Russian culture of the 13th 16th centuries briefly. Russian culture of the XIII-XVII centuries

Russian culture of the 13th 16th centuries briefly. Russian culture of the XIII-XVII centuries

Only at the end of the XIII century. Stone churches began to build again. Of these, only the Church of Nikola on Lipne under Novgorod remained to this day.

Literature XIII - early XVI century.

The first monument of fiction after the invasion can be considered "the Word about the killed Russian land." A call for self-sacrifice in the fight against the terrible enemy "The Tale of Ryazan Batym", "Tale of Mercury Smolensky", and others. How the punishment for sins was assessed by the invasion of the prominent writer Vladimir Bishop Serapion. Faith was expressed in his messages: if Russian people are able to overcome their sins, then inevitably and exemption from yoke. Only after the victory on the culish field in the literature, other moods appeared. The first response to the battle was the "Zadonchina" poem, written under the influence of the word about the regiment of Igor. At the beginning of the XV century. It was created "Tale of Mamaev Boy". It became the most popular work About Kulikovsky battle. One of the most famous and vivid literary works of the XV century. It is "walking for the three seas" Athanasius Nikitin.

Architecture and Art of XIV - XV BB

In the XIV century Stone construction unfolded in Russian cities. The architecture of Novgorod the Great was distinguished by a great originality. In the XV century Novgorod people turned to the old days and erected temples on the sample of ancient buildings. The largest architecture center for the middle of the XIV century. became Moscow. When Ivan Kalita was erected the largest stone temples for that period, and when Dmitry Donskoy - the first in Northeast Rus Walls from white stone mined in vest vessels. By the end of the XV century. The white-stone Kremlin dilated heavily. Ivan III decided to build an unusual Kremlin. Under the leadership of Italian masters, a Kremlin wall was created with eighteen towers. The main Church of Russia - the Assumption Cathedral Italian Aristotle Phioravanti created according to the model of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir. The most elegant building of the Kremlin became the Arkhangelsk Cathedral, built italian master Aleviz Fryazin new. Architects from Pskov built an elegant Blagoveshchensky Cathedral. The "golden age" of Russian iconopus was the end of XIV - the beginning of XV in.,

Andrei Rublev became the most famous creation of the "Trinity" icon. In the image of three angels, symbolizing the unity of three people of God - Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, the ideal of peace, harmony and divine beauty. In the work of Rublev, the epoch of the national lift caused by the Kulikovsky victory was reflected. At the end of the XV century. The glorified master of the iconopus was the monk of Dionysius, a commenced genus.

Development of culture in the XVI century. Folding and developing a single Russian state gave rise to extensive publicistic literature. The main topic of her theme was the question of the paths of the country's further development. They opposed the teachings orthodox church For many issues.

The flourishing of the Russian public thought of the first quarter of the XVII century. associated with the advent of books about the troubled time. The most famous of them are the "legend" of Abrahamiya Palitsyn, Temperature of Dejak Ivan Timofeyev, the "literacy" of Prince Ivan Brovostinin and others. A bright representative of official journalism was Monk Simeon Polotsk.

The result of development architecture XVII. You can consider the appearance of structures in the style of "Naryshkinsky Baroque". Most. outstanding painter Mid XVII century There was Simon Ushakov. He led the icon-painted workshop, wrote icons and parswasters (portraits), miniatures and frescoes. Under his beginning, Arkhangelsk and Assumption Cathedrals, the Granovy Chamber in the Moscow Kremlin were painted.

Signs of recruitment of culture are found in the enlightenment. There are secular schools for children. The first printed tank made up by Vasily Burtsev was published in 1634.

In 1666, a school was opened at the Saconoscope Monastery, which was opened by the attaincam for orders. In 1680, a school appeared at the printed courtyard.

In 1687, the first higher education opened in Moscow educational institution - Slavic Greco-Latin Academy

The topic of the struggle for independence was central both in oral folk creativity and in the monuments of written literature of that time. The largest patriotic works were "Zadonchina" and "Tale of Mamaev Boy", glorifying the victory of the combined Russian troops in the Kulikovsky battle. The most significant monument of historical thought was the chronicle arches. Moscow became the center of the community chronicles, where at the beginning of the 15th century the first chronicle arch of a communal nature was drawn up. Trinity chronicle, in which the idea of \u200b\u200bthe continuity of the power of the Moscow sovereign from Kiev and Vladimir Princes.

IN historical literature turn of the XV-XVI centuries. Increased rationalistic views on historical events. The authors of historical works (for example, "Tale of the Princes of Vladimir", the end of the 15th century) sought to approve the idea of \u200b\u200bthe exclusiveness of the autocratic power of Russian sovereigns as successors Kievan Rus and Byzantium. The same ideas were expressed in chronographs, summary reviews. universal historyIn which Russia was viewed as the last link in the chain of world-historical monarchies.

Not only historical, but also geographical knowledge of people expanded. In connection with the complication of the administrative department of the grew territory of the state, the first was drawn up geographic Maps ("blueprints"). This also contributed to the development of trade and diplomatic relations of Russia.

Russian masters have learned to produce rather complicated mathematical calculations in the construction of buildings, were familiar with the properties of the main building materials. When building buildings, blocks and other mechanisms were used. For the extraction of salt solutions, deep drilling and gasket of pipes were used for which the fluid was distilled off using a piston pump. In the military, the casting of copper cannons was mastered, trumpet and throwing guns were distributed.

