National costumes of different countries. National traditions of Canada, habits and features of local residents

National costumes of different countries. National traditions of Canada, habits and features of local residents
National costumes of different countries. National traditions of Canada, habits and features of local residents

Features of Canada

  • The population of Canada is one of the most ethnically diverse in the world, which significantly distinguishes it from other states. This is due to the great influx of the immigrant. Almost every 6th resident is an outcomes from another country. Canada conducts global policies to attract immigrants. The selection of candidates is mainly conducted on professional qualities.
  • After French and English chinese It is the third prevalence in Canada. The greatest number of immigrants from China lives in Vancouver.
  • Canada is famous for inexpensive and high-quality education.
  • Canada symbols are maple syrup, Canadian Case, Polar Gagar and Canadian Beaver. The state symbol is the maple leaf, the image of which can be seen on the national flag, coat of arms and the center coin.
  • Canada - Country with the greatest number Lakes, which in its territory there are over 4 million.
  • The system of the Great Lakes is the world's largest source of non-freezing fresh water.
  • Located on the east coast, Fandy Bay is famous for the highest tides in the world.
  • In Winnipeg, at the intersection of the streets of Main and Portage, the most windy place of the world is located.
  • Toronto - Financial Center and the capital of English Culture Canada. Montreal - Center of French Culture.
  • Stampede in Calgary - the biggest international Festival World.
  • Canada is homeland hockey.
  • Country 3 times received the Olympic Games: in Montreal (1976), in Calgary (1988) and Vancouver (2010).

Traditions and culture of Canada

  • The general culture of Canada was formed under the influence of the cultural traditions of the North American indigenous peoples, the French and the British.
  • French influence in the province of Quebec is manifested literally in everything: in architecture, kitchen, music, language and religion.
  • French in Canada is slightly different from European French.
  • The impact of the indigenous population can be traced in modern Canadian music, some games, canoeing, boats and shuttles. In many museums of the country, excellent samples of Inito art are demonstrated.
  • Holidays in the country are divided into 2 categories: political and religious. Political is the day of Canada, Labor Day, Queen Victoria Day and Thanksgiving Day. To religious - Easter and Christmas.
  • Most of the population of the state confesses Catholicism. In addition, Protestants, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, Hinduses and indigenous peoples with their old beliefs live here. It is special that for representatives of all denominations is not a duty to visit the Church.
  • Canada has not taken spontaneous hiking.

Culture Canada is unique and originally. She attracts many guests from different corners World. After all, this is a combination of various cultures, the traditions of many nations immigrated in different years.

Multiculturalness of Canada

Culture Canada is really diverse. She is so many-sided that some researchers sometimes come into a dead end when they try to give it an unequivocal definition. The reasons are lying in the history of the country. After all, the current population of Canada was formed from the immigrants, which the centuries arrived here from different parts of the world. With them they brought cultural featuresinherent in their people.

In Canada, they intertwined among themselves, forming a kind of multicultural society, constantly affect each other. Therefore, if you want to allocate some single, general line of this country, then it will be syntheticism.

Etiquette Canadians

Acquaintance with Culture Canada is best started with etiquette. After all, it is precisely the established rules of human behavior formed its relationships in society, regulate life and a systematic course of life. To communicate in Canada, a few things are characterized by knowing if you decide to visit this country or seriously you are interested in its features and traditions.

When meeting with friends in Culture, Canada adopted the same greeting as in Russia. This is a handshake. Came your hand you need strongly and confident. At the same time, visual contact with the interlocutor is welcomed.

If you were invited to visit

If you came to visit, then the shoes are customary to leave at the entrance to the house. Canadians, like us, necessarily destroy indoors. If you received an invitation to dinner, then it is not customary to come with empty hands. It is best to take a bouquet of flowers, chocolate candies and a good bottle of wine. In this case, you will be made about the impression of both a cultural and educated person.

One of the features of Canada's culture is associated with personal space when communicating. It is not accepted to violate. In this country are not welcome tactile contacts With a conversation - the Panibrate pattering on the shoulder can be perceived as inappropriate familiarity or even unceremonious behavior.

During communication, the titles should be used or full name man. Only named communicate is taken in a family circle and close friends. For example, if you were invited to visit dinner, it means that you are taken into close, that is, you can contact the owners of the house by name.

Canadian holidays

Studying the culture of Canada briefly, it is necessary to pay attention to national holidays and festivals. Here they are held a big set. Annual festivals for every taste are arranged for various segments of the population. Many theatrical, musical events attracting great amount Guests. Great place in the life of Canadians occupy sporting events, visiting matches of favorite teams.

