki" or in women's form on "-ska / -kka / -dzka" are pronounced as "-sk / -tski / -dsky (-dzsky)" or "-and I".
If the surname ends at "-ński / -sk," in official cases, they say it with a soft sign, and in household speech and literature - without a soft sign. For example, Oghensky and Ogin.
Surnames ending with "-port / -iów" in official speech are transmitted as "-W / -EV", and in the literature as "-On / -Ev or -E-whether (if you have to accumulate on the last syllable)." For example, Kowalów and Kovalev.
The adjectives, such as "śmigły - śmigła", in official cases are pronounced briefly "-y /-and", "-A /-" and do not inclined (the smuggles - communities), and in the artistic literature are complemented by the end of " / -th "or (female form)" / -Ya "(ambulance - aligible).
Special forms of women's surnames (Pani Kowalowa, Panna Kowalówna) are pronounced in the official situation with the restoration of male form - Pani, Panna Koval, and in the literature - Pani Kovalev or Panna Kovalevna.

Poland's names have very long-standing origin. During their existence, they acquired unique features peculiar to Polish culture. And in order not to lose touch with your ancestors, we need to know and remember the history of the name of Poland, as well as to restore, maintain and transfer to children a story and their generic surname.

The origin of Polish surnamesbegins in the XV-XVII centuries, when Polish gentry began to take hereditary names. The first Polish surnames consisted of the name of the military clan (coat of arms) and the names of the Earth, the ownership of the gentry. Later, these naming began to be written through the hyphen and there were double surnames - Elita Zamoysky, Bonch-Osmolovsky, Corbut Zbarazhsky. Over time, the names began to appear from representatives of other segments of the population. In Russia, few Polish surnames were assimilated and retained their national characteristics.

Features of the values \u200b\u200bof Polish surnames

Polish surnames are characterized by some linguistic signs that make them recognizable. The emphasis in Polish surnames is always placed on the penultimate syllable. Dictionary of Polish Family Shows a large number of surnames on-school, - Sky. They were considered noble and originated from the name of generic races. Such surnames have a female version - Vishenetsky-Vishnevian, Zbarazhsky-Zbarazhskaya. In Russian, they vary on cases in both people. Now these "aristocratic" surnames have almost half of the Poles.

Surnames with Sufikhikov -OVich, --Evich formed from personal male names and were mainly distributed among the meshness. These surnames do not have a generic affiliation, they are the same for men and women - Adam Mitskevich-Barbara Mitskevich, Andrzey Pavlovich-Jadvig Pavlovich. Declining such polish surnames Perhaps only in the male version. By the morphological features, you can add surnames with surnames -ik, -nik, -K, -K, -Chuk, - Well. Value These polish surnamesassociated with nicknames. They also belong to men, and women, and change on cases only in male genus - Novak, Copernicus, Rachko, Kovalik.

How to transform Polish women's surnames

Value Most polish surnamesit does not cause difficulties, it is largely common to all Slavic surnames. As usual, such names are passed on the men's line, and after marriage, a woman takes the surname of her husband. In modern Poland, the law allows the preservation of the girl's or adopting a double surname. However, quite recently in the countryside there was an interesting custom - women's surname modified depending on the status of a woman. For example, if the husband wore Novak's surname, then His spouse was Navakovna, and the daughter was novakawn. Or Zaremba - Zarembina - Source.

List of Polish Fame Alphabet It helps to appreciate their wealth and diversity. BUT top Polish Family Shows which surnames are of great prevalence.

List of popular Polish surnames

Woj Motozhovsky

The European Championship will be held in Poland. Spartak plays with "Legia". The main goalkeeper "Arsenal" - Pole. The best right defender of the Bundesliga (according to some estimates) - also Pole. Sports journalists and commentators often have to face Polish last names or even the names of the Polish teams that they utter and write incorrectly.

Smart people prompted me to make this memo and stop being bored on Facebook. Their covenants have a hurry to follow.

So, several rules principles:

1. In Polish, there are nasal vowels - ę and ą. They are read, mainly as "e (e) n" and "he", except before B and P (then "E (E) M" and "Ohm" - for example, the name of the Polish football club Zagłębie - "Problem" or "Pipe" in Polish - "trą bA.", Thrombus); beforeć, dź - "e (e) ny" and "ON". Sometimes after the soft "el" ą Reads as "Yong (m)" - for example, the name of the Polish Club Participant of the Europa LeagueŚląsk - "Shchelensk" (Silesia, Polish). It is important to check how exactly the surname of this or that athlete is written in Polish. Sorry should not be skidding, reading and writing changes in principle. For example, the surname of Yancek Bondka (BąK) in Russia for a long time read as "tank", the name of Kshyshtof Longyevka (L ą giewka.) read as "Lagiyevka". The surname of the Arsenal goalkeeper (Szczęsny) is thus read and written as "Schchennas", and not as "SHICHESHNA".