In the XIV century, stone cathedrals were restored in Vladimir, Rostov, Suzdal and other cities. In Moscow, the White Walls and the Kremlin Tower, a number of cathedrals and monasteries were erected. In the process of state education, a new community style of monumental architecture began to be created in Moscow. For this style was characterized by creative use architectural traditions Old Russian cities and at the same time their enrichment of the achievements of European architecture of the Renaissance.

The formation of national architecture was accompanied by the rise of Russian visual art. This lift is associated with the name of the great Russian painter Andrei Rublev. In the first quarter of the XV century, he, together with the icon painter, Daniel Black decorated with frescoes and icons a number of Moscow cathedrals. The vertex of creativity A. Rublev was the icon of Troitz, written in the Trinity-Sergiev Monastery near Moscow. The work of Andrei Rubleva had a great influence on the further development of Russian painting. For its artistic value and high skill, it stands at the level of the most outstanding achievements of the modern Italian painting of the Renaissance.

Thus, the formation of the spirituality of the people of the XIV - the beginning of the XVI centuries. It was largely influenced by the ideas of creating a state and a growing awareness of the unity of its peoples.

In the XVI century The once mighty cultural centers and schools stopped their existence. This was the result of the completed process of folding a single state. Original features who distinguished one school were leveled from another, the original creative methods and techniques of masters of decorative and applied art, architects, icon painters. However, the processes occurring did not testify not to the decline of Russian culture, but, on the contrary, about its progressive progressive development.

This was due to the fact that Moscow, becoming a community center of culture, gathered the best masters from all lands, whose creativity in the conditions of the established national self-consciousness, gave a powerful impetus to the development of culture in all its spheres.

In the XVI century A nationwide culture was formed, which developed on the basis of those traditions that developed and improved in traditional centers that retain the originality characteristic of each locality. The process of folding nationwide culture was accompanied by its further development.

Literature and socio-political thought in the XVI century. We undergo significant changes that it was associated with the increased activity of the discussion of the urgent problems of that time. In public thought, the theory of Moscow - the Third Rome was distributed.

Pook printing has become important milestone in the development of Russian culture. In the middle of the XVI century. Ivan Fedorov organized a typography in the Kremlin, then translated into Nikolskaya Street. The "Apostle" was the first dated Russian book, published in 1564, which marked the beginning of Russian printing.

Architecture XVI century. Developed in several directions, having received a powerful impetus as a result of work in Moscow at the end of the XV century. Italian architects. In addition, by this time, Moscow architects and builders acquired extensive experience, which allowed them to build unique structures. Outstanding monument This time is the church of Ascension in the village of Kolomna, built in 1532 by order of the Grand Duke Vasily IIIIn memory of his son Ivan's son.

The center for the development of icon painting in the XVI century. Moscow became, it was here on the orders of Ivan the Terrible gathered the best icon painters. Moscow icon painters were then diverged by cities and monasteries, the spreading uniform traditions of all Russia. Differences between schools smoothed. Based on the tradition and new trends, a communional national iconographic school was formed. Fighter painting continued to develop.

XVII century, being a rapid development period old Russian cultureAt the same time was an early age of its completion. Keeping the main features of the traditional shink russian Society It begins to transform in the direction, which later will find its highest expression in the reforms of Peter the Great. Russia stood on the threshold of the new time. In the culture, two tendencies are distinguished: the penetration of Western European influences and the progressive process of recruitment (secularization), that is, the liberation from the domination of the church.

In the literature of the XVII century - the duration of the death of many unshakable traditions. The most expressive innovation is a deliberate fiction into the literature. Such literature was popular, first of all, in a democratic environment. In addition to entertainment and moral, it was strong, the satirical, accusatory component. It was most brightly manifested in "Tale of Shemyakin court"And" Tale of the Yersh Hershovich "- works in which judicial opinions and sales of judges were ridiculed.

In the development of the architecture of the XVII century. Three stages can be distinguished. At the beginning of the century, the overall nature of the architecture was still different from the architecture of the end of the XVI century. A characteristic feature of the second stage, covering the middle of the century, is an underlined deco-rally, elegacity and multicolor of architectural decoration. Patriarch Nikon forbade build popular in the XVI century. Tent temples as non-canonical, differing from Greek samples. Special orders the architects were obliged to return to the traditional Cross-Dome scheme. However, architects easily cost the ban. A new opportunity to use a favorite was found. architectural element - Bell tents were crowned with tents. As a result, wonderful buildings of intricate, asymmetric, "fabulous" architecture appeared on the beauty. Such, for example, the Church of the Trinity in Nicnics (1634) and the church of the Nativity of the Virgin in Putkach (1652) the third stage begins in the 90s. XVII century In Russian architecture occur significant changes. Appears new style - "Naryshkinskaya Baroque", which received its name because the main customers of the buildings made in this style were relatives of the second wife of the king, Mother Peter I Natalia Kirillovna Naryshkina.

Significant phenomenon in fine art XVII. In., marked the new time, was the emergence of a portrait - Parsuna. Parsuna is still very similar to the icon, the image is still very conditionally, but through the icon scheme they are already predicted with individual traits. Parsuna, depicting the kings of Ivan the Terrible, Fyodor John, Prince Skopina Shuisky.

The process of the formation of a single centralized state affected the development of Russian culture. The influence of it was ambiguous. So, many features of the development of local cultural traditions were lost, "not stagnant" in its overall move. The local chiller is replaced by a single grand-road chronicle, whole iconographic schools disappear, as it happened with Tver icon painting.