Extremely popular comedy festival in Canada. The culture of the country welcomes irony attitude to life, so the laughter's festival gathers thousands of guests in Montreal. According to the last estimates, it goes to two million people, not only from Canada, but also from other countries. In addition, Montreal is rightly called the capital of Canadian entertainment. These are mainly in the summer months, when the weather has a long stay on the street. Large festivals For every taste here organize almost every week.

Winter festivals

But you should not assume that in the winter months, life in this country freezes. In the national culture of Canada, there are enough holidays and at a time when the street is minus temperatures. For example, in Vancouver on the eve of Christmas, the festival of lights passes. Each December this city is decorated with thousands of lights and garlands, creating all the feeling of the upcoming holiday, magic and romance.

In Ottawa, Winterloudia festival is held in winter. His name is educated from english words "Winter" and "Interlude". This holiday is filled with various amazing events. For example, races on dog sledding, which are held on the main urban street. It is worth noting that in Canada, this type of entertainment has become a real sport. For races, dried ridges are used. These dogs are very smart and perfectly adapt to the cold. Also on this festival every year masters for creating snow and ice sculptures come. There is a prestigious international competition between them.

Cowboys and balloons

In Canada, culture and various peoples. Therefore, a variety of festivals are held here. Some of them have a century-old story. For example, since 1912 a cowboy festival is held in Calgary. On it shepherds compete in racing on wild mustra, home horses and even bulls. Moreover, competitions are carried out both with a saddle and without this attribute of horse harness. The audiences are assessed how professionally they throw Lasso, fed cows and chase on wagons.

Canada - the birthplace of one of the largest in balloons. This is one of the brightest holidays that is held in this country. In September, it is arranged in Quebec. It should be remembered that the holidays listed in this article - just not most of That magnificence that is organized annually in this country. Arguing about the Canadian holidays, it is necessary to remember the festivals of grapes, tulips, maple syrup, which is considered one of the characters of the country, and even watermelons, which are grown here, despite the fact that Canada is considered predominantly northern country. Also here are many music festivals. The ability to listen to your favorite music receive fans of all kinds of musical directions.

Symbols of Canada

The language and culture of Canada play a big role in the formation of national self-consciousness. There are many characters in the country that can say a lot about its values. The three most famous of them are Maple, Beaver and Horse. They all illustrate how much the nature of the inhabitants of this country is played by nature. She is truly magnificent in these parts. Each of these characters has its own history. Eachmost is an important social idea.

Maple is a world famous symbol of this country. Everyone knows that Canadians adore there are pancakes or pancakes with maple syrup. His preparation is similar to the manufacture of honey in Russia. It is in this country that three-quarters of the entire maple syrup in the world are produced. The maple leaf is shown even on it has 11 pointed teeth, although in reality this form of a sheet in nature does not exist. It is 11 teeth depicted, as so many types of maple grow on the territory of Canada.

Another symbol of this nuclear country is a horse. She fell into Canada, together with the first migrants and actively mastered the country, which was mostly uninhabited in those days. Thanks to the Europeans, the horse began to play an important role in the life of the Indigenous Indian tribes that began to use it in agriculture, transportation of goods. The horse was very organically fit into this diverse world.

Beaver in Canada is a key symbol of careful attitude towards the surrounding nature. The fact is that this animal is found exclusively in water bodies with clean water. Canadians carefully guard Bobrov, taking care of the preservation of nature in primeval form.

Canadian cuisine

Canadian cuisine is diverse. It is based on fisheries and agricultural sectors who are cultivated in this territory for years. This is fishing, reindeer herding and hunting fishery.

Of them and formed taste addies canadians and features national Kitchen. It can be called subarctic or polar. Big influence on culinary traditions provided the British. The exception is only the province of Quebec, which was settled mainly by French migrants, so there are prepared dishes from this European country.

Modern residents of Canada are descendants of European and Asian emigrants, among whom representatives of rare indigenous North American peoples live. Indians today make up only 2% of the country's total population. The development of Canada began in the 16th century, when the first settlement of French colonists appeared on the territory of modern Quebec. Later, the influence of France was replaced by the dominance of the British Empire, which is why two full-fledged countries have been established in the country official language - French and English. French Canadians live mainly in the Quebec province, the English population occupies the rest of the territory. Historically, there was a difficult relationship between them.

Canadians in most of the most friendly and optimistic people. In the country very high level Life, free medicine and good benefits, and therefore the concepts of "poverty" practically does not exist. In Canada, a person with any origin will not feel any discrimination on the national basis. The most important concepts for Canadians are "equality" and "freedom". Locals are very peaceful, they always seek to avoid open conflicts, even independence was obtained during peaceful, albeit long, negotiations with the British Empire. Representatives of dozens of different nationalities are friendly in the country.

