Recent data on the number of peoples of the North. On benefits and guarantees for the small peoples of Russia

Recent data on the number of peoples of the North. On benefits and guarantees for the small peoples of Russia
Recent data on the number of peoples of the North. On benefits and guarantees for the small peoples of Russia

Only in Russia 65 small peoples live, and the number of some of them does not exceed thousands of people. There are hundreds of such peoples on Earth, and everyone carefully stores its customs, tongue and culture.

In our tenday presented the most small peoples of the world.

This small people live in the territory of Dagestan, and its number is only 443 people according to the end of 2010. For a long time, Hanukhtsev was not highlighted in a separate ethnos, since the Ginuhsky language was considered only one of the dialects of the Cesky language common in Dagestan.

9. Sellocks

Until the 1930s, representatives of this West Siberian people were called Ostsiako-Samoye. The number of Selkups is just over 4 thousand people. They live mainly on the territory of Tyumen, Tomsk regions, as well as YanaA

8. Nganasans

This people live in the Taimyr Peninsula, and its number is about 800 people. Nganasana - very northern people in Eurasia. Until the middle of the 20th century, the people led a nomadic lifestyle, distilling herds of deer at huge distances, today Nganasans live sideways.

7. Orochonov

Place of residence of this low ethnos. - China and Mongolia. The number of people is about 7 thousand people. The history of the people has more than a thousand years, Orochons are mentioned in many documents relating to early Chinese imperial dynasties.

6. Evenks

This indigenous people of Russia live in Eastern Siberia. This people are the most numerous in our dozen - its number is quite sufficient to populate a small town. Evenks in the world about 35 thousand people.

5. Keti

Kets live in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The number of this people is less than 1500 people. Until the middle of the XX century, representatives of the ethnos were called the ssytya, as well as the Yeniseis. Ketsky refers to the group of Yenisei languages.

4. Chulmetsy

The number of this indigenous people of Russia is 355 people as of 2010. Although most of Chulemtsev recognizes Orthodoxy, ethnos carefully keeps some traditions of shamanism. Chuhlians live mainly in the Tomsk region. Interestingly, Chulym has no written language.

3. Tases

The number of this people living in Primorye is only 276 people. Taza language is a mixture of one of the Chinese dialects with Nanay. Now there are less than half of those who refer themselves to the number of pelvis.

2. Live

This is extreme malnian people Lives in Latvia. The main classes of Liv's impertion of centuries were piracy, fishing and hunting. Today, the people almost completely assimilated. According to official data of Livov, only 180 people remained.

1. Pitcairnts

This people are the most small in the world and live on the small island of Pitcairn in Oceania. The number of Pitcairnts is about 60 people. All of them are descendants of sailors of the British warship "Bounty", landed here in 1790. Pitcairnts language is a mixture of simplified English, Taitian and marine vocabulary.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

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    The small peoples of Russia (tells Alexander Matveyev)

    Indigenous Neriginal Peoples of the North

    The ritual practices of the peoples of the North (tells Dmitry Oparin)


List of small peoples of the North

According to the approved government Russian Federation The list of indigenous small peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation includes such peoples (breakdown by language groups in their native language, sorting by the number of people in Russia according to the 2010 census):


Total: 76,263 people


Total: 50 919 people

Self-language languages

Total: 49 378 people

Turkic languages

Total: 42 340 people

Paleoisian languages

Total: 37,562 people

Slavic languages


Places of traditional accommodation and types of traditional economic activities

List of traditional accommodation and traditional places economic activity and the list of the traditional economic activities of the small peoples of the North are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. Culturally mastered area with coaching routes, seasonal routes of hunters, gatherers, fishermen, sacred, recreational sites, and other, which ensures their traditional lifestyle, extremely extensive: from Dolgan and Nganasan on the Taimyr peninsula to Udahetsev in the south of Russia, from Aleuts on Commander Islands to the Saami on the Kola Peninsula.

