What do kvkherschiki do in life. The legendary KVN teams are the best of the best.

What do kvkherschiki do in life. The legendary KVN teams are the best of the best.

On November 8, the International Day of KVN is celebrated. Exactly 50 years ago, in 1961, the first edition of the KVN transfer was released on the air, which was to this day remains for the CVC officers and vocation. But the most important thing is that the legendary transfer has always been a starting point for many Russian cultural and show business figures.

"Veterans" KVN

One of those for whom KVN became a trip to life was Gennady Khazanov. Before appearing on the stage of the club of fun and resourceful, Khazanov tried to enter several theatrical universities of Moscow, but unsuccessfully. Enrolling in the Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute, Khazanov did not spread with the dream of a scene and took part in student amateurs, and later began to play the team KVN MISI.

Khazanov appeared on stage with a famous student monologue of a culinary technical school. Gulling "Little Man", whose simplestness often turned around everyday wisdom, became a pet favorite in an instant.

To go to the school MCAT and the Schukinskaya school of Khazanov never happened. Only with the second attempt he was taken to the state school of circus and pop art, where his teacher became one of the leading actresses of the Moscow Satira Theater Nadezhda Ivanovna Zalonov. A few years later, Khazanov became one of the most popular domestic artists and the main director of the theater of the Estrada.

Julius Gusman also stood at the sources of the legendary game. He was the captain of the team "Guys from Baku" from 1964 to 1971.

Gusman is considered one of the brightest KVNschikov 60s. He first introduced in KVN "Organizations" - his team always performed in one form. On the scene of KVN, Julius Solomonovich was remembered as the author and performer of the tricks "breaking the mustache", "Removing the beard" and phrases "with me, like from Gusmana water!".

During the participation in KVN, he managed to end the medical institute. Nariman Narimanova, graduate school and write the dissertation. However, the doctor Gusman did not.

But he became a director who shot several films and set many performances, including in America, Japan and China.

New generation of fun and resourceful

After the closure in 1971, KVN was revived only in 1986.

According to the new anthem "We begin the KVN" game began a new chapter of your history. The first new champion KVN was the team of Odessa State University.

In total, more than a hundred teams played in the highest league.

Many KVN participants after the completion of the game career became popular TV, actors, writers, screenwriters, etc.

For example, in the late 90s, the former KVNers created the popular program "O.S.P.", and among the authors of the idea turned out to be the champion of the first female team KVN "In Jazz only" Tatiana Lazarev.

Another "graduate" KVN Elena Hanga subsequently became a popular TV presenter of the sensational program "Pro it" and "Domino Principle".

She was one of the first to move the KVN outside the domestic ether.

So, Hanga played for the national team in the festival in Israel. And together with the former players of the first team, the KVN team opened the Russian comedy club in New York.

Valdis Pelsh in the High League Jury KVN was repeatedly.

One of the founders of the group "Accident" himself once played in the student theater, and then in the KVN MSU team. Pelsh's viewers remembered in the image of Latvian, poorly knowledgeable Russian.

In one of the scenes, he applied to Alexei Kortnev (a colleague in the group "Accident" and KVN) with the words: "As the near-melee friend said ..."

When Pelsh came to the program "Guess the melody", I decided to end the old joke and talk without accents. But the audience said that in fact the lead speaks with a wild accent, just the TV company "appearance" bought for him a special expensive device that faded accent. Many accepted this joke for a clean coin.

Contemporaries Yumora

The whole country knows Mikhail Galustyan on the unique image of a little girl named Gadry Petrovich Khrenova. Studying in a medical school with a specialty "Feldsher-Okusher of the International Class", he played in the team "Tired by the Sun". Later he entered the Sochi State University of Tourism and the Resort on the Social Pedagogical Faculty with a degree in History and Law teacher. However, it was soon deducted for bad attendance, since the team, the rapid pace, who collapsed popularity, gave three performances per day.

Career KVNchikov helped Galusto to become a popular actor who easily gives the role of migrant workers, guards, football coaches and other "folk" heroes.