Respect and equal attitude towards all in the country is for the Canadians the norm. In the country, it is not customary to evaluate other people in clothes, a car or work. Outcomes has no role, the person and his successes are determining the factors. Canadians first call or write name, and only then the last name, demonstrating in such a way that the person himself is more important than its origin. But to people who violate the law, in the country are very rigid. Such people lose all prestige in the eyes of society. One more feature Canadians - politeness. They are incredibly polite, the habit of asking for forgiveness from them in the blood. "Sorry" is one of the most sought-after words local residents. They greet and are interested in the affairs of everyone who meets - the bus driver or tourist, asked the road. Copyright www.Syt.

In the country, it is customary to help each other and be always on a positive. IN holidays You can easily find a person who comes free of charge to the house of the drank person. Canadians give gifts to unfamiliar children, can give their things to a homeless person, because he needs more in them. Canadians always smile, a smile is part of their culture and a way to communicate, visitors are always quickly infected with this habit and begin to smile with the locals, rejoicing life in the most banal manifestations. About the old men and people with disabilities in the country take care of special attention. The infrastructure for people with disabilities in the country is incredibly developed, they can freely pass absolutely in any institutions and lead a full-fledged lifestyle.

The main sport in Canada is hockey with a washer, both men and women play in it, and children. Hockey is an important part of Canadian culture and real passion locals. Successful hockey players are the present property of the country. In Canada, it is not customary to arrange traditional feasts, especially among young people. Exceptions make up traditional holidays - Christmas, Thanksgiving Day. Usually birthday celebration is a party with light snacks, pizza and chips. Guests usually bring wine or packing of beer, sometimes their snacks. If the birthday is celebrated in the restaurant, the birthday name is enough to pay drinks or some snack.

Canadians care about their health and are engaged in sports everywhere. On the jog can be seen both students and people in old age. Therefore, it is not surprising that most Canadians are in excellent physical form. Canadians drink very little, almost always light local beer, and practically do not smoke. There is a very low crime rate in the country and a high level of confidence in each other. If murder occurs, the event becomes the status of a real tragedy, people carry flowers and candles to the scene or the house of the murdered, even if they were not familiar with him. Friendly and desire to support the Middle of Canadians manifests itself absolutely in everything.


Geographical position.

Canada - The state in North America, ranks second in the world in the area. It is washed by the Atlantic, quiet and northern ice oceans, bordered by the United States in the south and in the North-West, with Denmark (Greenland) in Northeast and France (Saint-Pierre and Miquelon) in the East. The border of Canada with the United States is the longest overall boundary in the world. Founded by the French explorer Jacques Cartier in 1534, Canada takes his beginning from the French colony in place modern City Quebec, inhabited by local peoples.

Currently, Canada is a federal state consisting of 10 provinces and 3 territories. Province with the prevailing French-speaking population - Quebec, the rest are predominantly English-speaking provinces called "English Canada".


Coat of arms.

The symbolism of the Canadian coat of arms is. Three lions are taken from the historic coat of arms of England, the lion with a double border - from the coat of arms of Scotland, the harp is a symbol of Ireland, and the Bourbon Lilies of the Royal France. They are symbolically reminded of countries from which the ancestors of most of her arrived in Canada modern population. Red maple leaves in the lower white part of the shield symbolize Canada itself, and a single stem that connects the leaves is the unity of its peoples. The surrounding shields of the spears with the British flags and the Royal France remind the role of these countries in Canadian history. The state system of Canada as a British dominion symbolize the shield holders taken from the British coat of arms - the English Lion and the Scottish Unicorn, and the British royal crown emphasizes that the head of the Canadian state is formally considered to be the Queen of Great Britain. (Although since 1931, all British dominions are practically independent.)

Knight's helmet over the shield is traditional for the heraldry of the former British possessions. Red I. white colors Wreath and something correspond to national colors of Canada. Crowned British Lion with a red maple leaf in the paw is designed to resemble Canada's participation in the First World War on the side of England. Latin motto taken from the 71st Psalm of the Bible "On Solomone" means "from the sea to the sea" and indicates the geographical location of Canada extending on huge spaces from the Atlantic to Pacific Ocean. Geraldic plants depicted under the motto combine English roses of tyudors, French royal lilies, Scottish thistle and Irish shaded and, thus, correspond to the symbolism of the main part of the coat of arms.

Official language.

State languages: English French.

Language distribution: The English-language population is 59%, the French-speaking population of 23%, consider the other languages \u200b\u200bby their own 18%.


Canadians confess a large number of religions. According to the last census, 77.1% of Canadians consider themselves Christians, their most of the Catholics (43.6% of Canadians) are. The most important Protestant church is the United Canada Church (Calvinists).