Mongol-Tatar invasion caused irreparable damage to Russian culture. In the fire of the invasion of the temples, books, icons, many were defeated cultural valuesCraftsmen, masters, a huge number of rural and urban workers were killed or taken captive. For a while, stone construction stopped, forgotten the experience of craftsmen accumulated years. The dynamic rise of culture is associated with the victory in the Kulikov field (1380), since that time we can talk about the formation of a communional culture. One of the main themes in the literature of this time becomes the struggle with Mongol-Tatars.

In oral folk art - this is "Tale of invisible hay Kitezh "," Song about Khcharm Dudensevich ". In the historical story, this is: "On the battle on Kalka", "the story of the ruin of Ryazan Batym" (the story about the exploits of the Ryazan hero of Evpathy Kolovrat), "The Tale of Mamaev Boy." The patimate poem "Zadonshchina" is especially famous, written by Sofonia Ryazanz, who united Orthodox heroism with deep sorrow of the dead.

Life of saints Sergius of Radonezh, Stefan Perm, who belonged to Peru's epiphany of the wisdom (n. XV century). The most complete chronicles were preserved in those places where the Mongols did not reach: in Novgorod, Pskov, etc. In 1442, a Russian chronograph appears - a description of the world history, compiled by a fragile logo.

Stone construction is renewed, first of all, in Novgorod and Pskov, then in other cities. Russian painting of the XIV-XV centuries. reached an unprecedented heyday. Man and his spiritual world became the main motifs in painting. The most famous painters of this time: Feofan Greek (Novgorod School - his letter of writing distinguishes the choice of bright juicy paints, emotionality, expression) and Andrei Rublev (Moscow School - Clean light paints, high spiritual pathos and heartfelt humanity). A. Rublev's brushes (approx. 1360-1370 - Ok. 1439) belong to the frescoes of the Blagoveshchensky Cathedral in Vladimir, the Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity Sergius Monastery, a few wonderful icons ("Trinity", symbolizing the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of peace and humanity).

Another one famous painter There was Dionysius (approx. 1440-1441 - after 1502-1503) Mural: Josepho-Volokalamsky, Ferapontova Monasteries; Iconostasis of the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

Literature XV - XVI centuries.

At the end of the XV century. A Moscow chronicle appears, covering historical events from the standpoint of the victorious Moscow. Under the leadership of Metropolitan Makaria was created " The book is a power of royal genealogy, " Describing events from the reign of Olga to Ivan IV. She justified the idea of \u200b\u200buniting Russian lands under the rule of Moscow princes and emphasized the role of the Church. From the Makaryevsky Mug, such a monumental meeting was published old Russian literature, as "Great Chetty - Minei". This is a 12-volume (by number of months) a meeting of the life of saints, teachings, the works of canonical law and other texts located by day christian holidays and the days of the memory of the saints.

It is born in the XVI century. and political journalism: The most important questions of the life of society, in particular, the nature of the authorities and the state, become a matter of broad discussion of both church and secular authors. I. Peresvetov In his works (petitions written in the 40-50s), justified the need for strong state power, but built on the principles of justice and law.

Bright talented publicists were A. Kurbsky and Ivan Terrible - In the controversy, which was opened by A. Kurbsky his message Ivan after flight to Lithuania in 1564

The genre of "walkings" becomes popular - descriptions of traveling to distant countries. Tver merchant Athanasius Nikitin In the "walking for the three seas" described his journey to India, Persia and other countries of the East (1466-1472).

In the 2nd floor. XVI in. The first printed courtyard opened in Moscow. In 1564 Ivan Fedorovand Peter Mstislavolets publish the first printed book "Apostle",next year "Character". Total was published by the first bookprints of 20 books, which were more expensive than handwritten


Strengthening the Moscow Prince, finally the unification of the Russian lands around Moscow directly affected the architecture of the capital. In the second floor. XV century The Kremlin has undergone a grand restructuring. New walls were erected, majestic cathedrals:

Assumption (1476-1479)- Italian architect Aristotle Fiorobati; Blagoveshchensky(1484-1489) - Pskov Masters; Arkhangelsky (1505-1509) - Aleviz New and Granuisa Chamber (1487-1491) - The Italians of Marco Ruffo, Pietro Antonio Solari created the solemn techniques.

In the XVI century in Russia there is an intensive construction of stone churches and fortresses, although in general Russia remains wooden. Gets the greatest distribution tent style in architecture. One of the best samples of this style is church of Ascension in Kolomenskylaid in honor of Ivan the Terrible (1532). Erected by architect barma and post plan Pokrovsky Cathedral (Church of Basil Blessed) It was originally white in Moscow (1555-1560), he received his motley in 17 century. The cathedral was laid in honor of the capture of Kazan.

There is an active construction of fortifications. Kremlin erected in Tula, Kolomna, Serpukhov, Smolensk (Fedor Horse) Nizhny Novgorod (Peter Fryazin).

Culture of the XVII century

For Russian culture XVII in. Characterized by the priority (liberation from church influence) and the growth of Western European influence. It was expressed in the spread of secular knowledge, departure from religious canons in the literature, architecture, painting, strengthening attention to the human person.

Education and science. In 1634, the first letter of Vasily Burtseva is printed, and the second floor. The XVII century has already been published already 300 thousand pieces. In the 40s. FM Rtishchev arranged a school for young nobles. There were some more private schools. With a pharmacarial order, the first scientific library appears. In 1687 was opened in Moscow Slavic Greco-Latin Academyled by the Greeks by the Brothers Lishudami. It was an educational institution for people "every rank and age," where the clergy and officials were preparing.