Semyon Slepakov, playing for the team "Pyatigorsk" team, also became a real star of modern KVN. One KVN Cup did not limit himself. Now Slepakov successful producer and screenwriter. It works on television shows like "Comedy Club", "Our Russia". Since 2010, the former Cunster became producer of the series "Interns", and from 2011 - the series "University".

Material prepared on the basis of open sources information

Garik Martirosyan, Pavel Volya, Andrei Rozhkov, Mikhail Galustyan, Semyon Slepakov, Ekaterina Varnava, Svetlana Permyakova - These humorists, tolding with a television game "Club funny and resourceful," continued his career in entertainment and achieved recognition. Many of them participate in popular transmissions and serials, others have come up with their own show, but there are those who do not regret whom that "broke" with the scene and humor. AiF.Ru tells about the successes of former KVNschikov, who have not seen you for a long time.

Arman Sagatel

Arman Sagitelin. Photo: Frame YouTube.com. Before the popular and today Garik Martirosyan He became the captain of the team "New Armenians", she was headed by Arman Sagatelia. He, unlike the co-founder Comedy Club, did not associate his life with humor and even on the contrary - today Sagatenn candidate of political sciences, on his account more than a dozen scientific articles and educational programs.

After leaving the KVN in 1997, Sagitelin passed an urgent service in the management of information and propaganda of the Ministry of Defense of Armenia, then worked in the system of the Ministry of Defense as a civilian specialist, was an adviser to the director of the Public Relations Center and the Information of the President's Office, and in 2013 he became a press secretary of the President of Armenia. However, at a prestigious post, the former KVKSHC was lingering for a while, he left the post in 2015 to become the executive director of the "public radio company Armenia".

Arthur Janibekyan.

Arthur Janibekyan. Photo: Commons.Wikimedia.org / Maxim Tabachnov Comrade Garika Martirosyan and Arman Sagitelna on the team of Arthur Janibekyan quickly left the scene, but became one of the richest and most influential people of Russian show business. In 2003, he together with former KVNers came up with a Comedy Club show, and then founded the Production Center Comedy Club Production. Thanks to him, the projects "Our Russia", "Killer League", "Laugh without Rules" appeared on the screen, and the "best film". Janibekyan has always been tightly collaborated with Russian TV channels: first worked as a creative producer of the STS, in 2015 he headed the Scholading Gazprom-Media Entertainment Television, and from 2016 he also became the general director of TNT.

On my decision, to leave KVN for the sake of business Janibekyan never regretted: "I thank God, which stopped going on the stage. I came to me some kind of maturity - I realized that this was not done. Now I can not imagine myself anywhere except business. But I love to hurt ... ".

Jeanne Cadnikova

Everyone knows that the brightest numbers of the team of the Perm Territory "Parma" were at the Duet "Sveta and Granka". But if one of his participants is Svetlana Permicova - became the star of the series "Interns" and continues to appear on the screens in various shows, then Zhanna Kadnikova Viewers have long forgotten. Nevertheless, the graduate of the Perm Institute of Arts and Culture never left a creative profession - she was simply fascinated by the director and writing scenarios. Thanks to the former KVNistz, the audience was able to get acquainted with the Russian adaptation of the popular American series "How I met your mother" and the comedian telechitis "Real Guys".

Shaba Muslim

Shaba Muslim. Photo: Frame YouTube.com.

The captain of the team "Makhachkala tramp" Shaban Muslims also pretended to continue his career on the other side of the sofit. The leader of one of the most titled KVN teams founded his own Scriptwriter Agency "Guild of Authors". The humorist became the author of the scenario and the director of the popular in the early 2000th series "Happy together". He worked on the TV series RTR "Return of Mukhtara" and STS "My beautiful nanny." And also wrote scenarios for popular shows such as "Star Factory", "Song of the Year", the ceremonies "Teffi" and "Nika".