Capital. Ottawa - Capital of Canada and one of the most interesting cities in Ontario province. It is located at the confluence of two rivers, one of which gave the name of the city. Ottawa is considered to be one of the most beautiful capitals of the world. It has more than 70 parks on its territory and literally slows down in greenery. Cleanliness, well-groomed, spacious streets, wonderful roads, organized, calm, goodwill - it's all typical traits Canadian capital. Being at a distance of less than an hour drive from the American border, the city is the main center of art and cultural life of the country of Canada.

Except that Ottawa is administrative centerIt is also a rather large port, it serves as a node of railway and highways. In Ottawa, there is an airport of the international importance "Aplands", but there are practically no direct flights to Europe - only in London.

In Ottawa, a healthy lifestyle is very popular, many residents are engaged in running and ride a job on bicycles.

Architectural attractions.

Complex of the Canadian Parliamentbuilt in gothic style. Its most remarkable part is the tower of the world, which stands in front of the parliamentary building itself. From the tower you can admire the beautiful views of the city and the surrounding area. An overview gallery is equipped with a 96-meters altitude. The tower of the world was built on the spot earlier burned, in 1916, the 55-meter Tower of Victoria. The tower of the world in Ottawa is a symbol of the end of World War II. The tower is equipped with a clock with 53 bells. The weight of the bells varies from 4.5 kg to 10160 kg. There are several bells that form the so-called Ottawa Carillon. Peculiarly installed bells can reproduce quite complex musical works. 370 carved stone figures adorning the interior and exterior of the building, give him some originality. During the parliamentary session, the lantern always light on the tower.

Notre Dam de Quebec

Notre Dam de Victor

IN Quebec City ("Kebek" on one of the Indian adverbs means "the place where the water is narrowed") - the capital of the province (and sometime and all of Canada), the only city fortress wall of the citadel known in North America has been preserved called "American Gibraltar", and Also, a whole area of \u200b\u200bmedieval building - Latin Quarter (recognized by UNESCO World Heritage Monument) with Catholic Cathedrals, Jesuit Monasteries and Franciscanians, Parliament (XIX century), Artillery Park, etc. Now on narrow streets, usually filled with tourists, there are numerous shops, shops , restaurants and bars. Located on the rock, with its cool and narrow streets, the old Quebec City is famous for both its old buildings, including the Church of Notre Dam de Victor (1688), the Anglican Cathedral of St. Trinity (1793), Cathedral Notre Dam de Quebec (1650), Fronteenk Castle at Cape Diamant.

Chateau Frontenak Fairmont Le Château Frontenac) - the famous five-star hotel in Quebec.

Chateau Frontenak became a symbol of the city and the country as a whole. Located Hotel Chateau Frontenak on the banks of the River St. Lawrence.

The architecture of the Chateau Frontenak is really unusual. The construction of the hotel was started at the end of the XIX century, when the owner of the Canadian Pacific Railways company William Van Horn decided to create an ideal hotel for travelers who enjoy the services of his transport company. The design and construction of the building was entrusted to the New York architect Bruce Price. The one, in turn, was inspired by the aesthetics of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, as a result, the seat-front-line french castle resembles a later-conducted French castle.

The name of the hotel was in honor of Louis de Biada, Graph Frontenak, who ruled the region from 1672 to 1698. Part of the city in which the Chateau Frontenak is located, refers to the old Quebec; The city center from the castle is about 9 km. But in the immediate vicinity there are many attractions of Quebec: Citadel, Museum of Civilizations, Place Royal Square, Ursulinka Museum.

Symbols of the country.

Maple Leaf It is used as a Canadian state symbol from the XVIII century and is depicted on the vintage flags of Canada, on its modern flag, at the appament, as well as on the coat of arms.

Maple syrup - Sweet syrup from the juice of a sugar cure tree, red cool or black cock. Frequently use as an additive to pancakes or waffles. It can also be used in the preparation of many other dishes, from ice cream to corn bread. In addition, maple syrup is used as ingredient for cooking or desserts. Real maple syrup has a light taste of a tree.


For Canada Hockey is a religion, sport, study, art, science, joy of life, life itself. Everything concerns hockey here in the first place.

There is another symbol of Canada - beaver. His story is sad enough. In the XVII-XVIII centuries in Europe, a beaver hats was included in Europe. And in the territory of Canada just a huge number of beavers dwell. The hunt began on them, and, thanks to this pursuit of the beagues, most of the territory of Canada was opened and explored. Here is such a historical incident, because of which Beaver became a symbol of the state.


There are many Indian legends in which moose was the main characters. In the Indians living around the Great American Lakes, there is a legend of Los-husband and his wife, who, like Adam and Eve, became the Rosina Dynasty on Earth. Interesting the legends of the Indians about Los, who ordered the winds to drive water - it appeared from under the water of the hill, so the Earth arose.

Moshi became very revered animals and among whites colonists; Like Indians, highly appreciated these animals. Elk took a worthy place on the coat of arms of provinces, cities, personal coat of arms and coat of arms of various companies. The images of a good-natured huge muzzle with large milled horns appeared on the signs of many boring courtyards, zucchini, on bottled labels and, of course, coins.

