How many Russians live in different countries. Ethnic composition of the population of Russia

How many Russians live in different countries. Ethnic composition of the population of Russia
How many Russians live in different countries. Ethnic composition of the population of Russia

Russia is famous for a multinational state, more than 190 peoples live in the country. Most of them were in the Russian Federation by a peaceful way, thanks to the accession of new territories. Everyone has their own history, culture and heritage. We will analyze more than the national composition of Russia, examined separately every ethnos.

Large nationalities of Russia

Russians are the most numerous indigenous ethnos living in Russia. The number of Russian people in the world is equal to 133 million people, but some sources indicate a figure to 150 million. IN Russian Federation Lives more than 110 (almost 79% of the total population of the country) of millions of Russians, most of Russians also live in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus. If we consider the map of Russia, then the Russian people in numerous are distributed throughout the state, living in each region of the country ...

Tatars, compared with the Russians, constitute only 3.7% of the country's total population. Tatar people It has a number of 5.3 million people. This ethnic group lives throughout the country, the most densely populated by Tatars city is Tatarstan, more than 2 million people live there, and the most unclosed region - Ingushetia, where thousands of people from the Tatar people are not recruited ...

Bashkirs are the indigenous people of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The number of Bashkir is about 1.5 million people - this is 1.1% of total All residents of the Russian Federation. Of the half-and-and-half-million people, most (approximately 1 million) live in the territory of Bashkortostan. The remaining Bashkirs live throughout Russia, as well as in the CIS countries ...

Chuvashi are indigenous people Chuvash Republic. Their number is 1.4 million people, which is 1.01% of the total national composition Russians. If you believe the population census, then about 880 thousand of the Chuvash live in the territory of the republic, the rest live in all regions of Russia, as well as in Kazakhstan and Ukraine ...

Chechens are the people who substantiated in the North Caucasus, Chechnya is considered their homeland. In Russia, the number of Chechen people was 1.3 million people, but according to statistics since 2015, the number of Chechens in the territory of the Russian Federation increased to 1.4 million. Given people is 1.01% of the total population of Russia ...

The Mordovian people have a number of about 800 thousand people (approximately 750 thousand), it is 0.54% of the total population. Most of the people live in Mordovia - about 350 thousand people, further go areas: Samara, Penza, Orenburg, Ulyanovskaya. Least of all this ethnos. It lives in the Ivanovo and Omsk region, there will not be collected and 5 thousand belonging to the Mordovian people ...

The Udmurt people have a number of 550 thousand people - this is 0.40% of the total population of our immense homeland. Most of the ethnos live in the Udmurt Republic, and the remaining dispersed in the neighboring regions - Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Sverdlovsk region, Perm region, Kirov region, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District. Small part udmurt people Mocked in Kazakhstan and Ukraine ...

Yakuts are represented indigenous population Yakutia. Their number is equal to 480 thousand people - it is about 0.35% of the total national composition in the Russian Federation. Yakuts make up most of the inhabitants of Yakutia and Siberia. Also, they live in other regions of Russia, the most denselylaned Yakuts regions are Irkutsk and Magadan regions, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Khabarovsk and Primorsky District ...

According to statistics available after the census, 460 thousand Buryats live in Russia. This is 0.32% of the total number of Russians. Most (about 280 thousand people) Buryat lives in Buryatia, being the indigenous population of this republic. The rest of the people of Buryatia lives in other regions of Russia. The most densely populated territory is the Irkutsk region (77 thousand) and the Trans-Baikal Territory (73 thousand), and less inhabited - Kamchatka Territory and Kemerovo region, not to find 2000 thousand Buryat ...

The number of the people of Komi living in the Russian Federation is 230 thousand people. This figure is 0.16% of the total population in Russia. For a stay, this people chose not only the Komi Republic, which is direct homeland for them, but also other regions of our immense country. Comience people meet in Sverdlovsk, Tyumen, Arkhangelsk, Murmansk and Omsk regions, as well as in Nenets, Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Districts ...

The people of Kalmykia are indigenous for the Republic of Kalmykia. Their number is 190 thousand people, if compared as a percentage, then 0.13% of the total population living in Russia. Most of all this people, not counting Kalmykia, lives in the Astrakhan and Volgograd regions - about 7 thousand people. And the less, Kalmykov lives in the Chukotka Autonomous District and the Stavropol Territory - less than a thousand people ...