According to the list of traditional economic activities, they include:

  • Livestock, including nomadic (reindeer herding, horse breeding, observation, sheep).
  • Recycling livestock production, including collection, harvesting and stretching skins, wool, hair, ostelanee horns, hoofs, pans, bones, endocrine glands, meat, offal.
  • Dog breeding (breeding of deerganic, driving and hunting dogs).
  • Breeding animals, processing and sale of animal products.
  • Bortfrichnia, beekeeping.
  • The current state of the small peoples of the North

    In general, there is a positive dynamics of demographic processes in the environment of the small peoples of the North. Almost 2.5 times the number of orphans (ultra) increased, significantly (20-70 percent) increased the number of nonsense, selkur, kantov, yukagirov, nongeidaltsev, tofalars, functions, kets, and others. The number of people has decreased, which is explained as negative demographic dynamics in the Russian Federation and the allocation during the census from the minimum peoples of the North of the original ethnic groups that began to identify themselves as independent peoples.

    At the end of XX - early XXI Centuries occurred the growth of ethnic identity of the small peoples of the North. There are public associations, training centers, associations and professional unions (Olenevodov, Naval Zverchoe, etc.) of the small peoples of the North, whose activities are provided by state support. In many places of living of the small peoples of the North, recreated communities as traditional forms of organization joint activity, distribution of products and mutual assistance. In some places of traditional accommodation and traditional economic activity, "birth areas", the territory of traditional environmental management of regional and local importance, enshrined with representatives of the small peoples of the North and their communities.

    About 65 percent of citizens from the number of small peoples of the North live in rural areas. In many national villages and villages of the community of these peoples, they became the only business entities performing a number social functions. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, communities as non-commercial organizations Enjoy a number of benefits and use a simplified tax system.

    In the Russian Federation as a whole, a legal framework was created in the field of the protection of the rights and traditional lifestyles of the small peoples of the North. Russia is a party to international treaties in this area. Measures state support (in the form of benefits, subsidies, quotas for use biological resources) Also are fixed. Benefits for representatives of the small peoples of the North, living in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activities and engaged in traditional types of economic activities are envisaged Tax Code Of the Russian Federation, the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, Water Code Of the Russian Federation and the Land Code of the Russian Federation.

    A significant achievement was the formation of financial instruments for state support for the socio-economic development of small peoples of the North. Over the past 15 years, three federal target programs have been implemented in the Russian Federation, as well as numerous regional target programs and subprogrammes on the socio-economic development of small peoples of the North, designed to form conditions for their sustainable development due to the funds of the federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and extrabudgetary Sources. At the expense of the federal budget, subsidies were provided for subsidies to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to support the reindeer herding and breeding animal husbandry.

    In the places of traditional residence and traditional economic activities of the small peoples of the North to teach children of reindeer herders, fishermen and hunters, including in their native language, day secondary schools, boarding schools. In places of the nomadic of reindeer breeders, the creation of nomadic schools in which children get primary education Taking into account the traditional lifestyle of the small peoples of the North.

    In public orders publishers, educational and methodological literature is published to study the languages \u200b\u200bof the small peoples of the North. For several decades, the Institute of Peoples of the North of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen.

    The Russian Federation took an active part in the international decade of the indigenous peoples of the world, proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in December 1994, and also became the first UN member state that created the National Organizing Committee on the preparation and conduct in the Russian Federation of the second international decade of indigenous peoples in the Russian Federation.

    In recent years, in the framework of the development of a public-private partnership, the practice of imprisonment by large industrial companies has been formed, including the fuel and energy complex, and contract agreements state power constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, the communities of the small peoples of the North, district and village associations of small peoples, individual national households - the owners of the "trivale land", which made it possible to create extrabudgetary funds credit support of enterprises of small peoples of the North.

    Deterrent factors of sustainable development

    The position of the small peoples of the North in recent decades is complicated by the inaptability of their traditional lifestyle to modern economic conditions. Low competitiveness traditional species Economic activities are due to small volumes of production, high transport costs, the lack of modern enterprises and technologies for the complex processing of raw materials and biological resources.

    The crisis of traditional types of economic activity led to the exacerbation of social problems. The standard of living of a significant part of citizens from the number of small peoples of the North, living in rural areas or leading a nomadic lifestyle below average Russian Federation. The unemployment rate in the districts of the North, where the small peoples of the North live, 1.5-2 times the average for the Russian Federation.