Most mentions about this animal - on geographic map. Canada: 622. official names On the map of the country, most of which are located on a wide band passing through North Ontario (166 titles), Central Quebec (109 titles) and New Scotland - 117 titles.

The National costume.

You can highlight, as a national costume, the costume of the Indians who lived in Canada to its colonization.

Initially, there were many different traditional styles of clothing in North America. Almost every tribe of the Indians had his own distinguishing style of dresses, and people could often determine what tribe a man in clothes, head removes, and decorations.

Sunny headdress is the most spectacular part of the national costume not only Indians Prairies and Plateau, but also indian peoples USA and Canada.

National cuisine.

Canadian cuisine as such does not exist - the culinary traditions of Gusto "are involved" on the recipes of all nations of the world, which is not surprising - emigrants from all the continents of the planet brought with them their customs, which were mixed in the Canadian Boiler.

Preference is given to dishes from natural meat products - steaks from fish and meat, steaks, roaststs, laggetam and others, and the influence of Anglo-Saxon recipes is traced. Popular dishes - "Fillet Bashatt" - a peculiar kebab from fillet cut, bacon, champignons and onions, as well as fried on a spit chicken, sturgeon, boiled venison stewed with vegetables or rabbit, kidney pie and others. For snacks most often Pies, cheeses, buuch, smoked herring and seafood are served.

It is interesting.

· Canada - Second the largest country In the world in the area.

· The longest border in the world shares Canada and the United States. This border is also the only one in the world without protection.

· 81% of the population of Canada lives in cities.

· In the Canadian city of Ontario there is the smallest prison in the world - 24,3KV. m.

· Toronto - the most big city Canada with a population of 5 million people. Residents of Toronto have the greatest number of university diplomas than any other major city in the world.

· Almost half of the population of Canada were born in other countries.

· Ice hotel in Quebec, known as Hotel de Glace, uses 500 tons of ice and more than 1000 tons of snow. Every summer he melts and removes to recover in winter.

· In 1883, a baseball glove was invented in Canada.

· Half of Canada covered with forests. This is 1/10 of the entire world forest.

· Average life expectancy of a resident of Canada 81.16 years

· In Canada big number inner lakes and rivers than in any other country in the world

· The lowest temperature in Canada was recorded in 1947 and amounted to -63 degrees Celsius.

Holidays The list of federal holidays in Canada is very modest. And the weekend and is less, since the Holy Monday and the Day of obedience - working days. Almost all the provinces of the country are non-working days from December 25 before January 1.
If the holiday falls on Sunday, it is not working on the next Monday behind him.

January 1 - New Year.
Good Friday - The date of the holiday depends on the church calendar.
Easter Monday - Monday after a passionate Friday.
May 24. - Queen Victoria Day. Queen Victoria's birthday (May 24, 1819) was once the main holiday of the entire British Empire. Now they forgot even in the UK. It is observed only in Canada.
July 1 - Day Canada. The chief public festival established in honor of the unification of all North American Colonies of Britain into a single Dominion of Canada in 1867.
First Monday Augusta. This day is assigned to Canada provincial and urban holidays. Names can be different, but invariably, that all Canada does not work on this day.
First Monday of September - Labor Day.
Second Monday October - Thanksgiving Day. It does not differ from the American, so ideal for economical tourists. You get a real American holiday, but at Canadian prices.
December 25-26 - Christmas.

Holidays for government agencies and banks:
April 5 - Easter Monday
In addition, each province exists their holidays. In 2000, these were:
Newfoundland - Memorial Regatta Day - July 1, August 18
Prince Eduard Island - National Day - August 2
New Scotland - National Day - August 2
New Brunswick - New Brunswick Day - August 2
Quebec - National Day - June 24
Ontario - Civic Holiday - August 2
Manitoba - Civic Holiday - August 2
Saskatchewan - Civic Holiday - August 2
Alberta - Alberta Family Heritage Day - February 15, August 3
British Columbia - British Columbia Day - August 2
Yukon - Discovery Day - August 16
Northern Territories - Civic Holiday - August 2

Cultural life

Ottawa Enchants the abundance of parks stretching for many kilometers and bizarre interlacing of English and French traditions.
At Parliament Hill (on the right bank of the Ottawa River) there is a building, which is a reduced copy of the London Parliament. In the summer, in front of the building you can see a beautiful theatrical spectacle: Guardsmen in red uniforms and high bear caps replace each other, copying the ancient English ritual of Karaul change. Every year on July 1, Canada celebrates Canada Day a grand festival on a parliamentary hill.
Peace Tower height in 97 m allows you to overcome the central quarters of the city.
Notre Dame. Basilica is one of the oldest Catholic Churches in Canada (1841). The West is the statue of the French researcher and Geographer Samuel de Champlane, and the famous midday gun is located to the south of it (Noon Day Gun), which tells the townspeople to be exactly 2 hours in the afternoon (almost as in St. Petersburg - noon).