Elena Rybalko

"Tired by the Sun" is considered one of the most long-playing teams of KVN. At one time, these stars appeared in it as Mikhail Galustyan, Alexander Revva, Gennady Zhirnov. And among the female composition, everyone remembers a low blonde Elena Rybalko.

Elena got into KVN back in 1996 and there also found his future spouse - a participant "tired by the Sun" Pavel Stshenko. Today, a couple of former KVNschikov lives in Sochi. They raise three children, engaged in entrepreneurship (they have their own cafes), occasionally perform on corporate parties and participate in the anniversary games of favorite television transmission.

Timur Weinstein

Timur Weinstein. Photo: RIA Novosti / Alexander Natruskin

The participant of the team "Guys from Baku", the Champion of the Higher League of the KVN 1992 and the owner of the 1995 Summer Cup Timur Weinstein today is more famous as a successful producer. The ideal biography of the former KVNerchik could envy any businessman - first Vintstein became producer and director of the Nika Cinematic Cinematic Award Cinema, then the General Producer of Lean-M, and after founded the largest Russian program for the production of programs, films and TV series "White Media " In 2013, Weinstein entered the Board of Directors of Sts Media, and currently holds the post of general producer of the NTV television company.

Svetlana Fabercant

Svetlana manufacturer. Photo: Frame YouTube.com. It turns out that from the "club of fun and resourceful" before the policy is only one step, and the former player of the team of the highest league KVN "Odessa gentlemen", twice the champion of the Svetlana club manufacturer is another confirmation of this. The girl became not only a television lead, a journalist, a public figure, but also a deputy. Despite the lack of higher education and participation in various scandals, in 2013 Svetlana elected the head of the "Strong Ukraine" chapter. Then she wanted to become the mayor of Odessa, but did not work out.

Today, on the account of the former KVN, many awards, including the honorary sign of the city's head "for the contribution of the development of Odessa" and the Order of the Holy Princess Olga Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate.

KVN participants tied their lives with humor. Even after their path in the highest league ended on the first channel, they created new humorous sites, succeeded and treasures.
Let's see who the KVN stars become years later.

1. The team "New Armenians" was formed in 1994, they more than once became the finalists of the Highest League KVN

The life of many participants after the game has changed dramatically, they became popular and rich. The most famous participants in the team "New Armenians": Garik Martirosyan, Arman Sagatela, Arthur Janibekyan.

Garik Martirosyan - Captain from the 1997 season. One of the authors of Comedy Club.

The presenter of popular TV show is on TNT, as well as on other channels: "Minute of Glory", "Dancing with the Stars", "ProjectorParisHilton". Coauthor and producer "Our Russia", "Eggs of Fate
In 2012, Forbes appreciated the state of Martirosyan $ 2.8 million.

Arman Sagatelia - Captain before the 1997 season.

He is a public relations specialist in 2013, he became a press secretary of the President of Armenia, in 2016 appointed to the position of executive director of public radio company Armenia

Arthur Janibekyan is the head of the SPHOLDING Gazprom-Media Entertainment TV since 2015 and the Director General of the TNT television channel from 2016. Present the scale of his fees

2. "Hai" - team KVN Kharkov Aviation Institute, champion of the highest league KVN 1995

Most team members tied life with KVF forever. After the games on central television, they took up the editors of local and regional teams.

The most popular of the team is Andrei Chivurin.

He was the editor of the Higher League of KVN in 1996-2012 and the Higher Ukrainian League of KVN, currently - Editor of the show "League of laughter", Writer

3. "Makhachkala Broadway" - team of KVN Dagestan State University, champion of the highest league KVN 1996

Shaban Muslim - Captain Team

He created the Scriptwriter agency "Guild of the Authors." Head of the Sales Company "Russian Pictures". The author of the scenario and director-director of the series "Happy together". He participated in many projects: "Return of Mukhtara" (RTR), "My beautiful nanny" (STS). Wrote scenarios for many shows, such as: "Star Factory" (Channel One), "Song of the Year" (Channel One), Teffi Ceremony and others.

Khalil Musaev - actor. Active participant in the projects "Highlanders from the mind" and "Let's give youth!"