    Intensive industrial development natural resources The northern territories of the Russian Federation also significantly reduced the possibilities of maintaining traditional types of economic activities of the small peoples of the North. Of the traditional economic circulation, significant areas of deer pastures and hunting land. Part of the previously used river and water bodies used in connection with environmental issues lost their fisheries.

    The violation of the traditional lifestyle in the 1990s led to the development of a number of diseases and pathologies among representatives of the small peoples of the North. Significantly higher than the average Russian indicators among these peoples, infant rates (1.8 times) and child mortality, incidence of infectious diseases and alcoholism.

    See also (in general, Russia) SFU, 2015. - 183 p.


  • Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.02.2009 N 132-R "On the concept of sustainable development of indigenous small peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation" on the site consultant plus

The Russian Federation includes a considerable number of various peoples - according to the calculations of specialists, about 780 groups. The so-called small peoples of Russia live in the northern territory running along 30 regions of the country. If you summarize their number, then they will be not so much: a little more than a quarter of a million. As of 2010, about 45 groups of indigenous type live in our state. This article will describe in detail about the features of residence, legal authority, problems and legal status of the small peoples of Russia.

What are Russian small peoples?

Small specialists call small ethnic communities, preserving their traditions, customs and cultural features of residence. The problem of the vital activity of small nations is rising not only in all-Russian, but also at the world level. Thus, in 1993, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution, in accordance with which special attention should be paid to small and indigenous communities. Russia then did not remain aside: the 1993 Constitution proclaimed the principle of guarantee of rights and freedoms, both for ordinary citizens and indigenous representatives of the country. At the constitutional level, the consolidation of the rights of indigenous people is an integral element in the protection and support system of democratic state development.

Why the problem of the existence of the small peoples of Russia in lately Did special attention been paid? The answer to this question lies in history. The fact is that at the beginning of the 20th century, some people of our state faced a number of problems: economic, demographic, social and, of course, cultural. It happened, how it is not difficult to guess, because of the deepest state changes: revolutions, repression, civil and great Patriotic War etc. At the beginning of the 90s, the question of the preservation of the remaining indigenous and small peoples of Russia was sharply.

It must be said that the ethnic groups of small type plays the last role in the cultural development of the country. Moreover, they are an integral part multiethnic people Russia, act as an independent factor, thanks to which there is a revival of the once great Russian statehood. So what is the policy of the current authorities in relation to the small peoples of Russia? This will be discussed further.

Legal basis of the existence of indigenous peoples in the Russian Federation

Legal consolidation of the status of certain ethnic groups - the phenomenon is not new. Even at the beginning of the XIX century in Russian Empire There was a special charter about the lives of foreigners, dating from 1822. In this document, the rights to self-government, land, cultural identity, etc. were guaranteed to indigenous residents of various territories of Russia. soviet time A similar policy continued, however, the places of resettlement of national minorities began to ruthlessly share. Resettlement from place to place, as well as the principle of paternalism (dictates of behavioral norms) played with small peoples, the evil joke: the age-old traditions and customs gradually began to disappear.

The problem was discovered in the 90s. In order to prevent further acceleration of the removal processes and cultural features Among the indigenous and small peoples of Russia, a number of legal norms were enshrined, proclaiming the principle of identity and conservation of traditional culture among indigenous ethnic groups.

The first and most important source is, of course, the Russian Constitution. It is worth highlighting Article 72, which refers to the joint regulation of the rights and freedoms of national minorities by the regions and federation. Articles 20 and 28 state the ability to indicate their national affiliation. In many federal laws and others regulatory acts The principle of equality of various ethnic groups is enshrined. It is worth allocating FZ "On the main voting rights of citizens", FZ "On Languages \u200b\u200bin the Russian Federation" and many other laws.

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is the main state body in the country, whose obligations include the legal protection of small peoples. The same instance establishes special guarantees for ethnic groups and the rights that will be discussed further.