2. Hissing. The combination SZ is read as "sh", a combination of CZ - as "h". Excellent example - the name and surname of the Right Defender of Borussia: Łukasz piszczek \u003d Lukash Pishchek. CombinationrZ. reads like "F." At the beginning of zero in the Polish national team, the defender was played, the last name (RZ.ą sA) Russian journalists wrote and read as "Rzhasa", whereas the right - "Johns". As "F" is also read ż, as "zh" - ź. Consonantc." before "i.»Reading as" h ". For example, the surname of the football player "Vizaev" of the 90s -Citko - Read as "Chitko", and not as "Citko".

3. Letter "El". In Polish, there are two of them. Just "L" is "El" soft, "l". But "" is read as a cross between "y" and "in", and in Russian enough to read it as "El" firmly, i.e. "L".

4. The letter ń is read as "n". For example, the last name of the second goalkeeper "Arsenal" (Fabiański) should be pronounced and written as "Fabyanski (s)."

5. No need to stretch the combinations of IE or Ia. If L. is written ą giewka. - Read "Longyevka", that is, "E", not "IE". If it is necessary for you to read "I", the combination will look like "ije.", For example żmijewski - Zhamievsky (s). In the case of the "IA" - see an example with Fabiansky, although Fabian or the name "Adrian", of course, will not be some serious mistake. The consonants soften ("BJ"), "A" turns into "I". Combination "iU."This is" Yu ", and not" IE ". Combination "iO."- This is" O (E), "and not" IO. "

6. Combinationch reads as "x". And nothing else.

7. For some reason, the name is not quite understandable for meWojciech. andMaciej. in Russia, it is customary to read and write as "Wojciech" and "Matse", whereas the right - "journey" and "males". The same nameMarcin. "We love to write and read" Marcin ", and you need - Marchin. But this was already mentioned above.

8. Polish "Y" is, of course, "s", not "and". But in Russian there is no, for example, solid "h." Therefore, the surname of the late Polish President (Kaczyński), for example, we read and write as Kaczynski, and not "Kachynsky". In the names of type Justyna or Patryk, it is also acceptable to writing and reading as "and": Justina, Patrick.

9. Enchanting for Russian man combination " śc »You can read and write as" Art "(for example, Tadeush Kostyutko -Tadeusz. KO.śc.iUSZKO). Or "SC." But right - "cheek". For example, if Laurel's Laurel from "Arsenal" lived in his homeland of his ancestors, he would be a sophisticated. Church, I mean.

10. Polish male surnames are, it is advisable to decline in the sample of Russian surnames on -y, one. It is possible to design them in the nominative case on the sample of Russian surnames. So, Kovalevsky's willonch and Kovalevsky's wager. Robert Levandowsky - and Robert Levandowsky.

11. Polish women's surnames are inclined by the sample of Russian surnames on - and in the nominative case, they can also be issued. Coverage with Barbara Brylet.

This, in general, is enough to make the right reading-writing of Polish surnames. But to further facilitate the work, I will give two extensive examples.

1. Players caused by the coach of the Polish national team by Franchis Smeda (Franciszek Smuda) for friendly games with Germany and Mexico: Goalkeepers - Szczęsny (Wojciech Szczęsny), Gzhegezh Sandomerski (Grzegorz Sandomierski), Przemyslav Tyton (Przemysław Tytoń, emphasis in the first syllable ); Defenders - Yakub Wawzhinyak (Jakub Wawrzyniak, emphasis in the name on the first syllable, in the names on the second), Arkadiusch Glovaki (Arkadiusz Głowacki), Hubert Volokhevich (Hubert Wołąkiewicz), Tomash Yodlovets (Tomasz Jodłowiec, emphasis in the name on the second syllable), Camille Glick (Kamil Glik); Midfielders - Darius Dudka (Dariusz Dudka), Adam Matuschik (Adam Matuszczyk, emphasis in the name on the first syllable), Eugen Polyansky (Eugene Polanski), Louis Furning (Ludovic Obraniak, emphasis in the name on the second syllable), Rafal Muravsky (Rafał Murawski) , Shimon Pavlovsky (Szymon Pawłowski), Yakub Blaschikovsky (Jakub Błaszczykowski), Slavomir Peszko (Sławomir Peszko, emphasis in the first syllable), Adrian Mierzejewski (Adrian Mierzejewski), Maciji Fish (Maciej Rybus); attackers - Pavel Frozkin, Robert Levandovsky (

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