In the XVII century People knew how to extract cubic and square roots, solve equations, measure area. The needs for making medicines, the development of artillery caused to the fact that the properties of many substances were known. The Russian language was transferred to the structure of the human body Andrei Kezalie. In 1676-1678 Nikolai Spafaria traveled to China, the description of which gave a lot of new information. Along with astrological information, the Heliocentric system of Nikolai Copernicus was known in Russia. In the 70s in Kiev, and then in Moscow, the first printed book on history is coming out - "Synopsis" Kiev monk Innokentia Gizel, who posted in the affordable form of an antiquity from ancient times to the modern author of the era.


The emergence of a number of narrations of spiritual and secular authors about the events of the Troubles: "Tale" Abraham Palitsyn, "Tempener" of Dejak Ivan Timofeyev, "Literacy" Prince I.A.Hvorostinina. The official version of the events of the troubled time is contained in the "New Chronicler" of 1630, written in order to the Patriarch of Filaret. The main purpose of this work is to strengthen the situation new dynasty Romanovs. The largest publicist was Simeon Polotsky (Monk S.E. Petrovsky-Citinianovich, a leaving from Polotsk). The sample of the literary innovation was the "Life of the Avvakum Protopopa, they are written". It is distinguished by the brightness of the images, the wealth of the tongue.

Scene historical story A publicist nature actively pushed out traditional chronicle. Development of autocracy put on the agenda the issue of creating labor on history Russian state. For this, it was necessary to systematically collect historical materials. This is from 1657 to 1659. He was engaged in a note order. Attempt to collect a wide circle historical sources Dkick F. Griboyedov, Typographic "Province" (editor) polycarpov and the author of the "Scythian history" by Andrei Lyzlov.

Changes in public life predetermined the beginning of a new stage in the development of literature. He was characterized, first of all, the emergence of satirical stakes ("On Shemyakina Court", "The Tale of Yershe Ershovich", "Kabaku's service", "ABC about the nude and a poor man", "Tale of Cura and Lisce", etc.) . These works were created in the landing environment. They contained a protest against the dominant orders. Razmey was subjected to both the secular gentlemen and the clergy. For literature XVII in., especially democratic, attention was characterized by the human person. This is connected with the appearance of a new hero - fictional character. If earlier in the literature heroes were historical facesbelonging to the tops of society, they also portrayed merchants, and ordinary citizens.

Architecture. The tastes of the Posh population were brightly manifested in architecture and painting. Sampling in the architecture manifested itself, first of all, in the desire for external painting, elegacity, decor. Customers are increasingly becoming merchants and Posad communities. It was in the landing churches that the secular beginning, tastes and mood of democratic segments of the population appeared. These temples include the Moscow Churches of the Trinity in Nihniki, the Nativity of the Virgin in Putinkam, the Yaroslavl Church of the Prophet.

The clergy persistently opposed the prudency of cult architecture, the penetration of secular began. Patriarch Nikon in the 50s. Forbidden to build tent temples, putting forward a traditional five-chapter in return. On his initiative, the ensembles of Novo-Jerusalem (near Moscow), Iversky (on Valdai) and the godfather (in the White Sea) were built.

Further development of architecture led to the emergence at the end of the XVII century. "Naryshkinsky style"or "Moscow Baroque"The influence of Western European architecture has played a notifier in its formation. The characteristic features of this style were: clarity, symmetry of the composition, the aspiration of the wind, multi-tie, decorative decoration of buildings. The wonderful monument of this style is the Moscow Church of the Intercession in the films, built by Uncle Peter I L.K. Naryshkin, buildings of the Novodevichy Monastery.

Basic building material There was still a tree. Vertine wood architecture XVII century Is the luxurious disassembled later the royal palace in Kolomensky. The volume of construction from bricks is gradually increasing, multicolor tiles, blonde parts, which attached to buildings a festive look is widely used.

The process of recruitment affected painting. The main thing was the development of realistic trends, the desire to convey the charm of earthly existence. As part of church painting, a household genre developed, Persuna (Person). At the head of the new direction stood Simon Ushakov. In the icon "Savior" he portrayed a living, spiritual man's face.

The new direction was affected by the murals of the temples. Examples of this are the wallsopy of the Church of the Trinity in Nicnics and Yaroslavl temples. At the end of the XVII century. Paints from Parsuna move to writing portraits with paints on canvas (Portraits of Prince B.I. Repnina, G.P. Godunova, L.K. Naryshkin).

Tasks for self-execution

1. Prepare messages or presentations on topics:

- "The heretical movements" Strigolniki "and" Jigid ";

- "Church in the merger of Russia. Transferring Metropolis to Moscow. Florentine Union ";

- "Metropolitan Alexy and Sergius Radonezh".

2. Registration contour card "Accession of Kazan and Astrakhan Khunni", "Entry of Western Siberia to Russia."

3. Perform tasks in the working notebook on this section.

form of control independent work:

Protection of messages and reports;

Oral survey;

Protection of presentations;

Checking the working notebook.

Questions for self-control

Answer the test questions:

1. The final overthrow of the Iga Golden Horde in Russia occurred in:

2. Among the main prerequisites for the combination of Russian lands around Moscow in the XV century. There was no following:

A) the transfer of Metropolitan residence to Moscow;

B) profitable geographical position;

C) the speeches of Moscow as an organizer of the struggle against German knights;

D) the rapid economic development of the Moscow Principality.