On benefits and guarantees for the small peoples of Russia

What guarantee ethnic minorities Russian federal laws? If a we are talking About the political sphere, then allocate individual legal prerequisites for the widespread participation of indigenous peoples in the work of state bodies of the Russian Federation and local government instances. How does it work? According to the Federal Law "On the Value Rights of Citizens", special representative office quotas should be established in power bodies. This should occur due to the formation of electoral districts, which would have been a smaller number of people than established in the law. Election districts may concern individual national settlements, ethnic associations, tribes, etc.

The next sphere in which the preferential rights of the indigenous minorities of Russia are possible is the economy. Methods for the quality development of economic activity should be applied in this area. traditional type. Must be taken to create special territories in which it would be possible to use traditional methods of environmental management. Do not forget about budget allocations aimed at supporting folk crafts. The privatization of industrial enterprises can be subject to privatization of indigenous peoples. At the same time, the taxation of such enterprises will be carried out with regard to possible benefits and subsidies.

Finally, the preferential rights of small peoples of Russia can be carried out in the socio-cultural field. It is worth talking about the adoption of conditions for the preservation of the spiritual and cultural foundations of one or another indigenous people. Ethnic media, the corresponding language and literature must be maintained in every way by the state authorities. It is necessary to periodically conduct scientific research of cultural spheres of small peoples.

International law on small nations

The national legal framework containing norms on the protection of the legal status of indigenous minorities of Russia is based on the principles established by international law. In other words, Russian law should not be contrary to international legal norms. This rule is enshrined in the domestic Constitution of 1993.

All regulatory acts international Character, stren on the problems of the small peoples of the Earth, can be divided into three main groups. The first such group includes documents weighing a recommendatory. What does this mean? If briefly, then the Declaration on Language Minorities, Vienna (1989), Parisian (1990), Geneva (1991) and many other declarative documents are aimed at encouraging a favorable attitude towards ethnic minorities.

The second group includes the documentation, the purpose of which is to provide ideological and cultural influence on the legal system of a state or another. For example, Convention No. 169 states tribal nations, The 1994 CIS Convention on the implementation of the qualitative protection of minority rights, etc. The feature of the presented group is ignoring the documentation contained in it. Is this a group of problems of indigenous minorities of Russia? Most probably not. After all, there is a third group, which includes documents legally binding for any state.

The latter constitute international documents designed to protect national minorities from various kinds of discriminatory and their dignity of the moments. So, there is a Covenant on the political and civil rights of 1965, the European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Freight of 1950 and many other documents that are mandatory for execution by the Russian state.

Rights and freedoms of Russian small peoples

Today, the Federal Law No. 256-FZ "On Guarantees of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples of Russia" has been operating in Russia from 1999. Artificial minorities are reported in article 8 of the presented regulatory act. What exactly is it worth highlighting?

The peoples of small type, as well as their associations, must be in every way to be supported by state power. It is necessary to protect their original habitat, the traditional lifestyle, various kinds of fisheries and management. That is why such peoples have the right to use in places of habitat with minerals, soils, animals and vegetable organisms.

It is provided, of course, free of charge. However, this is not the only right of the peoples of the considered type. Here it is also worth highlighting:

  • right to participate in the implementation of control over the use of own lands;
  • the ability to carry out control and supervisory activities for the execution of federal laws and regulations of the Russian Federation;
  • the right to build and reconstruct economic, household and production facilities;
  • the opportunity to receive money from the Russian Federation or the material content that is necessary for the cultural or socio-economic development of peoples;
  • the right to participate in the implementation of state authorities or local governments - directly or through authorized representatives;
  • the opportunity to delegate their representatives into power authorities;
  • the right to compensation for damages that were caused as a result of damage natural environment habitat;
  • the right to receive assistance from the state in the form of reforming a social sphere.

This is, of course, not all the possibilities that law enshrines. It is also worth allocating a replacement. military service An alternative civilian, the possibility of creating special self-valid authorities, the right to exercise judicial protection, etc. It must be said that all submitted rights are the legal status of the small peoples of Russia.

Problems of small Russian peoples

Before proceeding with the story about the peculiarities of the vital activity of the most famous indigenous ethnic groups of our state, it is worth identifying the main problems with which these ethnic groups have often encountered.