Karen Mkrtchyan after KVN took up public activities.

CEO of the Youth Culture Center in Makhachkala, Director of GBU "Dagestan Concert". Honored Artist of the Republic of the Republic of DagestanPomnant to the Dagestan teams of KVN.

4. "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt" - Association of students from Tomsk and Barnaul. In 1997, "Children" became champions of the highest league

Peter Vince after KVN began film

After the games, Peter began to film - starred in the films "Hamster day, or Russian happiness," "Hello, we are your roof," "Best Movie 3D", "Steel Butterfly", "Solovy-Robber", "Invisible", in series "Who is in the house of the owner", "the house that GEK built"

Vitaly Gasayev - one of the votes of the team

Sang in the rock band "Jolly Roger", and the solo career began when he won the contest of young artists "Show-transit" in Novosibirsk. In 1995, he played the role of Judah in Rock Opera "Jesus Christ - Superstar". For 19 years, he released 9 solo albums and still toured with concerts in Russia.

Dmitry Nikulin is engaged in touring activities

Enabled in TV projects, works in the theater. Participated in the show "33 square meters", "called the records" and TV show "than God, you came!".

Alexander Pushnyova - the most famous team member

Known as the creator of the "APOZH" contest in the transfer of "good jokes", leading programs "Galileo", "Who is smarter than a five-grader?", "Song of the Day". Now engaged in the voicing of films, writes music to computer games, leads rock festivals.

5. "Ural dumplings" - creative association from Yekaterinburg, the transfer of the same name to the STS, the winners of the High League of KVN in 2000

Sergey Svetlakov left the team to engage in its own projects

One of the founders of Comedy Club in Russia. Lead show "ProjectorParisHilton", jury "Dancing" and "Battle Comedy". Removed in advertising mobile operator "Beeline". Member of the humorous show "Ural Pelmeni", "Comedy Club", as old Mithrich on TV channel TNT. Removed in the film "Eggs of Fate", "Trees".

Andrei Rozhkov Script writer "big difference", participant in the projects "South Butovo", "Unreal History", of course, show "Pelmeni" on the STS

Sergey Netyevsky founded in 2012 "Firty Hand Media", after which he released successful humorous sitters

It is producer, author and leading "Ear of Moscow", "Ural dumplings", creative producer Skketch-show "Unreal History", Writer of the Art Film "Freaks" (2010).
By decision of the assembly of the team was shifted from the position of the director of the Ural Pelmeni, but appealed to this decision in court.

Sergey Ershov - Participant of "Ural Pelmeni" on the STS

Known role in the series "Real Guys", participation in the project "Money. Sex. Radiculitis". In March 2014, he opened the European-level night club in Yekaterinburg called "Hills 18/36".

Yulia Mikhalkov-Matyukhina - model, actress. Was the leading TV show on local channels, weather forecast

In 2016, for participation in the elections, the State Duma deputies nominated its candidacy for a preliminary vote "United Russia". Under the pressure of the regional administration and at the request of the Yekaterinburg Metropolitan, he took off the candidacy from the elections.

Dmitry Brekotkin often flashes on all television screens, because from 2013 is injected by the face of advertising "Tricolor TV"

I performed different roles in "Thank God, you came!", "Show news", "very Russian detective", "you give young!", "Big difference", "South Butovo" and other humorous programs.

6. "Burnt by the Sun" twice became winners of the highest league

Mikhail Galustyan and Alexander Revva is one of the most famous KVN duets. On their account of successful miniatures, which still love millions of viewers

Both of them after the games were the participants of a variety of humorous programs. Alexander Revva - the resident of the Moscow "Comedy Club", the jury "one in one", the singer - Arthur Pakers, producer.
Mikhail Galustyan made producer of the "Nanniki" films, "Tota Karoson!", "Ticket for Vega", "gift with character", "8 new dates", "one left", is also a resident "Comedy Club", filmed in the cinema .