3. State device Russia in the XVI century.

A) autocratic monarchy;

B) the estate monarchy;

C) constitutional monarchy;

D) feudal monarchy.

4. First Moscow Prince:

A) Yuri Dolgoruky;

B) Daniel Alexandrovich;

C) Ivan Kalita;

D) Alexander Nevsky.

5. The historical event is dedicated literary work "Zadonshchyna":

A) the battle on the river Kalka;

B) standing in the thorough;

C) Kulikovskaya battle;

D) Taking Kozelsk Mongols.

6. Creativity of the Great Russian artist Andrei Rublev accounted for:

A) con. XIV - beginning XV centuries;

B) con. Xii - start. XIVVB.;

C) the middle - the second half of the XV century;

D) End of XV - the beginning of the XVI centuries.

7. National crisis in Russia at the beginning of the XVII century, manifested in politics, economics and social relations, known in history called ....

A) the rebound century;

B) Officer terror;

C) the dynastic crisis;

D) troubled time.

8. The Code of Laws, who established Yuriev's Day, entered the history entitled:

A) the judiciary;

B) "Russian truth";

IN) Cathedral crown;

D) Decree on "Urbal Falls".

9. Which of the named is characteristic of the economic development of Russia in the 17th century?

A) the beginning of the industrial coup;

B) agrarian overpopulation;

C) the formation of capitalist enterprise in industry;

D) the appearance of the first manufactory.

10. The first primer of Ivan Fedorova is connected with the century:

11. What provisions below refers to church reform of Patriarch Nikon?

A) the establishment of Holy Synod;

B) separation of the church from the state;

C) the replacement of two-perceive congestion of the three-purpose;

D) Opening of the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy.

12. What about the events refers to the 17th century?

A) the struggle of Josephlands and nonstavers;

B) church split;

C) the creation of Holy Synod;

D) the establishment of the patriarchate in Russia.

13. What of the terms listed below belong to the architectural style of churches and temples in 16v.?

A) Cross-dome;

B) gothic;

C) tent;

D) Romanesque.

Make tasks:

1. Place the rules in the chronological sequence:

A) Dmitry Don;

B) Ivan Kalita;

C) Simeon red;

D) Ivan red.

2. Set the event sequence:

A) Kulikovsky battle;

B) raid Khan Tohtomysh;

C) "Great Standing" on the River Ugra;

D) Battle on the Lobby River.

1 .______ 2.______ 3. ______ 4.______

3. Set the match between events and dates:

1) Okrichnina; A) 1547;
2) Livonian War; B) 1556;
3) Wedding to the kingdom of Ivan IV; C) 1549;
4) the accession of the Astrakhan Kingdom; D) 1565-1572;
5) convening the first Zemsky Cathedral; E) 1552;
6) Accession of Kazan Khanate. E) 1558-1583
BUT) B) IN) D)

6. Place the names of the following religious figures In the chronological order of their life and activity:

A) Metropolitan Illarion;

B) Patriarch Nikon;

C) Patriarch Filaret;

D) Joseph Volotsky.

1 .______ 2.______ 3. ______ 4.______

Sold down the crossword on the topic " Time of Troubles»:

Horizontally: 1. Armed intervention of one or several states in the internal affairs of another state. 2. Place of signing a truce with Poland in 1618. 3. Services. 4. Head of the Russian Orthodox Church since 1589. 5. Nobleman, one of the organizers of the first militia. 6. The name of the first king from the Romanov dynasty. 7. Large landowner in Poland and Lithuania.

Vertically: 8. The period of the Boyarsky Board in Russia XVII century. 9. Small feudal in Poland and Lithuania. 10. The leader of the uprising of peasants and holsters in 1603

Fig. 11 "Crossword on the topic" Troubles ".

3. Control and evaluation of results
Mastering discipline

Current control

List of opening points:

No. TRK Name of the TRK in accordance with KTP The form of knowledge control Topics of partitions TRK
TRK №1 Paperwork Section 1 "Ancient Stage of Humanity History", section 2 "Civilizations of the Ancient World".
TRK №2. Paperwork Sections 3.4 "Civilizations of the West and East in the Middle Ages"; "The history of Russia from ancient times until the end of the XVII century."
TRK number 3. Paperwork Sections 4.5 "History of Russia from ancient times until the end of the XVII century"; "The origins of industrial civilization: countries Western Europe In the XVI-XVIII century. ".
TRK number 4. Paperwork Section 6 "Russia in the XVIII century". Section 7 "Formation of Industrial Civilization".
TRK number 5. Testing Section 9 "Russia in the XIH century".
TRK number 6. Paperwork Section 10 "from New story To the newest. "
TRK number 7. Paperwork USSR in the 20-40s section 11 "between world wars". Section 12 "Second World War".
TRK number 8. Paperwork Section 13 "Peace in the second half of the XX century". Section 14 "USSR in 1945-1991."
TRK number 9. testing Section 15 "Russia and the world at the turn of the XX - XXI centuries."

3.2 Total discipline control

According to the results of studying the discipline, an exam is carried out in the form of computer testing, the points of refrigeration control are also taken into account.

Theme lesson: « Culture of Russia late XIII-XVII centuries

The purpose of the lesson: Show features of ancient Russian culture



Introduce students with the best works of Russian culture and the life of the people in

XIII-XVII centuries.