Altaisa are the indigenous people of Altai, therefore they live mainly in this republic. Although some of the population left historical territory Habitat, now they live in the Kemerovo and Novosibirsk regions. The total number of Altai people is 79 thousand people, as a percentage - 0.06 of the total number of Russians ...

Chukchi belong to K. another fellow people From the north-eastern part of Asia. In Russia, Chukchi's people have a small number - about 16 thousand people, their people are 0.01% of our total population multiethnic country. This people are scattered throughout Russia, but most of the villagers in the Chukotka Autonomous District, Yakutia, Kamchatka Territory and the Magadan region ...

These are the most common peoples that can meet you on the expanses of Russia-Mother. However, the list is incomplete, because in our state there are foreigners. For example, Germans, Vietnamese, Arabs, Serbs, Romanians, Czechs, Americans, Kazakhs, Ukrainians, French, Italians, Slovaks, Croats, Tuvans, Uzbeks, Spaniards, British, Japanese, Pakistanis, etc. Most of the listed ethnic groups are 0.01% of the total number, but there are peoples that have more than 0.5%.

You can continue infinitely, because the huge territory of the Russian Federation can accommodate under one roof a variety of nations, both indigenous and arriving from other countries and even continents.

How many Russians live in Russia and on earth?

I will give an analysis (not mine, but also not bad!) With an understated estimate of the number of Russians in the world

Here only the ethnic composition is taken - pure Russian

and speech about Russian-paternal will go another time (their more than 220.000,000 in the world)

About 127,000,000 ethnic Russians live on Earth.

About 86% of Russian lives in Russia.

The remaining 14% of Russians - in different countries of the world.

Most Russians outside Russia - in Ukraine and in Kazakhstan.

Russians outside the Fatherland lately It is quickly reduced, as well as the number of Russians in Russia.

Although it will be more honest here is the picture of the Russian family - with one (maximum two) children ...

According to estimates from different researchers in the middle of the XVI century, in the Russian state lived - from 6.5 to 14.5 million people, at the end of the 16th century - from 7 to 15 million, and in the XVII century - up to 10.5-12 million. human.

The exact data on the number of Russians for those periods is certainly absent.

FROM mid XVIII century to the 80s of the XIX century, European Steppes (Novorossnya, the Lower Volga region, South Ucharal), partially before the beginning of the 20th century - the Taiga Places of the Northern Surgeons, some areas of the North Caucasus; The steppe in southern Siberia continued to be mastered, and with the second halves XIX. century - Central Asia and the Far East.

Part of the Russians in the XVIII century remained in the West, where the territory Russian state Expanded, completely absorbed by the fragments of the Commonwealth, Poland, Malorossia and Belarus.

From the end of the XVIII and century, the first half of the XIX century, these lands were included in Russian Empire, along with Finland, Bessarabia, and part of the mouth of the Danube.

There are also among of various nations lived Russians.

But their number was insignificant.

TO eND XIX. - The beginning of the 20th century, the main territory of the Russian settlement was the Central-Industrial, Central-Agricultural Areas and the European North, where Russians were among those who reside about 90%.

In separate regions European Russia The Russian number was: in the Ural region - up to 70% of the total population, in the Volga region - 63%, in the North Caucasus - more than 40%. In Siberia, by this time, the Russians have already made three quarters of the population (77.6%).

Only in the Far East and in Kazakhstan, the number of Russians did not exceed the number of other peoples, and they inferior to the Ukrainians from the nagging peoples.

Everywhere in European Russia, except for the southern outskirts, the main reason for increasing the population was a natural increase.

The natural increase in the fortress peasants was significantly lower than other categories of the population.

The fortresses were about half of the population (but the very concept of serfs were very blurred - in Siberia and they were not at all. From the word completely!). Exception - Stroganov "Urgents".

The most significant increase in the population from the European province was in Novorossia (Ekaterinoslavskaya, Kherson, Tavrichesky province, the area of \u200b\u200bthe Troops of the Donsky and the troops of Chernomorsky). In terms of population growth, Novorossia was inferior only to the South-Eastern and Siberian provinces.

A rather stable growth rate of the growth of the Russian population was celebrated at that time and on the Middle Volga region, which included the Kazan and Simbirsk province. His intensive settlement had to be in the XVIII century. The conditions for agriculture here were more favorable than in the center of Russia. Along with the Chernozem Center, the region was the main supplier of commodity bread. Together with the Russians, Finno-Ugric and turkic peoples (Tatars, Udmurts, Bashkira, Chuvashi, Mordva, Marine), Germans (in the Saratov province) and the descendants of the "assignment serve ingenians" - rated XVII century.