National Gallery Of Canada. In this super-modern glass construction national Museum The largest meeting of European art is kept in Canada (painting, starting from the XIV century. in the original) and has no analogues collection of works by Canadian artists.
National Museum of Science and Technology presents the history of the development and development of outer space.
In Canadian Museum of Nature you will familiarize yourself with exhibits dedicated to geology, flora and fauna Canada.
CANADIAN MUSEUM OF CIVILIZATION is the most interesting collection of exhibits on the history of the colonization of Canada and the culture of its indigenous population.
In National Aviation Museum, visitors will get acquainted with the history of the development of aeronautics in Canada.
In 60 km north of Ottawa, the famous Gatineau Park is located, stretching on an area of \u200b\u200b35,600 hectares. Before you are opening huge opportunities for swimming, water bike rides, fishing And other water entertainment on 40 lakes.

For most immigrants, the journey through Canada begins, as a rule, in Toronto - the largest and most dynamically developing megalopolis of the country. The feature of the city is a rectangular street grid.
The heart of the city is City Hall - who has no analogues of the complex, erected by the Finnish architect Rache. Two high-altitude administrative buildings (one - 20-, the other - the 27-storey) are concave and covered the plane plate. Above the city is dominated by the highest Tower of the world CN Tower (553 m), from the observation platform of which in good weather is visible by Niagara Falls. At an altitude of 350 m is a rotating restaurant.
At the base of the Tower spread Sky Dome - a huge stadium by 67 thousand people, a lifting roof of which (for 20 minutes) weigh 9 thousand tons. This is the first building of this type in the world - its height is 86 m (31st floor). Sky Dome is designed for sporting events, concerts and trading exhibitions.

Casa Loma - "A Rich Man" S Folly ", as the Canadians called. In 1917, Henry Pellat took a dear on the stock exchange, even at the time - a house-castle, in the Scottish traditions of the XVII century., Having invested 3 in him, 5 million Pellat himself died without a single penny in his pocket, and the castle still meets the guests from all over the world with medieval towers, terraces and secret strokes.
Another interesting architectural constructions - Campbell House Manor - built in 1822 in Georgian style for Sir William Campbell, Judges of the Upper Canada. On the numerous halls of the estate of tourists accompany guides, dressed in the costumes of that era.

Royal Ontario Museum is the largest museum of Canada, containing a huge number of geological and archaeological exhibits, as well as many artistic collections.
ART Gallery of Ontario takes about a quarter in the central part of the city and is one of the largest museums of North America, which presents art for 1000 years of human development. In 50 galleries, 20 thousand works are exhibited in different styles; The museum contains an impressive collection of expressionists and the world's largest meeting of the sculptures of the English master Henry Mura.

Toronto - the third in the world of English-speaking theatrical center After New York and London.
Canadian Opera Company is the largest opera troupe in Canada and the sixth in North America.
National Ballet Of Canada is the famous classic ballet of the country, which is among the top ten troupe of the world.
There are about 400 parks in Toronto, one of which is the oldest city park High Park (120 hectares) - ranks third in North America. The park is inferior only to the Vancouver Park Stanley and New York Central Park.
Toronto Islands, spread out on the 18th islands separated by natural lagunies, formed in 1858 as a result of a strong storm, who fell on the peninsula - a huge fleet and entertainment park, in which ideal conditions for water sports are created. On the territory of 246 hectares there are no cars, and those who do not like hiking can take advantage of the rental bike.

Ontario Place is another entertainment complex, built on three artificial islands on the shore of Ontario Lake.
Toronto Zoo is a zoo, which lives representatives of the animal world of six geographic regions of the world (Area 290 hectares). A full inspection of pavilions and enclosures takes the whole day. It did not regret money on its construction - only 18 million CAD was spent on the recreation of the atmosphere of African Savannah.
In the suburbs of Toronto, Horseshoe Falls is a Canadian part of more than the famous Niagara Falls. Huge weights of water are collapsed down from a height of 50 m. True, the Niagara Falls are not considered the highest, but recognized as the most powerful in the volume of low-passing water.

20 km from Niagara Falls is located a small town of Niagara-on-Lake, where the XIX century buildings are surprisingly perfectly preserved. Especially the town attracts lovers of theatrical ideas of all genres - from the Pieces of Bernard Shaw to the modern experimental theater.
Two hours from Toronto, in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Erie, is located in London, in which one of the largest Canadian universities is located. Tourists, he can attract the fact that the Thames River flows around the city, and in the central part of the city you can stroll along Oxford Street and Hyde Park. In London, 600 hectares of parks, samples of garden-park architecture, and small suburban settlements transfer tourists to the Victorian era.
Thanks to the motley ethnic composition of the populationIn Toronto, you can taste dishes of any kitchen in the world - about 5 thousand restaurants in the city.