7. "County City" - Cities of Chelyabinsk and Magnitogorsk, Champion of Higher League 2002

Sergey Pisarenko and Evgeny Nikishin - another creative duet that continues to work together.

Both are filmed in films.
From October 2010 to February 20, 2011, he led the program "Laughter in the Big City", since 2012 - "Parade" on New Channel (Ukraine), "Be a man" (Pepper).

Stanislav Yarushin - Showman, actor

Removed in the series "Univer" as Anton Martynova. The leading gear "Big City" (STS), "Color of Nation" (STS), "Everything is our own!" (STS), "Yesterday Live" on the first.

8. "Odessa Gentlemen" - the KVN team of Odessa State University. Champions of two seasons

Oleg Filimonov - owner of the awards "Golden Ostap", Tefi, Tehrium, Laureate of the International Festival of Satira and humor "Master Gambes", on which he was awarded an honorary prize - a personal "twelfth" gold chair

He is the author of the scenario of telepashers "Naked and Funny" (Inter, Pepper) and "Prisons" (Pepper).

Svyatoslav Pelishenko was the captain of the team.

In the future, the laureate of the Teffei television award as a screenwriter of the television program "Town" (2007), presenter, shot in episodes of various TV shows
Svetlana manufacturer at the moment occupies the position of head of the regional headquarters of the Silk Ukraine party. Prior to that, for a long time he worked on the TC "My Odessa", was the general director.

9. "Guys from Baku" - the Azerbaijani team of KVN from Baku. Champions of the 1992 season

Timur Weinstein holds the post of general producer of JSC "TV company NTV"

Member of the Academy of Russian Television, the Russian Academy of Cinematographic Arts, Member of the Board of the Association of Cinema and Television Producers. Included in the Board of Trustees of the Moscow School of Cinema. It is a producer of more than 150 projects, most of which went to the Prime-Time of the largest Russian TV channels.

Bakhram Arif Oglya Bagirzade is a comedy actor, director leading.

Member of the Union of Cinematographers, as well as the unification of caricaturists of Azerbaijan
Glossy magazines in Baku, own books, filmed in films.

KVNschiki after KVN - how did they have fate? Which of the stars of the stage came out of this game? We will try to list at least the most famous.

KVN is a game that has taken a durable place in the hearts of many people from the very first day of the foundation. The incomparable humor, an interesting format of holding and consistently good presenters ensured the popularity of the club fun and resourceful in many years and even decades. It is not surprising that for many players, participation in KVN has become an impetus to obtaining fame and the beginning of the solo career.

Mikhail Zadornov

Mikhail Zadornov

A well-known humorist will be born in Riga, but he received higher education at the Moscow Aviation Institute. Studying at the university, he became a KVKHER and decided on the direction of his future activity.

To start the solo career on stage from Mikhail Zadornov was obtained only in 1982. Since that day, the humorist collects whole rooms at his concerts, and his some of his jokes are reliably fastened in the minds of people, because he always talks about "sore".

Gennady Khazanov

Gennady Khazanov

The man who is the head of the Moscow theater of the stage, in the past was a KVNchik and played for the Misi national team at the same time as Mikhail Zadornov. The popular game, as well as the activities of Arkady Rykin, were directly influenced by the formation of Gennady Khazanov as a humorous stage of pop. Today, he knows not only as a successful pop artist, but also as one of the members of the jury of the highest league of the club of fun and resourceful.

Julius Gusman

Julius Gusman

Each fan of the club of funny and resourceful known name Julia Gusman, since he is a permanent member of the jury in the game. However, few people know that young Julius himself once stood on stage as capital Baku.

In addition to membership in the jury, Julius Gusman is known for their roles in the cinema, directories, as well as political and social activities.

Leonid Yakubovich

Leonid Yakubovich and Maslyakov

Since 1991, Leonid Yakubovich became known as the host of the popular show "Field of Miracles". But for many, it remains a mystery, than such a well-known TV host engaged before the emergence of a well-known program. It turns out that during study at the Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute, young Yakubovich was played as part of the national team.