Elevated population growth rates in the first half of the XIX century. Siberia was distinguished late XVIII - early XIX. in. solid russian settlement It was observed in its western regions with centers in Verkhoturia, Tyumen, Tobolsk and in the Irkutsk province. In the north of Western and Eastern Siberia, there were only certain foci of the Russian settlement. At the beginning of the XIX century. (1811) The population of Siberia (Tobolskaya, Tomsk, Irkutsk province) consisted of 682597 male shower, among them the Russians were 68.93%

By the way, the second is ethnic group after eastern Slavs In the Russian Empire were the Slavs Western - Poles. Hence the reason for the growth of pancakers. In general, in Russia, according to the census of 1897, the Russian language was called native 47% of its inhabitants, Ukrainian - 19%, Belarusian - 5%, other languages \u200b\u200bare less than 5%. Together with Ukrainians and Belarusians, Russians amounted to 71% of the population of Russia.

According to its estate composition, it looked like this: the peasants of all discharges (the Cossacks including) - 80%, urban estates - 15%, other - 5%.

Soviet period.

Growth rates of the number of Russian people in soviet period Slightly decreased, but continued to be high. Russian people during soviet power Despite wars and repression rose by more than two-thirds: from 86,000,000 people. In 1914 to 145 000 000 in 1989.

And as a result of the so-called. Liberal-democratic reforms of the 90s.

In millions, losses are calculated from liberal-democratic reforms of the 90s. Back in 2007, Rosstat's data on natural loss of the population of Russia for the period from 1992 were published. Then it was stated that the population was reduced primarily by Russian.

During this period, a decline of 12,400,000 people was indicated.

And according to U. S. Census Bureau, International Data Base for the period 1992 - 2008. Natural settlement of the population of Russia amounted to 13,300,000 people.

This is more than, for example, the population of Belgium, Hungary, Greece, Sweden or Switzerland. True, the relocation to Russia 5,700,000 compatriots from the countries of the near abroad partially compensated for this decline in the population. But the situation is catastrophic.

On December 18, the Planet celebrated the International Migrant Day, proclaimed by the UN General Assembly. It was on this day that the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and their families was adopted in 1990. Russia from this point of view is a unique country, because it is at the same time a large and "exporter" and "importer". We already wrote about migration to our country, and more than once. This time we decided to tell about how much different countries The world lives people who consider the Russian native language, and find the largest "islands" in the global archipelago of our compatriots.

The Russian diaspora in the world today is about 30 million people and in its number it ranks second after Chinese. Moreover, if for China, the reason for such a mass emigration is in the country's overpopulation, then about Russia, with its huge semi-empty spaces, you can't say that. Russians left not in search of free lands, but in search of best Life. Going where the eyes look and often as far as possible from their native shores. The best indicator of this is the dry figures of the last World Congress of compatriots, which took place at the end of 2009. The delegations from 88 (!) Countries participated in it.

Many, however, became members of the diaspora, without moving anywhere. At first, together with the inhabitants of America, Alaska passed, and then the Russians in the blink of an eye turned out abroad under the division of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union.

Currently, the Russian language is native for 26.4 million residents of the Republics of the CIS and the Baltic States, that is former USSR, and almost 7.4 million residents of foreign countries. Due to this, in the degree of prevalence, Russian is still occupied by the fourth place in the world, yielding only English, Chinese and Spanish.
In the XIX century, Russia left the Old Believers in a massive manner, fleeing from religious repressions. We left not only to Europe, but also for the ocean, and in China. Even in Latin America - Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina, etc. - Then the large Russian colonies were formed. Many Russian emigrants settled in the United States and Canada.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the next wave of emigration was caused by devastation due to royal repression, and then wars - the first world and civilian. Then the country left, according to various sources, from 2 to 5 million people. Last year, in the state of Rio Grandi do Sul in the south of Brazil, where there are especially many of our compatriots, the law was even adopted, according to which October 9 will be celebrated as a holiday - the day of Russian immigration. In the city of Campina Das Missoix, a monument was opened by this people - established at the entrance to the city orthodox cross, the foot of which is the sculpture of John the Theologian and the family of Russian peasants. Mother and daughter hold in the hands of the spikelets of wheat and the inflorescence of sunflowers, and the father with a hoe on his shoulder looks out of the palm of the horizon.