The first and, probably, the most important problem is the identification of national minorities. The identification process may be group and individual. Difficulties arise when searching for relevant criteria and procedures. The second problem concerns minority rights. As you know, the indigenous peoples require special rights. To do this, it is necessary to qualitatively define the conditions under which the implementation of special rights would be possible. Difficulties may arise when providing targeting and proper application rights in private or public legal spheres.

The third problem of the indigenous peoples of the North of Russia can be called the difficulty of self-determination of such ethnic groups. The fact is that in this area there are problems of the feasibility of the formation of territorial entities, entering into rights or build guarantees of these rights. From here it follows and one more problem, closely related to the system legal regulation and security. Here, the ratio of the principal and federal level, the conclusion of contracts between ethnic groups, the use of ordinary law, etc., is extremely relevant. government controlled According to the affairs of the minorities of the Russian Federation, it is also quite acute. If we are talking about the levels of the relevant government instances, the delegation of the authority of the authorities of local self-government, then some difficulties of organizational nature may arise here.

It is also worth identifying the problem of the status of public organizations of national minorities. The fact is that such organizations could be provided with fairly large and voluminous rights concerning the electoral process, protection of interests, control over fulfillment of powers, etc. Difficulties here may arise, again, with the question of the feasibility of this kind of action.

Impact on the culture of small peoples

In various international treaties and national regulations, the rules are established that in no case cannot be disrupted. They relate to the centuries-old cultural traditions of this or that nation. Still, Soviet times are not the best way They affected individual small peoples. So, it is worth paying attention to the hezhorts, which in the period from 1930 to 1950 were divered several times. But this is just a single example. State Patennalism selected as a priority vector cultural Development In Soviet times, it was very bad for almost all the original peoples of Russia. It must be said that a certain form of paternalism is present today, contrary to all established laws and rules. And this is another problem of the small peoples of Russia, which would be worth paying close attention.

The thing is that in many natives of the North there is an irreconcilable struggle with shamanism. At the same time, precisely shamanism has the greatest impact on the traditions and culture of national minorities. It also contributes to the fight to some extent and all-Russian clicarization. Thus, in the Republic of Sakha, the local Orthodox diocese was tasked with the fullest eradication of paganism at the nearby territories. Of course, you can refer to the story, because this struggle was carried out in times tsarist Russia. But is it so good today? In the conservation of the secrecy and priority of cultural customs, such actions of the church should be regarded as powerful pressure on the traditions of certain nations.

List of small nations of Russia

From the Kola Peninsula, located in the Murmansk region, up to the Far Eastern regions there are many different national minorities. The list of small peoples of Russia, though installed for a long time, but, nevertheless, from time to time is complemented. It is worth named the most famous national minorities of Russia:

  • Republic of Karelia and Leningrad Region: Veps, Izhorstsy, River and Kumadintin;
  • Kamchatka: Aleuts, Alutors, Itelmen, Kamchadal, Koryaki, Chukchi, Evenks, Euren and Eskimos;
  • Krasnoyarsk region and Yakutia: Dolgans, Nganasans, Nenets, Sellockups, Teleuts, Enzi;
  • Sakha and Magadan region: Yukagira, Chuvants, Lamuts, Orochi, Koryaki.

Naturally, the list is not complete. It can be constantly complemented, because some nations are still found, while others are "dying out." A description of the small peoples of the North of Russia will be presented below.

About the largest and most small peoples of the North of Russia

The list of small peoples of the Russian Federation is constantly replenished. This is due to the opening of new, accommodated unknown settlements. For example, not so long ago the status of an ethnic minority acquired a group of water consisting of only 82 people. By the way, it is water that is the most small people of Russia. This ethnic group lives in the Leningrad region, and therefore is part of the Finno-Ugric group. They say the representatives of the water on Estonian adveria. Until now, the main occupation of this people is agriculture, handicraft and forest fishing. On the this moment The water is delivered by the supply of products to the capital of the Leningrad region. It must be said that the spread of Orthodoxy and multiple mixed marriages have noticeably influenced the national group. It was expressed in almost complete loss of the national language and centuries-old culture.