Ensure the assimilation of concepts (culture, material culture, spiritual culture, chronicle, epics, mosaic, fresco, icon)


Development of bright emotional monologic speech;

Enrichment of the active dictionary terms of this era.


Reliable respect for history, culture, show its meaning for modern art.

Relieve a feeling of wonderful.

Equipment: notebook, textbook

Type of lesson: combined

During the classes:

Org. moment

Greeting, checking attendance and readiness for the lesson.


The culture of the people is part of its history. The concept of culture includes everything that created by the mind, talent, the hands of the people, which expresses his spiritual appearance, look at the world.

Statement of new material

Russian culture 14-15 centuries.

Cause of decline - the invasion of Mongol-Tatars.


Death of people;

Falling crafts, disappearance of manufacturing skills;

For half a century, stone construction stopped;

Destroyed city cathedrals;

Burned literary monuments

Oral folk art:

New legends: "The Tale of the Invisible Grade Kitege" (calling for the fight against the invaders);

The genre of poetic historical songs is consisted, "Song about Chicken Duneentevich" (talks about the uprising in Tver in 1327).

4. Schooling.

Paper, as well as parchment and berst;

Instead of "Charter" (a square letter, very accurate), "half student" appears (more free and runaway), from 15 V. There is a speeding;

Chronicles Centers: Moscow since 1325

In 1408, a communional chronicle architecture (Trinity Chronicle, who died in the Moscow Fire in 1812) was drawn up. The arch is a complex text in which they were connected to a single whole chronicle records made in different political centers of Russia. The appearance of the arches suggests that the Russian lands have become a certain extent to live common life Even before their association in a single state.

In 1479, the Moscow chronic arch (the idea of \u200b\u200bthese two arches was created: the community unity, historical role Moscow in the State Association of All Russian Lands);

The appearance of chronographs (works on the World History): In 1442, the first chronograph was a fragmentation logo.

Historical stories, heroic epos.

In W floor. 13 V. The oldest editorial office of Mikhail Chernigovsky live was created in Rostov (Chernigov Prince, killed in Horde for refusing to wet the sculptors of the pagan gods);

Historical Tale: "On the battle on Kalka",

"The story of Ryazan Batym" - about Evpathi Kolovrat,

"Life of Alexander Nevsky" (created in the Vladimir christmas monastery);

the feat of Dmitry Donskoy is dedicated to the story: "The Tale of Mamaev Boy", Sophonia Ryazan has created the Pooremskin poem about the victory of the Russian squad in the Kulikovsky battle.

Composed of the life level of church figures of Russia;

- "Walking for the three seas" of Tver merchant Afanasia Nikitin - the first in European literature Description of India (Nikitina's journey was 30 years before the way to open the way to India Vasco da Ghama).

Urban culture: Highly influence Christianity with pagan worries. Heretics appeared. This testifies to enough wide Circle The readings of heretics, which included not only the texts of the Scriptures, but also the decisions of church cathedrals. Strigolniki: In 1375, the founder of Yershi Dyakon Karp was executed with two comrades by the sentence of Novgorod Wehte.


Renewal of stone construction in Novgorod and Pskov (Church of Fyodor Stratilat on the stream of the 14th century, the church of the Savior in Ilyin Street 14 centuries in Novgorod; Vasily's Church on a slide in Pskov 15 V.

Features: abundance of decorations on the walls, general elegacity, festivity.

Construction of the Moscow Kremlin and His Councils: Belondenne at Dmitry Donskoy, red with Ivan III.

The first white-eyed buildings in Moscow are 14-15 centuries: Assumption Cathedral, Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery Cathedral in Zvenigorod, Troitsky Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, the Cathedral of Andronikov Monastery in Moscow continued the traditions of Vladimir-Suzdal Balgonamental Architecture.


At the 14th century In Novgorod and Moscow worked a wonderful artist Feofan Greek (Byzantium): His frescoes in the church of Savior in Ilyin, made in 1378 in Novgorod, reached our days; When working, unlike others, the artist did not look at samples and, without stopping the work, talked with coming.

Andrei Rublev - 14-15 centuries., "Trinity" is kept in Tretyakov Gallery, the frescoes of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir (worked here with Daniel Black)

Russian culture of the 16th century.

1.general characteristics:

Religion was determined, 1551, the stallal cathedral, which proclaimed samples of creativity. The Rublev icon is recognized as an exemplary, the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin was taken for the sample, in the literature - writings of Metropolitan Makaria and his mug.

In the 16th century The formation of Great Russian Nature is completed;

In the 16th century Elements of secular culture appear.

2. Public and political thought:

Created an essay of "Tale of the Great Princes of Vladimir";

Thesis "Moscow - Third Rome" appears (Peresvetov, 16th century. On the need for autocratic power)

3. Logging:

- "The chronicler of the beginning of the kingdom" (the first years of the reign of Ivan the Terrible)

- "The Book of Starts of Tsarskoy Rhodes" - portraits and descriptions of the boards of the Great Russian Princes and Metropolitans in it are located on 17 degrees from Vladimir 1 to Ivan the Terrible;

16th century Nikonovsky chronicle written in Moscow, its other name is the facial arch (contains 16 thousand miniature color illustrations);

Historical stories: "Kazan Take", "On the commemoration of Stephen Batory at Hrad Pskov", etc.

New chronographs

4. Beginning of typography:

1564 Ivan Fedorov The first Russian book "Apostle" (student of Christ), but there are seven books without accurate date Editions - anonymous, published before 1564

In 1574, Ivan Fedorov with Peter Mstislavts in Lviv released the first Russian letter - "ABC",

For the 16th century 20 books were printed.