The events of 1939-1945 were kicked out of the country about 6 million people. After the collapse of the USSR followed new wave - People saved from criminal terror and galloping inflation. Then about 4 million people emigrated from the post-Soviet Russia. Germany became the most popular destination, the second place was held by Israel, the third - the United States, the fourth-fifth - Canada and Finland. Almost 97% of emigrants left for one of these five countries.

Then the flow of emigration seems to be diet, but in last years I began to grow sharply. Over the past five years, Russia left about half a million people. And the fifth part of leaving - young people aged from 20 to 24. This is another - quiet, unwashed emigration. Most of them de Jura retain the citizenship of the Russian Federation, although de facto constantly live, taxes work and pay taxes at the new place of residence. Having worked for two years under contract and work visa, many then receive a residence permit.

About 40% in recent years are leaving in search new work and implementation. Among them, most are highly qualified specialists in different technical spheres, lawyers, scientists, entrepreneurs. According to the director of the Institute for the Problems of the Globalization of Mikhail Deljagin, "First of all, the most active citizens are going from Russia, who are tired of the powerful decision of economic problems, and this leads to the degradation of the remaining." Another 22% of emigrants are asked asylum as refugees. Russians in this status have already accepted in 37 countries of the world. Two thirds of Russian refugees live in Poland, Austria, France and Belgium, the sixth part - in Norway, Sweden and Germany. At the same time, for example, in Norway, refugees from Russia are included in the low-pass three leaders along with Iraq and Somalia, and by the growth of their numbers are comparable only with Afghanistan.

The third largest group of Russian emigrants (20%) is those who left to learn, and then stayed to live and work in the country where he was educated. Thus, from Russia to the UK on educational visas, over 30 thousand people are leaving annually, more than 5 thousand students go to Germany, France, Canada and Australia. Statistics show that approximately 30% of them are not returned.

Compared with the 90s, a list of priorities for modern migrants has changed a bit. In the top ten of the current channels of emigration include USA, Germany, Canada, Greece, Spain, Italy, Norway, France, United Kingdom, Sweden. As can be seen, dried flow to Israel, but the large Russian diasporas appeared in Southern Europe, Scandinavia and on Misty Albion.

In recent years, the emigration of Russians from the Far East has become a serious phenomenon and from Siberia to China and to a lesser extent in South Korea. In general, according to a survey conducted by the radio station "Echo of Moscow", 72% of listeners want to go on permanent place Residence to another country. Of course, this is not a full-fledged sourceland, but it is about the active, thinking part of society ...

However, in all the origin, you can see and good side. The Great German Philosopher Martin Heidegger noticed that "the language is a house of being," that is, the foundation on which the life and personality, and family, and the state holds.

A special phenomenon is Russian in the CIS countries. Thanks to it, millions of cultural, economic and simply household ties between the republics of the former USSR are supported. Thanks to him, we actually live in one Megassan. Russian people in the CIS countries, like Moldavian, Kazakh, Azerbaijan, Uzbek, Georgian, Tajik, Armenian in Russia, feels at all such a "foreigner", as, for example, an American or Frenchman.

The status of one of the world (global) languages \u200b\u200bhas been deserved for a long time. Now on the planet they own about 300 million people, which automatically puts Russian to the honorable fifth place according to the degree of prevalence. MORE HALP (160 million) respondents consider this language to be native. Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russian was official language Communication of all nationalities. Now he is a worker in the CIS and one of the official officials - to the UN.

The number and territorial prevalence of Russian-speaking

Before the revolution in Russia owned Russians 150 million citizens. By 2000, their number rose to 350 million. The number of Russian speakers who consider this language with their own, approximately equal to 280 million. A little more than 70 million citizens owned them well and enjoyed everyday life. For 114 million Russian was the second language. Basically, these were the inhabitants of the Union republics.

Now there are many Russian-speaking in Ukraine, Georgia and other countries that are once in the Union. Native speakers live in Germany, in the Balkans, in Asia, in Israel. A huge Russian diaspora exists in the USA and Canada. Now the Russian stands on 2 place after English for prevalence in the global Internet.

Unfortunately, the growth trends of the number of Russian-speaking users do not instill large hopes. Separate from the USSR states are trying to revive their national cultures. By 2005, the number of Russian-speaking citizens living in the former territory of the Soviet Union decreased from 350 to 278 million in 2006, it was recognized only 140 million people. Basically, these are citizens of the Russian Federation.

On the question of how many Russians live in the world, there is no accurate answer, but approximate data are available: 127,000,000 people, from this part lives in the Russian Federation - 86%. The rest of the world accounts for 14% of Russians. Countries in which Russians the greatest number, Call Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Now there is a tendency to reduce the number of Russians in other countries and in Russia itself.