Windsor - The city, surrounded by water with water, gained fame due to the casino, fireworks and festivals.

Montreal - The second largest city of Canada.
The attractions of Montreal is impossible to describe - it needs to be seen. Located on the banks of the River of St. Lawrence, a well-restored old part, retained the French color of the XVII-XIX centuries with a variety of restaurants and open cafes.

Mont Royal - the symbol of the city. On the southern slope of the mountain is one of the largest universities in Canada. At the top of the mountain is an extraordinarily beautiful eponymous park, which occupies 200 hectares, and the famous 70-meter Catholic cross.

Basilique de Notre - Dame - Cathedral and a copy of the Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God, built in a new style and accommodating about 7,000 people. To Basilique de Notre - Dame adjoins another unique architectural construction - Saminaire de ST - Sulpice, laid back in 1685. The old Church of Notre - Dame - DE - Bensecous (1772) was originally arrival for sailors.
Musee Des Beaux - Arts - the oldest museum of the country. It is known for the breadth of the range of collected collections: from ancient Egyptian art to the canvases of abstract painting.

PLANETARIUM DOW. - Modern planetarium equipped with last word Technique. There you will see a stunning audiovisual cosmic show and travel to the world of planets under a 20-meter dome.
Old Fort - a defensive structure built in 1822
Ville Soulerraine is a huge multi-kilometer underground city, filled with shops, restaurants, cafes. Life always boils in it, regardless of the weather popsicles and the time of day.

Place des Arts. - Centre artistic life Montreal, the famous complex, including three theaters and concert halls.
Pare de Maisonneuve, located 8 km from the center - a venue of the 1976 Olympic Games Olympic Center, located in the park, is one of the most modern sports facilities in a futuristic style - crowned with a 169-meter tower with a sightseeing platform.
In Botanical Garden, 26 thousand plants were collected from around the world.
In the middle of the River of St. Lawrence are the picturesque Islands of Sainte Helene and Notre Dome, transformed into leisure and entertainment complexes.
Almost virgin nature Park With beautiful landscapes Pars Mont - Tremblant is located in the suburb of Montreal on the square of 2400 km. The park attracts many waterfalls, it has 985 lakes and 7 rivers.

Quebec - The capital of the province of Quebec province of the eponymous.
Terrasse Dufferion - the place of the first settlements and the beautiful observation deck of the old city. From the north of the terrace, the Place D Square D "Armes is decorated with fountains. Located here Hotel Chateau Frontenac reminds a huge castle. Here Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill have repeatedly met. Another north is Mustt Du Fort - the historical diorama from six paintings from Quebec siege history with a total area 40 square kilometers.

On the opposite side of the terrace, Promenade des Gouverneurs is located with a magnificent view of the fortress walls with perfectly preserved bastions, shafts and Rips. In 1820-1850 There was an impregnable Citadelle fort built by the British. Inside the fort 25 facilities, including the powder tower in which the military museum is located.
In the old part of the Nizhny city as attractions, notre - Dame - Des - Victoires - a small and carefully renovated temple, built in 1688, and Maison Chevalier - the stone structure of the XVIII century, where the museum is currently located.

Vancouver - The third largest city of Canada. Mountains surrounding Vancouver reaches 1,800 m of heights; Their vertices are often covered with snow.
Vancouver - Gateway to the Far East. Every year more than 3 thousand ships from more than 90 countries of the world, cast anchor in this port. Vancouver absorbed cultural traditions, it would seem at all combined civilizations; North America And India, Asia and Europe - everything is present in architectural ensembles and cultural flavor of the city.

Gestoon (Gastown) - quarter of the first settlers, carefully renovated and completely restored. Capped streets, houses from burned brick, flickering lanterns - this is not a Hollywood film, but reality. The first saloon - Mecca gold kits, lumberjacks and hunters - was opened here in 1867 by Jack Daigton on nicknamed Gesse. Now in the Gestown Monument of Geesi and his barrel from whiskey - one of the favorite tourist objects and the symbol of the city district.
Stanley Park (Stanley Park) - almost untouched forests and purest beaches.
Grouse Mountain is a mountain peak of 1200 m high, which leads the cable car. With good weather, a 200-kilometer panorama opens - a look passes the Valley of the River Fraser, the island of Vancouver and goes deep into the United States. On the mountain is a popular Grouse Nest restaurant.
The Capilano Suspension Bridge bridge slightly swings at an altitude of 65 m above the deep Capilano Canyon canyon - it opens a majestic view of the canyon; Highlight works at night. It is not far a park of wooden sculptures and totem pillars.