5. Architecture:

Tent temples; No pillars. The church of Ascension in the village of Kolomensky (in honor of the birth of Ivan the Terrible), the Pokrovsky Cathedral in Moscow (in honor of the capture of Kazan).

Construction of five-chapted monastic temples according to the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow. Uspensky in the Trinity-Sergiev Monastery, Smolensky Cathedral of the Novodevichy Monastery, Cathedrals in Tula, Vologda, Suzdal, Dmitrov, and other cities.

The construction of small stone and wooden landlands (dedicated to one holy and were in any Sloboda, where artisans of one specialty lived);

Construction of stone Kremlin.

a) the east to the Moscow Kremlin part of the Posad was observed brick wall, named by the Kittle ("Whale" - a bunch of jersey used in the construction of fortresses, others - something from the Italian word "city", or from the Turkic "Fortress"), this wall protected bargaining on Red Square and nearby settlements;

b) Fedor Horse builds the white walls of a 9-kilometer white city (modern boulevard ring);

c) In Moscow, an earthen shaft was built a 15-kilometer wooden fortress on the shaft (modern garden ring);

d) Stone Fortresses Storesby in Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Astrakhan, Tula, Kolomna, Smolensk, Novgorod, Pskov, Izbors, Pechorah.

6. Painting: Dionysius - Fresco Painting of the Christmas Cathedral of the Ferapontov Monastery under Vologda, Icon with the image of scenes from the life of Moscow Metropolitan Alexey, etc. (features: brightness, festivity, refinement).

Russian culture 17 century.

General characteristics:

Folding of the All-Russian market;

The appearance of secular elements (the process of "community").

The influence of the West (the church resists, hence individual Slobods for foreigners).

2. Education:

State Schools, School for the preparation of employees for central institutions, for a printed courtyard, pharmaceutical order, etc.

Mass release of printed benefits for literacy and arithmetic; ("Grammar" of the Burtsev, "Grammar" of the Forersky and multiplication table).

In 1687, the first higher education institution was founded in Moscow-Greco-Latin Academy "(headed by the Lichuda Brothers, Greeks Schools), where priests and officials were preparing;

The process of accumulation of knowledge;

Russian landowners:

a) 1648. Dezhnev opened the strait between Asia and North. America;

b) 1649 Khabarov made a map and studied the land on Amur, where Russian settlements were founded;

c) end 17 V. Cossack atlases examined Kamchatka and Kuril Islands.

3. Literature:

- "New Chronicler" made events from the death of Ivan Grozny before the end of the troubled time and argued the rights of Romanovs for the throne;

Historical stories: "Temperatureman of Deca Ivan Timofeeva", "Tale of Abrahamia Palitsyn", "Other legend" and others (about the troubled time).

Satirical story: "Cabacket service" "Tale of Cura and Fox", etc.

Love lyrics;

- "Synopsis" (review) Author of the Kiev monk Innocent Gizel about joint history Ukraine and Russia;

4. Theater:

Under the court in Moscow in 1672, the actors are Germans and only men, the plays on the biblical and the legendary-eastist. plots;

Stray theater of screamers and parsley.

5. Architecture:

Features: big painting;

asymmetric while maintaining integrity and unity;

multi-line and decorative;


tiens and decorations made of carved stone and bricks (stone patronage,

warning pattern).

The Terem Palace of Alexey Mikhailovich in the Kremlin, the House of Moscow, Pskov, Kostroma Boyar 17th century; Temples of Yaroslavl, Novoerusalem monastery, ensembles in Corovniki and Toll, Church of Nikola in Khamovniki (at the metro station "Park of Culture"), Church of the Nativity of the Virgin in Putkach (not far from Pushkin Square), etc.

The walls no longer worked the nature of the fortifications, they were made decorative and adorned in every possible way;

Style Naryshkinsky (by the name of the main customers) or Moscow Baroque: a) white and red colors;

b) the flood of buildings is clear;

c) in the cornices decorative shells;

Wooden architecture flourishing: Alexei Mikhailovich Palace in the village of Kolomna, built by Petrov and Mikhailov;

6. Painting:

Simon Ushakov - Parsuna (Persons), Portrait Painting;

Wrote on the boards with egg paints, at the end of the 17th century. There were first parsons written by oil on canvas.

Homework: Tutorial history § 30.

Only gradually, Russian culture was recovered from the consequences of the Mongolian invasion, which caused her terrible damage. Interest in the structure of the Earth and the Universe led to the emergence of special essays. Increases interest in medicine. In the chronicles, many diseases and epidemics were described, information about medicinal plants began to be systematized, "hospitals" appear. In 1581, the first pharmacy opened in Moscow. Trade and monetary development caused the need to improve knowledge in arithmetic. Ros interest and to the device of the world.