Despite the fact that the national team did not achieve significant results, Leonid did not part with the club of merry and resourceful forever, and since 2000 became a frequent member of the jury that estimates the highest leagues.

Participants 1980 - 2000

For these two decades, the revival of the club fun and resourceful. The game did not relate to seriously, and the situation in the country did not have to continue the humorous career. However, some participants of these years were still able to get universal recognition and became very popular.

Vadim Samoilov

Vadim Samoilov

A new generation, not addicting rock music, may not know who Vadim Samoilov. But about the group "Agata Christie" heard, probably all. Vadim founded her with his comrades, while still a student of the Ural Polytechnic Institute, and participated in the life of "Agatha Christie" to the most recent speech. He managed to visit a musician, soloist, author, producer, etc. And the young Vadim managed to combine training at the university and the creation of a rock band with participation in the KVN UPI team.

Today Vadim Samoilov continues to the musical career, but already as a solo performer. Soon its debut album is expected.

Sergey Svetlakov

Sergey Svetlakov

Svetlakov began his career, being a student of the Ural State University of Communications. Then he first became a member of the university team of the club fun and resourceful. It is not exactly known which team KVN played Svetlakov at that time, but there is no doubt that this two-year experience became a fundamental to his participation in the "Ural dumplings".

Cooperation with the well-known team began with authorship, and then turned into direct participation. "Ural dumplings" - the KNV team, from which Svetlakov came out quite famous, performed almost unchanged for 9 years. At the same time, the same show originated, which is still successful.

The KVN Svetlakova team included such famous humorists as Dmitry Sokolov, Sergey Netheyevsky, Sergey Isaev, Dmitry Brekotkin. Some of them were in the "Ural dumplings" from the very first day of their foundation, and many are in favor of a single composition so far.

Garik Martirosyan

Young Garik Martirosyan

Showman, TV presenter, resident Comedy Club, Producer - It is on this kind of activity that Garik Martirosyan is known today. However, he began his career while learning at a medical university. The University of Yerevan offered Garica place in its composition, and he ventured. Participation in KVN as part of the "new Armenians" began in 1993 and was delayed for almost 10 years. The KVN team, in which Martirosyan played, has conquered Kiwin several times, and also became the champion in 1997.

Today, Garik Martirosyan's face can be seen on the Russia-1 channel in the Dance Dance project, as well as on TNT TV channel in Comedy Club.

Alexander Pushnya

Alexander Pushnya

The unique image of Alexander Four on television appeared to the audience to taste in 1997, when he became a member of the club of the club of fun and resourceful at the Institute. A little later, he entered the "Siberian Siberians", and then continued his humorous activity in the "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt". The KVN team of Alexander Pushnyne, with his participation, did not achieve significant results, but this did not prevent the artist to win the universal location.

Today, he is known as the leading scientific and educational program "Galileo", the author and performer of humorous songs, as well as by participating in many TV shows as a composer. Probably, this is one of the few famous KVN participants who was able to stay on television and not to associate their activities directly with the humorous direction.

Participants 2001 - 2010

Perhaps this decade has become the most successful for the participants of the club fun and resourceful for participants of the club, because it is for this period that the birth of a large number of humorous programs with famous KVNers and flourishing the most famous KVN teams. Many of them are popular so far and act within the framework of various television shows and as solo performers.

Timur Batrutdinov

Timur Batrutdinov

His career of Humorist Timur began with the Student Bench of the University of St. Petersburg. After the release, he tried to get a job in a specialty, and he even succeeded - for some time he was listed among PSA Peugeot employees. However, as soon as he was involved in the club's team of fun and resourceful club, he immediately forgot his financier career and completely devoted himself to performances in the club.

Today, the main activity of Timur is associated with participation in Comedy Club. In addition, he managed to play episodic roles in films and participates in the project "Dancing with the Stars".

Ekaterina Varnava

Ekaterina Varnava

Probably, few people remember that the permanent participant of the Comedy Woman television show and a sex symbol, according to many magazines, Catherine Varnava began his career as part of the team "His secrets" and "team of small nations" of the club of fun and resourceful. KVN team teams participated in the highest league, but could not achieve significant results.