It is worth a little more detailed about the rest of the small peoples of the North of Russia. So, in contrast to the most small people of small type, there is the largest. At the moment it is a group of Karelians. There are about 92 thousand people on the territory of the Vyborg and Leningrad regions. Karelian ethnos was formed by the beginning of the 13th century. Amazing seems to be the fact that mass baptism in the Novgorod territory practically did not affect the culture of Karelov. In this group, few people understood the Russian language, and therefore the propaganda of Orthodoxy did not affect the original group and could not affect the traditions of this nation. The main occupation of Karelov is fishing and reindeer herding. Today, the Woodworking type industry is well developed in the Karelian Republic.

Peoples Chukotka

Many people know that it is in the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. the greatest number national minorities. Chuvantans, for example, there are about one and a half thousand people. This is an arctic race of a large mongoloid group. Most of the representatives of the Chuvantans speaks Chukchi language with a small Russian dialect. Another such group is known to all Russians: these are chukchi. There are about 15 thousand people them. Chukchi live in Yakutia.

In total, about 90 thousand people live in Chukotka. Although another 30 years ago, this figure of the ball is much larger. What is the reason? Why from the beginning of the 90s representatives of national minorities noticeably doused? Difficult to answer this question even the most prominent professionals. After all, a similar situation occurs in Kamchatka, where only 200 thousand remained from 472 thousand. It is only 200 thousand. It is possible that the whole thing is in urbanization, although statistics do not give some high indicators in this area. In fairness it should be noted that problems are solved with the help of a qualitative policy for the preservation of small peoples of Russia.

Ethnographer Dmitry Fun on the conflicts of small nations with the government, special benefits on the lists and conservation of ethnic identity

It will be about such an interesting category of the population of the Russian Federation as indigenous small peoples. Far North, Siberia and the Far East. This is the official name, they are usually called the peoples of the North. The birth of this group refers to the very beginning of the formation soviet power, By the 1920s, when a special decree was taken on the promotion of the peoples of the northern Okrain. " At that time, it was possible to count about 50, if not more, various groups that lived in the territory of the Far North. They, as a rule, were engaged in reindeer herding, and their way of life was significantly different from the fact that they saw the first Soviet Bolsheviks.

Time went, this category continued to remain as a special category of accounting, gradually this list was crystallized, more accurate names of individual ethnic groups appeared, and in the post-war period, at least since the 1960s, especially in the 1970s, this category began to include 26 nations. And when they talked about the peoples of the North, they implied 26 indigenous peoples of the North - they were called in their time with the small peoples of the North. These are various language groups, people speaking different languages, including those close relatives of which still fail to detect. This is the language of ketov, whose relationships with other languages \u200b\u200bare quite complex, the language of Nivkhov, a number of other languages. Time went, and despite the measures that the state took (at that time it was called the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Soviet Government), separate decisions were taken to economic development of these peoples, how to facilitate their economic existence - after all, the situation remained Quite difficult: alcoholism was spread, there were a lot of social diseases. So gradually we lived until the end of the 1980s, when it suddenly turned out that 26 nations did not fall asleep, did not forget their languages, did not lose their culture and even if something happened, they want to restore it, reconstruct, and so on They want to use in their modern life.

At the very beginning of the 1990s, this list suddenly began to live the second life. Some peoples of Southern Siberia were included in it, and so it became not 26, but 30 nations. Then gradually, during the 1990s - the beginning of the 2000s, this list expanded, expanded, and today it is about 40-45 ethnic groups, starting from the European part of Russia and ending with the Far East, a significant number of ethnic groups enter this The so-called list of indigenous peoples of the North of Siberia and the Far East.

What is needed in order to be in this list? First of all, you as the people are officially forbidden to come true and multiply in the sense that, let it sound rudely, you should not have more than 50,000 people. There is a number of numbers. You must live in our ancestors, to engage in traditional economy, keep traditional culture and language. Everything is not really so simple, not just have a special self-concealment, and you have to consider yourself an independent people. Everything is very, very difficult, even with the same self-site.