The main monument of socio-political and historical thought as however, the literature was the chronicle. The elevation reflects those processes of social and political life who went to Russia. In connection with the creation of a new Greater Assumption Cathedral, the Moscow chronicle of 1480 arose - one of the most significant works of Russian chronicles. In the 16th century, the official nature of the Moscow chronicles intensified, various official documents are widely used in it. It should be noted that in the field of historical knowledge already in the 16th century there were changes, which indicate that not about the conversion of the chronicle genre, then the cessation of its dominance. So on the new form of the presentation was drawn up in the third quarter of the 16th century "The Book of Starts of Tsarskoye Rhodes". Here the presentation was conducted not by the years and in the "degrees" or "edges", that is, the historical material is grouped in directions of princes and metropolitans. With the formation of a single state, the desire to comprehend the history of Russia in connection with world history. That is why chronographs were further distributed. The most famous chronograph of the editorial board 1512 describing the events of the Byzantine, South Slavic and Russian history. The basis of the literature of ancient Russia was historical knowledge, historical facts, and these works themselves - most often the stories that were part of the chronicle. In the second half of the 13th and 15th centuries, the central theme of literature was the struggle of the Russian people against the conquerors. One of the significant works was the "Tale of Ryazan Ryazan", which is in the collection of 16th century. A whole cycle of works occurs under the influence of the Kulikov battle. Literature of the stroke of ages is connected with the socio-political thought. In the messages of Sylvestra, thoughts about the high responsibility of the king before God were expressed, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to limit the monastery land tenure, about the "wise devotee of the king".

Architecture. The first city of Northeast Russia, where stone construction began after the invasion again, Tver began. Here in 1285-1290, the main temple - Savior Transfiguration was built. The largest center for the development of architecture in the 14th and 15th centuries was Veliky Novgorod. Here, in 1292, one of the most interesting monuments of Novgorod architecture was built - Nikola's Church on Lipne. The feature of the architecture is masonry, the use of boulders and partially bricks. It created an uneven wavy surface and increased the impression of coarse strength and power. Now, small structures have come to change the monumental buildings of 11-12th century. In the first half of the 14th century. A new style of Novgorod architecture has developed, which bloomed in the second half of the century. One of the classic monuments is the Church of Fedor Stratilate on the trading side. On the example of this church, the desire for an elegant, decorative decoration of the construction, which distinguishes these structures from the more severe and strict construction of the previous time. Soon, Novgorodians begin to avoid decorative, return to the old strict forms. In the second quarter of 14 in Moscow, stone construction began. In 1367, the Kremlin was erected in Moscow. The largest building of the century was the Assumption Cathedral in Kolomna. Ancient cathedrals were erected in Vladimir, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Rostov. The architecture prevailed the traditions of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus. This is the Cross-dome single-eyed churches with three apsides. The decoration is modest, but the appearance. New motifs - arches in the portals. From the images of a single state-va - rise in the second half of 15V. Increased the scope of building-wa, old buildings were eternal. On the change of traditional white constructing comes brickwork. The powerful push of the formists of the new style gave the restructuring of the Moscow Kremlin, the Assumption Cathedral. Now everything becomes elegant look: frescoes, patterns. In 1516, the construction of new walls of the Kremlin was completed, there was an internal layout. Ros and the city itself was formed. Military facilities, loopholes, sentigious tower plants began to strengthen, build powerful fortifications. Further development of architecture in the first half of 16 in gradual consecuration local features in architecture. Purely secular elements penetrated the cult facilities. The desire for some decorativeness. Monumental buildings were erected or under the influence of the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin (Dmitrov Cathedral) or in the spirit of early 14V (Pokrovsky Monastery in Suzdal). In 16V. In Russian architecture began to develop a tent style. These were stone tantrop churches without internal. Pillars and single inside. Space - the Pokrovsky Cathedral on Red Square in Moscow ("Cathedral of Vasily Blessed"). The cathedral unites nine small churches symbolizing the union of Russian land under the rule of Moscow.

Painting. In Novgorod in 14V. As in the architecture in painting a new style has developed. In the frescoes, a narrow elongated image of people, multi-layered compositions came to a change of heavy squat figures, a color gamut was enriched. The largest artist of the end of 14V. There was Feofan Greek who came from Byzantium. He worked in Novgorod and in Moscow. Novgorod iconography was gradually freed from being followed by the samples of fresco painting and at the end of 14V. Forest in an independent direction of art. Novgorod icons are devoted to popular in the people of Holy. The saints were depicted in a row, the living icons were performed in the form of a large image of the saint in the center, surrounded from all sides by separate episodes from the saint's life. As part of the archaic traditions, the Moscow painting of the first half of 14V developed. Moscow began to attract the best masters of picturesque art. In addition to the "Faofanovsky" directions in Moscow painting, there are also a number of works with the Byzantine and Youth Slavic artistic traditions. The top of the Russian painting of this time was the work of Andrei Rublev. (Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity Sergius Monastery, Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir, in Zenigod). His painting distinguishes softness and deep humanity. His most famous work is a "Trinity" icon for the Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergian Monastery. From the end of 15V. Moscow school occupied in painting. The largest artist was Dionysius (the painting of the Ferapontov Monastery), for Dionysia, the wealth and festivity of decorative decoration are peculiar. Next, the state is beginning to provide increasing weight and impact on the development of painting. Artists had to work under the control of church and secular authorities. Painting has become more closely related to biblical plots. Monument of the first half of 16V. - The frescoes of the Moscow Annunciation Cathedral, held under the leadership of Feodosia, Son Dionysius. Here on the walls and pillars, the Byzantine emperors and Russian princes are depicted. Especially strongly, the state trends began to manifest itself in the Board of Ivan Grozny. By the end of 16b. A peculiar artistic direction that focused the main focus on scenic technique was developed. This direction is named after the famous industrialists and merchants "Stroganovskaya School". Large school masters: Prokokii Chitin, Nikifor, Eastom, Nazarius. A row with the Stroganov school received the distribution of Godunovskaya school, striving to return to monumental forms characteristic for the end of 15V.