A little later, Catherine began to develop as a leading, but all-Russian popularity she acquired thanks to the "Comedy Woman", where he implements his humorous potential so far.

Pavel Volya

Pavel Volya

"A simple guy from Penza" as himself says Pavel Will, today is widely known as a pop artist, comic, singer, leading, as well as an excellent husband of sports masters on rhythmic gymnastics Layisan Utiavoye and father of two wonderful children.

On the beginning of the career of Paul, little is known, so many people are interested in what team KVN will play his will. It turns out that he was not only a member, but also by the captain "Valeon Dasson". The highest achievement of the Penza national team is to participate in the highest league. However, in the same eighth finals, the KVN team, in which Pavel Will was played, dropped out of the game and did not speak.

Few people know that the life of a famous humorist can be viewed as an example of dedication and faith in a favorite case. Before climbing the top of his fame, Paul managed to work and lead to radio, and DJs, and even a foreman at a construction site. But, a clear adherence to his dream helped him to become whom he is now - a famous humorist and just a successful man.

Mikhail Galustyan

Mikhail Galustyan.

KVN with the participation of Galustan played with new colors, because this particular person came up with a special image of the style of performances in the image of the "Grandmother of Seraanush", which was then used by many other teams. Mikhail began his career as part of the team "tired by the Sun", when there was still training in the medical school. A little later, he entered the institute and became a member of the "Start", and then returned to the "tired sun."

Thus, it is impossible to definitely answer the question of which KVN team played Galustyan, however, the glory was brought by the "tired by the sun." At that time, while Galustyan was captain, young people managed to get to the top of the Higher League and earlier to earn the summer cup of the club cheerful and resourceful.

After that, Mikhail became known as a talented actor and producer. It was involved in such projects as our Russia, Comedy Club, Comedy Woman, etc. In addition, Galustyan is an active social and politician and enters the headquarters of the "Unarmia".

Igor Kharlamov

Igor Kharlamov

Comedy actor better known as Garik "Bulldog" Harlam - This is another example of climbing Olympus Glory through a very thorny path. Youth Igor passed in America, where he worked as a cashier in a popular power supply, and also sold phones. After moving to Moscow, twins were born in the family, and the money was catastrophically miss. Igor in a duet with his brother came out and worked on Arbat as a street singer and comedian.

The true beginning of his career takes on the walls of the State University of Management. The participation of Garika Harlamov in the KVN teams "Mami national team" and "Unlimited Youth" first allocated him from the crowd. The following is the work of the TV host, and after - the continuation of the career in a duet with Timur Batrutdinov. This experience helped Harlamov to become megapopular.

Participants 2010 - 2017

Igor Lastochkin

Igor Lastochkin

For several seasons, the "Dnepropetrovsk national team" demonstrated the audience an inimitable duet "Igor and Lena". Vladimir Borisov played in the role of Lena, Igor Lastochkin played in Igor. The duo was very loved by the viewers, since young people allowed to look at everyday life situations from another, humorous angle.

Today, Igor Lastochkin participates in several humorous shows, among which you can allocate the "sense of humor" and "once in Russia", is an active trainer of laughing league teams, and also leads a popular TV show "Comic laugh". Such a versatile activity allows Igor not only to maintain its popularity, but also earn the authority of an excellent humorous actor and a good mentor for novice humorists.

Andrey Skorokhod

Andrey Skorokhod

Neborn Belarusian Andrei Skorokhod began to get involved in KVF at school age. A little later, he entered the university and, together with another student, created the team "Lost Thoughts". Unfortunately, this extracurricular activity has greatly affected Andrei's academic performance, and soon he was expelled from the university. However, by this time, the "lost thoughts" became the participant of the highest league and already acquired popularity.

In Russia, Andrei Skorokhod became known as one of the participants of the team "Triode and Diode". His chip is a student who is trying to pass exams, but cannot do this because of strong excitement. There is a notice of self-irony, because the sword itself has not been able to pass all the necessary exams at the university.