Let's try to see, say, at the Altaians. Altaiians themselves are not included in the list of indigenous minorities. And for a long time in Soviet ethnography, Soviet science believed that this is a single people, formed, however, from different groups, but they have developed in a single socialist nation. When the end of the 1980s came - the beginning of the 1990s, it turned out that those of whom the Altai had developed, still remember that they were not quite the Altai. So appeared on the map of the Republic of Altai and on the ethnographic map, new ethnic groups: jackets, tubalars, Kumandints, and alteers, televodents. Some of them came to the list of indigenous small peoples of the North. Was very difficult situation - 2002 census, when the power structures of the Republic of Altai were very afraid, that due to the fact that a significant part of the former Altaians suddenly was discharged into indigenous small peoples, the population of the republic, that is title peoplewill significantly decrease and then they will take off portfolios - will not become the republic, and people will lose their posts. Everything turned out well: in our country there is no such direct correlation between the title ethnic group and the status of the formation in which she lives is a republic, an autonomous district or something else.

But as for ethnic identity, the situation is much more complicated. We said that several groups from these Altaians were separated. But if we take every one of them, it will discovery that each of them consists of 5, 10, and maybe 20 units. They are called genus, or, Altai, "Sich" ('bone'), some of them have a very ancient origin. In the same 2002 (I was just in Altai, as part of the commission, which was supposed to deal with who people want to declare during the census, who want to call themselves), I remember very well, the leaders of childbirth - they are called Zaisani, "When I learned that the answer of people would not affect the status of the republic, said:" Oh, as well. So, maybe now writing hims, cripples (by name). That is, it really turns out that man in the general Altars, but at the same time he can be a representative of some ethnic group as part of Altaians. He can be a representative of his kind. If you dig, you can find even smaller.

Why do you need to be included in this list? Once there is a list, you can get into it, you can sign up. If you are not entering this list, then you will not have any benefits. About benefits, as a rule, say: "They signed up there, because they want benefits." Privileges, of course, some, if you know about them and you can use them. Part of people do not know what they are. These are benefits for medical care, to receive firewood (relevant in the villages), it may be a preferential admission of your children to the university, there is another list of these benefits. But it is not really the most important thing. There is a moment: you want to live on your land, and you have no other land. If you are not entering this list of indigenous peoples of the North, then you will contact you as with everyone, although you are also a citizen of the Russian Federation. Then you will not have additional levers in terms of protection of the territory on which you and your ancestors lived, hunted, caught fish, they were engaged in the traditional lifestyle that is very important for you. Why is it very important? Sometimes with a laugh, sometimes they say without laughter: "Well, what to take it? Even if he is a "white collar", the time of Putin comes or collect bumps in the taiga, he leaves in Taiga to collect cones or in Putin, disappears into the sea and is engaged in fishing. " A person works in the office, but he cannot without it. Here they are told with a laugh or even disregard. If we find ourselves, let's say in the United States, then we will simply find that self-respecting companies will give a vacation to this time, because they understand that he cannot without it, and not because it is his whim, that he Wants to fishing, like any of us may want to rest somewhere on the weekend. No, this is something sits in the blood that he drives a person from the office back to Taiga, on the earth of his ancestors.

If you do not have the ability to further protect this land, you may occur different complex life situations. It is no secret that the territory of residence of the small indigenous peoples of the North is abundant by minerals. It can be anything: gold, uranium, mercury, oil, gas, coal. And these people live on the lands, which are very important in terms of strategic development states. Who is to blame, what happened? And here the conflict arises: what to do with people? Everyone is well remembered by the film "Avatar" and that nasty character who said that "they sit on my grandmas." Sometimes it seems that those firms that try to somehow resolve relations with people living in those places where you can get something and sell, this is how they treat them, that is, these are people who just interfere. The situation is quite complicated, because everywhere, in all cases where something similar happens (it can be some kind of sacred lake of Lake, where Khanty or Forest Nenets live, it can be Kuzbass with his coal deposits, it can be Sakhalin with Its oil reserves), there is a certain clash of interests, more or less distinctly pronounced, between the indigenous small peoples of the North, between the local population, in principle, in general. Because what the difference between you, aborigine, and the Russian old-timer, leading himself in the same way, living on the same land engaged in the same fishing, hunting and so on and in the same way suffering from dirty water And others negative consequences mining or developing some fossils. The so-called stakeholders, in addition to Aboriginal, include government structures and companies themselves who are trying to extract some profit from this land.