False Greek. - 68 hectares of the territory on which the World Exhibition "Exro-67" was held. An 17-storey structure in the form of a ball called SCIENCE WORLD was built for the exhibition. Now the building has a museum and a cinema. On the territory of False Greek is a Granville Island port, whose houses are specially adapted for boutiques, restaurants and theaters after restoration.

Chinatown. (Chinatown) - a picturesque Chinese city district with a lot of restaurants and an open-air café. Chinatown is based in the 80s. XIX century And is the second largest Chinese commercial center in North America.
Beautiful coastal street Marine Drive runs along wide beaches and luxury villas and rests on the largest University of British Columbia (University of British Columbia) with interesting museums, Totem Pillars and Beautiful Botanical Gardens. Here you can see a classic Japanese garden. The anthropology museum located next to the museum is kept by one of the most prominent collections of the cultural heritage of the Indians of the North-West Coast and Eskimos. Another University is Simon Eraser University - stands on a 350-meter hill in the eastern part of the city. He was erected in 1965 by architects Arthur Erickson and Jeffrey Messay in the super-modern style.
Opposite Vancouver is a small oblong island, on the west coast of which Pacific Rim National Park spread out, and in the central part - Strathcona Provincial Park, fully fitted for lovers of nature and adventure in the open air.


Most Canadians buy products in supermarkets. In the supermarket, as in most shops, you choose from the shelves,
What do you want to buy. Your purchases you fold into the cart that are in stores. Before leaving the store, you pay at the checkout.
You can also buy products in grocery bears or specialized stores. In big cities with existing immigrant communities, you can find stores selling products from your country. However, some of the national products you will not be able to find in Canada or they can cost very expensive.

In other stores (Convenience Stores) you can buy the main products (milk and bread, etc.). Such stores usually work longer than supermarkets and specialty stores, but also prices in them may be higher.
In many cities, Canada has open markets. They are similar to markets in other countries. They usually sell fresh fruits, vegetables and other products grown nearby. Most Canadians buy products once a week.


Most Canadians wear the same clothing as Europeans or Americans, but you can wear any clothes that you like.
Winter clothing includes: Warm boots, thick, unproduced coat, scarf around the neck, cap, warm gloves and warm linen. You will often hear the Canadians say "Bundle Up!" or "Cover Up!". This friendly reminder of the need to dress warmly.

From June to August, the most part of Canada is very warm. In ordinary situations and men and women wear sandals, T-shirts and shorts.
Many shops and restaurants do not let people shirt and barefoot.
Cool weather in spring and autumn requires clothes in which you will dry and warm. Many people wear sweaters and jackets that protect them from rain and wind.


Traveling on Canada land transport Much cheaper and more pleasant than flipping from the city to the city by plane. The best way to move on an unfamiliar country is considered to be a car. In Canada, your rights are valid without any restrictions within 3 months.

The territory of Canada is huge, the distance is impressive: sometimes you need a few days to get from one point to another by iron or highway. The network of roads is the most extended and most developed. Therefore, from one city to another easy to drive around by a bus or car. This network serves numerous private bus companies. In the cities, the departure and arrival of buses is carried out on a single bus station, where you can seek certificates about tariffs and about the schedule of movement. In small settlements It is necessary to cope in the municipal services on where the stop of long-distance buses is located. On long-distance bus lines, two Greyhound and Voyageur companies compete. In the provinces of Ontario and Quebec there are special agencies that bind passengers with drivers. On the border of the United States and Canada, there are many checkpoints, and on the most popular of them (for example, Niagara Falls), long car queues are built on weekends. Vote on the highway is not recommended.

The railway network is incomparably less developed and it provides a lesser extent to a reliable transport passenger connection between cities. The longest railway route connects Toronto and Vancouver. The train that runs between these cities is called "Canadian". For the viewing of the surroundings there is a special two-storey car. Trains to Canada are followed by the following main areas: New York - Montreal, New York - Toronto, Chicago - Toronto.
The plane, of course, the fastest means of movement. But flights are connected only big cities. Sometimes the plane is the only direct transport connection with remote areas of the country. You can book places and purchase tickets in travel agencies and in airline branches. Plane tickets are not suiced, but if you have a time limit, then pay.
The main companies in domestic airlines are Air Canada and Canadian Airlines.
If you have chosen direct flight to Canada, the plane will deliver you to one of the main international Airports Countries that are located in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal and Halifax.


Most popular sports in Canada: hockey, swimming, mountain and ordinary skiing, baseball, tennis, basketball, golf. Hockey and Lacrosse are national sports. Bicycles are very popular, especially mountain, cost from $ 200 to $ 12000.