The XVI century was difficult to call densely. Studies of scientists revealed that at that time no more than 15 million people lived on its territory. After century, the population no longer became, but on the contrary, it decreased by 2-3 million. However, this data cannot be called reliable, so any exact calculation systems in those periods did not apply as it is known.

In XVIII I. XIX centuries Russian man (in general understanding This expression) successfully mastered new territories, among which it is possible to name the steppe areas of Europe, the North Caucasus, Northern Ural. He is settled in Central Asia, and in the Far East. Almost everywhere Russian people found mutual language With local peoples, successfully led the trade with them, taught, many themselves studied with them. This lines wrote about the Russian man Historian Lev Gumilev: "We must pay tribute to the mind and Trache of our ancestors ... They treated the surrounding peoples as equal to equal, even if they were unlike them. And thanks to this, they settled in an age-old struggle, approving how the principle is not exterminating the neighbors, but the friendship of peoples ... ". These words, like any other, confirm the peaceful essence of a person of Russian nationality and his ability to adapt to any conditions.

Great resettlement of Russians

Russians spread and in the western direction. In the question "How many Russians in the world?" It would be impractical to not be noted. The Russian state in the XVIII century included the former areas of the Commonwealth, which we now call Poland, Belorussia, Malorosya. It goes without saying that the territorial expansion of the state followed and the mastery of these land by Russian people. Some moved here on the debt of the service sent by the sovereign, others moved - peasants and artisans - in the hope of finding new house and long-awaited wealth.

Studying the topic "How many Russians in the world", let's say that in those days the Russians lived in the territory of the current Finland, and at the mouth of the Danube, although there were few them there.

If we are expressed in numbers, we note that 70% of Russians lived in the Ural of the total number of people inhabited, in the Volga region - 63%, in the north of the Caucasus - 40%. The leader among regions with the Russian population can be called Siberia in which three of the four inhabitants were Russian.

In the process of consideration of the issue "How many Russians in the world lives in the world" we found out that Russian people were mostly spread through the territory of their state, which was constantly expanded in the XVIII and XIX centuries.

Emigrants from Russia

In the first half of the 20th century, the mass outcome of people who spoke Russian, from Russia in Russia western countries. Russia was left then people who did not want to live in the USSR - a new state, which appeared after the overthrow of the king and with the arrival of the Bolsheviks party led by Vladimir Lenin. Only several million people moved to the countries of the new light. Note that people were keen mainly from the western regions a huge country - Moldova, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia. Approximately half of the left jewish roots. Much was emigrants from among the former Military - White Guards. During the Great Patriotic War Another wave of emigration happened, but this time Soviet Union Leaving joined K. german army. In the late 60s - early 70s. The XX century to other countries left disagreeable with the Soviet political course. After decay, another wave of outcome, provoked by the weak economy of Russia. Highly qualified specialists were forced to leave the country because of the inability to find a job.

The general question "How many Russians live in the world" can be divided into private and learn how much Germany lives, in other countries. So, the immigrants from Russia in the United States lives about 2,652,124 people. The data are taken from the American most "Russian" cities - this is New York, Chicago, Seattle, Los Angeles, Detroit. In the first of this list, 1.6 million people live with Russians. For comparison, we denote the number of Chinese living in the same place, - 760 thousand - and Dominicans - 620 thousand. California lives 600,000 immigrants from Russia.

Russians in other countries

In Australia, those who called themselves Russian numbered 67,000 people, approximately every fourth of which was born in Russia.

Quite a little Russian lives in a sultry Brazil, just 100 people.

Germany is a country that accepted great amount Lovels from Russia, which mostly arrived here quite recently - during the years of becoming a new state in the era of the presidency of Boris Yeltsin. People who had German roots and whole generations of those who lived in the USSR and Russia are called "Russian Germans" in Germany. Counties conducted by German public services, indicate the number of 187,835 people such.

In the question "How many Russians in the world" can not put a point, because the number of people relating to Russian people is changing all the time, and therefore the data should always be adjusted.

  • In the US, one American family averages $ 50,500. Russian-speaking has an income of $ 47,000 a year, Chinese - 42,000, Dominican - 20,000.
  • More than 60% of the total Russian-speaking is a bachelor's degree.
  • About 70% work in senior positions.
  • In the service sector only every fifth of Russian-speaking.

One can only be proud of how many Russian people in the world, successfully showed themselves in many industries of our modern life.