If you are not entering this list of indigenous peoples of the North, then you will be much more difficult to protect your land and your rights to the lifestyle you want to lead. It is important - to maintain your culture, because if you do not have the territory where you compactly live with your tribesmen, it will be very difficult to provide your children to study the native language, the transfer of some traditional values. This does not mean that the people will disappear, will disappear, but in how you perceive the situation, there may be such a thought that if I have a language, I will stop being some kind of people. Of course, do not cease. Throughout Siberia great amount The peoples of the North lost their languages, but this does not mean that they do not speak in any language. Somewhere native became Yakut, practically everyone - Russian. Nevertheless, people retain their ethnic identity, they want to develop further, and the list gives them this opportunity.

But there is one interesting turn, which no one has thought about. The fact is that increasingly heard among the younger generation in the indigenous small peoples of the North, which has lost, strictly speaking, ethnic specificity (they all speak Russian, do not wear traditional clothes): "We are KMNS, we are KMNS." A certain generality appears, it may be, this is a class identity as in Tsarist Russia. And in this sense the state apparently makes sense to look at the processes that are currently taking place in the north and, perhaps, to talk about help, it may not be concrete ethnic Group, and the new class community, which is called the indigenous small peoples of the North.

Indigenous small peoples (small peoples), in the Russian Federation special groups of the population living in the territories of the traditional settlement of their ancestors preserving traditional image Life, business and crafts.

In Russia, one of the first legislative acts aimed at protecting the rights of indigenous minorities was the charter on the management of foreigners 1822. In the 1920s, in the decisions and decisions of the Soviet government (for example, on the decree of the WTCIK and SNK of 10/25/1926 "On approval of temporary The provisions on the management of the northern octopians and the northern Okrain tribes ") a closed list, originally included 24 ethnic communities. The Constitution of the Russian Federation 1993 (Art. 69) introduced the concept of "indigenous peoples". In the Russian Federation there is a single list of indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation (2000), as well as a list of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation (2006). The Unified List now includes 40 peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East (Aleuts, Alutors, Veps, Dolgans, Itelmen, Kamchadals, Kerxy, Kets, Koryaki, Kumandints, Mansi, Nanice, Nganasana, Netherca, Nehints, Nivhi, Orcohol, Orochi, Saama , Selkup, Soyota, Thaza, Telengitis, Teleuts, Toflars, Tubalalar, Tuvintsy, Tajunitsy, Udagei, Ulch, Khanty, Claws, Chuchuches, Chukchi, Chulymtsy, Shorts, Evenks, Even, Enza, Eskimos, Yukagira), as well as abazin, Fellmiang, water, Izhortsev, Nagaibakov, Shapsov and 14 nations of Dagestan.

According to Russian legislation, for the recognition of the people indigenous, he must: be aware of independent ethnic community (self-identified), maintain the original habitat (territory), national crafts, that is, a special economic space, original culture, common native language And there are less than 50 thousand people in Russia in Russia. Domestic legislation on the status and protection of the rights of national minorities is based on international norms, Russian interstate treaties on human rights and the protection of the rights of national minorities. Native small peoples stand out in a separate group of peoples in order to special protection from the state, they are endowed with special status, have a number of legislative benefits (preferential use of bioresours, more early output retirement, replacement of military service alternative, in the list of professions which is included in the spruce of deer; Exemption from fee for land, etc.). Comprehensively issues in the field of protection of the rights of national minorities are settled by the Federal Law "On Guarantees of the Rights of the Native Minority Peoples of the Russian Federation" (1999). At the federal level, federal laws "On general principles Organization of communities of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation "(2000)," On the territories of traditional environmental management of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation "(2001); The concept of the Federal Target Program "Economic and Social Development of Indigenous Minorial Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East to 2015" (2007) was approved. In addition, the subjects of the Federation independently solve the problems of national minorities living in their territories.

Lit.: Khariyi S. N. Indigenous Neriginal Peoples: Problems of Legislation. Tomsk, 2004; Andrichenko L. V. Regulation and protection of the rights of national minorities and indigenous peoples in the Russian Federation. M., 2005; Kryazhkov V. A. The status of indigenous minorities of Russia. Legal acts. M., 2005. KN. 3.