From 2013, the Russian comedy actor is engaged in participation in the popular show on the COMDY CLUB TNT channel.

Of course, many KVNschiki after the KVN return to their usual life - find work in the specialty or preferences. However, the club of merry and resourceful never leaves their hearts. Probably, that is why the anniversary issues of the program are harvested with old teams without any problems and allow adults who have already held in life for a few moments to plunge into the years of their youth and re-take part in his beloved game.

15 chose

They played in KVN ... For what? Say in order for everyone to be happier and more fun. Or maybe simply because for these people there were no entertainment more interesting than invent jokes and speak with them in front of the audience. Or maybe because they understood: student game - a good start for a career on television. In any case, many famous kvkherschiki after gone from the game, they did not disappear anywhere: some successfully implement their television projects, others write scripts to them, they are third, the fourths are participating.A vivid example of this is a teacher of literature and a former KVKHC officer Pavel Volya, who, suspect, in his specialty did not work for any day (except during a mandatory student practice). Today is the famous Showman's birthday. Let's see what other graduates do kVN school.

But first a little about the birthday room. It makes no sense to tell about what he is doing now- Do not know this, perhaps, only those happy people who live without a TV. But few people can remember his past, somewhat naive performances in the Penza team "Valeon Dasson". I remind you.

Actually tradition to move from KVN to television or in show business is not at all Nova: it existed in the 70s, and in the 80s, and in the 90s. Recall at least Julia Gusman, Arkady Inina, Leonid Yakubovich, Sergey Sivo. All of them received technical or natural science education and all as one hit the creativity: scenarios, director, creation and maintenance of show programs. The only difference is that the "graduates" of KVN began to write scenarios to Gaidaevsky films, and now - to new Russian serials.

In the KVN MSU team once met Alexey Kortnev and Valdis Pelsh. Kortnev as a result did not reappeared on Mehmate, but together with a friend created a music-humorous group "Accident", which still gladly fools fool in show business.

Translations created by kvkherschikov is also not a fashion trend. The first such program was already a subsidized "gentleman show"created by team members "Odessa gentlemen". After them, the television space won creators "OSP Studios": The transfer was carried out from different, sometimes opposing, teams: "Magma", NSU and "1 LMI".BUT former opponents according to KVN - Tatyana Lazarev and Mikhail Chaz in his post-Khnovskaya life even became spouses.And created a new gear "Good jokes", inviting the former Novosibirsk KVNchik there Alexander Pushnyawho pleases the audience with its improvisations.

In one team with the Fair once played the famous singer Pelagia The 11-year-old girl at that time was the most young participant of the game for her story.

However, at that time it was still one-time projects, the mass expansion of KVN talents on television began in the middle of the last decade due to the well-known TV show Comedy Club.. It grown to its own production, having released a huge number of child humorous programs under his label, capable of employing almost all known KVNschikov. Specially for KVN women, for example, a program was created Comedy Woman. Do not disappear talents!

However, those kvnshchnikov who do not fit into the Comedy Club format, nothing prevents creating your projects. For example, in a humorous show "Give youth!"almost entirely make people from the team "Maximum". This transmission is a set of sketches, among which are quite successful. In one of the columns, for example, they parody activists of youth political movements.

And the team "Ural dumplings"By creating your projects, completely retained its composition and name. For example, in the show of the same name.

"Graduates" KVN are increasingly displaced from the television screens of the so-called "professionals" - actors, directors, producers and screenwriters.They lead gears, come up with new programs, write scripts for movies and serials. Even those whom we do not often see on the screen are usually present in the role of scenarios and project producers. "Interns", "university", "daddy daughter" And many other serials came out under the pen "Merry and resourceful".

True, I can not say that I like all the projects of former KVNschikov. And some of them frankly disappoint. Maybe I grew up, and maybe they got out. Or maybe the fact is that no one can write high-quality jokes by the conveyor. And what do you think?

And what is your favorite kvkher? Do you like what he is doing now?